Military Arrests Department of Education Pedophiles in Accordance with Trump’s Executive Orders


Among the beneficial Executive Orders President Trump signed, one ended federal affirmative action programs and furloughed all federal diversity, equity, and inclusion staff, effectively rescinding a fanatical equal rights EO that President Lyndon B. Johnson signed in 1965. It is one of many steps Trump has taken to restore the Golden Age of America.

Unreported by the MSM, the President of the United States also commanded elements of the military, White Hats among them, to arrest federal DEI staff that had overstepped their purview by suggesting that federal workers should try homosexuality, transgenderism, and cross-dressing—so they’d have a better understanding the difficulties of living life as a marginalized person. These sickos include DEI “sensitivity advocates” within the FBI, the US Marshal’s Service, the Armed Forces, and US Defense Contractors, and the Department of Education.

Although Real Raw News doesn’t know the names of all the DEI advocates targeted for arrest, or exactly how many arrests have occurred as of this writing, our military sources said that US Marines apprehended two “DEI trainers” at the Department of Education Headquarters in DC Tuesday afternoon. Janet Lindstrom, a lesbian and a “cultural diversity expert,” and Todd Sanders, an advisor to the National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity, apparently had no clue Trump had sealed their fate before Marines entered a conference room in which the two were still discussing furthering gender identity acceptance in the public education system.

Lindstrom, our source said, had distributed departmental memos encouraging educators to discuss with female students as young as 12 what challenges they might face if they had a penis instead of a vagina. She also disseminated the notion that female elementary students would benefit from wearing a “strap-on” one day a week to better understand and feel as boys do. Weirdly, the immoral woman had also broadly circulated the idea that young girls not feeling especially girlish take puberty blockers to delay sexual maturity—as they could be men born into a female body.

As if she was not horrific enough, Sanders was worse, a brazen promoter of homosexuality. It was his opinion that 5th-grade boys “experiment” with friends because “male on male” eroticism was natural but made taboo by the “sexually repressed” and societal institutions. In a 2021 dissertation, Sanders argued that since female bisexuality was socially acceptable, and often encouraged, that young boys, too, should explore one another without being stigmatized. In August 2021, Sanders was a guest speaker at the all-male Brother Rice High School in Chicago. While speaking to a class of 9th-grade students, he pulled from a satchel several dildos and stroked them affectionally, telling schoolboys that “boys playing with other boys’ penises” was nothing to be ashamed of. He said he had done it himself with classmates.

When a 14-year-old student raised his hand and asked for advice on where to experiment without his parents finding out, Sanders said that he and his friends had experimented in a closet illuminated by only a low-watt bulb. “Just go in the closet, close the door, and do what comes naturally,” Sanders had said. He had also told the class there was nothing immoral about a man being inside another man’s butt. One astute student raised his voice in protest, citing Scripture: “If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them (Leviticus 20:13). In response, Sanders told the student man’s interpretation of the Bible was imperfect, and that God himself would never punish a boy who loved other boys. “God’s will is that we love one another completely, without fear, and without society’s dogmatic understanding of His word. Nakedness among men is perfectly normal,” Sanders had said.

Well, both President Trump and the people he tasked with eradicating DEI lunatics disagreed with Sanders’ and Lindstrom’s interpretation.

Our source said Sanders and Lindstrom are ungodly sinners guilty of trying to subvert God’s children. Lindstrom, he added, was also a member of NAMBLA, the North American man-boy love association that encourages pedophiles to seek out sex with underage children.

“Their arrests are the tip of the iceberg. Just firing people isn’t sufficient, since so many of these degenerates belong in jail or dead,” our source said.

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Well this can all be out in the open and covered by all media, no reason to keep it secret anymore . Winesses, perp walk and video . Regular police and FBI will now have jurisdiction for arrests and public trials . Let’s go and reveal all. No soon bullshit, now.

Rebecca tracy

So thankful to God for using President Trump and our wonderful military to begin the end of DEI and the unGodly promotion of transexuals, homosexuality, educating and abusing our innocent children with indoctrination contrary to Gods instruction.

I pray the future generations can truly have a golden age that resembles the one I grew up in of innocence, simplicity, safety, Godliness, and communities who were always there for one another🙏❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Wow. The depravity is off the charts.
Thank you White Hats/Military…I’m upping my prayers for you all!!

