Navy Pilot Crashes Plane, Ejects, After Vax Reaction


Throughout the Plandemic Real Raw News has written about incidents of vaccinated pilots either falling ill or outright dropping dead midflight, catastrophic events that endanger not only the pilots but also the millions of passengers entrusting their safety to the airlines. This issue, obscured by the FAA in matters involving civilian pilots, and the DoD for military aviators, has plagued general aviation, commercial traffic, and military operations.

The most recent vaccine mishap involved the pilot of an F-35C, a 5th generation multi-role aircraft, aboard the USS Vinson, an American aircraft carrier patrolling the South China sea. The pilot, whose name has not been made public and RRN has been asked not to reveal, was returning to the carrier when the unthinkable happened: His glidepath was too steep, and his plane struck the deck without catching any of the three “wires” that are present to quickly arrest forward momentum and bring the airframe to a sudden, screeching halt. The pilot ejected a split-second before the F-35C bounced off the flight deck and tumbled into the choppy waters.

That much has been reported publicly.

The DoD, under direction of Sec. of Defense Lloyd Austin, has omitted a crucial fact.

Aviators approaching within a mile of their carrier “call the ball,” a radio transmission indicating they have spotted the “meatball,” a nickname for the visual reference used by pilots to keep the proper glide slope during the approach to an aircraft carrier.

As the F-35C pilot neared the USS Vinson, he “called the ball,” but also said he was experiencing sudden and intense chest pain, as if “someone hit me with a baseball bat.” The Landing Signal Operator aboard the USS Vinson noticed at once that the F-35 was above glideslope and would miss the wires. He ordered the pilot to “wave off” just as the pilot’s crackled voice said on the radio, “Fucking vaccine.” The pilot had barely enough strength to eject safely, though several boatswain’s mates on the flight deck were injured when the plane struck the deck.

The pilot was recovered and taken to medical, where a physician determined he had suffered an acute case of myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart muscle, a common and potentially deadly side effect of Covid-19 vaccinations. The USS Carl Vinson, a Nimitz-Class carrier, has a fully functional medical ward on its 2nd deck, complete with diagnostic equipment, including CRT and MRI scanners, found in contemporary hospitals.

The pilot, current condition unknown, got his booster shot aboard the USS Vinson 72-hours prior to the accident. He had no comorbidities, and passed a medical examination on 9/5/2021.

Other aviators aboard the Vinson described him as “an accomplished and competent aviator with thousands of hours of flight time in a broad range of aircraft, and dozens of successful carrier landings.”

This information came to RRN via a senior Navy officer who said the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps received a briefing on the accident.

As an aside, the Vinson’s CO, Capt. P. Scott Miller, is a “black hat” who has endorsed the criminal Biden administration.

Note: Have not gotten an update on Dunn trial yet but will post as soon I do.

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no one should take these poisonous and dangerous jabs. it is a kill shot. and to the military. how dare u put your soldiers in harms way with these unauthorized jabs.


This morning there is an article on the increase of the vaccine injury in the military. It is listed in this article on go quickly before they take it down and print it before it is removed. Remember this is all in the military.

Last edited 2 years ago by Katie

Who is putting that 4 on my net when 1 post it Surely you leader are not trying to kill you? I am confused?


If you missed the Ron Johnson and what (the md doctors)said and meeting with experts it will show again on Sunday the 30th At 8:00 CT, 6pm PT and 9 pm ET. It is this Sunday on If you have att as your service and have direct tv. Att has already taken it off that network. I love Aon for it shows me what the other networks won’t. Watch it on Sunday to hear what I heard. You will understand why not to take anymore shots.

Last edited 2 years ago by Katie
Kelly Knauth Brown

The vaccine is deadly.

American Living in Canada

@Vacine Choice Canada….

