Trump: “They Got Her!”


President Donald J. Trump has avoided public mention of foul play regarding the death of his ex-wife, Ivana, but Mar-a-Lago sources told Real Raw News on Saturday that he called the circumstances surrounding Ivana’s untimely demise “highly suspicious,” “peculiar,” and “not right.”

On Wednesday Ivana was found unresponsive at the bottom of a staircase in her New York City condominium. According to NYC police reports, maintenance entered Ivana’s home after cleaning staff rang her doorbell but received no response. Ivana had apparently fallen, or was pushed, down the stairs, which, having lived in the townhouse for nearly 30 years, she had successfully navigated thousands if not millions of times.

Oddly, Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Jason Graham of the NYC Medical Examiner’s Office first labeled Ivana’s death a “coronary event,” even as her lifeless corpse lie in a “puddle of spilled coffee” at the foot of the stairs. In other words, the ME’s office had apparently decided on a cause of death without examining the body, let alone perform an autopsy.

A day later, however, the ME amended her death certificate, now attributing her demise to blunt force trauma to the torso. Her torso was covered in deep contusions, the result of an “accidental fall,” Dr. Graham wrote, and emphasized for no apparent reason that he found no signs of foul play.

The Trump family, however, isn’t buying either explanation—the fall or the heart attack, sources told RRN.

Upon hearing of the tragedy, Ivanka Trump, Ivanna and Donald’s daughter, who also lives in NYC near her mother’s townhouse, dashed to the New York City mortuary and positively identified the body.

“She later told her father [Donald Trump] something wasn’t right. Ivana was black and blue from waist to neck, but had no injuries, no sign of bruising, on her head or legs. Something seemed amiss. If you tumble down a steep staircase, your head’s gonna strike somewhere, right? The steps or the landing,” a Mar-a-Lago source said.

President Trump, he added, disbelieved the ME’s report, and told his inner circle that the Deep State might have had Ivanna murdered and arranged for it to look like an accident.

“Maybe they got her!” Trump reportedly said.

Asked why, if true, the Deep State targeted Ivana instead of Trump’s more immediate family—Melania, Eric, Don Jr., Barron, or Ivanka—our source said, “because they have extensive White Hat protection. Ivana did not. Trump and Ivana don’t really speak, and what Trump knows of Ivana comes by way of his kids. That’s how he knew the heart attack explanation was bullshit. Ivanna had a physical a week earlier, including an EKG, and there was nothing wrong with her heart.”

Trump, he said in closing, has opened a private inquest to learn the truth.

“The Deep State could be sending a message—if we can’t get you, we’ll get who we can. As you know, they’re spending a lot of time and money trying to rattle Trump to keep him from entering [the 2024 presidential race],” he said.

Edit: RRN is attempting to verify claims that Ivana got a fourth Covid-19 clot shot days before she died.

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They are going to get us all since Biden is selling our North Dakota farm land near an Air Force base to China. Now we can get Biden as a Traitor. We need all the farm land we can hold on to. Selling our oil and now this. Biden is a Traitor to all of us.


I sorry to post this here but one I chose was closed. I went to a party this weekend an I ask my friend about her son in the army and he told his mother they are offering $50,000 if they would stay in the army for 6 years. I told his mother that is a good down payment on a house. Just wanted you would want to know what the army is trying keep those already trained soldiers and it seems like a good deal for when you leave the military you have to find a place to live and a job. Staying in the army you have living for you family and a known job. It is up to them but the other thing is let doctors decide if the need more of Covid shot and do not make it required by a failed President. That needs to be decided by medical doctors not the President who is not a medical person period. I would negotiate a medical that their the medical doctor needs to be involved for the soldier to have it or not. I remember the soldier who had 5 heart attacks at once. Heart attacks are very bad for soldiers. Several medical doctors are turning againstm


This is why I don’t believe anything anymore. It’s why I do not believe the white hats are in control and it’s why I put all of my faith in God alone.

