White Hats Kill Mar-a-Lago Intruder


President Donald J. Trump’s military security force on Saturday engaged two intruders who tripped a Mar-a-Lago proximity alarm on the Lake Worth Lagoon side of the estate, Mar-a-Lago sources told Real Raw News.

At approximately 2:00 a.m., sensors detected human movement near the estate’s tennis courts, which ought to have been devoid of activity at that hour. The US Navy SEALs protecting Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Command Center determined that two unknowns had surfaced from the shallow lagoon and climbed the wall onto Trump’s property.

The SEALs immediately fanned out to flank the intruders, who by then were slinking behind palm trees and sticking to the shadows, trying to evade the spread of floodlights that suddenly illuminated the expansive estate. Now visible on camera, the unknowns, dressed in wetsuits, were circuitously moving toward the main building, but the SEALs, receiving updates from the security center, intercepted them and commanded them to drop what they were holding and put up their hands.

Instead of surrendering, one unsealed a waterproof pouch and pulled out a pistol.

A SEAL sniper atop a roof put a round in his head.

Meanwhile, the second unknown spun around and sprinted to the lagoon while unzipping a pouch in his left hand. He managed a few long strides before realizing he was surrounded and could not escape.

When the SEALs ordered him to put his weapon on the ground, he put the barrel in his mouth, curled his finger around the trigger, and blew out his brains.

Besides weapons, the assailants had pouches holding an SD card reader, USB cables, and locksmith tools.

“We think they wanted to access servers here, you know, that might contain sensitive information. But our systems have strong protection…we’re working to identify these men,” our source said.

Neither President Trump nor General Berger was on the property at the time.

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Fantastic!! Thank Heaven above!!

Gregg Nickens

I am making a good salary from home $6580-$7065/week , which is amazing under a year ago I was jobless in a horrible economy. I thank God every day I was blessed with these instructions and now its my duty to pay it forward and share it with Everyone, 
Here is I started____________ 𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐁𝐢𝐳𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝟏.𝐂𝐨𝐦

Last edited 11 months ago by Gregg Nickens
clark 1930

fuk offffffffffffffffff

David T

it’s a bot. Not the real GN.


Ignore the trolls




How did you get your thumb to go opposite?😁🤣

Julio Antonio Laguna

Amen to that!

Outlandish Outlander

Here’s to hoping that this IS true.

Looking forward to reading your report on this tomorrow, Michael: BAXTER. If this is true, then yes, a major blow will have been struck against the Deep State regime, and they shall be in panic mode. Then I would say, be on the look out, and be on standby for the regime to do something stupid in a vain imagination attempt to respond to these recent losses.

Last edited 11 months ago by Outlandish Outlander
John .S

It’s true, he’s been pinched, no coincidence, transfered power.


David T

No kidding!! Funny how all of these DS kingpins have mysterious, sudden-onset issues to explain away their disappearance.


They come back wearing masks.

Linda Hutchison

They can RUN, but they CAN’T HIDE from Almighty God! Mask or clone, He KNOWS them and will pull have them pulled out from their hidey holes just like He did Saddam. Keep the faith and continue praying.




Please explain the exact type of moronic idiot that you are. Unfortunately, most asylums have been closed. How did you squeak passed OBSERVATION?


He’s one of the troll clones. You know… the ones with no genitals…


And Flat Feet & no Molars either, but if they can’t Pee or Crap how in the Hell can they ever digest any food at all too??!


they probaly dont eat



Linda Hutchison

You are NOT just STUPID but ALSO CRUDE! Go play in ANOTHER sandbox or develop some more POSITIVE comments. Do I need to remind you that God keeps on permanent record in His Book of Deeds, every one of your acts and statements, which will be reviewed before you at the White Throne Judgment if you have NOT accepted God’s plan for salvation, repented and turned from your evil ways?



Eve Bright

Should be nice to catch the one has the genital. Strip him!



Michael R Davis

A communist shill traitor, rusty as all hell.




Gee, becuz he’s not a Deep Stater??? Hmmm… 🤔🧐🤨 Why it still amazes me what little brainpower you stupid idiots have, I cannot answer.




Suck a dick



Patty Hoch

I saw that! Where’s the actual proof he was “caught?” Do you think this website is to keep the Patriots “at bay” while the enemy takes over our country; that we are giving false hope w/this website?



Linda Hutchison

OBVIOUS! Michael Baxter is NOT an evildoer!



Pork Wontons

Great find. DAG Lisa Monocao not sleeping well tonight I’m sure.



Rebecca Tracy

Thank you! 🙏❤️🇺🇸


I suppose being hung by the neck is one way to rectify “spinal stenosis”????

Michael R Davis

Austin was blown to bits in Ukraine by Russian cruise missiles, and Garland captured, probably in Ukraine also, or Poland. Wondering if the Russians nabbed Garland too.

Monday, 1-29-24 Politico article
“The unusual, early announcement by the Biden administration’s top law enforcement officer is intended to avoid the storm of criticism Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin faced recently after failing to tell colleagues and the White House when he was hospitalized for prostate cancer surgery and was readmitted for complications.”

Last edited 11 months ago by Michael R Davis

Desperate state of affairs if bailing to Ukraine is your “safe haven”?

John .S

Who knows, maybe pinched via driving own car to liquor store, nabbed while walking out of location.

Satire, marines waited till after purchase so they all can share a nipp, probably primo scotch.

Last edited 11 months ago by John .S

Yea, his complications include not caring about his prostate

Linda Hutchison

FEAR NOT! Almighty God has told the prophets that they would throw everything against us but the kitchen sink! Our ENEMIES are being avenged by Almighty God, and there are spies and whistleblowers where they least expect! Iran, ALSO, is about to get backed down some notches from their rant and threats. God’s EAGLE will arise victorious from ALL enemies and America will be returned to greater Glory and blessing than before! The prayers of a righteous man or woman avails much according to the scriptures. If you have not yet humbled yourself before God, repented and turned away from your sin and begun to earnestly seek God, NOW is the time to do so so that when or where He issues JUDGMENT, you won’t be confused with those who need to be removed! Keep the faith and continue praying!

Outlandish Outlander

Michael, a possible edit perhaps…..

If true, this would be highly significant, as Garland is seen as one of the four people controlling the regime.”

Last edited 11 months ago by Outlandish Outlander

….signifiCant….good catch!

Rebecca Tracy

Who would the other two be of the four be after Austin and Garland? Obama and Blinken? Or who?

Last edited 11 months ago by Rebecca Tracy


Linda Hutchison

Good possibility!




Who knows, maybe that wild card would be The Pedophile John Kirby?

Outlandish Outlander

Austin, Garland, Obama and Mayorkas.


Mayorkas should also be arrested for treason. They allegedly already disposed of Barry and his Mike.

Linda Hutchison

If we have identified and REMOVED HALF of the regime, HALLELUJAH! I am SOOOOO happy Garland NEVER got appointed to the Supreme Court!


Only a legit pres can appoint….stop listening to MSM

A Hoosier Patriot

BRAVO. Wow, what a prize and a grab!!!!!!!
Oh this sounds good if true.


That is awesome news…..it sounds like 2 of the 4 people controlling will be out of the way soon. Two to go…..and then of course, there are all the other head demons running around. Garland looks like a wimpy little demon but apparently, he wields a big stick with the deepstate demons. I can’t wait to hear this story. God bless the White Hats.


The things I most dislike about both Garland and Mayorkas is that both are so damn arrogant, they are both ALWAYS looking down their noses at whomever they are speaking with/to including members of congress questioning them.


Oh yes, the 2 weasels are disgusting. They are both so wimpy with their demonic noses stuck into the air. I think they really think they are totally above the law and Biden/Obama the fakes will come to their rescue with a big army!! They have no idea how they will be totally ignored and that helps my feelings a lot.