Following the coverage of the breaking news from Britain, Laura Lynn Thompson speaks with two Canadian nurses fired for refusing covid shots, and then at 33 minutes she dives into a stirring conversation with Dr. Roger Hodkinson, Alberta’s fiery and outspoken doctor whose decades of experience in pathology, virology, infectious diseases and molecular diagnostics eminently qualifies him to critically dissect and assess governments’ damaging covid measures. He minces no words and says,

“The dam’s about to break – there’s going to be a domino effect across the world – the evidence is overwhelming that this madness has to stop sooner or later.”

To hear more of these stories, as well as read and watch Edda’s other Featured News Nuggets this week, use the link for the full version below. 

Phyllis Bonviso

Notice there is a huge uptick in car crashes, even the news is reporting on it – any correlation to the vax and these car “incidents” – the ones I have seen, they are going at a good speed and just flying off the road into walls, embankments, greasing the cement barriers and no attempt at breaking, no skid marks of any kind – just let go of the wheel and let whatever they crash into stop them and totally dismantling their vehicles (wheel blown out, windows full blown out – not your usual debris of accident remains…just odd timing or the vax is doing something to peoples brains, as “they” said they would.


Blessing’s and hope to the pilot, and all his countrymen/women.
When they all realize the deception forced upon them, hell will infall upon itself. It will be Glorious.

Stinky Perfume

I looked at this on the news, yes they are covering it up. They do not want to say it’s a vax crash. MSM is still working for the devil. I don’t know how it all works, but maybe CCP works with the Ashkenazi Jews who runs MSM? The idea is the deep state, works with each other, don’t matter about a national loyalty, the battle is good vs evil or god vs devil.

Myocarditis means by medical definition less than 5 years left to live I heard. Heart transplants are common with the dark operatives they like to keep around so, we’ll see. I don’t think it’s what god wants for anyone to have a heart transplant, figuring it’s against divine design.

It’s interesting that the pilot TOOK the vaccine and didn’t QUIT. Or flew when he knew he was having vaccine issues or wouldn’t have said “fucking vaccine” in the flight.

Military KNEW not to give a toxic vax and previous articles SAID the military made their own vaccines so only the toxic graphene/hydra vaccines cause myocarditis don’t they? Pilot just got jabbed 72 hours prior. Which means someone slipped a deadly jab in? Inside job or what? Could someone have got a payoff to sneak in a deathvax?


The military chain of command that are responsible for this treachery need to see JAG and Admiral Crandall for their hanging.


Is that pilot going to be ok? I am furous they are hurting our soliders. Biden has No authority to tell people what to do regarding health. War yes medical no! He needs to recend and vaccine mandates with the military or the law suits out of the citizens will be huge!!!! He does not own our military we do and he is not a doctor nor is Biden and Trump told us about the antibody that can be used instead of the vacations. What has he done to us and our military!!!!! There are to things with this shot the vaccine and the untested mRma shot which was also untested and produce spike protein that will travel all over the body. Biden is doing this for a reason – like maybe for China??? Biden just leave this shot alone for you and your advisors are not sue proof.

question everything

You do make a good point, despite the boos in the background. If Trump is in charge of the military then who is actually responsible for the Afghanistan weapons grab? Is this another thing he lets slide like the death jabs he promoted until he was shushed? We really need to face reality and have an honest discussion instead of all the name calling(he says as he dodges the thrown tomatoes, etc…lol).


We are military family, it is beyond sad how many said they would walk if mandated. That being said the minute they pulled the wool over everyone’s eyes they all lined up for the jab. Out of a flight line of 200+ only 17 (not intentional) filed for religous exemptions which for this base were all exemptions granted. To this day those that took the shot think its just like a standard flu shot. Saddens me how deep the psy op is for each person.

