White Hats Confiscate Fake Voting Machines in Georgia


As Union forces continue their assault against FEMA in storm-ravaged areas, White Hats in swing states have been arduously, diligently fighting instances of potential election fraud, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

On Monday night, hours before early in-person voting began in Georgia, White Hats under General Smith’s command stopped “Democratic operatives” from replacing legitimate voting machines with fraudulent ones at the Sandy Springs Library in Fulton County, Georgia.

At approximately midnight, White Hats operating on earlier obtained intelligence observed a U-Haul truck park beside the library entrance. Two men and a woman, an unnamed library employee, exited the passenger compartment and opened the rear door. They extended the sliding ramp, then with hand trucks began carting electronic voting machines toward the library doors, an act White Hats deemed suspicious for a couple of reasons: The library had received a shipment of voting machines days earlier and stowed them in a double-locked storage room, and it was entirely anomalous for a different shipment to arrive at such a strange hour.

“They damn sure weren’t there to check out books,” our source said.

White Hats, he added, had on October 3 eavesdropped on a conversation between former Georgia House Representative Stacey Abrams—who served from 2011-2017—and liberal incumbent James Beverly, who won (stole) a House seat in 2011 and currently serves Georgia’s 143rd District, which includes Bibb but not Fulton County. Nonetheless, Abrams, who, as a civilian, still wields immense influence over Democratic legislators in Georgia, told Beverly that Fulton County had too many Republican voters and that he “should do something about that.” He replied that he didn’t want trouble and that Fulton County was outside his jurisdiction, and he said he had to worry about his own District, as opposed to how voters might vote a hundred miles away. He suggested that Abrams reach out to Rep. David Scott (D-GA), who represents portions of six counties: Cobb, Clayton, Douglas, Fayette, Fulton, and Henry.

White Hats followed the phone calls. On October 4 Abrams called Scott, who explosively scolded her for saying “We’re not doing enough to stop Donald Trump like we did in 2020” on an unsecured line. Scott said to her, “You’ll ruin everything,” implying that Georgia’s Democratic legislators had set in motion plans to undermine the election but kept an unhinged Abrams out of the loop.

Scott’s comments, while not an admission of guilt or criminality, prompted White Hats, specifically US Army Cyber Command, to focus on him instead of Abrams, who was spiraling into madness at the thought of Harris losing Georgia. ARCYBER accessed Scott’s home and office computers and found a pdf file of a U-Haul contract whose terms and conditions stated the contract holder would retrieve a 15’ truck from a rental center in Atlanta on October 14 and return it to the exact location two days later. While a rental contract is not ordinarily suspicious, a few things about the one found on Scott’s computer piqued ARCYBER’s interest.

For starters, it was not rented in Scott’s name. Our source wouldn’t disclose the signatory, but he said a public and law enforcement records search on the individual’s name seemed to suggest the signee was a phantom, a fictitious creation, a non-existent person. However, the address the contract holder had given U-Haul was a genuine location: the Democratic Party of Georgia’s office at 501 Pulliam Street Southwest, Atlanta. Moreover, ARCYBER found on Scott’s devices a notepad document, presumably typed by him, that mentioned: “Sandy Springs library drop off, 10/14, late.”

White Hats knew the library would be among the earliest early voting spots to open on October 15.

ARCYBER sent its intel to Gen. Smith, who, our source said, immediately suspected foul play was afoot. He coordinated a fact-finding mission with allies at the US Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID). Their undercover operatives visited the library on October 10 and learned its voting machines had arrived two days earlier and were stored under lock and key in an unused office. A library employee told them the machines would be installed and ready to use on the 15th and even dared to ask if they were voting for Kamala Harris.

White Hats suspected that Georgia Democrats planned to replace calibrated machines with tampered ones at the last possible moment, just in case unbiased election officials showed up to perform a spot inspection before they went online.

Gen. Smith tasked CID with pursuing the investigation, and on October 13, CID agents began surveilling the U-Haul lot despite having conceded to the general that singling out a single rental among dozens a day could be an insurmountable hurdle—especially since they had no idea who would turn up to rent the vehicle.

Fortune and luck had aided past White Hat investigations, and they did again on October 14 when CID spotted a Toyota Camry with three passengers, one of whom was the same woman they’d met at the library, arriving to pick up the U-Haul. It’s unclear why U-Haul released the truck to anyone besides the contract holder, as, per their website guidelines, only the person who initiated the contract can claim the vehicle after supplying U-Haul with a valid driver’s license. The library employee, though, did not drive the U-Haul off the lot; her unidentified companions, on the other hand, climbed aboard the truck and moved it to a self-storage facility on Custer Avenue in Atlanta.

The U-Haul driver and passenger were seen hauling six voting machines—later confirmed to be Dominion optical scanners—onto the truck, which they later parked overnight in the parking lot of a Lowes Home Improvement store less than two miles from the library. The driver and passenger never left the truck, and at midnight, they cruised from the parking lot to the library, where the library employee was waiting to greet them.

