Mar-a-Lago Spies Sent To White Hat Base in Guam


The two men caught spying on President Donald J. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate have been sent to a newly opened White Hat base in Guam for interrogation, a JAG source told Real Raw News.

As reported last week, Trump’s Delta Force protection spotted a conspicuous black van parked on Ocean Blvd. directly across the road from Mar-a-Lago. The occupants seemed involved in a cloak-and-dagger mission—they had parabolic microphones, drones, video cameras, and other surveillance gear. Delta detained them on “suspicion of espionage.”

The suspects, our source said, are now in custody at Marine Corps Base Camp Blaz, Guam, which officially opened on January 25, 2023, under White Hat control. They have been identified as Eric Scholz, a former FBI special agent who in 2017 resigned from the Bureau following allegations he had planted child pornography on personal computers of Trump supporters, and Ira Hamutal, a former Mossad agent who holds dual United States-Israel citizenship.

At the time of their arrest, they claimed to be “tourists from New Hampshire” taking a road trip through the Sunshine State.

“These are no mere tourists,” our source said. “They’re both former intelligence but not so good at their job. They didn’t ply their craft well by conspicuously parking their van in eyesight of a dozen security cameras—they were idiots. Before getting shipped to Blaz, JAG tried to interrogate them in Florida, but they kept up with we’re just tourist crap, which made no sense. Someone hired these blundering idiots,” our source said.

Asked why JAG flew them to Guam instead of GITMO, he said, “It’s above my paygrade to know for sure, but I can tell you one thing: GITMO’s cells are RSVP. Blaz, as far as I know, is pretty much empty.”

Real Raw News will provide updates as we hear them.

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Rose Mary Abbott

Hooray! Thank you Michael Baxter. We won’t know how to act without so much push back for commenting. Once again thank you.


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. i was greatly surprised at the same time as my neighbour advised me she changed into averaging $100 however I see the way it works now. I experience mass freedom now that I’m my non-public boss. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Awwwww c’mon!


Right, exactly what I thought after reading the above. Go spend some of that 90 bucks an hour, and as Gordon Ramsay says “piss off”


Get TH outta here. This is no place to push your scams!


Yup now you and I won’t be accused of being the same person any more…

Rose Mary Abbott

I’m your biggest fan. You were right about the trolls.


Thank you, Mr. Baxter! This is truly a feather in your cap and I’m so happy that these asshats have been eliminated. Keep up the good work and know we’re behind you 100%

Frances Rose

we still have one, above, posting about his stupendous job


I work hospital laboratory and don’t make that in a day, if I did I sure as hell would be on a spending spree, not trolling sites🙄

Michael R Davis

It’s an AI bot, stole his name. Ignore it.

Michael R Davis

Just ignore that one bot. Probably difficult to remove without harming the real D who is a good guy, has a completely different icon.


Michael, where is the donation link. I’d love to donate again as before for your hard work but Idon’tsee the donate link anymore. I know it takes alot of time and effort to do what you do. I really appreciate your hard work and I think everybody else does also.

Marilyn D

Thank you.


Very nice to provide it for us. Thanks!

Marilyn D

The donation link pops up when you exit the website.


Michael is the above link correct? It says Michael Tuffin ? I’m using a my mobile phone. Please let me know. 🙏

Last edited 1 year ago by Steve
Pastor Kevin

I believe that is the name of the administrator … that is what I assumed when used 🙂


Anything to do with Tim Allen’s character in Last Man Standing? I thought maybe you were drawing parallels to you being the last man standing for the truth in news or something. But, that show came out after your adaptation. 👍


Thank you Michael, I went ahead and sent a donation yesterday… I’ll surely donate more in the future as I appreciate all your hard work. Keep the news coming…



For whatever good it may do, pass on to your source or sources that we (the actual Patriots) really are very tired of waiting. Everyone who can wakeup has already woke up long ago, and if the DS has threats … well, it’s War. It’s time to act, no matter what threats are still out there, and yes, I don’t care if you acting now kills me personally. I doubt if any of your excuses for waiting this long are going to hold up to any full light, so you’re going to have to hide the Truth, and that is the way of corruption.



