NAVY SEALs Find and Trash Sean “Diddy” Combs’ Adrenochrome Stockpile


Navy SEALs on Tuesday ransacked a Miami warehouse where Sean “Diddy” Combs hoarded a thousand Adrenochrome infusion bags stored in refrigerated chests, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

White Hats, he said, learned of the stash from one of Combs’ former acquaintances whom Gen. Smith has placed in protective custody. Although our source wouldn’t name the informant, he said the individual and Combs are intimate acquaintances, and that Combs had groomed and sexually exploited the person from adolescence. The person—we believe it’s Justin Bieber—had been used as a “sexual prop” at Combs’ star-studded “Freak offs,” where Adrenochrome flowed like tap water. Drug use, sexual molestations, physical violence, and murders occurred with alarming regularity at Combs’ jamborees, our source said.

“This person has concrete, specific details about Combs’ criminal empire, his guests, and his dark tendencies. I’m sure you’ve heard the expression ‘you can’t make this shit up,’ and well, much of what he said, you can’t make that shit up. And he was polygraphed,” our source said.

According to the witness, Combs in 2015 had purchased a warehouse in the Port of Miami under a fictitious name and revamped the building to hold dozens of upright medical refrigerators in which he stashed substantial amounts of refined Adrenochrome. The witness told White Hats that Combs sourced Adrenochrome from both domestic and overseas sellers. Combs picked Adrenochrome with malevolent, fastidious care; he bought products only from dealers that specified adrenal fluid, the drug’s principal ingredient, had been harvested from Caucasian children between three and nine years old.

“We were told this warehouse was restocked often,” our source said.

Gen. Smith, he added, asked allies at Naval Special Warfare Command to discretely investigate the warehouse and destroy any Adrenochrome stockpiled within.

At 3:00 a.m. Tuesday, an unspecified SEAL team approached the Port of Miami from Biscayne Bay on a Combatant Craft Medium, also called a stealth boat, a multi-mission tactical craft built to infiltrate and exfiltrate Special Operation Forces and conduct special reconnaissance operations. It delivered the SEALs to the southeast tip of Dodge Island, and they crept stealthily toward the target, navigating through the labyrinth of shipping containers that dotted the island like rows of dominoes. Having reached the building undetected, the SEALs split into four-man teams and began looking for guards and anti-intrusion devices that might alert someone to their presence.

Muffled voices echoed in the distance—cruise ship personnel and dockworkers manning cranes that clamorously hoisted containers in the air and lowered them onto a berthed cargo ship. The SEALs found and disabled four security cameras, then slipped a fiberoptic camera through a tiny gap between the cement landing and the bay door. The well-illuminated building, lit by fluorescent ceiling lights, was empty save for the 15 refrigerators that hummed audibly.

The SEALs used bolt cutters to snap and break the locks and chains on the door. Inside, they found exactly what the witness had said was in the warehouse; fridges loaded with intravenous bags filled with an amber liquid. It certainly was not saline solution. They saved one bag from each fridge as evidence and sliced open the rest. In one refrigerator they also found a notebook, perhaps an enchiridion of Diddy’s dastardly deeds, that had what appeared to be people’s initials, times, and dates.

“The SEALs trashed the refrigerator and left a note saying the place was shut down; if they had to come back, they’d catch and kill the suppliers. They successfully left Dodge Island and forwarded their findings to Gen. Smith,” our source said.

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pretty cool that the General has that notebook. There goes diddy’s insurance.


Patsy Cline. I fall to pieces.


Off topic, but not 100% off topic

Congress in trouble again.

There’s a Trump account on X that says:

Oct 1st
New beginning
End of them

Did you know Congress can only
be arrested when adjourned
October 1st Congress adjourns
For 30 days
Done in 30 days, IYKYK
Charges of treason and sedition etc etc


If ones gotta Pay for delusion, it ain’t News, its a psyop…


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Last edited 19 minutes ago by escole17

Do your research it appears that the diddler had a house extremely close to where this dodge island is located like he could possibly see this warehouse from his residence and cargo containers that we have heard are involved in human trafficking in the past


🇺🇸Thank you beautiful military.❤️


Thank you, MB, and excellent work, General Smith, Navy Seals, et al of our badass military patriots. Give this criminal, murdering pervert scum his deserved justice, then make a complete list of his partners in crime from evidence gathered. Then go out and GET every one of them, line them up and they get the same. No mercy – we Patriots have had it with these low-lifes. We WILL make America great again… and be truly free again.


