White Hats Arrest Black Hats in New York State


White Hats on Sunday arrested a U.S. Army major and a command sergeant major who had pledged allegiance to Joseph Biden and were instructing subordinates on how to wage urban warfare against law-abiding citizens, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

The disgraces to the uniform were Major David Dunbar and CSM Nema Mobarakzadeh, the 10th Mountain Division’s staff officer and senior non-commissioned officer, respectively, at Fort Drum.

Our source did not detail the actual arrests but said they took place off post, after dark, on July 30.

A JAG affidavit reviewed by Real Raw News states that Dunbar and Mobarakzadeh recruited 250 10th Mountain Division soldiers into a “private army” whose mission was to suppress civil insurrection if Joseph Biden wins the 2024 presidential election, and details their nefarious plan to storm Trump supporters’ homes and seize their weapons at gunpoint. According to the affidavit, Dunbar and Mobarakzadeh recruited volunteers and conducted urban warfare drills behind Garrison Commander Col. Matthew R. Myer’s back.

Our source said White Hats presently have no evidence incriminating Myer. Nor does he know whether JAG will issue indictments on the 250 soldiers that participated in house-to-house search and seizure drills.

Dunbar and Mobarakzadeh, he added, enlisted only soldiers who said the 2020 election was equitable and legitimate, that Donald J. Trump caused January 6 and deserves imprisonment, and that the Biden administration is the lawful governing body of the United States. The soldiers also pledged allegiance to Joseph Biden instead of “…to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands…”

Somehow, Dunbar and Mobarakzadeh had financed a property rental, a 20-acre tract of cleared land about 15 miles west of Drum, on which they erected a “plywood town” to simulate attacks on American citizens. The soldiers were tutored on breaching doors, setting explosives, and killing Trump supporters. Their extracurricular training also included lessons on “where to shoot a Trump supporter for maximum effect,” our source said.

“They were told people who support Trump have tactical gear like body armor and to take headshots not center mass. They did live-fire exercises on mock targets,” he said.

Interestingly, the soldiers did not use military-issued weapons; they used personal weapons and ammunition bought from various firearms dealers in upstate New York, and improvised explosives such as Molotov Cocktails and nail bombs.

“The training revolved around a singular hatred for President Trump,” our source said.

After Dunbar and Mobarakzadeh were arrested, White Hats demolished the plywood town and found brass—military slang for an ejected cartridge—scattered about the area.

We asked our source how Dunbar and Mobarakzadeh planned to wage war with only 250 troops in heavily Right-leaning upstate New York.

“That’s the million-dollar question. There may be more; these sects may be forming at other installations. Right now, we know about the 250.”

The 250, he added, included all enlisted ranks from privates to a first sergeant.

In closing, we again asked our source why White Hats hadn’t arrested everyone involved since their actions were treasonous and violated the Uniform Code of Military Justice and the U.S. Constitution.

“Look, there is an investigation. I can tell you we have to rule out psychological manipulation or chemical coercion. That’s all I can say right now.”

Before publishing this article, Real Raw News solicited comments from Fort Drum and the Watertown City Police Department. A Drum’s Public Affairs Office spokesperson said Dunbar and Mobarakzadeh were on “emergency leave,” and a Watertown PD spokesperson said the PD had no info on an off-post training facility.

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Most of the Black Hats are also Black/Mixed I believe…


250 military TRAITORS,.NO a lot more then them,BIDEN has beed bring in FOREIGN SNIPPPERS to attack all trump supporters,weather you are or not,IF YOU HAVE A GUN OR A BIBLE..you were on their list to kill,HELL will break loose when the CIA nukes NEW YORK CITY so they can blame it on russia,and we know america will Fall for their LIE just like all the others they told…ONLY this time it will cause their death,and all the rest of americas death..

Nathan Pilson

It is time for for the total removal of cabal media. it is using psychological warfare against the people. they help script fraud elections., the jan6 incident was media scripted as well.if the children of today., go back to using phonographs , and listening to 50s 60s AND 70s MUSIC,THEN THE OLDER GENERATION OF THAT ERA SHOULD KNOW SOMETHING IS WRONG.the children are ,in their way, SOUNDING THE ALARM. this media banking cabal has got to go.no more federal reserve., and MOSSAD must realize, any samson option is no option for them., there will be no place on this earth for them to hide. NO PLACE_ mossad best option is to remove the problem they protect.,and live well. because if the white boy has to clean up the people mossad protects., it is going to get really messy for mossad., that you can bank on.


Cabal media is right. These local news anchors are the worst. They
repeat the lies then jump right into the advertisements with the same
pharmaceutical hype. Moderna is still steamrolling the people with
their demonic ads. Burnt out on their bullying tactics.

Ann Ononomous

“We asked our source how Dunbar and Mobarakzadeh planned to wage war with only 250 troops in heavily Right-leaning upstate New York.”

It’s so wonderful to hear someone finally acknowledges (at the very least) half of New Yorkers are right-wing. All I’ve ever heard for years and years was “Ugh, you’re from New York?! So you must be a democrat! How in the *uck can you guys keep voting democrat year after year without seeing how *ucked up they all are?!” Not to mention, “You’re from New York?! How can you live in a *ucked up city like New York City?!” As if the whole entire state is NYC!! 🙄😝🤦 All us up-staters have learned to always specify “UPSTATE” NY, when going anywhere outside of the state and being asked, “Where are you from?”
Hats off to you, Michael Baxter!!! And please keep us updated on this story! 😍🤗😘

Last edited 1 year ago by Ann Ononomous
Stinky Perfume

People like to ask “where did you come from?” I answer what does it matter? Do you want to know where I was born, where I lived, my past life, what are you looking to find out of that question?”


Why are they not going to do something about the treasonous military men and generals that are trying to hurt civilians? That is outrageous that they can get away with that. They should be the ones that have their weapons taken away.

