Marines Sink FEMA Ship in the Pacific


United States Marine Corps F-35 Lightning II 5th Generation Fighter/Bombers on Wednesday destroyed a FEMA barge off the California coast, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

The late evening strike began when Third Marine Air Wing pilots sortied from Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, California, with orders to sink a FEMA ship in international waters 50 miles west of Long Beach.

“General Smith got a good tip that a FEMA boat that left port in Seattle was heading south in deep water off the Pacific coast by California. It was unusual because FEMA typically keeps its boats on the east coast to exploit people during landfalling hurricanes. Being in the Pacific meant it would have to cross the Panama Canal to reach the eastern seaboard. Before the F-35s, the general sent a chopper to verify the claims,” our source said.

An SH-53 Sea Stallion confirmed the presence of an unflagged feeder ship—medium-size freight ships that collect shipping containers from different ports and transport them to central container terminals where they are loaded to bigger vessels or for further transport into the hub port’s hinterland—in the area the tipster had indicated.

That all FEMA boats are blocky barges better suited for trudging the Mississippi than sailing oceans blue is inaccurate. Our source said FEMA controls at least four vessels over 400′ long that do not fit the technical definition of a barge, and that each can hold hundreds of prisoners. The term “FEMA barge” entered common vernacular decades ago, when FEMA had only modified barges to carry out its reign of terror on the populace, but the nefarious agency eventually expanded its fleet to include large yachts, freight carriers, and a cruise ship, paid for from the proceeds of Black Budget programs and items stolen from homes of storm victims.

The Sea Stallion, our source said, tried identifying the ship through radio calls. The boat did not reply. Spotters on the Sea Stallion then used thermal optics to determine how many people were aboard the unflagged ship. They detected only six, all on or around the bridge.

“The ship had no containers on board,” our source said.

A few minutes later, as the chopper loitered, spotters visually identified a man in a FEMA windbreaker peering back at them through a pair of binoculars.

“That was our confirmation,” the source said.

As the Sea Stallion egressed, Gen. Smith ordered the F-35s to scramble. The fighters flew west over open water, overflying the ship’s latitudinal position by 100 miles, then swung south and east until they turned abeam of the boat.

The men on the ship probably never saw the attacking planes, not at least until it was too late.

Each F-35 had launched AGM-158C LRASM long-range anti-ship missiles at 75 miles. According to an after-action battle damage assessment, the ship’s cracked hull was aflame and doomed to sink.

“The pilots dove for the deck and buzzed the burning FEMA barge. They saw no survivors. We don’t know where it was going, but that makes one less FEMA craft we must worry about. We aim to get them all given a chance,” our source said.

In closing, we asked our source whether the pilots would have strafed survivors.

“That’s not my decision, but if you want my opinion, none of those FEMA bastards deserve mercy,” he said.

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Would have been helpful to know where they were headed for and why. Also, pleased that they have been dealt to. Good Job Done.


It is officially the 2nd American Civil War, we are currently witnessing. The American People vs. the US Deep State Fed. Americans vs. Americans.

Last edited 1 year ago by Joanna
Robert Gregory Boensch

Federal Register Find title 10
Ordering the Selected Reserve and Certain Members of the Individual Ready Reserve of the
Armed Forces to Active Duty
A Presidential Document by the Executive Office of the President on 07/18/2023
Document Details
Information about this document as published in the Federal Register.
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Publication Date:
Executive Office of the President
Document Type:
Presidential Document
Presidential Document Type:
Executive Order
E.O. Citation:
E.O. 14102 of Jul 13, 2023
Document Citation:
88 FR 45807
45807 (1 page)
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Published Document
This document has been published in the Federal Register. Use the PDF linked in the document sidebar
for the official electronic format.
Executive Order 14102 of July 13, 2023
Ordering the Selected Reserve and Certain Members of the Individual Ready Reserve of the
Armed Forces to Active Duty
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of
America, including sections 121 and 12304 of title 10, United States Code, I hereby determine that it is
necessary to augment the active Armed Forces of the United States for the effective conduct of
Operation Atlantic Resolve in and around the United States European Command’s area of
responsibility. In furtherance of this operation, under the stated authority, I hereby authorize the
Secretary of Defense, and the Secretary of Homeland Security with respect to the Coast Guard when it
is not operating as a service in the Navy, under their respective jurisdictions, to order to active duty any
units, and any individual members not assigned to a unit organized to serve as a unit of the Selected
Reserve, or any member in the Individual Ready Reserve
Read all of this Doc plus the rest of them
President Trump Never Left!
Robert G Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch

There can only be One Commander in Chief
and he doesn’t work out of the captured foreign land [DC Capital]
I hereby authorize the
Secretary of Defense, and the Secretary of Homeland Security
“The ones that are still in office that I
President Donald J Trump.
Have put there”


I hope it’s time to go SCORCHED EARTH with these black hat bastards that tortured and killed our good White Hat boys as outlined in a recent article.


