Biden Regime Causes Nationwide Drug Shortage


Millions of patients cannot find medications to treat life-threatening illnesses as the United States faces its biggest drug shortage crisis in modern history. A scarcity of antibiotics has caused patients to scour multiple pharmacies to find amoxicillin, a common antibiotic, and oncology patients deprived of pain meds are enduring unimaginable suffering. Even children’s Tylenol has grown scarce. Over 300 once common medications now appear on the FDA’s shortage list, and the criminal Biden regime has formed an advisory council to investigate the underlying causes of the faltering drug market, naming Xavier Becerra the committee’s “czar.”  The regime’s hegemonic Health and Human Services secretary quickly ascribed the calamity to “ongoing Covid-19 supply chain issues”—a blatant falsehood.

As reported this week, U.S. Special Forces happened upon a warehouse filled with antibiotics and painkillers that would have gone to Ukraine had they not intervened. They seized the meds but now must find a way to release them back into the market—a challenging task because Deep State agents of evil might simply pilfer them again.

“This is a special kind of treason,” a source in Gen. Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News. “Our responsibility is bringing criminals to justice, but, you know, dispensing pharmaceuticals is not in our job description. We are stretched thin. The meds are part of a bigger problem—the illegitimate administration has been gutting the U.S.A., sending Ukraine our gas, food, weapons, and medications. They’re enriching themselves and Zelenskyy while we here at home suffer. The administration’s council investigating shortages is a sham—they’re the ones causing all shortages; they’re giving away the farm. They hate America, the Constitution, and they’re plundering our great nation.”

White Hats, he added, believe that the regime has leased hundreds or thousands of warehouses from coast to coast to store pilfered medications, for the one raided by Special Forces held only a few types of drugs—penicillin, amoxicillin, oxycodone, hydrocodone, and fentanyl patches—a far cry from the 300 on the FDA’s list. They have also accepted the possibility that boatloads and planeloads of drugs have already reached Ukrainian soil.

He likened finding the drugs to finding a needle in a haystack.

“There are four million warehouses in the United States. Even if we looked at ones within a few miles of airports and docks—that’s still around two million. We can only accomplish so much,” our source said.

Besides investigatory techniques, White Hats rely on whistleblower tips to capture and incarcerate Deep State criminals. Tips helped them find and destroy adrenochrome, vaccine warehouses, and cloning facilities. Our source said White Hats need a towering tip to recover the stolen medications. The other option, he added, would be capturing Xavier Becerra, who has been on the White Hat’s 10-most-wanted list since he assumed office on March 19, 2021.

But our source said Becerra has been hiding in Poland to avoid military arrest.

“Besides living in exile, he’s among the most protected of Deep Staters. We have concrete proof he’s somewhere in Warsaw. Getting him will be like how we got Walensky—waiting for a slip-up. Otherwise, we do the best we can, learn what we can, and hope Cyber Command catches wind of something that leads us to wherever the administration is stockpiling stolen meds,” our source said.

Incidentally, a drug not on the shortage list is Pfizer’s Paxlovid, which is touted as a remedy for Covid-19. White Hat physicians at Womack Army Medical Center, Fort Bragg, are investigating reports of Paxlovid causing brain damage.

Real Raw News Radio — Thursday, 9:00 P.M. CST.
Tonight’s topic: “What Opened Your Eyes?”
At some point, an event awakens us. We’ll open the lines to hear listner stories.
Listen link:

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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
Solange Silverman

Time for alternative and natural medicines.
Big Pharma drugs are all poison.


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning sixteen thousand US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website…

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

America, we can fix all the screw ups biden and the democrats created since January 2021.

And I mean all the screw ups . . . Everything the illegitimate criminal biden regime and the democrats touched was a failure, everything.

It’s all up to us if we want to take our country back and Make it Greater than it’s ever been. Let’s work together as a great team and vote out all democrats and RINOs. All of them.

You say it’s impossible? Maybe but at least give a huge majority in the Senate and the House (Congress) to the Republicans.

VOTE IN PERSON. Do Not vote by mail and Do Not vote early.

We need President Trump back in office and watch the greatness he will do for us, our country, and the world.

Trump will overhaul all three letter agencies top to bottom and fire all the democrat corrupted directors.

VOTE IN PERSON and make your vote count. Do this and you’ll Make America Greater than It’s Ever Been.

GOD Bless America!


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link……..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Drug shortages are just one of the major dramas, that the crippled, criminal, Biden regime is causing in this country hourly. Yet, more than half the country actually thinks joe is doing a good job.

Last edited 1 year ago by Joanna

No they don’t!! His approval rating is in the low 30% and if half the people approved of the job he is doing, it would be a lot higher!!


May I suggest the get in touch with Sheriffs across the US to look for stolen medications/warehouses full of meds? Sheriffs swear allegiance to the Constitution and are NOT under local control as such. Let them help the White Hats as best they can in their own jurisdiction, there are THOUSANDS OF THEM!


Great Idea !👍


Deep sweep…lock em up…trials…consequences. if you know all this and have for many many years why oh why do the perps not get taken down. Everyone suffering in many ways for a group of sob’s that would sell their mother if the price was right.


