The Steal is Real


Early voting has begun in several states across the country, and White Hats have already seized or destroyed rigged voting machines in Georgia, North Carolina, and Tennessee, states that could decide the outcome of the 2024 presidential election.

As reported this week, White Hats seized compromised machines from a Fulton County, Georgia, library.  The US Army Cyber Command specialists who later evaluated those devices found that half of them—three of six—had been doctored to randomly turn Red Votes Blue. For example, for every ten Republican votes cast on one machine, two votes flipped to Democratic candidates; a second machine changed one in ten; and a third device consistently flipped five in ten. The same was not true when ARCYBER voted Blue; Blue votes remained Blue. The library’s tampered-with machines behaved similarly to a shipment of fraudulent ones White Hats had seized in July.

Over 11 million Americans have already voted early—a record turnout—and White Hats concede there’s no way of determining how many of those votes are fraudulent. Nonetheless, they’ve been responding both proactively and reactively to allegations of fraud, including several in Georgia, where patriotic Trump voters have reportedly seen irreconcilable discrepancies between their electronic votes and what appeared on their hardcopy printouts.

The story made national headlines yesterday after Republican firebrand Marjorie Taylor Greene sounded the alarm during an appearance on Alex Jones’ InfoWars broadcast, claiming a Dominion machine changed a voter’s ballot in her district.

“It had switched!” she told Jones.

Dominion has since responded that the voter, not the machine, made the error and called the report an isolated incident.

White Hats, however, had responded to additional reports of fraud in Georgia prior to Greene’s alarming announcement. A White Hat stationed at Fort Moore, Georgia, was first in line to vote for Trump Tuesday morning at the Muscogee County Citizen’s Service Center. When he tried voting straight Republican, the machine wouldn’t accept the entry, and the employee he informed told him the machines were a little “glitchy” and offered to resolve the issue. She fiddled with it and said it was functioning correctly. But when the soldier again tried to vote, the display screen flashed hypnotically, momentarily mesmerizing him before he realized his vote had again changed. He asked the election clerk to void his vote and said he’d return on Election Day.

The soldier sent his intel up the chain of command, a military echelon that terminated at Gen. Smith’s office. Our source said the general was seething with anger.

“The steal is real,” our source said, “and we’re working overtime to mitigate the number of stolen votes going on out there. Stopping all of them is impossible, so we’re trying to cut Harris’ cheat margin. We’d already dealt with 16 confirmed cases of voter fraud and had a large force deployed in five states when that soldier’s report came in.

He added that Gen. Smith tasked Marines who had just demolished fraudulent voting machines in White County with dismantling those at the Muscogee County Citizen’s Service Center. The Marines reportedly breached the building after midnight and sledgehammered the machines—but first removed the circuit boards for ARCYBER to analyze.

We asked our source whether totaling the machines was a gesture in futility, since the Deep State could simply replace them repeatedly.

“Then we’ll keep trashing them and arresting whoever installs them. We hope the Deep State understands our resolve and won’t try to cart in more rigged equipment. We’ll be watching and waiting,” the source said.

Georgia, he added ominously, isn’t the only state in which White Hats hindered the Deep State’s election shenanigans. In North Carolina—still reeling from Hurricane Helene’s unprecedented devastation—Marines in Rutherford County found armed FEMA agents overseeing early voting at Isothermal Community College. Although the cowardly agents scattered at the sight of heroic Marines advancing on them, White Hats are committed to surveilling the college until all voting ends on November 5.

“We’ll, be very busy the next few weeks, very busy indeed,” our source said.

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American Living in Canada

“Some people say a man is made out of mudA poor man’s made out of muscle and bloodMuscle and blood, and skin and bones,A mind that’s weak and a back that’s strong
You load Sixteen Tons, whadaya get?Another day older and deeper in debtSaint Peter don’t you call me cause I can’t goI owe my soul to the company store
I was born one mornin’ when the sun didn’t shinePicked up my shovel and I walked to the mineI loaded Sixteen Tons of number 9 coalAnd the straw-boss said, “Well, bless my soul”
Repeat Chorus
I was born one morning it was drizzlin’ rainFightin’ and Trouble are my middle nameI was raised in the canebrake by an old mama lionCan’t no high-toned woman make me walk the line
Repeat Chorus
If you see me comin’ better step asideA lot of men didn’t, a lot of men diedOne fist of iron, the other of steelIf the right one don’t get you, the left one will”

