George W. Bush Military Tribunal: Day 4, Part I


This is from Wednesday. There was no court on Tuesday for reasons not provided to me.

At the start of Wednesday’s proceedings Rear Adm. Darse E. Crandall produced a second audio cassette that held yet another Oval Office conversation Donald Rumsfeld had secretly recorded. He told the 3-officer panel that the tape, featuring the voices of Rumsfeld, Bush, and Cheney, was made approximately five days after the Towers crumbled to dust. On it, the defendant asked Cheney for an approximate fatality count.

Cheney: “Looks like it’s a few more than we anticipated.”

Bush: “How many more is a few?”

Cheney: “So, we don’t know exactly, but it wouldn’t be unreasonable to say somewhere between 6,500-7,000 in New York.”

Bush: “What the fuck, Dick, you said it would be a few thousand. That’s like two, not six or seven. Fuck.”

Cheney: “We didn’t expect that many people would be in the towers on an early Tuesday morning, George, and it’s not like I could phone the planes and say ‘hey, we need you to cancel for today.’”

Bush: “I can’t tell the fucking country that 7,000 people died in New York. I’ll never get reelected.”

Cheney: “We’ll soften the blow by saying it’s, like, 2,000-3000. The nation can handle that.”

Bush: “I wish we could say a few hundred.”

Rumsfeld: “That’s pushing suspension of disbelief pretty far.”

Bush: “If we say 3000, how are we going to account for another 4000 people. That’ll be 4000 fucking families screaming to the media an anyone who’ll fucking listen that their people died and weren’t reported.”

Cheney: “We’ll have to throw some people a bone.”

Bush:” That’ll have to be one pretty big fucking bone, Dick, and I don’t want it chipping into my share.”

Cheney: “Trust me. I’ll take care of it.”

Rumsfeld: “It’ll be good for the economy. Thousands of new millionaires overnight.”

Rear Adm. Crandall stopped the tape. He asserted to the panel that the tyrannical trio not only planned 9/11 but also conspired to conceal an unbearable death toll for fear of losing political prestige. Cheney’s Saudi and Israeli contacts, he said, stood to profit massively from the arrangement, and blaming the tragedy on first Osama Bin Laden and then Khalid Sheikh Mohammad was a pretense for using the military of that era to both bomb the shit out of Afghanistan and seize 200,000 hectares of valuable opium fields.

Bush’s lawyer, David Aufhauser got to his feet. “What is this? You sound like you’re endorsing the Taliban, admiral.”

“No one’s endorsing the Taliban, Mr. Aufhauser. And they’re not on trial here today, but your client, George W. Bush, is. The commission would appreciate it if you can refrain from more outbursts,” Rear Adm. Crandall said.

“Never in my legal career have I seen such malicious prosecution,” Aufhauser muttered. “I won’t be silent. To stay quiet is a disservice to my client. This trial must be adjourned and moved to a different venue not run by the U.S. military.”

His impassioned soliloquy prompted Rear Adm. Crandall to have him removed from the courtroom. The tribunal, he declared, would resume after a lunch recess.

( I will try to publish the rest of Day 4 later today. I apologize for the slow delivery. Unfortunately, sourced at GITMO are sometimes tardy in sending information to me. Thank you for your patience.)

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Traitorous Scherf family!!! Impale them all!!! A slow gruesome death is what’s warranted by these sellouts. May “They ” all be banished to the deepest bowels of HELL!!!

Proudly Unaffiliated

I wonder how many Americans look at that picture of GWB and M. Obama and think its cute. I believe that the emotional reaction to that picture alone can tell us what each person thinks of where we are at as a country. Anyone still lost will think its good, those who are kind of neutral are basically tuned out and those with disgust and loathing get it. Just a hypothesis, might be fun to try out on friends and family.


I look at that picture with bad they conned US !
stole from Americans,


A particular Aerosmith song comes to mind.

Joan Rivers drops a grade A bit of truth about the person on the left (our right) of Shrub in the picture above on camera then dies ‘conveniently’ later during an outpatient surgical procedure.

I found out long ago the Obama children were ‘loaners’ from their biological family to serve as ‘beards’ for the Obamas. I found this MORE shocking than the Joan Rivers reveal that likely got her killed.


Day 4 – part deuce?


Merry Christmas


with part 2 & gruesomme report will be nice….


You too WC!


The Office of Donald J. Trump

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The Office of Donald J. Trump is committed to preserving the magnificent legacy of the Trump Administration, while at the same time advancing the America First agenda.

Sign up at :truthsocialDOTcom


Best president we have ever. Had

Georgia Peaches

Thank you, Zee, for that info. I do not see how anyone, who is half-way paying attention, can look at the crowds at Trump rallies and think the 2020 election results were, in any way, remotely accurate.

Last edited 3 years ago by Georgia Peaches

Why do the size of crowds at rallies have anything to do with election results ? What if the people at the rallies don’t vote at all? The size of crowds who vote at polling places is what counts the most .


Signed up, but nothing.

Allison Tappan

We need to get rid of the Evil
I can not believe that George Bush I Will not Call him a president . Anyone that hurts
7000 thousand people.. is true Evil. He played off my sitting in a class room with little kids. He hid behind. Trying to make alibi. 😈Evil.



Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Let your heart be light
From now on, our troubles will be out of sight
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Make the Yuletide gay
From now on, our troubles will be miles away
Here we are as in olden days
Happy golden days of yore
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Gather near to us once more
Through the years we all will be together
If the fates allow
So hang a shining star upon the highest bough
And have yourself a merry little Christmas now

Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Let your heart be light
From now on, our troubles will be out of sight
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Make the Yuletide gay

From now on, our troubles will be miles away
Here we are as in olden days
Happy golden days of yore
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Gather near to us once more
Through the years we all will be together
If the fates allow
So hang a shining star upon the highest bough
And have yourself a merry little Christmas now


How nice of you! Merry Christmas to you too!


Where’s PT2? Suspense is killing me.



We are writing it now. Mike and I review the comments to see what everyone wants and that helps us with the next part.


Tell us W was shot in the back of the head. That’s all we really want. Then, go get Cheney and Chris Cuomo.

This is all I want for XMAS. Thanks.



We are leaning towards a hanging.


Everybody dies !

Rob William

Not if one has unlimited supply of clones with precise memory transfer.


So true.


Corey Booker has the China virus.

Oh no, that’s too much!



and, Sens. Elizabeth Warren






No don’t be stupid .

Lucky Star

Look who’s talking?


No one is in Gitmo let alone quarantined.


Gavin Newsom is there, just to mention one awaiting military tribunal
Have you been hiding under a rock?

Do some research,
You ungrateful Shill


39 aging middle eastern terrorists remain in Gitmo . Some have not even been charged . Apparently MB has also been writing for the Onion.



Lucky Star

You need to know when deep shit self quarantine meaning they are under house arrest, self quarantine &cv exposure meaning they under arrest and questioned by military

Lucky Star

Tested positive for cv meaning they confessed, taking deal and their execution will not be made public to keep their legacy


Mr. Douglas !
I am shocked that you are using the words cock and Dick…
Actually the very next day


you better…. if you do not want end up buck fiden….


We ARE the News



That’s right


New York Legislation Provides for Indefinite Detention of Unvaccinated at Governor’s Whim.


ht t p s colon //thenationalpulse dot com/news/new-york-legislation-provides-for-indefinite-detention-of-unvaccinated-at-governors-whim/


I Think the the governor of New York will likely be picked up by the white hats and be given a one way ticket to a military tribunal


New York is falling..

Watch California.


Mel K Is so angry about what has happened to NY


Why? She’s now more famous than before, she reminds her audience on a regular basis she was, or is an actress and screenwriter. Now she spends most of her time travelling to various patriot events either to speak or report on it. Lately she keeps saying she is moving to Florida, of course her wealthy parents live in Palm Beach so that makes it easy. Yeah, she comes from money, her father is a retired Coast Guard Admiril and is a member of the Mar Largo club.

She once was good but has been Hannitized, meaning she lets her guests speak very little and drones on with the same mantra daily about how we are to take on the Feds but not once has she been a member of any protest. A rich manhatten girl looking for fame.


She still has good intel I don’t care about her personal life as long as she is not a troll or shill and only tells the truth.

Yes she has a lot she knows and has to say. Sometimes a special guest will be on and I’d like to hear the guest speak a bit more. But that’s rare. She has dedicated herself to helping others and good luck to her–she’s in the DJT club….. She travels for us also to get info. As I said..very good info.

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

This is Mel K’s masterpiece

Here is a related clip by Leroy Horton


is a off-site mirror of a post I tried to make here without moderation delay. It is filled with lots of links related to the two above.




New York and California are always in sync with each other.


Once NY destroys itself, then we can start talking about replacements and rebuilding.

Angel Askew

The bill is slated for vote 1/5/22.
They just won’t stop poking the bear.


I remember this one. It was floated to address the Ebola virus in 2015. Republicans were behind it when it was drafted to affect mostly black people. Do your research.


Go Scratch Your Ass


The Plot Against the President

Just watch it again.


What did We learn?


That trump is on tour and not president lmao






Oh stop . You know damn well he’s not. Do you tell your friends , kids and parents that ? Your church people too ?


You are a Braindeadbiden supporter.
What does this say to the people on this Blog?
You are a lonely older retired man. Who is liberal and who voted DemonRat and sold your soul to the Devil.
Facts are you really screwed up.
You listen to the MSM news and believe the lies and are not capable of critical thinking.
I love my country. Family and God. I am a constitutionalist

And conservative.
I am fiercely loyal to the American people and defense of their freedom and rights.
I have been reviewed thousands of hours of information from multiple sources. About the subject matter talked about here.
To say that I don’t like Lawyers and politicians, that is an understatement.
Same goes for liberals, socialist and communists.

Last edited 3 years ago by Wildcat

If he’s president then how do you explain Afganistan? That disgrace would not have happened on his watch. Time to wake up and smell the reality.

Angel Askew

The truth is stranger than fiction.
Meanwhile, stock up provisions.

If CiA headquarters can be washed out from under a deep lake and moved, why not abandon weaponry?

Is that any worse than leaving our southern border completely open? Selling all our oil reserves to China for debt payment? Xiden Jr. And daddy using Ukraine for entire smuggling and money laundering operation? The betrayal is bottomless…Need more??

I wish we were just as enraged about the stolen election. There is the root of the problem of DJT’s public return.


Nothing will happen as usual .


I assume …you are not sound like old worn out record…..


Not a CD?


Thank You, great reply


It is the spread of Communism that allowed it to happen and to not do anything to rectify it. Along with that are infiltrates all over the place that disrupt the white hat patriots operation. The patriots have probably had many horrific circumstances that have delayed any overt proof of success.


I don’t need to explain any thing to you.
To save YOU FROM THE HUMILIATION YOU will experience by 1/21/2022. You have about a month to STUDY UP.

Rob William

Never assign real dates to fake stories!

Angel Askew

Be aware of dates but plan for contingencies. It is the only way.
I had come across a warning only a month ago that CNN would be disemboweled by mid December.

And so it is!

Prepare for the puzzle to start coming together. We are ready.

I believe the DS will go after the church next and outlaw the receiving of the Eucharist. Then outlawing Mass.

They want to disconnect us completely from God and family principles.

Believers, renew your faith. Prepare to get biblical on these fire breathing mongrels.


That’s the new date for what? Re installment?


JFK Jrs return ? As President or Vice President ?


Sorry man, you all swore Trump would be back in office befoew the year is out. Good luck on that. Still no military takeover. Still no special election by the military. Time is running out.

