Deep State Hack Launches New Hit Piece on Trump


Once a decent journalist, Pulitzer Prize winning author Bob Woodward has spent the last decade denigrating himself to the halls of hackery; he has become a purveyor of disinformation and collects income not only from book sales but also from Deep State figureheads who still quake in fear at the thought of Donald J. Trump returning to power.

Woodward has now written three hit pieces on Trump: Fear (2018); Rage (2020); and now Peril (2021). The three paint an almost chronological portrait of a reimagined Trump presidency, highlighting a man whose terrifying, whimsical caprice imperiled the world and nearly capsized the United States. If Woodward is to be believed, Trump’s own people, fearing the Donald would start a nuclear war, betrayed him to safeguard the U.S. and the world.

But Woodward, a journalist transmogrified into a disinformation specialist, should not be believed.

RRN obtained an advance copy of Peril, and I read it cover-to-cover three times, not because I enjoy reading drivel but because I wanted to ensure I could accurately refute Woodward’s claims.

Peril’s pages are replete with inaccuracies and fallacies, tales either invented of whole cloth or taken grossly out of context, written specifically to villainize, demonize, and malign Trump’s presidency.

Peril focuses primarily on Trump’s final days in office, with much attention given to Jan 6 and the so-called Capitol riot. In the book, Woodward alleges that top military commanders acted in secrecy to prevent Trump from launching a dangerous military strike or ordering nuclear weapons launch because he was bitter over his election loss and wanted to go out with a bang. According to Woodward, these same military commanders feared Trump would stage a domestic “false flag” event as an excuse to start a new war.

Woodward’s principal source was Gen. Mark A. Milley, whom Woodward claims to have interviewed many times. Throughout Peril, the author only nebulously supplies dates for these supposed interviews, and dates are important. Important because Real Raw News has asserted and still believes that Milley was overthrown on April 14 and replaced by Marine Corps Gen. David H. Berger, a fact the MSM won’t acknowledge.

“It’s a shadow war,” Col. Andrew M. Kelley, Commanding Officer of the 10th Marines, told RRN. “The Deep State won’t admit to its losses because it fears such knowledge will cause it to lose its grip, its stranglehold, on society. We are keeping it quiet because we don’t want to see neighbors taking up arms against neighbors, spilling American blood on American streets. That’s what we’re trying to prevent. Rest assured, Milley has been out of power and is at GITMO.”

If Woodward interviewed Milley prior to April 14, the interviews might have taken place. If, on the other hand, they happened after April 14, Woodward either invented the interviews or held them with a body double masquerading as the real Gen. Mark A. Milley. In either case, Milley, though appointed by Trump, was always a Deep State plant acting against the interests of the United States of America.

The book has at least one truth: in the aftermath of Jan 6, Milley—the real Milley—conspired with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to strip Trump of the nuclear command codes that control our nation’s strategic arsenal. Woodward’s notion that this coup was successful is purely apocryphal; Trump retained the codes and the nuclear football until January 20, after which, in accordance with the Insurrection Act of 1807, the military took provisional control of the nuclear codes to prevent the illegitimate Biden administration from wantonly propelling the U.S. into a nuclear war.

Peril’s pages spend much time portraying Trump as a stark raving lunatic who needlessly belittled and berated both staff and family. Yes, Trump has a temper, but what sane and rational president wouldn’t get hot after discovering that his VP and AG were Deep State plants. But Woodward’s stories of Trump cussing out everyone from Melania to Jared Kushner, from Rudy Giuliani to Steve Bannon, and even his own sons are purely invented, according to reliable sources RRN has spoken to.

I could write 1,000 pages thrashing Woodward’s prose, but it’s not worth my time, or yours. Bottom line, the book is junk. For any of it to be true means that Woodward lives in a parallel universe.

Peril is published by Simon & Schuster, which is partly funded by none other than George Soros and the Open Society Foundation.