No sooner had the three unloaded the first machine than CID surrounded them at gunpoint, confiscating the Dominion equipment and demanding to know why they were trying to covertly switch them in the dead of night.

All three invoked their Fifth Amendment right to remain silent, and CID arrested them on suspicion of treason and election interference. They also confiscated the machines, which, our source said, have been sent to ARCYBER’s Fort Gordon headquarters for a comprehensive analysis.

Later that morning, CID visited House Rep. Scott’s home and business hoping to arrest him, but he had flown the coop.

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American Living in Canada

From The Democracy Fund…

TORONTO: During the Freedom Convoy protest in Coutts, Alberta, in 2022, police brought approximately 100 charges against peacefully protesting truckers. The Democracy Fund (TDF) partnered with Williamson Law (WL) to ensure that these truckers received representation and, if necessary, a fair trial.
Nearly 50 clients retained WL to defend against tickets issued under the Use of Highway and Rules of the Road Regulation and other regulatory statutes. WL lawyers requested disclosure and held multiple discussions with the Crown, resulting in the withdrawal of tickets for all but 11 cases. For these remaining cases, the Crown was determined to proceed.
WL lawyers then sought subpoenas for the Alberta Premier’s Office, Alberta Sheriffs, Edmonton Police Service, Criminal Intelligence Service Alberta (CISA), and Provincial Security and Intelligence Office (PSIO) to give evidence in respect of disclosure issues. After WL sought these subpoenas, and further discussions with defence counsel, the Crown offered to resolve the remaining 11 cases for $1 each. As a result, no client was convicted at trial and all matters were successfully resolved.
Chad Williamson of WL said:
“The outcome in these cases represents an outstanding victory for civil liberty clients of The Democracy Fund. The Government attempted to bring charges against individuals and companies who allegedly had equipment parked on and near the highway during the Coutts Freedom Convoy protest. In the face of a robust and steadfast defence, we were successful in having close to 50 charges withdrawn immediately. When the Crown sought to prosecute the remaining 11 truckers, we sought subpoenas for parties we believed had relevant knowledge of the underlying events. At that point, the Crown agreed that the remaining charges should be resolved for $1 each. These cases show that a strong and vigorous defence is the best protection against charges levied by the Government against peaceful protestors.”

American Living in Canada

Epoch Times..

A Liberal MP who is urging Justin Trudeau to resign as prime minister says many others feel the same way.
Sean Casey said Liberals are “becoming more emboldened” and there’s a pledge being signed that calls for the prime minister to step down.
Why It Matters: Since news of the latest internal caucus revolt against Trudeau emerged last week, Casey is the first Liberal MP to go public with his call for Trudeau’s ouster.”


As a Georgian for the past 25 years, I enjoyed getting my little peach sticker stating “I voted” every election – that was, until 2020. I remember standing in line KNOWING those Dominion machines were going to apply my votes anywhere but where I wanted them to go. It felt like a hopeless and useless attempt to have it actually count for something. But I voted anyway. I was threatened with arrest when they caught me photographing how I voted. They took my phone and forced me to delete the photos. When I asked them what difference it made, their answer was, “They don’t want anyone seeing anything before they come in to vote”! I asked if they were kidding me. They weren’t! Georgia’s supposed leadership has been a complete embarrassment to us for decades now. People have said to us, “You dummies voted for them, live with it!” Guess what? NO we didn’t!! Thankfully, there really was an actual accounting of real votes. Maybe we’ll see the real numbers eventually Maybe this election will actually give us an honest vote or at least, close to it!


Nebraska allows felons to vote in this presidential election as of 10/16/ 2024 possibly saying the electoral college vote


Twenty days to ago…..

It’s certainly great. The military can ease drop on these criminal phone calls…high alert for national guardsmen to be on call for all RED STATES and 7 Swing states. It is going to get crazy!!!

American Living in Canada

From 3CRF…

Hearts of Oak interview with Major Russ Cooper (Ret’d)
This Hearts of Oak interview with Major Russ Cooper (Ret’d) offers some unique insights into the world of diminishing individual rights and freedoms from someone who fought for their protection and projection abroad. From cockpit to civil liberties activism, the objective remains the same as he battles for the soul and freedom of his country.

Join the conversation as we learn how Major Cooper’s journey from the air to activism, sparked by his concerns over perceived threats to Canadian values of unity and free speech, led him to co-found the Canadian Citizens for Charter Rights and Freedoms – an organization championing individual rights amidst what he sees as a growing tide of restrictive legislation.

The battle is not just about one man’s fight; it’s about understanding the challenges to our freedoms and the call to action for every citizen to stand up for the principles that define a strong and free Canada. Strap in for an enlightening conversation that touches on the heart of what it means to be Canadian.”

