Gavin Newsom Military Tribunal: Day I


Tuesday, 28 December

After another delay, Gavin Newsom’s tribunal began on Tuesday morning.

Gavin Newsom wasn’t flashing his ubiquitous pearly smile when he set foot in Guantanamo Bay’s south courtroom and found himself the subject of derisive stares from both Rear Adm. Crandall and the 3-officer panel tasked with weighing the military’s case against him. The man known for spending three hours in makeup and wardrobe prior to public appearances arrived in court wearing a white detainee jumpsuit instead of his preferred button-up shirt, blazer, slacks, and Cole Haan shoes. Unkempt and unshaven, Newsom told the commission he had not hired a defense attorney because to do so would “validate an illegal military justice system.”

“I am here against my will unlawfully and illegally, kidnapped from my home, separated from my beloved wife and children, based on nothing but spurious allegations and baseless evidence. I know this bias court, and I’m loathed to give it that credit, has already found me guilty. Nothing I say will make a difference. So, I choose to invoke my 5th Amendment right to remain silent,” Newsom said.

“Merry Christmas to you too, Mr. Newsom,” Rear Adm. Crandall quipped, and at once played for the tribunal an intentionally blurred clip of Newsom raping a young girl in the underground dungeon of what was his Fair Oakes, California, mansion. Although the female was deliberately obscured, Newsom was clearly visible, his mouth agape as he, bug-eyed and crazy, molested the clearly underage girl.

“Regardless of what he says or doesn’t say now, during an initial deposition he admitted he was high on Adrenochrome, and encouraged others to take it, when this video was made. The child in this video, who was 13 when it was made, is still a minor, and so we are not disclosing her identity. But this is only one example, and we’ve seized a dozen such videos, that show Newsom engaged in sex with underage females,” Rear Adm. Crandall said.

Newsome betrayed his vow of silence, claiming the girl had told him she was 18 and that the sex was consensual.

In response, Rear Adm. Crandall showed the panel sworn written testimony in which the girl described how Newsom, while holding diplomatic parties at his residence, tried to discretely grope and fondle the daughters of his political friends.

“I’d accompanied my parents to a few of his functions saw him brushing up against other girls, sliding his hand over their buttocks, playing with their hair, holding their hips, kissing their shoulders. When I told my father that he was creepy, he said ‘Oh, that’s just how Gavin is—friendly.’ And when I said I didn’t want to attend any more of his parties, I was told that he—Gavin Newsom—would be very disappointed if I was absent. It was the third visit that it happened, and I can’t remember everything, because I don’t want to. I assume he somehow drugged me, took me to that room of his and raped me. My parents seemed so in love with him I didn’t say anything, but I ran away from home. I know that others, like me, were used as party favors,” part of her statement read.

It’s eerie that Gavin Newsom and Hunter Biden seemed to draw criminal inspiration from the same playbook.

Over the next four hours, the panel heard six other young women—some appearing on ZOOM—give testimony supporting the assertion that Gavin Newsom abused his political authority to coerce constituents into prostituting their children or outright ignoring his advances towards them. One girl, identified only as Lauren, who was 16 when she met Newsom, said under oath that the depraved governor began preying on children almost immediately after he’d been elected to office. On January 12, 2019, she met Newsom while flying from California to D.C. aboard a chartered flight filled with political donors—and in some cases, their children—who had helped fund Newsom’s gubernatorial campaign.

“Yeah, I met that bastard,” she said on a ZOOM call. “My parents were in Washington and I was going there to meet them, and they got me on his plane. He sat next to me and kept telling me how pretty I was. He said he wished his daughter was as hot as me. What kind of fucked up person says that? He asked me if I was a virgin and suggested we spend time together. I told him to fuck off and get the hell away from me, and he said that he’d ruin my parents if I told anyone we’d spoken. But I told anyone who’d listen, which was no one. Went to the media, but they ignored me. I hope he rots in hell,” Lauren finished.

Of all the young women who testified, Lauren alone escaped Newsom’s clutches. The others had in some fashion been molested or raped.

After their testimony concluded, Rear Adm. Crandall put the tribunal in recess until Thursday morning, saying he would then focus on evidence detailing Newsom’s Covid crimes.

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“Lauren” is a bad ass. Go girl.



Buck fiden

Happy New Year, OWD!

Angel Askew

American life insurance companies are reporting an unprecedented 40% uptick in deaths in the last year.
They are now punishing the unvaxxed by drastically raising rates. I doubt the insurance industry survives this.

CIA, Google, MITRE, In-Q-Tel and Bezos announce they have developed your vaxx pass identification system with your “vaxx chip”. Musk will run it thru Starlink.
They are ready to roll it out.

I guess it’s the bonus for when you open your cdbc slave bank/ Nesara gesara account.

No chip? No food!

I have a feeling this month is the end for human autonomy as we know it since we are all pussies. So sad.

Be VERY careful what Kool aid you drink this week. Everyone is a usual suspect…

Angel Askew


Oh yeah, and att/Verizon etc refused a request last week to postpone the rollout based on severe changes in bird flight patterns during 5g testing.

5g Rollout will commence nationwide as planned Wednesday, January 5th. JUST like when they flipped the switch on in….WUHAN.

I pray I am wrong but I plan to be proven right. This will be easy for NO ONE.

Angel Askew

Remember how weird it was during WUHAN flu epidemic Trump somehow made it a priority to double the workforce to rollout more towers nationwide??


So Trunp is the mastermind behind 5G internet? Shocking!

Angel Askew

Lookup: Active Denial System.
Same tech MB wrote about in the Brennan article killing the guy in Brentwood.

Buck fiden

Hi, Angel. Happy New Year!

I got the full-blown Chink virus back in May of 2020. I have not been vaccinated whatsoever against the WuHan virus. How will the activation of 5G signals affect people like me?

Last edited 2 years ago by Buck fiden
Angel Askew

I’ve got natural immunity too, Buck. We are all living one big science project now.
My current view is as stated above.
WUHAN won the 5g lottery to flip the 5g switch first.
They did it and to cover all the casualties, they blamed it on some BS flu variant that nobody is dying from naturally.

USA, after a paused rollout, will flip the 5g on here nationwide on 1/5th.
Who the fuck knows….

The jabbed graphene sheeple are a complete losing lottery ticket. No matter how you spin that. The more jabbs the worse off it will be, I imagine.

Where have you been? New address? Settled in nicely? You’re probably safer than most! Smdh!


How can you tell the truth is being told?
When Facebook blocks it.
Twitter deletes it.
Google hides it
YouTube bans it.
Your Government forbids it.
CIA has media brand it Conspiracy Theory
DS Corp’s Shills @ $2000 a month dispute it 

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

2k per month? Try 2k per day! I made $360k in 2021 working part time distributing information. People like Zee make it so easy for us. We just corrected the information Zee put out there.


Right on Zee.

From a proud Conspiracy Theorist who is proven right over and over again.

Stay Pureblood, Trump won by a lot!


lmao @ who is proven right over and over again.

anyways, $2k isn’t right and it’s not even close lmaooooooooooo

J Bill

Good one!


See More News Today on Operation Disclosur Oofficial

By Sat. Jan. 1 2022 Morning the Global Currency Reset was official and gold/asset-backed currency including the US Note, in effect – which began implementation of GESARA/ NESARA.

The Constitutional US Republic was restored and the Military would soon takeover Mainstream Media throughout the globe through their Emergency Broadcast System.

Whiplash347: It’s coming. Hold the line. Hold fast. Public will know soon. They have 24/7 access to NSA database. Obama contracted the Leonardo Spy Satellite and spied on PDJT with GCHQ. Vatican and UK Royal Family caught!

