Bill Clinton Military Tribunal: Day 2


Attorney David E. Kendell spent Monday morning trying to exonerate his client, William Jefferson Clinton, despite conceding to a military tribunal that a 1993 audio recording implicating Clinton in the deaths of 76 Branch Davidians was indeed authentic. An independent audio forensic laboratory, Primeau Forensics, confirmed that Clinton had given the wanton and callous order to raze the compound with no regard for its occupants.

Nonetheless, Kendell held fast to his legal strategy: Blame Hillary Clinton.

He argued that although the tape was authentic, it was also exculpatory, because Bill and Hillary had had a private conversation 20 minutes prior to his chat with Reno, Chipman, and Sessions. Hillary had browbeat Bill into ordering the assault under threat that she would seek a divorce and leave him penniless unless he complied, Kendall explained to the three officers judging the military’s case against Clinton.

“My client is a weak man, and he was a weak husband to a foul creature, but he is no murderer. Hillary Clinton pshycologically manipulated William Jefferson Clinton at every turn,” Kendall said.

Vice Adm. Hannink cleared his throat. “Aren’t you a little old for courtroom theatrics, Mr. Kendall? These legal stunts may have worked for you in other venues—forty years ago. Your argument is irrelevant, and even if it wasn’t, Hillary Clinton isn’t here to testify.”

“No thanks to you,” Kendall quipped.

“You’re testing the patience of this commission, Mr. Kendall. There’s a limit to our latitude,” Vice Adm. Hannink replied.

After a brief recess, Vice Adm. Hannink discussed the 1999 bombing campaign against Serbian targets in the former Yugoslavia. The air raids, Bill Clinton said at the time, were carried out to halt widespread ethnic cleansing being perpetrated by Serbian forces against Albanian Muslims in Kosovo. The airstrikes ended after 10 weeks when the Serbians agreed to a peace accord that called for the withdrawal of Serbian forces from Kosovo and their replacement by NATO peacekeeping troops.

“Ethnic cleansing is an unimaginable crime, and we’re not here to question whether participating in the campaign was right or wrong. We are here to prove that Bill Clinton’s altruistic motives for involving the United States were farcical, and his true motivation, as with all things Clinton, was personal profit. That he accepted enormous quantities of cash, from multiple parties, in exchange for military aid. In doing so, he turned the U.S. military into a mercenary force, an act of treason,” Vice Adm. Hannink said.

Two weeks prior to the bombing campaign, the Clintons began receiving substantial deposits into several Cayman Island bank accounts, which, Vice Adm. Hannink said, the Clintons jointly controlled. Five million dollars from U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annon. Three million dollars from German Chancellor Gerard Schroeder. Five million dollars from Italian Prime Minister Massimo D’Alema. Four million dollars from Ibrahim Rugova, leader of the ethnic Albanians in the Serbian province of Kosovo.

Vice Adm. Hannink showed the tribunal financial transaction records that corroborated the Judge Advocate General’s Corps’ allegations.

“Where did you obtain these records?” Kendall asked.

“Snakes in the grass, Mr. Kendall, snakes in the grass. Not all of detainee Clinton’s friends are really his friends,” Vice Adm. Hannink said. “Your client was by no means a pauper, but he and his wife left office immensely wealthy people. In this case, he lied to Congress, involving our nation in a 47-day, trillion-dollar conflict for personal profit.”

“Even if true, and I’m not saying it is, you’re bringing up things that happened over 30 years ago, dated material. What will you blame on my client next? The extinction of the dinosaurs? What has my client done lately?” Kendall asked.

Vice Adm. Hannink smirked, and said “lately” would be the topic of Tuesday’s proceedings. He declared the tribunal in recess until ten hundred hours on Tuesday.

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Such a staple in their playbook “but that was so long ago”… yeah, and you’ve continued to be the same crap person. Notice how they never add, “since then, I have repented, changed for the better in all these ways”… nope, just the same murderous theives hoping that you’ll forget.