So, perhaps it’s time for You to fully Wake Up and Act In Mass, just Kill the DS.


oops! Said from a computer


Just move your mouse and it will pop up for you to donate..Just about ever time I move my mouse I get an annoying pop up to donate..


Seriously? You don’t see it every time you leave the site? 🤔


I use my phone and never close the site and it doesn’t show up on my phone. I thank Marilyn D for the link…


Prepare to leave site and the donation page will pop up

Rose Mary Abbott

It seems that someone is coming on here handing out lots of negative votes.

sejmon jason gone ????

Lucky Star

Jason who? 😂😂😂😂


son of Jah, rastarfari, I am the highest I


You mean B o f a the cuck? Yeah, that turd’s been flushed…

David T

“That turd’s been flushed”. I love it!!!

Edgar Andrews

The Turd? AKA Trudeau?

Last edited 1 year ago by Edgar Andrews



Thanks, Michael.

Sharon Janice Manning

You’re doing a fine job. I enjoy you on Truth Social, too. Thanks for everything.


Love what you do! Thank you!!!


Thak you Michael


Thank You Michael Baxter, for clearing the boards and everything else You do!


You’re such a coward and fraud. People laugh at this site.
Congratulations for “eliminating” me, clown.

Last edited 1 year ago by LimeGreenYeti

Adios LimeGreen Fucktard!

David T

It’s a vile little turd, isn’t it? Bravo on flushing yet another turd.


Pretty sure I can collectively say boody-hoo. 😢😂



Go to China.

Duane A. Linn

Reprobate, baby crap color.


Suppose that were true. Then it’s of no interest to you. You’re free to disappear forever from here & find greener pastures. Bye!

Sparky Sr

Cow-a-bunga Dude…. Totally awesome!!
Semper Fi


I don’t think it would hurt to put the donation link at the bottom of each article. It may actually increase donations. Maybe worth a try anyway.

Rose Mary Abbott

That’s where it used to be.

Stinky Perfume

Can I post a link?


As I’m neither a troll or a shill, I wonder why my comments are deleted, Michael. I tried the refresh button to no avail. Just checking.


Hey Michael, I’ve noticed that all my comments from yesterday on this thread were deleted. At least one of them was directed to you. Am I considered a troll on this site? If so why?

Michael R Davis

I see the post to MB about ‘donations at page bottom’, except the W in your name is not capitalized. I think somebody has successfully hacked the website and has the abilty to delete posts of new people, downvote posts in large amounts.


I’ve posted more than one word comments and have tried to join the conversation and my stuff never gets posted. Don’t understand what is happening. There are a bunch of replies below responding to other comments. Or did I miss something?


Again Thanks Michael now I can forget about my list of Shills Bots and Trolls

Rob William

So what was the motivation for creating those lists? To remind yourself about the people who disagree with you and disparage them? You think you run RRN conversations, don’t you?

Rose Mary Abbott

She had every right and reason to complain. Trolls were everywhere and that’s not what comment sections are for.

David T

Bob Billy is a troll turd for the most part.


Well.. Clearly YOU are NOT in charge around here…
YOU will find out SOON enough, And will be joining the OTHERS…….
So you had better BEHAVE.☺



American Living in Canada

I could tolerate most of them, but when the ones made jokes about the Children being tortured and brutally murdered… that crossed my toleration line.

Thanks for getting the site up and running at a great speed.


Great News Michael, hopefully they’ll get something out of these two spooks they caught.

Frances Rose

Hurrrahhh! Thanks Michael.


Mr Baxter, thank you
i was just able to see the new reports as every time it was showing Jerome Adam tribunal not the updated one beside the new articles. I thought there were no update. The articles are not loading according to post date. Had to click on USA to double check and the new articles appeared. Tried again to sign out and re sign in but Jerome Adams tribunal is on top. Just thought to let you know. Thanks again

Michael R Davis

Hit the refresh, helps the website to catch up.




A couple of real weiners! Iol


Mike…you publish article in the The Rumor Mills News- Marine sniper kills Ukraine pedophile …in the Baltimore……on 02/27/23 at 11:55…why not here ????????????????

Last edited 1 year ago by sejmon

On Telegram there is a real raw news. The icon has a guy with blue sunglasses. Is that you, Michael?

orange julius

Those are some lucky tourists. They are getting a free trip to Guam.

above Reproach

treasonous Bastards, they all will get what’s coming to them.