Phyllis Bonviso

You guys killed the wrong women. Do you see Trump’s face – you just awoke the sleeping giant…his wrath is about to implode….


I think they killed her, the manner of her death is very suspicious 😳


Ivana spoke to Trump nearly everyday…they were still friendly.

j k

Curious how none of the brain power surrounding Pres Trump would have thought to imagine that Ivana could have been a target ? I find that very strange. More likely taken into protective custody


“Maybe they got her” expresses SUSPICION, that could lead to an investigation, which could lead to some actual facts. It is preliminary. It is reasonable.
“They got her!” is a CONCLUSION, based on insufficient evidence and strong emotion. Which could lead to unfortunate decisions or actions.
One belongs to someone in charge of himself. The other belongs to the kind of “journalism” that prefers cheap sensationalism to fact-finding. Do better.


💉. This will get you in the END.
May this be a lesson that YOU don’t have to learn the HARD way

Silver lining

Well that means she got at least 2 mRNAs & a booster- case solved!

Are all coroners in on this too?


Could be from the jab 💉


I really OBJECT to your DISTORTING & SENSATIONALIZING the exact, reported speech of the 25th president: “Maybe they got her!” Trump reportedly said. MANY people CAN make IMPORTANT DISTINCTIONS between these 2 variants – in demeanor, degree of certainty, analytical engagement, level & kind of emotion, possible range & rationality of response. APPARENTLY, you cannot. And these things MATTER, sonny. Especially in a highly responsible adult, in a command position. YOU are willing to throw ALL such considerations away, to produce instead your CHEAP, MISLEADING HEADLINE. You’re A TRUE JOURNALIST: begin with lazy semi-literacy and end with an unwashed rag-end where your natural morality should be. I find your HEADLINE disgusting and the fact you produced it, very disappointing indeed.

Last edited 2 years ago by Paladin45

Not surprised at all The Left are well Known for Murder of those that don’t play ball with them or have a different view from them. That is why they want Global GENOCIDE for their NWO Luciferian Satanic control. GOD help us

David L Baiker

I wish “they” would get HIM! The sooner the better!

Susan Sloate

It’ll take more than that to stop Trump from entering the 2024 race.


This is just a distraction
Therefore I will check with my other sources and take the week off


I wanted to see the reaction….💣 BOOM !


Stop holding back the Military. There have been allot of article to that effect on this site. The longer you drag this out the more opportunities they have. OF course it sounds good from the armchair.


SB: ‘…even as her lifeless corpse LAY in a “puddle of spilled coffee.”


When we finally get our much-needed national enema, the insertion points should be the CIA and FBI. I know … 2 enemas, but we have TWO MAJOR ahles in our … body politic.

J Bill

really cool to see a “Mike T” donate to RRN


Who’s money did he use?

Last edited 2 years ago by Earl

Here are my thoughts on what happened. She started up the steep stairs, got winded, mush like the athletes do, threw a clot, which made her fall down the stairs. All from the jab.

Angel Askew

Then how do you explain no injuries to her face or arms or legs but her torso is all bruised?
That is quite a tumble.

Michael R Davis

No clot shots. Just saline. Only the commoners are given clot shots in order to depopulate us. Wise commoners learned long ago to never trust politicians, doctors, nurses, hospitals.


According to a very reliable source, she’s not dead but in hiding. Protective custody…?

Angel Askew

This is completely possible and was necessary too.

Thomas Blow

This article is here, why? The war is not a war between bloodlines, but AGAINST rule by bloodlines; we need to STOP discussing elites and all their relatives. Save this for “newspapers” in the supermarket checkout aisle. Yes, we know the cabal threatens and kills people’s relatives.

Rose Mary Abbott

Well then, let them come and murder your relatives or friends and then see what you have to say about that and see after reading this who will have any respect at all whatsoever for you.

Angel Askew

She should be considered a “chess piece” in this war.

Debra Rudolph

I do not trust the covid tests or the vaccines. Who knows what the Luciferian Marxists have put in them.


