General Flynn Denied Access to Mar-a-Lago


When longtime Trump ally General Michael Flynn, U.S. Army, Ret., arrived unannounced at Mar-a-Lago last week, he was asked to take a polygraph to access the estate’s command center, where President Trump and his allies have been monitoring White Hat activities and planning the downfall of the criminal Biden regime. Rather than take the test, a flabbergasted Flynn took offense and said that his loyalty to Trump was unimpeachable and that he wouldn’t let a fallible machine judge his allegiance.

Flynn told security that “heads would spin” once Trump learned of his mistreatment, a Mar-a-Lago source familiar with the incident told Real Raw News.

Flynn reportedly tried to phone Trump, who was not at Mar-a-Lago at the time, on the spot, but the president was unreachable. Security, our source said, informed Flynn that he was not singled out, that periodic polygraphs were now mandatory for all persons accessing the command center, regardless of friendship or affiliation with President Trump.

“Was the first time Gen. Flynn wanted access in about three months, so he didn’t know in advance. “We’re now using polygraphs in addition to biometric security. President Trump approved it,” our source said.

Nonetheless, Flynn, enraged and combative, strenuously objected and ultimately stormed off, reiterating that Trump would eviscerate anyone questioning the political fidelity of Michael Flynn, referring to himself in the third person.

“The test is unbiased and not meant to insinuate anything about Gen. Flynn. These are simply dangerous times, and President Trump wants to make damn sure that anyone entering the command center is who he says he is.”

Asked what the polygraph entails, he added: “It’s to show if a person has communicated with nefarious types, you know, Deep Staters. And if a test reveals deception, the person must give a plausible explanation. It’s that simple. This is a safety precaution.”

President Trump learned of Flynn’s outburst Friday evening from his security team and Flynn himself. Our source said Flynn apologized to the president for causing a commotion but still felt slighted at being asked to take a lie detector test. He reminded Trump of their friendship and the praise Trump had recently heaped upon him.

In May, President Trump spoke via telephone at Flynn’s “ReAwaken America Tour” held at the president’s Miami resort, heaping upon him a flurry of blandishments: “We’re going to bring you back,” “I knew it from day one — you’re really somebody very special,” and “You’ll be on our front line.”

Trump and Flynn have an unbreakable friendship, Flynn’s brother, Joseph Flynn, told Real Raw News in March.

Our source was not privy to the outcome of Friday’s phone call but said it was unlikely that anyone, even Gen. Flynn, would receive a polygraph waiver.

Edit: Astute readers with better memories than mine reminded me that the military found clones of Michael Flynn at Deep State cloning lab in Alaska this past January.

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He should have been glad to approach such a secure place in this manner. If his allegiance is unimpeachable then should be fine.

James William Cummings

With all due respect to the General, All Persons are created equal which should gain everyone the same scrutiny outside his immediate family, protectors and officials though perhaps the last two should be required to endure it as well.

Last edited 1 year ago by James William Cummings
Judy Kennedy

I have a question on this article. As we haven’t heard anymore on this subject and outside of RRN this issue was said to be untrue.
Mr Baxter, can you please confirm or deny the legitimacy of the contents in this report.
People need to know the truth.
Thank you


I wish and pray that President Trump and his Generals and Admirals would be leery of General Flynn. He is too politically inclined and a bit of a fame hog to the Mar-A- Lago staff and the cameras, for my tastes. I prefer the conservative nature’s & personalities of General Berger and Admiral Crandall.

Last edited 1 year ago by Joanna

Think about this article???does it make sense a General would fight secret service to a CiC? NO effing way would a Gen on the up and up react this way.
Either this article is complete BS which I’ve suspected for long time RRN is bs.
Or person saying he was Gen Flynn was NOT…a Gen doesn’t know what is involved in a lie detector test??? Come On anyone with half a brain cell left would know any General would never defy orders of a CIC or other military officers.

Ann Ononomous

I saw somewhere a picture of Nicola Tesla & Gen. Flynn. They claimed they were one and the same. I didn’t see it right away, but the more I stared, the more I could see some resemblance. It could be a psyop. But I totally don’t get the clones of Flynn, unless they’re lying about it. I just hope the D/S is as confused as I am! 😄


So much for in like Flynn


Response to “Maggie”. I was talking about my approach Maggie. You were critiquing me, lighten up.


Sod off, TROLL


Sorry about that Maggie, those were all my repetitive responses. I finally learned how to use the reply button! My reply kept dropping off so I would make a new one. Lol! I’m a little wiser.


You’re on a public forum, don’t put it in
writing if you don’t want other people to
read it.


Ok, Maggie. But I knew others were reading it.


To “Maggie”. I was talking about my approach maggie, you were critiquing me. Lighten up.


