Census Data, CDC Database Expose Unvaccinated


On Saturday, September 11, 43-year-old Dale Oliver of Sandy Hook, Kentucky, was engaged in his typical weekend ritual—watching college football on TV—when he heard a knock on his front door. Upon opening it, he found himself face-to-face with two uninvited guests, representatives of Elliott County Health Department. They wished to speak to him about his vaccination status.

“It’s come to our attention your family has not been vaccinated. May we come in?” one health official said, according to Mr. Oliver.

Mr. Oliver lives in a modest home with his wife of 15 years and their 13-year-old daughter, whom they have started homeschooling in response to draconian mask mandates. A hardworking diesel mechanic who puts in 60 hours a week, Mr. Oliver prefers to spend his limited free time at home with his family, free of unwanted intrusions. He told Real Raw News that he self-identifies as a “Trump supporting constitutionalist, conservative” who has serious concerns over the safety and efficacy of the current Covid-19 vaccinations and the current administration’s unconstitutional vaccine mandates.

Elliott County, where he lives, is barely a blip on the map, a heavily Democratic County of 7,500 souls.

“I told them whether or not we’ve taken the shot was none of their damn business and to leave. But they just stood there staring at me like I was some kind of animal or something. I was curious and asked how they hell they’d know if I and my family got jabbed,” Mr. Elliott told RRN.

The county health officers were not schooled in Deep State discretion, apparently.

They told Mr. Oliver that 2020 Census data showed 3 people living in the household, and that information, when compared against the CDCs vaccination database, proved that neither Mr. Oliver nor his wife and daughter had been vaccinated for Covid-19.

Their statements raise grave concern, as the CDC insists it does not maintain a database of vaccination and unvaccinated persons, and claims vaccination records it receives are collected in aggregate, with no personal identifying information. Mr. Oliver’s encounter certainly casts doubt on CDC honesty, and it’s simple to see just how easily the CDC can obtain an individual’s vaccination status.

Typically, people get vaccinated at one of two venues—either a pharmacy or a mass depopulation—vaccination—center. Before getting jabbed, people present proof of identity—insurance cards and/or a photo ID, both of which reveal a home address; most city and county mass vaccination sites across the country require proof of residency to get the jab. Therefore, county health officials can figure out who has and who has not received a vaccination.

The CDC and county health officials have obtained 2020 Census records to enhance their vaccination enforcement protocols. Respondents of the 2020 Census were asked how many people dwell in a household, a question that has appeared on the intrusive, decennial survey since its start in 1902.

“I regret filling that thing out at all,” Mr. Oliver said. “I had no idea it would be used against me. This is criminal.”

Elliott County health officers, Mr. Oliver added, accused him of being an “anti-vaxxer” an endangering the lives of not only his family but also neighbors who had taken Covid-19 vaccinations.

“They told me I’m a health risk to the community, and that if I got anyone sick, I could be charged with crimes. When I told them bastards that I didn’t have time to wait in some damn 12-hour line for a shot, they told me they’d send someone to my house to give us the shot. Fuckers outright said Joe Biden and Dr. Fauci want me to take it, to protect other people from Covid-19. I started to close the door and their ugly faces when they really pissed me off,” Mr. Oliver said.

The Elliott County health officers questioned Mr. Oliver as to why he had unenrolled his daughter from the Elliott County School District and opted instead to homeschool her.

“You’re the only person in the district to pull your daughter out of school. Is there a problem? We can arrange counselling for your family if you think the vaccine is unsafe, and we can send CPS for a wellness check on your daughter—can we speak to her?”

Mr. Oliver said he slammed shut the door.

RRN has viewed door-cam footage corroborating Mr. Oliver’s assertions; however, he has asked that it remain confidential for now, as he has hired a lawyer and intends to sue Elliott County for violating his family’s privacy.

“Somehow, all my neighbors know we’re not vaccinated now, and they’re giving us dirty looks all the time,” Mr. Oliver said.

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Baby Given Covid Vax Now Paralyzed from Neck Down (Video)

This precious little baby was born healthy; the 13th day he is paralyzed.

Les strenger

Dirty looks is a lot better than dirty blood.

Mary J Gregg

This sounds like fiction.

Jon Nobody

Avoid this trespass against you and post NO TRESPASSING signs. Post that you are contracting to speak to visitors for $100,000.00 Per minute and that you reserve the right to refuse visitors.


I probably wouldn’t have spent that much time with them. But I would have most likely started preaching the gospel of Jesus to them…that seems to get rid of evil people pretty quickly!

A.l. Marvin

The county will be back. Your life will be easier if you move to a red state. Send your wife and daughter ahead or pretend to be surprised when they threaten you again.

Sissy Lou

Way to stand up for your rights as a American.

Robert James

No jab and homeschooling! Outstanding, Mr. Oliver!

Lorenz Manner

Excellent. A very brave man, full of courage.


what a BS story

Jose Ramirez

Second amendment is ready! Fuck the tyranny!

