Military Revokes Podesta Plea Deal: “Let Him Hang!”



Representatives of the Navy Judge Advocate General’s Office on Sunday informed an incarcerated John Podesta that the U.S. military had withdrawn a plea deal that would have guaranteed him a maximum sentence of life in exchange for having testified against Hillary Clinton. The terms of the now defunct agreement removed capital punishment from the table; without the protection of a plea bargain, Podesta potentially faces the same fate that befell Hillary Clinton—death by hanging.

A confidential source involved in the military’s litigation process told RRN that JAG officials spent days scrutinizing statements—admissions of guilt—Podesta had given in a closed deposition. So heinous were his crimes that JAG expressed remorse for proffering the agreement in the first place.

“Even though he’s not prosecuting Podesta’s case, Vice Adm. John G. Hannink made the decision to renege on the deal. He’s the one who offered it. The severity of Podesta’s crimes matched Clinton’s—a lot of stuff they did in tandem, together. When you think about it, there’s really no reason why he should get special treatment. He’s a sodomist [sic.].  Before breaking the deal, he called Trump,” our source said.

But Trump, our source noted, recused himself from the decision-making process, as he didn’t want his personal feelings of the defendant to interfere with military justice. The military, Trump said, should use its own discretion, based on available evidence, in deciding Podesta’s future.

“If the court wants him to hang, let him hang,” Trump reportedly said.

Podesta, our source added, wasn’t thrilled at what he termed a “last minute betrayal,” and said JAG never intended to honor its agreement and tricked him into testifying against Clinton under false pretenses. He berated and beseeched JAG officers, accusing them of violating “professional ethics,” and swore to cease cooperation.

“Podesta’s argument was moot. He’d already incriminated himself beyond redemption, and his threats of claiming he gave the deposition under pressure fell on deaf ears, and the tribunal will hear everything on Tuesday,” our source said.

Podesta’s tribunal is scheduled to begin at noon on May 4.

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Michael, is that your GoFundMe posted by your name, Irving, TX, I found when doing a search for real raw news?

Terminally deplorable

If I was Podesta, I would be kind of scared by now. Nevertheless, I expect him to appear in an interview with Katie Couric or so any time in the next few days.




Another article said Podesta had tears streaming down his cheeks?It wasnt for the thousands of children im guessing,

Kevin Miller

Prosecutors shout put up pics of all his victims


I can’t wait. Were all thirsty for any updated information.


Thank you for the reports, and letting us know how to ID the fakes.


Thank you so much!I believe everyone will agree with me telling you how grateful we are for your reports and updates.Thank you!


What has happened to Brennan and Schiff?

All Senses Firing

When do we get to see these traitors hanging vids….I’ll believe it when I see it for real….this is such BS….they should have done them all live together.
No other country has any problem showing their traitors face final justice.

Last edited 3 years ago by All Senses Firing
Howard Lewis

Thank YOU, Michael Baxter. I really have been telling everybody I know about this for 40-50 years, depending on the incident. The FBI and SPD would do NOTHING. We needed a new sheriff, and I for one would like to help. Creepy Joementia Briben is a disgrace, along with the Veep, who was ‘paraded’ around Jimmy Carter for President headquarters in Seattle when she was about 14. The word about the recent law enforcement activity against this evil fills me with strength and gratitude. We NEEDED a new party in the White House to get anything done.


Can’t wait.

Sue Grantham

The tribunal started about 3 hours ago. The time is slower than molasses in January.

Terminally deplorable

For Podesta, it feels already like 9 hours with no happy ending in sight. Kind of a torture.


Michael, thank you for the update, much appreciated! Let’s hope Pedo-sta’s tribunal doesn’t need more than one day, as they already have what’s needed to execute him… IMHO of course!

Kevin Miller

Michael Baxter, can you tell us if the EBS is still happening and if so, when? Thank you for your excellent reporting

John A

With the deep state now passing around copies of Guillani’s execution tape of Hillary, just imagine as word gets out from our Mr. Baxter’s ongoing RRN series of historic, beyond Nuremberg crimes reports that another major player has been properly tried, convicted to death and executed. This is brilliant strategy in process, as all the Washington DC Cabal panics into complete paralysis knowing their time is up.

