Special Forces Raid Regime Warehouse Filled With Drug Shortage Meds Headed to Ukraine


South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem this week signed an executive order to investigate the cause of a nationwide drug shortage that has worsened since the criminal Biden regime stole the 2020 election—White Hats, however, believe they have a clear idea why ill Americans can’t find basic drugs like antibiotics: the administration is hoarding stockpiles of medications and sending them overseas to Ukraine.

United States Special Forces last Monday raided a warehouse in Staten Island, New York, where they expected to find crates containing hundreds of thousands of rounds of ammunition bound for Internal Revenue Service buildings across the country. When the regime gave the IRS $80 billion to hire and arm thousands of new criminal investigation assassins last year, the Service’s maniacal commissioner, Charles Rettig, ordered every type of weapon under the sun. Rettig retired in November 2022, but his successor, Danny Werfel, swore allegiance to Joseph Biden and promised to boost IRS revenue, at gunpoint, if necessary. Real Raw News has reported on White Hat’s efforts to seize said weapons before IRS agents could use them to target American citizens.

A source in General Smith’s office told RRN that the general had received “credible intelligence,” pointing to a 7,500-square-foot warehouse filled from floor to ceiling with ammunition crates. He said the tipster was known to provide accurate info and that he gave Gen. Smith exterior and interior still images of the facility. The pictures showed mountains of steel and wood crates with stenciled writing indicating quantity and caliber.

The tipster reportedly said the warehouse would be emptied within five days, though it’s unclear how he obtained that information. Nonetheless, Gen. Smith treated the tip as he would the Gospel—solid enough to deal a triumphant blow to the Deep State hegemony.

As he often had, Gen. Smith conferred with 5th Special Forces Group commander Brent Lindemen, and together they formulated a plan. They had to make a logistical decision to confiscate or destroy the ammunition. Destroying it meant rigging explosives, which would’ve triggered a 4th of July-style pyrotechnic display, damaged nearby homes and businesses, and attracted unwanted attention. Thus, they opted for a less cavalier approach. Special Forces would breach the warehouse and hold it until trucks came to empty the place. They would then incapacitate the drivers/loaders and commandeer the vehicles.

“Let’s be straightforward. We can use the ammo for the coming war,” Gen. Smith told Col. Lindeman.

But when Special Forces infiltrated the warehouse in the predawn hours Monday, they found no ammunition or ordnance. The ammo crates held thousands of bottles of medication currently on the FDA’s drug shortage list: from amoxicillin to fentanyl patches, from penicillin to tramadol and oxycontin, a smorgasbord of antibiotics and narcotic painkillers. They also located shipping manifests stating the crates were to be transported to John F. Kennedy International Airport, with a final destination of Warsaw, Poland.

“Red flags went up right then,” our source said, “and it was immediately obvious what was going on. The only reason to send anything to Poland is for it to get trucked from the border to Ukraine. We know the illegitimate administration is sending weapons there, but they’ve not said they’re depleting medication reserves. They’re stealing meds to give to Ukraine.”

Special Forces, he said, communicated their discovery to Col. Lindemen, who informed Gen. Smith of the subterfuge. They ordered Special Forces to assume a defensive posture around the warehouse and await the arrival of whoever came to empty the storeroom.

They hadn’t waited long; the following morning three tractor trailers pulled into the parking lot. One backed up to a loading bay, and both driver and passenger unlocked the trailer door, from which a half-dozen men, presumably the loading crew, hopped out and waited for the driver to open the shipping/receiving door to the warehouse. The driver slid open the steel door and found himself staring down the muzzles of a dozen rifles.

The driver tried to pull a pistol from a shoulder holster and was shot dead, while the workers, who apparently spoke no English, shouted in Spanish, “Somos temporales. Nos damos por vencidos,” or “We are temporary workers and give up.”

Their definition of surrender, however, defied logic. One was unslinging a Heckler & Koch MP5 submachine gun when a Special Forces bullet punctured his forehead, killing him instantly. Perceiving the rest a threat, Special Forces gunned down the driver, the passenger, and the other loaders, then surrounded the other two tractor-trailers, ordering the occupants to dismount or be shot dead.

“That ended the firefight. The rest didn’t want to get killed. Fifth Special Forces, in fact, had those crews load the warehouse’s contents onto the trailers. We’re pretty sure everyone besides the people in the cabs were illegals who thought they were just hired to do a job—like the ones you see standing outside any Home Depot. Our people took control of the trucks and we now have the meds from the warehouse, for now. There’s no doubt it was meant for Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Deprivation of medication probably caused the deaths of a lot of good Americans. No, we didn’t find bullets in the warehouse, but still this was a significant victory,” our source said.

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America, we can fix all the screw ups and failures biden and the democrats created since January 2021.

And I mean all the screw ups and failures . . . Everything the illegitimate criminal biden regime and the democrats touched was a failure, everything. Our country has never been so disrespected, laughed at, and belittled by other countries.

It’s all up to us now if we want to take our country back and Make it Greater than it’s ever been. Let’s work together as a great team. VOTE OUT democrats and RINOs. All of them.

You say it’s impossible? Maybe but it can be done if we all work together peacefully or at least give a “Huge” majority in the Senate and the House (Congress) to the Republicans.

VOTE IN PERSON. Do Not vote by mail and Do Not vote early.

Our great country and the world NEEDs President Trump back in office today and watch the greatness he will do for us, our country, and the world.

Trump will overhaul three letter agencies top to bottom and fire all the democrat corrupted directors.

VOTE IN PERSON and make your vote count.

Do this and you’ll Make America Greater than It’s Ever Been and you will be proud you did your duty as an American voter.

GOD Bless America!


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open this link…….. http://earnings201.blogspot.com

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
Robert Gregory Boensch

Our Remonstrance
Is it the Journey to our freedom?
archive Org
its up to you MB to edit and put this link in
Robert Gregory Boensch Commander Of Michigan
Presents to you the story Of How President Trump Has
Set the People of this County Free
A Document with links to laws and Video of the Journey
10 USC 254: Proclamation to disperse
Text contains those laws in effect on May 19, 2023
From Title 10-ARMED FORCES
Subtitle A-General Military Law
§254. Proclamation to disperse Whenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter, he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a limited time.
The People of these States Have To Make the First Move
And then the Military will Complete this action
And then We will all together Build a New Nation from the ground Up
The Commander of the Sovereign
of These fifty States and territories

Of This
Constitutional Republic
Robert Gregory Boensch

Robert G Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch


Put him in a room alone with that FBI rifle mounted robodog. He’ll squeal everything.


A wonderful victory good going guys!


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link…….. http://earnings201.blogspot.com

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning sixteen thousand US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website… http://www.Payathome7.com

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic



John Kerry is a megalomaniac, and he committed treason and crimes against the US constitution, the unelected climate tzar thinks he is bigger than the President of the USA in his most recent comments ““I don’t think anybody elected president – Republican, Democrat, liberal, conservative – could change what is happening today,” he told CNN in an interview in his office at the State Department.” he was talking about the zero emissions scam, the green new deal he is pushing through that was started with a paper by AOC and one of her former staffers is now the leader of the NY communist party. He then goes to fix what he says by saying it’s because of the markets but this is false, if it’s left to the markets, fake power like solar and wind doesn’t stand a chance without taxpayer’s paying for it all and it only makes more money because the consumer pays more for the energy. Coal, petroleum and gas is real power and civilization is impossible without them making zero emissions the new fools gold, back in the day the alchemists would work on how to make cheap metals turn to gold so they could get wealthy, zero emissions is the same thing.