Sandy Jim

Michael, thank you so much for what you do! And please remember to wear your Kevlar when you go out. We cannot afford to lose you. Be careful brother.


Michael has put up Clinton’s Day 3 — here….. being the Punishment after G.Maxwell was witness by Zoom of the many child abuse and adrenochrome cases she said were taking from children after the sexual abuse on the island.




I suggest he got life because he has spilled the beans on many others wanted.


WJC was not Chelsea’s biological father. Only being sorry because you got caught does not warrant mercy. Had Gizlane not “rolled” on him, would he still have shed tears? We’ve seen his “fake” tears before.

I believe, from his own mouth, he is reprobate and past any kind of remorse or contrition for his evil deeds. His regret is that he was caught, but if the opportunity presented itself, he’d do it again. No! Mercy is for those with a contrite heart!
The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. Psalm 51:17 (KJV)


He was on with Seth Myers last night, and it wasn’t aired from GITMO, so…


There are a number of court cases mentioned in the “revised list” that should be underway and NO news. Hmmmm.


Vice Adm. Hannink smirked, and said “lately” would be the topic of Tuesday’s proceedings. 

I absolutely Love this guy!!!


This is how civil proceedings are supposed to proceed. According to the fine print of the Constitution.
Also in the media reporting.
Good job Michael.


I think MB ran out of ideas.

al pohl

i believe when i have proof. . .


Keep watching CNN and report back here when you get it.


We have endured sufficient speculation. It is time to report on the findings, the verdict arrived at and the judgement rendered.


I think Mr. Baxter has lost interest in this entire story line. He shows no dedication or loyalty to his followers. JUST A GAME!

GreaterIdaho for Trump

Q post 2: Where is Huma? Follow Huma.

Chris Russ

Better question is who posted Q on JM’s twitter after he was suicided ?


smoke n mirrors perhaps



GreaterIdaho for Trump

Come on. What happened Tuesday? Did slick willy slide away from the US Military?


He has been sentenced on day 3–Life in Gitmo

Ed Bob

Michael Baxter,
You really need to block posters: Bofa, Squinty and Ted – they are intentionally destroying the entire RRN post dialogue bu making constant meaningless posts 24/7.


….except that (a) it is not possible to “destroy the entire … post dialogue” by making posts, (b) you have no idea what the intentions of I or anybody else are and (c) if you think my posts are meaningless, you need to go back to English 101, because whether you agree with them or not, they are literally meaningful.

Sandy Koufax

You’re a CIA agent.

MAGA CountryBabe

LOL From what we are seeing from our CIA AGENTS lately, that is really low.


And too much of a pussy to have been assigned to duty in the field or S.A.D., so they stuck him behind a keyboard in a tiny cubicle.

Angel Askew

You are attempting to refer to the 1st amendment, not English 101.
Your English 101 suggests you are under 35 years old and an immigrant.
I commend you for sticking around attempting to learn and contribute albeit a back handed way.

J Bill

My guess? 25/not male/immigrant/CIA summer work project student/intelligence-borderline/religion-not christian.

Terminally deplorable

That can only mean, RRN os over the target.


Just ignore their stupid comments. Don’t take the bait!!!

MAGA CountryBabe

Hmmm as much as these TROLLS are a pain in the a$$, your talking about censoring? You like censoring…go to TWITTER and FACEBOOK. You’ll have fun there.


thanks for the censorship


Where the hell is forsaken? After I asked for him to use a better translator he disappeared!?!?!?

J Bill

forsaken’s trolling your boss at the china c sweat hole. they don’t want you back. he’s doing everything he can to keep u on here. but gitmo’s got some fresh openings for trolls on everyone’s “short list.”
you got lots of references here…


Just shut the fuck up dumbass, nobody wants to read your posts asking stupid, meaningless questions. You’re not funny. You too squinty and ted. if you’re reading this which I’m sure you are because you have no life. fuck you all


Thanks for another well thought out, rational, loving post from a conservative Christian.