Yep they are ignorantly expendable by their own leaders – definitely dummies.

Linda Hutchison

They HAVE to believe that or they wouldn’t be sticking out their noses by doing the EVIL they have! They are like DOMINOES falling, they just don’t see it coming!

Dave Strickland

Two to go: how many of us are speculating on their identities? I would find it easy to figure Obama is one of them.


Baracko Insane Obammy has already been dealt with along with Big Mike AKA Michelle My Belle.


But but…they’re saying Michelle will prolly replace Mr Biden!! 😂🤪😏

Outlandish Outlander

Two (2) down, Lloyd Austin, and Garland.
Two (2) to go, Mayorkas and Obama.

These four make up the four biggest liars that the swamp/DEEP STATE is operating and functioning under. When Obama is captured, and he will be, his military tribunal will be made PUBLIC so that all eyes can witness the military tribunal for themselves. This is just as it should be. Let Obama give an answer to all the charges and let the world here his answer.

The only question is, if Obama’s capture become imminent, and he knows it, will he take his own life to protect all of the lies that he has been lying about? Obama knows that if the Marine Corps goes after him… he will not escape. The Marine Corp will take him down. Hopefully, the Marine Corps will also take Obama alive so he can stand before a Military Tribunal at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Linda Hutchison

I doubt that Obama would be MAN enough to take his own life, certainly NOT to protect His country! I think he will keep up his mischief until the very end, thinking he will either pull a rabbit out of his hat with his charm or the CABAL or satan will send help to rescue him. He doesn’t realize that his days are numbered, not by the cabal or satan but by Almighty God.

Outlandish Outlander

“But these people, acting without thinking, like animals without reason, born to be captured and destroyed, insult things about which they have no knowledge. When they are destroyed, their destruction will be total —  they will be paid back harm as wages for the harm they are doing.”

…and it shall be a just and righteous punishment.

Linda Hutchison

He wielded a BIG STICK because he held the appointed position of Attorney General. The BIGGER they are, the HARDER they fall!

Proudly Unaffiliated



I’m affiliated. In Alaska, LIBERTARIAN IS the same as Liberal… and yet we have liberal overseers all over. Go Merrick! I mean GIT OUT!

Linda Hutchison

He WILL get out! In a BODY BAG to face the Great White Throne Judgment! His buddy satan might have given him all he desired in EARTHLY things, but satan’s position and future are not looking good EITHER and he has NO POWER other than what he has here on earth.


and the MSM comes right through with a cover story…


just looking

Back surgery ? What a bunch of BS…


Hilarious 😂👍

Jack Mehoff

Backside surgery… he’s getting his ass tore up 😆😆😁😁


That’s their job, writing lies to cover the real truth about everything that happens.


Yes. Garland’s overt, constant wincing pained face, clearly hobbled gait and use of a cane were dead giveaways!

Wait.., that never happened..? Lol.

And of course they’d never stop for a minute to consider just what an insult this is to millions of Americans dealing with [legitimate] back pain issues…


Thank you Michael, so who are the other 2 lynch pins of the cabal, Austin, Garland and ??? Is it O bummer, not fake Joe?? Thank you for telling us. They don’t have many creeps left to run the show!! Awesome!! Justice is coming…




Christopher Wrey and Obama still to go.


Becerra and Blinken


Rothschild’s & the Pope are big ones to get rid of too

Linda Hutchison

Joe is NOT smart enough to run ANYTHING right now.


How exciting!!! There’s no way in hell he won’t be tried and fried for TREASON!

just looking

He should hang like the rest of them…


Who are the other two controllers?

Van helsing

Good question Michael, who are the other two controllers? Do you have Intel on that?


I would say Obuma & Killary.


Obummer for sure killary is already gone


And so is Barako Insane Soetoro.


Both dealt with already & assumed room temperature quite some time ago.

Last edited 11 months ago by GLADALLOVER

Even if Michael knew their identities, he surely wouldn’t reveal that. Think about it!


Antony Blinken and Xavier Becerra


Should have just killed him, her, it! Capture is acceptable.

David T

Waterboard him for the highest level intel that they can flush out of this turd.


They will be dead soon enough.


Actually, not soon enough. Tons of damage has been done. Git out! Meritless Gagland!!!

Linda Hutchison

We are STILL a republic with a CONSTITUTION! Whenever it is possible, we need to give these traitors and evildoers a tribunal to determine their guilt or innocence BEFORE we take them OUT! We need to keep the appearance of clean hands. Also, we want to prevent the IGNORANT, low information voters from claiming racism or that we acted without due cause. Trying them leaves a taped tribunal so that people can see for themselves!


I am Very happy to hear this.👍


Yes! YES!!!!


That is fantastic if true! Things are escalating rather quickly now which is a good sign.

Bev Kungl

Wow…how long have we waited for Garland’s arrest. I can’t wait to hear the details. Thank you


Thank you so much for this good news Michael!


4 legged stool down to 2 legs. Soon to collapse.

David T

So the politico story reports this as follows:
“The Justice Department’s No. 2 official will briefly take over as the attorney general undergoes a procedure on his spine this weekend.”

A procedure on his spine? I hear he’s going to have it lengthened quite a bit here shortly.


Hehehe! Love this David T! 🤭😂


Procedure ‘on’ his spine?
A spine would have to be installed first!


🤣 “high five” 😂


Thank you Michael! That’s welcome news!

Dr John

GREAT NEWS Michael, thanks for the early update!!!

Karen B

Hip-Hip- Hoooray! Thank you, Michael!!!! This is the greatest news!!!!!😍


Praying that this is the case and this weasel will be brought to justice! Thank you MB! Excellent reporting as always!

Julian Metter

Thank you for that immediate heads up. It is very good news indeed. Are you at liberty to mention the other two Deep State actors? Blinken, Sullivan?


Antony Blinken and Xavier Becerra


How about Wray? Hope he doesn’t get off “+scotch free”! 😱 A pouting face only a mother would love, or smack!

Marta Limberg

Wow! Wow! Wow! Now the drip, drip, then flood of disclosure is finally here! We have all patiently waited for like it seems an eternity for this time frame to here in the present. Garland is one of the main offenders in this sting operation. It is really good news Garland has been captured.

Linda Hutchison

Just as God does with each of us because He desires that NONE should perish, He gave them a brief window of opportunity for repentence, which they have REFUSED! God will be REMOVING Washington D.C. evildoers! Our oppressors will be taken down. Just as God delivered the Israelites from their oppressor EGYPT, God will deliver His EAGLE (those who are righteous) from THEIR oppressors, the Deep State and the Cabal of global elites! OUR Red Sea moment is about to arrive and our evildoers will be removed! Keep the faith and continue praying.

just looking

Thank you for this news Mr. Baxter,,, you have made a bad day for me a little better..




Mental illness & cognitive dissonance right there👆

Linda Hutchison

No, he just needs DELIVERANCE from his demons!


Watch us capture that demonrat foreign-born traitor POS and hang him right before your eyes.

Last edited 11 months ago by Storygirldc


Linda Hutchison

In the days of darkness when we lose our telephones and programmed media so that all we will be able to HEAR is what happened to our evildoers.



Linda Hutchison

The GREAT ABYSS has already been prepared for satan. Obama will NEVER evade God!





Oh that would be huge, thank you!!!! I will check, first thing in the am for your update. Thank you Michael!!


