Marines Stop More Illegals from Voting in Virginia


As Marines in Fairfax County, Virginia, stopped 60 livid illegal immigrants from early voting Friday morning, a second squad of Devil Dogs opposed a band of Guatemalans near the Center Library, a voting location in Chesterfield. When the Marines arrived on the scene before sunrise, the illegals were already standing or sitting in line and waiting for the doors to open so they could vote for Kamala Harris.

The Marines, Spanish speakers among them, interrogated the illegals, who gave conflicting stories about why they were at the library three hours before the doors would open and how they had gotten there. Some claimed to be American citizens legally to support Harris, while others said they were library patrons, avid readers, looking to obtain a library card or borrow books.  As to how they got to the library, stories varied from friends dropping them off to having walked from nearby apartments or houses. None of the Guatemalans, however, had proof of residency or a driver’s license, but unlike the Mexicans that the Marines met at the Fairfax County Government Center, the Guatemalans had no voter registration cards. Two said they would be allowed to vote if, and only if, they showed up between 9:00-11:00 a.m., but they couldn’t provide a reason for the timeframe.

The Marines deduced that Democrats would have a Harris-friendly poll worker there between those hours to accommodate the illegals.

“If we don’t vote, we not get paid,” one illegal immigrant told the Marines.

When the Marines asked the name of the illegals’ financier, one admitted the money would be paid to them at a Virginia Department of Social Services office in Richmond, but only if they had proof they voted for Harris.

“This was a totally different deal than Fairfax. These Guatemalans didn’t say anything about Catholic Charities or an immigration law office. They were to get a ‘note’ from someone at the library and bring it to the social services to prove they voted. Naturally, we weren’t letting that happen,” our source said.

The Marines informed the illegal immigrants that the library was permanently closed, they were not voting and were not getting paid, and suggested they at once start hiking back to Guatemala.

The suggestion offended a middle-aged Guatemalan, who appeared to appoint himself the de facto spokesperson for the group.

“You don’t tell us what to do,” he said. “If can’t vote and get money, then you pay us, and we go.”

The Marines’ laughter further enraged the immigrant. He picked up a rock and hurled it as a pitcher would a heater in the strike zone, hitting a Marine on the back, stunning him momentarily.

The other Marines brandished their weapons and commanded the illegals to settle down, as the Marine who got struck suddenly lifted his attacker in the air and body slammed him to the pavement, then stepped on the guy’s throat.

“This ends now,” the Marines told them. “Leave. Go home. We don’t want you here. Trump’s deporting your asses on January 20 anyway. There’s nothing for you in America, just pain. We’ll be watching, and if you return, you’ll be shot.”

The Guatemalans scattered, and a few Marines remained near the library to ensure the illegal aliens did not return.

White Hats, our source said, are pursuing all leads.

We’ve been told encounters as described in the last two articles have occurred elsewhere in Virginia, and White Hats anticipate the crisis will escalate as other states open voting locations next month.

“We’ll be out in full force to stop any damn illegals we find,” our source said.

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So there you have it folks. If you’re wondering who will win the 2020 elections- TRUMP!!! and when NESARA GESARA officially starts Jan 20th. (January 20th is the day is the official inauguration day). Once Trump is sworn in the illegals will be forced to return to their own countries (as he’s stated) this is the only way for all citizens to participate in the new financial system, so they’ll be incentivized to leave). They won’t have access to any money if they stay. As well as a full operation of deportation going on. Hang in there folks, 4 months is coming fast. Stay positive, roll will the times. Good things are on the horizon. God bless Trump and our military.

On a side note:i just learned that years ago Hilary wanted reign in Kamala under her control so she tricked her into attending Diddy’s Freak Off’s. Silly Kamala was caught on camera right in the middle of the most horrific child trafficking. Trump and the military have every video tape. All the goods on Kamala. This will all come to the surface in court (eventually) 2025 is going to be a good yr for Americans. ❤️

jay dee

my only question is What about the poll worker who was going to enable the cheating???? You can’t let them off, they will try again and again…obviously that poll worker is not working for America, they at the very least could be used to make one hell of an example!!!

