Janet Yellen Hanged at GITMO


October 18, GITMO.

Janet Yellen, the condemned, had pithy comments for Adm. Crandall and a delegation of officers as she stood atop the gallows wearing a rope necklace the morning of October 18.

“I hate you. I hate you, Crandall,” Yellen said, her voice strained and hoarse. “This is our country. Do you understand me? This is our country, ours, not yours, and nothing you do will change that. Do you hear me, Crandall?

The admiral glanced up at Yellen. “I hear you, but thankfully not for much longer. And who is “ours?”

Yellen looked over her shoulder at the hangman who was inspecting the rope for frayed strands. “You’ll die too,” she told him. She told Admiral Crandall, “I won’t say his name, but you know who he is and it doesn’t matter to you because he is untouchable. When the United States and Ukraine are merged and become the United States of Ukraine, he will reveal himself.”

“At first, I thought you were just evil. But you’re batshit crazy, too,” the admiral said. “You’re as delusional as those who were on that platform before you.”

“Then you’ve probably also heard this before, Crandall: We are everywhere.”

Admiral Crandall sighed deeply, then ordered the hangman to fulfill his duty. The button was pushed, and Yellen gasped and choked and writhed as the floor beneath her feet disappeared. Somehow, the jarring drop had compressed her teeth and severed the tip of her tongue. Her blood-filled mouth gurgled, and bubbles of crimson spittle dripped down her chin. She did not die immediately because the rope was not long enough, and the drop was too short; her neck didn’t break. Instead, she gradually strangled to death over several minutes, her bulbous body twisting and thrashing.

When she finally died, she looked like Jabba the Hut after Princess Leia strangled him with an electrical cord, the rest of her split tongue dangling between open lips.

A Navy physician noted her time of death: 11:13 a.m., October 18.

Following her death, a JAG source told Real Raw News that White Hats have seized “several billion” of Yellen’s domestic assets, which will be used to fund White Hat operations and compensate persons Yellen had grievously harmed.

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Please do not give your hard-earned money to sites or channels that copy/paste our intellectual property. We spend countless hours vetting, researching, and writing. Thank you. Every dollar helps. Contributions help keep the site active and help support the author (and his medical bills)

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Charles Smith

If anyone knows, I should probably know its a double or clone, but on Saterday, November 11, at the 6PM Eastern hour on Fox News was George Bush on a Veteren Bike Ride. Was that a Double. He sounds like bush. Could it be a clone. I thought he was dead, was it CGI?
Any answers would help, the man who followed through with helping start a 20 some year war, by helping to stop NESARA, should not be here today. I can’t stand his face anymore after what i’ve learned. I thought he was executed in January 2022.

Last edited 1 year ago by Charles Smith

Her blood-filled mouth gurgled, and bubbles of crimson spittle dripped down her chin. She did not die immediately because the rope was not long enough, and the drop was too short; her neck didn’t break— CLASSIC MB!

🤩— ✅ — 😮

Yoü ąrė ønly adding to YOUR legend, sir! I hope this note finds you well……

Robert Gregory Boensch

Our God Given Freedom.
And how to capture it.
DR John Says.
All of us want this to end, all of us want to be free. This is the
HOW and unlike a war with guns, this takes so little effort and is no
real risk. The worst that can happen is you will be seen as a hero!
This is why the Birds came up and checked me OUT. And all with out
firing a single shot Make no mistake this will be heard around the
world! This is big and you and your friends can make it MUCH bigger!
Before the 2020 election there was a short video on the
internet showing President Trump Being President for the year’s
And this is a true story of how long he will be president of these united states.
Why you ask
Because he has limited power as the Commander in Chief of this country.
If he exceeds this power he will become a dictator?
Now why is the people in the Jan 6 still in jail.
The military has no power to intervene in this cause or any cause in this conflict?
They only step in and do an action to protect our constitution.
Or else their action will be a military coup
So who does have the power.
It’s the people in these States.
The only way to end this insurrection By law is to address your states congress
by petition or a remonstrance.
Now we all know how corrupt these people are.
Especially Michigan.
And my beautiful relation with them?
And also (I) we have to stay in line with the constitutional restraints.
But this is also a disadvantage to end this action the Insurrection.
So in come’s the The Flushing Remonstrance of 1657
The whole base of this is our God given rights.
And it precedes our constitution and the law of war manual.
So I started with a clean Sheet
and the first thing on it was Remonstrance
And then it was built with the needs that we needed address today.
And there is a couple of constitution laws inserted.
And also part of the law of war manual.
In Michigan this was presented and accepted by default of response?
This remonstrance is reciprocal to the other 49 states and territory of this country?
Give President Trump back his full power.
And let the Military go be the best they can.
If you would really like to release the Jan 6 prisoners.
You The People of these States Have this Power
and no one else on this planet can help you
rise up and peacefully Speak
to those around You!
And when we End this insurrection
We then can restore our Constitution
And start Building This Constitutional Republic on a clean Base!
We The People of these States Have this Power
and no one else on this planet can help Us
rise up and peacefully Speak
to those around You
Ps this insurrection and also the Remonstrance suspend all elections until the insurrection is over
and the Remonstrance removes the biden electrical college votes
and all of the bad actors and their staff.
And For Justice
Expunge The first and second impeachment Of President Trump
suspended elections
This is why President Trumps video
Showed 2024-2028-2032 etc.
it was a clue and a big reveal
Robert Gregory Boensch


So, for real, even if you are jewish or pro-israel, are really unwilling to see how many of your co-religionists espouse fully grown adult jewish men sucking on jewish infants’ genitals?


You are one sick bitch.


Any fucker who had anything to do with WACO’s siege should be tied spread eagle to a concrete table and burned alive.


That is going back to like 92 or 93 if memory serves me correctly…. Where you close to this locally? I seem to remember an injustice to also a Randy Weaver. At that time I had no idea a D33P state existed like today…..


If all these tribunals and executions are true, they are happening at SNAIL PACE. I see lots of Communists still ruling the country.


We all hope that everything RRN reports is true. But they’re not. It’s all satire.


I’m making $290 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just

using this website…………………………………………. 𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐁𝐢𝐳𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝟏.𝐂𝐨𝐦

Carlos Perez

Good! She suffered slowly.


not slowly enough. sheshould have been publicly humiliated for awhile.

Make the pillory great again!


I don’t know if these accounts are true or not…but they’re gratifying to read.


It is great to annihilate evil.


She was a saint and then a demon when she saw a noose in front of her.  🤣 🤣


🇺🇸♥️Great job. 🇺🇸 Michael I just love your writing style.👍🏻♥️


I’m making $190 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just
using this website……………………………… 𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐁𝐢𝐳𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝟏.𝐂𝐨𝐦


cool. cool. I make $250-$400.


I made dinner last night. Family was delighted!


i still need to eat…

Robert Gregory Boensch


Last edited 1 year ago by Robert Gregory Boensch
And Rew

Billions? Wasn’t she in gov’t like forever? But yet she had billions. True sign of a career corrupt deep stater.


God’s Holy writ is in agreement: the wickedness found in all men must be brought to THE obedience of Christ! If not, TH33 godless imagination of Baphomet | Hollyweird | Freemason | Œ of TH33 Jęštęrs — will literally destroy Christian culture thoroughly.

See: Genesis 6:5

Max Kammerer

WOW–It would make a great stayment if all this info of traitors was put onto the MSM and other outlets. Keep up with the hanging of traitors. Just hope it’s all true. Not some BS talking points again.

Sandy Koufax

Yellen was yelling, but Yellen won’t be yelling anymore.