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Michael could you do me a favor- I am in rehab and away from my Tv which gets Oan news which will have great coverage on sept 24 when the announce the real vote of Arizona. I think Trump is waiting for this. Just my opinion however. He wants to prove the fraud does exist and Biden did not really win. Just my opinion. I wish mike would show the video where Biden says – we have put together the best fraud network in place. It was on video and Joe was making that claim. Joe can not keep a secret at all. Any way if you can tell me what happens I would appreciate it thanks.


I have a broken kneecap and now I am in Rehab.


Woodward doesn’t write these books. Like all mega best sellers that couldn’t make the dollar stor these are Intel agency written propaganda that stooges like Woodward is the program spokesman/pointman


Woodward is a naval Intel asset and is another deep state POS.


Oo-o-o, you dug up some really good dirt there, Michael Baxter, thank you!


Thank you for suffering through his fan fiction in order to provide us insight. Must have been pure hell to sit through such gobbledegook.


So, he feared President Trump would start a false flag event? Wonder if he meant …like Bush did on 9 / 11?? Talk about an event….Bush murdered thousands if innocents, then sent thousands to Afganistan to be killed…


You know you are a dirt ag when you are referred to as a deep state hack. Woodward.


word salad

Sojourner Truth

I’m really missing President Trump and how he actually cared about Americans. Biden is loyal to whichever country pays him the most.

Angel Askew

Anyone on Telegram join John Durham’s account? Account was started earlier this week.
Is it a real account or fake?

Mel Gibson recommended it from his page.

Today, he announce he will keep account open for people to join. After that, he is locking it and no one will get in unless they are invited.

He states Sussman will go to jail and for us to back up all our harddrives, pictures, social accounts, clouds etc. The blackout will be happening and we will never be the same again.

Someone else look please.




“On Saturday, that’s a setup,” Trump said, referring to the rally. “If people don’t show up they’ll say, ‘Oh, it’s a lack of spirit.’ And if people do show up they’ll be harassed.” President Donald J. Trump.

I don’t know anyone or any group that’s going to DC. We have other plans for that day.


Ted has a booth setup. MB is coming.

J Bill

MB’s not coming. Just give us your grid coordinates.

Last edited 3 years ago by J Bill

This is what happens when what one wants to believe is no longer whats objectively real. Clowns the lot of them!


DHS employees resigning like mad re: border crisis.

President Trump states, “all they had to do was go to the beach.”

The list of resignations is getting very long. We were told to keep track.

Well, we know exactly why Marc Elias resigned from Perkins Coi, Durham.


lmfao he resigned to create his own practice


Last edited 3 years ago by Bofa

It seems to me that as more and more patriot civil servants and military quit their jobs, they will eventually get reassigned to the U.S. Constitutional Republic government. The defunct U.S. Corporation with a faux president and his ilk will receive no more taxpayer funding and will become history. Then, our election system will be completely revamped.


You realize no one recognizes this ? Who do you think could implement it ? Maybe right after Nesara .


You got that right.

Jose Ramirez

Trump 2021! Trump now!


What happens to the body doubles? Like Biden’s. I am surprised Gates didn’t have one. Glad Miley is in GITMO! What about Pelosi and Harris?


I haven’t seen the real Pelosi in a long time. Harris is looking more and more like a dude. It always wears a mask.


So ‘what happens to the body doubles?’


They go back and live in society faking who they are . They act the same and do the same bad things so people don’t know they’ve been replaced . Nothing happens but soon they will be arrested for impersonating a government official .


Depends who they work for.

J Bill

They bleed too.


so does your mom


Well, I buy a lot of books – but I have bought my last published by Simon & Schuster! Woodward has been off-base for quite a while now. Is he on someone’s payroll?


I have an advanced copy and it says it may contain satire or parody. He is immune from all lawsuits because of that line.


Nobody cares about lawsuits pedophile. We are sending traitors to Gitmo. You’re next.

J Bill

I’m thinking t ed may be closer to Diego Garcia than Gitmo. Am I right t e d?


lmao fuck off. you can’t even type ted in case he ctrl F for his name


J Bill

oops, sorry b-o fa! you little nk fucking weasel rat bastard.


whoops. found it.



I do believe you are correct J Bill.

