Marines Stop More Illegals from Voting in Virginia


As Marines in Fairfax County, Virginia, stopped 60 livid illegal immigrants from early voting Friday morning, a second squad of Devil Dogs opposed a band of Guatemalans near the Center Library, a voting location in Chesterfield. When the Marines arrived on the scene before sunrise, the illegals were already standing or sitting in line and waiting for the doors to open so they could vote for Kamala Harris.

The Marines, Spanish speakers among them, interrogated the illegals, who gave conflicting stories about why they were at the library three hours before the doors would open and how they had gotten there. Some claimed to be American citizens legally to support Harris, while others said they were library patrons, avid readers, looking to obtain a library card or borrow books.  As to how they got to the library, stories varied from friends dropping them off to having walked from nearby apartments or houses. None of the Guatemalans, however, had proof of residency or a driver’s license, but unlike the Mexicans that the Marines met at the Fairfax County Government Center, the Guatemalans had no voter registration cards. Two said they would be allowed to vote if, and only if, they showed up between 9:00-11:00 a.m., but they couldn’t provide a reason for the timeframe.

The Marines deduced that Democrats would have a Harris-friendly poll worker there between those hours to accommodate the illegals.

“If we don’t vote, we not get paid,” one illegal immigrant told the Marines.

When the Marines asked the name of the illegals’ financier, one admitted the money would be paid to them at a Virginia Department of Social Services office in Richmond, but only if they had proof they voted for Harris.

“This was a totally different deal than Fairfax. These Guatemalans didn’t say anything about Catholic Charities or an immigration law office. They were to get a ‘note’ from someone at the library and bring it to the social services to prove they voted. Naturally, we weren’t letting that happen,” our source said.

The Marines informed the illegal immigrants that the library was permanently closed, they were not voting and were not getting paid, and suggested they at once start hiking back to Guatemala.

The suggestion offended a middle-aged Guatemalan, who appeared to appoint himself the de facto spokesperson for the group.

“You don’t tell us what to do,” he said. “If can’t vote and get money, then you pay us, and we go.”

The Marines’ laughter further enraged the immigrant. He picked up a rock and hurled it as a pitcher would a heater in the strike zone, hitting a Marine on the back, stunning him momentarily.

The other Marines brandished their weapons and commanded the illegals to settle down, as the Marine who got struck suddenly lifted his attacker in the air and body slammed him to the pavement, then stepped on the guy’s throat.

“This ends now,” the Marines told them. “Leave. Go home. We don’t want you here. Trump’s deporting your asses on January 20 anyway. There’s nothing for you in America, just pain. We’ll be watching, and if you return, you’ll be shot.”

The Guatemalans scattered, and a few Marines remained near the library to ensure the illegal aliens did not return.

White Hats, our source said, are pursuing all leads.

We’ve been told encounters as described in the last two articles have occurred elsewhere in Virginia, and White Hats anticipate the crisis will escalate as other states open voting locations next month.

“We’ll be out in full force to stop any damn illegals we find,” our source said.

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to uphold the Constitution, to protect the Republic from all adversaries, foreign and domestic.


I don’t think we’ll have an election. Too much going on now.
Congress in trouble. Arrests in October when Congress is adjourned?


DJT should have had all election traitors across the country and 95% of Congress and USSC arrested, sent to GITMO and tried for treason on Nov. 4, 2020 and none of this would be happening now. And the totally FAKE Biden/Harris Satanic criminal regime would never have happened!

Unless national repentance from our mountain of sins occurs in the coming days, Almighty God will be drawing the line in the sand: “Enough is enough!” Pain, suffering and death will then come on a massive scale, followed by the return of King Jesus Christ ruling the world with only about 10% of the population being left alive.

Pray for our nation’s repentance and turning to God! There IS NO OTHER SOLUTION!


Conveniently happens in the early dawn when no witnesses could validate the activity. Funny that.


SMH. Thank to the Marines!

Victor T.

Great work White Hats, stopping Illegal Migrants from voting!
Why is there NO LAWS/SANTIONS for Democrat Criminals promoting
Illegal Voting???
We can not let the CORRUPT DEMOCRATS top get away with it again..
The 2020 Elections’ Fraud, was enough, and AMERICA SAYS, NO MORE!


Michigan Has Started The Steal. Democrat Governor Sending Out Partially Filled Out Ballots To The Entire State

They include her name and all Democrat talking points

Michigan Rep Jamie Thompson “Should State Governors be eliciting people to vote and sending them absentee applications that are partially filled out?”

true patriot

of course .


Hold the Guatemalaian transvestite face down,
Chop off his dick and his balls. he’ll and scream for Kamal Aroush to save him
Sew his genitals to his face.
Then shoot him in the head.!