Bless this pilot and those that fell victim to this. Prayers that something will help to heal people.

question everything

The new kommifornication flag: mediaDOTgabDOTcom/system/media_attachments/files/096/986/941/original/1e3ca4784449c0dd.jpeg

American Living in Canada

Keep on Truckin’…Freedom Convoy 2022

— John Brennan (@jmbprime) 

Aware of growing concerns, Freedom Convoy 2022 convoy participants are registered and anyone misbehaving “will be immediately removed.”
“If you see participants along the way that are misbehaving, acting aggressively in any way or inciting any type of violence or hatred, please take down the truck number and their licence plate number so that we can forward that to the police,” she said.

Took steps ahead of time to find the infiltrators.


For more information on how to prepare a letter of intent and file a claim on surety bonds go to the Rumble channel Custom

A mother explains how she is going after a school superintendent using this lawful procedure.

Keep in mind, elected and appointed government officials must carry a surety bond by law but businesses and hospital CEOs often carry them as well.

The process is similar to placing a lien on property. Do not comply!

This is the way. From the bottom up.



This is a wild guess but I bet it will take forever and be subject to lawsuits from the accused.


Bonds for the win dot com.


Confirmed. Blessings,

Angel Askew

B. Fulfords latest article addresses WH detonation and many many questions we have. Much explanation about the Jews as well. There is video. Everyone please…

I know I am a bit much. I won’t post anymore today. Lol



Does it explain why the “WH detonation” didn’t actually, you know, detonate the WH? 🤷‍♂️

Angel Askew

Yes, it does, actually.
Chock full of info.
Even has footage of Jen Psaki being frucked in front of an office window at VOA…..

Last edited 2 years ago by Angel Askew

Perhaps Angel meant demolished using N2 grade explosives the kind Cheney and company used on The Twin Towers.

Angel Askew

Any detonation you’ve heard of at WH so far was prepping for the big demolition. They weakened interior supportive walls and beams. I understand it is standard for demolition.

question everything

Trucks are rumbling
Narrative crumbling
Media fumbling
Journalists bumbling
Politicians stumbling
Mandates tumbling
Isn’t it humbling?


Copy that.

question everything



Healthcare workers and the military are the feds final targets. Healthcare decended on DC to protest and lay out there case.

Time for the military to do the same.

“The military has to be last!”



And they will be according to The Plan, God’s plan.

question everything

If you are interested in what you can do about what is going on (as opposed to the constant complaining and whining that usually goes on here), check this out:

Excellent! Great video, and she mentions the site I just posted above, at the end:

https :// bondsforthewin . com/

Angel Askew


There is even video of bodies washing up on shore. Embedded article of Governors apology.

Is this “Covid” or is this from 5g being juiced up??

That CNN article about 120 prisoners died from gang fight is bs. It was in this city…..

Somebody start a tinfoil hat business!

Angel Askew

They turned up that fucking 5g and now the science experiment REALLY begins!! The vaxxed who live will be regulated by their “chip”/ mark of the beast thru Google software and Elon Musk Starlink bullshit.

Rip down those flipping towers!!


I was worried about esp after the meeting Ron can’t remember his name Senator who had a meeting with doctors and one person who creating the mRma and the said Do Not take multiple shot because what it does to your body is just like this pilot and worse will ravage your body. They are trying to take the shot off the market. It was a meeting with senatorRon Johnson. What I heard told me not to take any more shots. Two things going on here with The new technology with the shot and the disease
You don’t know what the problem is the shot or the disease or the shot technology.

Terminally deplorable

That multirole F35C costs ~ $ 330 M, twice the price of the entry level F35 A. However, it could not fulfill the one and most important role, land safely. $330 M was also the price of that one jab administered to the pilot. Lets hope, he has more luck with the next F35C.


I had someone call my cell phone last night with a local number and ask about my vax status.
They said they are trying to get everyone over 18 vaxxed against the omicron.
When I said no thanks I’m good.
He said ma’am then we are going to send someone to your doorstep.
I said you’re not sending anyone to my house. You don’t even have my address.
He say yes ma’am I do. Then rambled off some address in the same city as I live in but not my address.
When I told him that’s not my address, he hung up on me.