He also had “White Parties” haven’t listened to the podcast on that yet on YouTube. Still at work.


These people are freaking vampires. May they rot in hell.


Good job whitehats, general excellent job, lock them up, whatever else goes with the crime.


Google is now paying $300 to $500 per hour for doing work online work from home. Last paycheck of me said that $20537 from this easy and simple job. Its amazing and earns are awesome. No boss, full time freedom and earnings are in front of you. This job is just awesome. Every person can makes income online with google easily….
M­­­­­­o­­­­­­r­­­­­­e­ D­­­­­­e­­­­­­t­­­­­­a­­­­­­i­­­­­­l­­­­­­s For Us→→→→ Www.Payathome9.Com

Last edited 45 minutes ago by escole17

15 refrigerators, 15 sample bags, and quality detainees that are protected. Wow, God is on our side big time on this major bust. May we all assume, MANY evil folks are now going to be in mega pain and suffering because of short supply. Yee Haw


My super secret stockpile is safe.

Lori Miller

I watch the Port of Miami and a day ago there was a fire burning. Wonder if it was the warehouse?


Lord Jesus, burn them all alive, have no mercy upon them, rip them in half from their asses to their faces and cast them into the Abyss. In Jesus Name we pray, amen.


Thought Jesus was associated with Christianity. Wrong?


This is exactly how I envision Christians. They talk peace and love but evil as hell.


A bit dramatic, friend, but I understand your ire with the traffickers. The traffickers & adrenochrome users, have sentenced themselves to the Abyss – without any special commands by the Lord. The abusers will be vanquished to hell which was prepared by God for Lucifer & the fallen angels / demons. Our prayers do, however, continue for other possible victims (trafficked persons) that they may be freed asap by our patriots, as well as prayers for US voters to return President Trump to office as soon as possible.


Accurate, actionable intelligence…no casualties…successful mission.

Trust the warehouse owner and suppliers will be made aware of the results.

Carry on.


Good job! It’s to bad they didn’t set up a mouse trap with it. And nab more of these sickos.

Eggy’s Mother

Excellent work, White Hats.
I suspect the witness is Justin Bieber, as well.


Lol Mike is now claiming on Twitter that medbeds will be rolled out next year but they will be fake and will kill everyone. Isn’t Trump supposed to be President next year, guys? I guess he’ll just sit back and allow them to do this like he allowed vaccines!

“When medbeds are unveilled next year, don’y lay in them, for they are really death beds made by the Deep State, and will kill anyone who visits “med bed” clinics.”

Dave Smith

Where are you getting your information from . Why should anyone trust what you say please reveal your source.

Sam I am

The wages of sin – death/ gift of repentance and asking Jesus ( Yeshia) to be your King and Lord – Life abundantly!!!
No 1 is born Christian All Christians were born miserable sin full human beings
Read Bible John 3:3-4 ask God the Father to reveal His Word for you to understand

Andrew Stevano

Michael, question, what happened in the end to Joint Chiefs Chairman Charles Brown? The last article we had him trying to pull a Milley while in interrogation. Thanks,


Think of all the movies that can be made after all this is said and done. Wow


I hear some of the confiscated video footage is worse than Frazzle Drip. Imagine the trauma of those reviewing the tapes.


If that doesn’t justify hanging that bastard, then nothing will. He needs to be in a military trial not civilian court for crimes against humanity.

Last edited 1 hour ago by shess

1967 1993 2019 2014 2023 My alibi

Dave Smith

For what? Do you need a alibi for ?


You don’t get it


DS just exposed yourself Kay. Reverse the numbers.I know. 1967202319672014 Let’s add on bel1885. It’s your own device


Please White Hats, Send some news we don’t have to vomit over. The thought of these children is more than a normal person can take. I hurt for the parents too, who are wondering where are their children. Years, months, days, it doesn’t matter. It is a life time to a parent. Sick, so sick. For the people who have to feed, watch, guard, and cleanup after the puck of the puck, God bless you. Pres. Trump, you are one big hero to tackle this job. May you be rich with love.