That would definitely explain the USN Aircraft activity in that area a week or so ago….

William R Nicholson

If the situation confirms that we have no doubts about the FEMA dept being in the human trafficking business then we must shut down their operations as quickly as possible. I think destroying their possessions & operators in the most efficient way is great & this operation is wonderful news. FEMA down one huge asset & many FEMA operators & assistants now wondering if reporting to duty for FEMA is a wise choice if wanting to live a long life ! Extremely happy to hear of no injuries or losses on this mission ! May God Bless You n Yours …….. Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195

King Kong

think i would have followed that ship see where it goes.

Dennis Morek

Another happy ending.


I’ve been telling folks that FEMA has been stealing from and murdering innocent residents that have to leave their homes in these hurricanes. I had one person tell me that I was going to hell for spreading information like that. People won’t even believe this much. It’s crazy but I’m glad they sunk that ship and those aboard. No telling how many innocent people these FEMA bastards have killed. Time for payback


GOD Bless America.


Thank God it sounds like people are finally on to FEMA. They have been killing and harvesting and looting citizens for the longest time. Dumping whole shipping containers of homeless people into the ocean alive. Particularly from FEMA region 9. I dont understand why our governmen would give SERCO any government contracts to enemies foreign.


I had no idea. Where is this information published?


This is our Civil War #2.

David Yanity

Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link…….

Last edited 1 year ago by David Yanity


David Yanity

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning sixteen thousand US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website…

Last edited 1 year ago by David Yanity

Makes me wonder what they were planning for CA.


I know what they want.

Fema camps legalized.


California is Americas biggest food producer. King Charles the antichrist controls FEMA region 9. I think Prince Harry is going for Squatters rights on FEMA region 9. Greater Israel covets it as well. Israel desires to rule the cyber kingdom. That is what the war in Ukraine is about. The CIA discovered coltan in Donbas Ukraine (Putins side) Coltan is the worlds most highly coveted conflict mineral mined only in Afghanistan, Congo and Brazil. It is an essential element for processing chips manufactured only in Taiwan. That is why Israel intends to use China against America over Taiwan the same way they used America against Iraq Texas did have to chip plants but they were destroyed a few years ago through flooding and freezing through an act of industrial sabatoge by I beiieve to be an act of industrial sabatoge by Zohar Zisapel with the RAD group.


I believe the bankers are going to lure all the blacks to move west of the San Andreas fault line with the promise of reperations, and then the night it is due to hit their accounts they are going to hit the fault with the rod of God or some earth quake tech to cause the land to slide off into the ocean and then I think they will claw all that money back for themselves.
That would be my paranoid guess.


That would fit right in with all the other insanity going on!


