White Hats Arrest Election Fraudsters in TEXAS

Aerial view of downtown Ft Worth Texas during the day with Trinity River in the foreground

White Hats serving as poll watchers have observed various types of election fraud since early in-person voting began two weeks ago. From kiosks flipping votes to election officials stuffing ballots in boxes and disappearing to places unknown, instances of fraudulent activity are occurring ubiquitously—and not just in swing states.

Last week White Hats responded to allegations of vote flipping in Tarrant County, Texas, a deeply Republican stronghold that politicians consider a bellwether county; as goes Tarrant County, as goes Texas, many Republican lawmakers, including Ted Cruz, have said. After several Tarrant County residents posted their experiences to social media, Gen. Smith asked allies at the US Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID) to thoroughly probe the matter, even though county election supervisors attributed discrepancies to “voter error,” claiming that 1 out of every 58,000 voters didn’t understand how voting kiosks work.

When CID discreetly visited the Benbrook Public Library in Benbrook, Texas, they quickly uncovered the truth: Democratic operatives posing as impartial election workers were indeed engaging in election fraud, hoping, ostensibly, to turn Texas Blue.

Not everyone who votes in person must stand in long lines in the Texas heat. Voting precincts have made provisions for the elderly and the handicapped. If a voter, for whatever reason, is unable to walk, he/she can make a phone call and have an election worker bring a wheeled, portable kiosk to one of the handicap parking spots. At that point, the worker checks the voter’s ID and hands them a ballot, which is inserted into the machine. Once the voter inputs his picks, the machine spits out the completed ballot, and then, presumably, the poll worker carries the paper ballot inside and scans it into a Dominion optical scanner, finalizing the vote.

Our source said two election officials at the abovenamed location targeted people who “looked like definite Trump voters” by tossing their ballots in a nearby dumpster instead of scanning them inside the library.

“They were preying on elderly Republicans,” our source said. “If they saw a Trump bumper sticker on the car or someone wearing a MAGA hat or anything like that, they snuck off with ballot to the garbage and tossed it out like trash.”

In one case, CID saw a “20-something male hippie with hair cascading to his back” sporting an election official lanyard wheel a kiosk to the car of an elderly man whose car was adorned with MAGA paraphernalia. Our source said the guy got visibly frustrated at the voter because he had trouble navigating the maze of touchscreen pages. Afterward, the angry “hippie” hand-shredded the man’s ballot and threw the confetti in a dumpster behind the library.

CID watched him trash four other people’s ballots before confronting him at the dumpster, where he was destroying another paper ballot. The man tried to flee when confronted, but CID tackled him and demanded and explanation. He proudly proclaimed his allegiance to Kamala Harris and said he would do anything to stop Trump’s ascendency. Our source said CID found over 500 shredded ballots in the garbage and arrested the man on charges of seditious conspiracy and election fraud.

Hours later, they apprehended a second person, a 24-year-old Black woman, shredding ballots for Trump at the same location.

“Trump Derangement Syndrome is in full effect,” our source said. “The Deep State knows they’re losing by a landslide and is trying to stop it. But it’s useless—right now, Trump is ahead everywhere. Just look at all the New Yorkers that were at his MSG event last night. Harris is done, finished, yesterday’s news. Trump is winning. We’re winning. Yeah, purging the Deep State is far from done, but a storm is coming, as Trump would say, like no one’s ever seen.”

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Nuremberg trials are coming 2.0!!!

American Living in Canada

Way to go Dr. Phil.. Him Endorsing Trump last night Convinced a couple of fence sitters up here. Keep on Truck’in.

These TDS whack jobs are really facked up in the head.


Yeah well, Trump might get all the votes but the democrat party owns the dominion voting machines.
Put yourself in their shoes. If Trump wins then they’re going to jail or worse. What would you do to keep from going to GITMO?
You’d buy the voting machines and cook the vote !!

I hope this storm doesn’t blow in a Kamala victory, but I have my ‘rain gear’ packed just in case.


Wow. It isn’t democracy if they’re not protecting our votes. I’ve been a poll worker. There are some limits that we must abide by, but shredding ballots is definitely not in the job description. By limits, I mean that we were required to let anyone vote. But if they were not in our roster, they had to do so provisionally. Or, if the roster said that they had been mailed a mail-in ballot and did not have it to give to us, they were required to vote provisionally. Processes have changed since I worked, and I’m not sure how they differ now.