But hey, what difference does it make? You think anything from Mikey is gospel. Remember, he broke the story on the planet Nibiru on a collision course for Earth. Maybe you should stop getting all frustrated arguing with me and get out and enjoy your last days before our total destruction.


why is he promoting Bejing Olympics?? says he thinks our athletes should go there and win gold medals? Why would we e even entertain participating in Olympics in Bejjng and risk another bioweapon strike on our athletes/news crews, etc? They are GENOCIDAL mass murdering enemies of the world.. and we want to hype up their Olympics? WTF? Even DNI Ratcliff says this is NOT a way to REWARD those evil ccp bioweapons creeps. Millions dead and world economies ruined at their evil tinkering with bats viruses in Wuhan and we want to host Olympics there and act like they are a goodwill international player on world stage??? SICK SICK SICK..

Angel Askew

He owes China A LOT of money, that’s why. Only egg head sheep will go to Beijing.


I see a bad moon a-rising
I see trouble on the way
I see earthquakes and lightnin’
I see bad times today

Don’t go ’round tonight
It’s bound to take your life
There’s a bad moon on the rise

I hear hurricanes a-blowing
I know the end is coming soon
I fear rivers over flowing
I hear the voice of rage and ruin

Don’t go ’round tonight
It’s bound to take your life
There’s a bad moon on the rise

I hope you got your things together
I hope you are quite prepared to die
Look’s like we’re in for nasty weather
One eye is taken for an eye

Well don’t go ’round tonight
It’s bound to take your life
There’s a bad moon on the rise
Don’t go ’round tonight
It’s bound to take your life
There’s a bad moon on the rise

Writer: John C. Fogerty (I ain’t no fortune son)


Fogerty not exactly a Trump fan .

Angel Askew

🥰 I do believe the false prophet has begun of the seven years.

“The wickedness will grow strong, many will love less” – Matthew 24:12


Poor Pocahontas Elizabeth Warren has the China virus.

Pedo CNN is closing offices to most people because of the China virus.

Don’t forget to get your Hunter Biden action figure. Makes a great stocking stuffer!

Sleep well my favorite peeps. My Pillow dot Com

Angel Askew



A mid-level QAnon personality who often accuses top Democrats of being pedophiles is himself a convicted child molester.
David Todeschini, 70, runs a medium-sized channel on Bitchute, an alternative video sharing site like YouTube


Angel Askew

We’re executing Presidents and their children for intl child trafficking and you go complete opposite till you find one random counter argument.
Como se dice…. Anarchist Losa??


oh no i have plenty more examples of q pedos, gqp pedos, etc…nobody ever talks about those pedos, just cnn pedos. lmaoooooooooooo

Lucky Star

It’s meaning that she is under arrest, confessed and taking a deal. Her execution will not be made public to preserve her legacy


No she is not .


do not be soooo sure..


Do good to fight evil, in my book. Live in faith and not in fear.


Trump admitted to getting the booster shot for the virus . O Reilly too.


“We saved tens of millions worldwide by creating the vaccine,” Trump said…

But when O’Reilly followed up Trump’s defense of the vaccine by saying “both the President and I are vaxxed. We got the booster,” the crowd booed in disapproval.”





Thanks for allowing us our full freedom of speech here.

We commenters have a chance to produce extra info

We are saying so much more in the comments sections as it is thanks to you Michael that we are allowed  FULL Freedom of Speech here.

Maybe it’s the only site that allows this when we go so many days even a week sometimes more with just us commenting, exchanging links & info etc etc.

Does Gitmo checks us in here?


Speaking in tongues are we Zee?


Stay positive,
Think happy thoughts


Positive environment. The choice is yours.


I bet there are troops stationed at Gitmo who like to read RRN for a good laugh 🙃


Laughter is good for the Soul
If you haven’t sold it to the Devil…..






Gitmo= the SPA
Fun times
Merry Christmas everyone


Merry Christmas!

Joy to the World

Merry and Bright


I have been mistaken before, but I must have heard
That the Ten Days of Darkness .. Has already occurred,
The Winter solstice is the first day of winter 21st of Dec.
It is also the shortest day….

Angel Askew

I imagine they are far too busy but if so, I hope they get a kick out of us and know how immensely grateful we are for them.
Free beer for life, neighbors!


MB deleted a comment of mine because i suggested a thesaurus. Then he admitted deleting it. and nobody believed he deleted it despite him saying he deleted it


Jan D Hunsinger

Sad it’s taken so long for Day 4 part 2


It’s behind a paywall


Probably writer’s block, sometimes it’s really hard to come up with a good ending 🤷‍♂️


If I wasn’t traveling I would pop off a banger of an ending!


Mike is probably still busy laughing his butt off at the cat fights over part 1. When the fish stop biting he’ll bait the hook again.


It’s FULL MOON for this Lunatic Troll
Watch for another episode on New Moon 31st Dec – 3rd Jan


Another episode of what? Green Acres?



SHILLS & BOT Operatives receive thousands of dollars a month to subtly and sometimes more brazenly, influence conversation.

We on RRN are all interacting with up to 66 known Trolls, Bots and Shills, 
it is now the very nature of social media.

Recognizing Bots, Shills & Trolls on social media isn’t always easy at first.,
Otherwise more people would realize what was going on.

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

These pockets are looking fat as hell


Why would someone pay a bot thousands of dollars? What’s a bot gonna do with money?


Looks more and more like Zee is a bot too.


I can believe that. Her standard answer to me is usually “shill #64”


I hear that. Apparently I’m cgi if you ask Zee. I’m the only cgi with cuff surgery, high blood pressure and sleep apnea. I’d like to speak with my programmer 😂


I am not New to this Blog.
WHAT you have said is The TRUTH.




I would hope you recognized me immediately.


Thousands? Try tens of thousands of dollars per month!

Lucky Star

Yet u r still fucking poor bastard


Thank you for the kind words to begin my Monday!
Have a great on Mr Douglas!


Where do I sign up? I can use the money 😄


Nice little following for every warning.


Speaking of fascist LARPers… You appear lol


It’s for the benefit of new visitors who I care to have know who the liiars are.
Think of the many new people coming here–

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee



Yes, and that’s what I tried to do here and do on other blogs . . . to periodically and briefly correct misinformation and disinformation.

Last edited 3 years ago by Jullou

This site said trump was inaugurated on July 4th. What are you doing to correct disinformation on this site?


I am clueless about this.



You are just a CGI = computer generated image,


a CGI found an article from MB which stated trump would be president on July 4th and everyone who trusts MB simply ignores the existence of it

Angel Askew

As long as your “policing” doesn’t interfere with honest people’s attempts to pose questions and concerns even if you don’t like the topic, carry on. Lol


Thank you.


As many times as you’ve accused me, I’d sure like to know where my paychecks are hiding. I’ve got bills. On that note, when did I become affiliated with pharma. I could have sworn I’m a truck driver.

Last edited 3 years ago by david68_00

Thank you for you service . . . so vital and so appreciated!


If the commenter IS NOT

1) Posting an on-topic comment or reply or (sparingly) an off-topic one for good reason.

2) Offering GENUINELY helpful URL links or other info.

Then they are likely (un)paid trolls or chatbots that are here thanks to unpaid griefers doing it for the ‘lulz’ or at the behest of their DS paymasters who pay them. It is that simple. Please try to ignore posters who don’t follow one or both criteria above. The paid trolls get paid by the downvotes, the unpaid ones do it for the attention and chaos they cause. Deny them these things and (hopefully) they will go away.

Last edited 3 years ago by IsThisFairUse2

Big Mike always did have the hots for ol’ Dubya. He was always hugging him, smiling at him and sitting right next to him and the wife, adoringly.


what sick fks.. can’t believe these people ran our country into the ground… pure FILTH and SCUM of the Earth.


I know. Right. ?
., now we all look like fools.
To actually plan these CRIMES…
Then cover them up by killing more people
And MSM were in on it too


New York is freaking out about what has already been on the books in Wa State since 2003.. I”M FUCKING SCARED TO DEATH.. SLINZEE hAS UNLIMITED POWERS per corrupt legislature extension recently..
WAC 246-100-040 Procedures for isolation or quarantine.


I see your point, however we are NOT Australia, we did not give up our Guns.
Let them try to enforce his unlawful unlimited powers. In the wrong places in this state.


love birds on first sight…..


Today more than 98,400 people have visited this report of
Day four of the military tribunal for George W. Bush.
Even the trolls and shills have contributed greatly to the success of
This subject.
Not by intelligent comments, but by behavior that is clearly done by
Computer Generated Images/ignorami. Not Reality, just holographic images
The clown show includes such responses like , complaints of wishes to “unionize”, feeling that they have been replaced by non tenured trolls, and being ” attacked “, for sharing their opinions
Each and Every comments made by the ” IDIOTS” are rediculous, laughable.
If anyone said, “If a Tree fell in a forest and no one witnessed it, ..did it actually happen “. ? The Trolls Will SAY IN UNISON…” WHAT FOREST “?
Where is the proof?
If the subject is NESARA, … The trolls will ask why no funds are showing in their accounts.
News flash….. Nothing goes to DEEP STATE .Computer Generated IDIOTS……. YOU’RE SOL.



One page counter says 38k, one says 100k

If he can’t even keep his page count correct, why would a story be correct? Lmao this is some geocities shit



1.4k midday


Small correction… the number you point out is not unique visitors but is actually the click through rate. Every time a comment is added or voted on it counts as a visitor. It’s actually closer to 1500 unique visitors. Zee and TW account for at least 30k of the number you saw.


Let’s do some math just for fun! So if this article has gotten 98,400 hits, and the population of the United States is about 334,000,000, then that means that AT MOST about 0.0029% of the US population has seen this article.

That is of course being extremely generous by calculating it as if each one of those hits is a different person. Since those of us who like to hang out in the comments here each contribute dozens and dozens of hits to the page, the actual number of individuals is probably more like a tenth of that at best 🙂


Don’t confuse them with facts and numbers.

J Bill

Well said friend! Merry Christmas to you Wildcat!

Lucky Star

109% truth


Nesara has no idea who is who and cannot discriminate about supposed fictional deep state . You know that’s a joke . There is no deep state.


You’re a CGI= computer generated Image
Which means that you are a electronic glitch a blip on the screen.
Which most of the Legit people on this blog choose to ignore,
So here is a message to the Deep State..


I am not


Even Pompeo said there is no deep state .

Angel Askew

When we have that RRN reunion carnival ur getting in the dunking booth first. 🎡🎢🎪🎠🥎🎯⛲🙋🏼‍♀️


And you’re a dellusional jackass who needs to grow up

J Bill

Nesara knows who’s on the Indictments. And the sub-indictments.


This validates the Bush Sr. message on the cards passed to the all those deep state players at his funeral…”They know everything, I’m sorry”. He was sorry that they were all going to hang, kill themselves, be guillotined, be shot or be poisoned, by the military.


I like the fact the cards were for each wife of an evil bastard

Lucky Star

Yet the trolls can’t deny this… they avoided your posting here… not a single word of denial or idiot comment from them


Not so fast …..

Lucky Star

Show us the proof that the card was a fake note from your grand daddy Bush sr..


Coming up . Show me the card .

J Bill



Looks like lucky star has got the best of you…




The card said that the reception after the service would be a cash bar. That is why they were so upset.



Angel Askew


39 Americans rescued from Afghanistan on FRIDAY.
1.DID I miss this on the news?
2. Not one of them look “non Afghani” or that they were Christians living in San Diego to me as was my understanding. just saying…


They lie always…Maybe the reason all these middle eastern people are being let in without any question is because of 9/11 and the deal the Three Stooges made with them, for keeping their mouths shut and being paid off on the 9/11 false flag. Maybe they are and have been blackmailing the US corp. If they don’t let them come, they would leak the real story of 9/11.

Angel Askew

Sure, Why not? The truth is stranger than fiction these days!


it has been leaking out all over for Decades.. anybody that doesn’t know it was an INSIDE JOB by now.. are the same ones lining up for Boosters..


Mìlïtary Tribùnals Are Coming!
Nuremberg 2.0 
‘Sacrifice Of The October Horse’,
This is How Their Story Ends!
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Greg Reese,

Must See Video!
See Here: bitDOTly/3p8UPAx




I know , who are the people that make the arrests ? They would also get a regular trial here instead of Gitmo court . Always something .