There is a lot of talk about god and quotes from the bible.
I heard something that makes better sense of life:
There is a CREATOR (not to be confused with the several gods we hear about on Earth), and that CREATOR is basically some mega AI thing. It is stationary somewhere in the universe, and yet being AI it needs new data (those things tend to live on more and more data).
And it sent bits of itself off into the universe — many, many bits — that should experience life wherever, and return at some point to download all they experienced to the CREATOR.
We are some of those bits of the CREATOR, or spirits if you prefer. Here on Earth running these bodies and playing the game of life to gain more experience. That is why we are so powerful, though you would not believe it the way we carry on. But we are.
Anyway, the Demons are a bunch of bad-arse Entities who grabbed a hold of a large number of Reptilian ETs and made them do their bidding, which was to take over this Gateway area, containing Earth and 12 or so other planets, which they did about 6000yrs ago. Since then they have been running us on Earth like a sheep farm.
It might be a surprise for many, but the Reptilians EAT humans. They prefer children and babies, as they have hardly any toxins in their bodies – unlike the adults who drink the water with fluoride in it, breathe the Chemtrails, and eat all the other toxic food given us.
Thing the Reptilians like about eating kids/babies is not so much the flesh, but the ADRENOCHROME. Kids get really scared of monsters grabbing them, their adrenaline pumps, and Reptilians love all of that.
“THAT CAN’T BE TRUE!” Well, for example: at the southern border of US, you see all the people swarming in, bringing kids with them, which get split off and disappear. Mostly Traffickers bring them, but innocents wanting a better life bring kids bring their own, and lose them.
You might have seen all them children brought up from below the WHITE HOUSE about 1-2yrs ago. Taken away in blacked-out coaches to hospitals. They had been captive in tunnels below the WHITE HOUSE, and Obummer would have his very, very, expensive PIZZA Paedo Parties when in the WHITE HOUSE. OMG, so much to learn, we have.
And it is not just the Reptilians that do all of this. The Elites and top, top movie stars and politicians, and, and – they all LOVE the ADRENOCHROME too. Apparently, the best HIGH you can get, better than cocaine etc. Extracted from terrorised and killed children/babies. Hilliary – omg!
And in a WAR, there are loads of missing people. Like in WW2 Hitler grabbed loads of people into Concentration Camps, separating the men from ladies, and from children. And he gave the children over to the ETs that were helping him, in exchange for their technology. Same as the USA does nowadays, and Russia, and the UK, etc.
Anyways, when the Reptilians took over this Gateway, they decided this planet would be their main source of food, and they cut it off from the CREATOR. They stopped the bits of the CREATOR from returning to the CREATOR when their body died off. Instead, they short-circuited all that, grabbing us on expiry of the body, wiping memories clean, and shooting us back into the maternity wards to go again. And we have been stuck here on this merry-go-around since the last 6000yrs, unable to return to the CREATOR. And meanwhile they have been dumbing us down with toxins in the air, water, and food, not to mention getting many hooked on drugs, gambling, sex trade etc etc. And all these religions were given to us by the Reptilians, to distract us and control us.
When you discover that the Pope is a paedo, with a building that looks like a serpent, with devilish background and a throne that is unbecoming, it might get you questioning all this ‘god said you must do this and that.’ It is all controlling stuff.
(There are also some good beings that have entered this hell-hole to help us. They look like you and me, but they are beings from other star systems, here to help free us up. Some have suffered like us. You hear about the SHEEP and the AWAKE. Well, these good beings are doing all they can to wake the sleepy sheep up, and get them to see what is happening to them, etc. It makes all the difference.)
And the current war goes on, meanwhile, out of the civilian eyes, with the Tunnel War where Reptilians and Greys etc have been killed off below ground (you might have seen lots of flooding, like Washington DC had water oozing up out of their drains. Germany has dead children floating around on one occasion. But the MSM did not tell any of us about that stuff.
Apparently, there has been a SPACE WAR going on around the Gateway, against the Reptilians. Lots of ETs from other places came here as an Alliance to deal with the Reptilians and Demons. And the Reptilians and Demons have been kicked out of this area (or mostly killed). Just this Earth to tidy up, now.
Some say that ALL the Reptilians on Earth are gone, but I suspect that is not completely true. Maybe it is, and those bad actors are we see are indeed actors for the White Hats, playing some odd game on us. Have to see.
So, when you talk of a god, do not mix that up with the CREATOR. And we are bits of that CREATOR, able to do the most power things imaginable – well, we were before all that dumbing down. But, we will again. And the word is, not too long away, either.
Ascension is all about getting us out of this hell-hole. It is a good thing for the most of us. It is the end for all the Elites, the Freemasons, and all the helpers (eg politicians, pharma, nurses, doctors, cops, legals, etc etc) that have been assisting the Reptilians etc to suppress us all. They are in big trouble, not just GTMO.
(sorry this is long)

Surf Nazare

For those that are saved—–2 Corin 5:8 —to be absent from the body and be present with the Lord——when you die in the Lord you go to His presence in your spirit and soul——that is why we look forward to rapture because that is when we also get new bodies !!!! There is no re-incarnation !!!! there is NO scripture to verify that—–that is from the devil—-sorry and I don’t mean to be hurtful but G-ds truth is truth and His word is truth—–you don’t have to believe—–Read Luke 16—-a holding place before Jesus death and resurrection—–both saved and unsaved there—–Look up it is almost over—-which way are you going—-
People make up all kinds of stuff to appease the soul but what does G-d say—-I am not making anything up but just quoting what the bible says—-believe or don’t believe it is your soul and eternity you are playing with—-


I love Bible quotes. It is the only foundation of truth in this ridiculous frusterating time.

Surf Nazare

Amen !! Heb 4:12 For the Word of G-d is living and powerful and sharper then any two edged sword——But am sure you know that —-

Surf Nazare

I do have a question for you—-where do demons come from—-actually where do these Reptilians come from too—-One major reason I quote the bible is that it actually has answers to those questions—–just curious as to your understanding—–actually I enjoyed your presentation but many will get sidetracked with your explanation of life and survival—–


Atlanta got some things right and some things wrong. Both the reptilians and the “star people” are demons. They are the spirits of the air that Romans speak about. They are trying to keep people from believing in Jesus Christ but they are also beholden to the truth of his existence and divine nature.