This is nothing New!😾
Monika Lewinsky gave bill clinton B.J.s.and he came all over that blue interns dress.!
Friends with benefits 😀
Happens ALL the time.


I opened the Post today to find Dr Fraudci addressing the new generation of Mengelian Wash U (Walensky) physicians. He said “Do not hesitate to push back on these destructive forces” as he warned against the “dangerous undercurrent” of anti-science sentiment that has grown stronger over the past three years. Houston: We have a problem here!


You have a wide choice of explanation’s available to you. Choose one:

Masked Actor
Body Double
Mass Hypnosis
Astral Projection


Look at the bigger picture: your fate is in the hands of these indoctrinated, woke, f*cked up doctors.




Are the woke doctors also clones, Christine? 🙃

Will Caulfield

You forgot reptilian shapeshifter.


All three of you clowns, keep taking your vaccines.




You’re right. Darn!


Just like YOU.
One of your brothers !




But this site claimed that Fauci and Collins were arrested, tried and hung. Same for Liz Cheney who is running for President. You can add to that list of Tom Hanks, Obama, Lori Lightfoot and countless others who they claim have been dealt with, yet are now living wonderful lives. How anyone can believe this site is not fiction when no proof is ever shown? When you see how corrupt the government and military is you have to come to the conclusion that none of this site can be true.


Something something Alaska clone labs. It will all be real someday if you just keep sending Michael Baxter your money!


Haven’t heard a thing about her running for President? Where did you hear that.


Dave made that all up !
It is Bull Shit …


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link…….. http://earnings201.blogspot.com

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Suggest getting that little klaus schwab jewish cum sponge, yuval harari! I mean, wtf with all the ugly as shit little jewish men???

Too bad margaret sanger and her bitch sister aren’t alive. That would be a good 2fer!


Maybe if you ask Michael Baxter nicely he’ll make up a story for you that says the White Hats made a clone of Margaret Sanger just so they could hang the clone, or some shit


:” some shit head Troll like you”, gets Hung in their place !😏
Better yet…👍


I’s the framed picture of Hitler hanging in the living room or the bedroom? Or both?


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning sixteen thousand US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website… http://www.Payathome7.com

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

This is actually an attack upon “we the people” that the deep state has always

wanted to control. It’s their last ditch effort to hurt us.

Also gas prices spiked 30-40 cents this week, somethings up.


Biden may be hatching another plan to give away our oil reserves for free to globalist or enemy nations like the Ukraine, like he did the last time


Memorial Day holiday approaching. Gas prices go up every year at this time




Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link…….. http://earnings201.blogspot.com

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

So the FBI raided Trump’s condo in Trump Towers. They have become pathetic. That is one rogue agency that needs to be stopped completely. Wray has let his evil and hatred take over. I feel sure the White Hats are hatching a plan concerning all of this as we speak. ENOUGH of harassing our great President!! I feel sure they planted a pile of “evidence”!!

Last edited 1 year ago by Glenda

TRUST WRAY, Glenda. Q said so!


Corn cobb can’t be Trusted, don’t listen to him


That really sucks. Doesn’t Wray ever give up?

www. express. co. uk /news/ us/ 1770047 /fbi-raid-trump-towers-russian-businessmen-dxus


Do you guys ever read these articles before you flip out about them? This says the FBI raided a condo owned by two Russian businessmen. The condo was in Trump Towers in FL but it’s not Trump’s own condo.



Carol B

Wray needs a cell at gitmo


with a nail mattress and cockroaches for bedmates.


Exactly 👍😏


You can say that again 😂


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link…….. http://earnings201.blogspot.com

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Durham’s Final Report Reveals Earth Shattering Evidence — Trump Finally Vindicated, Hillary Nabbed.

Special Counsel John Durham concludes FBI NEVER should have launched Trump-Russia Probe.

Then the hillary that was nabbed is either a clone or a double. The real hillary was executed by the Military Tribunal in GITMO in 2018 December.

Last edited 1 year ago by TakeAmericaBack2024

Lmao dude the Durham Report doesn’t say jack shit about Hillary being executed or a clone.

Plus it’s basically just his opinion that the FBI shouldn’t have started the Trump-Russia probe. The report does not recommend a single new criminal charge for anyone involved, or even that the FBI’s procedures for starting probes should be changed.

Will Caulfield

Yup. It’s a big nothingburger.



Carol B

Yes a big 🕵️‍♀️ pile of nothing


Yes…about all they will get now is a ugly Killary Rotten doppleganger or a clone. We need them taken out as well. The real Killary died cursing and screaming at GITMO!!


Did she? Are you sure?


She read so on the internet so it has to be true 🙃


Waiting for the prosecutions of those who fabricated this mess. Jailbars should be the ONLY view of the outside they ever see again.


Lol do you not understand what this report was? There won’t be any prosecution because Durham concluded his investigation without recommending any new charges.

Will Caulfield

You’ll be waiting a long time.


Durham is just a drunk putting out videos on YouTube and making us wait on his pontifications while he drinks his face off and smokes cigars. He says nothing, like all of them. Bullshit baffles the brains. Of course, his report was a nothingburger to keep us all stonewalled while they think up the next scheme IMO.

Will Caulfield

Durham didn’t put out YouTube videos. What are you talking about?


Are you maybe mixing up Durham with Juan O Savin? Or is there some kinda conspiracy that Juan is secretly Durham? I’ve heard the theory that Juan is secretly JFK Jr (lol) but not that he’s Durham


He never speaks in public, especially on YouTube. Sure you’re not confusing him with Wilfred Brimley?




Limited reading comprehension


Report on Matters Related to Intelligence Activities and Investigations Arising Out of the 2016 Presidential Campaigns (justice.gov)

David T

And as if on cue, the troll turd with numerous names shows up in conversations here with itself, downplaying Durham’s report findings and calling factual conclusions, reached after several years of investigations and interviews, Durham’s “opinion”. No surprise there.


Because it is his opinion. If any laws were broken he would be recommending charges. He found nothing Davey. What do you expect to come of this report?


Last year horse at finger lakes race track found with adrenochrome in it. Churchill downs 8 horses dead.
Link? You betcha. Pathetic. Deep state figured out it would boost horse performance. Sickos. Arrest them all.


The side effect….those horses are dying like flies. Evil evil sick demons!!!


Sun Tzu “ One bushel of the enemy’s provisions is worth twenty of our own.” Most excellent work. Continue.




ICYMI, the Durham Report dropped @ 1PM PDT!

Last edited 1 year ago by Windy
Robert Gregory Boensch

306 pages in three years?


What did they do, slow-walk the thing?


That’s what I think. It would seem more information could have come out before the 2020 election, which was always my HOPE! Just thinking about all this s**t makes my stomach turn and my blood pressure rise. Aaugh!!! 🙁


ICYMI, the Durham Report recommends zero new charges and no changes to FBI procedures. Swing and a miss. At least we’ll always have the memories of Q posting DURHAM though, right?


Q is a distraction. Who can figure out his STUPID comms? Not me anyway.






Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link…….. http://earnings201.blogspot.com

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
Sandy Koufax

Chicago Mayor, Lori Lightfoot’s clone signed a slew of executive orders on it’s way out the door today. I was right about Lightfoot’s clone hitting the ground running without missing a beat and that there would be no discernable difference in how the government operates.


That’s why the clone thing doesn’t float for me. Granted sometimes people go away for a while and when you see them again they might look a little different. These people don’t miss a beat. They know right where they left off and continue like nothing ever happen.
Hint,,,”nothing ever happened”.
Good to read the sotries and hope and pray for a better day, have a few laughs.
If there are clones and people with mask that can act and do things like the person they are pretending to be without one shred of difference at all in their decision making processes.
Maybe they didn’t really remove anybody at all in the first place.

It’s easier to believe that none of this is true than it is that there are replacements for all the evil people in the world. The replacements are excatly the same in every way.

That’s the sucky part is that at the end of the day nothing has been done since the people are allways there the next day and never miss a beat.


It’s easier to fool the people than it is to convince them they’ve been fooled


Yeah that’s why everyone here believes in this dumbass clone nonsense, lol

Gary B White

Oh hell no! Clones are there to take the bullets and hangmans noose.


And demons are here to occupy.


why do you exist?




Rather blunt, but Jim here is factually correct.


Why does anyone? 🤷‍♂️


You flunked science, right? LOL




No, did you? You understand that cloned cells, animals, etc age at the same rate as the original, right? How the fuck are they instantly growing 80 year old Biden clones in a tube, lol


Thank God, another person who understands biology

Above Reproach

It’s completely bull crap. A clone, if it actually could be made in a lab, would only resemble the host in a mutated way. Aging is a environmental proses. It takes actual years to look like the age of someone in their late 70 s. The sun, the wind, the food that person ate,
the repetition of shaving, even the way someone sleeps has a effect on what they look like by the time they are in their 70 s. Cloning someone if possible would use DNA , the cells would be months old, There fore, it would look like a completely unmolested new body without a wrinkle, stubble, no gray hair, and no mussels either. Seriously it never walked one inch, how do mussels become strong. Also in today’s environment it would die almost as fast as it was made. A person has little to no natural immunity when they are born, but by the time they are in their 70s they have fought off sickness all their lives. And the last thing. The brain, do you honestly think something grown in a lab would have all the memories and vocabulary, The vintage of their past. To be able to conduct a speech or remember how to drive.
Biden has a body dubbed by a actor. The real Biden
can’t hardly feed himself without a bib and a sippy cup.


And it is easier to take down the people than the evil institutions they belong. Blessings 🙏🙏 from The REAL Delavic


CLONES have been around for 5 decades.
Movies and books are made and written.
Stepford wives , and multiplicity… Are some examples.😏
You are probably one, programed until you are not useful
Any more !
Lie All you wish, your replacement is almost finished 😉


WC, buddy, has anyone ever told you that movies and real life are not the same thing?


has anyone told you to fuck off?

go back fuckign drags.


Yes, many people here have told me to fuck off! But I don’t want to so what’s your point?


CIA blow boy you will be out of a job soon.




Nah man ill be fine, I don’t work at the CIA or anything else political for that matter. I just post here for fun



Will Caulfield

“I’ve seen clones in the movies, so they must be real!”


Rob William

Superman and iron man are real aren’t they?


keep mocking others.

thats all you liberals.

Will Caulfield

Come on, Wildcat deserves mockery for that post.

Last edited 1 year ago by Will Caulfield



They also have people flying around throwing hammers at people and breathing in space without a suit but I’m not going to expect to see that in the near future.

If we’re already clones than all of this is for nothing.
Brings to mind the Matrix movie, the guy was saying “if the Steak taste like steak” and this reality is working why change it.
If you movie reality is better than real reality why change anything just keep on moving forward and enjoy what ever it is that makes your reality work for you.
We might be trying to jump out of a frying pan and into the fire.
As for me being a clone, I hope they broke the mold on that one. At this point in my life most clones would jump off a cliff.


Why do you think you are a clone as per your last paragraph?




Those are works of fiction. Stories invented by the writers who are free to dream up whatever they wish. Little Mermaid is not a documentary. Star Wars does not depict actual events. I can’t believe I have to explain this to an adult


ever heard the old lie? o ne lie is enough to destroy an empire?

clones fit that description.




Snoppy. Just because you have NOT witnessed something does not mean it does NOT exist. Cloning exists and all memories are inherent in the cells. The clone can pick up and take right over because of the memories in the cells and DNA which operates the brain and body systems. I can’t explain it any better. But we will have to move on and deal with the clones while you and other doubtful people come to terms with the facts on evolutionary science. Extermination of clones needs to continue regardless of what you think, or anyone else who is ignorant of any science at all, thinks….I know, however, that it is very hard to research this subject, as the DS has erased it all. But, I started researching this many years ago before the limitations were placed on information, and I can assure you cloning exists and it is a huge, humongous problem.

Will Caulfield





You can’t explain it any better because you are totally wrong. Memory is not encoded in DNA. Memory is a function of the various cells and nerves in the brain. The exact ways those cells connect, communicate and retain information is still not well understood. The DNA in cells contains the information necessary for its replication. There’s no room for memories of your 9th birthday party.


Did you expect something different?


WH what do you think of this attitude?
Because you know Hell is so terrible even for your worst enemy, (if you are able) in mercy try to beat the Hell out of them, make them say their prayers and cause them to repent, and if they are worthless and cannot help others to repent let them perish slow, it just might help.


Reprobates do not repent and forcing them is control,
which is actually the spirit of witchcraft.


If I was unsaved I would want someone to get my attention and then help me understand how serious hell is and how to find salvation. Jesus know about salvation! See how He goes about it in Matt. 7:7-14 About Ask Seek and Knock to find out what is the best gift to ask for.




Your profile pic. The eyes are the pedos symbol sicko


hes a pedo. he enjoy killing animals and kids.




Kelly you know these profile pics are auto-generated by some weird WordPress plug-in MB uses here, right?


stop with the lies.

why do you want michael dead so badly?

you would love eating bugs with your statement.




Lol man how can you possibly accuse me of lying here? Did you design your little blue 5-eyed monster there? These things are randomly generated every time an account is made. How can you even try to dispute this when literally everyone here has done it

Doug Galt

Yep, we have a New Welfare State. The urinal kown as the Ukraine. With all of the funds being siphoned off the Executives Cabinet Budget’s. Our donation has to be nearing $1 Trillion in lost revenue & meds for this Demander-n-Thiefs Lost War Image as a Keptocrat


Over 1 trillion. I wonder if some got kicked back to ds.


Of course, its their “in scheme” staple method of get rich quick, why do you think they play crypto currency like cards for.


Hey guys did you see the Durham Report is finally out? Remember when Q said DURHAM like 50 times and implied it was all up to him to make The Storm happen? Well it turns out the final report has no new charges and doesn’t even recommend any changes to existing FBI procedure. Biggest wet fart of all time, lol




The report just came out 27 minutes ago, lol. Give it time. Hopefully the people demand that the FBI go down.


Give it time for what? Durham recommended zero new charges and zero changes to FBI procedure. Basically all the report says is he disagrees with the DOJ Inspector General that there was sufficient evidence to open the Trump/Russia investigation. No one is going to demand the FBI goes down over this. No one will even be talking about this by tomorrow, lol. Four years of investigation and lame Durham Punisher memes for nothing 💀


Yeah, you’re right. Durham sucks. He was meant to.