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open this link……..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic



Please pray for President Trump, he is the only one right now who can taken down the deep state, fight the Satanic paedophiles, arrest the child sex traffickers, punish the traitors and save the kids, but the military has to round up the bad guys for justice before he can continue the job.
It’s people like Cobb, Jim, and other Biden lovers who hate goodness and justice and ruin this great nation by voting for and supporting a paedophilic, incestmongering, lying, cheating, racist, abortion-loving, sexual deviant-supporting, same-sex marriage protecting, child sex change surgery defending, bribetaking traitor like China Joe who loves the New World Order, the Taliban, and loves adrenochrome made from screaming, tortured kids. WE DON’T SUPPORT THAT BETRAYAL, NOW OR EVER.

Delenda Est Coniurati 



Carol B

Where is your brain? Can’t you see there is at least 20 years of hard work Trump needs to do right now with hundreds helping him…. Where have you been Jim?


Let’s roll up our sleeves, Carol, and tear these bastards up!! Book them and charge them!

Last edited 1 year ago by Xena
Azurite Crystal

Have you seen any election reform occuring?
Without some of that ,voting is useless.
Why do people assume another criminal election will change anything?
Election Reform first and foremost


My oh my how the Crisis Actors are in full swing here. LOL How entertaining they are.

Brigid Bardont

The ones in the stories, or the comments…?


The one writing these stories. Look MB had me sucked in at beginning with HRC tribunal but more time when on me outed himself as a fake. These articles read like a novel. The term ”parody” isnt put in for protection of lawsuites it’s only truth he writes.


Looking forward to tonight’s blogcast. TY


Is it even happening or did MB just forget like he forgets a lot of his storylines?

Last edited 1 year ago by Cobb



What happened? I’m on the site and nothing happened.


What link is tonite Sat call?


What I get by going to the link is a re-broadcast of Thursday’s show.


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link……..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Fmr. Federal Prosecutor Claims ‘Electoral Interference’ by Clinton Campaign in Trump Russia Probe

The world witnessed how deep the FBI Corruption is in our country.

Supposedly the world’s best and most elite Police Force is now infamous as the world’s dirtiest and most corrupt. Embarrassing, humiliating and shameful. Zero integrity.

We need a complete overhaul of our three letter agencies. Abolish these agencies and completely replace from top to bottom all personnel.

And those responsible should pay the price. These crooked corrupt dirtbags committed Treason in the highest degree. Treason is punishable by death and there is No pardon, None, Zero, Nada. They will hang.


Rather than over haul the agency’s, let us abolish them altogether. They do more harm than good.


They need to be Gone With the Wind.

Carol B

Amen, and, as a friend used to say
“ Send them to God’s courtroom and let Him deal with them”


That alone should scare the tar out of them!

Carol B

Actually the constitution’s correct way to treat treason is DEATH

Stinky Perfume

raylandbrunson dot com scroll to the bottom, has the latest filing, last motion was the 5/15/23 today is 5/20/23 Filed an opposition to the motion to dismiss. It’s tedious but as soon as they get a positive ruling Trump is supposed to be in office by the next day as far as the public sees him in office. It’s expected to happen on May 25th this time. Trump was said to get back into public office on July 4, 2021 here on RRN. For some reason Trump won’t say he’s the president, he’s definitely acting like he was robbed of the presidency so then he’s not president, he’s a man that got robbed. It’s just military ruling and like two presidents it’s white hats and black hats each doing their own thing. WH military won’t come out and say “pay no attention to that fake Biden on the tv screen”.

I can guess the hold up is that the military is in power but divided among themselves, since they are doing WH and BH, and that could even remain the same so what’s the point?.

The public is showing too much confusion over who the president is or who is ruling. This is more about putting Biden OUT. No more looking at Biden on tv, and arrests of 3000 more officials I heard but they recently fled DC it states on YT Florida Maquis site, a lot of officials went to Lebanon to set up shop and still rule the USA. I wonder if they are avoiding arrests or I can make a joke of a guess and wonder if they have a plan to do some issue in DC since that’s where the court is that sounds like they are going to rule Trump is president in a few days?

Will Caulfield


Everything you said is wrong.

Carol B

I don’t understand all he said since he abbreviates a lot and it is real late here in Ga.


That would be an awesome happening. Yes the DS dogs are fleeing this country every day. They act like they can’t be found. I think the White Hats know exactly where all of them are. Biden’s little doppleganger is either completely demented of he is arrogant enough to think he is now the President and he has all this power. This fake Biden has a reckoning day awaiting him also. NO, I do not think the fake stupid Biden is working with the White Hats. He and all the fakes are DS demons. Their day is coming.

Carol B



“I will look for you. I will find you. And I will kill you.”


Lighten up, Francis.


The Supreme Court has rejected the Brunson case. The opposition motion carries no weight. There is no provision in the Constitution for restoring a president to power. Not even the Supreme Court can do that. Your lack of knowledge of civics is appalling. It’s not happening. Move on.


If were under COG scotus has no power right mow,


We are not. COG is the fantasy of some random online dude who wrote a really long and totally incorrect interpretation of the process


When they replace the personel the people should somehow be involved in the process, even if it requires votes. Letting the congress and the FBI hire their friends and criminal cohorts is what got us here.