E. Grogan

They said they needed to rule out coercion. I don’t know about anyone else, but if I was ordered to murder anyone, I’d take a bullet before killing anyone. At least I HOPE I would, who knows for sure until you’re actually in the situation, but I really don’t think I could murder anyone in cold blood. Defending myself is another thing, but MURDER??

Proudly Unaffiliated

All I can think of is this Q post, #2553 from Dec 5 2018:

One man, who gave up everything, risking his life (himself/family), to fight for & defend, We, the PEOPLE.

Bait expends ammunition.

EVIL has no place here.


[keyword: Bait] 😉

E. Grogan

Thank you for reminding us of that. I remember reading that. “Bait expends ammunition.”

David T

Dunbar and Mobarakzadeh were on “emergency leave” . . .
I love it!


Due course and action.

Ty*** Blessing’s be ~

Yvonne Wagner

Lloyd Austin and Christopher Wray are probably both behind this insurrection in our military and needs to be arrested, at least investigated, we know Austin had a hit out on general Berger we read real raw news fervently why is he getting away with this, we also know Wray is in cohorts with Austin. They need to be taking care of and held accountable

Last edited 1 year ago by Yvonne Wagner
Nukken Futz

I have never observed a command sergeant major go treasonous south. These guys traditionally have a,”mind, military, one each” type of crainial processor and these guys are army and absolute, Mr. Army. Most of these sergeants majors work in battalion or brigade slots and are rarely seen in ordinary army ranks, but are rather temperamental, however one does not want to piss one these types off, but I did managed too, after I rotated from ‘Nam. His name was, Command Sergeant Major Nutt…..


I speak my truth.I applaud all military service for your kindness.Thank you.I thank you.

Surf Nazare

Another solution idea—-Texas and any state that would join them start drilling for oil and or gas——tell the FED to pound sand again !!!! Open up refineries with state support and protection from FEDS—–Independently sell products and refine for other countries like they were. Certain refiners— could refine what would be classified as dirty oil—-FEDS be damned !!! If FED property let the state go in and take it and give protection to drillers. States like Texas or Florida have the power and smaller states could join and create a power source and save this country—-
The South will rise again and save the country—–All we need are Govenor’s with a big set and say enough is enough——you can’t trust elections to be honest so take control !!!! Can you imagine the businesses that would flood your states—–

David T

When that kind of economic and business freedom is embraced by the governors, the people of that state flourish while the businesses and the state flouris as well. I’m blessed to witness this first-hand in South Dakota where these values are embraced and implemented much to the chagrin of the leftists who would like to see SD slide into chaos like the liberal crap-holes of Illinois, most of California, Minnesota and others.

Surf Nazare

tell that gorgeous Gov of yours Surf said hello—-Hard to believe you could find someone so good looking and intelligent like that all in one package !!


God willing at least one or two recruits are white hat infiltrators who gathered excellent Intel and will be testifying at those tribunals.

God help us!


If soldiers knew they pledged alliance to DS and / or were targeting citizens simply because they were Trump supporters , they must be found treasonous ! Penalty for treason is to push up beautiful flowers Up from their deep mass grave , forevermore. Please dispose of trash in most efficient manner. Thank You Honorable White Hats . Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195


Agreed!! If your willing to turn a gun on fellow Americans because they don’t support the FJB regime then that is treason.

David T

I agree with you and NBS. I’m concerned that the educational system in much of the US has been polluted with anti-US pro-liberal indoctrination to the point that these misguided soldiers believe what they are doing is proper and honorable, much like how the radical Taliban and ISIS turds believe in their horrific causes. I applaud the WH’s taking out these kinds of installations and I pray that in conjunction with battling these symptoms of the problem, that we will get to the root of the problems in our education system and return to the pro-USA pro-Constitutional Republic values that have made this country the greatest country in the world.

CW Nelson

You are making excuses for traitors!
You are an enemy apologist.
Which makes you a traitor.

Last edited 1 year ago by CW Nelson
Debbie Fitzko

I pray that any recruiting for the black hats do the right thing and turn in any evidence that they try to attack innocent citizens and protect the constitution. PRAISE GOD!!! GOD WINS!!! 🙏❤️💪🇺🇸🌎

Surf Nazare

Solution—for Texas/Abbott—-tell the FEDS to go and pound sand—-put the wall up on private property and tell NY /Mayor and other Yankees to share cost of wall and you will stop shipping illegals to NY—–threaten other states and make them contribute too—–it will be cheaper for them to help out then to keep getting more illegals—–If FEDS come in then kick their collective asses with all your NG and police/Sheriffs etc. They threaten to cut off funds then say ok—–who has the biggest stick—-Texas economy is thriving, how about the FED Govt—–tell them to go to Ukraine and get their asses kicked—–


lol the fed gave texas 40 billion in 2021. get rekt abbott and fix your damn electrical grid


WE ALL WANT TEXAS TO STOP THE FLOW OF ILLEGALS COMING IN FROM TEXAS…what is your problem with that? Everyone in this country needs to tell the fed to pound sand, whats wrong with that?
WE all need to stick together, Whats wrong with that…AND whoever thinks Ukraine need their help, let them go there and get their asses kicked…no problem with that.


he supports it. he wants everyone speaking chinese.


Do you think the 40 bill was for immigration? lmao

Surf Nazare

don’t be a jackass—-he didn’t think that at all!!! thought you were against —-you need to get off the sauce when you post—-


The time is coming where God will break this country with His wrath. Or He will restore Sodom and Gomorrah


Yawn…something soon, again.

CW Nelson

Yawn, another mindless know nothing moron.