CDC announced earlier that the name “monkey pox” is offensive and may change it to “Patriot Pox”.


Fluffing your balls again I see.

Angel Askew


Rose Mary Abbott

I don’t think even Covid-19 death shots would have this kind of effect. Somebody murdered her. They put their hand smack in the middle of her chest and killed her.

John .S

Heard, buzzing Marbury Virus encapsulated [suspended] in jab, alleged triggered, cocktailed via 5-G.

Buzz, recommend to take cellphone setting off 5-G, placing on LTE setting.

Marbury effects central nervous system attacking brain, could say turning victims into zombies.

Zombie Apocalypse doesn’t sound far-fetched, whereas truth is stranger than fiction.

The device known as Cellphone could be the cause of death to many, contributed with the jab.

Many now have jab horror stories effecting themselves personally, which is beyond coincidence.

Yesteryear drug Thlidomine was under more scrutiny then current clot shot referencing Billy Joel: “Children of Thlidomine”.

Robert Duvall move Phenomenon, he made a quote: “now I know why all you doctors wear masks”.

Angel Askew

I’ve been saying this for over a year.
This why all cell towers must come down.
Those that are dying now are just the ones who cannot tolerate the internal software being installed via the jabb.

Wait till they have the cannolis to flip the switch.

All vaxxed people should be treating themselves for that Marbug virus daily for the rest of their life or plan to commit suicide if they really care.

David L Baiker

“cannolis to flip the switch”…. are they going to Italian pastries?


And people laugh at me and my flip phone.

John .S

Flip phone way to go. The simplist things are better.

Myself receive ridicule via paying with cash, digging for coin in pocket for exact change. Often people yelp: “use plastic, you’re holding up the line”.

What’s hilarious those that yelp flash their cellphone screen displaying bar code archiving coffee points for free cup while driving 350 Benz fueling with low octane.

It’s often better to roll with the Flintstones then fly with the Jetsons.


David L Baiker

When is the last time you saw your mental health professional? If never, schedule a visit ASAP! YOU NEED IT! What is this Marbury Virus you babble about? I looked for it and did not find ANYTHING like you describe. There IS a zombie Apocalypse happening, but it’s the ALREADY BRAINLESS zombies following drump, the supposed “white hats”, and bullshit writers/grifters like MB! BTW the CORRECT lyric from Billy Joel is “children of thalidomide”! I don’t know wtf Thlidomine is!

Angel Askew

Look up cognitive dissonance while you roll up your child’s sleeve.

David L Baiker

BTW…I know it’s a difficult concept for you to understand, but 5G signals are in the air no matter what your phone is set to receive. There is also all sorts of other radio waves floating around. Ever hear of AM/FM?


Bannon tribunal starts today. I expect a guilty verdict in about 2 hours. The jurors may stop the tribunal saying they heard enough.

John .S

Sausage grinder on steroids, gear box overhauled, large horsepower motor installed. Hope he isn’t slice and diced to fit down the chute.


Kabuki Theatre. It will be a look into the parallel legal system of this sham government. Up is down, left is right, 2 + 2 = 5.
When are you going in for your cutoffadicktomy?


You asked earlier if I was fluffing my balls and now you are suggesting that I am getting my penis removed? You need to pick a theme and stick with it.

Angel Askew



My “theme” is that you are a gender fluid soi boi.

Angel Askew

Great point!


My first thought upon hearing Ivana Trump dead was, “She’s too young to be dead; they murdered her!”


She was 73!

John .S

Heard from a Yugoslavian tradesman she was a fantastic cook, making excellent Gołąbki [stuffed cabbage].

Angel Askew

She escaped communism and found her way to America. Donald was lucky to have her. There is a very informative video about them and just how hard she worked for their family building and maintaining Trump Towers and that marriage.

Ivana was as real as it gets.

I believe Malena is cut from that true grit too.


Two out of three ain’t bad.