To “Maggie”. I was talking about my approach, Maggie. You were critiquing me, lighten up.


I hope it’s time to go SCORCHED EARTH with these black hat bastards that tortured and killed our good White Hat boys as outlined in a recent article.


I hope it’s time to go SCORCHED EARTH with these black hat bastards that tortured and killed the good White Hat boys as outlined in a recent article.


To “Maggie”. You don’t win people over by cramming it down their throats. You reason with them from a humble perspective. I totally understand why people hate Bible thumpers.


I don’t cram anything down anyone’s throat. Specifically
NOT the BIBLE. And I am not a Bible thumper.


I was talking about my approach Maggie, you were critiquing me. Lighten up.


You need to lighten up troll boy, it is obvious you don’t get
out much. This whole page is dedicated to your opinions,
which we all have. I suggest you back off.


Response to “Kent”. Kent I am sorry for quoting the Bible at times. It is offensive. When I first started reading it, I wanted it to conform to what my thoughts were. Then I realized God is the creator, not me. It should be the other way around, I should be the one changing to his thoughts. I think that’s what makes it offensive. None of us like to take a deep look at ourselves and change the way we are. It’s hard and a hard book to read initially. And you don’t really start getting it when you do read it right away. When you get saved, it starts to make more sense. And don’t complicate salvation either. Anyhow, I don’t mean to offend you. Sorry man.


Oh for pity sakes, you are apologizing for your beliefs?
Its like you are apologizing for God. How pathetic. You
owe no one anything. My God is an awesome God, HE


I’m going to jump in here, just to say, “For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on Him shall not be ashamed!” ~ Romans 10:11


Response to “E Grogan”. The fact that the KJB has not been copyrited just means it has not been copyrited. The Bible itself warns those that change one word Rev 22:18-19. A Bible that has been copyrited was written by someone other than God. Get it? Those plagues that are talked about to those that change the words I’ll just take as real because I believe it is the written word of God. Wow to them!


To “Surf Nazare”. Yeah I could have given a more detailed description of the fall of man in the garden. I like to ask folks what died that day. Because Gods only commandment was not to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil or you will surely die. So what died that day? It wasn’t the body, Adam went on to have kids. And, it wasn’t the soul, the soul is made up of the mind, will and emotions. He still had all of that. So what died? It was the spirit. What does it mean to die a spiritual death? Do you remember what happened to them? They were driven to the edge of the garden and kicked out. God put a cherubim at the gate with a flaming sword and they were not allowed back in. To die a spiritual death means separation. They were separating from their creator. They went on to have kids but they were born in Adams likeness, that is spiritually dead. Fast forward to today, you, me, everybody is born spiritually dead. When Jesus came later, he told Nicademus (leader of the Jews) that you have to be born again. Nicademus was confused and thought he meant a physical re-birth. Jesus was talking a spiritual rebirth. You get that spiritual re-birth by believing that Jesus is the Christ who came to rectify the fallen state of man. Those that believe are born again. Once again a body, soul, and spirit as was originally intended in the garden. 3 in 1 just like God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit are 3 in 1. We now have the spirit connection to God. We have access to the Holiest of Holy through Jesus who became the veil of the temple in the new and living way. We have direct access to the Father and can start a wonderful relationship with him as Adam had originally in the garden. Is that what you were after? With your comment, Surf Nazare? I could have been more detailed, but I was just responding to folks


Response to “scrotusscrotum”. When I said Christian’s get raptured out of here, the Holy Spirit goes as well. Satan will walk into the Holy City Jerusalem and announce himself as God. He will walk into the holiest of holy into the temple. He has full reign for 7 years. Then the 144,000 young Jewish virgin men that have never been defiled by a woman go to work preaching the gospel. There is still time to get saved for the remaining people. We Christian’s fly up to meet Christ in the clouds. We will be fitted with white raiment and learn how to ride a horse for Christ’s triumphant return 7 years later. That is the only time that we know when Christ will return. Then He as our King will rule earth for 1000 years. Then the great white throne judgement happens. And the New Jerusalem descends. Sound doctrine.

Surf Nazare

Question—-if the HS goes with the rapture then how do the 144,000 operate—–See also Rev 7<14—-they come out of the GREAT tribulation—–Rev 9:4 don’t harm those that have the SEAL of G-d on their foreheads—–Remember the 2 witnesses operating—I suggest it is because the church is removed because the HS is always operating—–the HS was responsible for the creation—G-d spoke and the Spirit moved !!! —–But yes Jesus is coming !!! Look up !!! By the way I don’t believe the 2 witnesses are Enoch and Elijah which is the consensus but the bible is explicit and actually tells you who they are—–I’ll leave you to ponder that one–lol


Daniel chapter 12 explains that Michael the archangel will protect the remaining Jews during the great tribulation. After the great tribulation there will be two resurrections, one of the righteous to everlasting life and one of the unrighteous to everlasting contempt. A comparison with Rev 20:4 shows that these two resurrections are separated by the 1000 year reign of Christ. Hopefully that helps.

