Illegals Given Citizenship to Vote Democrat


A U.S. military investigation into the depth of midterm election fraud found that 160 former illegal immigrants who voted Democrat were given U.S. citizenship only weeks ahead of the election.

Many illegals eventually earn the right to live and work in the country. The United States has a path to legal citizenship. Citizenship and Immigration Services, a division of Homeland Security, stipulates any person seeking to become a U.S. citizen must meet the following conditions: (a) Have been a lawful permanent resident for the past three or five years; (b) Have continuous residence and physical presence in the United States; (c) Be able to read, write, and speak basic English; (d) Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of U.S. history and government; (e) Demonstrate a loyalty to the principles of the U.S. Constitution; and (f) Be willing to take the Oath of Allegiance.

The ones identified by the military, however, met few, if any, of the requirements, and appeared to have received their citizenship under dubious circumstances. At the time, the White Hat partition of the military was already probing unrelated allegations of election fraud.

On November 14, U.S. Army Cyber Command heard a tip claiming that the criminal Biden regime, and specifically DHS/ USCIS had unlawfully granted illegals full U.S. citizenship, and that the newly minted citizens promised to vote Democrat for life in exchange for their new status. Pure, undiluted proof of the crime, the tipster said, was sitting almost in plain sight on INS’ computer servers at the agency’s headquarters in Camp Spring, Maryland.

A day later, Cyber Command effortlessly hacked the USCIS cloud and found a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet holding the names(?) addresses, birthdates, and citizenship status of persons who had submitted citizenship applications on 7 September. What is more concerning is that USCIS approved all applications on October 8, a month in advance of the midterms. Even more alarming, all 160 were named “Jose Lopez,” “Joaquin Lopez,” or “Jesus Lopez,” leading White Hats to conclude that the DHS/USCIS had for reasons unknown altered the identities of or assigned new legal names to 160 individuals.

“The odds that 160 applicants, all on the same day, had identical surnames—well, that’s remarkably small,” said our source at Cyber Command. “And whoever made the spreadsheet also made a big mistake. The entries specified how long they were in the U.S., and not a one, based on what was on the page, had been in the U.S. more than two years. It also gave what looked like valid addresses, something for us to follow up on.”

Cyber Command relayed its findings to White Hats at the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS,) which, though short-staffed due to ongoing investigations on Deep State provocateurs, said it would pursue leads as time and manpower permitted. Within a week, though, NCIS investigators had tracked down 17 of the “Lopezes” and elicited from each a similar confession.

All had applied for fast-track citizenship or amnesty after illegally entering the United States. Some claimed they were victims of political persecution; others said they were looking for a better life and wanted to be Americans so they could work in the country and send money back to their families in Mexico or Guatemala. All said they had been contacted by a USCIS official who promised them a favor in return for a favor—guaranteed U.S. citizenship in return for voting for Democrats in the midterms and a Democrat candidate in the 2024 presidential election. They told NCIS investigators they had fulfilled their part of the agreement, at least as far as the midterms went. Of the 17, 12 lived in Maricopa County, Arizona, and the other five had residence in Pennsylvania.

On 17 November, U.S. Marines under Gen. David H. Berger’s Command apprehended the 17 “Lopezes,” and are now holding them at an unknown location. Our source said a debate had ensued over whether to deport the illegals or hold them to later testify against their Deep State controllers. Ultimately, a decision was made to revoke their U.S. citizenship and remand them into custody.

“We know 17 or 160 votes don’t make or break an election, but this is a tip of an iceberg. We can’t explain why USCIS didn’t better doctor the records—it’s crazy. The Deep State is usually damn meticulous. It’s our belief, and, no, we can’t prove it yet, that it’s much more pervasive. And efforts will be made to not only find the other 143, but the spreadsheets we didn’t find,” our source said.

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In the UK, emergency public health guidance has been issued to hotels for illegals following growing outbreaks of skin infections such as diphtheria, scabies, group A Strep and MRSA, respiratory infections such as flu and Covid-19, and gastrointestinal infections such as norovirus.
So the next time you “fly the friendly skies” know that Biden is exposing Americans to all these communicable diseases on planes, in hotels, on buses, as well as flying the illegals in under cover of darkness at TAXPAYER expense.


Before the Border Patrol ships the illegals to other states, they need to put a tracking anklet on them, or insert a tracking chip under the skin so they can easily be found.


NO MORE IMMIGRATION – either legal or illegal. We’re full up!