Gary Lee Taylor

RIP Lady
Hope this puts steel in Trumps resolve


He doesn’t have to pay support anymore, that helps.


You seem upset. Pissed Lia Thompson was nominated for Woman of the Year? Did you come in 2nd place?
It’s okay, you’ll get a participation trophy.

Angel Askew

Did you see the article of the woman who “tied” for first? She ripped the NCAA a new ***hole and said they’ve made the competition worthless.

Angel Askew

Resistthemainstream . org/ncaa-woman-of-the-year-nominee-who-tied-with-lia-thomas-responds-to-


Those female swimmers need to grow some ovaries and holler even louder.

Angel Askew

Yes. Unite and protest the entire competition. Take out a loan to pay for class.


BoosBooster sshhoott. huh.


I’m waiting with glee Trump’s action in response to this “happenstance.”


yes, didn’t his brother die mysteriously right before he announced his run for President.. another “warning”…DS is so obviously evil


Very suspicious when 70 year olds die.

Rose Mary Abbott

Blunt force trauma to the chest. I’m sure being over 70 didn’t do that to her. Quit trying to vilify plain sense.




You are Pushing 70, …and you are fully Jabbed .💉
How are you feeling ?

Rose Mary Abbott

I don’t know about this, but I do know that he lost a brother to alcoholism and that is why he doesn’t drink alcohol or take drugs.

Angel Askew

He died during the second year of his term, I believe.

Terminally deplorable

My disconnect with this case. Ivana was a competitive skier for the Czech national team in her younger years.She knew how to go down hill fast. Such people have a better than averaged fitess and balance.They just dont fall down the stairs. I assume foul play.

Last edited 2 years ago by Terminally deplorable

50 to 60 years ago she was a competitive skier. Also, this was obviously a clone.

John .S

No way Ivana pulled a Sonny Bono down the stairs. Sonny would make an excellent clone, in musical satire, The Beat Goes On, La de da de de, la de da de da.

Rose Mary Abbott

The only thing obvious here is that you have lost your mind. Nobody on here is that stupid but you.


His mind was a terrible thing to waste.


It was the 💉. Multiple times that wasted any
Brain cells


LOL, and TRUE .!
“Nobody on HERE is a STUPID as TED”
Classic. 😀


You need to up your game. Your clone is obviously displaying some serious gender issues.

John .S

Years back had equilibrium problem, occasional loss of balance. Karate instructor noticed first. Cause inner ear eustachian tube issue, in my case via scuba diving.


Stop doing underwater karate. Problem solved.


Concur here.

Billy Bob

Trump possibly wouldn’t survive Epstein’s revelations. Epstein shouldn’t have bragged about taking Big Daddy Don down – could still bathe with chicks in 8-person shower at his posh ranch in New Mexico. Jesus told Trump do what you have to. Weinstein shouldn’t have been complacent about making threats either – could still be drugging the chicks. Katie Malone was most naive thinking Trump was an easy catch – experienced 2500F wrath of the King.


Let’s not forget Victoria Zdrok and her Ukrainian connections.

Angel Askew

See why all women need good and strong men in their corner?
The wolves never rest!
It never fucking changes.

J Bill

nobody cares


That is sobering.

J Bill

is it?

Billy Bob

Elites/Democrats don’t mind to make Trump a smooth stone out of rough on the edges one. All that’s left to do is to wear rainbow chain and leather.

Angel Askew

United we stand or divided we fall.
We cannot go around taking people out for religion or color or sex.

We must follow the money and dirty politics!

Protect the farmers!
The Italians are not satisfied with just Draghi stepping down.

They appear ready to pull another Mussolini!!

J Bill

protect b0fa!

Angel Askew

6 btc


NEVER..down with that TROUBLE making TROLL
He was kicked out for good reason

buck fiden

Zhou Biden needs the Mussolini treatment. Or at least he needs to go out like Emperor Maximilian of Mexico.

Angel Askew

I mean, even some news is reporting France referring to government officials as “Marie Antoinette’s”. Lol

This is no longer a far off notion it seems. The elite are so incorrigible they won’t stop calling our bluff.

