Trump Assassination Attempt — NEW DETAILS SUGGEST DRONE


As reported last month, a would-be assassin’s bullet struck but did not penetrate Trump’s bedroom window while he slept during the early morning hours on January 26. Bullet proof glass, which he had installed recently, probably saved his life. And ballistic experts who at first speculated that the shot originated from a chopper hovering off the coast have dismissed that hypothesis in favor of a more plausible premise—an armed drone.

A source in Trump’s orbit speaking under condition of anonymity has given Real Raw News more information on the shocking assassination attempt and subsequent investigation.

Trump’s investigation team, our source said, dismissed the gunman in a helicopter theory after obtaining radar logs from Palm Beach Intl. Airport and the US Coast Guard Station, Lake Worth Inlet. Neither radar had detected a helicopter within 15 miles of Mar-a-Lago between 3:00-4:00 that morning.

Although radar is an imperfect technology—and helicopters are small—most civilian and military radar systems employ a technology called Multilateration, a technique for figuring out a ‘vehicle’s’ position based on measurement of the times of arrival of energy waves having a known speed when propagating either from or to multiple system stations. In short, if a helicopter were there, radar would have detected it.

Trump, of course, did not deduce this on his own. To interpret the radar data, Trump hired USAF retired CMsgt. Anthony Vance, who for 12 years was a Radar Approach Control operator at Joint Base Andrews, which was then called Andrews Airforce Base. After retiring from the military, Vance was tower chief at JFK Intl. Airport, one of the busiest airports in the world. He has spent most of his life interpreting radar nuances.

“Vance studied the logs and said he was 99% certain that no helicopter was in the vicinity of Mar-a-Lago when the bullet hit the window. Trump believed him, but was still furious and wanted answers. Upon closer inspection of the radar logs, Vance saw something he thought might interest Trump,” our source said.

The logs revealed four surface contacts, or ships, within three miles of Mar-a-Lago at around the time of the attack.

A radar’s ability to detect and track surface contacts is dependent on several variables—sea and atmospheric conditions, the size of the vessel and, most important, whether the ship has a mast. The taller the mast, the greater the chance it will reflect a radar signal to the source.

“Vance figured out that the nearest contact was stationary about a half mile off the coast when the round hit the window. Within minutes, that contact headed due east and accelerated to 30knots. The only landmass east is the Bahamas, but the radar lost track after thirty miles. These discoveries made Trump’s people dump the helicopter theory and think about a drone having been launched from the ship.”

Trump enlisted the aid of a former General Atomics aeronautical engineer, Stephen Duckworth, to bolster the drone theory. Duckworth had extensive credentials and had played a pivotal role in the development of the US military’s MQ-1 Predator UMV.

Duckworth excluded commercially available drones as possible culprits, but he told Trump that a custom-built drone fitted with gyroscopic stabilizers and advanced night vision or thermal optics could have, theoretically, fired a weapon affixed to the chassis.

“You do know the CIA has this stuff?” Duckworth reportedly told Trump.

“I know we have powerful, immensely powerful weapons the likes of which no one has ever seen, but I don’t know the details. That’s why I have pay guys like you to explain it,” Trump replied.

Our source said Vance endorsed the drone theory, as the radar cross section of a small drone is minute to avoid detection, especially if, as Duckworth purportedly suggested, the drone was coated in radiation absorbent material, or stealth paint.

In closing, our source says that Trump is holding Joe Biden and his Deep State handlers responsible for the botched assassination attempt, but he will not make a public accusation until he obtains irrefutable evidence linking “sleepy” Joe to the crime.

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Ike Konoclast

Drone? Carrying a firearm? Half-mile? Highly unlikely. Much more likely, a stray bullet from town. What kind of bullet? .22? Pistol? Rifle? Jacketed? Lead? Steel core?

al bundy

Within minutes, that contact headed due east and accelerated to 30knots. The only landmass east is the Bahamas, but the radar lost track after thirty miles. These discoveries made Trump’s people dump the helicopter theory and think about a drone having been launched from the ship.”