Tennessee Ernie Ford – 16 Tons 


Last week, word from God, via Julie Green on Rumble:

“Your enemies have planned attacks on election night. Terrorists to interfere with vote counts but they also have plans to shut down poling places. They have lone gunman stationed in certain areas to cut people off from being able to register or to place their ballots. They have voting machines changing votes, they have poll workers who will help bring in fake workers for the puppets. But everything they will try, will fail miserably. They will have egg on their face when results come in and the plans of attacks will stumble and fall. I have been preparing My infiltrators for all of this. Do not fear this election. Do not fear their scare tactics or ways they want to try and intimidate you with their pole numbers. Their poll numbers will be crushed and I will show you the real ones. But once they see they have lost, that’s when the real fight begins to keep My David (Trump) from Inauguration Day. But everything they have cooked up will backfire and solidify treason.”
Pray patriots for their shenanigans listed above to go down! Name them each specifically in your prayers. And every single time you praise and thank God, He sets up another ambush for the enemies.

Last edited 7 minutes ago by Glory

Communism is a religious principle that appeals to the morally bankrupt, and wickedly cruel! Even the young David had to eventually pick up the stone to kill Goliath!

American Living in Canada

Hey ya all..

Up here there is not one supporter for trudeau.. ya know what I mean ? bumper sticker.. lawn sign etc notta.. nothing.

What about all you down there for byden?

American Living in Canada

oops.. mean harris?


If Trump does not win then the the forwarning of the Blessed Virgin Mary will come to pass. Before the Warning and Miracle of Garabandal the people of God will be praying for God’s mercy. We have sinned, we have killed, we have dishonored God, His name His day, our parents, our neighbor. Those that don’t repent will feel His wrath. Pray. Confess, repent and change your lives.




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Last edited 49 minutes ago by mistracy39

Please tell me no body is surprised by this and that preparations are in place? Not that my opinion matters but this is a perfect time for our military to stop the steal. Thank you for all that you’re doing 🙏❤️🇺🇸


The entire state of New Mexico has Dominion voting machines so I’m wondering why we should waste our time voting when it was investigated in 2020 & proven there were 4 main counties that had serious voter fraud then.

American Living in Canada

“Too Much Monkey Business”

Runnin’ to and fro, hard workin’ at the mill

Never failed in the mail, yet come a rotten bill

Too much monkey business, too much monkey business

Too much monkey business for me to be involved in

Salesman talking to me tryin’ to run me up a creek

Says you can buy it, go on try it, you can pay me next week

Ah, too much monkey business, too much monkey business

Too much monkey business for me to be involved in

Blonde haired, good lookin’ tryin’ to get me hooked

Wants me to marry, get a home, settle down, write a book

Ha, too much monkey business, too much monkey business

Too much monkey business for me to be involved in

Same thing every day, gettin’ up, goin’ to school

No need to be complainin’, my objections overruled

Ah, too much monkey business, too much monkey business

Too much monkey business for me to be involved in

Pay phone, somethin’ wrong, dime gone, will mail

I ought to sue the operator for tellin’ me a tale

Ah, too much monkey business, too much monkey business

Too much monkey business for me to be involved in

I been to Yokohama, been a fightin’ in the war

Army bunk, army chow, army clothes, army car

Ha, too much monkey business, too much monkey business

Too much monkey business for me to be involved in

Workin’ in the fillin’ station, too many tasks

Wipe the windows, check the tires, check the oil, dollar gas

Uh-uh, too much monkey business, too much monkey business

I don’t want your botheration, go away, leave me be

Too much monkey business for me”

God Bless ya Chuck Berry..




This last 4 years have been extremely annoying!


We need to stop being the “Oh well” too nice & polite people & if they cheated & we know it then we should just block their office space until proven they are valid – guilty until proven innocent & they need to start listening to us & do what we tell them – not the other way around.
Harris & her crowd is to do what we tell her & them – they are not to be enforcing their ideas on us – they are to be enforcing what we have decided as a country & each individual state needs to take back it’s power.
Verifying/validating the votes should be done by communities & then to the state & then to the country.
Each state needs to clean out its officials & review what’s been going on with each one.
And no career politicians!!