There is proof that it was stolen watch the video 2000 mules if you can find it for one part of the steal is there.


With all the assholes on this site it’s no wonder why the military isn’t stepping’s people like this why our world is a fucking shit hole..I sure the fuck wouldn’t put my life on the line for any of you parisites

Mark Heisler

I thought the military was keeping an eye on all this stuff, there’s so much corruption since the 2020 you guys should just close up United States and sweep cabal off the cliff.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mark Heisler

Timing is of the essence. Badlands Media has an interesting article today or yesterday explaining their take on why the military has not taken any visible action re: election fraud of 2020 and the mid terms especially the AZ Governor race. The site claims the military started monitoring elections in the 2018 midterms. Gen. Nakasone is mentioned as spearheading the monitoring. If you wish, go back to CUE posts 2610, 2492, 4960 and 4963 as they dovetail with the Badlands’s article. Enjoy the approximately 5 minute read. Blessings,


Barbara Lerner Spectre will proudly tell you who is behind all of this forced multiculturalism. It is no secret that the antichrist desires to rule from Jerusalem. They have been trying very hard to get American Jews to move back to Israel. American Jews dont want to so they are desperately waging their desperate cold war against America in an attempt to destroy America enough to make Jews want to expatriate to Israel. 2 Esdra 11 says America/Arserath doesnt fall.
Psalm 21:10 Says there wont be one offspring left amongst them.


Sorry, read Rev 17-18 and check which church is the Prostitute Church that controls the beast.


None of this matters if they don’t do something about it.


Progress is progress. Let’s not get discouraged over the size of the original find & pray that God will expose the entire operation to our military. Those of you who are perennially negative – nobody, not even you, can change you. However if your life becomes miserable enough that may eventually convince you that negativity enters into you & captures more of your soul every time you use it.

Evangelina Martinez

This just shows how arragant they are. To them it doesn’t matter how sloppy they are because in their demented mind they won’t get caught and if they do get caught they won’t be held accountable.

Dave Smith

Hi does anyone know how too make the home made detoxification bucket i seen some videos on YouTube on how too due this .. but can’t find them anymore. If do please share on here thank you
Where We Go One We Go All
God bless us all Amen and be the change for the better world and Universe Amen.


yea, get some muriatic acid and acetic acid. pour liberal amounts in our bucket. Then dunk your head in and breathe deeply.

Fuck your amens shill.


This is HUGE news! I see the END of the DemonRat Party!


too bad SUSAN ROSENBERG’s mom did not apply her abortion enthusiasm to her own.


Any truth to the NESARA/GESARA?

J Bill

yep. i got paid. fuck all you dumbasses lmao


you failed in that endeavor lamentably.

John .S

Yep, buzz Wells Fargo and others are working the kinks out of the transition.

Suspect a wham-bam surprise, possibility announcement by EBS, then MSM later runs with it via scripted details, all in unison.

The EBS as weaponized system having multiple purpose. It’s not friendly whatsoever. People grown accustomed to it via Amber alerts and weather warnings.

Myself inform people if hearing multiple [back to back- repetitious] EBS alerts as example: be on the lookout, or weather alerts, meteorological events then showtime is near, head home.

Peanut Gallery hold your response.






ethnic cleansing or stfu america.

stark dichotomy


Go suck Hitler’s dick


lol, but I’m not the one named SUSAN ROSENBERG who was active in the leftist revolutionary (“M19CO”) which, according to a contemporaneous FBI report, “openly advocate[d] the overthrow of the U.S. Government through armed struggle and the use of violence”.


America no longer has any semblance of an identity.


american conservatives lost their identity when the dems called their bluff over and over again.

J Bill

nah americans love passing bad checks. we can still do that but can’t own a firearm if convicted, so there’s that.


Black powder. ping pang pow… Primitive weapon they cannot take that whether you’re a felon or not

J Bill

i love my guns and my ability to vote. keep passing those checks though!


is ‘gun’ a gay j euphemism for dildo? lol



I don’t pass bad checks jack off and I’m not a felon pill hole I’m just spreading useful information so keep your fucking opinions to yourself

J Bill

look at this mf’er lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Suck a bag of dicks


yea, americans love passing bad gas into your twat-chasm.