American Living in Canada

“I Know A Little”

Yes sir

Well the bigger the city, well the brighter the lights

The bigger the dog, well the harder the bite

I don’t know where you been last night

But I think mama, you ain’t doin’ right


Say I know a little

I know a little about it

I know a little

I know a little ’bout it

I know a little ’bout love

And baby I can guess the rest

Well now I don’t read that daily news

‘Cause it ain’t hard to figure

Where people get the blues

They can’t dig what they can’t use

If they stick to themselves

They’d be much less abuse


  • Ronnie Van Zant, the lead singer of Lynyrd Skynyrd
  • Steve Gaines, the guitarist and vocalist of Lynyrd Skynyrd
  • Cassie Gaines, the backup singer and Steve Gaines’ sister
  • Dean Kilpatrick, the assistant road manager
  • Walter McCreary, the pilot
  • William Gray, the co-pilot

These six individuals lost their lives in the plane crash, which occurred in a remote wooded area near Gillsburg, Mississippi.


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M­­­­­­o­­­­­­r­­­­­­e­ D­­­­­­e­­­­­­t­­­­­­a­­­­­­i­­­­­­l­­­­­­s For Us→→→→ Www.Payathome9.Com

Last edited 9 minutes ago by Talisman
Sue Grantham

Like trying to kill roaches

Joan P McDonald

One of the marines may want to get one of those notes between 9 and 11. 💥

American Living in Canada

From CHP…

“September 24, 2024                               Volume 31, Issue 39

Challenging BC Politics in 2024

by Rod Taylor, Leader, CHP Canada
On Saturday, Sept 21, British Columbia lurched into campaign mode as the long-awaited writ was dropped and the gloves came off. Voters in BC with any moral conscience and even a small amount of economic common sense have finally reached a tipping point . . . as eventually happens every time the top-down, socialist NDP mangles the province for a few years. It happened in 2001, when the BC Liberals, under Gordon Campbell, swept them from office. 


yup, immigrants are eating cats fully confirmed.

American Living in Canada

From Epoch Times…

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is enthusiastic about a new UN “Pact for the Future” calling for global governance and saying the current multilateral system needs to “keep pace with a changing world.” Trudeau says the international order is being undermined by climate change, inequality, and erosion of rights.
Why It Matters: New initiatives adopted by U.N. will later manifest as domestic policies and legisation in different countries including Canada if governments sign on to them.”

This is a wishy washy Headline if I ever heard one…


Regardless of which “reasons” the illegals give for being in voting lines, they have no qualms about expressing their expectations of receiving their promised buckaroonies for being there!


Where is the money coming from. If they are buying thousands of votes then it will cost millions of dollars


Millions of YOUR TAX DOLLARS!!!!!

Joan P McDonald

I’ll take a wild guess and say it’s probably our tax payer dollars.

American Living in Canada

Bringing this over here… any Patriote that dresses their vehicle windows up with what they believe is true… especially in NYC… I’m with that Patriote!

God Bless ya Johnny…

“John .S

 Reply to  Blackhat
 6 hours ago

“Gotta stretch harder with me, “prison” via lawful activity, LoL.
Again: “We the People”, not ‘We the Sheeple aka, Cuckold Americans.
Cannot believe how the word: ‘Cuck’ made it’s way into my vocabulary; wonder how that happened?”


Loo Seee

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!


Give ’em HELL, guys !!!


russians, americans and chinese and illegals think they can erasee us germans so easily, lol. you have no idea what were capable of when pushed to a cornor. we wont go down so easily as you think.

Sue Grantham

Clock is ticking….. seems like the crazies are running the asylum across the world. The big difference is that American citizens are armed and trained.


They should have marines pose as illegals there to vote and any poll worker who allows it should be arrested and taken to Gitmo.

jay dee


Jose Ramirez

Why not to kill the illegals??? They will not listen, they will only obey to the bullets . Latinos for Trump! Trump 2024!!!

American Living in Canada

More from Arizona….

Rasmussen Reports has just released its latest survey results, and there is great news for us! 
The results show two things: 

  1. Voters believe that America needs some BIG change, and 
  2. They do NOT believe they’ll get it if Kamala wins the election!

This is from 73% of likely U.S. Voters! 
Only 20% of voters feel the country needs MORE of the SAME. 
It couldn’t be clearer that America needs a fresh start and a new direction. 
And I am here ready for it. Having soundly beat my opponent in the primaries, I am ready for an even bigger win. 
I want this win not for myself but for my community, my state, and my country. I have always been a man of law and order, and it is time to bring this back to Arizona. 
President Trump agrees with me – that is why he has given me his full endorsement! 