Global Food, Goods and Fuel Shortages. Planes, Trains Grounded:

  • Pilots suing Biden Administration: Here’s why thousands of planes are being grounded and flights cancelled. Vaccinated pilots are a public danger and needs to be stopped now! 4230 flights cancelled today only. You can track here:


  • Germany shuts three of its last six nuclear plants: 
  • All Iran’s Nuke sites have been hit with Rods of God already. This is just part of the End Fake WW3 Scenario. Look up Earthquakes Iran Nuke Reactors. Rods of God cause Quakes and are designed for Nuke Reactors & Tunnels A.K.A D.U.M.B.S. Look up Iran Scenarios, Queen, Russia & The Flip everyone vs UK Royals, Israel & CCP.

International Child Sex Trafficking:

  • The Playboy Mansion was a CIA and Mossad Institution. Their tunnels connected to other locations like the Getty Museum. It was part of a Child Sex Pedophilia Ring. Hollywood = Pedowood. Adrenochrome Junkies. Hugh Hefner was CIA/ Mossad Agent of Epstein of the 70ies till to his death. He ran a honeypot to trap people.

Pfizer’s revenue could reach $101.3 Billion in 2022…! It’s all about the money, not your health.

More Here:operationdisclosureofficialDOTcom/2022/01/03/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-as-of-january-3-2022/

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

An interesting observation:

Big Ben was closed for restoration during President Trump’s first term.

CERN has been closed for maintenance during President Trump’s first term.

Big Ben restored on January 1, 2022.

CERN scheduled to reopen in March 2022. Claims from multiple sources state CERN was destroyed 3 minutes prior to Christmas 2021 by earthquake.


Global Economic Crisis:

Sun. 2 Jan. 2022 6pm EST #Evergrande suspends reading in Hong Kong (Bloomberg). 

Evergrande owns 80% of China’s Real Estate when it crashes, so does Tether which is tied to BTC & United States Dollar. Everything Crashes.

POTUS said 17000 times that BidAn will crash the economy like no one has ever seen before. Global Stock Market will also be Cyber Attacked.

Evergrande is tied to Rio Tinto & BHP in Australia. (Q TELLS YOU ABOUT STEEL). Evergrande is owned by Blackrock & Vanguard. Evergrande is a Front for the Mossad, Mi5 & CIA. Evergrande is responsible for paying for Rigged Elections Worldwide for a very long time. Think E013848 & EO13959


Angel Askew

This is old news.


Has some new updates Today– Go to Article We need towhen it’s totally ended-

Bloomberg -January 2, 2022, 5:14 PM PST Updated on January 3, 2022, 4:08 AM PST


“The Supreme Court has canceled universal vaccination. Bill Gates, US Chief Infectious Disease Specialist Fauci and Big Pharma have lost a lawsuit in the US Supreme Court, failing to prove that all of their vaccines over the past 32 years have been safe for the health of citizens!” …Senator Robert F. Kennedy

“A society that keeps cures a secret so they can continue to sell medication for huge profits is not a real society, but a huge mental asylum.” …Dr. Sebi

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

The Supreme Court has canceled universal vaccination. 

On 6 Dec. Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Melinda Gates, William Gates III, and twelve others accused of numerous violations of the Nuremberg Code in a stunning 46-page legal filing to the International Criminal Court. These included various crimes against humanity and war crimes as defined by the Rome Statutes, Articles 6, 7, 8, 15, 21, and 53

See full article Here:

The Covid Pathogen Is Not A Vaccine, Is Unsafe, And Must Be Avoided At All Costs

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

Psa 10:11 He hath said in his heart, God hath forgotten: he hideth his face; he will never see it.
According to the court declaration and the Epstein flight logs, Virginia Roberts Giuffre was trafficked by Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell to QEII’s son for sex with him in London on 03/09/01; the photo with him and Maxwell in it was developed 03/12/01.
In the same spring season she was in New York to have sex with the Duke at Epstein’s New York home.
Giuffre was trafficked by Epstein on 04/11/01 to have sex with the dark prince on Little Saint James before he left on Easter Sunday to spend a shortened holiday with the mother of his kids in the Bahamas. The trip was supposed to be from 04/12/01 to 04/15/01, but Andrew spent time at Epstein’s mansion in palm Beach instead of New in New York from where he was supposed to fly to meet his family members.




Not,… Preferred an outright Hanging


Thank you Mr Douglas! They go back to college in 2 weeks. I enjoy having them back home but they must spread their wings and fly.




Today’s jabbed up China virus cases:

NJ Governor Murphy’s wife.

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin.

Good times.

Angel Askew

I hope that is really code for: they are now detained!


It’s not code Angel, they just caught covid. Also since they’re vaccinated their symptoms are reportedly mild and they will probably be just fine in a few days.

Lucky Star

If not a code, show us where are James Comey,Bill the rapist Clinton and rumshit?


No, you Are Wrong again,
115 arrests have been completed.!
Your friends are headed to Tribunal.
It SUCKS to be you………

Buck fiden

I want 500,000 communists executed publicly. We need to watch the Execution Channel, which will show the crime, evidence, and demise of the deep state players.

Make it cable-subscription-PPV if you must, but I’d rather see PBS/NPR repurposed to do nothing but non-stop broadcasting of these stories.


it’s code for arrested or ankle bracelets

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

Who made up this code ?


Jay…you sound as his doctor…… no he is now in the hand of …God


I think that you are Right, it is code For they have been detained.




It didn’t work sej, try again


yes, please do.


It worked, copy 10-4


Good job avoiding the jab. Not like it causes variants or killed kids. Keep up the good work my heartless friends!

Angel Askew

You’re a backwards ass.
The unvaxxed majorily had Covid and are now immune.
Jabbed people are making themselves sick and with every new booster will be slowly killing themselves.
Jabbing the kids is just pure evil and stupid.
The data was always bad.
Hospitals are complete slaughterhouses.



Rob William

Survival of the fittest!


i’m sick and died several times thanks to the jab!!!

Buck fiden

So now you’re BORN AGAIN!!! Glad you saw the light.


Great news,
The detained are getting the one way trip to Gitmo !



Buck fiden

That fucking nigger still breathes?


owd Next Week hopefully Gitmo Trial


In Response to Illegals Arriving in PA Airports, Governor Wolf Sidesteps Claims and Says “Children Passed Through”

The satanic pedophile sicko admits he’s receiving children for the rituals.

Chris Russ

A friend in Allentown said the were outside of the Casino. They must be providing rooms at the casino hotel for them. Wonder if they wore masks on the flight and in the bus? I bet not.


Rooms for the satanic pedophile sickos.


madison cawthorne went to a st petersburg casino. they must be providing rooms with adrenochrome there


So sick—
Someone find those children


I agree. They don’t even try to hide it anymore.


nope. adrenochrome is dope


won’t someone from this wordpress blog do something?

Chris Russ

They are adults, mostly military aged men, very few if any children.


nothing says “pro-life” like refusing illegals for our adrenochrome usage

Rob William

All these people who are able to create nano robots for vaccine are unable to create synthetic adrenochome? what is the psychoactive chemical in it? Hopefully it’s not something metaphysical.




I don’t care what these DS Bastards want–
TRUMP WON it’s ALL over for them–
We are NOW moving into a different world
‘cos the DS has been bankrupt & finalized Dec 31.

Ignor their BS desperation. They’re like cornered wild animals ‘ cos they know they’ve lost.

Instead of bringing here negative lying MSM—
figure out how to move smoothly into a changing world.
It’s going to be a bit rough for a seaon as changes happen.

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

“NOW something will happen soon. Ignore all the other things i said in 2021”


Shill–it’s already in the works and happening–just need to hear the EBS FROM STARLINK…


oooooooh ok. from starlink. lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

i heard an ebs the other day – it was my bank account getting fatter


Its too late, trying to change sides now,


EBS today? Re set of everything? Cowboys lost?


Lying shill


Well it’s a fact the Cowboys lost and you always say EBS is imminent . Starlink is a nice touch.

Buck fiden

This new place has shit internet! I hope Starlink® gets online soon. I need to download some depressing documentaries.

Buck fiden

So, on the 5th of January, 5G starts.
On the 6th of January, Trump gives a rally.