Surf Nazare

Do not reptilians exist in the flesh so they would not be spirits—Are not demons the spirits of the fallen from the flood both man and beast and other beings—–the angels perverted the seed of all according to scripture—See Gen 6—-But I do appreciate your responding !!1 It is amazing how most have no clue and will be deceived so easily. That sounds arrogant but I don’t intend it that way—–just stating truth and fact. —-Scripture says to (study to show thyself approved) and most don’t even open the book that explains just about everything—–James 2:19 Even the demons believe and tremble !!!!


In the Catholic Bible in the book of Wisdom, I think it is in the first or second chapter it talks about beings that dwell beneath the earth Chuck Missler who used to be my favorite bible teacher, though zionist and I am not. He says demons are the spirits of the nephilim (fallen angel hybrid offspring) that were killed in the flood prowling around seeking habitation


Beautifully written Atlanta, bravo! 👏👏👏
I can attest to many of the things you say here, like the dead children floating down rivers in Germany that were washed out of underground tunnels that police stopped people on the river bank from seeing. Please God (the One and Only) all of this be over soon and, without a doubt, those babies are safe now in the arms of Jesus. You covered a lot. Really well said!


Hosea 5:15 is the reason that God turned away from unbelievers. The rest of us have Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. God says he who hath not the son hath not the father.

Ann Ononomous

Yes, I’ve read that theory too and taken it into consideration, although what would be the reason for Jesus to come to earth then? On the other hand, I’ve also read they’ve taken books out of the bible and/or changed things around in it to fit their agenda. Did Jesus and Mary Magdalene marry and create a Jesus bloodline to compensate for Satan’s demonic seed? 🤔

What about all the people who’ve had a NDE and then come back to tell about it? They all come back saying they’ve met Jesus, their family members, friends, pets, etc. who’ve passed. They say how beautiful it is on the other side. Not one of them say we’re trapped here or we keep reincarnating against our will. I would think if we chose to come back, we could due to free will however, not one person has ever claimed they chose to come back because over there, it was no pain, suffering or sadness – only pure love. They were told it wasn’t their time yet, and they HAD to go back. And when they did come back, most people were extremely depressed because they wanted to stay. 💔 😢

I’ve also heard we come from ET’s and were sent here or chose to come here to help earth and the people ascend to 5D since earth is the only civilization that’s been vibrating so low for thousands of years. Then there’s also the polar shift theory and how the ET’s are helping us with that. Who knows for sure? 🤷 I guess when all this 💩 is done, we will find out the truth. Until then, it’s anyone’s guess.


I live on Catalina and now I know why there were military jets flying low and fast the other day…I knew something was up gut feeling never lies..


Yes, I was very worried about Catalina Island when I read this. but decades ago when My boyfriend and I were there, we rented a little boat and paddled around the island. I was staring down into the very clear water and looking at the bottom when something made me look up. There in front of us was a huge black submarine with some men on it telling us to turn around. I’ll never forget it but be assured, the Island is not alone.


They do satanic rituals on Catalina Island for the summer solstice.


I’m thinking Mayorkas and FEMA head (Criswell) we’re on that ship and military knew it. See the article on July 14 about Criswell. Hence why they would not respond. Any thoughts?


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link…….

Last edited 1 year ago by DaRadiant1



Does everyone have their bottles of lube ready to go for when MB posts the Eric Holder execution story? Personally I cannot wait to jack off at the part where MB writes Holder saying like “If Obama was here,” and then Crandall snaps “Obama isn’t here” for like the 50th time he’s written that exchange


You are so filthy!!




I don’t expect much of a reply from you, but here it goes.

Why do you come here? Seriously. I see nothing but crude,crass, and ignorant comments from you. You are the epitome of what is wrong with the nation. You are a vile human being. I don’t care what you type back to me. I enjoy letting the world see what the creepy, disgusting likes of you are up to. I hope you find some peace in your world…’s not ours.


He cant help himself he is a dybbuk in a jewish golem.


Go jump off of a cliff


Chill man. Your gross.

Keep your thoughts to yourself.


Have some respect for our Admirals and Generals and Michael, who go to great lengths to reach out to all of us here every day with TRUTH.


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning sixteen thousand US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website…

Last edited 1 year ago by DaRadiant1
david simmons

I see a war within our Government. On one side there is Treason on the other side is preservation of our Constitutional Republic. Democracy is Treason and Woodrow Wilson gave it power to ruin our America in 1913, then he apologized. Really? Killing the 16th Amendment needs to be done now. Let’s all use Utah Goldbacks. Freedom would be the only difference to us. Income tax is slavery. Let the House of Satan be eradicated when Jesus comes home. All we need to do is eliminate them from America, one Democrat at a time.

