Alvin Bragg Executed at GITMO


A bulbous Alvin Bragg implied he had heard about Ryan Routh and the recent assassination attempt seconds before a JAG executioner placed a tailor-made rope around his neck and told him it was “time to die.”

As reported previously, JAG convicted Bragg of treason on September 3 and imposed maximum punishment, a death sentence conducted on the 17th. Following his tribunal, Bragg had been held in isolation and had no access to news of the outside world, no internet, naturally, and no newspapers or magazines. He could’ve learned of the recent attempt on Trump’s life from a blabbering guard, a source there told Real Raw News.

Bragg’s attitude at the gallows was a sharp departure from how he had behaved at his tribunal—professionally polite but necessarily argumentative when cross-examining the witness whose unimpeachable testimony led to Bragg’s conviction. He accepted the verdict with almost equable grace. Beholding the noose, however, had evoked palpable anger and observable fear; he perspired profusely, sweat oozing from his pours as two military police nudged him up the shallow steps to the platform. With each step, he hurled invective at President Trump, who was not present, and at the officers below him, Vice Adm. Crandall, a two-star Army general and a Marine Corps colonel who gnawed on a cigar.

So obese was Bragg that he was huffing and puffing and seemed to cough up a lung by the time he reached the platform.

He caught his breath. “Whatever happens to me, Trump will never be safe. We’ll get him eventually. Dead men can’t be presidents, but presidents can be made into dead men. And once he’s gone, you’re all next. It’s an inevitability. Thomas Crooks, Ryan Wesley Routh—do you think that’s the end of it? If you do, you’re wrong. I tell you what, Admiral, let me live, and I’ll give you the names of other assassins out there.”

“I’d sooner swallow broken glass than deal with you, detainee Bragg,” the Admiral said. “Besides, I don’t believe you. Some guard gossiped to you; it happens all the time. Until this moment, I thought you’d find dignity in death, but you’re a conniving coward like everyone else who’s stood up there.”

“I don’t fear death,” Bragg said.

“You’re a liar, detainee Bragg, and a bad one. I can smell your fear from here,” the Admiral said.

“Hang the bastard,” the Marine colonel said.

“Oh, yes, I can see it in your eyes, and your eyes, you’re just itching to hang a Black man,” Bragg said.

Adm. Crandall replied: “Justice doesn’t discriminate, detainee Bragg. And if you must know, more Caucasians than Blacks have stood where you now stand. Let’s get this business done.”

The hangman covered Bragg’s rotund head with a black sack, fastening the noose around his neck. He waited for the Admiral’s command, then pressed a button and opened the door beneath Bragg’s feet. The excessive fat on his neck prolonged the execution, and he managed to mutter, “Oh, God, you’re killing me,” as his legs flailed in the air.

“You killed yourself,” the Admiral said.

Bragg was pronounced dead several minutes later.

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Was this pigs last breakfast a few dozen eggs, a couple pounds of bacon and a few loaves of toast?
What a disgusting bag of crap. Thanks Marines for this fat dangling rope appointment!


Google is now paying $300 to $500 per hour for doing work online work from home. Last paycheck of me said that $20537 from this easy and simple job. Its amazing and earns are awesome. No boss, full time freedom and earnings are in front of you. This job is just awesome. Every person can makes income online with google easily….
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Last edited 5 hours ago by Barney
John .S

Apperently, Crandell misspoke “I’d sooner swallow broken glass than deal with you, *detainee Bragg who beyond status of detainee, there and then as *Condemened.


cuck spelling !!!


Our President Donald J Trump was on Gutfeld tonight. He was SUPER GREAT😃👍

AMELIA?(not sure of her name)

Last edited 6 hours ago by K.E.

Although he was asked a direct question & didn’t answer it.


So what’s your point?

Last edited 4 minutes ago by EdBob



Google is now paying $300 to $500 per hour for doing work online work from home. Last paycheck of me said that $20537 from this easy and simple job. Its amazing and earns are awesome. No boss, full time freedom and earnings are in front of you. This job is just awesome. Every person can makes income online with google easily….
M­­­­­­o­­­­­­r­­­­­­e­ D­­­­­­e­­­­­­t­­­­­­a­­­­­­i­­­­­­l­­­­­­s For Us→→→→ Www.Payathome9.Com

Last edited 8 hours ago by Barney

i will never speak freely ever again.

us autism folks are finished if communism.

all this destruction over taiwn. some i dont feel safe anymore;(


Be strong, Chris. Pray that truth will be revealed to you, it’s calming. God is our only hope, through His Son, who died for our sins.