Roger Records

It would be a great day if or when Trump could have retribution just once. I hope he burns the 7 so called rep that turn there backs on Trump during the impeachment trial. I hope they all get the shingles.


Wow I hope Trump team makes his move soon arrest all these scum

Patricia Hermelink

Why is there no temporary flight restrictions over Mar a Lago as there is over the Bush home in Dallas, Clinton’s in NY, Obama’s in Massachusetts? It was my understanding that this was standard protocol for all former Presidents.

Tshombe Mcnary



Wow, shocking!! We definitely need to pray for President Trump’s protection regularly.

jeff graham

Great articles Mike. Thanks for your good work!


Vance figured out that the nearest contact was stationary about a half mile off the coast when the round hit the window. Within minutes, that contact headed due east and accelerated to 30knots. The only landmass east is the Bahamas, but the radar lost track after thirty miles. These discoveries made Trump’s people dump the helicopter theory and think about a drone having been launched from the ship.” *****Sounds like you are related to Sleepy Slow Joe***?????????? Wake Up !! President Trump is the Greatest President we have ever had and not only did he win the election by a landslide he was also appointed by the Greatest Best Power Ever !! The Great “I Am ” Do you know who that is ?


it seems that is the dems plan to make sure trump does not take 2024, as we all know he will.


Article said, “The only landmass east is the Bahamas, but the radar lost track after thirty miles.” That sounds correct to me.

Andreas Hartwich

Hello Mr Lt.General Mc Inerney Gott bless
you your Familie and freands. And special
Thank for the Army, when he stand up for this Last Nation under Gott. I Prey With Gott
for all humans, and his Hand is blessed
of his SON. GOTT BRINGS THE TRUH ENIWEHRE the Justice and fredomm
WE ARE YOUR CHILDREN. ??????????☯️????????❤?????

Andreas Hartwich

Hello from Germany Patriots for Mr.Präsident Donald J Trump Gott bless Amerika Mr.Präsident and his Familie.


Many of the military are overly vaxxinated compromised corrupt crooks. At this point President Trump shouldn’t trust anyone. And this Vance sounds like he’s allegiance is with the zionist jesuit luciferase order.

Pamela Herring

So true

Frances Louise Wagner

I want to know why isn’t there a TFR (Temporary Flight Restriction) against flights where-ever Pres. Trump is? My God they have a permanent one over Bush in Texas! This needs to be demanded immediately!


Anyone supprised? The DNC has been attempting to assassinate our POTUS since before he announced his run for office.
Wake up America, the left is evil.


We must remember that the evil is not only within the Democrat camp, but also within the Republican camp as well. It is not Left vs Right. This is a war between Good vs Evil. And we already know who wins. ?


What these sheet say? F*** You! These man Donald Trump like superman and bullets would bounce off him. Seriously. All president of these united stateses undergo secret surgery that make thems skin like steel. These happen after your president regan took a shot in the chest.


Enough already.

Ralph J Fiore

Mar Lago needs to have a ‘Jamming device’ installed that would drop any radio-controlled drone out of the sky. It’s not ‘Rocket Science’.

Last edited 3 years ago by Ralph J Fiore
Mike Baxter

Mar-a-lago is almost directly beneath final approach to Palm Beach intl. I’m sure the FAA would have something to say about how such technology might effect commercial airliners.

Sandra Norris

Drones don’t fly in airplanes air space.


You haven’t been listening to the reports lately. 2/3reports of drones in pathway of airliners.


If they accomplish the assassination of Donald Trump, they will be sorry, because conservatives will not take this sitting down. You can bet they will not try and distinguish between who may actually be the actual culprits and those just trying to appear innocent. If you work for the government when a SHTF scenario comes to pass, patriots will start taking out any and all criminals with extreme prejudice.

Rhonda Phillips

Why wait, they just stole our election. Why isn’t that you line in the sand?


