Gavin Newsom Wants White School Kids to Learn How To Sharecrop


Emboldened by his resounding victory over Republican contender Larry Elder in the rigged 2021 California recall vote, Gavin Newsom has proposed to the state’s Department of Education a plan for radical “racial equality reform” that, if passed, would require students who are 50% or greater Caucasian to take classes on Sharecropping and earn lab credit through toiling in avocado fields.

Newsom pitched the concept to California’s Superintendent of Education, Tony Thurmond, only a day after holding a clandestine meeting with Kamala Harris, who endorsed the idea and said that she’d use the full power of her office to heighten awareness on racial inequality. Harris and Newsom agreed that the program was non-exploitive and would give participants a finer understanding of the “white privilege” they, their parents, and their forefathers have enjoyed for generations.

Thurmond countersigned the plan but said that amendments and stipulations were needed to mitigate political upheaval and soften potential backlash from the state’s few conservative lawmakers. He suggested limiting fieldwork to 5th graders and above, although grades K-4 would incorporate “white privilege theory” into classroom curriculum.

“The earlier they learn, the better,” Newsom said of Thurmond’s recommendations.  “But maybe we should find a way that the younger children, if they want to, can do lab/field work picking avocados too. We don’t want them to feel left out. We could have the parents sign a release form, a waiver, or get a doctor’s note saying the children, regardless of being small or young, are fit to do the work.”

Newsom told Thurmond that Caucasian workers of the next decade need to learn new skills to survive the shifting racial demographics that could one day lead to their “indentured servitude.”

In response, Thurmond asked how the Department of Education would decide which students meet the 50% or greater Caucasian criteria.

“If they have a black father and white mother, or vice versa, they fit the bill,” Newsom said. “Same for Hispanics, who are the original owners of California. One hundred percent Caucasians are easy to spot, I agree, but we can develop a litmus test, and make use of Census data, to guide our decisions. We don’t have to go through someone’s entire ancestral tree—that would take too long.”

As the program centered on Sharecropping and White oppression, Thurmond said that students enrolled in the course ought to reap some reward for their labor, for the Sharecroppers and landowners in pre-Civil War Mississippi divvied annual harvests.

“The students can keep 5% of the avocados they pick, for school lunch. It will teach them about White oppression and teach them the meaning of work,” Newsom said, adding that he could skirt child labor laws because field work would take place during school hours. “We can even call it field trips.”

Thurmond asked Newsom whether students of the course would have to abide current CDC mandates on masking.

“Can you imagine the criticism I’d get from Kamala, Tony [Fauci], and Rochelle [Walensky] if we eschewed those mandates. That’s a ridiculous question. Of course, they’ll have to wear masks, both in the classroom and in the field,” Newsom replied.

Thurmond, who affects education policy in California, said he had high hopes for the agenda but wanted to solicit opinions from school boards in Los Angeles, Sonoma, and Monterey counties—the state’s principal liberal strongholds—before drafting a memorandum of intent.

“If we get this right, other states will follow our lead, but we’ll have the honor of having done it first,” Newsom said.

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Valerie Brooks

It’s racial, should apply to anyone shouldn’t it? All children need to be gardening that’s okay but whatever the catch to this is that’s negative can be no parents allowed to be there helping, they limit the chaperone’s and make parents scram to be allowed a select number of spots. Avocados that are GMO is not acceptable. Sharecropping is from back in the days, just gardening is normal. I don’t know about this sharecropping word being dragged out. He’s making it sound like he wants to help blacks pick on whites. I kind of think the are playing games with people not serious about good nutrition. Wish it was a good thing and normal.

The blessed

I live in California and i see this dirt bag too much on TV.
Now he is having his early dementia.

Deb Dulude

What an idiot !!!!
LOL Seriously who told him to say that????
Enjoy the movie.

dennis richardson

Gavin Newsom by the time you get there most of the fun will be finished


this is pantomime…Most of whats going on in the public is… White hats need to let the illusion push to the brink to wake people up… – That is why i get kind of confused by this site.. Some of this is spot on Michael.. And some seems like pantomime also… Probably on purpose either my Michael or his intel suppliers
… I think we are going to be getting some revelation by the end of October… much more by mid November – Hold the line 🙂

Robert James

He was conspiring to let the Chinese military invade via Long Beach Harbor after the Covid “vaccines” had depopulated our military and citizens, which isn’t going to happen. We will have advanced medical treatment in time to cure those who were misinformed.

Also, I’ll be surprised if he hadn’t participated in child trafficking


Yeah I also heard he’s an Anunnaki in disguise.


When will this fucker hang?


will his “White Privledge rich Kids” go and work in the fields too?

Ronald Nelson

Gavin Newsom needs hung he was not the winner in the recall!!!


who won?

did trump win?


The top #Delaware official in charge of rooting out government fraud and abuse was indicted on public #Corruption charges. 



sounds like when gqp politicians scream about pedos but are pedos themselves (see trumpwon, jill)

John S.

Today Oct 13, suspect Cuomo’s final day of trial. Don’t expect a fourth day, though matters could have taking an unexpected turn.