Ølđ Yęllėr Hübbąrđ ain’t Yëllën much N — Ê M00RĖ!


speaking of ol hub…

barbara marx hubbard, the friendly local jewish futurist, was an avid cannibal, by her own admission.

so the jews and the mooslims both enjoy homo sapien meat? well done, non porkers.


I’m making $190 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just
using this website…………………………………… 𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐁𝐢𝐳𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝟏.𝐂𝐨𝐦


ican look like tori amos in a gunbelt

Charles Smith

@ Micheal Baxter – have any the these tratiors had a tribunal yet. If they have see if you can get there tribunal and execution story up, we would love to know about them.


Patricia L. Conrad – ARRESTED & AWAITING TRIBUNAL on March 19, 2022

Valerie Jarrett – ARRESTED & AWAITING TRIBUNAL in May 2022

Maria B. Barrett – ARRESTED & AWAITING TRIBUNAL on Aug. 31, 2022

Frodo Baggins – ARRESTED & AWAITING TRIBUNAL on Oct. 5, 2022

Blaine L. Baker – ARRESTED & AWAITING TRIBUNAL on Oct. 5, 2022

Shannon Corless – ARRESTED &
October 20, 2022

Eli Roth – ARRESTED & AWAITING TRIBUNAL on Dec. 4, 2022

James Baker – ARRESTED & AWAITING TRIBUNAL on Dec. 8, 2022

Cloning Scientists – ARRESTED & AWAITING TRIBUNAL on January 6, 2023

Tom Shimabukuro – ARRESTED & AWAITING TRIBUNAL on Feb. 1, 2023

Carol Johnson ARRESTED & AWAITING TRIBUNAL on February 24, 2023

Kumar Jha ARRESTED & AWAITING TRIBUNAL on February 24, 2023

Mark Suzman ARRESTED & AWAITING TRIBUNAL on February 27, 2023

Carolyn Ainslie ARRESTED & AWAITING TRIBUNAL on February 27, 2023


100 Covid Clot Shot Loving Physicians ARRESTED & 90 Currently AWAITING TRIBUNAL on July 28, 2023

Albert Bulera – ARRESTED & AWAITING TRIBUNAL on Aug. 9, 2023

Erik Hooks – ARRESTED & AWAITING TRIBUNAL on Aug. 22, 2023

Colonial Bryan Kneels ARRESTED & AWAITING TRIBUNAL on Sept. 2, 2023

Debra Hourly – ARRESTED & AWAITING TRIBUNAL on Sept. 18, 2023

Penny Pritzker – ARRESTED & AWAITING TRIBUNAL on Sept. 22, 2023


thanks . 👍🏼


I would love to hęąr bout Fât Albert, philosophical son of Pįkę, Bülęra!!!!!!


Sheriff Penzone and his fagott deputies–waiting to be arrested by AZ patriots

Maricopa Board of Superdorks –waiting to be served as Barbara Marx Hubbard’s entree tomorrow


Hello MICHAEL??? Are you THERE?
This board is being taken over by race-baiting mentally ill individuals who gang up on and repeat one another’s messages for purposes of defaming other people here who just want to have a conversation?!
You do understand that their purpose here is in alignment with the article you wrote several weeks ago regarding the pResident Byedenobummer’s admin agenda of smearing all opposition to their Not-See NWO takeover plan as being “anti-jewish racists”
Some moderation of their intentionally anti-semitic screed that they are crapping all over the comment board would be SO appreciated.
Free speech is one thing but this comment board is one of the objects of attack of the newest illooominotty attempt to invalidate people trying to exercise free speech by writing bs that works to legitimize the suppression of genuine, free, discourse.
The crap they write on message boards are the equivalent of a false flag against the first amendment.
Please establish some standards that remove the posting rights of those whose content is entirely for purposes of undermining freedom of speech for everyone.
The tolerance of the mental vomit they write is an attack against the rights to have even faintly productive discussions on this boards.

Thank You for Anything You Can Do.

new reply has been posted by the KillEmAll on the discussion section you’ve been interested in
Fuck off jew, it’s all of your sorry evil jew asses. Your talmud, Zohar and Kabbalah are evil as fuck you pieces of shit. You jew scum fucks will NEVER defeat the WHITE RACE your sworn enemy.
(The screed posted above this sentence is a product of an entity that posts under the name … “killEmAll” and are not my thoughts, words OR beliefs. )

Last edited 1 year ago by whateverfloatsyourboat

you sureare psychologically frail. you must be american


Now you sound like “Talion” Are you borrowing his tone? Or are you Talion?
Either that or you have multiple personality disorder.

Oh, and now Anti-American-ism from you, to go along with race-baiting screed.
You sure whine a lot for someone who projects “psychological frailty” on anyone else.
How about you assemble the scattered, decomposed fragments of your illogic, label it “toxic waste” and find a new way of “sending it off in a letter to yourself”!?


MB does not appear to want the major task of monitoring the board, so my suggestion is ONE thing:
Allow the user to block anyone he/she sees fit, which would likely take out half of of posts (and almost all of the junk) from their feed.
It wouldn’t require any censoring, or effort. It would only limit the ‘freedom of reach’ (hah hah) of the useless ones, but only by the READER, not any ‘moderators’.


I appreciate the thought however this is not about being personally offended but about the corruption of ALL access to any resource of free speech under attack with their sinister little games.
For example a “rino” (or Republican in Name Only) robs “constituents” of political (policy) represention – all on purpose of course.
Citizens require a “recall” for any officeholder who undermines the policies which they championed to woo the vote. There needs to be a “contract” in which they commit to specific positions and on which they are reviewed quarterly and when their arguments and votes “in office” contradict those commitments, they can be removed from office and barred from running for or holding any office.
That would require citizen oversight councils and of course that would be inconvenient and yet ironically politics eats up more and more of our time because we allowed ourselves to be lulled into acting from a delusion that the whole process can be handled by “professionals”
or Perchance it was the media that created the impression that the whole business is self-remediating. If we don’t like the program, well, just change the channel.
Reality becomes virtual reality. People attracted to this site are the hard core dreamers/ not content – only – with escapism.
We believe our highest and most worthy dreams can and will manifest.
Some of us know that ideas are powerful and so do the ring-wraiths that pursue us intent on destroying every last spark of vitality.
These trolls are the Whinos – here to mis-direct and to mis-characterize every one of our legitimate insights, concerns and grievances.
The (trolls) work to demoralize others who might find their way here and feel slightly inspired to rejoin any movement or energy towards reversing the dis-empowerment project of the globalists.
Trolls entrench, become more toxic and multiply like the cockroaches they are.
On most sites, in the severe degree of corruption we are working through, “moderation” takes the form of silencing truthers using AI type technology.
All I am asking for is for users to have a way to indicate to Michael the users who repeatedly abuse the platform to verbalize racism or obviously incendiary comments posted only for purposes of smearing all participants communicating in the comments section.
I actually understand some of the prejudicial feelings voiced by trolls however generalizations about people by the groups to which they have some relatedness or interest is ultimately inaccurate and unjust to the individuals. It is harassment and intimidation..
The whole point of the Declaration of Independence, the ideals that underlie our American Theory of Self-Governance is Respect for the Rights of the Individual, and those rights are carefully defined so that no Individual’s ‘rights’ include permission to trespass against the rights or violation of the rights of another. Those “rights” are contingent upon the actions of the individual and are lost by an individual who trespasses against others (regressing an individual to the status of a criminal – who is a predator and no longer has equal standing to the society of individuals the criminal’s actions have violated.)
This principle of the Sovereignty of the Individual is the critical essence, the bedrock itself, of the concepts established in the founding documents that define AMERICA.
Any attempt to define a person based on unrelated coincidences for purposes of collective debasement of provision, consideration or respect is a violation of the rights of the individual.
Criminals being detained for military tribunal have betrayed this essential truth of what is sacred about America in its inception and in terms of what it exists to represent.
Trolls are like the termites eating away at the foundations that underpin even the possibility of rights for individuals, and that is the activity which identifies them as predators and traitors


Thank you for this. I will respond as I feel necessary.