The Executioner

Woodward is just projecting the Deep States intentions onto Trump. They’re the ones who wanted to stage a Nuclear False Flag.


Yes they did. Jan 8 is the official insurrection/coup day. Milley phone call, Pelosi press release (assurance) and Dorsey banning POTUS.

J Bill

On paper, …man… does that look BAD for those assholes.
Looks exactly like vengeance from an outside perspective.
Couldn’t have made themselves look more worse if they’d tried harder.


Talk about flipping the narrative. Jan 8 will be forever known as Insurrection day.

J Bill



F**k Joe Biden!

Kathleen Ann

“Fear, Rage and Peril.”
Sounds like deep state pain to me…


“Trump would start a “false flag” event as an excuse to start a new war” =projection (on Woodward’s part)


President Trump is the only President in decades that didn’t start a war. And like President Trump stated, if China was concerned about an attack Chi would have called him.

J Bill

Yes. And President Trump was the only one to visit China on their own turf.
They Loved him for it. He’s made lasting alliances where no one else could.

Last pic of Milley I seen trying to “explain it all away”, he looks like death warmed over. Huge red eye bags 1/2 way down to his chin, like he’s not slept in years. His lies are catching up.


President Trump and Xi whatever the spelling is get along. Neither get along with the CCP.

Don’t forget the Hong Kongers , they love America more than the uni party does.


Shades of the movie “Seven Days in May!”


it is looks like…. hmmm……will it end by 10/04/21 ?????

J Bill

On a lunar calendar October 4 is second last day of the fall Harvest cycle.

  • 30 days before 2nd Super New Moon November 4.21.
  • 1st Super New Moon was execution Hillary C, Gitmo April 26.
  • October 13.21 is 293 year anniversary of White House cornerstone placement in 1792.
J Bill

Sorry, typo. 229 year anniversary.

Irish Girl

So, a friend who is high up in the Marines substantiated Michael’s article that the Marines will not comply with the vax. That was good news!
Also, his comment was that Woodward is definitely a hack and this book, Peril, is a bunch of BS. Not a big surprise considering Woodward’s history.
The timing of the book’s release is definitely suspicious…but what does this mean about Gen. M? And why is the MSM suddenly all over this?
Again, the marine’s comment was that the left is trying to get everyone to hate the military.


We’re all watching a hell’va movie…
I need more popcorn…

J Bill

I’ll grab a cold one…


Or 6.

J Bill

That should hold…

Victoria Flood

Stay in California and push back! So many people think running away is the answer. The answer is to stay, show up, pray and fight. California is the fifth largest economy in the world. America feeds 60% of the world, but California feeds 80 percent of the USA. So think about that. Don’t let China steal our best food producing land. If we allow it we are digging our own graves. We must fix the rigged voting fraud and take away mail in ballots. This is the ONLY reason these criminal families have had such a death grip on our government. We have to have voter ID and quantum blockchain voting. Until We The People demand this, nothing will change. With God all things are possible. Seek first the Kingdom of God and all these (good) things will be added into you. Peace.


Plus there is the “New California” movement that could split up the state (i.e. leftist hell-hole areas on one side and conservative well-run areas on the other side).


Yes, cut off ALL TAXES from the conservative side and see how many leftish 3rd world immigrant communties will last when no money to pay for all their food stamps, housing and welfare programs.. It is just like stray cats.. don’t put out the milk and they will not keep coming around…


President Trump press release May 19, 2021

Secured 2.5 billion dollars @ 2% for Old Bank of America building in San Francisco, CA.

He’s not surrendering NYC either. Planted his seed in Chicago, NJ, GA, FL. Space Force in Alabama. Like a boss!



There is a typo in the release. It should say former President Trump.


No it shouldn’t.


yes it should

J Bill

no it shouldn’t. fuck off.


yep. fuck off bitch ass


“We are keeping it quiet because we don’t want to see neighbors taking up arms against neighbors, spilling American blood on American streets. That’s what we’re trying to prevent”

in France this excuse is used to do nothing, especially not to stop the evil by arresting the guilty people. The politicians ask the police not to go to difficult suburbs, where there are drugs, thefts, rapes, intimidation, insults. Living or working there is like hell.

why? politicians hope to avoid a civil war, not realizing that they are protecting themselves only. Because the war has been there for a long time, but honest people cannot defend themselves (in France it is very complicated to have a weapon, except for the bad guys who do not respect the laws anyway. ).
In a real war, both sides can defend themselves.