C’man Americans.. Can’t ya keep up with us?

American Living in Canada

Rebel News..

“A new class action Lawsuit is providing Albertans injured by the “safe and effective” COVID shots with renewed hope for justice.
Marking the legacy of the so-called pandemic was the widespread suspension of our civil liberties and the establishment of a bio-security nanny state that forcefully pushed mass vaccinations on every man, woman and child to the benefit of Big Pharma and their bureaucratic accomplices inside all levels of government.
The fevered push to get shots into arms saw the government change regulatory due process and rush these novel products to market. As a result, an untold number of people were left injured or dead and entirely forgotten by the system.”

American Living in Canada


Lawyers Jeff Rath and Eva Chipiuk from the firm Rath and Co. are the lawyers behind this massive lawsuit. They recently joined me for an interview to explain how the Alberta government took part in “unlawful, negligent, inadequate, improper, unfair, and deceptive practices” to convince people to put their health, safety, and employment on the line under the guise of the greater good.”

American Living in Canada

“Crumblin’ Down”

Some people ain’t no damn good

You can’t trust ’em

You can’t love em

No good deed goes unpunished

And I don’t mind being their whipping boy

I’ve had that pleasure

For years and years

No, no I never was a sinner

Tell me what else can I do

Second best is what you get

‘Til you learn to bend the rules

Time respects no person

And when you lift up must fall

They’re waiting outside

To claim my crumblin’ walls

Saw my picture in the paper

Read the news around my face

And now some people

Don’t want to treat me the same

When the walls

Come tumblin’ down

When the walls

Come crumblin’, crumblin’

When the walls

Come tumblin’, tumblin’


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Yeah, yeah, yeah

Some people say I’m obnoxious and lazy

That I’m uneducated

And my opinipn means nothin’

But I know I’m a real good dancer

Don’t need to look over my shoulder

To see what I’m after

Everybody’s got their problems

Ain’t no new news here

I’m the same old trouble

You’ve been having for years

Don’t confuse the problem

With the issue, girl

It’s perfectly clear

Just a human desire

To have you come near

Want to put my arms around you

Feel your breath in my ear

You can bend me

You can break me

But you better stand clear”

John Cougar Mellencamp 

Did any of ya seen this guy on the list?

CONservative DEMocrat

Get your own site!

Karen B

Rep. David Scott: a professional gaslighting, lying, deep state puppet who has wreaked havoc in Congress for too many years. I always cringed when he was about to speak. I am going to pray extra hard that our White Hat Force for American Justice can capture him quickly before he totally disappears.
Wonderful intelligence work, my fellow patriot CID.💃🤗💜 You make us all very proud. 🇺🇸
Thank You, General Smith for having your fingers always on the pulse of intuitive operational planning of the highest intelligence…and maybe even a little divine intervention.🤗👍🇺🇸💓
Fulton County is a den of vipers. Many “famous” Demonrats reside and were initiated there.😡
Dear Lord, thank you for hearing the prayers of your people for safety of our White Hat Military and Red Hats…you have shown your omnipotent power over the devilish works of darkness and you crush and scatter the plans of our enemies. You are forever faithful and true, and may those who have not considered your existence and presence, be awakened now as we enter into the strategies of dangerous and dark times before You rise victorious for alllllllll the world to behold.🔽

~ Psalm 148:13 ~ “Let them praise the name of the Lord, for his name alone is exalted; his splendor is above the earth and the heavens.”

…in times of distress, call out to Him. ✝🛐💟🤗


Imagine throwing your life away in an attempt to help the most unpopular, incompetent ruthless bitch, steal an election. Its so dumb i have no words. Thank-you White Hats for rounding up this scum. The world is a better place. 🙏❤️


Google is now paying $300 to $500 per hour for doing work online work from home. Last paycheck of me said that $20537 from this easy and simple job. Its amazing and earns are awesome. No boss, full time freedom and earnings are in front of you. This job is just awesome. Every person can makes income online with google easily….
M­­­­­­o­­­­­­r­­­­­­e­ D­­­­­­e­­­­­­t­­­­­­a­­­­­­i­­­­­­l­­­­­­s For Us→→→→ Www.Payathome9.Com

Last edited 56 minutes ago by mistracy39
orange julius

The heat is on, on the street, inside your head, on every beat, and the beat’s so loud, deep inside, the pressure’s high, just to stay alive, cause the heat is ……. on.


Ghetto criminals always gonna ghetto criminal. I can’t wait until you catch Scott boi and make him cry. Good work men. For God and Country.


And soooo it begins…If that criminal, low-IQ dumbass gets 1% of the vote…they’ve cheated. Her and the pedophile need to be locked up and charged. Sounds like the Dems are trying to oust Harris/Walz and replace them with…..Killary/Big Mike????