Eve Bright

Right on point David! 👍🏼


America isn’t dead yet, and we will prevail over these wicked. Better, both Q and Mark Taylor have stated clearly, our best days are ahead.

Recommend reading ‘George Washington’s vision.’

Also recommend praying – we should call out to God on this, and for the *white* hat alliance, continually.


Always a pray in my heart and concern and hope.


Awhile back I seen a few states had the Gold backs. I chose to buy Utah’s.. 👍


What are you talking about?


Could I get some, please?


Remember, many republicans are exactly the same as these democrats.
The list is almost endless.


Yea, i don’t know which is worse, Dems or Rinos!


Not even Dems, crazycrats. They make the normal Democrats who do not do these things look bad.


One in the same!


The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.’
I’m not a Constitutional scholar, but isn’t that taxation without representation? Or is it just randomly and willfully pillaging the populace out of sheer avarice?
Didn’t we gain independence from the British to stop paying unfair taxes to the Crown? In fighting the British, we were fighting the Rothschilds who controlled the British Crown. In fighting the French after that, we were also fighting the Rothschilds who were controlling the French crown. And after we fought back, and Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, Garfield McKinley and the Czars of Russia, Alexander I and Nicholas II, fought back the Rothschilds by insisting on independence from their central bank and generating our own currency and their own currency, even the kind back by silver and gold, doesn’t this look like Wilson put that unfair taxation back into place?

George Washington and John Adams would be turning in their graves.

Last edited 1 year ago by Xena

This amendment was added in 1908ish which was after Grant sold our sovereignty and created the USA Corporation, so this is unconstitutional under the USA Republic! Anything after the Organic Act 1871 is unconstitutional under our ORIGINAL Constitution written by our founding fathers!


FEMA Director Deanne Criswell was put on notice July 12 by Military, and 9 days later on July 21, Military destroyed a FEMA sea vessel. THANK YOU U.S. MILITARY … now eradicate FEMA by its people, places, and things. 

Boss Lady

Well done sir, well done. 👏👏👏

John .S

Biden administration seeking to outlaw portable electric generators? Watch video, worthy news source.


Gas Generators.

John .S

Average person gas generators in emphasis of powering whatever e.g, home, food cart, hunting camp, tailgate bbq. etc.

How about gas powered lawn and garden tools, common construction equipment e.g., water pumps & pressure washers, or even child’s Mini-bike or Go-kart?

Myself often write a weekend generator rant, whereas attached video adds credence to acquire a generator while the getting is good.

The common gas generator can be retrofitted with a natural gas or propane conversion kit for plug & play use.


Seems the house of cards is falling faster and faster each day.

Ragnarok is coming.

Last edited 1 year ago by Talion



They get nothing and like it


And they’ll eat bugs and be happy about it, or else they’ll starve before we hang them.


Is there any news on putting Lisa Franchetti to lead the Marines?


Sorry, Navy not the Marines…


@CrossWare — Americans neither want FEMALES leading MALES, nor TRANSVESTITES and TRANSGENDERS leading MALES.



What are you gonna do about it FireDog, are you gonna tell Lisa Franchetti she’s fired?


@Hank — I’ve already done something about the FREAKS that “you” support, and supporters of FREAKS … all are in the same queue.


What have you done, bro?


Mr.Burns meme: Excellent. ‘”folds hands”.


He doesn’t need to! Everything this fake actor has done will be revoked when the Truth comes out!


Right there with you. Michael Savage says it well. It is the big anti-white men
replacement surge. So burnt out on this crap.


They want us white men genocide to death.

Michael R Davis

CNO (Chief of Naval Operations)
Franchetti with the balding forehead looks like another woke male trying to be female.




Another Dylan Mulvaney! Look at the hands! The hands always give it away! Male hands!

Midwest patriot woman

Fema was created by jimmy c. How is peanut man doing anyway? Some are on hospice for years, and he didn’t get an envelope at hw’s funeral. Still with natural causes?


Jimmy C.’s MALE wife opened the envelop; review the video in slow motion.

Izonda Skyz

I bet they have fleets of these. Far more than anyone estimated. Hope not.

Elisa Orozco

Please take the time to read the articles before you post a response. Your stated concern is unfounded, which you would know had you read the article.

Jim Joans

FEMA needs radar on their barges so they will have time to man the life boats. Then it becomes a turkey shoot.

Last edited 1 year ago by Jim Joans

Shark frenzy more like it.


Time to feed the Fish




Correction: The article is on OAN, not GP. Sorry.




Looks like the Pretender-in-Chief nominated a woman as top Navy officer. GP has the article and shows a diversity slogan by her photo. How will this affect the Navy “White Hats” ?