Hope the word: ‘Genocide’ is entered on the record of the court.

Hope that genocidal lunatic receives same fate as Comey.


The Military can’t take over soon enough!!! Gavin should be the second dictator to hang!!! He’s a racists against whiteS & what America stands for. FREEDOM!!!


Hell yes! Who needs the constitution when we can use the military to get what we want when we lose elections!

Angel Askew

Good morning 🍭🤡




Jurisdiction , who needs jurisdiction ? Send them in!


if i recall correctly sharecroppers in the past got to keep more than 5% of the crop

Angel Askew

Just a step above slavery if your landlord wasn’t fair.

Terminally deplorable

As could be expected. Newsom is screwing the school boys.


This story was lifted directly from RestoredRepublic site



Hey that site asks for money too lol


I wonder who runs that site?


How in the world could the million of people signing and getting the recall voting going, let a voting system that are rigged, take care of the outcome of their hard work? -and this slave labor project for children after race, and plan for them to toil under the Californian sun and heat with masks on, will kill the future work spirit before they even reach puberty. I hope this plan and project never touches the children`s daily life. One thing is a summer job picking strawberries or what ever grows in the place on Earth they live, but this is evil, what Newsom is planning. I bet there will be restrictions on water drinking and toilet brakes for them, too.


Maybe you just need to stop voting if everything is rigged

Last edited 3 years ago by Russell
Angel Askew

Greetings. 🍭🤡






Extended Outage 3 days from Wed. 13th 8 AM EST until Friday 15th 10 PM
We will be performing scheduled maintenance on Wednesday, October 13, 2021 at 8:00 AM EST. This is a planned three (3) day EXTENDED OUTAGE, ending Friday, October 15, 2021 at 10:00 PM EST. All EMI web services will be unavailable for this time period. Please contact us if you experience any issues outside of this maintenance window.             

Emergency Management Institute
16825 S. Seton Ave., Emmitsburg, MD 21727
Switchboard: (301) 447-1000
Admissions Fax: (301) 447-1658  


What does this mean for someone who is not an employee of FEMA?



Last edited 3 years ago by Russell
Angel Askew

It didnt happen, Zee. Maybe they are doing a dry run internally?


it’s internal maintenance. zee thinks the world is ending as usual

“As part of our ongoing IT modernization effort,” right on the website zee. lmaooooo




Extended Outage 3 days from Wed. 13th 8 AM EST until Friday 15th 10 PM

We will be performing scheduled maintenance on Wednesday, October 13, 2021 at 8:00 AM EST. This is a planned three (3) day EXTENDED OUTAGE, ending Friday, October 15, 2021 at 10:00 PM EST. All EMI web services will be unavailable for this time period. Please contact us if you experience any issues outside of this maintenance window.             

Emergency Management Institute
16825 S. Seton Ave., Emmitsburg, MD 21727
Switchboard: (301) 447-1000
Admissions Fax: (301) 447-1658             

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

Does this mean the world is ending again ?


While the under aged children labor in the fields they can sing “Noboday knows de trubble I seen” and complain to each other bout dat nasty Massa and De Overlord.

Last edited 3 years ago by Schadenfreude

why is your name “why” on hiphopdx?

It’s almost like the person in that avi hasn’t aged in 12 years

and “tea_bird” here:

and “tailspin” here:

and “man” here:,sc

Terminally deplorable

Wonder how the dyslexic Newsom got this piece of garbage launched.

Staffmember: “Mr Newsom, would you now please roll your right thumb over the inkpad and then press it on the dotted line. And now do the same for the second document, where you assert that you have read and understood every provision of the Avocado law.”

Newsom: “We have to sign it to see whats in it.”


“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it–always.” – GANDHI




Psalm 23:4
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

Psalm 118:6
The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me?

Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.


Matthew 18:3
And said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”

1 John 1:5
This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.

1 John 1:7
But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.

John 8:12
Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

Ephesians 5:8
For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light


Matthew 5:10   
Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Ephesians 6:13
Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.

James 1:12
Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.


2 Corinthians 5:10
For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.

None of your business.

WOW! Not really! So he’s cool with taking these jobs away from paid laborers and making white children be slave labor??? I’ll pray he dies in a firey crash soon! Then his kids can go pick avocados! God this pissed me off on so many levels!!!


Relax, none of this garbage is real.

Terminally deplorable

How would you know? Did backdoor man Newsom whisper that in your ear in a cozy hour?


find me some kids picking crops or avocado or whatever

this story was lifted from another site too lmaoooooooooooooooooooo


Oh, please! I pray to God that Newsom’s numerous crimes are exposed to the public beginning with the rigged state governor election. “They” had to allow him to commit the crime, i.e., be elected in a rigged election because you cannot arrest anyone until they commit the crime. Ok, let’s go! The rigged election has ended, Newsom committed the crime, let’s get the evidence into the public eye! Arrest the bastard-nephew of House Speaker Pelosi NOW!


Newsome’s aunt was once married to Pelosis brother in law. By marriage not blood . Not a nephew . Oh , nothing will happen he won the original election and the recall.