What do Colonel Kelley and others to protect american people against jabs, Antifa, Black lives matter and so ?
who protected honest people during the riots?

Lucy Skywalker

I reckon, look at this through the eyes of a patriot soldier, and an American patriot at that. It’s not the same as current France, where we haven’t yet seen the political takeover that has to come.

Maybe as with Biden, Macron is playing – or being forced to play – a part – to wake people up by making things uncomfortable, modelling what would have been happening had the top elite not been already largely taken out.

There’s going to be some casualties. It’s a balancing act and prayer. And we can all help through our own prayer and our own research, to get beyond emotions and still do what is really needed.


I´ve read an article about France Health Ministers being legally summoned to answer about their actions regarding their handling of covid,since it was an article from a DS newspaper,it´s not clear and not being mentioned what kind of questions are being made, as Nuremberg trials are happening so the article can be a warning towards other DS that legal action is taking place against them,but,time will tell,they never reported on the protests happening worldwide that were filmed and posted online otherwise we wouldn´t know about the real numbers objecting to those nazis.

Last edited 3 years ago by kikas

I’ve seen videos of Les Ban Lieus – Muslim suburbs of Paris NO-GO Zones where the police don’t venture in.

Guess who force migrated these Middle East/African Muslim multiple-baby-generating third world people into France to replace the white Christian French nationals?

I read a couple years ago that the majority of babies born in Paris were not of white ethnic French descent. The most popular baby name in France is Mohammed.

Your French Central Bank is owned by the same Money Changers as our Federal Reserve Bank.


That muslim INVASION is awful. In Holland, 50% of babies born are muslim and not Dutch. And that is their plan, to invade and overbreed. We’ve got all that garbage coming through our southern border now. And we should place the refugee Afghanistanis in another muslim country, not here. Better yet, ship ’em to China.

Last edited 3 years ago by Guest4579

welcome to my neighborhood in Kent Washington.. outside Seattle.. TOTAL MUSLM invasion.. every other car you see has a Muslm with their scarf on their head… They quietly and discreetly invade a neighborhood and next thing you know.. you are the only white person in the grocery store or on your street when you look around.. It is ALL BY DESIGN.. REPLACMENT immigration.. to spread muslims throughout Western White Christian Nations.. Europe and AMerica.. I don’t know where they work.. Not exactly dressed for corporate AMerica?? i think they are all “refugees” who get checks every month for LIFE? who knows.. but they all have nice homes, cars, etc.. It doesn’t APPEAR there is ANY CAP on how many are streaming into our country? Funny, NO one asked AMERICANS if we WANTED these PEOPLE in our country.. Somebody else is making that call? who? i wonder? someone we didn’t “elect” that’s for sure.. IMPORT the 3rd WORLD.. BECOME the 3rd world.. break the back of the American middle class.. tax them to death to pay for ENDLESS IMMIGRANTS from Middle East/AFRICA/MEXICO/UKRAINE,, you name it.. pick an impoverished non-white NATION.. they are streaming in like ants at a picnic..

Angel Askew

I mean, it’s America. We are built on immigration. The problem isnt them. It’s the lack of structure and accountability in the process.

No welcoming committee or town hall departments.

Forget the fact the Clintons destroyed the federal immigration process that worked great for decades in order to create and capture their vote.

They could care less about them after that.


Angel Askew, it’s not the same immigration.
Pionners and other immigrants went to the United States to work and have a better life for themselves and their children through their work. The American dream was to have the possibility of a good life if you were serious.
For recent immigrants, especially if they are Muslims, it is about enjoying social benefits without working. Immigrant patients have more advantages than patients who have paid contributions. Idem for the old.
Muslim immigrants often behave as if we are their debtors, as if they are our conquerors. They want society to gradually become a sharia.
Leftism encourages these demands for electoral purposes.For France, he said, the French were odious, torturers and exploited Algeria. For USA, he says you were all slavers. Muslims are slavers with the dhimmis but leftism says nothing.
A society can never pay for everyone. It means that someone has priority. Either they are your compatriots or they are the illegal immigrants. It cannot be both.