About time

I vote….death

A Hoosier Patriot

Wow, bravo. About time. Sickos who fail or are so caught up in demonic thoughts, they are beyond finding forgiveness. Sad
Thank you WH for what you do!


FFS round up all perverted, deviant, pedophile, sicko criminals, now. We are going to need bigger prisons. We do it For God and Country. o7

Death to All Deep Staters

We are watching God’s work through those that He has tasked with saving this nation.

Last edited 20 minutes ago by Death to All Deep Staters
Death to All Deep Staters

It is amazing that this country hasn’t descended down the toilet any farther than it already has. If it had reached this point 10 or 15 years ago, this nation would have been dissolved and merged into the Satanic One World government by now.


Gift every subversive predator via hemp necklace, bullet or millstone.

Don’t forget the child mutilators hiding behind white smocks at the so-called hospitals.
Also, the demonic synagogue of Satan from whence this twisted agenda originated.

God Bless the Marines, White Hats and President Trump!!!

Thank you for the update, Michael.


Abolish the whole dept. Of indoctrination, err, education.


The deliberate dumbing down of Amerika department of psychopaths, sociopaths, narcissists.


Sanders and Lindstrom are Jews. Leviticus is one of the 14 books removed from all versions of the Bible except KJV. Jew Talmud with its 8 genders advocates for this evil. It would be faster just to arrest them all.


Jesus quoted exclusively from Deuteronomy in defeating Satan’s temptations in the wilderness…
Deuteronomy is more condemning.. Where the year date stamped 2013 for SSM verse in Leviticus simply calls the act of homosexuality an “Obama_Nation”, er I mean abomination..
Deuteronomy 22:5 tells us that the transvestites themselves are the abomination to God.


God’s ways will flourish in this country again!!
Did anyone se the news taht the CDC, NIH, FDA will no longer be albe to publish articles or give medical advice?? WINNING!!!!!

Jan D Hunsinger

Unbelievably sick May God bless the White Hats in this effort. Thank you MB for this story.


Admiral French, you what to do!!!


The brainwashing of our young people to think that homosexuality is normal, is astonishing!
I hope it’s not too late to cleanse their minds of this evil!
Homosexuality and all of its sins, is an abomination to God!


I say DEAD!


Does anyone know if our government will use military drones to prevent illegal immigrants. From, coming to America again. Being there’s numerous options from microwave technology, sound frequency, and laser ! And, other crowd eliminating equipment in its arsenal ! We need to make it clear legal, not illegal entry ! Quantico public military site search bar enter ” Crowd control ” ! Keep in mind if that’s old technology, their showing in our military arsenal to combat crowd control! Then what’s new technology for crowd control now ? That they’re not showing the public ! 🤔 ( There’s a big crowd of illegal immigrants coming right now to our border! Will the government allow them to over power them ? Only to invade us with no respect for are laws! Or, will we use are military microwave technology and other technology to deter them from entry ? Either make a example. Or, just allow our society, culture, way of life. Just to be rape and murder . All for their gains not ours ! We need more bite, and less bark ! Make a example that where done baby sitting illegal criminals! Use the military crowd control technology! That was safe enough to experiment on our volunteer military troops ! Or, lose the country! That simple! 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

Last edited 1 hour ago by Mikee







What adults do with adults is one thing. Leave innocent children/adolescents our of it. They will have plenty of time as adults to do whatever. Young kids are very impressionable and vulnerable and this is what these people prey on.

Victor T.

Thank you to our White Hats and their leadership for helping to Vanquish all the Woke DEI Cancer from our Schools and our Government Institutions…
Trump can always relocate these fanatics to Greenland… and star their own sick nation…
Time to cleanse all our Institutions, from top to bottom. Thank you all.



Robert Thompson

Disgusting people! I’m pretty confident that the discovery of evidence against these two sick individuals is going to stack up quickly to a death sentence!

Dr John

To add fuel to the fire of STUPID recently acquired a 2 volume set of medical books written by a host of intellectual neophytes (doctors) who submitted articles to these text on all diseases. Each book in the set weighs 10 lbs, the set sells for just under $1,000 and is a set of desk reference books for PRACTICING (pun intended) doctors. (and no I did not spend anything close to that much).