Irish Girl

Oliver – in rural America – even now, you don’t have to gross / net as much as in the metro areas. If that’s what you want, you should chase your dream. No one else will.


I had to keep checking to see if I was reading Babylonbee….


This article is funnier than anything Babylon Bee has ever produced, to be completely honest.


While this is an interesting development. I am more curious about neck stretching at Gitmo and perhaps the odd guillotining of someone. Thanks Mr. Baxter.


Yeah no one cares about this boring junk, people come here for blood and death Mr. Baxter! Let’s read about some heads rolling, amirite?


Nasty troll / trolls downing you and good people, and upping themselves


Nasty troll / trolls downing you and good people, and upping themselves

Chris Russ

GITMO airfield is busy today. Lear 35 just touched down out of S FL, BE 20 inbound from S FL also. These BE 20’s are routinely coming in and out.


They are putting more of the January 6th Freedom March people into GITMO. A few days ago a few of them turned in their friends for double rations.

Angel Askew

The Word is; they’re looking for you, Teddy! Don’t fly anywhere though. The pilots forced to vaxx are dying in flight!


Really? Who died flying?

Angel Askew

Delta pilot. Mid flight.


Delta airlines has denied it . Surprise ! Where do you come up with this stuff ?

Angel Askew

Where is your article of denial?


Sorry, Delta website .


Nasty troll / trolls downing you & good people, and upping themselves


Does that really matter ?

Angel Askew

TY. I know the new game is to cause chaos, double speak and discourage in the comments. It’s everywhere.


absolutely. we double speak


At all times and places .




This is so ridiculous! Just because a child has 2 black parents doesn’t mean the child necessarily has any idea what share-cropping is. My husband’s parents (both Caucasian) were share croppers at one point. When we lived in Louisiana, I learned that schools let out at lunchtime during harvest season, so the kids could go home and pick cotton, and not only black children, but whites picked cotton, too. Skin color has very little to do with any of this. BTW, I also learned in Louisiana that there were black slave OWNERS also. Betcha didn’t read about that in your history books!


WTF is wrong with Newscum? Yes, bad genes and worst parenting as well. His mother was a street hooker and his father is an unrepentant anarchist.

When was the last time a politician was assassinated by Johnnie Depp?


why is your name “why” on hiphopdx? It’s almost like the person in that avi hasn’t aged in 12 years

and “tea_bird” here:

and “tailspin” here:

and “man” here:,sc


This is a nasty troll / trolls downing good people, and upping themselves


Nasty troll / trolls are downing you & good people, and upping themselves

Light Dancing

Must be a slow day if you couldn’t find a story actually worthy of our time and effort to print it.


Too busy spending all that GoFundMe/GiveSendGo money to come up with a more believable story, I guess



Last edited 3 years ago by zee

It’s true, I dunno how you figured it out Zee, but I was actually Q all along.


Evil Shill once kicked off as Z ane and continues as Jay. These shills are downing good people, and upping themselves


Nasty troll / trolls downing good people, and upping themselves


This is your new catch phrase ? Needs work .


I know you are used to socialist dictatorship but here at RRN people like to DEBATE issues,maybe you could learn something with it instead of trying to quash our free speech.

Last edited 3 years ago by kikas

Peter Navarro, Trump’s trade adviser has a book out about the China illness BS
It seems to me he did not do a good job advising Trump. In hindsight, an independent Dr. / Scientist should have been advising Trump and not a Trade advisor?????

Navarro book says:

A must-read riveting account of America’s plague year from one of the top Trump advisors who first sounded the China pandemic alarm, exposed Dr. Fauci’s destructive actions and laid bare the facts about the 2020 presidential election. In Trump Time, A Journal of America’s Plague Year, tells the story of a president who worked night and day for the American People, who built the strongest economy in modern history and who would deliver a life-saving suite of vaccines to the American people literally at warp speed. Peter Navarro is one of only three White House officials by President’s side from the 2016 campaign to the end of the president’s first term in office. Always moving In Trump Time as was his signature, Dr Navarro played a pivotal role in the rapid development of both vaccines and therapeutics like Remdesir. As Defense Production Act Policy Coordinator, Navarro was at the center of ramping up domestic production of critically needed Personal Protective Equipment and while helping President Trump insure that every American who needed a ventilator had a ventilator. A compelling, page turner of a book that tells the story of America 2020 from inside the White House.


He used himself as a fake source for a story while working in the white house lmaooooooooooooooo


Nope that was Peter Dasdak fact checking himself for social media…..


The nasty trolls are downing good people, me also, and upping themselves

Last edited 3 years ago by zee

The New California State Project is looking better and better:


The Need for New California
The U.S. Declaration of Independence of 1776, the Alta California Declaration of Independence of 1836 and the Sonoma Proclamation of 1846 declared the Right of the People in the states of Alta California and California respectively to throw off the bonds of tyranny.