Where are the rest of our military? Army navy Air force? Are they really all that stupid? There must be some reason for it in the ranks.I can’t believe that they are all that brainwashed!!! I want to see a coup if that’s what it takes. Americans need to wake up


Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think muslims are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Muslims are going to be at the center of that.


Julie is referring to this:

https ://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan

by way of a sarcastic rephrasing of a quote by a proponent of this plan whose name I won’t mention here. If you decide to do research into this, you may come across the actual clip with the actual quote. I last saw it on YouTube and it wasn’t scrubbed as an ‘inconvenient truth’ at the time I saw it. The clip may still be on YouTube.


30% (or a little more by now) of the population of the State of Israel is of ‘palestinian’ heritage. And these palestinians have representatives in the Knesset.
Sounds like a good start.


Ooops, 20% not 30% Arab.

Stinky Perfume

My landlord pulled that muslim crap on me while I’m a white person in USA, until I pointed out he and his wife were my great grandparents and I was just here learning what happened to them when they died. Religion and culture don’t last past the lifetime. Reincarnation pulls the plug on that logic. We’re all a lot of religions and cultures.




It’s deep alright


is that what you said to Hussein Shitstain as he raped you and your goat watched?


is that what you moaned as you accepted michael obama in your bowels?







or Jim to jim!


Our phony, space cadet “prezident” must be sending it all to Ukraine, undoubtedly.




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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

get off the Gaytf dick ffs



Izonda Skyz

They’re trying to murder us from every possible angle. Air, land, sea, weather, food, infrastructure…. What harm CERN couldn’t do to finish us off, THEY will. Guess what, “They”. Spoiler alert! You lose in the end.



Carol B

So what is wrong with that


Mr. Baxter: Patriot sources say that Indiana is one of 24 states sending troopers to the Mexican border at the call of Texas. Can you ask your sources to determine how the compromised Indiana governor saw fit to do the right thing? He was Pence’s errand boy and I’d have to assume that Q’s Midnight Riders paid him a surprise visit to discuss the facts of life.


Just write your own fan-fiction WrongWay. If MB can do it so can you. Using the power of imagination you can make the Q Riders or whatever say whatever you want them to say to your governor


Good time for another pandemic huh cobb? Maybe they’ll throw CCPox at us, eh? When the blisters pop you and Will spurt out and cry,”This isn’t happening!”

Will Caulfield

It’s nice to know you’re thinking of me, Julie!


If you need me to feel good about yourself, might I suggest a fruit cup?


What in the fuck are you going on about now weirdo


Midnight Riders. Hah. A fearsome bunch of retirees doing drive-bys on their Rascals


self admission? lol hahahaha


We are just mushrooms in the dark Wrong Way





Afshin Nejat

Incidentally, how long did it take for your contacts’ higher command to realize that Ukraine was being used in this way. Anyone with a basic working knowledge of criminology and history, even just recent 100 years worth of history, could have figured it out even before it “started” in 2014. Anybody with any sort of brass on their lapels should have been keen to the goings on in the world around them, meanwhile my time and talent have been wasted for the last 10 years when I was hot on all of these issues and subjects due being FORCED into them due to the complete delapidation and despoilation of the society in America and all western (WHITE) countries. I’ll say this to you as a warning: The worst thing that there is is the “Good gone Bad”. Don’t be that.


If you’re complaining about white people your in the wrong place. As you will soon find out

Robert Gregory Boensch


how many individual posters

and how many trolls

can we put all of the trolls in front of the Bus

(not in the front of the bus)

Silly Me

Last edited 1 year ago by Robert Gregory Boensch


Robert Gregory Boensch

It’s kind of catchy

A one word answer to a troll

if you don’t like my post

just us a one word response


just think a carpal tunnel disease cure

the word


please trolls every where I do hold you health in my prayers

American Living in Canada

Keep on truck’in..


People define Trolls here as anyone not buying into everything MB writes. No neg opinions just kissing azz.




Durham Report Confirms TRUMP EXONERATED and FBI CORRUPTION Revealed in MASSIVE Report

TRUMP EXONERATED – are any of these thugs going to serve time? They committed treason.

FBI CORRUPTION Revealed – any resignations or firing? If none, then the corruption is really that bad.

Last edited 1 year ago by TakeAmericaBack2024

One of those thugs, Killary Rotten Clinton, was executed at GITMO less than 2 years ago. Even President Trump attended her hanging and she cursed him like the demonic being she was. He also attended Nanny Pelosi’s hanging and received a sound demonic cursing. Those 2 were such “ladies”!! It is a far better place with those 2 gone.


They’re both still here Glenda. Fan-fiction can’t hurt people


Proof? I agree with Glenda. Hill dog & her daughter are both more dead than, doornails.

Last edited 1 year ago by Joanna

So is the husband and son-in-law.


Whatever proof is offered, you will trot out one of the many timeworn, unconvincing excuses like clone, double, actor, CGI, blah blah. Keep on believing they’re dead and ignore reality.

Hal Brown

Your hilarity has blue eyes.