Angela James

Someone is already trying to break Texas with its wrath with 106 to 109° every single day for the last 6 weeks with no clouds or rain. I don’t watch mainstream media, so I have no idea what kind of explanation the meteorologists are trying to give for us breaking even the 1980s record and probably an all-time history record of Texas. I feel so sorry for all of the livestock, wildlife including birds, strays, and pets of unspeakably cruel owners who are keeping their animals outside right now. Michael, what are your thoughts on the heat in DFW? We live very close to each other. It is reminding me of the exact reverse of the unprecedented ice storm we had. Two extremes, two record breakers, and two times since the election. If this is foul play, I cannot imagine that Trump and the White Hats would allow this heatwave to happen for this long of a period.

Last edited 1 year ago by Angela James

The latest term being used I’ve heard, is “Global boiling”. We don’t watch MSM either, so I have wondered if the odd and record breaking temps and other conditions over the last few years have been influenced by manipulation of our weather in general.

Angela James

I totally believe manipulation. I’ve lived here my whole life, 59 years, and have never seen anything like it.


HAARP is still in use even though people have said it has been taken care of.
Summer school will be held in person at Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks for the HAARP program between Aug 1st to 10th, 2023. Students will have the opportunity to dialog one on one with experienced scientists. This year’s focus is on “Making the Invisible Visible,” using ground based receivers & beacon transmitters on satellites sponsored by National Science Foundation, NASA,
the Canadian Space Agency & more.
This suggest that HAARP is fully operational. Is this the wrath of HAARP on Texas and the other southern states?


evil grows when good men DO NOTHING


Scott commented on a wordpress blog so that counts as something I guess

Just Me

Me thinks you iz that nasty Jimbo.


fcking commie.

Just Me

I second that and you can add traitor too.



David T

And the oh-so-mighty W0zz Ll0yd B0fa DF troll turd has posted yet again.

CW Nelson

It’s abvious you aren’t welcome here, moron. This site is Patriot driven…

Last edited 1 year ago by CW Nelson

or else do the WRONG THING

Just Me

We are at war with these anti America commies, its a silence war. First it starts with censoring then forcing dangerous jabs against our will and taking our liberties piece by piece. For years these commies have been attacking our 2nd Amendment a right to defend our selves. These commies disregards our Constitution while destroying our country’s history and bringing in the the third world so we can be like the third world living in poverty.

O-Barry once said many years ago he wanted to Transform America and many of us who were awake knew what he meant by it and still millions of sheeples voted for this clown. As for the news media they are not our friends, for decades they have been lying to us and covering up for treasonous people. Its time that the average joe wakes up.

Get ready a new virus is coming so says the WH0, ironically just in time for the 2024 election, can any say vote by mail? I guess the first one worked so well they are going to do it again. Which is no surprise to me and the first one was no surprise either.

Last edited 1 year ago by Just Me

No one ever voted by mail prior to 2020!


Except overseas military and home bound disabled people.


Anyone else?

truth is stubborn

Yes, a certain large Left Coast city which I will not name here, even years ago. I figured out they were cheating when they sent me a notice my conservative-leaning mail-in ballot had been “invalidated.”

Election fraud has been empowered with mail-ins and digital machines, but it has actually been going on for many decades. Wherever there’s an incentive to cheat, it’ll happen.

Last edited 1 year ago by truth is stubborn

Any other cities, states or class of citizens?


Yeah, Washington state has been voting by mail for at least a decade…Oregon has too, and they have had their elections rigged ever since…no Republican has had the Governors seat ever since.


Yeah those are definitely bastions of conservatives lmao

David T

For what it’s worth to you, the troll turd currently known as 0liver was formerly known as W0zz, Ll0yd, B0fa, Russe11, Jas0n, Bi11 Caulf1eld, etc. Pay no attention to it.

David T

STFU W0zz. You’re not fooling anyone here, DF troll turd.

Just Me

Voting by mail was meant for the Military over seas. Now its being used for to steal elections with the help of those useful idiots who works for the Post offices.


“Now” its being used? It was never used by regular people before 2020?


liar, fcking commie


It would not have mattered who anyone voted for. Obama was selected and his opponent was McCain. They had us trapped.

This is why this movement is so powerful. It really IS God’s plan and only through Divine intervention have we been saved. Thank you everyone who have been the eyes, ears, hands, and feet on the ground for God’s plan.


You didn’t get saved. Trump is about to go to jail. That must be God’s plan!


He won’t go to jail, ever…fcking commie

Just Me

All is being expose, those sheepels who were asleep can see for themselves where the democrats commies are taking this country. And those who did not like Trump back in 2016 can now see he was much better for the country than this senile old Trojan Horse old joe.

Just Me

Back in 2004 when Bush vs. Kerry were both running, I did not vote I sense both were not good for the country and I was right. The same with Obama and McCain I did not care for either one of them and did not vote.


Screw the virus We know it’s a flu. We’re prepared.

Just Me

Me too.


Thank god you all know better. I’m thankful 43% more gop voters died than dem voters died once the vaccine was available. Good job gop!


There will not be another “virus” launch for a while. TPTB have much to analyze from covid and know to wait a few years for everyone to forget before the next salvo on individual rights.


If secret service and corrupt cops stand idle while children are being escorted into the Obama rape and death chambers we ha e to also conclude many of these so called trusted men and women with guns are just psychopaths too. Just my opinion considering how many have zero qualms raping a child.


Not as psychopaths but as accessories before the fact; meaning whatever they do to punish the catamite lover, they’re going to do to the LEOs and Secret Service agents protecting this sicko and covering everything up.


The REAL civil war in this country is already starting with the White Hats vs. the Black Hats.



Sandy Koufax

All of them are probably COVID Shot addicts. Medical experts have revealed that the real purpose of the COVID Shot is to inflict an irreversible slow motion lobotomy as the spike proteins penetrate the blood brain barrier and form clots in the capillaries of the brain and destroy the surrounding brain cells. The brain has very limited recuperative abilities and can not regenerate brain cells. These soldiers are irredeemable and should receive the death penalty.

