Operation North Star, a Deep State Deception to Make Harris Appear Tough on Crime


The Department of Injustice said Tuesday it had completed a nationwide campaign, dubbed Operation North Star, to apprehend more than 3,400 violent fugitives wanted on murder, rape, and robbery charges. The timing of the announcement seemed politically motivated, as the Deep State looks to portray its presidential candidate, Kamala Harris, as tough on crime, contrary to her history of paroling and freeing vicious felons during her tenure as the attorney general of California.

Evidence obtained by White Hats and reviewed by Real Raw News shows that Harris has not changed her tune and that the so-called DOJ dragnet was a work of fiction, an illusion to garner last-minute support from handfuls of yet undecided independent voters.

The U.S. Marshals Service launched Operation North Star in May, saying the agency would target fugitives in 10 metropolitan areas and prioritize those who had used firearms in the commission of a crime. North Star began in earnest, and the Marshals did affect dozens of arrests in Dallas and Fort Worth, Texas; Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Dayton, Ohio; and Chicago, Illinois. Dozens, though, are vastly different from the 3,400 claimed by DOJ.

According to U.S. Marshals Service internal memorandums that White Hats acquired through federal 5th Columnists, North Star began collapsing almost as quickly as it had begun, primarily due to alleged budget constraints. Compared to other federal entities replete with financial bloat, the USMS receives a pittance—approximately $4 million annually to fund operations and pay personnel (94 U.S. marshals, one for each federal court district, and 3,858 deputy U.S. marshals and criminal investigators.) On June 15, only a month after North Star launched, the Service’s dishonorable director, Ronald L. Davis, a Biden DEI appointee, instructed offices in Dallas, Little Rock, and St. Louis to suspend North Star until further notice.

The irregular, startling directive mystified the honest, hard-working leads in the abovenamed offices, and they asked Davis for an explanation.  Documents show that his answer was that he had mistakenly underfunded North Star and had to reassess whether the Service could fulfill the arrest quota. Then, in early July, Davis expanded the moratorium to include all states where North Star had been active.

Documents show that a dozen U.S. Marshals, believing North Star had been fully funded in advance, protested the shutdown and pressed Davis to reconsider. But he refused, saying he, too, must follow orders, and that his originated at “the top of the food chain.” At the time, North Star had netted only 64 fugitives; however, Davis had sent a letter to DHS Procurement Officer Paul Courtney claiming North Star had thus far resulted in the arrest of 1,271 violent fugitives. That he lied to Courtney suggests that Courtney was not party to the deception, though that remains unclear as of this writing.

Despite Davis indefinitely suspending North Star, U.S. Marshals Michael O’Conner of the Southern District of Texas and Jesse Seroyer Jr. of the Middle District of Alabama ignored the suspension order and continued pursuing fugitives in their respective districts, yielding an added 71 arrests. Unsurprisingly, Davis quickly discovered they were disobeying his edict, and he censured them and vowed to either replace them or bring them before Biden to explain themselves unless they immediately halted North Star operations.

By August North Star was completely idle. Its results: 291 arrests.

On August 27, Davis updated the U.S. Marshal’s website to reflect his version of the truth: the ongoing North Star sweep had successfully captured two-thirds of 3,400 irredeemable criminals, an irrefutable falsehood.

Two days later, on August 29, Davis was contacted by Cedric Richmond, a Kamala Harris campaign spokesperson, attorney, and senior advisor to the Democratic National Committee.

“At the beginning of October we need you to announce that Operation North Star was a fantastic success and that that U.S. Marshal’s Service captured every fugitive on the list. It’s imperative Americans believe future President Harris is pro-law enforcement and hard on criminals,” Richmond told Davis, according to U.S. Army Cyber Command sources who had intercepted the conversation.

Harris’ wish was granted Tuesday. Davis had proudly declared North Star an astonishing success.

“Their only success is success at deceiving,” an ARCYBER source told RRN. “What they haven’t said is that over 200 deputy marshals have resigned over this. It was all another October surprise to make Harris look like something she isn’t.”

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🤨 boo hiss.


Now when the WH not only can help the people in Tenn but also prove they really exist all you hear is crickets. I will be the first to admit I am wrong if I see some tangible evidence shortly but failing that logic dictates this site is psyop!!!!!