He got his millions to do nothing for years on end, no new information, no new suspects. One multi million dollar 300 page word salad.

Surf Nazare

As much as it pains me—really pains me—-lol—to agree with you—-I have always felt from the beginning this was all a smoke screen. If what you are saying is true—–I have not seen or read obviously but when all the RINO’s are saying how thorough he is and blahblahblah—-that always gives it away. There is something in my craw that just doesn’t trust “T”—-People can get mad at me and I will be glad to give reasons but you need to give me your reasons and no bloviating and just the facts. I understand the emotions of where we are in society and I am one of those very conservative type persons. So as that once famous tv cop series from the 50’s would say “just the facts mam, just the facts”——I am so tired of all the BS and 90% of what any politician says is just that and then all the crooks and dishonesty and this is what we get——And the worst part about it is even if he found something nothing would happen !!!!!!


You mean that once famous cop show – Dragnet – from the ’60’s! lol

Surf Nazare

yes but I think it started in the 50’s—–black and white—–60’s there was color—-




Lol, this guy gets it 💰💰💰

Surf Nazare

again you guys don’t know how to read much less reading comprehension !!! My very first line was I have felt from the get-go it was a smoke screen-Notice I also said I don’t trust “T”—–In a language that you all might understand—-I have to lower my standards to get across to you—–Bite One——-Notice I didn’t say bite me because I wouldn’t want your ignorant ass near me much less your friends—–


You’ve had a moment of clarity

Surf Nazare

I have always had clarity—-reread my post—-


It is now necessary to declare war on that fetid desert nation israel, along with mexico, el salvador, guatamala, honduras, peru, ecuador,

There have been so many joo traitors; at this point it is time to round them up for our own safety.


Grab your gun and go attack Isreal, then


At the very least, I think a long explanation from them is called for. I will put in a plug for my old frat house at UCLA where there were two christians (me & the chapter pres), but the bros were just about the funnest folks this side of Khazaria. Of course, that was a half century ago. Just a few years after Random House Publisher (and Kazakh) Bennett Cerf appeared on TV not to give a crap that the Cabal had murdered Newspaperwoman Dorothy Kilgallen (his fellow panelist on What’s My Line). She got way way too close to the Kennedy murder-coup. I’m doing a deep dive soon on my channels on how New York publishing helped TV keep us stupid. BTW, the Kilgallen murder ties into my all time fav baseball team: the Cincinnatti Reds and a certain strong radio signal now beaming across the airwaves! Delenda Est Coniurati [The Cabal Must Be Destroyed]


Thanks, WrongWay, I had trouble finding that Latin verse.


Holy Moses you’re annoying Just goosestep quietly into a corner


The devil has been planning this for ten thousand years and THIS is the best put-down he can come up with. How about this one, “When you stick your head up your ass, do it horns first.”


So now the FBI is refusing to obey a lawful order from the executive branch, just like Sheriff Penzone in Maricopa County! He refused to obey a lawful order from the AZ Senate. So are they teaching us through example lawful orders do not have to be obeyed?


Although “precedent” is one of the slavery chains of US courts, it might be useful to consider “Julie’s” point as a legal precedent. Until we get control of our Superior Courts, police departments, Attorney’s General, Mayors, Governors and on down the line through the entire list of NGO’s beginning with the greatest “for profit” “non-profit” in existence: Mothers Against Drunk Driving [which fuels shyster lawyers, crooked (all) cops, judges and sociologists]. I intend to do a show just on them on Bitc & Rumb. Time to wake up the freaks under the bleachers to come up to down-vote this one until their fingertips glow red.


Someone has a DWI


Millions have been rousted. Fortunately, I always knew a back way home and was never caught.



Robert Gregory Boensch

Asking for control

I remember a story that was taught like this.
Starting with G. Washington not creating a Doctrine of Conquest or an American Treaty claiming ANY of the spoils of that were fought for. Washington allowed King George 3rd to dictate how the war would end and claimed his spoils of war in the 1783 Definitive Treaty of Peace aka Treaty of Paris. Please read the King’s introduction to his Treaty.
Therefore, the Americans lost their choice of Rule of Law that was agreed to by all 13 Colonies. That’s how we got the victor’s/British law form.
You need to go back to history class and read instead of being told what you were to believe.
The 1783 is also how we also got the King’s foreign banking system in 1791. He was the Arch-treasurer of the United States of America. Please learn to read History!
And why this is in My remonstrance
I am also demanding to make every Court in Michigan a Common Law Court. And the abolishment of
this State’s bar association and demand that no member of said bar or any other states bar to participate
in any legal mater in the State of Michigan. And fore the Abandonment of all statutory laws in this
state of Michigan for the history and use of many of these laws are to hurt and eat off the substance of
So I will be coming for your Bar license

