JAG Convicts NIH Director Monica Bertagnolli of Treason


The US Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps and Office of Military Commissions convicted NIH Director Monica Bertagnolli of treason Wednesday afternoon after the sciolist valorized the Biden regime’s earlier mandatory vaccination and social distancing programs and said medical martial law would soon become a reality, irrespective of which party dominates the political landscape.

As reported, JAG investigators arrested Bertagnolli in August following a lengthy investigation that showed she had asked WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus to declare monkeypox and the FLiRT and LB.1 coronavirus strains an international health emergency so that “President Harris” would have a workable excuse to suppress in-person voting in the 2024 presidential election. Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall felt JAG had ample probable cause to detain her for a military tribunal.

Unlike most Deep Staters, Bertagnolli hadn’t invoked a right to remain silent and seemed more than happy to incriminate herself with each spoken word. In an opening statement, she touted the “benefits” of medical martial law, saying that President Biden’s COVID-19 precautions hadn’t been strict enough, and that an authoritative leader, such as Kamala Harris, wouldn’t succumb to political pressure calling for ending mandates. She claimed, contrary to all evidence, that COVID-19 was again surging through the population and would claim millions of lives unless the federal government either mandated mail-in voting or indefinitely suspended the 2024 presidential election.

She further claimed that monkeypox had “jumped” from homosexuals to heterosexuals and was spreading like wildfire in third-world countries, and would soon decimate the United States.

“I will show you the proof!” Bertagnolli excitedly told the three officers JAG had picked to hear the case.

Admiral Crandall countered: “Proof, detainee Bertagnolli, you invented, and that isn’t supported by facts in this world or any other.”

He played audio of a conversation between Bertagnolli and Ghebreyesus, timestamped August 13, 2024.

“Dr.  Ghebreyesus, on behalf of President Harris, we appreciate your making monkey pox an emergent epidemic to heterosexuals, homosexuals, and the LGBTQ+ populations. As you know, we’re anticipating a Harris victory in November, and minimizing in-person turnout is crucial to that goal, since Republicans prefer to vote in-person and oppose mail-in votes. What’s more important is we have two public health scares—we can’t be certain if only one will work again, and that’s why we’d like you to issue a statement in October saying COVID-19 has further mutated into a highly transmissible, extremely virulent strain. If you do, the CDC and NIH can parrot your assessment and use it to recommend reimplementing masks, vaccines, and social distancing,” Bertagnolli told Ghebreyesus.

“Yes, I understand, and we do not want to see Donald Trump back as president, but I cannot make this decision alone. I must convince the Executive Board. We all hate Donald Trump, so this should be a simple matter,” Ghebreyesus replied, adding that he’d get back in touch with Bertagnolli in a month.

“A month? I can’t wait that long,” Bertagnolli protested.

‘This is the best I can do. Members of the Executive Board are on recess. I will do what I can as soon as I can,” Ghebreyesus said.

The admiral faced Bertagnolli. “I guess we got you before he had a chance to return that call.”

Bertagnolli was shaking her head. “I protect lives; you endanger them.”

“By fabricating lies?” the admiral asked.

“Can’t you see these are true crises? I was asking for a nudge to get the ball rolling, to protect people from disastrous viruses.”

“Protect people? Which people? Kamala Harris?” said the admiral.

“If it means stopping Trump, yes. No one wants him back. He’s responsible for COVID-19 fatalities, and it was only President Biden who fixed Trump’s failures,” she said. “If he wins, millions more will die.”

“Detainee Bertagnolli, the only pandemic I’m aware of is Deep State delusion,” the admiral said. “The concept of right versus wrong is foreign to all of you. Since you’re disposed to talking, let me ask you this, do you honestly believe that COVID-19 and monkeypox are existential threats to humanity?” the admiral asked.

“You don’t have to be the National Institutes of Health director to see that,” she answered. “But you know what? They pale in comparison to the threat Trump represents.”

“I almost believe you believe it,” the admiral said incredulously. “When you reached out to the WHO, was it your idea, or did the administration tell you to?” Adm. Crandall asked.