“The man tried to flee when confronted, but CID tackled him and demanded and explanation. He proudly proclaimed his allegiance to Kamala Harris and said he would do anything to stop Trump’s ascendency. Our source said CID found over 500 shredded ballots in the garbage and arrested the man on charges of seditious conspiracy and election fraud.

Hours later, they apprehended a second person, a 24-year-old Black woman, shredding ballots for Trump at the same location.”

Multiply by many thousands if not more.

All those caught in acts of seditious treason need their faces and court / sentencing records forever preserved on permanent special display in every county next to the county courthouse for the public masses to look at their faces, where they lived, any other bio data, and read their crimes and videos of executions and consider the consequences of treasonous FAFO in their small town or large city perhaps thinking they are small fry or can hide , bribe or otherwise avoid justice.


Often times before the psyche breaks down there is an uncontrolled laughter.You might see it with soldiers or healthcare workers.The laughing and screaming is a release of trapped emotional trauma. Pupils will become dialated. BP will elevate as will the heart rate. O2 will decrease. Respirations will increase. In attempt to save the body.


Yer heart goes pitter patter


Only catching one or 2 people out of a state the size of Texas is like taking a minnow out of a pond and saying “there we fixed it”.
Get out and VOTE people, there might not be time on the 5th and the lines are much smaller when you vote early.

Don Jr, said a great one liner last night at MSG. “Line UP like your the 3rd Monkey trying to get on the ARK and it’s Starting to Rain”, Vote, Vote, Vote.


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Last edited 12 minutes ago by mistracy39
Jim Joans

Are there no hangings anymore?


Starmer and the British Labour Party in league with US Dems/Deep State are sending 100 perps to interfere with US elections. Where’s the ” Britain, Britain, Britain ” as counter to the tired “Russia, Russia, Russia”. Brits fancy tropical holidays…White Hats should accommodate them with a nice one way to the southeast tip of Cuba. EO 13848.




‘the poll worker carries the paper ballot inside and scans it into a Dominion optical scanner, finalizing the vote.’

Mmmm. still using those domino machines, eh?

¬ If they keep arresting poll workers, the place will soon be void of workers:)

¬ But it all seems superficial. Drops in the ocean. Like trying to sound like doing stuff when not really doing anything effective.

Recall the phrase ‘we’re not supermen.’
No. Lets all hope there is a ton more happening than what we hear here.


“anything to stop Trump’s ascendency” third to last paragraph

do you not find “ascendency” a bit odd, in context, why not: win, victory, supremacy, triumph, return, reclaim

ascending, ascension, is more left to serious historical context and or spiritual/Biblical realm, full of formalities implied

a prince ascends to thrown, crown, kingship, or son to earlship

Jesus ascended to heaven

now I am positive DAMN EVIL ASS DEMS, aka DEAD, would love to see Trump ascend… to heaven… or any other damn place, not earth bound… and they (DEAD) work their darndest to make exactly that happen, ASAP

“ascendency” caught my eye immediately because it is thee final word (in kind) of Q, current drop 4966 (last at this point, as of 11/27/22), immediately before final “Q” sign-off… thus far…
“Protect your DNA.

it came soon after, fourth to last Q drop, 9 days earlier, 11/18/2022
SOS Offices.
Patriots in trusted positions.
Trust yourself.
You have seen the truth.
Time to show the world.

I have always regarded Q’s “Ascension” of a historical/spiritual nature… We, The People take back Boss of America, demonstrated by truth at Ballot Box, and by implication Trump ‘ascends’ to Presidency… AGAIN

“ascen” found four times in Q code, twice as ‘ascension’ as shown above, currently final Q drops, and twice as ‘ascend’ in proper name and/or link of little further relevance

Immediately, reading this RRN I pondered, is Baxter studying Q… Q, that is copy of, complete as in all drops, but not all links are readily available, it is in public domain for any to …regard… as they see fit, I do not suggest RRN ads to Q, only ask, does Baxter study Q and shares accordingly which any and all of us are free to do at any time in any way

and from Baxter’s bottom line, this article
“but a storm is coming, as Trump would say, like no one’s ever seen”
… ‘no one has ever seen’, I understand, to spell it out and remove any ambiguity

and we sure have not seen that yet, that ‘storm’ is still ‘future’, ‘later’… and it sure ain’t a ‘Daniel’, a case thrown down and kept in Fake Media to fool the lazy minded… about coming storm