Constitutional Authority to Act
The current state of California has become governed by a tyranny, which rivals those expressed in the above documents. Therefore the United States Declaration of Independence of 1776, the Constitution as adapted in 1783 by the Congress of the United States of America, the Alta California Declaration of Independence of 1836, the Sonoma Proclamation of 1846, and the California State Constitution of 1848 Mandate the Right, the Responsibility, the Duty of the People who are suffering the long train of abuses and usurpations at the hands of a tyrannical government to abolish and make new a government by the People and for the People under GOD.  

Article IV Section 3 of the United States Constitution
“New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new States shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.”

United States Declaration of Independence
“Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such Principles and organizing its Powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness”.

Last edited 3 years ago by Jullou

Never gonna happen. “California has been governed by a tyranny” is an absurd exaggeration, and as this also points out, “no new States shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State … without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.”

California State Legislature will never agree to this. Congress will never agree to this. Not by the margins it would need to actually happen.


Nasty Shill Don’t feed


But I’m hungry 🙁


Thank God for the “Can-Do” people in our country. Naysayer types currently benefit from the many people that stepped up and did something.

“We need all Californians to STAND YOUR GROUND!  DO NOT leave California….become a New Californian and change history!   Please contact us and we will give you information that will help you STAND YOUR GROUND. Questions please call 877 828 2753.”


The nasty trolls are downing you and upping themselves

Angel Askew

These are profound solution steps Juliou. Love it!


The nasty trolls are downing you and upping themselves


The nasty trolls are downing you and upping themselves

Angel Askew

Yes! Bravo! Emancipation?? Here we come!!

unlabeled quality

..and this is what happened when you try to do a recall vote using rigged election systems.
it’s a shame Newsome only got indicted, and not arrested…
his head belongs on a pike, along with the other nasty pedovore west coast gover-nots…

Joseph Bailey

I had it pretty good growing up, not because I’m white, but because both of my parents busted their butt for the family. My dad, a fireman, worked on days off trimming trees & edging lawns. My mom did all the shopping, housework & cooking & worked at a market research company. Some families fail, not because of their color, but because of their lack of effort.

James McCandless Jr

Yes Masta ! Try an trash the American dream! You public servants steal from our treasury now you fancy yourselves as plantation owners. Bought with stolen taxes as well as bribes from Chinese communist party!


did they catch you?

Angel Askew

I do believe long term social services destroys the american man and family.
Abolishing the program completely and creating new support systems in health and skilled employment and nutrition geared towards keeping families together is key.
Men and women are equal but different.
Moms and dads in the home that feel good about themselves and each other is priceless.



Spider seen on the graphite in the blood
Hydra Vulgarus–Can’t be killed = immortal = TRANS HUMANISM


Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

I have the video, doctors say those things don´t exist in nature.


Clif Hi & Jean DECODE say ir’s Off planet

Spider eggs in the vaxx on Graphine


Oh shit, what if this is how the Anunnaki reproduce? The vaccine isn’t a Deep State plot, it’s an Anunnaki repopulation program!

live oak

Go to stop world control forward slash downloads forward slash en forward slash vaccines forward slash vaccine report dot pdf. Read the first page and then go to page 17.

Last edited 3 years ago by live oak
unlabeled quality

stopworldcontrol dot com / report
download the vaccine death report by clicking on the link. and yes. page 17.
This confirms what I suspected when I posted my comments last week.


go to lemonparty dot org

live oak

You are a disgusting filthy reprobate and I hope we can get you banned from this site.


Now why would you say that?

Terminally deplorable

He was already (as b o f a) He came back in disguise. MB needs to try a bit harder next time.


Whoa…do you think people would do that on the internet?


Not MB´s fault, they can buy disposable phone cards and create new IDs each time they are banned.


That sounds like a lot of work to shitpost


Do tell us how it´s done, then


Thx live oak

Corrected link

Evidence of millions of deaths and serious adverse events resulting from the experimental COVID-19 injections

& Much more


lemonparty dot org has the best explanation for this

live oak

Please ban Russell from this website. He is a depraved pervert, and if you need proof go look at the website he posted above.



It’s no longer MB. He’s MT, btw

J Bill


And this a$$hole’s no longer b -ofa, but Rus-sel btw.



Not gonna fuck you Jill but keep stay thirsty lulz


This site is about inclusion and diversity and we don’t ban people.


Lying Shills
MB banned Z ane and B of A

Last edited 3 years ago by zee

Did he ban them or though did he just add their names to the word filter?


did he?

J Bill

Ah, the great “Democratic experiment” continues….


I second that

live oak

You re most welcome Zee! Don’t go to that website Zee. It’s depraved and Russell troll is very sick and depraved.

Please everyone, go to that website and bookmark it on your computers. It confirms everything I know and much more.


MT should charge us to visit this site. I cannot believe this site is free lmao


live oak
I am confused which site must I NOT go to and which site should I book mark?


you should go to

you SHOULD NOT go to lemon party dot org

live oak

Sorry Zee. It was too late for me to edit it. Bookmark the vaccine death report pdf.

I hope everyone will do that. Spread the word. Protect yourselves and loved ones. There is the monoclonal antibody treatment for those who need it.