Mankind has shown themselves to be not as we imagine. All over darkness and evil.

I will pray for you. In the Bible ‘Fear Not’ is written 365 times.


You need ot shut off the news & start listening to Julie green on rumble.


Chris, it’ll be okay, Trump and the military are in control. President Trump has said, numerous times, that we’re watching a “movie”. We are. Listen to Derek Johnson “Rattletrap1776” on RUMBLE, if you aren’t already, he’s ex military, he knows military laws and orders like the back of his hand. Take care, we will get through this.


That mother-father had to pull the race card, when that fool chose to do wrong! Choices, wrong choices, is what brings one to a Justice ending, a righteous Justice ending, period.


They all do.


Jews are not Caucasians. Jews are not White.




I just listened to some of Trump’s latest speech, it’s repeat stuff, but when he says “We’re going to defend Israel” I bite my tongue.


Ivanka Trump is Jewish. Did she suddenly change ethnicity?

Or, could it be that Judaism is a religion?


Yes they are. Caucasian is a rather inclusive term and in any case most Ashkenazi Jewish genetics are from eastern Europe. Unless you don’t consider eastern Europeans to be “Caucasian” when they are from a region very near the Caucasus. Even middle eastern genetics are not far from Europe. Don’t be so divisive. Come to think of it, Bragg looked like a fat Obama. A mixed bag as far as race, although as the general said, that has nothing to do with justice


Speaking of masks: facebook dot com/reel/2420084121514168

Last edited 8 hours ago by CallMeSkeptical

Right now a globally coordinated military strike designed to obliterate the globalist power structure is bringing in the greatest transfer of wealth in history.

Trust the plan.


Watch out for, protect & save the children.

Satanic worshippers & their secretive covens exist across the globe.

Perhaps even in your neighborhood & right next door.

The Satanic activities of kidnapping, pedophilia & Child sacrifice will most certainly increase between now and the celebration of Satan’s birthday on Halloween 30, 31 Oct., 1 Nov.

One day many will hang their head in shame when they realize the evil they defended, and the heroes the ridiculed.

We’re sitting on the edge of a global blackout and Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) Activation, where normal communication will cease for ten days. It’s called Operation. Stormbreaker – the greatest Sting Operation ever. Military Units have been mobilizing. Worldwide for a coordinated military strike to obliterate the Globalist Power Structure.


The only transfer of wealth I see is people living on 20 credit cards, stacking up debt they’ll never be able to pay, and homeowners getting foreclosed upon, not affording the onerous taxes, becoming renters or worse, homeless. Maybe they can beg the new illegals with the big debit cards, food stamps and housing allowance to sleep in their entryways. Trust the plan. Trump says he’ll defend Israhell at all costs. I really don’t want to be a debbie downer, really I don’t but those are the facts on the ground.

Last edited 1 hour ago by CallMeSkeptical



Thank you Strike.


Google is now paying $300 to $500 per hour for doing work online work from home. Last paycheck of me said that $20537 from this easy and simple job. Its amazing and earns are awesome. No boss, full time freedom and earnings are in front of you. This job is just awesome. Every person can makes income online with google easily….
M­­­­­­o­­­­­­r­­­­­­e­ D­­­­­­e­­­­­­t­­­­­­a­­­­­­i­­­­­­l­­­­­­s For Us→→→→ Www.Payathome9.Com

Last edited 9 hours ago by Barney
Willy 2.0

Bye Felicia


The Hill🐝tch was on Rachel Madcow tonight or last night.
🐝 was talking ‘Reeducation’ Camps before getting us to FEMA CAMPS. This is insane, especially since she was ‘AXED TO LEAVE’…I’m in ponderence.

“US” IS CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS, of which, I refuse, but I am a Believer in Yahshua. That I will not deny.

Last edited 6 hours ago by K.E.

fuck yah




Israeli cabinet has given PM Netanyahu and defense Minister
Gallant the authorization to take military action against Hezbollah — even if it leads to am all-out was.


FBI says it has disrupted major Chinese hacking operation that threatened US critical infrastructure.


Springfield mayor says a Trump visit would be an “extreme strain” on resources… But 15,000 Haitians ain’t?

Karen B



How odd🤔

Truth Seeker

The irony in the mayor’s statement is palpable.

Kamala Harris bragged about allowing 20,000 Haitians to invade Springfield. She then said she was planning on allowing and additional 100,000 of these disease ridden and voodoo worshipping savages into our country.


Infectious disease has not increased in the state, according to the Republican health commissioner


Springfield Mayor is trying to cover up his dirty little secrets. It’s not going to work.


needtoknownews Sept 18 2024

Austrian Woman Convicted of Homicide After Neighbor Caught COVID from Her and Died


The whole earth has gone mad.