The print is 8 point or less (very hard to read) and the books are packed with common knowledge found in journals and research papers. No there is no risk of finding new innovative or controversial new ideas here. That would require forward, deep thinkers. Doctors by trade are best known for following the rules, not coloring outside the lines.

And indeed in the plandemic we saw their true motivation MONEY. Now I am not saying there are not good doctors, smart doctors, doctors that care about their patients, they are just hard to find and those that are not good doctors should be doing hard time or left hanging for the murders the caused.

We don’t need AI to rule our medical system, we need AMI banded and doctors returned to private medicine out from under the oppressive thumb of hospitals and insurance companies. They need a fair and equitable system that supports and protects honest practices and rewards them based on patient health not pills prescribed.

HEALTH systems and processed foods along with toxic meds and pesticides are killing us.

We have many centralized gubbberment organizations that are not working and now you think our Government is smart enough to implement a $400 billion AI to manage our health and MRNA treatments designed and proven in a matter of weeks IF NOT HOURS. If the pile is brown smells and is warm and soft to the touch it is NOT gold.

Trash the FCC, FEMA, HOMELAND security, CDC, NIH, NAID, FBI, CIA and so many worthless, dangerous organizations.


Just pull their PC’s, one would believe that’s where the real incriminating evidence lays.

The other governmental stuff is: I was just doing my job….literally

Last edited 1 hour ago by anonymous

This is war.

Kill them all.

Last edited 2 hours ago by EdBob

They can get some boy on boy love with bubba in gitmo!


Nice to see clean up is finally starting

Dora Brown

This article gives me hope. More and more DEI lunatics will be arrested. Covid jab will be outnumbered in the death count by the time these type of ppl get incarcerated and/or put to death. The human population will be reduced dramatically.


Thank you for another awaited article, Michael. Have a great day. 2025 promises to be an amazing year. I wish you peace!


Capital punishment sends a strong signal.



Bonkie 1

Whatttt the f*ck!


Wow, these horrible sickos have been teaching this abomination to children who get confused. These people are demonic monsters and they deserve whatever they get. Children should be allowed to go to school and learn what they need to learn without a word about sex. Satan has embedded this horror is so many people….every thing is about sex and sick he can make it. Parents please talk to your children. Teach them what is right and what is wrong. Thank God President Trump has made this evil a priority. We do have an uphill battle but the war will be won.

Godspeed to DJT, the White Hats and Red Hats, and all patriots everywhere.


Unfortunately some of the parents think it is okay for their children to be “gay.” Then when the child tells the parent they are gay, they are all for it and put it on social media. Sadly this is a fact as I’ve seen it first hand with my cousins young male son who is now a 30 yr old man. Now he is “into” the lifestyle with the parents total acceptance. They love the guy so anything goes. Of course they just have to have one of those rainbow flags in their window. I’ve no idea if he was indoctrinated or abused by someone as a child. The ads on tv condone it by showing 2 men sitting side by side & kissing. UGH. Then there is that obnoxious “fairy” David Bromstad on the Lottery Dream Home tv show. People just accept it. “Oh I was born this way,” More & more the tv ads get worse. Young people are conditioned by what they see.” Ohhh, I saw it on tv, it must be okay.” Subliminal messages.




These people are Sick! – President Trump

All have sinned. Repent while on this side of The Judgement Seat of Christ.

The coverup is always worse than the crime. – Lin Wood

Vicky Priestley

This all started coming out of the closet what there intentions were about 20 years ago. It would have been better to shut it down then but thankfully it is happening now. Thank you President Trump and the Military for everything you have been and are doing to make the world safe for our children/trafficking victims.


What you decide as a consenting adult with another consenting adult in the privacy of your home shouldn’t be anyone else’s business and that’s where it needs to stay. Not shoving it down everyone’s throats and NOT CHILDREN. Any teacher or pediatrician who furthers opening a closet door has no business being near children. I guess the same can be said about clergy who inappropriately interact with children. This transgender and binary bullshit needs to stop.
God made 2 genders and no one else gets to choose. No hormone or surgeon can change what God put into every cell’s DNA.