Aren’t we super happy?😁


HAPPY DAY!! Great news, Michael, thanks!!
I Look forward to as many details about that smugass slimeball’s capture as you can find out. Yeah…

Susan Jones

TWO Down. TWO to Go. TY, WH’s!
What great news. TY, Michael!
TY, POTUS / CIC TRUMP! You ALREADY know this, so COME HOME! COME HOME! COME HOME TO US, ASAP! It’s been heart-wrenching… Bring Your “First Family – Melania and Barron!” I don’t think the White House in DC is fit for You yet, but wherever You want to CALL HOME is JUST FINE with All of Us Who Cherish You, Melania, Barron & the Rest of the TRUMP FAMILIES! GOD bless…
~ Original Main Street Mama

Linda Hutchison

God has told the prophets that there has been so much EVIL in our White House (and it was NEVER God’s choice for His Eagle in the first place) that God will be shutting it down!


Wahoo MICHAEL❣️SIMPLY WAHOO!!! WAITING FOR THE REPORT! Thanks for the ‘head’s up😁

Christo dogood

Great news my man.

Philip M Mahoney

we know Austin is dead. As you reported.

Scott Buono

Thank you Michael👍🏼🇺🇸


That is a huuuuge catch, MB….. I will schedule $$$ for your work on Friday of this week, sir. God bless you as you continue to take care of your mother….. Your work will be written in volumes of books once all this information is confirmed as true by the rest of the world. I am grateful to the Lord for having called you to reveal these hard truths to us. Good evening, sir.


Bolshevik dual citizen TRAITOR.. with a gravely satanic voice and ugly mug


Mr. Baxter, if you have not followed Archaix, you might give it a try [youtube]. Tonight, I listened to his “list” show of January 29th. You will be happy to know that neither you nor I made the list [and that is a very good thing]. Of course, in my case, I am way too small, but you are very big and still you did not even get on the bottom of the list. The top of the list especially is where a patriot source does NOT want to be. Start the show at the one-hour-mark. As a historian, I have a connection to that side of Archaix, but perhaps not to all of his sides. I feel that he is genuine and insightful. He did not play a part in the rankings of the list. Two-thousand of his regulars did all the voting. Archaix merely organized the format going in.



Dave Kelly


Dave Kelly


Dave Kelly


Rebecca Tracy

Never heard a whisper of any of this. Would you please post your sources for such accusations?


He doesn’t have any sources. He is the most foul mouthed and nastiest troll on this site. Nothing he says makes any sense. All he wants to do is spew filthy garbage.

Linda Hutchison

I think that you are flat out WRONG! God does NOT appoint UNCHANGED evildoers to do His bidding. That does NOT mean that I think Trump was EVER an evildoer, as we define them now. God has told the prophets that Trump is His anointed and appointed for just such a time as this! If you disagree with this, TAKE IT UP WITH GOD, who sees and knows ALL THINGS, even BEFORE they happen.

Linda Hutchison

God has His OWN timing and His OWN methods! No weapon or plans forged against God or His anointed or appointed shall prosper! God is NOT corruptible and He is actually running these reveals and captures. Give Him praise! Keep the faith and continue praying.

Wannabe Traitor/PEDO killer

I wonder where they captured him. I heard he had fled America to avoid being captured.


Ironically, another site just reported he is going in for “back surgery.”


My thoughts when I read he is going into hospital and giving up his authority re Politico

Shena Pineau

Fuck yah!!

Rebecca Tracy

Thank you! Awesome news 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Truth Seeker

I’m interested in seeing how the Biden regime spins the absence of Garland, especially since he’s been spending a lot of time in front of the House republican’s Congressional hearings.

I expect there to be a fictitious report, (just like the one claiming that Austin had heart surgery) stating that Garland has come down with a health issue that requires surgery.

Last edited 11 months ago by Truth Seeker

I hope so…


This is so good to hear/learn ! My day just started with a bang! Thank you MB.


When I saw an article that he was gong to the hospital, I thought, “but is he REALLY??” Aure hope they got him


Excellent news! Michael who are the other 2 to get?

Outlandish Outlander

It looks like the DEEP STATE/BLACK HATS are already putting out a cover story for Garland’s ‘disappearance,” to cover-up his disappearance. I suspect that there will be clone replacing Garland in less than a month after his back surgery is done and he is medically cleared to return to his “job” as one of the chief liars of the DEEP STATE. 2 down, 2 to go… Obama and Mayorkas.


Last edited 11 months ago by Outlandish Outlander

I wonder how long it will be for the Deep State to produce a body double. The “new Lloyd Austin” doesn’t look so good. He’s minus a few moles on his face. Good work Michael. Thank you


I knew it! I saw that he was going to have surgery on a scrolling chyron and nobody commented on that. I am so happy to hear this news. Thank you again, Mr. Baxter for giving us hope


Thank you so much for the news! Made my day.

Patty Hoch

Michael: Merrick Garland is having back surgery.

Rene Labre

This would be good Magee.We will see what you write about it.RRN is the cutting edge.Nobody else comes close.

Jack Mehoff

May I ask what is this going to change absolutely nothing you need to get 80% of Congress out of there 90% of the Senate out of there you need to go after half these media outlets camel toe that piece of s*** Jack Smith the head of the FBI I mean these three years for two of the head of the regime for come on man what the hell is going on over there at your command center… Meanwhile our service members are being killed with drones from Iran that were probably bought with our tax dollars that we sent over there pallets full of cash. This isn’t going to change jack shit

Eve Bright



These morons have created such a disaster for our world. Happy Cuban vacation to them; lovely weather this time of year.


That’s GREAT news!

Carol B.

WOW, THIS IS THE BEST NEWS EVER……making the battle half way won…….glory to GOD.

Eve Bright

4 controlling the Biden regime. Lloyd Austin & Merrick Garland. Who are the other 2?


God certainly DOES answer prayers.


Hopefully Blinken and Mayorkas are next in line.

Sue Rodrigues

Praise God 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🖖🏻🖖🏻and so it begins. God said He was going after the big wigs 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🖖🏻♥️🤍💙🇺🇸♥️🤍💙🇺🇸


I support Trump and I plan to vote only for him.


Ouch! Not a good spot to be in. Bullets for breakfast. Didn’t the feds recently go in the front door of Mara-log-o? I mean, this one is a bit shady. Two idiots taking on Navy Seals in the middle of the night in wetsuits? I’d say Lloyd Austin must have planned this kind of shit show, but didn’t he just have a few cruise missiles for lunch recently. I might be confused. Thx MB, keep them coming! We appreciate the news.

Joan P McDonald

Mar-a-Lago is probably one of the most protected military command centers in the world. So these two thought they could breach it in wetsuits ? Geez

Gregg Nickens

I am making a good salary from home $6580-$7065/week , which is amazing under a year ago I was jobless in a horrible economy. I thank God every day I was blessed with these instructions and now its my duty to pay it forward and share it with Everyone, 
Here is I started______________  𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐁𝐢𝐳𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝟏.𝐂𝐨𝐦

Gregg Nickens

I am making a good salary from home $6580-$7065/week , which is amazing under a year ago I was jobless in a horrible economy. I thank God every day I was blessed with these instructions and now its my duty to pay it forward and share it with Everyone, 
Here is I started____________  𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐁𝐢𝐳𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝟏.𝐂𝐨𝐦

Roberta Zilius

Where is Gen. Eric Smith?
Ben Fulford said he and Lloyd Austin were captured by MI6……pray it is well with him.


That one was confusing. I was scratching my head on that on. Fulford doesn’t always get it right either.


WoW! Mr. Baxter, Churning and Burning,
Absolutely superb articles..I love it!


So afraid of being detained he blew off his head? Sheesh.


I know. Obviously, they weren’t afraid of water. They could have went waterboarding in Gitmo Bay, had a nice trial, a few hot meals and a quick snap of the neck. Maybe even made the new news.