“…future President Harris is pro-law enforcement and hard on criminals…” was mistyped. Should have read “future President Harris is anti-law enforcement and has a hard-on for criminals…”


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Last edited 53 minutes ago by AuditEveryElection.com

Look at this disaster in North Carolina and they’re purposely keeping help out fema nowhere to be found, there are reports of them keeping volunteers from going to help. White hats, white hats where are’t thou?

Last edited 49 minutes ago by Urok50

so hang the fuking C%$T already … americas done with this commie shit!


Michael !!!!! Please find out why the white hats are not stopping the FEMA genocide going on in N. Carolina !!!! Please!! How many people have to die before this is stopped!!!

Robert Thompson

Thats interesting news Michael. But I don’t give a fuck about that right now. What the hell is being done with the situation in North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, and surrounding areas? These people are being deliberately murdered by the Harris administration by cutting off all supplies like food water with the help of FEMA Nazi satanic pieces of fucking shit! I pray that there are Marines there taking head shots to these FEMA bitches! Oh how I would love to be there to see FEMA trying the kind of shit that they pulled in Lahaina Hawaii during the man made fires. Just watching from a nice sniper position with a Remington 700 .308 busting heads full of demons open! Who knows?


Are you pissed of yet people? Your survival depends on you, our survival depends on we the people! Everyone starting to understand what time it is?

American Living in Canada

I got a little perturbed about this… From Rebel News at the time.(Omar Khadr)

“Not only did he leave Christopher Speer’s family without a husband and father, he also maimed soldier Layne Morris.
As part of an Obama administration political pressure campaign, Canada repatriated Khadr and Trudeau delivered him a 10.5 million payout for our failure to intervene on behalf of this killer.
The payment was structured  to be handed to Khadr in secrecy, making it difficult for Khadr’s living victims to access funds after they won a wrongful death judgement against him in American courts.
We wanted to know how Canada’s Global Affairs dealt with the American fallout from this payment and, two years after making the request, we have received 137 pages of Access to Information documents in return.”

American Living in Canada

On yahoo for crying out loud… up here in Canada..

“The House has been seized with a debate on the motion ever since and Scheer said it will stay that way until the government agrees to hand over the documents to police.
“They’re willing to have Parliament ground to a halt rather than hand over this information to the RCMP for a potential criminal investigation,” Scheer said in an interview Thursday.
The RCMP told MPs this summer they likely would not be able to use the documents as part of an investigation, but Scheer said they should have access to all the information before they decide.
The Liberals claimed that ordering the production of documents to be handed over to the RCMP blurs the lines between Parliament and the judiciary, and blame Conservatives for the dysfunction in the House.”

Last edited 1 hour ago by American Living in Canada
Victor T.

Michael, we are still, desperately waiting, to have Mayorkas picked-up and sent to GITMO… Why is White Hat’s Justice so slow, in the case of this Criminal? Find out where he spend his nights… That simple!
GOD BLESS AND PROTECT AMERICA, Gen. Smith and our White Hats, 24/7!


so now blackhats are mocking and celebrating deaths from the hurricane. invoking religion. im a pagan. but, the last time someone did that. nver was to be seen again.


What’s going on with the FAKE FEMA, dressed as military, and taking all of the supplies and arresting pilots who are trying to help those in the devastated areas ???? Where’s that news? Are the real Military going to ever go in there and help these American’s?



Robert Thompson

That’s what I’m screaming Connie!


Where are the WH? Where is Michael reporting on it?

J Graham III

“Oh the tangled web we weave, when we lie in wait to deceive”. Biden/Harris are exemplary in demonstrating this adage.

Bill Meadows

It’s “Oh what a tangled web we weave/When first we practice to deceive.”



im sure mocking innocents helps.

American Living in Canada

The longest mischief trial in Canadian history has concluded, and TDF remains committed to covering Tamara Lich’s legal battle.
The cost of expert legal representation is close to half a million dollars. 
Justice Perkins-McVey said she was not certain when she would return with her decision. However, she would return on November 25 to provide an update on her progress.
The Democracy Fund (TDF) is committed to covering Tamara Lich’s legal battle, including the ongoing criminal trial and any forthcoming appeals. The current trial was expected to last only about 14 days but is now stretching deep into 2024.
Throughout the course of Tamara’s trial, TDF’s legal team will be providing daily, live updates and legal analysis – daily trial summaries will be published on our website, which you can see below on this page. Our goal is to promote transparency, increase public understanding of legal proceedings and keep our readers informed.”