ICYMI, Hillary died after she attended the 911 memorial back in 2018. Recall the video of her helped by SS detail into the limo and was taken to Chelsea’s Manhattan apartment where her doctors performed a non medically approved procedure called probiosis. It is the equivalent of transfusion except it uses adrenochrome. Also recall her double came out but HRC was gone. Imho, the execution reported by this site is ATF aka after the fact. Blessings 🙏🙏 from the REAL Delavic.


And good riddance to them.


If the report found treason then why did Durham recommend zero criminal charges? Lol


YOU SHOULD KNOW…..HUBER DOES……since durham report been publish….indictments with no…bullhorn..


Because they’re ALL FEDS – get it now?

Mike Huntsucker

I live real close to camp grayling and I hear those 50 cals going off all the time wasting American tax dollars into dirt or targets when they could be put into deep staters makes me want to hurl shitter get off the pot white hats


Have you tried going over there and yelling at them?

Mike Huntsucker

Yeah. As they fly by in a squadron of choppers…they know me they see the huge TRUMP on top of my van..the huge Trump sing the size of a pinto on my front gate and another van all done up in TRUMP…I thank they fly by for kicks and giggles seeing TRUMP


Try yelling louder

Mike Huntsucker

I would really just like to see that high quality ammo put to good use for a changeunscumball scum sucking deep State evil tyrant’s….by golly I want to see my tax dollars put to some good use

Robert Gregory Boensch

just south of you is Standish Max.

A short distance down I 75. from your house

If you are really upset Please look at my posts today and the last few days
and of months

search archive org

the path was written

and you will be able to see results in person

Be all you can Be

A White Hat

Last edited 1 year ago by Robert Gregory Boensch
Mike Huntsucker

You have the farms right ?

Robert Gregory Boensch

Silly Question


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link……..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

get that dick dude

John .S

False Flag Cometh? 30 tons of explosive chemicals disappear.

Last edited 1 year ago by John .S

The DS just keeps on going and going and going!!


I would assume by now their Armies have crossed our Borders and are organizing an eventual attack of us citizens. The FED Gubberment wouldn’t want to take away our guns otherwise. So, if you read between the lines, er “lies” it all makes more sense they want to start another war here – ”again”, and with the FED also saying; oh no, you can’t defend yourselves (white people) otherwise you’re racists.

To that I will say a sleeping Giant is awakening right here and now, and with it, pretty much the entire “FED” will become officially recognized as an international terrorist organization that protects themselves and their constituents very well, which may become their downfall in a very short period of time now. All the shows they have in Congress, the Senate and the House are jokes on and against “We The People”, there is No accountability whatsoever – we see it every day. Its continual repetition along with their narratives, gerry mandering and pandering to certain ethnic groups, all the while another hides from behind the scenes funding and spearheading indirect violence against white people.

From what I’ve read, and witnessed in Video’s etc over the last several years, gets debunked – mostly by fake news media itself of course, and from the unwillingness of those “in the know” that seem to want to change the subject and move onto another narrative to investigate and question when they want to, or their masters say so.

Seriously, when the FED investigates the FED, they can’t seem to find “anything” wrong, and if they do, its just supposed to be trivial and all parties involved are declared innocent, or they’re sent to Camp FED for a few months where they can relax on a lounge chair in front of a pool drinking wine, smoking weed and snorting Coke. And who knows, maybe even indulge in some sort of pedofilia with little kids from which we know, is right up their avenue.

It ALL comes down to one thing – accountability, who is it that is accountable? Who is it that will be held accountable – the milk man, or the mail man?


Cant the military round up the Rockefellers? They are enemies domestic. I know the military cant but cant the national gaurd or the sheriffs. This is ridiculous how long this is taking. The military was all elbows and assholes invading Iraq, Afghanistan, Lybia and Syria.


No the Rockefellers are too well protected. Rumor has it they have already gone underground and formed a powerful alliance with the Mole People royal family.


Aimee, if you’re new here Cobbane is the local conspiracy theorist. After awhile, she’ll start thinking Aimee is a guy’s name ffs!


When are they going to arrest podest, bill barr, obama, biden for treason?


Podesta and Barr were arrested and executed. Obama and Biden not yet. Barry is pulling the strings and Incest Joe is taking adrenochrome in his basement.

Will Caulfield

Never. Haven’t you been paying attention?




After the Durham Report many characters who RRN reported months ago some a few years ago were executed or are in prison in GITMO are now surfacing, i.e. sussman, strzok, comey, mccabe, etc. Some of these characters were reported to have been executed or are inmates in GITMO or now transferred to Camp Bliz Guam.

MB, can you confirm the status of these characters if they were executed or in prison in GITMO or Camp Bliz?

Patriots standing by for your response. Thank You MB and Keep up the hard work.

Last edited 1 year ago by TakeAmericaBack2024

He has already reported on the demise of Comey. He was executed by guillotine at GITMO several moons ago.


Lol it wasn’t real Glenda


was michael obama’s anus real as you sniffed it last night sick nut fuck!