Zee has no shame either. Always wrong but keeps posting. I wonder if she is a bot.


I try Mr Douglas. Lord knows I try.

J Bill


Last edited 3 years ago by J Bill

Hi Zee,
Can you tell me if this is what NY is FREAKING OUT ABOUT.. coming up in Jan Legislation.. IS IT ALREADY WRITTEN INTO LAW IN WA STATE?>

WAC 246-100-040 Procedures for isolation or quarantine.


Once the Queen is announced dead— Military goes in and helps you poor sufferers — It won’t happen. Don’t listen to anything these paid off leftisst are saying, They will put into action NOTHING –it’s all Panto and Fear sh-t talk.
If anyine is gong to Fema camps it’s not the good patriots..

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

Thanks Zee.. i hope ur right.. Wa gov cannot hold a public address.. only hand picked audience for press releases because of so much heckling.. nice way to govern… by coercion and fear mongering punishment.. like a tyrannical king..

Hal Brown

La coeur de la creme will be when tbey present evidence on his bank accounts post 9 11.


Get Today’ s Big Gesara / Nesara News : Here: operationdisclosureofficialDOTcom/2021/12/19/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-as-of-december-19-2021


Can we get a TL;DR here? Did Nesara/Gesara already happen or not?


Yes of course Stupid Shill


I don’t believe so . Why hasn’t my bank told me ? Nothing on the financial networks or websites . Why ?


SHill Just cont. to disbelieve to your own disadvantage


The deep state CGI… Actually think they will survive
The great reset.
They Will be picked up at 2:30 AM.they better have there bags packed. Dress Warm , its cold in Antarctica…..

J Bill

you already commented several times, got your N/G already and invested in the dinar.

or are you being a lying two faced cretin again?


Are you being a fascist larper again? Lmaoooooooooo


This is a fan-fiction website Bill, I just like to add my own fan-fiction to the mix too 🙂

But yes now that you mention it I did get paid several millions of dollars in the big QFR which I instantly and very wisely converted into Iraqi dinar 😎


Yes, jay is a two faced lying CGI.
That is how it is programed.
Nesara is NOT meant to benefit Deep State bots, shills and
Worthless trolls.


Too late. I’m paid


Lying Shill … Only your DS bosses pay you.

Redemption centers still getting ready to open in US. Non Central Bank countries are paid first. Iraq first to have money in hand.

You’re a big liar.

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee
Lucky Star

In many pennies


.13cents…just like Jay I heard


Ted told us you were paid .13 cents


Well someone must have misplaced a decimal point in the quantum algorithm or something, cause I got a shitload of QFR cash deposited into my account 😀


Yup on other sites he’s a CGI if he shows an image… if he only writes he’s only a BOT not a CGI BOT

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

He lies…we know the rate of exchange –but under 65 can’t get it all they’ll be limited…to regular smaller pmt. amounts over many many years.. As he’s service to self I guess…he’ll be very poorly served by G/N.

I can cash all of mine he he he

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee
J Bill

Good one Zee. Right-o, he doesn’t get a lump sum. That troll’s total bullshit. Then he said “invested it all in dinar” … LOL.

Even for a project for <65, it would all still be held in trust with small disbursements. And an overseer still observes to ascertain practical management of the money.

Good to hear you have a “project!”

Lucky Star

And main office for CIA is deep down in the lake in Switzerland…not Langley


Incorrect . Such logic .


this is correct …under Geneva Lake…





It’s been dealt with- Done
& Haarp


Yes … Indeed

Angel Askew

Not any more! It’s all been flooded out and headquarters moved.


If CIA is all arrested then who DOES their HQ MOVE?


Last edited 3 years ago by Zee
Angel Askew

Down girl. Their main headquarters was wiped out/flooded. No one said ANY CIA was arrested.
Where which rats swam and why or how is above my pay grade.

Then Antarctica coup on ROTHSCHILDS happened.
MI6 is working overtime now.
Japan is about to announce Fukushima was a terrorist attack by Australia and PM will resign. Bibi testified to it.

Saudi’s are the wild horse as far as I can see right now and Turkey is getting “itchy”. Israel is scrambling for a “big brother” to dampen Iran.

I honestly don’t see how Xiden can keep this scotch taped together any longer. He has no cards to play.

I love independent journalism. I feel like the princess and the pea.


it’s like a choose your own adventure book!




‘London Bridge is down’: the secret plan for the days after the Queen’s death WhipLash347: Just before I started on Facebook January 1 2020 I told them that the Queen was dead & the Royal Family was dissolved but they didn’t know it just yet. [OPERATION LONDON BRIDGE]  November 28 2019 – December 5 2019. [D5] Attack on Bridge. Narwhal Tusk.{Prince Charles}. Here we are. It’s like Home & Away waiting for the tape to roll out. Feb/March 2019  The UK Royals had their powers stripped. Middle of the year The 1871 Act of England was reversed November 28 The day the Queen went to hospital all Royal Assets were seized. This means the whole Commonwealth & Gold etc. The following day was Operation London Bridge. See Attack on the bridge. Narwhal Tusk = Prince Of Wales. 
:Today’ s Big Gesara / Nesara News : operationdisclosureofficial DOT .com/2021/12/19/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-as-of-december-19-2021/


Uh , she’s not dead .


she is dead meat ….face it!!!


The crooked queen has beed dead for two years. The patriarchy has been done, the Vatican, too, pope is dead, many are at military Tribunal trials.
Many attending their own necktie parties.


No. When you say things like this you are hurting yourself and the reputation of this site . What happens when you tell your family , friends , neighbors and minister these stories ? How many friends and family members have you lost because of it ? What are the holidays like with you and family ? Pick your battles carefully if you want to win some .

Angel Askew

Shut up. You’re snoring again.


must be a jew joke


Yes…but the poor sheeple have to think she just died and ditto satanic pope and all the others at Gitmo and other Military camp tribunals will have their deaths revealed most likely with wrong Date.of.Death.

How will the sheeple take all these deaths of their fav Celebs?


Let the world know and see what happens . If they are not ready now when will they ever be? Who determines when the public is ready ?


If the Pfizer, Moderna and J&J jabs were FDA approved they could do their own advertising.

Since none of them are approved pharma has to hire freaks of nature and pedophiles to advertise the kill shots for them. The freaks and pedos are not required to list the possible side effects.


They need advertising? Every day when the news announces that hospitals are swamped with the unvaccinated, they say where you can get your shots. Why would they need more advertisements?

Lucky Star

You have a proof????


Sure . My local radio , TV, health dept , newspaper , neighbors . No internet !


Dude, are you an osterich? Pull your head out of the ground already. You can’t miss the push unless you’re in a coma.




Zee that’s shill #62 remember. Your standard answer.

Now tell me this. Are you actually claiming you don’t see how hard the jab is being pushed? It can’t get more obvious. Come on….

Apparently you are so set on arguing with me you’ll deny the obvious. News oushes the jab. Unholywoid oushes the jab. Dems are trying o mandate thw jab. Apparently your denial knows no bounds.

Who’s the troll again???

J Bill

Take notice Zee, this troll already knew who the trolls are and took sides immediately. Then suddenly stands against the regular folk here.

Lucky Star

Are you referring to yourself?


If you’re seriously arguing against me saying the jab is being pushed hard then you’re just out to argue. It’s in all our faces, right down to now Joe wants to take away our jobs if we don’t comply. Are you seriously that deep indenial? Come on….


He has. ZERO proof
.IT IS A CGI. = Computer Generated IMAGE / ignoramus


Oh wow, so can I ignore all my bills since they can’t seriously be billing a cgi for rent and utilities and such? Are you for real? You’re bashing me for saying the push for the jab can’t be more obvious. How can you not see it? Geeze, now they’re trying to take oir jobs away if we don’t get it and you sit in denial? Wtf is wrong with you?

J Bill

your mainframe and ram have become disconnected.


I’m never short of amazed at the crap you come up with. Your imagination is amazing. If you keep babbling that b.s. you’ll never get the shit stains out of your teeth. Geeze, you should be writing fiction. You would make a killing. Not even MT isas good.

J Bill

what news????


Wrong, freaking wrong. 73% of all new “cases” of this bs illness are from THE VACCINATED. Source… friend who is ER dr who is scared for his life and job! The new variants are the VACCINATED WHO ARE BECOMING ILL FROM THE DEATH JABS ENDING IN 2 or 3! BANK IT!


Also, the PCR rat is 98.5% FALSE POSITIVE! Change the rate of spin and find whatever they want… common cold, flu that we know, etc! Reason they test, particularly everyone coming to ER, is they get paid more for admitting to “Fake Covid Floor”!!!! They give you remdesivir to kill your kidneys, then you can’t rid your body of fluids, your lungs fill, crates scar tissue, blood clots, then ventilator with an 84% death rate.. source.. brother works as Dr at hospital! Hospital gets $3,300 for each round of deadly remdesivir and over $30,000 for each ventilator ordered just foe your death. There is so much more to know, but fact is … get preventative meds and vitamins and antibiotics and you will cut it off in first 2 days. LOCAL Pharmacists won’t fill ivermectin unless you pay CASH!! No insurance accepted. Big Pharmacies won’t fill!!
They will hang as well, or we will hang them!


Great source Ted.. you proved our point for us! Deductive reasoning 101! Try it!


those ads and their flowery musical overtures.. make we SICk and want to throw something at the TV.. PURE EVIL LIES!! They show on Fx and NM… sickening.. the parents of these Child actors are despicable and should be held liable for promoting crimes against children.


Just heard two ads on radio lmaoooooo


Who says they’re not getting advertized? It’s all over the media along with the dems pushing mandates. How is that not advertizement? Media and Hollywood are stumping hard.


Maybe it will be on the EBS ! That would prove it . To be serious my local county health dept is doing a great job. Mobile sites all over , transportation available , banners and signs prominently displayed . Over 60 % of the public has gotten the vaccine and I greatly doubt we are all going to die . I’m fine and can now play the cello and mandolin which I could not do before .


And the VAXED are dropping like flies.
The unvaccinated are good to go
The adverse effects are awful, but the MSM are paid to lie and
Keep it secret by the Deep State.. Exactly like the CGI.= NO MORALS


Do you know who carried out Hitler’s orders?

Doctors, not soldiers.

Enemy of the People.

Remind one when you see one.


So all of the soldiers were doctors? It’s so different when we have secret trials of people who are arrested in the middle of the night who are tried and executed and no one but the military knows about it.
What does it say about the people who are cheering it on?


Doctors are amazing at carrying out genocide lol


I hear you but still waiting to see proof of just one article here while getting called a pedo because I dare to ask 😄.

Angel Askew

You’re in good company here. Everyone has ebbs and flows of frustration levels.


Shill you are a PHARMA Prostitute


Zee when will you babble something new? You’re a broken record with zero attempt to debate. Go play with your crayons.


Ask her about why Biden did not resign on Dec 15? Won’t get a straight answer on anything .


SHILL You are so stupid


Excellant idea… When they used to insult my intellligence I would remind them that a white coat does not make them GOD. Now I think my doc I saw last before the CVD period having a chance to go to prison for not saving her patients from the bio-weapon

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee
Lucky Star

Look like the cabal sent new paid trolls since the current paid shills are bunch idiot useless pathetic 🗑 human being can’t contains the narratives . The news are still spreading fast


Rude, they didn’t even tell me they were sending in new guys :/


I for one, am aghast!


I hope they don’t get ranked above us tenured trolls


No chance Jason. Just have the nerve to question and you get pushed to the top of the list again. Then you get to hear “show your papers” from the people yelling nazi. Sound kinda liberal to you or is it just me? And yet they never ask Michael to show his evidence. Don’t you dare ask for their proof while they demand your’s. Extremists will always hypocrite themselves.

It’a hard to believe there was once a time when folks could discuss things here without being attacked. Sad how the extremistsq have ruined the page.


