Brian Stelter Arrested


The U.S. military on Saturday arrested liberal “woke” activist and former CNN host Brian Stelter on charges of child molestation and possession of child pornography near his family’s posh condominium on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, JAG sources told Real Raw News.

The arrest comes less than two weeks after CNN canned Stelter. Communist News Network spokespersons had cited declining ratings and serving too niche an audience as reasons for cancelling Stelter’s long-running “Reliable Sources.”

JAG, however, believes that CNN created excuses, a smokescreen, to conceal its true reason for terminating Stelter’s employment. If true, Stelter’s sudden departure had nothing to do with his wokeness or the show’s abysmal ratings and everything to do with his predilection for pedophilia.

“Stelter got too hot for CNN to handle,” our source said. “It’s likely the knew about his diseased mind for a long time and protected him, and paid off parents of victims to keep their mouths shut. CNN’s already mired in corruption, and a scandal like this could’ve sunk the network.”

The military, he said, took interest in Stelter after he had on 25 January sermonized an 8th grade class in Rockwood Park, New York, on how to spot media disinformation and report it to the proper authorities—namely him and CNN. During the class, Stelter also sermonized children on the importance of getting multiple Covid shots and numerous boosters, and he offered tips on how to shame “anti-vax” parents into accepting vaccines as a necessity for life.

Of course, free speech and opinions are not crimes. But a 36-year-old man touching a 13-year-old boy’s crotch and asking, “does this feel good?” is among the most heinous of imaginable offenses.

According to a JAG affidavit, a boy identified only as “Adam” approached Stelter after class to offer his thoughts on Covid-19 vaccinations, telling the portly pedo that neither he nor his parents had been vaccinated and had no intention of risking their health to an experimental vaccine. “We don’t like the vaccines,” Adam said. At that point Stelter cupped his palm over the boy’s genitals and, grinning like a Cheshire cat, said, “How about this. Do you like this? I saw you eyeing me in class.” More repulsed than frightened, Adam rebuffed Stelter’s advance and called him a “sick, twisted f***.”

Although the interaction occurred in a blind spot, Adam had been wise enough to switch on his cell phone’s recording app, not because he anticipated molestation but because he wanted to challenge Stelter’s stance on vaccine adherence and post the clip to social media. Adam’s parents, though fuming mad, had forbid him from disseminating the clip online and instead surrendered a copy to the district attorney’s office in the Southern District of New York, our source said.

“The way Adam was holding the camera—it doesn’t show Stelter’s face in the shot, just a hand mauling his genitals. From what we know, the district attorney’s office would not seek an indictment for that reason and because it couldn’t authenticate Stelter’s voice. Also, they said lack of witnesses. I doubt they really even looked for any. Our people at U.S. Army Cyber Command said they’re 100% certain it’s Stelter’s voice, and a ring on his finger is a match for a wedding band seen in other photos of him. For reasons of operational security, I can’t say now how we took possession of the video clip or how we made contact with Adam’s parents, but that will come out at Stelter’s tribunal,” our source said.

The Judge Advocate General’s Corps, he added, thought it highly unlikely that Adam’s story was an isolated incident and thus began a comprehensive background check on Stelter. JAG now claims to have irrefutable proof that Stelter had molested or made inappropriate advances to at least eight children between 2013-2022, the length of his stay at CNN.

“Federal and State authorities gave him a pass, but we weren’t about to do the same. We had more than enough proof to issue a military arrest warrant in his name,” our source said.

On the morning of August 27, plainclothes JAG investigators intercepted Stelter as he left his condominium and showed him a copy of the warrant before seizing a laptop cradled under his left arm. A sniveling Stelter did not resist but spent ten minutes proclaiming his innocence.

“The laptop has since been examined forensically and was found to hold literally tens of thousands of child pornography pictures and videos. Needless to say, this doesn’t look good for him,” our source said.

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Good. He looks like such a creep. I’m sick of seeing his photo everywhere. Even here. He’s just gross. I hope people forget about him, and continue to forget about him.

Above Reproach

Exactly what do you mean by the words ( could Have sunk CNN ) ?
Stuff that FAT DISGUSTING PIG into a prison cell so deep under the earth,
That only battery powered flash lights will work, because wire can’t be made long enough to power up a bulb .