“under attack with their sinister little games”

Now who’s projecting? Why do you not uncover YOUR sinister little games you unwittingly play with YOURSELF? This would be a step in the direction of release FROM those games.


Racism is a myth! I equally hate greasers, wops, kikes & niggers! What you are proposing NEVER has existed! As long as my hatred burns inside of me, and remains in me, THE offended will never know! My remarks aren’t personal either. Just because I personally believe where 300 or more blacks gathered you find yourself in a GHETTO does not mean that I would ever step foot in their ghettos! In order to return this country to Christ, a great segregation will need to occur. What you are proposing all in your self righteous indignation claim of “RACISM” is TH33 same Jewish canard found in Cultural Marxism! That kind of thinking gave us what we have today in AmeriKan globalist culture! Phuck that bullshizzle!

I will continue to hate God’s enemies and rejoice when He destroys them as accounted for HERE! You can take your pansy ass to CNN if our speech disturbes your precious phucking EARS!


“Racism” and “Race-baiting” are buzz words used by Globalists to create “Let’s you and him, fight” outcomes.
Even though the term “racist” is being intentionally mis-used by the globalists to attack their WINNING political opponents  
You, Bob, are the Real thing. You ARE a racist and an unapologetic one, which is your business but it has nothing to do with the problem of individuals (of all different ethnicities, skin color and ideologies) who cooperate to, and benefit by directly acting to put the entire planet and the human race under Satann ik enslavement.
THAT is the issue that unites the people on this board – the protection of the Republic that was established by the Americans who fought, bled and died to establish a Republic – (as differentiated from dictatorships that denied “equal “rights” that denied humanity the right to live and think as they like, as long as they don’t act to interfere with that right for others. And even more importantly is the RESCUE of children who these devils literally “farm” to acquire and drink their blood.

Point being that this comment board is not intended for people to write obscenities about generic group identities based on presumptions and prejudice – ie that all people who are black, jewish, male, female, young, old, etc are EVIL based on something they have no choice or influence over ….
I personally recognize and intensely disagree with how the term “equal rights” has been abused by the Marxist propagandists to falsely  represent categorized people as “victims” (which the rest of us are forced to accept that anyone “they” call a “victim” is automatically more deserving than others.) This is of course a devious game employed by the ‘deep state” using “cultural” Marxists to exploit any naturally arising grievance between people and forcefully create inequality by rewarding anyone they can label as a “victim” superior advantages and a presumption of virtue over everyone else.  
You, Bob,  have made it crystal clear that you pre-judge people solely based on their skin color or ethnicity. That is shallow lizard brain consciousness and puts you in a category far beneath the people you feel so entitled to despise for characteristics that are not related to the character of the human you hate on sight.
You have a right to be a bigoted bastard however this comment board is OBVIOUSLY NOT intended as a sounding board for your personal issues with unfounded hatred of people in general whom you categorize based on attributes un-related to your foul assumptions and accusations


I would rather see my opposition than hide from it!


Lol, so just ban anyone who’s not with u.s, china, Russia and Israel? Lol.


More like walking away from the raving lunatic town drunk…


You just became lot like the enemy then.


< this response was uttered because I incorrectly thought you were speaking to me – sorry >

You are incorrect, sir. I am NO different than a citizen who has heard enough from the town-square orator’s speech… and walks away.

Last edited 1 year ago by Jimbeau

Apparently Americans and Israel are police of the world now, lol b



Also, I’m not Julie or some other user.

I dont use multi accounts. I certainly don’t kill.

Your accusing me being a murderer now.

I never kill.

I swear you Americans became brainwashed.

Last edited 1 year ago by Talion

oh yea, i had no idea how easily we can all be deceived and that is not deception.


Lastly, you Americans aren’t above anybody.

Last edited 1 year ago by Talion

How do you know you are not projecting I am projecting?
Is ‘american’ a race?


You are just plain psycho!


So now I’m a Jew cause I ain’t with Russia, u.s or Israel, lol.

Last edited 1 year ago by Talion

I said that “she” , in THAT comment, “sounded” like You.

Given the conflicting things that you, Talion, say, almost anything seems possible however I do tend to believe that you are your own individual self.

I said that it sounded as though Julie was -essentially – ‘channeling’ You,
because her comment was “Talion’esque”

(I did not say it the same way I am attempting to clarify to you… I observed that HER comment sounded as though she manifests other personalities, ie multi-personality disorder)

“She” may have been mimicking you on purpose.

“She” may be AI

In terms of YOU, whom I still presume to be an individual, MOST of the time you are kicking trolls in the butt, and I agree with where you are coming from.

Anyway, for what it’s worth, I meant no offense to YOU.


it’s fine, its not the first time i been accuse of soemthing, lol.

heck i been accused for bein german of causing ww2 that i did not do, lol.


I wouldn’t think so. I know you are tough but you don’t like people who murder. 🙂 Neither do I


perhaps all the insults, threats, etc i gotten throughout the yrs.

perhaps been bullied, mentally and phycially destroyed my insides.

it seem it may have finally took a total on me.


i spologize for my remarks towards you.


I wrote back to thank you for this and to say I am sorry that you have been bullied. That should never happen to anyone.
In spite of it, and for what its worth, you usually sound like you have good instincts for good vs evil. Stay in the fight.


“I wrote back” meaning I tried to post this answer to you last night but the message wouldn’t post. Hopefully today I can make sure it goes through.
Be Well and Stay Well 🙂


Thanks, you too.


Yøü šøund & act like you are either a stįnkįng jęw, or a FRAIL MINDED N!663R! Which one is it? Are you a big nosed 🧛‍♂️ J00-J00, or an 🦍??????


Go F*ck yourself you disgusting POS. What YOU are is what is OBVIOUS. You are a low IQ knuckledragging excuse for a slag-heap.
Take a long walk off a short plank into the nearest open sewer. oh yeah, and DROP DEAD if anything impedes your progress to the sewage dump.


Mission Accomplished::: I yanked yer chain, J00–J00 boī!

Go put yer yamika back on yer $$AH0LĘ, GABMUCS!


if that’s what you to need to believe, let it be your consolation prize, loser.


GOOD. One less JEW to worry about.


I’m making $190 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just
using this website…………………………………… 𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐁𝐢𝐳𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝟏.𝐂𝐨𝐦


i don’t like running around the desert with a plate carrier


Forwarded from: Rise of New Media

Its time to force the asking of the question:

Just how many members of the US Congress in the House and the Senate hold public dual citizenship with Israel?

How many officials inside our federal agencies hold dual citizenship with Israel?

I am asking this as a journalist to assist a national discussion about the current direction of US policy.


too many


Especially interesting in light of the fact that “a man cannot serve two masters”
Earlier, I posted a comment about what I understand to be the single most significant ideal that is foundational to America, to the principle that guided the founding fathers. That principle, that founding ideal,  is the recognition of the “sovereignty of the individual”
which in and of itself, totally refutes any policy based on ‘collectivism”
The ‘appearance’ of the principle under which Israel organizes its government is superficially what myself and most of the other “public-school’ “educated” would regard as that word so bandied about and never defined in our classroom for ‘we the ‘masses’
the word being
“democratic” suggesting that it is protective of the “equal’ rights of all within its range of operation.
Puzzling however is the fact that the whole pretense of a “constitutional law-based government’ in Israel, is this over-arching political body (essentially a body of TLMDC  ‘scholars’ exercising essentially the divine right of the “King” entitled to make all the binding decisions – called the Kness  et, who orient their decisions according to the “TLMD” , a book with well-known extreme theories of Jewish superiority and unequal treatment of “gentiles’ vis a vis “Jewish” people.