Strike 17

Seems like we going to have a hard time keeping the vote laget wow is all I can say the Conserveative Republican seems to be on it without cheating. Since they so intent to have headboard win. Don’t they realize they ain’t on the list to keep around if she wins!

Bill Meadows

Please learn English.

Sue Grantham

Scott can’t be as elusive as he thinks


Bring back voter IDs and paper ballots. Arrest Abrahams and all those other goons and try them for treason.


There needs to be a law No More Lies!
Congress, msm, any freelance reporters


This was a really good catch! They stayed with it to completion. And caught them red handed! But it makes one wonder how many more such capers are yet to be discovered and interrupted. They’re attempting “Grand Theft 2020 2.0”. And it will be another massive attempt to destroy the integrity of the election. No doubt, by many varied and creative methods. It’s been insinuated that the White Hats allowed the last steal to happen, as proof and to document the fraud for some grand, larger purpose to show the world.

We surely know there will be far more than one such attempt to illegally sway this most critical election in modern history
(IMHO). It’s nerve wracking to contemplate how many more attempts are yet to be intercepted. By multiple methods, just as before. But…I keep hearing hints that there is some kind of a master, all-encompassing, plan to stop the grand steal this time around. I’d sure love to be in on that secret. Because it’s clear these slimey vermin will never give up and suddenly turn legit.

Prayers that the phrase “We have it all.” is genuine and reliable. I doubt my heart can handle another 2020.

Edward Conger

So why do you suppose these guys invoke the fifth, when they don’t believe the constitution should exist.


They do whatever is convenient for them.

Strike 17

I hope their next destination is GITMO then it will sink in and the words will flow.


This election has already proven that it will be rigged. We need EBS our new phones and computers to vote by our frequency where you have to be a US Republic citizen to receive proven with your RV accounts. Watch your issues because what I have read in some states there is hidden fees in them. The wording is tricky and the ads on main stream look like a great deal when the tax payer is paying for salaries, lawyers, and anyone who objects to it! For example in Ohio issue one is one of these in section 10 and a few other sections. You can go out and look at the sample ballot in your county!


A googlemap of 501 Pullman Street in Atlanta reveals a shady looking demoncrat stronghold – iron fenced window protection all the way around on ground floor (I’ve never seen anything like that before) and lots of dont’s posted on front door. It’s also got a strange symbol right above front door, entitled, ‘The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers,’ complete with a communista fist and lightning bolts. Got an L.U. (labor union) 613 logo as well.

Cars in parking lot have Let’s Do it Again! (steal the vote) vans and other weird demoncrat bumper stickers like, ‘Kickin Ass for the Workin Class.’

Last edited 2 hours ago by EdBob
Bill Meadows

You really don’t have much to do, do you?


Great catch!


Thank-you for sharing, its an intriguing side note to the story. 🥰


I wouldn’t celebrate just yet. These Dominion machines are nothing but specialized PCs, they have an SD card slot and wifi, leaving them open to last minute adjustment by several means.


I’m sure Dominion will be filing a lawsuit soon that will be public knowledge and in all the news as the previous ones . Which they won and got a huge settlement .


Hopefully, the White Hats are on them using the Red Hats to crack open some skulls.


I’m pretty sure there won’t be an election


I am beginning to believe we are screwed as a country. There are not enough whitehats to confiscate voting machines in EVERY State and every county…I am starting to believe we are doomed. Seems like if there are any benevolent forces, there isn’t enough of them and if there are these forces they are not being bold enough to end this sh1t show. Starting to feel pretty hopeless about this whole situation. I can tell you if Trump doesn’t win and wants to pull another “sting” operation I can promise you there WILL be a civil war….at this point what do Americans have to lose and they will go out in a blaze…it would be better than living in a communist country with no freedom…..” live free or die” at that point. Does anyone even care? I just don’t know anymore.


Shut your mouth if you can’t get on teh same page as God. This is HIS plan & he has said we should say “We already have the overwhelming victory!!” OUR WORDS HAVE POWER.


I called Dominion , they have no record of any such event .


Keep the Faith, Momma! Trump & the White Hats have a plan. We should hear something by Oct. 26, the start of EBS (Emergency Broadcast System), or EAS (Emergency Alert System), and going to Nov. 4, the eve before Election Day.


I dont know why they are even having an election, when Kamalhead was involved with the fraud of 2020, and they “have it all”………………so they say/


Don’t worry, the White Hats are just cleaning house. I believe that they’re showing us what would have happened had the right ppl not stepped up. Just look at this intel so you can understand what we were in the middle of, so that we as a planet don’t make the same mistakes again. We were so naive, all of us. You, me, everybody. There won’t be an election. Be ready for a world war 3 nuke scare event between now and the 5th, and Trump to step up to resolve it. Elections will follow eventually on our new phones. Read up on that.