Dummies, they park right across the street from our REAL US President’s home, and actually believed they would remain incognito.


16k Ukrainians DUMPED in Seattle communities due to this corrupt extortion of US Taxpayers to fund Natzi led campaign led by WEF penis dancing freak … we don’t WANT your refugees pouring in from Ukraine.. ANother neocon war to rape and pillage America and dump the refugees in our lamp to feed and clothe while they reproduce us out of existence!!! Scam to destory America from the inside out and repopulate with communist 3rd world ants.


All immagration is human TRAFFICKING. All is has been coordinated through the NWOs baby NATO…all the they” govern-MEN-” pay the fee to be apart of the scam and agree to the amount oc stock/ humans they will accept. Each and every year from the NON PARTICIPATION COUNTRIES. Just go o Immagration website and read it for yourself..The EVIL is pridefilled and boost which is their downfall.

Rene Labre

The EBS,we could handle it.The hypnotized could not right now,we were once hypnotized also. Remember that.It used to be we have to mastigate it so the public can handle it.”we cant tell them.” The EBS is coming.What is real and what is not.EH?

Rene Labre

How will MSM be shut down? There is one for you,the answer,they are an open accessory to crimes including murder,treason,crimes against humanity and blackmail.Many more as well.


I AM SO O. THIS PAGE…WHY WHY WHY?? Why is there not a world wide local effort of people running down this so called enter-tain-men-t local person-ali-ty and STOP them from recording the scripts? Why are the video/ AI folks still able to produce this garbage? Grass root smoke them out. Needs to happen ..make those developing the “re-PORT-ing lies need to be STOPPED.


🇺🇸♥️Gitmo is pretty much empty? That means the big ones are all taken care of? Such great news.♥️🇺🇸


No. The Guam Base.


“Marine Corps Base Camp Blaz is named after Guam local, Brigadier General Vicente T. “Ben” Blaz. Blaz was the first person of an ethnic minority to reach general rank in the USMC…”

As a White Man and a Veteran, I was fully aware of the Affirmative Action policies and enforcement when I was stationed at Ft. Bragg, N.C. As a matter of fact, it was the reason I got out of the Army.

John .S

Suspect, Richard Tillyer spun Crandall’s wheel of fortune. Don’t think that POS had anything substantial to offer, “in sparing his life from his monstrosity”. RIP: Freddie Mercury.


Michael…. how about doing a story about all the Clinton “associates” who end up DEAD. You would think that after all these years….the “Clinton Kill List” would have run its course. Apparently…. not so. It appears that Arkansas law enforcement is still going out of their way….to protect the Clintons. How about the latest “suicide” where the guy ties himself to a tree….and then kills himself with a shotgun blast to the chest. Ruled a SUICIDE….by Arkansas law enforcement. What a joke. Arkansas now has a Republican governor, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, but that may not make much of a difference.

Sharon Janice Manning

I believe that last count of clintonized victims was over 70. Nothing ever happens to them.




MB, Where are the three articles you said yesterday (2/24) you will post today (2/25) as soon as your system is up?

Last edited 1 year ago by 45-GreatestEver.GOD’sBlessingToUSA.

Yesterday, 24 Feb 2023 Friday, RRN was closed for maintenance. It was stated that RRN will re open Saturday (2-25) and that there will be three articles posted. Where are those three articles RRN? I see none.

Michael R Davis

MB is probably writing the articles and touching them up for publication.


Time to break out the waterboard and get these guys to talk. How many people like them are working close by that havent been discovered yet…Delavic must of hired them for 90.00 an hour.


Proof of any of these stories?
Keep donating to this comic book writer with the worst dialogue ever. Seriously, it’s so bad and makes his made up nonsense look even worse.


Just reviewed a 43 year old male’s chest xray. He complained of a vicious cough, dyspnea, mental fatigue and physical listlessness absent fever, achiness, chills, etc.

He had abnormal lung markings appearing chronic and FIBROTIC in nature. PA’s, APNP’s, and DO’s are treating as if pneumonia but the xray reveals NONE. Patients present as if they are afflicted with altitude sickness.