Yeah, no shit. Of COURSE THEY ARE CHEATING! Why are you “seething mad?” You’ve had 4 years to arrest all of the cheaters……………… and have done nothing. Why do you think we only want to hear about arrests? All of this other shit is minutia and again, you’ve had 4 years to ARREST THEM ALL………….


Yeah. Just wait for “we have saved 10 kids from slavery story”. That will no doubt cheer up the folks on this web site. Works every time!!!! This election was always going to be stolen, the white hats have been busy saving Fido the dog up in Springfield. The patriots here loved that story too. God wins etc.

Outlandish Outlander

As I posted in a previously posted comment for another report,…

“The Deep State has no choice but to steal the election.”

They have no choice because, the Deep State is aware that they cannot win this election lawfully, or any election for that matter. That is the way it has been for over the past 50+ years. Yes, the Deep State has been controlling elections for at least 50 years and more. So, the Deep State will do everything they can to manipulate and alter any votes cast in the 2024 election that they get their grimy-criminal hands on.

“Remember, remember, the 5th of November.”

Last edited 1 hour ago by Outlandish Outlander

Looks like prayer is the only thing to help combat this crap.
WH’s are doing the best but the crap is multiple.
As soon as their money value goes down to zero then maybe the crappers will disappear unless they just like human suffering for the fun of it.


I wouldn’t have expected less from the Demorats. I’m assuming this entire excercise of the 2024 elections is meant to wake up the sleepers and to catch the bad guys at their usual crimes of stealing. Its high time for the citizens to understand that you can’t vote your way out of corruption, when its this corrupt. With that said, PLEASE VOTE FOR TRUMP, we need that on record, it does make a tremendous difference. The true vote will be documented by our military and they can take action if Trump is the official winner. 🙏❤️

With that said. Take note America that the Demorats and Uni-party are trying to pass a bill that would prepare them to keep their power should mass arrests occur…the bill reads (in a nutshell) if a large number of congressman should die or become unable to serve (think mass arrests) then each congressman can compile a list of 5 unelected ppl to take their place…and if the number of congressman leaving/unable to serve (forgot the number) exceeds a certain amount, then the elections will postpone indefinitely. Thats the shenanigans deep state/uniparty are up to this week. Its amendment 14? So thats what we’re in the middle of.

I believe the whites are prepared for these shenanigans and they’ve got a plan, but its going to be a bumpy ride. world war is already on the horizon and if you haven’t heard, North Korea and South Korea have already destroyed every bridge between the two countries.

Joan P McDonald

I’m wondering why ANY Dominion voter machines are being allowed after the 2020 steal.


100,000,000 patriots have the same effing question!!! WTF???

Strike 17

My area starts early voting tomorrow so I will be voting for Trump and Cruz. I will make sure to check it out before I leave don’t need my vote switched.

Strike 17

Our great governor of Texas put his foot down and said no to the voting machines yeah.


“SOCIALIST PARADISE’: Cuba Suffers Two Major Power Outages in 24 Hours That Left the Whole Island in the Dark – And Now Hurricane Oscar Is Coming”
~The Gateway Pundit, 10-20-24 @ 4:20 p.m.

“The economic chaos brought by communism in the ‘Socialist Paradise’ Island took a nasty turn these last few days when Cuba’s national electrical grid collapsed TWICE in 24 hours, and the process of restoring light to the country is not going very well.

And then, of course, comes Hurricane Oscar, expected to lambast the island in the following hours.

The first failure of the grid was midday on Friday (18) after the island’s largest power plant shut down. The grid collapsed again on the morning of Saturday (19).”

Will the Deep State manipulate it right over to Florida again, right in time for the election . . . and is this an ominous sign that some parts of the U.S. could go dark??


Or gitmos electricity?? An escape or rescue plot?? What high profile prisoners are still there?


 Although the cowardly agents scattered at the sight of heroic Marines advancing on them,  better run u commie pos TRAITORS


Allegedly in1960 the election was stolen and rigged; Nothing new on this. Until they have un hackable equipment, showing the open for all to see the votes and totals in real time.

This farce is as bad as Chalie Brown kicking the football with Lucy holding it.


Movie or Reality?