Jonathan Ray Carmona

Probably not much. The White Hats have known for awhile now that they entire Military is divided.


The Army already has a female Secretary of the Army so it’s apparent that they want to replace all the males in charge of the military but are doing it one step at the time. Just to clarify it, the Secretary of the Navy also controls the USMC. So they are feminizing 3 out of the 6 services.


As long as they can do they job I don’t care what the chromosomes say, XX or XY. Just do the damned job.


That’s just what’s wrong with women in the Navy. They can’t handle the rigorous work they are assigned, in fact many of the men are barely able to handle it as well, and they end up frequently injured. I know from personal experience.


Agree.. I know some bad arse women ( biological women).. 👍


MALES are irreplaceable … FEMALES / TRANSVESTITES are mental midgets bound to the incinerator.

Michael R Davis

Lisa Franchetti sure looks like a male going bald.


It won’t, the White Hats are fictional

David T




Last edited 1 year ago by Dragonista

Hey Hank. Reality is on its way to slap ya in the face. So get prepared!



Ultrafart the Brave

Hey Charlene, you White Hat honky tonk girl you!

Reality can com slap my big fat hairy arse!

No, really, PLEASE! And do it HARD baby!


Somebody needs to slap your head with a 2×4


With lots and lots of pine tar.


Too late, him aka Jim already killed people.

So he be dying by reality itself soon.


Lol bro where do you come up with this shit?


Wow yeah I’ve been making fun of this bullshir for being fake for 2+ years but surely that will change and it will all come back to bite me #soon


So, you do know reality is there. Why put yourself in 2+ years of misery = where reality is your friend called liberty. Unless you enjoy being in your own enslavement. Why? I’m looking forward to see what true liberty really means. We were born in enslavement. I wonder if we could recognize true reality, no more fake illusion pretend lies we had lived in.


The Three Biggest Lies in the World:

  1. “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” – Barack Obama
  2. “Read my lips: No new taxes!” – George H.W. Bush
  3. “The White Hats are fictional” – some fucktard leftist troll on RRN calling itself “Hank”…
Ultrafart the Brave


Dude, you’re really scratching for some decent lies.

It’s a big world, and there’s plenty of WAY better lies out there to use.


Ahahaha keep telling yourself that, BallsaQ


PRICELESS !!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


,,, you may win most stupid comment, with a cheap sweat-shop t-shirt.


A real woman or a trannie? I’d bet money it’s a tranny


Most important thing I remember is a Colonel’s wife saying all the top brass are sexual perverts that cornhole each other after hours. Says a lot about the state of affairs in our military forces. This perverted evil has saturated everything. The White hats are prayerfully what they are supposed to be, forces of good on the side of our Creator destroying this evil force which is most likely shape shifting POS




I wish God would just pull the plug on all these demons, and they just fall to the ground dead.


Military servicemembers porking each other’s rear ends is nothing new. It has been said that soldiers in ancient Greece, ancient Rome and even troops under Alexander the Great were engaging in nasty sexual behaviour.
Disgusting. And these men had wives and girlfriends back home waiting for them, too.
In the British Navy many years ago, some — not all — lonely navy men had younger ensigns they used for sexual activity. They would ease open their rectums by making them sit on boxes, or posts, or something with upward-pointing pegs inserted into the rectums, and kept them there until they were ready to have anal sex with them. All because they were far away from home from their ladies, and they missed them sexually.
That’s not right, but that’s what they did because they had no wives or girlfriends on board the ship they could enjoy babymaking sessions with, and they were horny thousands of miles from home. Not even street strumpets were allowed on board, because it was a man’s world. But they needed sexual release and masturbation wasn’t an option for some of them, otherwise they wouldn’t have thought of using the lower-ranking shipmates. So while they were at sea, they used the younger men on board the ship to make up for the lack of sexually available females they were either married to or betrothed to, until they made it made home to their women.
Poor ladies didn’t know what diseases their men might have had upon their return.
This is why homsexual activity on modern navy, army and air force bases were absolutely prohibited. If caught having gay relationships with a fellow servicemember, one was  dishonorably discharged, and a file would follow them into the civilian job market where no respectable employer  would hire them  when accessing their  service record, which was  marked “homosexual acts.” That was game over for these people just trying to get a life and make some money after military service.

This continued until the DADT mandate started under President William Jefferson Clinton, and then that was repealed under President Barack Hussein Obama, who was following the dictates of the LGBTQI+ to homosexualize the military. As if it wasn’t bad enough he was helping to homosexualize marriage and the culture, but he had to debase and degrade and immoralize our men and women in uniform and put our national defenses and national security at risk to other adversarial nations seeking our destruction, LIKE CHINA. That is an absolute sheer disgrace and because Paedodent Joseph Robinette Biden Jnr. is continuing the advocacy of accepting an legalizing sexually deviant behaviour everywhere, it is no surprise that the world hates America.