Last edited 3 years ago by John A

Funny I can’t find Real Raw News now on Google Search.


Sounds like Google must be censoring it…Google doesn’t like the truth when it puts “their side” in a bad light.



Sue Grantham

Use DuckDuckGo

Kevin Miller

You have to use



Terminally deplorable

Google is for the illiterati. We, the true illuminati, know where to find RRN.


i think the plea deal was to get a confession out of him.

John A

This rollout taking down the traitors in a precise order, in a precise way, under military law defined clearly in the DoD Law of War Manual which these tribunals and JAG officers must follow appears to me to be the notification to all traitors they are surrounded and at the end of their reign. From here, EBS with all the video confessions, more tribunal convictions, the definitiveness that we are at war with true domestic and foreign evil will bring the public to it’s feet with undivided attention. Next, full realization as the evidence piles up – the military has it all! And after a time of public denial/ disbelief, acceptance. We The People let ourselves down, but the military saves us from our beguiled state of mental programming by our enemies almost perfect plan. Has anyone vetted all the Soros family clan married into our highest political leadership? Governor of MI once top gun hire of Soros. Governor Newsone nephew of Nancy Pelosi. Adam Schiff sister married into Soros son. John Kerry’s daughter married an Iranian mullah’s son. Hillary Clintons daughter married to George Soros’ nephew.
We’ve been all under attack in a conspiracy at the end well financed by the CCP to stir the pot and seal-their-deal now, except saved we are by Trump and our special forces.
DoD defines an “unprivileged” combatant and other categories of war criminals precisely, and it appears to me Admiral Hinney set the tone for all else following. The Soros Cabal will not escape. Executions will portend well the path to complete victory, and the path to “never again.”

Last edited 3 years ago by John A
Sue Grantham

Excellent. ?????


i like that the military doesn’t waste any time. civil courts are notorious for that.

John A

This rollout taking down the traitors in a precise order, in a precise way, under military law defined clearly in the DoD Law of War Manual which these tribunals and JAG officers must follow appears to me to be the notification to all traitors they are surrounded and at the end of their reign. From here EBS with all the video confessions, more tribunal convictions, the definitiveness that we are at war with true domestic and foreign evil.
DoD defines an “unprivileged” combatant and other categories of war criminals precisely, and it appears to me Admiral Hinney set the tone for all else following. Executions will portend well the path to complete victory, and the path to “never again.”


So then, who would we like to see in the “hot seat” next?
1) Obama
2) Brennan
3) Fauci
4) Pelosi
5) Rosenstein
6) Barr
7) Wray




Possibly put Kissinger first before he dies naturally.

Sue Grantham

Podesta tribunal begins today at noon. Should be completed, including sentencing by this Friday.
Comey, Brennan up on deck

Terminally deplorable

…. and tied on neck See, it rhymes even.


please add Schiff to our list!


John Kerry

Terminally deplorable

All of the above and below.


Why isn’t trump or anyone in his circle not saying anything publicly. Everyone i share this link with says its fake. It’s really annoying.

Sue Grantham

It’s the military- Trump doesn’t wanna involve himself once the military has control.
If Trump started talking and confirmed this- he wouldn’t be believed and somehow the “Russians” would be involved ?
Better to let it unfold and let the military proceed.
As far as everyone saying it’s fake- who cares what “they” think. “They’ve” been conditioned and will likely have their heads explode when given the raw truth. It will be known that Americans have been deceived by the very news outlets we depend upon for truth. Americans have been duped by the government for 50 years. That shit will be stopped as well.


I have the same problem in that most of the people that I mention this site/these stories to think I’m naive or crazy. It’s an interesting study: why are some of us open to the possibility of truth and others not at all?

Terminally deplorable

Did you not know? If it did not appear in the CNN evening news, it did not happen.


Free choise.

Karen Smith

Hang Him! Hes lied to many of people before so who cares.