The blessed

Dont open the door. Dont talk to them. It will pist no matter how unvexx people handle this.. So lock the door. Keep your front windows dark so they cant peek inside ur home..


Crap. I was stupid enough to fill out the census. I regret that, why did I do it? Really pissed off at myself right now.

David Yanity

Then stop shoving watermelons in there.


Well then. This post leads me to think you are actually crying out for help, and are in deep need of a psychologist or psychiatrist. Please look up some help in your area. You are disturbed.

fire boy

Everyone should post no trespassing signs on their property entrances, no soliciting signs at the doorway and a noose hanging from the roof of the porch or stoop………These “gooberment” morons are no different than Adolph was and their brownshirt followers who will be the first to die slobbering on their shirts while licking windows and eating crayons on the little yellow bus wearing armbands to show their “brand”. We will be better off without them anyway


Soon enough, there’ll be no one left in the neighborhood to give them dirty looks.


Video of NUREMBERG CODE Rules etc



Well who enforces it and makes arrests ? The Nuremberg police ?

David Yanity

Look up the information yourself, ya lazy ass.


I did and sad to say there is no Nuremberg police and the last and only trial was in 1946. True?


Untrue, it still holds truth today via International Law.
Do your research and study just how powerful a real Constitutional Sheriff is and how powerful a Post Master General can be.
You are a Liar!

Rose Mary Abbott

It is my hope that they make films of all this and use it to teach the whole world what to be wary of and who. Gates thought looking like a ludicrously rich philanthropist would hide his evil intentions. I guess all these uber rich people forgot about God actually being real. I pray that they get every last one of them. SURPRISE!


Surprise! All the stories on this website are completely fictional.




Get a new insult please. What am I supposed to be shilling for, anyway?


I know she doesn’t give us much to work with .


I wish people would stop spamming with walls of text and buck fiden would quit with all the racist stuff. I’m here for wholesome trolling.


Me too. Even though we have low standards we do have troll reputations and rankings to honor .




is a concept proposed by U.S. political scientist Rudolph Rummel to describe “the intentional killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by government agents acting in their authoritative capacity and pursuant to government policy or high command.”[1][2] According to Rummel, this definition covers a wide range of deaths, including forced labor and concentration camp victims; killings by unofficial private groups; extrajudicial summary killings; and mass deaths due to governmental acts of criminal omission and neglect such as in deliberate famines as well as killings by de facto governments, i.e. civil war killings.[1][2] This definition covers any murder of any number of persons by any government.[1][2],,Rummel created the term democide as an extended concept to include forms of government murder not covered by the term genocide. According to Rummel, democide surpassed war as the leading cause of non-natural death in the 20th century.

unlabeled quality

hey Zee, I usually agree with all your comments, but would you consider using another source OTHER than wickedpedia?


Exactly, there’s absolutely no truth to any Wikipedia anymore, proof is if you have old Encyclopedias like something out of the “50’s” to shove it down their throats with.


” . . . Joe Biden’s call to go “door-to-door—literally knocking on doors—to help the remaining people” get vaccinated for COVID-19 is already being put into action across the country.
Despite the stated intentions of helping Americans, the plan is running into resistance from people who see the door-knocking as a violation of privacy rights.
Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra told CNN it’s the government’s business to know who is and who isn’t vaccinated. HHS has $10 billion from the American Rescue Plan to promote vaccination nationwide.
“HHS Secretary Becerra has the authoritarian idea that the ‘government’ has the right to your confidential medical information, especially your COVID vaccine status,” says Jane Orient, M.D., president of the Arizona-based American Association of Physicians and Surgeons. “What does he plan to do with the information? Forcibly vaccinate you or contain you in a quarantine facility?
“The only persons who need to know your medical information are those responsible for diagnosis and treatment,” Orient said. “The right to withhold informed consent is a bedrock principle of medical ethics and a fundamental human right. Uninvited door-to-door intrusions are unacceptable as a government or medical action. Physicians and other medical workers can be charged with assault and battery if they attempt to diagnose or treat without the patient’s consent. They are not permitted to go door to door to solicit patients or to distribute unwanted advice.”
Bonner R. Cohen, Ph.D., is a senior fellow at the National Center for Public Policy Research

Sandy Koufax

You’re under no obligation to open the door to anyone. It’s a bad idea to open the door to anyone you don’t know.


Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, 09/16/21
“Our hearts and minds are with the people being persecuted so unfairly relating to the January 6th protest concerning the Rigged Presidential Election. In addition to everything else, it has proven conclusively that we are a two-tiered system of justice. In the end, however, JUSTICE WILL PREVAIL!”


Woke up this morning with a wine glass in my hand. Who’s wine, what wine, where the hell did I die?

Must have been a dream, I don’t believe where I been. Come on, let’s do it again!

Sandy Koufax

Peter Frampton


Riding the storm out, waiting for the fall out.

Sandy Koufax

REO Speedwagon.


She was born a rebel. Down in Dixie hey, hey, hey on a Sunday morning.