Gregg Nickens

I am making a good salary from home $6580-$7065/week , which is amazing under a year ago I was jobless in a horrible economy. I thank God every day I was blessed with these instructions and now its my duty to pay it forward and share it with Everyone, 
Here is I started____________  𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐁𝐢𝐳𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝟏.𝐂𝐨𝐦


Hey can I borrow ten thousand. I want to buy some Iranian Rial. It’ll be worth 200M in a couple of weeks. I’ll pay you 20,000 when I cash it.

Proudly Unaffiliated

Good riddance. Anyone who wants to harm a hair on Our MAGA POTUS’s head needs to be dispatched in this manner. #MAGA!


It’s no fair, no one seems interested in playing cat and mouse when they try to sneak in like that. They just kill themselves or get killed off asap.


They still have fingerprints and dental records. They’ll find out who they are.


No infrared cameras at Mara Lago

Gregg Nickens

I am making a good salary from home $6580-$7065/week , which is amazing under a year ago I was jobless in a horrible economy. I thank God every day I was blessed with these instructions and now its my duty to pay it forward and share it with Everyone, 
Here is I started_____________  𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐁𝐢𝐳𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝟏.𝐂𝐨𝐦


Tom Heneghan explosive Intelligence says gore is pres. Benjamin Fulford says there are 2 Trumps. The KM one is at Mar a Lago. The white hat one in Cheyenne Mountain.
Benjamin also says Loyd Austin and General Smith were arrested. Not dead.
Who knows the truth? I will say that there is definitely a false narrative going on.


Thank you Michael and White Hats!


I formerly lived in Lake Worth near the water front golf course and drove by Mar a lago daily when going to work, wondering what lagoon they entered from.

Lorenz Manner

That’s the greatest news ever. Very good that he is already dead. No mercy toward this kind of people. Eliminate them immediately. Congratulations 🎊.


We have just heard, as of this evening, that White Hats have captured the criminal Merrick Garland.

Hah hah hah. MB, what you meant to say is a new story idea popped into my head after I heard Garland was having back surgery, and as soon as I can dream up enough details and type it, it will be on the site.

It’s so charming that you people never let practicality stand in the way of your cherished fantasy tales.

Rene Labre

Mir-a Lago is off limits. That is navy seals.And they are not playing anything. You will be shot on sight.Flags will be up marking it a restricted zone.

Izonda Skyz

You’d THINK they’d have had those pistols removed from the little pouches and at the ready long before they were surrounded. That’s my only problem with this. Other than that, play deadly games, get yourself dead. Hate it when that happens. Good job, Whtie Hats!


International Public Notice: It’s a Resurgence
By Anna Von Reitz
People are so deluded that they misunderstand the problem.
They think we are in a “Constitutional Crisis” but we aren’t.
The Constitutions say what they say. The Principals are still bound. The People are owed what they are owed — which includes a secure border, according to all three Federal Constitutions, including The Constitution of the United States.
What we have here is a misdirected Foreign Subcontractor that thinks its own corporate policies outrank the Constitution that gives that same Foreign Subcontractor its form, charter, and ability to exist.
Make no mistake, The Constitution of the United States is the only meal ticket Joe Biden has. He’d better read it. So should FEMA and DHS.
Here’s how things stack up lawfully and legally:
Constitutions (Contracts) outrank Treaties and Treaties outrank Corporate Policies.
So, as usual, Joe has it backwards and the people advising him about law aren’t fit to lick my sandals, but that’s no surprise considering the quality of our Law Schools.
The Bidenites (like Luddites) are trying to enforce the North American Union Treaty that G.W. Bush signed, which agrees among other things, to erase the borders between The United States and Canada and Mexico, to make one huge North American Regional Government with one common currency called the “Amero”.
Ah, the irony! The pathos! The drama!
The Dems are stuck trying to enforce an illegal action by a reckless and dimwitted Republican Administration that has finally come to term.
They are trying to push it even though they have cause to know that neither they nor their “Presidents” have anything to say about our land and soil.
Strictly speaking they have nothing to say about our money or the issuance of our currency, either; now that our States are back in Session, that’s our business, not theirs.
So we are not having a Constitutional Crisis. Joe Biden is having a Constitutional Crisis. He gets to choose whether the actual Justice System catches up to him or not.
Be aware that our Justice System is different from their system. Their Supreme Court can pick and choose which cases it wishes to hear. Their Supreme Court can dilly-dally and delay justice for years, entire decades, even.
Our Justice System doesn’t work that way. Our justice is swift and simple. If you injure people, you pay for it.
If you act out of school and issue orders that injure people in a concurrent jurisdiction and those people have General Jurisdiction, their law prevails.
And that is precisely the situation we are in now.
Joe thinks he has the weight to push the North American Union, but he doesn’t. Joe thinks that he is going to pull another Abraham Lincoln, but no, we saw that picture show.
If he does order “the Military” as a Mercenary Force —and that’s all they can be under his direction– to enter Eagle’s Pass, Texas, and they are actually stupid enough to fire on the General Public, guess what?
It doesn’t result in a civil war.
It results in criminal action and prosecution of criminals. His own people are required to arrest him for issuing an illegal and unlawful order.
And SERCO is required to stop paying them all immediately. They all get blacklisted.
All benefits including pension benefits seized. Careers ended. Serious criminal charges to be faced, while waiting in a brig.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
January 28th 2024

Eve Bright

Whoever goons approach Mar-a-Lago with evil plot, these entities are suicidal.

Charlotte Cain

Michael, Did they catch M Garland? Is that why he is going into “Surgery” like Austin?

Surf Nazare

All this Texas and Gov Abbott stuff is BS and just a political stunt and the worst part is people are falling for it—-Even FOX showed video’s of them just going around fence or moving to another area—-but I guess a feel good moment—-Abbott is biggest RINO out there—-go arrest him—-


When I saw a blurb on the news that Garland was going to have surgery, my first thought was that he was arrested. Thank you Mr. Baxter, for letting us know that he was. Thank you JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Except he wasn’t. And won’t be. For a world traveler you are awfully naive.

Surf Nazare

I know I am persona non gratis but can you bury me a little deeper on the page—seems you are afraid of truth or just common sense posts at times—but if I was crude and foul you could live with that

Surf Nazare

The question to ask is he going to be back just like Austin doing the same job—-Saw Austin on tv yesterday—–so they hang Garland and he reappears and carry’s on as usual—-Now don’t take me wrong—I love the justice but seems the bad gomers just keep coming back from the dead—-idea, cut their heads off and put them on a pole for the world to see—-you know like dealing with vampires—