All the stuff on this site sounds great. I have to admit, I’m skeptical. Is there a track record that can be verified of a site that makes such outrageous claims? I don’t trust the plan, I trust in God and His only begotten who died to save our souls.

Sue Grantham

Go to
A lot of elites have been dead a while

Terminally deplorable

It may be all judicial fiction, but do you have anything more interesting to report? I (We) had a friend in my twenties, who was incredibly gifted to tell fascinating stories about his encounters. We were never sure, if they were true, embellished or plain invented, but we listened to them joyfully anyway. We finally concluded, these potentially invented stories were much more entertaining than true, dour ones, which we did not want to hear.

Last edited 3 years ago by Terminally deplorable

Hi, Michael. Are there other tribunals going on at the G these days besides the high profile ones?


Amazing how they appear after patriot news, to convince us they are still alive and roaming free after years of silence and the occasional staff tweeting


When I read John Pedo-sta was getting a plea deal to testify against Hitlary Rotten Clinton I was disgusted and prayed they would change their mind. NO deals should EVER be given under such circumstances.. especially involving children! These spawns of satan should be marched straight to the noose upon arrival to GTMO since enough evidence brought them there to begin with! No Mercy!!!

joe blow

Hang the perv


Glad to hear it. I never liked him getting a deal, he’s every bit as evil as the hildebeast. It wont take much to snap that Adam Schiff like pencil neck of his.


The Planet’s growth cycle is coming. Plate movements beyond the comprehension of most of this paradigm. He’s telepathic, locking “them” up does not “remove” “them”. Upon “their” hanging, I’ll consume their negative Soul, and it’ll be incinerated, reduced to zero Density, totally lack of identity. An extremely unique ability I, and only I have. These evil dumbasses got themselves trapped, in the worst place to be trapped, Valhalla!!!! “They’re” F-ed!!
Sitting Bull/RA/Odin/Tyr/Aires—-etcetera, Wi are here, and carry Indignation (look it up in a dictionary, and the word “novel”, it does not mean new). Erroneous, vile, ignorant, life (lies, logic, learning, listening)-evil in here, is Grown on dogma, The Warriors Of Renown, are Grown On Discipline!!! That’s why “they” are panicking, “they’ve” already lost, thanks to their own ignorant science/medicine. Stop worshiping wealthy, famous, pedophiles who eat People. They’re “God”. YAWH means You Are With Him, sounds like Yahweh when pronounced, it’s a philosophical acronym, taught to asshat priests, a long time ago, who converted it to a name, to have Us “worship” “them”. Pick a religion, the modern ones are almost all corrupt. Regardless of “who” “they” claim to be, Most of EDEN is “worshiping” false “Gods”, slavers. “They” do not want any of You to realize how powerful You All are. Do you honestly Think Enki created slaves? “They” hate me because I gave you intelligence and the ability to Think critically and problem solve. To evolve and ascend, You must be Grown On Discipline-GOD, again, an acronym to My Philosophy, The DRUID way of Life. Self-service and narcissism are not permitted in “heaven”, or on a earth/dirt/soil Planet. This world lacks discipline, it’s arrogance is ignorance. Instead of Becoming Immortal, By Learning Everything-BIBLE, You’ve Become ignorant, by loving evil-Bible. The All caps is the key to my “symbology”. Respect All-RA. Simple shit. Life is meant to be simple, but, nope, let’s be blinded by science and ignorance and make it as complicated as possible. Why??? Because far too many are “hell bent” on controlling and mastering Nature, the most ignorant F-ing idea any life-form has ever had, and none are still “alive”, except the ignorant pricks in EDEN. Wi are not on the 3rd rock People, One Soul Owns this World, You are guests. Yet, everyone is forcing their religious philosophy upon Me, while erasing Me, making Me a myth, and attempting to steal my identities. “They” take credit for everything a GOD (philosophical acronym used for every Soul that’s not been totally brainwashed into servitude) Person does that’s good, and blames Us for their evil. It’s not about Me, it’s about my desire to end evil, permanently. This Infinities of War, will be over soon. Pick your side. The choice is Simple, Life Or Death, each will be forever. So stop intentionally lying, stop cheating others or on others, stop stealing, this includes energies, especially mine. Do Unto Others, As a you’d Have Done To Yourself, 1 Law that Rules All Life-violations are not tolerated. This world better see justice, equal, under Universal Law, or Celestial Enforcement will intervene. You Are All on stolen time.
Sitting Bull/RA

Last edited 3 years ago by Joseph

Let him have life in prison. Just make it a short life in prison.