“It was all me,” Bertagnolli said. “And you know what else? Even if viruses aren’t a threat today, they could be tomorrow, or the next day, or the week after that. Do you see what I’m saying?”

“I do, detainee Bertagnolli. Why did you contact Ghebreyesus without first asking your superiors?” said Adm. Crandall.

“Because I want to save lives, now, and when I’m a member of President Harris’ Cabinet,” she said.

“And there we have it—driven by greed and personal advancement, under the guise of acting righteously. I see no reason to prolong this.”

The admiral asked the panel to return a guilty verdict, which it did, finding Bertagnolli guilty of treason and seditious conspiracy.

“This commission recommends the defendant be put to death for her crimes,” the lead officer on the panel said.

“Wait. I told you what you wanted to know. And you’re going to kill me?” Bertagnolli shouted.

“Maybe confession cleared your conscience, but it won’t save your life,” Adm. Crandall said.

He scheduled her execution for September 25.

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Could or has confession cleared your conscience?

2Ti 2:25 In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;
God must give a person repentance.
NDE are becoming a science.
1.>Howard Pittman said only 2.5% of people that were dying are being saved. That was in 1979 (youtu.be/tKVg5s6IGzM @6:30).
2.>Another person said, only 2% are being saved. And
3.>George Bay, a “Russian atheist went to hell 4 times then found Jesus” (youtu.be/sHtuBrXAZs0 @23:30) He said: “97% of all people end up in Hell”…“92% of religious people end up in Hell”.
With some people, church is a cultural tradition or a way to suppress guilt feelings with religious feelings. Faith is a work see 1 Thess 1:3. We are not saved by our works but by His work of faith He demonstrated on the cross.
I think the churches are pushing “your faith in Jesus will save you”.
Because they do not know the faith of Christ, that He must give a person, they can only trust in their own faith and so they deny His faith.
Rev 2:13 I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan’s seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith…
Gal 2:16 Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.
Compare your version with those verses to see how they change His word to fit their own understanding.
Rom 3:3 For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect? 
When God applies His faith to the heart of a person it is effective to cause them to believe and not make believe.
Noah heard God and then he moved with fear.
The churches have a do-it-yourself system and they do not wait on God for salvation.
Lam 3:25 The LORD is good unto them that wait for Him, to the soul that seeketh Him. 
Lam 3:26 It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the LORD. 

Heather Duncan

haha, didn’t she know she would likley have a rope around her neck? i guess not


These people like her have told so many lies against President Trump. No wonder those dems around us are so against him. Hoping the military EBS is soon.

Karen B

Sometimes I feel like these global greedy narcissists aren’t real and that we are in a really bad Fellini movie. Because who can be so unable to use logic or reason and to never let up?? These cats are crazy. Just bone in crazy. It’s like we have had mentally ill people running our country from… I don’t know how far back. It is enough to want to challenge my brain back to normal again when I get done reading what these people say: whether at their arrest time, tribunal, or before execution. Geez! And these are the ones that we handed over power to?!? No wonder we have a failing nation!
This woman’s eye’s are as black as coal; if it even Is a woman: look at the girth of that neck.
Sometimes, I’m waiting for one of them; Any one of them, to say,
“Ha-Ha!!! I was just kidding you all!” And laugh hysterically, and the joke be on us, then we go back to reason and logic and truthful communications. I don’t know of any other nation having their country made up of two different species of humans, acting and speaking totally different realities and forcing them into one timeline.
It is like living with a bipolar person when they are cycling and not on their meds: they make YOU feel like YOU’RE the insane one.! Good gosh, I can’t imagine being the Good Admiral Crandall and having to deal with these freaks: bc for me, that is what they look like to me at this point of our journey. Admiral Crandall, I look up to you, sir, for your place of utmost importance to millions of people; at such a time as this, and you carry it out with such dignified strength, sir. (not to mention: thrilling us with snappy comebacks at times.😆) Thank you for your excellent service each and every day. GOD ALMIGHTY must surely smile down on you.😍🤗👏👏👏🗡🛡🛐
Thank you, Michael B, for firing off one before the weekend: you have a blessed and peaceful one.🕊💟

Last edited 26 minutes ago by Karen B

Bye bye Monica. Good riddance.