That sort of organization and having the TLMD be the documents which exemplify the salient values of this country is not even remotely what I was propagandized to think of as “democratic” As I understand it, the TLMD is a declaration of a belief in the supreme superiority of Jewish people and an action plan to impose an unequal status between the jewish people and the “goyim” aka “cattle et all.
Thus the question arises, WHY, do Soros-appointed and financed installments in the highest offices of our government ally themselves with either Islamic based ideologies or TLMD oriented ideologies which are in total opposition to the values outlined in our own Constitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence?

America has a profound ideological foundation which due to the over-emphasis and intentional mis-representation of the meaning of the word and principle of “freedom” is more vulnerable to attack, even though far stronger energetically in its inception than any governmental construct that does not aspire to the power of truth in the ideal of the sacred value of individual sovereignty.  


“Thus the question arises, WHY, do Soros-appointed and financed installments in the highest offices of our government ally themselves with either Islamic based ideologies or TLMD oriented ideologies which are in total opposition to the values outlined in our own Constitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence?”
Probably to perpetuate a state of conflict and chaos orchestrated by the zionists, out of which they (zionists) will resolve to the order of their liking. (Order Out Of Chaos)
“Islam Is The Broom Of Israel.” (Against the West and Christianity) Rabbi Rav Touitou


Right however it looks to me to be an irreconcilable conflict of loyalties which should not be tolerated. I feel the same way about radical ideological muslims being installed in our Congress. Rashida Tlaib belongs wherever she came from (before moving to the US) working to make her own country “better” however I doubt that they even allow women to serve in any government office over there. TBH… I have not been interested in those countries and with “reps” like her and the other one, plus Obummer… I feel strongly that those ideological enemies should be barred from even BEING in this country let alone, holding offices – to which they have been installed by Soros et al explicitly for the purpose of kicking law-abiding American citizens in the facewith their OBVIOUS hatred of our country. They are the poster children for what the bs PTRT A CT was imposed on the PTR-Ts of America.
Don’t get me wrong. I have never believed the “official” story as to who, why or how the events of early September in 2001occurred. Lizard Chainey’s “father” was very likely running the whole thing while dingb at not-see installment Chimpy Bush was reading a story book about Goats (upside down) to a classroom of young children… but all that sh*t was like all the sh*t they do, a Ruse to start a war and shove that anti-American attack on our rights, “bill” on us, so that is not my issue with people from the other side of the world. My issue is (esp the ones installed in American government Hate this Country, and Hate the American people.
I’d like to have them removed with extreme expedience


Forwarded from: Wolverine

Saint Germain
I am Saint Germain
Dear friends
It is with immense joy that I announce to you the definitive victory of the forces of Light.
The movie is over.
The darkness is being removed from the planet.
The theater can no longer continue covering the sleeping with illusion.
Lies and deception find no refuge in reality.
Everything is progressing according to plan.
And the few who remain to be arrested no longer have anywhere to hide.
As I have announced in previous communications, the redemption began and continues in silence.
We don’t want to alert the enemy.
Additionally, they all have signed non-disclosure contracts.
They can’t speak.
We know that waiting leaves many impatient, but it is a matter of security.
Very soon they will announce the death of Pope Francis.
And it’s more of a falling domino.
It is the fall of the Vatican and the Catholic religion.
Furthermore, all religions are under suspicion and will equally fall.
One by one.
Only spirituality remains, which will be Universal.
The official announcement of NESARA Gesara is not long in coming.
And that will be the initial framework of the new golden era of peace, love and abundance for all citizens of that planet.
The low vibrations definitively leave that quadrant of the Universe.
The high vibrations of the Fifth 5D Dimension will reign, which will be maintained by all those who, at the soul level, have decided to stay to build the new Earth.
Unite in the vibration of love!
You can now celebrate the Victory of the Light!
I am your brother Saint Germain.
That he loves you unconditionally.
I am Saint Germain ‘


saint germain? you must be an old guy then.

arent you from the 1600’s or different germain?


Forwarded from: West Coast Wizard

Let Me Clarify,,,,Yes Israel Is Done, Yes America Seized All Of Israels Assets Due To Their Human Trafficking. We Did Not Get Nuked As A Result.


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website.. w­w­w.P­a­y­a­t­h­o­m­e­9­.c­o­m

Last edited 1 year ago by barshembar

the gunbelt the gunblet!


All these government workers seem to have several million or billion stashed somewhere. All on a government workers salary. Mayorkas is allegedly in hiding in Europe. Interesting.

Last edited 1 year ago by Joanna

All government workers STEAL
US Government is the ANTICHRIST


mayorkas is hiding in ethels ass


MB, did Gen Eric Smith have a heart attack last Sunday ? Who takes over ?


Baxter, having trouble drawing in REAL people, hence the Censoring of the Truth??? Just like you led everyone to believe Von Berger was a WH when he was filming pro vax videos on the Official Military Site of the Marine Corps ( speaking in forked tongues??? ). Helping with the COVID-19 military op of genocide ???


i wonder if smith was vaxxed


Well, well, well.. Colin Powell died at 84… Supposedly from COVID problems…. interesting 🤔 The god Hades is having a good party about right now . 🤣


Good those poor children. Bad men in this world. They need to eat red meat.


Evil people don’t eat normal food. Fruits . Steaks, fish, smoothies, tacos, vegetables, carbs, ribs, empanadas, sweets,juices, cupcakes, coffee, tea ,french fries, waffles, like we do. They have have to cannibalize and paedovorize the righteous, this is what lucifer demands, their doctrine insists on killing and devouring and drinking the blood of the innocent and the righteous,


To all you controlled op Fed posters here. Why are you not out in the field fighting like men, to ensure sleepy Joe and Oprah get some more candy? Have your superiors deemed your worth only to punch keyboards? How sad.


Why aren’t you fighting with the white hats? why aren’t you hunting the adrenochrome producers?

Surf Nazare

Ethel—is that really you—–lol—be careful !!! do you know what you are sounding like—


why aren’t you fighting with the white hats?


they’re ameicans, too soft, too indolent



Surf Nazare

how do you know I am not—-




I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website.. w­w­w.P­a­y­a­t­h­o­m­e­9­.c­o­m


ok ok fuck the gunbelt i get it

John .S

Good morning Kathy Hochul, know you’re checking in.

Hey Kathy, recommend retaining an Esq. in advance that specialize in military tribunals. Don’t want to do last minute scramble like Gretchen Whitmer.

Act fast Kathy, you’ll never know when your assets are seized. Soon as arrest warrant is issued on you, quicker than a New York minute, kiss your assets good bye.

PS: hugs and kisses Kathy.


kathy’s new zip code is michal obamas ass


Mayorkas confirms over 600,000 illegal immigrants evaded law enforcement at southern border last fiscal year… This is From the MSM… More like 60 million… get this arse hole treasonous bassard.. Ty . 🇺🇲

John .S

Recently did a construction site project meeting, performed walkthrough, top to bottom.

Job site labor force all migrants via special work permit, except for straw bosses.

Much shoddy [hit and run] workmanship, english not spoken, couldn’t voice deficiencies without straw boss interpreter.

Union trades unemployed, many on furlough, scrambling to stay afloat as migrants perform labor at reduced wage.