This is TROLL #62 –Don’t feed


Be quiet little child. Grown ups with actual thoughts and ideas are talking. Go play with your crayons.


I’ve been questioning this site for months and nobody can prove anything. Anytime we point out inconsistent points in a story, it’s met with blind faith and insults.

I haven’t tried to change anyone’s mind but it’s weird that everyone claims to do research on all these political figures they despise yet don’t research “MB”


The research they do is always different from ours . Just because you do research does not mean it’s correct . They won’t talk about JFK Jrs return, the Anunnaki or Trumps return any more .




Where do you come up with this stuff? You’re grasping blindly at straws and making zero sense.


Have you ever considered the idea that maybe not everyone agrees with your personal opinions? That doesn’t make folks trolls. You’re adopting the same closed minded attitude as the extreme left when you can’t hear folks out and discuss with an open mind. That’s the problem that ruins this oage. It’s full of extremists who are juat as bad only from the other side of the fence. Closed minded and intolerant of varying ideas. We’re supposed to be different, not acting the same way


This TROLL #62
Another Troll who denies the lying sh-t of other trolls and shills?

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

Zee anyone who dares to disagree wirh you gets tagged a troll or schill. Sorry to break this to you but your opinion isn’t law. Get over yourself. You’re just a self absorbed and arrogant idiot who thinks everyone must bow to your views. It’s going to be a nasy wake uo call whem you realize nobody gives a crap what you think. You’re not the final word or even a site admin. Just another keyboard warrior with a big ego and a mouth to match. People like you kill the chance of rarional discussions and ruin the site foe others. Much like Hidlabeast, you need to learn when it’s time to shut up and go away.

Last edited 3 years ago by david68_00
J Bill

“… Get over yourself. You’re just a self absorbed and arrogant idiot who thinks everyone must bow to your views. …”

geez-uz man… arrogant much lately? like even in the last 2 hours?

Or maybe we should bow to your luciferian views, right?

SHILL. shut up and go away.


Ok, so now I’m luciferian because I dare to debate you? Much like you call me pedo then say I’m the one slandering. Do you even pay attention to the crap you spew? You habe no proof of anything you claim and atrack.anyone who challenges you. You fuel division. THAT is luciferian. The enemy divides and that’s all I see from you. Out of the mouth comes the abundance of the heart. Read your words and take a hard look. It’s not a pretty picture.


That’s all he does. He doesn’t actually debate or provide answers, then eventually just insults you. I’ve waaaaaaaaaaay past the point of debate with thirsty Jill lmao

Btw thirsty Jill, where’s that fascist larper forsaken? Is he getting a new translator?


J Bill

speaking of new translators sfb:

*I’ve wayyyy past….*

get one…


Yes Shill the luciferian cap fits–


I’ve always been flattered when called luciferian.

J Bill

Scary. Absolutely fucking scary….


Good bye Pharma Shill


Funny how you call them out and every single pedophile that lurks on this website announces how proud they are of themselves.

Except pedo Ted. Where’s Ted? Arrested?

Funny as hell. Good times


TrumpLost isn’t even mad. He’s laughing, actually.


What a guy !


All of his friends are just off screen too



I have been in Cape May New Jersey this past week. I usually take off from the 2nd week of December until the first week of February to review my investment properties and see what businesses I will keep as is, what needs more attention and what I may sell off. This year I flew in some family to spend some time in my new house to break it in. I thought 7 bedrooms and 9 bathrooms would be too much until I had 20 guests over.
Happy holidays everyone!

J Bill

dog houses, and bitcn pipedreams don’t count t-ed. happy holidays!


We can say merry Christmas again you fascist larper


I don’t trust crypto and if you have dogs, keep them inside. Dog houses are vanity projects.


Do you have any proof of that statement?

Lucky Star

Do your research and critical thinking!!!


These TROLLS have to spend all their time here just make even $s so they have no time do real reseach


Not true, I’m loaded since that big QFR payment dropped into my bank account 😎

I spend time here on RRN just to have a good time with all my RRN friends!


Research these nuts in your mom’s mouth

J Bill

“anytime someone gives you an opposite point of view, you resort to name calling and insults… and spoil the chances of a rational, sane discussion, with some excellent pedos…”

~ dave (the hypocrite) zero-zero…something-something


I’ve been here too long, been called every name in the book for asking for proof of anything on this site.

That shit doesn’t apply to me you fascist larper. Go cry about a stolen election lmaoooooooo


Thank you for reposting my point. Maybe now you can actually read it.


ALL THE TROLLS WERE REPLACED By CGI= computer generated images/ ignoramuses. About a week ago


Maybe that’s why they seem so off


Not I .


The names are the same–maybe other bots shills and trolls have stepped in?


That picture of Michael looking at old George is on the verge of horrifying. Can not wait until Michael sins are exposed.


Thanks oregano


Nothing will happen . Wait and see.


To late Shill–we’ve won ….you’re only watching the Panto


New TROLL #66


But we’ll always be in your shadow as you’re #1 for life


Big Mike or Michele NOT Michael of RRN


Are you.. arguing with yourself Zee? Christ maybe you really are a bot 🤔


My appreciation to you Michael for all you do and prayers for safety of you and your family.


Are you Patronizing Michael?


I hope and expect so .


Shill OWD it seems you are suffering possession by Arnold the pig making you eat ice cream. Get yourself some discipline and control yourself from spilling your personal life here–that no one wants to know about Period.


I do. Please keep going OWD.


who will eat ben & jerry ice cream.. only .flamming liberal !!!!!


Pee low sick if her fav is not available


Dangeroud lack of discipline to BP Diet


Forgot you’re extra Crazy-Lunatic ‘cos it was the Full Moon –Arnold had fun with you


Must Watch

Harald Kautz is a German Researcher, Physicist/Scientist, Chemist, Activist & Author. Gives an in-depth, mind expanding, fascinating, esoteric, mystical and intense interview and conversation with Age Of Truth TV Presenter and Investigative Reporter, Lucas Alexander.

  • This Physicist/ Scientist reveals what Cvd, social distancing IS.  5G Mind control.  Death from masks from so called Spanish Flu. True reasons for use of PCR.Tests
  • Talks about HARRP, Behind CERN before it was dismantled recently. 
  • Not Big Bang– the Bible has it more correct about the creation
  • Quantum, what is Past Present & Future, Space Time
  • The Pineal Gland. Why ;they; really want our bodies for AI
  • Said Elon more like a puppet

“Black Goo=Gaia Blood, A.I. Mind Control, Aliens & Narcissism”

  • Reveals why people suffer from Alcoholism, Narcissism, Borderline Personality, Multi Personalities, Psychopaths, Trolls, Shells & Bots and what they do. Possession, Obsession, What the Matrix is NOT. . AI. Trans-humanism etc etc etc’
  • Liquid:Brain,or Blood of the Planet & Black G00 & Conscoiuness can effect non spiritual people. Self organizing. Living organisms
  • This explains how to avoid living in anything less than 5Ds  

& much much

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

Have you tried the black goo yourself though, Zee? It’s actually pretty good on toast 🙂


I guess we’ve moved from adrenochrome to black goo lol

Rob William

Everyone, it’s an SOS – kindly get vaccination to get good protection before the next extremely big Covid wave comes in Jan/Feb. Please do it, action is useful, repentance is not!


S.O.S Rob Williams is a pathetic SHILL prostituting for Pharma .

Rob please stop wasting your time here and go away and stop insulting our intelligence


Will Biden resign before February?

Lucky Star

New shill sent over by cabal

Sandy Koufax

Those who choose the COVID shot are like a prostitute returning to their pimp, who in turn, uses them as an ashtray to extinguish a cigarette butt.


OOOH, I like that 😁


Very well said Sandy


Can someone please tell me what this means?? Washington state legislation

WAC 246-100-040Procedures for isolation or quarantine.


Read from Cornell UNI


Exactly what it says. Do your research!

Lucky Star

Do you?


Do your research nerd

unlabeled quality

put bluntly, a so-called ‘health officer’ has the same power and authority of law enforcement when it comes to enforcing quarantine in health emergencies.
unfortunately, their power and authority is based on fraud, as well as repugnant to the US Constitution as well as the common law of Washington state.
also, notice there’s nothing in that ‘code’ (it’s washingotn administrative code, and not a LAW…) that allows for any accountability, or mandates this ‘health officer’ to seek and ensure that the person quarantined has access to available remedies…

I could go on….but I think I’ve said enough.


Hey TrumpLost, it’s been revealed why WA state senator Doug Erickson has been missing. Turns out he wasn’t in hiding to concoct some plan to decertify the 2020 election, like you predicted. He was actually just busy battling and then dying from covid.

Rob William

Cost of believing in fake news and anti vaccine propaganda. Surely people will have some spin for this as well. What an unfortunate situation!


Rob Williams is a pathetic SHILL prostituting for Pharma .
Rob please stop wasting your time here and go away and stop insulting our intelligence


Give him a chance, everybody gets a chance or two.


Yeah! Everyone on here is really smart and stuff!

Angel Askew

Risk getting the flu or inject a mysterious magnetic fluid that grows inside you and causes 25% increase in heart fatalities instantly to ALL, govt/big phaa have zero liability for adverse reactionss but have made more money than God from it iwhile removing our livelihood?
I can go on but, no thank you.
I don’t respond well to fear mongering.
Nor should you.
Get out into the sunshine, friend.
Before they take that too.


Magnetic fluid? Oh please this sounds like a comic book scenario. Do you think kitchen utensils will stick to people that have this evil fluid running in their veins?

Angel Askew

I told you to strap on your helmet.



Angel Askew

Furthermore, where did all the
seasonal flu death/cases go?
2019? 2020? 2021?
The 40k annual flu deaths just conveniently didn’t happen.
Good luck with your choices.
It’s about as exciting as a hot Vegas roulette table. Ha Cha Cha!!


I bet the Jews are involved somehow

Angel Askew

Sounds like you would know.


Japan issues “HEART INJURY” warning label on vaccines.. does not promote them.. supports Ivermectin …
Also, AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION STATES MRNA vax’s increase HEART ATTACK RISK up to 25 percent.. don’t quote me.. look it up..

Angel Askew



If he read this site he would know it was fake and probably still be alive now.

Angel Askew

Teodoro, El Bozo🤡 extrordinairre….


Fuck around and find out. He found out


family of Mr. Ericksen has not released cause of death. He could have died from vaccine injury if he was required to take it for travel to El Salvador or otherwise was given the shot. I think the family should tell us how he died since he was proponent of Medical Freedom from all mandates related to this plandemic. His bill should pass. House Bill 5144 wa *dot* gov
He had also called for Kay Slinzee to RESIGN in OCtober for fucking up our state with his communist secretary of non-public heath who hails from W H O.. or china’s bitch promulgating genocide..


He can’t call for anyone to resign now lmao




#1 shill, you say? Well you had a good run OWD but it looks like I’m back on top! 🥳


What is this world coming to?
Can anyone answer this question.?


Hang in there


Newsome was scheduled for today per an earlier article. I’m waiting for more on that soon…


Is Michael Jackson alive?

Because someone who looks like him is playing Speaker of the House.


Tom Hanks live on SNL now ! No clone , no CGI or body doubles . A release form was signed , notarized and is online to be perused .


Aw, you’re still obsessed with your pedo pal Tom Hanks. How cute. Do you cry yourself to sleep at night because you miss him so much?


Wow you are over his target–so many down votes he he he


Why do you care about votes? Are you that shallow?


Kind of hard to miss him when he’s all over the place with many public appearances.


I noticed it too….


You should obsess over this pedo lmaoooooooooo

A mid-level QAnon personality who often accuses top Democrats of being pedophiles is himself a convicted child molester.

David Todeschini, 70, runs a medium-sized channel on Bitchute

QAnon followers claim that there is a “deep state” of senior Democratic Party politicos, CEOs, and celebrities that run a sex cult involving children. There is no evidence for this theory.

