Hunter Biden Hanged at GITMO


Hunter Biden’s life ended Friday morning at 8:00 a.m. when the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps in cooperation with the Office of Military Commissions hanged him to death. His execution happened only a few weeks after a military tribunal at Guantanamo Bay found him guilty of treason—a capital offense—and a myriad of sex crimes against underage women.

Hunter Biden’s last hours alive were remarkably like those of other Deep State agents. He was awoken at 6:00 a.m. and offered a last meal. Then, GITMO security escorted him to the exit of Camp Delta where a Humvee and three armed Marines awaited his arrival. He was then driven to GITMO’s southern edge, where the same gallows from which Bill Gates had been hanged earlier this month loomed before him.

Around the gallows stood a small assembly of military brass—Rear Adm. Crandall, Marine Corps General David H. Berger, and U.S. Army lieutenant General Johnathon P. Braga, commanding officer, U.S. Army Special Forces Command.

A Naval chaplain and an anonymous soldier, who manned the gallows, stood atop the platform.

RRN has been asked to keep confidential the names of other high-ranking officers in attendance.

After Biden ascended the shallow flight of steps leading to the platform and had a noose slipped around his neck, Rear Adm. Crandall asked if he had any last words, or wanted to give a statement of contrition.

“You can’t do this to me; I’m a civilian. I’m not a politician. I’m not in the game,” said a defiant Biden.

“Game?” Rear Adm. Crandall queried. “You’re about to be hanged, Mr. Biden, and you’re talking of games. You probably thought this was a chess game and saw yourself as a rook or even the queen. You were always a pawn, and you put yourself in the game, as you put it, and you ran amok, afoul of everything this country is supposed to stand for.”

“It was all Barack. He’s calling all the shots. He’s behind everything from Covid-19 to a tanking economy to wanting to see the country tear itself apart. All I ever did was have some fun,” Biden pleaded as the anonymous soldier tightened the noose.

“The time for telling us what we already know is over,” Rear Adm. Crandall said.

The chaplain gave Last Rites, and a moment later the trap door swung open beneath Biden’s feet. His neck snapped.

“I don’t take any sense of perverse pleasure in overseeing these executions,” Rear Adm. Crandall told the assembly. “But justice today has been served.”

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I wish I could have been the one pulling the hangmans lever!!! May Hunter burn in the deepest bowels of Hell!!!


Not underage woman, underage children. God have mercy on your soul Biden, because I don’t.


I do hope this is all true

john kusmit

If this was only true! Now lets get the big guy.




Rot in LLEH you noS of a HCTIB and meet your daddy soon.

Last edited 3 years ago by RG1

i love our military and anyone who doesnt believe this is happening you are wrong i promise you it is thats all i will say.

I pray to God this true, but would the rear adm Crandall say that!!!


We need a reliable highly placed source to report this to us . Any suggestions ?

Robert James

If they’ve hung the Clintons, the Bushs, Mike Obummer, movie stars, etc, why in the world is Barack Obummer still operating as an enemy agent?

Last edited 3 years ago by Robert James
John Hanna

People – I need proof for any / all of this. I want to believe it all but find it very hard to understand all of these hangings etc but then seeing the very people talking and running around DC like nothing has happened. It is a stretch to believe that all of them are body doubles. On the other hand I watch MonkeyWerks on YTube and all the flights going in and out of Gitmo lends credence to all of it. So…I am on the fence.


does he have any body double? ’cause someone’s at hollyweird gallary showcasing hunter’s “art work”… i just wonder how many clones are out there…


Pedo-Hunter Biden Jr. is correct in saying everything is being orchestrated by Hussein Barrack Obama. Covid-19 was funded by the U.S.A by Barracks close friend Anthony Fraudci. I cant wait to see these two hang together!!!


Judgement has been done in the physical his soul will be judged by our Savoir.

John S.

Just checked on Darse Crandall, web info reflects he was promoted to ‘Vice’ Admaril August 18, nolonger Rear [second half]. Crandall now top-dog.


So today I saw Bill, Hillary and the daughter together on the news. Were they all clones? If they were, do clones care about each other and retain memories? also, are they citizens of the nation they were created in or are they without a soul like babies before they are born?