Try writing some shit that makes sense next time, no one knows what the fuck you’re talking about


MB won’t see this but if he did would just say the same old shit like “they were executed and those are just clones. Clones clones clones CGI blah blah everyone is a clone”


McCarthy Blasts Adam Schiff After Durham Report Released: ‘Raises A Lot Of Questions’

I think the Military Commission has a lawful duty and obligation to enforce the insurrection act against this evil lying thug called adam schiff.

He must be arrested, cuffed and shackled, transported to Camp Bliz in Guam, face the Military Tribunal for betraying the country, the people, and the Constitution and executed for his treasonous acts.

Hang this bastard!


Schiff was executed in 2021. That’s his doppelganger you’re watching.


Yeah, pencil neck is gone.


Adam Schiff was executed in RRN lore like 2 years ago bro. Are you suggesting MB should write a sequel? Schiff Execution 2: Lie Harder


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link……..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Hillary Clinton On Notice After Durham Report – She Cannot Get Away This Time

MB, this report is out in the news today (5/20) after the Durham Report.

I thought she was executed (hanged) in December 2018 as reported in one of RRN’s reports. Can you confirm this? Is this a clone?


She didn’t get away. She was among the first he reported on. She was hung at GITMO around 2 years ago. Kind of hard to punish her for anything since she has received the ultimate punishment already. They do have a lot of Killary doubles, etc. running around keeping the evil witch alive in the hearts of DS demons.


A couple of her clones were killed as per RRN.


Ahahaha “Hillary Clinton on notice”. Durham spent FOUR YEARS investigating, buddy. In four years he couldn’t come up with a single charge? The best he can do is “on notice”?


Durham is an alcoholic, cigar smoking paid DS F–k.


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic


Robert Gregory Boensch

Our Remonstrance

Is it the Journey to our freedom?

archive Org

its up to you MB to edit and put this link in


Robert Gregory Boensch Commander Of Michigan

Presents to you the story Of How President Trump Has
Set the People of this County Free

A Document with links to laws and Video of the Journey

10 USC 254: Proclamation to disperse
Text contains those laws in effect on May 19, 2023
From Title 10-ARMED FORCES
Subtitle A-General Military Law
§254. Proclamation to disperse Whenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter, he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a limited time.

The People of these States Have To Make the First Move

And then the Military will Complete this action

And then We will all together Build a New Nation from the ground Up

The Commander of the Sovereign
of These fifty States and territories

Of This
Constitutional Republic
Robert Gregory Boensch

Robert G Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch

Last edited 1 year ago by Robert Gregory Boensch
Will Caulfield

Any orders for the troops, Commander?

Robert Gregory Boensch

Thanks for asking

For the Troops.

For the sovereign

If you wish to learn The Truth of who has the Power

look at our remonstrance.

it is our Creator

And the Rights he has bestowed on Us

Will Caulfield

That’s it?

Pretty disappointing.

Last edited 1 year ago by Will Caulfield
Robert Gregory Boensch

OK just for you

You have permission to go out and buy a six pack

Before you watch the movies.

But don’t tell the rest of the troops

Will Caulfield

Also disappointing. Come on, Bobby. You’re the commander. Show us what you’re made of.


What kind of remonstrance are we talking here, RGB? Like a werewolf, or more of a Frankenstein?

Robert Gregory Boensch

Silly Question

John .S

Waiting on orders to shoot all lawyers first, fact, they’re the enemy.

Google, Corpus Juris Secundum Volume 7. Rule 4., which explains lawyers are the fox that guards the henhouse of the injustice system, case in point: J-6’ers.

It’s easy to identify lawyers, commonly outside court house or at nearby gin mills who often wear off-the rack cheap suits.

Will Caulfield

Why are you waiting?

John .S

I’m currently hunting a esq., I’m so deep into his shit waiting on him to smoke tailpipe in garage. Been on him hard since Thanksgiving, his grand finale cometh.

American Living in Canada

Tally – ho Brother.

American Living in Canada

Itchy fingers are every where.

Will Caulfield

Just make sure he doesn’t smell your colostomy bag when you sneak up on him.

John .S

Contracted retribution with eastern bloc dark web extraordinaires, no violence involved. All it took was vehicle license plate. Adage: “in this day and age”.

BTW, Coney Island provides multiple types of amusements, also famous hotdogs, whereas those extraordinaires soon to land me a huge Coney Island White Fish.



Durham report confirmed Adam Schiff’s role in ‘misleading’ Americans: GOP rep

And this lying thug will run for a Senate seat. Do Not vote for this lying corrupt evil democrat.


I thought he was dead. RRN says he is


They won’t be voting for the real demon…Adam Schitt!! He was executed at GITMO almost 2 years ago. His doppleganger needs to be arrested and put out of business.


Cool, and exactly how many criminal charges did Durham hit him with, bro?

Scott C,

The root cause of the Socialist movement in the US is being pushed by Fink of Blackrock and Bloomberg. Both billionaires want to change the US and have the means to cause a major change through media and direct control of companies board of directors. The White Hats need to focus on these individuals at the top now!

Rob William

Write an email to white hats head.