God Bless,
Mark Finchem

Republican for Arizona Senate
“Election Integrity” Patriot
P.S. I can make major changes in the AZ Senate.”

Sue Grantham

Not until the machines are removed. It’s going to be Deja Vu of 2020

Shirley Anne

We need military at all the voting places/polls. Video should be taken and then shown all over our country and patriots will help keep watch around their locations.
These wasters that flood our country only to get illegal money to illegally vote should be punished. I love it when the marines told them to go back to their country and if they return they will be shot.
Seems that this is the only thing they understand.
Thank you marines! Good job!
Michael, appreciate all the time you spend getting out these great reports. 👏🪖👍🇺🇸

Taylor Young

Why wouldn’t they have a couple marines dress like the Guatemalans, and go in with them to vote, to see who was accepting them, and arrest the people inside who would be committing treason?


We’re supposed to have the people’s milita of a sovereign state. The people’s army to uphold the constitution. The Marines shouldn’t have to do this. They’re job is more important. To safe guard the nation as a whole. But that got screwed by the banksters.

ROSE SEAL to Volunteer to be a Poll~Watcher.

Lucinda Benson

Why not arrest those inside the library who are complicit?


If Trump doesn’t get in this time there will be nothing left to lose.
And as Gerald Celente says, “when people have nothing left to lose, they lose it.”


Bravo white hats!
Keep up the good work.

Annette Payne

If the white hats don’t have enough people to take care of all these illegals maybe the red hats should join it to have enough at each polling station. Thanks Michael, but please tell us about Engoren. Has he been let out? Is he still waiting trial or what? Thanks


Good point, very good point! I hope it happens. The number of White Hats are too low to thwart thousands of other illegals from voting.


My popcorn is gone and am sick of this BS 🤮


Just start SHOOTING these ILLEGAL 👽👽👽👽👽👽‼️‼️



Thank you, Marines.


to uphold the Constitution, to protect the Republic from all adversaries, foreign and domestic.


I don’t think we’ll have an election. Too much going on now.
Congress in trouble. Arrests in October when Congress is adjourned?


DJT should have had all election traitors across the country and 95% of Congress and USSC arrested, sent to GITMO and tried for treason on Nov. 4, 2020 and none of this would be happening now. And the totally FAKE Biden/Harris Satanic criminal regime would never have happened!

Unless national repentance from our mountain of sins occurs in the coming days, Almighty God will be drawing the line in the sand: “Enough is enough!” Pain, suffering and death will then come on a massive scale, followed by the return of King Jesus Christ ruling the world with only about 10% of the population being left alive.

Pray for our nation’s repentance and turning to God! There IS NO OTHER SOLUTION!




Conveniently happens in the early dawn when no witnesses could validate the activity. Funny that.


SMH. Thank to the Marines!

Victor T.

Great work White Hats, stopping Illegal Migrants from voting!
Why is there NO LAWS/SANTIONS for Democrat Criminals promoting
Illegal Voting???
We can not let the CORRUPT DEMOCRATS top get away with it again..
The 2020 Elections’ Fraud, was enough, and AMERICA SAYS, NO MORE!


THE silent moral majority is now speaking up about what has been going on for a very long time: every selection has been rigged for years! If our government can topple other governments, and their leaders, then why would it be unreasonable for the C!A not to do so HERE? After all, they killed JFK in a Masonic triangular plaza….

LORD have mercy!


Michigan Has Started The Steal. Democrat Governor Sending Out Partially Filled Out Ballots To The Entire State

They include her name and all Democrat talking points

Michigan Rep Jamie Thompson “Should State Governors be eliciting people to vote and sending them absentee applications that are partially filled out?”

true patriot

of course .


Hold the Guatemalaian transvestite face down,
Chop off his dick and his balls. he’ll and scream for Kamal Aroush to save him
Sew his genitals to his face.
Then shoot him in the head.!


Goodness you’re worse than them

John .S

Wow, a wee-bit exuberant – eh.

Myself perfer the Gemini Method, no fuss – no muss.

The Gemini Twins were paroled, perfect as White Hat contractors, giving them a chance to make money.

Frank Abagnale was placed on Govt payroll, so could the Gemini Twins.