Surf Nazare

Doesn’t explain the other scriptures like Rev 7:14 or 9:4—–who are they—-
I know it is convenient to say the removal of the HS but even Jesus was filled with the HS before death and resurrection and Pentecost. Have you figured out who the 2 witnesses are yet ??Clue-not Enoch or Elijah or Moses or John the Baptist—–People say Enoch and Elijah never died so it is them but if you believe in a rapture—-none die there either—–Big clue—-check out who built the last temple—–


I think 7:14 and 9:4 is speaking of the Jews that are righteous. Go ahead and tell me who you think the two are.


Most likely the 144,000, 12,000 from each tribe of Israel are the righteous that come out of the great tribulation. I can’t say for sure. There could be others. But, wow, to keep the law for life? The Bible clearly says there is none righteous, no not one. Meaning no one can keep the law. That’s why we need a Saviour! If you’ve broke one law, you are guilty. Also, no one was found worthy to open the judgement books (except Jesus). So I think the fact that they are sealed somehow they are righteous and enter into the millennium with the Christian’s that were raptured and those that survive the great tribulation. Because Jesus has to rule with an iron fist during the millennium.

Surf Nazare

Rev 9:4—-but only those men who don’t have the seal—–if it meant tribes/Jews they would have said so—-7:9/11 ALL NATIONS and who are the white robes—-if they had been the 144,000 they would have known—-

Rev 11:4—the 2 olive trees and lampstands standing before the G-d of the whole earth—–Now Zechariah 4 (read) and last verse 14 says the same———-Zerubbabel and Joshua (not Moses joshua) They built the last Temple and are the chosen ones—–the Amplified version actually says they are the 2—–Do a study onthe last temple and other books say the same——-study to show thyself approved—–that is enough to get you started—–Eg. Ezra 4:3—–you will see they were designated even from Babylon——Zerubbabel is a name and person people pass over but he was powerful and anointed——-

just because something is popular doesn’t make it right—–


Right. 9:4. The unsealed could be the remaining unsaved. Which would include unrighteous jews. Very good on your study and leading me to Zechariah 4! And also Ezra 4:3! Iron sharpening iron!


And upon looking at it in my study Bible it leads you right to that as well. I never gave much thought to who the two witnesses were until now. Good stuff!


They will preach repentance similar to John the Baptist and will be the ultimate fulfillment of the promised return of a Messiah who appears in the likeness of Elijah Mal 4:5-6. John 1:21-23


Stop and think who the HS is. The comforter. If the believers are gone there is no one left to comfort. No one left has the spirit in them. The Jews never believed and are bound by the law.


Also, in verse 13 of Daniel chapter 12, I believe Daniel (who never got to see his prophecies come to fruition) gets resurrected to receive his reward. “Thou shall stand in thy lot at the end of days”


Just remember that God left the Jews and moved onto the gentiles. Upon the church being raptured, he then turns his attention back to the Jews. They were living by the law, the gentiles that believe and even Jews that believe are living under grace. We have the Holy Spirit in us (that is our bodies or temple). They need to build their temple. They will build it, but never get to step foot in it. Satan defiles it when he steps into it.


I had the privilege of asking one of our missionaries from Israel (who happens to be a saved Jew), do the Jews have a great high priest? Remember, once a year the Jews were supposed have the great high priest go into the temple always with a blood sacrifice, sprinkle blood on all of the vessels and the high priest alone was to enter behind the curtain of the holiest of holy wherein was the ark of the covenants. It was to cleanse Israel of sins. Our missionaries response was, “they are just making excuses”. First off, there is no temple currently, but I wondered if they still somehow did a ritualistic sin offering. They have no high priest. They rejected Christ, God moved on to the gentiles. Remember, Old Testament is a shadow of things to come. We know that Jesus is our high priest, but they have been walking around with no priest for a long time.


Jesus being our great high priest, offered up himself once and for all. It was his atoning blood that was spilled for our sins. Remember, he had no sin. He was sinless. He was the perfect lamb without blemish offered up once and for all.


Is Solomon who you are referring to? Who built the temple


Well it stands to reason that if the 144,000 get busy preaching the gospel during the tribulation period, that means they now believe in Christ! How could they preach the gospel if they didn’t. So of course they are covered by the atoning blood of jesus!