There are few more deserving.


Google is now paying $300 to $500 per hour for doing work online work from home. Last paycheck of me said that $20537 from this easy and simple job. Its amazing and earns are awesome. No boss, full time freedom and earnings are in front of you. This job is just awesome. Every person can makes income online with google easily….
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Last edited 49 minutes ago by Barney

i hope kamala wins. for what to the citzens ofeurope and whites.

this anti european/will backfire badly.

thank you fot destroying european languages abn english.

enjoy mandarin world.

make sure speak perfect


Kamala is a clone, no one are real.


Lol, Hope is all that you can have with this witch!


Omg it’s a troll 😂😂


There is a recent saying that fits this woman’s mentality :
“Play stupid games,win stupid prizes!”


America in Jeopardy game:
Go to Kamalaquiz.com
Both good to help fight democrats.

Last edited 1 hour ago by Strike17
Proudly Unaffiliated

Stupidity is not a defense in a military tribunal.

Karen B

😂😂😂😂no it is not or we’d be in worse trouble!🤗( that was a good one💓)


now your banning english language, taking our games, pets. what else this is revenge.

enough destroying europe stop forcing communism

leave our famalies alone

Proudly Unaffiliated

Diddy or didn’t he? That is the question.


Israel strike eliminates Hezbollah. Commanders in Beirut.

Netanyahu to. Macron: Instead of pressuring Israel, it’s time to press Hezbollah.

DeSantis says Feds being uncooperative into second assassination attempt on Trump.

Secret service chief dodges question on why agents failed to check the golf club perimeter where Ryan Routh hid.

WTH? Jill Biden takes over Joe Biden’s cabinet meeting, sits at the head of the table.

FBI blocks Florida’s investigation into Trump assassination attempt.

Gold is up $2622.17 an ounce.

P. E. Hunter

Thank you to all White Hats! So this is what  Bertagnolli and Ghebreyesus were planning. There is nothing at all to hate Trump about. These people have gone insane. Trump IS the Peace President, as he stated. He negotiates, not propitiates, with foreign Leaders and he wants to Make America Great Again! What else do we Americans want other than Peace and MAGA? Nothing seems more important. Also in doing so, we set a very good example for the rest of the world. Bertagnolli thinks they should harm our president and all his supporters and that’s how a government “of the people, by the people, for the people” should work? Wow, Bertagnolli pretends she knows it all, but knows nothing but money and power – and shame.

Karen B

Oh yes, P.E.!👍 She is Exactly! how Michael Baxter described her:
“Sciolist”- definition- noun: An amateur who engages in an activity
without serious intentions and who pretends to have knowledge.

😂😂🤣 and she was head of NIH- one of the largest biomedical research agencies; The primary Federal agency for conducting and supporting medical research…..

doesn’t that just about slay you?!

Shirley Anne

This Bertagnolli has chronic fantasy world personality. She lives in a world of make believe; a world of her own demented self-deception. There are many like her. Most deepstaters suffer from this. It is Satan’s deception disease and it works well for the devil. So another one falls for it and ends up in that place no one wants to go – and Satan will greet her at the iron gates, then laugh at her and call her a fool!


Another POS swinging in the breeze of JUSTICE!!!


I Really feel sorry for just stupid people that believes that they are climbing the corporate latter for themselves, and no one will stand in their way to get what they believe will make themselves a better person, this is all someone else fault hiring just real dumbasses, they are the ones that need psychological help, thinking that they are the answer to everybody else problems, question. where do they get their education and do, they really have a degree? only in stupidity maybe. If this is Obumer best, then he really is a loser.


Was she hoping to convince Admiral Crandal so that he would go over to the enemy side? Really? LOL LOL

P. E. Hunter

NEVER will Crandal do that!! LOL! He’s as steely and centered on his purpose as Trump is. Neither will ever surrender and they’ll never give up. It’s great to have leaders like them, really great.


I second that!

