Military Convicts Andrew Cuomo


On Monday afternoon, former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo learned his fate, having been held responsible for the needless deaths of thousands of senior citizens who perished during the first wave of a largely manufactured global plandemic. He was sentenced to death after a 3-officer panel at Guantanamo Bay heard testimony from former members of Cuomo’s staff, nursing home and hospice employees, and the worker of a freight company who claimed Cuomo had threatened to bankrupt the company unless it converted 18-wheelers into a fleet of roving freezers and crematoriums.

From the moment he entered the courtroom, Cuomo was combative, belligerent, and argumentative, hurling obscenities at both Rear Adm. Darse E. Crandall and the panel chosen to weigh the merits of the military’s case against him. He admonished the Office of Military Commissions, calling it an affront to the criminal justice system and the “American way of life.”

“Never in my gubernatorial career or my years as a lawyer have I seen such a fucking miscarriage of justice. You people are really pieces of shit,” Cuomo said during a brief opening statement.

The brevity of his argument was not by choice. Had he the chance, Cuomo would have castigated the court until his voice went hoarse. But Rear Adm. Crandall quickly put an end to Cuomo’s theatrics and shenanigans by instructing GITMO security to gag his mouth and shackle his ankles to a chair.

“We have zero tolerance for staginess and theatricality in this chamber,” Rear Adm. Crandall said. “The witnesses will be heard.”

The first witness to appear on ZOOM was a woman named Michelle Steiger, a former administrator at the Cobble Hill Health Center in Brooklyn. She testified that on March 26, 2020, the facility received a sudden influx of alleged Covid-19 patients, 65 in all, from area hospitals, even though the senior living facility had enough beds to accommodate less than half that amount.

Ms. Steiger: We were told the patients had Covid-19 and ordered to take them into our facility

Rear Adm. Crandall: Ordered how?

Ms. Steiger: We received documents signed by Andrew Cuomo and the health commissioner, Howard Zucker, saying that they’d pull state funding unless we accepted all Covid-19 patients sent to us. Few of our existing patients had tested positive, and of the first 65 they sent us, only 7 were positive for Covid-19. But we were told to say they all had Covid-19, because we’d be better financially compensated, even in the absence of a positive PCR test. We were told to falsify medical records, to say people who didn’t have Covid-19 had it. And to expect a new group of patients every week.

Rear Adm. Crandall: But Cobble Hill Health had no room for that many more patients?

Ms. Steiger: That’s correct. In another correspondence, we were told not to worry about that because a pickup was to be arranged each week to remove existing Covid patients and replace them with new ones.

Rear Adm. Crandall: Replace them? Had they died—of Covid-19?

Ms. Steiger: I’m unaware of any patient dying from or with Covid-19. In our environment, people die, yes, of heart attacks and non-Covid respiratory ailments. But we were told to code all deaths as Covid fatalities.

Rear Adm. Crandall: I see. Certainly not all patients in your ward suddenly dropped dead. What happened to the ones who were alive to make room for new patients the hospitals sent to you?

Ms. Steiger: For the live ones, trucks, like the ones that haul frozen goods across the country, arrived every other week or so, and the patients were taken and placed in the trucks. I don’t know where they went or what happened after that, but these were old and frail people, and there’s no way they survived long in refrigerated trucks.

Rear Adm. Crandall: And the patients who had expired, for whatever reason.

Ms. Steiger: Different kinds of trucks, fitted with furnaces. The bodies were hurled into them.

Rear Adm. Crandall: Didn’t you realize the criminality of your actions and participation, Ms. Steiger?”

Ms. Steiger: Of course. But I—we—were afraid, afraid of losing our jobs and of other things. One staff member who threatened to go to the press was told CPS would take her children if she didn’t keep quiet and follow instructions.

Rear Adm. Crandall: One last question. Why transport people from hospitals to nursing homes at all? Why wouldn’t he just have had these alleged Covid patients picked up at the hospitals?

Ms. Steiger: I could only speculate.

Rear Adm. Crandall: The tribunal will indulge your speculation given that you’ve spent 25 years working in the facilities, but the officers are instructed to not consider your statement as evidence.

Ms. Steiger: Hospitals are enormous institutions with thousands of people, most of them pretty healthy. If someone did have Covid, there’d be a risk of the infection spreading across all the staff and patients. Hospital acquired infection is a leading cause of death in hospitals. The infirmed at nursing homes are very old and very sick and don’t have much life left in them. I guess it was no big deal if they died.”

Rear Adm. Crandall: Finally, did you receive any compensation for going along with this agenda?

Ms. Steiger: I did not.

Rear Adm. Crandall excused the witness and slid documents onto the table behind which the 3-officer panel was seated. The papers bore the signatures of Andrew Cuomo and Howard Zucker. One, which Cuomo had sent to 8 nursing homes in lower New York State, instructed staff to “assume patients were Covid-19 positive regardless of test results if they exhibited even a single symptom of the illness,” such as coughing, sneezing, wheezing, or shortness of breath.

“We cannot jeopardize the health of the general population. All patients exhibiting symptoms of Covid-19 should presumptively be considered to have it unless directed otherwise by New York State Health and Human Services,” Cuomo or Zucker had written.

After a brief recess, Rear Adm. Crandall introduced the next witness, Marco Miranda, a former driver for Brooklyn-based freight carrier BZC. He said he had been employed with BZC for 15 years and had spent most of that time hauling produce between the United States in Canada. In March of 2020, however, the company had given him new instructions.

Rear Adm Crandall:  Mr. Miranda, in your deposition you said you were one of several drivers who picked up patients at Cobble Hill Health Center, is that correct?

Mr. Miranda: Cobble Hill and other places.

Rear Adm. Crandall: And that operating on instructions given by BZC, you moved patients from those facilities into refrigerated tract—”

Mr. Miranda: I didn’t move nobody. The staff at those places moved them and put’em in the truck. Me and my partner just did the driving, that’s all.”

Rear Adm. Crandall: But you can confirm they were alive when placed in the vehicle?”

Mr. Miranda: Oh, yeah, they were breathing all right. Some of them even flailed their arms and the nursing home people sedated them for transport.

Rear Adm. Crandall: How were they stored?

Mr. Miranda: Bunks, cots, 3-high were installed on either side of the trailer. They were put there and strapped down.

Rear Adm. Crandall: What is the temperature inside a refrigerated trailer?

Mr. Miranda: Oh, it’s like your fridge at home, we can dial up or dial down the temp, anywhere from 65 to -20 Fahrenheit. We were told to bottom out the thermostat.

Rear Adm. Crandall: Did you know that the persons inside, who were alive, would not survive long in those temperatures?

Mr. Miranda: Wasn’t my business. I did what I was told. Look, man, you didn’t cross the Cuomo brothers—if you did, bad shit would happen to you and your family. I have a wife and 3 kids to think about.

Rear Adm. Crandall: So you’re saying with certitude that Cuomo was behind the orders?

Mr. Miranda: We knew who was calling the shots.

Rear Adm. Crandall: Where were the patients taken?

Mr. Miranda: There was a mass grave site dug on Hart Island. We drove to City Island, and people was waiting to unload the bodies and put’em on a ferry to Hart. I never touched a single one of them. All I did was drive.

Rear Adm. Crandall: In your deposition, you said you saw Cuomo at the unloading site, is that correct?

Mr. Miranda. I saw the bastard. Even snapped a pic on my phone.

Rear Adm. Crandall entered into evidence a photograph of Andrew Cuomo standing beside six men in HAZMAT suits who were unloading frozen corpses from the trailer and moving them onto the ferry.

Rear Adm. Crandall: Just a few more questions. Ballpark figure, how many persons did you transport between March and September of 2020.

Mr. Miranda: Thousands. And we wasn’t the only one. We had five trucks going all the time.

Rear Adm. Crandall: And were you promised anything in return for your testimony today?

Mr. Miranda: No. I know what we did was wrong. But we were scared. Like I said, you don’t fuck with the Cuomo brothers. I just pray God forgives me.

The last witness to appear was none other than Melissa DeRosa, who had been Cuomo’s principal ally, aide, and mouthpiece. She resigned her position after many women accused the former governor of sexual harassment. She provided to the Office of Military Commissions countless papers and electronic files that corroborated the testimony of earlier witnesses.

Rear Adm. Crandall: Mrs. DeRosa, we know you’re reluctant to speak here today, but can you say as fact that your former employer, Andrew Cuomo, seated before us here today, did indeed profit from the actions he’s alleged to have taken and that he did so to foster an agenda—that agenda being to artificially amplify the threat Covid-19?

Mrs. DeRosa: Yes, I can testify to that. The documents I’ve provided spell it all out.

Rear Adm. Crandall: And do you know as fact that Andrew Cuomo is responsible for the murders of thousands of senior citizens who might otherwise be alive today were it not for his actions?