This is only the beginning of what’s yet to come, we’re done, the fat lady is singing.

Last edited 1 year ago by John .S

agreed. the crucible for the white americans is on! will they allow themselves to be replaced? will they counter?


The New Republic: By Donald Trump

This 2nd Declaration Of Independence distinguishes the United States of American from the subversive United States Corporation. It asserts that the US CORP was formed illegally, that it is foreign-owned, and that its shareholders have been quietly at war with America for over 150 years.

Treasonous Operatives, embedded within government and the “fake news” networks, purposely divide the people, and facilitate conflict among the nations., to hide that US Corp was formed illegally, that is foreign-owned, and that its shareholders have been quietly at war with America for over 150 years.

Treasonous Operatives, embedded within government and the “fake news” networks, purposely divide the people, and facilitate conflict among the natives, to hide that US CORP is and always has been, the only real enemy of America.

This 2nd Declaration OF Independence also repudiates, with conviction, the US Corp’s satanically-inspired plan for world governance. In addition to being, of, by, and for The Elite, and not The People their falsely advertised pseudo-Utopian unelected totalitarian “New World Order” would supplant America’s sovereignty, and extinguish forever, any semblance of liberty, and prosperity.

Cindy W.

Why is much of this post repeated within?




If you haven’t noticed that is all q retards do is talk

The 60 year q retard plan to save the planet and not one public arrest.

Satanists still control everything 60 years later.

Nice plan q retards


It’s what behind the scenes that take hold. Steve Scalise welcomed the new 45th Speaker of the House……that takes us back to the 1860’s.

My sons favorite childhood book…..I think I can, I think I can……


Moderna down 9 points pre market….YAY!!!! Covid sales in the toilet….

November 2, 2023, Moderna Inc released its third-quarter financial results for 2023. The company reported revenues of $1.8 billion for the quarter, with a net loss of $3.6 billion,

Moderna’s total revenue for Q3 2023 was $1.8 billion, compared to $3.4 billion in the same period in 2022, mainly due to a decrease in sales of the company’s COVID-19 vaccine …..hahahahah!!!!!!


short that shit-stock


Lots has been done.
Otherwise, if what you stared were actually true, everyone visiting this site would be in a gulag


Blacks, and any black political entity such as the black caucus or BLM is also an enemy of the American people.

Blacks do not lobby or vote for their rights. They lobby and vote for the destruction of America and its constitution.

America will never be whole again until they are put back into their place. Send them all back to Africa, where they belong. They do not assimilate within white culture.

As I have stated many times here: they sold them own selves into slavery then have the narcissistic gall to accuse people who have white skin of the deed after our Godly constitution framed the very argument that freed their, often, but not always, near worthless carcasses. Meanwhile, to this very day, not ONE black city on this earth is desirable to live in. Not ONE.

Last edited 1 year ago by EdBob

Hold up.. the English/Britains took the rights and land away from the NATIVE INDIANS that were here FIRST…… 💯




What “Black” city? The whole US has always been run by White Gay Males masquerading as Straight guys ( and their “First Dudes” — and Big Mel is no exception ).
Don’t blame Blacks for All the problems Whites created.


Flint, Mi is the city that ruined itself with Affirmative Action;
black only.


cool copypasta


with a side of susan brown rice?


yes pls


Still nothing on General Eric Smith?
Michael, surely you must have a team of writers to help you?


it didnt happen.

just another lie from the media.


They’ve replaced him already in a hurry.
Utilized a CIA Heart Attack gun.
Why was he in DC in the first place???

Last edited 1 year ago by Teddi


TRUMP SPEAKS FROM HOUSTON @ 4:00 PM on NOV 2nd! Interesting…

COULD this REALLY happen???

Times to watch for drop from Trump on X.  

💥NOV 2 @ MIDNIGHT 12:00 AM ET 2:44 PM ET, 4:12 or 4:21 ET PM

💥NOVEMBER 2 Midnight is tonight! Midnight starts a day!

TRUMP TWEET ON 11/2/2023?

TRUMP TWEET ON 11/2/2023=201


102 201




NOV 2 @ 4:21 or 4:12 PM ET
4:21 PM ET X DROP=138
4:12 PM ET X DROP=138


💥Let’s see what happens … watch 12:00 AM ET TONIGHT or 2:44 PM, 4:12 PM or 4:21 PM ET tomorrow.  

💥Remember Trump talks from Houston, TX NOV 2:00 @ 4:00!!! 😀

LETS GO!!! 💪💪💪

Remember we have a front row seat to the GREATEST SHOW IN THE UNIVERSE … enjoy each day as we head towards the finish line!!


Kay Mitchell

You sound Stark raving mad.

NOTHING you have ever predicted has happened.


And you sound stark raving *fed.*

NOTHING you have ever done has helped America. May all of you and yours hang.


hang on these nuts lmaoooooooo


hang on jbills shit post until he rails you into fancytown


Helping the US is NOT being Racist against AMERICANS ( they are NOT from Africa & your ancestors came from elsewhere ~ so be careful ).
American Indians are the true natives and they were murdered by Whites and the land taken.

Reality Check.


How awake are you, Kay ? Not very much, I suspect.

James Abbott

This is the calm before the storm? There’s multiple wars going on in the world right now, things don’t feel that calm to me. This is the greatest show in the universe? Are you not seeing how much suffering is going on? How many people are damaged from vaccines? How many people are struggling financially? How many have been manipulated to take drugs that cause mental illness? I sure love watching those Chen trails over my head! Is that part of the show? Is the brainwashing that’s still taking place in the media and schools all part of the greatest show? So the buildup for the EBS on October 22nd, 26th and 31st were all part of the greatest show? What happened to Trump turning off the lights? My lights stayed on and I never heard about anyones lights going off? I guess the “insider” who said it was happening on the 26th was actually an outsider? Tell me, what’s the significance of the phrase “I AM POSITIVE = 138”. Are the numbers 315,201,138,etc supposed to have significance. So far these significant numbers have only been a let down. And then they say, “oh we are in an event based war so don’t pay attention to the dates”. And then everyone forgets and they start spouting off dates again. The Judy note recording is literally using the November 3rd date because of the election anniversary after all the other date predictions have come to pass. How predictable was that? So let me ask you, when nothing happens in the next few days, are you just going to switch the dates around like “NOVEMBER 11 = 187. SHIT GOING DOWN = 187”. THIS MEANS ITS GOING DOWN! YOURE WATCHING THE GREATEST SHOW EVER BECAUSE 187!!! Like do you not see that these numbers have no real significance, it’s just what you attribute to it? I hope the world changes just like most people, but what you’re preaching is on the border of insanity.


No, you are insane. You are Fed. Fed has lost its mind. Fed will hang. You mother fuckers that rang my door bell because I went to see Trump speak on Jan 6 will hang. He speaks to the righteous. And we do have calm. You wicked don’t. But we do.


you cry a lot for being a snowflake. usually they just melt and go away

James Abbott

What did I say that makes me seem insane or a Fed? The truth is you sound like more of a fed than me. You literally just said all blacks should go back to Africa. Dividing black and white is part of the divide and conquer tactic used by the cabal. And you calling me a fed is again implementing the divide and conquer tactic. So the truth is, you are secretly the fed, you are just using projection to make it seem as though you are not. Again, projection is the classic deep state move. If I am wrong then I am sure you can answer my questions and explain yourself a little more thoroughly, I’ll wait.


You did NOTHING.


Fuck off mossad.


shapiro that mossad lil bitch boy


Edbob you are INSANE.
EVERYONE who disagrees with your RACISM against AMERICANS is called a Fed. James is the SANEST one on the site today voicing the TRUTH.


