George W. Bush Hanged At GITMO


The tyrannous saga of George W. Bush is finally over.

On Tuesday morning, the 43rd President of the United States stood before an ensemble of military brass loyal to the “White Hat” movement and was hanged by the neck until dead, his lifeless body oscillating in the morning breeze.

His day had begun like so many others before him whose time had come to face the rope. He was awoken at 5:00 a.m. and asked whether he wanted a final meal, or a chance to shave—with a safety razor, of course—before his escort arrived to transport him to GITMO’s southern edge, where gallows awaited his arrival.

“Eat? Shave? What’s the fucking point?” Bush reportedly told GITMO security.

An hour later he, hands cuffed and ankles shackled, was in the rear seat of a Hummer heading to what he must have known would be the spot where his life would end.

At the execution site Rear Adm. Darse E. Crandall and two Marine Corps generals stood near the bottom of the shallow metal staircase that led upward to the grisly apparatus—a length of braided rope affixed to a steel beam, beneath which a soldier wearing neither a nametag nor rank insignia tugged at the rope as if to check its tautness. A Navy physician with a stethoscope around his neck, and a chaplain clutching a King James Bible, flanked Rear Adm. Crandall.

The guards who had driven Bush to the site of his death steered him to the stairs, instructing him to ascend the steps and abide the instructions of the soldier controlling the noose. The soldier slipped Bush’s head into the rope and glanced down at Rear Adm. Crandall.

“George W. Bush, you have been found guilty of murder and treason, and thus have been sentenced to hang for crimes you committed against the nation and its people. Do you wish Last Rites or have any final words?” Rear Adm. Crandall asked Bush.

“So, this is my fucking sendoff? For all I’ve done to protect this country, I got a couple military traitors. Do whatever you fucking have to. We’ll see each other in hell,” Bush said.

“Execute,” Rear Adm. Crandall said to the soldier atop the platform.

Bush’s neck snapped a moment after the trapdoor beneath him had swung open. His corpse undulated a few seconds, and he was lowered to the ground and pronounced dead by the physician. His body was zipped into a polyurethane bag, placed in the bed of another Hummer, and carted off to an unknown location.

“He won’t be the last Bush to face a military tribunal,” Rear Adm. Crandall said to the two Marine generals beside him.

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Aimee Beth Curry

Thank God I hope they got his whole immediate serpent line family. They are all evil satanists.

Bev Kungl

At last retribution for all those deaths he was responsible for. Another traitor gone. I hope the loved ones of those he murdered hear about this so they can finally have closure. Let’s keep this going.

Kevin Kai Drake

I hope the report listed here is accurate and true and that the news gets to come out to the American Public soon. I wish he had repented to God and to his country so his soul could of been saved but if he said He had done so much to protect this nation and was cursing and cussing then it sounds like he did indeed go to where he claimed he would go. Very sad, as we cannot rejoice for the loss of even 1 man but he killed many on 911 and many more in Iraq and Afghanistan. Justice if it was served on Him and all this is truthful then so be it.


His dad did this to George.


I’d just like to throw some of my thoughts out there for discussion. First, I agree MB is doing a great job of reporting on intel from his sources, and I look forward to his posts, which I enjoy. I also like to verify things I hear or read about. I look for evidence both pro and con, and then attempt to determine which is more likely to be true. So today, I am comparing what I have heard or watched on the video from the funeral of GHWB. I am sure we all remember the notes given to previous Presidents and Vice-presidents and the fact that W was not seated with the other former Presidents. I would like to draw your attention to the point where W wrote something on a piece of paper and showed it to LB. We all saw the look of horror on her face as she obviously was asking W if it was true and W nodded, with pain in his face. This raises the question of why W informed her of this obviously traumatic news at that particular time? Why not tell her later, in private, at home, or in a private vehicle? Could it be that W knew he would be arrested as he left the church and this was his only opportunity? The church was full of secret service and possibly others with authority to arrest. This is what I thought at the time, but then I began seeing videos of W in public, so thought I must be mistaken. Now I know about body doubles. clones, and CGI. So, if W was arrested in 2018, why are we hearing this report about capturing him at his ranch? Is this a way of waking up more people? Or is this a way of exposing what happened at 9/11? I am leaning towards the latter. Whether any of this is true or not, my hat is off to MB. Would love to hear your thoughts.


None of it is true .

Lucky Star

Where are James Comeycal and Gov Cuomo The sadistic killer??????


That Fuckin Turncoat, got what he deserved, All I ask is to show me the hanging of All these prixs getting hung! 😤 When will Gitmo start showing these hangings?


They will not for the simple reason there are no hangings . You don’t believe it without any proof at all , do you ?

Lucky Star

Where is James Comey?


retired. where are you?

Lucky Star

How do you know he is retired??? James comeycal told you so????Retired as is dead… no more teaching?? According to your buddy exile he is still teaching in the college…he never made a phone call to speak with James Comey. you need to call the college on behalf your chicken friend exile and ask if he is still on unpaid long vacation or retired(dead)????..


Comey tweeted yesterday about his book coming out in paperback. He taught last spring at Columbia law school.


hillary tweeted too


Admiral Crandall, the man for the job.

Stinky Perfume

“We’ll see each other in hell” Does he mean he’s coming back to fight in some other life whom executed him? Maybe MK Ultra programming came out there and he’s programmed for evil?

Robert James

I hope these executions will be done publicaly soon.


Yes just like all of them have been . Such excitement in this day of prosecution without a fair trial or a trial at all. You don’t believe this stuff do you ?


will be it ………this month ????


No . When was the last time there was a public execution in this country ? Plus as you know Sej none of this is true .


Does anyone really believe this happened?


Nope .

Lucky Star

Are you sure? Where is James Comey?


to ask this you make him cry……..

Aimee Beth Curry

This is great news. I hope you got his clone in France too. God says if the tree is bad, the fruit is bad. Execute the whole family.


Apparently the internet is still up and we have not been reset . Praise the lord!


Space Force and Starlink are coming . Then EBS . Then days of darkness and have a couple weeks of food stored away . Good luck explaining this to your parents and grand parents . Global martial law . Gadzooks.


Another day without EBS. This is getting old , as if will never happen .


Amen, I agree!


Fauci must get the DEATH PENALTY and ALL HIS CLONES TOO !


How many clones ?

Incorrigible skeptic

GAIN OF FUNCTION! Thats all that really needs to be said. He knowingly, and premeditated, this entire thing. He pushed the research in the states, until that rat fuck Obama of all people, pulled the plug on the operation. Everyone one of these people knew the ramifications of taking a virus with the virility of a corona virus “aka a cold”, and ramping the lethality up to that of a flu. He knew the results, he knew the societal and economic impacts, he knew how many people were gonna die, he knew how long it was going to take to kill them.
Even with this forward knowledge, this little prick subverted the system and clandestinely siphoned off the money, the raw materials, and the required knowledge, to a sworn enemy of the United States!!! That happens to have one of the most deplorable QA/QC systems in the entire world. This was done ON PURPOSE!!! with just enough of a slice of plausible deniability to hopefully save his scrawny neck. Unfortunately for him those that know, are never going to forget!!!! FUCK THAT TRAITOR!!!!!!!!!


Hang Fauci now!

Incorrigible skeptic


Incorrigible skeptic

Ive got a feeling that for what this man has done, he’s going to pay the price!


I believe his trial will be public- first one ???- due to too many vax. ppl. dying daily.. …btw …why vax very young children????…hmmmm

Last edited 2 years ago by sejmon

No it won’t . There haven’t been any trials that are public nor will there be . Sej, there are no trials going on . It’s all fake . You don’t believe it do you ? Why ?




Obviously, you haven’t done a lot of personal research. If you did, you would know all about Dr. Freaken-F**king-Franken-Fauci’s life- reign of terror, AND why people EXPECT him to hang for treason & crimes against humanity!

You said “I think asking nice is s better choice.” A better choice for what, the punishment for Treason? Are you serious? Ask what? You’re strange.Go away.

Incorrigible skeptic

Just remember everybody has got their own speed, level, and awareness, all while day to day everyday life is rushing at them full speed. Kinda hard to judge a faceless, nameless entity without all the societal cues that we don’t get off of the net. Everyone of us here is desperately trying to form a narrative off a bunch of disjointed data points. With little to no absolute, definitive proof. Do I take everything as written in here as absolute truth? Hell no! I also don’t take MSM or the other dozen or so website/”news” sites I follow daily as absolute truth. Everything that I’ve read, researched, as well as my personal and professional contacts has me convinced that something huge is going down!! What “it” is, I’m not certain enough to even mention. Do I think that there is enough proof to warrant turning Fauchi into worm food pushing daisy’s? Absofukinlutely!!!! Dudes gotta go!!!

Lucky Star

Do you believe that story????


Fauci had already been caught summer of last year
He needs the Death Penalty not just 5 Years

Today 1/7/22 They Caught Him: Fauci Now Facing 5 Years in Prison

Announced also on CNN & TWTTER


No he’s not . That’s fake . How is the internet still up Zee?

Lucky Star

How is that fake? It was approved by CNN and Twitter so It can be posted down there? If not approved, it will be taken down in 10 seconds.Don’t you want a proof to be published in fake news now you have it and now you denied it???

Last edited 2 years ago by Lucky Star

Yes yes yes !!! You really think he was caught last summer and only 5 years ?Nothing on CNN or MSNBC now .

Lucky Star

So you believe he deserve death penalty???


No and he wasn’t arrested either . See Wildcats post below .

Lucky Star

I am only seeing that you are the ONLY one person to dispute this fake new CNN news….????????


EBS yet ?


you …better be ready when…SHTF……


I will be but when ? Waiting , waiting . No EBS , no reset, plenty of internet .


calm down…it will when you least expect…..


That was yesterday .

unlabeled quality

that article is dated september 7, 2021, and it says nothing about his arrest.

however, there are #arrestfauci hashtags…though they aren’t the same.

I thought there was an article here on RRN that reported Fauci being arrested, and tried somewhere other than GITMO back in the summer?

there’s been no update since.

Last edited 2 years ago by unlabeled quality

looks like Mr.Baxter get reports only from Gitmo….not from greenland/iceland/fireland/DC/offshore of LA………


Hallelujah!!!! Another Evil Criminal Vile Satanic Corrupt Monster POS is gone from this earth… Time for the White Hats / Military to get Jeb and the rest of the Criminal Bush Brothers and other Evil Satanic Bush Clan… Now he is down below w/ his Evil Murderer Satanic Pedophile Monster Father!!! Good Riddance to all of them!!!

Last edited 2 years ago by JEM


question everything



The explosive claims come as over 750,000 people have signed an online petition to strip Tony Blair, ex UK Prime Minister of his knighthood.

Like Bush, his buddy, Blair is also accused of war crimes, but, for sending British troops into Iraq and Afghanistan.

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair ordered his defence secretary to ‘burn’ a memo that contained proof the Iraq war was both illegal and unjustified, according to a bombshell new report.

Here: nworeportDOTme/2022/01/07/tony-blair-ordered-defence-minister-to-burn-memo-that-proved-iraq-war-was-illegal/


oh no!!!

did the internet shut down today? b/c i must have missed that. lol




My internet is still going strong . No EBS though .


Good. take out the trash!



Lucky Star

Per fake news CNN Anthony S Fauci has been arrested…trolls can you verify with your bosses since it’s reported by fake news CNN…it must be true right???😉😉😉😉

Last edited 2 years ago by Lucky Star
Incorrigible skeptic

Where did you see this? Scouring the net for it now. Any update would be appreciated




I don’t trust factcheck denying it. If CNN said it = guess so.
But the trolls will love me for this..
JFK Jn. put this on Twitter

See new Tweets
BREAKING NEWS: Anthony S Fauci Has Been Arrested For Seditious Conspiracy


 John F Kennedy Jr @HSRetoucherQ

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee
Incorrigible skeptic

Zee did that go up today?


Yes and Today 1/7/22

He needs the Death Penalty not just 5 Years

Today 1/7/22 THey Caught Him: Fauci Now Facing 5 Years in Prison



I checked with my sources. I don’t use Facebook or Twitter, … I (canceled) Them , instead of the other way around.
The reliable source did say it was fake news.
Logical deduction says
1. Why now. ? timing is suspect…
2. Secret arrest….we all see him on TV or internet ?
3. Secret TRIAL, ? Gets a sentence faster than G MAXWELLS trial. ?
4. This so called “news” , is really Phishing.. By the Deep State, to see where it surfaces..
Let’s not let this fake news here.
Trolls will love you to death.
You could end up as there new hero. !


Too som to tell what really happened


The original was taken out, so the new actor is in his place.


In my opinion if military going arrest him…it will be on TV/MSM his decision cost lives/injuries tooooooo many ppl…normies got to know…


Why ? There have been no other arrests on TV and will not be . This is all fake I see no proof . EBS would help .

Incorrigible skeptic



And not just him…


zee ..i have not seen that on any alt. news……


i thought the internet got reset today? how’d that happen? lmao



unlabeled quality

the date of the so-called arrest was Jan 7. the actual TWEET is Jan 6. I did a search using multiple search engines.
not a goddamned thing.


Well then he has not been arrested and giving interviews as always on the TV. Praise the lord .


i can only see this so far:

Last edited 2 years ago by Helen
Lucky Star

Use link from Zee or search Anthony S fauci on twitter


Lmao what the fuck are you talking about?


Nothing, at ALL..!..IT is in code……




I am wondering when Cheney will be executed? Of course, he will be convicted by the military tribunal first. Also, his daughter, Liz Cheney is doing what Chelsea Clinton did after her parents were convicted, and soon, Liz Cheney should be arrested too. She is on the track of suiciding. May be Karl Rove should be arrested as well since he was the brain of G.W. Bush. The entire Bush family made a lot of money from selling American’s interests to the cabals and it is time for them to pay back.


she looks like highly…constipated……




Another Dead NAZI. YIPEE


Very Important: Jaco, Nino and Scott McKay together talking very seriously–about what too do

SHOCKING…CA Hospital Killed One of Our Patriot Digital Soldiers

GOTO: bitchuteDOTcom/video/6HeFsahICgjC/

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

I didn’t watch it yet but I wonder why anyone would go into a California hospital when Scott has the doctor friend with new technology in Vegas.


I haven’t heard that she’s has died…but is being held and is in danger of death by hospital demons.


CristenW….passed away..sad…


Yes Brian, is banned Jason.
He better play nice.

Rose Mary Abbott



The first line, LAST GRASPS

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

What we witnessed yesterday was the last gasps of a corrupt and discredited left-wing political and media establishment that has, for decades, driven our country into the ground—shipping away our jobs, surrendering our strength, sacrificing our sovereignty, attacking our history and values, and trying to turn America into a country that our people can barely recognize.

These radical leftists in Washington care NOTHING for American Democracy. All they care about is control over you, and wealth and riches for themselves.

But they are failing. No one believes them anymore. And the day is quicky coming when they will be overwhelmingly voted out of power.

Joe Biden’s voice is now the voice of desperation and despair.

His handlers gave him that speech to read yesterday because they know the unprecedented failures of his presidency and the left-wing extremism of the Pelosi-Schumer Congress have destroyed the Democrat Party.

Part of their panic is motivated by the realization that, just like the Russia Collusion Hoax, they cannot sustain the preposterous fabrications about January 6 much longer. The truth is coming out.

But for them, the worst part of it all is the knowledge that the American People are seeing right through their phony media event—which despicably compared a Pelosi-led security failure at the Capitol to the darkest days in American history and the deaths of 3,000 Americans.

The people see right through that sham. They see a cynical politician who ran for office promising unity who is now doing the most divisive thing possible—slandering his political opponents as domestic terrorists, just like insecure dictators do in communist countries.

The American People also see that January 6 has become the Democrats’ excuse and pretext for the most chilling assault on the civil liberties of American citizens in generations. It is being used to justify outrageous attacks on free speech, widespread censorship, de-platforming, calls for increased domestic surveillance, appalling abuse of political prisoners, labeling opponents of COVID lockdowns and mandates as national security threats, and even ordering the FBI to target parents who object to the radical indoctrination of their children in school. And this week, January 6 is also the Democrats’ excuse for trying to pass a radical Federal takeover of state election law. They are trying to BAN voter ID and other basic measures that can ensure the sacred integrity of the vote.

The reason the Democrats are doing all of this is not because they believe they will win a fair and honest election. It’s because they know they will overwhelmingly LOSE one.

Remember, I am not the one trying to undermine American Democracy—I am the one trying to SAVE American Democracy.

Today, I am more confident than ever in the strength and common sense of the American People. They are counting the days until we will no longer have to be constantly lectured, lied to, and dictated to by corrupt politicians and their media partners. When we will no longer have to put up with this broken establishment’s hoaxes and its manufactured media narratives—And as Biden and his radical handlers know, that day is coming fast. Because in the months and years ahead, the American People are going to speak up, take action, and VOTE in massive numbers, and we are going to TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY.

From the very beginning, all that Americans have wanted is great jobs, safe neighborhoods, strong borders, good schools, a proud nation, and a government that LISTENS to the American People. That is what our movement has always been about—and that is what we are focused on to this day.

Joe Biden and the Radical Democrats have failed on every front. But do not lose hope. America WILL be Great Again!


I said it yesterday. Liz Cheney touting worse than 9-11 with the perpetrator (actor) of 9-11 by her side would wake up a lot of normies. Especially New Yorkers.

A city in Illinois, Orland Park voted to defy Governor Pritzkers covid mandates yesterday.

Kankakee County, Illinois prosecutor is seeking the death penalty for 2 cop killers yesterday.

Just a couple examples of a blue State waking up.


I AGREE 👍 100%


Okay, so now what will he do?


sounds like hitler to me


…SOO……. WHO ARE YOU ????????


He’s a pedophile coming out of a coma with the maturity and intellect of a 4 year old.

Lucky Star

Illegitimate wedlock son of Hitler


He is jason come back from the dead. IMO

David T

How so? Please give examples of both people and list your sources.


Lol Trump is getting in on the larp too! Lots of big tough words for a guy who isn’t actually doing anything.


Also I would bet a hundred bucks that this statement is just the transcript of what he was planning to say at his big ‘press conference’ on Jan 6th. The one he cancelled because he was too scared of actually allowing the press near him to ask questions about Sean Hannity’s 1/6 texts.


You mean 100 bucks of worthless fiat currency. ?
The Deep State is broke, ! Flat out broke. !
30 trillion in national debt !
If you had been paying attention, you would be knowledgeable
About Quantum financial reset….
And about gold backed currency,… Nesara/ Gesara.


You are just a Deep State Lapdog…
Nobody of any importance

Daughter of the American Revolution

I want to believe this 100% but I don’t yet see a mass-removal of Dominion systems and measures like that being taken – if I see that, it might restore a little faith in our voting system. Right now (at least here in commiefornia) I’m still seeing koolaid drinkers en-masse, having to disappear from conversations because new acquaintances that might have been friends suddenly begin to spout MSM garbage about anti-vaxxers and so forth. Living a horror movie on a daily basis isn’t fun.

Hate to say it but even as a Believer in Christ I am to the point of just saying ‘God please get it over with, let them all reap the consequences of following the devil ASAP’ – completely over this histrionic narcissistic cult’s bs.


What part of Trump won aren’t you getting?


The Transition will be very hard for some.
Many want IT over With.
It takes time to do it right…


The Election system has been a disaster for several decades.
The new digital system will catch the cheating, theft, corruption and dishonesty in the process
Government will be held to account.


I made the pedophiles cry again! I love ME so much!



William Turner

Again, some fake Bush look-alike clone will show up today or tomorrow on mainstream media. Why is the military allowing fakes to pretend they are a past President?


I think the police or FBI shoulder be arresting them . The military doesn’t arrest civilians .


quit being stupid…the Military is in control, they can arrest enemy combatants and they are enemy combatants when they aline themselves with the enemy. and they have. Its not like you haven’t heard WHY the military CAN arrest civilians on here…


No its just your opinion they are alining them selves with the enemy, its not a fact, there is not proof. Why would the doubles do that? The military is not in charge, there is no proof of that, Biden is. Sorry for being stupid.

David T

Your comments are only your opinion. And I have a hard time seeing how your opinions have any connection whatsoever with factual reality.


Most here are tired of stupid. Give it a break. At least Jason is funny once in a blue state moon.



People are getting picked off one by one.
Better watch your sorry self.!


Well, who is in charge? I will accept my fate.




The Alliance? Who might that be ? Who is the head of it and where is the headquarters ?


you wanted know too much……find yourself…why all left leaning persons are sooooo lazy …….

Last edited 2 years ago by sejmon

He is probably under contract as an informer to someone. He’s a baiter and probably thinks he’s a master at it.


because the military is in on the grifting too


You can be next….




How can you tell? Did Zee say so?


Because of the Quantum FINANCIAL RESET IS IN PLACE.


It’s not doing anything . Financial channels have mentioned nothing about and either have the banks . What should we look for ? Oh we have to wait for the EBS to start it off , right ?


Why is the military letting a Gavin Newsom clone continue to govern CA? lol


For the roundup.

Patriot Gal

Does anyone know if Chris “Fredo” Cuomo has been captured. Seems he did a great job of evading Spec. Forces?


Nope unfortunately he has safely escaped to the Deep Earth and is now living amongst the Mole People as a political refugee. The military is on pretty bad terms with the Mole People so chances of an extradition agreement are practically nil. I hear that Special Forces are still kicking themselves that they fell for the old “body double in a wig flying a decoy airplane” ruse. Oldest trick in the book!

Rose Mary Abbott



haha ‘you’re too late!’


I heard the same thing on shortwave radio earlier this week. It was also amazing all of the clones on television yesterday. The DS goes to extreme lengths to continue to try and fool people.


They have to and that is what actors do. Paid well and compromised.

Proud Patriot

I truly don’t understand how someone, at the brink of death, can just believe that they did nothing wrong (after murdering over 7000 people)!! They can’t vocally ask God for forgiveness and confess their sins before the floor gives out!? What is the matter with people anymore? We need cleansing of the earth to remove the monsters so that we can just start over again! May God forgive us 🇺🇸 🙏.


Let’s see the easy solution is because it didn’t happen .

Rose Mary Abbott



or this didn’t happen…so there’s that


Yea, George Bush really was a POS. He doesn’t think he did anything wrong, yet says, ‘meet you in hell.’ So, why is he there, if he’s innocent??

May George W. Bush roast in HELL.

Rose Mary Abbott



I hope this message finds you well, ma’am as nobody calls out the trolls like thee!

Rose Mary Abbott

I tried all day long to get on here yesterday and could not do it. I thought at the time we were going through another DDOS attack. Now I see how many were able to get on here. Maybe this particular server isn’t big enough for all of us. Over a thousand comments in 1 days’ time. The popularity of this site is growing rapidly, and why wouldn’t it with reports like no other can deliver?
Now for the real subject. GW Bush had a good weeks’ time to make it right with God and he chose to waste that week by focusing on anger. STUPID MAN! He chose to go out cussing. Real smart Georgie Porgie! All of these stupid people except for, oddly enough, Bill Clinton, who admitted his guilt and pleaded for mercy. Surprisingly enough, the court gave him that mercy, never try to admit what they are guilty of. The assassination of Bill Clinton does not place weight in this discussion. My point is this. All of these people were and are satanists who worship the despicable piece of crap. They have to know that if there is a satan then there has to be a God. What keeps these people from falling on their knees and begging God’s forgiveness? Is it because they are part reptile? Jesus doesn’t ask for too much. Confess your sins, ask forgiveness and invite Him into your heart. Is it too simple or something? Do they actually think their bodies would last forever?


As per my previous post, we had to take the site down for a while at the request of law enforcement. It had to do with a previous story that someone misunderstood to be real. MAD Magazine is not a history book and this site is satire and comedy.


NO, it was down for a while yesterday…


The Dubya hanging shook what’s left of the deep state to it’s core.


Pick them off one at time,
Drip,… Drip…flood..

David T

The last time the RRN site got attacked and brought down was within a day of when W was arrested. Coincidence? I think not.


The MLK day scheduled one may be even bigger.


Is it because they are part reptile?

jfc i need a drink


Reptiles are famously opposed to begging for God’s forgiveness. I have never once seen a snake drop to its knees!



Lucky Star

So dumb statement…where can we see the knees of the 🐍??? Do they have knees??? Wooow…it must be an evolution inside your dead brain..


You are soooooooo close to getting the joke, Lucky.


It’s because people come to this website to cheer on imaginary executions, Rose. It briefly satisfies their bloodlust and alleviates their long-running disappointment that Q was a big larp and The Storm never happened.

If the ‘condemned’ person repented and sobbed and begged for forgiveness up there on the execution platform, then that isn’t fun. That might make the audience feel pity or sympathy for them. Totally not the RRN vibe at all. But if they say like, “You can’t fucking do this to me! I was just following orders! I’ll see you in hell!” then the audiences gets to think to themselves “OHHH I KNEW IT! I just KNEW they were a bad guy!!!” and then they get to feel like they are justified in cheering on someone’s death.


That makes sense,
Reasonable theory,

Lucky Star

Where are Jamea Comey and Bill The Rapist Clinton? Dead or alive???


Alive, next question.

Lucky Star

Don’t be so naive… even the fallen angel refused to ask forgiveness from their Maker after 10000s of years. Let alone human acumbag


Arrogance and pride. Pure and simple.


I studied the picture. It must have been taken there because the shirt is wrinkled, the suit looks cheap and he is unshaved. I highly doubt that he would look like this if he was free. Just an observation.


i’d keep studying if i were you

Rose Mary Abbott

I went to the link and found they did not know of all this man’s crimes. There is much more to be seen here about him.


I noticed that, also.


Zee, I can confirm Yahoo was switched to Quantum early yesterday morning. I watched it happen.

DDG looks a lot better today. Fake news is no longer top of search results.

I won’t be able to watch big tech as I am not associated with any of those communist platforms.

Yesterdays disturbance here may have been the result of the switch. It was similar to the Yahoo switch. We shouldn’t assume everything is an attack while the internet is being reset.

This is going to take time.


lmao #soon


My Yahoo is fine and the same.


you forgot all those oooooooooo, after lmao, Jason.


REMEMBER A FOOL, called Ja son?
Don’t let that happen to you..


Lmao you watched what happen, exactly? is still up and running and looks the same as ever TL, Zee said that it and every other major site would be taken down. They’re all still here like any other day.

Are we just going full-on larp now, is that’s what’s happening here?


“I watched it happen. DDG looks a lot better today.

I won’t be able to watch big tech as I am not associated with any of those communist platforms.”

This is the best larp i’ve seen* on RRN. “I watched” something happen, nothing changed, and later “I won’t be able to watch big tech” as if yahoo isn’t part of “big tech”

*best larp i’ve seen in the past 5 minutes


I made the pedos cry. I love ME!

David T

I wonder if there is a connection with what you posted, to the article about the special needs kids being force-shot.


and it didn’t take 3 days like jesus

Rose Mary Abbott




EXILE says. “nothing. Will happen”.


I still say it . Christn W died ? What proof ?


Merry Christmas Zee!! 🎅 🎄🎁

Btw have you seen the Quantum Internet anywhere? I looked and it seems like The Internet, Telegram, Twitter, Yahoo, Bing, Instagram, YouTube and Facebook are all still up and running! Weird, huh? Maybe someone forgot that today’s the day to flip the Quantum Internet switch 🤔


that’s today? damn i was hoping to get the day off work if everything went offline


We would like to apologize for the down time our users experienced yesterday. We had some request from Federal law enforcement that necessitated that we take down the blog for about 4 hours.
We would also like to take a moment to stress that this is a satire site and none of the information provided is real. This site is for entertainment only and should not be relied upon as a source of news.
Lastly, we would like to remind our readers that we are still activly fundraising. We use GiveSendGo, a Christian-based fundraising company, through which to collect donations. Every dollar helps.

Rose Mary Abbott

We must indeed remember that


thank you, ted


Christian based ?

Rose Mary Abbott



Yes, they were the only place that would allow us to fundraise after they saw our site.


Good morning Warriors.

I am looking forward to another GREAT day in our beautiful RESTORED Constitutional Republic of the United States of America.

I love winning. Winning is GREAT!

Good times.



Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas Patriots

J Bill

Merry Christmas Wildcat!

J Bill

Merry Christmas TW!
Good times.

MAGA CountryBabe

And OWD still a pain in the a$$ I see.


He’s buck fiden. I caught him months ago. Probably the ones he praises too. He has Multiple Personality Psychosis.

Serious delussions, he thinks it the 1970’s and he lives in a black and white television with no remote.


first off how do we know any of this is true and when will us the public be notified of this


Good questions . How will it affect us and how do you explain it to your parents ?

Rose Mary Abbott



Today they are All here. Except Jason
He was a bad boy.
Their very appearance, verify RRN
Article Truth.

Buck fiden

CisternW, the Reptilian Chink, is dead!

https : / / beforeitsnews . com / alternative / 2022 / 01 / cirsten-w-weldon-has-passed-away-here-are-details-from-scott-mckay-david-nino-ridriguez-michael-jaco-video-3764914.html

Buck fiden

(I’m trying to be like Zee and post sensational bullshit)

Rose Mary Abbott



Did she die because she got the vax or because she did not get it?


Supposedly her and Doug from The Frog died from anthrax poisoning

Rose Mary Abbott


Rose Mary Abbott



“First the worst, second the same, third the best of all the game”!

Julio c vidal

just hope they got the real one. Wonder why they do not use guillotine on these traitors for those who knows about the Vrill is the only way to get Rit of it so much evil in these people I can only think they are possess by these entities




Vrill? Please enlighten me.


I guess I’ll have to comment more to make a such a list 🙂


Tough crowd .


Did anyone hear the theory that Betty White is his real mother? That BW and Barbara Bush were siblings and the children of Allister Crowley?


You people believe anything


Betty White’s father was born in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (Negaunee Twp.). I rather doubt she and Babs were siblings. But then, what do us Yoopers know!


I would presume you how to yoop, at the very least.

MAGA CountryBabe

Yes, heard it. Need a little more time and info to believe it. What I have seen and heard in the last three years. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least.


Yes and I also heard a theory that Bea Arthur was the third sibling and she was also JFK Jr’s real dad (she is trans and JFK Sr was just a surrogate)


Doesn’t seem final to me

Dave Strickland

The main reason for my own reading of this report was to see if GWB would have been contrite/repentant enough to express sorrow and regret on the scaffold. Now we know what sort of person he was down to his roots. Arthur Blessitt the evangelist reported years ago that he had counselled him to accept Christ into his life and he had shown what seemed to be genuine interest and respect. All a charade. In any case a person with Christ in his life doesn’t go round blowing up tall buildings for nefarious reasons.


Do you think this is real, much less an accurate representation of executing a former president?


Totally with you on this. I was interested to hear his last remarks too. But once I knew he was behind 9/11, I knew praying to receive Jesus was a charade. Ugghhh. What a phony. I can still see him with a megaphone on the ruins of the WTC saying, “We’ll get to the bottom of this.” What a hypocrite. And him saying as his last words “After all I’ve done to protect this country!” Every one of these traitors was unremorseful. Every one. Thank God for these tribunals is all I can say.


Anyone figure out what he meant, obviously must have been sincere at that moment,  “After all I’ve done to protect this country!” From who or what?


Thank You Michael for keeping us all informed. I liked the comment ” he won’t be the last Bush” we can look forward to other filthy evil Bushes being put down.
Off topic…..please people find something productive to do with your time becide coming here and nattering like little childten at each other…..I find your senseless squables to be quite idiotic!!!!!


Duh he’s gotta keep writing stories for donations

MAGA CountryBabe

Troll, why don’t you go piss against the wind.


why? don’t like reality?


Dude, go scoff somewhere else. Why does it matter to what people think here??????????
Why do you care????


I think Brian, the old banned pedo is actually the real Joe Biden. The fact that the deep state puts so much effort into keeping him here says a lot.

Pedo Joe is coming out of his coma with the maturity and intellect of a 4 year old. Coma Joe discovering his weiner for the first time.

Fake Pedo Joe is doing better than that.

Seems Walter Reed is conducting an experiment with the half dead pedo. Life in a coma with severe dementia. The results aren’t looking good.

Probably best they give him a final booster and let the fake continue the charade .


I can’t think of any other reason the deep state would go to such great lengths for such poor messaging.


did trump come back today? lmaooooo

maybe something will happen #soon


Totally ignore the trolls. Move right past them.


I should’ve gone to Harvard law then I can lie as a press secretary

MAGA CountryBabe

You have to go to high school before you can do that. Your S##T out of luck…



J Bill


Rob William



Perhaps these people are simply exercising their freedom of speech without fear of being censored or banned. Blessings,

Rob William

First amendment applies only in public settings and not for private settings and publishers. For example a office can ban people from entering for using profanity.


source: me



Michael, who are the “other” two Bushes queued-up for execution? Are they Laura Bush and fake brother Jeb Bush? Was ped-o-boy Barbara Bush executed and declared dead by old age? Bush Sr was euthanized in 2017 or was it 2018?

Rob William

Are these questions or a wishlist or just statements?


Thank you Michael Baxter, I needed this great good news today! So, Bush Jr finally climbed to the stage floor and performed the “air dance” at the end of the hangman’s rope. HUZZAH! HUZZAH! HUZZAH!

I don’t recall Bush Jr ever saving the United States of America and her citizens. I wonder what event(s) occurred that he “saved” America from….

When all is said and done, I’m happy there was Truth that fell from his tongue before his neck snapped that he admitted he was entering HELL. He certainly spent enough time, money, and effort to enter the Lake of Sulfuric Fire, though I doubt he’ll enjoy Satan buggering his 5 orifices for an eternity.

Rob William

Dreams feel real while we’re in them. It’s only when we wake up that we realize something was actually strange.

Frederick Carreon

Nobody cares. What’s your worthy comment. 😆

David T

Jim Buffoon stating he was “first” is the most worthy comment he is capable of from what I’ve read of all of his other comments. Same for a number of the other infamous trolls on this site.

Keith White

I care because it’s worthy.


BREAKING: Georgia Investigators have ‘Ballot Trafficker’ Who Is Talking — Admits to Being Paid THOUSANDS in 2020 Election Ballot Boxes Ballot Harvesting Scheme — 242 Ballot Traffickers Detected

BREAKING BIG: True the Vote Is Releasing Ballot Trafficking Findings from Their Investigations in FIVE ADDITIONAL STATES!

By Jim Oft
Published January 5, 2022 at 1:52pm



Hows that lawsuit against tgp going for this exact fake news? Lol


as of whole electoral count by military 420 for VSG PDJT and 128 for Brandon…landslide never seen before…


Cry more

MAGA CountryBabe

Have someone change your diaper. Your really cranky…


Lol it’s not real sej. There is no ‘military count’


Five more States will be revealed today.




jim’s trying to get every click he can until he gets owned