I never knew religious affiliation was a factor for commenting here….

MAGA CountryBabe

it isn’t ….lets move on.

Sandy Koufax

You had to commit murder before you could become a CIA agent. You’re in no position to judge the character of others.


What nonsense. You do not have to commit murder to become a CIA agent. Where do you get this nonsense?

I’m in an excellent position to judge the character of others.


@Squinty – Have fun while you still can SOROS TROLL. What awaits you will make you piss yourself. What awaits you is not pleasant. What awaits you is nothing short of PURE ENDLESS TORMENT. What awaits you in the not-so-distant future will rattle your brain, that tiny little space inside your skull. You will long for DEATH. But death will not come for you. This is the eternity that awaits you, so have fun SOROS TROLL PUPPET being played like a fiddle to serve as a foot soldier of LUCIFER. WE KNOW WHAT YOU ARE AND SO DOES THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, ISSAC, AND JACOB. You will never escape the judgment that is coming for you.


…except that you cannot cite a single thing I have ever done that will result in me being sent to Hell.

Nor can you show that I have anything to do with Soros. But by all means, continue with your fantasy.

MAGA CountryBabe

Why don’t you people just ignore them. Your comments tell more about you than them..


Agreed, IGNOR ! Silence is Golden just minus “__” them


hopefully you will walk right beside bill and go to the same place..

Joshua Munn

I pray against all of this comment most of all inside and out all my prayers subjects and stipulations amen. I pray all your channels, videos, comments, descriptions, all the like, all associated, all else, all the rest, all etc. are all and/or taken care of inside and out all my prayers, subjects and stipulations in all exact manners, all same ways, all vice versas all amens. Websites added in to every last jot and tittle too. Accordingly, respectively and orderly as well.

Joshua Munn

I pray against all of this comment most of all inside and out all my prayers subjects and stipulations amen. I pray all your channels, videos, comments, descriptions, all the like, all associated, all else, all the rest, all etc. are all and/or taken care of inside and out all my prayers, subjects and stipulations in all exact manners, all same ways, all vice versas all amens. Websites added in to every last jot and tittle too. Accordingly, respectively and orderly as well.

Sandy Koufax

Trump is holding a Florida rally on July 3rd.


that must mean he’s announcing his tour with bill oreilly

Sandy Koufax

LOL! at the slow witted CIA agent, BOFA.

Trump already announced the tour on June 8.

Angel Askew

Good. Maybe he will announce some significant things and take the pressure off of civil war. Otherwise, July 4th is going to kick off a brutal Summer.


check out Stew Peters interview of johnheretohelp aka Dr. Jonathan McGreevey -it’s incendiary on rumble viyjuz-exclusive-johnheretohelp-exposed-deep-state-covid-jan-6-vaccines-stolen-ele html


He is also aka Ryan White, the source that Sheryl attkisson has a lawsuit against for infecting her and her husband’s computers.


Michael, I happened upon another site with your most recent article. Last one I mentioned to you was beforeitsnews. This one is titled “Bill Clinton Military Tribunal: Day 2”. A mirror of yours! Except it’s a video. Very professionally done, if I do say so myself. Only the content creator claiming credit for your article is “Ivar Casandra”. Anyone you know? The voice over tells your story of Slick Willy’s tribunal word for word. It can be found at RestoredRepublic (dot) co. I did a quick search on Yandex (dot) com and was surprised to find many different alternative media sites listed that shared your articles. Most gave you credit. While others did not. Several made videos out of your articles and they can be found on rumble and brighteon to name a few. So even though we may not see fake news (MSM) media reporting on the military tribunals, and probably never will, I can attest to any naysayer’s and “Pooh-Poohing” denying salty dogs that there are many, many others posting and sharing MB’s articles across the great world wide web. Some even appear to be from foreign countries. Now either this is all BS and every one sharing MB’s articles on their blogs/websites are in on this so-called charade/psyop to rile up patriots and confuse the bad guys. Or perhaps, MB himself has created all these untold number of sites using different pseudonyms to push his articles. However, that would require tons of man hours, outside help and some deep pockets. Which is probably not likely. What’s more plausible is that there’s credibility and truth in MB’s articles if they’re being shared on multiple platforms. (6 of this and half a dozen of the other. Take your pick.) It’s possible! I suppose without clear and verifiable evidence (ie. photos/videos of tribunals/executions, transcripts, recordings, etc), none of us will ever really know for sure. However, we can all hope and pray that true justice still exists in this world. We just may not be privy to it for awhile. And I’m ok with that!