Q retards here cannot stand logic and reason and rational thought ..when u bring up facts such as you posted they go.into a vaccine addled lunatic mode and call you a fed.


I believe “the calm b4 the storm” was back when Trump was still President.. Ever since the DEMs screwed with the voting and took over, there has been ongoing mayhem and chaos..


Well Done.
So very true to set these people straight.


a show = illusion

so the show is almost over = the gates are closing in on the fattened ignorant masses


He’s letting us know WE ARE IN WORLD WAR 111…. GEESH..


‘Linda,’ another controlled op fed.

Why do y’all even try? Why not just use your issue cyanide capsule now..


Sounds like a vaccine addled q retard .
If we are in ww3 why hasn’t the vax daddy came out and said it?

Oh yeah , he’s a compulsive liar himself


YOU give LOVE a BAD name! — Bon Jovi!

YOU give Q a TARD NAME! – Bob –


More grifter bullshit …keep compulsively lying

Nothing you have said ever actually happens.

That makes you a piece of shit.


I don’t understand how some ppl tell the time.. When I was young, 12.00 midnight was 24h00 or the last minute of a day.. The new day started at 1 sec after midnight.. Midnight (=12.00pm or 24h00) is the end of Nov 1.. midnight of Nov 2 is 24hrs later..
Screwing with the 12am and 12pm is just another Cabal trick to screw with ppls minds..12am is actually midday..


I support what you said. However this gematria stuff can be applied to anything you want it to to make whatever you want it to. I don’t place much credence on it.


MB….. why don’t you just close down the comments? Nothing worth reading from most of the posters. A waste of time to even scan.

Kay Mitchell

Totally agree.


The pages of near endless worthless comments are from you sorry controlled op Feds.

Real people like me have many followers, and have revealed much useful info. George Washington’s Vision for one.. the vision that reveals Africa is America’s ENEMY, and that we will WIN.




Not all Hamites were cursed.. Only Canaan..
Japheth was predicted to live in the tents of Shem.. Ashkenazi is a Japhethite and guess who’s land they have stolen???..

Mark David

The comment section is by far the most interesting part. Even the trolls would agree. What people are thinking is the barometer to what lies ahead for many People trapped and harmed by the fake Govt for decades.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mark David

Yet you come here and read and comment

Only a vaccine addled q retard would think that logical or rational .


(Man with glasses Jordan Maxwell).Once the truth is out and the people understand, then they have problems. And I am saying that the power of any government is in people.

(it now comes old man Bush when he was president) A new world order can emerge, a new era, freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace. An era in which the nations of the world, East and West, North and South. Can prosper and live in harmony.

(Back to the man with glasses. Jordan Maxwell )
If you understand that symbols and emblems and things that we see everyday are like the letters of the alphabet. If you put them together, they tell a story. If you understand, wake up and understand that we are not in a benevolent government. That Plato said the price good people pay for non involvement in public affairs is to be ruled by evil men. (in the background) this “Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber.”
(A Englisman talking.)
Graphic symbolism is as important in the 18th century as is now in the 21st century. So there was a standardized visual language which stood across Europe and of course the United States.

(Another man)
At a time when many people couldn’t read, this common visual language was taught through the use of emblem books. Emblem books became standard pattern books for engravers, architects, engineers. So by the time you get to the early 18th century, Ripper’s emblem books was the standard piece of design equipment you’d find in any engravers workshop. That in the old Celtic Druid, uh, occultism of accent England, from which we have gotten most, about 95% of our mysticism in America has come from the old ancient English Celtic magicians. We always see pictures of, uh, were talking about Stonehenge, right? Yeah, Stonehenge, right. Uh, Merlin the Magician with his magic wands, and all the magicians always have their Malia wands. Magic wands were always made out of holly wood. And holly wood car been used for many years to manipulate your thinking, to explain mystical subjects to you, and to prepare you to accept certain mystical premises. A classic example, and I, and I’m not in any way, uh belittling the work. But, uh, it’s very important to understand Steven Spielberg and George Lucas work with the Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Because you can’t understand the Last Crusade if you don’t understand the First Crusade. And if you don’t understand that the, um, Raiders of the Lost Ark, uh, Who was the Raiders of the Lost Ark, uh, fighting against? It was the Nazis. Interesting, too, in the, uh, Star Wars. Uh, according to the Masonic reference works that you can get in any library, the, uh, the freemasonic orders of Europe said that there was a little ideologue, a little spiritual entity that gave the knowledge to what the Masons call our hidden masters. That’s what Freemasonry refers to those who lead world Freemasonry. They don’t know who they are. No, no Freemason knows who the actual leaders of the world organization are. They call then our hidden masters. Well, according to the reference works, there is a little spiritual entity that guides the world Freemasonry, and they call him Yoda. And in the reference work, you’ll see this little creature with the pointed ears, and he’s called Yoda. Yoda goes back to Judah. Or Judah, which goes back into British Israel World Freemasonry,going back to the time of, uh, of the founding of England. And that’s why they’re today called Brit ish. The Brit ish, it’s very big difference between being English and Brit ish.Brit is Hebrew for contractor a covenant, and ish means man in Hebrew. Therefore, British huge covenant man or man of the new covenant. So were talking about Star Wars, and the, and the evil empire. And the empire strikes back. And with the empire purling back, New York is the empire state. Were talking about the new empire of new world, America, striking back at Europe. And two world wars to overthrow the old Roman dynasties in Europe to take over the World. So what we are saying here is that there was a was going on between gangs to see who’s going to ultimately be on top of the Pyramid.

G. Edward Griffin
After you have all the material things that you could possibly want in life, what is left to excite you? And for many people, the answer is power. Global power. They became intellectually elite. They began to think that they had a plan that was better than anybody else’s plan. They got the idea that freedom…. Is dangerous. If you give people freedom, you know what? They’re probably not going to use it wisely like we think the should. We are smarter than they are. And for their own good,we should rule them. Yes, the, the obelisk, you’ll see the Egyptian obelisk here. The Egyptian obelisk points up to the top of the triangle or the top of the pyramid. We’re talking about occultic forces. Uh, we’re talking about the five pointed pentagram, which was used by satanic worshippers for thousands of years. If you take the five points off of a five pointed star or a pentagram, you have left in the middle a Pentagon. That’s why the United States has a Pentagon. The Pentagon is directed towards the North Star because according to the ancient Babylonians, that’s where you gather power from the god’s of the North in war. Were talking about sex, drugs, rock and roll. Were talking about a, a con, concerted effort to Manipulate the human beings of this country into a new world order and the people are going along with it, docile and have not debated it. It says novus ordo seclorum. That’s on, the domino. You know, that really the term seclorum, you said earlierPC um, that that meant secular, secular, secular really means more than uh, you know, people think of themselves as God here. Well, but the secular, the new God, but secular, if you ask a minister what secular means, he’ll say. The secular world and we Christians, meaning that it’s a world, a secular world without the God that created us, isn’t that true? So what we’re looking at is we’re looking at a new God. Luciferian God, a Satanic god, who would be the leader of the New World Order. So, the New World Order is the New World Order without the old God of the Bible, and with the new god, Lucifer, see? Now, you could take a look at the pentagram. We want to bring out one point here, in relation to what he says. We’re not talking about an evil genius somewhere in Bavaria. We’re talking about America. Here is the new world order. We are in the middle of the most diabolical conspiratorial movement ever developed on the face of the earth, right here in America. The 33rd degree Council that meets in Washington, D.C. Claims in their own literature to be the mother jurisdiction of the world, the mother council of the world. Manly P. Hall called them the most powerful organization in the land. That they ordain… Kings and shape the destinies of worlds. That’s called power. In Africa,and the big game hunters in Africa for many years, used to when you in out to hunt the big game, you wouldn’t go into the jungle to look for the big game. You would hire many of the natives to in out with the cans and bottles,and surround about a 10 mile circle out in front of you, and work in, beating cans and bottles and screaming and freightening your prey, the lion or the animal that you’re, that you’re
Looking for, and he’s your prey. And you keep closing closing in, until finally ….whatever is out there comes out into the open and if is a sitting duck.That is precisely what has been happening for the last hundred years. The Illuminati have been purposely organizing, directing, and financing wars, revolutions, uh, violence, bloodshed, so that it will sufficiently impress and frighten the world of humanity into accepting a new order, a new police state that will finally put down the law and,uh, the disorder in the world. And it is the oldest trick in the book. Our greatest enemy is not in a crack house, it’s in the White House. It’s not in bar room, it’s in the boardrooms. And so the point I’m making is that we are being manipulated from the the very top. And we need to wake up and find out that America is not the land of the free and home of the brave. Because we’re not free, and we darn sure ain’t brave.