Jason Wentworth Michigan Speaker of the House
A Remonstrance Being filed and to be acted on for the Common People of Michigan;
They failed to respond; It’s law Now;
In law, acquiescence
The doctrine infers a form of “permission” that results from silence or passiveness over an extended
period of time.
Estoppel is a judicial device in and when used affirmatively by a plaintiff it is sometimes called a
MICHIGAN Inc.is a Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations;
And We the People of Michigan have full control Today;
Robert Gregory Boensch 2022-09-04
Image of the date they received certified Mail
April 6, 2022 at 11:58 am
To The Michigan House of Representatives
101st Legislature
I Robert Gregory Boensch Am Formerly presenting this Document as a Remonstrance
A Remonstrance Being filed and to be acted on for the Common People of Michigan
Drafted by Robert Gregory Boensch
I am a common man and this document is for all the people of this state. It is for our children who have
not fully learned what a State is and how government works they don’t know they have (that operation
is by omission and deceit).This information is also for our Elderly and people that are challenged that
are unaware of why events happens in this world around us. And its also for all the people that are not
interested or too scared to get involved in Governmental affairs. And, for the ones in power that have
usurped power as impersonators abusing their false powers against the common good for the people.
And this remonstrance is to be restricted to our God given Rights and everything that is disclosed and
referenced. And not to be expanded upon or altered in any way unless agree upon by the Author and
creator Robert Gregory Boensch.
It is with this Knowledge that I present this Document to you today. This Document is drafted my
myself today with the interest in the well being of all of the people in this Great State of Michigan.
And with full knowledge and hope that the other State and territories of this Great nation will take note
of what is enclosed and alter and adapt any part of the elements that are to be disclose herein for the
benefit of their own land.
Remonstrant were used in this state and this is not a new concept but a very hidden one, and now we
will go to some history for the founding of this state and how it was created.
You need to down load the PDF and click the links through out this document to see all.
Find the documents on this click here 1835 CONSTITUTION OF MICHIGAN
in 1836 after the constitution a remonstrance was used 5 times as noted in the
1835-1836 Journal of the Senate
Part one Evidence being presented
Part two what redress is being sought.
Page 1of 9
Part one Evidence being presented
President Donald Trump says this Inauguration Day marks the transfer of power back to the People.
Trump: We are transferring power from DC back to people
President Donald Trump says this Inauguration Day marks the transfer of power back to the People
President Trump Proclaims The People of America are Sovereign
Fourteenth Amendment
Section 1
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens
of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which
shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive
any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its
jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
The three Day Congress
117th United States Congress January 3, 2021 – January 6, 2021.
People on January 6 2021 Did President Trump Shut Down The United States Congress before the
Electoral collage votes were certified???
President Trump Speaks to the crowd this.
254. Proclamation to disperse
Whenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter,
he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their
abodes within a limited time.
Video Evidence 2021-1-06
Our President of The Unites States of America Proclamation to disperse (while in office).
Donald Trump tells supporters to ‘go home’ after they storm Capitol
Donald Trump tells supporters to ‘go home’ after they storm Capitol Archive backup
page 2 of 9
Written in Law
Office of the Law Revision Counsel United States Code
10 USC 254: Proclamation to disperse
254. Proclamation to disperse.
Whenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter,
he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their
abodes within a limited time.
+ Article 4 of the constitution concerns the state
+Section 1:mandates that all states will honor the laws off all other states;
this ensures, that for example, if a couple is married in Florida is also considered married in Arizona, or
that someone convicted of a crime in Virginia is consider guilty by Wyoming.
+Section 2 guarantees that citizens of one state be treated equally and fairly like all citizens of another.
It also says that if a person is accused of a crime in one other state flees to another, they will be
returned to the state they fled from. This section also has a clause dealing with fugitive slaves that no
longer applies.
+ Section 3: concerns the admittance of new states and the control of federal lands.
+ Section 4: Ensures a republican form of government (representative democracy”
and both of which are opposed to a monarchical or aristocratic scheme-the states derives its power from
the people, not from a king or gentry, and guarantees that the federal government will protect the
states against invasion and insurrection.
Page 3 of 9
In January 2021, like in most presidential inauguration years, the United States Marshal’s Service
deputized thousands of law enforcement officers and Army National Guardsmen.
A Deputation Story 2021
Written in Law
Department of Defense Law of war Manual 2016
1236 pages
As part of its emergency regulations, a State may establish special
or emergency courts for cases involving unprivileged belligerents or other persons suspected of
committing offenses related to the non-international armed conflict.
Such courts must be regularly constituted and afford all the judicial guarantees that are
recognized as indispensable by civilized peoples.84 Such courts may distinguish based on
nationality.85 The procedures of such courts may deviate from those applicable during ordinary
Proclamation of martial law was the only provision in case of disturbances endangering the security of
the state. It would have entailed handing over all powers to the military authority and suspending
private and public liberties.
Government and Parliament considered this step too extreme. Hence they devised a new contingency,
the so-called ‘state of emergency,’
The government in turn gave authority to regulate movements of persons and goods, assign places of
residence, create forbidden zones, order searches, ban meetings, control the press, dissolve
associations, collect reparations for willful damage and for aid given to the rebels, suspend or transfer
civil servants, deprive elected representatives of their seats, postpone by-elections, and delegate certain
civil powers to the military.
(“No country which relies on the law of the land to regulate the lives of its citizens can afford to see
that law flouted by its own government, even in an insurgency situation. In other words everything
done by a government and its agents in combating insurgency must be legal. But this does not mean
that the government must work within exactly the same set of laws during an insurgency as existed
beforehand, because it is a function of a government when necessary. It does not mean that the law
must be administered in exactly the same way during an uprising as it was in more peaceful times,
because once again a government has the power to modify the way in which the law is administered if
necessary, for the well being of the people, although the exercise of such power is usually – and rightly
– subject to considerable constitutional restraint.”).
Page 4 of 9
Written in Law
Constitution of the United States Fourteenth Amendment Section 3
section 3
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President,
or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously
taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any
State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the
United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort
to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such
Written in Law
Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election Executive
Order 13848 of September 12, 2018.
Written in Law
“All Legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall
consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.”
“The people have a right in an Orderly and peaceable manner, to assemble and consult upon the
common good, give instructions to their representatives; and to request of the legislative body, by way
of petition or remonstrance, redress of the wrongs done them, and of the grievances they suffer.”
Part two what redress is being sought.
And here by request that this State of Michigan To Review and investigate all of the Above elements
presented and other elements of crimes that have be waged upon myself and others That are known
publicly or to be brought forward by Robert Gregory Boensch to be included in this Document at a
later day.
and use the law as required to do the following and to expand the breath of these requests to include
any and all others laws that are applicable to cover all actions that were carried out and include
all the party’s involved even those that are not stated in this documents.
I am also demanding to make every Court in Michigan a Common Law Court. And the abolishment of
this State’s bar association and demand that no member of said bar or any other states bar to participate
in any legal mater in the State of Michigan. And fore the Abandonment of all statutory laws in this
state of Michigan for the history and use of many of these laws are to hurt and eat off the substance of
the common people of Michigan by those in Power and it has been proven time and time again by my
personal experience of the actions that were carried against Me and others that I am a witness To.
Page 5 of 9
please redress and declare that this state will act as a Republic form of Government.
Article IV Section 4, shall be incorporated into our state constitution, For This will benefit all people by
placing the power where it belongs -To We the People of the State of Michigan
Question was there Arrest made after the Insurrection act was proclaimed January 6 2021
Per the Article 4 of the Constitution and who was arrested.
I am asking for These Special or Emergency Courts to be created for carrying out justice for the people
of Michigan.
As part of its emergency regulations, a State may establish special or emergency courts for cases
involving unprivileged belligerents or other persons suspected of committing offenses related to the
non-international armed conflict.
Impeach any and all the people in the state of Michigan that took and oath of office to the
constitution of the State of Michigan and or The United States of America and remove them from
office that committed crimes against any of this states common people and include all others being in
To Impeach all of the members of the United States Congress that are from my State and
All of the Members of This States Senate and House of Representatives including any one else holding
an office in Michigan and remove them and their staff from office!” That were an influencing member
and or voting member that participated In any one or more of the following acts
The 2021 election Insurrection
The First impeachment of President Donald John Trump.
And-Or The Second impeachment of President Donald J Trump
And-Or That also voted for the Electoral collage votes to Joe Biden.
And expunge from the record in this state these impeachment records of President Donald John Trump
and plea with the United States Congress to do the Same.
And in my State Your are requested to do the following.
Remove all of the electoral collage votes that were pledged for Joe Biden under fraud.
and audit all of my states vote polling places by September 1 2022
To end this the militia or the armed forces control under the 2020 election fraud
To remove and bar SERCO and other Operators, Controllers, Partner’s and Ownership Ship completely
from all strategic Businesses and government entities in Michigan from foreign countries.
Page 6 of 9
And I Robert Gregory Boensch Reserve the Right to add any and All
Evidence elements and or Documents that I have or will receive about any and all crimes.
That I have been a witness to or been a victim of For the fact many Witness are at risk today.
And request these crimes be investigated and prosecuted to the fullest of the Law.
Furthermore be it dully noted that the complexity of the crimes that were commented Against
Me personally and my Family and others are So complex and as they become forth.
I am Requesting For these retribution to be address as addendum’s to this Remonstrance.
Questions to Answer
Who are the People and Countries that interfered in our 2020 Election.
Was Congress suspended after President Trump Spoke these Words on Jan 6 2021.
Was one of the above Laws Violated on or around Nov 3 2020 or January 6 to 20 2021.
Was certifying the 2020 Presidential Electoral College a Crime.
Question Did congress to do and illegal Vote on the Electoral College.
Question would this nullifies all of the Electoral collage votes to Joe Biden under fraud etc.
And makes the claim of voter fraud in 2020 open for investigation in each state.
Constitution for the United States Fourteenth Amendment Section 3.
Question Every member of congress that voted to accept the electoral collage votes for Joe
Was a willing Member of this November 3 2020 President election Insurrection
And shall be removed from office By the Military?
Every member of congress that voted for the articles of impeachment of
President Trump.
and Every Member of the Senate that Voted for Impeachment of President Trump.
Did so as an Act of rebellion against the same
And shall be removed from office By the Military?
For any body in The United State congress Or in Each State’s Senate and House of
Representatives.” that participated in these crimes. Should they be allowed to vote?
Page 7 of 9
But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.?
I think Not
If you commented a crime in this country in any court of law
can you demand to sit on the jury that is hearing your case
any congress member guilty can not sit in the jury!!!
To Those in My State that accepted the electoral collage votes for Joe Biden
You can not participate in voting for such relief in this remonstrance.
And what kind of Retribution do we need for our injuries and financial losses.
And please address the Harm to the United States Citizens that such action has caused and Give
retribution to such Victims in a just way as they seem fit.
This Insurrection
That was carried out against the People of These States on November 3 2020.
This Was declared By President Trump on Jan 6 2021
By proclamation.
A Declaration By Robert Gregory Boensch
Everything that is in this Document was investigated By Me and Found to be True
to the extent that the elements presented to me are authentic and true.
From a Common Sovereign Man
Robert Gregory Boensch
________________________ ____________
“notice to principal is notice to agent, notice to agent is notice principal”
the requirement for a 30 day notice for response.
To Jason Wentworth Speaker of the House
164 Capitol Building
P.O. Box 30014
Lansing, MI 48909-7514
Phone: (517) 373-8962 Email:
Page 8 of 9
House Clerk’s Office
House of Representatives
PO Box 30014
Lansing, MI 48909-7514
Secretary of the Senate
Michigan State Senate |PO Box 30036 |
Lansing, MI 48909-7536
Arenac County Clerks Office Nancy Selle, County Clerk
P O Box 747
120 N Grove Street
Standish, MI 48658
From a Common Sovereign Man
Robert Gregory Boensch
309 N Delano Rd
Au Gres Mi 48703
Page 9 of 9