Karen B

boy, you said it, P.E.!!!😍👍
GOD bless them and for them answering the Call.💫✨


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M­­­­­­o­­­­­­r­­­­­­e­ D­­­­­­e­­­­­­t­­­­­­a­­­­­­i­­­­­­l­­­­­­s For Us→→→→ Www.Payathome9.Com

Last edited 2 hours ago by Barney

Hey “barney” where did you “learn” that English? LOL


As NIH Director, not seeing MD, Ph D, MSc or other credentials that would be rooted in hard science related fields such as medicine, biomedical research, public or other health care fields. Apparently another deep state useful tool that was given power over peoples lives, now facing due justice for crimes against humanity. Maybe had a weekend seminar in public health and following the science all the way to the bank. Uncle Ted is just a glorified terrorist and a clear and present danger to the planet.

Sue Rodrigues

Thanks againMichael. They are so full of themselves and righteous indignation that they think they are doing good. NOT !!! If President Trump was as powerful as they seem to think, don’t you think that he would have wiped them off the face of this earth by now ?!!!!
They know their days are numbered. To God be the Glory 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻


You’re going to freak on election day.


Minions are next.

Barbara Ann

can you just imagine imagine Monica Bertagnolli doing the bid of Kamaltoe Harris Administration. What a hot mess……thank you,Michael Baxter for this update.
TRUMP 2024🇺🇸♥️🤍💙

Karen B

that Is a frightening thought. 😱



Oh, goodie, another child of Satan’s cast into Hell to die daily for eternity! Yee-haw.

I sure wish Military would invite all Americans to participate in MASS ERADICATION of SATAN’s CHILDREN!

By the way, BERTAGNOLLI might be an allias, but the gender is definitely MALE. Examine HIS neck for the botched surgery to remove HIS Adam’s apple … a very nasty cut/scar by a worthless resident doctor!

GOOD RIDDANCE of your worthless life BERT-BIRDIE. Too bad Americans cannot hand feed you to the carnivores and leave you in the fields as animal DUNG, just as Father God Jesus commanded in numerous books of the Holy Bible … THAT is all you are worth, BERT-BIRDIE!



Thank you Michael B.


Remarkable! These Deep State lunatics are so delusional they actually, truly believe their own lies!


It’s truly astonishing how these idiots BELIEVE THEIR SHIT.


They’ve all been brainwashed by the liberal education system.
It’s how they’ve taken US over from within!
As DJT has stated, these people are sick!!!


They have Hot Dung syndrome, they smell it and believe it


The defense that these people put forward sound delusional. She admits that the virus’ are a way to stop Trump but may become a real problem in the future. Well if you knew what JAG has on these folks someone said, you’ll get it. They have been filmed doing horrible things, to kids, animals. Just so their Khazarian masters will put them in power because they know, if needed, anyone who decides to be”good” again, they will be destroyed in public and put into one of their prisons. These people are afraid to plead guilty – they would rather put forward irrational defenses against charges they admit to during their final statements. Whomever, or whatever their boss is, must be very unforgiving and doesn’t give any chances, it is about tying lose ends up. They still have to allocute on analog film before their big D’day. After watching that, the USA may start to become one country again.

Last edited 3 hours ago by Johnathan

I surely hope people see the true history of OUR world. We have never known the truth of our world. We have been lied to by “The Grey” since the “Great War” where “They” destroyed our advanced previous civilization created by Michael the Archangel, just like they are trying to do again Please watch the documentary called “The Grey” on youtube, on the channel called “The Blue”. Our History as we know it, was created by these body snatching entities of the dark. The truth is much different, They have always sought to divide and conQuer us, especially through the use of fictitious religions that are all saying there is only one God. No I say, there is only One Creator Father and there are many gods. We have been hoodwinked by entities that feed off our children as a food source. Sounds outlandish to you. Remember that truth is stranger than the fictitious movies you pay an arm and a leg for a bucket of popcorn that you believe as the subliminal truth

Above Reproach

Off topic, but extremely important….
In what country was Harris born ? How the F ! Is it that without a single vote from anyone in the entire country she is the nominee for president ?
This entire thing is completely against the constitution of America.
She has 0 Authority, No Representation, and I truly believe she was not even BORN a AMERICAN citizen. Her Father is A Marxist . And she is the biggest Lying Worthless Human on the entire planet ! Search for her records, birth certificate ! And depose her family for the answers.