Surf Nazare

Solomon built the first temple and Zerubbabel and Joshua built the second temple—-


I saw that in your study! I am never too old to learn!


Good sermon tonight by a seasoned guest preacher! He said there are two types of people sitting in the pews. There are “renters” and there are “owners”. The renters just sit in the pews and get fed (spiritually). The owners are the ones mowing the church lawn, fixing the building, using their spiritual and not spiritual gifts and talents. The renters let the landlord take care of everything. I was reminded of when Jesus was preaching to large crowds and the disciples knew that the crowd would be hungry. So Jesus called the disciples and asked if there was anyone there that had food. They reported that there was one with a few fishes and one with 7 loaves of bread. He asked the disciples to gather them and bring them to him, which they did. One of those crowds had 4000 another crowd had 5000. Upon asking the father to bless the food, the bread was put in baskets and so was the fish. He told the disciples to take up any leftovers. When they collected the leftovers, they had more than what they started with and everyone was fed. The disciples (the one’s that were serving) saw the miracles. The crowd got their bellies full. Jesus did that to strengthen the disciples (the ones that were serving, the “owners”) faith. The crowd, (the renters) got their bellies full but missed the miracles. We need to be “owners” up out of the pews and serving or Lord!!

Surf Nazare

flip side—–Mary and Martha not to mention the crowd was willing to go without food to get the Spiritual word from Jesus—–food for thought !!


Yes. I think when you first get saved, you are extremely hungry for the word and should be in the pew. At first we are feeding on the milk as an infant. Then we graduate to meat and potatoes after spending much time at his feet. When you are feeding a crowd of 4000, no one would expect that there would be any leftovers to take up on so little to start with. Yet Jesus specifically gave the disciples instruction to do so. It was to strengthen their faith in serving. By then, the disciples had spent many hours at Jesus’s feet. I think in the case of Mary and Martha Jesus knew where both were at.


Who have they not cloned?

Last edited 1 year ago by Katie

He probably should have called ahead to save all the ruckus…


Aren’t they cousins?


There’s a man who leads a life of danger
To everyone he meets he stays a stranger
With every move he makes another chance he takes
Odds are he won’t live to see tomorrow

Secret agent man, secret agent man
They’ve given you a number and taken away your name

Song by Johnny Rivers.
Great tune. I hum it when
thinking of General Flynn
Is that you General Flynn? Secret agent man?
Double agent? Secret clone of a man?

Surf Nazare

I think Mitch’s clone went into neutral—-they sure wouldn’t have put him out front like that being in that condition—–but hey that is just me making an observation—He made Joe look like a brain surgeon—


Lol I think you are right.

Surf Nazare

always liked that song and remember the tv series they played it on also—


Love that song & I do remember the tv series!


Not a double agent


That you know of.

Me me

General Flynn was denied access because he found out the truth and wanted to see for himself. Trump is dead and who is behind the mask.


Also to “Kent”. You’ll get your chance of having us Christian’s out of the way when we get raptured out of here. That happens just before the 7 years of tribulation. So you get to live on earth with your master Satan and no Christian’s. You think you then will be in paradise. But after 3-1/2 years, Satan will break his peace treaty. Then things will get real nasty. Hope you change your mind by then because loving God is still giving you time to change your mind.


False doctrine.




Reply to “Kent”. You say you have rejected Christ and are fine. That means you are a body and a soul. When your body dies, what comes out? Your soul. If you are just a soul at that point, you have no connection to God. So guess where you go? That’s right, hell. At that point you won’t be doing just fine. You will be quite hot actually and thirsty for ever and ever.


Response to “Kent”. Yep, over 550 different versions. Satan is the author of confusion.


Response to “Xena”. My heart is heavy for what our service members suffered in that article. It grieves me that people can be that evil. My flesh says and wants them in hell also. But because I have a spirit of God that entered into me, I have a third dimension look at things (looking at it spiritually). My first thought is what did each service member serving in harms way do with Jesus? Hopefully all of them believed in him as the Christ. If they did, hallelujah, I know where they are! But I don’t know the answer to that question, that’s why my heart is heavy. The spirit of God (and you are not gunna like this part) does not want the offenders to die and go to hell. God loves everyone. The vialist offender who truly believes can still get saved. The odds are, they will not believe if they are that wicked and most likely will end up in hell. Paul was a murderer but turned from his wicked ways and believed and got saved. With God all things are possible. We can pray that they will repent and get saved and turn out like Paul. That’s a lot to ask Xena, I know. God bless you Xena. I am hurting too.


Wise to have ALL visitorst to Mar Lago take a polygraph…..those who have nothing to hide will understand and not rebel. Flynn is an obvious TRAITOR


I don’t know how I missed this, “” but thanks for the reminder. I know many who think Flynn is a fake and a royal member of the Deep State. What a shame too, he to be such a patriot of patriots…..Damn these cloning freaks are good at what they do.