I’m seeing multiple Emergency Response Centers in my area popping up, million dollar brick and mortar buildings, at a time when we can’t afford it. Part of me wonders if it isn’t another regional/local staging point for feds.



do better


a Q 40,000 ft view, bit 6b
bit 6b

memes are critical in Q code, though it is much easier to surf through the text, letters, numbers, character… but memes require special tracking/handling, it is tedious

first meme: Washington in a Durham, boat, Crossing Delaware, at Christmas for sneak attack (there is much potential code in that picture), first meme is drop 14, along lane leading to Front Gate, I have not spoken of lane, yet, drops 1 through 33, I suggest align either side of lain with formative messages of the whole, I have only slightly hinted as to the type of complex Front Gate serves, it will soon become obvious before this bit ends

it is a daunting task to delve into the possibility of memes used as code
drop 14 meme
ht tps://

twice more same meme is found in Q code
456 and 3800
(do you see the 4-5-6, as if counting)

add 456 to 3800 reaching drop 4256, note 42 plus 56 equals 98, a doubling of 49, what/where/why a doubling of 49, that must wait towards end of these, my bits

but first and now, drop 4256

a drop with:
] one link line, it is working, look it up
ht tps://
] 3 lines filled-in
] lines 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 left blank

drop 4256, May 17, 2020
“Flynn DOY_dismiss_week_1
FISA unmask DECLAS]public][select dates(s)]_week_2
CLAS 1-99_week_3 [you are here]

do you see 4 (4256), do you see 4, first blank line, we are now 4 years 4 months beyond the drop of 4256

is 4256 placeholder, foreshadowing, harbinger of some future… plan

consider previous drop, 4255, see/understand the easy 5-five, 42, perhaps drop 42 “We serve at the pleasure of President, DJT.” answer to drop 35, Front Gate, who is 35
follow/view link
ht tps://
who is 35, what did 35 inspire
a bold launch, not unlike number 1, before he was number 1 in 1776

for those who followed link, you know the type of complex the Front Gate serves… should/if you think about it

drop 34
“Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast.”

recent news, approx 28 % of America wants Trump assassinated, so told by MSM/DAMN EVIL ASS DEMS, can we get more divided, things more vindictive

so why the wait, it is now 2024, September, in part the wait until now is so the whole world gathers about this spectacle, as concerned observers, like launch to moon/Mars, this American quadrennial (4 year Presidential, Federal election) draws more attention than ever before, these days have been long waited for, “atmosphere” in America perhaps more sharply divided than ever before, BUT, everyone watches with keenest interest, all know it is “time to focus”

Bragg, SDNY, loom with death, Justice Come, they know it, soon whole world too

Transparency and Prosecution next bit


Those assassination polls are probably BS, jsut like when they say Kamala is ahead of Trump.


The Trump at the Fremason staged assassination attempts is a double according to Benjamin Fulford.

Nukken Futz

What was his last meal, I wonder? A half a ton of dunkin doughnuts or two pallets of hostess twinkies…maybe….

Truth Seeker

The gallows must have been reinforced with military grade steel and a rope made of steel cable. It most likely required the use of pay-loader to remove Bragg’s bloated carcass.


I think is they if they used steel cable he would have died more quickly…


no stretch. would decapitate. not that that’s a bad thing.


if you allow them to get so far in to kill and eradicate us citzens.

You will have blood on your hands.

i guess saving kids is fot only color folks.

you all hate me, fine i wont help those who do which means the whole planet.

ff uk goes then i die.

i aint going to be the only white guy.


Google is now paying $300 to $500 per hour for doing work online work from home. Last paycheck of me said that $20537 from this easy and simple job. Its amazing and earns are awesome. No boss, full time freedom and earnings are in front of you. This job is just awesome. Every person can makes income online with google easily….
M­­­­­­o­­­­­­r­­­­­­e­ D­­­­­­e­­­­­­t­­­­­­a­­­­­­i­­­­­­l­­­­­­s For Us→→→→ Www.Payathome9.Com

Last edited 11 hours ago by Barney

I don’t understand why there is so much time between conviction and execution


Presumably to allow time for VIP witnesses to schedule.


I am sure that they are super busy and we are only getting miniscule intel on what is really going on @ Camp Delta, Camp Blaz and all the other places where real justice is taking place. I am also sure that certain military officers and other witnesses have to be arranged to be there for executions. For God and Country.