Abra Cadabra – they fooled ya.

Lucky star

Today 3 clintons on the news per the troll above??how about the one in the hospital couple of day ago was? was he discharged last night so the troll can see three clinton on the news together hands in hands??? Hmmm…see how the troll do not have brains and can’t connect the dots


I see it.


Do they get medical treatment? Are the previous health care insurance policies valid? So many questions.


It sure didn’t take very long to remove the Pfizer article. lol
That info needs to be out into the public eye ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sandy Koufax


Bee Bennett

Praise God for his Swift Justice. Many have suffered at this one mans crimes

Sue K

We’ve been told that ‘there will be an arrest that will shock the world.’


Your time has come.

Sissy Lou

I certainly hope so.


I saw on Fox News this morning, Bill & Hillary walking out of the hospital with masks covering most of their faces. Bill looked extremely tall with a very full head of white hair. Hillary looked really short with kind of disheveled hair. I’m not sure if it was really them. I hope not Michael.


LOL, Fake masked Actors.
All the worlds a stage, welcome to the Great Awakening my friend!


Actors which require secret service (oooooooh spooky deep state) and other people to keep up the “truth”.

Of course none of those people will leak anything right? Lmaooooo


Even the Drs?


They looked more like they were laughing at what they were looking at.


They gotta make it look real to the cnn camera crews, thats why nobody could see their faces. And of course we all had to see those “old” video’s and them telling you rubes that Willie was doing a charity event,…. as usual.

Sissy Lou

It sure didn’t look like the real ones to me, hospital discharge is usually taken out in a wheelchair especially a
X- President. Hmmmm

Requiem aeternam

OK, Michael, why do you keep deleting my posts? If Saint Vapid Scientologist’s endless litanies are ok, what’s wrong with my few sentences?

Keith White

UTUBE wouldn’t allow me to post. I wonder how the big guy feels about his son being hung at GITMO. UTUBE said it wasn’t allowed. So much for free speech. People spread the word any way you can.


Perhaps “the big guy” isn’t coherent enough to know any better.

Keith White

I wonder how the big guy feels about his son being hung at GITMO.


Maybe he had a partial Lobotomy. lol

john kusmit

If this is true please provide picture!


Right away! Soon .


Maybe not soon…..


There won’t be any pictures posted here, nor memes posted. All thats written in these articles are truth, witness info to any execution are strictly off limits per request by JAG.


Obama will be the most satisfying arrest for Trump and Patriots..but we can’t forget Michael his husband. Obama ran his mouth in a room full of people and roasted Trump…but Trump..God..and God’s people will have the last laugh and will send him to his literal “roasting place”


I got feeling they will haul him to gitmo..before or on 11/11/21. (ARMISTICE DAY)..with his partner..


I’ll have to agree with this assumption too, then again nothing is ever set in stone.
Lets just hope, and hope were not all being played.

John Hanna

if that happens, who will be running the Gov’Mint.? Everyone knows Obummer is running the whole of the DemonRats regime.


I think they are saving BHO for last, Fauci, per Michael is at another facility, Pelosi maybe they are making sure they get the real Nancy,the last time they tried they got the fake Nancy

Sissy Lou

If Obama is running the country and the military knows, watching our country fold people being hurt financially and physically.
Obama should be high on the list to be arrested. Yet he is allowed to continue on.

Air man

Everyone, the real test is if NP were to suddenly disappear and show up at GITMO.
With a high visibility person as her, the media would have to cover her disappearance. The question is however, how many body doubles does she have?


If she has doubles how can she disappear ?

Terminally deplorable

NP does not have a high visibility, I look right through her.


I don’t know how many she has, but I can assure you they all look butt fugly.

John S.

Sniff-sniff, smell big round-up at any moment.

Metropolitan Correctional Complex [MCC] ‘Manhattan’ just emptied out, transferring all to Sunset Park Brooklyn.

Suspect Manhattan MCC goes under military control.

Suspecting action at East River heliport.


The fake news has been building the narrative that MCC is not up to par ever since Epstein did not kill himself there. Whatever they report the opposite is true.

They always tell us in advance what is coming to them.

If you hear anything else, keep us up to date John.