I bet Tamara’s enjoying the facking movie!!!??? WTF WH’s and RRN’s contact ???

American Living in Canada

More People enjoying the facking movie…..

LETHBRIDGE: The Democracy Fund (TDF) is funding the defence of three men charged with mischief in Lethbridge, Alberta. The men, known as the “Coutts Three,” are Marco Van Huigenbos, Alex Van Herk and George Janzen. All three are alleged to have been leaders of the 17-day trucker protest against COVID-19 restrictions that shut down the Coutts border in February 2022.
The matter is expected to proceed to a jury trial after pretrial applications are heard over the next few days. Jury trials are only available for serious criminal matters where the accused faces a maximum sentence of five years imprisonment or more.
The men should not be confused with the “Coutts Four,” who were among the twelve persons arrested in connection to an RCMP raid that resulted in the seizure of weapons and the end of the protest. According to Van Huigenbos, the message of the Coutts protesters “had been lost” following the arrests and the border blockade was voluntarily dismantled.”

American Living in Canada

I got a little perturbed about this… From Rebel News at the time.(Omar Khadr)

“Not only did he leave Christopher Speer’s family without a husband and father, he also maimed soldier Layne Morris.
As part of an Obama administration political pressure campaign, Canada repatriated Khadr and Trudeau delivered him a 10.5 million payout for our failure to intervene on behalf of this killer.
The payment was structured to be handed to Khadr in secrecy, making it difficult for Khadr’s living victims to access funds after they won a wrongful death judgement against him in American courts.
We wanted to know how Canada’s Global Affairs dealt with the American fallout from this payment and, two years after making the request, we have received 137 pages of Access to Information documents in return.”

American Living in Canada

Rebel News Blast from the past.. From EL…

“I heard that Dalhousie University had invited Omar Khadr, the Al Qaida terrorist, to speak to students.
I thought that was appalling, so I flew from Toronto to Halifax this morning to attend the event tonight.
Little did I know that Khadr would be on the same plane as me, just a few rows ahead of me.
He was sitting first class — that’s what you can do when Justin Trudeau gives you $10.5 million.
I didn’t recognize him when I boarded the plane because he hid his face from me. But I recognized him when we landed and he stood up.
I asked the flight attendant about it. Why was an Al Qaida terrorist allowed on a plane? Why wasn’t the no-fly list being enforced? I asked the co-pilot the same question. Neither had any idea.
When I got off the plane, I saw Khadr with a group of his local fans who had come to meet him at the airport. I went up to him and asked if I could talk with him. I recorded the video:

Police threatened to arrest me. Not Khadr, the Al Qaida terrorist — me. They called me a danger. I didn’t touch him or block him or swear at him — I tried to ask him some basic questions. The police literally grabbed me and pushed me. What a disgrace.
Canadian police protecting an Al Qaida terrorist’s “right” to fly on a passenger plane and threatening to arrest a peaceful journalist for asking about it.
We have to pursue this further. Why is a terrorist being allowed to fly? Is that a special favour that Trudeau did for him?
Khadr belongs in jail.”

American Living in Canada

For MAGA 100… I luv Women with a passion.. they really are the best gender… look what the fack you got to offer dik head.

American Living in Canada

“When you live your life and follow your passions, you will attract like-minded people.
To be honest, you are probably going to rub some people the wrong way when you are pursuing your passion. People do not like change, and when you change, it could change your relationships.
Do not let this be something that will hold you back. Your growth is tied to your willingness to pursue the beliefs that will enable you to achieve your goal.”





BTW, the dams in N*C are neglected, just as they have been all over the U.S. via the leftist “rewilding program” that has been going on for several decades. The left wants our land to go back to the wild frontier as it was over 100 years ago, but the real purpose is to facilitate what happened in N*C . . . to facilitate flo*ding.

Look it up. N*C dams were/are not in good condition. I noticed some folks talking about this on X, so I did a G 00 *le search and I was surprised to find articles about it.