imagine using a russian search engine and looking for facts

David Yanity

Imagine getting out of your mother’s basement once in a while and taking a proper shower. Imagine your own armpits not smelling like an anchovy’s cunt. Imagine yourself shaving. Imagine yourself brushing your teeth once in a while. Imagine yourself wearing deodorant. Imagine yourself wearing clean clothes. Imagine yourself not wearing that stupid-looking fedora. Imagine yourself not looking like a neckbeard for a change. Imagine yourself having a social life. Imagine yourself having friends. Imagine yourself being capable of an adult conversation. Imagine yourself having that conversation with a real-life flesh-and-blood woman. Imagine yourself having sex with that woman, and not with the inflatable sex-doll that you hide under your bed. Imagine yourself getting a proper education. Imagine yourself getting a proper job. Imagine yourself owning your own car. Imagine yourself owning your own house. Imagine yourself owning your own business. Imagine yourself making money in a way that is legal, moral, ethical, and not given to you by George Soros. Imagine yourself having self-respect for the first time in your life.

But…Nah! Who am I kidding?
That would be well beyond your capability.
You’re just a loser with shit-for-brains who enjoys harassing random strangers on the internet, and it’s all because you don’t have a life.


MAGA CountryBabe

Well, if your happy…I’m happy!


So may I be so bold as to inquire when day 3 will be posted? Inquiring minds want to know.

Sandy Koufax

Probably tomorrow.


I so much agree, Stories seem to be lagging.


too bad, qudy


are they lagging because we have reached the climax, and the dominos are falling rapidly? will we suddenly receive a ton of information…and is the lag due to the “public” needing preparation? FAITH in God. Discernment. who to trust?

MAGA CountryBabe

They are lagging because Mr. Baxter is too busy reading all our dumbass comments.


That just made me laugh out loud !!!

Mona Lisa

I know this has nothing to do with this but last year at this time the “Welcome to Hot
Springs-Hometown of Bill Clinton” sign was in downtown Hot Springs AR and had been there a long time…just this week on a vaca I noticed this signed has been removed.

Mona Lisa


MAGA CountryBabe

Great news! Thankyou Mona.


Big news patriots! John McAfee was murdered today while in a Spanish prison. Big things are happening! President Donald J Trump has not commented yet but a press conference is sure to happen soon. Now we know why there was so much activity at Gitmo.

Irish Girl

And Warren Buffet resigned from the Gates Foundation AND divested $4b to charities.

MAGA CountryBabe

Do you remember where you saw this info?


Which charities? If one of them was the Red Cross,then that money was laundered.

Terminally deplorable

McAffee’s anti-virus program makes him immortal.


I did not know that, thanks.


always “soon”

MAGA CountryBabe

WOW didn’t know he was in prison.

Joshua Munn

I pray against this entire comment, I pray all your channels, videos, comments, descriptions, all the like, all associated, all else, all the rest, all etc. are all and/or taken care of inside and out all my prayers, subjects and stipulations in all exact manners, all same ways, all vice versas all amens. Websites added in to every last jot and tittle too.


So Painful to wait for the next article! My wife and i smell that something is happening!