Hang the fat pig!!!


Anyone notice that the part of this article above about MIL opening a new division for child trafficking & other child related abuses. That part of the article is now gone. Does that mean it was false? Or does that mean that they became uncomfortable having said that publicly because it would put too many high level crims on notice?


Nothing could have surprised me less!!! Execute the worthless prick.


Brian, you won the award of a lifetime…you are going to fry!!! While you left a posh condo, you now have a stark 6X9 Military cell. Adam, is the thirteen year old hero. By his bravery kids will be saved, even one single capture can save some of our children’s psychological and physical lives.

As for wimpy Brian, I bet when you left your posh condo in Manhattan you never expected to be housed in a 6X9 holding “suite” by that evening.
Hanging or firing squad is way too easy and merciful a punishment. More appropriate for his evil acts: a bilateral “scrotum-ectomy” and penile amputation with pain control of tylenol tablets. THAT”S Justice!!!!


If this fatass Clown ever gets the privialge of living long enough to go to Prison he’ll be used as a living punching bag or a hole in the wall. lol But I bet they knock out those pearly white teeth first.

D. Gates

I for one, would like to thank jag, and every US military branch for their dedication to the constitution and to the people! Thank You!


I’f he were standing on the gallows ready to drop…I think he would still have that perverted candy-ass sociopath grin on his piggy face.

Dr. G

Let the party roll!!! Time to rid this world of these evil, sick aliens. Off with their heads!!!!


“. . . a scandal like this could’ve sunk the network.” That would be nice.

Tracy Reinert

I think any one of us could have guessed as much.


Crimes against Humanity includes child molestation and is punishable by death…so he hangs. NO EXCUSES.


and is likely part of the SRA and cannibalism.

Pastor Kevin

Thank you Jesus!


I guarantee he has a complete “ little man syndrome” thing going on…😂😂😂


Now I understand why they stopped shooting these maggots. Shit splatters.


Shame he couldn’t be done for propaganda as well! Hang the creep! The world will be a better place without THIS kind of scum!!

Kelly Brown

How the HELL did Stelter even get one view?!?!?!?!



Kelly Brown

Even at that, imagine Brian Stelter being the one that grabs your shyt.

Kelly Brown

Brian Stelter is so awful. Everything about him! https:// www .youtube. com/watch?v=4Qqendp1kLE


This calls for an encore of Queen’s 1980 viral hit…… …”Another one Bites the Dust”.

Last edited 2 years ago by Joanna

Queen = gay and aids.

buck fiden

I just switched my 30-year mortgage to a student loan. Follow me for more financial advice.

http: eat-shit-and-die-and-don’t.cum


Funny you should say that. I just paid my mortgage off today.


just as well because that offer above does not look attractive!


Praise God finally! Sick and twisted CNN

John .S

Stelter is screwed. Let’s see who comes to the rescue, meaning Esq.

Money says: Stelter lacks counsel. No Esq in their right mind would defend him.

If Bill Ayers was a pedo, no doubt would receive death penalty.

Slick Willy got somewhat lucky, receiving life via counsel, total longshot.

Would wager Stelter trial 4 hours tops. Start to finish encluding execution within 48 hours.

Suspect Shelter trial after Labor Day.

Stelter’s last words could be interesting. Money says: crying his eyes out, without uttering a coherent word.

Message being sent, reverberating throughout all spectrums, pedophilia a death penalty offense via JAG for Crimes Against Humanity.




There something that I’ve heard for years! If something doesn’t sound , look , or feel right! Than it’s probably not right ! I look over everything that’s taken place in the last 3 years it doesn’t seem right on anything I’m hearing about whose in control! Because it all looks , feel an sounds bad to me ! We might of been a little to late to wake up ! But, there’s still hope in Jesus Christ for the here after ! John 3:16 makes that clear ! 🙏 Pray ,while you still can !

buck fiden

You can always pray – even in prison.


Prison chaplains are trolling homos.