Mrs. DeRosa: Tens of thousands.

Rear Adm. Crandall: Were you afraid of Cuomo?

Mrs. DeRosa: Terrified.

After excusing the witness, Rear Adm. Crandall instructed the tribunal to carefully read the documents and to thoroughly consider the testimony it had heard. The panel sequestered itself in an antechamber and deliberated for three hours before returning a verdict of guilty on all counts, recommending that Andrew Cuomo be hanged for his crimes.

An execution date is pending.


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John S.

Hmm, Mobile Crematoriums?

I’m thinking in realm of mobile boilers [self contained heating plants] often seen outside buildings and apartment complex.

Ash ‘cream-mains’ is beyond basic soot that will compromise combustion [air fuel ratio], combustion disaster.

Myself think mobile incinerator [hair brain, idiotic scheme in haste] was a crap-shoot that failed, where few received a brief glimpse of that insanity.

The combustion should have ‘under fire’ feature, burning from underneath coinciding with overburn.

Blower fans, aka Forced Draft to aid combustion and fans, aka Induced Draft to aid exhaust.

Cannot operate that setup atmospherically without mechanical blower assist. Would need at least 30 kw generator to power.

Ash dump and disposal a concern. Need a shaker-grate to dump residue [old coal boilers & heat/cook stoves].

Keep in mind old-school apartment building incinerators don’t generate enough heat to melt most metal cans, none the less turn bone into powdered ash, same goes for a atmospheric boiler.

Biomedical waste incinerators are elaborate, and most likely won’t fit in a 18 wheeler, though railroad car different story.

Rule of combustion is: Time, Temperature and Turbulence, known as the: Three T’s.

Last edited 3 years ago by John S.

Has Howard Zucker been caught yet???
Inquiring minds want to know.


I am waiting for that “Pending” to be “Date” confirmed. I can’t wait anymore, this Actor needs to be included in the toll asap.
Besides, I really want to see the look on Fredo’s face when Guido gets it. The people of New Yoke deserve to see justice served.

Last edited 3 years ago by goober

I can’t wait till this pig floats… I’m hoping his brother and family is next. They all participate-profit…all guilty.


bring his brother along for the ride, infact bring all msm to watch

dennis richardson

Andrew Cuomo your arrogance is about to end.

Brian Clark

when is Whitmers turn ?


35 thousand…? He is nothing to Eisenhower who starved well over 1 million German POWs to death in open air camps void of any shelter- Lets hope this evil SOB is boiling in HELL-


Rolling my eye’s. After the Officers & SS were separated by “their own” German troops, they were freed to go home any way they could get there by.

Sandy Koufax

Enemy combatants versus sick old people.




Right. Charge admission too?


Correction: (in) = and?

After a brief recess, Rear Adm. Crandall introduced the next witness, Marco Miranda, a former driver for Brooklyn-based freight carrier BZC. He said he had been employed with BZC for 15 years and had spent most of that time hauling produce between the United States (in) Canada.


Me thinks he could’a, should’a walked away when he had the chance.


FAUCI INDICTED—17 PAGES—–GRAND JURI -And he is not the only one!


Angel Askew

Kikas, you rock!



Hanging with matty

It would have gone a long way to corroborate this story, had the ACTUAL picture of Cuomo been used here… instead of some stock foto


Emails portray Joe Biden as more involved in son’s business deals than previously thought
The controversy is “getting more and more serious,” Turley added, citing the firm’s apparent financial ties to China and Russia.

The law professor questioned “why the Justice Department hasn’t considered” appointing a special counsel, concluding that “there are also serious questions about whether the Biden family conducted an extensive influence-peddling operation involving not just Hunter but his uncle and potentially the president of the United States.”

While most Americans might believe that a president’s children should be off-limits to political attacks, it seems increasingly likely that Hunter Biden’s dubious dealings are directly tied to his father’s actions.


“We know there’s a criminal investigation into the tax issues, possible money laundering. But there are also serious questions about whether the Biden family conducted an extensive influence-peddling operation involving not just Hunter but his uncle and potentially the president of the United States.”

Former Director of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics Walter Shaub, who was appointed by former President Barack Obama, slammed [Fox News] the Biden administration for allowing Hunter Biden to sell his artwork to anonymous buyers for vast sums of money.

Last edited 3 years ago by zee






Is this happening anywhere else?

Situation Update, Oct 13, 2021 –
Hospitals now SUFFOCATING patients with plastic bags!



There was a scene in the recent season of Shameless a nun suffocated a Milkovich with a plastic bag.


Zee, if your articles were not so crazy and outrageous more people might take you seriously. Pick your battles carefully if you want to win some .


A CONTAGION of COURAGE is spreading across America!

All across America, pilots, firefighters, police officers, sheriff’s deputies, construction workers, office workers and many other people are saying NO to the vaccine mandates
When groups of informed Americans rise up and say, “No” to the genocidal vaccine tyrants, the tyrants are eventually forced to back down for the simple reason that you can’t run society without workers.
Courage is contagious.

See Video


Do not feed the SHILLS & TROLLS by asking them serious questions nor anwer their seemingly serious questions.

Someone did this today and it was like never ending shill attack because someone kept feeding them with long questions and arousing all the bad shills to get busy.

It’s best to ignor them and down vote them as much as possible to help others know these are shills who are traitors in such a dangerous time for America.

I have found them down voting you good people while they remove their down votes you give them and then up vote themselves.

Shills are rcovering RRN on here 24/7

I have listed 47 of them

I only point out the shills and trolls for the new people arriving on this site –

Last edited 3 years ago by zee

It was Juiliou and Russell. Russell won .


Yep, they’ve moved in like a herd of roaches. Mr Baxter must really be on the money, especially with this article which provides irrefutable information including a picture of one of the areas mentioned.The Deep state is Obviously terrified.


My MO is to ignore them, but for a short time yesterday and most of today, I interacted with them, usually by sharing information that they seem to not know.


I will continue with my usual MO because that was the plan.


They know their tactics have no effect with us, they only get shut up replies so they don´t infect new readers, unaware these shills are professionals who are here 24/7 and even reply to each string of comments.
First it was the disclaimer, now it´s the exopolitical being used as an attempt to discredit the author and the website and that won´t work either because people have eyes to see the bullshit.


The aliens ? No big deal, everyone believes that .


Gangs of NY.


It appears to me that troll activity comprising the large majority of the comments on this blog constitute a Denial of Service effort. What are these guys afraid of, and who is paying them to spend so much time here?

Roadmaster 55

3 guesses.


I’m a volunteer for America!


Bull Sh–ing Shill-

Tahoe Belle



My guess is it is two or three with different names, trying to make us think there are many.


PLease do not feed them


Yup on here 24/.7

I have listed 47 of them

I point out the shills and trolls for the new people arriving on this site –

Do not feed the SHILLS & TROLLS by asking them serious questions nor anwer their questions. best to ignor them and down vote them as much as possible to help others know these are shills who are traitors at such a dangerous time for America

Last edited 3 years ago by zee

Better adjust your meds. Your comment is incomprehensible.

Terminally deplorable

owd has a knack for disjointed trains of thought, that more often than not veer into the ditch but other than that, he is mostly harmless.


That is a terrible tail for sure. All those people MURDERED The Left is as bad as it gets Worse than Hitler by far . .Don’t think for a minute the Left is not behind this 100% and they will play dumb like we knew nothing. When they the LEFT are behind the Covid and the Death Jab / Global Genocide. This is almost as good as getting Obumer.the Big Fish in all this mess along with Pelosi Schumer AOC+5 and the Biden Empire Head of the Snake.


Oh did you realize it’s not true so you don’t have to worry now.


Liar Shill

Irish Girl

I wonder if Cuomo, narcissist that he is, would be pissed that his main post is being usurped by a has-been, red-eyed perv who has been dominated by HRC since he was in grad school?
AC can’t be happy that he is still so far down the totem pole that he can’t rise above Her Cankle-ness.
I really do wish there was a different photo – something more pleasing that his belligerent mug…Michael, can’t you at least post something else to make this one go away? PLEASE? 🙂
Oh! And does AC have to give back his book royalties and awards for his outstanding theater?


Andrew Cuomo probably doesn’t even know this ridiculous website exists 🙂

Irish Girl

That’s not what I said, Jay…I didn’t say “is pissed”, I said “would be“, which infers that it is very likely he isn’t an RRN follower. Or wait, maybe he is one of the commenters with Tourette’s. LOL.
He is probably preening himself in his mirror and not thinking about the people he harmed for a second.

Last edited 3 years ago by Irish Girl

I had lunch with AC earlier today and he has never heard of this site.