Until the DS players that are perpetrating these crimes are arrested in public and held to account for these criminal acts, this will all continue to play out in the future! Everyone is just really tired of all this BS!!!
I’m taking a break… Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Nick NavyBlueSmoke Nicholson

It’s terrible to contemplate however it is highly probable that these newly arrived invaders could be more likely to know U.S. History & traditions than any of the publikly skooled demoncrats ! Bet they’ll at least did some studying before entering a nation they have no right to enter in such a evil manner ! Time will come when we remove all of the criminals whom did illegal act as their 1st moment within U.S. Boundaries . We must now ; continue the present work of finding & dealing with appropriately , the traitors within . Our house must be restored to order before going after the invaders. Stay on Course & thank you for all your efforts dear White Hats …….. Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195


All illegals and jews should have a jew tatoo on their foreheads.

John .S

Your mindset is parasitic, actually a contaminant upon mankind in itself, beyond recklessness, crossing boundaries of rational logic as scourge upon this blogosphere.


prolix much?


Lol, fuck off nazi

Last edited 1 year ago by Lloyd

LOL, but I’m not the one who stole billions from a crypto exchange and then ran away in fear!

Rose Mary Abbott

So just kill the Jews when the Bible says the exact opposite. Hitler is dead. Leave him that way.


does not your bible say DAVID KILLED HIS OPPRESSOR?

J Bill

just 44k in this recent “fundraiser” lmaoooooooooooooo clown


lol, but I’m not the one named SUSAN ROSENBERG who was active in the leftist revolutionary (“M19CO”) which, according to a contemporaneous FBI report, “openly advocate[d] the overthrow of the U.S. Government through armed struggle and the use of violence”.

J Bill

44k this year (SLOWLY RAISED) because you lost a bunch of donations)….cry


the 17 jew rabbis who were arrested for selling baby parts in NY. I told them their tongues would be removed if they spoke yiddish. they were happy to comply in english.

J Bill

what’s their @?

John .S

Took a NY minute to write this post.

Election rigging unbridled, full speed ahead. 2020 not resolved, midterm as same, now with nonsensical banta of 2024,

There’s somewhat truth in DJT phrase: “nothing is going to stop what’s coming”.

Bob Dylan: “don’t follow leaders watch your parking meters”.

Consider Van Jones’s phrase: “top down, bottom up, and inside out” which is playing out in real time.

Phrase: “you’ll own nothing, and be happy” is not far-fetched.

Barefaced General Berger in dereliction of duty, clearly and conspicuously in failure to act, beyond misfeasance via *alleged powers invested in him.

Whose side is Berger actually on?, and whose best interest does he serve? Apparently it’s not We the People, neither his troops that are currently getting vax, blatent malfeasance.

Phrase: “Trust the Plan”; whose plan? What plan? Georgia Guidestone Plan?

Berger if having the clout that he allegedly has can pull the plug on so called swamp, though he’s not.

Americans are dumpster diving gathering groceries i.e., out dated cans, stale bread, and bad produce, where many can’t afford othe goods.

No current buzz on petroleum [diesel] reserve crisis, previously chiming gone mute, whereas Fox News Christmas tree lighting circus, and a dog named Gus took priority.

The conservative hoopla, hype [go-team go] apparently as gigantic canard, could say, false hope, unbeknownst to many the fix is in, as America gets sucked down the vortex to oblivion.

Myself starting to believe that “”we”” aka, the middle class are the swamp creatures, whom being drained, which is becoming more apparent.

Lock and Load folks, or prepare to “jump down a manhole, and lite yourself a candle”, when unfriendly forces roll down our streets.

It’s put-up, or shut-up time for alleged white hats, before there’s nothing left of America to salvage.

We the People demand assurances, also some sort of transparency in duty of candor from alleged white hats via public broadcast.

Happy Thanksgiving Folks, hopefully the white hats will give us something to be thankful for, especially those suffering empty chair syndrome of their dearly departed family members arising from pandemic and poisonous vaccine.

God Bless America, whatever is left of it, Amen.


Happy Thanksgiving John! Please take a break from handing out leaflets and harassing your neighbors and local police, and spend time with your family or something. You’ll feel better.


Even Lloyd the Jewkroid knows about Thanksgiving! I thought cali dems hated it

John .S

You couldn’t imagine what I do, could say, for shits and giggles, which makes me feel better.

Leafleting, and what you call: “harassment”, LoL.

I’m going to check on a horse later today with few of the guys.

As you said: “spend time with family or *something”, here’s a something, maybe convince a stable hand to sodomize a different horse for a few hundred bucks, laughter makes anyone “feel better”.