Upon what day will we have the ten days of darkness/Trump takeover of the airwaves with EBS broadcasts/and even RRN goes down?


Eagles won though. I wonder what Trump is trying to tell us with an Eagles win…

Buck fiden

The beaners play “Heads or Tails” with their coins, too: they call it “Eagle or Sun.” On older Beaner coins, one side has the Eagle (Águila) and the other side has a beaner temple with the Sun (Sol) over it. I think 2022 will be a “heads I win, tails you lose” kind of year for the American people.

Lucky Star

Where are your idol, James comey and Bill the rapist Clinton???

Rob William

Either you believe in everything Zee says or you are a communist 😀😀😀

Last edited 2 years ago by Rob William

and a pedo!

Buck fiden

“You’re either with us or you’re against us” says the ex-president who will soon meet his end at Gitmo.

Lucky Star

If the news here is not real, show us where are James Comey and your lovely Bill the rapist Clinton??? Can you show us, retard boy?

Buck fiden

We all know that all stories on RRN are always true.


Nothing’s going to change, Zee

Rob William

Zee is an eternal optimist!

Buck fiden

After or before the stock market crashes and gasolin reaches $20/gallon?

Buck fiden

I’m using the same IP Address I had when I was in Phoenix because it is a cloaking device (aka VPN). Costs $2 something per month. There are a dozen of them.

Buck fiden

That’s the spirit! Happy New Year, JB!


Their attack on Us has been multi tiered. Our offense is multi tiered. I enjoy the Art of the Insult because it’s fun. Very important and fun.

Drum roll please……….

Catturd and il Donaldo Trumpo Receive The 2022 GETTR Awards for Best Troll and Best Memes

Good times.


Wait some more–Its not the beg of the work week yet


That POS convicted BUSH only has TWO days Left.

Sandy Koufax

Hangman, hangman, hold it a little while
Think I see my friends coming
Riding a many mile
Friends did you get some silver?
Did you get a little gold?
What did you bring me my dear friends
To keep me from the gallows pole?
What did you bring me to keep me from the gallows pole?

I couldn’t get no silver, I couldn’t get no gold
You know that we’re too damn poor
To keep you from the gallows pole

J Bill

You got solid gold there.


My sources are hinting at a presidential pardon .


LOL, …YOu Wish…


you are humorous…more than I thought……

Rob William

Or allow an alternate punishment like Socrates – become the CEO Deep State Inc™


great news…


When NESARA/GESARA kicks in your lawyers is gonna be obsolite, “The Bar” will be done away with…because it is part of the dethroned british crown. The Bar has always been working and making money for the british crown.


….jimmy are really lucky boy…they did not show up in your house and did some flogging…hmmmmm


TDS, Trump Derangement Syndrome is one example of mass formation psychosis.

The inflicted yell but I hear baaaaaaaaaaa!


What about a bunch of people believing everyone they see on TV is a hologram/actor mimicking a dead person, could that be considered a mass formation psychosis? 🤔


You watch TOO much TV.
Don’t you KNOW that you are being BRAIN WASHED, by
PROPAGANDA designed to control your thoughts. ?


I don’t watch any TV, Wildcat. I literally don’t even own a TV tuner or have a cable subscription.


Your comment about three hours ago , makes that hard to believe……sort of baseless. But if you say so….
I know from the outside of a carton of cigarettes that the Surgeon general has determined that smoking causes cancer, yet for sixty years plus, people IGNORE the warnings, and smoke anyway..
When I informed my Grandfather of this he told me that he would die with a cigarette in his hand, I told him that I would Die with a chocolate bar in mine.! He did., and I will.
BTW I don’t have a TV or cable either, I don’t smoke or drink . No DRUGS. I avoid Doctors. Like the Plague.


Good for you Wildcat–no wonder you have a clear mind

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

Well to be fair to your grandfather, nicotine is a physically addictive substance, which makes it significantly harder to quit even when wanting to and fully knowing the long term health effects.

But yeah tv is mostly junk, I haven’t had a tuner for several years and I really do not miss it. It’s like 50% commercials, most shows are terribly uncreative or centered around being essentially advertisements themselves, cable news is mostly time-filler speculation or opinion crap. I only know when Tom Hanks hosts SNL or Adam Schiff gives a press conference or something because I see that stuff on twitter.


Yeah, 👨👍


You can learn a lot from twitter and facebook.

Lucky Star

Where are James Comey, Bill Clinton ?



J Bill

They are like “men on fire…”


Both have been in body bags since last year.
I bet they are very Ripe about now, or sleeping with the


Yes that must be it


Exactly, I see that we agree,…finally getting somewhere…


Even from a distance, I can clearly see that many trolls and shills
And bots. That validate these articles everyday by just their comments, that they suffer from TDS.
What a bunch of sheep………

Lucky Star

👍 👍 👍


Fauci says the vaccinated and boosted should not go out in public spaces.

He also admits that democrat special interest groups are steering his guidance.

You can’t make this shit up.

I bet the jabbed follow his orders. They are sheep with mass formation psychosis.


“I was just following orders” is not gonna cut it. He will be hanged after all is said and done.


More and more people are demanding his execution. The People are ready watch that happen.






Nothing will happen .


Something is always happening,
Mass arrests, that’s interesting.

Lucky Star

Where are James Comes and Bill the rapist Clinton?


right over there






b0fa these nuts lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


I am ready

Angel Askew

Fauci, the board of Pfizer, blackrock, vanguard, FDA, CDC, IBF, who, wef, dod, man fruck ALL of these money worshipping snakes.
I really need to see some ebs twilight zone type of satisfaction. Wednesday will do just fine.
I just received an invitation to move to a beautifulself sustaining farm in Guatemala. I do not want to go.




you need a vacation from the internet


He’s a joke. He’s flip flopped stories many times and people still listen for some insane reason. Much like “trust the science”. Yeah, the science tells us the filtering ability of medical masks and the size of the virus. In short, the numbers prove masking is pointless. And Fraudci well knows it. It’s all about control through fear. He’s held the world hostage and it’s way past time he goes down.


You’re the Joker Shill
How much do they pay you to screw with us?

Lucky Star

10 cents for any reply


Seach engines show shills get around $2000 a month


not even close. I’m the three time troll champion of RRN. do you think i would sell my body for $2k a month? lmaooo no


Ok, so now you’re defending Fauci? Wow…. your lunatic ass can’t even pick a side anymore.

Angel Askew

Absolutely agree. AND they are making the youngest children dumber. They need to see faces in order to learn facial gestures and expressions.

Let alone the bacterial infections caused.

I do not understand the hostility toward you….


This is the first time in history that the ineffectiveness of a medicine
Those capable of critical thinking ,
REMEMBER that FACT, when ANYONE says that the UNVAXED are the problem.
THE MEDIA and the Government And PHARMACEUTICAL companies
and your fAMILY


Going back over 150 years ago…..

Eugenics Since 1763–64: Britain Waged Biological Warfare With Smallpox in Blankets Given to Tribes of American Indigenous Peoples.

Be aware they’ve all been re-writing history for over 2000 years

This is not the first in history that a Bio-Weapon, mis-named a vaccine has been rolled out to the world populations as Eugenics, in reality ,against the world’s people. This attempt is larger than Hitler’s attempt (Nuremberg trials 1947 & Nuremberg II Cvd. 2021-2)

But, THIS IS the first time in history that the ineffectiveness of the so called Vaccine (a Bio-Weapon) IS BEING BLAMED ON THOSE THAT ARE HEALTHY AND REFUSED TO TAKE THE POISON.



PHARMA right now is the Governing Body –It’s all about EUGENICS AND MONEY.——-

& Worse Future Intentions–
—– for those Jabbed with Nano Tech computing —
DS Pharma Nano Tech …,Don’t want the real you that they are killing–they want your bodies to house their AI.