No kidding, line in the sand has been crossed and re-crossed . Highest crime in the nation “treason” ought to be justification enough.


That is why Christians & all people of faith must PRAY for the constant protection of DJT– the TRUE U.S. President!!


Why not be PROactive? We shouldnt need our president killed before we get pissed. Repubkicans are pathetic.


THE FEDS,have guns that cause a STROKE,BRAIN TOMERS,OR DEATH,they have used them to kill many people,GOD WARNED THEM TO STOP KILLING HIS PROPHETS,of course they’ll never listen,THEIR DADDY IS LUCIFER,they believe he’ll save them,Lucifer isn’t in the saving anyone business,he wants their SOUL,and he’ll get 99% of them….

John Trump



Well the cia does have the gama rifle which causes what looks like a stroke it can also cause what looks like a massive heart attack. You can bet that the satan worshipping DEMONcrats had a big hand is this attempt and it is not going to be the last the demons want TRUMP destroyed and they will do anything to achieve those means. You can bet that the demons will try again and again, you can also bet that quid-pro-joe and kamawhamadingdong harris are up to their demonic eyes with this. When obamba was in office he once said he got good at killing people with drones well quid-pro-joe was in on all of that and more. You can also bet that with quid-pro-joe in office he is going to take things even further, everyone that disagrees with the guy will get a drone strike even if they are in the USA. The quid-pro-joe and the kamawhamadingdong harris care nothing for the people of this country, they only care about iran and china.

Lori P

Sounds like how they killed Breitbart.


Exactly Lori! Getting too close. Too much of a threat. Take em out. Bastards.

kevin coleman

what comes around goes around!


These people are never accountable to anything the law doesn’t apply to them that should be obvious to all by now! They got away scott free in front of the world and stole the country nothing gonna happen to them.

Rhonda Phillips

We outnumber them….just do not comply.


You outnumber who?


so even if it were a helocopter. it would have to have been high enough to fire. But in turn high enough to be detected on radar. A drone from a boat does make more sense if thats true. In my opinion it was a sloppy attempt. No clear shot , only into the bedroom at a man laying horizontaly in bed. very small target through glass. So an act to instill fear. A pro wouldnt pull the trigger on a less than probable kill shot. Just my .02 cents. God bless DJT and his family.

Michael DeMasi

Could of been the kill shot the bullet proof glass saved his life. You think they were trying to scare him lol.


I’m with you. The only reason to try to scare him, would be to scare him to death.

Christopher Newman

Trump gets even, don’t forget, you bring a knife, he’ll have a cannon


I agree with Greg. Through glass? Laying down? Either an amature or inexperienced person or as Greg says, intended to scare, but not necessarily kill. When “stuff” like this happens though, it is an indication you are on the right track. Go Mr. President! Give em hell! They deserve it.

Last edited 3 years ago by Lyle
Bill in Tennessee

The downdraft from a helo’s blades are both strong enough to lift the helo, AND strong enough to deflect a bullet fired from said helo. And the variables involved would make it a sketchy shot with low probability of hitting the target. So the drone theory makes more sense. A drone, with a single-shot capability to keep it light, the muzzle not pointed near any of the rotor blades…. the technology probably exists, we’re just not privy to it.

Christopher Newman

Could have been walking around, he doesn’t sleep much & this stupid, worthless impeachment crap would keep most up anyway


Due WEST HUH? From Palm Springs , Fl to go to the Bahamas HUH? Me thinks someone needs to go back to middle school and take geography again. Really ads credibility to your article!

Mike Baxter

Editorial error! Fixed, thank you!


We are human. There’s something called “human error”. So please try to make constructive comments.

Thank you Mike for bringing follow up news to us. Very interesting story. ?.

Mike Baxter



Thank You Mike for the News. Praying for President Trump, His Family, & Us All ???????

Last edited 3 years ago by Susan
Rhonda Phillips

I got the idea, east coast of Fl. Is where you look to find the Bahamas.