Last edited 2 years ago by Dani
Angel Askew

Tell them and Buydone to KICK ROCKS.
That wasmore likely a rapist trying to find you.
Folks better put thinking caps on… quickly.


Yep. I would find out who’s number it is and go from there. If they have a surety bond I would go after it

Thank you for mentioning surety bonds! Saw this site the other day and started gathering data on the local mayor and school board:

https :// bondsforthewin . com/


Crazy lefty. Very desperate.


The DS is pulling all the stops but We The People are deploying all the countermeasures per Team Q guided by God. If we can’t trust God who can we trust. 🙏🙏🙏

Sue Grantham

I think they should tie a rope around Captain P. Scott Miller and throw him overboard and let him drag along the sea. Bastard.


And become a drag king/queen perhaps. 😄😄😄

Ruth Maloney

All “black hat” CO’s should be removed from duty!!!! They are traitors!!!

John .S

Wonder how vax will effect SCUBA Divers that go through rapid changes of atmospheric pressure.


they all died….

Angel Askew

All purebloods really need to get physically and emotionally fit.
The vaxxed people ARE the experiment.

  • Former Health White House official Paul Alexander PhD confirms the vaccine is the reason why people are being infected.
  • BOMBSHELL: Nurse testifies that none of the millions of Covid patients died from Covid, they died from medical mal-practice… hospitals were made to follow government orders that led to the deaths of millions of people… confirmed genocide… Nuremberg 2.0 trials needed.
  • The Biden administration is lifting its emergency rule that all large private employers had to require Covid-19 vaccines or regular tests. It was announced yesterday after the Supreme Court blocked this policy and ruled that the federal government exceeded its powers in introducing it.
  • Mon. 24 Jan. FDA Chief: “CV-19 cases due to the Omicron Variant have dropped dramatically in the last seven days and experts have called the US to eliminate ‘divisive’ pandemic restrictions such as the requirement to wear a mask and obtain a vaccine such as they did in Britain.”
Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

Zee is spitting facts!


and only facts…ted dy…..

Last edited 2 years ago by sejmon
  • Former Health White House official Paul Alexander PhD confirms the vaccine is the reason why people are being infected.


  • Q

Lol good post Zee, very insightful 👍


I would think the Military would have more common sense than the snowflake public to take the fear jab. I am not buying the story. Pilots are too valuable as well as ALL Military persons. It was a global trap and I can not believe our American Service Personnel delivered the death needle to our MEN. I am a nobody and knew better right from the start. I am sick and tired of BULLSHIT EVERYDAY


Ignorance leads to your anger ‘cos you’re not doing better research. Part of Military is not on the right side. Get it?


I need to clarify my venom. I have always been against any needle injection into my body. My Mother was THE ORIGINAL “anti-vaxxer” from the 60’s I was forbidden all vaccinations and I am proud of my mother’s hard fought position. I understand and find it impossible that the public hasn’t learned from the decades of vaccine induced diseases to humans. WHY IS THE PUBLIC SO STUPID? Why do people think a mass produced mystery liquid produces HEALTH ?


One more comment. Car accidents seem to be rising with horrible speeds and mangled cars beyond recognition. Anyone who controls a moving vehicle is now under scrutiny for the adverse side affects.

Angel Askew

Hey, BasicData, I was raised similar and been extremely angry too. Remember when they got rid of Civics class? Home economics? Created useless degree programs and got rid of high school “tech” classes? Internet and social services was our demise too.

They’ve been strongly dumbing us down and cooking the books since Bill Clinton, at least!

Be grateful for your homegrown discernment. It is what has kept us alive and promote young people read a newspaper everyday and discuss current events.

All vaxx survivors will be disabled and likely die within 5 years. Purebloods will need our strength in every way to nurse them as they deteriorate.

We must rebuild government, economy, family,grow food etc… Yep.
And truth is, these evil bastards will probably send some airborne smallpox virus loose on the world on their way out. Sore losers.

Rob William

How did you both get admission to the school without the measles and other vaccines?