Now let’s see how many Pharma Shills jump on me for this one

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee
Angel Askew

I believe if nothing happens this week, they are going to switch the narrative and go after the real sheep (ie: the vaxxed).


“if nothing happens tomorrow, something will probably happen soon”

J Bill

Yes TW! He was indicted in World Court December 6, 2021: Restored Republic today January 2, 2022


I saw that. Fauci knows.


So pleased to see you guys going there for the REAL NEWS…..

Also there was:

“The revolution is NOT televised but the revelations will be. Right now military tribunals are secret and hidden. But soon it will all be revealed to public.” …Trump+Q Great Awakening World.”




If you look at the International Court of Justice website you will see there is nothing there about Fauci. In fact only three cases introduced in 2021. Easy research.


Lying shill


Check it Zee.

J Bill

Like Military Tribunals, public scrutiny is not always possible.
And I called your banker who said he never heard of you either.

Last edited 2 years ago by J Bill

“Never was “shouting PEDO…” once at you or others.”

Trump lost says the same a few comments later lulz

Ahhh the good old days when b0fa and z4ne owned you daily



Those guys were real legends 🏆


Nice touch on a Sunday night. Try tomorrow when they are open. It’s Robert you want.

Chris Russ

Buy an umbrella then the manufacturer tells you not to use it in the rain.


I just got a laugh. Now the prediction is Hildabeast and AOC competing for the 24 nomination. A career criminal who’s secret sercice detail has to keep scraping off the pavement and a bartender who would lose a debate with a potato. This is beyond pitiful. Time for the dems to close up shop and go home.

Daughter of the American Revolution

That’s a scary notion to me – if you saw just how many AOC clones live in So Cal, that communist tool really does have a massive constituency. So they’d play her off a CGI Hildebeast and rig the election so AOC wins. At this point I wouldn’t say that was impossible, considering what they’ve already pulled off. They really do want a banana republic and elimination of our founding values and dare I say it, yes, especially Protestant Christian people.


I’ll never understand her following. She cost NY 25,000 jobs and those idiots gave her another term. That right there is why we need a law called criminal stupidity.

Daughter of the American Revolution

I should correct my last statement – she has a large urban following, most likely (all of the following, chronic welfare-system abusers)… illegals, those who want land for ‘la raza’, entitled lowlife/loose women, angry tv-watching single mothers with kids from multiple sperm-donors, drug-users, woke millenials. The usual 0bama-created democrat supporters who simply want more free everything. That said…Most likely she got into Congress via rigged election, like most of the democrats in recent decades. None of them care about the 25,000 lost jobs.

Our Constitution and laws simply need to be enforced, but that will require an utter scouring of our systems.

Last edited 2 years ago by Daughter of the American Revolution

Shill, lets keep it positive–don’t need to publish MSM BS HERE


we should push RRN and geocities sites here


I see, I picked on AOC and apparently you’re a fan since you want to attack me over my remarks. Can’t pick a side now? You have more personalities than an assylumn.

Sandy Koufax

Theresa Barnwell will never become President.

Lucky Star

Don’t overestimate democrats slick whacky will. They will do anything at any cost.

Angel Askew

They let Xiden’s double swear in!


slick whacky will”


oh thank goodness. now the REAL HRC double can get paid


From Robert Malone’s article on Mass Formation Psychosis.

Studies suggest that mass formation follows a general distribution:

30% are brainwashed, hypnotized, indoctrinated by the group narrative

40% in the middle are persuadable and may follow if no worthy alternative is perceived

30% fight against the narrative. (Me, Survivor)

Angel Askew

Excellent post, TW.
We must fight against this to save all children!!
I watched his entire 3hr interview on Rogan this a.m. haha!!

Air man

If we can’t start “arresting in mass” the main players in this overthrow of the United States quickly, I fear that our country has little time left to stop it.


Just who would do the arresting in mass ? Would it be kept a secret and if so how?


I say screw the secrecy. It needs to be public info. It’s the only thing that will wake people up. They need to see the criminals they trusted being prosecuted and taken down.


Call me crazy but I don’t think it’s going to happen . The deep state will somehow keep everything secret .

Angel Askew

Civil arrests and detention must start of local elected officials by a united citizenry immediately.
Ignore the weak compliant sheep. No able bodied adult who seeks truth is buying the Pfizer/Government narrative anymore. Time IS up.
Check in with your local Sheriff’s office and check their stance on matters….

Angel Askew

Imho this is where all roads seem to lead.


I agree. What are you waiting for Angel, go arrest and detain your local government officials!


The patriotic thing to do .

Rob William





You too Zee, what’s stopping you from getting out the ol’ handcuffs and heading over to City Hall?


Civil arrests and detention will never happen . Too many laws and lawyers .

Angel Askew

You simply refuse to comprehend what is happening here.
It’s become very sad, honestly.


No I am living in the real world and realize what can and cannot be done . You will never get other people to do this as long as it’s illegal . Behind keyboards they are very brave but it stops there .


Exile, whatever you say, it is not being heard…because your colors are already seen and no one wants anything to do with you…even when you say something civil. You’re rot to the rest of us and that goes for the rest of the treasonous trolls…they and you are rot. you have nothing of importance to say to anyone, no one takes you seriously except your trail of trolls.

Last edited 2 years ago by AmericanFaith

Very well, when civilians rise up and make arrests and don’t get prosecuted I will admit you are correct . I can wait .


No, you can’t wait…you still spill out shit. you can’t help yourselves.


I think waiting is the only way to see if predictions will come true . Re installment day ? EBS? I must be in good company .

J Bill

Well said AmericanFaith.


Well said AmericanFaith — Good handle btw

Lucky Star

Where are James Comey and Bill the rapist Clinton?


Bermuda .


Dis-information TROLL SHILL


Angel have you noticed as things are changing–trolls and shilla are writing weaker garbage?


Not I. Just as witty and droll as usual.

J Bill

The US Constitutional Republic in effect January 1, 2022.
~ Restored Republic via GCR 1/1/2022

  • Constitutional Law of the US Republic applies.
  • No more “bar” Admiralty Law, courts, lawyers.

You should read it. But you probably already have...


Right, let’s just see what happens in the courts this week. No one knows or cares about it even if were true. Restored Republic?


YeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeS !!!!!!!



The Declaration of Independence is my birth certificate.


So women can’t vote or earn money anymore? Nice!


All the laws in America have been replaced because a website told us so 🙃


SHILL !!!! YES YES & YES ‘cos it’s it was in the Rules for Nesara / Gesara. It’s rules are now being put in place..


Ok so where are they?


Rules? Oh I need to see them.


…and you know what great Shakespeare……said about them

J Bill

“… first… we get rid of all the lawyers..”



J Bill

Happy New Year Sejmon! All the Best 2022!!


The bad ones, while the lawyers wiith good intent must attend re-training in NATURAL LAW—DITTO Judges….. Many will see Military trials

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

Can you provide a link?

J Bill

Better yet, a simple formula:


(politics = “rules for me, but not for thee”)


FIrst you ask your Sheriff if he truly follows the Constituion FULLY many don’t Quoted by sheriff Mack

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

TILL 01/05/22…?????


Its Done You are only watching the Pantomine


No matter how much the stories here give us hope that justice is being enacted, the fictional accounts of justice being served just seem to make sense in the world we live in now where evil is rewarded, good is punished and intentions are obscured. Some believe that any reasonable doubt as to the veracity of these articles (stories, etc) is equated with an association with Deep State operatives or agendas. The truth is that outside of Jesus Christ, this country has no hope of recovery because we are at the end of it all.

These stories quell the justified anger of those who watched the big tech, media and pharma companies not only buy the 2020 election, imprison innocent protestors from Jan 6th, and rig a trial against a teenager who was defending himself from being murdered. Justified, legitimate anger that would naturally erupt into legitimate rebellion against this communist backed regime.