E. Grogan

There are protocols to detox from the spike protein but I don’t know how well they work. Brain cells DO regenerate, we have found that out in the last few years – but not if the jab was taken and was effective, the spike protein just keeps on destroying your brain until you are lobotomized, you are correct in that. Married to a virologist/immunologist of many decades research who worked in Public Health Dept. and has studied this whole covid thing ever since it came out. You summed it up very well.


Repost to avoid moderation


https ://bestnewshere. com/

Three clips from known truthers with important information in them. Please watch them:


https ://www. bitchute. com/video/pK7CsWByZM53/

Michael Jaco (truther/ex-military) – Plandemic deception details, DS intel, and more

https ://sp. rmbl. ws/s8/2/R/r/m/n/Rrmnl.caa.mp4?u=0&b=0

[Direct MP4 link, cannot get to clip’s landing page on Rumble.]

Snafu Radio – Dr. Jim Willie (truther/finance guru) financial/DS intel

https ://sp. rmbl. ws/s8/2/M/W/0/i/MW0il.caa.mp4?u=4&b=0

[Direct MP4 link, cannot get to clip’s landing page on Rumble.]


Repost to avoid moderation


https ://bestnewshere. com/

Three clips from known truthers with important information in them. Please watch them:


https ://www. bitchute. com/video/pK7CsWByZM53/

Michael Jaco (truther/ex-military) – Plandemic deception details, DS intel, and more

https ://sp. rmbl. ws/s8/2/R/r/m/n/Rrmnl.caa.mp4?u=0&b=0

[Direct MP4 link, cannot get to clip’s landing page on Rumble.]

Snafu Radio – Dr. Jim Willie (truther/finance guru) financial/DS intel

https://sp. rmbl. ws/s8/2/M/W/0/i/MW0il.caa.mp4?u=4&b=0

[Direct MP4 link, cannot get to clip’s landing page on Rumble.]



https ://bestnewshere. com/

Three clips from known truthers with important information in them. Please watch them:

https ://www. bitchute. com/video/pK7CsWByZM53/

Michael Jaco (truther/ex-military) – Plandemic deception details, DS intel, and more
[Direct MP4 link, cannot get to clip’s landing page on Rumble.]

Snafu Radio – Dr. Jim Willie (truther/finance guru) financial/DS intel
[Direct MP4 link, cannot get to clip’s landing page on Rumble.]


Jason Miller saying he didn’t want to be part of the “conspiracy shit beamed down from the mothership” is the funniest part of trump being indicted.

Just Me

Obango was not indicted for leaving behind 4 Americans in Benghazi after they beg for help. Left them fighting on a rooftop for 13 hours and ignore their pleads and so much more treason of 8 long years. I trust God will judge this POS of a girly man.

The only reason they are after Trump is because he stands for America and the citizens! He is not part of these Hood Rats who have sold out the country.

Last edited 1 year ago by Just Me

Oh no…He wasn’t indicted! I guess the GOP didn’t have enough to indict after 800 hundred interviews. Too bad! lol

Meanwhile 8 Trump officials have been convicted lol!

Donate more to Trump. The billionaire needs legal bills paid! lololol

Just Me

Yes convicted of made up bullshit, but old hair sniffer and his crack head son get a free pass.


Awww…maybe someone should indict Biden for those misdeeds. Until then, I guess he didn’t commit any crimes


They are both dead.


Only Hunter is according to RRN.

Just Me

Yes perhaps dead but those actors taking their place are still causing chaos and destroying our country. They too need to be arrested and charge with crimes against the Constitution and the citizens of our country.


Yet n0body is arresting or impeaching Dems, just the guy who tweeted his way through crimes. I wonder why


What gets me is the hubris of these people. They obviously didn’t think someone would warn the White Hats. Everything was out in the open. The local cops and sheriffs were either bought off or lied to. I can’t get over how little caution they used. They obviously thought they had protection. And look what happened to them! They are going to die for their stupidity and pride.

E. Grogan

I’ve noticed the hubris, too – arrogance is a huge sign of psycho pathy. I was a therapist for many yrs and had to make diagnoses of clients, also have known a few syko paths.


This one hits close to home. I was born and raised in Northern NY one mile outside of Fort Drum in a little town of Black River. Great place to grow up if you like fishing, hunting, trapping, camping all outdoor activities, something the younger gen isn’t into as much any more.

As for the article I think the soldiers should be reprimanded. They are people who just wanted to kill easy innocent people. Dishonorable discharge at the very least.

Being ex-military I would have been kicked out if they had ever asked me to train to kill Americans in their own homes, for that matter anybody in their own homes.
People in their own homes with their families are not a threat to anyone.
The soldiers wanted to be killers and nothing more. There is no Honor in killing innocent people in their own homes with their families and then robbing them. Never saw that line in my Oath.

I do believe that they are doing this in a lot of places through out the US. I would put money on it if they check out the State of Michigan where Gretchen Whitmer is out of, they will find more small places for training the soldiers for the Deep State.

Anyways good article but sad to know that our American military is willing to start shooting their own people no questions asked.
They should ask the soldgiers to kill their own familie members first to prove they believe in their boss Biden.




Reprimanded?!?!?…isn’t it a crime to plan a murder? Last I knew it was.


Conspiracy to murder? Oh, definitely.


If they planned and trained to kill innocent American Citizens they deserve nothing other than the death penalty. Such actions are treason against these United States, the People, and our Constitution making them an Enemy of the Republic. One answer, and a permanent one: hanging by the neck until dead for every single one involved.


This is exactly what FEMA wants to do to us under Biden and Criswell.
realrawnews .com/ 2021 /01/ biden-gives-fema-license-to-kill/
realrawnews .com/ 2021/ 01 /biden-brings-back-guillotines/
realrawnews .com/ 2021 /01/ covid-19-fema-camps-ready-to-roll/
realrawnews. Com/ 2020/ 12 /fema-buys-assault-rifles-from-china/ 


LFG Fema!!!