“That’s not my decision, but if you want my opinion, none of those FEMA bastards deserve mercy,” he said.”


Thank you, Michael. Please continue.




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Last edited 1 year ago by DaRadiant1
Bro. Andrew

Eric Holder must be off this earth by now. Another lost soul, we will not see in Christ’s kingdom. They blew the test and did not follow their hearts and rejected the loving Savior and Lord. PS – FEMA totally $uck$!


He deserves hell.


No one deserves hell. God had it for Satan only not people….


People are written out of the book of life all the time and all the clones were never written out of the book of life and Mary Magdalene’s name will be remembered forever and ever. Those people will who have been written out of the book of life will be thrown into hell first.
Revelations 20:15
And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
Mathew 25:41
Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:  


But God’s desires that all should be saved…He gave people free will. The people chose to send themselves. GOD would not impose on your will. HIS desire we all be saved. Look at John 3:18….in Revelation, lake of fire 🔥 is for satan and demons never meant for people.


BUT…people chose to condemn themselves…

cathy ness



I am so angry at people doing evil. I hate it when people break up families. Eric Holder broke up his own family. Family is sacred, a beautiful, wonderful thing God gives us all.


The ex wife is saying “ho hum …NOT MY CONCERN.”

Last edited 1 year ago by Dragonista

You did say ‘ex wife’ right?



Randal Holden

Nice job!! DOWN WITH FEMA..




Go play in the traffic.


Seek help!

Christopher DeMeules

I don’t get it. So they didn’t engage the ship to capture, investigate, and interrogate for more information? Aren’t they throwing away potential leads? Is it hard to take over a ship with … 6 (six) people on it? I don’t get it.


They were going to load the ship with innocent people and do unspeakable things to them. Ok.



Christopher DeMeules

I get that. I get that they “were going to load the ship with innocent people and do unspeakable things to them.”
There is nothing in my question that suggests that I want that or that I condone that. I thought this was the age of information gathering, especially in the ‘fog of war’.
Now I don’t get why people don’t understand my simple question and why I got -5 marks on a simple question.
It appears that the readers don’t even understand my question. How bizarre.


“They” do not attempt communication, and via communication, a ton of conflicts could be de-escalated, but nope, “they” don’t want that. 2-3 opposing FORCES, that simply refuse to LISTEN to TIAMAT. Very well!!!!! Your choice, not mine. This worlds farce of a “herStory” or “hisStory”, I don’t SEE the TRUE-STORY!!!! Life is not scripted, so why the FUCH are so many reading from a script??? A Q-uestion, from a Questioner. InQuisitionors, walk the surfaces of DEATH WORLDS, and the EMPEROR, doesn’t even want the JOB, because PEOPLE, don’t LISTEN, and blame everything on everyone else, but themselves. Marduk and Enki, Enki do some horrible stuff, to horrible people, that don’t deserve to be RESPECTED. Marduk=my POPS, Enki=me, TIAMAT= “EARTH”, and I’m bigger than You can “grasp”. Each “ATOM” in my inner WORLD, is a WORLD, a UNIVERSE, within a UNIVERSE. God is not “Dead”, and Wi, aren’t reQuired to fake happiness! And, Wi actually fight to Our “death”, GUIDING OR DEFENDING-GOD, Our FLOCK. Wanna fight a REAL DRAGON, named Dagon??? Hmmm??? You may KNOW Him as SMOG, JABBAWAKI, same GUY!! Same RIDER!!!! Riders of the Storm!!!


They obviously need to more closely monitor internet access at whichever asylum you’re housed in


Sometimes some incidents like this are hard to capture.




Too boring. The RRN audience demands death and destruction.

David T





Please feel free to leave and go to a liberal site that is more exciting for you. We don’t care at all if you are bored.

cathy ness


cathy ness



They want to put these FEMA death ships out of commission completely. Leave not one of them floating. If there happens to be 6 FEMA terrorists on board….that’s their misfortune. They just saved a lot of innocent lives by destroying this thing. They don’t want the ships.

American Living in Canada

“Thibodaux Fontaineaux the place is buzzin’
Kinfolk come to see Yvonne by the dozen
Dress in style and go hog wild me oh my oh
Son of a gun we’ll have big fun on the bayou
Settle down far from town get me a pirogue
And I’ll catch all the fish in the bayou”

Hank Wlliams…

American Living in Canada

A pirogue, also known as a piragua or piraga, is a type of small boat that can be found in various regions, including the Gulf of Mexico, Louisiana swamplands, and Guyana.