Going to put a folding ladder [step stool] in my vechile, might encounter a horse molester.

Returning a sincere Happy Thanksgiving to you Lloyd.

American Living in Canada

Agreed.. The whole idea of the Military being in control was to keep the streets safe as possible from becoming a chaotic blood bath.

As like a cornered dog… it’s only Human nature to defend ourselves if cornered and hungry.

John .S

Here’s my interpretation of writing on the wall, peering through shades of gray.

The Corporation, aka United States Inc. is bankrupt, that needs a President, aka executor to liquidated assets [estate] to bank of international settlements or to others [China].

Whose more qualified to handle potential liquidation of America, Trump or DeSantis?

Sniff-sniff, Trump announcing 2024 presidential candidacy, tossing hat into ring; go figure.

Who has more assets in real estate, Trump or DeSantis?

Suspect Mandarin will be North America’s second language.

BTW all went quiet on Venezuela, not a peep. What’s happening there? Last heard people slaughtered zoo animals to eat, as Fox News lights it’s Christmas tree, giving people circus, debuting Gus the dog.

Forgot who said: ‘”give the people *bread and circus* and they won’t revolt”.


And wtf are you going to do about it…0 as’s fucking time we the people stand up in arms locked and loaded . Sure the fuck can’t depend on you jack off to do shit .as far as I’m concerned all you fucking white hats need to be held accountable for dereliction of duty for letting this fucking shit continue


Can you speak at all without foul language. No one wants to read that.


Go fuck yourself Glenda

Robert Ford

Hey, Dipshit Troll, leave Glenda alone. Come over here. You can have some of this, but you won’t like it.


Hay Roberta ….you may do the same.and I got your troll swinging


Oh my we’re all worried about foul language and don’t give a fuck whether our country is being destroyed I believe our nation has been neutered and we’re running short on tampons right now


Nothing will happen, keep sending MB that donation money though 👍

Rose Mary Abbott

Why do you hold Michael Baxter responsible for the actions taking place today? He tells us what is happening. He is serving a vital service to humanity at this particular time in history. It is not his fault there is a cabal of evil.

J Bill

donate more. it’s helped so much in the past two years that nothing has changed!




He’s scamming you Rose. He makes this garbage up. Do you really never notice that every single time he promises you that Trump’s return, or the EBS, or whatever is about to happen, he changes the story at the last minute and nothing happens? He said the EBS would happen after the midterms, now he’s saying Trump decided to cancel the EBS so he can just campaign for 2 more years. This will happen over and over and over for as long as you tell yourself that these dumb fake articles are real.


Who gives a fuck about the stupid articles. You actually read them that carefully? It’s satire fool.


I took a disabled friend who has severe health issues and no insurance of any kind to no less than 3 of the free clinics. He was not even allowed to sign up in the lobby! Why? Because he’s white. Large 3’x4′ signs at the entrance of each so-called “free” clinic states “We receive federal funds for every minority we treat.” He was turned away because they would not get reimbursed for him since he is caucasian. But the lobby was filled with minorities including illegals. If you’re caucasian you can work all your life and pay for such healthcare clinics but you are NOT allowed to use the facilities for which you pay! There’s a lawsuit waiting to happen for someone who is an attorney and can address this on behalf of all the caucasian disabled in our country. We ended up going to the Emergency Room to get him treatment and told the doctor what happened. The doctor got mad and phoned the clinic to chew them out, but there is little he could do.

Rose Mary Abbott

My dead white husband used charity clinics because he was disabled in the same accident I was paralyzed in. But he didn’t retain a lawyer for himself, only me. I told him to get one for BOTH of us. He decided to do the man thing to do and ignore his wife’s instructions.


My fellow Texan, I’m sorry about your setback also called success on hold. Our God is bigger than the giants aka tribulation, trials etc.. Let’s lean on him. Have a blessed thanksgiving. Blessings,

J Bill

dead eh?



My dead best friend killed herself. she did not have to go to charity clinics. she was rich.