I like it you are not voting no money so screw

David T

Cole Cobb DeSwines Ethel Rusty Comet Biggs Bofa has a new fake troll turd name.


Comet Ping Pong

Welcome aboard, Colin!
It’s great to have you as part of the team.


I highly suggest you keep an eye on Charlottesville as the main PO here has been acting like an embassy giving illegals papers.


Amen! Keep up the good work!
Semper Fi Marines!! 👍


The Central Library’s website in Chesterfield VA shows book covers by Anthony Fauci, Jen Psaki and Gretchen Whitmer. An alert about limited parking for early voting.(the only place in the county with early voting) It’s right next to an apartment complex with trees separating the areas. Lots of Chesterfield County government offices in the area. From the Chesterfield County BOE website:

Virginia Voter Eligibility RequirementsTo be eligible to vote in Virginia, a voter must:

  • Be a resident of Virginia (a person who has come to Virginia for temporary purposes and intends to return to another state is not considered a resident for voting purposes)
  • Be a U.S. Citizen
  • Be 18 years old (any person who is 17 years old and will be 18 years of age at the next general election shall be permitted to register in advance and vote in any intervening primary or special election)
  • Not be registered and plan to vote in another state
  • Not currently be declared mentally incompetent by a court of law
  • Have his/her/their right to vote restored if ever convicted of a felony

The White Hats need to visit Missy Vera, the general registrar and director of elections.

true patriot

I realized years ago the public library system is systemic with liberals controlling them. the books on display were always about liberal politicians and or liberal
authors. In 2016 in Casselberry fl. I went up to the main desk where the 3 liberals
always sat and knowing that I ask in a loud voice ” do you have the new york times
best seller by Dr. Michael Savage … Liberalism is a mental disorder” ?
That and my trump hat got me trespassed on some nothing complaint about a month later.


Maybe we just arrest the people inside allowing this, just a thought! Body slamming them would be a nice extra touch




The best days are coming ………………..USMARINE!


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Last edited 1 hour ago by Talisman

“Trump’s deporting your asses on January 20 anyway.”

This is the second time our Marines have said that—so matter-of-factly as to deny any possible rebuttal or argument. They know where we’re headed. And they’re going to make sure of it this time. They’ll move Heaven and Hell if they have to to prevent the evil Dimrats from cheating and stealing it this time. I just love our WHs and all patriots fighting for the truth! Stay strong. Go vote. 🇺🇸❤️🗽. TRUMP2024.

Last edited 1 hour ago by Storygirldc
Bill Meadows

“so matter-of-factly as to deny any possible rebuttal or argument”

Lol. Nonsense.


Notice, the only effective method appearing to convince them to leave is the threat of being shot dead.

Andrew Stevano

Unfortunately, yes. It works.


“The other Marines brandished their weapons and commanded the illegals to settle down, as the Marine who got struck suddenly lifted his attacker in the air and body slammed him to the pavement, then stepped on the guy’s throat.”

“This ends now,” the Marines told them. “Leave. Go home. We don’t want you here. Trump’s deporting your asses on January 20 anyway. There’s nothing for you in America, just pain. We’ll be watching, and if you return, you’ll be shot.”
👍 💪 😠 💪 👍


This is very evident proof, that these illegals BELIEVE that THEY own this country! 
 I wonder, Who told them that!
Take over those FEMA camps and fill them up for Deportees.


Why don’t they put up signs saying if you are a noncitizen and try to vote, you will be put to death. Written in every language. And post 2 soldiers at every one or nonmilitary volunteers. I’m sure there would be lots of volunteers very happy to stand guard at the voting booths.

Bill Meadows

Because that would be illegal?


Google is now paying $300 to $500 per hour for doing work online work from home. Last paycheck of me said that $20537 from this easy and simple job. Its amazing and earns are awesome. No boss, full time freedom and earnings are in front of you. This job is just awesome. Every person can makes income online with google easily….
M­­­­­­o­­­­­­r­­­­­­e­ D­­­­­­e­­­­­­t­­­­­­a­­­­­­i­­­­­­l­­­­­­s For Us→→→→ Www.Payathome9.Com

Last edited 1 hour ago by Talisman
Proudly Unaffiliated

I think we are going to need more than the Marines to handle this. Maybe the rest of the branches of the Armed Services will have to be employed for this duty. But the good news is this: the message is being sent loud and clear to the Deep State that they will not be able to use illegals for in-person voting. Period. #MAGA!


So, we may conclude that this is indeed THE START of the military intervention to ensure CONTINUITY OF GOVERNMENT! We have busloads of illegal foreigners attempting to vote using fake IDs and once voted being given means to PROVE they voted by the poll worker in exchange of CASH! Omygosh. These dupes are doomed. All of them, illegal foreigners and the ones holding public office at variance with their oaths! TREASON is death penalty!