E. Grogan

Thank you so much for the links – I couldn’t find the last one about assault ri fles but if you do a search using the article’s title + before its news, you can find it on before its news dot com.

E. Grogan

Excellent comment, thank you! My dad was in WW2 and my mom was one of the first WACs, too. Dad came from absolutely nothing and worked his butt off to make something of himself – he stayed in military and became a mustang admiral. He was so proud to be part of U.S. Navy and had huge respect for military personnel. I’m so glad neither of my folks are alive to see what has become of the military in this country, it would break their hearts wide open.


Mobarakzadeh is definitely a Persian name from the extreme Islamic Republic of Iran.
Just another proof that the muslim extremists are working hard to destroy America from within, just like they always said, that’s their main goal.
To destroy America from within.


That’s what Lincoln and MacArthur warned us against. The enemy within.
The Enemy Within: The McClellan Committee’s Crusade Against Jimmy Hoffa and Corrupt Labor Unions 

Kay Mitchell

More good news!

Thanks Michael. You and your Real Raw News
updates are the highlight of my days.


How sad for you.
All of this is fake and most certainly not news. It’s made up nonsense designed to trick morons into sending this guy some money. There is not one shred of proof of ANY of these stories being real. Not one.


Show and tell us all that they are not real, instead of belly aching all the time. Michael would have been arrested by now, if these “stories” were not real. Reality is ALWAYS stranger than fiction.


Joanna goes back to the well of excuses…

Mike Huntsucker

How the fuck do you get off by watching the greatest country in the world being destroyed? You must be one of these fucks..I would love to witness your judgement day…drink as much ice water as you can now.. just a little advice


I get off just like you.

Just Me

You get off watching our country being destroy by these evil people, I doubt you are a an American unless you are bought and paid for.

Just Me

Just like your puppet masters.


Do you get off like me and Mike H?


Why would he be arrested for writing comic books?


At first it seemed like it could be satire but if it were not true some of these important people could have already taken legal action to sue for defamation. Michael Baxter once published a letter he got from Gates’ lawyer but the article stayed up and I never saw anything else from anyone. That’s odd considering this is an information war and even their lawyers will probably be going down with them.


Gates was scared shitless.


You can’t sue people for liable or defamation unless you can show monetary or career damages.

None of these moronic made up stories qualify for that.
They’re dopey comic book made up nonsense, and have no harmed or injured in any way the monsters he writes about so you can’t sue.


I bet you cling on to everything NBC ABC CBS CNN or any other bullshit propaganda news outlet says. That’s moronic Following there bullshit may get you killed. Wait until they start their euthanasia program to help reduce the population. To get to their green house goals for 2030.


Why, how can you believe any of this nonsense? The military is as corrupt as rest of the US government. Covid was a US Military led operation to gain control over America and slaughter millions of Americans. The military time and again has failed to support and defend the Constitution as in their oath they on joining against all enemies. Joe Biden runs a massive money laundering operation with his son the White House yet they indict Trump and the military does nothing. These stories are untrue because no actual proof of any of it is ever given. No one is coming to save you, just pain and suffering that is coming that people will have never experienced before.


Why do you think Trump got indicted? For being a model citizen?


He is still a trillion times better for this country than the child diddling, child showering, child stroking, child sniffing, Joe.


How so? Did killing 43% more GOP than Dem voters after the vaccine was available make him better?

He pushed the jab (which you hate), the economy was tanking, fired nearly every person he hired (he hires only the best!), and he only built 47 new miles of wall which Mexico didn’t pay for…AND HILLARY DIDN’T GET LOCKED UP.


the corruption is deeply entrenched, 8,000 plus stay-behind O
President Trump’s achievements are legendary and will be even more so when all is known.
When taking on an entrenched criminal network of falsely “authorized” enemies of the state supported by “TV”
it is not possible to undo all of that (including you and your treachery) criminal filth in four years while under constant personal attack.

May you reap ALL that You deserve you misrepresentative lying troll.

Last edited 1 year ago by whateverfloatsyourboat

Which achievements were legendary?

Was it the 47 new miles of wall? Was it when said wall fell over? Was it when he wouldn’t let a ship dock because it would increase the covid count in America? Was it when he didn’t lock up HRC? Was it legendary when Mexico didn’t pay for the wall?


Go away, TROLL. Then we will be
Ollie Ollie oxen free.


Or the child-raping, teen-sodomizing, catamite-loving, lost teen-murdering Barack.

Just Me

Trump is a better than man than what you will ever be. Obango was no model citizen, this POS committed treason from day one. First thing he did was to apologize to our enemies for America. That alone was a red flag that the useful idiots over looked including you.


lol I love when our presidents salute NK military!


You “love” any opportunity to mis-represent what is easily recognizable and understandable to others.
You are a lying shill.


Did Trump salute the NK military? yes or no


Is Ollie boy a troll? yes or no


if you love north Korea so much go there coward.


Everyone knows that the system of injustice under the current (and deeply-entrenched) Nazi regime indicts HEROS of the People whom they have not been able to undermine with all of the rest of their criminal abuses of the privilege they currently employ.
Severe Corruption of theGovernment is “Why” snot-balls like you are able to spread your slime in service to their Lies.
You are ALL (“Oliver, Hank, Jim et all) People of the LIE!

Last edited 1 year ago by whateverfloatsyourboat

Oh ooooook


Yeah I understand your concern. The media shows the Q movement as a military thing, that they are organizing to save us but that was never true. The end game after all the pro/military propaganda was martial law, Trump supporters in camps, and the ds would destroy earth as we know it.

That’s why no matter what your religion, PRAY 🙏. Only God can reach the people who have the power to do something.


welp, canada censorship bill is coming soon.