P. E. Hunter

Because they are not following our US Constitution. They don’t care anymore. They’ve shown their cards and they don’t care what you or I think. It’s very sad to have one-time Americans go down the drain so easily… just for money and power – the two evils that are like drugs to the addicted. It’s mentally a sickness. I’ve known plenty of very wealthy people and they had just as many problems as anyone else does. It doesn’t work. It’s like a drug, works for a short time, then they need more. It’s a sickness. People unencumbered by “must-have” and addiction, are happiest of all.


They practice in the bankrupt and dead corporation in Looneyland.

John .S

Self incrimination, herein walking oneself into hangmans noose, not prison cell with mouth, not feet.

Myself and siblings performed police interaction roll play with our kids, now grown. We drumed into their heads of what to say, and not to say.

Ran mutiple senerios by them, also performing good cop – bad cop, and intimination play.

Currently handout miniature padlocks to highschoolers to place in zipper holes of their backbacks so PoPo cannot snoop without search warrant, often triggered by underage cigarette smoking or drinking beer while hanging out.

My 16 yr old nephew was pinched for smoking, across street from school. Cops asked: “where did you get smokes”? that replied, “go fck yourself”. Cops couldn’t intimidate him, dragged him into principal office.

Sister-in-law blown a gasket concerning son groping himself when saying: “blow me” to female school administrator for hemming him up.

Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young: “Teach your Children”.

American Living in Canada

“Please come to Boston for the spring time.
I’m stayin’ here with some friends
And they’ve got lots of room.
You can sell your paintings on the sidewalk
By a cafe where I hope to be workin’ soon.
Please come to Boston.
She said, “No.
Would you come home to me?”

And she said, “Hey, ramblin’ boy,
Now won’t you settle down?
Boston ain’t your kind of town.
There ain’t no gold and
There ain’t nobody like me.
I’m the number one fan
Of the man from Tennessee.”

Keep on Truck’in Johnny…. hope to see ya soon…


GOOD. Kill the Bitch. She looks likes a goddam Lesbian. The only good Lesbian…. is a dead Lesbian. The same with niggers. One less LESBO to
worry about.

Above Reproach

I’m calling for Nuremberg 2.0 Round them all up. Every single one of them.
No plea deals. Investigate ALL BANK RECORDS. Follow the money.
Scrap all their visas, passports, and search their homes down to the color of the paint on the basement floors. Take all money in there bank accounts. Stuff them all into a open population prison and record everything that can be heard. Watch as the Sparks fly, and they begin rating out on each other. After a Month, call out with a PA system who wants to come clean on the marching orders you followed. If no response just say, Next question will be after another 30 days. Make them feel like cattle 🐄 ! Social distancing them from the World.

Midwest patriot woman

Nuremberg only snuffed about a dozen nasi. This is much, much bigger. Round up all these deep state. The french didnt head chop only. They were also found of filling boats, putting them to sea then blowin’ holes innthose boats. History loves to repeat itself. Fair trials, don’t get innocents if possible.


COVID-19 … would claim millions of lives unless the federal government either mandated mail-in voting or indefinitely suspended the 2024 … election.”

This appears to be the current DS Dimwits’ plan, in addition to more attempts on POTUS. Don’t be surprised if they find a way to make her President next month—the “October surprise.” Then she can dictate either one of those options. WHs are surely ready for some such action by these traitors. No more coups will be allowed to stand. 🇺🇸❤️🗽


So glad she is paying for her crimes against humanity!

Barbara Ann



wasn’t the NIH in Montana the culprits pulling the homeless off the streets from SAN FRAN as they injected them with poisons that made their eyes bleed? Amongst many other excruciating side effects.

As the WH’s disposed of some 34 NIH personnel.

I usually remember things that are so wildly absurd and heinous in nature….

What other nefarious things are the NIH involved in…?


Yep, it was the NIH


NIH formally National Institute of Health is now……..