Rene Labre

Through my own painstaking research,voting on location live and then watching the results,for close to two days.President Trump is the legitimate President of our republic. Now the Constitutional Republic of The United States.By a total landslide.No doubt the election was stolen,none to me whatsoever.I went through that personally,I did not say much yet found garbage strewn in front of my pad.I just cleaned it up. You do your research,which is what the winners do,before leaving Washington he both signed the insurrection so act as well as the PEDA. Thus in reality he never resigned power.


Your correct..he never left…he gave the power to the is happening slowly but that smooth transition of power is coming.


Hello Michael

I forgot about Victoria Newland, she is one of the most dangerous black hats and is advising Biden now and was involved is the misinformation regarding the Iraq War. She is a good example of how appointed officials can become powerful beyond measure. Thank you.


Especially with her hot-wiring color revolutions in the Ukraine.

Horn N Hardart

A guy at work recommended this site so I’ve been lurking for the last week or so. There’s a lot of talk here about clones, but I can’t find anything on line that matches what I’m reading here. Can anyone point me to a good, comprehensive source of info? Thanks


It is not something you can google because who owns google…

Michael R Davis

I don’t buy the clone nonsense. The technical issues are staggering.
CGI, doubles, identical silicone masks like Arthur Roberts is wearing for Biden are so much easier, why bother with short-lived clones unless it was a body for demons to inhabit?




And let’s not forget the clone factory in Alaska per one of RRN’s articles where a very youthful-looking Bill Clinton was found riding a motorbike.


And the other clone factory where they found replicas of Biden and Fauci.

Last edited 1 year ago by SeventhScion7

I wonder why they wanted to get caught? If they were part of Moussaud and the FBI, they acted like they had no training!! Maybe they wanted to visit GITMO? They didn’t get to do that!! The White Hats are brilliant men and women. Prayers for DJT and the White Hats!!


Maybe they were given an assignment that they messed up, or that they didn’t want to do. Either situation could cause un-favorable responce from the black hats, which could drive them to a quick escape no matter how stuoid it might look to us.


Good thinking, Glenda.


I don’t know why, but I’m really concern about trouble being planned…I can’t explain it, please be praying…seek the Lord how to 🙏 pray.


It’s certainly possible because trouble is always being planned by the demons. We have to pray all the time. This is a war with satan and his minions.


No kidding. Including the ones who work with the globalist jabster gangsters.



Michael R Davis

How to find the Executive Orders involved in salvaging our nation, our freedom, our future, declared National Emergencies mentioned so often.
Go to the Federal Register dot gov, govinfo dot gov, or search for individual EOs.
A simple task. Search for the underlined words.

Executive Order 13818 Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption
 (Trump declared a National Emergency)

“I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat.”

Executive Order 13848 Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election
 (Trump declared a National Emergency)

Executive Order 13959 Addressing the Threat from Securities Investments That Finance Communist Chinese Military Companies
 (Trump declared a National Emergency)

Executive Order 13912, of March 27, 2020, federalizing 1 million National Guardsmen to active-duty, answering to the Commander-in-Chief, not to individual governors, extending them to 2024, ensuring they receive full active duty pay, including full benefits for their families.

These EOs (9 EOs) declared a National Emergency which Congress refused to investigate, automatically invoking the Insurrection Act, placing the US Military white hats in charge, sworn to defend the Constitution, the people, and the nation, until the war is won, and Commander-in-Chief Trump is ready to return and assume his 2020 elected position.

Once you have successfully researched these EOs, you will find it easy to find others, including the Authorization of Use of Military Force, War on Terrorism signed by Dubya Bush on September 14, 2001 and still in effect.

American Living in Canada

Most people won’t do the checking, I’m hoping that’s why the EBS or similar mass broadcast(s) will kick in. Then the people up to speed can help out and show the newly aware population the past truth and how severely they’ve been duped, especially by the evil doers and how evil they really are.

msm has to pay the fiddler/piper big time..