International Public Notice: Dear Vladimir Putin
By Anna Von Reitz
We are the American Federation of States, part of the actual American Government holding general jurisdiction– literally and figuratively, over this country —not the Federal Subcontractors that have gone rogue.
We ask you to remember our traditional Alliance with Russia and the bond our peoples have forged despite anti-Russian propaganda perpetuated by the Evil Doers.
We know, as you know, that it was always to the advantage of the European Monarchists and the Latin Church to drive a wedge between our country and yours, and also between our country and China. This they have attempted to do, to the best of their ability, and still, Russia has saved our bacon on numerous occasions.
It is embarrassing to ask for your assistance once more.
We can deal with our own southern border crisis. That is “a” problem, but not “the” problem.
The problem we face together with you and all other sane people on the planet, is the pernicious continuance of the old Romano-British social caste system which is promoted and implemented via the institution of debt enslavement and the promotion of legal fiction entities impersonating living people.
This System, which denigrates living men and women to create two subclasses, so-called humans (indentured servants) and subhumans (slaves) depends on the use of promissory notes, otherwise known as debt notes or I.O.U.s to replace actual asset-backed money.
Russia, together with the other BRICS nations, is fully aware of this problem, and you must also be aware that this was forced upon the sleeping American Public by foreign Federal Subcontractors in 1913, with their adoption of the Federal Reserve System. And then used to create a Tag-Along Fraud Scheme.
At the time, and even today, the British Territorial United States Government will tell you that they adopted this System for their own use and the use of their “public”, meaning their employees and dependents, so, in theory, it did not concern us, the American populace, if they wanted to make paying a kickback (the so-called Federal Income Tax) a condition of employment.
We disapproved, but there is nothing in the Constitutional contracts prohibiting this on the part of our foreign Subcontractors, just as there is nothing prohibiting them from incorporating their business operations.
Soon after adopting the Federal Reserve System which then imposes the so-called Federal Income Tax, which is a tax on the value of a British Territorial Person’s labor, and therefore a form of peonage, they also began to “register” births in this country.
Again, we protested, but there is nothing prohibiting them from registering their own people and denigrating them as British Subjects, that is, humans, having the political status of indentured servants.
It wasn’t long before they were registering American babies accidentally-on-purpose as British Territorial U.S. Citizens by “mistake”, using undisclosed and unconscionable contracts, which were then used to force everyone to pay Federal Income Taxes — whether or not you happened to have any Federal Income.
Their employees were also required to trade in Federal Reserve Notes, that is, Promissory Notes, and they passed Legal Tender Laws and published exchange rates effective in 1934, equating one of their I.O.U.s with one of our Silver Dollars. Thus they gave us their promise to pay at some unspecified later date, and collected our United States Silver Dollars in inequitable exchange for their paper promises.
They did this under color of law, fraud, and force.
More than a hundred years later neither the banks nor their Principals have paid a dime toward these debts.
They also — without any authority to do so — issued Bearer Bonds, the 1934 A Series, against our silver assets, amounting to billions of dollars distributed worldwide as payoffs to political cronies and foreign politicians who were thus encouraged to sell out their own countries and national resources in exchange for American silver that didn’t even belong to the reprobates.
The Municipal Subcontractors also sent undeclared Federal Agencies — ignorant Subcontractors of our Subcontractors — around to confiscate privately held American gold, and by Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s admission, received 20,000 Metric Tons of illegally confiscated American gold.
Roosevelt admitted giving 6,000 tons to the Federal Reserve Banks and the rest, 14,000 tons to the World Bank and International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD).
Nothing has been paid toward those debts, either, though their Principals are under demand for this gross malfeasance.
Beginning in the 1920’s these corporations began very secretly and without disclosure registering all American babies as if they were British Territorial Subjects and placing these False Registrations in Registries, thereby denigrating Americans to the status of humans, equivalent to British Subjects and indentured servants, also subject to the peonage system described above by which progressive taxes were applied to the earnings of people who were never British Territorial Citizens and who never knowingly, voluntarily, or consensually agreed to any of this, and were never Federal Employees of these corporations.
The purported contracts that served to impersonate us as British Territorial Subjects were imposed while we, the actual Americans, were yet babies in our cradles, and these arrangements were both undisclosed to our parents and unconscionable for us.
Nobody here volunteered to be a Tory, that is, a British Territorial.
In this way, numerous contractual obligations, including the Federal Income Tax, were created by fraud and unconscionable contracts with American babies who were in no way dependent upon nor receiving any free benefit from these criminals.
You will no doubt recognize the crime of unlawful conversion which changes the native birthright political status of a man or woman against their will, so as to denigrate them, and know that this is a capital crime under the Geneva Conventions? And the Hague Conventions, too?
Humans do not exist and neither do Subhumans; but these outworn legal fiction artifices of the British Empire Raj are, nonetheless, still being used to denigrate living people who are naturally men and women of substance.
The economic burdens imposed on the victims — peonage imposed on the so-called humans, and slavery on the subhumans — have been outlawed worldwide since 1926.
These False Claims against our political status and forced taxation and other illegal confiscations of assets belonging to Americans — land, gold, silver, cash, natural resources, labor, and more — have been commonplace for decades, but because this abuse was carried out under color of law and secrecy, so that people thought this was their legitimate government making these demands, and because they had no idea that they had been misidentified as British Territorial Subjects under unconscionable circumstances, they were unable to protest.
Both of the Municipal Corporations resident in the District of Columbia are evil and are akin to an infestation of parasites.
It did not have to be this way.
They could have been honest with their Employers instead of usurping against them in breach of trust and violation of their own service contracts. Instead, they chose to impersonate their Employers and denigrate them, call them disparaging names like “sovereign citizens” and otherwise add insult and defamation to their long list of self-serving crimes.
This criminal “System” has been promulgated stealthily over the course of decades and has grown like a silent cancer until now.
The United States, Canada, Australia and the rest of the former Commonwealth nations have been undermined and co-opted by the British Territorial United States Government under conditions of fraud and breach of trust; the same British Territorial entities have continued to illegally occupy seventeen countries of Western Europe and Japan and have promoted the same criminality throughout.
We have located the nexus of this conspiratorial crime syndicate at specific locations worldwide, mostly operating as independent international city-states maintaining their own local laws to expedite all these crimes against humanity. These so-called “enclaves” and city-states and miniature monarchies have functioned as pirate oases.
We highly recommend that the Belgian BEAST computer in Brussels be taken out to expedite the fall of this world-spanning evil and please, help us spread the word about this incorporated District of Columbia Municipal Corporation regime that has been deliberately substituted for and confused with the lawful government of this country.
Too many people are going around shouting, “Death to America!” when in fact the Americans have been victimized by this evil as much or more than everyone else — and when in fact we ought to all more knowledgeably shout, “Death to the US, Incorporated!” and similar slogans.
It’s not us doing all this dirt. It’s our out of control Federal Subcontractors, which are in turn owned and operated by the Latin Church Pope as Corporations — both of them. He has middlemen Overseers managing them, but he and the Vatican Chancery Court have both received our claims concerning their criminal mismanagement and malfeasance.
Both these Municipal Corporations have been recently reorganized and renamed and had their assets shuttled all over creation, but effectively, the Successor to the UNITED STATES under Joe Biden and the recently rebranded USA, Inc. under Donald Trump, are now being pitted against each other by the Vatican and their British pawns, respectively.
Biden is being pushed to honor a treaty that G.W. Bush signed without authority, agreeing to create the North American Union and agreeing to erase the borders between Canada and Mexico to create yet another level of government — a Regional Government, as if we didn’t already have more than enough of them and their “services”.
G.W. Bush, like all U.S. (Territorial Corporation) Presidents and US (Municipal Corporation) Presidents, too, had no delegated authority to say one word about our land and soil, nor about our borders.
Instead, G.W. and every other such “President” before or since, is contractually obligated to secure our borders. Biden and his entire Administration is now in default and apparently don’t realize that the Constitutions are contracts which outrank all forms of treaty.
They also don’t appear to realize that unless they get back in their box and uphold The Constitution of the United States, the provisions of the Residence Act kick in, and all of them can be deported.
We are holding “Pope Francis” accountable for this mess, and call him “Pope” with a certain amount of irritation. He isn’t occupying the defunct office of the Roman Pontiff, which was dissolved prior to his arrival. He isn’t occupying the Papal ministerial (sacred) office, because Benedict XVI retained that and took it to his grave. Perhaps he is playing around with being “Prince of the Air”, but if so, he is still the owner of the Municipal Corporations and is fully accountable for their mismanagement, malfeasance, and crimes.
We are holding King Charles III accountable for being part of a multi-generational fraud scheme against the population of England in particular, and more widely against the population of Ireland, Scotland, and Wales — and the rest of us, too.
This fraud involves deceiving the Public on such important issues as vacating the English Throne and failing to take and keep the Christian Coronation Vows.
Our research indicates that, for sure, there hasn’t been anyone sitting on the English Throne since 1953, and it may go as far back as 1714 and the reign of Queen Anne, when a new legal fiction entity, Great Britain, was created, and Anne became Queen of Great Britain.
But what is “Great Britain”? — it isn’t a country, rather, it’s an instrumentality of sovereign nations, a legal construct that lacks substance of its own. When the Throne of England is vacated under conditions of non-disclosure and fraud, the legitimacy of any role played by Great Britain is also imperiled — especially when one of the requirements of the Union agreement creating Great Britain requires not only the existence of a Christian King or Queen, but stipulates that they must be Protestant.
King Charles III has attempted to bypass the whole issue by having himself crowned as “His Imperial Majesty” — a Holy Roman Empire office inhabiting the air jurisdiction, which would require him to be some form of Roman Catholic and enable him to conduct business for the Municipal Corporation doing business as the UNITED KINGDOM or “UK”.
Yet all of these intrigues and schemes and efforts to operate in the dark without the public being aware of the situation yields nothing but the fruits of fraud.
Nothing Elizabeth II did as the Queen of England holds true because she vacated the Throne of England within three days of taking her Coronation Vow and that has been proven in their own High Court.
That means that everything Elizabeth II did as the Queen of Great Britain was also tainted as she was not acting as the Queen of England and was not acting as a Christian, much less a Protestant.
Her Son’s coronation as an HRE Officer is far closer to the truth, but again, the fraud runs too deep. Like King Henry the Eighth, and his Mother before him, Charles III is supposed to be the Head of the Anglican Church, but he is receiving 40% of the Life Estate of his Protestant Congregants, as a kickback from the Pope.
Money that’s not money, a King that is not a King (and not English, either), a Pope that isn’t a Pope, and Presidents who aren’t the right President, trying to foist themselves off as if they are.
The Kingdom of Lies is replete.
Gradually, our military has awakened to the fact that their Honorable Service was unlawfully converted by Abraham Lincoln into a Mercenary Service and that generations of fresh-faced American kids have been bought and sold as gun fodder and very, very cheap Mercenaries by mostly European Colonial commercial interests.
All this has been done to the tune of Yankee Doodle Dandy, much talk about the “Land of the Free”, and speeches about “our democracy” when America has never been a democracy.
The British Territorial Subcontractors are the ones that adopted Mob Rules, aka, Democracy, for their government, and who apparently love being second class British Subjects, considered to be “human animals” and forever subject to peonage.
To top it off, the Brits colluded to misidentify all members of the “United States” Military as perpetual indentured servants, mere humans, forestalled from enjoying the freedoms they thought they were fighting for and unable to enjoy their natural estate as men and women.
They’ve also caught on to the schtick that they have been paid with I.O.U.’s, that their silver was purloined in inequitable exchange, that the gold belonging to their Grandparents and Great-Grandparents was illegally confiscated, that they have Municipal Corporations named after them and that they have been denigrated to the status of slaves, as a thank you for saving Britain’s rump twice in the past century.
And now the country they so proudly served and protected under what they imagined was “the” Constitution, is being threatened by these foreign Subcontractors, who don’t even have a right to be here apart from providing us with “essential government services” rendered in “good faith”.
If you were their employer — meaning either one of these Municipal Corporations housed in the District of Columbia — you would probably be as outraged as we are.
This is not about politics or religion or race or immigration policies. It’s about Big Lies told over a long period of time, and the need for the entire world to pull together to put a stop to this craziness and criminality in high places.
When it comes to the UN CORP first formed in Vichy-Era France during the Second World War, it’s yet another Big Lie, confusion, and fraud scheme.
People assume that the “UN” is the United Nations organization the same way they assume that the “US” is The United States— but it’s not.
The UN CORP is also owned by Jorge Bergolio and it has already maimed, killed, and polluted the blood and the natural genome of over a billion people worldwide.
If we do nothing else in our lifetimes, Vladimir, the UN CORP and the banks colluding with it and the evil Corporatists funding the WEF —using the World Economic Forum as a storefront operation just as the UN CORP has used the United Nations as a storefront— these evil corporations have to go down to dust.
Think about how Kid Zelensky was forced on Ukraine and the Proxy War that these vermin have waged against you by stealing our credit and impersonating us.
Wouldn’t it be better for the entire world, if the bankers are prevented from extending these yahoos our credit against our will?
These foreign Municipal Corporations have misrepresented us and our country, stolen our identity and misused our credit, defaulted on their service contracts and been on a rampage of illegal and unauthorized mercenary “conflicts” more than long enough.
None of the acts that we have described for you are the actions of brave men. They are the actions of cowards, thieves, murderers, gluttons, and most of all, Liars.
This is an International Public Notice that everyone can read and everyone can see that we, Americans, who are Americans, and adopting our birthright status as men and women, are still here.
We are not deceived any longer.
Everyone can see how we have been abused by these purported “Allies”, how we have all been defrauded by them and their phony courts being used as color of law bill collectors, collecting on False Claims in Commerce
Everyone can know and see that we are opposed to all this criminality and violence, that we did not authorize it, and can also see that these foreign Municipal Corporations inhabiting the District of Columbia are not “America”.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
January 28th 2024
We note that the Swiss Government has begun to clean up its act and shut down UN Corporation facilities there, but has yet to crack down on the Davos Crowd and the Global Federal Reserve enclave that is also located there.