how true, how very true, storm comes, and also as Q says too, Q (less than 10) who all serve at pleasure of POTUS, 45

storm found exactly 40 times, and thus consider “boom” of drop 4924 and 4940… the first use of “storm” was in drop 38, last line, third drop beyond what I call front gates, drop 34 and 35, who is 35, whose nephew now serves 45 very effectively, did I hear 35

no doubt about it, Baxter reads Q and cannot help to throwdown a this and that

“ascendency” and/or “ascension” is a very narrow row/road, uplifting in spirit

and too, a storm that ‘ascends’ to greatest height, they be one’s that come down bigger and harder than ever witnessed before

sudden take down of a whole political party and then many more too, that is far bigger than ever witnessed by these, our generations, DAMN EVIL ASS DEMS


Was/is Trump good or bad???
From a Brief Synopsis Season 3, Episode 7
Leon Sinclair answers more questions:
Question from: Troy Tempest
Hi, Leon. Do you have any info on Trump? You have said a couple of times that Trump was a wrong’en and I assumed that was Trump-1.0, before the Hillery-Trump election. And Trump must have been swapped out for a 2.0 WH ET version, which is the vessel we have seen in the last c4yrs. Is that it? Any more info on that?
Nice question bruv. And it’s a big answer.
This is where time travel and timelines come into this great war. It was proper hard to wrap my head around at first, but here goes. First I need to lay out some groundwork:
There are no other Dimensions, as such, just the 15 Densities, and they start for the most of us in 5th Density+.
The Parasites being in the 4th density (like the Goau’ld in Stargate SG1) would steal technology from whoever they encounter, and subjugate and enslave that attacked species. There are various reasons for that, including the strategic location of that Realm, adrenochrome, technology, DNA of other species. The Parasites cannot ascend higher than 4th Density because of their continued suppression, torturing, raping, and killing of others. That low resonant vibration keeps them eternally blocked from accessing anything higher than 4th Density. That is also the reason why they need to enhance themselves constantly with technology from their benefactors (Nibirans) and whoever else they can procure advanced tech from.
The NIBIRANS are from Nibiru, and the ANUNNAKI are from the lands of Anuk. The Anunnaki are NOT from Nibiru.
(Also ‘Planet X’ is also NOT Nibiru. Nibiru is Nibiru and the others are separate realms of their own – just saying.)
The Anunnaki were a creation of the Nibirans – maybe not their creation but yet Anunnaki worked under/with the Nibirans, at any rate.
The Nibirans invented the pyramid structure and the Anunnaki made use of that technology in the lands they attacked, so that pyramids became a hallmark of the Anunnaki.
Pyramids were important during RESETS. They created tidal waves, used for charging their 4D weapons and 4D craft, and for their 4D electrical requirements while in this 3rd Density simulation (on Earth). When you see a pyramid, think of it as an Anunnaki power station (and a brand of ownership).
Their spacecraft and weapons etc were created in 4th Density and rely on the 4th Density Aether for power. Here in this 3rd Density simulation, there is no 4D aether to power their craft and weapons etc. And the remnants of our own Earth Aether is very poor with less than 0.1% of what it once was. It was of no use to the Anunnaki.
The ET War
There has been an ET war going on since day-1 of Earth’s occupation. The Parasites took a distinct advantage at the start, capturing LOOKING GLASS, the day this Realm fell, 8000yrs ago. Looking Glass enables one to see into the future and if you do not like what you see, you could make changes to create a different future. This is better explained in a previous synopsis.) Whoever controls Looking Glass, controls the Realm
ALL craft can time travel; it’s one of their main purposes, other than just traveling some distance. And the Galactic Alien Alliance (GAA, benevolent ETs) have been going back in time to alter events in the past to cause better outcomes in the present/future.
And the Parasites have been doing the same thing, changing past events to make things turn out how they want. It has been a war with time travel and messing with the timeline. And this is where the stories of ‘The Amazing Adventures of Little Barron Trump & his dog Bulger’, stem from; from time travel.
Trump Good or Bad?
People worry that Trump is a freemason and the antichrist. Well, he was both of these evil things and more. You may have heard Trump saying ‘I used to be one of them.’ He was! Even his children were satanic. Look at the satanic layout of his MaraLargo HQ, the chequerboard floors, the symbols, and gestures etc.
All of them.
But it all gets a bit odd, once GAA too back Looking Glass, in 2012. Hitherto, Donald Trump Killed children, just like all the rest of the evil ‘elites.’ However, after securing Looking Glass, the GAA were able to go back in time and grab Trump, before he was made evil and before he started killing children in this lifetime (loop). They then took him forward in time, skipping past all the evil years, and swapped him back in, before the 2016 elections. (You might need to read that a couple of times to get your head around it:)
So, the Donald Trump who won the 2016 election is actually the original (young) Trump. He was taken off his timeline before he would kill/harm children, before he built his masonic HQ for himself and his chums etc; and he was brought forward into the future and reinserted (late in his timeline) just before the 2016 elections. It was the same being but the evil part of his life was omitted/skipped.