Irish Girl, considering that AC was convicted of treason and crimes against humanity, and is on death row, I don’t think he would have access to a computer, or even know or care what RRN is saying about him. He is probably contacting everyone he knows via his attorney, to see if something can be done to vacate his sentence.

boris said

how long is this Baxster guy going to try to sell us false hope ? your a F&%$ ing Liar ! Bill clinton you said was dead but here he is in a Ca hospital , you said Gates was dead and I saw him walk off his plane in carlsbad Ca . your as bad as CNN and the rest of the radical left for spreading your false hope



Do the research by reading our comments with sources.


d0 y0Ur R3seArcH or just change the subject because caillou is a bitch


Mr. Baxter made over $26,000 this month from GoFundMe and GiveSendGo fundraising sites. He’s going to keep selling you false hope for as long as people keep sending him their cash.

Last edited 3 years ago by Jay

Moot point: Most/all alternative media authors/hosts receive donations. They need the money to get state-of-the-art security against leftist hackers and bogus lawsuits.


Lol this site has no state-of-the-art security, it’s a wordpress blog. There are no ‘leftist hackers’ out to get the site. And the only ‘bogus lawsuit’ is that one that MB claimed the CEO of the Gates foundation made like a month ago. Bogus in the sense that MB just made it up, he never showed the email and he never followed up on it in any way, he just forgot about it.


Kicked off Z ane shill– 
You now as Jay -still the worst nasty lying SHILL

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

That means I’m still #1 on the official list, right? 😉


Not so fast




I hate to have to spoon-feed everything to you and your ilk. There are other expenses; huge number of tribunals and news coming our way that will require a lot of time and effort. All alternative media hosts/authors do take donations. Your fixation on this is boring.


Lol keep sending all your money to a scam artist, Jull. It won’t make the tribunals real.


“our way”


fuck off bitch. MB got doxxed. donate if you want, i don’t give a shit. but i’ll lmaoooooomore and more with this kind of response (akshually surprised you didn’t change the subject).


So what?
You’re the worst nasty lying SHILL


So he’s a grifter. He makes up fake stories so people like you will send him money. You’re all putting your faith in a scam artist, none of this garbage will ever be real 🤷‍♂️


Bull Sh–ing Shill won’t leave MS alone without lying


nasty lying Shill ‘Boris said’


Gates sighted in NYC going to his daughters wedding tomorrow. No body double for him, his children would know .


Earth to Mars: You don’t think the children of these commie/satanists know about doubles??!!


And none of them ever even attempt to speak out about it? You don’t think a single one would say “I’m telling the world they murdered my mom/dad, consequences be damned”?


Not at all, why should they ? If they did they would tell all. Kids can’t keep a secret . They are not commie/satanists either . Your guess.


lmao shouldn’t you change the subject now?


You think Hunter Biden doesn’t know who Arthur Roberts is?


I would honestly bet that Hunter Biden does not know who Arthur Roberts is, because unlike us he probably doesn’t waste his time reading nutso conspiracy theories on the internet 🙂


Isn’t he dead or severely disabled ?


lmao “y0u ThiNK HunTEr doEsN’T kNoW wHO ArTHUr RoBerTS iS”?


Nice talk. Your infantile comment indicates your level of patience and understanding. If you don’t like this website go somewhere else.


fuck off bob. he’s on a roll


f b s


NASTY SHILL ‘borios said”


Did anyone said… hidden secret watermarks?

“Arizona Senate Must Obtain Original Ballot Envelope Images from Runbeck and Deliver Them to Dr. Shiva”
AG Garland’s Wife Is an Advisor Closely Linked to Brennan Center and Connected with Far-Left Groups Working to Prevent 2020 Election Audits——GATEWAY PUNDIT
Georgia Secretary of State Paid Gabriel Sterling $16,666 Per Month To Manage State’s Elections —NATIONAL FILE



Watermarks ? Are they on Chinese paper ?

Terminally deplorable

Yes, from the last flooding in China.


he ha ha


No, nobody said that. The watermarks don’t exist kikas. The Cyber Ninjas spent 6 months looking at the ballots under blacklights or whatever and didn’t have a single thing to report about the existence of super-secret watermarks. Like RRN, they just aren’t real.

I do love the implication though that Gabriel Sterling’s salary is exactly that amount because something something Satanism. Who knew Satan was so bureaucratic!


Your sources are skewed, Jay.


My source, in this case, is the Cyber Ninjas official audit report which had absolutely nothing at all to say about this bullshit watermark conspiracy theory. It’s imaginary garbage that someone on the internet made up after Trump lost, it has no basis in reality whatsoever.


You already admitted to comment without watching the videos, I have no doubt you didn´t bother to read the article and, once again, I ask: Why would Cyber Ninjas comment on other people´s work, also,do your research over the paper.


What article, you didn’t even link one. Except that link about vaccine disinfo which doesn’t appear to be related to anything else in your post.

The Cyber Ninjas are the ones who actually had access to inspect the ballots up close. They were seen looking at the ballots under blacklights. They reported nothing at all about watermarks, or kinematic artifact detection or whatever, which suggests those inspection methods turned up nothing. Some other random person speculating about if the watermarks maybe do somehow actually exist is pretty meaningless. They can’t inspect the ballots and the audit is over.

Last edited 3 years ago by Jay

Shouldn´t be replying,but

The title of the article is there and it´s on multiple sources, look for it.

The video SHOWS THE OFFICIAL WEBSITES AND PATENTS so no, it´s not disinfo, pos agent.


Kicked off Z ane shill– 
You now as Jay -still the worst nasty lying SHILL


Kicked off Z ane shill– 
You now as Jay -still the worst nasty lying SHILL


Kicked off Z ee shill–
Won’t even recognize my proclamation that I am now the KING of CANADA


Roseanne Barr and Juan O Savin discuss the “Red Sea Moment”

For anyone interested, this is a “just out of the cutting room” interview with Roseanne and Juan.

If you would like to watch, it’s on YouTube channel: @ Roseanne Barr
@ youtube(dot)com/watch?v=TVUp3ZR7tk4&t=0s

Last edited 3 years ago by tinydruid
unlabeled quality

so Clinton is in the hospital for ‘sepsis? 😂
something’s up.
we won’t know the full ‘details’, because we are under a national emergency, and are currently at war.
any truth revealed would embolden the enemy. (schenk v United States).
also, why would the enemy reveal the truth about themselves? especially since the enemy controls all the mainstream media in this part of the world?
just a caring reminder to those who don‘t know.


He’s also reportedly recovering, responding well to antibiotics and in good spirits. He’ll probably be out of the hospital in a few days.

If Clinton died at Gitmo weeks ago what would be the point of any of this? What ‘truth’ is the enemy revealing about themselves by having the Clinton clone undergo a minor hospital stay, or whatever the conspiracy version of this event is?

Last edited 3 years ago by Jay

Other things are happening to the Deep State; they have no recourse but to use their old MO of false flags, smoke and mirrors, etc. They have to continue to show strength in numbers, even if those numbers are dwindling. They have always drawn people to them by fooling some of the people all of the time that they have a larger voting base than the right. Well . . . now the world knows that the left can’t win an election unless it steals votes from the right.

Bill Clinton is and has always been a good tool to divert what is happening in other arenas.


“now the world knows that the left can’t win an election unless it steals votes from the right.”

lmao…please do tell me the last time the gqp won the popular vote in the presidential election


Do you condone this:

“In his last year in office, Clinton made expanding the Chinese economy one of his most urgent priorities. To do that, he appointed a lobbyist called Steve Ricchetti and put him in charge of the project. Fast forward to today, China has been a member of the World Trade Organization for 20 years. Steve Ricchetti has risen even higher in Democratic politics. He’s now a top White House aide to Joe Biden.

As for China, it has indeed changed as Bill Clinton promised that it would. China is now the richest country in the world. Its police state is far more efficiently authoritarian even than it was under Chairman Mao. China is a much greater threat to the United States and to its neighbors. We’re as far from peace in Asia, as we have been since 1945.

The American manufacturing sector, meanwhile, is effectively gone. It evaporated, along with millions of middle-class jobs. Most of the objects you buy now are made in China.

Maybe you’ve seen the pictures of queues of cargo ships strung out in the Pacific trying to get into American ports to unload their containers. You will hear the scene described as part of something called the global supply chain, but that intentionally understates what it actually is. What you’re looking at are America’s supply lines. At this point, where effectively an outpost totally dependent on a faraway headquarters for the things we need to live. Here’s what it looks like:

REPORTER: Why so many empty shelves? US ports are backed up.

REPORTER: Take a look at this. Cargo ships sitting in the sea waiting to pull into port. It’s causing major US retailers like Walmart, Home Depot and Costco to charter private cargo ships in a rush to fill shelves for the holiday season. On the roads, there’s a shortage of truck drivers.” ~ Tucker Carlson article on 100 Percent Fedup, 10-15-21

Last edited 3 years ago by Jullou
unlabeled quality

we must’ve hit the bullseye. the flak is flying.