National Institute of Hell

Last edited 4 hours ago by anonymous
Barbara Ann

I do ember that too!! NIH Demons 🤬

Julio Laguna

Hell yeah, let’s get the express lane to the gallows going!


Damn she’s one bat shit crazy bitch.
Wants to be on pResident Kamala la la ding dong’s cabinet..
Country ran by lunatic’s..


She’s a LESBO. She deserves to die. One less Lesbian to worry about.

Dr. Dick

You can’t shoot these people fast enough. Line them up and let’s go.


RIGHT…..the only good LESBO….is a dead Lesbo.


“They” are not PEOPLE, “they” are SATAN’s CHILDREN … DEMONS!

Bertagnolli was a MAN … look at the nasty scar on HIS throat where HIS Adam’s apple was before being surgically removed!



As I’ve stated in the past, line them up and send them straight to hell for what they’ve done to US and of all of humanity, with napalm flame 🔥 throwers! God will judge their hearts before they go. If they’re not eliminated, all of this will continue here on earth.
Pray 🙏 for DJT and America, it’s needed most right now!!!

American Living in Canada

Now this BURNS me…Check out another bullshit illegal act from trudeau and his crew of goofballs!…

“The Democracy Fund (TDF) has recently discovered that members of the Amish community in Grey County, Ontario, were convicted for various offences during the COVID-19 lockdowns. Seventy-four community members were fined nearly $300,000 for failing to complete the ArriveCan app, among other violations.
Many of these individuals were not properly notified about the tickets or trial dates, leading to convictions made in their absence. Consequently, liens have been placed on their properties, posing a severe threat to their community and livelihoods should the government force the sale of their lands.
As noted by TDF senior litigation counsel Adam Blake-Gallipeau, “These are people who, due to their faith, do not use modern technology. They travel by horse and buggy and are unfamiliar with operating a telephone, let alone an app on a present-day cell phone.”

FUCK YOU ALL TRUDEAU LOVERS!!!! Are you that fucking stupid?

American Living in Canada

Where’s the EBS? Who’s in control? Where does the General Population Stand?

You want someone to snap? And blame it on them? Is that your ultimate plan?…

Blame it on a work’in stiff?

Seems nothing has changed… just a recycle of a bunch of bullshit!! … we just keeping on getting words on the screen…

This is even not the worst of what the goofball trudeau and his crew has done…!


Agree, but don’t give them an excuse to delay or do War Measures Act. Canada is getting cleaned out. Look at Trudeau, he does not have the same front teeth. White Hats had the original before COVID. They did not realize these Satanists were so many, instead of 50 K indictments it is almost 700 K. At least they are being thorough.

Last edited 3 hours ago by Johnathan


The AMISH will become DUNG in the fields just as MILLIONS of SATAN’s OFFSPRING. Their future is written in numerous Biblical Books.

American Living in Canada

What?… ok you’ve just proven the EAS/EBS has to happen… the Amish?.. I look at the Amish as the same as Bike People…. They stick to themselves and do whatever gets them thru the day/night.


What a monster.

Doesn’t care how many people are killed as long as she gets promoted in the process.




Winning! Never gets old


Thank you Michael for another good news


The Bible describes ppl like this as Reprobates and even instructs believers to shun them for a time. God wishes that no person perish but have everlasting life.Even to the point of the noose tightening around their neck. True Repentance will save them. But we all read what we saw. I pray they do as such





Debra Rudolph



Looks like Soros sea monster spawn to me…literally. Send in the Kraken. Goes to show how deep down demon dementia goes. I don’t think she (I mean “he”) is going to a very happy place. Lake of fire, where all the witches and sea monsters go. A small victory for now.

Last edited 5 hours ago by BIG E
Lucy Skywalker

Thank you Michael. Helps keep me sane when facing someone here in the U.K. like her – as an O.A.P. DEFENCELESS, without military backup


mee to0 !!!


O A P?

Barking Spider

Old Age Pensioner.

Eggy’s mother

Delusional bitch not repentant, deserves to hang


Bet she wasn’t vaccinated…..


Nopity nopity nope.


Bye bye Nut Job


bye bye Talion