Michael R Davis

Yes, agree. Their ‘government god’ has almost totally captured their minds, their obedience. It will be very difficult to pry them away. Much too early for EBS tactics. People still fanatically wearing masks, still volunteering their children for clot-shots are hopeless.

mia moriarty

“The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it” doctor mengele….. just so much hogwash being posted about Ohio people don’t seem to believe it was an attack and baby trafficker, comrade peter ,plays the hero



Horn N Hardart

I’m new here. Explain why declaring a national emergency automatically invokes the insurrection act. Doesn’t the Act require the president to declare it publicly, tell people to home and calm down? I don’t remember Trump doing that.


He didn’t just sign EO he signed 56 PEAD’s. That’s a Big Deal and highly confidential. Noone will ever see them. I believe he signed the Insurrection Act the day before he left. Patel patriot explains all that in Devolution. Its definitely interesting. Its what lead me to doing Alot of “Homework” connecting the dots.

Sharon Janice Manning

We’ll all have Master’s Degrees in researching DS, etc., before this is over. I’ll admit I spend quite a lot of time doing a deep dive each day into alternative news. MSM is too controlled and only give us what they are told to give us. I don’t accept that.


Don’t believe all you hear and believe half of you what you see. Blessings, 🙏

Michael R Davis

Yes, several times he declared a National Emergency during his rallies, which the enemy FAKE Newsmedia quickly censored. He declared National Emergencies to Congress which was heavily censored by FAKE News and never made public. There are 9 National Emergencies (7 in Executive Orders, 2 in Proclamations during speeches) declared by President Trump, several of which I presented above. His National Emergency declarations are easily accessable to all Americans, which the FAKE Newsmedia quickly censored also. A careful study of the Insurrection Act will describe how it is self invoking.

  1. refusal of Congress to investigate declared National Emergencies
  2. involvement of foreign powers in stealing our elections

The United States Federal Law Insurrection Act, signed into law on March 3, 1807, by President Thomas Jefferson, first date of invocation April 19,1808 by P Jefferson, providing a “statutory exception” to the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, is self-invoking when a National Emergency is declared in official writing by a lawfully elected President. 

Resident Arthur Roberts signed and extended all 9 National Emergencies, also signed President Trump’s Executive Order 13912, of March 27, 2020, federalizing 1 million National Guardsmen to active-duty, extending them to 2024, ensuring they receive full active duty pay, including full benefits for their families. (an undercover white hat or controlled be WHs?)
(even though the Resident’s signature is a forgery, not worth beans)

What Chris states is correct also. Patel Patriot and Derek Johnson are excellent sources of the facts.


I have not seen a signed EO, never; does anyone have a copy they can share via link?

Michael R Davis

I gave you 4 of them just above, via federalregister dot gov executive orders and govinfo dot gov. Are researching and surfing the web too difficult for you?

Last edited 1 year ago by Michael R Davis
Michael R Davis

federalregister dot gov Executive Orders
Just replace the ‘space dot space’ with a period, choose the first link at the top, on President Trump’s 220 EOs, click 2017, then EO 13818. The words ‘national emergency’ appear 3 times in the official signed document.
“and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat.”


Thank you.

one of the things which CIA has tried out here is to create fake, signed, documents which (if examined using PDF forensic tools) created a false sense of “due diligence”,..I discovered this when a spook claimed to possess the rights to market and resell software controlled by it’s inventor. I took the inventor aside, during due diligence, whereupon he admitted that people were afraid to contact the SJ District Attroney because of corruption and belligerence of the Spook.

Being a honey badger, I went directly to the DA to find out what he’ll do because it seemed unconscionable that the DA was corrupt. The DA did nothing…didn’t even deign to contact FBI. Thus, even if Trump signed the EOs, they are only as effectual as others make them…

i’ll take a look at the links. Thank you.


This site is working great NOW !
And as an added bonus Most of the TROLLS are GONE !

Sandy Koufax

Cut off their vaccinated arms and slip the amputated arms between the sheets of Chris Wray’s bed while he sleeps.

Carol B.

I love reading on RRN. I put lots of thought into my comments. When I go back I do not see my post/comments………..please, can someone explain why this happens. I spend lots of time here and wonder if I should take the time to comment. please help …!!!

Michael R Davis

Looks like a bunch of you new people are being blocked for unknown reasons. I would suggest replying directly to Michael Baxter with your problem so he can check it out and fix it. He is very busy and might not see this post of yours.