Those crowds in Italy are millions of angry men shouting in unison.

Billy Bob

Maybe Ivana talked as much as BO’s granny who had a long battle with cancer and died right after BO’s visit (filmed as insurance?), the day before the election. That’s how you become the President!

Angel Askew

And mysteriously crashing the plane into water of a passenger from your mom’ and birth fathers cult who falsified your birth records suddenly drowns and body is never recovered. CIA Operatives.

Natasha Vidan

Ohh, I’m so sorry. I don’t wish any of the Trump clan to be harmed. I am so sorry for Eiric, Don Jr, and Ivanka Trump. I pray that The Mighty Blood of Yeshua=Jesus, Cover ALL of the Trumps and I also Thank You Father for Dispatching Your Heavenly host to each of the Trumps to fight for their protection and may the be able to fulfill their call here on earth, in The Precious Name of Yeshua AMENlll




Screenshot of RRN story seen in

https ://

at 38:43

( https :// )

Third-party proof that content posted by Michael Baxter here at Real Raw News is true/plausible. 🙂


Hey, thanks!… the first video ends up being pretty informative.


True be dat.


You are pointing to a video on Rumble as proof that RRN is real?

Rose Mary Abbott

Awesome! That’s why I love the comments section!

Jack Lee

You take on the worlds most evil people and don’t protect the mother of your children?

I don’t think so. Something about this whole thing is wrong.


Donald J Trump expressly excluded Ivana from secret service protection. Was she a pawn?

Billy Bob

Trump and Ivana were first mentioned in 2000 “American Psycho” movie when shaky Christian Bale looks out of the window and shouts: “Is that Trump’s car? Is that Ivana?” Well, the internet is full of videos when people fall due to covid shot(s) related nanobacteria fibers formations that shut the system down. Or it’s just beloved classic ricin.

J Bill

those are words


Its your “projection”, as dull as it may be.


Headline should read…

Trump… They Got Him!


You gotta wonder why they keep advertising the money makers…..distractions people. Stay on topic.


Its hard for them to focus with all the Trolls, but at least they can’t force a narrative nor project their failure onto them they’re smarter than that by now.


She may have done herself in as well. 4 Covid vaccines in a row may be the culprit.


Oh com’on, 10 jabs. Thats the projection point, and once all the dumb dumbs get there, they all get a free lollypop courtesy of izreal.

Dixie Gardner

Well, if she fell down the stairs, the chances of her not spilling the coffee until the bottom seems highly improbable. There definitely wouldn’t have been enough for a puddle of coffee and she wouldn’t have landed in something she was carrying. I smell a rat.


So do I.

buck fiden

Same people took out Scalia.

Rob William

Can people die accidentally/naturally?


I’m sure we can come to some sort of arrangement for you.


It’s been said Scalia was taken out by poisoning and a pillowing was put on his head when his body was discovered.


nnn mm

J Bill

Condolences to DJ Trump & Family.

J Bill





Hey,….its the “good” j Bill”. In purple even. lol


It seems to me – she was someone’s punching bag.

Rose Mary Abbott

I’m leaning towards the shots did it.

Angel Askew

I could lean with you here too.
Any other documented side effects reporting bruising on the trunk and/or vital organs?

Trump’s stance that vaxx is still good for us is wiped out if Ivana died from complications from it.

J Bill



What if this was Trump’s plan all along? What if he held a grudge against Ivana and him endorsing the vaccines for 2 years was really him playing the long game, hoping his endorsements would eventually lead to Ivana specifically getting vaxxed and dying 🤔

Rob William

It’s a well known fact that DJT didn’t love Ivana. They had pretty ugly public divorce.


I’ll say she overdosed from Con-Vid 19

Last edited 2 years ago by goober

Except that the coffee wouldn’t be spilled at the bottom of the stairs where she was found.


Just send him some more money. He’s already fundraising off of her death.