After all the research I’ve done on the evilness of HRC and Podesta, I couldn’t sleep very well, sometimes waking up crying for all these children. Now that justice has been served on HRC and soon Podesta, I can sleep. But there’s many more that need to be arrested and I’m waiting as patiently as I can. Frankly I can’t wait til this whole corrupt DC criminals are taken down. I have to take it one day at a time to endure these criminals and the damage they are doing on a daily basis.


I only see one problem with executing these monsters. We can only do it once! Perhaps if they dedicate a cable channel to 24hr reruns of the video, I might be content ?.


It was supposed to be televised – Ben Fulford said it when he called for Nuremburg 2.0

Sue Grantham

Military analog records ALL tribunals and sentencing.
The military has the authority whether to release the recordings. With that said, the military understands their oaths. They will release them for American citizens to whom they are loyal to.


Dear Mr.Baxter…is this all indictment work of Durham..he has been extemely quit.only about month ago he appear in the short video he did announcement( ppl joked if he is alive)…..there will soon indictments…


Saw this coming. When I first heard podesta was getting a plea deal I thought him not deserving at all. Madeline McCann wouldn’t give him a plea deal. Why should anyone else? Such an entralling story. Really believable. Kudos Michael Baxter!

I would actually like more intelligence/intrigue to be honest. This writing seems a bit pulpy/for the masses. I think your audience is especially smart and you got a fine style. A bit more detail would be greatly appreciated.

J Bill

Amazing how tv tapes shows at an earlier date then plays them later.


Madeline McCann? Haleigh Cummings? Now’s the time to know.

William Turner

Bill & Melinda Gates announced they are getting divorced today – May 3, 2021. Every Patriot hopes Bill Gates is the “Arrest of the Century” and is headed to GITMO to meet the same fate as Hillary Clinton.


I pray it’s true that Gates is headed to GTMO. He should die by injection of every vaccine ever manufactured!

William Turner

I hear Bill & Melinda Gates announced they are divorcing today. Is Bill Gates the “Arrest of the Century” and will he be at GITMO any day now? We know the news will break here first.


Yeah, I just saw that William. It’s busting out all over the news outlets. I wonder what’s really going on?

Sue Grantham

Both were hanged by parents of children who either died or were paralyzed by the vaccines they brought to India’s rural villages. In the summer 2013. I looked it up on


If JP lied once or refused to answer one question the military withdrawing the plea deal is legal. IMO Podesta tried to hide something about someone so powerful that he felt he had to take that chance. My guess it is Soros. He’s the type that would execute your entire bloodline if he believed you betrayed him. A tactic he learned from his nazi bosses in World War 2.

John A

We do not know, have not seen, the full extent of the evil doings of this man, but the JAG has. What I take away at this moment is the resolve of our military, their complete and overwhelming military justice coming forth that has been missing on planet earth since Nuremberg. And even then, Nuremberg let hundreds go to continue into our top secret rocket and nuclear programs at CIA. Finally, we see real justice with real power making the proper corrections that should long ago have taken place to set the right example for our treasonous leaders otherwise enabled to flourish over the past 76 years. Praise these our men and women in uniform all, pray for them, and stand by them! This is how we win every one.

Last edited 3 years ago by John A
Andy R

I really hope that Bill Gates is on their list…

Last edited 3 years ago by Andy R

He is getting divorced. Shifting half his wealth before he goes to Gitmo?

J Bill

Said they can’t ‘grow together in their next phase’. Aren’t there “phases” at GITMO?


The real Bill Gates is deceased, per The people in India hung him and Melissa after he vaccinated their child to death or into paralysis. has the story.