Gotta love you tube.. I just watched Jordan Maxwell saying and showing all those symbols with those books.. 👍


I hear the US military is assisting Israel.
One thing is for sure, Israel is going to pay for the war crimes, and the USA if we don’t watch it.


So smith had a heart attack? what is the vax status of Smith? Berger is on record saying the vaccination is good.

Why haven’t the corrupt fuckers in the Intelligence Agencies been arrested? They are the REAL DStards.


Wondering the same!! Praying constantly for Gen Smith.


Come on .you know better

Trump and these high up generals didn’t take the death jab.

Only the stupid goyim did.

Mark David

Smith wasn’t stupid enough to take a vaxx shot.


Yes.. “They are everywhere”.. EVIL

My 87 year old father-in-law whom I have been the personal caregiver for the last 12 years just died of a heart attack less than 1 hour after leaving his doctor’s office.
We went to the doctor today at 9:15 am to discuss pre-hospice care and other in-home, late-life care options.

Dr. Travis Hudon (Providence Family Medicine North Spokane ) was curt and nasty.
He had zero interest in anything “not a medical issue” and said “a nurse can take care of that” and “call me when you have a medical problem”
(I had just informed him that Dad’s INR was completely out of range at 7.9 Tuesday and 5.9 Wednesday 8 am.) 
INR measures blood clotting and the higher the number, the THINNER the blood. Desired range is between 2-3, so something was wrong at the time we were in his office.
He never bothered to check dads’ heart even though his stethoscope was around his neck.
Within 20 minutes of arriving home, Dad had a fatal heart attack.

I believe (as did the EMS crew) that if Dr. Hudon had taken 20 seconds and listened to dads’ heart just 30 minutes prior while we were IN HIS OFFICE, he would have HEARD THE ARRHYTHMIA that killed him!

The stress, anguish and pain of watching my beloved father-in-law die painfully and needlessly will haunt his daughter and I for the rest of our lives.

RIP Herbert F. Sunahara ~ 10/10/1936-11/1/2023
US Army 1951-1953
Radio Operator Korean campaign


my dad just died! better get to rrn to shitpost!!!!


mocking someone else family death, your a sick bastard.


You bet, Talion. .


Ugh ..you know those who say ugly hurtful things have no love in them.

Kay Mitchell

Rotten souls.


imagine your father dying then running to post on rrn lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


you got the wrong person.

David T

For everyones’ info, the DF troll turd known as Ethe1, N0name, J Bi11, Exi1e, B1ggs, DesChumps, and a few other names, is the same entity and it likely does not reside in the USA.



He has multiple accounts to have a conversation with himself

All that killing he done corrupted his mind, lol.

I bet it’s a Muslim.


He’s probably suffering mentally at this point.


does j bill impale you with his shitpost?


That would be Jim


lol, sorry i’be been stoned for awhile! lol


lulz np


Ethel that is rude and discourteous. Have some compassion for once!




You are one evil bitch.


please post on rrn immediately after a family member dies!!!! don’t do anything else, come here first!


@Ethel…. Actually, First I had to CLOSE HIS EYES because the EMT’s did not, then I put a pillow under his head while we waited for all the cops to get done with their duty.

Hope your day is better than mine.


Don’t get to upset by it as your father in law is not “dead” in the sense many understand it. He has merely left his broken down shell of a body in order to move on to a better existence where he nor his senses are constrained by the limitations of that physical body. We will all follow that same path when our time comes, sad to leave behind our loved ones on this side but joyful at seeing our loved ones that have gone there before us patiently awaiting our arrival.


He had a great life and a great story and I got to marry his beautiful daughter and give him 2 awesome grandkids.

None of us get out of this alive.

My post was intended to shed more light on our demonic “doctors” who care nothing for us humans.
Gone are the “Marcus Welby MD” days.
Long gone.

Take care.


It’s a bot, a piece of malicious software. You need to find the psychos who wrote the AI program for “Ethel.” And the others

Mark David

Karma is going to have a great time with you.


hell yeah i’m fun

Surf Nazare

I see you are winning more friends as is usual for you—by the way hell isn’t fun—-I have actually been there—for real—–you wont like it—-


tell me more chris

David T

It already is, judging by the nasty shit that it spews. “For out of the overflow of the heart, is a man’s speech.” Might be high time for MB to block this DF troll turd Ethe1, B1ggs, J Bi11, Exi1e, DesChumps, N0name, as it is one and the same.

J Bill

> rrn readers call for executing people they don’t like

> ethel laughs at someone for posting on rrn immediately after they die instead of mourning with family. and the cause of death is known immediately and only to the poster. coroner hasn’t even been called. definitely real and definitely not fake

> you get mad



NONE of what you just spewed from your vile hole is true.

You really are a foul maggot.


@JBill – You Idiot…Moron… Scumbag FAGGOT.

The police show up with the EMT crew.
The POLICE call the coroner after THEY have investigated the scene.
The EMT’s authenticated the cause of death as a fatal coronary attack as my father told them it felt like his last heart attack as he died while they worked on him.
(And they have seen 1000’s of fatal coronaries…You commie fuckwad Faggot)

The Police called the coroner, and coroner called the “doctor” and then promptly released my father’s body to the funeral home without coming to our house.
(This occurs in 90% of all fatal heart attacks at home… You fucking IDIOT SCUM)


Dismissed forever,


Blocking is censorship and censorship is saying you fear what someone else has to say. Why do you fear what they have to say?


Unbelievable.. what a sick individual.


lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cry more


Again. Think Bot. Most of these kinds of commenters are just malicious software, a sort of virtual clone

David T

I’m not sure you could suck as a human being, any more than you do by what you posted above.


Sorry for your loss. I am not at all surprised by the nasty way this Dr. behaved. There must be something in the water they drink. They look at us like….why would you dare to waste my precious time??? Their day is coming believe me.


I hope so. They are so horrible that I think their souls are dead. No empathy, no care. They actually believe they are better, otherwise they would not be here tormenting everyone. Demons love to torment.

Mark David

I hope we get to see these “doctors” hang for their crimes against humanity on National television. I know a number of them myself. I have met more good ones than bad ones, so there is some hope for humanity, but the devious ones are all over and must be found out by the trail of damage that they leave. One drug group that should be BANNED IMMEDIATELY is Statins. Statins don’t save many people at all. Real numbers show the difference to be One out of a Thousand will benefit, meaning that the others taking them have no benefit or an increasing deficit. The human body has two cholesterol systems. One in the body, and the second for the brain. The brain has a much higher rquirement for cholesterol, which the brain itself manufactures. The brain’s cholesterol level is MUCH higher than the rest of the body. Statins do great harm by crossing the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and removing cholesterol from the Brain. That shows up as brain fog, forgetfulness, diminished brain performance,followed by dementia and eventually death. The only way to measure Brain Cholesterol levels is during an Autopsy. For your sake, STAY AWAY FROM STATIN POISONS.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mark David

Wow. What a run 36-23! Respect to him and warm regards to you and your wife.