The story timing is predicated on MB’s bank accounts. When cash runs low, he cranks out another tale

John .S

Was disenchanted, guys were wagering on Bragg skipping repass breakfast or going for glutenious gusto.

We wack-up pool money 50/50 funding our humanitarian ventures.

Somewhere a few kids won’t have new winter coats via our Coats for Kids drive.

Pool money often exceeds $300. Herein which took $150 [four coats] off the backs of kids.


A bit more suffering, maybe?🤔


Because JAG is backed up with criminals!


That’s why I believe arrests, trials, and executions began years earlier, 2017ish, too many of them.

Ultrafart the Brave

The hangman covered Bragg’s rotund head with a black sack…

That sounds racist to me.


Would you feel better if they used a different color sack? I expect black sacks are typical. Are you thinking something more festive is appropriate?


I think he wants rainbow colored sacks.


I think he was jesting, pretty funny actually


Awww, come on man, that’s racist. LOL LOL LOL


i propose all detainees get SPONGEBOB MASKS

during hanging

Steven Vinnedge

Ok. Call it a black hood.


But it covers the whole resized oversized watermelon sack. They don’t want them to see. Alone & isolated…frightening.


*watermelon 🍉 HEAD🤦‍♀️


Everybody gets the black sack over their cabal, demonrat, rino, pedophile, cannibal, criminal heads. As Admiral Crandall stated more caucasions than blacks have stood where he was standing. Try harder and cry more loser.


Your child-like belief in these fairytales is charming


Far funnier are your attempts to counter them. You pretty much prove RRN is on to something.


Too funny!


I laughed…🤭

Truth Seeker

It was actually the extra large Dunkin Doughnuts’ bag Bragg’s breakfast came in.


Man’s own wisdom is that he thinks he is in control. The devil proved and is smart enough to know he is not in control. Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Nothing on this planet is unseen by God. Bragg was surrounded by many like-minded people but was hardly ever in control. The Bible is so cool.


Over and over we have proven you must shed religion in order to gain knowledge.


A fool is always wise in his own conceit.


True, but he is correct.





And, “you must shed your firearms, your freedoms and liberties” to gain knowledge, right Little Soldier? You’ve proved nothing. You can’t even prove what “religion” is, much less “knowledge.”

You want to know why most posters here don’t “engage” you? The only “evidence” that matters to you, is what you present. You don’t accept others “evidence.” Kindly enlighten the forum, how many “converts” have you gathered and garnered?

You want to try for Double Jeopardy where dollars really ad up?


My evidence is the lack of evidence.


Even though I know you are a troll and are trying to be funny. I’ll give you a little tip about the Bible. Solomon was the wisest man ever according to God himself. So he had knowledge and was a believer. So in your mind, he was religious and had more knowledge than anyone on earth. (According to God). You can choose not to believe God if you want, but I am not suggesting that. Also, he wrote all of Proverbs which can give you insight of his knowledge. He wrote other books in the Bible as well. There are 31 proverbs chapters. So you can read proverbs chapter 1 on the 1st, proverbs 2 on the 2nd and so on. If you follow that regiment you will read the entire book of proverbs once a month or 12 times a year. Great way to learn from what God says was the wisest man ever. I also love Ecclesiastes which he wrote. Great way to gain wisdom. Or you can shed religion. I agree that shedding religion is a good thing, because I hate religion. Religion to me are the churches that error from what Christ set up to follow. I don’t view what Christ set up to follow as religion. I view it as truth. To me truth, is real. To me religion is false. But that’s just me and my personal opinion. Christ said “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh to the Father but by me.” Religion tries to confuse that. Religion is man’s attempt at creating man’s way to the Father. That’s my two cents.


Religion is not the way, you are correct. In my belief, from The Bible, we have a Father Creator, & His Son. Yahshua who died for mankind’s sins. No human can I believe.

Religions & Churches have agendas, too.

Religion is paganism, control & some untruths, you must dig for the Truth. Father Creator through His Son Yahshua is the only way.

Last edited 6 hours ago by K.E.






Did the fat pig break the cross beam when he dropped or did it pull off his head

Truth Seeker

The crass beam was reinforced with titanium.


I’m sure he’s lost a lot of weight between the time they brought him in and he was hanged.