Feel he same…not sure you will see this….


JUST IN – Former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried is charged with conspiracy to make unlawful political contributions and defraud the federal elections commission.

JUST IN – FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried and his co-conspirators made more than 300 illegal political donations in the US – New indictment
Follow Insider Paper

Horn N Hardart

This is why children should not be allowed to play with billions of dollars


This made me laugh..and made me think…it was not Real gold backed currency that the characters playing the Biden group received…so its all good.

Rob William

So how’s the day going Putin worshippers?


Awesome just knowing my boy Putin is taking out the trash in bout your self

Michael R Davis

We are applauding Vladimir Putin taking out your masters’ biowarfare labs, child trafficking centers, Adrenochrome production facilities, clone labs, Biden-Democrat laundromats, Nazi terrorists. Need some tissues for your tears?

Last edited 1 year ago by Michael R Davis

Go to -MOON OF ALABAMA- to find out…


I just wanted to say every time I hear one of these tribunals I play the song Court of The crimson King by King crimson look it up it’s a bad ass tune and it fits this scenario perfect


The whole album. Especially 21st Schizoid Man and Epitaph…..


Is that supposed to be a scrambled anagram for labs or slab or something…stock photo looks adobed.
Camp blaz, blase, slab, LABS.
.weird name.

Michael R Davis

Many Chamorro Guamanians have served in the US Military and have been patriotic US citizens. Marine Base Blaz is separate from Naval Base Guam from which secret JAG treason trials have been held for the past 5 years or so.

Marine Corps Base Camp Blaz is named after Guam local, Brigadier General Vicente T. “Ben” Blaz. Blaz was the first person of an ethnic minority to reach general rank in the USMC and the highest ranking Chamorro ever, as well as Guam’s delegate to Congress from 1985 to 1993. The reactivated Marine base officially opened on January 25, 2023, with a ceremony on January 26.

Will there be two JAG bases on Guam? Unknown for now.


More demons from the Obama FBI who though they were being crafty!! I doubt they will be seen or heard from again!!

David Agosta

Great going.


A newly constructed US Marines Base in Guam that the criminal illegitimate biden regime and his hoax and illegitimate secretary of defense has no control of and nothing to do with.

Obviously this USMC Base in Guam was constructed with the knowledge of and approval of President Donald J Trump, our incumbent constitutionally and duly elected President, 23 February, 2023.

Michael R Davis

Yes. Many Chamorro Guamanians have served in the US Military and have been patriotic US citizens. Marine Base Blaz is separate from Naval Base Guam from which secret JAG treason trials have been held for the past 5 years or so.

Marine Corps Base Camp Blaz is named after Guam local, Brigadier General Vicente T. “Ben” Blaz. Blaz was the first person of an ethnic minority to reach general rank in the USMC and the highest ranking Chamorro ever, as well as Guam’s delegate to Congress from 1985 to 1993. The reactivated Marine base officially opened on January 25, 2023, with a ceremony on January 26.

Will there be two JAG bases on Guam? Unknown for now.


These so called tourist (spies) may be clones and not be fully informed or programed. Crazy I know but they should be checked out since the white hats have ways of telling a clone or not.

Marsha Hodgson

Perhaps JAG should have these two so-called ‘blundering intel agents’ THOROUGHLY SCANNED to insure their bodies are not hiding any comm devices…just in case their ‘mission’ WAS—STILL IS—to get caught in order to be in a position to clandestinely infiltrate whatever facility they’d be sent to specifically to transmit back to their handlers otherwise guarded info concerning day to day operations…in this case, maybe this new Camp Blas, itself. Which then begs the question: WHO was responsible for sending them to that particular facility? Tbh, I’m finding this particular set of events more than a little bit fishy.


Good thinking, putting them in a Faraday cage isn’t a bad idea!

David T

That would do the trick for sure. Also would imagine that they get scanned before admission to their new “quarters.”

Julio Antonio Laguna

Eric I remember well, but that lady’s name sounds very familiar, can remember where from, hmm…

Rose Mary Abbott

I have a question. How is it that the White hats and the Black hats in the American Military are both getting paid for by the same people? What is the deal with that? Just stop paying Milley and the rest of the Black Hats.