American Living in Canada

Bringing this over here.. just because..
 Reply to  American Living in Canada
 16 hours ago
I was once homeless with a Draco degree. My now deceased husband beat the h… out of me and raped me. I lost my material world. Then beaten and raped again by strangers. I managed to overcome the trauma by other people helping me. Living on the streets as a woman is hell. But you learn something. Be grateful for what you do have. A temporary situation is just temporary. I can attest to that.
Strike 17
 Reply to  Steph
 15 hours ago
I for one am deeply sorry you gone thru all of that. May the Medbed remove all the physical and mental scares you have from all that.
American Living in Canada
 Reply to  Steph
 59 minutes ago
Shit Steph… I’ll include you in my daily Prayers… I won’t let ya in on my Trails and Tribulations.. Best advice I can give… DON’T LET THE BUGGERS BEAT YOU into a negative frame of mind… GIVE THEM THE BIG FUCK YOU!! GOOFBALL PIECES OF SHIT!!!


Harris shouldn’t even be on the ballots as she wasn’t born here and her parents weren’t citizens either. She’s not eligible to be president. Just Ovomit 2.0.



Bill Meadows

Cry harder.


What shocks me is how liitle shame the left and people like Harris have. They’ve been dropping in the polls, so a win would be mighty unlikely.


They’re totally shameless, Tzip.

orange julius

I believe the patriots have two main goals: stop illegal voting and make the public aware of what a sham the election system is. They have made huge progress toward both of those. Each story like this helps greatly. Considering the last eight years vs. the entire previous history of the U.S., I am very encouraged.

American Living in Canada

Bringing this over here.. just because..


 Reply to  American Living in Canada
 16 hours ago

I was once homeless with a Draco degree. My now deceased husband beat the h… out of me and raped me. I lost my material world. Then beaten and raped again by strangers. I managed to overcome the trauma by other people helping me. Living on the streets as a woman is hell. But you learn something. Be grateful for what you do have. A temporary situation is just temporary. I can attest to that.



Strike 17

 Reply to  Steph
 15 hours ago

I for one am deeply sorry you gone thru all of that. May the Medbed remove all the physical and mental scares you have from all that.


American Living in Canada

 Reply to  Steph
 59 minutes ago

Shit Steph… I’ll include you in my daily Prayers… I won’t let ya in on my Trails and Tribulations.. Best advice I can give… DON’T LET THE BUGGERS BEAT YOU into a negative frame of mind… GIVE THEM THE BIG FUCK YOU!! GOOFBALL PIECES OF SHIT!!!



Last edited 2 hours ago by American Living in Canada

https: //
Is gitmo getting hammered? no word in the news.


Hurricane Nadine!

Bill Meadows

Oscar, not Nadine.



Thanks for that link. Since HAARP has been creating all of these, I’ve fully expected them to try and hit GITMO, thinking they could free all of their snakes. Not sure why HAARP is still in business, or isn’t under White Hat control yet?


Yes, its Hurricane Oscar.

Cargo Beep beep

The White Hats don’t have enough manpower to arrest more than one deep stater at a time. Seizing compromised voting machines in a single library? Multiply that times a few thousand and we may see positive results.
How many times must we beg White and Red Hats to give us permission to join the fight? It is significantly underestimated what we could do for the cause.

Mark David

This shit is EASY TO FIX!!!!! Just postpone the election a minimum of 4 months until the QFS Voting System is in place. One voter gets ONE VOTE. Voters will be part of QUANTUM FINANCIAL SYSTEM, and must log in to vote through through their account. No cheating, no illegal alien scumbags voting. QFS uses Block Chain technology and voter individual Biometrics as positive proof for ID, to allow a person access to QFS, and to vote. The system cannot be cheated or corrupted. The cheaters can go to hell. And since the New Republic FOR The United States of America is making big changes to the Federal Government arrangements and size, the “delay” is more than appropriate.

Last edited 2 hours ago by Mark David
Cargo Beep beep

I’ll pass on the quantum financial system. Thanks anyway. I’ll take a dollar backed by physical gold or silver that is exchangeable for both or either.

Mark David

You are describing QFS. You obviously don’t know much about it or the precious metal backing of every US Dollar. Your QFS account is YOUR protection of your assets, protection against fraudulent attempts to get your money, and is not controlled or accessed whatsoever by banks and crooks alike. We have never before had this level of security financially. We ALL will have a QFS account that our money resides in, and it is THE Fort Knox for the People.

Last edited 2 hours ago by Mark David
Cargo Beep beep

You’re right, I don’t know much about it, but I appreciate you educating me on it without destroying my character. I’ll look into it.