There will be executions, there will be ‘trials’ but these DS cover stories keep you all fat and happy. Maybe when your family is being lined up against the wall to be shot, you will realize how much bullshit you have been ‘cheering’ for when what you should have been doing is begin citizen arresting DS players and leading the Second American Revolution. Good luck with that. Remember not everyone here who doesn’t swallow MB’s stories are your enemy. Some are friends you just aren’t aware of.


Trump confirmed Hillary. Said it straight out, “don’t worry about her she went away.”

Seems you are only half awake, I hope this helps.


The ability to observe and deduce that a person is alive and well based on live appearances (not fakeable with CGI) is not a matter of awake vs asleep, it’s just reality. I wish she were dead, wish her dramatic execution was real, she deserves it. I just don’t believe it when 9 out of 10 executed traitors are out and about at rallies, hearings and in public. Show me where and when he said that. unless of course it was a quote from another RRN article and then don’t bother.

J Bill

” The ability to observe and deduce that a person is alive and well based on live appearances…”

You were there too? Ah, didn’t think so…




He said it on one of PDJT rallies -when everyone shout- lock her up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




David is Shill #11 on Top 13 worst.
And #31 of 70 on long List

Dave Troll #53
David68_00 Shill #62


Shill #11


Where did you find that? I’d like to see it. Got me curious now.


Early 2021. Search.


The trolls are too lazy to research for themselves…they’re stupid.


Is it so hard for someone to reference what they claim? Anyone can make claims. I’ve never seen this and am honestly curious. You extremists yell at others to show proof but don’t want to back up your own words. Come on…. stop the stupid insults and discuss. When someone shows honest interest, meet them half way and keep the troll comments to yourself. No reason to be a dickhead. TW was civil, what’s your excuse?

Last edited 2 years ago by david68_00

first off MB does NOT let us share links…or I would put links to everything I say…but when I do, MB cancels/censors them. I don’t have to do shit for you troll to believe…I know what is going on, because I’ve been following this since the liar obama got on the scene and know more about the criminal politicians in DC than any of your lazy ass trolls. Because I do the research…I prove it to myself so no one can talk me out of what I know to be facts. YOU ARE JUST HERE AS A INSTIGATOR TROLL, and nothing we give you will satisfy you lazy ass. If anyone claims something its up to each one of us, to find out the truth for ourselves.
And by the way, YOU have never proved what you say either with links or otherwise.

Last edited 2 years ago by AmericanFaith

AmericanFaith and others….You CAN place links here as long as you remove the ‘dot‘ before ‘com
I also remove https/wwwDOT.

i.e enter links like this
realrawnewsDOTcom/ etc etc etc

Make sure you’ve cleaned it of active hidden link– copy’n paste into browser addres bar and repeat copy’n paste. Then drop into comments.

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

Thank You Zee, good to know about the cleaning part…I tried the DOT com thing, but the comment would end up not getting posted anyways.


This is a nasty disbelieving Troll bad attitude


YES..he said that..I remember….wander if all those hrc actors will be arrested…


Sej, do you have any references? I’ll ask you since you’re at least civil when folks ask an honest question. I’d like to see it as I don’t remember it. And if course see the entire context to see how he meant it. Would be nice if folks would offer up a link instead of shouting troll when someone shows honest interest. These folks need to lighten up.


DAVID 68…I do not have a links but I would not lie to anyone if I did not hear that……also he PDJT has been bit a say that…

Last edited 2 years ago by sejmon

The link seems to be wackwack trusemebroDOTcom


Do your research SHILL


Famous last words for someone who doesn’t have crap to offer. Cop out and put the burden of proof on the person you want to convince. Put up or shut up Zee. Dang your repettetive ranting is getting old. Sejmon is being civil, why can’t you? Oh, that’s right. Because you’re a freakin psycho hatebag.

Last edited 2 years ago by david68_00

go away then…but NO you still want to hear and whine about it…GO THE FCK AWAY IF YOU DON’T LIKE IT…BUT YOU WON’T…YOU WILL SIT HERE AND WHINE LIKE THE REST OF THE TROLLS.



Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

This entire thread is hilarious: MB truthers vs skeptics and the reasons in the OP are the equivalent of tucker carlson being on RRN.

Literally everything is wrong and that’s why I come here lmao


It’s going to new highs or is it lows?


DAVID Shill = original #11 on Long List od 71

Take your evil negativity away — doomed one ! shame on You


If you can’t tell the difference between those here making fun of you for believing the truth about the media cabal, the election, and covid lies and those who are simply asking questions and pointing out factual inconsistency issues with these articles then there really is no hope for you. Asking questions is not evil, it’s curiosity. By refusing to answer questions and shouting SHILL then hiding in the corner, you are basically doing what the libs are doing, shouting down even the most reasoned logical points because they know the real answer isn’t something anyone wants to hear. Again, I WANT these articles to be true, but they just. . . aren’t. So you keep up your wanton disregard for facts and if the day comes I am proven wrong, I will be as happy as you.


What happens when you drain a swamp?

You can see what lurked beneath the murky water.

Mission accomplished!

J Bill

Exactly! Shipwrecks, rusted out hulls, and rat skeletons

Good times!


And lots of slime.

J Bill


Angel Askew

I wonder if all the Globalists and the political sellouts were executed would that reach the depopulation numbers they seek? Starting to look that way.


The globalists want 13 out of 14 humans dead. The swamp is deep and wide but not that deep. Humans outnumber the globalists by a lot.


I saw on Facebook that we will have secret executions of January 6th rioters THIS January 6th to send a message to anyone thinking of a repeat. Of course this will be leaked but MSM will not report on it.


How will the deserving public ever find out ?




Let me check .


Most people will not be able to accept that this is happening and we will need to keep it out of the main stream news. Haters will claim that I am not telling the truth.


haters, of which there are many, hate to admit ted is correct


The burden he must bear or is it wear ?

Angel Askew

1/23/22 defeatthemandatesdcDOTorg
Global protest day of all mandates and vaxx passes.
You should attend and not just witness from your kitchen window, Teodoro.


My kitchen window faces the Atlantic Ocean.

Angel Askew

How to take back our sell out governments.

Also, Freemason Lodges are now being set on fire. Burn all the rats or construction demolition of all of them!!


I remember years ago someone told me to do a search for free mason. I bet these days most of what I read has likely been deleted considering the level of censorship we are seeing. Anyway, I spent most of a weekend at the computer reading. It’s Satanism under cover all the way. They mimic but twist the word. I read a testimonial of a man who was a pastor in the mason church. He spoke of all the levels, the secret gestures and such. He said one day he was doing a service he had done many times when the spirit of the Lord gave him revelation as to what he was actually saying. He felt sick and struggled to finish. When it was over, he walked out the door and down the road to a real chuch and gave his life to Christ. And of course. When you read up on the mason deception it leads you to learning about the illuminati. It’s crazy how wicked thy are and how much they control. We come here and talk about a battle for the white house but ultimately it’s a battle of good vs evil.



Angel Askew

It really is.
The world is waiting to see what the “Americans with guns” do to not fall to communism OR will we?????


So what happened last Thursday? Did they finish up Newsom’s Tribunal?
Inquiring minds wants to know.


See MB’s posts on Telegram.

J Bill

Probably. My guess? It went from bad to worse…




It’s Done: We are gold backed and are again WE THE PEOPLE & Return of the Original Constitution

Restored Republic via a GCR as of January 2, 2022Sunday, 2 January 2022, 0:37 AM

Compiled Sun. 2 Jan. 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW,

Restored Republics to be Installed Across the Globe via a Global Currency Reset

Judy Note: “They Flipped the Switch: Global Reset, GESARA/NESARA activated! It’s time! It’s happening! The switch has been turned. It all started in London” …Q
The Cabal’s US Inc, Crown, Vatican and their Central Banks now dead.

“Midnight Fri. Dec. 31 London’s Big Ben bell didn’t ring. They turned the switch like in V for Vendetta. Then the complete system and power structure collapse. Kaboom!
This marker means they flipped the switch!
We are FREE now!
Awesome news for Q Annons and People.