So little major movement of White Hat militaries…So little visible results…So little counter to massive election fraud…


It’s not real bud


prove it twat

J Bill

pR0vE a nEgAtIv3, lLoyD!!


kinda got to ya huh? lol hahaha

J Bill

when was the last time you could legally vote?


well, after successfully re-entering the US after renouncing citizenship, I voted multiple times in 2022!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



You just admitted to a felony bitch I hope the NSA is all over this shit and they come fucking lock your nasty ass up

J Bill

amen!!!!!! wwg1wegetaids


Since the commiecrats love socialism so much, let’s deport ALL Democrats, including citizens and not just the illegals, to a third world socialist shithole with not so much as a penny in their pocket nor property ownership. After all, they will have nothing to worry about since socialism will take care of them, right?! That’s the malarkey they keep peddling to everyone. And be sure to ship out those celebrities such as Bernie Sanders (who owns 3 houses), Cher, the idiots on The View, and the Jihad Squad who yelled they would leave our country if Pres Trump got elected in 2016. You notice none of them have done so.

carolyn smith

nothing will happen. it is over. we keep hearing the military is going to correct this. over two years now and it just keeps getting worse.

lost all hope


Keep sending Michael Baxter that donation money though!


keep shilling on a little site shitbird

J Bill

cry more mike. watch out for those bad checks though! lmaoooooooooooooooooooo


watch out for the bad gas in your twat-chasm!!!


J Bill

lmao cringe


Oh stop the whining. That was then, this is now. Even the grass and trees have changed. Everything was brutal back then. It’s still brutal on the African savannah. Eat or be eaten.
No one I know ever participated in those acts. Shall we go back even further? How about slavery back 2,000 years during the time of the Greeks and Romans? When does the “reparations” nonsense end?

Jose Ramirez

Bla, Bla, Bla, … and What? Where is the mass arrest and the mass dead ? USA still a shit-hole. $4.5 billions more to Ukraine and the military do nothing. Sorry for USA. once upon a time use to be a great nation, not any more. Very sad.




Bank of America Offers Zero-Down-Payment Mortgages to Minorities (and has been giving home loans to illegal aliens at least since Aug 2005, L.A. Times)


Doesn’t require down payments, mortgage insurance or a minimum credit score!

J Bill

hell no i don’t. i’m spreading soros bucks


Wow, that’s some operation by those “white hats” huh?
“We may or may not have evidence that a few dozen people illegally voted, but we have no proof.”

Glad they’re on the ball! What a clown show.


We have it all, trust the plan guys 🙃🙃🙃


yep, and you have been standing down for 2 fookin years. The plan is working perfectly since the americans are so fucking stupid

Sparky Sr

This is great news. All we now have to do is find out who was working on those days, who inputted the data, and who approved it.
Catching more indians to get the chiefs.
We all know Secretary Mayorkas is a traitor & puppet.
I just wish Gen. Berger would just do a sweep of these traitors LIVE on TV, BUT we also know most have flew the coup to other countries to avoid arrests and work from there.


Everything you mentioned is fake.
Gen Berger is a vaxxx pushing traitor just like the rest of the military and there are no white hats.

Just Me

You have proof? if not just shut your face!


Lol here have some proof that General Berger pushes the vaccine:





There are myriad outlets giving Berger quotes regarding the vaxxxx. It’s easily verifiable. He’s on video praising the vaxxx!
What on earth are you talking about?


Mayorkas is also an illegal alien along with his illegal relatives who invaded our country. Small wonder he supports them.


Illegals voting is a very small percentage of the fraud. The mail-in ballots and electronic voting machines are the main culprits.
Im gonna ask this again. The deep state ripped us off in 2020 and so far they’ve gotten away with it again.
When are the “Whitehats” going to do something about it?


Yes! We were told at this site that the military would monitor the mid-term elections and if fraud was discovered they would finally act.


so you are starting to see the chicanery runs deeply!

J Bill

i’m starting to see that everything you write would be more interesting (and accurate) if it involved steven seagal


hard as nails over SS? lol nazi

question everything

interesting and accurate proof of white hats….


Never, the white hats don’t exist

question everything

sure they do…



You don’t get it. While you were pursuing pussy and $ your country was stolen fair and square.

Debra Rudolph

We look mighty incompetent


fuck this low hanging fruit. get the big fish, and end this fucking movie. enough is enough.


It’s not real buddy, there is no ‘end of the movie’ coming


the only movie is the one in your head. keep watching though.


Good, so that means we can track them and deport them when this shit show ends.


Most voters like this will eventually end up voting conservative because they actually value hard work, family, God, & strong leaders like Trump. They have no respect for Biden deep state crime dictators — those are the countries they are fleeing from!