***when the White Hats say they’re in control, they mean it. I remember reading in one of the RRN’s articles in August that the generals had learned that Kamala’s constant cackling laugh symbolized how much the DS is laughing at the sufferings of Americans. I remember something from Gen. Smith (not a direct quote), ” We’re going to put a stop to this immediately!” Shortly after, Kamala did her first TV interview w/Tampon Tim. Everybody on social media commented how quiet and sober Kamala was acting. She looked like she’d been humbled and scolded. I don’t what happened behind the scenes, but we haven’t seen that constant cackling since. I believe Kamala has been forced to play a role in this movie, but the White Hats are in control.


Info on a grab your popcorn and watch the movie web sites have stated their belief that the D’s could steal it again to crank up the false sense of victory; see T locked up while exposing further traitorous d and r characters to the public. Then the trap would be sprung. What a script; will have wait and see how this movie ends. Job security for Jesus!


“They damn sure weren’t there to check out books,”

Translation: niggers.

Blacks are the enemy of America and its constitution.

It’s high time whites stopped being afraid of, and pandering to blacks, who rounded up and sold them own selves into slavery and to this day, haven’t produced one city on the face of the earth that’s desirable to live in.

And if you say, ‘Atlanta,’ I’ll laugh you out of the room.

They’re the sons and daughters of Cain.

Last edited 2 hours ago by EdBob

Wtf are you on about. Why don’t you go to a more appropriate website. Where you can wear a pillow case on your head


I cannot believe that people actually upvote your R-sism. In terms of other content you post I often agree with you and appreciate your observations however this despicable impulse you have to denigrate a whole race of people disgusts me to the core. These vile comments are a disgrace to this website, as if it is not already overrun with T-rolls B-otts and scammers.


Until you take the MSM down it doesn’t matter they will just declare the Indian person the winner and all other news outlets will follow suit just like the last stolen election

Death to All Deep Staters

yep, and I hope the first MSM person they take down publicly is that big POS Bret Baier!


‘White Hats in swing states have been dealing with instances of potential election fraud.’


What is needed is some of them forensic inspectors – there was one at the State Hearings, 4yrs ago – to check ALL of the electronic machines in all the swing states (at least) for anything corrupt and give them the ok, and someone to oversee the machines until the voting is done. A lot of work but that’s what is needed.

New machines arriving in the night is a red flag, of course, but these States already have their corrupt machines from 4yrs ago. Why they need new ones, I can’t imagine. Surely, they would just reuse their existing ones, the ones that count 1.5 votes to an Ariss ballot, and 0.5 votes to a Trump ballot. It all worked well back then. And they anyway have all the counters setting the contrast out of range so it will not scan, and then awarding the ballot to that dirty Ariss. They are all trained at these shenanigans and will be already onto it.

And then there are all the dead people etc climbing out of their graves to vote – but all this is well known, yes? It was all revealed in the five State Hearing. But it is well late to be planning things.

Any computer can be hacked and these domino voting machines are piss easy – all set up for rigging. All of the electronic voting machines (new and old) need trashing and the ballots counted by hand, with WH military in attendance.


don’t forget to bag Stacey the Hutt.


Get em, get em all. Cheaters deserve a one way ticket to Gitmo.


yep yep


I hope the, ‘Trust the plan’ is a bit stronger than playing whack-a-mole with these traitors in every State. You know if it’s happening here, it’s happening all over the country!




Boy, you got that right. Beyond a shadow of doubt. HA HA -“Whack-A-Mole”…good one!

Strike 17

Glad your back BIG E!


Google is now paying $300 to $500 per hour for doing work online work from home. Last paycheck of me said that $20537 from this easy and simple job. Its amazing and earns are awesome. No boss, full time freedom and earnings are in front of you. This job is just awesome. Every person can makes income online with google easily….
M­­­­­­o­­­­­­r­­­­­­e­ D­­­­­­e­­­­­­t­­­­­­a­­­­­­i­­­­­­l­­­­­­s For Us→→→→ Www.Payathome9.Com

Last edited 3 hours ago by mistracy39

So why hasn’t Abrams been arrested?
Is she above a Chinook’s max lift weight?


My husband, son and I went to do early voting yesterday afternoon. All voted for Trump.


Mostly everyone did the same in 2020, and look! Are the WH actually do anything this time, even if Harryass “wins”??


I’m still on the Dems Aboard mailing list from my old Dem days (no more!) because I find the emails so outrageous, and I want to know what they’re up to. This is a quote from an email received today. As I said, outrageous!!!

“Votes from abroad provide Democrats a path to victory that terrifies Trump. That’s why he and his cronies are attacking our right to vote in battleground states.
In Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Michigan, Republicans have filed lawsuits aimed at stopping our ballots from being counted in cases designed to leave thousands of votes in limbo.”

Bill Meadows

How is that outrageous? Don’t you think citizens living overseas should be able to vote?