I’m hoping we’re gonna hear something on FEMA soon here! They are evidently blocking SpaceX engineers! They are actively blocking assistance and seizing Critical goods and services!! I’m hoping that the Marines are down there To kick their ass! Anybody else here this?

Robert Thompson

Amen! FEMA needs to be eradicated from the face of the earth ! Right along with the Harris administration and all of her supporters!


Ron Davis, Kamal, FEMA, Red Cross, Samaritan’s Purse, IRS & all corrupt politician’s: Their only success is at deceiving.

American Living in Canada

Rebel News Ezra Levant…

“Everyone has an opinion about Alex Jones, the founder of InfoWars.
Some people love him. Some people hate him. But there’s no denying he’s a pioneer in the field of citizen journalism, and millions of people tune in for his unique brand of skeptical commentary.
Me, I like Alex — I love his larger-than-life personality, his intense curiosity about the world and his sense of humour.
But Jones and InfoWars are in trouble — he lost a $1.5 billion lawsuit and now creditors are coming for InfoWars. What will happen to him, and his unique brand of commentary? I asked him that, and a bunch of other questions this week when I was in Austin, Texas”…………….to see what he told me:

I was only in Austin for a day. It’s the capital of Texas, which is a right-wing state, but Austin itself is pretty liberal — in fact, one of its unofficial mottos is, “keep Austin weird”! There are a lot of things going on there, including a migration of people from the failed state of California. That includes the head office of Twitter, which Elon Musk has relocated from San Francisco.
It’s also the home of Joe Rogan, the famous podcaster and the owner of a comedy club. I popped by that club and the line-up was around the corner. I took the opportunity to ask the people in line: what’s the state of freedom of speech like in America today?
Texas is an interesting place — they have a fierceness that sometimes I wish Canadians had more of.
What do you think?
I hope you enjoyed these videos. I do a lot of interviews with interesting and controversial people on my subscribers-only TV show, called The Ezra Levant Show which I broadcast every weeknight. I usually start with a monologue on the day’s news, then interview a newsmaker (like Jones), and then finish by reading my fan mail (and hate mail!).
Normally the show is behind a paywall, but we thought this was such an important interview, we made it public for everyone.”

God Bless ya Ezra….

2024 George Jonas Freedom Award was presented to Ezra Levant!

Last edited 2 hours ago by American Living in Canada
American Living in Canada

Great Interview with Alex Jones and Ezra Levant to watch at Rebel News..

American Living in Canada

Rebel News…

You won’t believe what happened on the latest episode of the Opposition Podcast.
 sat down with Drew Pavlou, a vocal left-wing activist known for his criticism of Trump and right-wing politics. But in just minutes, something unexpected happened:
Yep, you read that right. Drew came on the show defending Kamala Harris and the Democrats, but by the end of our conversation, he admitted that Trump was right about some things — particularly when it came to trade with China.

It was a fascinating conversation and a wild ride seeing a staunch left-winger openly acknowledge that Trump is “funny,” “entertaining,” and right on certain policies.”

American Living in Canada

Epoch Times…

Good morning. Where does Alberta stand on the freedom scale? And we look at how Ottawa was dealing with those secret Chinese police stations.

Canadians are flocking to Alberta in part because it’s seen as a place with more liberty than other parts of the country, says Premier Danielle Smith.
The Epoch Times’ Tara MacIsaac and Carolina Avendano take a look at Smith’s goal of making Alberta a bastion of freedom in Canada, from bodily autonomy to gun rights.
Why It Matters: As a number of provinces now push back against federal ‘overreach,’ it’s historically been Alberta that positioned itself as “strong and free,” just like its motto.”

“We’re learning more about the secret Chinese police stations that operated in Canada, including the fact they kept operating after assuring Ottawa they’d been closed. That’s one of the revelations to emerge at the Foreign Interference Commission.
Canadians learned about the stations’ existence from a Spanish report.
Why It Matters: Ottawa’s handling of the illegal stations is relevant to the commission’s current work of examining our capacity to counter foreign interference.”

dennis ward

Just another example of the absolute corruption of the demonrats. SCUM OF THE EARTH, VILE DEGENERATE DEMONS!


Ep 4752: Looking Ahead – It Will Only Get Worse From Here | Ste ve Qua yle & Doug Hag mann | October 3, 2024
https:// rumble. com/ v5hc3cs-ep-4752-alex-lowe-and-kirk-phinney-october-3-2024.html

Doug Hag mann is a private investigator that has been investigating political corruption for 20 years or more.

