Friday, July 26, 2024


Putin Destroys Ukrainian Pedophile Communication Network

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday ordered the destruction of a Ukrainian television antenna his mortal enemy, the criminal Volodymyr Zelenskyy, had been using...

Putin Strikes Pedophile Compound in Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday ordered a missile strike on a Ukrainian pedophile compound in the country's historic city of Chernigiv, killing child...

Delta Force Arrests Klaus Schwab

A Delta Force strike team arrested 86-year-old World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus Schwab Friday following a deadly firefight that started at the fortified...

Special Forces Take Out WHO Covid Criminal in Manila

United States Special Forces operating abroad laid siege upon a World Health Organization office in the Philippines and killed Dr. Rui Paulo de Jesus,...

JAG Hangs Ukrainian Criminals

The United States Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps on January 9 fulfilled its promise to execute Ukrainian presidential aid Andriy Yermak and Economy Minister...

Military Obeys Trump and Defies Criminal Biden Regime

As U.K. warships sortied planes and fired cruise missiles at Houthi-controlled sites in Yemen Thursday, American F/A-18s sat pilotless on flight decks, and cruise...

JAG Arrests Three WHO “Terrorists”

The constitutionalist faction of the U.S. military last month arrested three World Health Organization officials—besides Dr. Chikwe Ihekweazu—who were in the United States to...

Russian Claim: Austin Dead In Ukraine

Criminal Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was allegedly killed in Kyiv on January 3 when Russian cruise missiles peltered a command bunker where Austin...

JAG Sentences Ukrainian “Gangsters” to Death

The United States Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps at Camp Blaz, Guam, jointly convicted on Friday two Ukrainian officials for conspiring with the criminal...

Marines Arrest WHO Official

United States Marines on Thursday arrested a World Health Organization (WHO) official who was in the U.S. to persuade the criminal Biden regime to...

Putin Executes “White Lung” Doctor

On Vladimir Putin’s orders, the Russian Army on Thursday executed a renegade Ministry of Health official for trying to hold a “White Lung” meeting...

Putin Bombs Big Pharma in Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday ordered the destruction of a Kyiv pharmaceutical laboratory suspected of manufacturing COVID-19 vaccines that reached the arms of...
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