Hey Baxter, I hope you are up and running like your old self. You are a gold vein of information, there is NO ONE like you anywhere.


Yeeeeaaaahhh…sorry, but what kind of PSYCHO…acts like this?!? You’re a “general”, but you just don’t get this type of security?!? Granted, not sure if this is true or not, but if so, KEEP that piece of demonic shit OUT!!!!! Dude, I wouldn’t let him into the damn “dog park”….That is CRAZY and that entity is probably demonic…at the very least!!!!


In response to “Linda”. You need salvation from Satan’s hell. You don’t want to go there. Eternal torment. Read Luke 16:19-31. Jesus is speaking and describing what it is like in hell.


These demonic miscreants who killed our White Hat servicemembers need to go to hell. They were tortured to death just for doing their jobs saving the kids.

realrawnews. com /2023 /07/ white-hats-murdered-while-investigating-child-trafficking-ring-in-la/


Marion Martin

No wonder he was refused. clones of him were found in Alaska. I would be cautious also. A clone can be imprinted with instructions.


In response to “nobodi”. You said Sunday was the wrong day. How do you explain John 20:19? The disciples were assembled on the first day of the week worshipping in fear of the Jews. Why were they in fear of the Jews? Because if the Jews would have caught them worshipping on the 1st day of the week they would have stoned them according to their law. But who appears to them? Jesus. Who said “peace be unto you”. He had no problem with them worshipping on the 1st day of his he week. Why is that? Because he established the “New Covenant” at the cross and rose on the 3rd day.


An example of a Bible that has been corrupted, the NIV completely omits Acts 8:37. It is completely missing out of that Bible version? So when you look at the context with that verse missing it is a direct attack on the order of salvation. You get saved by believing that Jesus is the Christ, then you get baptized in that order. With that verse missing it makes it look like your baptism is what saves you. Corrupt!


Response to “Sue”. If man’s will is not stronger than God, why do some chose not to believe God?

Surf Nazare

Come on Ken—you believe the KJV—-then your response should be better then that—–why didn’t lucifer bend the knee—-and what is his final outcome—–once man fell from purity in the garden what was his nature basically like and man is then born with a sinful nature—–FREEWILL—–You really don’t think there is anyone out there that doesn’t really believe in some sort of supreme power—-as they say there are no atheist in fox holes—-In any case the party is almost over—–look up !!!!


Also, there are over 550 different bibles out there and a new one being made every 6 months. Some have been corrupted. You gotta not only research, but pray and ask God to lead you to the truth. My research has led me to the King James Version. It is the only Bible that is not copyrited. (You can’t copy rite God’s word, right?) who do you think is behind all of the confusion? That’s right, Satan. He wants to frustrate you and confuse you in your research. It’s a lot to cut through. There are study king James bibles that are copyrited for the study notes but not the actual Bible. Most people realize that evil and Satan are real. I have to say if Satan is real, then God is real. Keep digging. Don’t just rely on what I say but hopefully being led to the King James Version helps cut through a lot of confusion out there. It is the most widely used excepted version. Don’t get discouraged!


550 DIFFERENT BIBLES? How about some more info on this? I’ve heard of 16 versions but 550?

E. Grogan

Copyright means that no one can change even one word of what is in that book. So, if KJV is the only Bible not copyrighted, it means it is the only Bible that can legally be changed. Your reasoning doesn’t make sense.
And 550 different Bibles? Hmm. I don’t think so.

Jewelie Dee

I have not trusted Flynn for quite a while. And Trump is not known for his judgment about character in people he befriends. They wouldn’t have a clone of Flynn if he was a good guy, I don’t think. And if he was a good guy, he wouldn’t be so egotistical as to make a commotion.

Last edited 1 year ago by Jewelie Dee

I believe you are right they make clones of the ones that are Deep State.

Ann Ononomous

Yes, I also remembered the Flynn clones. And Michelle Moore had put out a video on him AND Clay Clark about an Awakening Tour and how there was a woman in the front row of one of the tours who was trafficked and they wouldn’t let her get up on stage to tell her story! Seems pretty fishy!!

Susan Banks

I cannot stand Clay!! He is so annoying!

E. Grogan

Trump is not that stupid. He was putting the crooks in front place to show Americans who the criminals are that need to be dealt with. You really think he undertook the job of being president without doing ANY research on these people?? Really? I’ve watched him closely for 45 yrs – he is highly intelligent and moves in ways that often don’t make sense – until later when he has trapped the bad guys. He’s playing 5D chess and the vast majority of us have no idea what is going on – which is how it needs to be until it’s time for us to know. Trump knows exactly what he’s doing, he is never one to go off half-cocked, NEVER.