Just these nuts in your mouth lmaooooooooooooooo




Lol you guys are “hitting the bullseye” or “over the target” every single week. And yet nothing really happens, every single week.


Soon. Wait and see. It’s a chess game. It’s not the right time. The movie is coming to an end.


Yes Yes & Yes and your time to shill will come to an end when it happens


SO what SHILL?


So you’re spending your life waiting for an imaginary ‘big reveal’ that’s never coming? I dunno, what do you want from me. It’s not my fault MB’s promises and predictions never come true, month after month after month. Remember when he said Trump would be reinstated on July 4th? 🤷‍♂️


Changing the subject again? Damn you’re thirsty af for me just like jill




MAGA supporters won the popular vote in 2020.


Lol Robert, my man, what are you on? Biden won the popular vote by over 7 million.


Probably going home tomorrow.


did you visit him..???? and have a chat with him….




“because we are under a national emergency, and are currently at war.”





Are you prepared for November, Russell, or are you going to continue to waste time IMAOing? Perhaps you are not even an American. What kind of person makes light of a “national emergency??!!”



fuck off caillou


Nothing profound to say, Russell??!! You are obviously in the wrong arena with critical thinkers. You have no influence over us, so scat!!


nah i’m good. i’m having fun laughing at people who think we’re in a war or national emergency. these are all invented to keep you outraged.

culture war – keeps gqp enraged
crt – keeps gqp enraged
masks – keeps gqp enraged
#savethechildren – keeps gqp enraged

it’s all performative art. it’s like WWE come to real life


I suspect you don’t even live in the U.S. because you have a detached attitude and lack of empathy. So scat. You are not one of us and have no influence over us.


Evil Shill

unlabeled quality

telling scat to scat is kinda redundant, dearie. 😁


Where are the critical thinkers? Hiding behind the people who think Trump won?



Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

These shills are Evil.
Evil shills are never given the gift of critical thinking intuitively–They only know what they’ve been taught and programed with. They may appear clever but they have no real skills of their own, They’re repeater reporters like MSM


Oh we’re over your fear target –your evil work coming to an end


You said that a month ago . When? Imminent?


Why what happens in November? More nothing? I though “Red October” was the thing that was supposed to be a big deal but I’m really not seeing any red, imo.


The mandate that military members get vaxxed or get discharged. What will our foreign enemies do with half of the military vaxxed and sick/vulnerable and the other half discharged??!!


Here’s what will happen: a fairly small number of our military members will refuse to get the vaccine, and they will be discharged for refusing to follow official military protocol. It will probably be well under 5%. Absolutely no chance it will be anywhere close to ‘half’. Then everyone will just go on with their lives, no one will attack us or start any wars.


Plus we have that Space Force thing guarding us now. NESARA will be in full swing and everyone will have enough money for the rest of their lives,



Hundreds of Thousands of US Troops Still Unvaccinated as Deadlines Loom
~ Epoch Times
October 15, 2021
Hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops remain unvaccinated as COVID-19 vaccine mandate deadlines loom, according to data reviewed by The Epoch Times.
A Nov. 2 deadline for active-duty Air Force personnel is the first in a series of dates that various military members are facing to get fully vaccinated against the virus that causes COVID-19.
If they don’t, they’ll face punishment. They could potentially be court-martialed and dishonorably discharged
A large percentage of most branches have gotten at least one shot of a vaccine. Many troops are poised to be in compliance with orders laying out the mandates. But there’s still a considerable number of service members who remain unvaccinated, including 32 percent of the Army and about one in five overall.
“There’s been a significant pushback,” Sean Timmons, a military veteran and a managing partner at Tully Rinckey, told The Epoch Times.
The percentage of unvaccinated is likely to be so high that the military will use non-compliance with the mandate to kick out troops that leaders don’t like but will retain those they do, at least for a while, he added.
Multiple lawsuits have been filed against the Pentagon and a flurry of troops have sought exemptions since Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin in August, just after U.S. drug regulators approved Pfizer’s vaccine, ordered troops to get a jab. He left the details up to the head of each branch, including deadlines.
The specific orders were soon announced and members learned when they’ll face repercussions if they don’t get a shot and aren’t approved for an exemption. Active-duty Navy and Marines personnel have until Nov. 28, nearly a full month later than the Air Force deadline. The Army set a Dec. 15 deadline for active-duty soldiers.
Reserve components, including the National Guard, in each branch have a later date: Dec. 2 for the Air Force, Dec. 28 for the Navy and Marines, and June 30, 2022, for the Army.
Active-duty and reserve Coast Guard members don’t have a deadline. Instead, they’ve “been ordered to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 immediately, as soon as operations allow,” a spokeswoman told The Epoch Times in an email.


Because the Epoch times is a garbage news source (not as garbage as RRN but still pretty bad) they intentionally left most of the actual numbers out of this article to make is sound like the rate is higher than it is. Here’s what they actually are, as of Oct. 4-8, according to Dept. of Defense data:

Navy Active Duty: 90%
Army Active Duty: 81%
Air Force Active Duty: 80.9%
Marine Corp Active Duty: 76.5%

So combined that’s over 82% of our active-duty military. And it will continue to climb as the deadline approaches, I’d bet it will be over 90% by the end of this month. If the remaining ones get discharged, then that’s what they get for not following the rules. But in any case the number is nowhere close to ‘half’.


(and yes I know you hate the Washington Post but they are citing official DoD data here)

Last edited 3 years ago by Jay

Propaganda for the dumb & worthless to believe. And you would believe a Commie running DoD? You should know better than that, no way anybody can trust any part of the Fed.


Perhaps Obummer faux muslims paid & schooled by Sorus satanist teachers


Those 2 issues MUST SCARE YOU as it´s all that is needed for….MILITARY TRIBUNALS


Yes . I am just so scared rn


And so detached with no empathy.


It’ll take out every evil Shill too


I’m spooked


What national emergency ?


Mega dittos!


MSM BS to prepare stories to explain via lies why all those missing bodies via Gitmo and other Milit.Tribs will be dead soon


Someone had posted a link of an interview with Nino Rodriguez and John De-Souza, Mr. De-Souza stated based on his contacts, RRN is the real deal, that the Military is the one actually putting out the info to Michael in this low key manner, deliberately so as not to cause unrest in the citizenry, but also to keep the patriots aware of what is happening. Whatever the reasons, I say Thank you God and thank you Michael.


10 days is next week


Canada is no longer a Commonwealth State of and under the British Crown
Canada is now to be it’s own Republic with a constitution like ours (American) and adjoining us.

Before completion there will be more changes and maybe this could be one–I don’t know for sure that Romana is only for the interim period to prepare the changes?

“Introducing Romana Didulo:  
Head of State & Commander-In-Chief of The Sovereign Republic of Canada ”


Not so new….The Quantum Financial System Explained And Updated In Detail

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee
Terminally deplorable

I dont want to be adjoined. Its already anough for me to fly over Canada on my way to Europe, but only because I have to.


It not up to you personal feelings
I think it makes sense


Lmao, Zee this is a crazy person. Here watch this:

I, Jay, declare myself the King of Canada.

That statement has exactly as much legitimacy as everything on this crazy person website you just linked.


All hail Jay, king of Canada !


The more Zee posts, the heavier the pile gets to crush the next prisoner.


SHill Jay– you’re sounding uneducated here of history and why this is happening


Why what is happening? Some random crazy person proclaiming she is the Queen of Canada, based on nothing? This is absolute nonsense Zee. I know you believe in crazy nonsense on a daily basis but this is just mind-numbingly stupid even for one of your posts.


Thanks Zee.. any confirmation on Au and NZ being 51 state of Unites States of AMerica, Republic.. and Trump now owns them because they are no longer corporations under SEC? Is this true?


I just.. why or how would Trump possibly own Australia and NZ? What happened to your brain that you think this is a thing that could possibly be true?


Apparantly, you missed the memo jay, theres more than just a single reason NZ’s big nosed PM resigned.
Eventually she too will be starring in her own Tribunal. And all New Zealand will not be shocked by it, nor surprised.


Thats correct, Trump does own controlling interest of NZ and all of its occupents. The Queen that once was had no choice but to grant it to him, or else something would be leaked out to the public about once said Queen – she agreed and signed it all into his possession and then later, she resigned as Queen also giving up any further Lordship rights to her two grand children in regards to her throne, and all rights to Great Britains control of Canaduh. And yes, Trudue will also get whats coming to him too. Even Saudi Arabia gave the Sword of Kings to Trump he graciously accepted it and they were thrilled to have him, meaning he is also “their” King. Even the convicted pedo Pope capitulated after Trump threw it all on his desk letting him know we have it all.
We knew all this shit three years ago, where were you jay??? Sleep walking out in the streets rioting?
You have many amends to make boy, best you get with it.