Last edited 11 months ago by anonymous

Problem. This subject needs to be laid out in a piece of “expository writing.” As it is above, it consists of a few nuggets hidden in a mish-mash of “evaluative writing.” Americans will withhold belief until this is done. The current reliance on the documents of the 1871 Organic Act and the 1871 Treaty of Washington, likewise and in the same way, are unusable and say absolutely nothing to bolster the popular patriot notion that the Matrix has a quasi legal foundation. Americans know a fact when they smell one and bullshit when they smell that. For instance, the Indiana Code 1-1-2-1 states that the basis of Indiana law is British law and even cites the Kings by name. WTF is THAT doing in THERE? Yet, I have shown a fact. Another for instance, above is used the phrase “Romano-British.” I could write a doctoral dissertation length piece on how the Roman Empire never fell and that it simply went underground into the Catholic Church in 325 A.D. That is why that 2/3 of the Bishops attending The Council of Nicaea were murdered, and here, too, I have again shown a fact. You just can’t drop these bombs in a huge paragraph and expect traction. Better to say one thing well and briefly than it is to attempt too much.


Old saying, you can lead them to water, but you can’t make them drink.


I’ve been watching out for a good resource on that story (Roman Empire never fell story).

I’ve seen plenty of credible evidence that I mostly believe but I have yet to find someone that’s published a cohesive story on it.

Frankly it seems obvious just from the facts I have but I don’t have a clear enough picture to do an adequate job of answering some of the hard questions people pose. Any resources you can provide?

If you don’t like to write I’d interview you & capture the story for publishing. It would be a pretty good way to start that book. If it got out there within the next 3 to 9 months the timing would appear to be near perfect for the American public.

You’d effectively be chronicling the pre-fall of Babylon The Great & still be popular both as, and after, the fall occurs. It will be profound there’s no doubt. You might even be able to write the fall as it’s happening if you’re quick enough pulling the whole story together. Could be an outstanding historical achievement & all you’d have to do is let me question you on video.

Or better than that – send Tucker Carlson a note and ask him if he wants to chronicle your thesis on the topic.

However if complete resources already exist on this topic I’d love to see them as I’ve never put much time into researching it – but just collected the low hanging fruit. Your thoughts?