Patriotic Inquiring Minds want to Know!


It does seem strange; Bill’s trial is really dragging out, isn’t it? JAG said on first day they would get no more time. He was ready to get this over, and yet…


it’s almost like this isn’t real…


she smells your farts

Terminally deplorable

Zublick is normally not my first source of information, but here is something interesting pubished by him on Before its News


Zublick claims, Fauci was arrested on June 1, is held in GITMO in solitary confiment, and a look alike is taking his place in public. Comparative Fauci, non-Fauci profile photos in the presentation at 47:30. The nose of the double is longer and the ears are different.

Last edited 3 years ago by Terminally deplorable

Also the real Fauci seemed to have dimples


well-developed i imagine from smiling with glee as he prospers from helping gates murder us all


I noticed and commented a couple weeks ago under an earlier article the differences I noted In his appearance now compared to a year ago, especially the ears and the nose.

Last edited 3 years ago by Jayne

TD, I don’t normally listen to him, but i listened to some of his programming last night, and he also provided the blockbuster info, that Fauci and company also created an antidote or vaccine for covid, prior to covid being announced to the public by the President. He also states Faucci was front and center with the chinese in creating the virus as a weapon against the US. He claims to have the documentation available on a pdf file for a minimum ten dollar donation. I’m still weighing whether or not I want to spring for the ten dollars.

Unlabeled quality

It may be worth satisfying your curiosity. Some things are worth it, just if to say ‘well, now I know…

MAGA CountryBabe

Why not take that money and help the needy. We live in a I can’t wait mentality. And its really sad.


lmao @ buy this pdf because it says everything you want it to say


fauci affiliated with this issue while still located back in the States


Don´t,there are over 3thousand of his e-mails available for free online due to FOIA another compromising batch was released days ago. Zublick shouldn´t charge for truth that some of us know for over a year.

MAGA CountryBabe

He just wants to be the late version of the TWILIGHT ZONE..

MAGA CountryBabe

Hes making money off of everyone elses info including RRN. And personally if you have to pay for something you probably will find out later….I’ll wait.


watching NUMB3ERS episodes…and MICRO-masks mentioned…..


graydon young, insurrectionist, pleads guilty to obstruction to prevent the vote count on 1/6 lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


I have been in contact with the Shaman and the abuse is appalling! Sources tell me that his cookies were broken when served at lunch and his organic salad appeared to be short a crouton. When will this abuse end? Save us!


were they organic cookies????? the DS strikes again!


Since Birx’s site is closed for comments, I read elsewhere that Fauci has been transported to Gitmo.


i heard the opposite from my sources


Fauci is in hiding in my basement. I let him in when he was running from the military. Bastard wasn’t even wearing a mask!


Oh! So THAT’S how you recognized him…


WHAT A DUMB FXXK???????????????????


Has anyone else noticed that every time they read a story on this site, there is an increase in delivery people and utility workers outside of their house? It’s almost like they are watching and waiting. I don’t use the phone anymore because I heard people on the street repeating things I said in private conversations. It can’t just be me.


i see the same. the 5g in my body is contacting cell towers too…maybe related

Angel Askew

Find an inner balance, Ted. This is a marathon not a sprint. Reevaluate your computer and phone privacy protections. Google and social media have ramped up their tracking, data collection and shadow banning capabilities. If you truly feel you may be of interest to them in person please create a “check in” system with neighbors/family/friends. Start a daily journal. Set up an inexpensive surveillance camera. Get out in the yard, visit people etc…This will all get more bizarre before it gets better. They’re not going down without a fight. Watch a comedy show….


all of these people who are being executed really aren’t being executed but ted is the one who should take a break. got it

Angel Askew

You’re the guy that crashes the shwanky mansion party and gets thrown in the pool. Nobody cares.


you’re the guy who believes this shit. nobody cares but i laugh


That is very good advice. Thank you!