It is such a fact that they are doing so many Tribunals in Gitmo…And have been going through them for some time now… I mean.. you can follow the air traffic through control and see the heavy flights that have been going to and frow for months.. I just want to be a part of the audience of these Trials! I want to be following them as they happen! I know they will be revealed…and we will review much of them through video…which will be great when that reveal happens. But i wish i could have been part of it in live time as well. I think that we will obviousely be part of many thousands of indictments and trials to follow in these next months and years…, but the ones like Hanks, Hillary, Gates.. Soros…Bill.. Venecian family heads… pope…Rockafellers..Rothschilds…all the Technocrats of the Global elite pertaining to the Davos initiative, Council of foreign Relations, Trilateral council…and so on! I want to see it… And its getting exciting…… October will end with a bang….. Revelation in November!




JFK Jr can go watch all these tribunals with you too.


You and your ilk are critical about the articles on this platform 24/7; what do you think of this article about this leftist insurrection??!!

“When is an insurrection not an insurrection?

By Andrea Widburg ~American Thinking, October 15, 2021
During the Kavanaugh hearings, hundreds of hysterical leftist activists stormed the Capitol and even managed to break into the Senate chamber.  They were arrested and that was the end of it.  On January 6, crowds of pro-Trump people, along with undoubted provocateurs and, almost certainly, FBI agents, entered the Capitol.  Once in, they wandered around reverently and left — except for Ashli Babbitt, whom a Capitol Police officer killed in cold blood.  January 6 was called an “insurrection,” and Biden’s DOJ is using it as an excuse to hold political prisoners and terrorize into silence those who oppose Trump.  And no, it’s not just a new, stricter standard, as Thursday’s “climate justice” riot showed.
Admittedly, the climate fanatics didn’t head for the Capitol.  Instead, they besieged the Department of the Interior.  Dozens of people managed to enter the building, and, as you can see [in the video], a “riot”-ous time was had by all, including cops who used tasers to fend off the mob:

When I check the New York Times’ home page in the wee hours of Friday, there’s no mention of the violent attack against a government agency, although there is a little headline (no link because the Times doesn’t deserve it) that the January 6 panel wants to press criminal charges against Steve Bannon.  I don’t see anything about the climate protest on CNN’s home page, either, although it has the usual hysteria about a “climate crisis.”  I’m willing to bet the same will be true no matter which drive-by media outlet I check.

A healthy, free society cannot exist when there are two legal standards, one for the “in” crowd and one for the alleged “insurrection” crowd.  Such blatant double standards mean that we are becoming a country without a rule of law.  Instead, as is the case with any tinpot tyranny, the law exists solely to police people who oppose the ruling class.”



the insurrection wasn’t akshually insurrection because:

  • someone else did something bad
  • someone else did something i disagree with at a different event
  • they weren’t successful
  • once they got in they were mostly peaceful
  • the “hang mike pence” chants and the gallow really was just a joke
  • trump told them 3 hours later to go home
  • antifa false flag (lmao)
  • fbi false flag (even more lulz)
  • and because CNN covers climate change lmaooo

fucking own it. it was a riot with the intention of at least delaying certification.

watching a police officer get crushed in a door akshually was just the rioters helping him, right?



Do you approve of leftist orchestrated chaos:

“Food Prices Hit Highest Level in a DecadeOctober 10, 2021 By Tom Ozimek ~Food prices across the world have risen to their highest levels in a decade on the back of tightening supply conditions robust demand, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).” ~C-Vine News Network



“rightist” tactic – change subject


Do you approve of the New World Order??!! Are you a Saul Alinsky follower??!!


“rightist” tactic – change subject again in face of evidence.



Using the leftist MO of projection again (blame-shifting) when you can’t respond profoundly.


Shill Russell, she asked a question many of us are thinking about you Shills


Did they really chant “Hang Mike Pence”? Not too many ways you can take that. I’d figure that one out before any of your other claims. Kind of smacks of treason. He was the VP.


You’re using word salad responses again; your lack of profundity has no influence over us. You would be better suited for commenting on a leftist blog; why not hang out with your own kind??!!

I have many articles written by experts about this faux insurrection on Jan. 6th versus ALL of the leftist insurrections.


why can’t you think for yourself?

i cAn p0sT oThER P3opLE’s aRtiCLEs whO aGRE3 wITh mE!

Last edited 3 years ago by Russell

Using the leftist MO of projection (blame-shifting). Not making any sense at this point, Russell. Using expert sources is educating oneself, Russell. How do you educate yourself??!!

Last edited 3 years ago by Jullou

wiTH eVIdenCE aNd wITHouT RepOSTing ThE aRtiCLEs aS my 0wN rEsP0nSE


did you seriously just try the old “blame-shifting” tactic literally minutes after shifting to a different subject? lmaooooo gtfoh


Shill stop your projecting your shit tactics on us–


this is definitely not a quote from caillou

“If you have the facts on your side, pound the facts; if you have the law on your side, pound the law; if you have neither the facts nor the law, pound the table.”


A word salad response again, Russell, that has no influence over us. Go find your own kind on a leftist blog.


awww don’t blame-shift on me, rightist



Do you condone the Ziden Administration’s discharging of non-vaxxed military . . . taking away their hard-earned benefits??!!


Do you condone the actions of the Jan 6 rioters?

specifically the ones chanting “hang mike pence”, the ones who brought a gallow, the ones who assaulted police, the ones who crushed a police officer, the pipe bomber, and the ones who left a cache of weapons outside DC to avoid gun laws?

i’M jUsT asKInG qUEsTionS


Last edited 3 years ago by Russell

Do you condone the billions of $$$ worth of damage and murders by ANTIFA and BLM while the leftist politicians and leftist media blocked conservative reporting of this??!!


Do you condone the actions of the Jan 6 rioters?

specifically the ones chanting “hang mike pence”, the ones who brought a gallow, the ones who assaulted police, the ones who crushed a police officer, the pipe bomber, and the ones who left a cache of weapons outside DC to avoid gun laws?

i’M jUsT asKInG qUEsTionS

nobody blocked conservative reporting on those riots lmao


Oh yes they did. You don’t know about F>cebook and T>itter blocking all conservative discussions. You must get your news from leftist memes or CNN. You are in a leftist bubble and are not a critical thinker.

Last edited 3 years ago by Jullou


The exact opposite happened. You do know you can track the top 10 FB page interactions. In fact an account on Twitter does that for you. 7/10 is right wing.

Twitter didn’t do shit after Jan 6 except boot gqp bots

This is more performative outrage though.

I could freely watch OAN, fox, and even news max talk about the riots. Even new max sent out an email saying not to call it a riot!

Lmaooooooooooooooo cry more rightist


Oh look, the top pages in the past 24 his include the ever censored Ben Shapiro

The top-performing link posts by U.S. Facebook pages in the last 24 hours are from:

1. NPR
2. I Love Paws
3. Laughing Squid
4. Ben Shapiro
5. Ben Shapiro
6. New York Post Sports
7. Occupy Democrats
8. Catholic Fundamentalism
9. Saltymates
10. Ben Shapiro


Have you considered what will happen in November when Ziden and his ilk discharge thousands of military members, which will create many security issues, while Ziden continues to transport unvetted illegals, mostly males of military age??!! Are you preparing for November or will you continue to waste you time with word-salad??


Do you condone the actions of the Jan 6 rioters?

specifically the ones chanting “hang mike pence”, the ones who brought a gallow, the ones who assaulted police, the ones who crushed a police officer, the pipe bomber, and the ones who left a cache of weapons outside DC to avoid gun laws?

i’M jUsT asKInG qUEsTionS



That was a leftist set-up. You know that. But I guess you go along with leftist false flags in order to bring about the New World Order.


lmao no it wasn’t. how many times do you need to see ON VIDEO TAPE FROM PEOPLE LIKE BAKED ALASKA SAYING THERE WAS NO ANTIFA THERE?


It was a leftist false flag. Do you get your information from leftist memes, or from a leftist script for trolls?

We have tons of evidence that it was a set-up to imprison innocent moms, pops, grandmas and grandpas. The insurrectionists consisted of rogue FBI, CIA, Capitol Police, all under the control of leftism/communism. The Capitol Police opened the doors and escorted the innocents in. Then men in black suits (as per videos) surrounded them and all hell broke loose. Pelosi, et al, facilitated this because they wanted a coup. Well, they got their coup, but you don’t see this, do you, which makes me think you have no allegiance to patriot Americans. So scat!


lmao no. did some cops let them in, yep.

did some of them get crushed in a door? yep by the rioters

did some of them get assaulted? yep by the rioters

did they plant a pipe bomb? yep

did they shout “hang mike pence”? yep the rioters did that too

you can cite some bs from sites that peddle in alternate facts like rrn, gwp or even the federalist all you want. i can see and think for myself. When I watched the cop get crushed in the door my first thought was that antifa was definitely behind this and not the fat angry white guys mad that trump lost luuuuulz

claiming false flag and entrapment for “innocent moms, pops, grandmas and grandpas” is the funniest fucking thing i’ve seen in a while.

have fun watching those who participated go to jail…lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


We have videos clearly showing Antifa in their black uniforms attempted to agitate and then the leftist politicians projected it onto the moms and pops. Facial recongnition indicates they were at other Antifa insurrection events, i.e. when they burned down cities. But then you give them a pass.