(734) Controversy Erupts as Canada Pushes Forward with CBDC Plans – Angry Reactions Flood Social Media – YouTube


It won’t fly Xena; it better not! Canadians like their own money, not pretend money existing on the ethers! And they want access to it too….not at the whim of internet machinations of every kind by DS liers, cheats, theifs and no-good thugs. They also want money that is backed up by something real, not money pulled out of the asses of the DS. Remember what Jesus did to the money changers? History has a way of repeating itself only this time, with the help of the Quantum System, Jesus can see his vision through. Just my opinion, but no way should we EVER go to a cashless society. They want to prevent bank runs so that is why they do this. They want to prevent us withdrawing our cash, so that is why they do this. They want us all cashless so that they can control every aspect of our lives, as every aspect of our lives is governed by how much money we have. Cashless??? That means they have OUR money and they will give it to us if they want to give it to us. Which, soon, will probably be almost never, and then never at all. You will work every day for the BANKS! They will then DICTATE. If we wanted to use our “money,” the computer will say that there is a glitch, or the hydro is out, or computers are down, yadda yadda yadda no money for you or I or for anyone!!! If the military does not take the Turd out, here, then we know where the military stands, DO WE NOT?


It’s crunch time.

John .S

Canada currently having major forest fires.


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic



Just checking in to see if anything was going to be written about the FBI whistle blowers.
This story was a given, people in the search for the truth all ready knew this. We knew that there was shortages everywhere. Medicine, certain foods and a bunch of products needed for self off grid living are getting hard to find.
If people lose their drugs fix it might help some people clear their mind and body.
People will have to start helping themselves or the government, if they find your Kryptonite they will exploit it in order to control you.

Looks like the government is trying to box “we the people” in so we need them to survive. That’s the deal with the gas stove removal type things and money that is computer based.
That way in the future they can turn off the power and you have nothing, no money, no heat, no way to cook food, no water or food, Total Control of the people is their goal.
Anyways looking for something new and I see there isn’t anything new happening. lately.


It’s scary when you are dealing with demonic beings. You are right, those sick evil things want total control.




And Luke 10:19 gives us authority over this evil. God gave us power to tread on these serpents & scorpions & over ALL the power of the enemy.
We use it or lose by prayer & binding the spirits of fear, control & these
3 letter agencies, along with the demonic governors.


That is so true!!


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning sixteen thousand US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website…

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Knowledge,Insight,Satire and humor.
What else does a body need?..🇺🇸🏴🩸

Last edited 1 year ago by Picklepuss

The man’s narcissism knows no bounds. WrongWay, I sincerely doubt your judgment. If you want to suck his…ego, go ahead.




That goes for you, too.

Just Me

I hear Ethel calling you, she wants you to suck her again.


Don’t be rude to WrongWay, he is more of a gentleman than half the men on this site, it would behoove you to listen to him share from his educated mind. Please continue, WrongWay.


Allopathic vs natural, I’ll take natural any day. In 1976 Pres Gerald Ford wanted all to take the swine flu injection. All 3 of us that took got sick with the flu for about 3 months but that isn’t the worst. It ruined my health and I haven’t been the same since. Most all flu shots I got there after I got sick. I then decided to go natural and am not sorry. I started studying herbs and it was just fascinating so now I am using TCM Traditional Chinese Medicine and is keeping my health issues under control and best of all NO SIDE EFFECTS! If the govt gets really mean and tries to shut down herbs it would be hard because one of the most plentiful and beneficial herbs we have is Dandelion or taraxacum officinale which is everywhere. I have dug mine up in the yard and dried the roots and ground them up into powder. It is bitter but what price health. If you should take on this venture, get a long post digging shovel (roots go deep), make sure it is not sprayed with weed killer, be careful to get the right plant. There is dandelion and groundsel.  Groundsel is poisonous. Both plants have yellow compositae flowers but the main difference is in the stem on the flower/seed head. Dandelion stalk is light greenish brown and hollow like a straw whereas groundsel stalk is green, solid and ridged. What is dandelion good for? Lots! I use it for my flu mix with goldenseal, echinacea and myrrh but it is good for detox as in cleaning the liver and lowering blood pressure just for starters.


Holly, that is awesome, and thankyou for the information. It doesn’t sound like a weed as much as it is a healer.




The only part of a dandelion that you discard is the flower Stem. The flower in good in tea or even on a salad and the root is dried and good as a tea. The leaves are good on a salad all though a little bitter, or you can like me juice the leaves with your smoothy, or carrot juice and it is a power house in your drink. Again to much will make your drink a little bitter.
Apple Cider Vinegar is one of the best natural things you can drink or use on your salads that you should try and take every day. Drink a little before every meal to help with digestion and you might even loose weight. It also helps with kidney stones as well as acid reflux, and I know that from personal experience since I only have one kidney and stones can kill me.
When I was taking acid reflux medication I stopped and just started using apple cider vinegar and have no problems with acid reflux any more.


I was living in El Paso Texas at that time, and I was seeing people coming into the hospital with Guillen Barre and experiencing various levels of weakness and paralysis. I was in my early twenties at the time, I was frightened by what I saw. I sure wasn’t volunteering to take that flu shot (I hadn’t taken any at all up until that time). That flu shot was pulled from the market after just a few people died. I didn’t take a flu shot for several more years after that.