Google is now paying $300 to $500 per hour for doing work online work from home. Last paycheck of me said that $20537 from this easy and simple job. Its amazing and earns are awesome. No boss, full time freedom and earnings are in front of you. This job is just awesome. Every person can makes income online with google easily….
M­­­­­­o­­­­­­r­­­­­­e­ D­­­­­­e­­­­­­t­­­­­­a­­­­­­i­­­­­­l­­­­­­s For Us→→→→ Www.Payathome9.Com

Last edited 12 hours ago by Barney
Sue Grantham

Watch the sudden incoming change in traitors diets🤣🤣


The amazing thing about all this is that for those of us civilians who understand and believe what’s going on behind the DS/Cabal lies,we’re slowly watching justice taking place. And it gives us courage to patiently wait to see light at the end of the tunnel! Each dead cabal member infuses us with hope! Thanks,WH! 👏👏👏


Keep waiting sparky. Maybe a thousand more years.

Truth Seeker

You and your low life sub human ilk are on the executor’s list.


I’m so scared….


Spot on!


That tunnel is one very long mother f’er.

Karen B

You are soo right; we are blessed to have eyes that see and ears that hear.😊 Great observation.💓


I’m surprised that a steel cable wasn’t used to hang that fat ass.


Sentenced to be executed on the 17th, 17 is the number of the letter “Q”, Trump is Q+, coincidence maybe, or not.



Truth Seeker



I have a 17 yo grandchild. Maybe he’s Q.


I farted 17 times today. Maybe I’m Q.


Anyone who keeps track of how many times a day he farts has some introspection problems, and way too much oxygen being wasted on him.


You got a point.


I have 17 pairs of socks. Just call me Q.


I’m so confused, I have 17 left socks. All the right ones are missing.

Last edited 1 hour ago by Blackhat

It was a message that was sent cold.

Last edited 1 hour ago by goober

When the Florida governor takes over the assassin Ryan Wesley ! The marines should show up at the state prison and pick up that CIA goon Wesley for conspiracy of murder like that did to Katie Hobbs an send Wesley to the gallows!


Google is now paying $300 to $500 per hour for doing work online work from home. Last paycheck of me said that $20537 from this easy and simple job. Its amazing and earns are awesome. No boss, full time freedom and earnings are in front of you. This job is just awesome. Every person can makes income online with google easily….
M­­­­­­o­­­­­­r­­­­­­e­ D­­­­­­e­­­­­­t­­­­­­a­­­­­­i­­­­­­l­­­­­­s For Us→→→→ Www.Payathome9.Com

Last edited 13 hours ago by Barney
Deneze Lujanen

White Hats are my HEROS.. go get them..Freedom is Now..


Some people need invisible friends.


Tell us about it and how it feels….. plz.

Deneze Lujanen

made my day.where did the real Trudeau he in Gito or did he hang yet..Treason,money Launderin,Child Trafficking,Fraud,Espionage,Racketeering,
we want that Clone/Actor fake Trudeau and all those corruppted Liberals/NDP out of Canada..and all his illegals out of Canada[known as the 51 state of the Constitutional Republic of North America.we want all the bad ones out of North America… Dead i hope..


Easy on the actors. They’ve been hired to do a job. That’s it. Maybe a few on the dark side, I think not many. Their job is to expose the leftist agenda so more can understand, by means of being SHOWN, that’s it.

Susan Banks

He’s playing a bad part but is good. We shall see.


BREAKING: 20 Supporters Seated Behind Trump Onstage Rushed to ER with Blurred Vision and Eye Burns After Rally in Tucson, Arizona
https:// www.


Arizona Globe journalist Christy Kelly has reported a troubling development following former President Donald Trump’s rally in Tucson, Arizona, last Thursday.


I pray they are okay!


they sure hate us so badly


nobody hates anyone


shut up.


The sun is evil


Arizona heat stroke. I know this well.


ht tps://

Frederick Carreon

Another one bites the dust. Good Riddance, Mr. Bragg☠️☠️☠️.



American Living in Canada

From NCI…

To the Friends of the National Citizens Inquiry:

The National Citizens Inquiry is a citizen led, citizen funded initiative to expose the truth and bring accountability to our governments and institutions, including our courts, police, schools, healthcare, regulatory systems and more.
We have amazing individuals who have agreed to testify at the NCI hearings in Vancouver, BC on October 17, 18th and 19th.

We anticipate that the testimony will be riveting and revealing.

Canada will be changed by this testimony, but we need you to help to finance the hearings.

We simply can not do this without you.

Hearings involve many components: an A/V team to record and live broadcast the hearings. Commissioners and counsel to hear the testimony. Experts and lay individuals to provide testimony. Then there are the expenses of a venue, hotel accommodations, travel expenses, and more.
To date we have compiled the largest library of testimony on the government’s response to COVID given under oath in the world.
We have generated compelling reports that expose the truth and provide recommendations to make Canada better for our children.
It is because of what was revealed that we are broadening our scope to address the safety of our children and grandchildren. For most of us, this is why we do what we do.