American Living in Canada

“Kenny Rogers and The First Edition,” “Ruby” was a song about a disabled war veteran whose significant other was headed uptown for some satisfaction that she couldn’t find at home. Rogers didn’t write the song, which had originally hit the country charts in 1967 as sung by a honky-tonker named Johnny Darrell. It was written by another country singer who would go on to become an entertainment legend, Mel Tillis. Contrary to what many believe, the song wasn’t written about the Vietnam war, even though it was recorded during that era and contains the line “It wasn’t me that started that old crazy Asian war.”

“Ruby is a real life narrative about a soldier coming home from World War II in 1947 to Palm Beach County, Florida,” says Tillis, himself a Florida native. “The soldier brought along with him a pretty little English woman he called ‘Ruby,’ his war bride from England, one of the nurses that helped to bring him around to somewhat of a life. He had recurring problems from war wounds and was confined mostly to a wheelchair. He’d get drunk and accuse Ruby of everything under the sun. Having stood as much as she could, Ruby and the soldier eventually divorced, and she moved on.”

As is often the case, Tillis had nothing to do with the hit recording by Rogers and The First Edition. “They were in Los Angeles recording their Something’s Burning album,” he recalls. “The way I heard it, they had 15 minutes left on the clock. (Producer) Jimmy Bowen came out of the control room and handed ‘Ruby’ to Kenny. And you know the rest.” This song is just as relevant today as it’s ever been, as American soldiers continue to return home from foreign countries with debilitating injuries that destroy their relationships. Both Rogers and Tillis still sing the song frequently in their live shows.
All songwriters should be so blessed as to have a song like “Ruby” in their catalogs. Over nearly five decades the song has been covered by numerous singers, including Waylon Jennings, Cake, the Killers, various famous European artists, even Leonard Nimoy. Not all platinum versions, obviously, but one would imagine that Tillis’ ongoing mailbox money has been pretty sweet. In June 2001, Tillis received a Special Citation of Achievement from BMI for 3,000,000 broadcast performances of the song.

While the song is most closely identified with Rogers, and helped bring him into the mega-stardom he eventually achieved, fans of Tillis regard it as perhaps the finest, and probably most enduring, song of the hundreds he’s written that have been recorded. And in this day of writing by committee, “Ruby” stands up as an excellent example of what can happen when a lone craftsman gets an idea and works it and polishes it by himself until he knows it can’t get any better.

Just putting it out there…
Was Kenny on the good guys side?

Nukken Futz

What the hell has the “Ruby” ditty, have to do with a Fema barge sinking? Were the 6 man crew singing Ruby on their banjos while being shotup and sinking; a similar tribute of the Titanic’s orchestra playing while the ship was sinking…maybe…

American Living in Canada

Just trying to ride out the storm…


][‘m Living in the Spirit now.


Very enjoyable!


Very very few can redo a classic with Justice.


Bravo marines!! No mercy for evildoers.


Bon Voyage Fema bastards. Excellent work. Please step it up to get them all JAG.


FEMA sucks. Working hand in hand with the weather manipulators. Im not complaining because I know that GOD allowed me to survive this storm that took everything I had. It’s only material things, turn the page. FEMA gave people in NJ peanuts compared to the other mess that happened during the NAZIbush era down in Louisiana way. They said we live in a more prominent area with much more income. BS! These bastards are the precursor for a UN army on US soil. They are the enemy of man kind, blow them out of the water. The Russians are much better than these evil bastards. Now with this BS, turn the page, turn off the power and Q it up to a new world!!!!!! I’m more than ready for the book of Q to be opened.


Me too!

Beth Appling

Good. Thanks for the report. Another enemy FEMA ship gone. One by one…

cathy ness



Did you read the article?


Reading does not equal comprehension.

Timothy Levin DC



Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link……..

Last edited 1 year ago by DaRadiant1

hey MB when are the white hats going too go after the people that make a difference in Trumps efforts. Tiered of dead people walking. Nothing is being done.


Good question!


They put children in those containers…. Every container should be searched…..I know this one was empty but in the future


They said they check for bodies. Heat sensors. So I’m sure they know who’s on it.




Wast a hanging scheduled today??


Yes, He have article tomorrow.

Last edited 1 year ago by Talion


Jan D Hunsinger

I think Eric or someone was to hang today.

Bro. Andrew

Yep, I feel he is now gone of this earth.


He deserves hell.




Michael said he would have the story tomorrow. He did say the execution went off. I can’t wait to hear the rest of the story!!





P Perriee

Oh hell yeah that best it was supposed to swing at 10:00 this morning whatever time it is over there