I have long dreamed of coming to the United States. Now that I have had a serious illness, I know it is impossible. It is not fair to come to a country and ask others to pay for you. I don’t even have the strength to come and visit, so I visit your country reading books.


And I would love to visit France! Hopefully some day…..
Hope you feel better.


Thank you very much Guest4579 !
And may your wish become true !


The federal immigration process NEVER worked “great.” But it all started in 1965 with Teddy Kennedy’s Immigration Act which blocks persons of European descent and gives preference to uneducated third world shithole dwellers. This was done deliberately by the commiecrats.


You’re right. And remember, each muslim man has multiple wives so they all go on welfare and breed, breed, breed.
Welfare gives free food, free housing (Bank of America and Citibank even give home loans with less documentation to illegals than required of citizens), a free cellphone (we taxpayers have to work and pay for theirs as well as ours!), free education, and free medical at every ER, clinic and hospital.
American citizens, including our disabled who live in pain 24/7, are being forced against our will to pay for the INVASION of our own country.

Last edited 3 years ago by Guest4579
J Bill

According to the Gesara Nesara Law, signed in 2000 but not implemented. Enacted recently (Jan.7, but not yet implemented fully) by President Trump will remove the tax burden, IRS, FED, from US citizens. Possibly, leaving only a 17% flat tax (sales) rate.

Ergo, no more tax dollar funding or support for foreign marxist/socialist experiments conducted in the US, to benefit non US and illegal immigrants.

Updates each day on YT “restored republic via GCR update.”


according to booooooofa deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez nuts in your mouth, no merry christmas this year

Andrew Stevano

Michael, thank you for taking the time to read Peril. So we don’t have to. It must have been torturous at best. I couldn’t have done it. You deserve bonus points.


When Millie apologized after the Trump church Bible experience I knew there was a problem. You don’t apologize for doing the right thing and standing up for the United States and for American values.

Lucy Skywalker

exactly, me too. I’ve seen nothing since from the press that made me so furious and determined to counter them, as their lies about and mockery of him outside that church, holding his grandmother’s Bible.


He wants a cut of Trump’s cash pie. Everything with TRUMP name on it sells no matter what party is involved. What a pig. He’s nothing more than a LUEGENPRESSE propaganda agent now. Sad. Again, he wants some cash, too. Before all his friends to go to jail. The mutual asslickery in DC is about to end.

Lucy Skywalker

So Woodward is to Trump, maybe, what trolls here are to Michael Baxter. Just on a bigger scale.

A service he might render people is this: there must be lots more innocents like me who didn’t realize till recently that Watergate was not what it was put out to be. People awake to Trump (lots) but not awake to Watergate might now connect the dots.

Sems like canny White Hat positioning could be making this Black-Hat-puppet serve good purposes, opposite to what he intended. Display Milley’s treason to a public ready to hear, and make people reconsider what Watergate was about. Art of War, I guess.


Woodward is just another piece of democrat garbage. Zero integrity, supportive of the demonic pedo child sex traffickers, crimes against humanity. Only fools will believe anything he says. Are you one of them?


What is Watergate exactly ? I learned that President Nixon wanted to spy on journalists or his political opponents.
it’s not that ?
(I’m French)
Did the deep state already exist at that time?
And what is Deep State exactly ? freemasons ? persons who want a communist state ? what ?