However, records show that Todeschini is in fact a pedophile. In 1990, he was convicted of coercing an 8-year-old boy into sexual acts in 1987

Last edited 3 years ago by Jason
Angel Askew



I was thinking Beetlejuice, but ok 😄


President Trump packs 19,000 person capacity arena in Houston, Texas tonight.

Sold out show! AGAIN!



The Florida shows were not sold out. Hence , no again.


With the economy going south and hyperinflation, folks are having to be choosy on where they spend their money. Hard to get the same crowds when folks have to choose between an event and good on the table. Remeber to thank a democrat with a foot in the rear.

Angel Askew

If more people lived with integrity in the “power of the purse”, Mandates would be GONE.
Wait till “haughty” people learn what “hyperinflation” looks like.
Then, as Netanyahu stated; ” We will choke out America until they turn to dust and will simply blow away.”


I’m old enough to remember when the gqp said covid would end after the election in 2020


I think folks speculated a mindset change but clearly that’s not how it went. The establishment likes fear because it gives them power to control the masses and if course covid isn’t ending with the wave of a magic wand. It’s out there but some of us choose not to live in fear of what we can’t control. Those controlled by fear are not truly living. I prefer to get on with life and trust in God to take care of me. He can protect me and also heal me if I get it. Why live in fear when faith is what brings life?

Last edited 3 years ago by david68_00

SHill #62

Angel Askew

Why are you bothering the new guy? Give him room!

J Bill

he’s not new. it’s mark huerer. he’s banned from here.


And you’re still broken record #1

Angel Askew

Right on, Dave!

unlabeled quality

the infiltration of the religions is one source of blame.
everything happening now that was included in the book of Revelation.
The removal of religious objection and violation of the 1st amendment.
the silence is deafening…

Angel Askew

Agreed. I find it bizarre how quickly we have devolved. DS has worked on washing us out for 30 years and it shows!
I tell you, I’m on episode 4 of this “Europa- The Last Battle” documentary.
The footage and details are incredible.
A mandatory world history lesson for us ALL!


SHILL #62 stop feeding


If I’m a schill then someone needs to start sending me checks 😄 that’s a you do when challenged. Throw insults. You would make a great liberal because you use the playbook like a pro.

Angel Askew

Zee is a bit domineering but she is authentic and protective and is a truth seeker. She means well…


Zee just keeps babbling the same stupid crap over and over with no attempt to debate on a mature and intelligent level. She’s a freaking joke. I have tried to engage her and always get the same garbage instead of actual discussion. She can’t debate because all she has to work with is baseless accusations and insults. Much like J Bill she thinks calling people pedo is the way to make a point. She reminds me of a high school brat who’s desperate to get attention and feel cool. I lay out something thought out and her standard answer is “shill #62”. She doesn’t seek truth, she seeks to one up everyone and discredits herself with evey installment. And for a so-called seeker of truth, how is it she’s now trying to connect me to pharma? Did she give ul onaccusing me of being a pedo? I’m a truck driver and work for a living. She’s probably living her her parents basement with no clue about the real world. She has libtard written all over her style

Last edited 3 years ago by david68_00
Angel Askew

Well, you’ve certainly spoken some truth here.
Hopefully, it will compel others to make more space for honest relevent dialogue or at least stay respectfully out of the way.



Lucky Star

Minus 100 people


sold out lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


for a wonderful view of a sold out arena lmaoooooooooooooooooo


Question, can an arena event be sold out when half the seats are empty? Did they just not make tickets available for all those seats at random, or what 🙃


“Grab em by the pussy” tour 2022!

J Bill

You’re confusing that with the “smell her hair, stroke her arms, and massage their shoulders and backs” tour.

Last edited 3 years ago by J Bill
Lucky Star

How many people will come to FFJb speech????



Also nobody gives a shit about going to a Biden rally. Only trump and trump sycophants care about rally sizes.

That shit started when he lied about his inauguration crowd size lmaoooooo


They turned out the lights and asked everyone to go down to the main area so it looked more packed than it was lol


I looked at what seats were actually for sale and it is about 5% of the stadium. They just want to make sure that it appears full on camera.




He sells tickets to his talks? Imagine if he won!


I could’ve sworn MT said trump was inaugurated on July 4th. Why is he on tour? Shouldn’t he be working? Lmao


So many questions, so few people to answer them .


It’s been next month every month all year. But we were promised by the end of the year. Well here we are and I don’t see any ebs alerts about martial law. The clock is running out and the claims are about to be proven as total b.s. I can’t wait to see what explanation, or I should say excuse will be given. Even Glenn Beck stated that if folks lined up confessing to stealing the election, there is still no constitutional provision to remove the party and reinstate Trump. Once Joe was sworn in, the party was given power for 4 years. All that can happen is impeachments, but the party retains the office.

Last edited 3 years ago by david68_00



Oh, I’m a liar? So are you saying Trump is back in office? What alternate reality are you living in? You can’t handle the truth so you respond with idiocy. Drive on down to 2600 Pennsylvania ave and see if Trump is there.

Boss Lady

Umm, you may want to cruise down there yourself. Pedo Joe isn’t there either.😁


Whatever, that was not my point. I guess you are just here to back up the psycho extremists when they talk crap.

Tell me this. If Trump still president and controls the military as is being claimed on this site, then how do you explain Afganistan? That disgrace would never have happened under Trump’s watch. First, people would have been evacuated. second, equipment and amraments. Either removed or destroyed. Then and only then, after jobs one and two would the military be pulled out. Trump would never have abandoned the people and left.state of the art weopons and equipment behind to arm the taliban. Clearly this is Joe’s leadership, thus he’s in control of the military. That means Trump is not oresident but apparently Darlwne thinks I’m a liar because I pointed out what most of the world sees just as plain as the duh in her head.

She goofed up. Just admit it and move along.

Last edited 3 years ago by david68_00
J Bill

“Whatever, that was not my point..”

GTFOOH you blithering idiot.


Just once I’d like to aee you make sense and not babble stupidity


Lmao nope. You can quote any of those seditious assholes lying about the election being stolen, but David is correct

J Bill

Bingo! Fraud is fraud is fraud…




Zee can you just once come up with an intelligent rebuttal instead if your standard answer? It’s getting very tired. Stupid insults and implications are not building your credibility. You’re just making yourself look worse with each installment.

J Bill

This guy’s a wacko nut-job.


No, he is not. Name-calling is for leftists.

J Bill

You don’t even know who this pos is.
Pick a side Jullou. Be clear about it. No waffling anymore.
Don’t compound this pos’s b/s.

Last edited 3 years ago by J Bill

J Bill you’re the one throwing insults and calling people cgi. Your own words show you’re a dellusional jackass.


I remember the claims that Trump still controls the military. If that were true, we would not have exited Afganistan the way we did. Plenty of military as well as Trump have spoken up saying you get people out, then equipment, and then the troops. And equipment is either removed or destroyed where it sits. Joe’s leadersip, and I use the term loosely, did nothing but put state of the art armaments into the hands of terrorists. That would never have hapoened on Trump’s watch. I’d love for someone to tell me just how they think Trump is still in charge. Folks need to stop drinking the koolaid and take a good hard look at the reality if it all.

Last edited 3 years ago by david68_00

Well , there you have it .


SHiLL #62 for PHARMA


Come on Zee, say something original. Just once. I have faith in you. and yes, that was sarcasm. I’m sorry you can’t debate like an adult so you have to whip out the liberal playbook and sling insults and accusations. You’re like a broken record. I bet you have that crap on cut and paste. You remind me of a monkey. Running around your cage screaming and throwing your feces every time someone makes you mad. Is that seriously all you have to offer?

Last edited 3 years ago by david68_00
J Bill

Now YOU’RE CUTTING AND PASTING from your above comment to TW.

You’re a fucking wacko seriously deranged individual.


You call people cgi and think I’m wacko? Either You’re criminally stupid to think that or wacko enough to argue with a computer program.

Last edited 3 years ago by david68_00

“I’d love for someone to tell me just how they think Trump is still in charge. ”

We’ve asked, they can’t answer


Jason the withdraw from Afganistan is proof that Trump is not commander in chief. That embarrassment would never have happened on his watch. He didn’t abandon people and arm the enemy. That’s what Joe and Barry do. How anyone can loom at that disaster and still claim Trump is in charge is beyond stupid.


The popular excuse for this is that there is like a 50/50 split in the military where the “good” half is unflinchingly loyal to Trump, and the other half recognizes Biden as Commander in Chief. The Biden half is responsible for all of the military actions they do not like, of course. Also those two halves are in locked in a literal civil war against each other, which is somehow completely invisible! Cool stuff huh 🙃

Angel Askew

The possibilities are endless.
Maybe Xiden has never stepped foot in the WH and the White Hats left the equipment there on purpose for the good guys for the war about to go down?
Or maybe Xiden has done everything he could every chance he has had to send us Patriots into a tail spin and a civil war out of outtrage??
I believe Xiden is holding on for dear life trying not to let the dollar crash and the “jig” will be up. Rockefellers lose their MAIN lynchpin of world domination via central bank control.
And the deep state minions will really rear there ugliness then.
Americans have lost their masculinity. No one but Arizona has challenged the election and even then, their AG has it sitting on how desk!?!?
I pray that there are SO many arrests and executions happening behind.the scenes that we would only get in the way if us lemmings knew the real time truth.
Pray and enjoy the sunshine and buy some gold and silver.
I wish I had a water well. I really do.

Boss Lady

LOL, remember when sloppy Joe couldn’t fill 12 circles and the few that were filled with was his own staff?😂


No doubt! Rally turn out is the only poll I need. Joe didn’t win. He was installed. Even Hildabeast drew larger crowds, and I use the term crowd loosely. The only crowds she saw were when. Barry showed up to stump for her on her own, she went to schools where students were bribed with credit to show up. And to think that now rhey want to run her again in 24 🙄 Holy desperation….


Duckduckgo Most common language in U.S. besides English and Spanish..

tells you who is taking over this country.. ccp infiltrated..

(visualcapitalis *


DDG is owned by a Chinese tech firm. Do your research.

Lucky Star

Do you?


what do you recommend as replacemt.. This forum is our research.. so feel free to share..


Do your own research


This is a fan fiction site. Don’t rely on BS on the Internet and claim it is research. It’s just playing on the internet.

unlabeled quality

brave. qwant. yandex. consider switching browsers. waterfox works.


I sorta wrote one some time ago in some Billware. Just used it a little while ago to get a Bitchute clip video ID from a website protected by Javascript DRM which it stripped out before the page is seen. Sometimes that doesn’t work and I give up on that page. When e-commerce came to the internet, so did Javascript and bloated webbrowsers. I know of no modern browsers WITHOUT Javascript support. They all have it in order to facilitate e-commerce via Javascript–that is the ONLY reason for the pestilence of Javascript. I’ve only seen a handful of sites that DO NOT use Javascript to serve up ads or use it to plant malware on your PC which is why newer browsers are dumping Flash as a security risk.


This site is not research. It’s unproven claims that people choose to believe in blind faith. Research is when you look for evidence to support the article. I’d love to be able to accept these stories as fact but there is no supporting evidence and plenty of reason to doubt. For a dead woman, Hildabeast sure has been vocal lately and now they are talking of running her in 2024. I have seen no evidence she was executed but plenty of recent action from her to make me doubt she’s gone. Just think about that for a bit. Eventually you have to start asking questions and not blindly follow. Much like we spent a year hearing Trump will be back in office next month. After every failed prediction we were assured it would happen before the year is out. Jan 1 is just days away. No ebs alerts. No military takeover. No election held by the mitary. And no Trump back in office. And constitutionally, there is no provision for that to happen. When do we question the claims and start calling a toad a toad? The soonest Trump could return is after 2022 if we retake the house, appoint him as speaker, and successfully impeach Joe and Kamala. Obviously that won’t be happening in the next week or so. The pattern of broken promises is there. Time to stop the blind trust and form your own conclusions. Come Jan 1, Michael is going to have to explain his failed prediction. And there are plenty of sources calling this page out as fictional. I want Trump back as well but this is obvious false hope. Just the narrative of the info coming in leaks from a source close to Trump and with his knowledge is a huge red flag. Trump doesn’t do leaks and you have 4 years of history of his term in office to prove he doesn’t approve of leakers. That alone should make you step back and question this site. Please take some time to consider that. Eventually that which we know to be true about President Trump should help to guide us away from the fiction.