Thanks for sharing that news from the opposing camp. It sounds just like what we should expect from them.

By the way, glad you switched teams. Cheers!


Amazing…even Library employees are traitors! & we thought librarians were smart!? Glad they caught these ones, but makes you wonder how many more devious localities are up to the same thing? Helped by ou Congress people… what a shit show!





Unfortunately, librarians are not politically neutral. According to Public Square magazine: “In 2020, employees of the American Library Association (ALA) donated to democratic candidates and causes 100% of the time. And in the previous election cycle, all librarians donated to Democrats at a rate of 419:1.”


Wow. Did not know that. But my librarian once said she was a “staunch Democrat” She was really old though. IQ never prevents brainwashing.

Strike 17

Most that work together support the democrats if you don’t they turn on the pear pressure.


Why wud library employs

be any less evil than vote counters?!


Come to think of it, librarians were probably the first to defect en masse to the Woke side. Didn’t really teach a class and had zero consequences w/ parents or the school board.

They were flaky in the 70’s, can’t even imagine today.


US libraries have become mechanisms for Marxism. Take a deep dive down the dark rabbit hole. You’ll be astounded about what you’ll find. Same goes for The Boy Scouts of Amerukka. Don’t buy the popcorn.

Sue Grantham

The librarian got caught. Not so smart 🤣


Last edited 1 hour ago by alan479
  1. Why people, political AND civilian, who were caught tampering previous elections have NOT already been arrested is beyond judicial comprehension here. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!! They KNOW WHO they are- yet those same individuals are left in positions to continue to rob votes! No one is willing to hold them accountable! AMERICA IS A JOKE NOW
  2. I, for one, will NOT be voting ever again. After the 3 ring circus of 2020 and no one being held accountable- how can anyone ever claim there will be a fair election? STOP WASTING OUR PRECIOUS TIME WITH YOUR CIRCUSES

A failure to vote only supports the cheating.


I agree, that is not the answer. That is what they wish we would do.






Though I COMPLETELY understand your anger and “solution,” I believe it is your responsibility to vote “for the person of your choice.” May GOD BLESS OUR VOTES!!!…Fight, fight, fight!!


cant say yer wrong


If you are or would have voted for Trump, please please vote this election. I have faith that this election will be better. There’s many Democrats who no longer done with bidamn and no brains Kamel making it impossible to pay for rent gas and feed the family. We are gaining more and more votes..the ones not voting could end up being the deciding votes to get Trump in. I’ve heard this many times on the internet and the DemoRats are hoping we will wll just give up and stay home. Please don’t give up! 🇺🇸🙏🏻♥️ I’m a gr-grams with 4 little guys who depend on all of us. God Bless MAGA ♥️🤍💙

Strike 17

I think the cut off to register to vote has passed.

King Kong

should got the rep right after the phone call. this election will not happen trump will be place as CIC in which he is CIC. I put truth serum in their body to make them talk. then shoot them.


white hats dont know

about truth serum :(((

Strike 17

I think the 5 of Nov will be something else that’s why President Trump kept saying vote early.


hang em !!!


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M­­­­­­o­­­­­­r­­­­­­e­ D­­­­­­e­­­­­­t­­­­­­a­­­­­­i­­­­­­l­­­­­­s For Us→→→→ Www.Payathome9.Com

Last edited 4 hours ago by mistracy39

U-Haul..! When stealing a delivery truck and ditching it ex-post-facto is just way… too obvious!

Can you imagine what their revenues will look like when trafficking ( in all its various forms ) becomes largely eradicated..? AND once N/G is finally implemented and we’re no longer a nation of forced economic nomads!?

Nice stock to short right here fellas…


If this is what’s being observed already one may reasonably assume it’s only a fractional sample of what’s already going on rigging wise with these Federal Elections.And knowing the “Borg mentality” of Marxist Statists,along with their demonstrated war tactics, they’re throwing wave upon wave of multi level and venue specific attacks to finish their desired revolution and resettling of the USA.That’s why,apart from reinstatement by our Military, and publicly exposing what these criminals and traitors have been doing making war against their own countrymen Trump will never reopen the real White House reseated there where he ought to be.


There is no “fortune or luck” involved in any of this. “Fortune and Luck” are Satanic. I doubt Satan would sabotage his own plots, plans, and schemes. God is exposing everything and deserves all the praise.



Victor Bravo

There are no safe voting machines. Any information that says there is is propaganda and disinformation.






So Scott ran like the coward he is!! They will get him…..they all run but sooner or later they come back thinking the coast is clear. This type of thing is set to happen at almost every voting place around the country. The DS demons always seem to use the same MO over and over and over and still get away with it. Maybe not this time thanks to the White and Red hats. It seems this combination has proven to be a wonderful team. Good article M.B. More traitors set for a nice scenic trip to GITMO!! God please keep blessing the Union as they continue destroying as much of the DS demons crap as they can.