It’s about time. They talk about maple syrup and hockey too much




That escalated quickly. You mad bro?


you sure hate freedoms and art.

your the most fattest and dumbest and gayest stupid fucker on earth.

go support north korea wacko.

im not your friend or buddy. go to hades


As if they didn’t censor enough? Plus Justin and Sophie are getting divorced. GOOD FOR HER!

Dennis Morek

252 traitors of the 10th mountain. burn them alive!!


dishonorable discharges all around, followed by looong prison sentences


No looooooong prison sentences….we do not want to feed them forever. This is war and treason is still punishable to the ultimate.


I agree. I don’t want to pay for Trump to be fed for the next 10 years


You “pay” for nothing you biden-soros-supported scum.


Oh but my taxes would pay to feed him. He’s got plenty of money you rubes send him for his “PAC” (aka legal bill fund) so he can pay to feed himself


This is your little friend, george soros:

Declared global terrorist by China, under arrest warrant by Russia, corruption of politicians in America, Argentina, Canada and France, treason;
George _Soros; WEF/Annual Meeting/2017
Controversy in Loudon County;
Brussels Forum /2015; 
Bilderberg /2002, Chantilly, Virginia, Westerfield Marriott Hotel; 
theliberty beacon. com / putin-issues-international-arrest-warrant-george-soros-dead-alive/;
asiatimes. com/ 2021 /09 /chinese-state-media-label-george-soros-a-terrorist /;
www .bitchute .com / video /XQg8 HA JIUah9 /;
mosaic magazine .com/ picks /israel- zionism/ 2017 /07 /what-does-israel-have-against-george-soros-quite-a-lot-actually /;


This is too long for Ollie to read, Xena!

Nukken Futz

These guys were just “brownshirts” to their Rockefeller masters and when they were no longer useful, they’d be terminated too. I wonder how much they were paid off to go against their sworn oaths to our constitution…total traitors! Another item; CSM Nema Mobarakzadeh is of Iranian ancestry and might be a double agent, perhaps…


Maybe…I’m guessing old low IQ Nema was a diversity hire.


A simple Google search brought that POS Mobar up.


keep up the great work.


Is incest illegal in Texas?


Why, are you planning on moving there? Stay where you are and keep boning yo mama.


he wants me dead, lol.


Ask your mom and her brother, your dad…


Ok…now what? They aren’t licensed to practice in Texas.

Rose Mary Abbott

Incest is illegal totally in every state except for the states of Rhode Island and New Jersey where they are still not allowed to marry each other but can still legally have relations.



Mary Altmann

Good Work. We hope and pray JAG and the White Hat military have their heads in the game regarding California. We have had our water reserves drained to cause droughts, energy weapons used to start fires causing lost lives and countless damage, they are still pushing a dangerous vaccine, and Brown’s Governor’s Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 2012 calls for the removal and elimination of extrodinary numbers of dead livestock”. p.108. They have also placed in the California Constitution Article 3 section 3.5 makes it illegal for agencies of California to declare a statute unconstutional or refuse to enforce it for that reason.
“Sec. 3.5. An administrative agency, including an administrative agency created by the Constitution or an initiative statute, has no power: (a) To declare a statute unenforceable, or refuse to enforce a statute, on the basis of it being unconstitutional unless an appellate court has made a determination that such statute is unconstitutional; (b) To declare a statute unconstitutional; (c) To declare a statute unenforceable, or to refuse to enforce a statute on the basis that federal law or federal regulations prohibit the enforcement of such statute unless an appellate court has made a determination that the enforcement of such statute is prohibited by federal law or federal regulations. [New section adopted June 6, 1978.]”


The soldiers also pledged allegiance to Joseph Biden…”

Rhetorical question:

If Dunbar and Mobar and these 250 soldiers knew beyond doubt that they were actually and literally pledging to lay down their lives to preserve and perpetuate an agenda of evil, including rigged elections, gov’t corruption on all levels, and also: human trafficking and slavery, mass genocide of humanity and Satanic live cannibalism of children by the elites …. would they still do it?


It certainly makes you wonder doesn’t it. Unless the idea of such power over other people has blinded them, I would think they wouldn’t!! Of course, I would guess these are weak minded individuals who think they would really be doing a great thing for their dog pResident. Joe Biden is basically an animal hooked on the blood of tortured children. His day is coming.


Demonic POS robot biden


I agree. I think he’s hooked on adrenochrome. Could explain the possible ‘misdiagnosis’ of dementia? On a side note…anyone else see they detained Dr. Ronny Jackson in Texas??

Mrs. Joe Strummer

I just looked that up. No good deed goes unpunished huh?

Rose Mary Abbott

I’m glad the girl lived through all of that mess! The police seemed to have two modes. Either they were not there or they were totally incoherent in rage mode. Hmm 🤨. I wonder if this kind of thing is helping to destroy their public image? There really needs to be a change in the way we train our police officers. A big change. Protect and serve immediately comes to mind. Mutual trust is virtually unheard of in this day and time. Gone are the heroes on the street corners who would help you when you needed it. It’s as if that never existed. I remember when they would come on the children’s television shows and talk to them about safety in public places and such. We as kids looked up to them as our friends. That left a long time ago.


I like that, too. I was taught to respect LEOs ad call on them for help and I have; they were so nice and helpful to me, I did not grow up learning to attack them like Antifa or BLM or these crazycrat politicians like Lying Biden, Heels Up Harris or brosband-hitching Omar all do.


The man with the wife and three kids who got yelled at by a lawman trying to save somebody’s life?

Mrs. Joe Strummer

He calls it his “candy.” Have you seen the video of Briben in a crowd at some function and this lil boy goes up to him and discreetly puts something in his hand. Joe looks down at it and it was a small vial of blood. COME ON’ MAN!!!!


No way. I never saw that.


There not retarded, they knew. Or,as I suspect this is another BS story 🙄. I wish at least 10% of what is on this parody site was true.


Are you assuming they are stupid and do not know right from wrong?