Bill Gate’s father, Bill Gates, Sr, born in 1925, died Sept 16, 2020. Perhaps that’s who is on ancestry? That url took me to a business website, Affinity Mortgage Group. Just saying it didn’t quite add up for me.


No, their deaths appear since 2013 and it´s like Will Smith, there are even videos showing msm press showing he died on hospital after having an accident, and the anesthesist was being sued for malpractise, but show must go on for their handlers specially with all the money envolved be it bio warfare as gates are bio.terrorists sanctioned by the state or a movie star that occasionaly does the air flight like the lot of pilots flying in disaster zones or the occasional assassin like drake,caught while wearing a police uniform – they even brag and embed their “work” with their other “work”

Sue Grantham

Not unless he was also married to a Melinda who died the same day. They were murdered by the parents of dead children who took the vaccine. Justified homicide in my opinion.


or military tribunal in India, after the same crimes proven in other african nations


Yes, I’m praying he is!!! I despise that evil, murderous, ugly nerd!


I am not into any of any of these exotic punishments. I do think they should probably be burned and their dna done away with. I do not want to become evil.

J Bill

No, I never thought burning was evil…?


Podesta, our source added, wasn’t thrilled at what he termed a “last minute betrayal,” and said JAG never intended to honor its agreement and tricked him into testifying against Clinton under false pretenses.”

If any of these stories are true, I’d tell him “welcome to dealing with the same Gestapo tactics of the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and DHS you Nazis have used to imprison and destroy innocent people for generations. The American people have been betrayed by illegal agencies and a lawless government.”


Good points. Gen. Flynn comes to mind.

J Bill

I remember the video of Gaddafi being hauled away by Rebels while demanding the “fair trial…” entitled to him. The depth of hypocrisy is as shocking as the irony. Of a brutal dictator who was afraid to face the same demons he created. Fear.


See now I think this shit is fake. You just make up the story as you go and change as you go. So the trials are shady and don’t honor their word?

J Bill

CNN’s real and maybe more fitting for you.


Obviously you don’t know anything about military tribunals. But believe what you want…your decision.


“So the trials are shady and don’t honor their word?” Sounds just like what Democrats do, doesn’t.

Last edited 3 years ago by Delta
Sue Grantham

Research UCMJ. Military law is in no way similar to civilian laws/courts.
Plea deals have to be approved by the justices who sentence the detainees. They do not have to approve; they can also withdraw the plea deal if they know that the detainee is lying, omitting or feigning lapse of memory. The crimes committed against children, alone, is considered crimes against humanity and therefore under military control. Once arrested by the military, rights and freedoms as well as citizenship is revoked, considered to be an enemy of America.
Research cures ignorance if you’re so inclined to be educated.

Ronald W. Weiss

You may be correct, but anybody else now would be insane to do a deal. People who otherwise would talk are going to clam up. The question is, with all the rumors about Podesta, why did they offer the deal in the first place? Even worse, was the deal offered in bad faith; i.e., get his testimony against HRC knowing full well they were going to pull the rug out from under him once the scope of his crimes “became evident?” Yeah, as if they didn’t know…


I agree with you, Mr. President. “…let him hang.”


Vice Adm. John G. Hannink is a righteous man indeed…Thank you, sir!



In all honestly I want to say horrible things to the evil but hold in that hate and keep your words to your self it’s not are say to judge where they end up let God do the work it is not are place to say. He is above all. God told us to love are enemy’s. His words

Last edited 3 years ago by Summer
J Bill

Also to “Put on the full armor of God.. to stand firm against the devil’s schemes.” This enemy is not flesh and blood. Know that and his ways.


God also warns against harming children. If you have children and grandchildren you can understand the anger some of us have. Justice can’t come fast enough!


all they had to do was show some of the AMPLE evidence that podesta and his brother kidnapped and eventually ATE madeline mccann to realize this evil must be put to death. hopefully his evil brother as well.their crimes are innumerable and obscene and unfortuneately well known by a lot of us! the list of these devils is long and old and I hope to see them all treated in just such a fashion. to lament a “loss of face” by renegging on a so-called deal by our military is pretty shallow thinking and concerns me a great deal. these vile evil creatures have never lived up to a single promise they made to any child or adult they dealt with, how can you possibly feel bad for them? there are literally millions of us that would be glad to help send them to hell where they belong.