Mark A Murray

maybe you should read it again !!!


Clearly he was talking about east, dkhead.
Don’t get your panties in an uproar.

Sandra Norris

It clearly says East!
“Within minutes, that contact headed due east and accelerated to 30knots. The only landmass east is the Bahamas”

Gary Perkins

They said it headed DUE EAST not WEST. Get your facts before accusing someone of being stupid you ignorant fuckin dumbass!

John Myers

He said due east not west. Yeah someone does need to go back to middle school.


We’re the fuck did you read that the drone was heading due west? Lol before you start throwing your insults idiot maybe YOU should’ve payed more attention in middle school. YOU clearly failed your English classes and are a illiterate scumbag! HAHA thanks, you’re stupidity completely made the start of my weekend a fantastic one!


*an illiterate scumbag.

When a vowel is following a vowel, always use “an.”

Otherwise great reply.


No, the story said “due east”. And more thing to those geographically challenged as apparently you are: Palm Spring is in California, not Florida. PALM BEACH is where Trump lives. Dingbat!

Karen Owens

The article says “due east.” Maybe you need to take a remedial reading class or two

Karen Owens

Apologies. Saw the fix note after I posted. However you were very rude in your correction comment

Eugene J. Lentz

J comes I’d that all ya got. You snd your type can’t with your open koolaid CNN ear ( by the way, they found your Flavor) come up with anything substantial so you pick on grammar, misspellings and punitive errors. You snd yours are products of total fake news indoctrination…
Can’t find anything substantial.. then just find Something ???
3 choices pal, 1) evil 2) deceived
3 stupid…. evil has a agenda.
Deceived had a chance.. but
Once deceived for so long ya fall into the Stupid Category.
Ya can’t fix Stupid…
Please, God Help America!

Christopher Newman

He sail due East man—/ look it up again—


Better read it again. Plainly says “headed EAST”.


It was reported going due EAST from Palm Beach Florida,,,,maybe it’s you that needs a lesson in geography


Always a victim.

The Executioner

The jew always cries out in pain, as he stabs you in the back.


What are you? The new KKK? Or just another lowlife Nazi?


Vance figured out that the nearest contact was stationary about a half mile off the coast when the round hit the window. Within minutes, that contact headed due east and accelerated to 30knots. The only landmass east is the Bahamas, but the radar lost track after thirty miles. These discoveries made Trump’s people dump the helicopter theory and think about a drone having been launched from the ship.” *****Sounds like you are related to Sleepy Slow Joe***?????????? Wake Up !! President Trump is the Greatest President we have ever had and not only did he win the election by a landslide he was also appointed by the Greatest Best Power Ever !! The Great “I Am ” Do you know who that is ?


Anti-Semitism creates all kinds of mental illness pathologies. It comes straight from Satan, who created it and uses to try to prevent Messiah Jesus from coming back, which of course he cannot. Anti-Semitism is the most irrational mental state of any on Earth.


AlwAys a victim? Are you kidding me. Like this is the definition of victim, dumb ass! The man has risked his and his families life to clean out the swamp. And to help our country and I cannot stand whiney so called American bitches as yourself. Go choke on what Are those things that democrats wanna get rid of? Oh ya there balls!


Awesome comeback! You are obviously a conservative, Trump loving MAN!!!!!

Susan Harrison

I believe in God even though I can’t see God , even though I can’t see Trump I still believe in Trump. Together we will win ??

Susan Harrison

I 100 % believe in our President Donald Trump
Biden is Hollywoods President
?? NEVER SAY DIE ?? We got God on our side

Gordon Wolf

Did he clean the swamp? Is anything happening now, except covidiotism continued and leftist insanity just growing?


He is Superman! Trump accomplished so much more than can be told, but I am sure we will learn more details as time goes by. And Trump is just getting started. You don’t have to assassinate someone that isn’t a threat to you. The hateful left are afraid of being held accountable for all their crimes against humanity and Trump.