I don’t think they are blundering idiots. They are testing something out…

American Living in Canada

Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures?


The black hats must be running out of good people are just recruiting really stupid spy’s. So for they sent the French foreign league


That’s why our favorite #17 keeps saying thus; “these people are stupid”. Blessings,

Rose Mary Abbott

That’s what they get for dumbing down the school system.

Terry Gabrich (SF)

Boy these spies are really stupid. With the types of cameras we have today, these spies could have sailed a boat a mile a way from Mar-a-logo to do their spying, and never get caught. How hard would it be to get some fishing gear in the boat as props. What they did was a given, they should have known better. When I was in the military I had a Top Secret/crypto restricted clearance. These clearances I will never lose. I have been followed many times by the DOD because of these clearances, but I knew about it, because they made their presence known. I am probably still being monitored, but I am not involved in any criminal activity, and the DOD knows this.

These spies are very stupid, unless they are a cover for something else that is suppose to happen. Give an alert to Mar-a-logo to watch and be alert for anything else that might happen. These spies are to stupid to not think that they were suppose to be caught because they are a vanguard for something else to happen soon.


I’m in an agreement with you, I thought the same thing when I read the article.


Is your clearance called Rhyolite? I heard of a white hat with that clearance who knew a lot about clandestine operations, Area 51 one of them but somehow disappeared mysteriously. His story appeared approx. four years ago. Blessings,


thank you sir, may I have another ?!

Ronald Nussbeck

I am hopeful GITMO is nearing capacity with reservations for our favorite actor, Author Roberts and his band of traitors. The American public for the most part is holding on by a tread, mentally, physically and financially and has for all purposes collapsed.
God watches the battle from just above with a hopeful eye seeing the suffering hoping it will soon end. The Reptilian, Grays and Demonic Aliens have been removed from the Planet by the Galactic Federation, leaving Earth’s control in the hands of humans to sort out the victor. The people want and need freedom after being enslaved for thousands of years. Father is listening, just as NSA listens to everyone only with an ear beyond our intellectual capacity to understand. He waits for the final act to bring down the evil that controls mankind leaving the survivors to heal their wounds.

Rose Mary Abbott

Where in the Bible did it say that? The Lord gives us everything we need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. God hasn’t given us a spirit of fear but of love, power and a sound mind. He said He is with us ALWAYS. We are not down here by ourselves fending for ourselves alone. God is always with us by the presence of His Holy Spirit. He is alive and here within us.



question everything

Believing in coincidences, trusting your government, and placing your faith in corrupt medical-system operatives….aka doctors, WILL cost you your life!


I think once the people start picketing outside of all these Fake News Media outlets across the country being both Radio & television, it’ll start to draw a lot of suspicion from the radicalized Libtards as to whether or not they have crossed the line of no return, and at that stage then its going to be biblical to say the least.

question everything

That is pretty optimistic of you. My opinion is more along the lines of the “radicalized Libtards” would only be suspicious of those picketing and will never come to any conceptualization of the possibility that they may have erred anywhere in their life choices.

Sharon Janice Manning

Many of the MSM are losing viewers like crazy, including the leftist NPR. If people boycott the MSM they’ll either go away or clean up their act. Remember they’re all owned by six corporations which dictate the day’s news. They all say the same thing.

Billy Bob

NGA is sufficient.

Billy Bob

Spies like us. Decoys on display. Doc, what do we do first? First, we do the first incision.

Gordon McAlvey

These two idiots were just a diversion for something bigger the DS is trying to do


Its quite possible, so never say never and always keep an eye out for trouble.
In other words, Always expect the unexpected.

Gordon McAlvey

Exactly 👍🏻


The LimeGreenYeti should be getting The Axe Today…
Just my Guess.
The Troll is way overdue…😕

Rob William

What happened to OWD? I am a little concerned!



Last edited 1 year ago by sejmon



OWD is very busy… RESTORATION of Motorcycles is his hobby.
We all wish him the best. 😏

Horn N Hardart

I suspect you and MB are the same person. No one spends as much time as you do on this site


yeeeees…looooooooong overdue The LimeGreenYETI and Robin Wiliam..


This is very GOOD NEWS ! I see a vast improvement on the site !
Thanks Michael Baxter. !