Maybe you did something you shouldn´t do?Reading stories in websites never have that result,unless you are on some really nasty websites,if it´s the case….I hope they get you.


was ted watching porn? we report, you decide


It’s always this site. Don’t do porn but I might try it.


Then you would be like the ones Trump is trying to take down as he saves these kidnapped people. Please…


oh no won’t ppl think of brazzers?

MAGA CountryBabe

Real funny TED… to bad your not getting paid.


Let’s change the subject, and not dialogue any further with the 2 demon possessed satanist!
Im eager to learn more of the results of the other evil ones: Huma, Fauci (has he really been taken into custody by Navy Seals? Hope so), Boehner,
Pelosi, Feinstein, Bidens, yes plural, Obama – the entire family, Soros, Chelsea, and on and on! About any trials done but not yet reported here!
And those in custody not yet reported here! When I look at ALL THE MANY planes in and out of Gitmo, there has to be many more already in custody not yet reported on your site, MICHAEL, PLEASE, can you update some of this? Thanks so much‼️


they’ve already been executed duh. everything you see is a clone.


You are SO right! NEVER DIALOGUE WITHT THE DEVIL. Thanks so much for the advice.


you should dialogue with bofa

Last edited 3 years ago by ajwwi

Correct! Buffett was at the Mar-a-Lago While House yesterday escorted both in and out by Navy Seals. My sources who wish to remain anonymous, have confirmed that something big is about to happen. Watch for signs in how WB holds his Coke cans and watch for images of President Donald J Trump holding his Diet Coke. It’s happening! Get ready!



what if drinks pepsi instead? is that a sign of alien invasion?


Depends… does he lift it with his right or left arm? Does he smile after? Does he put it down in front of him or to one side? It all means something different.

miffed citizen

lf only your credibility was not already below grade.


Lol, and? The guy is 90 years old. I’d be winding down my commitments too at that age. Probably long before that age, tbh.


did someone notified …WB ????…



Dave Strickland

I’m waiting for the evils of the Clinton Foundation to be brought up. Bill up to his neck in it, or just Hill? And I regard the Clintons the same as Clint Eastwood’s Josey Wales: leaving dead bodies wherever they go. Never thought one was less evil than the other.

Last edited 3 years ago by Dave Strickland



It’s time to grab Obama before he does any more damage!!!


doing damage by *checks notes* creating a netflix series.




Terminally deplorable

When Billy is gone, the mortality in Arkansas will dramatically fall.

Last edited 3 years ago by Terminally deplorable

had a good headstart with HRC demise…..


the mortality what?

people stop dying? lmao

Gordon McAlvey

LATELY…….. I guess the molestation of children isn’t big on this Kendall’s list, that’s an extremely touchy subject for me because my daughter was molested when she was three at a neighbor’s house and they didn’t tell us until 5 years later when the police arrested the man
And charged him with molesting his two step daughters ??, if they don’t find Clinton guilty I’d be really surprised, hang him like his wife


Think about it… was Branch Davidian,pt.2 was Kosovo,Kosova, what do you think pt.3 will be? My guess is Epstein and Pedophile Isle!


uh ruby ridge? ya’ll suck at this

Chris Russ

Your life is so miserable you are reduced to this activity, sad.


you believe this shit. which is worse?


First they need to come up with some evidence.


So sorry about your daughter, hope she doing well.




How exactly is that working for the voodoo worshipper,now?


Hes got an internship for CNN, which is essentially the same as workign for the gov.

Joshua Munn

I pray against all of this comment most of all inside and out all my prayers subjects and stipulations amen.

Joshua Munn

I pray against all of this comment most of all inside and out all my prayers subjects and stipulations amen.

Sandy Jim

We must be saying some serious truth on this tread if we attract so many satanic shills. They will waste a great deal of dark energy to no purpose. !