Just Me

However, in the mean time these illegals are voting for criminal dems, as long as they get a free lunch and bring in their relatives they do not care about our laws and Constitution.


Since the commiecrats love socialism so much, let’s deport ALL Democrats, including citizens and not just the illegals, to a third world socialist shithole with not so much as a penny in their pocket nor property ownership. After all, they will have nothing to worry about since socialism will take care of them, right?! That’s the malarkey they keep peddling to everyone. And be sure to ship out those celebrities such as Bernie Sanders (who owns 3 houses), Cher, the idiots on The View, and the Jihad Squad who yelled they would leave our country if Pres Trump got elected in 2016. You notice none of them have done so.

John .S

Article Photo:
The mere size of ballot dropbox is conserning, wherever it’s placement location.

Box in appearance as large as clothing dropbox [Salvation Army/Good Will].

Question: how many ballot envelopes that dipicted dropbox could hold, give or take, plus or minus twenty thousand?

In movie 2000 Mules dropboxes were smaller in appearance, similar in size of standard blue mailbox seen outside post office.

Last edited 1 year ago by John .S

almost as piquant as Fantasy Island being filmed in NJ!

J Bill


John .S

Yeah, 69 with some 420 action, prefer a 67 being owed two.

Cardiologist said, 69 good, 420 8-ball nose candy bad, mushrooms my go to 420.

Nothing I would love more then a chunk of blonde hashish as my 840, doubling 420.

Party on, Happy Thanksgiving.

Dave Strickland

It’s as obvious as a bra on a man that the Democrats aim to give US citizenship to as many as possible of the 5 million plus illegals so far in the US (and counting), so their voting base can be expanded. I, like so many others, am wondering WHEN the US military are going to organising exposing the fraud (and the election fraud) to the nation and the world. Are we all waiting for Biden to expire or something?

Angel Askew

Anyone running for local office?
School board?
City counsel?
School district Treasurer?
All of these positions hold more weight than you think they do.
Grandpa/Grandma with time?
Show the family how civics works.
Attend and run against these reality bending hypocrites!!

John .S

Correct, local electoral positions hold weight, having force and effect.

Know a library board that’s in process of $80M full gut [unwarranted] renovation, two story elevator building stripdown to skeleton steel. Many perplex how renovation vote actually passed.

Currently library acquired temporary location operating at large strip mall, much parking.

Upcoming library event is hosting a private hospital corporation’s vax mobile that will be dispensing Covid & Flu vax from inside.


Yea, the radical left commissioned some recently terminated obese transgender men to make overtures to teens about gender fluidity.

it’s working swimmingly!

John .S

In actually, RRN leaflets not ready, have to run off a batch.

Working on covert video set-up, and researching wireless microphones. NY one party consent. Public officers LoL.

My leafleting misinterpreted as protesting. PoPo previously tried to fabricated disorderly conduct and loitering, nothing became of it.

Fact this time around going to be a shit-show. No doubt PoPo will make their presence, been setting the stage.

Been in Library utilizing public access computers, printed out leaflets, and leave behind.

Leftist liberal librarians disgruntled, giving me dirty looks when I enter, again, setting the stage.

Have laminated leaflets of shepardized case law at ready for Hospital Corporation, strip mall agents, and Library Board that will collusively seek trespass utilizing PoPo.

Playing case law card is discretionary, have to toe test the water.

No fear of being cuffed & stuffed, not my first rodeo, as inconvenience, be out in an hour or two.

BTW, Esq’s nolonger chasing ambulance, now indulging in civil rights 1983/1985 undertakings, easy cha-ching for Esq, after prosecutor’s nolle persequi.

Political subdivision will make a offer via my intend to sue, attached with hold homeless agreement. Quick hit for Esq.

Could say I’m baiting whereas, police bait in prostitution stings & auto theft, baiting is a two-way street, profitable both ways.

Hoping for egotistical rookie cops, will ply passive aggressive tactics, pushing their buttons.

Again, cha-ching, will put the money on a horse, thoroughbreds are expensive.

Happy Thanksgiving.


The whole ” american” system needs an overhaul from election integrity to WELFARE integrity…to funding our supposed alliance integrity after the Ukraine with bogus money laundering FTX and bitcoin bullshit. Everything we are seeing is a scam…I hope people will wake up. It is on our dime…nothing but nefarious manipulated pilfering and theft on the taxpayers dime. Yet we would be the first to be arrested if we tried not paying our taxes. 👹😡


Well the blue states are headed for trouble as the taxpayers leave – and they are stuck with nothing but welfare sponging illegals and the elites.