Hello, Sean. You’re on here a lot. As far as I know, I developed that thesis on my own. It derives from the dots collected from perhaps 65 years of reading. I own quite a library. As to writing, I do have 9 books with an aggregate word count of 850,000 and then there’s the 48 scripts of “WrongWayCorrigan Fix America which may total another 170,000 word count. That answers the question if I like to write. Your post makes me think that you are one of the patriot sources, or at least someone with a channel. Is that so? I may do a script someday. I’d promised myself and my listeners that I’d end at 50 but now that will be 51 and so a long 52nd is not much farther. I knew 2 years ago at the start that I must end at 50 because Corrigan is designed to be a continuing resource for decades of public use. It is only vaguely topical. It is primarily timeless. Therefore, anything much above 50 becomes unwieldy as a public resource. Right now, both channels are concealing my numbers in an effort to throttle public enthusiasms and my own enthusiasm. Ultimately, that will fail. This is being done by both sides. You might use the chat room beneath any of my shows for additional back & forth. That way we won’t bother our comrades in arms with this obscure topic. Find me on Rumble or Bitchute. The browser Brave even brings me up eventually. Use the full name as one word. I assume that you realize that such a historical deep dive will be done with few primary sources and that beyond surface level the secondary sources cannot be trusted. If this gets done at all, this will be done with a blend of tautology and solipsism. Conventional scholarship is both inadequate and suppressed. My only worry is that I am such an iconoclast, that Q will kick me off the basement of the Q-board. That is my Rushmore.

Linda Hutchison

Most likely a LOT more true than people realize!


We are holding “Pope Francis” accountable for this mess, and call him “Pope” with a certain amount of irritation. He isn’t occupying the defunct office of the Roman Pontiff, which was dissolved prior to his arrival. He isn’t occupying the Papal ministerial (sacred) office, because Benedict XVI retained that and took it to his grave. Perhaps he is playing around with being “Prince of the Air”, but if so, he is still the owner of the Municipal Corporations and is fully accountable for their mismanagement, malfeasance, and crimes.

What the world doesn’t see/understand is that antipope Francis was removed back in 2019. In turn, a group called the Lavender Mafia satan ca 1963 has taken over the Vatican,(same year Ronald McDonald arrived).

More importantly, like Biden, antipope was not voted into office….no Conclave/stolen presidency. Placed by satan’s foot soldiers.

Gregg Nickens

I am making a good salary from home $6580-$7065/week , which is amazing under a year ago I was jobless in a horrible economy. I thank God every day I was blessed with these instructions and now its my duty to pay it forward and share it with Everyone, 
Here is I started___________ 𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐁𝐢𝐳𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝟏.𝐂𝐨𝐦


Love the fact that Seal teams don’t protect ex presidents. I’m glad president Trump is protected!

Linda Hutchison

When Almighty God anoints and appoints someone as He has told the prophets He has Donald J. Trump, mere men may stand protection for Trump and Mara-Lago, but it is Almighty God who will protect Trump’s back. No weapons formed against Trump will prosper as long as Trump is under God’s anointing!

Comet Ping Pong

Genuinely asking; what prophet has said that Trump is appointed and anointed by God? What makes you believe that they are true prophets?

Surf Nazare

I could punch holes in this story very easily but don’t think for a minute I am challenging MB—he is posting what they give him—–a rookie hardly trained operator isn’t going to go and do it like this—–you have to be utterly stupid but then again how many believe the Texas border fiasco—

S Ackerman

Wow, that’s great news, Micheal! I look forward to reading your report. BTW, is the search tab permanently disabled? It was very handy when it was working. Thanks.




That kind of stupidity, now rests in Peace.
Hopefully they all go to rest.



Linda Hutchison

I agree they are GOING, but most likely NOT to rest. I am afraid MANY of them re headed to an ETERNITY of torment.


International Public Notice: Any Fight is Not About Immigration
By Anna Von Reitz
People around the world are watching two foreign corporations setting up a phony civil war on our shores in contravention of international law and in violation of their own service contracts.
Joe Biden working the latest iteration of the US, Inc. is attempting to force compliance with a “Treaty” signed by George W. Bush, agreeing to erase the borders between The United States, Canada, and Mexico to form what is known as the North American Union — a Regional Government desired by the Globalists.
The problem is that this new “Union” favored by the Globalists and the Treaty seeming to allow it, isn’t actually a land treaty. It’s a sea “treaty” like the Treaty of Manila Bay.
Because a sea treaty is all that G.W. Bush ever had authority to sign.
The North American Union Treaty is a Treaty of Paris, not a Treaty of Versailles, and this distinction is dictated by the offices of the signatories, not the subject matter.
The only other possibility is that the Liars used their influence to “pretend” that they had authorities never vested in them or their offices, and so usurped upon the land jurisdiction, acted in fraud, and signed agreements out-of-school.
Either way, G.W. had no authority to say one word about our land and soil, and neither does Joe Biden.
Like everything else these Liars do, George W. Bush was misrepresented as The President of The United States, when in fact, he was occupying the Municipal United States office of President of the United States —- and so, G.W. was never authorized to create and endorse a land treaty changing our borders, much less erasing them.
The two corrupt and criminal District of Columbia Municipal Corporations are now fomenting a turf war on our soil. And the man responsible for that, is Jorge Bergolio, because at the end of the day, he owns both corporations.
We contracted with these corporations to receive certain enumerated services, various Overseers run these corporations, but Bergolio, aka, “Pope Francis” ultimately owns both of them, and he is 100% commercially and personally responsible for any damage we suffer.
The Prince of the Air either calls it off and gets back in his box and honors both Constitutions to the letter, or yes, he will be liable and the organizations he represents will be liable and all the corporations he owns will be liable.
Joe Bidens’ version of US CORP is trying to force the implementation of the North American Union Treaty and seeking to erase our national borders with Canada and Mexico.
This is keeping Donald Trump’s version of USA, Inc., from honoring its job and securing our border with Mexico.
So here you have two District of Columbia Municipal Corporations fighting each other over doing or not doing a job that is clearly required of both of them.
The Constitution of the United States requires Joe Biden to secure and close our Southern Border no matter what his corporation policy says and no matter what G.W. signed without authority to do so.
The Constitution of the United States of America requires Donald Trump’s Corporation to secure and close our Southern Border, too.
All three Federal Constitutions require the contractors to secure our borders. Period.
Maybe someone should remind Joe Biden that The Constitution of the United States is a contract and contracts outrank treaties, even if treaties are valid and flawless and in the right jurisdiction — which the NAU Treaty is not.
They should also remind Joe that both Treaties and Contracts outrank mere corporation “policy”.
So if Joe doesn’t get off his flabby rump and call off DHS and WHO and all the other alphabet soups that have been “opening” rather than securing our Southern Border, it’s him and his bosses that are in default, committing treason, and standing in the direct line of fire.
If the banks don’t defund Joe’s Administration (because after all, he has defaulted on his contract, so he’s got no credit and nothing to sell) the banks will be on the chopping block, too.
So while you are reading this in your private library in Rome, or schmoozing on the Riviera, or going to work on Fleet Street, remember this moment when the issue of national borders first came to your attention.
The Mindless Mainstream is trying to make it sound like the tide rising in Texas is a fight over illegal immigration, but it’s not.
It’s a fight over the North American Union Treaty which G.W. Bush signed with no authority to do so, and thereby promised to erase the national borders between Canada, The United States, and Mexico.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
January 28th 2024

American Living in Canada

Did anyone see this?

 “The so-called “President Biden” confirmed on live TV that Trump was the real sitting president.”

Mon. 29 Jan. On live TV Biden confirmed Trump is current sitting president. Biden has already been removed in private. The next step is to remove him from the public. 

Linda Hutchison

Biden was removed a LONG time ago. The present REMOVAL of Biden will be to REMOVE one of his portrayers pretending to BE Joseph Biden.

American Living in Canada

Yes, did you see it on live tv yesterday? For the sleepers.

American Living in Canada

Maybe I should’uv asked – did anyone see and hear this on their TV? If they did… it means it’s happening.