What’s going on here, folks? Is John Podesta dead or not? General McInerney posted a video on his Telegram page of John Podesta talking “live” with CNN about wanting Biden to release Government files on UFO’s …..but Podesta never mentioned Biden’s name as he was the short clip.

Last edited 3 years ago by Delta

we need to remember how well the evil ones deceive…..


The whole point of releasing UFO information is a double black operation to explain how we obtained cloning technology. So much technology has been hidden from the patriots for so long that now they need to explain it. They will say it is recovered alien tech and we cut years off of the research when we found it. It is also a way to slowly get us to accept what has been going on in secret for years.


he’s a live and taking “viagra” to bang strippers


Never once have I needed any assistance while banging strippers. I will have to write about the time me and JFK Jr, Sheriff Joe and Jacob Chansley hooked up with 7 Ukrainian girls in China. Amazing!


You are a sick person. Michael, this idiot needs to be banned!!!!


ok qudy


i need to hear this story!


First of all, McNierney does not have a Telegram page. Confirmed this morning. So many mis informants floating about.


General McInerney – Telegram. 161K subscribers. 250 photos. 166 videos. 1 file. 158 links. Political commentator and a retired United States Air Force Lieutenant General, who served in top military positions under the President of the United States and Secretary of Defense. Download Telegram. to view and join the conversation.


I mean, when someone appears live on TV talking about recent events, that’s a pretty solid indication that they’re not dead and not in military prison. Same with Hillary Clinton. Same with Adam Schiff. Same with General Milley. And so on, it’ll just keep happening no matter how many “an anonymous source told me” articles Michael Baxter writes.


don’t be rational zane


My apologies, what I meant so say is, OBVIOUSLY John Podesta is a clone. Or a CGI deep-fake. Or a body double. Or a clone of a CGI body double. It’s clones and body doubles and junk all the way down.


muuuuch better! lol


Thank god Zane came to his senses!


You forgot the magical mask he’s wearing that means even his own mother couldn’t tell he’s not really Podesta.

He’s a mask-wearing clone of a CGI body double.


What people don’t understand about the CIA are the number of body doubles they have access to & use regularly. The current Joe Biden is not Joe Biden. He’s a double. There’s plenty of photographic evidence showing differences. I watched Hillary comment just a few days ago on current events but recognized it was a body double from previous photos & video’s of Hillary’s most popular body doubles.


Reason he never mentioned Biden is because it is old.


Never argue with narcisists.


weird that your avi shows up on dutch websites. and by weird i mean damn near everyone here is european/russian lmao


Biblically, they are described and defined in llTim. 3: 1-9.

Cliff Indiana



Makes me wonder if Jim Buffer – a sworn satanist – isn’t just another disgruntled government employee that hates our country…


No, more like the mentality of a teenager. I guess his mommy and daddy don’t give him enough attention at home.


The DNC!

Joshua Munn

I pray against all of this comment most of all inside and out all my prayers subjects and stipulations amen.


Probably the Post Office, lol! ?

Joshua Munn

I pray against all of this comment most of all inside and out all my prayers subjects and stipulations amen.

Joshua Munn

I pray against all of this comment most of all inside and out all my prayers subjects and stipulations amen.


according to david zublick-dr.fauci- been arrested on 06/01/2021…..he attempted to leave usa…..on private jet…

Last edited 3 years ago by sejmon

deborah birx has been listed…..


did she sing….


no. she’s in my basement. fauci is in squinty’s basement


Maybe we should get them together.


Interesting tidbit: Monkey Werx who was very much a skeptic, states in his most recent broadcast that he has not seen so much activity going in and out of Gitno in two and a half years.


That should tell him something…..?

Terminally deplorable

I hope, there is more inbound than outbound traffic.


maybe it’s the infected covid patients trump wanted to send there to keep numbers low

Ed Bob

Since ‘ol Bill’s FBI burned out those innocent Koresh children, I vote for burning, alive, at the stake.


just like preacher …jan hus…1415 ????


Ughhh just trying to get comments to show up