New Yorkers are in the streets chanting “wake up New York and fuck Joe Biden and fuck DeBlasio.” They’re pissed off.


about the time…..


WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! on 10/17..

Don Reed

Hunter used to tell his GF he was hung —– But now the whole world knows (Thanks be to MB) he was just Hanged !!!!


Meanwhile Newsmax reports Slick Willie is recovering from a uroligical infection


Getting out of the hospital today.


Yep. And I wonder if we are now onto November for the swift return. As bad as things have gotten, I would think they would get it done if the claim is real. How destroyed does our country have to get?


Imminent .

Terminally deplorable

They dont make any sharp photo lenses anymore. The pictures from the alleged clinton couple are ridiculously fuzzy. A giveaway is that the alleged Hillary just reaches up to Bill’s chin just like Teresa Barnwell does. Hillary is 5 inch (half of Bill’s head) taller. For compensation, Barnwell’s rear side is broader and should be warned with “wide load” signs on public roads.


Lmao technology advances at amazing rates but just not these particular camera lenses



You have been lmao ing for just about every post.At this rate, you should have no more ‘A’ left, so what are you talking out of.


Why would they want to put out a clear & focused picture when they already know its not them, but Actors.

Terminally deplorable

He is not out of the hospital yet. That certainly does not go unnoticed. There is whole media circus guarding the perimeter


And I’m sure they’re all from Commie News Network & Affiliates.


Sorry to say, but I am taking perverse pleasure in this one.


Have no shame, its where you would be if they had it their way.

John S.

Obama is not the brains, he has a coach.

Quote Bob Dylan: “Don’t need a *Weatherman* to know which way the wind blows”.

Who made many Whitehouse visits while Obama had residency?


Great question.
Lewis Sachs @ 119 Dept of Treasury
Kathryn Thomson @ 106 DOT
Matthew Yale @ 92 Dept. of Education <—–Ace in the Hole
Andy Stern @ 37 Employees International Union
Julious Genachowski @ 60 w/in private Chairman FCC
Anna Burger @ 43 w/ in private @ 15 Change To Win Labor Federation (radicalized womans org etc
Robert Wolf @ 29 w/in private @ 9 Chair & CEO of UBS Group of America & Economic Recovery Board <—- Ace in the Hole!
There are more to mention, these are the most notable at the moment and the only ones most likely to be known that cannot hide.


I forgot Roger Creamer who was there at the White House 340 times. He was the main pony solder with Democracy Partners which was a Democratic consulting firm. He was instrumental at creating distractions, false flags etc at Trump Rallies as well as plotting Election fraud nation wide. Caught & exposed by Project Veritas.
He is another high profile Rat!


Anyone else see the article and video by the Dailymail showing Hillary, Huma Abedin and Chelsea’s Body Doubles, CGI, Clones visiting Bill in the hospital?


Yes. Hillary was 5’7. Huma 5’9. “Hillary” was several inches shorter than Huma in the photo after visiting “Bill.”


U could tell how tall she was all by a video? You’re good


Gait recognition technology according to Confucius. How’s that. 😂😂😂

Terminally deplorable

A good farmer knows his pigs how they walk from behind.




In the natural Huma is approximately 5ft. I guess her stay in Gitmo on the rack, has lengthened her.


They don’t have one for Chelsea yet.


Perhaps they’re running out of stand in Actors, I mean theres only so many egg heads out there, and none of them have a big fat lip for a chin except for maybe Brian Zucker and you.
Maybe your mother can help you get a job with cnn and get you out of the basement.


What I wouldn’t give to know if this is all true!


I take it all as satire just as the disclaimer. Newsmax reports Bill Clinton is recovering from a urological infection. Did they revive him once he was dead long enough to kill the nfection? Not one of these stories has been proven. Much like Trump’s “swift return”. He’s talking 2022 and 2024, not this month or next. I find myself wondering if MB or his source are laughing their butts off at all the blind faith. I want these criminals taken doen but just once would like to see a shred of proof. Everything we actually see pounts toward us all being screwed as the dems fast track us toward communism under the guise if socialism. As bad as things are now, I would think if this stuff is true they would realize now is the time to act, not wait until the republic is destroyed beyond repair.