They could have been Trump supporters disguised as Antifa


lmao everything is a fucking false flag if you don’t wanna own it

blm antifa riots – false flag to bring about the NWO

BC in the hospital – false flag to bring about the NWO

jan 6 – false flag to bring about the NWO

see how that works?



Yes, Russell, the left can’t operate on promoting the truth, because their truth is that they want to depopulate the Earth so they can have what we have. So they use false flags to fool some of the people all of the time (like you). Sad for you that you can’t see the light.


leftist setup by trump asking people to come to his rally on jan 6 and then instructed the people to go to the capitol while lmaoo…big leftists energy there



He instructed them to go peacefully, but then your leftist media doesn’t report that. That’s why all that you know about this is being programed into your brain by leftist/communists.


lmao media did repeat what he said. 3 hours later, “rightist” lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


They want #s these shills y being down RR news and MB


nobody’s doing anything but laughing


Seems like the people arrested for Jan 6 are all Rightists .


Wandered around reverently???? Did you not see the destruction left by these “peaceful protesters”? Living in an alternate reality?


Antifa was there.


lmfao no


Probably 60% or more of our population knows Antifa was there but you. Do you know how to research? Do you know how to step out of your current bubble in search of the truth? How is it so many people know this??!! Because they/I get news from truth-telling sources that don’t have a leftist agenda of war, collapsing our country, false flags, pay to-pay, money laundering, death threats, et al. For goodness sakes, wake up!


Lol just own it

Oh look top Facebook for Jan 4

The top-performing link posts by U.S. Facebook pages in the last 24 hours are from:

1. Fox News
2. Ben Shapiro
3. Donald J. Trump
4. U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders
5. Washington Post
6. Dan Bongino
7. Robert Reich
8. The New York Times
9. Dan Bongino
10. Ivanka Trump


Who is the head of Antifa now ? Where is the home office ?


Research is not a Duck Duck Go search then cherry picking only what fits your world view. I can find plenty of websites telling me that the world is flat. That doesn’t make it reality. Oops! You probably believe that one too!

Last edited 3 years ago by Grams

lmao kyrie irving won’t get the shto and thinks the world is flat


It seems like the last war we were involved in was started with republicans in office and a Democrat just ended it.


Lots of injuries for a peaceful protest.


Probably 60% or more of our population knows Antifa was there but you.

There’s literally court testimony of facebook posts exclaiming antifa isn’t here as evidence against the jan 6 rioters.


own it


No they weren’t those were Trump supporters trying to take over and terrorize our representatives. Blaming another group just doesn’t cut it.


fuck off


It depends on what you consider a “patriot”


Shill Grams


Get some help


Gitmo is a fully operational naval base. There are over 6000 troops and army personnel stationed there. Of course there have a lot of flights coming and going. No evidence at all that there are arrested politicians or celebrities or alien lizard-people on those flights.


Only 39 prisoners there now.


“Navy to Discharge Sailors Over COVID Vax” ~Trending Politics, 10-15-21
Do you approve of the leftist faux president and his leftist faux administration’s order to dishonorably discharge our military if they don’t get the jab??!!




Speaking of “leftist,” have you prepared for this leftist orchestrated food, supplies and fuel shortages??!!

“The Supply Chain Crisis Means Yes, This Time It’s Okay to Stock Up.” ~ NOQ Report


better check the new bloomberg reports then lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Yes. Enlisted military are already required to get like 19 other vaccinations. The covid vaccine is one more. You don’t follow the rules, you get discharged. Better to enforce the rule than to risk having covid spreading rampantly on our military bases.


Don’t kid yourself. Per experts, this vaxx is a bioweapon and non-leftist military know this.


Per crazy people the vaccine is a bioweapon. Per experts it is an effective way to protect yourself and others against the coronavirus pandemic.


This is the evidence that you get your propaganda from leftist sources that are part of the globalist plan to depopulate the Earth. Connect the dots to see all the tactics used by leftists now that are causing death and destruction. Democrats used to rally against war, but the current faux administration is promoting war and destruction. Don’t try to G00gle this information or find it on CNN, because they are owned by globalists that have been attempting to collapse our country for decades. Why?? Because they want what we have!!!

Angel Askew

It’s futile, Juliou. Many of us have tried. These type are dead set on just being the cog in the wheel.
When we have our RRN carnival next year they will be tethered to the dunk machine seat. Everyone gets a turn. Haha!




Only 40 of you showed up in DC last month. Why will the next time be any different?


The current administration ended the war in Afghanistan. wtf are you talking about, they are not promoting war or destruction.


apparently ron watkins is an expert now


They will not be dishonorably discharged . Trending Politics not a good site.



LaVerne Wojack

well Mr. Baxter Bill Clinton is in the hospital. What do you have to say?


I mean what do you expect, really? He’ll say that’s just a clone or whatever. Don’t expect him to ever admit these articles are made up, he has to keep that sweet givesendgo income flowing.

Terminally deplorable

Do you have any confirmation or is that just talk, because MSM told you so? It could as well be cover story for his disappearance. Hillary visiting him in the “hospital”, did not actually look like Hillary to me. More like Theresa Barnwell.


Its him. He is probably getting out tomorrow.


it’s definitely a double/cgi’d clone/deepfake but without the computers around to generate the deepfake


Shill LaVerne Wojack


and fuck off some more


We need a new story ASAP, sick of seeing Cuomos ugly mug when I get to this site.

Chris Russ

Not one liberal media site has a commenting area. If they did I wouldn’t be on there arguing with people whom I disagree with. That would be mindless and exhausting. I find it comical how much time the haters spend on here. They have tremendous voids in their lives.

Last edited 3 years ago by Chris Russ

RIGHT? Who does that?!


people with a good sense of humor who aren’t caught up in tribal politics. imagine being a gqp member but not sucking trumps balls. it’s kind of like that

American Living in Canada

Have a great weekend all.

Chris Russ

Thank you, you do the same!

David Agosta

The deep state is running out of appearances, keeping Bill Clinton alive. Just read he was rushed to a hospital, in serious condition. Makes sense they do this, as Bill is no longer convenient for them. Therefore, they’re free to end that charade.

Last edited 3 years ago by David Agosta

but he’s already dead according to rrn


I wonder how quickly this TRIPLE SHILL RUSSELL / BUCK FIDEN & Kick Off JIM B UFFER will disappear when everyone has to learn the WHOLE TRUTH from the great REVEAL- coming soon Bye Bye

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

will it happen “soon”?


also – can you get the power rankings soon? i gotta see where i stand


There will be no great reveal .


Exile SHILL–you wishes NOT –sorry


Q: What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs lying in a pile of leaves?

A: Russell


wow sick burn. i’ll never recover from this one


I’ll try to help you .

Chris Russ

No arms no legs in a hole in the wall? Phil. No arms no legs hanging on a wall? Art. One leg one arm on a ski behind a behind a boat? Skip. No arms no legs at your door step? Matt. No arms no legs in a pool? Bob.

Last edited 3 years ago by Chris Russ

Q: What do you call a girl with one leg?
A: Eileen

Q: Where does she work?


Yup many exit excuses to happen now




He’s going to be okay .


“Hillary Clinton and Huma Seen Leaving California Hospital Where Bill Clinton is Suffering in ICU”

Pic of both smothered in face masks!



oh no! how could they follow protocols in a hospital?

also good luck to anyone trying the mental gymnastics to figure out how the gwp was able to deep fake/cgi/clone a pic of HRC

Last edited 3 years ago by Russell

Ha Ha Ha Ha the dead live again ROTFL
As I said–these are the DS’s evil lying exit scenarios-as the end is near.
The deep state think they can fool us still–they’ve gone bo too far now.
They are looking stupid to keep trying to with these scenarios which is their attempt to make the Gitmo deaths and Mil.Tribs a lie…
MB is being allowed to get some Gitmo Mil.. info on purpose and it’s not fake news MSM BS.


we know the truth…this site is real…deep state nearing the end!


is it?




It proves itself every time using details of names


Oh right . You are out dumbing yourself .


Another RGB/where´s Wally saga…..


Wow you’re telling me they were wearing face masks at a hospital during a pandemic?? Very suspicious stuff 🙃


Especially when family isn’t allowed to stay with their “loved” ones….except, apparently for the “swells”. How many backdrops can that federal building across from White House stage??!!