The corrupt dictatorial Globalist power structures has been turned OFF. January 1st is Basel 3 London deadline. Means all banks need to be backed by Gold or they will closed. So they activate the new QFS Quantum Financial System backed by Gold.

Happy New Year!

It all starts now in 2022! It’s a new beginning. Global RESET GESARA NESARA Activated! The People victory! Commonwealth Game Over! Congratulations everyone.

“The harvest is them committing the crimes in plain sights for us to see and to caught, collect them all, go after them and suing them for their crimes, and then arresting them all at the same time with indictments and warrants. They are ALL going down so fast right now. Watch the show! You will love how this movie ends.

The revolution is NOT televised but the revelations will be. Right now military tribunals are secret and hidden. But soon it will all be revealed to public.” …Trump+Q Great Awakening World.

  • White Hats are in Control.
  • Your money is safe in the bank and will be transferred to the new Metal Backed Treasury Notes worth more than it does now.
  • A Black Swan Event will create the biggest Stock Market crash in human history. So better get out now, leave your money in the bank, buy gold and silver, or buy cryptos like XRP and XLM by the new CBDCs ISO20022 US regulated Basel 3 compliant (Backed by Gold).
  • Phase IV is the End Game. There is no Step 5. The End. Q
  • We’re taking over this year. …El Donaldo Trumpo
Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

Oh what could possibly go wrong? Sell all your stock. None of this is true nor will it come to be true. Beware. Zee just throws everything she reads up against the wall to see if any of it sticks. I am forwarding this list to my banker tomorrow to get his opinion. I suggest everyone does the same.


I know Glenn Beck has spoken a lot on the subject of the reset and many conservative hosts are encouraging everyone to buy gold. I know they have paid advertizers, but they talk it up more than just commercial plugs.

Last edited 2 years ago by david68_00

I hate to break it to you, but YOU are in for a BIG Surprise


Bring it on . If it happens I will congratulate you . When?


We’re taking over this year. …El Donaldo Trumpo

Oh cool, a meme account says THIS is the year lmao…


Has Pepe the Frog weighed in on this yet? Personally I feel that his confirmation would lend this claim more credibility 🙃


YES, They might even arrest people You Know !


Zee, you’re scaring the crap out of the pedophiles.

I told everyone many times I got my first notice of settlement/repetitions on the 24th.

Subtle and small at first.

Good times


A note about our convo last night. Short internet interruption.


Who was the notice from ? The quantum financial reset people ?


Don’t worry, you won’t get any notice.


Sure I will. I paid all the same type of bills that you did. Why should there be a difference?

J Bill

Because of President Trump’s EO 13818. You should read it…


I’ve done nothing . I would never be charged . I know what you speak of . If this is what the quantum financial reset is about then I know it’s not true . Thanks for the reveal.


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, Exile, but according to my sources the military has already issued warrants charging us with 1st Degree Posting. 💀


Curses! I will appeal if convicted . Sidney Powell and Rudy will be my attorneys .


This GESARA/NESARA does have rules on how the payout will be done, and by the way your postings on this one, shows you and the rest of you trolls are not ready for any kind of payout (Maybe thats why MB is letting you run your mouths, LOL)…the payout is gonna be under certain conditions, but if you are a beligerant, anti America, or trouble maker, they might look closely before they give out any payout. Trolls beware, lol.
Exile, there is a little bit of good news for you and the trolls, that if MB IS putting out miss information, MB would also be running the risk of missing out.

Last edited 2 years ago by AmericanFaith

Just who would determine who the pay outs go to? It can’t be a judgement system, everyone has to get it. Can you imagine the uproar and lawsuits if it was not? Maybe the Biden administration does the determination. I still don’t think NESARA is a law, it was not introduced to Congress and no, Clinton was not forced to sign it by the military. NESARA scam has been around for years, its cyclical.


You can cry foul all you want…won’t change a thing. And yes NESARA/GESARA has been around for year, waiting for everything to be in place and the right time to get implemented…DUH…If you know anything about it, it has been stopped many times, by murders. Your DS pals don’t want it to go through, because they will all be broke…thats why many banks are closing shop.

Last edited 2 years ago by AmericanFaith

Who introduced it to Congress ? Who would pass it ? There is no proof it is a law. I don’t think a law has to wait for everything to be in place and the right time to be implemented . Laws do not work like that , no other laws do . It’s either in or out can’t be stopped . Banks and stock market doing very well .

J Bill

True dat!




Many respected voices are speaking out warning of the global reset. I wouldn’t be so fast to brush it off. The debt is insane and the way our govt keeps printing out money like toilette paper, it’s got to blow up in our faces sooner or later. We can’t keep writing bad checks forever and expect them to keep cashing.

Last edited 2 years ago by david68_00

Government corp. is bankrupt because they printed the worthless money…and paid trolls will be waiting for their pay a long time…

Angel Askew

Banks that chose not to back themselves in gold will close. BoA and WF will be redemption centers is my understanding. The way we know banking will be a thing of the past.

I believe the battle still lies in how much money Biden can keep printing to float us in order to do next level damage or is white Hats shutting it all down Wed. 1/5th to flip the switch to new monetary system, new government and Trump gets to announce it on Thursday 1/6th?

Nucking Futs…


We be spending the pedos illegal gains.

J Bill

As much as I hate to do that… let the good times roll!


No, we should think of it as spending what they stole from us…That’s our gains. I agree with J Bill…Let the good times roll!



Last edited 2 years ago by sejmon

We did it guys, NESARA/GESARA/Global Quantum Reset is finally here!!! 🎉🎉🎉

It’s uh… just invisible I guess? 🤷‍♂️


EBS will explain it all. Stay tuned .


Still no EBS here . What can one count on now ?

Sandy Koufax

Mass formation psychosis.


Trending. 🙂


It better be over real soon


Good question
Social engineering -dumbing down- take chemicals–Watch Hollyweird BS – Play war games – have sex


wooow…glad to hear that swinehunz… more stinky pants….


All the dipshits that hang on every word this grifting conman says are going to be butthurt once you figure out you have been had by this ass Mike “Baxter’.

David T

That is only your opinion and nothing else. No apparent factual connection to reality of any kind.






They are willingly playing along with this fan fiction site.


Nobody cares what you think. Go home to mommy.



Angel Askew

Independent and critical thinking will always be priceless.

Angel Askew



To be fair though many of them will not be butthurt because they will never figure out. They’ll just spend the rest of their lives believing that every single person they see on TV is a body double hologram or whatever.


Who still watches T.V.


I don’t myself, but just referring to how “dead” people like HRC and Tom Hanks and Adam Schiff and etc etc keep showing up in public over and over long after their “executions”.

J Bill

Don’t be so hard on yourself J11. One day you’ll wake up…


Hang that SOB demon and let’s get on with other more important news. KCUF pedo Newsome. Execute that bastard.

Incorrigible skeptic

Zee I feel your dilemma! Those that are supposed to be near and dear are sending conflicting messages! I’m not certain what it means, just remember to hold tight! We’ll know when we’re supposed to know!!!! BTW Have a great new year!!!!!


Thanks you also

Incorrigible skeptic

Don’t you self doubt! Many rely on your strength and conviction! It’s always darkest before the dawn.


redone…ignor similar

Thanks you also Inco.

But remember ditigital soldiers tell us NOT to sit back and just hope it all goes away on its own. We have to put the light on untruth and help Trump-– help by showing up the bad players around him– We The People have to know all now–we are not slaves any more to DS to be scewed.all over again.

We have to be a part of assisting the cleaning of the Swamp


Not knowing if I can trust anymore anyone who is against Lin Wood –i.e Rittenhouse, Powell & Flynn– esp Flynn for his Globalist anti American Statements at a Church recently and not the first time this serious Catholic has done this.