Even when the Truth is exposed it’s never the whole Truth.
Inside NIH virus lab in Montana – that has eerie ties to Wuhan – where US scientists inject pigs and monkeys with EBOLA and other dangerous bio-agents
Photos obtained by a watchdog group show experiments performed on animals
NIH lab in Montana was previously found to have been experimenting with SARS
REVEALED: NIH lab experimented with coronaviruses from Wuhan in 2018
Photos and videos obtained exclusively by DailyMail.com show US government-funded researchers experimenting on animals at a controversial lab in Montana where risky virus research is carried out.
Images and video footage obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request and shared exclusively with this website show researchers sedating monkeys and pigs and giving them injections, as well as piglets housed in small and unsanitary cages. …..





Keep it going MB,,,Restoring the Republic , another treasonous Fed goon snake head gone


I thought he was going in to have his head removed from his ass?

Truth Seeker

🤔 Hm. Who will be the interim A.G. while Garland is having back surgery? Will the person filling in for Garland be equally as corrupt?

Linda Hutchison

I think someone said Garland’s DEPUTY Attorney General will be filling in for him. I don’t know WHO that is or what he is about. Guess we will see!

Dave Strickland

Thinking about Mar-a-Lago, a thought recently came to me which might engross anyone seeking more truth about clones of prominent figures. Benjamin Fulford has recently been repeating his belief that there are two Donald Trumps, the real one expending the major part of his activities in Cheyenne Mountain. The so-called false Donald Trump he alleges is the one (with whites around his eyes, etc.) who spends time at Mar-a-Lago. Supposing BF’s contention is true and the Deep State manages to assassinate the DJT “clone” at Mar-a-Lago, and the news spread like wildfire, as it surely would. What would be the reaction of Americans if the real DJT then appeared in public? Just idle musings of mine, provoked by recalling that the White Hats apprehended two Hillary Clinton clones at opposite ends of the States.

Karen B

And Michael here has a write up about the 2 clones of Hillary Clinton that were captured.That article he wrote was quite the learning experience for me.

Linda Hutchison

So have they determined that the Hilary they executed was REAL or a clone? I think I read somewhere that they have kept all the executed on ice and haven’t buried them, so they would be able to determine that.


Maybe that’s why a Boeing plane left DC and ended up landing at GITMO


RustyJim likes to say his dark lord will never be captured. I did mention a few times (under alek ho & sojourner111) that obama would never be captured (before Jim ever did); that is, if bho is the God appointed one; but his reign will be for a short period only; eventually the beast was seized, & with him the false prophet who performed the signs in his presence…; these 2 were thrown alive into the lake of fire which burns with brimstone; Rev19:20.
Most likely the real designated one isn’t bho. They’re many antichrists in the world.

Linda Hutchison

I saw God take down the appointment of Obama by causing the Presidential Seal of Obama at a September 10 speech he was giving to some women’s group when he was president. The seal fell OFF the podium while he was speaking and couldn’t be reattached, though he tried. God showing God, who raises up kings and takes DOWN kings! I think you can see it on You Tube.


Where are “OUR” missing SEALS in Somalia??? 🧐




do not assume MB/we are told everything, whole story
do not assume assume only 2 attackers came from only one direction
do not assume these were not the last two of a larger contingency that got the furthest
do not assume the first sensor reported tripped was in fact the first sensor tripped
do not assume all White Hat forces were/are land based at Mar-a-Lago
do not assume there are no hidden/fixed/water posts at Mar-a-Lago
do not assume there is no stealth/mobile/water defenses at Mar-a-Lago
do not assume there is no drone based deadly force at Mar-a-Lago
do not assume Seal weapons are not equipped with silencers
do not assume an army of Seals move with great noise, yelling and screaming needlessly
do not assume a wounded attacker cannot accurately fire a weapon, throw multiple grenades, turn self into firebomb and/or pass critical intel to fellow attackers
do not assume instant death is not best policy based on boatloads of intense experience from around the world spanning more than two centuries, many wars and limited to Seals only (the first attempted sub attack was off NY during American Revolution by American Patriots on a British ship)
do not assume you, we, MB, especially me, even Seals and White Hats all the time know it all
do not ASSume, know-it-all

I assume Deep State got told all they needed to get told by White hats through MB, for now, that’s how foolish I am


I concur. It’s too easy to jump on the rah-rah wagon and take everything MB prints at face value, without a critical eye. I was convinced over TWO YEARS ago that Biden was replaced by a white hat actor and that most of what we’re fed – even in the alt media – is to some degree carefully calibrated to steer the (very) slow-to-change public opinion.

So, any time we speak using the word “Biden”, we’re basically admitting that we’re a little slow on the uptake and not up-to-speed, and not really aware of the operational plan to steer the narrative, but not too fast.

It also goes for any combination of the word Biden with any reference to White House, Air Force One, the Nuclear Football, or The Beast. They are mutually exclusive realities.

I believe that most, if not all, of the ‘breaking developments’ are already completed, part of the pre-scripted rollout of truth. RRN is near the tip of the spear, but even here we have a good share of those new to the club, wondering who Biden’s other two handlers are. I can only smile.

Biden is clearly a white hat actor. One case in point being his extension of EO13848 that works directly against the DS and their manipulation of elections. Plus other related directives. 😏

Linda Hutchison

The ONLY One who REALLY knows all the truth is Almighty God! The last I knew, He only tells His messengers THE PROPHETS. Baxter has never said that he got his information from God, so I consider it could be slightly flawed in places, but I am thankful for whatever truth and information it contains.


Fog of war!

Sparky Sr

Are these aholes that desperate to try and sneak on the most guarded piece of property…. Shaking My Head….
On a second note: Glad you got word Michael that Garland was caught..
Im sure Vice Adm. Crandall will have fun with him.
I just love it when God’s plan comes together…!!!

Truth Seeker

There is the possibility that the black hats were testing the security at Mar-a-Lago.

I say this because I find it highly suspicious that the black hats actually thought they could breach Mar-a-Lago’s security to make copies of the hard drives and have it go unnoticed.

Linda Hutchison

If the weren’t Black Hats, why do you think they offed themselves when caught or do you think the whole THING is a lie?

Karen B

Me too!!! Knowing who GOD is is knowing the truth when we hear The Plan going forth. It has his name all over it.


My thoughts when I read he is going into hospital and giving up his authority re Politico

Linda Hutchison

My thought is they are SCRAMBLING to try to cover the fact that he is GONE SOMEWHERE!

William Richard Nicholson

It’s impossible to not love the world’s finest fighting force ! They’re always giving just what is needed & when the occasion warrants it , they’ll send it Express ……. No Extra Charge ! God Bless All You Exceptional Warriors & Your Families & Support ……. Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195 . I pray that The Master of Masters helps you as the occasion rises. The Ancient One in 73′ , 74′ was an Unbelievable Spirit to observe ! Watching him as he flew down starboard passageway towards the starboard steering gear room was my last sight of him before he dealt with the saboteur there. His two guard dogs , had a difficult time keeping up. He went at blinding speed & somehow neither him or his trained assistants knocked me over as they went by. The current Master needs to be used for White Hats & tell him I appreciated his service when I was in Thailand with protection needed for me & one of my wives. Protect My President & Commander In Chief Donald John Trump . Nick , NavyBluuesmoke , LST-1195

Stinky Perfume

They don’t care if they get shot or die or shoot themselves, so things look like all anyone can do is look for any legal way to shoot them. It’s not fair though to the mainstream who can’t shoot unless they cross the threshold last I heard. People that don’t have this much security and ability to shoot would like to be able to shoot any intruder in the yard outside when it’s obvious they are up to invasion, and not wait for them to break in.

Kinda looks like we could find society feeling like we are back in the days of the wild west or even pre colonization forts could be necessary. How can people sleep with killers and rapists out there?

Last edited 11 months ago by Stinky Perfume

Very easily. We have 2A rights.