You have to believe and accept that clones, body doubles and CGI are involved when you see people that have been reported as dead or under arrest. That’s the whole premise. If you don’t believe that it’s ball game. Believing the Insurrection Act has been signed helps too, but it has not.


Sometimes I wonder if folks are watching too much scince fiction


Apparently so.

Buck fiden

Every day is Halloween when the Biden Régime is occupying the WH. – or the fake WH.

Last edited 3 years ago by Buck fiden

When the glitch’s come out such as Biden’s “Somebody wipe my butt” is priceless!
Bidens role in Alice in Wonderland – “looking for a brain”


It’s not.

doug miller

One wonders if the unmentioned attendees were Mummy and Daddy. no? Maybe just his mother given rumours about daddy being already gone for a while. But with these folks, one wonders if the lack of ability to take responsibility for one’s actions even dents their hubris encrusted souls.

Scott V. Smith

In “Chisum“, The Brit, Henry Tunstall uses the term “ghastly” for a hanging. It is exactly that. The things done by Hunter affected the lives of Millions of other human beings in a very ghastly way. It would be fair, in my view, for this post to be a true account of a real even with real justice being administered. I suppose we’ll all soon know the truth behind what’s really happening in this world. Good work Michael.


300,000 Federal Sealed Secret Indictments, each indictment can hold 99 persons , a potential of 27,000,000 million ARRESTS +++….. DURHAM , Q

NoDeals !!!
Promises Made Promises Kept

Last edited 3 years ago by LittleZeke78

Yes, I’m sure they can knock those out in a week or so.


As long as shit still runs downhill and you Trolls find it. I wont mind.


I have faith and trust in the operation because it is God’s plan and nothing can stop it try as the DS may. 🙏🙏🙏

John S.

Metropolitan Correctional Complex known as ‘MCC’ ‘Manhattan’ just emptied out.

All jailed been transferred to Sunset Park MCC Brooklyn.

Gut feeling Manhattan MCC goes under military control.

Terminally deplorable

Too many people hanged themselves there with paper bed sheets.

Buck fiden

Haven’t they installed the chink-manufactured “smart” guillotines there yet?


making place to jail best of the best of NYC beauties…..???? de blasio,ag nyc etc….


Special accomidations for “special” people. Equiped with fresh diapers, paper bed sheets & an Obama look alike teddy bear for a pillow and a toilet without a seat. Rubber forks & spoons with rubber plates, sorta like a dog dish imo. They dont deserve much better than this.

Terminally deplorable

Deals must be made before they are hanged.


There are no deals after their arrest – period. The option still stands, if they turn themselves in with evidence thats credible. It may be a wise choice to become witness, than detainee.
A simple call to the JAG will suffice!

John 3:16

It’s about time that real Justice is served these demons have been running around for far too long. Now time too send them all to hell were they belong


Can’t wait for Cuomo to hang. YIPEE

Son of Ethan Allen

The smug arrogant eeliest is smug & arrogant no more.

Buck fiden

Smart guillotines in FEMA camps will take out most of them.

GreaterIdaho for Trump

Alison Mack only got 3 years in california. She should get a trip to the spa too for sone true justice


It was raining and Joe didn’t even have a raincoat, hat, tie, or umbrella…I’m thinking maybe he just got the news about Hunter?

Joe Biden motorcade heads to church in Georgetown on a cloudy Saturday evening.

If you like, you can watch the video on YouTube channel: @ penguinsix
@ youtube(dot)com/watch?v=o5Qzn0HT5fM

Last edited 3 years ago by tinydruid

It looks like a memorial service for Hunter

Terminally deplorable

FJB must have been in a rushed hurry, He is inappropriately dressed for a funeral service with his prolet blue suit. That was a quick find a few hours after the vid was posted.

Last edited 3 years ago by Terminally deplorable
Terminally deplorable

Joe was unapropriately dressed for a funeral service in his prolet blue suit.


Bongino speaking muh language.

“Here’s a group of leftist nuts – there’s very few of them – again, they’re all basement dwellers, they don’t have a lot of money or lives or anything and they’re not particularly bright.”