Last edited 2 hours ago by Jullou

This is what I’ve been waiting for….
It has been suggested and the suggestion is being entertained that the Federation should engage in electing a President to serve as an Executive Officer to conduct business affairs for us besides the ongoing work of the Head of State and our Fiduciary Office.

The Federation of States has not had a President since 1872.

The requirements of the Federation’s Presidential Office are: (1) a free man or woman of good character; (2) at least 45 years of age; (3) having been born on the land and soil of this country; (4) and having never knowingly and voluntarily separated their political allegiance from their native land and soil; that is, a candidate must adopt their birthright political status as an American and stand without conflict of interest or obligation to any other country.

There are no references to race, creed, or color. No religious requirements.
The name and style of our Presidential Office is: The President of The United States of America.

The Term of Office is four (4) years.

The duties of the Office include the faithful and prudent discharge of our business affairs in practical and diplomatic circles, the enforcement of our treaties and contracts, acting as our Spokesperson, conducting International Trade and overseeing Commerce, overseeing our accounts and records and Government Accounting System, acting as the Commander-in-Chief of all American Forces and any hired Mercenary Forces in time of war, serving as the Postmaster, and at all times and in all ways, steadfastly promoting the peace and well-being of our country and our people and the world at large.

Our simple government has one aim: to protect the living people and their assets, both public and private.

Our Election Cycle begins on January first and ends with the Public Affirmation of the newly elected President on March first, every four (4) years.
This Office has been vacant for over a hundred years. The continuance of the Federation Government has rested upon the Hereditary Heads of State.

The election of a Federation President would provide assistance to the Federation and a lawfully elected Officer to conduct business for us. It would ensure that at least two of the Summoning Authorities will be immediately active going forward. It would provide a greater bandwidth for social and cultural engagement.

If we pursue this, it will require considerable coordination within each State Assembly and a Roll Call Vote affirming the chosen candidate for each State; the final tally determines the winner of the election.

There is no Electoral College in a Federation Election.

Nominations are open from January first to January 14th. Nominees must accept the Nomination and forward their response no later than January 15th.
Nominees are provided with a Public Forum to address the State Assemblies Membership; each is asked to briefly describe their qualifications, their concerns, and their vision for this country. Time is allotted for this on January 21st and January 22nd. Balloting at the State Assembly level begins January 23rd and
results must be tallied and forwarded no later than January 31st.

Election results are announced one week later on February 7th; this delay is allowed pending final acceptance of the Office by the candidate and publication of the Election outcomes.

A formal Public Affirmation is conducted March first, in which the elected candidate accepts the Office, together with its duties, rights, and responsibilities, and promises to faithfully discharge these duties and exercise these rights for the benefit of every American and our country as a whole.

If undertaken, this process will command considerable resources, time, and effort. It can be put off until more of the Assemblies are fully seated and prepared, but there are also considerable advantages to be obtained.

We are therefore opening up the question and submitting it to the Assemblies, while at the same time, cautioning everyone to remember that this Office of President is not the same as the presidential offices we have become familiar with as a result of the Subcontractors’ private political party elections.

Our Presidents serve the people and the public good. They are not expected to be media personalities, great public speakers, or crowd-centered officials seeking votes and majorities and similar familiar political concerns. Our Presidents are instead expected to defend individual rights, including individual property rights, to champion peaceful resolution of differences, and present the best traditions of our country to the rest of the world.

We also caution the Assemblies not to be overly distracted by this question, and urge everyone to continue to give their utmost attention to the job of building your State Assembly and rescuing your fellow Americans from the web of political and commercial intrigue that has been used to entrap and mischaracterize each of us — to the detriment of ourselves and our country.

Scott Picchiottino



ok jimbo, you must be dumb.


QFS – all about it…



I couldnt watch it




Everybody seems to be going crazy because we are getting “0” information to know what is really happening. I say we all just take a couple of deep breaths and chill out. We are pretty much gunna have to rely on the military. I suggest stocking up on supplies, loading all gun magazines, and wait it out. We just have to be ready at all times. If the craziness hits our neighborhood, the more ready you are, the more you can help your neighbors. Keep the gas tanks full in case supply lines start drying up. Have your generator if power goes down to run refrigerators and freezers. Have extension cords to be able to reach from generator to freezers and refrigerators. Fill up gallon plastic milk jugs and have them in your freezers so they can act as ice boxes should the power go down. Have a propane camp stove to cook. Fill up water containers. Have water purification tablets on hand, ivermectin tablets.