There is only ONE timeline and we all move forward or backwards in that same timeline, there aren’t lots of timelines, all going-off simultaneously. There is just the one timeline.
In different words:
Trump had been taken out of his timestream while he was young, still clean and pure, before he sold-his-soul; and reinserted in the timestream approx 70yrs later (while still that clean being). He would then win the 2016 elections and elbow out the evil Hillery.
And that really fucked up the Parasites big time — game, set, and match; Check Mate. That was a 15th Density infiltration plan that was only executed at the 11th hour (between 2012 and 2016). The rest was just a waiting game.
That’s why the ‘elites’/cabal were so shocked when Trump won the 2016 Election. Trump was their man, opposing Hillary but supposed to let Hillery win it, so she could get the latest RESET going.
When Trump won, the Cabal were absolutely dumbfounded. They knew (thought) Trump was one of their Cabal; their main man, their main deceiver, and their cherished Anti-Christ. He should have lost the elections, as he was ordered. This was a major flap for the Cabal. Trump was against them, running America, and their intended evil candidate, Hillery, was nowhere. Their plans and agendas were fucked.
So, to recap again: Trump was a satanist and killed as many kids as the rest of them, until 2012—2016. At some point in that 4-year window, the GAA went back in time, grabbed the young Trump of the past, before he had harmed children etc (likely while he was still a small child himself). They then age-progressed his body by 70-odd years and educated that being on what’s been going on, including what Trump had been doing to kids etc in the skipped section of the timestream, so he could understand the weight & depth of it all. And they let him loose maybe only weeks before the 2016 elections under GAA and White Hat control.
That is why so many are confused about Trump – whether he is a good white hat that can be trusted, or if he is a Cabal wolf, leading us all up the garden path. And that clean Trump is the same reason why we are not all dead already.
The Plan
That clever plan was created 1800yrs ago, in Lemuria. Christian21 explains that there were four plans considered back then. All four plans would have worked and saved us but this plan was chosen because it involved less loss-of-life and trauma than the other ones.
Other plans:
a) The original plan was to get us out of this hell before the 1st RESET, which was about 5000-to-7000yrs ago. They wanted us free before the first Parasite culling.
But that plan could not go ahead because the Parasites had significant control of 77% of the other 177 worlds in this Gateway-10, involving 14,000 other civilizations. Instead, the way forward would have to be far more involved, so as to avoid Parasite retaliatory destruction of these other worlds and civilizations.
b) Another plan was to destroy this Realm/Earth only, in a huge conflagration, and start again. Rather like a RESET.
c) Another plan was simply re-wind the timestream to the day before the Parasites arrived. Simply wipe everyone’s memory and not say anything. Just pretend it never happened.
But that became unworkable, as it would involve more civilisations getting destroyed and more-and-more souls brought in here to incarnate as food. Back then, we were only hundreds of thousands of souls here, not billions like we have today. So, the head-fk of working out who and where all the souls come from, and when and where in the universe, trying to put them all back where they should be, became impossible.
So, they chose the first-mentioned plan, above.
What about Q?
Remember, we all have FREE WILL and that includes not having stuff done to us without our agreement. Therefore, prior to the Parasites/Cabal harming us, we MUST GIVE OUR CONSCENT.
For example, the Cabal knew that most of the world populations would fall for the vax-injections because they could look into the future with Looking Glass and see exactly who was going to fall for the Covid-scam – and they could see that a great many would NOT fall for it. For the attack to work, they needed the agreement (consent) of EVERYONE on this planet. We must all be in unanimous decision regarding planet-wide changes and issues – everything must be with consent.
They knew this would not be possible. To counter that, they invented ‘Q,’ as a way of garnering the trust of those that were awake, and uniting them in solidarity & hope.
It is a repeating tactic of the Parasites to own both sides of political parties/elections, disputes, war etc. They start in with one group imposing the attack. Quickly after they start in, a response group forms up to resist the attack. The Parasites would own and organise that counter group. Thus, both cheeks were part of the same arse; they would own both sides of the dispute/row/war, so as to make the attack succeed with no real interference.
With the C19 attack, the figure chosen for resistance to rally around, in the years ahead, would be Donald J Trump. He would be the ultimate Woolf-in-Sheep’s-clothing, par excellence – the Anti-Christ, personified. And that is what Trump was, up until 2012. He was their Golden boy, the ‘RESET kid’.
The Cabal did not know that the GAA had planned this super chess-move, and it was ready to enact just before the 2016 election.
Although the Cabal had been using Looking Glass (when they had control of it) to play about with timelines, altering past events to change present and future happenings; they did not expect this flip of the young clean Trump, skipping his 70-odd years of evil, and presenting that clean Trump for the US Election. It was the Parasite’s kind of strategy, but it was played against them.