Nasty troll / trolls downing good people and you, and upping themselves


Hydra Vulgaris isn’t a spider and it isn’t even a parasite. It’s a tiny freshwater polyp, similar to a jellyfish. It’s a freshwater species that couldn’t even survive in someone’s bloodstream.

Zee have you ever read an insane conspiracy on the internet that you didn’t instantly wholly believe?


The answer is no.


WHEN 99% are later proven true then the odds are go with the conspiracy theory and lose face just 1% of the time……


No conspiracy Zee has ever posted here has ever come true. And she posts like 5 of these a day, at least. Go back to any RRN article from months ago and you can see her links to conspiracies that are HUGE and ABOUT TO COME OUT and none of them have ever turned out to be real. They’re just forgotten as you all move on to the next one.

Last edited 3 years ago by Jay

Yes I expect the world to change every time I read one of her educational posts only to be sorely let down soon thereafter . One of these days ….




This is kicked off nasty shill Z ane now dba as nasty shill JAY– .
These shills are downing good people, and upping themselves


Zee name me one conspiracy that you’ve ever posted that actually became real here in the real world, and not just in 5th-dimension imagination land or whatever.

unlabeled quality

it’s pretty obvious that you’ve neither watched the video, have no knowledge on gene manipulation, or done any research.
you’re obviously a disinfo agent, and much like your ilk, are here to soothe your ego.



Lol she wasn’t even talking about gene manipulation. She was talking about the vaccine being full of tiny immortal parasitic hydras. It’s complete and utter nonsense.

unlabeled quality

no. that’s not what she said at all.
troll better.


That’s what Zee was saying. I didn’t bother watching the video. If whatever Zee is going on about is completely different from the video she was linking to, then that’s on her I guess.


Shill Jay / Z ane

U R getting very desperate now? Seeing U R Interfering in others peoples
So, Trunp has your knickers in a twist while U twist the truith..
Your paymaster’s complaining you’re not worth the $S they R paying U? ..


Knickers lol

J Bill

that means your panties in a bunch.


Still thirsty huh? Not gonna fuck you Jill



Lol what is “interfering in others peoples posts” exactly? How is it any different than just regular posting?

live oak

He’s a pervert.


Jay / Z ane is an evil & clever, paid shill but stupid to doing this work. He’ll be the big looser very soon. Satanists are well eduacted usually — calling them silly / stupid does not cut it. Trunp has the deep state’s knickers in a twist while their shill slaves twist the truith.. ..


Their knickers?


Aw you think I’m clever, thanks Zee 🙂

J Bill

Cunning and conniving is evil and does not require intelligence of any definition. J -ane ruminates to oppose truth. Like any demonicrat with fried brains.

“dumb as a sack of hammers” is a more accurate characterization. research “savant.”


Lying twisting, in denia, Shill
see video by drs before giving me your BS

unlabeled quality

it’s ultimately a puerile pursuit to try to respond with anything meaningful with this troll.
also, they’ve been mass-downvoting people for no reason other than to just piss people off.
we must be near the target.




I heard some Trolls are paid more for downvotes. Some make upwards of $300K per year posting on this site.


Common misconception – I actually get paid by Mr. Baxter to promote his other site, Secret Gitmo executions are cool and all I guess, but if you wanna read the REALLY juicy news scoops from esteemed journalist Michael Baxter, head on over to Twisted Truth! Check out this thrilling sample article – I bet you didn’t even know that FEMA was building real-life Terminator robots and installing them in Walmarts all over the country for the purpose of murdering random people!


Oh no.


I don’t do meaningful to shills, or, ask them serious Qs or answer them.
I want all new people to know who all our 45 shills are and that they shouldn NOT FEED THEM with anything MEANINGFUL. Just CALL THEM OUT

I am keeping the list of all SHILLS & TROLLS
If you feel someone is abusing Free speech please let MB know.
Quite a few have very sick porno filty minds and worse


Who’s #1?


We are on IT lol


Is that near Indiana?


“I didn’t bother watching the video.”


“These people are stupid




Thank you.


That is some creepy stuff, they want to enslave the world’s populace.


Now maybe people will understand that AIDS / HIV had the same intention –genocide. Same game plan…. death once you take the poison

Last edited 3 years ago by zee

There´s a book on Wikileaks, a study commended by South African Gov. written and presented by the highest Authorities on the subject, documenting a bio weapon created with the intent of weakening population so they were unable to fight the land grabbing operators. A type of cancer that was tested on unsuspecting people.
The bag man was some Joseph Gallo who confessed all he cared was the money.
Good reading. One of many books.


like the annuki? i might be an alien?


keep donating to MT b/c this site is amazing


It would not surproise me at all U R nasty enough–who knows these days.
How do you type with your long talons?

Last edited 3 years ago by zee



It’s very suspicious that Pharma won’t count people as VAXXED until they’ve survived the VAX after 14 days??????

Strange as the higher numbers are getting serious side effects and death soon after theVAXX.

?? KAISER in Business with CDC who let 4000 workers go last week in one California city.