Godspeed to DJT, the White Hats (Union), and all patriots everywhere.


I suggest we raid the house immediately. There you will find his safe room and all his goodies.


Wife and I voted early by mail. Trump interview today was super good. Cannot believe how desperate the Blue are. Ass#$holes!

King Kong

They are Nazis.


Personally, I believe they are WORSE than Nazis!! The evil ones “running the [shit]show” have NO CONSCIENCE! They are absolutely 100% insane, possessed, hopelessly delusional. “Come, Lord Jesus, come!!”


The ones in charge will throw them under the bus to save their butts. No saving, no deals.


Clearly you don’t know how utterly E-ville the Not-sees were and Are… soldiers of Stn in case you need a clear map. One and the Same. That’s as E-ville as it gets and when the EBS happens, what that equates to is going to push a lot of decent humans to utter breakdown if they don’t start facing facts asap.

Michael R Davis

Over 10,000 bodybags requested in North Carolina

https ://www.bitchute.com/video/HHkH0XmYLBw3


Look in Ft. McPherson? As Dr. William Mount has identified their den there in Atlanta.
It Needs a good lqrge enema!

Hope yall are industreal cleaning the Biltmore and fema garbage out of N.C.


Election fraud. Then all three had better be arrested, tried, fined thousands of dollars each, and given jail time. Make no deals when it comes to election fraud!


bullshit ,,execute the fuking traitors now!!





No, that is Treason! We know the penalty for that!

Lori Miller

Actually, as I was reading this was hoping they resisted and were shot.

Linda Hutchison

If you are convicted of aiding and abetting election fraud, if convicted by military Tribunal, that is misprision of treason or TREASON, both should be punishable by death, not at GITMO, but where EVERYONE can SEE IT! Maybe a few considering abetting with election tampering would think twice! This continues because t hey don’t think we’re doing ANYTHING about it!


And ‘election fraud’ is an euphemism for ‘overthrowing the country.’

That is a bit more than some jail time.


So TRUE. We’ve sugar coated this going back to Richard J. Daley in Chicago. We were conditioned to accept it as “just part of machine politics”.

And I think as long as it was just taking place on a local level, most Americans were ok w/ it. I mean, it’s not happening in MY town..!?

Now the fraud has “gone global” with Dominion machines web-enabled and everyone from the CCP to Iran having a go at us. It’s why Soros made such a priority of his “Secretary of State Project” dating back to the 2010’s.


The article says they were charged with treason. That’s usually a death penalty offense, which is fine by me…


Exactly…I bet that 5th Amendment bodes well at GITMO!


Treasonous actions, requires treasonous penalties…..Death. Do the woman library attendant, first, that will scare the shitzuu out of the men.


That was just 1 incident and we are suppose to believe a fair election this time around?


Yep exactly. This whole supposed operation just sounds stupid. Well done that’s just ONE voting centre and it seems so easy to do. White hats also said they were very very lucky to intercept the truck. So sounds like a completely inept plan


Yes. Unless of course Trump loses again. Then MB will tell you the White Hats fucked up again and will spend another 4 years writing these fake stories that promise Trump will arrest Kamala and take over the White House again #soon


Doesn’t china own a 75% interest in Dominion? Why are we still even using the machines!?


We the people aren’t using the machines. The corrupt people in power are, so that they can stay in power.
The people would love nothing more than a paper ballot counted by an honest person.
The people in power want nothing more than to stay in power at any cost.


Well, except before it was about greed and power. NOW it’s about self-preservation and s-u-r-v-i-v-a-l…

What’s not being taken into account here is Bidan and Hair Ass have so utterly gutted, demeaned and discredited the Office of the President, having “control” of it has been reduced to almost meaningless.

With the Chevron Doctrine derailed the DS won’t be able to have “an absentee pResident” sunning themselves at the beach and pull strings behind the scenes any more. They needed another 2008 Financial Crises, Pandemic 3.0, WWIII and a charismatic messiah candidate.

None of which actually materialized…


Google is now paying $300 to $500 per hour for doing work online work from home. Last paycheck of me said that $20537 from this easy and simple job. Its amazing and earns are awesome. No boss, full time freedom and earnings are in front of you. This job is just awesome. Every person can makes income online with google easily….
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Last edited 56 minutes ago by mistracy39

that’s what I wanna know.


Sum ting wong with this picture


Good news! Thank you WHs, Gen Smith, ARCYBER command and, of course, Michael Baxter. Godspeed with all of you as I’m sure this is going to get more involved as we progress to Election Day.


LOL. Scott.
He will not die well.

Outlandish Outlander

So, the Deep State is going to try and “swing” the swing-states thinking that those states will be key to a 2024 election victory for the communist-Demon-crats. I think they are very wrong and that the popular vote is going to easily be 70%+ for Donald-John TRUMP. Therefore, it will be that much harder to overcome the popular vote and steal the 2024 election and making it look like the American people actually voted for the biggest loser of all time to ever run for the Office of the President of the united States of America.