The deep stated dominion software used for the voting machines in the 2019-2020 general election to tabulate votes compromised, and changed the outcome of the election. Trump, should have won by a landside margin. All mail in ballots should be checked very thoroughly to prevent illegal election voting fraud.
Regardless, of this outcome of this general election always keep your faith and trust in the Lord Yeshua, because He will never let you down even in times of trouble.

Nukken Futz

Another number of TDS folks headed for LWO at gitmo. Trump stated earlier that anyone caught tampering with ballots will be sent to prison doing LWO.
Tinian island north of Guam in the Mariana islands, is being setup for more detension centers to handle the onslaught of deep fried staters coming in at alarming numbers. Gitmo is full to the brim. A large number of Hollyweird actors just fled with their jewels to keep from being apprehended, due to the Diddy tapes exposure…..


Yawn, I don’t see anything happening.


These election fraudsters need to have the book thrown at them!!!! Fines, prison time, public humiliation, charges of treason if applicable. They are filth that needs to be treated as such!


Just give them a C19 injeKtion > The real good stuff that holocausts people!

# real vaXXine holocaust


Whitehats have been saying for some time now, the military is the only way. It is obvious the cheating for the steal is in full swing. I think we just show up and vote, let the military collect the evidence and play along with it. Juan O Savin has said there will be a pause in the election results. The military is collecting strong evidence of cheating/fraud, the left will not be able to deny it this time. If the 2024 election can’t be trusted for the same reasons that 2020 could not be trusted, then 2020 has to be overturned as well. Can’t have it both ways, especially if Trump overwhelmingly gets the votes. We still have the Brunson case in play to help go back to 2020. So now arrests can be made enmasse in fraud cases. Laws are already in place to prosecute these treasonous felons who partake. When news breaks that the punishment is hung by the neck when caught and made available to the public to watch, the seriousness of these actions will be felt. The patented block chain system can get installed, and a new election can be held that is trustworthy. There may be a delay to election results, but that’s OK as long as it leads to fair elections that can now be trusted. So by early to late spring it should be resolved. There will be lots of rioting by lefties cuz that’s what they do. But when the military restores order, they don’t mess around with lengthy and costly trials, they get down to business as we’ve seen behind the scenes.


The Brunson case is already dismissed.


The names and faces of these people should be broadcast for everyone to see. Maybe on the big screen at football games so they are scorned into deep shame before serving time in a Federal prison.


They don’t exist.

Linda Hutchison

Problem is THIS: These people HAVE NO SHAME! It would be posted on FB, and others would try to get their picture for the same reason, as though they are NOT traitors, they are heroes!


Tar and feathers

Barbara Ann

I just came home from voting. We stood in line at the library for about 20 minutes and then we cast our vote my husband and I drove home. The It was such a relief to know I voted without any issues. NJ is really coming out to vote and I’m hearing that Democrats are in a dead heat with Republicans voting turnouts.. I’m praying now for our President Trump. The DS is probably desperate and dangerous….


It’s ALL A LIE. MSM, Super Bowl, Stars, singers, gourmet chefs, beer, vodka, presidents, taxes, mortgages, food prices, gas, electricity, water and paying to wash your clothes. Some day this will not exist.


Vodka is a lie? What




All the more reason to become a poll watcher. Here in Ohio, you stand to make around $150 for 2 days work plus training. I live in a heavily Republican and Conservative county. Dembimbos don’t get elected here. Ohio is an open primary state that allows dembimbos to register as republican to run for office. We have legislation pending to close the primary voting.