In my day it was only a polio vaccine and tetanus.

Angel Askew

You’re not qualified or authentic about that conversation, Rob. Come back when you look up the definition of a vaccine.


That was before schools became bullies and child abusers, as parents had the upper hand, for those that cared anyway. The constitution was still the law and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited every day. Now the only flag that kids are taught about is the rainbow fag.


“I’m from the government and here to help you.”


You can count your blessings since you are one of very few who were not hurt by any vaccine.


Look up Tunnels Los Angeles Getty Museum

  • The Getty Museum was where a large amount of children in tunnels were found. What the Military said about it was the worst most disgusting and horrific tunnel system yet. Under the Getty Museum, something like 18 stories below ground. They rescued THOUSANDS of kids down there. I know a lot of ‘Art’ is brought over in those containers. My understanding is they do not have to be inspected if they are marked ‘Art’. This is how the Getty Museum moves their ‘Art’. Thousands of children are deep under the Getty. The Museum is on private property.
Angel Askew

That wedding Pelosi officiated and Newsome attended was for the Getty family. Personal friends.

Rob William

One day some maniac will assume what you are writing is true and end up like Welch (comet pizza). Fake hate stories can lead to terrible action against innocent people, it’s not just for fun – kindly think!

Angel Askew

What supplements do you take for your cognitive dissonance? Hurt much?


Your msm does that everyday. Why don’t you think about that?


Anything about the jab specially like these ones should not be a “secret”

Rob William

May be the pilot was saying “*%#* waxing” as itch after a few days was too distracting.


I listened to the recording on my shortwave radio and you may be right. They do play a lot of volleyball.

Angel Askew



Mosr of what I read indicates that the 35 is problematical even withoout vaccines or lsd or anything like that…

Rob William

I saw a news story that some person got 12 Covid vaccine shots under fake names. He is delusional that his health is improving with every shot!

Last edited 2 years ago by Rob William

Parts made in CCP.


The DoD, under direction of Sec. of Defense Lloyd Austin, has omitted a crucial fact.”, you mean Lloyd Austin, the f**kin’ traitor. His finances need to be examined with a fine tooth comb. If he’s taking CCP money then he should be hung using piano wire!!!

Angel Askew

They have him by the balls. Before he left Afghanistan for office, Federal contractors helped him wash his poppy farm and other dirty money to get it over stateside before he left. It’s what they do! Heard that in an X22REPORT report.

Terminally deplorable

If the pilot had not been vaxxed, the crash would have been much harder


is it from Commmie Network News ?????? or med cow ??????

Angel Askew



I think everyone who has been following RRN for several months is wanting MORE INFORMATION ABOUT WHAT IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING.
Growing feeling of impatience.
I know that I am Not alone
We Want answers

Rob William

Don’t expect any answers. If you like bashing people who don’t match your ideology, come to RRN. Don’t expect all of it somehow become true!


AS always, you misunderstand.
Unlike you , who asks for Explanations and Proof and
Argues what is reported,
I simply acknowledge that many readers are frustrated and want to speed up the information delivered..


May be one of the GREY. Aliens are taking control of you
Manipulating your “ideology”, and really messed you up. !




Well what do you know, the next article just came out…😁

Barry Williamz

No ejection seat for Fauxi and his buddies when it’s time to meet Crandall.


It must be on MSM so all N O R M I E S can see this 2.5 yrs lies…….

Angel Askew

And then good guys arrest all of SCOTUS and execute ALL elected traitors like Mussolini.
Buon Fortuna porco Dio!

Angel Askew

But I think they will wait till Xiden seats Kamal. She can’t run then.

Barry Williamz

Fauxi and his ilk must be rubbing their hands with glee.
Achieving their goals.
But it’s all about to backfire.

question everything


Angel Askew

I have friends that work on the tarmac at LAX. They are saying air traffic has been lighter due to “weather” even ups/fedex….since October.
They are jabbed up and clueless.