If you don’t have stored food, every time you go to the food store from now on, purchase a can of meat and canned vegetables.


true goal, you nailed it. they want massive genocide of the west so china and middle east can rule the world.


When are the white hats going to launch operation Helene rescue from FEMA pigs stopping rescues by civilian and confiscating supplies?


I see evidence of that happening on X.


https:// x. com/bennyjohnson/status/1842309171494134172

https:// x. com/w_terrence/status/1842305838079226195

https:// x. com/clovis1931/status/1841748499328590304



CONservative DEMocrat

God, I hate that whore and all her/him/their puppet masters.


H A T E is such a Wonderful Word describing your demeanor.


stop lying.




So move to Russia already


shut it

Karen B

If you want a screwed up Operation, just hire Demonrat Clowns🤡They will screw it up royally Every Single Time. They can’t even get their deceptions together anymore. Perhaps Divine intervention mixed with a little White Hat righteousness?😊 You just got to love those Marshalls that carry personal integrity!
We are going to win this War bc GOD ALMIGHTY is leading it and he Always wins.🗡🛡

Marta Limberg

More important news of the Deep State FEDERAL criminal organization interfering in the rescue operations for victims of Helene. Refusal of trucks with food and water entering rescue operations due to FEMA goons. May the FEMA POS BE SHOT ON SIGHT BY WHITE HAT MARINES.


This was posted on X yesterday [a woman overheard FEMA goons talking]:

https:// x. com/Pammywho/status/1842026145434177975




You do realize that the white hat folks are volunteers, right??!! Many are retired military that have to dip into their own pockets. They get some donations when they go on talk radio. And then when they get wounded, etc., they pay out of pocket, unlike the deep state that is dark-money funded.

I recommend that you view The Hagmann Report for a better understanding. Doug Hagmann is a private detective that has been investigating political crimes for at least 20 years. He has investigated many high level cases that we read about. And yet, he is constantly hacked which costs him more money just to stay on the air.

https: //rumble. com/v5esbt1-ep-4738-randy-taylor-and-doug-hagmann-september-13-2024.html


So there you go, if you watched this very important video, you just watched some of the best “white hats” around. And they have gone through hell.


Reports coming in that people who applied for the 750$ in north Carolina have been denied guess some illegal aliens needs it worse smdh


What about what’s going on in North Carolina? I sure do hope the Marines were there.


MB is bored of coming up with stories about Marines killing FEMA agents, it’s just the same story time after time after time


buck fiden


Buck Fiden is DEAD…



Dave F

Kamala’s first day in office started 1400 days ago. That should go down as one of the best Vice tPresidential Debate statements of ALL-TIME. Anyone who falls for the dems bs, and votes for this witch, deserve to live in a communist country, and will owe their country an apology when they realize what they’ve done.

Last edited 4 hours ago by Dave F
Bill Meadows


You want to try that math again?

Dave F

1352 to be exact. Whats the difference, she’s worthless?

Bill Meadows

The difference is 48.

You really aren’t very good at basic math.


im sure everyone who is not your race are stupid right?


Why do you hate democracy so much

Dave F

If you think you’ve been living in a democracy the last three and a half years, you must believe in Santa clause and the tooth fairy. Besides, we’re a Republic.


hey, santa claus and tooth fairy are real. but santa dont kill.


why do you hate earth so much


democracy is mob rule is communism. Period. A Constitutional Republic fixes that.

Christo dogood

The only thing is, it does no good to tell the few of us, when the public needs this info.