I like it you are not voting no money so screw

David T

Cole Cobb DeSwines Ethel Rusty Comet Biggs Bofa has a new fake troll turd name.


Comet Ping Pong

Welcome aboard, Colin!
It’s great to have you as part of the team.


Lol only 3 of those names used to be mine bro


I highly suggest you keep an eye on Charlottesville as the main PO here has been acting like an embassy giving illegals papers.


Amen! Keep up the good work!
Semper Fi Marines!! 👍


The Central Library’s website in Chesterfield VA shows book covers by Anthony Fauci, Jen Psaki and Gretchen Whitmer. An alert about limited parking for early voting.(the only place in the county with early voting) It’s right next to an apartment complex with trees separating the areas. Lots of Chesterfield County government offices in the area. From the Chesterfield County BOE website:

Virginia Voter Eligibility RequirementsTo be eligible to vote in Virginia, a voter must:

  • Be a resident of Virginia (a person who has come to Virginia for temporary purposes and intends to return to another state is not considered a resident for voting purposes)
  • Be a U.S. Citizen
  • Be 18 years old (any person who is 17 years old and will be 18 years of age at the next general election shall be permitted to register in advance and vote in any intervening primary or special election)
  • Not be registered and plan to vote in another state
  • Not currently be declared mentally incompetent by a court of law
  • Have his/her/their right to vote restored if ever convicted of a felony

The White Hats need to visit Missy Vera, the general registrar and director of elections.

true patriot

I realized years ago the public library system is systemic with liberals controlling them. the books on display were always about liberal politicians and or liberal
authors. In 2016 in Casselberry fl. I went up to the main desk where the 3 liberals
always sat and knowing that I ask in a loud voice ” do you have the new york times
best seller by Dr. Michael Savage … Liberalism is a mental disorder” ?
That and my trump hat got me trespassed on some nothing complaint about a month later.


Maybe we just arrest the people inside allowing this, just a thought! Body slamming them would be a nice extra touch






The best days are coming ………………..USMARINE!


Google is now paying $300 to $500 per hour for doing work online work from home. Last paycheck of me said that $20537 from this easy and simple job. Its amazing and earns are awesome. No boss, full time freedom and earnings are in front of you. This job is just awesome. Every person can makes income online with google easily….
M­­­­­­o­­­­­­r­­­­­­e­ D­­­­­­e­­­­­­t­­­­­­a­­­­­­i­­­­­­l­­­­­­s For Us→→→→ Www.Payathome9.Com

Last edited 2 hours ago by Talisman

“Trump’s deporting your asses on January 20 anyway.”

This is the second time our Marines have said that—so matter-of-factly as to deny any possible rebuttal or argument. They know where we’re headed. And they’re going to make sure of it this time. They’ll move Heaven and Hell if they have to to prevent the evil Dimrats from cheating and stealing it this time. I just love our WHs and all patriots fighting for the truth! Stay strong. Go vote. 🇺🇸❤️🗽. TRUMP2024.

Last edited 2 hours ago by Storygirldc
Bill Meadows

“so matter-of-factly as to deny any possible rebuttal or argument”

Lol. Nonsense.


Unless he loses again of course 😉

Shirley Anne



“He” never lost because “He” is still employed, and “He” shall remain employed!


Just like the mid term elections


Notice, the only effective method appearing to convince them to leave is the threat of being shot dead.

Andrew Stevano

Unfortunately, yes. It works.


Well, Americans can quickly switch out the bullets for dragging aliens down non-repaired streets for one mile … or two … or three … then DUMP aliens back onto Mexico’s DUNG land … DUNG FOR DUNG.


“The other Marines brandished their weapons and commanded the illegals to settle down, as the Marine who got struck suddenly lifted his attacker in the air and body slammed him to the pavement, then stepped on the guy’s throat.”

“This ends now,” the Marines told them. “Leave. Go home. We don’t want you here. Trump’s deporting your asses on January 20 anyway. There’s nothing for you in America, just pain. We’ll be watching, and if you return, you’ll be shot.”
👍 💪 😠 💪 👍


This is very evident proof, that these illegals BELIEVE that THEY own this country! 
 I wonder, Who told them that!
Take over those FEMA camps and fill them up for Deportees.

Loo Seee

That would be a good idea. Less work to do on deportation day, and to keep them from rioting, raping, looting, and eating Fido in the meantime.