Fuck Joe Biden!


remind me if bongino won any of his recent defamation cases?

where’s trump?


trumplost lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


God love you Russ.


oh hey look at this recent judgement:

Buck fiden

A nigger judge that went to Howard U. Sure. Totally unbiased and fair.

Buck fiden



WHY do my posts keep being removed?????????????????? I don’t curse, I don’t talk bad about anyone, I never speak ill of Mr. Baxter…….but yet I’m zeroed in on and my posts are removed??? I’m an old lady, 73, with no harm to anyone. Where’s the respect? I have an opinion…….just as everyone one else in here that, curses, uses profanity as a description instead of words……I suppose if I had a trash mouth, mind, and thought process, my opinion would be valued. Thank you for your value



Last edited 3 years ago by Russell

“Daddy has been gone since last year is what President Trump said….. he said it in Nov and then in Dec 2020…….Barack should be the next one, then bush. Clinton’s are gone, just Chelsea is left for her murders, treason, and crimes against humanity.”

i’m just a 73 yr old grandma…why can’t i post? shit i wouldn’t let your “christian” ass post on my site simply because you say you’re “christian” and then post this shit


Try posting gain, that sounds odd.


I skimmed through the comments and found your previous posts… it gets glitchy at times depending on the sites traffic… May I suggest a glass of vino??

Last edited 3 years ago by Melissa

Oh stop whining about age. Nobody knows or cares what age you are. Try using a different browser to get to this location.


Vikki, you might want to click on the “newest” option at the top right above the beginning of comments. It is just to the right of the lightning bolt and the fire symbol. I hope that helps.
Michael isn’t removing them, they just go to the end of the list.

Sissy Lou

My gets removed too Vickki.
I don’t understand it.


Mrs. Vikki if you post any link to videos or articles,the comment goes to a waiting list pending aproval and the same happens with 1st comments other then that I never saw any censorship here, maybe that’s what happened?😟

Buck fiden

For several days, everything I wrote was sent to /dev/null


Russell hacked it. So sad.

Buck fiden

You mean BankOfA


I Love our Military, I Love Rear Adm.Crandall for his Military team, for their Fairness, Justice, and convicting the criminals for their crimes. Thank you. I believe all of you, were hand picked special by Yeshwa-God, for this season, Yeshwa-God knows we are strong enough, and our Courage, Strength, and Believe in our Savior Yeshwa God, means we Patriotic Americans have already won over the Evil ones. Thank you for keeping my children save, and me.


do you think this really happened?


I wish other people on this site have as much trust and faith in Jeshua like you, shalom.

Buck fiden

Shalom to you, chaver. Say hello to my good friend Tzippi the Pinhead the Chazer when you see her in shul.


il Donaldo Trumpo is on a roll today. (Rumble)

Fuck Joe Biden!

Buck fiden



where is he, btw?


J Bill

fuck joe bye-done!

Last edited 3 years ago by J Bill

thirsty ass jill showed up. where’s trump? lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Buck fiden

clap-clap clap-clap!

Buck fiden

Hunter Biden was well-hung.

Buck fiden

I want to thank my good friend, Victor Paul Nelson, for making it possible for me to have online privileges again. Some of the orderlies are very nice.

Terminally deplorable

You sneaked through the backdoor?

Buck fiden

They let me out of my block. Computer privileges restored (for a time).

Sandy Jim

But Buck ! You said you would never be captured. I had hoped that you would not be taken alive. And now you live at taxpayer expense. This is not right ! Buck why didn’t you take the noble course and just kill yourself ?

Inquiring minds would like to know !



Last edited 3 years ago by Russell
Robert James

The world is better without Methmouth. And the Chinese Communist Party will have to rethink a big part of their game plan.


oh no! which part?

Buck fiden

It’s all a chink commie plot!!!! Asian invasion underway!! Yellow fever!

No One of Consequence

“The time for telling us what we already know is over.” Deep state informant value is dropping, quickly.


Poor hunter…knock knock knocking on heavens floor…

knock knock. Who’s there? Hunter.
Hunter who?
Hunter BYE DONE….
Still, very sad all around.

Buck fiden

That song never ends and is quite repetitive.


did you come up with this yourself?