It’s better to burn out than fade away. The king is gone but he’s not forgotten. Rust never sleeps.

Susie Q

I was not thrilled about filling out that damn census, but my husband thought it was okay, so he decided to do so. . He’s going to be shocked with I read this to him. I bet any future census form sent to us will never be filled out again!


I was skeptical. Gave them one number + not illegal.

Sandy Koufax

I think you’re required by law to respond.


Can’t touch this.




I’m proud to be an American where at least I know I’m free.


They decorated all the Generals who fought the war behind the lines. They had forgotten all the soldiers.

Insanity has found it’s way to tv screens, how many millions will the put to sleep…

Wildest Dreams.


You know that chic that slapped Buffers face, she be on the floor shaking what she got. And if the boys wanna fight you better let em. The boys are back in town.


Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow. It’ll be here better than before. Yesterday’s gone.


Should have tried to do some more…25 or 6 to 4…

Sandy Koufax

The state of Uttar Pradesh in India, which has over 200 million people and only  5.8% of them are vaccinated, has been declared COVID free by the state government.


You see it’s all clear, you were meant to be here…From the beginning.

Sandy Koufax

Emerson, Lake and Palmer


It’s a marvelous night for a moon dance.

Sandy Koufax

Van Morrison.


Ain’t it strange how the night moves…With all enclosing in…

Sandy Koufax

Bob Seger


Date: Fri, Sep 17, 2021 at 5:14 PM
Subject: BREAKING NEWS: The Supreme Court In The US Has Ruled That The Covid Pathogen Is Not A Vaccine, Is Unsafe, And Must Be Avoided At All Costs – Big Pharma And Anthony Fauci Have Lost A Lawsuit Filed By Robert F Kennedy Jr And A Group Of Scientists! – …


We’re all Americans! That’s all that matters!

Shine on you crazy diamond!

Sandy Koufax

The members of Pink Floyd are from the UK.


And We got the diamonds! Shine on!

Rose Mary Abbott

Van Morrison is from Scotland I believe. Anyway they made awesome music.


BREAKING: Former FEMA Whistleblower Celeste Solum explains that the Corona PCR “test” is implanting a microchip.
So the Nasopharyngeal Covid19 PCR “tests” were never tests at all. They are implanting chips, inserting Nanobots called Nanites with a bioweapons payload for the brain, while at the same time harvesting DNA.

Sandy Koufax

Your memory was enhanced by the microchip.

unlabeled quality

I had read about this sort of thing many months ago.
the way the pcr tests work, they insert swabs deep into the nasopharyngeal cavity…and end up damaging a special lining that connects to the brain. in extreme cases, it can cause permanent damage to one’s sense of smell and taste.
in fact, there was an article around the time they were doing testing, that all the pcr tests were contaminated with the so-called covid.
the pcr tests are the core of all this fraud, and any data coming from them can be used as a basis for a gargantuan RICO suit, and likely overturn any mandate requiring jabs and masks.


125 Staff Part Ways With Indiana’s Biggest Hospital System After Refusing Vaccine

 The Epoch Times


I say let them give him dirty looks. He’ll still be alive in a couple years where they won’t be.

buck fiden

That’s almost as good as Volume One.
Can’t wait for the sequel!

Julio c vidal

my dear brothers this people do not know they are getting played they are the instrument to push a tyrannical agenda how can they be so blind they are part of the problem not the solution they are also victims and not even know it their wake up call is gonna be really hard .peace


You bastard shill – I am in righteous anger
and I could slap your face hard for attempting to get people to the rally that is known as a SET UP–

buck fiden

Are you drinking in excess tonight, Z?


As far as I am concerned you are a waste of time troll incapable of any true depth


As usual this nasty troll / shill has no words


About time we show the un-vaxxed live while many vaxxed have serious problems and die. Plus vaxxed are dangerous spreaders to the unvaxxed. But the unvaxxed only get a bad cold or maybe the flu and then get over it.

Ask yourself, why won’t the Red Cross accept blood from any vaxxed person????????


Just look at the true world death #s — Nurenberg II Trials, with 100 plus Attorneys and 1000 plus Doctors

Biden could never tell the truth–why trust anything this satanic leader says?

Whatever he says–READ IT 180 degrees to the opposite meaning.

The most important thing to realize is BIDEN will not be given the Antidote by China for this Wuhan evil which is it to stop it being contagious. China wants us dead–especially our Military.

In the mean time be careful of all who are contagious who took the JABS. Then we don’t have to sell our souls to China for a stupid antidote that the coming Med-Beds can take care of anyway.

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

There are no Nuremberg II trials . No evidence whatsoever .




Proof please . The last one was in 1946.


Actually, today they are called Guantanamo Bay & Tiera Del Fuego JAG Tribunals.


Look at post 3826 (image and caption)

Look at Dan Scavino on Twitter September 11th. (image and caption)


The future catches up with the past. Don’t be sadly mistaken.


I messed that up. Dan Scavino September 17


17 is no mistake but you are