Distastful and distressing for sure. If you don’t like it don’t read these reports. EASY.


Send some news we don’t have to vomit over. ” But the audience demands violence. Go to tik tok. The children loved the process.


Wow this Diddy demon is worse than we thought. I hope the White Hats manage to get their hands on him and a lot of his fellow demonic friends. He won’t get away with all the rapes, torture, murders, etc. etc. that he has been involved in. What a disgusting monster. I pray that Justin Bieber will one day get some relief from what they have done to him. Hanging these demonic monsters would be a first start. We have heard for years that Justin Bieber was sexually assaulted by pedophiles in Holly Wood. The other 2 have no doubt had similar experiences or knew too much about Diddy’s activities. Why has it taken so long to come to the light? Lord help these innocent children who have gone through hell for the gratification of demons. I can’t wait until the 2 Obama demons are exposed and hanged to death in front of God and the entire world.

Godspeed to DJT, the White Hats, and all patriots everywhere.


Didn’t Justin Bieber go for it? He said so in one song:
” I went for a new Ferrari and lost my soul”


So, no evidence then? 🤔

Jonathan Ray Carmona

Are you being stupid on purpose? They kept one bag from each fridge and the notebook – that is called EVIDENCE!


“They saved one bag from each fridge as evidence and sliced open the rest. In one refrigerator they also found a notebook, perhaps an enchiridion of Diddy’s dastardly deeds, that had what appeared to be people’s initials, times, and dates.”

Claire Winter

Seals kept three bags of evidence from the three refrigerators.


No RRN story has ever had evidence, bro. Same as it ever was.


They kept a bag from each fridge?


“They saved one bag from each fridge for evidence and slashed the rest.” It’s right in the article!


They should have given that to me.


How many children had to be tortured for how long to extract that much Adrenochrome? What becomes of those poor children? Death is too good for these evil doers. Elites getting high off terrorizing kids – abominable


Rumor has it they’re repeatedly tortured and adrenochrome rich blood drawn until the body can’t do it anymore, then it is murdered, and if the other rumors are true, at least some of it goes into McDonald’s burgers.


Yeah…haven’t had a Big Mac in 5 years. Guilty until proven innocent on that one.


We implemented tickle torture. White hat Children are very ticklish.


69 children had to be tortured for 69 hours

Eve Bright

I also remember the prophesy that Kim Clement’s daughter had replayed just recently about a storm that her dad saw in the vision or a dream starting from the north east going to the south east of America. What a coincidence…P Diddy was arrested in New York which is in the north east of America then now this warehouse in Miami which is in the south east. Wow I’m having a goose bumps…this maybe it the big storm that Kim’s had seen on his vision or dream. Wow!!! “ON THE FALL MANY WILL FALL!” Here you go!!!

Last edited 1 hour ago by Eve Bright



Sean Doo Doo Combs is shitting his pants right now as he knows his days are numbered, either dead or behind bars for the rest of his life. POS deserves everything that’s coming for him.


Bless the Beasts and the Children
For in this world, they have no voice
They have no choice
Bless the Beasts and the Children,
For the World can never be
The World they see

Light their way
When darkness surrounds them
Give them love, let it shine all around them
Give them shelter from a storm
Keep them safe
Keep them warm

writers: Barry De Vorzon, Perry Botkin, Jr.,


Thank you! I screenshot it, it was so beautiful!


BREAKING: Diddy’s bodyguard says there are tapes of politicians at ‘freak offs’ and claims rapper ‘learned’ from other music moguls.


Yeah but P Diddy nigga the ring leader.

Lori Miller

Heard kamala is in them.


No surprise he learned from others. Please God bring ALL these sick people down for the sake of the children.


Truthful informant


The Catholic Church was satan. Both my mother and father were programmed. Both were separated in boy and girl schools. My mother at 17 gave birth. Then married another boy who wasn’t the real father. Ended up with 6 more kids. Lived a great life with a dad who was a PHD mathematician. Who raped his sons and daughters.