Susan Banks

Awesome response!!! So true every word! I know exactly what is going on. Trump has been playing both sides for Optics!

Susan Banks

Black hats may have captured him and then used the Clone!


Reply to “S Alan”. That is one just God!


To “someone else”. Think about this, an event happened 2023 years ago in history. It was so big that the world got together and decided we are gunna change the date to year 1. Why do you think that is? We do know that the earth is older than 2023 years. Why did the whole world agree to changing that date? It must of been pretty important for them to do that. It was to count down Christ’s return.

E. Grogan

The “whole world” didn’t agree to changing the date. It was decided by the Pope in the Catholic Church who decided to create a different calendar. And what makes you think it was to count down Christ’s return? The Bible says we will not know the hour or the day of Jesus’ return.

Susan Banks

And they changed the Constitution!!!


Reply to “someone else”. I forgive you. Just hope you read enough of it to profess Christ as your Saviour.


You got to do what you got to do. I wouldnt trust anyone nowadays either. You never know anymore who is who.


Off subject. Speaking through my heart. Human trafficking is REAL. I live next door to a transplant anesthesiologist He (she) has a RV that comes and goes. I know what is happening.They get them and scissor the children and make millions in the hospitals. I kid you not.The RV is washed down after the event. I see this through my window when I am washing dishes.Hoping for the pedos to have a heart attack and leave this earth once and forever




How about sabotaging their RV sometime, flatten its tires or throw buckets of red paint on their vehicle. I would if i knew one was living next to me.


Then the police would come and WHO would be taken to jail?


Security did what security does. With the concept of ‘clones’ talked about and accepted, prudent security would insist. After all, ‘unannounced’ is unannounced despite the reputation of General Flynn. Thank you for your work. Have a great day!


Too bad they didnt require DeSantis to take the same test before he wanted to visit Gitmo for the second time…..he fail it in SPADES


Safety of president Trump exceeds anyone’s feelings being slighted.


If it wasn’t a clone the real Michael Flynn should have known that the security would have questions and orders to follow. And I have heard where some question the real loyalty of the real Michael Flynn, one can’t be to careful when it comes to President Trump.

William R Nicholson

From what I know of polygraph operations , the best liars can still best it handily ! If clones or disguised persons are attempting access to secure places , I really think there must be another way to confirm identity. Poly is as impressive to me as throwing dried chicken bones onto the ground & asking the nearest Gypsy woman what the pattern means ….. Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195


Fingers crossed that clone is being tailed everywhere! General Flynn would never act out in this way. Not for a moment. And of all people, Flynn would be 100% understanding to the implementation of such security measures. He’d be in in no time flat. Only those with baggage have any reason to be concerned.

Billy Bob

Only the close ones betray – an American tradition, French saying.


You’re not lying!!

Billy Bob

Them clones would crack the planet in half before Big Daddy Don wins. What kind of toy GF tried to drop off?

Mark David

If that were the real General Michael Flynn trying to enter Mar-a-Lago, he knew that only by following security protocols could he enter inside. Flynn would not be so stupid as to try making a visit without advanced notice.
Therefore, the Clone knew it would be found out with the lie detector, and so it had to escape. By acting angry and then leaving in a huff , the Clone saved itself from certain discovery and destruction. Had the Clone gotten inside, many people could have been killed with a hidden explosive. A way must be found to detect, isolate and neutralize Clones at a safe distance.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mark David
William R Nicholson

Sometimes advanced notice is not advised. If comms are monitored & I always assume they are , giving your opposition the advanced notice to somehow gain ears on the location doesn’t appear to increase success of covert ops. There are ways that close friends confirm identity with each other. My best friend always knows it me & I won’t reveal to anyone what that secret is. Welcome to The Village Number Six ! You will Not Escape , The Capture Bubble ……. Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195

Usual Suspect

I think they just found one!


From the Q posts…
Flynn knows where all the bodies are buried.
Sum of All Fears (movie)

The these lines are from the Sum of All Fears movie:
Man #1: He knows where all the bodies are buried.
Man #2: Probably because he put them there.

PDJT knows the full truth about Flynn & all the other cabal monsters.





I’m stuck in this pit, working for less than slave wages. Working on my day off, the goddamn steel shutters are closed, I deal with every backward ass fuck on the planet. I smell like shoe polish. My ex-girlfriend is catatonic after fucking a dead guy. And my present girlfriend has sucked 36 dicks.




your disgusting.

Someone Else

Let me try this again.

I apologize to the Bible believers out there. I did not intend to insult you, but I guess I did anyhow.

I’ve tried reasoning. It doesn’t work. It’s easier to fool someone than it is to convince them they’ve been fooled.