It seems like your asking for this every Day

Ok here is the tool
Use It!

Excellent! We’ve printed this out and I’m going to ask that my corpse be wrapped with it. Yours for eternity, WrongWay.

Robert Gregory Boensch

Will that be paper or plastic

Robert Gregory Boensch

Thanks for letting all of us know

That my posts were not put up for any of you have have this kind of response

I am not spending my time posting here
just to have people like you responding like this
and in searching through the blogs these last few months

their is a group of you that have no interest in saving this country and the people that live here.

And I truly believe the special ops have everyone of your ip address

just now there is 741 commits
and 74,396 views

all of this idle talk takes up how much of these 741 commits

including my response’s to them

I will be responding to very few commits from now on.

74,396 views and the number of commits 741

there is so many stories of people wailing about how they should have lived their life’s differently.

every one of you here participation in this kind of way?

well I wont say any more you will just have to ponder the message

and maybe some day you will reflect on My words today.

I am sorry an apologize for getting sucked in to responding to nonsense post like this

And to to all of you that come to this Blog for trying to find
the truth and the hope of all of this worldly strife to be over soon

Keep a stiff upper lip We are working very hard in this mission

Robert Gregory Boensch

Last edited 1 year ago by Robert Gregory Boensch

This post is a bit Long winded, don’t you know ! ?😏

Robert Gregory Boensch

It’s short compared to the cabal war against us

you do want freedom
don’t you


Jesus Christ dude who do you think is actually going to read these book-length posts you make?

Robert Gregory Boensch

all of you poster in the last month
have more words in them than this one

Think a
about the value in this one




Rob William

Tldr; can you summarize please?

Robert Gregory Boensch

please read the whole thing a little at a time

It needs to be kept in one piece to be law

We can’t use a summarize house
or drive a car built or fly in a plane built this way.

Just take your time

search “Robert Gregory Boensch”
on the web for more info

Will Caulfield

It’s not law, no matter how many pieces it is. It’s just the ravings of a crazy old man.

Last edited 1 year ago by Will Caulfield



I did. You got one vote, a write-in, in the 2014 election. Were you running for Commander of Michigan?


I assure you that this absurdly long, rambling post on a WordPress blog comment section will never be a law, Robert


I’m sure they’ll get right on this

Above Reproach

Totally fantastic, extremely well written, accurate to a Thousands of a inch. 100% truthfully explained. We the people are not the property of the state, nor the government. We the people are the owners of the government and all of it’s branches and powers.
The fact that there is not one elected official in any branch or affiliation of the government even if they are only working for the benefit of such government officials, servants helpers alike, if they take orders from elected officials they are to be under the same rules and regulations of the constitution equal as if elected themselves. All government officials and their supporters brought into the elected representatives are subject to the authority of the constitution. The constitution is the law of the land and all of its citizens. Period.

Robert Gregory Boensch

You My Friend are truly Living up to Your Name

share this with all


The FBI doesn’t take orders from Michael Baxter’s fan-fiction, Julie Me


The FBI..
doesn’t matter …
really. !



Above Reproach

I am a FBI , A Full Blooded Italian LOL.


The democrats are right. USA is a racist country. Therefore, the americans should save the illegals from the blight of US racism by removing them with prejudice.


Shut up racist


Ah, Cobb! There’s a name for patriots to add to their “shit-for-brains notebook.” I know that I’m keeping one and it is, by now, a little larger than the Dayton, Ohio telephone directory used to be, back in the days before the Deep State became so “out-front” at making America a little worse every day.


I assure you no one cares about your notebook of random people’s internet screenames, WrongWay


They will when the IP addresses trace down to street addresses. Pack a toothbrush, Cobb.


just forget him. hes hopeless


Lmao. WrongWay, my friend: no one cares that I shitpost on this fan-fiction WordPress blog for leftover qanon addicts. No one is tracing my IP or any such bullshit. No one is coming for me. No one cares man. I’ve been on this site making fun of this garbage for 3 years. I assure you no one gives a shit.

You really need to get out and touch some grass, man. Play with your grandkids if you have any. You are way too obsessed with Michael Baxter’s bullshit. He does not have super-secret military info about magic alien clone labs and shit. He’s a loser grifter who just makes up stories so people like you send him free money. Have you never seen his previous website twistedtruth.net?


then get out you stupid dumbass.




“You really need to get out and touch some grass, man.”

…says the chink chained to her desk with an ape CCP whip master glaring at her for not retorting to a roundeye!


Lol shut up you racist weirdo


OH NO WILL YOU BACK TRACE AN IP ADDRESS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?


According the WrongWay the Cyber Police are already on their way to get me 😬




VPN’s solve that problem






Don’t forget to save the queers, too!




he’s investigating a leak in michael obama’s GI system!

Last edited 1 year ago by Julie



Lol he’s all done and he didn’t find shit, no new charges.


As if We the People didn’t see that one coming.
They needed a way to laundry some money so an investigation for years on end is an easy way to shift some stuff around from one account to another.
Wonder what the next investigation is going to cost us. I think an investigating into the investigations of both Muller and Duram should be started, I’m sure they could drag that out for years and we all ready know the answer.






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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

still sucking on Gaytf cock, eh?