Like here in Ohio, Texas along with quite a few other states are “too big to rig.” President Trump is going to win by double digits. Trump has flipped all the swing states. Now I see where New Hampshire has flipped to slightly lean red.


Any Dem would deny any of this voter shit show. I sincerely distrust them to say the least. They love love love to project deceive and deny!


There’s a lot of elderly that have issues with ANY SORT of electronics. Paper ballots ends the confusion. It’s done is many countries to this day.


I don’t know where to post this, so putting it here. 2 days ago, President Trump gave us a comm. He wore a black trench coat, black maga hat with gold lettering and a gold tie. Black and gold are the colors of the military. Dan Scavino as The 17th Letter (on Tik Tok) posted a few hours ago “10 days! Make America Great again” 10 days of darkness. Be Prepared.

North Carolina flooding was to expose the deep State. MANY children and women (not local) were flooded out of the DUMBs. A HUGE child trafficker (30 years of hiding behind constant plastic surgery so as not to be arrested) has finally been caught. JFK Jr. posting as Junior17Timber1999 is explaining in the comments.

Next up is San Francisco, flooding or earthquake. “this isn’t a game satanic sites to be destroyed 24 to go” It’s happening!


On Tik Tok?


Going back to my chart. Went to the ER for a panic attack a month ago. In my state I was hyperventilating.They injected me with phenobarbital and midazolam. These 2 drugs are used for euthanasia and for execution smooth style. I survived. Do not go to the ER. They didn’t even tell me what was being injected into my body. I didn’t ask because I couldn’t breathe. Have a loved one with you who is educated about the body if you need to see a doctor. Don’t ask the pharmacists. They are liars too but many have left because they KNEW.


A brown paper sack can cure hyperventilating.

.. Going to the ER for anything other than a compound fracture, laceration, or bullet removal, is a known cause of “panic attacks”.. How many times have you been?


Wow Steph it’s almost like the doctors knew what they were doing and weren’t trying to secretly euthanize you or whatever


Sometimes, I am curious if you’re clock has 12 digits?


Hang them for treason if caught committing election fraud,


Yes. And park a big tank outside the voting halls with a few military. That might scare a few from committing fraud.


Castrate the sonsabitches and they can make license plates untill they kick while being encapsulated in a 6×9 ft concrete box in solitary confinement. Fuck them this crime is up there with the worst of the worst.


To hell with the license plates. Let the automotive industry do that. Let these sonsabitches rot in jail for life. Take the work factories out of jail, this isn’t Club Med. Let real people with real morality and character in the real outside world make those license plates in our factories. Jail is for criminals, not manufacturers. Give the manufacturing jobs to people who obey the law. America will be far richer that way.


hopefully they hang the hippie guy and everyone else doing the same! please stop kow towing to the communists by capitalizing “black.” It has always been grammatically incorrect and just perpetuates the nonsense.

Rebecca tracy

Thank you MB. I didn’t know if the storm had already been, came, and went. People get ready best you can. Remember that storm Trump talked about? Can’t wait 🙏❤️🇺🇸


I want to add….Thank you, Michael, for bringing us this news. Good news, bad news, or mixed – I always appreciate knowing about it. I’m grateful for all relevant news. Knowing IS better than not knowing. I do hope that these cheaters’ efforts turn out to be futile. And I hope we have a very clear and decisive, and overwhelming Trump victory, despite the enemy’s cheating attempts. It IS possible. I have a lot of confidence in our entire White Hat, Red Hat, Patriots, Marines, Trump teams, and YOU. Prayers for all.

Thank you for bringing us these seldom heard stories. This is your special calling. I would be far less hopeful or calm during all this mess, without your reports.


Geez. Just a drop in the ocean.


Let’s hope we are the ocean.

cathy ness



Another coded message? You spent so much time with this post and it looks so odd. Weird punctuation and caps and crazy syntax. I see what you are doing. When I call out the coders, they seem to stop suddenly. The reason for the strange post and the caps is that your post is easy to find when scrolling quickly. Some of the others throw in ridiculous emojis. And your posts never make sense.

Last edited 1 hour ago by Wurldtravler
Linda Hutchison

Please don’t class the “prophets” (who get their messages from God) and the psychics. A discerning spirit can tell the difference.


This nonsense is hard to read. I just have to skip your posts and am only saying this because I read Wurldtravler’s properly typed post.