Yeah yeah they lie and cheat as usual. Where’s the P diddy information?!?! Where’s the Epstein information? White Hats are getting just as bad as the Cabal. All they do is hide the truth or lie to The People.
Enough of this Shit! Tell us something we Don’t know! SMH


‘Despite Davis indefinitely suspending North Star, U.S. Marshals Michael O’Conner of the Southern District of Texas and Jesse Seroyer Jr. of the Middle District of Alabama ignored the suspension order and continued pursuing fugitives in their respective districts, yielding an added 71 arrests. Unsurprisingly, Davis quickly discovered they were disobeying his edict, and he censured them and vowed to either replace them or bring them before Biden to explain themselves unless they immediately halted North Star operations.’
The fact that 200 deputy marshals resigned over this because they were threatened with termination just for doing their jobs, in order for the deep state to get this New World Order witch into the White house shows how desperate the cabal is to destroy Trump and America. These men and women were not following orders just to satisfy their criminal bosses like the Nazis claimed at Nuremberg,they are patriots protecting and defending America from any and all enemies foreign and domestic in accordance with the Constitution. BRAVO, US MARSHALS!


Military…….please sound the EBS and get Trump back in there where he belongs and Help these people victims of Helene….the truckers are being stop and the loads are taken!!


Oh sure any decade now


Honestly if secret service didnt think to use a a lo tech security measure, say couple-three german shepherd dogs to peruse the perimeter of that golf course trump was on, how can any govt official be trusted to do anything right
Dogs wouldve literally sniffed out that would be assassins 12 hour hiding spot in 3 seconds.

Karen B

Amen! 👍
Dogs rule!🤗💞


To the people being denied access to give aid if you comply you are giving them authority. Do what is right and if it means dealing with folks denying access god will forgive you for being righteous.


Self defense is the act of self preservation.

Karen B



since the deep state and certain chinese folks. they can all go to china if they hate us whites, anglo saxans, pagans, europeans, westerners so much.

what a twisted world we live in. no wonder aliens avoids us and empires from galaxies too. its the blackhats and deep state doing aka china, un, iran, briccs,

now the folks in the u.sgov’t.

this how gone too far now.

damn, what a time period, lol.

all of this over votes…

this better be a movie with a bad nightmare im in.


Deceit, it is what is served for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.


now you see why i dont kill?

its corrupt your brain.

blackhats killed too much it seems, they lost it. too much power is a bad thing to have. happen to many empires.


Lies, lies, lies and moar lies, from disgusting, cabal, demonrat, pedophile, criminals. Ronnie boi and Ceedrix boi need some short rope therapy @ Gitmo. Keep up the good work men. For God and Country.

Karen B

For GOD and country.🗡🛡🛐💟


Make Congress and Demon Crats give up their security; that can help pay for it. And let them fear for their lives at home and on the street!


yes, make them fear the doomslayer.

James Griffin

FEMA and other so called emergency services are stealing the donations and funds. Plus the threat of arresting you for doing what they’re not doing it. As I see it, they what the survivors to die by being bulldozed under along with the dead.


There is a poll at the end of the comments about EBS. Vote & click view results.


Never! You can’t make me!


How can there possibly be an election after this hurricane horror? Thousands are displaced, dead or dying. FEMA and the government are stonewalling and not helping. FEMA seized Starlink equipment and are holding it. No food or aid from the government and the feds are seizing the land for themselves because of the large lithium deposits. Some of the reports are stomach churning. We need to help those people NOW. We need the PLAN to be implemented NOW!


Nowadays the weather is manageable. Don’t you know that?
Do you think it is a coincidence?
Some planes are still drawing the white lines in the sky. 


Videos on X show unusual activity around the hurricane the implicates that it was being guided towards NC.
DoD wants the lithium mines.

Rebecca tracy

No coincidences 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Rebecca tracy

Where did you here about seizing Starlink? Or does the Starlink that’s been up need replacing by Trump promised Starlink. You can purchase a system 3 now, but expensive. I use Apple; don’t like Android , but our old XR and X needs replacing. Who knows what to do???🇺🇸


Because elections are mandated by the Constitution. We can’t just skip an election because other stuff is going on.

Last edited 2 hours ago by Colin



not really dumbass.


yeah you aint the citzen.


How was your Gay wedding night with Talion?

suck it up Buttercup… slurp slurp..


Not just Lithium deposits south-east of Asheville, but the Quartz Crystal mine 18 miles northeast of Asheville in Spruce Pine. Evil Blackrock wants to steal the people’s land, take it from them and not even pay for it. Fight, fight, fight!




I did not do it .





Prove it!


A123 comments and half of them is by the google idiot scammer!!!