Everything that is happening today was happening in Nixon’s day. What the Deep State has done to President Trump, they did to President Nixon (both Republicans). The Democrats were trying to take Nixon down and set up a false flag operation to blame-shift it on Nixon. Nixon knew that he was up against a rich and powerful Cabal of evil-doers (President Eisenhower and Kennedy warned us about the evil-doers) and his life was probably threatened; and so he stepped down. The Deep State is made up of globalists that are collapsing first-world countries to try to turn them into third-world countries. One of the Deep State’s (aka, globalists – many are Freemasons) main agenda issue is to depopulate the world, so that they have more of the Earth’s natural resources. In other words, call them what you want, they are basically a psychopathic cult of death.


thank you Jullou !
so if I understood correctly, this is a hidden war between globalists who want a kind of international communism, or a supra-national state, with values contrary to Christianity, on the one hand, and on the other side the patriots who want their state to be sovereign and generally love traditional values?


Absolutely! Christians have been for centuries and currently are targeted for distinction by these evil ones; they infiltrated many churches.


Globalists and others from left want certainly to be “super-apparatchik” in the new order.
but the revolution only loves itself and devours its own servants.
As you said so rightly, she serves death.

I don’t know how it is in the United States, but in France, a lot of people suffer without understanding what is happening. They blame capitalism, business, trade in the world, and want the state to be even more important to solve their problems. They don’t understand that the problem is precisely socialism.
They think it’s the bosses who see their employees as slaves. They don’t know that socialism has been materialist and eugenic from the beginning.


Your President Emmanuel Macron is a Rothschild puppet. Even though he’s had a nose job to lessen his YUGE hook nose that he originally had 6-8 years ago, it wouldn’t surprise me if he’s a secret spawn of the Rothschilds, as insiders have said that Mark Zuckerberg is the grandson of David Rockefeller.

Insiders say that Angela Merkel is Angela Hitler.
Bloodline families hide the identities of their spawn to place them in high places without your knowing.

The Cabal is also tightening the noose in France, remember last week when they tried the Vaxx Mandate and wouldn’t let an unvaxxed woman into the supermarket?
French protests stopped that, but you can see the Communist playbook: no poison vaxx, no food pour vous!


Amazing video,on Gab today, of a Portuguse judge imposing his authority towards the police who was charging on innocent people for not wearing a mask!

John S.

(Google) See, Ex Parte Young, 209 U S. That’s how you attack cops, and ‘vicarious liable’ public officials via *Official Oppression*, referencing mask wearing mandates in America.

A well crafted *Writ of Habeas Corpus* served upon court naming all in private capacity is their wake-up call. Serve writ by *Regesterd Mail* [not Certified].

Big difference between Registered Mail and Certified Mail, whereas Regesterd Mail has secure chain of custody, which makes the Letter Carrier your process server.

Last edited 3 years ago by John S.
Angel Askew

I love the French.
Did you see a month or so ago?Macron was walking by a crowd of people shaking hands and one of the women looked
him in the eye and smacked him across his face!


Thanks Angel Askew !
There are in France many protests since july against the pass but journalists don’t talk about…

Robert Dziok

Makes one wonder what the Satanic Globalists/Deep State might have on Woodward for him to be this way. Interesting about the nuclear codes/football and current status.


He could have been sought out by leftist-globalists while in college (this is what they do) and mentored/brainwashed to be a mind-numbed leftist robot.


Or a honeypot compromised him. Couldn’t keep it in his pants.


Yesterday,daily mail uk had an article quoting Milley admitting he would warn his chinese counterparts if an attack was imminent. The article also mentions that is TREASON and further action is to be expected.

Last edited 3 years ago by kikas

Mil Li’s spokesperson says yes he did it and he had the authority to do it. Esper helped. Interesting that he’s using a spokesperson.


I never trusted that esper guy he always seemed like a sneaky weasel anti-trump individual. Obviously my feelings work correct.

J Bill

Milley, like the other zombies there, just crossed over a wide line. There’s no turning back for them now.


Hey Michael,
In time, I presume Newsom’s indictments will catch up to him? Any news on that would help us Patriot’s here immensely, in this time of another rigged election by the DS!


Pretty bad when CNN goes live while hundreds of thousands of Yes votes disappeared from their own counter.

Clown World.

J Bill

In Michael’s article concerning them, the Military didn’t seem ready to “let him go” in any event. Come hell or high water.

J Bill

“Military Indicts Venal Gavin…” July 20, 2021
“… is making plans to grab Newsom regardless of the recall.”