One can clearly see that is NOT Hillary. Her eyes and forehead are different.
Besides, do you really think the snooty Clintons who demand all kinds of perks would allow Bill to be put in a shithole like the UCI (Univ of Calif Irvine) and not Walter Reed? It must be his double since we know Clinton is dead. They are doing this for appearance’s sake.


must be a false flag



No, he was already in California and that was the local hospital. No, why would a double go into the hospital if people think he is dead?


I forgot they had started . What did I miss?

Irish Girl

I wonder if that state funeral will finally happen for WJC? MSM is saying he’s in ICU…interesting timing.


In ICU for privacy more than anything . He won’t die.



Terminally deplorable

Whatare you always testing?






Lying about what ? I’m not .


Shill Exile are you dumb? HE’S DEAD period !
I shall have to demote you to TROLL ?


very simple to me, he’s not dead at all. Oh, a shill is better than a troll? I was never sure. Guess I’m on probation.




lmao no. his life or death does nothing to support rrn stories. if it does, then the annuki are real


SHill Russell, don’t argue with OWD he’s older than you and knows more—cos he comes from Hollyweird — he had the inside track


oooooooh ok. i can’t argue with older people from hollyweird. got it lmaooooo

can’t wait to see some annuki tho


Zee, do you think.. do you think OWD here is like, the real OWD from the show Green Acres? Do you think this is actually actor Eddie Albert who portrayed OWD, who died in 2005 at the age of 99? Is that a think that you think?

Terminally deplorable

Yesterday evening he reportedly was still fine and in good spirits.


I saw that too last night, not sure of the update today, haven’t looked into it yet… I read that he had a UTI in which the infection spread to his bloodstream and he was then hospitalized, that was the last thing I read from CNN, all of the other outlets generalized ‘infection’ in their articles not elaborating.. hmmm…


He’s okay


Well that also confirms that he’s dead and RRN is real, because.. uh.. something something clones rubber masks holograms! Wake up sheeple!


I will do more research.


Very interesting timing..someone really get p*ss off with doubles clown charade…are they rush- sisters- hrc/huma to icu tommoprow….???


i believe it will be fauci…AMG NEWS .said he has been indict on 01/14/21…..


oh well if AMG news says it, must be true


I saw that, I am sure he’ll be used / seen big time in the REVEAL


have what now


And how ?


I think Michael was the first to report Fauci’s indictment


Ha ha ha another fake exit scenario LOL

Irish Girl

I wonder if his flag will be wrinkled like “Voldemort” McCain?

Irish Girl

An article was just featured on Gab saying that it is sepsis with maybe a side of TB.

Angel Askew

I read it’s a UTI and he is responding well to antibiotics as of this morning, supposedly.
The question is how do they play this out and why??
Durham is on the hunt big time. HRC will be free to run and no Bill” to testify should he “suddenly die (double).
DS has nothing to lose.

Terminally deplorable

They can bury an empty casket with speeches and music.


Hunter hangs today and news releases about Bill Clinton being hospitalized for an infection….hmmm Are they setting the stage for Clinton to die?




It didn’t work, sej


Msm reporting Bill Clinton hospitalized…. Are our timelines finally converging?

“Their health will quickly deteriorate”

Who else has health deteriorating ? So many…

Mathematically impossible “coincidences”.




There’s more places for rendition to receive MIL Trials than Gitmo
Thousands are up for trials. I think Gitmo is meant to handle the dirty traitors to US Government. I think PHARMA crimes are handled somewhere else as other countries are involved in the Bio-Weapon. I know they took Gates –But through the Satanic Child abuse and Epstein connections = political. So it was Gitmo for him.


it’s the white hats wanting to reduce Civil unrest —.

Not DS who want civil unrest as diversion tactics

DS black hats want to preserve the lies, they’re desperately trying to hang onto their faux power a bit longer .

But the the black hats have to now do scenarios for all the executions and deaths of their DS people who have had a Military Trial.

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

Ah yes it’s a mathematically impossible coincidence that a 75 year old man would get sick at some point.


LYING Jay SHill, kicked off as Z ane shill
You now are coming across as 3D ignorant.

Even Trump is looking better and younger – if he keeps this up he’ll look sexy soon




Yes you’re a GROSS SHILL the worst one of 46 sh–s on this platform

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

Yikes, if ascending to 5D means thinking Trump is sexy, I will gladly stay here in 3D, thanks


He has a Med bed so he will be fine .


piping hot ??????


SHILL EXILE for once you may be telling the truth


I’m trying not to . It was satire ! They wouldn’t give one to Clinton anyhow.


I noticed Zee went dark again.


Unliken you evil shills Zee is never dark

Zee gets info else where and does not park here 24 / 7 like all you Shills do.

To you shills ‘time is money’ you are paid shills to screw RRNews and it’s owner and all other white hats


TROLL, just as I thought you were cleaning up your act –disappointed !

Stop struggling in 4D the ‘place of trials & confusions ‘

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

Looking forward to the day when all are punished, and the world is informed of what has taken place, and why.


I can’t wait

Kelly Brown

Michael, can you tell Admiral Crandall and Admiral Hannink thank you. Obviously you have some access to these people and I just want them to know I am really thankful. I know this is all true. I have no reason to doubt how delicate this entire situation is, and why the military must go about it this way. This Red October with some of the suspicions dripping into the mainstream has opened my eyes to how upset some people would get when they don’t understand how deep this situation goes…back 2,021 years to be exact. But I know my Bible and I know what my pops told me before he passed away…that President Trump is chosen and that Junior is going to change the world. And that prophesy happens the exact way it’s supposed to happen and that’s how we use discernment.

So if you have any access to the guys who are handling this enormous biblical responsibility, please tell them Kelly from Buffalo says thank you and God Bless. And thank you too because I can only imagine the beating you’re taking from those who don’t understand the Bible.

-Kelly Knauth Brown


Well said! Beautifully spoken!


Mega dittos!


don’t provide your full name and location on the internet, especially if it’s a semi-unique name.

Kelly Knauth Brown

I understand the consequences of my full name being on here. It is purposeful. I only fear God.


oh i’m not worried about consequences/ god/whatever, it’s for your own benefit to protect info so it doesn’t get into the wrong hands (identity theft), harassment, etc…it’s just not worth it


Nasty Russell Shill
Kelly only wants to give a heart felt THANK YOU
You could not do that as you have dirt to hide


i could say thanks but i’m not posting my name and city which anyone can use to exploit for any number of reasons

Last edited 3 years ago by Russell
J Bill

riiiigght. like hacking your hd to skim intel off your post data is screaming for resale on the black market.


And the good ones are protected now
But there is no place the bad ones to go to and hide -they are too busy scrambling

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

I will let the powers know that you are behind them 100% when I speak with them later today. I think they will be pleased to know that you approve.




Michael, can you also please thank actor Steven Seagal for his unparalleled bravery and willingness to go combat the deadly Anunnaki forces in hand-to-hand combat? If he is still alive, of course. You never wrote an update to that story so it’d hard to tell. If he did fall courageously in battle we should all be thanking him for his service and his sacrifice to the continued survival of the human race. #ripsteven


Thank you Kelly
I agree….

Only one thing though…..this evil is to be totally REVEALED & REMOVED FROM EARTH is 6000 years old it goes way back and our lost history will also be revealed and how historians have been paid to lie about it.

Kelly Knauth Brown

I know you are right, but I was more speaking of the transition from the Old Testament to the New Testament. When we crucified Jesus 2,021 years ago…now we are starting a New New Testament. On a new Earth.


What do you mean “speak clearer”


Former President Bill Clinton was hospitalized Tuesday evening with a non-Covid related infection.”

Gasp! Was this the body double Clinton, the CGI Clinton, the Bigfoot Clinton, the alien Clinton, or the lizard person Clinton?!

Lucky star

The cabals are preparing for his firmal funeral from covid not from poison as if it normal thing. If those crazy left know that the cabals killed Bill Clinton, can you imagine how are their reaction?lol…




“Faux Formal Funeral” = he was given an FFF by the DS sh-ts.


This is going to be interesting.


do not worry…..they all disappear very sooon ..tommy


Yes, and as the reveal happens very soon –the DS won’t have time to do anymore pretending evil Politicians are still alive nor have the time to do FFFs as they’ll all be arrested


Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin were seen leaving a California hospital after visiting her husband Bill who is fighting “sepsis” in intensive care.”

The dead walk!


Doubles putting in an appearance for the media.


Their Show “must’ go on.
To no avail.


What’s the deal ???
RRN said Clinton is dead.

Today 10/14 It’s reported today that he’s currently in aCalifornia hospital.

What gives ?????


Check out the FAQ for this site that clearly says we are satire and parody.


I guess so. Then I guess it really isn’t “real” raw news then. Eh?


Mike and I like to think of it as murder porn for the uneducated. It’s real to them so we are happy with it. Plus it pays the bills!


DAVE R U a paid SHILL or a stupid psycho TROLL ?

You are now on my Troll / Shill LIst as “?”