Natural immunity vs. Vaccine-induced immunity: the issue that terrifies the pro-vaxx mafia…… by Jon Rappoport


Last edited 3 years ago by Zee
unlabeled quality

I had mentioned something like this last week, when I was mentioning what the graphene is for.
Graphene is the perfect material for making self-replicating nanomachines.
Also look up ‘smart dust’.
Like biotech, nanotech is further along and more advanced than we realize.
If the nanos are using the body’s own nutrients and blood to multiply and sustain itself, it would explain a LOT about the symptoms people are suffering…including, and especially the blood clots…
(at least, that’s a theory).

Last edited 3 years ago by unlabeled quality

graphene came from a shitpost on reddit and it’s still being passed around as if it were real. lmaoooooo

unlabeled quality

you really are a presumptive fool.
I don’t get my sources from reddit. not since they exposed themselves as fascist almost five years ago.

and even if I do show all my sources (hint: it involves a building called a library), you have your mind made up to argue and abuse anyone who dares bring up any useful info.

you can change your name however many times it suits you.
you’re still a useless troll, and you’re still a filthy, vulgar traitor.
I don’t ever want to talk to your sorry, ego-inflated self again.


Doesn’t matter how you found the info, but it started on Reddit lolololol


Lying shill

Angel Askew

Your input is a always appreciated, UL!


Yup it’ll also brings up early —problems that will effect the weakest link in the body.
I noticed this when i was working with HIV & AIDS people..

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee
unlabeled quality

too many similarities between these shots and AZT….


Follow back in history who the PHARMA is for AZT, being Burroughs WELCOME. His life time business connections were involved with the rape of Africa of their Gold, Diamionds, slavery, minerals and etc etc. All together with the WELCOME TRUST for the British Crown under PIRBRIGHT, Rothschild and RHODES, . WELCOME’s Pharma made poisons from petroleum, using it in most of his drugs (called coal-tar). Welcome also worked closely with RHODES of AFRICA’s rape as in RHODES Scholarships (Bill Clinton Rhodes Scholar who was groomed at Oxford to bring down USA for the British Crown & Vatican). Their big power came as soon as Queen Victoria died – becoming an even larger filthy satanic deep state.

The club demands one sells their soul if you know what I mean–just like Satanists of Holloyweird and our Politicians and Judges AGs etc all do. .

Last edited 3 years ago by zee

Please tell us about your work with HIV.


Listen to the erudit scientist-researcher who used to worked with Fauci she has a LOT to say.


I have a lot to say. Doesn’t mean it’s worth listening to or believing.

All you’re doing is looking for information which supports your conclusion

Last edited 3 years ago by Russell

Wrong,she and others have been documenting facts over the years,it´s not something recent resulting from the covid-gain of function shit show.


Agenda 2021-30 states that until 2030 certain diseases will be erradicated.

Since there is no cure available for those diseases,provided by those who used to produce Zyklunt B, it´s only logic to think they will erradicate the patients of those diseases until they are extinct.

They even name themselves on those patented diseases, such as “Margrave Fever”.


I have heard expert testimony via alternative media interviews that labs are seeing something that looks like small insects in the blood of vaxxed people. In fact, when looking at them through a microscope, it looks like the “insect” is looking back at them.


Somehow the anti-vax conspiracy theories devolve into something dumber and dumber every day.


Wow Jay – Z ane Shill are you working hard for your paymasters to refute the actual facts of what is happening on these pages

I know you are not dumb ass — but an evil ass bastard.

The more you do this the more satanic like I find you.

Millions of people are dying and you are seriously lying,lauaghing and joking for your paymasters.


Nobody pays me to be here Zee. I like to read this site because it is the dumbest bullshit on the internet and that makes it very funny to me. Like I literally cannot believe you guys are talking about the vaccine being full of alien spider-octopi or whatever.

If I was trying to come up with the dumbest vaccine conspiracy imaginable, as a joke, I genuinely do not think I would have come up with something as dumb as that.

There are not millions of people dying from the vaccines. There just aren’t. The rate of negative side effects is extremely low. You believe there are because you believe absolutely every insane conspiracy theory you read on the internet.


Very feaky
Try to find the interview on these spiders and giant ones also from off planet by Clif High. I think Gene Decode would not disagree–he did mention something this week that he also said it was brough here from off planet.

For the Bio-W. in nano ? the eggs are harvested and mixed in the vaccine on graphine / graphite. These spiders are immortal–meaning you can’t kill them–they’ll reproduce again and again –what ever you do to try to kill them. The scientist said if you cut them up or ground them up they can put themselves together again but they will be a bit smaller.

In my mind this action is not known on earth–so it has to be off planet intel –that we do not iunderstand yet.

Last edited 3 years ago by zee

Yes the spider and some thing that looks similar but transparent


That octopus thing that assembles like mercury,totally sinthetic, I believe it can be the recent Gates patented stuff.