How’s the casino style voting machine in the States with sanctuary counties an city ? How’s the illegals an terrorist numbers now for future votes going? Being there not being vetted ! But, instead they get instant citizenship an everything free ! How’s the demographics going with foreign socialist, communist, dictatorship, criminal mentality , new instant citizenship without being vetted? Looks like what the covid shots will do causing death an the new mentality of incoming citizens! The Bilderburg Group , CIA, Drug Cartels for a One World Government an One World Religion should be happy ! We are almost there Chrislam is not far off ! Kinda, explain everything for me now! Like the new religious law banning Christian from saying Jesus is the only way to Heaven! That’s a world law from Un ! So, what happens if you break it because of your beliefs? Death or maybe prison, like the J6 freedom rally people held without a trial ! Lot of things that deserve answers an aren’t being answered, Why ?

buck fiden

Buy ammo. LOTS OF AMMO. If you have the space, buy a reloading machine, dies, primers, powder, bullets, centrifuges, 3d printers, scales, and get busy.


Way ahead of you.

J Bill

why ask why

J Bill

it’s a shame the 2000 mules book got recalled. smh


What are they trying to secretly tell us…


J Bill is whispering your ear. To bend over and touch your toes.


It isn’t a book soi boi.

J Bill

yeah it is dumbass. even dinesh admitted fucktard lmaooooooooooo


Lmaooooooo. Twink.

David T

B Jill (or BJ for short) is too f’ing dumb to realize or acknowledge that Mules is a documentary movie. Not a book.


Bilderburg Group, One World Government, CIA an Drug Cartels connection to the military for the one world government ! All of this would be interesting to hear more about especially now days ! Because everything that’s going on is what they’ve talk about doing an now it’s being done ! All for control an more power ! There agenda is almost complete while we’ve been allowing it! With listening to their story time before, our bedtime sleep time! Unfortunately, we should of woke up years ago but, didn’t!

buck fiden

Some kike should start an outrageously expensive hamburger chain called “Build-a-Burger.”

John .S

Want to try the: What-a-Burger, know their in Texas via You Tube videos.

In my neck of the woods have White Castle burgers, frozen suck. Need to be good and drunk, or having the munchies when eating. Don’t feed to dogs, bad farts, eye burning farts.

Wagered on a guy eating 50 sliders, lost wager. Guy ate 55, was pushing 60, he slept alone for a few days, though smiling from winning serious cash from other gamblers too.

Last edited 2 years ago by John .S

Berger burgers would be made of soy.


Obviously, from your comment you must of read the guest list of the Washington DC. 2022 Bilderburg group from who attended! They don’t appear to be afraid of anyone knowing who attended ! Or for what they believe in for a one world government!


Resume the Executions ! 🤷

John .S

Soon [#soon, LoL] after rule change. Alleged Crandell screwed up, lacking wiggle room to return back to gallows.

Evidently Crandall etched it in stone to completely abolish.


Grandell is sipping martinis on his patio in Arlington.


If the perverts are allowed to get away with this 💩. They will multiply.
Castration and executions are the only way to rid society of this scourge!


Arrest Brandon Today !
Get the party Started Today 🎉

J Bill

you can’t arrest dark brandon


Watch us.

John .S

Brandon is already gone, June/July 2020. Brandon’s GITMO courtroom photo floating.

buck fiden

The chink virus vaccine tends to mimic the effects of castration and executions over time.

John .S

Gemini Method, nothing else..

Hal Brown

Waiting for Tim Thibault to be arrested and hauled off to Gitmo. Rumour is he was escorted from the FBI building but for all we know he may have been escorted back in through the door in the alley. And there should be thousands more.


Hang this jewish bolshevist with chinese communist rope! And then let Gay J Bill climb up his ass and whittle some after the long trip!

buck fiden

Battery Bob circumscribed by cactus up the asshole with Wagnerian opera playing in the background!

J Bill

no new comments in 6 hours. sad!


a gay fat ugly as fuck jew bolshevist isn’t going to garner much attention from the goyim unless he is hanged on a kike school campus!

J Bill

sad! has the water receded yet?

Anthony Gregory

Just another minnow.
What about the fake Biden. Roberts.


Or Flake? Menendez?

Hal Brown

Minnows feed the bigger fish.


As far as I’m concerned… every Pedophile predator should be put to death. No question about it.