Yes! That gives me hope no matter how much the Deep State rigs the CA recall.

J Bill

Exactly. And considering TW’s comment above, I get the feeling there could more to it… Like, setting up the setter uppers? Wouldn’t surprise me one bit. Imagine this:

  • Newsom thinks he won
  • then finds out he lost
  • then gets arrested for treason

Either way, his connection with Whitmer might sink him.

unlabeled quality

and that’s three hours you’ll never get back. On the bright side, MB, you ARE doing patriot work so we don’t have to, so thanks.


2 Trump rallies coming: Sept 25 in Perry, GA and Oct 9 in Des Moines, IA  


Hm, I wonder how Reinstatement Day will fit into that schedule.


It would appear that nothing will happen until after Oct 9th.


Woo-hoo! MAGA!


Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein literally sent a generation of kids to journalism school. I was one of them, not because I had any interest in reporting news but because I saw it as my quickest path to becoming a professional writer, which I did, in fact, do.

At the time of the Watergate reporting, I believe Woodstein thought they were acting in the best interests of both journalism and the country.

I wonder how many years later they realized they were being used. I wonder if they’ve ever figured it out.

Either way, I’m glad I went to journalism school. Forty years later, I can still write a news story–you know, the old-fashioned kind with facts in them, accurate quotes and all the names spelled right. My highest ambition is to write THE definitive story of this shadow war Trump has waged against the Deep State–so Michael, if you need help, please reach out to me. My email address is below. I think it’s the greatest story since the Resurrection.


Thank you.


Frankspeech is hiring real journalists. Production staff too. Give Mike a holler.


Woodward is synonymous to junk!

If it were the other way around and he did this to queen of pedo hillary clinton, although she’s dead, she’ll kill him from her grave.

Last edited 3 years ago by RG1

Let’s hope she can 🙂


If it were the other way around and he did this to hillary clinton, he’ll be dead by now. hillary will kill him from her grave.

a nobody

Thank you so much, I thought he was gone, this guy has awful bags under his eyes. Or is that the real one? Go Berger, help get us back to making America Great Again.


You are not clear
The article is about Woodward’s lying book about Trump… but I guess you’re talking about Gen. Mark A. Milley’s bags under his eyes? Milley IS at GITMO


ok…when this beautie milley ..been shipped to GITMO ????

J Bill

When Gen. Berger came in Pentagon with warrant. Then assumed Joint Chiefs.

Last edited 3 years ago by J Bill
J Bill

May 5, 2021. “Pentagon Coup! Joint Chiefs…”
It’s been supposed M is able to return for appearances from gitmo as required.

Johnny Lunchbucket

An A-1 deep state turd. His time is coming.


The deep state is doing everything to destroy The Greatest president we ever had. 13 attempts in President Trump’s life this year (2021) alone. Now this!

They are just never to be believed, they lie, they cheat and steal elections, they steal tax payers money, in the billions, some even in the trillions like Rumsfeld who is now rotting in hell with the infamous pedo Queen of child sex trafficker hillar, comey, susan rice, john brennan, podesta etc.

They are in hell, to be followed by obama, the bidens, harris, pelosi, schumer, durbin, and many more demoNcRats and RINOs.


Oh please I am dying to know about all 13 attempts on his life , none of which managed to be in the news . This I want to hear . If he was successfully assassinated would that be reported ?

J Bill

Michael’s articles. Oops, but AI can’t read.

Dr John

Anyone who doubts PRESIDENT Trump’s credibility only need review the Executive Orders he so smartly wrote to out fox the Deep State and set in motion what is happening now to save our country. Cheep shots by a rusty old reporter/author past his time. To see through his lies so easily clearly demonstrates his illusion to grandeur and a deep lack of intellect. Getting old is not bad. Getting stupid has to be.

You are right he is not worth your time, but we in the comments gallery will enjoy skewing the little piece of shit. And of course we will share his stupidity ALL OVER the internet. He will become famous as the real Dumb and Dumber II.

Johnny Lunchbucket

Put him in GITMO as well. I have never liked the guy.