Last edited 2 years ago by Angel Askew

Why arent we seeing those who FORCED these young men into taking this shit, having their trial???

joe blow

So the airlines are grounding vaxxed pilots for this reason. Your telling me the military hasn’t got around to making this order yet?


They Knew the Consequences of mandating this poison for all the pilots…

This is Exactly Why I haven’t flown in two years.


do not do it… 2 yrs…..

Angel Askew

I’d take a mule like Mary and Joseph before I fly again.


I’d fly with Novax Airlines. If anyone employee is caught using illegal drugs, such as an experimental injection or lying about their status is terminated. If a previously vaxd passenger is sick and must travel, they can be granted authorization, by a physician to wear a facial medical mask and display a sign clearly showing that they are using experimental drugs not approved by the FDA.


I’ll go drive because I am in control and can’t blame no one if, heaven forbids something happens.

buck fiden

>> The DoD, under direction of Sec. of Defense Lloyd Austin, has omitted a crucial fact.

The Niggadier General isn’t the only liar. The entire Biden Régime is full of communists. All communists are liars by definition.




Just going to get a lot worse when Justice Breyer retires, sleepy joe slides cackling kamala into SC and hillary’s imposter into vp spot. Then it becomes “hillary” regime after 25th amendment action.

fda says no more monoclonal antibodies authorized. States created the federal government and not the other way around. States rights need to be moved up front and center.

Angel Askew

And capable people go in and drag out these treasonist Patriot murderers out into the street, shoot them and hang them upside down for all to see. Let the flies and turkey vultures have them like Mussolini!!
THEY WILL continue their plight foreign and domestic with no regard for human life until we do.

We’ll have to see how much testosterone we have left or they will continue this drastic depopulation war on us.


what you think about NEW BEAUTIE on SC??????

Dave Smith

Sending prayers too all those effected by the bio weapon God Bless them all
.Can wait till they hang all those pushing this poison


Dave, I for one believes in the power of prayer.

question everything

Sen. Ron Johnson moderates a panel discussion with world-renowned doctors and medical experts, providing different perspectives on the global pandemic response, the current state of knowledge of early and hospital treatment, vaccine efficacy and safety, what went right, what went wrong, what should be done now, and what needs to be addressed long term.Participants: Robert Malone, Ryan Cole, Peter McCullough, Thomas Renz and more
Highlights: rumble{DOT}com/vta828-highlight-reel-sen.-ron-johnsons-covid-19-a-second-opinion.html
Full 5 hour video: rumble{DOT}com/vt8q0p-covid-19-a-second-opinion-roundtable-in-washington-d.c..html


This is quite good. Sundance of CTH had this out on Jan.24th. BTW, Sundance is not someone I agree with all the time, but I have huge respect for his integrity. He is not controlled opposition, and he puts great efforts into his work.



Rob William

You are back! BTW before we get too engrossed into this drama to start confusing it with the reality – a gentle reminder, this story is just fiction! Black hats/ White hats is just a pretend play!

Last edited 2 years ago by Rob William
Terminally deplorable

Nevertheless, the non-existing black- or white hats shot our fighter pilot down with a jab.


Delusional Troll, this is
Pretend Play Time for You…!

Terminally deplorable

Please, be precise. OWD voiced a concern. That does not make him a liar,


January 22, 2022

Dr. Jordan Peterson resigns from his professorship at University of Toronto in protest of leftist ideology

Dr. Jordan Peterson, a controversial conservative thinker and pronounced anti-leftist, has resigned from his tenured position at the University of Toronto as a protest against the takeover of public universities by leftist ideology.


Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

A last effort to make the baffle garble worded drug addict seem to be Right Wing. The Cabal is still trying to set him up as “a true conservative.” He’s controlled opposition as thoroughly as Ben Shapiro. Both are pushed forward by the Cabal.

question everything

Home: youtube{DOT}com/watch?v=TwvSSwpVqkc