Executions Must BE public Held.
NOW ! 🤷


The military should offer Brian leniency for a confession. Much better to shame him. That way he will be “radioactive” for the rest of his life.


And more co-paedophiles and rapists.


Looking forward to seeing the dominoes fall on multiple networks. Last year there was alot of discussion about the MSM as we know it, being eliminated.

It appears to be starting…… 👍



David L Baiker


Nukkin Futz

He was such a media bigshot and now he is detainee Stelter in his 6 x 9′ “cubicle” office, wut’ta tumble in 2 weeks from high grace to the bottom of the shit barrel…His ego must be crushed!

J Bill

sooner or later mikey will hit his “annual” goal



Proudly Unaffiliated

Where is Mark Dice when we need him? I’m sure he is laughing at Brian Stelter being referred to as the “portly pedo.” I mean, who could have ever suspected that this POS was a messed up pedo perv? These people are sick!

David Treciak

I think anyone who becomes famous in media or Hollywood has to join the satanic cult. The exceptions are the ones who made it on their own talent, like Mel Gibson.


Tick Tock, Tick Tock, goes the clock! “Time’s Up” is taking on a whole new meaning for Hollyweird and all its cohorts.



Gary Lee Taylor

Why isn’t the military showing these arrests to the public
Via any news channel
Like my mind is kept busy with hopium while the crap continues
When will this be used to expose them totally?


Just as no one knows, not even Jesus knows the end of time, no one on this earth knows when the great reveal will be. Patient endurance attains all things. Blessings,


Never, it’s not real Gary

David L Baiker

Because this is just a made up story.

David Treciak

There are other sources for the executions, like David Straight. His videos on Youtube regularly mention tribunals. We were told from the start that it would be handled covertly so as not to tip off the targets. But there’s plenty of evidence, like all the military air traffic to Gitmo and all the A List actors who aren’t doing movies or going to awards shows like they used to. This will be over by the end of the year and then the details will be available to us, like videos of confessions, tribunals and executions.

David T

Smalls and Faiker are troll turds who happen to be the same person.


Do like the Russian mafia.. cut off their genitals, shove in mouth, and put a bullet in their head AFTER slitting their throat for good measure!! Sound good?


That was mentioned in the sermon at mass this past Sunday.


were you hallucinating from the clotshot?


No…he just made it up, ..
He lyes constantly !🤷
Its to be expected


Wozz is a chinese knock off.


Modified, … Skip the bullet,
Hang the bastard right after the
Castration. !

Thomas Blow

So we went back to hangings — from the neck?


Or from the testicles, in Stelter’s case.


Drop and rip !… the package off.


I don’t think his balls have dropped.


This is a sweet piece of information. It’s time pedos of the MSM start getting arrested and dealt with. Thank you RRN.


I always said he looked like a sick twist pedo f*ck but, no one believed me. I’ve lost count the amount of friends I have lost over my political views but, I’m not losing any sleep over it.


I knew you were right.
Now it’s time for Justice !
Swift Executions.
Right Now!👍


Children can’t defend themselves so they become prey to twisted men.


Teach the kids to defend themselves so no twisted man will ever touch them again.

buck fiden

Harvey Weinstein and Brian Stelter could make fatty kike porn together.


Hunter could direct it.


Lol,that’s comedy


how long must we tolerate these filthy fucking jews and muslims


For the rest of your life. Cry, nazi


someone in my family died fighting the soviets on the easstern front. That man’s father had his eyes shot out laterally during another fight, and he lived. Neither could have cried. there’s a lot of workn to do…

Last edited 2 years ago by Julie

You seem to be suggesting that I should have sympathy for your Nazi family members, which I regret to inform you, I do not.


lol. not at all. Why do you think others want something from you?

David T

I actually do want something from Smalls. Want it to LEAVE.

buck fiden

My great grandfather died in a Nazi concentration camp! He fell out of a guard tower!

buck fiden

Thank you for your cervix.


LSD suppressed their appetites.



buck fiden

Jews not for much longer. They aren’t reproducing. Niggers, Chinks and Spics are making all the babies in Commiefornia.

I saw a meme that said if there only 1,000 people in the world having babies this year, only 30 of them would be in the USA.

buck fiden

Target rich environment.