The Deep State has no choice but to steal the election. Why? They know that they can not lawfully win the election. So, they have to steal it, and they will. Don’t be shocked by the communist news media announcing, “Harris’ amazing win!” I so do not want to hear this at all. I hope and pray that the military and all other sources and resources in-action, can lawfully counter-move each unethical maneuver the Deep State is going to pull to steal this election. And, make no mistake folks, they are going to pull them.

“Remember, remember, the 5th of November.” I suspect that November 5th is going to be one very-very long day, and one very hard fought battle that won’t be over in one day either. Yes, that would be nice. But, lets be reasonable and logical about this. I don’t think it will be because, when the results start coming in, as they are right now actually, and the communists know that they are loosing the election. They are going make their maneuvers to alter outcomes in other places to compensate for the expected loss to pull a, “Rabbit (no offense to Bugs Bunny) out of their hat,” and steal the election. Again, they have no choice.

The winner of this battle will determine the winner of this PHYSICAL war that does have spiritual implications. Hopefully, you know and understand what I do about THIS WORLD (not Earth) and who is actually “in-charge” because of the perfect blood-payment He made to purchase THIS WORLD and all that is in it, and then He caps that off by escaping the grave as well. So then, for me, no matter what happens, there is no one that can be my King, or President, or Prime Minister or any other fictional WORLD TITLE, other than the one man whom the Father-Creator sent into THIS WORLD, “…not to condemn the world,” the Son-of-Man, who overcame THIS WORLD and thus conquered it. So, for me it can only be the one man whom the Father named and declared, “King of kings,” and whom He also named the, “Heir of all things.” GREAT CREDENTIALS, Yes? May you also rest in this peace of mind, and IF you do, then this election is already over for you as well because you will know and understand that the meaning of the principal, “No man can serve two masters.”

Nonetheless, the Deep State is thinking that they can change tactics and the results are going be the same as in 2020 because, they will be able to change the votes in the voting machines themselves. Seems the most logical way to alter the election since there are not going to be all the voting ballets as there were in the 2020 manipulated election.

But, this is not 2020, or even 2022. And, the American Military is waiting for the Deep State to make their move this time. It is expected! The Military is going to catch all of the Deep State losers and they will receive a lovely military tribunal wherein the end result of that will be them learning how to swing-dance. An appropriate result for an arrogant, egotistical, pious-puking POS.

In other words punks, you’ve already lost. But, you are not intelligent enough to figure that out. You’re just plain STUPID because your driven by your carnal mindless-minds, greed, lies and worthless fiat currency debt notes. All of that equals the fact of what has made you, “JUST PLAIN STUPID!”

Plus, the America people will NOT put up with all of the lies this time. That especially includes the lies from ALL of the mainstream news media such as CNN, FOX, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC and all of the rest of the lesser known outlets. So, go ahead communist punks, “MAKE MY DAY!” We are waiting for you, and you will actually be your own undoing. How poetic that will be.

Last edited 4 hours ago by Outlandish Outlander
Bill Meadows

“I think they are very wrong and that the popular vote is going to easily be 70%+ for Donald-John TRUMP.”

Outlandish, indeed.


Amen! And very well said! Jesus Christ is and Always will be Victorious in this Earthly world no matter what man does. I am totally at Peace because I know, even if the dems cheat and win, Jesus is that much Closer to coming for His Bride! Then, bye, bye world!


It now has distilled down to; how would like your civil war..?

A DJT win means the DS has *zero* left to lose and will destroy the entire planet before relinquishing power.

A Harris ‘win’ would literally result in random citizens scaling the fence at military bases and hot wiring tanks. Don’t bother with the gate MP’s.., I’ll see myself out!

Brakes r 4 p*ssies…

Outlandish Outlander

I have one thought that I will ask in the form of a question that I hope will inspire and encourage another thought.

You said, and I quote the following

“A DJT win means the DS has *zero* left to lose and will destroy the entire planet before relinquishing power.”

I don’t doubt that they may very well try to do this simply because of how arrogant, egotistical and especially spiritually bereft they are.

Nevertheless, my question is, since the DEEP STATE does not own this planet because, they did not create it, and this planet (Earth) has been bought and purchased with the highest form of species that there will ever be; the broken body and shed blood absent any blemish of the Messiah-Redeemer the beloved Son in whom the Father is well pleased, then how could the DEEP STATE ever be allowed to destroy the entire planet; be allowed to destroy something they did not create, nor shed any non-blemished blood for?

Is the Earth the DEEP STATES to destroy?
Or, does this Earth, belong to someone else who suffered an unconscionable beating, death and burial for the sake of this planets salvation as well as the salvation of all the living souls who have lived upon it?