I sincerely hope these meet & greet parties are only bait for a large surprise event! The deep state goons are going to make an evil impression at some point. Great God Almighty, Your will be done in all this mess.


I say it’s time to enact the victorious Brunson case. Fire all of senate, Congress and the present administration and reinstate Trump to his rightful position as POTUS!


FIX 2020!!!!!

Last edited 54 minutes ago by Bertha

It was approved almost immediately but tabled until the right moment. General public was NOT informed
We are in a war and the ending is not discussed with the public’s knowledge


Did the Brunson actually pass? I thought it had been stopped several times.

Lance E Uhl

If the Military is in charge, this voting is irrelevant due to the water marked ballots. Unlike 2020, the Military will end this before November 5th, for the Brunson case overthrows the current administration and dissolves Congress and Senate. In the end, God wins.


Make sure you keep telling yourself that for another 4 years bro


For some reason, when I try to hit “like” it tells me I’ve already liked that comment. It’s happened to all of the comments that I hadn’t even read yet! It’s almost like someone has taken over control of my phone. Hopefully, it’s a glitch in the site.

Linda Johnson

It appears there is a glitch in the system.


Fixing to be lots of folks stepping on throats in the near future. Hoped it wouldn’t come to this but here we are

Karen B

GOD bless those Devil Dogs!!!💃🙃🤗😍 Thank you, precious American-Made Soldiers of Strength and Conviction!!!🙌👏👏
Isn’t it dumb founding to hear the boldness and violence of these illegal migrants?!? They bring their hatred and disrespect for even the hands that feed them while they are trespassing on our land and draining our economy dry. They are Not like us Americans. They are savages, imo.
You Military soldiers are going to be busy from now on going from early voting all over our country. I will pray for your safety and protection; as I am sure many Americans will, who know what you are doing stopping these savages from illegally voting. You do it for others, yourselves, all our families, every American citizen from coast to coast, and we love you for your sacrifices and determination. May the Lord send his army of angelic hosts to surround you all wherever the fight still rages on: “Battle Hymn of the Republic “, baby!!!🗡🛡🛐💟🙌🤗


Isn’t it dumb founding to hear the boldness and violence of these illegal migrants?

Yes, for a normal person that has humility and respect for others, this is true. But for someone who is very proud, narcissistic, sociopathic or psychopathic, this is the norm.


I’d give no warning and SHOOT all of them DEAD !


Why aren’t they taking names of people who are complying? See who is writing a note that they voted. Isn’t that treasonous, too!


Because none of these people exist Jan


Why can’t we shoot the illegals onsite for trying to interfere in our elections???

Andrew Stevano

Morally it may not be appropriate. However, legally I think one can make an argument for it.

Andrew Stevano

Especially if they are throwing rocks. Rocks can kill.


Anyone, correct me if I’m wrong, but during a time of War, [Trump declares he is a war time president], and so these illegals are actually ‘invaders’ and any American Citizen has the right to legally shoot enemy combatants on sight. Best to be ready at every split second.


The Sheriff of this Virginia County should be aware of this Marine presence, right? How does this stuff happen with no one else reporting it? Something is not right here, it seems to me!

Naked Came I

Got a pal in N.VA. He’ll know if it’s happened.

Lucy Cwiklinski

Bless these Marines and all our military in fighting the MAGA movement❣️💪🏻🇺🇸


Just stomp a mud hole up their illegal asses and tell them that is their payment and if they don’t go back to their home country, they can expect more of the same.


Old Q drop. THOSE WHO KNOW cannot sleep.


Google is now paying $300 to $500 per hour for doing work online work from home. Last paycheck of me said that $20537 from this easy and simple job. Its amazing and earns are awesome. No boss, full time freedom and earnings are in front of you. This job is just awesome. Every person can makes income online with google easily….
M­­­­­­o­­­­­­r­­­­­­e­ D­­­­­­e­­­­­­t­­­­­­a­­­­­­i­­­­­­l­­­­­­s For Us→→→→ Www.Payathome9.Com

Last edited 2 hours ago by Talisman



Thank you, again, White Hats. But, the next time you encounter an entitled illegal, and are telling them you don’t want them here, you can speak on my behalf too. I don’t want them here either!


Wow. Voting isn’t about earning money. Great job marines! Looks like pill workers need to be vetted, more like picking a jury. Harris isn’t even eligible to be on the ballots. 🤬🤬🤬

Karen B

right, Right and RIGHT! Great comment!🇺🇸💖


Way to go, Marines! Kick their sorry asses all the way back to Guatemala! If the WH’s need extra manpower to monitor these illegal bums, I’m sure the RH’s and state militias would be happy to lend a hand!! We’re mad as hell and not going to take it anymore!!!

true patriot

So is the library closed or did he just say that and what
about the social services office set up for illegals, is that closed as well ?
I wish we could know in each of these incidents that illegals do not have
a place to come back to to vote.

