Friday, July 26, 2024
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JAG Arrests Three WHO “Terrorists”

The constitutionalist faction of the U.S. military last month arrested three World Health Organization officials—besides Dr. Chikwe Ihekweazu—who were in the United States to...

Military Arrests Biden Regime’s Chief Science Advisor

United States Marines on New Year's Eve arrested Arati Prabhakar, the Biden cabal's director of the Office of Science and Technology, on treason charges...

JAG Convicts CDC Official Karen Hacker

The U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps and Office of Military Commissions found CDC Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Director Karen Hacker guilty...

Marines Arrest WHO Official

United States Marines on Thursday arrested a World Health Organization (WHO) official who was in the U.S. to persuade the criminal Biden regime to...

Marines Kill CDC Official During Arrest

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Managing Officer Aaron Aranas was shot dead Friday morning when he and two bodyguards exchanged gunfire with a...

Putin Bombs Big Pharma in Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday ordered the destruction of a Kyiv pharmaceutical laboratory suspected of manufacturing COVID-19 vaccines that reached the arms of...

“mRNA Queen” Hanged at GITMO

September 18, 2023. GITMO. If Moderna Monster and “Queen of mRNA” Melissa J. Moore had any regrets over the countless fatalities attributable to the vaccine...

JAG Nabs Another CDC Cretin

U.S. Navy JAG investigators on Saturday arrested CDC Chief Medical Officer Debra Houry near her home in Athens, Georgia, enforcing a military arrest warrant...

JAG Convicts “mRNA Queen” Melissa Moore

A Guantanamo Bay military tribunal on Thursday delivered a verdict of guilty in JAG’s case against former Moderna maniac Melissa J. Moore, the creature...

JAG Hangs Five

In what could set a precedent for JAG’s book of business, the entity tasked with enforcing justice against unrepentant Deep Staters simultaneously hanged to...

White Hats Arrest Vaccine Tyrant Base Commander in California

Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID) investigators on Wednesday arrested a California National Guard garrison commander on “suspicion of treason” in response to allegations that...

Military Arrests Moderna Clot Shot Creator

A prominent Moderna chemist, Melissa J. Moore, was arrested at her Everett, Massachusetts, home Sunday evening after trying to evade U.S. Navy JAG investigators...
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