Please join us in continuing the National Citizens Inquiry. It is your inquiry Canada, and one that we feel will benefit all of our children.”

American Living in Canada

For the Canadians up here… from C3RF…. Rebel News has been on this since forever… also.

Seen a disturbing site… a lone person driving in their car…. all masked up in 27 degree Celsius temp…. poor soul.

Canadians must stop Bill C-63!Editor’s note: In this article originally published in the National Post, Barbara Kay rips the façade off  Bill C 63 to expose it for the totalitarian, freedom-crushing piece of legislation that it is. Increasingly, Western countries are using hate speech legislation to silence criticism of poorly thought-out government policies on matters such as immigration and multiculturalism and to prevent citizen reporting about their consequences. Canada is positioning itself as a leader in this censorial trend.
The wrapping to make the horror show that is Bill C-63 more palatable includes regulations against child pornography and online bullying, among other items already covered by the criminal code or that could easily be included as amendments. But the meat of the bill is in the proposed regulations that would crush free speech by empowering the federal cabinet to bypass Parliament in creating legislation and encourage grievance-mongers to make frivolous and malicious accusations without consequence, all while imposing draconian penalties on offenders, or people merely thought (by some anonymous person) to be likely to be an offender. Bill C-63 makes a mockery of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
We hope that readers of Barbara Kay’s article will sign our petition for Parliament to withdraw or (should it be passed) repeal this bill (it is now in second reading). We are currently seeking a member of Parliament to agree to authorize the online publication of our petition. We will notify our members when this has been done and also post the link to our petition on our website. We also invite you to write your member of Parliament and the prime minister to express your concerns. For Canadians who believe in freedom, now is the time to stand up.

American Living in Canada

From druthers….

“We have all been under the tyranny of the social system for quite some time. I do believe it was not as bad as it was a few hundred years ago. It is worse now. The system itself is tyrannical. “Do this, do that, give up this, give up that, all for the benefit of your fellow man, your neighbour, your neighbour’s neighbour—or simply to be safe yourself.” Yes, all cultural systems require a bit of that, but in order to retain your freedom this sort of “give for the betterment of the community” must always be voluntary.
Follow your bliss, follow your joy in your defiance of the powers that wish to make you a slave—be free, as free as the wind blows, follow your heart.”

American Living in Canada

Follow your bliss, follow your joy in your defiance of the powers that wish to make you a slave—be free, as free as the wind blows, follow your heart.”

That’s me in a nutshell… how bout you all?




Good luck to you and God bless!


You know what it’s like to die not by Gitmo? You saw your friends pass away. You saw your son cracking. You see a 57 year old women who was a Doctor of nursing dying. Never jabbed. They are gone. I don’t walk away more . I take my vitamins but refuse any chemo. I want my son to be taken care of.31 with PTSD. I’m his mum and can’t take care of him anymore. His Dad died of melanoma 2019.


Have you tried a support group?


Get him on chlorine dioxide,


Ask Jesus to forgive your sins. Tell Him you believe He died on the cross and arose in 3 days. Ask Him to come into your heart.

Ask your son to say the same prayer and he will be taken care of.

As soon as you do this you will be washed clean from all sins of your past and will be ready for Heaven!


Very well said 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Med Beds will be here soon from what I understand with them we can live to eternity, if you can practice meditation that will help when it’s time to use a Med Bed. The cut off age to go back is 28. Imagine your 85 and you get in a Med Bed you climb out a young 28 year old. Your son will not have
PTSD when he climbs out. I am 58 when I climb out I will be 30 years younger the great age 28 any one older than 58 will be 28 again in perfect health eyes 20/20, hearing both ears will hear a pen drop a few feet away. Hope this helps it’s coming.

Last edited 13 hours ago by Strike17



Interesting thing to hope for but I wouldn’t get my hopes too high. Simple thing to consider. Who developed this tech? Does DJT and family know about it? But haven’t used it? Worse, wouldn’t it have been a deep state thing for us to now be discovering ? Who used it? Why wouldn’t they? Surely you’d see somebody besides Tom Cruise who ages somehow slowly (good genes, healthy living I presume) look like they’re back to 28 years of age? At least one? A little logic goes a long way to avoiding some serious let downs. I’m not making fun of you, or knocking anybody for being hopeful, rather I don’t like seeing the innocent get such serious let downs, it can hit hard. A little discernment is healthy.

Last edited 9 hours ago by CallMeSkeptical

You are going to be SO disappointed when you finally realize that medbeds are not real, and they are also biologically impossible


fuck yer son

fuck u

junky whore






Last edited 12 hours ago by MAGA100

You should check out Jerry Marzinsky’s website. Engineering sanity.