Julie: This has been explained before but maybe you’re “special.” This is a bot. It cannot read your replies. Do you copy? Over.




Dis is De swan song of da Deep S – – – t.

Last edited 1 year ago by Paladin45

Looking forward to tomorrow’s (16 May, 2023) latest RRN news.


They should have loaded up the illegals and shipped them to Poland – lol… Let the bastards see what happens when you illegally cross borders…

Last edited 1 year ago by Jon

If they want to stop the illegals just let them all know we’re shipping them to Ukraine to help the cause over there and watch that line get a whole lot shorter.


I wonder how many illegals we can stuff into a C-130 Cargo Carrier.

Rene Labre

The book of revelation,lots of other books stolen that may have made this a much easier read, It is a hard read,to the seven churches…Not to the sinners,which we all are by the way.Once the true church is gone,they are going to get their one world government under antichrist. For a time.


Which begs the question, where are we in Revelation time line?! It’s a total mystery, although one could argue we’ve been going through the great trib and the taking up of the church is approaching.


I saw a beast with seven heads and ten horns crawl up out of the ocean the other day, so I’m pretty sure we’re like pretty far along.


reg cali day!


Yeah all in all it was still a lovely sunny day at the beach 🙂


Build an ARK !
Heard it could rain for 40 Days and nights !
Get Hot, folks are definitely depending on YOU !😕


The apocalypse is already here ?
So soon ! ?
Gee,. How long did we have to wait ?
2 thousand years. ?
I VOTE to just “Get It OVER With,” !
What Do SAY 😂. ?




is ‘ethel’ your petname for michael obama’s ass?






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open this link…….. http://earnings201.blogspot.com

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

more GayTF cock? fuck dude

Above Reproach

They are sending drugs to Poland, to get to the people in the Ukrainian,.
pain killers, and anti biotic drugs probably because the people in the Ukrainian are so stupid they would take the drugs. The people in this country are becoming aware of the dangers of the drugs the pharmaceutical companies dish out. They are more dangerous than the sickness they have. Fewer and fewer people are taking the drugs pharmaceutical companies make. And that’s a good thing. May I suggest that all people in our country stop taking pharma drugs. The side effects of the poison is worse than the effects of the problem. Each pill has ten to twenty side effects that in most cases are worse than the sickness. Stop making your children take vaccinations. Grow your own vegetables and eat healthy foods.
The FDA is a Government agency that doesn’t give a shit about your health. They are sucking on the pharmaceutical tit for payouts ten times their pay. It’s high time to stop being Sheep.




Yes, exactly, except we need antibiotics big time.

Above Reproach

I think if you do some research on that subject you will find a huge amount of 100% natural substances that are fantastic for healing and removing sickness. Seriously if it wasn’t for natural remedies
And the fact I have limited my exposure to pharmaceuticals to the smallest possible doses, I probably wouldn’t be writing this statement. Trust me when I say, from cancer all the way to toenail fungus and everything in between. Even lime disease, and that is so prevalent but hardly ever treated. The doctors are controlled by the government from treating lime, as it is a biological weapon developed on plum island by Nazis brought to the US to create the sickness. Treating it is forbidden as it bares truth to its origin.
Just like not allowing the use of Ivermectin in the fight against Covid. A 100% proven biological weapon deliberately designed to kill as many people as possible.


the question most of us are asking is were the knots anterior or posterior to saltyman’s cervical column upon dispatch?


Interesting Question !😏


With regards to, ‘the coming war;’

Legitimate (non-CIA big 6) alternative media sources such as Brighteon’s Mike Adams and Bitchute’s Benjamin Fulford are all indicating the collapse of the U.S. corporation’s dollar is imminent.

Combined with George Washinton’s Vision ‘third great peril,’ I’d venture to say all our anticipation of the big fireworks show is about to begin.

Get the hell out of the big cities, while you still got the chance.

Last edited 1 year ago by EdBob

EdBob, I also read those visions of General Washington, we do as a nation now face our last challenge. It started when Trump was elected and has been raging behind the scenes against the deep state. This war will not break out into the streets because our greatest peril was the Civil War. When General McClellan had his vision on the 3rd evening after taking command, he was told there was a spy in his camp. The enemy knew his plans. And had not God intervened, by the next day the Confederate flag would fly over Washinton and over his grave. McClellan noted enemy positions and made new assignments and then personally delivered them himself. All troops moved out the next morning, which was completely uncharacteristic with General McClellan. Five days later Confederate plans are discovered only saying that Lee has divided his army into 4 separate armies. It does not say where they are going. Historians don’t believe in divine help, so they muddy the waters by saying these plans helped McClellan know where all of Lee’s armies would be. When in fact they do not. As such I believe the Civil War was America’s greatest peril. Right now the white hat military is in control and everything will be revealed soon to all Americans. God bless President Trump, the military, and Michael Baxter and family.


so the WH’s are in control of the south border invasion?


Probably another one of those lessons to show us how bad things could get for us under Democrat control for the benefit of One World Order. They are trying to wake up the masses enough to satisfy the military to take overt action. Right now it’s all covert.


Washington’s vision was a story written by Charles Wesley Alexander in 1861 and was clearly labeled as fiction. It was written almost 100 years after Valley Forge. Alexander never met Washington. He also wrote about other historical figures, putting his words in their mouths. McClellen was one of them. Succinctly speaking, it ain’t Washington and it ain’t vision no matter what some Internet guru claims.


ahh, satire!


Maybe it should have. The Confederate Flag is the only one that never had gold fringe around it as a captured flag by admiralty commercial LAW. Lincoln put those free men as 14th Amendment citizens under the Lieber Code, which was Treason. Bonded us all like dead cargo.


You mean gold fringe like Donald Trump has on every American flag he uses at rallies, in the Oval Office, at Mar A Lago and everywhere else? So he was president of Corporate America? Or was he under Admiralty Law overseen by Captain Crunch and commanded by that fur-clad fruitcake king in England? So many questions.


Those last 4 sentances have been repeated for 3+ years now and still nothing but Trump getting arrested for nothing and running for re-election knowing the system is still rigged and there is no way they will let him win again.

I hope I’m wrong more than anyone can imagine. I hope the people of America don’t have a civil war, since I know it would be the end of America for sure. I don’t see how we can clean out our country any other way.

Will Caulfield

Mike Adams is a con man, and Washington’s vision is fiction.

Last edited 1 year ago by Will Caulfield

sounds like someone was conned by another Mike!

Dave Strickland

I don’t regard Mike Adams as a con man, but I definitely regard him as a merchant of doom: if you want to be depressed and feel hopeless and trapped, listen to his reports. He never factors in the intervention of God in thwarting the plans of evil men.


I’ve seen the new currency, it’s now in every major bank just waiting for the collapse of the corporation. Our old Federal Reserve notes will be traded dollar for dollar, no one will loose anything. Any bank or credit union saying anything different will have personnel arrested.
It’s been a long wait, but it had to be this way. The collapse will be credited to Biden and Company–solely upon their heads. The Corporation of the United States will be no more, and the re-birth of the Republic of the United States will begin once again.
That will a sign to all the BAR attorney’s to either get out of the country, or find a new profession. David L. Straight is helping “we the people” how to be Sovereign Nationals, in our soon to be restored Republic.
What an exciting time to be alive and be a witness to a divine covenant with America. Which is: if the people of this land will worship the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the people will be preserved.