My point still is that the Bible is not what you think it is. Like everything “official”, it’s been distorted, manipulated, modified, and twisted for the same reason everything else is: to control you.

Have you not noticed that everything in the “Bible” can be used or interpreted to suit someone’s purpose? Crusades anyone?

Wake up a bit more! You’ve been had! Just like the mask and covid believers, just at a different level!

Yes, there’s truth in the Bible. But I assure you, the real nuggets are long gone or are completely distorted from the original!

s alan

On rare occasion an Enlightened deity may appear on Earth and select a very few devotees to teach. The teachings are not on YouTube and the masses are not ready to Awaken.

William R Nicholson

Yes . Spiritual advisors called by different people , different names appear occasionally. Sometimes they are decievers working for evil & they attempt to cause confusion about what the truth givers deliver. Whether they are good or evil is of the most importance & thus your own personal journey must be begun by questioning the source . You must be in touch with good in order to feel within you The Narrow Path , the correct true path , your conscience & prayer to The Eternal Sovereign God will lead you properly. If you have not become deaf to your own conscience by becoming addled with drugs and perverse pleasures of the physical senses , you should find The Narrow Path quite easy to discern. Good Luck . Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195



the bible was man made.

originals are burned. or hidden in the Vatican.

funny, we try to tell. we get killed or shamed.

thats what happen to Abraham Lincoln and others.

yes, all the nuggets are dead in the water. extinct.

Last edited 1 year ago by Talion

And actually recovered from the Vatican years ago via good side of our military. Of course Vatican would not disclose and I’m sure our public disclosure timeframe has not yet arrived. When you dig you find things.


They need to do something about that Vatican library.

It has everything you need.


Thanks Talion, you could not be more right. Anyone who quotes the bible in my opinion IS still asleep because they dont realize how false and made-up much of the “good book” is.


There’s still enough there that can be found to reveal those “truths”, but you must seek them in order to find them. And by “seeking” I mean it must be done on your own and not think that sitting in a church pew each Sunday (wrong day) is the same because it’s not. God has a name for instance.

s alan

Tell us please!


The Bible has irrefutable Truth and contains prophecies that are mathematically impossible in ‘the Natural’. The theme is the Love of Creator God who has desired Fellowship with his humankind creation, but with Relationship / Fellowship, there must be freedom of choice. Right from the get-go, Adam and Eve proved that the odds of rebellion against God’s Love & Wisdom was inevitable. God, being Omnicient, knew they would rebel & provided the Atonement for their sin that His Purity Requires.

In Genesis 3:15, right at the Beginning, we have the prophecy of the birth of a son of a woman (virgin) who would stamp on the head (defeat) the leadership of the Rebellion, former Archangel, Lucifer, who had taken the form of a snake in the Garden. — Scripture isn’t just a list of rules; it is an account of the reconcilement of Humankind with the Holy Father through the Son of God, Jesus Christ.

It is Relationship, not Rules. It is an inner change that can only be described to non-believers as a New Spiritual Birth. The converted believer is changed from the inside out & with the inner witness & seal of the Holy Spirit (third person in the Trinity) brings Wisdom & Insight to the believer as he learns to grow in grace and love toward others as only God’s miracle power can create.

As for your rejection and misunderstanding of the Bible’s contents:
Simply put, the Bible is God’s love-letter to Believers.

If you can’t understand what you’ve read there, that’s what happens when you’re
reading someone else’s mail.


That was perfectly said!! The feeling that comes with being a child of the king is like nothing else!! I am beyond grateful for my salvation and I will be happy to tell anyone who wants to know about it!!


You need salvation from what? Because the Roman Catholics told you so? 🤔


Thanks Linda. The chrisitanites make me ill, they don’t know shit.

Surf Nazare

I have suggested for some time to read and study about the river Euphrates——It is dried up for the most part—–who would ever think that could happen.
For those that don’t want to believe the bible—-be warned—-you can dance around all you want but the truth is there and coming alive !!!!

Rev 9:14 saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, “Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates” v. 15 So the four angels who had been prepared for the hour and day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind.

I don’t say this lightly—-all sorts will be coming forward trying to cause you to turn and not believe the word but facts are taking place and shaping up NOW——The River is dried up !!!! When it comes you can’t say you weren’t warned—–Think how Satan and friends would/will act and respond to dissuade you.

They don’t want you to believe but the greatest sign we are at the end is Isarel is a nation again—-Ezekiel prophecy for end time—–


thats not how the signs are made.

those signs are not to force people to read bibles.