Phantom Phlyer

I wish the best to you Steph. I hope things get better for all of us with a Trump win and gets better for you too.


I, along with my senior pastor, witnessed the execution of Dennis McGuire here in Ohio, some years ago. McGuire murdered Joy Stewart, was convicted and sentenced to death for his crime. It’s not difficult to watch someone executed because they’re guilty. I, along with our ministry team visited McGuire on death row at Chillicothe Correctional on a number of visits before his execution.

The difficult part is, being a witness for the condemned. You get to Lucasville prison around 4pm the day before the execution. After you go through all the checks, you go to a room where the condemned inmate’s family gathers. The prison has a couple of psychologists in the room. The inmate controls whom they want to visit with them.

McGuire’s children and grandson (maybe 13 or 14 years old) were in the room that day. You wait to see if the inmate requests you to visit. As it happened, we had dinner with the head prison chaplain that evening. She was required to attend the execution along with the Director of Corrections.

You are given instructions on where to park the next morning, away for the protesters that gather just outside the prison.

You once again sit in that room for a few hours before the execution. There is a separate room for the victims family to sit, down the hall. The Director of Corrections was Gary Mohor at that time. He came in to tell how he didn’t like doing this but, it had to be done. At one point, I had to use the washroom, looked out the window to see a hearse pull up to the gate.

McGuire’s grandson told him, “you’re going to kill my grandfather.” This was the most difficult part of witnessing the execution. Joy Stewart’s family indicated they forgave him but he still needed to be punished for his crime of murder.

Murder in the Bible is described as the “shedding of innocent blood.” This article describes killing in war times. Sorry, not sorry! We are in an war and this doesn’t rise to the occasion of murder. These people are not innocent!


And just as importantly, if they win this, not only will they put the vocal patriots like us in FEMA camps or worse, they’ll line up every single Trump voter for the guillotine.


Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord


It really made my day. Truth is out there.


Out there, not here.


up yer moms anus


Go eat a hot dog 🐕


Wow – this is great news. Bravo to JAG and the White Hats, and thank you MB! Now… let’s see Engmoron, Merchan and Letitia James disappeared next. Be sure to circulate the tribunals/hangings to all the Fed “judges” on these phony cases. Bet they will start to chill out on backstabbing DJT when they see their partners in crime dropping like flies.


Excellent information
Thank you Michael


Speaking of Guam, I just perused Google Earth over the most recent views of Guam, and unlike Gitmo, I see absolutely nothing resembling the kind of prison fortifications noted at GTMO. Unless it’s all constructed since March 8th of this year, the date of the imagery, it’s also fiction. And I doubt you’ll have underground fortifications on a little island out in the middle of the Pacific.


Google Earth would only show what the military allows.

” . . . They are doing a lot of operations that no one is hearing about. 
I have talked about the JAG ships that are off the coasts of Australia, Japan, Italy and England. Those are four that I am consistently updated on about when and where the tribunals are happening. Large numbers of arrests are happening. The JAG ships also serve as prisons. 

You can go online and see the construction expansions of GITMO from when Trump took office to what it looks like now, pictures that show how it continues to expand, to include a hospital. It has expanded at the Guam facility as well. 
The military is and has been very, very busy for the past three years holding tribunals.”

~Dr. Jan Halper, U.S. political analyst, DOD Task Force Advisor on Rumble, September 13, 2024


BTW, you do know Google is a leftist entity. 🙂


AND IS KNOWN TO OBFUSCATE IMAGES deemed critical for military entities around the world.


and do what, substitute other buildings in the overhead map that could easily be traced back from earlier times to be something else and seen as fakery?


DOD Task Force Advisor on Rumble” = buuuuuullshiiiiiiiiiit


Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes gives us so much good info and she’s in the thick of things. Another confirmation that these tribunals are real.

Also if you have a relationship with our Lord and savior, ask Him. He’ll tell you absolutely these tribunals are real.

Listen to God’s modern day prophets, they’ll tell you the same. Read the Bible, God always speaks to His prophets in times like these. He also warns people who refuse to listen to them or speaks bad about them.


Thank you. I totally agree!!!!


He also says they should be put to death if they’re wrong. That’s all of them. Except me, Trump will lose.


But Gitmo is clear as a bell, there’s no misunderstanding what looks from above to be medium and max security prisons, very large ones. No reason Guam wouldn’t also be visible, and besides, every square acre of Guam is already spoken for, with 3 or 4 airfields, a whole living infrastructure, shopping malls, you name it. So where would the prisons be? Unlike Gitmo, which I watched develop over the past 15 years or so from a patch of sand with a few outbuildings on it.