Thanks for sharing this simple solution that most could find & use for practically no cost.


Buy a Culpeper’s complete herbal book: consisting of a comprehensive description of nearly all herbs with their medicinal properties and directions for compounding the medicines extracted from them
Time to be one’s own healer

Last edited 1 year ago by Zee

I only have one kidney and never knew or found out till after
I got out of the military and started to have side pain.
I went to a specialist and he said he had never met someone that went through their whole life not knowing they where born with only one kidney.
I would say I owe it to my father since when he owned a health food store for a few years before retirement I got interested in natural medicine and have lived a life free of pain and problems.
I did take some blood pressure and cholesterol medication for a while and felt worse than I ever felt in my life.
I went back to no medications and herbal type teas and flowers for my salads and I feel much better again. I would be in better shape if I just found the time to get to the gym and do more than just work and sleep.
There is a dandelion type tea that taste almost like coffee, I have seen first hand where I told a young lady how to use apple cider vinegar to cure psoriasis on her skin.
She went through her whole life never wearing short sleve shirts since she had it bad on her arms and wist. I told her to use Apple Cider Vinegar and when I saw her 8-10 weeks later she was wearing a short sleave shirt and was so thankful and happy.
To this day it is gone and she only uses Apple Cider vinegar when needed. She said it did have a small side effect of making her loose weight as well and she was already thin.

Will Caulfield

“I…have lived a life free of pain and problems.”

Except, apparently, for the “side pain” you mention above above, and problems with your blood pressure and cholesterol, and with acid reflux.


The blood pressure is under control with no medications, even the kidney doctor thinks I should still take medications even when the reason for my high blood pressure is the fact I have only one kidney, not because of age and health.
Acid reflux and cholesterol both controlled using only natural remedies. Been 20+ years since I stopped going to the doctors and buying drugs and I’ve never looked back.
Moral of the story is when the drugs become unavailable you still have to try and live a pain free somewhat health life.
Try and do so on your own terms rather than to wait for the doctors and drug manufacturers to stop you drugs and hold your health hostage with their drugs.
Don’t get me wrong though, doctors are still a good thing and do help people. I’m just stating that you can manage some things, you shouldn’t have to go to a doctor for every little sniffle and itch.

Will Caulfield

So you don’t have any problems except for the high blood pressure caused by a missing kidney.

Yup, that tracks. 🙄

Last edited 1 year ago by Will Caulfield
Rob William

Holy water is the heal all remedy.


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Being famous? Is that what you think? Being famous isn’t even in our vocabulary. It never crossed my mind. But what he’s done IS FAMOUS! What he continues to do outside of the WH makes him even Greater than being Famous! He’s still doing what’s needed away from the WH. He’s done more maybe away from DC , in the eyes of the public. When they can… they will let the public know what’s going on. Oh Donald- Friend of The People will be So Much More than just famous as you say! Only people that are young don’t know what’s going on. He’s the Most loved today along side JFK, & Lincoln in their day.

American Living in Canada

My personal opinion.. President Trump and Family stepped up to the plate because they knew they had the best chance of succeeding at making the big correction.

E. Grogan

They knew they were needed. Trump knew that probably no one else could do what he’s doing and I’ve heard him say that back in 1980 or so when he was interviewed. He’s been preparing for this for a very long time.


A lot of people in Germany back in the 1930’s believed the same thing about a short Bavarian corporal.




Idiot no comparison


Look a little closer. Populist, authoritarian, shouty, loud, crude, no experience governing, advocates violence, ignores the law. Yep, that’s our guy

E. Grogan

Sounds more like you than Trump.


Good on what Trump has been doing, after he was asked to run for President. He has done a huge amount so far, and has some more to do, too.

There is also what Dolores Cannon says about so many of us that came here to Earth to help out, after we heard how bad things were here. Don’t forget that. Many of us are heroic too.

E. Grogan

Yes, I’m well aware of what Dolores Cannon has said and have read several of her books. I do remember that alot, that many of us came here to help out, I believe I’m one of them. I was told by a psychic back in 1985 about all the trouble we are now in presently, and that Trump would become president in 2016 and would be an absolute hero. I was given MUCH information. I’ve been preparing for the present time for a long time, too, and the important thing is that we ARE and WILL win!

Bob whitt

Yes we will indeed win!



Bob whitt

You are so right on!


AMEN!!! Go, Brother! Donnie’s my Brother in Christ!

Last edited 1 year ago by Xena

You’re both Feds, and you’ll hang.




Back off of Xena. Moses didn’t say that God told him: “Ohhh Moses, just so you know, these are the 10 Suggestions. Remember to blaspheme on
social media.”


Thank you, Maggie.


Thank you, Sojourner.


I’ll take this one, Mr. Baxter, if I may. Our hero president, Donald J. Trump, is the most important man of the last thousand years. I will leave the dance with the one that brung me.


With you also on this one of Sojourner111


Where we go one, we go all.


He’s a self-absorbed game show host who spent his one presidential term tweeting and watching people talk about him on Fox News. Then he lost reelection because he sucked at being president. Not the most important man of the last thousand years by a long shot.