That octopus thing? Y’all believe anything lmao


Watch the video look at it assembling like mercury.


eh, i already had a parasite crawl out of my ears so i used horse paste and was fine


Commandant Newsom is on drugs perhaps? California kids DO NOT want to pick avocados all day in the hot sun without their IPhones, computer tablets, and millions of breaks all day. We The People completely ignore him out here. He is a laughingstock at this point. Mexico lost the war and so now we own Alta California. They own Baja CA.

Last edited 3 years ago by Joanna

Execute this demonic communist newsome, the democrat and RINO SOBs!

HANG this SOB Now! KCUF the cinatas democrats and RINOs. HTAED to this demons and Save the USA.

Last edited 3 years ago by RG1

this is your posted comment *after* editing? jesus no wonder “MT” gets donations

Angel Askew

Your kid is mixed breed. Maybe just a one night stand or is it a “border” baby so you two could stay? Hmmmm….
Either way..🤮


Such a gentle soul he is .

Angel Askew

Awww… do the frazzled sabotaging bullies feel attacked today??
Find some knuckle game, kid.


aw you want some frazzledrip for your cheese pizza in the basement?



No not at all. Thank you for your concern .

J Bill

that wasn’t concern. nor a compliment of any sort.

but was 100% abject, venomous sarcasm.

J Bill

that’s funny. more like: “fucking-prick-of-life.”

J Bill

Hear! Hear!


In THEIR own farms, not forced to work for others profit. I did the same in summer vacations to help out picking fruit or tending animals,because I enjoyed it,it taught responsability, and I even invited friends who loved to spend their holidays in our farm, but I NEVER was forced or had to do it for the government.

Last edited 3 years ago by kikas

Once again, sources have confirmed that 13 January 6th Freedom Marchers were escorted from their cages to the harsh outside world at GITMO this morning at sunrise. Vice Adm. Crandall addressed the condemned by first reading out the charges against them and reminding them that the penalty for their crimes is death. But today, Vice Adm. Crandall had a surprise for everyone. In a separate cage, he had convicted felon Riley June Williams of Harrisburg PA. The bumbling idiot who tried to steal a laptop during the riot only to be turned into the proper authorities by her former lover turned American hero.
“Cowards!” Shouted Vice Adm. Crandall “Before you stands Riley June Williams of Harrisburg Pennsylvania. She has been found guilty of all charges against her. Her punishment is death. But before the correct and just sentence is carried out, we want to show you slugs something.”
Vice Adm. Crandall walked over to another set of cages and removed the large silk cover to reveal a cage containing 50 more prisoners who looked exactly like Riley June Williams!
“The ivermectin is not playing tricks on your eyes, you slime balls are seeing 50 full grown and functional clones of one of the dumbest rioters of all time! These clones will be released into the wild to sabotage all of your future riot plans and will crush your movement from the inside!” shouted Vice Adm. Crandall.
The clones were circling each other and repeating various bits of misinformation.
“The vaccine has a chip!”
“I did my own research!”
“The moon landing was a hoax!”
“MSM is owned by Big Pharma!”
“It’s a lizard person wearing a mask!”
“It’s happening! Just wait! Soon!”
“As you know, I am a fair man. Fair but firm and today I will spare most of you unlucky 13,” Vice Adm. Crandall droned on “but I will release these clones to live among your loved ones. I take no pleasure in doing this and may God have mercy on your souls.”
With that, the 13 convicted traitors were led back to the squalor of their cages to await their fates.




Prove it!


I can cite the source realrawnews DOTCOM/2021/10/gavin-newsom-wants-white-school-kids-to-learn-how-to-sharecrop/#comment-1086




Wow the way this is written is very detailed, and it uses the names of real people! Therefore it has to be true. Real Admiral Crandall would be suing Ted right now of this wasn’t 100% true.



Angel Askew

Awww…Teddy is jealous of MB. And yet, here you are.


How do you know I am not MB and laughing about all of this?

J Bill

King Henry V did that to his troops the night before Agincourt.


The fact that Ted has never been banned makes it extremely likely that this is the case.


I always thought that too.

Angel Askew

https:// t. me/trumpsaveamerica1

Gen M Flynn/T.Carlson full interview 10/11/21


Is this the unmasking of Flynn as deep state?

Angel Askew

In your wildest dreams. You’ll have to write us from the fema camps in spring. Tell us how the gaslit CCP rehabilitation program works on you. If you make it. Booster shot yet?? Kids all jabbed up?


I read several reports that Flynn revealed himself in a prayer last weekend at some Q Anon festival ? What was that all about ?

John S.

Waiting on Cuomo Show having significant detail. Potential matters of National Security omitted re: Hunter’s Tribunal.

Hopefully Cuomo’s tribunal implicates Newsom and other politicos, in connecting same special interest donors, Covid profiteers, Deep State operatives [CDC, FDA, NIH, Big Pharma].

Reckoning always involves the money trail and damaging correspondences.

Would wager Fredo is implicated, via audio slip-of-the lip, or text message/email.

Suspect Fredo’s pick-up truck and boat was wired, a few cocktails is all it takes while on phone with brother Andy, and or both as vehicle/boat occupants.