This guy is a plumber from Sandusky. Doctor of drains


Well since Guam is unstable and could flip anytime, they build underground for center of gravity.


LOL What was his name, Senator Johnson? Some people amaze me that they can even get out of bed and get dressed without a helper.


Google also shows Antarctica- but it’s a lie as The Bible declared the world flat with a firmament.

Google has no authority!


Surf Nazare

where does it say it is flat—

Dave Strickland

So why is the Earth flat but not the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, and all their moons? And the Sun for that matter?


The Bible says nothing about the Earth being flat


In Michael’s mind, it’s all there. If you squint and look at the Google images just right, you might be able to see something

Christo dogood

About time. Next?


Another on bites the dust! Another one bites the dust!


Congratulations. You are the 63rd person to post that tired Freddie Mercury lyric. All hail the queen of Queen




Hanging seems so 1860’s.
Why not just shoot them?


Firing squad members were having some mental problems with shooting the guilty. Seems like hangings must be less of a problem.


We don’t need humans to pull triggers with robots that can roller skate and do gymnastics.
The fact they hang these guys makes these stories less credible.


I know, just arrange some guns behind porta johns, seat the condemned, and press a switch to fire the rifle into the back of their heads. No guilt. Drain into toilet. N E X T.

Last edited 9 hours ago by CallMeSkeptical

The firing squad members didn’t have any issues shooting obama in the head.

One of Obama’s clones was also killed. His clone now made the mistake of wearing super tight polyester tan pants and in the picture you can easily see he has no penis and no testicals.


pics or it didn’t happen.


Gunny, Ain’t it cheaper to hang?


30.06 is less than $1 a round and we have 10 million rounds left over from WW2.
Carry On!

Phantom Phlyer

A firing squad makes a mess. A PFC or a L/Cpl will have to clean it up.


That makes a lot of sense.


Don’t they have pig farms on Gitmo or Guam?

Nukken Futz

But it’s not messy, no blood and body spatter to clean up, just a stretched, contorted neck geometry and grimaced face……


Another one bites the dust. The hellish planet opens it’s gates to receive yet another traitor from the earthly planet.


Warming his self by the fire with the rest of them.



Here comes another one‼️
HELLS’ to the YEAH‼️❤️🤍💙



No water or food in hell but you can’t die of hunger or thirst, you’re already dead. But you still want water and food.


Crazy how they still think they can win. I guess Arrogance has no reality meter.


They already won.
Biden destroyed the nation and economy in 4 years, then appointed Kamala to finish the job.
They have IMPORTED over 20 million new soldiers, they have allowed over ONE MILLION CHINESE NATIONALS into the country and EVERY ONE is military trained by CHINESE LAW.
They are communists and have been very patient building their VICTORY since the early 1900’s.
Communism and ISLAM used to be ILLEGAL in the USA.
The fact that they are both legal now tells you everything you need to know.

These articles are all just fake pablum to keep US sitting on OUR hands and not actively fighting back while we still have a MINUTE chance of winning back what WE have already lost
Carry On,


Where do you get your MIS-information⁉️ Do you really believe the Biden appointed Kamal⁉️ What rank LIBTÆRD are you, SHILL⁉️🫵🤡👌



WTF are you spouting about dickhead?
It WAS the BIDEN administration you fuckwad fag.
It is now the HARRIS campaign.
Harris IS Biden’s VP.
What is the “mis-information”?

GO Suck a dik you commie fag.


lol Hell ta da YEAH


You’re way more likely correct than the other more hopeful, if facts matter. No proof at all anything good is happening, just stories about military working in the shadows, just like Operation Trust by the Bolsheviks in Russia (same people btw). And Trump meets regularly with king Satan Netanyahu, signed anti-semitism legislation with the dreadlock black hat faggots all behind him, most of his family are jews, and he dry humped the jew wailing wall, and had a coin minted in his honor in Israhell, plus had a village named after him there as well. Israel treats him like a messiah. Cause I guess in a way, to them, he is. Every single one of those are known facts, unlike every single story here. So what is more likely?

Last edited 9 hours ago by CallMeSkeptical

When can we expect to start reading about the exploits of “Unit X,” a more-secret-than-the-White-Hats brigade of commandos? They are supposedly raiding tunnels in Washington and freeing kids. C’mon MB, you’re getting scooped!

Dave Kelly



Many of us seek our information from many other sources. If you want so much more, then seek it.


Oh no, Unit X!


Benjamin Fulford swears they are real.