RRN is REAL –-IT IS REAL–get used to it
anyone that can’t see this as real has no intelligent discernment and is a F’ing idiot or they are SHILLS being paid by the satanic DS.






Plus his wife and Houma visited him .


Pretend exit by MSM’s deep state so they can move to a FFF because he’s already dead period.

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

“Faux Formal Funeral” = he was given an FFF by the DS sh-ts.


Odd that they sent him to a shithole like the UCI (Univ of Calif Irvine) and not Walter Reed. You know the snooty Clintons would never accept that. It must be his double since we know Clinton is dead.


Cuomo should have his innards extracted and his corpse hung upside down like a side of beef. The corpse should be butchered, cooked and served to co-defendants with a delicate whine sauce.


Schadenfreude perish the thought

May be nicer if the punishment would fit the crime.
Or his cell is made to be very cold while he waits to be hung.

Better a slow death in a refrigerator Box = slow death
Not a Freezer box = death comes too quickly.
Cuomo used refrigerator trucks to kill all those old people

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

so bill clinton is in the hospital but he’s dead so this is like double secret body double clone cgi and face swap?


Or it could be the same old leftist MO of creating a false flag when things aren’t going well for them??!!

Do you approve of the end justifies the means (i.e. creating chaos to bring misery and tumult)?

Last edited 3 years ago by Jullou

Everything is a false flag if you don’t like or can’t explain what’s happening (see Jan 6 lmao)




They were careful to say it was non covid related. What better spin than to have him hospitalized, then die after a few days and be afforded a funeral with military honors (closed casket of course) These deep staters never stop do they

David Yanity

Complete with a badly wrinkled flag draped over said casket.


maybe there’s ricin in his bloodstream from that UTI lmaooooooooooo


he’s in the hospital with sepsis from a UTI. welp another rrn story down the drain



I don’t think there will be time left for then to do anymore faux sh-t


“Faux Formal Funeral” = he was given an FFF by the DS sh-ts.


you should not worry…all doubles clowns will go with billy too…


i’m scared!

actually i’d be more interested in knowing how many doubles there are, how they’re kept hidden, and how so many people could’ve leaked the real story of doubles/clones/cgi face swaps, but didn’t leak a damn thing


Shill you should be scared –you are part of the faux sh-t


oooooooh! i am!

jill even has my “coordinates”

so zee, when are the rankings coming out?

J Bill

like pulling rabbits out of a hat…

Terminally deplorable

It could be right or wrong. Right on cue, this story about the hospitalization of Bill Clinton due to an unspecified infection (its not Covid, but as typical nowadays it could be more infectious and deadly) may be a run up story to explain to the sheeple, that Bill will be dead soon and completely unexpected and never be seen again (because of another unnamed reason that we already know). Keep an eye on the development

thegatewaypundit . com/2021/10/just-former-president-bill-clinton-hospitalized-infection/


i bet deep fake. he has the money to put all those compute resources around him to produce a deep fake of himself

Terminally deplorable

He still may have Hillary’s private State Dept. server in the basement. However that was bit bleached and may no longer be functional.

Last edited 3 years ago by Terminally deplorable

ah buzz words to make you sound smart.


I almost fell for it.


Lying Shill and you don’t ever do that –right?

J Bill

The “buzz words” term you stole from me isn’t working for you.

Angel Askew

My thought exactly, TD.


very soon it will be “hrc,bho,huma,,,,, and others doubled clowns ?????suicides homicides, disappear/vanish…..sudden deaths…thats what we will see next 1-2 -3 weeks….will someone fly to kenya…..


yes but it will take thousands of people to keep it all hidden so the stories on rrn will still sound true


Now that we are over the TARGET you shills seem more like stupid sheeple.


When he doesn’t die and is seen leaving the hospital how will the story change ? Are clones treated in a hospital ? CGI or holograms can’t be.


I think what’s actually happening is the Deep State manage to secure his dead body from Gitmo and they transported it to a California hospital where they have removed his brain and transplanted it into a Clinton clone, thereby thwarting death and bringing the real Bill back to life. You can’t prove this isn’t exactly what’s happening!


many people are saying this!


Yeah or he’ll be fine in a day or two and all this conspiracy speculation will be meaningless, as always.


I want to hear MSM announce all the other evil ones are in Hospital or died or whatever — for all of them to be exited by MSM for the benefit of the sheeple. Doubles etc also.


Please let this guy meet his justice soon….

“Former FBI Official Andrew McCabe Wins Back Full Pension in Lawsuit Settlement After Getting Fired For Lying to Feds Under Oath”


lmao cry more




Lol Zee, how many times do I have to tell you, I don’t get paid to post here. I have a well-paying job that has nothing to do with any of this crap. I just post here for fun 🙂


I mean you gotta admit it was a total dick move how Trump fired him intentionally just days before he was eligible for his pension.


Anyone see the news headlines? Bill Clinton admitted to hospital with non-Covid infection.


…next…official funeral……..can not hide it anymore ???


My thoughts exactly.


or he didn’t die and is just a normal human getting help at the hospital. hard to imagine, i know


That is another possibility, also.




Odd though that they sent him to a shithole like the UCI (Univ of Calif Irvine) and not Walter Reed. You know the snooty Clintons would never accept that. It must be his double since we know Clinton is dead.

Terminally deplorable

That makes sure, he leaves the hospital dead.


That’s one of my my predictions. Being a president, they have to give him a Presidential Funeral or he is he’s actually alive and in fact going to hospital. Whatever happens, things are about get very interesting and will answer a lot of questions one way or another to believers and non believers about RRN

Last edited 3 years ago by Delta

Good god, my typing sucks! I guess that’s what you get, when you’re in a hurry to leave and you don’t have time to proof read. LOL

Last edited 3 years ago by Delta
Terminally deplorable

That is the least of your problems.


He also gets a pension, secret service protection, among other benefits. How many people would have to be in on hiding a death? Lmaooooooooooooooo


Some would argue, they are all part of the Deep State so all them would be hiding his death.




ohhhhhh another envelope funeral please

Terminally deplorable

‘Sorry, they know it all.’




Twisting truth SHILL = DELTA

Terminally deplorable

Let see if Monica Lewinsky shows up.

J Bill

Thx for the “heads up.”


No time for a FFF–the 10 Day reveal next week into Nov.
when the reveal happens the executions of the real criminals will be revealed . DOUBLES WILL BE ARRESTED ALSO AS TRAITORS

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

ah, “soon” though, right?

J Bill

“…died peacefully, after supper, surrounded by family and friends.”


Will be announced dead soon
Maybe there will be no time for a FFFuneral

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

Odd though that they sent him to a shithole like the UCI (Univ of Calif Irvine), which also cares for the ton of illegals who receive free care, and not Walter Reed. It must be his double since we know Clinton is dead.

Last edited 3 years ago by Guest4579
J Bill

We all tried not to laugh. Thanks for the Friday night fodder.


More manufactured leftist chaos to create shortages:

“Democrat activists are protesting today in Washington DC to end fossil fuels for winter 2021. Russia, Venezuela, China, and Iran support the movement.

Violent insurrectionists attempted to storm the Department of the Interior on Thursday fighting with police. This won’t make any headlines in tomorrow’s liberal papers.” ~ The Gateway Pundit, 10-14-21


So I guess OAN covered it ?


the AT&T owned OAN covered it?


Do you approve of being cold this winter because leftists created a fuel shortage??!!

Lucky star

Trolls won’t answer to you. Then you know their sick mentalities…Lol…


Yes that’s it . I’m speechless .


wow leftists did this!?!?!?!? well i’m outraged at leftists!!!!!

nobody in america says rightists or leftists lmaooooooooooooooooooooooo

Angel Askew

All the beaches in Los Angeles are covered in washed up oil spill. No one allowed on the beach. It certainly is done on purpose.
And the poor cargo vessels are piles out there waiting for over a month!!


Remember the huge oil spill in the Gulf Coast right after Obama was inaugurated?!! Things just didn’t add up then either.

Angel Askew

I certainly do. That went on for months!

I don’t know the source of this one other than it smells like tyrany too.


That was not just an oil spill…it was far more dangerous what they were REALLY drilling for into the volcanoes under the sea bed. It was an extremely dangerous type of methane gas. There was an explosion that caused the oil leaks… There’s more to this than we’ve been told

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

i bet that’s where the annuki live!

Terminally deplorable

No more Happy Jacks at the beach.


That’s what happens

1, all those cargo ships parked at sea &
2, CA had an oil spill last week.


I’m just waiting for the day all the faithful donors here find out the evangelist they’ve been giving money to all this time for his bumper sticker slogans and feel good answers has been snorting coke and screwing hookers.

AZ Sue

Who is that?


“MB” of course




I can confirm that MB does not spend the donations on coke. He has never paid for blow when we hung out. He owes me a lot of money.