Not before draining her blood since she had the same genetic defect soros had. I wonder what her supposed father, a surgeon,was doing in US immediately after it happening. 2 things I will never forget, one of them saying all children look alike at that age, and the fact they called the press before calling the police. The sketches also show a carbon copy of weiner and the woman looks like maxwell.


sketch was this podesta not weiner and maxwell


You must have seen the e-fit with 2 of them,but the original has 4 suspects.


Check out the latest discussion between Charlie Ward and Mel K at the 24:30 point in link below about the Hillary execution and Podesta arrest and people telling Charlie it can’t be because “she tweeted” which he laughed at!

(If I’m permitted to put the link here)

Also earlier in the above discussion Charlie speaks about talking with a young lady this morning who claimed to have been flown in a military plane to the White House to be a witness in a military tribunal being held there to offer evidence of Biden with Soros! So perhaps a reason for all of the strange movements around the WH area of cars being towed recently, and the rest of the fencing being there as more for the reason to establish a prison like setting around the WH for such trials? You can’t write this stuff!


One lady also implicated charlie ward in one recent video, she said she remembers him from one flight…..just posting it here for future reference, in case it´s mentioned or proven false.


Treason is one thing when it comes to perhaps cutting a deal for life without parole, but add child trafficking & pedophilia and it’s straight to the gallows.

Sandy Koufax

Dear Mr. Baxter,

You cast aspersions on the likes of Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson because they must answer to the Deep State controlled FCC, but somehow you are able to maintain accounts on Facebook and Twitter without being banned. Certainly Facebook and Twitter are controlled by the Deep State. Not sure why you would even create accounts on Facebook or Twitter, in the first place.

Last edited 3 years ago by Sandy Koufax

Tucker Carlon was a vip presence in comet ping pong according to several press articles.

William Turner

Can you provide some links to these articles? Would be good to do our own research.


Of coarse I could them (articles) are available online; Many people have print screens and the articles are on but as you say, people have to be able to do their own research.

Last edited 3 years ago by kikas

Mr.Baxter…would you be willing answer this qst. from Sandy Koufax…how you managed to be on FB/TWITTER ???????

Ronald W. Weiss

So who know makes a deal to testify against Obama or anybody else?

Sandy Koufax

I think Hillary’s operatives will release incriminating evidence on everyone since she died of unnatural causes.

Last edited 3 years ago by Sandy Koufax
Ronald W. Weiss

So who now does a deal? At any rate, when I was in law school (a million years ago), we were taught to consider every possible thing a perp could have done before doing an immunity deal. Why? Because, unless you draft the deal super narrow, as soon as you do the deal, he will confess to being the second shooter on the grassy knoll. He will confess to crimes his buddies have done just to clear them (or complicate the hell out of their trials). Why didn’t our JAG people know this? You’d think they were aware there were some real bad allegations against Podesta. At least they should have narrowed the topics covered by the immunity. Not good lawyering.


They need to speed things up because we have lots of highly successful applicants such as Obama,Bush Bill Gates, George Soros, Dr Faucci, Polosi, Shumer, Valerie Jarrett, etc., waiting in the wings for their opportunity to see how they can best serve this organization.


There are 250,000 sealed indictments waiting…I believe this is going to take a while!!


There used to be a count available – is there a count anymore?


Michael, is there a set date for the purge or is it still a work in progress?

Last edited 3 years ago by Delta

Interesting that Trump said they should base their decision on their “available evidence”. Maybe Podesta’s “cooperation” didn’t match all the evidence they had and they weren’t getting enough to justify the original bargaining chip. Just speculating. But they must have had “everything” when they made the arrest in the first place to base it upon.


Good point! That’s a much better rationale for reneging than the enormity of the crimes.

Sandy Koufax

I think Hillary’s operatives are releasing incriminating evidence on everyone since she died of unnatural causes. No doubt she had a mechanism in place or else the Deep State would have taken her out first.