That is why President Trump can not yet be reinstated as our duly and constitutionally elected President until all these happens, in biden’s criminal illegitimate time as a fake and hoax president.

The collapse would’ve been blamed on Trump if he was reinstated before it happened.




Agreed 👍💯%


When the corporation collapses, can I have all your old dollars? They’re be worthless anyway when the rainbow currency is distributed. As soon as everything falls apart, contact me so I can go get all your useless federal reserve notes. Thanks!


They’ll all be remanded back to DC ustreasury for destruction

Chase Mei

David straight…I might recommend annavonreitz DOT com. She has authored 4500 + articles and is currently America’s fiduciary. Please go to the end of her page and hit END, then scroll up and select from her most recent articles. She covers it ALL, including david Straight. The last 2 pages are replete with claims and demand letters to the Chancery Court and Ecclesiastical Courts. Not only a great read but a road map to help complete the restoration of our Republic, going back to the original Lincoln fraud of 1860. Have fun, and welcome aboard as a Soon to be Sovereign American and welcome home.


She looks just like Cloris Leechman in Young Frankenstein. Has she heard back from the Chancery Court and the Ecclesiastical Courts yet? Does any of her made-up legal advice ever succeed, and how many people are stuck in jail after a judge ignored their ridiculous sovereign citizen pleadings and documents? Yep, hitch your wagon to Anna’s star. A true winner and proof that we closed the mental hospitals too soon




Was this new currency in a white box with “Hasbro” on the outside?


Lol. #soooooooooooon


None of the ‘patriot’ platform guys really know finance, especially mike adams, mike glover, mike jaco. All mikes!

They’ve got yall convinced USD is going down–and it will, but not within next 18months.

I’m buying dollars, for a LARGE rally vis a vis other fx is coming. USD strength will presage the next econ contraction. Deflation is coming!




The big cities will be coming to a small town near you, “all of us” when they collapse. What do you think the people in the big cities are gong to do when the food and water stop.
They will go to the small towns and homes to raid and pillage them for food and water.

Last edited 1 year ago by snoppy

Yup. That is why I keep a very sharp hatchet beside my bed and billy clubs, bear spray and other things at every door of my house, lol.


LOL now you have bears hating on you now? Come one, you can’t be that bad!

Rene Labre

Also temp employees do not carry automatic weapons.Talking special forces,army rangers on maneuvers. Weapons drawn at the ready. Facing also a kill or be killed situation. Against hostile enemy combatants..This is not time for sensitivity training,or getting in touch with your emotions,you better be in touch with them! This is kill them all and let god sort them out. The others surrendered. smart move.They had silencers on the weapons I am sure. I am a humble civilian by the way. No real military experience other than USO. I support our troops,would do anything in my power to help.Pay for their dinner If I had the bread. makes one pretty pround to say the troops are my guest here,they are with me.Quietly you know/ put some pep in your step that day. Not make a big deal of it. Store that treasure in heaven.


GOP rep vows to cut FBI funding over Biden family probe.

Dereliction to duty on fbi director Wray.

It’s been over two years why hasn’t the fbi investigated the corrupt illegitimate criminal biden and family.

And what has the DOJ and the Supreme Court done about the cheating and stealing of the November 2020 elections.

The entire world is laughing at this illegitimate regime, the doj, fbi, and the sc justices. The weakest and most corrupt ever in history.

We must clean house and take our country back from these worthless useless thugs who are ruining our country.

VOTE in person and Vote Out all crooked corrupt lying democrats and RINOs. Then America will be Greater than Ever.

Last edited 1 year ago by TakeAmericaBack2024



Much like RRN, Rep. Comer’s sources are just made up


Dude did you forget that Q told us to TRUST WRAY? Why aren’t you Trusting Wray bro?


We’ll all be dead before all that happens. The FBI isn’t going to investigate themselves nor Biden. They have probable destroyed more information than anyone could ever imagine.
You can’t vote people out when the elections are rigged to install who ever they want.
If 100% of the people voted for Trump he might get 30% of the vote, computers will do whatever the person programing them wants.


Gotta have paper ballots dropped into cardboard boxes. Not fed into tabulators.


You got that right.

Ultrafart the brave

One was unslinging a Heckler & Koch MP5 submachine gun when a Special Forces bullet punctured his forehead, killing him instantly.

Meanwhile, another was unslinging a shoulder-launched variant of the AIM-9X Block II Sidewinder Missile when a special forces bullet punctured his forehead, giving him a mild headache and an urge to eat jelly beans.

Fortunately, suitable headache medications were quickly retrieved from the warehouse to alleviate this unfortunate man’s temporary cranial distress.

C’mon, Mr. Baxter – surely you can do better.

BTW, make sure to DELETE this comment pronto.


Most OTC drugs are full of poisons. I bet mRNA trash is in antibiotics, narcs, etc.

Let the jewkroids have at them all!


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

so you’re a fed?


The bot isn’t going to respond to you, dummy

Rene Labre

By DOT rules it is illegal to carry people in the rear of a combination vehicle trailer. so this temp employee whoha is a load of crap. no report on who the transport company is. stolen equipment no doubt.




is ‘ethel’ your ccp ape pet?




sounds like your a criminal. holding someone hostage.

imagine announcing on an enemy site.

you fool.




you pathetic imbecile.


So you think these criminal traitors actually follow the petty laws while they’re betraying the country?


It is a victory! Good, job boys and girls if one is with you, don’t know.


I ,,, AGREE,,, GOOD,,,JOB,,,

Chris G

When the war comes, as Gen Smith was quoted as alluding to in this report, what can ordinary citizens do to assist the White Hats against the Black Hats/Deep State?


You don’t know what people could do to defend themselves or even to give White Hats a hand when they’ve been brought to the edge to be thrown out into the abyss.
That’s when people show their true colors and also turn into the most lethal menace for DS.
Never underestimate people. They will do anything to survive when the time comes.
Specially to destroy and to eliminate DS.


eh, if you don’t know by now, you are really behind!

how’s your muay thai? jits? judo? how are you with nondigital peacekeeping devices?


You can help the same way as always: by posting more comments on the internet

Sandy Koufax

In a recent podcast, Cliff High stated that realrawnews was a disinformation site.


Clif doesn’t know much of anything that’s tangible and real. I get his Substack posts. He pontificate as if he is on top of trending topics, but it’s usually fluff driven by his computer apps and wacky worldviews. He seldom investigates anything of substance.

Sandy Koufax

He seems to have a good understanding of Artificial Intelligence.


uh, cliff was a microdick software engineer coming to save the world with his little computer program!

Sandy Koufax

He makes predictions about what will happen in the future based on what people are talking about on the internet.



Sandy Koufax

He does sound like a stoner.


So…does that mean he is the sole authority?

Sandy Koufax



Yea and cliff also tried to tell everyone that the jabs didn’t contain cobra venom and that they didn’t change your DNA ….cliff is high alright..

Sandy Koufax

He still thinks they are bad for you and he has a list of supplements to take, if you were pensively decrepit enough to take the COVID Shot.


He presents like he is an authority on all matters. He is a data miner. Uses programming to look at trends based on what people are talking about ON LINE. Says Nesara Gesara is bs. Has thrown T under the bus a few times. I think that makes him ds. I don’t trust him

I think he is on deep states opposition

Jose Ramirez

Don’t you worry guys. We still waiting for 2024.