Yes. He was a true hero.
Volunteered at 17 to go fight people who looked like him (Koreans and Chinese), surrounded by those (White American soldiers) that just got done fighting “his kind” (Japanese).
Wounded 3 times in a little over 2 years.
Used his GI bill on 2 engineering degrees.
Then went on to help NASA complete Apollo 8.

I miss him already. The house is very quiet as he used to have his TV on loud all the time.
Take care,

David T

Sorry for your loss. Lost my dad when I was 15 but I don’t care what age you are when that happens, the world just looks different when he is gone. Peace be to you Gunny.


Sounds like a great man.


Wow. Respect. His spirit is soaring. It’s hard to be left without ore loved ones but I believe good people transitioning to the spiritual world are happier than ever possible here.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


Sorry you lost your dad. That doctor was horrible. That doctor will pay for that.


Look at the symbol used to represent modern medicine. The caduceus.
2 snakes wrapped around the Rod of Asclepius.
Two deadly skillful lying snakes; poisoning the rod with their venom, and wings to represent the potential they feed on.


I am so sorry for your sudden loss. I’m praying for all concerned now🙏❤️🕊️❤️


My heart does hurt for the loss of your beloved Dad. May he rest in peace🌹


Gunny, you are absolutely right. A real Dr would have been concerned about all the information you gave him. A real Dr would have offered support & evaluation & further investigative procedures to understand what was going on with your Father-in-law. So sorry that he & your family were so badly mistreated–you should contact a lawyer & file a case with the AMA & write a serious complaint against that fake Dr. You might be able to avert this from happening again to another family. God Bless all of you & comfort you in this tragedy. Praying for Herbert!

Mark David

You mean that the AMA (American Murder Association) would help? I’d like to read about that, because the AMA is in a constant self-protect mode against the rest of us.


@Maryn ~ Thanks for your kind words and advice.
God Bless,


Sue the pants off of Hudon when you regain your strength.
What a disgusting piece of garbage. So sorry about your
father-in-law. Be kind to yourselves.


Truly sorry man



David T

That is tragic, and I cannot imagine the anguish that you both feel about this. No mere words can begin to ease your pain and sadness. I’m praying for you and your wife to find peace through this.


Another good day, thanks to all of you who stand for us and prayers for safety throughout these times. 🙏

Put that money to good use


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website.. w­w­w.P­a­y­a­t­h­o­m­e­9­.c­o­m

Last edited 1 year ago by barshembar

i love the smell of gunbelt leather!

Lisa Cordaro

Bezos and Soros were executed in 2016-2022


patriots are in control. that’s why chemtrailz never stopped. maybe they’re spraying us with vitamins and essential minerals?


I did hear a while back that they were going to have to spray to reverse what had been done.


That’s coming # very shoon.

As soon as drumpty and the so called white hats reverse the election theft and the vaccine deaths


Maybe some day someone will actually find and document one of the spray planes. Maybe some day a member of the air crew will spill the beans. Maybe one day a mechanic who maintains these planes will speak up. Maybe one day we will find out which company makes the chemicals. Maybe one day we will have more evidence than a Photoshopped picture of a switch in a plane marked “Chemtrails.” Maybe someday people will understand how 300 degree jet exhaust interacts with subzero air temperatures to cause condensation from those exhaust gases. Some day.


your sick. you want to die dont you?


copypasta with a side of susan rice old friend?


Its the CIA prject cloverleaf.


Oh all that has been done. I’ve seen the photos of the planes filled with tanks where the seats should be. I have heard the pilots stories provided with voice altering technology in order to protect their identity because of the level of secrecy surrounding the project.
It is due to sell-outs like you, a dime a dozen trolls, shills, bots that the facts are so recurringly denied.

Mark David

I’ve seen them up close. The tanks inside passenger planes, without passenger seats, will explain it all. These planes do not advertise because they are slowly killing us, animals, and crops.


That’s JBill’s cum

Robert Gregory Boensch

Lookie what I found

Yesterday Real Raw News tweeted that the military arrested an associate of Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen. Alas, we got the premise twisted.
It turns out that Assistant Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis Shannon Corless voluntarily surrendered to JAG investigators and implicated herself in a myriad financial crime that began shortly after she was selected as Assistant Secretary for OIA in January 2022.

Tricker Treat



Kay Mitchell

It’s Trick “OR” Treat dumb ass.


oh look who it is, Kay the Trick Whore Treat!




What’s your crazy? What’s wrong with you?


PMSing again, Kay?


RRN has an article on it.


God bless and keep Coach Knight in the hollow of his hand. The General, an early Trump supporter, and friend to our Hero President, has passed on to his eternal reward, something that my fellow knuckleheads in Indiana were too mean and small to acknowledge. One of the Coach’s unforgettable lines: “The will to win is not as important as the will to prepare to win.”

Last edited 1 year ago by WrongWayCorrigan

or even the will to hope something happens someday!! lmfaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


you sure enjoy taking people hopes.

you must hate holidays too.

your miserable abstard ethel aka jimbo.


go ride j bill’s shitpost ffs


u mad? lmao

J Bill

someone is jelly


That statement is haunting that Yellin kept blurting out. All of them have said the same thing. We’re everywhere! Could that be in reference to that clot shot that not only changed people’s DNA but changed their personalities to become like her. I’ve heard they’ve been injecting our food and water with it and if that’s true I wonder…..🤔

Steve J

I think she’s referring to “her kind”. I say, good luck with that.


Thats why you should pray over your food and drink always.


The worse sick idea you can think of, isn’t the worse they will do.

The Euphrates River is dried up by all accounts; & those demons are here. From the border, from all over ~ to wherever.


PS: Your thoughts on the jab is right there, as well. I see changes in a few I know who jabbed.

Last edited 1 year ago by K.E.
Mark David

They try to frighten people so they will just stop fighting back and give up. Remember, there’s thousands more of US than of THEM. If we aggressively pursue and destroy them, they are goners.


Fact .why else do you think trump and the so called white hats have done everything they can for us to do nothing the last 7 years while they systematically murder us .

They don’t won’t us fighting back bc we might hurt trumps satanic buddies

Mark David

White Hats don’t reveal information that could help the enemy in this active war against the Khazarian Mafia and the Deep State. They are executing these missions under the cover of darkness. Fine by me.


It’s what demons say. They lie. It comes naturally to them. You don’t think they’d exit telling the truth, do you?

Midwest patriot woman

I saw the foxxynews com story about gen smith having a ´heart attack’ on sat. Was that before 45s ´not one drop of our blood’ speech? So much to pray over. 11pm tonight eastern time I should have some quiet enough place to pray deeply for this gen too like when berger was down. Join me. When 2 or more are praying together. So far away? Doesn’t matter. We’re still praying together.

Steve J

prayers 🙏

Kay Mitchell

“Wherever two or more are gathered in my name…”


two chicks at one time


just shut up with your sexual thoughts.


shut the fuck up with your nonsexual thoughts faggot


You want to fight me?


Hush fagboy.


Another Challenger.


Yet, you can’t find me, lol.

Rebecca Tracy

AMEN! Prayers for General Smith 🙏❤️🇺🇸