Bill Meadows

Keep dreaming, buddy.


Why not just cut off the head of the snake? And while we’re at it, treat anyone who promotes anything less than same day voting on paper ballots with a same day count as an enemy combatant and enemy of The Republic. Why so serious?


I think that they have to show the American ppl that we cannot vote our way out of this level of corruption. That the military is the only way. Its stunning to me how many patriots still think that we can vote our way out of a corrupt system..after what we saw in 2020 and 2022. Ppl are incredibly short sided. 🤷‍♂️


I don’t even want to speculate. It makes me sick to my stomach. It’s a sure bet the Dark side WILL CHEAT. It’s our counter plan that matters. After all the time the White Hats have had to come up with a plan, I want to believe there is a damn good one. So…Trump encourages us to early vote, which I always do anyway. So that’s my plan – again. And PRAY. PRAY. PRAY. AND I also pray that NO ELEGIBLE VOTER STAYS HOME AND DOESN’T VOTE.
I don’t care how frustrated or angry you are, THIS IS NOT THE YEAR TO STAY HOME AND NOT VOTE. It’s more crucial to vote this time than at anytime in modern history. DO YOUR PART, NO WHINING, AND OVERWHELM THEIR ABILITY TO CHEAT ENOUGH TO STOP US. EVERY SINGLE VOTE MATTERS. We NEED YOUR VOTE! Get your vote counted EARLY, BEFORE they can get to your voting location to flip it. Overwhelm them with early votes.


Agreed, but I think the military is trying to show us how corrupt our system is before they take charge. Its a necessary step to wake ppl up to how corrupt things are before they declare martial law and end this. Our votes will be done on our new phones. In January (I’m just speculating) thats what I was told.


They let 2020 steal to take place to reveal more corruption, and to wake the sleepers! Remember the military caught them all in real time back then. At that moment everyone in the Biden admin committed treason? Let also played out an illegal inauguration ! Right?
So now,in 2024, do your think they are now clear of those charges, and she could possibly be installed even if they cheated to more votes than Trump? I dont. I dont even see why it will get that far! Maybe it wont, since I hear Kamal is also videoed at the freak out Diddy parties , with underaged victims, Apparently in the early 2000’s I read the article as saying Hildabeast, tricked Harryass into the parties, where she is seen with Epsteins Bill Clinton and minors!


So the white hats “had it all” in 2017.

And then they watched the election be stolen in 2020, and pretty much did nothing, thus letting the black hats put Biden in the white house.

And now they’re all like “surprised pikachu face” that the black hats are trying to steal the election again?

Are the white hats, like, stupid? I feel that a properly trained monkey could have predicted that the black hats would try to steal the election again.

What exactly have the white hats been doing the last four years?

Or are the white hats just too spineless to do what clearly needs to be done and are they only willing to react to things the dark hats do?


The REAL Bye-den was removed shortly after Jan. 20 and replaced with at least a few doubles. The REAL one has never been in the real White House or the Pentagon. There are 3 other FAKE white houses near Sodom, DC, in or near Atlanta and in CA.


This has all been scripted and you are in the movie NCSWIC

James Abbott

So all the deaths in North Carolina was really pre-meditated murder by the white hats because it was part of the script?


“And then they watched the election be stolen in 2020, and pretty much did nothing, thus letting the black hats put Biden in the white house.”

The real Biden has never been the president; he had a funeral, not an inauguration.

Look at his pictures during and after the presidential debates; it is not the same person.

Look at Harris pictures older and present; there a number of different looking people.

There is obviously more going on than we are being told.

I am just as frustrated and angry as the rest of you, especially when most people are oblivious to whats going on in our country.


It was all part of Trump’s plan to expose the EVIL running this country. #TheGreatAwakening


‘The steal is real,’ our source said

Well, not exatly breaking news is it? We all knew it was going to happen, since months ago.


Bank news
ht tps://


First National Bank of Lindsay? Never heard of it.


“Although the cowardly agents scattered at the sight of heroic Marines advancing on them, White Hats are committed to surveilling the college until all voting ends on November 5.”



But you’ve always said there are no White Hats, right?



Son of Ethan Allen

White hats your main job now is to stop voter fraud

Last edited 3 hours ago by Son of Ethan Allen



Won’t bother me if more FEMA criminals lose their lives.