Steph, I am so sorry for what you and your siblings went through. You are IMO correct the Catholic Church is satanic. Unfortunately many churches have been infiltrated by Satan’s minions. I hope and pray you and your siblings find the peace that only comes through Jesus. May he wrap his arms of love around everyone of you.


Much love. Thank you blessed soul.


So sorry!😢


WOW!!! This is what the red shoe society within the catholic church is all about. Good hearted people are truly being deceived. 😏


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You do realize I’m / we’re not able to copy any of the links, listed in these posts…right? I am on my android cell & can NOT copy them.



Last edited 2 hours ago by Xena

ht tps://

Michael R Davis

Hussein and Big Mike ran a child trafficking ring, partying ring, specializing in ‘pizzas’ and ‘hot dogs’, out of the White House, with guests comprised of politicians, Hollywood stars, billionaires, foreign leaders, ISIS terrorists.Tunnels ran from the White House to deep under Arlington Cemetery, which was difficult for Special Forces to take without damaging the National Monument. DC is a terrible place, a real swamp and devils’ den, which needs to be torn down and abandoned. However, DC has also been an excellent place to prosecute and execute treasonous politician, soon to be about 98% of them according to Julian Assange.

https ://


It not only needs to be torn down and abandoned but set on fire to purify it IMO.



Last edited 2 hours ago by Xena
Rose Mary Abbott

I just hope nothing bad comes to Justin Bieber. One good thing came out of it and that was Justin ran straight into the arms of Jesus Christ! Now I know why he did it. Poor kid.


MK ULTRA. Not only for the elites. Please listen to the song hotel California. It’s hard to beat the demons who did this to me. But I am doing it. I know now. At least I know and I am spreading the truth. Some choose to remember.


Stand strong Steph! The world needs people like you.


Fifteen refrigerators full of bags of adrenochrome? Can you imagine how many children died for that? I fear this story will become much worse and we will all be so much more horrified. Heaven help us.


6 supreme court judges have been given death threats if they pronounce election fraud 2020. That is what DJT needs to be installed back in office. Pray. This is a spiritual battle against the highest demons

Rose Mary Abbott

I remember seeing a video with TD Jake’s naked belly sweating and he was dancing around like a regular thug at a Diddy party. I wanted to cry for my friends that USED to listen to him. The evil in this world is too much to handle.


Amazing how these people think they can get away with it, especially God’s wrath. I guess he really doesn’t believe in God.


I’d Bet Ron Osteen is the same thing!


Good job men. For God and Country.


‘According to the witness, Combs in 2015 had purchased a warehouse in the Port of Miami under a fictitious name and revamped the building to hold dozens of upright medical refrigerators in which he stashed substantial amounts of refined Adrenochrome. The witness told White Hats that Combs sourced Adrenochrome from both domestic and overseas sellers. Combs picked Adrenochrome with malevolent, fastidious care; he bought products only from dealers that specified adrenal fluid, the drug’s principal ingredient, had been harvested from Caucasian children between three and nine years old.’

Execute the traitor….. he raped, abused, trafficked, molested, sodomized, drugged, blackmailed intimidated, terrorized, restricted innocent human beings who did nothing wrong but try to make something of themselves and hang out with what they saw was n energetic fun-loving guy. He brutalized men, women and children, including little Ava Baroni Combs, whom he adopted. He got his sons, Christian King and Justin, and possibly one of his daughters in one report, in his demonic business activities of sex trafficking. He compromise two British princes, William and Harry by photographed with them even if they have not been charged or indicted for any crimes — this looks very bad for England and the throne; their children will hate them forever because of this. They had no idea he was such monster until they saw his dark side. Use every horrific punishment known to man and use it on him like he used his abusive power and depraved behaviour on his victims and to violently force others to do his bidding.
Prayers for the witnesses, including Justin and Usher.
Thank you, President Trump for going after this filthy traitor and saving our sons and daughters. Thank you, White Hats and General Smith for investigating his secret activities. Thank You, God, for finally bringing him to justice.

Superb work, Michael, thank you as well. Please continue these critical updates. BECAUSE OF YOUR WORK WE ARE ENCOURAGED TO FIGHT FOR THE KIDS EVEN MORE.

Last edited 2 hours ago by Xena