Ted, I’m curious. I keep hearing about ddg but never really looked into them. Where did you find this out? If true, it’s certainly a huge red flag. We definitely know the CCP is definitely not out to do us any favors. I’d love to see what you found.


This is the BITTER end of the DEEP STATE.
The ALLIANCE are about to make themselves KNOWN
Happy Holidays Everyone


Merry Christmas!


I had info yesterday that this will be my best ever.super future. — he he he !

Will be busy worling on plans for SERVICE TO OTHERS TRUST



You’re going to service others?


And pray tell , just who is the alliance ? A splinter group of the Anunnaki?


For the Horde!


Better than the Alliance.


Which one? 1985 or 2018?



Angel Askew

No time like the present.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!


OUT OF CONTROL.. no cops for heinous crimes on the rise, but plenty for FINES over PUBLIC HEALTH THREAT OF EXPOSE NOSTRILS!

A couple was met by authorities at the gate and “fined” after a man fell asleep and forgot to wear his mask properly on Southwest Flight from Oakland to Saint Louis, Missouri on Friday. His girlfriend’s face mask was allegedly down over her nose too during the flight. She was sitting directly behind him.


Let the airlines die. TSA was too much when they were established after 9/11. Government make work program to oppress ‘the sheep’ with MORE restrictions for air travel, that’s all there is to it. Even more crazy in the Plandemic era (03-11-2020 – ).


Did you see Heels Up freak out when asked who the real president is?

Total meltdown.


Good times.

Angel Askew

She leaves SO much to be desired.

Sandy Koufax

That’s her job. Look worse than Biden.


She does it well.


cry more snowflake

J Bill

It’s all over the net. Fking hilarious!


She’s a disgrace. At least for once she didn’t laugh about a serious question. I’ll never understand why they thought the person who was basically laughed out of the primaries should be the vp.

Angel Askew

She has a vagina and is considered “black”. That’s all they required.


I see I got down voted. I must have offended a Kamala lover. I thought this crowd was supposed to be against her.

Angel Askew

Jason is against everyone. So is OWD. Zee may be eccentric but there is relevance to her list.
I was on it too. Lol

  1. Oliver Wendell Douglas
  2. jay
  3. Jim Buffer
  4. buck fiden
  5. Ted
  6. Exile
  7. Jason 
  8. Delta
  9. DAVID
  10. dmwaters
  11. Your awareness of your awareness Is your soul!



I demand the cyber ninjas audit these rankings


Thank you


even ninjas -will not help you !!!!!!


You clearly have no sense of humor nor any idea what happened in Arizona


I went down one?? How, I have tried to decrease my already low standards. Do I have to start swearing and calling people names?


try adding “LOL!” to your posts like thirsty jill does

it’s boomer shit but might get you more downvites

Last edited 3 years ago by Jason

recommend to go huff & puff you will be there STAR !!!!!! AND NOT hang on 6 th place on- zee- f*cking trolls !!!!!!!


???? Clarification please.

J Bill

“… fucking trolls…”

don’t say I never tried to help you.


You crack me up J Bill.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

J Bill

What for? Just being here is an insult to everyone’s intelligence.


Zee, remember that guy that cried when someone wouldn’t debate him? Somebody called him a liar and his head exploded. He ranted for days and eventually went away. I think he’s back. I think his last name started with an H. First name David?

I forget but the crying by David is very familiar.

J Bill

Mark Heurer/squinty/whatever was an idiot.

J Bill

Bingo TW! That’s the one. IT’s messed up!
Last time he tried to take a run at me many months ago, he was presenting himself as a libtard/imbecile troll. Wayyy too wordy on the acid head, global-cranium type hyperbola. Now it’s rino or gop…?

I swear some of the worst here are 16 yr. old punk ass kids.


Sounds like someone’s pockets aren’t fat



Soros’s Black Lives Matter Twits

J Bill

Or antifa? ja-son gets hot if someone accuses.


my pockets stick out more than YOUR belly lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


I see I’ll always have a place to crash since I have free rent in his head😄 I’m wasn’t even in this comment string and he’s obsessing over me. Maybe he likes my butt 🤔



Well it had to happen eventually, no one stays on top forever. Hats off to you, OWD 🎩


who is now f*ck biden ????owd very first troll …hmmmmm


Sej, I wish everyone here would calm down. There are no more rational discussions. Just one big cat fight anymore. The extremists have ruined this site for everyone. It’s pretty sad.

J Bill

Then gtfooh mark h.

J Bill

He just woke up. Had a nightmare, then just started typing here…


Very fine, Zee. A public service message that needed to be said so that the bluster does not crowd-out the MAGA.


Follow this wriier & Interviewer

To understand Ghislaine Maxwell, One Needs to Know Her Father

By one of the best researchers of the Deep-State criminals…
Whitney Webb. Dec. 16, 2021

Meet Ghislaine: Daddy’s Girl
Absent from mainstream discourse on Ghislaine Maxwell’s ongoing trial is any mention of the ties, not only of herself, but her family, to Israeli intelligence. Those ties, forged by Ghislaine’s father Robert Maxwell, are critical to understanding Ghislaine’s history and her role in Jeffrey Epstein’s sexual blackmail and trafficking network. — More here:  unlimitedhangoutDOTcom/2021/12/investigative-reports/meet-ghislaine-daddys-girl/



Angel Askew

Yep. Her father was a Mossad mucky muck. She was raised like royalty.

Also, I learned only today she has another trial two weeks after the verdict is read for this one.
Another victim, “Guilfoy”?


Where is all the testimony that will bring down all of Hollywood and half of Washington DC?

Angel Askew

Case in point, Doug Scott.


Ignorant answering Troll

Khazarians you fool the blood line of Canaanites
from Khazaria, a country which at one was the middle strip of the Crimea on the black sea.

Nothing and no relation to Kazakhs from Kazakhstan…

Jews with real jewish blood are from Abramham and Moses lines..

Angel Askew

And are now only found in Palestine, actually.

unlabeled quality

I caught a video of her talking in some video on youtube (/watch?v=3pUzcRORDlg)
She had a holier-than-thou, uppity attitude in the way she was talking to people…
contemptible psychopathic wretch…

Angel Askew

She was groomed for nothing less!


Working 12-21-2021 and scrubbed by YouTube 12-24-2021. Proof that YouTube is near worthless for ‘real truth’, just entertainment and general educational clips. They know what ‘3rd rail’ content is and usually delete it on sight. sometimes they miss a few or the whitehats somehow manually hide them from review so they don’t get scrubbed (too fast).


this is what happened when you fight back against communists in Wa state..

OLYMPIA, Wash. – Senator Doug Ericksen (R-Whatcom County) has died.


remdesvr murder??

Angel Askew

That’s terrible. What is your take on Eastern counties voting to succeed from the state and join Idaho??
Is it Washington too or just Oregon?


unfortunate i live in communist king co. can’t go have a hamburger or steak or go to a ball game without my digital mark of beast passport (green card).. i feel like a caged animal waiting for the dog catcher to come round me up and take me to the “pound” (quarantine camp) Culp won and they cheated.. Mail in Only State is shoe in for communist rule. I know Eastern co want to succeed.. don’t blame them.. I would, too. I want to leave the state as it is infested at highest levels w/ccp rats. No widespread protests against mandates.. so i think too many compliant sheep amongst the purebloods. But Boeing pushback is big win against medical apartheid. RIP Doug Ericksen.
BILL 5144 SHOULD PASS.. but so many democunts in office will not support.

unlabeled quality

I either cook at home, or I venture to Pierce County for a movie or amusement.
I’ve made up my mind to move out of Washington state. Too much has happened for me to want to stay here.
you can call it leaving the battlefield if you want. but I can’t live without my health.

Angel Askew

I must venture east soon also.


Or, another theory.. if he had recently traveled to El Salvador.. they require vaccines to travel there.. so maybe he died from Poison Vax.. who knows? Seems it is always the conservatives that die lately.. hmmm. RIP.. and thank him and his family for fighitng for Freedom and against communists in our state..


john pennington

this is a fake site and storys i seen mike pence today and it was him


Then why are you here? Trolling? seems you’re very easily fooled

john pennington

not a troll was in the military for 34 years your an ass


Prove you were in the military. Where can we see your military record? What’s your middle name, date of birth and last 4 digits of your social?


He is a troll…I just knew it !…


Yup he just proved it–he’s #65 Troll or Shill



Ask for his mother’s maiden name, pet name, schools attended, etc lmaoooooooooo


Amazing how you demand everyone have proof while you defend these stories that have zero proof. Hypocrite much? Declaring something to be fact because it’s what you want to believe is supposed to be left for the liberal lunatics. Much like going ape on someone because they have differing opinions. Yes, Pence is still in the public eye. And lately Hidabeast is out of her hole and running her mouth so much the left is back to talking of running her in 2024. When you blindly follow, you’re as gullible as the left. You have to pay attention and ask questions. Wise and thinking people question. Sheep follow without question. Don’t be a sheep. Maybe folks should start asking Mike for his proof. He has none yet you swallow every word.

Last edited 3 years ago by david68_00

Show me your papers.


Spoken like a true Nazi. Where is your proof of anything?


I like triggering pedophiles. It’s fun to watch you cry.


There you go, throw blind insults just like a liberal. And i bet you think that proved all your points. A true libtard at heart. If you can’t debate them, attack them with insults. All you’re doing is trashing your credibility in everyone’s eyes by acting like a child.

Last edited 3 years ago by david68_00

Cry more pedophile.


Keep proving my point. What grounds to you have to call someone a pedo? Butt hurt and can’t debate on an intelligent level is not justification for slander. You’re a freaking joke.

Last edited 3 years ago by david68_00
J Bill

Now you’re lumping liberals with nazis? lol!
That’s been our position here (RRN) from the get-go!

So you’re a Republican, or Trump supporter?

Hint: no one comes here to trash the site, it’s loyal members, or classified info… except trolls, pedos, or misguided children.

Last edited 3 years ago by J Bill

J Bill I will never call myself a republican on this page. They’re a bunch of lunatic extremists who are every bit as wacko as the far left and I won’t be lumped with them. I’ll call myself a moderate around this mixed bag of nuts. As for Trump, why would I not support him? He rebuilt the ecomomy twice and is the only potus who ever waged war on human trafficing and actually took action. Damn right I support him.


Good for you!


Nazis like to project lmaooooooooooooo

J Bill

Project much lately? Nazi’s invented it.
Now here you are projecting yourself…just like a Nazi clown.

Seriously, it’s getting old. But.. show us your papers?


How am I projecting? Because maybe I have differing views? I’m trying to discuss amd you and your friend want to lash out with idiotic insults. Tell me again who is projecting… This site would be much better if folks like you would shut up and let the grown ups have rational and intelligent discussions instead of going full liberal lunatic and lashing out at anyone who doesn’t bow to your almightly opinion.

Last edited 3 years ago by david68_00
J Bill

It’s not “how am I projecting?” It’s ‘why.’

Only children and/or idiots project. It’s the oldest trick in the book to blame someone else for one’s own wrongdoing.


Funny you accuse others of being nazi like when you cry show your papers. Just like the left. Play the nazi playbook and accuse others of being a nazi. You’re no better than the far left when you act no different. You demand proof from others while exempting yourself. Hypocrite much? You have all the qualifications to be a democrat rep.