Bottom line: the only way Trump gets back into the Chief Executive Authority seat he legally and constitutionally won twice already is by Military reinstatement.The Marxist Statist assets on both sides of the aisle have virtually limitless resources at work rigging these elections accordingly imposing their revolutionary metamorphosizing wills.

Last edited 3 hours ago by Alex379

and it appears that they are reaching their meta end. END THE FED and this all ends.welcome 5D.

Mark David

Trump never left. Do your homework.

Dje Wynne

You know you’re going to have to shut it down. We know you’re going to have to shut it down. They know you’re going to have to shut it down. Pick the moment that works best for the mission, since it is an inevitability. GODSPEED

Gerald Andres ISC ret.

They are gathering evidence before they shut it down.

American Living in Canada

Ok, what’s the counter move against the msm? Spoke with a Person in the world.. their interpretation of Trump was that Trump is a crooked Businessman.

Seems like RRN is trolling along the swamp waters..

EBS or nothing else matters… just more blah.. blah blah….


10 more days.


To play this role of trump one must appear, as a businessman, a politician, etc. I agree, bring on the ebs. END THE FED.


I’d say that thew WHs should run batches of 20 to 50 ballots and if the results differ from the test ballots the machine is taken out of service and the election supervisor(s) are arrested. All arrested are to be imprisoned until the culprits are ID’d. And the State has their election results tossed out as invalid.


Great idea!🌹


Google is now paying $300 to $500 per hour for doing work online work from home. Last paycheck of me said that $20537 from this easy and simple job. Its amazing and earns are awesome. No boss, full time freedom and earnings are in front of you. This job is just awesome. Every person can makes income online with google easily….
M­­­­­­o­­­­­­r­­­­­­e­ D­­­­­­e­­­­­­t­­­­­­a­­­­­­i­­­­­­l­­­­­­s For Us→→→→ Www.Payathome9.Com

Last edited 3 hours ago by mistracy39
Mark David

If that is a picture of you and your mammies, I’ll take two for $500.


The steal is real? No shit! Tell us something most of us don’t know! They keep the crooked dominion machines design to steal elections, and the gray hats pretend they are surprise🤨 they are flipping votes!😒

Both parties want the fraud machines to remain in place. They DO NOT want to give up the ability to steal elections. 🤥


You hit the nail on the head that’s for sure!


It is not just the Dominion machines, it is all the voting machines, they all have backdoor accesses to them FFS and they can be manipulated at any time.


I think you are wrong. Trump voters don’t want to use rigged machines. Who are you?


I’m not talking about the voters, and I never say anything about the voters … I’m talking about the two parties. Both have used fraud, and both will continue to use it. No more voting machines … hand count the ballots in public! If they continue to keep the public from viewing the count, then fraud is taking place.

Who am I suppose to be?

Mark David

QFS Voting will stop all cheating during elections.



Marta Limberg

I’m not for assassinations, but this is one case where this action would be acceptable. The Deep State has tried it twice on Trump, why not return the favor and succeed?






assassinate who, a puppet? then what, no election?


Because you want to kill people based on a lie.


you muslims and jesus followers have always been controllled freaks.


Let’s meet sometime…. and we’ll talk about it. Tell us where we can find you.
Give us your name and address….so we can meet up.


I’m in




alos, you can control people thoughts on who they believe in.

do you also hate nature in europe?
seems you want to destroy it.

Rebecca tracy

Praying White Hats will focus on the election unless people like in NC and FL are being harmed. Please God, let the evil not be able to successfully steal our election again‼️ 🙏❤️🇺🇸


Please God, kill the white hats and their families.


just cause you believe in jesus or baal. doesnt mean your superior.

no culture should be eradicated by muslims.

now im starting to wonder if china, middle east and africa really owns those lands.

Last edited 4 hours ago by chris

also, people who tell me to change my beliefs. im going tocontinue beleive in a false god who hates others for not being perfect or who believes in odin, zeus and etc.

americans arent in charge of europe beliefs. everyone is allowed to believe in what they want.

santa claus is real.

if your salty about that, then your pathetic. that emans your offended at people who believe awhile you gotten coal.




FUCK OFF !!!!!!!!!!!!


What are you smokin’?


Must be dat good chit


Must be dat gud chit


Santa Claus is real.