Michael Flynn, former national security advisor in the Trump administration, is back in the news this weekend with another startling declaration. While speaking at the “Rewaken America” rally,

” Michael Flynn tonight: “If we are going to have one nation under God, which we must, we have to have one religion. One nation under God, and one religion under God.”

It is a deeply offensive and frankly unAmerican viewpoint. This country was founded (and has been defended) by people of many religions. Arlington cemetery has Christian, Jews, Muslim, and other faiths represented on the tombstones of those who gave the final measure of devotion to this country and its freedoms, including the freedom of religion. Thomas Jefferson famously declared “It does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no God.”
The posted clip is short and does not include the full context of Flynn’s remarks, which seem to include a discussion from Matthew in the Bible:

Jonathan Turley goes on to write

Flynn was pummeled by prosecutors to the point of bankruptcy and subjected to serious errors in prosecutorial and judicial misconduct for years. Despite my criticism of his prosecution, however, some of us noticed a rise of unhinged and undemocratic rhetoric from the former national security adviser. This includes comments that appeared to call for a military coup.

[S Powell also appeared to call for a military coup–zee.]

The comment about religion is equally reckless and hopefully Flynn will publicly correct it.

In any correction or clarification, Flynn would be wise to incorporate the words of Thomas Jefferson (who famously translated his personal copy of the Koran):

“The subject of religion, a subject on which I have ever been most scrupulously reserved, I have considered it as a matter between every man and his maker, in which no other, and far less the public had a right to inter-meddle.”

Jews fought in our revolution including Colonel Mordecai Sheftall and possible Brigadier general Moses Hazen (though his religion is still a matter of debate). The role of the Jewish community was honored by George Washington in a letter on August 17, 1790 to the Sephardic congregation of Newport, Rhode Island:

May the children of the stock of Abraham who dwell in the land continue to merit and enjoy the goodwill of the other inhabitants. While everyone shall sit safely under his own vine and fig-tree and there shall be none to make him afraid.

And later he write

However, that does not change the reckless and insulting meaning suggested by his [Flynn’s] words.

This country was based on the rejection of the “one religion” model. Indeed many of the colonists fled nations with such religious intolerance. Even with our guarantees of separation of church and state, such rhetoric can easily lead to sectarian divisions and even violence. That point was made by the great Edmund Burke who declared “Religious persecution may shield itself under the guise of a mistaken and overzealous piety.”

The Rest is Here: jonathanturleyDOTorg/2021/11/14/michael-flynn-we-must-have-one-religion/

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

Question ..In the way Trump plays 5D Chess and outs untruthful people ‘cos he wants WE THE PEOPLE to see and figure out for them selves what has gone so evil and badly wrong in this country that Military had him come in to CLEAN THE SWAMP….
Is this why Trump showed off Rittenhouse at Mar a Lago? Who needs being shown up for working against Trump and Lin wood who btw is not the bad guy, . But be aware and ask why are so many against Linn Wood Mr, Clean? Ask, who all are paying them to hurt Patriots and Trump? Why did all those Court filings by S. Powell go nowhere with some being called was.called sloppy by the Court and one caused her to have a Judge threaten to report her to the BAR to have her Law licence removed. She also had to walk back a few statements she the media. Were they really frivolous litigation filings anad statemenst? Who do we trust? We’ve been warned to be very discerning of the truth.
I just hope I am wrong. here, but right now after reading so much on all four people, Ritt, Flyn, Powell and Mr. clean, Lin Wood. I have very serious doubts about all except Lin Wood.

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee
Sandy Koufax

Rittenhouse had to spend 3 months in prison because of how his attorney John Peirce handled the donation money given to him by Lin Wood. Can’t say I blame him although I don’t think Lin Wood was to blame.

Angel Askew



Flynn’s religious stuff could be the Art of Negotiation. Start way higher than you expect to win as bargaining power. Settle for something in the middle, what you actually want. This could be about banning Muslims who hate us and refuse to assimilate.

Plus, Clif High theory, reaction from the public, where are We right now on religion.


J Bill

Re: Mike F’s position on religion – his stance might be at a higher level of “negotiation” or ordinary meaning than people assume. If it’s a means to an end, i.e. the end of devil worship/luciferianism then it has to be this way.

There’s no other way to avoid this. While accepting some can people remain agnostic without being a luciferian. Or atheist.

Most of these wild, left-of-center, radical beliefs were ushered in beginning with the woke movement. Now, some have to be forced to depart…permanently. To never be allowed back into civilization.


Better explanation than mine. Banning Muslims may be my wishful thinking. 🙂

J Bill

You’re right TW. Many assumed if only 1/2 a radical group is allowed into a country they’ll reform. Turns out… not!

I agree. They follow their roots and become dangerous. Unable to internalize personal strife, instead to to project it.

Angel Askew

As far as I recall, America was Christian until Clinton’s laxxed the immigration laws and Bill and Biden created Nafta. I believe they also got rid of English as the native language???
So deport all non-Christians? 🤔 I mean, that would solve a lot of problems at once, actually and give everyone a fresh start with gold backed countries everywhere….


And I’m hearing other bad things about flynn…don’t know if they are true, but hhmmmm…not good for flynn, doesn’t change much though, just maybe another traitor has been outed…or another patriot is being slandered, but source is or has been good. I’m hoping the WhiteHats are investigating these allegations.


Mr. Michael, Thank you for this article and I hope you have had a Happy New Year. I was wondering if you were going to do an article on Betty White who died a few days ago at 99. People are saying that she was known as the “Queen of Hollywood” and she was heavily into taking adrenochrome. I thank you for your response. 🙂


Oh stop.

Rob William

Are you at GTMO now? Do they allow you get bail or is it permanent custody? The lesson is that one should say yes unless they use the lasso of truth.


he’ll see jay there at gitmo. i’m sure they can still use the internet there.


Oh what a HAPPY DAY !
Did Lord Biden sign an Executive Order to slay that Evil Demonic
Dragon virus. !?


See images :Jeffery Epstein with Joe Biden, both smiling like Sylvester the Cat who just swallowed Tweety Bird. Source unknown.
HERE: fidosysopDOTorg/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/epstine-biden.webp

Pedophile Island Drone Videos Vanish AS Biden/Epstein Photo EmergesMORE: fidosysopDOTorg/21076/09/pedophile-island-drone-videos-vanish-as-biden-epstein-photo-emerges/


I’m gonna check that out. You’ve had some good recommendations. Thanks.

P.S. Save as much as you can to put on truth social next month.



BTW 1) Need help re Dr. Martin = Not Trusting = High Up Mason ? Found Page on this when you ask DDGo the question.

2) Also I am Trusting Lin Wood . DS going after him “cos he’s to. clean. That Rittenhouse guy looks like a Crisis actor to me. That crying–give me a break. Everything was cool until Rittenhouse changed lawyers AFTER Lin Wood found the Money for bail..Things leading up to the killing are questionable.
He travelled out of state to join tthis mob/Rally??? Lin Wood owes No money– he did the work and Rit. found another Lawyer…Who put those evil words into Rits mouth agaisnt Lin wood? The DS? . Any thoughts you guys?

Not happy about this war now after Rit. nasty words causing the rift to show between Flinn,& Powell against L Wood. I have doubts now about F & P ???.


I don’t know anything about Dr. Martin. I never needed anyone to explain anything covid to me. I ignored it all and I’m fine. I haven’t trusted doctors in years.

Rittenhouse trial seemed too good to be true with all of the theatrics. I think the country needed a morale boost. I agree with Lin Woods argument that Kyle was safer in detention. Kyle even said he made friends there. I really didn’t follow the case until the trial. I don’t spend much time on what could be a false flag.

Since I’m not on social media I don’t hear much about Flynn and Powell these days. I think it’s best to control our emotions and let the deep state and fake MAGA’s expose themselves. They always do.

I trust Trump and my circle.


DR Martin and not about CVD but about being a shill for DS Hi Mason–

LOOK UP Dr. David Martin – Controlled Opposition?HERE: staresattheworldDOTcom/2021/07/dr-david-martin-controlled-opposition/

Also his page is fiull of Symbols. Strange for a Doctor into Finanace more than Medical.