Bill Harrill

I voted yesterday in Virginia at my local courthouse. One reason I did it was because I am over sixty five and could vote without waiting in any lines. Another reason I voted early is because I didn’t want to show up at voting time only to find out that I had previously voted in the election where my name was stolen by someone else.
As soon as I was on site, I was given a piece of paper by some democrat. At first, I thought it was one of the city personal who come to your car to verify identity. I took it because I didn’t know who all the republican canidates were, besides the obvious ones, and just used their list as who not to vote for.
All I can tell you is that it appeared that most people were Trump voters, not a lot were there, but there were a few voters. I voted at a local courthouse, but there was no evidence of any illegals.
Where I voted, there are only two ways you can vote early, either be 65 or older or handicapped.
Last time I voted there was another area where people under 65 could vote. I don’t know if that is the same as last time. But there is a convenience to being over 65. You show up in your car, they verify your license, okay, still isn’t the absolute answer, but once you are verified, they bring you a black envelop out to you while you are in your car and you can fill the ballot out in your car, put it back in the black envelope and leave.
If Virginia goes blue, blame northern Virginia, as in Fairfax county. That is the problem in Virginia, not so much the rest of the state.
If you are out and about, plenty of Trump signs are out. Haven’t seen any Harris signs.

Karen B

Thanks for reporting.💗


That way of voting seems sus to me. How do you know that your vote was even put in safe holding until the election?? They could’ve easily opened it, saw who you voted for and discarded it. That needs to be looked into more methinks. 🥴

Protein 101


Victo Bravo

They are enemy combatants. Eliminate them all.


They probably wanted to; but I think they all got the message once the Marines showed their fire power! And the ‘entitled rock thrower’ probably can’t eat for a week!

John .S

Nah, creating clean-up mess at public location.

Local popo gets involved via cop-caller, fire dept rolls out apparatus, ambulance in route, media hears all dispatch over scanner, creating spectacle.

Being discrete is gone in high stakes electoral warfare.

Poor janitor or grounds keeper brings out garden hose washing down area with disinfected. Sadly nobody would buy him or her a cocktail at lunch.

John .S

Suspect marines took names of poll workers after getting their automobile license plate numbers upon arrival. Poll workers may have an issue.

No doubt marines wearing body cams, capturing images to correspond with DMV data via uncooperative could say, noncompliant poll workers, in hyperbole of them yipping: “4th & 5th Amendment” raising the complicit level.

Most poll workers seen are senior citizens, and financially struggling people, not driving new or luxury car. Herein, poll workers driving nice car as red flag for me.

Last edited 2 hours ago by John .S

Nothing in this story happened John


Well, there is something like 230million voters (is that right?) heading for the polls by November. Preventing them showing up looks a bit thin.

There needs to be military overseeing the polling centres (with guns) to prevent fraud voting.

Non-residents should not try to vote. Make it known that any attempt to vote illegally will get an immediate arrest and invite to GTMO.

And some Military techies (with guns) preventing voting routers talking to the world.

Get rid of those drop-boxes, or have military collect the votes and deliver to the polling centres.

And the Polling centres under military guard (with guns) over night until the end of the counting so van-loads of ‘Aris votes do not materialise in the night.

All the existing cops need clearing out of the halls.

That’s just the surface.

This is all WAY WAY too little too late. It looks very much like the last election, sad to say. Lots of talk but no effective action. And then all the carping afterwards.


Drop them in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico and them to start swimming.


Why let them go? They’ll just try again somewhere else.

John .S

Why? Illegal migrants will catter their unfortunate marine interaction umoungst themselves, and will reverberate thoughout other migrant encampments as cause for concern, potentially suppressing their fast-cash endeavors.

Street talk travels fast, could say, group text.

Presumably, migrants will question those that lure them, also brokers that furnish deal, could say, heightened awareness.


Should have shot the rock thrower! A dead illegal who questioned and assaulted the marine, would send that message by express!


Body slamming……a pic of what’s to come! Gotta get my popcorn!!! 😂😂🤣🤣🤣


That makes me so incredibly angry. We need to put them all in FEMA camps till they are deported. And the Catholic Charities, Social Services, Library, Immigration office people, and anyone else involved needs to head straight to Gitmo.


Catholic Charities are not the only religious organization doing human trafficking and paying transportation entities to drive illegal invaders to polling stations. The Lutheran Churches [Charities] are also grossly negligent and committing hundreds and thousands of acts of treason every hour of every day. These organizations and church workers need to be dismantled and arrested; sent to Gitmo and processed into a trash pile of treasonous ashes!