Last edited 3 years ago by david68_00

fuck off fascist larper lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


I bet J Bill is likes jackin’ it to the idea of him being able to demand people show him their papers.

J Bill

” J Bill is likes jackin’ …”

English please, goat head.

J Bill

LOL! Now you’re the Nazi !


For just once, argue your case instead of throwing out blind accusations like a liberal. You’re the one accusing and profiling. You’re the one saying “show your papers”. Working rhe ayboom while accusing others. How very democrat of you. You’re just another divisive turd like Obama. You don’t debate, just pee gas on the fires of division then wonder why the country is slowly falling. If anyone is a paid schill, I’d say you’re management. You can divide wirh the best. A true democrat at heart.


I don’t remember us ever clashing, but then with my work routines I have plenty on my mind. All I ask of anyone is to discuss things rationally and fairly. It’s funny how folks ask for proof from anyone who dares to question. Yet none is required from Michael. People make fun of liberals for blindly flowing the drive by media yet are in here doing the same and bashing anyone who doesn’t. It’s just plain nuts. The same extremism as the left and they can’t see it.

I love my country and have no doubt in me as to how wicked the establishment is. I want this evil to be erradicated as much as the next guy. I want to believe theze stories, but without proof they are just that. Stories. The word plays a big roll in my life. It tells us “you will know them by their fruits”. There is no fruit on this tree. Many claims yet the branches remain bare. Why are these folks not demanding Michael present proof? They believe because they want to. They let their choice become their facts. Again, the same thing liberal extremists do.

I hope some day the proof will go public and everything posted here becomes proven, but until that time I’m not accepting anything here as fact. And for that I am attacked and called troll and schill as well as one clown calling me a pedo. Really mature of him 🙄

Angel Askew

Bravo. It needed to be said. Rational discussions have eroded due to the few.trolls/people unwilling to agree to disagree that we do have.
People should not be crucified for differing views
Its long-standing..


Thank you Angel. You’ve boosted my confidence there are still rational people out there.

It’s refreshing after watching this circus of clowns saying “show your papers” then crying nazi and can’t see the irony. “Papers please” is a nazi thing and who’s saying it in here? The guys calling others nazis. They would make great democrats. Not one story here has a shred of proof on the table and they hypocrite away demanding proof from those who dare to question. They’re as extreme as the lunatic left and can’t even see how closed minded they have become. I won’t even call myself right wing anymore because of the insane example being set here. I’ll go with moderate until these people stop making republicans look as insane as the left. Extremism is what keeps this country divided and allowing it to fall. God’s word clearly states a house divided will not stand and this country has never been more divided and unyielding. We should be the voice of reason and unification but all I see here is people dumping gas on the fires of division. A lot of folks need to step back and take a hard look at themselves and feel as ashamed of their actions as I am. I just can’t identify as a republican on this page because I refuse to be grouped in with extremists. I’d rather be gentle and try to help people see what is happening so that maybe they will take a stand against the evil that infests DC. The only thing that scares DC is a united people and here they are helping to prevent that from happening. Shameful….

Last edited 3 years ago by david68_00
Angel Askew

Absolutely. You are refreshing.

It’s majorily different levels of self interest people only wanting to spew opinions or feign offense.

“Moderate” is a good term. I can no longer back DJT until he explains:
1.Jared Kushners “break away” to begin an exclusive brokerage firm in Palm Beach with Israel.

2. What is he prepared to do to protect Americans from “Jews’ poisoning our government again since they all have dual citizenship to Israel and allegiance?

3. What is his deal with still promoting vaxx??

It’s a very big deal and hiding behind the “anti-semite” shield while we were infiltrated needs to be corrected or we may as well call it quits now.

All other migrants replicate the methods the “Jews” perfected.

Charity and allegiance starts at home.


Your writing is a bit mixed up on this subject

Did you NOT know that Jared Kushners is no more?
Look at the real Jared (wedding pix) and the latest of the unreal Jarad while in Florida.-
Many mistrusted him.

Don’t assume on Israel while we only have 2% of the info.
.–that’s dangerous

Also you are very wrong about TRUMP’s VACCINE. Most people are.

Please wait for the reveal on this and Israel.

‘Cos Israel will be last to clean up for a reason —-

All the Khazariana’s Mafia, Mossard and Masons (non real Jews) are being taken down. PM Bibi N. was just taken down and shamed -this is the beginning….involved in 9-11

Israel may have to give up being called Israel as the 1917 Balfor declaration agreement ended 2017 .
Will Israel still be a home for the Real Jews? …

Maybe it’ll be called Palestine again for only real Jews and Arabs so these cousins can make peace together again..

TRUMP had a very good talk with  Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas who was showing frustration before..
They are preparing for the only peace that can work.
No financial re-set settlements will be made while any country has soldiers on the ground. All conflict must cease before payout. .

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee
Angel Askew

We shall see, Zee. You offer new perspectives.
The Palestinians CERTAINLY deserve a bone when this is all over.
Like I said, these are issues I need clarified by DJT before I go back to casting my vote for anyone again. Ever.


You need trump to tell you what to do? Lmao holy shit


Troll you need to step back yourself and take in what folks are saying to you here. You are coming across as the enemy–Words are cheap when said by trolls and shills


Zee let me help since you seem to have forgotten your standard answer

Shill #62 ring a bell?

I hope thay helps since.clearly you just want to insult me rather than have rational discussions. Sorry you can’t accept that other people might actually have an opinion that doesn’t match your own.

As long as people continue with the extremism, fighting is all that will happen. Extremists are what destroyed this site for all. It was nicer when folks would actually discuss things but sadly that went out the window. You calling everyone pedo, troll and shill is certainly not helping.

I well know what people are saying. I dare to question and they fly off the handle with insults and decide I must be a left wing troll because I dare to have my own opinion. You have been one of them. How do I misunderatand someone accusing me of being a pedo? I think that’s a pretty clear accusation as well as legally actionable slander. J Bill has a huge habit of it and needs to knock it off before someone sues him over it. I’m not sure how you think I managed to misinterpret that. And why am I the one who needs to back down? I’m simply trying to state my position and get viciously attacked for it. The extreemists don’t allow anyone to be different in opinion and immediately profile folks as trouble. You’ve been doing it to me. How about asking the people acting like rabid dogs to chill? Heck, a while back I called out sejmon for it. And do you know what happened? He took a step back and calmed down. He’s a good guy who means well but fell into the trap of making hasty blind judgements. Thankfully I don’t see that in him these days.

If you knew me on facebook you would have no misunderstandings of where I stand politically or in my faith. I was raised on Christian principles and they are the dna of who I have become. I recognize the evil that controls DC and oppose it hard. I’ve lost count if how many times I’ve been in fb jail. And if you pay close attention to my words, you will see in them where much of what I have tried to lay out is based in scripture. I’ve spoken of a house divided and encouraged people to look at their words saying that out of the mouth comes the abundance of the heart. Many hear are consumed with rage and pride and it shows in the stuff they type. You yourself habe been guilty of blind juddement and slinging inslults and blind accusations. When I see people.calling someone pedo just for disagreeing, it’s a bad sign. People on the right have grown as nasty as the far left. Just look at how nasty these forums have become. We live in a world where good is clalled evil and called good. We’re in the last days. End times prophecy is being fulfilled. The signs are there and many are blind to it. This country is a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. Many men of God believe this is the nation prophecy says will face judgement and it’s hard not to see why.

Anyway, as long as extremism runs rampant, people will stay didived. A house divided against itself will never stand. Look around and you can see why this nation is falling slowly into the pit. It’s not pretty out there and this page and how people treat each other just shows it.

I’ll give you the same.advice I give everyone. Examine your own heart and make things right. We all need to be seaking out our salvation with fear and tremblance because the tribulation is closer than we care to admit. Any day the shaking begin and we need to get our houses in order. Fighting and atracking others the way they do in here isn’t a good sign.

Last edited 3 years ago by david68_00

New people with new ideas and good intel should be welcomed. That’s how issues get solved. Trying to silence people, via assumptions is what the left does. Kindly questioning the mission of this site is not troll behavior. And I can see that you are, indeed, a kind person, therefore, not a troll and not a leftist. Assumptions are not an MO of conservationism. How many people come to read the articles and then quickly get turned off by the circus-like atmosphere in the comments section??!!

We are an era where everything is inverted; what was good is bad and what was bad is good. It is a time to question everything. We don’t know who to trust anymore, and it is not healthy for a few frequent contributors to attempt to silence that.


He is not coming across as the enemy. Currently everything has been inverted by the left. We don’t know who to trust anymore. Assumptions are not fact.

J Bill

Follow this guy through to the end now that you’ve involved yourself. Nothing’s been inverted here yet. Check the article above: Military Justice still reigns supreme against tyrants, and our last bastion of that reality.

Assume that some of these people are not who they say they are, and organized amongst themselves. You’re probably supporting enemy of the state…

Check who the first he/she went to on this last grand entrance here – N K. Yes it’s organized.

Being naive and gullible isn’t a special skill or ability, it’s a disability. If you can’t tell the difference between right or left yet, take a break….

J Bill

” I want this evil to be erradicated as much as the next guy. I want to believe theze stories, but without proof they are just that. Stories. …”

That’s what all the trolls say…

So instead, we use discernment here in absence of sworn affidavits, court records, cd’s, and print film being delivered to our doors personally by the JAG Corps. Sorry for the inconvenience…

But keep coming here repeatedly to support, directly or indirectly, a motely crew of detainees comprised of pedophiles, mass murderers, devil worshippers, and rapists, and will have no other choice but refer to you as a pedophile.

So until you get the proof u want… wtf are you doing here?

Last edited 3 years ago by J Bill

Allow me to quote you. Show your papers. Sorry. No proof means not fact. You demand anyone who questions show their’s yet once again exempt yourself. Nobody expects personal delivery to their door you jackass but they can easily get the proof out to the public if true and they want it out there. You claim Trump still controls the mitary. If so then kindly explain Afganistan. You can’t, can you? I can. Because Trump is no longer commander in chief. You know damn well he wouldn’t have fumble fucked the way Joe did. You’re a hypocrite. And like a liberal, when called out and challenged you resort to name calling. Anyone who disagrees with you gets called a troll or schill. You’re so full of yourself you can’t accept maybe you don’t know everything and too closed minded to hear other opinions. When your mind is closed, you’re unteachable and blind. Pride will destroy. Tell me this. What be your story come Jan 1 when Trump is still not back in office? Will you finally question the narratives here? Trump is talking 22 and 24 yet you and Mike swore he’d be back before the year is out. Time to wake up and smell the reality. This page has zero backing evidence thus nothing but fiction until proven otherwise. I want Trump back in office but I’m not throwing away what I see to believe conspiracy theories that are crashing hard. There is no constitutional.path to remove the current administration prior to the next election. It sucks, but it’s reality and what we have to accept. All we can do is pray for enough of a landslide next year to win out over the fraud then pray for reform prior to 24. Chasing after blind theories gets you nowhere. God’s word tells us clearly “believe a lie and be damned for it”. I’m not chasing fiction. Only God is to be taken in blind faith, but then those of faith see the proof. Man is to be tested. You will know them by their fruits. This tree sits barren yet you believe it. Be careful what you consume. Tare looks like wheat but will blind you. Test every spirit according to the word. No fruit, no proof. Look for a tree that has something to offer up.

Last edited 3 years ago by david68_00
J Bill

President DJ Trump IS the Commander-in-Chief of the New US Republic.

Do your research man… .

ps. quo warranto would be well within the “constitutional path” to remove the illegal administration, but PDJT and his team chose otherwise. Instead, the jb admin has bankrupted themselves while exercising their “scorched earth” policy.

So, there is an old office somewhere, called US Inc. covered in cobwebs. A defunct corporation, bankrupt, and a flock of parrots left “in charge.”