But, to cut the crap they done.

humans are no innocent angels a is once believed. many humans are barbaric for a reason.

no, this is not the true end.

true end is when all life dies.

the bible wasnt there to force everyone to automatically believe in it.

same applies to assassin’s creed. the creed wasnt meant for you to do what you want.

same applies here.

But, thats not freewill.

freewill doesnt mean we need to obey christians like a dog.

you may have the numbers. thats nazi talking.

there is reasons why Euphrates river has dried up.

it’s like the blood sky in china. bad omens.


Amen!! The signs are everywhere!!!

Surf Nazare

Rev 3:3 Remember therefore how you have received and heard, hold fast and repent,. Therefore if you will not WATCH, I will come upon you as a thief, and you will not know what hour I will come upon you.

Victor Bravo

There’s truth in the Bible, you say? Which verse is true… exactly? And how do you know? And why is that verse true, but the one next to it not true… exactly? And who got to decide these things, YOU? Pullleassse. You are not the first clown to rant and rave how God’s Word is not true but if you actually looked in to the historical record about the transmission of the Bible you would not crow so loudly. You would fall on your knees and repent. So you are not one of the first to make these ill-informed, silly arguments but you might be one of the dimmest. Try harder.

Last edited 1 year ago by Victor Bravo

BS Bravo, its people like you that keep us in the medieval ages we seem to be stuck in. Go take that shot you buffoon so we can be rid of you and your ilk.

Mark David

I think the Bible was written and published to control other people. How do you pacify the heathens and barbarians in society, yet not make them suspicious? By telling them things that make them less dangerous to those wanting to take control of things. Give them peaceful rules to live by. Send them to worship every week to reinforce the structure of the lessons. And don’t forget to take some money as well. Shall we say, at least 10%?

Last edited 1 year ago by Mark David

right on MD…anyone who believes the bible is “God’s Word” are backward hicks.

William R Nicholson

You are completely wrong. The Bible is The Word of God and despite its many copy errors in the words …. It’s the Spirit of The Message that still gains access to the true believers heart & soul ! You assume the words have meaning cause of some definitions in dictionaries that also have changed over time. Wrong ! The Spirit is detectable within the lines of The Bible & that is why every true believer starts his study session by asking that The Holy Spirit lead him into rightful interpretation of The Bible …. and that heartfelt request of the believer is answered by The Holy Spirit. I hope you someday become a true believer. You are not one , now. Good Luck finding The Narrow Path ! I remain Nick , NavyBlueSmoke, LST-1195 credited by crew of new ship 🚢⚓ with saving it in Biblical Class Storm early January 1974 in The China Slot aka The Graveyard, Seal Team , Marines , 20 Officers , 200+ crew , CIA’s Top Asset Aboard , All Safely Delivered To Hong Kong harbor Praise God Whom Gave me temporary strength of Samson and Hercules to accomplish the task necessary to save my ship ! N.A.C. # 1274 , iss 20 Apr 72 Q

Last edited 1 year ago by William R Nicholson

That’s the first step of 5 stages of grieves.

Can’t accept the truth.

Ann Ononomous

I see both sides of the fence. Yes, there are plenty of things in the bible that are true and plenty of things that have come to fruition. On the other hand, why was the book of Enoch taken out (or was it never even added in?) of the bible? What about the book of Mary Magdalene? Where did that end up? In the Vatican? In the DUMBS underneath it? Let’s not forget, the Catholic religion changed the 10 Commandments to fit their agenda. And all this Paganism that has gone on for centuries, in ALL religions. How do you spend your Saturday and Sunday??? When do you celebrate Jesus’s birthday?

I do believe there truly is a bible (God’s word/law for his creation to follow), but it has been interpreted countless times in so many countries by MAN, not God. Was anything left out or interpreted (maybe innocently, maybe not) with a bit of a spin on it? Isn’t that what Satan did to Adam & Eve to fit his agenda? Do you think the King James version of the bible is the best one? Really??? Why by a “Royal?” Was he a true God fearing Christian and made absolutely sure everything translated in it was totally accurate? Impossible! Without a doubt, the bible is a very difficult book to understand and can you say with 100% certainty it is 100% accurate word for word?

As I said, I believe in a bible that God’s people who were there and experienced FIRST HAND what happened in the past. Surely you agree, it’s hard not to look at all the lies we’ve been told for so, so long and not wonder if it didn’t happen EXACTLY like it’s been translated!


if there’s still a original bible. its hidden in the vatican library. has all the true meanings.


BS Nicholoson. You’re an idiot for believing anything the cabal has taught you via The Church….its all lies


Wow! Sounds like you prayed and believed and God delivered! Awesome!


I FOR ONE get real tired of the bible quoters, wish they’d stop


Then why bother to get on RRN. Go somewhere
you are more comfortable with all your hicks from
the sticks friends.