He was a highly paid professional EVIL traitor to our great Nation–Gitmo him. He chose the evil forces of the deep state.
All traitors need to lose their citizenship–MAGA

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

Lose citizenship, tracking chip inserted in spine to prevent return, and permanent deportation to a third world socialist shithole along with all their relatives.


i got the jab with the tracking chip.

  • sent from my iphone

My favorite part of this website is how many people there are with weird revenge fantasies who just want to read about people they don’t like going to gitmo


I guess it serves some purpose .


Perhaps you are too young to remember John, Robert and Martin’s murders; Viet Nam; Watergate; warnings from Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy and Reagan. And it is likely that you were not taught the true history at your schools. I assume you do remember the day 9/11 happened. Your comment about people who lived through all of this indicates you don’t know what you don’t know. Sad for you!!

Last edited 3 years ago by Jullou
J Bill

Jullou, it’s just another dumbass troll.

J Bill

thanks troll for your bad english. good to know you’re not from here.

John S.

Prepare Folks, acquire nessesities now. Window of opportunity closing.Things *could* and *most likely will* get ugly fast. Establish multiple plans. Have muster locations if separated.
Best Wishes to all.



“Have muster locations”

good luck everyone lmao

John S.

See, Aesop’s Fables:
*The ant and the grasshopper*.

Lucy Skywalker

never forget the real essential – hand in the hand of God. Trust God but keep your powder dry as the saying goes.

J Bill

We hear you! Best to you and yours John S!


I also received an advance copy and it said it may continue humor and satire. No way he can be sued with that iron clad disclaimer!


So far only an imaginary lawyer complained about the indisputed,irrefutable documented facts mentioned at RRN. If it´s true,it´s not libel didn´t you know?


Does anyone else see the humor in this story? The Emperor has no clothes!

J Bill

You’re out-of-context more than a little with improper idiom useage.

You ever actually been to the US t e dy?
I hate pointing out the foreign national trolls here.

Last edited 3 years ago by J Bill
Robert Dziok

“Spineless Ted”. Praised Allah in posts but will not say what country he is from when asked. Could not trust his answer anyway as he/she/it is a POS sewer rat Traitor Troll.


T otally
E masculated
D ipshit


I agree! When journalists begin to make up stories with no basis in fact only to pander to the unwashed masses, our country is in trouble. Woodward should turn over his sources and explain where his income comes from. We can’t rely on his made up sources anymore!


well said, Ted!


As Mark Levin stated last night on Hannity, Woodward uses 200 unsubstantiated and unverified sources for all his claims. It’s all make-believe until he can substantiate his claims. Mark also stated that if it’s all fiction then Milley should sue them for every penny they have because this is serious stuff. If not fiction, then it’s high treason.

Last edited 3 years ago by Guest4579
J Bill

What country are you from t ed? Seriously?

Timothy Peter Johnson

But how was Woodward ever a decent journalist? A decent journalist has not only to write decently, he has to tell the truth. After all, decent folk tell the truth, don’t they?

Do any ‘decent journalists’ work for the Washington Compost?

Now this fellow Bob Woodward along with Carl Bernstein (cough, cough) eagerly lapped up the lies of the so-called Deep Throat to destroy President Nixon (Watergate scandal).

Now he’s been dragged out of mothballs to try the same thing against President Trump, this time with the aid of a new Deep Throat – General Mark A Milley!

The novel isn’t just lies, it’s treason. Woodward needs to face a military tribunal.


Washington Compost is notoriously full of junk journalists who use UNKNOWN sources. Boycott them ALL !!


He could very well be in the list of between 50-75 journalists that will be served an indictment at the proper time. The charge will reads thus, seditious conspiracy and treason. The list was in twitter world approximately two years ago. Names like C. Wallace, Rachel Maddow, Anderson Cooper, Chuck Todd, G. Stephanopolous, Gayle King, Matt Lauer, Savannah Guthrie, Chris Cuomo, Brian Stelter, Mika Brezenski and husband are on the list.


Treason! Show them the wall!

Last edited 3 years ago by Naknak

Another waste not worth anyone’s time…