Sparky Sr

There are muslim terrorist camps upstate NY as well.
Please tell Gen Smith to clear them out as well… They also train with live ammo.


muslim terrorist camps? there holding marine hostages there.


FEMA camps


FEMA camps are a place for whom ever is in power will use them for their enemy, Its a rotating thing I believe. The winner of war is the writer of history. Lets be on the right side of history

Just Me

Jimbo got blocked again? You must be using a VPN to have different emails and accounts. However, we still know its you.

Last edited 1 year ago by Just Me
Just Me

Me thinks you iz Jimbo.


That would explain Mobar being there.


They want the west gone for good.

Rose Mary Abbott

Can you blame the Middle East for hating our guts? Bush blew up the Twin Towers and blamed them and then brought them an endless war to fight. Why are we mad at them? They didn’t do what we accused them of doing! We have given them a lot more hell than they have given us in return. I hate what the Bushes did both to the world and our government. Before GW Bush our Congressmen and Senators listened to us and actually tried to help us. After? Not at all. They were passing bills that would prohibit us from growing a family garden! That bill did become law and it can be used against us in the future should they so desire to do so. The Supreme Court could get rid of it if they still exist by the time they use it. I truly hate what the Bushes did to the entire world. JEB! is coaching DeSantis for his presidential run. What does that tell you about DeSantis? He is just another Deep State dumbass. If they try to “install” him as the Primary leader over President Trump we need to know what is going on and be prepared for it. What if (and I don’t believe they will be able to do it) they are able to keep President Trump from running? What do we do then?


Jeb, I suspect is a sex offender, I wish I could prove it. Something just bothers me about it. If true, he needs a tribunal. If not true, I stand corrected.


Simply done. As a RN I injected saline solution to my patients with them believing it was for convid.I did so because I believe in saving humanity.

Rebecca Tracy

Many would have appreciated that not to lose their jobs with mandates. I have mixed feelings, but at least YOU didn’t directly harm anyone. 🙏❤️🇺🇸


A real hero

Last edited 1 year ago by Saturnnet

Convid, eh?

Rose Mary Abbott

Freudian slip I believe. Sounds perfect!

Morgan Graff

Good for you 👍


Thank you


I did what my heart wanted not because someone told me to do.


Your ]]-[[ig]]-[[er Self, Intuition has Never lied to You.
You are Blessed, & ][ Bless You


How did you get away with it? Don’t they check supplies against records showing usage?


She didn’t.

Rose Mary Abbott

All they would have to do is empty the bottle of poison in the trash can with a syringe and use the saline in its place. Or they could pour it down the sink drain. I don’t think it would be too hard to pull off.


I know!! I was just wondering if that was what she did.


I inject anything I want to. I falsified records.


In the case of this poison, I applaud you!! It would have been really bad for you if those demons had caught you. You saved a lot of lives, so I consider you very brave.

Carol B

Steph, may God bless you immeasurably for saving these lives….

Mrs. Joe Strummer

That’s awesome! God Bless You. 💪


Thank you. A friend got just the first one and think she got a saline shot too. Bless you brave and inventive lady, saving lives, walking the line. When all is said and done people will be listening to your story.

Mark Heisler

I don’t know what to Believe anymore, these stories are Getting so stupid anymore, that it’s very hard to believe 1/2 of it, the stories seem to be not believable, a good story makes a good story when there’s pictures involved and video, this is just like any of the news sources writing a story and they want you to believe it, you have the Q coding but you don’t think they can figure it out too, but yet you have no pictures when they could just say it’s fake so why can you people just put pictures and videos on there which makes no sense, what’s the difference between telling everybody who’s dead and who’s not or who’s hung and who’s shot? It’s the same story line, I mean the website gives you guys away in the first place, so why can’t you just put pictures and videos up what’s the difference, I mean the plan’s are over whatever you guys got done so how could they stop you from doing it? All this stuff has been done months ago every time it’s on here this is what we were told, I guess it’s just too hard for you guys to have a video grew.


Stories with pictures? What are you, a kindergartener?


No, its just an entity that grew up watching cartoons believing that Scooby Doo was real

Charles Smith

Even what you see in the media over at Mox and MSDNC with video is CGI generated, not all videos and pictures are real. You must be in your early 20s or else no fool would asks for something so rediculas. If there was video, the entire world would see it, if it would get into the hands of the people were trying to eradicate, they woukd quickly eradicate the good guys. This is being done undercover, so that the people that are not awake dont panic.


More excuses. Yawn

Just Me

Don’t expect the news media to give you any truth! The Deep State Hood Rats will use clones and actors to accomplish their dirty deeds against the citizens of this country. You are a fool if you think the news media is honest. I do not care what they report, half truth and mostly lies. They covered up for Obango, Hildabeast and most of these traitors.


Boring…More excuses


So you’re bored? then GET LOST.


Wow I am from that area.


Reminds me of the flag presentation at my dad’s funeral. They changed the wording from a great nation to president Joseph Biden. We were so upset that the soldiers had to word it that way.


That’s incredibly disturbing. I’m sorry for the loss of your father too. ‘May he have received his real honors on the other side. 🙏


Oh no, I’m sorry. I didn’t know they did that. This man is no better than Hitler to dishonor your dad like that.

“On behalf of the President of the United States, [the United States Army, the United States Marine Corps, the United States Navy or the United States Air Force] and a grateful nation, please accept this flag as a symbol of our appreciation for your loved one’s honorable and faithful service.”

download .militaryonesource. mil/ 12038/ MOS/ Brochures /MFH-FlagPresentationProtocol- Brochure.pdf

 “As a representative of the United States Army (Air Force/Navy/Marine Corps/Coast Guard), it is my high privilege to present you this flag. Let it be a symbol of the grateful appreciation this nation feels for the distinguished service rendered to our country and our flag by your loved one.”

va .org /final-salute-with-military-funeral-honors /

Last edited 1 year ago by Xena

Swearing allegiance to Biden smacks of Hitler demanding sworn allegiance.

doug miller

or president #44, whose name I still cannot abide to write…




I have trouble too, Call him the other paedodent, that’s what he is. That’s why he and paedo Joe get along so well even when they aren’t getting along. Denis McDonough and Hunter Biden admitted Paedo Soetero pulls all the strings.