It is despicable, how this deep state keeps cheating everyday it is getting worse. Freaking newsweek put out an ad out that he/she freaken Harris is winning Florida, no way!

Over 4 million early voters in FLORIDA so far…..

Can’t wait till November 5th!!!!

Trump’s Victory USA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 ♥️

Bill Meadows

“newsweek put out an ad out that he/she freaken Harris is winning Florida.”

Bullshit. There was no such ad.

Last edited 1 hour ago by Bill Meadows


Linda Hutchison

Vote early! Vote paper ballot. It is hard to tell WHAT will be going on by the time Election Day actually arrives. We may be in lockdown. Vote NOW!


How did they know there were 500 shredded ballots if they were shredded? Did they see someone shredding them?


They have people who sit and put the puzzle back together.


What happened to your nose dear?


It’s not rocket science to pull the ballot records from the machine and compare them to intact ballots stored.

Linda Johnson

Would that be part of the closing on the last second of voting on November 5?

Sue Grantham

The article stated they witnessed the hippie tearing/shredding the ballots.


Did they count the ballots as he was shredding them, Sue


Paper doesn’t change weight just because it’s crumpled, shredded, or folded.. And that’s just one way to measure them. … Fast too.


they picked them up, what a dummy, or is it libtard


Hand count torn-up ballots (not run through a shredder).

Don Reed

Anyone found guilty of election tampering, including illegals voting, should be EXECUTED !!!!


That’s the only way to no for sure.

Linda Hutchison

Illegals voting MAY NOT know better. I suggest they get IMMEDIATE DEPORTATION and get fingerprinted so they can NEVER become American citizens or enter the country legally again! SURELY they realize that illegals voting in THE countries they left would be prosecuted. Why should they think it would be okay HERE in America?




Cheating is all they know how to do, other than having TDS!!!

Son of Ethan Allen

Dirty cheating bas—–

John .S

Plain and simple: “Don’t mess with Texas”, also Uncle Sam.

Last edited 2 hours ago by John .S
Jan D Hunsinger

Hooray for arresting that scum!!!! the NERVE. They should be put on trial PUBLICLY when possible!!!!

Linda Hutchison

The TRIAL should be a military tribunal, and it should be broadcast AFTER the panel decides their guilt or innocence. No chance for the MSM to spin it or the jury to be tampered with.


President Lincoln’s son Omar Lincoln is JFK Sr. His brother’s father William Wallace is President Lincoln’s son. The two Kennedy brothers were adopted into the Kennedy Family. Both brothers are Lincoln Kahlooni by birth, not Kennedys. Abraham Lincoln is a Kahlooni = Druze/Jesus Bloodline.

President Trump’s real father is General Patton. Trump was adopted into the Trump family. General Patton is William Wallace Lincoln Kahlooni’s son. (Remember, William Wallace is President Abe Lincoln’s son). Trump = Druze/Jesus/Bloodline.

Last edited 2 hours ago by Zee
Bill Meadows

This is all just a bunch of crazy nonsense. It doesn’t even make sense.

Are you off your meds again, Zee?


Idiot scammer, do your research. Worried I am over the target?


Genuinely impressive how much crazy bullshit you can cram into one two-paragraph post.



You do come up with some doozies..

Karen B

Yeah, I feel the Storm a- brewin’. ☁⚡
Great work you are doing, CID’s. We know you are doing all you can. These traitors are Everywhere but they Are the minority; anyone with 👀 and 👂can figure that out. Thank you for all you are doing.🤗💞
Thank you, Michael, for giving us the proof of treacherous criminal citizens of America.😊💓
GOD save America!🇺🇸🙌🙏💘


Right, here in So_Cal they were painting the sky all day long with chemtrails… Even though the entire sky was hazed, they continued on past sunset.
This is how we know that those chemtrails were only for “reflecting sunlight” like they claimed throughout the 80’s & 90’s… Because there is sunlight at night… /s

Nukken Futz

The nazicrats in WA state set fire to a ballot drop box, because they could’nt break into it. That’s their new modus operandi for cheating in Wash state……


And? All of those ballots from those good intentioned folks were never cast! Who knows how many countless ballots were destroyed like this across the Republic? Countless! The Bolsheviks hard at work!!! ~Nak~

james richard merkle

we need voter ID cards and elections run by the military !

Nukken Futz

That’s the way it used to be, up into the last years in the 1930’s of the great depression. The US Army also ran the US postal system, too….

Linda Hutchison

I think attaching your FINGERPRINT to mail in ballots would be a good idea.


