
Would you like to advertise your business or product on

Real Raw News is currently accepting select advertisers.

Real Raw News, founded in December 2019, has quickly grown from an obscure startup to a website that receives upward of 2.5 million unique viewers and 5 million page views per month.

Our audience is primarily conservative. Guestimates suggest 50/50 male/female.

We can supply metrics from Monster Insights to substantiate our viewership.

We will not accept advertisements for the following products: dietary supplements, VPN services, gold/silver sellers, or overpriced survival food ads.

The advertisement services like Google have blacklisted us, claiming we publish “hateful and dangerous” information, so if you are a third-party reseller of Google Ads, your advertisements will not show on our website.

If not, perhaps we can work together.

We offer competitive rates on an RPM basis, meaning we expect payments based on number of ad impressions and not only clicks.

If you’re interested in advertising on Real Raw News, please email us at with your prospectus, and a representative will promptly get back to you.