We need to change it from welfare to WORKFARE. I have to work to receive money; so should the leeches. If unskilled they could clean houses or simply pick up trash by the side of our roads or on our beaches. And no breeding allowed.

Rob William

I thank Turkey for giving its life so that we can have a feast!


Unwillingly I’m sure. Poor turkey.

klikhir tulagin

Umm . . . they’re all J Lopez because the list is alphabetical. The 160 guys are just one page of the spreadsheet. How many more pages were there?




Everyone needs to watch the newest video by American Intelligence Media about the Babylonian Radhinites. (Khaazarian and Ashkenazi fake Jews) (gog & magog)

Last edited 1 year ago by aimee

No thanks

Rob William

Aren’t Ashkenazi Jews smartest people on earth?


nah, the 4′ tall ccp dykes with dicks inched them out with their penchant for integers!


Barbara Lernor Spectre will proudly tell you who is behind the forced multiculturalism. (Border crises)


Let me guess: it’s the Jews 🙄


how many jewish women are with non-pork black men? How many jewish men are with nonpork brown women? How many jewish communities welcome illegals?

The Jews are the blight of the world.


Who cares

Choctaw 56

Of course this has been happening for YEARS! But no matter how the citizens screamed about it we were ignored!! This is the biggest mess we are going to have to clean up just like everything else. And they just keep pouring in. Even though Governor Abbott is trying to do something the DEMOCRATS WORKING IN THESE AGENCIES IGNORE HIM. So, 2023 is going to be a long year if we even get to it. People think things are going to change soon, but we’ve still got a long way to go.


We could always take turns at the border with our guns on our hips to repel any and all invaders – there are enough of us that each person could put in 4 hours. We have the right to defend our country against an invasion.


Just the first time they have been caught.


What happened to “we caught them all” after the 2020 election 🙃

Just Me

Unfortunately nothing happened to “we caught them all” John Durham dragged his feet for three long years and nothing to show for.


Yeah it’s almost as if Q was completely full of shit all along, huh 😂

Carol B.

WOW, these illegals are treated better than our veterans…….this makes me mad…

Rob William

In MBVerse anything can happen.


Agreed! Even a short dick chink like yourself can post!


That’s why Americans are absolutely livid. This has been going on a long time. I remember visiting a Vietnam vet in New Mexico back in 1992. He and his family were complaining bitterly about a Vietnamese family that had come into our country, been given tons of perks including a house (!), and had just moved into his neighborhood.


Keep piling on all this crap and absolutely is being done about it. Talk is cheap. Do something or your as useless as they are.


That is the reason the DS demons don’t care how many illegals slither across our border. They are pawns in their little plot to destroy American and take over the entire country and everyone in it. We need to stop all of them from coming into this country and send as many as can be found, back across the border. Enough of all this crap. Also, on a different note….Fauci supposedly resigned today and had his last lying speach. Who is this Fauci? Why are all the dead ones still slithering around among us? They are after Hunter Biden…..exactly where is this fake Hunter? Gavin Newsom is still being shown. I hope most of them are just pictures of the dearly departed…..but some like Fauci, have a body and speak. It’s hard waiting for the truth to come out. Lord be with us and protect us and this country from all these demons. Be with President Trump and the White Hats as they carry out these prosecutions. We know we need to have patience and wait.


Fauci’s voice has changed. I can remember a few years ago when I first heard him speak on TV and he could hardly be understood because his voice was so gravelly.


when the artificial larynx installed on the droids begins to fail, the analog voice output flags.


The invaders didn’t doctor their documents better than they did, simply because THEY DIDN’T NEED TO.

Last edited 1 year ago by Windtalker

Correct. Biden and Obama also fly them into our country under cover of darkness using taxpayer dollars. And the diseased illegals are also not required to take the COVID shot, as well as members of Congress and their families.


It’s an invasion. Pure and Simple. An invasion being allowed. WTF? And they don’t just have entry, the invaders have access to resources that normal citizens don’t get like tons of monthly money…I bet they get arms as well. All they have to do is vote for the demoncrats. Boom. Country gone. Same thing here in Canada. The cancer makes its’ way here as well. Does the military see this???? I don’t know. Are the borders protected? No. That much is obvious. Two factions of military here. Which one will win?

Last edited 1 year ago by Windtalker