Johnny Lunchbucket

You mean buttfucker. There, I fixed it for you. I actually should say buttfuckee, as he is definitely a bottom.

Last edited 1 year ago by Johnny Lunchbucket



pResident not President


@Johnny Lunchbucket, #44 is paedodent 1, the usurper is paedodent 2. Fixed it for you.

Last edited 1 year ago by Xena

i no longer call anyone president anymore. maybe a few remaining good dead ones. Abraham Lincoln, George Washington and some other one.


Careful there, Honest Abe, not necessarily honesty……..


Stop besmirching Abraham Lincoln. He freed the slaves and made it possible for people of color to live freely. Any president doing that should be honored.


Yeah, definitely the same thing.

Last edited 1 year ago by Oliver
Verona oakes

Holocaust? More like holohoax, and the Great One will be vindicated


Who’s the “Great One”


Are you saying the holocaust was not real? Who is the Great One? Some of you people get waaaaay off subject and say ridiculous crap!!


“Whenever the people need a hero we shall supply him.” – Albert Pike or good cop bad cop , brought to you by checkerboard square —-“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” Lenin – ― The Constitution is the guide which I never will abandon. George Washington

Last edited 1 year ago by John
Bro. Andrew

Good writing John. WWG1WGA!

Mark David

George Washington did in fact abandon the united states when he made a secret deal with the Crown. How else would the Vatican and the Crown get Washington DC built? DC is FOREIGN TERRITORY residing on American soil, exactly the same as the Vatican and The City of London (financial district) do in Italy and England. The united states has belonged to this Trifecta cabal since George Washington made the secret deal to become the Military Arm of the cabal. It has been in our sight for more than 200 years. but nobody said a word about it. Americans need to demand that Washington DC be renamed, forbidden as a capital, become part of the country again, and turned back into a bird sanctuary.


Glad to hear they are weeding out the traitors in the military. Keep on keepin’ on. God Bless our White Hats.

Bro. Andrew

I bet that is only 1% of them. What about the 400K Chinese 20 year old men who Byedan and O’bummer allowed over the cartel run border about a month ago? They were shipped to Panama and a 100 buses drove them to the Mexico/US open border. Pray warrior. Pray. George Sorrows paid for it? or CCP? Shakin’ hands with Byedan the trader.


Soros definitely paid for it, we are all awaiting news of his tribunal now.


He is already dead from what I have heard, but, who knows ?


so the ones at the entrance are allowing the enemy to tresspass illegally to kill anyone.


Everyone’s favorite phrase on this site is “what about”


You don’t speak for any one here.


These people seem to have no sense of respect for the Constitution, Americans, Godly morality, nor right from wrong. The level of depravity of Deep State Democrats seems almost unfathomable. Literally, in the wrong at every turn. Good job, fellas…. We are so glad you are doing such a good job of rounding up the ‘gone crazies’.


Yup yup yup if Hunter or Joe did bad we should investigate. Immediately!

But any investigation into Trump, well thats gotta be the deep state.

Bottom line is if the “The level of depravity” is so ingrained in the deep state ( or democrats) should there
be any investigations? At any level?

As my great grandmother used to say whats good for the goose is good for the gander.

vengeful goy

This is what a fed post looks like.
gfy “nick”


So I see you are here to speak for the DS. Try not to trip on your way out!!


ok “rose seal”….


They have no conscious, no souls. The devil owns them.


I’m not worried about the fake indictments. I believe the Navy will keep our President safe. The “Justice Dept.” Has gotten so ridiculous, I suspect this is the good guys allowing the bad guys to expose themselves.




Hope the White Hats have their eyes on AG Dana Dyke Nessel, as she is on a roll in Michigan. Matthew DePerno, who was endorsed by President Donald Trump, and lost to AG Democrat Nessel & former Republican,state Rep, Daire Rendon, have been charged with undue possession of a voting machine & conspiracy. The dyke, Nessel, has a bad habit of targeting & persecuting her political enemies. Last month, Nessel announced felony charges against 16 other Republicans who signed & submitted a certificate “falsely” claiming that Trump won Michigan’s 16 electoral votes. Quite frankly, we are sick of this degenerate, filthy liar. She must really miss
BIG GRETCH, the other bitch.


It sounds as filthy as Canada.


Is Canada filthy? eh?


I like Canada, it looks so nice, and the people are great.


Canada looks great to the liberals as well


So it looks great to everyone!


She is dead, and if the dyke bitch doesn’t watch out, she could be next on the tribunal list.


both POS kunts


how about AG Black do something about the evil


I posted AG black that should read AG J Smith


that’s AG J Smith


how about no?


aha Finally found it – I read recently about Ridge Runner annual training in West Virginia near Ft Dawson but is all of it year round legit?? There are pics where the participants are plain-clothes and not patches, id, or uniforms. Whole towns are used with areas marked off for certain activity but the range is 500,000 acres. Police, town officials and roleplayers-actors are included. They are practicing civilian detention etc in the US and the list of previous participants and the focus raised red flags for me despite the detailed explaining- or maybe because of it..

The article even provides an excuse for the Boston incident when their detained target turned out to be an innocent bystander case of mistaken identity SUPPOSEDLY ”negative attention in April after Army Green Berets and members of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) accidentally detained an innocent civilian in a botched raid in a Boston hotel.”

Your article reminded me that I had mentally flagged it for further investigation.

www . thedrive . com /uploads/2023/06/29/ridge-runner-detain. jpg?auto=webp&optimize=high&quality=70&width=1920