Man, it’s been a long long time since I’ve seen anyone as asleep as you. Take a bow.


nailed it

Michael R Davis

Willingly ignorant, not asleep.

Just Me

If Cobb is not ignorant, perhaps a paid troll who sold out for money. I met this kind of human garbage who are bought and paid for by those who wish to destroy our country.


No one pays me to make fun of you for being a doofus who actually believes everyone is a clone.

Just Me

Of course you are a paid troll, no one can be this stupid such as you, right Snafu?


You sound like my neighbour! Nice guy, but his mind, when it cones to Trump, Rudy, Bannon, etc., is no longer his. We walk, golf, get together for Sunday dinner, etc., but ‘politics’ is kept out of it. It is either your fault (for money) or it is not. I wish you luck, Cobb. Have a great day!

Just Me

I bet your neighbor is in his 60s or much older. I find that the older these people are the dumber they are and I bet he takes his info from the liberal news papers or the lying news media. I wonder how many clot shots he was dumb enough to take? and many of these people are well educated but still dumb.


You’ve reversed it. The baby boomers are the ones saving this nation after having been the ones too busy to monitor the running of it. But, as the Great Reveal will show, we’ve been asleep since 1803, precisely 1803, as my upcoming Episode Number 44 will show.

Will Caulfield

Says the boomer.


kiss my ass

Will Caulfield

No thanks.

Just Me

You can kiss my ass too, Wilber.

Just Me

I have worked with the elderly and most of them do not know anything about research or know how to used a computer with internet. They read these liberal news papers or they get their info from the propaganda news media. I kid you not, with age does not come wisdom, I have personally witness this.


Thank goodness. Please do not pollute their minds with this dumb internet garbage, Julie. No one wants their sweet old grandma and granddad to suddenly be raving & ranting about nonsense executions and clones and shit.

Just Me

Hey Snafu, how many jabs were you dumb enough to take? I bet you took several. I bet you walked around wearing two face diapers too.


So, at what age do you write people off?

Just Me

I don’t write people off, but if they are going to insist in believing lies of the propaganda news then I just leave them alone. I have a 80 year old aunt who took several jabs and wound up in the hospital. I warned her to be careful and she told me not to believe alternative news be cause they were lying. As they say you can’t fix stupid!


Ok boomer


Wasn’t the clot shot supposed to kill everyone months or years ago by now, Julie Me? Whatever happened with that? Every single vaccinated person I know is still alive.


Everyone has a story. I know at least 3 people that died under mysterious reasons after a clot shot and no one died before it.
I also see where my friends and some family are sick a lot more often then they use to be, even the kids are sick all the time now after taking the boosters.
Yourself and one or 10 other people that are still living a good life is a good thing.

Drugs and pharmaceuticals affect everyone differently. If they made a shot that killed everyone the next day, they would be in jail already and no one would take the shot after day 2.

I think they wanted people to just be not as healthy, keep and build a customer base for the next round of shots and drugs for other diseases that keeps people coming back for years.
Millionaires now billionaires in the near future.

Just like cigarettes, we know they kill you or at the very lease make you less healthy, just usually not the next day. They made them addictive so as to keep the customers coming back.
The difference being you can choose to smoke but millions of people where forced or bullied into taking the jab.
Just because a few of our friends haven’t shown side effects doesn’t mean there aren’t millions who had a different story.
If the jab was so good they wouldn’t of had to force or shame people into taking it.

Just Me

Then I suggest you go take the next clot shot, Snafu.


It’s just my opinion, I don’t get paid to post here or think a certain way. You have a great day too, Johnny 🙂

Just Me

You will not know the real side effects until years later! Remember this was a experiment and you volunteer to be a Lab Rat. I see you are very intelligent. Lab Rat.

Just Me

You must be a paid troll who sold out and work for the D.S. or you are just a very stupid person. Either way, you are a loser.


No one pays me to make fun of you and your melted-brain delusions about clones

American Living in Canada

To Michael’s Radio Show Question, “When did you wake up?”

My awareness kicked up a couple of gears when President Trump was on the escalator.

American Living in Canada

Then watching very closely to all the TDS politicians, entertainers and especially the msm fake media freaking out, saying to myself and others..”why are these people going full on crazy?”

American Living in Canada

Then, just kept on diggin… and here we are 7.. 8 years later.




For me, it was while listening to the 5-6 State Hearings, convened after the crazy Biden Election coup. From the sworn evidences, it was just inconceivable that so much school-boy chicanery was employed and allowed to go on, supported by so many Americans. And yet it happened, and to this day it has not been undone. But that was just the tip of a ginormous suppression of Humanity, stretching back many many years.


I woke up when teaching chemistry at CNA in Qatar, 2016. Attending a pre-election lecture at the Georgetown Campus there, I heard a visiting Georgetown prof say (nearly a quote): “For the first time ever, 8 of 10 news media companies support the Clinton campaign.”
Boom! He said ‘support’ not ‘report’.
Then I knew I was right to naturally dislike and distrust the Clintons for years.
No one else in the car on the ride back, (‘glass ceiling’ Hillary fans) even heard that comment, it seemed! Pre and post election chatter on the morning CNA bus was hilarious and frustrating to the very few of us (two) that were awake.


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic