Acoustic/Microwave Weapons Target Trump’s Mar-a-Lago


A Mar-a-Lago source speaking under condition of anonymity has told Real Raw News that debilitating acoustic or microwave weapons have sickened guests and residents at Donald J. Trump’s 78-acre estate in Palm Beach, Florida.

The facility, which has served as Trump’s command center since the stolen 2020 election, sports 58 bedrooms often occupied by the dignitaries and military leaders who still support 45 and who have been working tirelessly beside him to invalidate the stolen presidency. Since January, Trump’s Navy SEAL guards have painstakingly vetted guests requesting access to the property. And as reported last March, Trump replaced his Secret Service detail with Navy Seals loyal to the “White Hat” movement after agents were caught trying to access his private network.

In early January 2022, SEAL guards tasked with guarding Mar-a-Lago’s front gates reported symptoms of what is called “Havana Syndrome,” so named after U.S. personnel at the American embassy in Havana suffered from dizziness, headaches, loss of vision, acute tinnitus, vomiting, and other ailments despite receiving clean bills of health. Government health officials in 2016 evaluated 1,000 cases and, unable to link symptoms to specific illnesses, coined the phrases “anomalous health incidents” and “inexplicable, cascading biosystems failure.” In other words, they’re clueless.

White Hats, however, attach the symptoms to targets of acoustic or microwave weaponry.

Sonic and ultrasonic weapons are weapons of diverse types that use sound to injure or incapacitate an opponent. Some sonic weapons make a focused beam of sound or of ultrasound; others produce an area field of sound. Not everyone can hear ultrasonic sound because the range of human hearing is limited (20 Hz-20 kHz), and it also decreases with age. Exceptions exist, usually in children.

Microwave weaponry is far more sinister. In 2004, the Marines received a prototype of such a weapon. Codenamed Medusa, it was intended to be small enough to fit in a car, and cause a “temporarily incapacitating effect” but “with a low probability of fatality or permanent injury.” When amplified, however, prolonged exposure liquified internal organs and caused permanent brain damage to test mice.

“We believe we’re being targeted by either sonic or microwave weapons,’ our source said. “One SEAL’s tinnitus got so bad he was put on bedrest. He said he couldn’t think or focus or concentrate because the ringing in his ears was so bad. He was in perfect health and had no underlying conditions.

A second SEAL suffered identical symptoms, plus brain hemorrhaging. An artery in his head burst and caused localized bleeding in the surrounding tissue. He was rushed to a nearby hospital, and he survived the diabolical attack.

“We believe this is a Deep State attack,” our source said.

SEALs were not the only ones affected. On January 13, a military commander who had already been at Mar-a-Lago for 3 days suddenly collapsed to his knees complaining of stinging pain in his ears and muscle weakness.

“His teeth were chattering and he said they hurt,” our source said. “Luckily for him, the symptoms abated in 15 minutes or so. Others have reported milder symptoms, but neither Trump nor his family has fallen ill. Our experts think microwave or acoustic weapons are the cause.”

Asked whether Trump has launched an investigation to pinpoint the culprits and point of origin, he said, “We’re definitely looking into it, but narrowing the source isn’t easy. Could be from a boat, vehicle on the road, even a helicopter. We’re determined to isolate the source.”

In closing, he said he’d provide an update when possible.

For those asking about Newsom, I haven’t got a report yet, but will post ASAP.

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This giant mansion on the ocean is obsolete in some ways, the coastline is expected to have major flooding or tsunami or ocean slosh from earth traveling past the milky way, but coastal issues, very soon according to John Moore nearly a year ago on HealthRanger user interview. Is there a submarine entrance to MarALago?

Maybe they fly over it. Could attacks be coming out of any 5G tower built for beam targeting? Maybe a ship out there? Maybe something stashed in one of the trees? Maybe something implanted in a human looking thing just walks around and emits a signal out. A lot of people are claiming they get heart palpitations or stomachaches around their landlords. Has military ever cared to explain it to good people? They used that tech in WW2 I heard. Stand in front of someone and the device emits out and hurts the person your in front of. Not sure if they can take a weapon through a portal and just appear at MarALago. The military would know.

I’ve met people looking things that can read minds and hypnotize people to know where they are, what they are doing. Some know what your going to say before you get it out of your own mouth. They obviously come out of the underground wearing a disguise and aren’t what we think we are looking at. So figure Trump knows what he’s dealing with, but they launch a major attack, now we can guess what? Trump has to identify where their headquarters is I guess and attack them. If he can’t show the world there’s defeatable aliens, then we just rely on our angels, who needs a president?


Could it be an anti medbed device that is causing this sickness?

Peter Lewis

I learned about triangulation a long time ago. Scanners and direction finders have become very portable. A fleet of vans with the right equipment can and should be posted on 24-hour sentry duty. They can be mobile and communicate with a central command to update their positions daily. Once an attack starts, it should be possible for rapid results to find the culprit or perps, if there are more than one. The next problem is to create a super-fast response unit, fully armed. This is a military matter, so no kid gloves when catching the perps are needed.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter Lewis

Bill Maher and Stephen Colbert are pedophiles.




Epstein did not kill himself.


Some suggest that JE is still among us. Your thoughts are valued. Blessings,


We can say with certainty that anyone who had any contact with Epstein is a criminal.

Angel Askew

We’re all Irish one day a year.
A little Q inspiration. 🤫
Great footage.



It was a great “meet and greet” today in DC. Lots of celebrities showed up to meet me and Mike. Mike could not make it because of the issue he had a few weeks ago but once his community service is done, he hopes to be back at it 65% (can’t ask more because of his other issues).
Everyone who came got prizes and even got to help write an upcoming story!
Poll results are in and it is clear that you want more arrests and violent sex! You want everyone who is at a tribunal gagged and you want swifter justice.
Don’t forget to donate so we can get those stories written for you much faster going forward!
Lastly, ticket nuber 889765 won the “how many times did Zee post today” contest with the correct guess of 962 times! 9+6+2=17, 1+7 =8. That number on it’s side is infinity and that is what we think Zee was really trying to say today. Great guess and great logic. Your prize of a medical alert bracelet with your blood type listed as “Pure Blood” will be sent to you shortly!
Great job today everyone!
Ted – Site Admin


Yes, what a glorious day for patriots in the capitol. On to tomorrow and predicted financial ruin and military occupation. Things that make America great. Thank you Ted.




No it will not happen, you know that over and over again. At least our tax dollars are not paying for it.


There are so many that have been and will be executed, that they are gonna have to disclose intermittently, soft discloses. People aren’t gonna be able to handle it…have you seen the List? You will be surprised as to who is on the lists. Many of our favorite entertainers of all genres. Some disclosures will be said that they committed suicide, died of natural causes,overdosed, died of covid or accidents, to preserve their reputation because they cooperated, if they don’t cooperate their reputation will tainted… many of the people that have died recently, you have to wonder. Unless you’ve seen their names on the lists. A new list came out this month, of people that were arrested recently and will be executed or lifers. It is sad to see some of these names on the list.


I don’t think Angel will buy this. She wants up close death and blood.

Rob William

We can’t handle the truth!


Lol it’s not real, bud. Literally anybody can go on the internet and make up these lists. They’re horseshit.


Soft discloses? I say no! Enough with their hurt feelings and political correctness and their butthurt attitudes. If they get upset, let them get upset, They’ll get over it. I’m tired of all these traitors getting away with trying to kill us all and raping our kids. TO HELL WITH THE SOFT DISCLOSES!! expose everything!!!


If they are not ready now when will they be ? The longer you wait the more children are abused .


AF, if only our fellow patriots have your steadfast faith, we would be just fine. As the saying goes, faith precedes seeing. God bless.


great to see their names..losers all of them.


Wait , who is the dragon ? Drogon from Thrones?


Timing is everything, please don’t forget that. Lest we forget that patience is virtue.


Sunday, January 9, 2022Here is the Situation Report
By Anna Von Reitz


The Military — speaking in global terms — took over the banking system in 2019.
Just recently, all the central banks except the Philippines, Swiss and British Territorial USA were closed down.

The World Bank as it existed from inception to now, no longer exists.
The Federal Reserve System bankruptcy has been parceled out as of 2017 to Chase Bank and JPMorgan with Chase receiving the Commercial Trademark “FEDERAL RESERVE” and JPMorgan receiving “FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD OF GOVERNORS”.

Just like the U.S. Attorney General’s Office receiving Wells Fargo and the right to use “Wells Fargo Bank” as an investment and securities brokerage with a banking license (investment bank) without every disclosing this cozy relationship to the public.

Read that: the U.S. Attorney General has been operating “as” Wells Fargo Bank for years.

But to all intents and purposes, the Federal Reserve System is long gone and the “Federal Reserve” itself has been rolled into the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Meanwhile, the IMF has served as the U.S. Treasury since 1924 and was the primary European “Reinvestment” Bank after WWII.

The IMF was founded by a group of largely American investors and spearheaded by J.D. Rockefeller and Standard Oil.

Maybe this is beginning to make more sense to everyone? The IMF was chiseling money out of the Americans under False Pretenses and investing the resulting credit all over the world.

When Tricky Dickie Nixon created the “Petrodollar” in the 1970’s, a whole new era of international finance resulted. It was the first time that an asset needed to preserve life—energy, was drawn into the tawdry world of monetary equivalency.
This practice of using a critical commodity (energy for heat and electricity) as a currency standard guarantees high prices for that commodity (oil) but also endangers everyone on Earth and results in the coercive and ugly business model we have been dealing with ever since.

Finally, when the Great Fraud began to unravel, the Perpetrators and Grafters responsible — which is largely the U.S. Military and their collaborators all over the world— had to find “new” sources of value to plug the holes and make themselves look good.

God forbid that they stand up like men and take responsibility for what they’ve done and failed to do, right?

So their noses tracked them to the Trojan Hoard being protected and used by the Vatican for the past several centuries and they seized that by force — the 650 plane loads of gold and other valuables you keep hearing about — and they have been busy deploying that to banks all over the world, and black-balling the Church for all they are worth.

Now, obviously, I have my problems with the Roman Church as well, but that does not change the fact that that Church was only acting as a Trustee of the Trojan Hoard (supplemented by the Spanish Hoard amassed in the 1400-1600’s) —- the gold and other treasure belongs to other Third Parties, not the Church.
So the Militaries have seized privately owned resources actually belonging to Romanians, represented most recently by Severino Sta Romano.
Notice the name, kids? Romania. Romano. Rome.

And without as much as a fare-you-well to the actual owners of this wealth, the worldwide Military Graft-and-Go operation is getting ready to roll out their Make-Us-Look-Good-Despite-Everything NESARA/GESARA option.

What this option will do is make it look like they paid off their debts to everyone, then immediately cause hyper-inflation of all world currencies, cause a worldwide credit collapse, and devalue all currencies to pennies on a dollar.

That will then increase the value of gold and silver, but not for long, as this will then cause a deflationary spiral as vicious and arbitrary as the hyperinflation of the paper currencies.

In the end, both the credit notes and the physical assets will be worthless and the money spell will be broken, and we will all be busted back to the Stone Age, just as Karen Hudes suggested, but not because that is necessary —- it will be because of the ignorance, greed, and dishonestly of the men involved in making these decisions.

They are chiselers and they are trying to chisel their way out of this using other people’s money to do it.

So, who are the actual owners of all this precious metal wealth? And are they evil people?

For the most part, they are people just like me and you. They have been trying for many years to deploy their wealth for good purposes— relief for the poor, education for the ignorant, environmental clean up for the Earth, but first, they were prevented by the Church, and then they were prevented by the courts, and then they were prevented by CIA, and even when they won through and got all the Powers That Be to agree and sign off on their authority to use their own assets, the CIA/MI6/Mossad messed with them again and held everything up for another thirty years.

Even as we speak, Janet Yellen is using resources that belong to Romanian American immigrants to “recapitalize” fiat money accounts, and she has no right or reason to do this without their permission, because they are no longer “US” citizens of any stripe, nor U.S. Citizens, either. They have adopted an American State to live in as their permanent house, home, and domicile—-and they are owed all the rights and guarantees and freedoms owed to any other American, including the protection and enjoyment of their assets.

The owners of the gold aren’t “trust properties” belonging to the Queen or the Pope. They are living, breathing, good-hearted people who deserve and have the right to direct the use of their own resources to accomplish all the good aims they have held in their hearts all these many years.

Even as we speak, Angel Marcos, son of Ferdinand, is being prodded to play a role that even he must feel is ridiculous, claiming an “inherited” Power of Attorney, which is a preposterous claim to begin with — and especially so, when he can’t produce a contract from his Father naming him to any such position, nor, more to the point, any contract for his Father, from Severino’s Heirs.

Ferdinand Marcos was Severino Sta Romano’s attorney. When Severino died, it was Ferdinand Marcos’ duty to carry out his Will. Marcos was not the Heir of the assets, and neither are any of his children. The failure of Marcos as a Trustee to carry out Severino’s Will is an entire story in itself that I won’t go into at this point, but the facts remain.

Marcos was supposed to turn over the estate to the Heirs. He had no valid claim on the assets himself, beyond payment for his services.

What should be so simple and agreeable to all concerned, is thus turned into another act of fraud and force and theft and misrepresentation, simply because the Perpetrators refuse to release any iota of control over the resources they have stolen and which they are now preparing to distribute.
Until they come clean — all the way clean — there is no way to build on a firm foundation.

What begins in fraud, ends in fraud.

It is only by honoring the truth and working in cooperation that a new world can emerge and be free of the taint of fraud and extortion and misrepresentation.

NESARA/GESARA as presently being implemented will be tainted, both by dishonoring the actual owners of the wealth and by failure to disclose.

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee
Angel Askew



Here is excellent info on a relative topic to this.


Excellent info, thank you rosefairy 👍

Rob William

Info = info?


Watch “Life, Liberty, and Levin” tonight (1/23/22).  He has Peter Schweizer on who has written a book “Red Handed” that blows the lid off Biden and his family, Hunter, Pelosi and her family, Boner, and all the Bushes and including Zuckerberg and co. to show they are all being paid and are “on the take” with the highest security levels of the communist Chinese. 
Maybe this will finally help blow things wide open. Our government is being run by collusion between the Democrats and the Communist Chinese party.

Last edited 2 years ago by Guest4579

Of course it will .


Khazarian Mafia — Democrats in name only


those w/”dual” citizenship


yes, we have all known this for awhile but this puts it out for the normies to wake up… and all should be held to account


Paul stramer


 By Anna Von Reitz

You hear all these “crazy” things, like Trump never left office….. and the military is in control, don’t worry…. and I know that this is confusing to millions of people all across this country.
Okay, so, begin with the fact that the U.S. Military, specifically the U.S. Army, has been in control of the country since 1863. This is what Lincoln did when he issued the very first

“Executive Order” as Commander-in-Chief, which is otherwise called “General Order 100” or the “Lieber Code”.

The military nabobs have never relinquished control ever since. So, this is nothing new. This is the way it has been in living memory. The military has been running everything and the rest is just for show.

No doubt that is alarming to many people, but, tough, that’s the way it is and the way it has been for 160 years.
As for Trump not leaving office, you have to ask yourself what office of “the President” he was in?

As Commander-in-Chief he can continue on indefinitely.
Imagine that, for their own reasons, Ford Motor Company and General Motors get together and run things under one heading, functioning as the United States Motor Company.
That’s what happened here in 1937.

The U.S. Military and the Federal Civil Service cut a deal. They each continue to be separate and have their own spheres, but they agreed to present a united front to the public and have one elected President.

This solution bumbled along pretty well, until 2020, when the Military decided not to be an accommodation party any more.

Now you have Trump as the held-over (there are mechanisms for this) Commander-in-Chief. So, he’s not “President” of the Joint Venture per se, but he doesn’t need to be, to remain in control of his own sphere.

But, but, but….isn’t the President always the Commander-in-Chief?
Go back to our Ford-GM Joint Venture project. Just because they decide to front the United States Motor Company doesn’t mean that the President of Ford Motor Company and President of General Motors positions disappear. They are still there and they are still

“Presidents” in their own right.

In this case, the “President” of the USA, Inc., has the additional Office of Commander-in-Chief. Even if he is (in this analogy) no longer “President” of the United States Motor Company Joint Venture, Mr. Trump is still President of the USA, Inc., and that means he is still Commander-in-Chief.

That’s what people are talking about when they say that Trump never left office and also the reason they claim that the military is in control of the present situation.

It’s all true, it’s just completely foreign and unlike anything that Joe Average American could ever expect, given the fuzzy pablum he has been fed about American History.

The USA, Inc. and the US, INC. (operating under however many names and through however many franchises) are two immense, foreign, for-profit commercial corporations. Instead of selling cars and trucks, they sell government services.

As President of the USA, Inc., Mr. Trump inherited the Office of Commander-in-Chief—- and that “Presidency” continues no matter what happens to the 1937 Joint Venture with the US, INC.

And if you feel an odd polarization in the air, and think that something isn’t right about Joe Biden and think that what the Biden Administration is doing makes no sense, it’s probably because you are not seeing all this in the context of being in the middle of the largest and longest-running civil war in history.

Mr. Trump told you that this is a war and that he is a wartime President. Believe it.

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

No, not again.

Buck fiden

so are you saying that every president who was assassinated was killed because the military didn’t like them any more?

Rob William

Have we all been slaves to whims and passions of military for last 160 years? Why then we worry about Trump or Biden at all?


Zee, when things get this complicated, something is wrong. When it’s right, it will follow Occam’s Razor. Failing that, they can deliver 6 tons of documents to my house, and I’ll poke thru it. Cheers & MAGA


Devin Nunes on Truth Social:

“So you don’t have to get stuck in some kind of internet ghetto.”



THX….. he said.:

I think the American people deserve the right to know, what is it that the Russians, the Chinese or the Ukrainians have on politicians in this country — that information is known to the FBI but yet the American people still don’t have a clue,” .


Ah, clearly Fauci thought Major Murphy’s Aug 2021 report was successfully buried.

So much treason, let Us count the ways……..

EcoHealth Alliance – an American nonprofit that collaborated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology on manipulating bat coronaviruses resembling COVID-19 – has received one of its largest ever grants from Joe Biden’s White House.

Led by the disgraced Peter Daszak – a long-time Anthony Fauci ally – EcoHealth’s new Biden-era grant began on October 26th, 2021. It came less than one week after the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) admitted the group engaged in gain-of-function research alongside the Wuhan lab, failing to report its findings “as was required by the terms of the grant.”

Gain-of-function research entails increasing the lethality, virulence, and transmissibility of a pathogen, which deleted webpages from the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s website reveal the lab was engaged in alongside EcoHealth Alliance…



🍊 Fauci Ouchie 🍊


Nothing will come of this . There is no one who pays attention to it or will do anything . Suggestions as to who would press charges in the real world ?


That’s because you don’t know what you don’t know.


Okay just wait. Nothing will happen and there will just be more delays and excuses. Goalpost moving extraordinaire .

Rob William

Define “happen”!


Arrests .

Rob William

That’s asking for too much. They won’t put effort to create a fake video to match the stories here!


Yup! As Confucius said,
“To know that we know what we know, and that we do not know what we do not know, that is true knowledge.”
That’s what these TROLLS & SHILLS dont know. Therefore they are ignorant LOL. EVIL CAN HAVE NO GIFTS OF WISDOM

Rob William

Actually most people don’t desire such “inverted wisdom”. Do you still plan to vote in midterms (As per you Trump is still in control and will anyways comeback)?


well said


Did you see the TrumpWon?

After Assisting China’s Military in COVID R&D the Biden Administration Gives Ecohealth Alliance a $4.7 Million Grant ~The Gateway Pundit, January 23, 2022 at 5:00pm


That is Proof of Treasonous use of Taxpayers money.


Enough cause to cuff/gag him and take him to GITMO.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jullou

So what will come of it ?


So what will come of it ? Well, now they have more money, thx to Xiden and his ilk to concoct more bioweapons. That’s what will come of it. And you will still be a leftist troll, right?


I thought the tide had turned and the white hats were winning. EBS , quantum internet, miltary occupation and all.


So disgusting & insulting to stick it in our faces like this…..
It’s like he’s saying to the people F U.
They are not hiding their thievery corporation anymore

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

Obamacare opened the door to this kind of thievery and treason by giving the federal government too much control of our health care. Now look what the left (via a fraudulent election and usurper president) has done and it’s getting worse.


Jullou –it’s not over yet – the swamp is still dirty


The Biden grant will furnish Daszak with a new $4.7m of U.S. taxpayer cash until 2026.


In addition to EcoHealth Alliance’s lies about its involvement in gain-of-function research with the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the group’s president Peter Daszak has spearheaded efforts to quash the narrative that COVID-19 had lab origins, in lock-step with the Chinese Communist Party and its propaganda mouthpieces.


Well if this is true I am sure he will get arrested and a new Nuremburg trial will open. Who will do it? Can Trump ?


Biden would then be going against WHO’s latest advice—
If Biden continues and keeps this BS up ~~ then it’s

In London (Official Attorneys ?) are warning the Police if you don’t stop the hospitals and clinics giving the Jab we’ll arrest you . Also, DO NOT folllow orders to the contrary from your govt.

The International Court has put this WARNING out to the whole world that the Jab is bio-warfare and not a vaccine.. If anyone dies now after this warning –you’ll be arrested for murder.

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

someone needs to tell Wa state… zombies everywhere..

Rose Mary Abbott

Thanks Zee. It’s about time this happened. Our government will now be triable for murder in the International Court. It’s not a good day for the Deep State.


And now I hear, from among the patriot sources, that Trump going without his customary tie signals “the deal is done.” A “Hail Mary” on the one hand, and yet, on the other hand, being a “first” it must be a “sign.” Tens of thousands await on pins and needles your next words, Mr. Baxter. And your comments among the chats are eagerly sought, as well. No other Patriot Proprietor walks with his apostles. Only you. MAGA


What deal and done how ? EBS now?

Rob William

We keep making hot popcorns and then the show is put off by another week. Such a bummer!


We should be used to it .


Donald Trump the Closer, “I’m Batman.”


Mike and I were discussing this earlier and think it is practice for jail. You can’t wear a tie while incarcerated and DJT might play the insanity card.

Buck fiden

It doesn’t work.

Angel Askew



Shill Ted is in Fantasy Island again

Lucky Star

Orgy island


An interesting Trump leak. 🍊

NOTE: An answer framed with “to be honest with you,” means I’m lying to you

Well yes, we do. To be honest with you, we’ve had conversations with the former Attorney General already. We have talked to Department of Defense individuals. Uh, we are concerned, uh, that our military was part of this big lie on promoting that the election was false. So if you are using the military to potentially seize voting machines even though it’s a discussion, the public needs to know. We’ve never had that before and so any of these individuals who are participating and trying to stop the election — the duly election of a president, and if we can document it, we will share it with the public,” Bennie Thompson said.


Proof the military knew the election was stolen. Leak some more commies, We’re lovin it!



This is regarding a draft of an order President Trump never signed. No exact date just says December 2020.


I wonder if the Nashville Christmas blast at AT&T was the result of the discussion. Claims were made at the time that Dominion servers were in that building.

AG Barr resigned a couple days prior to the Nashville blast.



Clearly, seizing the machines was not even necessary since foreign interference was captured on election day. Act of War.

Did Dominion destroy their own servers out of fear? Remember, the democrat Mayor was laughing about the blast. He was having a good time.

Still waiting on the docs that prove President Trump led an insurrection on J6. No doubt if the commies had them they would have leaked them by now.


I suspect the Unselect Committee fears 11.3

Timing IS everything. 🍊


Bring it Bernie, the public DOES want to know. Stop the stalling.


J Bill

Good info TW!

The destroyed servers are the smoking gun.
The tricksters fell victim to “a much higher force.”
Wayyy closer than Berlin/Frankfurt.
Ace card “high” you might say…

Too bad no one knew LAN doesn’t mean “LANdline.”


Good times.

Last edited 2 years ago by J Bill

Seems like the rats took the bait.

Good times.


J Bill

Did. They. Ever. ….


🍊 🍊 🍊 🍊 🍊 🍊 🍊 🍊 🍊 🍊

Last edited 2 years ago by J Bill

I AM VOTING YOU UP –‘we can all play at that game


Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

I do no voting


I am flattered when I get down voted.


I know all the trolls are voting us down, but I go and play that game too…There is more of us than there is of them, I was hoping others were too.

Rose Mary Abbott

You got it!


No Dominion servers in that building . Maybe a wayward Cyber Ninja however .


Wrong again, you Turkey..

Buck fiden

That wasn’t a Rod of God trial run?


Bill Barr’s father set Epstein up on his way in the world.. That NYC house was a private school for girls, Epstein began teaching Math there. Epstein later acquired that house as a home & for his Sex Blackmail Biz. Barr’s father helped Epstein.get from teacher who was very good with figures to clever money manipulator in finance and the Stock Exchange. The rest is history

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

Nothing about this says “the military knew the election was stolen.” It says Trump came very close to all-out abusing his power by ordering the military to seize all voting machines, something that likely would have been the first step in an actual coup and the the end of US democracy.


Come on Sport, teacher taught you comprehension skills. Use them.

Angel Askew

I saw the article. DJT/Military knew and had proof of the steal on election night. Possibly was prepared to take machines to protect the proof and then was advised differently?


Military cannot interfere in the election process . You know that .

J Bill

They assisted in the election process.

  1. That they “interfered in the election process”…

… is something only a treasonist conspirator would know after-the-fact.

How could you possibly have known “they” interfered exile?

Care to go on record?


They did not but seizing election machines would have been interfering with it . That’s what I meant .


More like leaked false Intel to lure the rats into making a move. Sting operation.

The military watched China, Iran and others switch votes on election night. Act of war. Packet captures.

Space Force will be very important. 🍊


I was watching when the switch happened—
ofcourse Biden’s team lost fair & square

Angel Askew

An IT director at Italian Leonardo military contractor signed affidavits.

The Vatican was the head of the whole thing managing the satellite in the sky.

Prime minister of Italy finally ratted on the Pope when he was threatened enough.

That’s when we went in to Germany and confiscated a bunch of the servers tied to to.

All of this happened well before Xiden inauguratIon.

Buck fiden

Rabbi Finkelstein always called me “Sport.” I still don’t know why.


Between Rudy and Ivanka’s documents, I am convinced we will soon know exactly how unhinged DJT really is.


We have a Republic, not a Democracy


A Rebublic is a form of a democracy, ya dingus


Ignorant shill


Gas-lighting the people


it will go…far worse and no buying back…watch

Angel Askew

NOW LIVE: DefeatthemandatesDC com

Viewing live at TheHighWireDOTcom.

It’s really something!!


Thank you!


War Room too!

RFK JR on 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Shout out to JP Sears. 👍

question everything
  1. Every power/right they take away they will never give up voluntarily.
  2. Every power they take they will abuse/exploit to its fullest extent.
  3. No one ever complied their way out of totalitarian control!
Angel Askew

I think it’s safe to say the pandemic scam is thoroughly over as well as whatever chit they send next.

ALL elected officials have been thoroughly put on notice.

This WAS “the talk”. Americans sitting on their 1st and 2nd Amendment rights have sat back and watched the world fall apart and protest it all.

IMHO: If these inept globalists, lobbyists and money grabbing politicians make ONE more move, one more policy in the wrong direction…..I do believe, ladies and gentlemen, like a re-enactment of Mussolini and his wife being dragged and shot and hanged upside down in the Piazza…..IT IS SHOWTIME.


Angel Askew

Correction: his mistress
Not his wife


Correct! All mandates have been removed as of today.


Deep Earth, Mole People, and The Underwars

  • VOLCANO ERUPTIONS in Tonga 18.01.2022 This was a direct retaliation against surface-dwellers perpetrated by the Mole People. They have developed tech that can forcibly erupt any volcano on the planet. Extremely dangerous development.
  • Blowing DEEP EARTH Colonies: Earthquakes in the last 10 days across the globe are the result of the White Hats setting off explosives deep underground in attempts to collapse massive cave systems where large Mole People populations dwell. This conflict has escalated drastically in the past few weeks.
  • Do not confuse the ‘mole children’ with Mole People. ‘Mole children’ are merely pale and/or blind human children born or cloned in underground tunnels. The Mole People are a different species entirely. They resemble naked mole rats, but larger, bipedal, and sentient. They typically live far, far deeper below the surface that the Deep State’s DUMBS and other underground facilities.
  • Just In: Magnitude 7.8 earthquake hits Canada. Result of White Hats setting off a nuclear megabomb near a major Mole People undercolony that is believed to be housing ‘missing’ Deep State-affiliated refugees from the surface, including Chris Cuomo, Mike Pence, and possibly Betty White. Not yet clear if they succeeded in collapsing the megacolony.
  • WE WILL WIN THIS WAR but we must continue to fight our way through. It is advised that you do NOT go near any known volcanoes, cave entrances, or even sewer manholes in the near future to reduce your risk of being caught by a sudden Mole People AMBUSH.

If your name was not up there everyone would think that Zee wrote this . Well done , I will exercise caution in mentioned situations . To excite the mole off spring might upset the quantum internet and Nesara plans .


I would expect as much from you……
THIS support system that you ooze from is laughable

J Bill

Must be the “black primordial ooze” you speak of Wildcat?



LYING SHBILL. Black Primordial Ooze is a bioweapon created by the Mole People, and the Internatial Justice Law Court has ruled that its use is a WAR CRIME and a HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATION. It is not to be LAUGHED OUT LOUD at.

J Bill

“What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you some kind of a retard?”
owd – “the champion.”



How dare you Wedge, a proven SHill, call J.Bill one


To be fair, I did not call him a shill. I called him a shbill.


As always you are on the money .

J Bill

Zee copies ver batim from her source. She adds in commentary at the bottom of the post.

On the other hand, this post above from your buddy is pure gibberish. And meant to be that. You discredit yourself to endorse it.


Well her stuff sounds just like this. You know it.

J Bill

We know it’s hard getting over your btc bagman’s crash, and it must hurt, big time.

No sense “deflecting” here amongst pricks like you friends either, we’re here to help…

…and besides, with friends like you assholes guys who needs enemies?

Last edited 2 years ago by J Bill

Btc bagman’s crash ? Don’t think it hurts whatever it may be .


Don’t worry, Zee will copy paste it at some point.

Angel Askew

This heavy handed poppycock without undisclosed source makes my Al Gore theory look biblical. Lol


Funny you should mention that, because according to my sources, your Al Gore theory was entirely correct. Al Gore has already been sworn in as Secret President as of two weeks ago. In fact this is partially why the conflict against the Mole People has escalated so rapidly – as part of his pro-environmentalism agenda, one of Gore’s first acts was issuing a rather hostile warning to the Mole People that they must cease their larger tunnel-drilling operations in the Deep Earth, which Gore believes are highly destabilizing to the planet and may eventully cause massive sinkhole collapses on the surface. The Mole People firmly believe that Deep Earth is their domain, and what they do down there is none of the surface-dwellers’ business. Needless to say, they did NOT take the warning well.

Angel Askew

Not today Satan.
Al Gore (or whomever they choose)would only be interim while the chess board gets reset.
Pandemic biz was put out of biz today, next open economy, stop the Nesara/gesara dreaming, Crypto is for gamblers and brace your self for this BS long term hyper inflation we’re about to thru.

Mole people are hereby put on notice. Hungry folks will hunt and fry them up too. Lol…


Who put the pandemic out of business and how ? Being put on notice is not exactly a legal phrase that carries any weight.


“Interim President while the chess board gets reset” is exactly what Gore wanted the White Hats to think when he talked them into nominating him to the position. But now that he has his grip on that power he is already quickly maneuvering to turn that “interim” position into a permanent one.

Also I would heavily advise against hunting and eating Mole People, as their bodies contain numerous venom sacs. Unless it has been prepared and cooked by someone who really knows their way around Mole Person anatomy, you are basically eating self-poisoning meat. 😵


Like the Japanese blow fish?


Exactly. Rumor has it that, much like fugu, molemeat is considered an indulgent delicacy among Deep State elites. It has become even more rare (and taboo) in recent years, as the formerly-uneasy alliance between the Mole People and the Deep State has solidified.


Lying Shill


This jibberish that you just barfed out , is complete nonsense !
FIRST, you have zero evidence that YOU even exist.
MY , very credible sources say that you are a CGI


Funny, I don’t see any evidence from you that the Underwar isn’t happening. Do your research, Wildshill.

Last edited 2 years ago by Wedge
Buck fiden

Only Underdog has a track record of defeating the Mole Men!

Angel Askew

Long live Underdog!🦸

Mr. Bill

Didn’t Flash Gordon do that once?


Sounds just like Zee, doesn’t it?



Buck fiden

You’re writing like Tedless but using Cut&Paste-style fonts like Zee.


Yes Wedge Joker is


Do you wanna know how I got these scars? 🤡




Aw I thought this stuff would be right up your alley 🙁


Do not comply!

Let doctors be doctors








CIA troll. No one listens to you.


The C!A must have a special program to hire their retired agents to do troll work.

Buck fiden

Retired agent to Retread agent.


My total at the liquor store:


I said to the cashier, “that’s a good number.” She replied, “yes it is.”



What kind of liquor ?

J Bill

True That!
What are the chances?

Good times.


Cheers J Bill 🍊

At another store I used those machines that engrave dog/cat tags.

I made three for myself.

🍊 Trump Won
🍊 Pureblood

(I already have gold 1776 bling)

Picked up chains for them at Hobby Lobby.

Affordable Patriotic Jewelry

Good times.


Considered a Pureblood medical alert bracelet but I don’t know if the company that does the engraving are commies.

Has anyone ordered a Pureblood medical alert bracelet?



Hobby Lobby will do that for you in a heartbeat. Why you ax I mean ask, because imho, they are pro Q+.


I stopped going to hobby lobby when they banned heelys.


Obviously the cashier is a proud member of The Great Awakening, right?

Angel Askew

Please hedge your bets and take out of your bank what you can by Monday. Cash, gold and silver “rounds” from your local coin shop. The stock market is taking a nose dive while big sharks gut us out. Some banks won’t survive this and you’re dough will be gone.
Silver and gold are the only thing that hold value.
One ounce of silver is about $25 today. Go buy it.
If not Monday, it’s near.

Buck fiden

Te ammo

Angel Askew

Your guy must not like you.

Angel Askew


Buck fiden

You’re correct. When it’s $22/oz, the kike dealers still want $32. For gold, the percentage over spot is far less.

Don’t forget to buy the other precious metal: LEAD. 9mm ammo is outrageous now! Sportsman’s Warehouse was totally out many times last year. Haven’t been to one lately.

Angel Askew

I wish I knew how to use lead.
Maybe for bartering.

Last edited 2 years ago by Angel Askew

I was buying rounds when they were 12.00, stopped when they went lower 30’s…When I could get 5 rounds for 50.00…that was good times…

Last edited 2 years ago by AmericanFaith

Earthquakes, DUMBS and Tunnels

  • EXPLOSIONS in Berlin 21.01.2022 Charlottenburg Westend
  • Blowing DUMBS 334: Earthquakes in the last 10 days in Europe but mainly Iran, Iraq etc, floods in Australia 3-4 weeks ago, now Europe is flooded.
  • Don’t tell me nothing is happening. The tunnels are gone folks, returned to nature.
  • Just In: Magnitude 6.6 earthquake strikes off the coast of Japan.

The fake news is avoiding the millions of people in the streets taking back their countries.



How is the belligerent occupation going ? Is the military under control today ? EBS to inform us ? White House exploding ?


Oprah Winfrey and her best friend John of God:

Pretty sure NSA caught Oprah Winfrey & Epstein ordering Cement Trucks to fill in the two tunnels below their two islands that contained Adrenochrome Torture Dungeons.


Nice try Zee but everyone knows that Oprah’s best friend is Gayle!


Wow! Zee is over the target!


Nice to have someone to count on for the mad scientists point of view .

J Bill

You guys should form a think tank, seriously:

” DUMBS for Dummies “

Even sounds like an official type project…

Last edited 2 years ago by J Bill

Nice ! I think Zee would want in too.

J Bill

No, saw you three stooges standing a row and couldn’t resist.
Really, u guys shouldn’t be seen together. People can only laugh so much, then it hurts…


So true…LOL, can’t stop laughing.


LOL, that fits them


Glad we can help . Let me know when to get ready for the military takeover and the EBS and return of Trump . How’s the JFKJr watch going ?




The think tank pioneered by O dumb mer. 😄


LOL…they really do need a “Dummies” book.

Buck fiden

Is AOC driving the cement truck from Miami to Epstein Island?


You’re so stupid, because WE know it did happen, quite a while ago…If you don’t know this, wow….

Mr. Bill

It’s a long drive in a cement truck!


How do you think they built vthe houses there???? Dah !


Covid/Vax Hoax:

Microscopic images of the contents of the Comirnaty Pfizer vaccine. 

Identification of graphene, self-assembly and microtechnology. “After evaporation of a Pfizer sample in just one drop from a Pfizer vial analyzed with a HAXON AQUILES II microscope with magnification of the order from 600X to 1400X, clearer and clearer bodies of several tens of microns in size appear. Graphene, also found in Pfizer’s vaccine, amplifies the gigahertz signal of mobile telephony to the order of THz for the operation of these nano- and micro devices.”

New big data study of 145 countries show COVID vaccines makes things worse (cases and deaths):

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

Zee let us pray; St Joseph terror of demons pray for us, amen.


Global Food

  • Human fetus cells in food products have been exposed.
  • Red Bull drink tests positive for Covid-19:  tDOTme/TrumpNewsMedia
  • The FDA and FBI were doing investigations on McDonalds Fast Food (a big name in the Illuminati) meat preparation plants where so far 90% of the plants in the US were found to have meat containing human DNA and body parts of children. A separate inspection a few years ago in a Chinese McDonalds plant found the same.

This confirmation is what we were waiting for!


White House Press Secretary Slips and Says Who She’s Really Reporting To and It’s Not Biden
~The Gateway Pundit,  January 22, 2022 at 6:00pm

For more than a year Americans have wondered who is running the country. We know it’s not Joe Biden so who is it?We asked in January 2021 before his inauguration, who was running the Biden gang? We had indications that perhaps it was Obama that was running this nightmare of a Presidency. It’s not Biden, that’s for sure. And it does make sense. With Biden, Obama can do all the things he wanted to do to this country and yet not take the blame for the reaction to these destructive policies. Afghanistan is an example of this.

  • Pelosi slipped and labeled the failed policy mislabeled ‘Build Back Better’ an Obama program.
  • Obama said some time ago that he would be fine with this kind of arrangement. 
  • Now Twitchy reported today on White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was slipping and claiming she reports to Obama (“I love working for President Obama.”)

So right now bets are that Obama is running the country, despite this being totally illegal. But since Obama and Biden never respected the law or the US Constitution, this is the best bet on who’s [failing at] running this country.                                                                                            


But everyone here keeps telling me Obama is dead because White Hats shot him in the head years ago or some shit 🤷‍♂️

Last edited 2 years ago by Wedge

Yes , the two shots in the back of the head scenario. It’s so hard to keep all this assassination and execution news straight . One would think there would be an official scorecard somewhere , notarized by someone of authority.


No, it’s not hard at all really. Just pay attention to the RRN narrative. Obama is not dead but his arrest grows near.


Oh so who says he was shot ? Fake news ?


Why do you assume his arrest grows near? RRN has not reported any such thing. The last thing RRN reported about Obama was that he threw a slammin’ birthday party last year, which White Hats failed to attack or disrupt in any way. This report about sonic and microwave attacks also suggests that the Deep State is not merely scrambling to defend themselves as we had been led to believe.




who else is SO sick about hearing about “equity, diversity, immigrant rights, etc.. when it is all CODE for ANTI-white.. what about the rights of people who have lived in this country for generations and our ancestors built this place and shed blood in numerous wars, etc. WE HAVE NO SAY in our immigration POLICY?? we should DECIDE WHO IS ALLOWED IN THIS COUNTRY AND FROM WHAT NATIONS AND WHAT NATIONALITIES and IT SHOULD ALL BE MERIT BASED IMMIGRATION.. NO MORE 3rd WORLD REJECTS coming here for free shit from NON white, Non English speaking countries so they can turn this into a NON WHITE, NON CHRISTIAN MAJORITY NATION.. THAT IS THEIR GOAL!! i am sick of it!!!


Are you talking about the Native Americans who were here before the Europeans came and stole their land?


Ahh, the ‘native Americans.’ You mean the ones who all of civilization was supposed to cease from Expanding so they could all live in tee pees, taking up an entire continent? You mean the ones who were at vicious war with each other, chopping each other to bits for centuries before we got here? You mean the drunkard loser gambling reservation tribes of peoples who have never, and will never, adapt to a technologically advanced way of life? You mean those people?


thanks Edbob..


No. The other ones. Do your research.

David T

There are no “other ones” than the ones described by Edbob and myself. You’re the one who needs to pull your cranium out of your rectal orifice and do some research yourself.

J Bill

“What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you some kind of a retard?” owd – “the great philanthropist.” 23.1.22

Misery loves company…
You first….


He means those that scream they want to be considered a sovereign nation – then line up for welfare and federal dollars.


Were talking about the white giant race that were here before the native Americans, who killed the giants and stole their land.

Buck fiden

Wasn’t “their” land.


Good thing they were here first, so as the boat people could come and not have to deal with the giants…lol

Last edited 2 years ago by AmericanFaith
David T

No, actually talking about the more than two dozen Native American tribes who were at war with each other over territory and control, for centuries before white man ever appeared on the North American continent. Just scrolled down and saw Edbob’s comment who takes my commentary even further.

Last edited 2 years ago by David T

i fully support Native Americans rights and they have been given land rights and their own sovereign nation status and have casinos and are able to get money from the govt., etc.. I have Cherokee heritage so i can say i am in that group.. Point is.. in the last 50 years we have allowed 100 MILLION immigrants into this country and NOT one native born American citizen was EVER asked if this is OK or given an opportunity to VOTE on who comes into our country and gets TAXPAYER funded AID such as food stamps,housing and medical care.. THIS IS not WHAT MAKES AMERICA GREAT!! we are not the DUMPING GROUND for 3rd WORLD IMPOVERISHED ILLITERATES who want to come here and suck off our 1st WORLD “HORN OF PLENTY”… and bring US DOWN IN THE PROCESS!! THAT IS ALL THEY DO!!! LOWER OUR STANDARD OF LIVING, INCREASE COMPETITION FOR LIMITED RESOURCES, etc. and GIVE THE UNITED NATIONS THEIR NWO fantasy!!! and HELL FOR US!! i don’t want to be a “MINORITY” in my own NEIGHBORHOOD or COUNTRY.. and THAT IS WHAT I HAVE BECOME!!!

Angel Askew

I tell you this, it makes it blaringly simple to spot the difference between those who have a blended culture family and who do not.
The ignorance is astounding. They show no culture or cooth in public OR you see them fighting within themselves to not display it.
Back to basics folks.
Teach your young to read and write.
Home economics and housekeeping.
How to count money.
How to repair things and why.
Self defense skills too.
And most of all be aware when out in public with different culture friends that you are 100% being watched and studied.
Be the example.

Last edited 2 years ago by Angel Askew


Buck fiden

Everyone should learn from a kike or a chink: get an ejakayshun, learn to make a lot of money, and learn to never spend money.

Angel Askew

On how to make and keep money, I agree.
But Italians teach us how to create and spend it with a love for life and with style.


Take a deep breath and relax. God is good all the time. Let us lean on his broad shoulders to make things right for mankind. Be patient and keep the faith and trust in him alone. He promised not to leave nor forsake us and he never breaks his promises. Lastly never doubt because the moment you doubt you are basically tying his hands as if saying I don’t need you. Blessings,

question everything

No left without a right. No up without a down. No inside without an outside. Opposites give each other meaning and are inextricably connected to each another. One of the great dualities or dichotomies is the one consisting of lightness and darkness. The power of darkness is all over the headlines of today. Shining light into a dark place may seem out of place to some, but others will understand the exploit of dispelling darkness with light.


That’s literally pearls before swine…mr kosher shiksa loving so called jew has an unclean pig as his namesake.

question everything

I cast pearls before all, even you, not just those I am responding to. Some pick them up, some trample them in the mud. Your/their choice, not mine.

Last edited 2 years ago by question everything
Buck fiden

“Shiksa” is a female term.
The corresponding term for a male is “Shegetz.”

–The Grammar Kike

Buck fiden

I’m not marrying a nigger.


Problem is owd, everyone is racist. Everyone. All of us, even you, know what Darlene says is spot on.

Trivia: name just one city on earth that is run by majority blacks that is considered desirable to live in..

Ans: zero, none, nada, zilch.

Blacks have been weaponized by communist democrats as a race, to divide, and destroy, the U.S. they create nothing. They improve nothing. They turn every city they touch into a stinking shit hole. They kill babies and themselves. They hate. They bitch. They fight. They squabble. Their she-boon ape-women pull each other’s hair out, and stuff their 3 foot wide asses with twinkies while they feast on Netflix white hate tv series that are chocked full of lies and half truths manufactured by the cia. The worst part of it is that YOU feed them. YOU bow down to them. You, in effect, are a traitor, and a coward. And your end draws near. Quick and sudden it will be. And you will go to the lowest levels of hell. You chuckle now. You won’t then. You will scream and howl, the Bible says. ‘There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth, at the judgement’. .

Last edited 2 years ago by Edbob
Buck fiden

>> they feast on Netflix white hate tv series that are chocked full of lies and half truths manufactured by the cia. 

THANK YOU! I’m glad I’m not the only one who notices this!!!!


yes, take a look at who donates money to BLM.. mostly CCP backed entities. It was on Levin tonight with Schweitzer’s new book “Red Handed”.. yes, i agree every city that has a black democratic mayor is a fucking shithole commie place run into the ground. They are placing these ignorant stooges as marxist destroyers to take down this great country.. All of the SOros funded DA’s are “people of color” and allowing criminals to run rampant and target whites and asians in hate crimes.. We should behave more like Hungary and Poland when it comes to immigration.. to preserver our national identity and heritage.. Not racist. it is called SELF PRESERVATION of our National Sovereignty and yes, our HISTORY. If you don’t like our HISTORY.. go back to the 3rd world country you came from and try to rewrite your own native History. I’m not racist.. I was in a relationship with a Pacific Islander and i love Diamond and Silk, Candace and other black patriots…


Being called a racist is the sign you are righteous. The one who accuses others of racism is the traitor, the coward, THE ENEMY.


No actually it’s just a sign you are a racist douchebag.


…someone would call you…blind/deaf…….

David T

Oh, a “name-calling liberal” who calls others names when they realize they are wrong and don’t have a leg to stand on. How original.


One of these days we are going to see Darlene on the news as one of those people who just snaps and assaults an innocent minority citizen for no reason.

Rob William

Like that woman who has been arrested for spitting on Jew 8 year old kids?

Last edited 2 years ago by Rob William
Buck fiden

Not likely. It’s the quiet ones who commit violent acts.

David T

Or not. Maybe your perpetual wedge is affecting your cognitive reasoning.

J Bill

“What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you some kind of a retard?”

owd – “the great philanthropist” 23/1/22

What you believe means squat.

Buck fiden

I’m with you 100%


Put yourself down as a “minority” at work, school, doctor’s office, etc. They can’t say you’re not – and if it’s good enough for Fauxcahontas to get a job for which she was less qualified then it’s good enough for all of us! I’ve seen the corporation where I work now make rules that you can’t hold interviews unless and until you have a minimum requirement of “X” number of minorities interviewing. Affirmative Action is discrimination and I, like you, am getting so tired of the corporate buzzwords of “minority” with “diversity.”
And in addition, for 30 years I have witnessed illegal aliens receive not equal treatment but PREFERENTIAL treatment at Emergency Rooms, hospitals, and ‘free clinics’ (paid for by taxpayers) even over and above our disabled.
I took a disabled friend of mine with serious health problems to no less than 3 of the so-called ‘free clinics.’ He was not even allowed to sign up in the lobby but was turned away because he was white so the clinic would not receive taxpayer funds to reimburse them for any treatment. Large signs at the entrance stated “We receive federal funds for every ‘minority’ we treat.” The lobby was filled with minorities and almost all of them were pregnant with anchor babies.

Last edited 2 years ago by Guest4579
David T

It’s how the demon crats grow their base and do it with our dollars. Despicable.


I agree.. look at Japan or India or China.. how many immigrants from 3rd world countries who don’t speak their native languages and belong to their own “tribe”do these countries allow to FLOOD into their country for free shit on the back’s of their citizens?? Don’t hear these people being called RACISTS in those countries for maintaining strict immigration against INVADING outsiders.. Look at the crime rates in Japan compared to America? No drug addicts and homeless// and NO MASSIvE INFLUX OF IMMIGRANTS>. IT IS A DIRECT RELATIONSHIP!! CALL ME RACIST IF YOU WANT.. it is ALL A RUSE TO AVOID THE TRUTH OF THE MATTER!!! NWO AGENDA IS TO FLOOD MOSTLY WHITE CHRISTIAN AMERICA TRUMP LOVING PATRIOTS WITH 3rd WORLD iLLITERATES TO DESTROY OUR 1st NATION STATUS!! TOO MANY PEOPLE RUIN ANY FUNCTIONING SOCIETY PERIOD!!!


we don’t NEED 40 MILLION ILLEGALS who are currently in our country.. PERIOD!!


You are foolish and haven’t a clue as to what is going on.


Peter Schweizer on Life, Liberty and Levin:

“The Biden family, while he was vice president and continuing when he became president, received some $31 million from Chinese individuals who we’re linked to the highest levels of Chinese intelligence.”






Yes! I saw it too. Going to buy the book “Redhanded” by Peter Schweizer.


TReason.. Traitor.. communist COUP..


As soon as it hits bottom it will never go up again…they will change the monetary system. Waiting for the stock market to crash. This not going to be a normal crash.


AF’s SWAG. 🙏🙏🙏

Rob William

AF has no qualification, it’s just what he wants, which is to have mayhem and complete breakdown of current economy. I don’t think he has any direct or derivative investments into the market, not even 401(K) otherwise he will not wish against having a decent retirement money.


I’m not wishing for anything…I just do my own research…You would know too if you did your own research. but you just want it handed to you, so I hand it to you and then you lazy asses complain…fck off

J Bill

” What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you some kind of a retard?”
(owd – “the great”)

… and yours sir?











OMG, what a good catch!!!


Truth Social




Presidents Day



Angel Askew


Buck fiden

Nerd masturbation.


Takes one to know one apparently

Buck fiden

I’m trying! It’s unresponsive thanks to December’s tranquilisers and other “medications.” FUCK DOCTORS.


Trump Lost The Election






Nothing I said above is a lie though.

J Bill

” What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you some kind of a retard? ” owd 23/1/22


Awesome. Very meaningful numbers!


“Meaningful” 🙃


As 45th = 9
Tesla wanted #s that ended in 9 (Universal Quantum reasons)

So now that we need to add 1100 years back to our AD year 2022 that the Bible writers dismissed at the Nicea Council mid 300s AD while changing the Year date to BC & 1 AD creating and at the same time- minus 1100 years…

Off planet Quantum can only work with the real years, months, days and minutes. Back to Julian Calendar for getting back lost days of more than 1.5 weeks. We need now for off planet tech and travel to be in alignment with fixed star universal time ..

We are really year 3122 (an 8 year= the beg of the end).
Next year 3123 (9 Year Letting go of what is not needed–for a good beginning)

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee
Rob William

Your brain seems to be in complete quantum decoherence.



My brain is not in quantum decoherence.but if we don’t have the correct earth time then quantum decoherence.will appear should we work with TIME off planet.

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

SHill, you are lousy at comprehension


LEFTY TROLL SHILL– Mindless creep


Honestly I don’t understand all of the above but I remember as a youngin learning BC and AD and I thought “what happened to the years in between?”

Public education nor church ever gave me a reasonable explanation.


There are no years between. AD does not mean ‘after death’ it means Anno Domini which is Latin for ‘in the year of our lord’. 1 AD is the year right after 0 BC.


1100 years are missing at that time


Seems the Caesars wanted hidden a period of 1100 years.

This was posted yesterday here on RRN by another and gave info of Anna von Reiz’s findings. I checked it out and wrote a comment also.

Bit of Explanation~~~~
As the solar system moves against the Fixed stars @ 1 degree for every 72 years of time x 360 (degress) you get the great year—

So when the HOPI and Egyptians aligned their places for a special day in the year both seemed to have aligned to Orion, the three stars in Orion’s belt.

So Ann von Reiz was saying, and btw she knows her stuff, that’s how we can tell the correct historical dates by going back to check the alignment to stars and thousands of years a special place on earth to see that star /s exactly on only one day/night of the year.

So she realized that we are missing 1100 years–by reverse engineering the astronomical math Get it?

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

Exactly, it was all done secretly we are just finding out that Rome’s bible writers maybe under Constantine did this cut of BC time when making their Jesus to be born 0 AD or 1 AD.

Hopefully the Vatican’s treasures and books and scrolls will be studied and be able to find what the Roman Caesars were hiding

I know scholars were keeping hidden some info from the dead sea scrolls.

But the Roman Church never tells the truth and we have found the real year it was when they chopped the BC years by 1100 years.

Hidden it by just making us have to count BC years backwards.and this is where they just hid the chopped 1100 years.. T”was a trick.

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

So whats it to you? if you don’t get into it, no balls off your dick…You say all your crap whatever your foul mouth wants…anyone else can say what they want, too


He went off script while forgetting to switch screen names. Admits he’s a lefty.


Lefties know they can’t win now and when we are over the target they seem to spew out of control. OWD has become worse lately and I am sure OWD’s a lefty after that crap he’s spewing — He definately is a psycho Troll or Shill


CIA payrolled.


I believe it, for sure

Last edited 2 years ago by AmericanFaith
J Bill

Fuck you and all your slimy “friends.”

Buck fiden

I whack off with my left hand. Well, I used to.


Talking out your ass again…


Of all 73 SEVENTY THREE shills and Trolls & Bots
that I have listed ~ ~ I feel OWD is definately weirdest of ’em all


Jesus is your brother and you known that. How then do you feel about the Romans calling him weird? Imho, they called him weird because they never could outsmart him or as one NASCAR driver once said, “I out thunk them”. 🙏🙏🙏


Very f–ked up shill psycho


could of fooled me…

Buck fiden

kike money changer in the temple?


So now shill you are threatening my life now? GO TO HELL


Right on

question everything

“Looking ridiculous or stupid is a choice. It might be a ploy?”
That just may be the case of the guy on the White House set.


It’s the only way you can earn $s SHILLING ‘n’ TROLLING your SH-T and PISSING people off




You can’t say retard anymore Zee.

J Bill

” What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you some kind of a retard?” owd a-c-w

Your slimy buddy opened the door. A spade is a spade. Prepare yourselves…..

Last edited 2 years ago by J Bill
Rob William

Sorry, there is a difference between a lower cognition person and psychotic. You may not realize it (most psychotics cannot) but you are actually blowing past the highest rating on PSYRATS scale. You should really consider help – please.


Psychi Shill, if anyone looks as you say “Fu-king Stupid” look to your seld first—its you


No one even reads his confused dribbles.

J Bill

Geez-uz you’re a nasty bastard.

Back away from the medicine cabinet!

J Bill

Second that TW!
Happy Anniversary to Mr.& Mrs. President DJ Trump!


‘This President Needs a Lesson’: Arizona To Sue Biden Admin For Withholding Funds Over Mask Mandates
~Conservative Brief, January 22, 2022

“The state of Arizona plans to file suit against the Biden administration over the withholding of taxpayer funds for refusing to implement a school mask mandate.
GOP Gov. Doug Ducey discussed the action with Fox News host Martha MacCallum on Friday after the administration threatened to cut COVID-19 relief funding to the state for its refusal to mandate kids wear masks while attending in-person classes.
Ducey argued that state officials know best where education dollars should be spent, such as helping students get caught up academically, particularly in low-income areas after two years of on-again, off-again, in-person education during the pandemic.”

Attention: Please go directly to this article. Take a good look at the Getty picture of Xiden. Increase the size of the picture to see the obvious lines near his ear that reveal the hyper-realistic mask he is wearing. In this picture, the square tab has been cut, but you can clearly see the outer edge of the mask that covers part of his ear, and you can see a different ‘skin’ texture on his neck.

Getty still has this image of Xiden where the tab had not been cut.

Another Getty image reveals the forehead part of the mask with deep wrinkles unrealistically extending too far into the hairline. LOL

His images on the day of the so-called inauguration indicate that he was wearing a mask as well.

All in all, this issue alone would be cause to arrest him and take him to GITMO. Think of all the false papers this entity has signed when it can be proven if someone pulled the mask down and/or did a DNA.


Last edited 2 years ago by Jullou

I really want you to see that Xiden image that reveals his mask. The above links should work if you copy and paste them (even though I removed the h t t p://)

You can also access the image by copying and pasting this link: (Look on the left side of the site and click on “Arizona Sues Biden Admin”)

Let me know what you think. 🙂


Please zoom the image so you can see it well.


December 2020 President Trump said Biden was shot. I believe t

Angel Askew

I remember that! I laughed. For him to say that means the guy isn’t even worth his time. Lol
He certainly could have meant the other option.

Last edited 2 years ago by Angel Askew

So that mean a faux Biden took the faux oath of Office and a faux Biden supposedly went to Walter Read DC Hospital with a massive stroke. Now we see about 10 different Bidens.

QUESTION: So, was it the real Biden or a faux running in the election process? That behavior was so weird/


It was the faux Biden. It is suggested that he was wired by big tech using some sort of lens on his eyes where he could read the response during the debate. The wires under his sleeves even showed. And We Know talked about it. Blessings,


An actor was inaugurated from what I understand.

Buck fiden

I just wish Arizona would decertify Zhou Biden’s stealing of the election.


it going happen….bf


Nope it can’t . Over and done . Cyber Ninjas decided that one.

Buck fiden

That fucking spic Adrian Fontes, former Maricopa County Recorder, the tool who held the gates open for the fraud, is now down here in Pima County. Hope he makes the obits soon.


Shill your grammer is quite off and I am not being word police here– but, your use of words in sentences is weird.

Esp. this one mistake you and too many other educatred people should not be using. It’s bad word usage. Used even in bad university English education.

So know that ‘ONE’ is purely singular ONLY

So do not use what good writers avoid “ones”.

You OWD used ‘one’s; instead of the wromg use and meaning ‘ones’

“One’s” can only be used singularly as for i.e ‘By one’s own effort’


shill not dyslexia

one is one is only one period


Outlaw the mandates !
Vaccines are the BIO WEAPON


Meaning…… This evil hoax has been proven by the European International Court in Belgium of loads of lawyers, loads of doctors & loads of scientists –With The Ruling to cease Covid’s use WORLD WIDE..

Addressing the truth that this Jab is a bioweapon for control and death puposes pushed by bad Goverments.

Police in UK are arresting people who continue to follow the Covid regimes / Jabs/ masks/ mandates/ passorts etc. Police telling Covid workers at clinics & hospitals they will be arrested it they don’t stop giving jabs. And being told to not follow their Govt. if they continues with mandates and Covid Jabs.

But Britain’s PM spoke in Paliament telling all sides that it’s the end of the Covid program.


No Zee, no nothing . I want my EBS .


EBS has been delay…
Hang in there…its is coming..
Just for you…


Lol it’s been “delayed” because it doesn’t exist. I know you want sooooooooo bad to say “I told you so”, but it’s never coming, my dude. It’s fiction.


I am flattered but you know damn well it’s not going to happen .


SHILL, you’re quite the evil lying bastard–go to hell


‘OWD’ is multiple CIA operatives. The responses are always varied – because they are not the same author.

The Lord God is coming for you CIA. . Hide, and try to chuckle it up and sell little girls while you still can. Do your worst. We’ll do our best.

Last edited 2 years ago by Edbob

OWD are three people. Oliver, Wendall and Douglas, who take turns manning the covert operation.


Shill so upset as I know the targets they try to hide


No there is nothing at the EIC website for results or upcoming trials . It may have been presented but possibly not heard for trial . Anyone can submit one but not all are heard . Like a real life court .


Didn’t you say before that lawyers have been outlawed?




Shill projecting your evil again


Here’s a cool tidbit:

Patient has had a low grade fever for over 6 months. Tires out easily. Improvement with rest Tested for China virus 3X. All negative. Not vaccinated.

Determined doctor with a bankground in cancer treatment finally surrenders to an Infectious Disease doctor. She ran every test she could think of, was sure she would be able to diagnose. Thought a tick bite could be the cause. All negative.

Infectious Disease doctor first words to patient, “I may not ever figure out the cause of your fevers and weakness but I will be able to cure you.” No mention of the China virus or jab.

Runs more blood tests. Rule out possible diseases. Patient recieves one result right away. China virus antibody POSITIVE.

That’s it for now but the doctor assured patient that there is an antibiotic available for whatever it is and whatever it is, it’s not contagious.





Trump & Alliance are waiting for WE THE PEOPLE to do our part

Unlike Assertive Brits and their colonies or agressive French, WTP need to be more Assertive in fighting for our rights. Myself and other orignal Brits now Americans who love the American people do find they are more passive than they should be when needing to stand up more promptly to assert WTP rights over abuses.

Maybe its comes from long years of government abuse knowing mass un-consciously something was not right. because an evil reign existed since the Business Corp. of DC started in 1871 to enslave us? . Also, when WTP rights could not work for us, suffering instead, abuses like Eugenics, patents stolen by the Britih Crown and all gold taken from THE PEOPLE to end us in a slave state.

It’s time to move your mouthes and feet. What ever– Wake others – stop the killer abuse.

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

What are you going to do ? Throw sticks and stones ?

Rob William

5D quantum water balloons 🎈🎈🎈



Buck fiden

There are four boxes to be used in the defense of liberty: 

Please use in that order.

Guess where we are now.


Added again here as I could not add extra or corrections..

The interim 10ft cement wall just built around the White House could eventually contain water interim. Meanwhile it can hide the mess of the WH DEMOLITION and later help ths area become a wetland nature preserve once again,’ NATURE’S RESET

Wait and see when both flood gates will be opened after demolition completes for a high tide full or new moon…

All other UGLY newer buildings i.e IRS DC that are not part of America should be torn down —making more natural park areas for migrating birds…

Then, create a ‘ NEVER AGAIN NAZISM SATANISM PARK MUSEUM’ from a preserved beautiful classical building –holding copies of re-discovered & restored missing secret history and mis-deeds…

A few of the DC buildings may be the best examples of Greco-Roman Architecture and must be perserved if possible for their Architectual design; being examples for engineering study for future Tesla Free Energy. Also, to be musems holding copies of restored old Architectual secrets that Tesla back engineered.for FREE ENERGY.

Trump’s EO 2020 says we need to build CLASSICAL STYLE buildings for all GOVT.buildings.

MEANING: Originally, this basic Greco-Roman design completed with high raised rods and spires, usually found above three round design items on top of a DOME on top of all clasical designed buildings for energy use purposes.. This was for FREE ENERGY RECEIVE & SEND & COLLECT. Similar functional use as designs found world wide on top of old Cathredrals & Mosques in India Persia (Iran) i.e that could mean living off the Grid–. free energy going outwards in a circle for it’s community.

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee
Buck fiden

A ‘Wetland Nature Preserve”?

The way Biden thinks about border walls, it’s more likely to be a WetBACK Nature Preserve!




For a shill sometimes you are funny- but I would not be surprised if homless and aliens attempted to flocked to the DC Park. But DC not being America–the DC Prison is worse than all others— no rights?

Buck fiden

I have a beaner friend with huge tits who works at Langley. She said that DC is a massive police state. You need ID to go almost anywhere there. She hates that place but that’s where work is and she has a long way to go before retirement. She’s more patriotic than many shutfucks who were born in the USA!

I’m in Arizona, far away from the DC action. I hope what they’re saying about the WH being weakened for an implosion is true.

Angel Askew

DC police/jails have had a bad rep and rightly so, since Marion Barry days. Rough crowd.


Interesting… I have no desire to visit D.C. Washington.
I see. It as a Swamp
I detest. Lawyers ,politicians and greed, lying selfish
Jealous people.
Government, religious and the Vatican and the British Monarchy are all corrupt.


Plans for our move into Age of Aquarius Reset —this time for WE THE PEOPLE

Over 1000 years of peace. Each Age Being 2,160 years.
The Great Astrological Year of 12 Ages = 25,920 Years.


So what you’re saying is… 🎶 this is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius 🎶


Looking Forward to the Future. !


Just the thought of BIDENS contamination of the property, with ideas of BUILD BACK BROKEN, makes demolition and flooding of the area somewhat a pleasing. Concept


Yup and there’s been other Satanic Residents… Biden only pretended to live there..but even that thought leaves it’s stink on the WH history

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

You are 100% correct! He is in the fake Georgia White House! You are over the target!

Buck fiden

The Georgia WH is 3/4 scale, so the Zhou Biden CGI must also be 3/4 scale.


Fake Biden is actually 5ft 3 but looks 6ft 1.


Over the TARGET as Always


I hate to say this, but one of the talk-shows that I listen to commented a couple of days ago that maybe the wall is being erected by the left for nefarious reasons.


Lol it’s just because they’re doing some construction on a fountain.


I don’t see the left being able to do much more damage now with all the protection in place.


Trickery of the worst kind .


Obam, I mean Biden wants to keep illegal immigrants out.


Last week I shared a portion of a NY Post article that Donald J Trump dot com linked to his website. The article was dated 11.18.21, subject crooked FBI. Last paragraph of the article stated we should give the crooked FBI one more chance to leave corrupt DC and move their headquarters to the heartland.

11.18 Law of War Manual – Enemy Property During Occupation

Jan 2021 President Trump creates list of heroes to be in a National Statue Park. Does not indicate where the Statue Park will be located.

Belligerent Occupier steps in and cancels Statue Park.



President Trump also talks about the birds that wind turbines are killing. Talks about how wind turbines make for an ugly landscape.


A few weeks after Tesla died, his documents and belongings were examined by FBI agents and Donald Trump’s own uncle, John G. Trump.


Womp womp


You got us. We are building a moat!


Reminder: “Defeat the Mandates” March and Rally in Washington DC – Sunday, Starting at 11:30 ET
~The Gateway Pundit, January 22, 2022 at 10:28am

There is a MASSIVE RALLY planned for tomorrow, January 23rd in Washington DC. The peaceful rally will include the top authorities on the Coronavirus in the country today.

Speakers Include: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Dr. Paul Alexander, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullogh, Lara Logan, Steve Kirsch, etc.

More than Six Thousand Federal Workers will also join the rally in DC including: Firefighters, First Responders, Doctors, and Americans in Peaceful March to Defeat the Mandates

An American Homecoming – January 23, Washington, DC
Preliminary List of Speakers
Bret Weinstein, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Dr. Paul Alexander, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Jessica Rose, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Paul Marik, Dr. Christina Parks, Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Richard Urso, Vaccine Injured Representatives, Civil Rights, and Constitutional Law Attorney Tricia Lindsey, Will Witt, union activist Tramell Thompson, Lara Logan, Del Bigtree, Steve Kirsch, Chris Martenson, Jo Rose, and Firefighters with Operation Freedom of Choice, Wendy Williams, Samuel Eaton, Rick Sterl, Will Jones. 

FEDS 4 MEDICAL FREEDOM, a national grassroots coalition comprised of more than 6,000 federal workers “will join thousands of concerned citizens as they peacefully walk from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial,” the group announced in a statement:
“Thousands of these dedicated public employees have answered the call of duty and served throughout the pandemic, no matter the risk,” FFMF said. “The government should not fire workers because of their health conditions or medically informed health care decisions.

The march will begin at the Washington Monument and end at the Lincoln Memorial, where there will be a program of featured speakers, artists, and musicians.  Organizers believe that ultimately, “Defeat the Mandates – an American Homecoming” will help bring about new federal, state, and local policies to eliminate the blatant discrimination and censorship currently taking place. Organizers urge all those participating in the march to be respectful to those affected local businesses including dining establishments and hotels forced to operate under DC’s mandate.
Operation Freedom of Choice, a non-profit organization comprised of active and retired firefighters from fire departments across the country, will also join forces with hundreds of firefighters in Washington.
Other organizers of the “American Homecoming” include the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, Children’s Health Defense and Global Covid Summit.

This will be historic!

Last edited 2 years ago by Jullou

👍. 🗽. 🌝. 🍊

Buck fiden

Sounds like a party!
(or a perfect target for a False Flag attack).


Maybe Piglosi is cuffed and gagged so she can’t start another false flag like 1-6.

Buck fiden

I hope that pig is “on the rack.” That’s a metal structure used to hold livestock so they can’t move when being inseminated.


NO, this is after the evil was able… Most of ’em have been safely removed or dead. All remaining are most likely on Adrenochrome withdrawl–all tunnels blasted.

Too many Military, and Guards turned Marshalls for DS to bother seriously going against any City or DC now.


Not to say some unpaid Antifa sh-ts won’t be there

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee
Buck fiden

I’ve been on some very heavy mind-altering shit (“for my own good”). That said, I want what you’re on!

All kidding aside, I have trouble believing any of it, but I really, really, really hope that everything you have been linking to here is TRUE and does come to pass. EVIL is relentless.

Buck fiden

Every day seems to be 50 hours long. I’m cold even though the highs are 65 and lows in the lower 40s. That’s not too cold. It is winter. I think it’s because Tucson is twice as high as Phoenix.

Buck fiden

Tzippikike tried that on me last time and I fell for it. It hurt. Cost me 30 days and too many involuntary injections.

You didn’t send the kike or nigger nurse – the one I bit. That one was just there. We never have to see each other again. Not even in court. Thank God for insurance! And being Judgment Proof! FUCK YOU LAWYERS!!!


Jullou Thanks for bring it here


We will be there! Come to the RRN booth and meet your favorite Site Admin! There will be games and prizes for everyone who plays! Because we know our readers feel contests are rigged, every one wins!

Buck fiden

That’s funny.


I hope I dont in trouble for revealing this, but Michael and Ted have also asked me to help out with preparing a very special interactive experience for RRN readers who come visit the booth! I don’t want to spoil too much of course, but let’s just say it’s based on a very popular RRN series involving a certain beloved actor and his or her battles against a certain race of interdimensional lizard-people! 😏


Everyone loved the RRN Virtual Experience where you could experience the world through the eyes of Trump, Steven Seagal or Q. Also, it was not a programming flaw that there were no black people in the simulation. It was by design.

Buck fiden

I wish I could have been there.


PSYCHO — shill

Air man



Obomas has been dead for months.
That bastard got two slugs to the back of the head.
Big mike chose lethal injection…
Good riddens two those POS

Buck fiden

Prove it! (and Wilbur, I sincerely hope this is true and you can).


Go back through RRN articles–

We trust RRN and I don’t care if you don’t

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee
Buck fiden

Everything MB writes at RRN is true.
What do you look like? Link?


Picture a long legged, sleak & slim beautiful, intelligent, loving very talkative demanding, touble making, both agressive,& passionat,, highly playful, does damage, but, friendly and affectionate, outgoing and social. Trusts most humans but . knows a nasty spirit. Thrives on lots of positive human interaction. Talks alot, loves good communication — Siamese Guard Cat.quite vicious when provoked.


Don’t forget the “smells like cat pee” part.


No Smell = Female

Buck fiden

I stabbed a Rottweiler/mix once. Well, actually several times – until it stopped moving. It mauled me and I’ve got a permanent scar on my chest to prove it! His stupid owner, a kike no less, wasn’t paying attention and left the front door open while he went to get the mail. Fucking dog saw me and it was hate at first site! He charged me. I committed a valiant act of self-defence!

I made fun of the stupid noises that dog made as he was dying and the Jew wanted to sue! It was around that time that they institutionalised me again. Judgement proof, kike fuckhead! FUCK YOU LAWYERS!

Perhaps, when I go back home on 1 July, I will knock on his door. I heard that the Kike had to kill his second dog last year. It had liver problems. If kikes treat dead dogs like they treat their dead people, then the dog has to be buried. Since kikes are cheap, he probably buried in on his property instead of the pet cemetery.

I’ll find out where Mr. Mermelstein buried Rufus and take a dump on his grave.

Buck fiden

I thought you were hard for Tzippi!


Lol what you’re saying does not even align with RRN articles, Zee. According to RRN Obama is still alive and free, and is supposedly the grand mastermind of the Dee State. And also he throws rockin’ birthday parties 🥳


Actually before last year


An AI Clone. He and his lover male wife both Bye Bye


What about that fancy birthday party he had that was reported on here?

Buck fiden

It’s time to muthrfukkin KEELhaul Obama!


Moderna Stock Crashes – Losses Top $130 Billion, Stock Down 67% from Highs Last Year Following Lackluster COVID Vaccine Results
~The Gateway Pundit, January 22, 2022 at 11:20am

Moderna stocks plunged on Friday during the market selloff this week. The company has lost $130 billion in value this year over the lackluster COVID vaccine results with the new Omicron variant. The stock is down 67% from its all-rime high last year.

Via Jonathan Ponciano at Forbes:
“Battered by a steep broad-market selloff this week, Moderna shares fell for a sixth straight day Friday as experts questioned whether Covid-19 vaccine sales alone will help justify the firm’s meteoric valuation, intensifying a crash that’s wiped out more than 60% of the value in one of last year’s top stocks and turned it into this year’s worst performer.’
Moderna stock fell 4.4% Friday to an eight-month low of $160, pushing shares down more than 20% over the past week amid growing research suggesting Moderna’s Covid-19 booster, while very effective against previous strains, has been less effective against the rapidly spreading omicron variant…”


Very cool.


Buck fiden

Oy gevalt! What about my Pfizer shares!? I’d better call Marvin Shekelstein! Oh, I can’t! It’s shabbos!!!


Funny shilll….But by Monday all Covid 19 stocks gone to zero= ceased. Or, Stock market closed for reset– sans all your evil stock. Ha Ha Ha

All stock assets in evil hands will be confiscated for WE THE PEOPLE reset and for their needed compensations.

Buck fiden

I so want you, baby.

Who gets to decide which hands are “evil” and which belong to “We the People“?


Ask Elon Musk —


Lol this is at least the third time you’ve said the the whole stock market is about to be shut down and replaced with the Quantum thingy. It never happens 🤷‍♂️


Now is the time to bye, bye, bye.

Buck fiden

SELL! SELL! SELL! Oy Gevalt! I don’t want to be a schmuck and be left holding useless shares! I’ll have to get Kike-o-witz and Kike-o-witz, PC, to sue those bastards! Where’s Marvin Shekelstein the broker! Why doesn’t he cwoll me! This is an EMERGENCY! I even need to bring Schlomo Goldstein, CPA, in on this! Time for a conference cwoll! Thank God they’re all on speed-dial. I’m so verklempt I forgot their numbahs!


Always a day late and a dollar short!!

Buck fiden

A day late and a BUCK short!

J Bill

Their bad news is our good news!


Over 3000 pages of documents seized from Rudy’s office today. Most are about his number one client. Things are happening! Storm is coming!


very ignorant or lying shill

Lucky Star

He tried to be the most knowledgeable shill🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 with his lies


He’s crying alright.. All these RRN lying shills & Trolls are retaining the negativity from the Piscean age of illusion, self undoing and magick and not evolving. We’re all about leaving that age for the good age of Aquarius that is now pulling us in and demanding REAL TRUTH and Altruism.

Not just earth’s multi truths but knowing Nature’s Universal Truth and Grand Technology.

Hello ElonI am ready for your truth telling AI device to tell who has been NAUGHTY OR NICE LOL He he he— I can’t wait any longer

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

You must be new here. I own the site.


Delusional Shill TED has said this so many times he now really thinks he’s RRN Admin. Poor Ted–it’s time for your next booster


if anyone needs a booster its him, with the number 3 at the end.


I’m sure they think they hit the jack pot. LOL


Rudy just requested a meeting to discuss a deal. He wants to confess.

J Bill

you smell of desperation t-ed. now you’re confabulating.


What would happen if they raided Pelosis office, or Liddle Adam Shiffs? I wonder what they would find,…..hmmm


They would find her on line with the chi’s like they did on Jan 6, 2020

Buck fiden

Sounds like the Storm Troopers are already there.


How long did it take to count them? Wonder why they quit counting after 3000? Another break in?


There’s actually a brave leader left?



Thanks for sharing, Wow!!

And Macron sittin there ‘writing’ …..What a Jackass.


A nothing burger souless DS monster


Love this Croatian speaker: Mislav Kolakušić saying MURDER IS MURDER to FRENCE PRESIDENT Macron DS Bastard. Mislav was addressing the French president Emmanuel Macron in the European Parliament:

Goodness I get turned on by such Powerful Good guy speakers… I actually find this older bald Mislav actuallly sexy !!!!


It won’t open now.


Bitcoin was at an all time high of 68 k,
Today is at 34k….
The Deep State is getting their butts…..handed to them.
The Fall of the cabal
The Stock market had a bad week
Too bad
I told you so….


Lol why is bitcoin just automatically assumed to be a Deep State thing?


My NYSE holdings are not too bad . No bitcoin but so volatile .






Lol what happens on Monday sej? More nothing?






Do you get the feeling that the higher forces that be are not helping the selfish me me people like Shills and Trolls to prepare for the coming reset = better financial future– ‘cos they have no future with QFS ?

J Bill

in America we refer to volatile as “crashing.”


Bitcoin definately going into a headlong CRASH

The word Volatile re DS Stock market just means to me it’ll Crash & BURN

Buck fiden

I hope precious metals drop in value so I can buy in.


You just have to know what your doing, thats all.


very ignorant or lying shill


Not block chained or gold backed. infact backed by air.


Bitcoin is blockchained. Jesus Christ that’s like the whole fucking selling point of bitcoin.


SHILL It’s not
That’s why Bitcoin mining has had to be China & Kazakhstan–that’s was the two largest BC miners


shills are stupid. they don’t know crap…well maybe crap, but noting of the real world.

Buck fiden

I’ve been chained to blocks multiple times. I’ve lost all my value.


‘cos it is the coin for Buying International Children

and, nothing to back it’s value.

Cash in quickly. Don’t be the last.

Holders will soon find out what not block-chained BitCoin or, not backed my precious metals means. There s no more mining of BitCoin = The end of of the Ponzi scheme– real soon.


I’m not advocating for Bitcoin here, i think all crypto is stupid and i don’t put my money into any of it. But to say Bitcoin is not blockchained is, like, it’s one of those things you say that is so incomprehensibly stupid and wrong that it makes me wonder if you really are just a bot that just mashes random sentences together.


I feel sorry for you shill –being unable to keep up with what’s happen as you spend so much time here it seems– how do you have time to do truthful research?


Lol Zee you undoubtedly spend more time here than me or anybody else


what an idiot…blahblahblahblah is all that comes out of YOU

Last edited 2 years ago by AmericanFaith
J Bill

” Bitcoin is blockchained. Jesus Christ that’s like the whole fucking selling point of bitcoin. “

You just advocated for btc about 5 lines above, Belligerent Occupier.

Stop wasting everyone’s time here with your lies and uneducated lack of knowledge, pretending to know more than you do without researching anything.

Go play in an arcade, belligerent occupier.


you just returned from MARS ????…WHAT A STOOOOOOOPID QST.


because it is…are you stupid or what?


He is and does what he accuses others of. That is the playbook.





Good guys—–

It’ll be the end of all the TROLLS & SHILLS any time soon…. they’ll retire their trash lying BS and reset themselves or bye bye.


Nah I’ll still be here 🙂


Ofcourse, the sh-t has not hit the fan yet fully yet


It Begins….

COVID-19: School District In Nassau County Ends Mask Mandate

ht t p s colon //dailyvoice dot com/new-york/nassau/police-fire/covid-19-school-district-in-nassau-county-ends-mask-mandate/824354/

SCREW U HOCHUL and your Stupid ‘kids wearing shoes to school’ analogy!!!




Buck fiden

Luong Oiland is infinitely better than Jew York Shitty.


Whatever happened to the pursuit of Mike Pence?


He’s been pursued into running for president .


very ignorant – lying shill


Apparently the military gave up on it and now they are just cool with him running for the 2024 election 🤷‍♂️


He’s a clone or double now.
RRN said they caught him after he had run to the hills to hide and then caught him in a hotel room –a tip off.


Attention white hat military alliance:

At 75 yrs of age, Trump’s life span is nearing its end. If you don’t speed up this process, it’s going to get more complex. As government, your very nature is to duck things up, so consider making the big move *now,* not *soon.* Move phase timelines to the left, and cease from being so collateral casualty oriented in your OPLANS. The righteous can and will, take care of ourselves. We are well prepared – well able. Now, go do what George Washington did at Vallye Forge (pray) and let’s bring sanity/justice back to the nation – to the world. Critical event = shut down internet and proceed with white hat armed military door kick of CNN, MSNBC, Fox, ABC, CBS, NBC. Shouldn’t be too hard. They are textbook soy boy pussies – not armed communists. Yes, it may spread you thin for a couple of days, and the various DoD traitor generals may pull out some firecrackers, but it’s high time, and waiting any longer for warmer fuzzies is nothing but procrastination of a necessary action.


EB, imho, my response of timing is everything very appropriate to your exhortation and yes as you said, pray. Believe me, I do in good and and bad times. God Bless.


Don’t agree re his age u talk about.

PDJT IS at top form mentally–I guess you are nuch younger and don’t understand seasoned minds and brains and how important they are. A younger brain would definately f–k this 5D chess game up big time.

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

Yeah none of this is going to happen because The Storm is not real, but it will be pretty incredible to watch when Trump eventually does die of old age or health issues, and you guys inevitably convince yourselves that he just faked his death and is going to ‘come back’ at any moment, and wait for it for years, just like the JFK Jr. cult 🙃

Air man

Now, Obama bought millions of rounds of small arms ammo. No one knows what has happened to that ammo. So there could be some resistance.


Twitter stock DOWN 49% last 6 months.


Among democrat voters 26% approve Schumer and Pelosi leadership.


Good times.


TW, your breaking news, dovetails with J. Bill’s post yesterday or today.

J Bill

Trump is removing “bad money” from the criminal pedo stocks. As it drains away, the empty money washing machines are left standing.

Gesara/Nesara is doing exactly what it’s intended to do.
No wonder the pedos heads’ are exploding.

Good times.


And it’s not taking very long.

Plus, We the People are bankrupting woke fascist corporations by spending our money elsewhere.

Very good times.


J Bill

My idea of fun is watching the nyse BTC isheet numbers fall all day… and night. Sipping a cold one, trying to imagine the fascists and commie pedos dying a slow and suffocating death.

Sometimes, just for fun, move my interactive cursor just to make the numbers seem high again …. then drop again… like they were jumping off a cliff.

Good times.

Last edited 2 years ago by J Bill

Cheers to ya!

J Bill

Cheers TW!


Keep spending ele where. Obtain updated lists of DS companies




Gesara can’t start until EBS goes off . Nothing can .


It’s too late –LYING SHILL
It’s already gone into action and started Bond payouts already


That’s what you said several times. EBS first, then everything else would fall in line. No bond payouts.

J Bill

So now you’re making the rules? Are you President now too?

It happens when President DJ Trump says it happens.


J Bill you pretty much nailed it.


just like in the movie “Kingsman: The Secret Service”, love that movie…its prophetic.

Buck fiden

Timothy McVeigh met Michael Fourtier in Kingman.

J Bill

Good movie!


DS Blue chip stocks going into RED

J Bill

Gives people an idea how much “dirty money” was in them. Shocking!

Stinky Perfume

What’s the purpose of demolition of the White House? Can’t be used for a fake president, CGI video fakery? Is it too demon infested? The whole thing about Trump making a comeback isn’t happening yet so suspicious of it getting stopped or it’s a show for now to avoid questions and changes as people lose stable data they go by to make decisions for living on earth.

My viewpoint: I think people need vast data on vampirism, like WH, or hospital, church, castle, post office, museum, tunnel tours, where it all comes from, happens and why earth got all predator/prey and why the alien abduction with the anal probes were stopped as alternate news, as it seems that was all about tormenting people with pain so they could get fresh live blood, but spaceship abduction stories dwindled out as if it’s historical not current.

I gathered they don’t always kill people for some adreno drug rushes in spaceships or hospitals, museums like Getty in Los Angeles, California Castles and whatever fortress looking bldgs, or their endless levels down under.

Karma kickbacks might only work on human DNA for all I can suspect because the horror stories rage on, just hospitals lately. The people looking hybrids and AI tech beings, greys, evil doctors, etc, aren’t suffering karma and seem to carry on and on.

MSM is raging on with the agenda. So Boris stops the covid agenda in his country with no vax or mask anymore, and yet the rest of the world is raging on. Maybe they did get karma over there and HAD to stop it. Or maybe they think death is coming with a war anyway, making corona agenda not so important, but really the world is run by vampirics who are here for blood and organs. Why don’t they go away? I heard they have no place to go, they are too evil and unwanted and when they die, I guess the dark aliens don’t even want their souls, nothing to gain. They remain on as ghosts or demons and can’t be captured because their light is too dim? So, what happens? They get energy only by possessing souls of the living?

Angel Askew

Supposedly, they are living off our blood and making hybrid babies with our human victims dragged down there.

They need us. We are the prize. We carry the light of God within us. We are the chosen ones. All humans.

This homosexual/transgender promotion with drugs is the Satanists plight to brainwash us and break us to speed up the acceptance process to “water” us down to godless transhumanists.
Sad but true.


Oh stop, none of this is true and the White House is not being demolished . Wait and see it won’t happen .


ok…explain to us SMART HEAD…why is 8 ft fence around WH…and now 10 ft cement wall…..

Rob William


Lucky Star

He can’t. He even do not know where is James Comeycal except he said he is retired … what to expect from him and the gank???


Its also funny to note Comeys “book” isn’t in any Bookstores anymore. lol


Paperback or hardback ?

J Bill



Turned out to be a worst seller.


Who is the gank? 🤔


Does it really matter? You could be shown anything explaining why there is fencing and a wall and you would say it is not true. You could be shown video where there is no wall and you would say it is photoshop. You will only believe what you read that fits your narrative.


The “only” narratives being invented comes from you fools in the Deep State.



J Bill

Projected perfectly like only a troll could.


He suffers from nothingeverhappensaphobia. Psych doctors already have new meds for that syndrome.


This interim 10ft cement wall around the WH can eventually contain water. Meanwhile it can hide the mess of the WH DEMOLITION and later help ths area become a wetland nature preserve once again,’ NATURE’S RESET

Wait and see when both flood gates will be opened after demolition completes for a high tide full or new moon…

All other UGLY newer buildings i.e IRS DC that are not part of America should be torn down —making more natural park areas for migrating birds…

Then, create a ‘ NEVER AGAIN NAZISM SATANISM PARK MUSEUM’ from a preserved beautifil building — olding copies of re-discovered & restored missing secret history and mis-deeds…

A few of the DC buildings may be the best examples of Greco-Roman Architecture and must be perserved if possible for their Architectual design; being examples for engineering study for future Tesla Free Energy. Also, to be musems holding copies of restored old Architectual secrets that Tesla back engineered.for FREE ENERGY.

Trump’s EO 2020 says we need to build CLASSICAL STYLE buildings for all GOVT.buildings.

MEANING: Originally, this basic Greco-Roman design completed with high raised rods and spires, usually found above three round design items on top of buildings. This was for FREE ENERGY RECEIVE & SEND & COLLECT. Similar functional use as designs found world wide on top of old Cathredrals & Mosques in India Persia (Iran) i.e that could mean living off the Grid–. free energy going outwards in a circle for it’s community.

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee
Angel Askew

Your attempts are futile, Exile. Come over to the winning team now before it’s too late babe!💃

Buck fiden

He will, once the proof has manifested and is overwhelming. Right now it’s a bunch of fringe people with Connecting Consciousness rackets and other nonsense making shekels while they still can.

Skepticism is healthy. GIVE US MORE PROOF and we will be onboard 100%

Angel Askew

I do appreciate your mind.
Not sure how I feel about this. What do I get if I show you, CIA, exile and all how humanity will come out on top?

Hint: RRN commentors celebratory carnival on your acreage? But all trolls must be baptized in the dunk machine…

Buck fiden

It’s my LITTLE head that needs appreciation, but even then, it’s not “up” for the job.

Every fucking day here at Montaña Vista is a carnival, and we’re the freak show. We are baptised through IVs and we all scream Jesus’ name!

Angel Askew

You’ve got a lot going on, BF.
IV therapy now too??
Don’t be a Dexter.
Use meds temporarily to find inner balance if possible.
Sounds like a locked unit and they confiscated your pecker.
Are you a contortionist? Juggle?
Wear tights and fly on a trapeze?!
No knives for you.
Practice luring snakes out of a jar with your violin.
That would score with ladies.
For sure.
Breathe and smile.
SO much life to live.
Oooh babay!


Buck fiden

Thanks! You made me smile! I’m not a towelhead, and rattlesnakes don’t like music like cobras do. I can’t even get my snake to dance!

El Monte Chink wants to take me to East LA the minute I’m free to leave! I’ll spend two weeks there. June in Phoenix is a blast furnace and is to be avoided. Her husband’s in prison for the next 8 years anyway. hehehe.

Rob William

Let’s make a bet of $1 million that White House is not being demolished.


Any takers?


I am sure RW would not pay when he lost. They are sore losers.


I have heard that is the line they draw, no betting. However I made a lot of money on the election last year.

Buck fiden

The Grick girl I used to bang down the street had a father from the old cuntree. He said in his broken English: “Building is four walls. Tear down. Easy to Replace. Even Parthenon break. Build again. Nothing losed. But it’s People and Education not replaceable.”

Angel Askew

I heard Sofia Loren say that very thing yesterday regarding her stolen jewels. Old interview. Interesting.

Buck fiden

My jewels are just fine. It’s the delivery vehicle that is in question.

Buck fiden

You’re on! But only if we’re betting in post-Gesara fiat debt instrument notes.


I have to wait for the EBS, we all do. Then everything will fall into place. Correct?


You ARe aCGI
You don’t exist


I’ll be damned . Always the last to know


EVIL — very vignorant lying shill

Buck fiden


Last edited 2 years ago by Buck fiden
Buck fiden

I wanna make a Simon-Parkes-style hybrid baby with an alien, too! Problem is that the aliens will see me the same way I see niggers.

Angel Askew

What would you do with an alien, Buck? You don’t even like people who tan well. LOL.

Buck fiden

There are white aliens. Banging them would be akin to getting head from an albino rattlesnake.

Angel Askew

Sounds thrilling!
I guess you were thinking of a sexy shapeshifter X-Men type.
I doubt thats what’s down in those tunnels…be careful what you wish for.

Buck fiden

I’m not an X-man type. I’m an XY-man type.

Rob William

This is so funny! You make completely bogus claims with such conviction but have no regret when they inevitably turn out to be false.

Angel Askew

I have done no such thing. Regret what? That the official announcement of children in the tunnels for decades as Satanists science projects and sacrifice while we realize we have been exploited globally as slaves above ground for generations doesn’t meet the exact timeline stated? LOL STFU Rob.

For the 367th time, we are at war.

Cognitive dissonance hurts huh?
At least your commited, I suppose.

Last edited 2 years ago by Angel Askew

The longer it takes the more children are harmed. Why can’t it be done now to get the children out of danger? Don’t sacrifice them because we aren’t ready or can’t handle the truth.

J Bill

you’re a social worker. do something.


Good point , thank you .


Well I need names , addresses, phone numbers , dates , evidence and witnesses . Who should I call in the white hats that knows all about the children and could make a report ? Phone no ?

J Bill

you had fbi and nyc schools on your speed dial. check it lazy ass.


Who is the head white hat? I will call him. Does he have an office?

Angel Askew


Buck fiden

I’m committed! Party in my room. 24/7. Great security. Caring staff. Great views of the mountains. Rent is free! So is food! Cool uniforms! All the medical care I can dream of — and that the staff can dream of. The nurses put the “practise” in the term “Medical Practise.” I still want to decapitate them.


Thank you. Now it all makes sense.


Lmao where do you get this shit 😂


The rubbles can be used as man made corral reef imho.


One opinion/assessment (via insiders?) is that the blasts were small demolition, intending to only weaken the structure, as a stab at the Deep State who did same prior to 9/11. Begin at 3:00 point:


Buck fiden

Oy, the Brit cat fag again.


Hypothetically then, why do they need human blood that is tainted, or contaminated with heavy metals, and poisons?

question everything

I read an interesting email that I would like to disclose:

Hi everyone,

Since most members make a goodbye email before they leave, I figured I should as well, despite the “special” circumstances around my departure. Anyways, my time here in the RCMP is up. For now. The low T wannabe tyrants in Ottawa have decided that I can no longer serve as a police officer because I refuse to tell them if I have submitted to their “vaccine” edict. I’ve served in the RCMP for 21 years and one of the first things I said to any person I ever arrested was “you don’t have to say anything to me.” Unfortunately, our government has told me that I have to tell them what’s in my body, and if the right drug is not inside me, I have to get it as condition of my continuing employment, human rights be damned. Why did I put vaccine in quotations above you ask? More on that later. Buckle up and tighten the straps on your government mandated shame muzzle, this goodbye email will likely ruffle some feathers.

My journey to this point of our dystopian, medical, apartheid state started like many of yours. Watching the television almost 2 years ago as reports started coming in of some strange virus out of Wuhan. I was a little concerned, but not much. You see, for the last 10 years of my life I had spent a lot of time as an amateur researcher of history and learned to my dismay that the official narrative of most events is usually a little suspect at best. Like weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, or the January 6th “insurrection” in D.C., the examples are sadly numerous.

I’ve also always been a very independent person. Following the herd has never appealed to me. When a belief is put forth to me I always evaluate it for myself and don’t simply accept it’s veracity based on the authority behind it. For example, during the last Federal Government census, I could not help but notice that the gender section had 3 boxes. Male, Female and other, which was a blank box. For real, the Federal Government of Canada allowed you to make up your own gender on the last official census. I found this to be a combination of amusing and insane. Feeling particularly bull headed and cheeky at the time, I naturally chose Minotaur as my gender. Yes, that’s right, on the Canadian government census my gender is that of a mythical giant man with the head of a bull.

So back to my Covid journey. I was skeptical of the pandemic from the start but decided to wait and see what evidence would surface of this dangerous pandemic. So I sat back and quietly observed. At that time, and still at the time I’m writing this, I was the admin NCO on the watch. I was in the unique position of seeing every file that came through PRIME in the 46 hour window I was at work each week. Naturally, this included all sudden death files. Pay attention now, have another sip of your latte if you have to. Since the pandemic began, until now, I was in a position to see every single sudden death file that came through our detachment area. What did I notice in this position? Nothing. No upwards trend whatsoever. Funny enough, I didn’t see people dropping dead in my neighbourhood either.

This was a very stark contrast to what I saw in media. A non-stop chorus on TV, radio, and internet, of case counts, hospitalizations and deaths. At no time in my life had I seen anything like it. A complete disconnect between my observed reality and that which was portrayed by my government and the government subsidized mainstream media. And they were reporting deaths in care homes. Care homes? When did the media ever report deaths in care homes unless it was some sort of instance of gross negligence? It’s called end of life care for a reason. People go to care homes at the end of their life. Death is the natural consequence, and this fact used to be understood as common sense.

When the statistics started showing that the vast majority of anyone dying from Covid, either had one or more co-morbidities, or was older than the average life expectancy, my skepticism of the pandemic narrative only grew. Then in the summer of 2020, I got Covid. For a few days I was really tired and shivered a lot. Then it was over. I survived the “deadly” disease like the vast majority of anyone else who caught it. To be honest, I’ve had worse Flus, and worse hangovers.

At the end of 2020 I became convinced we were all being force fed a giant load of absolute bullshit. Don’t believe me? Look at world population statistics. Here’s a sample. At the end of 2018, the world population was 7,631,091,040 and that year 57,625,149 people died. This showed an overall death rate of .76%. I know some of you are shocked by this, but yes, 57 million people died of all types of causes in 2018. When you reach the end of your life, you die. At the end of 2019, the world population was 7,713,468,100 and 58,394,378 died. Naturally, because we had more people reaching the end of their lives, more people died. The death rate that year was .76%. Now let’s see what 2020 brought us. The year of the pandemic. At the end of 2020, the world population was 7,794,798,739 and 59,230,795 died. The death rate was .76%. Yes. That’s right. In the year of the deadly pandemic the world’s population grew by 81,330,639 people and the death rate did not change by even a hundredth of a percent. The media never once pulled back the lens to show this, they continued to show the narrow focus of case counts and Covid deaths. Even going so far as to change causes of death so that someone who died “with” Covid in their system was counted as someone who died “of” Covid. The Western world shut down over a disease about as deadly as the common flu. And our rights were shut down along with it.
Despite this disease having a non existant effect on the overall death rate of the world’s population the call came out for a mass vaccination. Since I was already skeptical of the pandemic, I was naturally skeptical of the need for a “vaccine”. Oh look, vaccine is in quotations again. Why am I doing that?
Because it’s not a f^#king vaccine!!!

A vaccine is created when a virus from nature is made harmless in a lab and then cultivated there. The vaccine, created from the neutered virus, is then injected into a person. The body then reacts to the vaccine just like it would to the unaltered, dangerous virus. However, because the vaccine is a modified harmless version of the virus, it doesn’t cause disease and the body’s natural immunity is able to “learn” how to cope with the virus. This “learning” is lifelong and is why people develop an immunity to whatever they were inoculated against. People who have been vaccinated against Measles do not get Measles, and the same with mumps etc etc. None of the so called Covid “vaccines” meet this definition. If you were wondering why “vaccinated” people are still getting Covid, and spreading it, this is why. The fact that “vaccinated” people still get Covid and spread it should tell you that this madness will never end as long as you buy into the official narrative.

How these new Covid “vaccines” work is based on a brand new technology never used on a massive scale. Particularly in regards to the 2 “vaccines” most heavily promoted, Moderna and Pfizer. These drugs use artificial Mrna technology. Think of Mrna as the software of our bodies. The operating instructions. Pfizer and Moderna use artificial Mrna based on a computer algorithm. These instructions are encapsulated in something called a nano lipid. A nano lipid is a tiny envelope of fat. There are trillions of these nano lipids in the Pfizer and Moderna shots. Once injected they circulate through your body through your body’s lymphatic system. Upon the nano lipids dissolving, your body receives new instructions for its immune system. These instructions tell your immune system to make spike proteins which resemble the spike proteins of the Covid virus. This is the key distinction you need to be aware of. Your body is being instructed to make the very pathogen that your immune system builds a defense against. This is completely uncharted territory and nothing like this has ever been done on the human population on such a large scale. The drug companies themselves have admitted they don’t know the long term side effects. When a recent FOIA request was sent to the FDA in the US, requesting the safety data they had on the Pfizer vaccine, the FDA asked a judge for 75 years to comply with the request. Nothing sketchy there.

To make matters worse. Every single Western nation has passed legislation shielding these drug companies from civil liability, if their vaccines harm people. While this legislation was passed years ago, it still applies to the Covid “vaccines.” You heard right. If the Moderna Covid “vaccine” harms you, you cannot sue Moderna. Same with every other drug company that makes any vaccine, Covid “vaccine” or not. They all have civil liability immunity for the vaccines they manufacture. Vaccine injury compensation has been paid out in the US under a tax funded program called the vaccine injury compensation fund, not as a remedy through civil lawsuits. Established in 1986, this fund has paid out $4.4 billion in claims. In Canada, we had no such vaccine injury fund until June of 2021. Hand on chin emoji goes here.

Make no mistake here. This is a large scale drug trial and whoever was jabbed is taking part. Having educated myself about these new drugs I was very skeptical when they started promoting them. Additionally, nearly all the drug companies making Covid “vaccines” have a very checkered history in quality control and ethics. J and J has payed 9 billion in settlements throughout it’s lifetime and Pfizer has payed $4.6 billion. Not for their vaccines of course, for their other pharmaceuticals. Moderna was founded in 2010 and their Covid “vaccine” is the first product they have ever put on the market. Information has since come to light that the Moderna “vaccine” was finishing in development in December of 2019, immediately before the pandemic hit. It’s almost like they were anticipating something. Do I dare put my hand on my chin and gaze thoughtfully upwards a second time?

As I was already skeptical about the entire pandemic narrative, I decided a long time ago that I was not going to take any of these “vaccines”. So as I had decided to sit back and watch how the so called pandemic unfolded, I decided to observe the vaccination campaign. One of the first things I noticed is that people like me were completely ignored and never talked about. What do I mean by people by like me? I mean people who had Covid and recovered. Suddenly, natural immunity didn’t exist anymore. Everyone had to get the vaccine regardless of whether they had natural immunity or not. Wait….. what? No one would ever suggest someone who had measles or polio should get vaccinated against those diseases. Why was natural immunity suddenly not talked about anymore? But if you knew where and how to look, it was talked about, and studied. The largest study was in Israel where the researchers concluded that natural immunity conveyed 27 times more protection than vaccination. Not double, not triple, 27 times! Fast Forward to recent times where an attorney in the US submitted a FOIA request, to the CDC, requesting records of any patient, who had a previous Covid infection, who was subsequently re-infected and then transmitted the Covid to another person. The CDC could not produce a single record of this ever happening. Yet for some bizarre reason, neither the government nor the media will ever talk about natural immunity and Covid together.

And now we are able to see much of the results of this mass vaccination campaign. And despite what you’ve been told, it’s not good. Data from the UK is showing that vaccinated adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of the unvaccinated. American VAERS data shows these Covid “vaccines” have caused more deaths than all other vaccines combined in the last 30 years. In Europe, FIFA data has revealed a 500% increase in cardiac events and sudden deaths in soccer players. Very recently, the American Heart Association released a study which demonstrated that Mrna “vaccines” dramatically increase markers related to heart conditions. A recent German study showed that the higher a jurisdictions’ vaccination rate, the higher it’s mortality rate. On November 11th of this year, a Doctor Nagase came forward to report a record 13 still born births, in a 24 hour period, at BC Children’s hospital. They average 1 per month. During a very recent Ontario provincial parliament debate, MP Rick Nicholls confronted the health minister about a sharp rise in still births from vaccinated pregnant women in Ontario. All he got for his efforts was deflection. Despite this new evidence beginning to come light, there has been absolute silence in the media. Instead, they now want to vaccinate our children. Children are at a near zero risk from Covid. Vaccinating children with these experimental drugs, with unknown long term side effects, which are starting to show increasing adverse effects, is absolutely criminal.
Since I refuse to go along with this coerced “vaccination” campaign, I am being forced onto Leave without pay. Despite the fact that approximately 70% of the Federal workforce gets testing as an option, for some inexplicable reason, the RCMP, the CBSA and Federal Corrections have a mandatory vaccination order. I refuse to go along with this. This is nonsensical, illegal and unethical. I will continue to refuse and I have obtained legal representation, along with hundreds of other federal employees. We will get our day in court and we will win. Some may ask where our union stands on the issue. The answer is they didn’t. Our union leadership immediately bent the knee and offered no resistance whatsoever. Despite these setbacks, those who are fighting this know we have the truth on our side. The truth, at the moment, may be mere pebbles rolling down a slope. This will inevitably become an avalanche. So in reality, this isn’t a goodbye email, it’s a “see you in 2022” email.

Before I go, let me say this. Don’t be afraid. The government, and their mouthpieces in the mainstream media, have promoted a nonstop campaign of fear for almost 2 years now. Turn off your television and radios. Do your own research and question everything. Knowledge begins with asking questions. With each new variant they will try and frighten you, despite the fact that never in the history of virology has a virus ever mutated to become more deadly. Selective pressures always favour a more contagious, but less deadly mutation. The new “scariant” is Omicron. They don’t tell you that they skipped Mu and Xi in the Greek alphabet. Why? Because Mu or Xi just don’t sound scary. When you hear some brain dead parrot repeat the talking point “trust the science,” politely ask them to provide a definition of science. They never can because they don’t know. What they are really saying, but are too stupid to realize, is that they are saying “trust authority and don’t ask questions.” This, my friends, is the antithesis of science.

And get some sunshine. The latest German study, you know, actually science, showed an inverse relationship between vitamin d and Covid mortality rates. The study showed, given high enough vitamin d levels, a mortality rate of zero could be achieved. In addition, please don’t let them inject this “vaccine” into your children. Why on earth would you allow an experimental drug to be injected into your children, from pharmaceutical companies that have a history of civil litigation settlements, where these same companies have blanket legal immunity from the vaccines they create, for a disease that your children are completely safe from? It’s insanity. And the latest video where Trudeau explains he is excited to begin vaccinating children, looks completely psychotic and unhinged. Keep these lunatics away from your children. Your children are going to be just fine with their natural immunity.

I don’t know how many people will get to read this. I suspect that once certain ranks are aware of this email it will be pulled from the server. That right there speaks volumes in itself. Silencing the last message of a 21 year veteran who was forced to leave simply because he didn’t tell the government whether he had a drug in his body or not, doesn’t portray a leadership of transparency or good faith. On the contrary, it demonstrates both cowardice and a complete betrayal of any professed principles. Before I go, if any of you believe in courage and freedom. You aren’t alone. In fact, many members feel this way and they have created their own website: Another concerned group of freedom loving Canadians has created Check them out when you have time.

Anyways, I have taken up too much of your time as it is. Always laugh at those who would spread fear, and see you in 2022.

Corporal Richard Mehner, your “vaccine” free Minotaur
P.S. Chief Supt. De La Gogondiere,
I taped a copy of this letter on your office door, Martin Luther style. If you don’t understand the historical reference I invite you to look it up.


Thank you for years of service. It’s a shame how governments are becoming so totalitarian,.even terminating employment of their best, most solid-thinking employees. Perhaps the turning point will come soon, and you will be invited back. Keep the Faith.

Angel Askew

Thank you for this “share” Q.E.
The global death totals alone by year are priceless.
What a testimony!
Bravo, Corporal Mehner the Minotaur.😎


“Trust authority and don’t ask questions.”  That sounds like something one of my coworkers said about trusting W just before the 2003 Iraq invasion during teh War on Terror. “We have to trust President Bush and realize he knows what he’s doing,” or words to that effect. Britney Spears was all onboard with W for the same thing, all because she and the rest of the world wanted bin Laden’s hide for 9/11, who is reported to have died in 2001.
But Osama bin Laden had nothing to do with the Twin Towers being bombed on that awful day, nor was he responsible for the attack on the Pentagon or the crash in Shanksville PA.
It was an inside job perpetrated by Bush 41, Bush 43, Cheney and Rumsfeld to get rich and steal all the money and all the gold and all the wealth of America (like when Hillary got rich with Frank Giustra’s help from selling our Uranium to Syria and Iran and made a pit stop in Russia so the US wouldn’t be fingered for her crimes), throw out all our jobs and businesses to their globalist allies, and improverish and enslave the rest of us and take away our freedoms, according to the New World Order Bush 41 loved so much and wanted to usher in so badly.
I knew there was something fishy with blaming Saddam Hussein for 9/11 because a journalist (can’t remember his name) wrote an article in a European newspaper saying Hussein had nothing to do with 9/11; and because in 12 years, there were no WMDs in Iraq; and even with inspector Hans Blix and the rest of the team looking around, they still found none.
I told her this and she replied, “Well he must have hid them somewhere else where we can’t find them,” and with a smile at that.
Like where did Saddam put them, in the jack-in-the-box? Really.
And as nice and sweet and trusting as she was, she was clueless. I’m no State Department diplomat myself, but I knew there was something that did not make sense.


Try closing your mouth more.

question everything

You seem offended that I still have freedom of speech. As long as I do, I will continue to share the truth, no matter how much it offends. Truth sounds like hate to those who hate truth.


Edbob is a troll

question everything

…and you are a name-caller, and I don’t need your explanation; it is pretty obvious who is who here.


That why yesterday my social media account restricted me for speaking the truth. The Big Tech giants are excreting bricks and they are trying to shut everybody up because they know we are onto them.


Please continue to share the truth, Never give up, We need you, RCMP or not.

Buck fiden

The low T wannabe tyrants”

This guy writes too well to be a cop.

question everything

RCMP are a bit different than the typical US city street cop. They are the federal police force of Canada. He does write well and seems like he has done his homework.


Shill, They get a better education in Canada…

Buck fiden

In two languages!


A study done in April 2020 showed that Ivermectin cures the China virus in 48 hours.

Trump supporters knew there were cures because We were listening to President Trump when he talked about them. We listened to the Frontline Doctors as well.

Big tech, the fake news and the deep state buried the information but once We heard it, we couldn’t unhear it.

We have always washed our hands, covered our cough and sneeze and afforded others their personal space in public. We didn’t need the government to teach Us personal hygiene and common courtesy.

Those that paid attention have been ignoring Fauci for nearly two years, no masks, no jabs, We went outside, We gathered. We are fine.

We are actually better than fine because We learned about our immune systems and haven’t even caught a cold or the flu during this entire scamdemic.

For those who continue to fear the China virus I say to them, I ignored it all and I’m fine, explain that.


Richard’s letter is very appreciated because it is well grounded/sourced and, most importantly dovetails with what we the people know and then some. Join me in praying that he and his fellow mounted police be protected by God’s armor in everything they do henceforth.

Sandy Koufax

Trudeau will replace you with a Chinese soldier who will delight in delivering death blows to the average citizen.


Thank you, sir, not only for your years of service but also for hitting your comments out of the ballpark. Very eloquent and spot on. My husband (now deceased) was a Michigan State Police Sgt. and if he was still alive no doubt would be supporting you and your decision against the vax 100%. God Bless You!


Thank you for your years of service. Don’t give up. nothing is forever, If we remember the terrible years Hitler tried to destroy the world, the tide turned and he as well as our enemies were removed from the scene. You will be back. God bless you for sharing this information. Keep a copy in case of emergency.


U.S. Inc. is a corporation – a privately owned company that has nothing to do with the United States of America. Washington, D.C. is a foreign corporation, and it is not a State. It’s not a part of America and has nothing to do with the 50 states at all. It is where the foreign U.S. Corporation is headquartered with its own laws.

The United States of America – The Republic was founded in 1776,
and the United States the Corporation was formed in 1871.

Ulysses S. Grant was 18th President of the United States in 1871 when the corporation was formed. Funny, his first two initials are U.S.

A U.S. citizen is an employee of the United States Corporation, which is a business. The word “citizen” means “employee” according to the laws of the United States Corporation.


And, DC can no longer be the Capitol in future.

Rob William

Really? It seems that you posts things just for the sake of sensationalism, otherwise it’s impossible for someone of believe so many contradictory conspiracy theories!


Its no conspiracy dipshit, its fact. So get over yourself and your phony jack ass politicians – you’re ALL Traitors, and eventually you’ll be treated as the Traitors you are.

Last edited 2 years ago by goober

Zee you’ve been posting this same “USA Corp has been dissolved” bullshit for like 6+ months by now. If the US Corp was terminated over 6 months ago why has nothing happened or changed? It’s not real.


No one recognizes it .Please stop and address why the EBS has not gone off.


You don’t exist


No One recognizes you
You don’t exist


Many are saying I’m just a figment of your imagination, Wildcat!


Like all you soy boi’s & bitch boi’s, you’ll never see it coming, until idiots like you run or walk smack into traffic, a brick wall or a parked car and have no excuse for it.
And people like us Patriots, we’ll we just laugh at you.


I’ll never see it coming because it’s never coming, goofy goober.


None are so blind, as those who refuse to see.

J Bill

100%. The shill thinks he’s starring in a video game here on RRN.
With a “special skill set” only a nitwit would bring to the table.


very,very likely…

Buck fiden

Do you shave?

Sandy Koufax

It’s being reported that Trump issued a warning through Lindsey Graham to Russian President Vladimir Putin regarding invading Ukraine. If this is true the DOJ could prosecute Trump for negotiating with a foreign power which is a violation of the Logan Act, unless Trump is really the President.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sandy Koufax


The President is Commander in Chief of all the armed forces of the United States—the Air Force as well as the Army and the Navy.



Trump issuing a warning through Lindsey Graham– means he wants us all to know who is really in charge… Biden is finished his fraud. EVERYTHING BEING DONE VERY SOFTLY To keep us safe from civil conflict.

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

No he’s not commander in chief. Conceding is not necessary to change the presidency. You should know that by now. It’s a formality, if it was true no loser would ever concede.


Like Obama – the loser, how about Killary, she’s another loser – in fact she may even be a three time loser soon enough.
Lets go Brandon!!!


Actually he is, you just can’t admit it otherwise you lose your narratives and everything else along with it.
Trump is still You President.
Brandon is a dumb ass yesman zionist pig.


Lol this is some top notch denial & projection.

Buck fiden

Brandon’s not one of them. However, 33% of Brandon’s cabinet are.


You don’t exist,

Rob William

I won the gold medal in my local 10K race because I refused to concede and recognize the results.

Sandy Koufax

Then he will be arrested by the FBI for negotiating with Russia and violating the Logan Act.

Buck fiden

And Zee, you’ve always been the object I shut my eyes and dream of when I masturbate.

Angel Askew

Sounds like DS shenanigans.
Similar to 1/6th.
Would he threaten Putin with
golf clubs as a civilian?
Maybe a note of reassurance to Putin that all is going according to plan and a takeover of Ukraine will not be necessary?
He knows Putin is a big boy that does big boy things.


Trump doesn’t trust Lindsey Graham. I agree ds shenanigans.


graham love ISIS/BANDERISTAS….another no name warmonger…RUSSIA IS PISS OFF … because nato IS ON THEIRS DOORS STEP…

Sandy Koufax

Nevertheless, they would still press charges against Trump.

J Bill

Trump is still President. It doesn’t matter what “people believe”
when over 80% of the voting public wanted Trump according to the real ballots. Voter Fraud being proven already.

They would have to charge Trump in a Military Court, which would go over like a lead balloon. While finding themselves charged with Treason for their efforts.


it is time liberate eastern ukraine from banderistas..VVP will do it only if clown/comedian zelensky start bomb …donets/luhan republics !!!!!! graham is warmonger and he love wars !!!!!!

Angel Askew

Sej, In My Humble Opinion, Biden wants Ukraine for his illegal business. He is angry and taunts Putin.
Putin will give Biden the fireworks he wants. Putin will not abandon Ukraine people. No way. No how.
This is the time DJT/WH must flex muscles in public.
NATO/UN is DS globalists. Putin’s Russia will replace them as worlds military when it is all revealed and dismantled. Not USA.

Buck fiden

Shows you what FUCKED UP times we live in when Putin is the good guy and the WH occupant is the enemy.

Angel Askew

We are all in for a deep transformation of a good kind if all plays out the right way. Based on verifiable truth.

For the kids and for our ancestors.

Buck fiden

It’s either nesara/gesara/gold/Trump back …

or we’re in for the Great Depression version 2.0 with World War version 3.0.


Biden is weak. He doesn’t taunt Putin, and Putin laughs at the weakling. Besides, Biden has already taken $$$$ from both communist China and communist Russia.

Sandy Koufax

Nevertheless, they would still press charges against Trump.

Angel Askew

Without delay, I imagine.


did someone prosecute ‘ HORSE FACE”…..JK


Ick, She’s just an Actor for the Commies. She was selected, not elected. Soon she’ll be a nobody in deeper shit than she’s in right now.

Buck fiden

I hope to read one day here an article of that faggot Lindsey Graham’s execution.


Apparently he was flipped, but we’ll see just how much he flipped. If he’s proven to be a liar, then all bets are off the table and he go’s into Tribunal, if he did flip then we’ll see just how much his worth actually is.

Buck fiden

ALL RINOS are TRAITORS! NEVER TRUST A RINO! They will always give it to up the ass using coarse sand paper for lubricunt.


Its funny you mention this, of course the Deep State would try this, we’ve sorta been waiting for it.
Which brings us back to John Kerry’s involvement in Iran, Nobody could do anything to Kerry because he stayed there in Iran for four years hiding, otherwise he would’ve been held in Tribunal himself. And of course I’m not going to say if or when he ever will.
Anyway, it seems to be ” ok” for them, but Not for thee.