Also involving emotion–that’s dangerous. I am a full time researcher. . All must look at this in a cool very discerning way.

I see TRUMP as cut off frim the real outside world. Rallies only provide support. But we know about those that guarded him in the past and with wrong info and there has been . 40 – 50 attempts on his life etc etc

We need to do all that we can in our own way.

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

I agree, we need to do all we can in our own way…and mostly Pray, if any of you are praying people. “One man of you shall chase a thousand: for the LORD your GOD, He it is that fighteth for you, as he hath promised you.”

Incorrigible skeptic

The crying never bothered me. The green screen glitch were his foot melted into the carpet of the court aisle really did mess with me. Believe nothing that you hear and 1/2 of what you see.


Inco absolutely …did not know about green screen shit on his foot WOW . May be the false flag was not to let us see something going on else where


I was thinking they were using him to make a new law to take our rights of self defense away or something like that.


I totally agree.


I thought we agreed to a two day pause on comments.


The winter of severe illness and death has been cancelled. Fake Biden says he defeated the China virus.

Joy to the World.


Lets Go Brandon !!!!!!!


..and he ‘JB’ agreed…


A Really Must Watch — Info For what You’ll Need To Know

Interview With Clif High Explains A Lot of Answers To Many Questions–Zee

Devolution Power Hour      December 29

“Clif is brilliant and his analysis is top notch”.


  • When & How DJT Came into his role
  • & Much More




Looks like katy perry is going the way of alec baldwin and bette midler…destroy the body ( or imprison it for life), then destroy the legacy…the net takeaway from her ” temporary vegas residency ” = her act is in the toilet.
I tip my hat to you white hats!! She must’ve been super heinous, given her goodbye vid…

” yes, you are just in these judgments, for they spilled the blood of your saints and prophets and now you have given them blood to drink…”

Angel Askew

They really did a doozy on that girl. She came from a strong Christian family too. Her, Alicia Keys, Brittney Spears, and many others took the DS deal for fame.


I’m ready for them, any advice? Did they look like Elwood and Jake?


You have been robbed your entire life. Every time you pay a bill, from a phone bill, internet, energy, insurance, mortgage, etc you have been robbed.

This is why the settlements/reparations will come in many payments and credits. Small and subtle at first.

Oklahoma patriot

If the government confescates all these traitors property for election interferanc ,,china ,bill gates ,sorros ,clintons ,,,,,will we open it up for homesteading ? We are talking million on top of millions of acres of land ,,,,can we apply for a section of land ? Would be nice and fair but only to ligitamit citizens,,,,so what do you think will happen to thier ( the traitors) lands ?


Everything is going into the escrow for now. Our reparations come first and I suspect the land will be sold after. Which anyone will be able to afford if they don’t spend all of their money on hookers and drugs.


Can we spend some on hookers and drugs ? Not a real lot .

J Bill

Only applies to first timers. Not the “regulars.”


No, you won’t be getting any……………..
Remember you made it to the “LIST”
DEPLORABLE FOLKS. have been computer vetted,
Your (reward) is for being a troll, With a BAD attitude.



GreaterIdaho for Trump

The trees aren’t burnt. Only the houses and cars are burnt in the Marshall, Colorado ´wildfiré. Just like Paradise, California fires. Dear Jesus King Forever purge us from this geostorming filthy forever. Send your mighty angels to winnow out the filth who murder and burn in this geostorming and laser fire way. For your Glory and the Glory of your Kingdom Amen.


Those sneaky Jewish lasers once again . What foul trickery !


Jesus should rake the floors of the forest imo

Last edited 2 years ago by Jason

He does though.


Call the Sh-t what it really is —RODS OF GODS = DEW = Direct Energy Weapon


Just what is rods of gods ?


A brand new year. !
I never thought That I Would Live This Long

Rob William

Happy new year to you too!

Angel Askew

May good health and joy follow us all the year through!

Angel Askew

Hey, Wildcat, when this is all over what do you think about having the RRN carnival on your land??
We will bring the party to you, Grizzly Adams! 😋😎


Restored Republic via a GCR as of January 1, 2022

Happy New Year to the Restoration of Freedom Across the Globe

We of the Q Movement are Pioneers of this Peace to the World

Trust the Plan

  • “This is the first time in history that the ineffectiveness of a medicine is being blamed on those who haven’t taken it.” …Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA.

On Jan. 1 2022 the Global Currency Reset was official and the start of NESARA/ GESARA for The People of the globe, plus 1 Jan. was also the deadline for gold and asset-backed currency including the US Note, to be at a 1:1 with each other in all 209 participating nations.

Redemption Center Staff have been told that Tier 4B notification (us, the Internet Group) to set redemption/ exchange appointments would be announced some time before Mon. 3 Jan.

Fri. 31 Dec. MarkZ: Bond folks in Asia and Europe are in a mad scramble because they expect the release of funds over the next few hours to distribute them tomorrow Sat. 1 Jan. 2022. We have continuous confirmations of things starting today Fri. 31 Dec. and rolling heavily to have our currencies all exchanged by mid month.

Fri. 31 Dec. Fleming: We are hearing good things that could very well lead to us exchanging and redeeming during the month of January 2022. If the German bonds see liquidity on Monday Jan. 3rd, 2022, then we will not be far behind. The German Bonds have to go first and then comes Tier 4B. Iraq was now part of the AIIB – that does away with the Petro-dollar. China is now partners with Iraq in the oil fields of Iraq while the contract took 8 months to write and get signed off on. Part of the agreement was to pay Kuwait because the money that paid to the US Treasury to pay Kuwait was kept by the Biden Administration through the US Treasury. So Iraq threw their hands up in the air and stated that they were not going to deal with the Biden Administration anymore. Then the agreement with China between Iraq and the IMF/BIS brought Iraq into the AIIB so that Iraq did not have to depend on the United States to hold anything up anymore, in order for them to join the AIIB Iraq had to de-peg from the Dollar which they did.

The corrupt Cabal US Inc. ended their vile reign and control of US Taxpayer monies on Fri. 31

Dec. All banks not Basil 3 compliant (have gold to back their fiat US Dollar) would lose their license.
The Constitutional US Republic would begin on

Sat. 1 Jan. 2022, along with the Emergency Broadcast System takeover of Mainstream Media throughout the world.

Thurs. 6 Jan 2022 President Trump — having a “News Conference” which was also a Little Christmas and Three Kings Day.

Check here daily for updates:


EBS today ?!


I’m so excited!!


And you just can’t hide it…….


Not yet…..
There is a progressive order of events.
Banks will fail, then the media, then the next, and so forth
Buckle up butter cup
It will be a rough ride for you


Sorry mistake:—-

Check here daily for updates:

For: Restored RepublicVia a GCR – Web site


I received my first notice of a settlement/reperations on the 24th. Hasn’t hit my account yet. Probably Monday. I will update when the federal government shows me the money.

I wouldn’t know if mainstream media was put on blast unless someone reports it. I don’t even pay attention to the local fake news unless I pass a newspaper headline at the store that catches my attention. I have taken the time to see which Health department directors and hospital CEO’s resigned last year.


Seems you have a settlement–not just changing currencies–you’ll get called in just before 4b …Did they give you a phone #. If not you may be into something else.


I got paid


THE deep state check you got is going to bounce.
The Rothschild’s banks are bankrupt.
TOO bad for you and the other TROlls…..


No I’m not exchanging currencies. I’m getting back what was stolen from me from just one company that had illegal fees attached to my bill.

Look at your statements to see all of the dirty hands in your wallet. They’re everywhere.


Yup…I catch one about once a week sometimes its only a few bucks but my car insurance did me for $90 self dipping—but I got it back 2 months later.
Been screwedvfor many thousands on .Rent–IJust heard I will now get a settlement–and a chance to get even more from the no soul bastards.