Suspect Seal Team SCUBA hit South Hampton Marina, bugging boat and truck.

Money says: Fredo the weak link. Their father and grandfather will be rolling in their graves.

Question: CDC is a Private Tax Exempt [501-C-4] Corporation; why does it’s web listing has a Dot Gov presence?

CDC is no more Federal then Federal Express; how does CDC Wire Fraud be allowed to continue?

Since when did the CDC became a governmental entity, having executive force and effect?

What Big Tech Giant granted CDC allowance of utilizing a Dot Gov listing?

Is Big Tech conspirators to fraud?

FYI: National Football League holds same 501 tax exempt status as the CDC.

Should CDC Tax Exempt Status be revoked?


tell me you don’t know how domains work without telling me you don’t know how domains work

“What Big Tech Giant granted CDC allowance of utilizing a Dot Gov listing?”


J Bill

First, tell everybody how u log onto RRN with a Commodore 64.

Then how to cut and paste mountains of buzzwords from the “Help” section at cisco. And turn them into piles of crap here.


Tell me you don’t know shit about networking without telling me you don’t know shit about networking


Thirsty ass lmaooooooooooooooo

Angel Askew

CDC is quietly controlled by Kaiser Permanente. It’s all a shell game for our “benefit”.

While DJT team is working from the top, we common folk need to be working from the inside of every assemblyman office, town clerk, school boards, post office, etc. Start working towards that.

China took 25 years to infiltrate us from within and are still here. Watcha prepared to do about it?

DJT and company need help to strip down AND rebuild our political infrastructure.

John S.


Average folk lose when operating within confines of grass-root undertakings.

*Hypothetically*, need Vito, Carmine and Louie ‘whom not average folk’ need to bust a few knee-caps, let’s say: ‘School Board Officials’ via CRT, or tune-up others via turning them into pin-cushion with bag of diabetic syringes, whom force vaccines. All on a dark winters morning while exiting their homes, going off to work, again as hyperbole.

Push has come to shove, operating in standard realm nolonger applicable, swift message needs to be sent.

John Gotti Sr. always said: “nobody is untouchable”, ask Paul Castellano. RIP John.


Funny you say that, daily mail yesteray, out of the blue,reports that one of the old wise guys should be breaking his own son´s legs for posting his picture chilling at the pool as now he had to turn himself in.
Lol these people are stupid. they have reasons to whine

The timing and the content of the article reminded me of a certain wise guy whose trial I´m waiting to read….

Last edited 3 years ago by kikas
Angel Askew

I have no problem with street justice.

A few summers ago on Long Island, there were a rash of stickups outside local pharmacies. Some old veterans, grandmas, people in pain coming out with there pain pills getting strong armed and robbed. Made the nyc nightly news for 2 months.

One late summer evening at a local pharmacy in Queens, it happened again, this time, some locals were watching and somehow the thief was found shot dead in the street. Funny, made it to the news but no one saw anything and with no leads cops closed the case.

And NYC pharmacies in the tri-state were safe again.

You’ll still need solid folks/Patriots at the ready to take the seats and man the desks and gather the info of what the community really wants and send it up the chain of command.

Nothing wrong with a little card game and coffee out front. Lol

John S.

Thumbs-up, *no lie* currently having espresso ‘out-front’ as I type this post.

Many go out of their way just to chit-chat [say hello], always get pulse on neighborhood.

Sambuca and Espresso, yeah-baby, biscotti even better, no pastry nor cappuccino, lactose intolerant LoL.

Last edited 3 years ago by John S.
Angel Askew

It is the way civilized people get to know each other and their surroundings, fratello. Chin chin!

J Bill

Poetic Justice!




Personally I’m still waiting do find out if Steven Seagal was victorious or if he was killed when Putin sent him to fistfight the alien lizard-people. Give us an update MB!


WHAT A COINCIDENCE, just after labeling the parents ‘domestic terrorists’….
Will the Parents feel the FBI’s wrath if they Dare speak out against this…. should this get passed….

When is Enough Enough!?

This is absolutely ass backwards, batshit crazy mentality!!

And for the umpteeenth time LEAVE THE KIDS ALONE !!!

J Bill

“Morning to Michael Baxter, Patriots. An article and video of more meat in the Durham Investigation, featuring the “best cuts.

First is a link to a Gateway Pundit article covering the latest release. Second, a you tube video that recaps the article in a voice over. The article is lengthy but ++highly recommended. The video is also an excellent recap of the article’s main points. And an idea of how complicated this affair is.

  1. gateway pundit ——- durham-probes-pentagon-computer-contractors-anti-trump-conspiracy/ October 10, 2021



God Bless All!

Angel Askew

TY 4 sharing, JB!


He should try it out himself. He could make it a family or neighborhood project.

As for California and it’s ownership by Hispanics, he should study history to know that the Spanish colonialists slaughtered the original “owners” of the land. He would also discover that these oligarchical invaders from Spain are at the root of all the problems in Latin America today.


JUST ANOTHER WAY for the sexual immoral group to get your children away from the eyes of authority in order to rape and pillage their souls into the arms of satan.