No one thought this through very well…


Yes, he’s in charge. That’s why we abandoned peoplenin Afganistan and armed the taliban. Are you really that freaking stupid? That would never happen on Trump’s watch and you know it. Your claims are all over the board and inconsitant as hell. You have yet to stay on a side. You’re just here to stir up the fighting. People like you are what ruined this platform and lowered it to nothing but cat fighting.

Angel Askew

J.Bill it is one thing to have differing beliefs based on fact or lack there of.

It is another for one to keep a seat at a table of differing beliefs refusing any validity presented, causing strife because no one here appreciates their sophomoric views or their control attempts to shift the narrative other than what they demand.

They are full of shit more often than not and you know it. Typical millennials and old bitter hippies.

They are here to destroy, not build. And THAT is the problem.


Very well said. &

Thanks for allowing us our full freedom of speech here

We commenters have a chance to produce lots more info than MB.

We are saying so much more in the comments sections as it is thanks to Michael that he allows FULL Freedom of Speech here.

Maybe it’s the only site that allows this We go on for many days even a week sometimes or more with just us commenting, exchanging links & info etc etc.

Does anyone think Gitmo checks in here?

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

Full freedom of speech?


He admits to deleting my comments. I’m on at least my fifth name.

Full freedom of speech?


J Bill

Your comments/identity were deleted because of your ongoing sexually inappropriate language to female commenters here, despite several warnings. Your comment above misrepresents the facts of that matter.

The laws in your country are different then here, and sexual harassment is not taken lightly here in this country.


“Your comments/identity were deleted because of your ongoing sexually inappropriate language to female commenters here, despite several warnings. ”

What warnings? Sounds like you might know who can send warnings or perhaps monitor the site (p.s. update the plugins lmao)

“Your comment above misrepresents the facts of that matter.”

One comment was deleted for suggesting the use of a thesaurus.

“The laws in your country are different then here, and sexual harassment is not taken lightly here in this country.”

Lmao noooooo

in closing, lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Last edited 3 years ago by Jason
J Bill

Followed by your own, personal “Internet Wedgey.”

john pennington



You’re not out of the woods yet, john !


We need to test to see if he’s a shill like the others for DS military – as in Government’s Military–Industrial ComplexFor sure ge’s no white hat




Troll thanking troll for supporting bad behaviour


Wait just a minute, you are going to take johns word for it with out any Proof ! ?
That is awfully Trusting of you..


Yes, Mr. Douglas and I are Good.
Always have been..👍


You take MTs word without proof lmaoooooooooo


Trust a psycho to chose nasty people to befriend. Prof. Alcholoics and drug addicts do the same–sink to the lowest denominator.. .


Give him a chance Zee. You don’t even know him. But then again you don’t know MB/T either.

J Bill

then again exile… what do you know?


Seems you only believe what you were told. No critical thinking abilty. .
The other military here seem to really ‘get it’ come you have a problem?
There’s different militaries– yet most would be angry at their bad satanic presidents before Trump. Vietnam was disgustibg and you have a problem seeing how the MILITARY is handling these Military Tribunals?.

34 years in the Military you said— did you see combat? Have you never questioned orders that wouod involve Crimes Against Humanity.?

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee


Rob William

No critical thinking capability, really? How many primes of 4n + 3 kind are there?


Isn’t only believing what you are told what people are doing here? None of these claims have a shred of proof on the table yet everyone clings to them with a death grip and attacks anyone who dares to question. Heck, we have listened to “next month” all year. We were repeatedly assured Trump will be back in office before the year is out. Well the clock is running out and not a single ebs alert. When do people step back and question? When does Michael get asked to prove anything? What will be the explanation, or better yet, excuse come first of the year? I’ve pointed out repeatedly, even Glenn Beck has stated that even if everyone confessed to stealing the election, there is no constitutional provision to hand the office back to Trump. Reps can impeach away, but the party retains the office until the next election.

I want this nightmare to end as much as the next guy, but eventually we have to face to ugly facts that are out there for all to see and stop clinging to conspiracy theories. All we can do now is hope the dems lose seats and control next year so reps can block everything possible until we get a new potus. Which I kind of like the idea of them making Trump speaker then impeaching Joe and heels up. We can hope for that much and smile if it happens.

Last edited 3 years ago by david68_00
J Bill

“… I want this nightmare to end as much as the next guy, but eventually we have to face to ugly facts that are out there for all to see and stop clinging to conspiracy theories. …”

Then realize the stolen 2020 election, embrace the changes coming, turn yourself in to the authorities, or fuck off pedo.

Last edited 3 years ago by J Bill

And there goes your inner liberal. You get debated and resort to name calling and slander. Keep calling people pedo without proof and eventually someone is going to haul your arrogant ass into court. You can be traced, found and prosecuted so be careful what you spit out in print. Clearly you can’t debate so what are you doing? The very projecting you accused me of. You lash out in anger and insults instead of a well thought out rebuttal. Out of the mouth comes the abundance of the heart. Read your words and examine your heart. It’s not looking good.

Last edited 3 years ago by david68_00
J Bill

you’re the smug, two faced sanctimonious liberal now.

It sounds more like your arrogant ass is heading to a tribunal.

gtfooh you scum sucking troll.


Thirsty ass fascist larper still can’t refute david


Still using the liberal playbook I see. If you can’t debate them then insult them. Yeah, you proved your point 😄


David, here’s a wonderful link Jill just loves to ignore


Jason, I’ll certainly check it out. The thing that really stands out here is the entire narrative that this is all leaked info from a source close to Trump and with his knowledge. Anyone believing that clearly hasn’t paid attention. When did Trump start approving of leaks? NEVER…. Trump has always taken a stand against leakers. And of course every time I have reminded folks here of that inconvenient to the narrative detail, I have been viciously attacked. They willingly throw out their knowledge of that narrative going against the character we came to know because they are desoerate to believe these stories as gospel. The exact same thing the far left lunatics do. Narrative before knowledge. Should we coin the term contards as short for conservative retards? Clearly we need a left wing version of “libtard” now to describe what is happening in here. Same foolishness only from the opposite side of the fence. Same out of actual knowledge in favor of narrative. Same blind acceptance without proof. Same foolish mistakes all the way around.

Nobody is convicing me that Trump is approving the leaking of secret info. Anyone who believes he allows leaks doesn’t know him at all and apparently lived in a cave during his 4 years in office.


I just read it. Good stuff for sure. Especially the part that reads “It’s a satire site, exposing the insanity of rabid Trumpists (who lack the mental wherewithal to distinguish fact from fiction),” the email from Twisted Truth said

That pretty much describes this crowd in a nutshell.


Exactly. as for your previous request for a term: i propose “qtard” or “gqp”

They represent none of the GOP and all of the “q” bs


The stolen election? Lmaoooooooo

There hasn’t been any credible evidence of court fraud which would overturn any result.

Not one politician is challenging the result of THEIR result, only trump’s. Why? So they can suck up to him to keep his base happy. You got duped and can’t admit it so now you’re a fascist fucking larper lmaooooooo

J Bill

cry more p-do–ile.


cry more bitch. lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


are you afraid to write the pedo word? did david scare you? lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Said so well by the biggest annoying insulting troll here–who welcomes all trolls and wants to play with them

Angel Askew

He is the most devisive ego maniac here. No doubt.


Troll #65 Oh Yes you are


If it talks like a troll and denied being a troll, then that is ALL I need to add him to the LIST of 50+ trolls and shills = CGI=
Computer Generated ignoramuses….


That means he is #65 to begin– if he proves to be a shill or gives dangerous BS –he /she goes to the top dozen


oh no, he might be “dangerous”


Why are you freaking out John? Calm down.


With that remark, You are now officially ADDED to THE LIST


I see you think you’re really special to think anyone cares about earning your approval 😄 Everyone is entitled to their own views. Stop playing libtard and foaming at the mouth with anyone who doesn’t line up perfect with your views. You’re as over the top radical as the insane far left. If you can’t handle other opinions and debate like an adult then maybe stay out of here and go play with your crayons.


Zee triggered another pedo!


I see i triggered another childish moron into slandering people. Be careful of what you put in print. Trust me, if so inclined to do so, you could be traced and prosecuted.

If you want to imoress people, debate kike an adult. This site would be far better without folks like yourself. You ruin the forum for everyone who would like to have actual discussions.

Last edited 3 years ago by david68_00
J Bill

there are no rational “actual discussions” with democrat/liberal creeps.

here’s your victim card defenses already:

  • stop slandering me (we will upon your exit)
  • show me the evidence (go to Gitmo, ask politely)

now go, before you disgrace your own party any more than necessary.


Here you go again with “show your evidence”. When are you going to buck up for just once? I don’t have to prove anything when I am simply stating my opinion of unproven stories. You and Michael are making all the claims this the burden of proof is on you. And you hypocrite away demanding proof from others while exempting yourself.

As for slander, where did I slander you? I debated you. YOU on the other hand are the one who called me a pedo simply because I didn’t bow to your opinions. Another dem tactic. Accuse others of your own actions. When are you running for congress? Nancy may be retiring and you would be perfect to replace her. You have the tactics down to an art form.

Last edited 3 years ago by david68_00
J Bill

Call me whatever. I couldn’t care less. But don’t come here sporting an enlarged cranium, insulting good, loyal people of this site and their political affiliation – my friends. Or our President and Commander in Chief Donald J Trump.

Get to know the people here first, before consorting with enemies of the state. Paid shills of corrupt foreign powers.

I may know the tactics, which is why I see through them. Not abuse them.


ok, you’re a bitch.

oh and you’re a fascist larper

Last edited 3 years ago by Jason

With every installment you prove you are here for one purpose and that is to stir the fighting. You’re a joke. You ca people cgi and oedo. You accuse people of habing relations with foreign powers. Where do you dream this crap up? The more you run your mouth the more your credibity falls. You’re either someone who likes to start crap to get his jollies or a raving lunatic.




Jason, It’s truly sad to see people who claim to be conservatives acting the same as liberal lunatics. Same tactics only from the other far end of the spectrum. They ruin the site for everyone who wants to discuss things. They should be ashamed of how they act. Try to speak reason to them and they go nuts. I guess I must fall under moderate because I dare to think for myself and not bow blindly to unproven claims. I just don’t get how people have become so extreme and intolerant. This is why the country is divided and slowly falling. Extremism will never allow people to come together. I don’t care which side of the fence people lean to. When they close their minds and become extremists, they are bad news. As long as they do so, they keep the country divided and contribute to our fall as a nation.


Well said!

I’ve always wondered why people here don’t require proof of anything from “MT” but require proof of anything anyone else reports. I think I know why though.

It’s a problem throughout the q world. “Every media outlet lied to me therefore the outlet who satisfies my confirmation bias must be telling the truth!”


Exactly. They ridicule liberals for blind faith in the drive by media yet are doing EXACTLY the same thing in here. No different, just from the other side of the fence.

I ask this. We have been pretty much guarranteed Trump would be back in office before the year is out. Only a week and a half to go everyone and not a single ebs alert. Where’s the militart takeover were were tdmis coming? Last I checked, they are taking orders from Joe and retreating from everything. Afganistan is proof that Trump is not controlling the military.

What will the excuse be come first of the year? Will anyone start to question the narrative? Will even one person change tunes and tell Michael to “show his papers” like they do anyone who questions?

J Bill

to your baal


to these nuts you fascist larper




I am not so concerned about trolls–they are just stupid , but a shill is more serious–he’s paod to do a job for DS ….protecing those in Pharma, Satanic Child Abise & Trafficking — their nasty souless self appears when these subjects come up

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

Bite your tongue , I am a volunteer unpaid shill ! Not quite soulless .

Lucky Star

Said an idiot…unpaid volunteer…LMAO


Try it sometime , very refreshing.


so like exile? lmao


oh no, the list!!!!!!

Angel Askew

See, he could be wearing an ankle monitor or he may have already made.a plea deal, he could be a clone, it could be all Hollywood graphics manipulation etc….
Stay open to all possibilities. The “okey doke_ is everywhere!
Thank you for your career of taking care of us, JP!