Ughh. They’ve censored me again. Yes, the cheating upsets me, but I didn’t make any threats or use profanity. I merely made
suggestions of what I’d prefer in the way of consequences and outcomes. I never implied that I intended to take matters into my own hands. Take it easy.


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Last edited 3 hours ago by mistracy39

Great to catch two, but there are probably thousands more like them scattered across the country. Meaning thousands and thousands of votes for President Trump have already been destroyed. Why should the votes of these folks be lost? Hopefully, the ‘plan’ is a bit more comprehensive than this.

If the military is in charge, as we are under a military occupation since January 20, 2021, I don’t know why they allow this charade to continue. We have ALL THE EVIDENCE is what we’ve been hearing for years. Either we have it ALL, or we don’t. This whole thing is fishy.


This also greatly impacts the close US Senate race in TX.


Two ballot drop boxes in the Portland area were torched early this morning.

But what does that tell ya’..? OR & WA have been run and run into the ground by a 1-Party-System for going on 30 years. What would they have to be worried about..?

I’m pretty sure WH operatives are watching these drops very closely, so they know who’s behind this. Probably used their rent-a-mob Antifa holdouts per usual…

Linda Hutchison

You DO KNOW that the Constitution has amendments to provide for assuring the people’s choice as President gets into office, don’t you?


Nothing is ever deleted from the net, not even when they wipe it. There is a record of everything! 😉


Dumpster-diving needs to be a daily event around voting locations. And of course, electronic voting needs to end – like yesterday.

Linda Hutchison

It CONTINUES because we have to CATCH THEM IN THE ACTS! It is continuing to give people a chance to WAKE UP to what is going on around them! Also, to avoid starting a civil war where the casualty of innocents in many cases would be great. How many people would guess the hippie guy would be doing what he was doing? People who act with integrity can’t even begin to imagine what they might do NEXT! For every library hippie election “helper” that we nab, that is one less person that will be fighting against the republic after the election.


Hi! I’m from corrupt NY state. We don’t get to see where our vote goes and voter ID is not required. The only way we can see who we voted for is by making them stop and do an audit (which isn’t going to happen). I rearranged my schedule this morning to go vote at 9am only to find they weren’t starting until noon today, so I’ll have to go tomorrow. So much for early voting.


Not to get too far off thread but, NY like OR and many other states, have long had a “Blue Island” problem. The majority of the state is generally or overwhelmingly Conservative. But thru Dem control of 1, 2 large metros they can effectively commandeer the entire state.

In the wake of 9/11 sober voices worried there was far too concentrated power bases throughout the U.S and actively sought to remedy the situation. The Bay Area had all the Tech. NYC had all the finance, DC had all the intel/Mil Industrial Complex! As we learned after 9/11, having massively centralized control of whole sectors of the economy with near zero geographic diversity had become a major liability..!

Once we get on the other side of Dem Clown World 2024 we can begin getting to the bottom of HOW so many Governors’ attempts to diversify their economies were stalled, stonewalled and derailed.

So many don’t realize that NY State has mostly very nice, traditional people once you get 1/2 an hour outside NYC…


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Last edited 13 minutes ago by mistracy39
Andi Kay

Amen and second the motion! You nailed it on how to run an honest election.
Before the machines, we never had any trouble having a full count arrived at by about 11PM with paper ballots.


I encourage everyone to take a picture (cellphone )of your ballot before submitting it to the vote changing machines because that evidence my be needed shortly after the MSM announcement of Harris wins by 90 million votes


Most states have a law against that.

The 13th Juror

Laws. No one follows laws anymore. They sure as hell don’t, so why should we? We need to protect ourselves any way we can.


Most states have laws (against cheating also) guess only they are allowed to break the laws


Here we go again. Dems get to play Charles Bronson, Shaft, Superfly and Steve McQueen while Conservatives are cast as Barney Fife and Richie Cunningham.

Sorry but while you’re probably correct from a legality perspective, Dems rampant rioting, cheating and brazen intimidation tactics of 2020 kind of put an end to playing nice.


A law agsinst taking a selfie of your ballot?

Linda Hutchison

And WHY should they have a law against taking a picture of your OWN ballot?

Bev Kungl

I watched a video on X approximately 3 days ago it was of 3 male voters who had voted for Trump were complaining after they had voted they received a ticket from the machine showing their votes had been changed to Harris. They were warning voters to check their tickets. This was in Tennessee