John Podesta Executed at GITMO


Traitor. Murderer. Pedophile. Luciferian. Clinton co-conspirator. John Podesta was the embodiment of evil—“was” being the operative word. On Tuesday morning at precisely 8:00 a.m. GITMO time, a military firing squad composed of Marine volunteers gave Podesta a 6-gun salute—center mass.

Two hours earlier, military police had awoken Podesta and asked whether he wanted a final meal. A tearful and trembling Podesta reportedly refused a last repast, saying he had no appetite while whining about how Donald J. Trump and the U.S. military had convicted an innocent man.

Shackled at the wrists and ankles, Podesta was placed in a Humvee and driven to a clearing a kilometer southeast of Marine Hill, home to the fictional Lt. Col. Nathan R. Jessup in the film A Few Good Men.

The clearing was featureless except for freshly trimmed grass and a cement wall that measured 6’x6x2’. A small group of both military and civilian onlookers watched as two MPs removed Podesta from the Humvee and escorted him to the cement barricade, demanding he stand motionless before it.

The most recognizable attendees were Rear Adm. Crandall, who prosecuted the military’s case against Podesta, and, surprisingly, Marine Corps General David H. Berger, who recently assumed the role of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff after unseating Gen. Mark A. Milley, who now stands accused of treason.

Six marines, rifles at their side, faced the barricade—and Podesta–at 20 yards.

“If the condemned has any last words, or wants Last Rites, now’s the time,” Rear Adm. Crandall said.

“I don’t want to die. I didn’t do anything. This is an aberrant violation of due process. I don’t want to die alone like this,” Podesta said.

General Berger spoke up: “You needn’t worry about dying alone. Hillary’s waiting for you, wherever you’re headed, and we’ll be sending plenty more company your way.”

Asked whether he wished to be blindfolded, Podesta said, “Does it matter?”

Rear Adm. Crandall addressed the firing squad: “When I give the command to fire, you’re to fire your rifles simultaneously, center mass. The magazines on your rifles hold only one round each. You will chamber that round on the ‘ready’ command. One cartridge holds a blank. If any of you soldiers feel guilty afterward, just convince yourself that it was your rifle that fired the blank. Remember, you volunteered for this duty.”

He gave the ‘ready’ command, and the Marines raised their rifles and chambered their single round of ammunition.

“Aim,” Rear Adm. Crandall said.

The Marines drew a bead on Podesta’s chest.

Podesta called out to God.

“Fire!” Rear Adm. Crandall ordered.

At once the six Marines discharged their weapons, and Podesta’s perforated body slumped forward and collapsed to the ground. A physician present felt for a pulse and placed a stethoscope to Podesta’s blood-stained chest, then declared him dead.

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Terminally deplorable

That is already tomorrow. Yaaayyy.


I hope the time shift doesn’t delay the Abedin trial or other trials.

Terminally deplorable

They obviously have a South Courtroom in GITMO. Maybe, then, they also have a North Courtroom or an East or West Courtroom to quadruple the capacity. If they would add a SE or NNW etc Courtroom, they could easily come up with the required capacity amount of rooms for speedy parallel trials. They even could share trial crews between multiple courtrooms, like master chess players do that play simultaneous games against different parties. It’ll work out.


They can do it using videocall,cant´they

Terminally deplorable

In the beginning, you verify the identity of all parties in the room and then go ahead with mass trials.


how do they know the witness will be better by then?

Terminally deplorable

He better be.


Because he only had a case of Gin-Flu. LOL


That tomorrow is now today! Also Yaayyy!

Any new updates Michael? Inquiring minds want to know!

Pray for those in the front lines of the conflict to protect our Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic!

Dean Vermite

Like you.


Thanks for the update, Michael. I just saw your message on Telegram.


Thanks, thanks, so much for the update!


Thanks for letting us know, Michael. That makes me wonder if the witness developed a case of Hillary’s Floor Flopping syndrome. Who knew something like that could be contagious…


Hopefully DS did not get to him/her and poison them.


sick or poisoned?


Maybe they took the ‘Jab!’ OOPS!

Sue Grantham



SO ….we will know news about commie COMEY…on Friday afternoon Mr.Baxter ???


Howdy Doodie perv.. hope he rats on Obo …we want all these sick fcks to DYE.


Judging from the tone of some of the RRN reports here, I would venture to presume that Obama may be in very deep doo doo, if not already dead. However, the U.S. military is certainly not eager to seek publicity. If mainstream media outlets pretend that everything is hunky-dory, that Hillary Clinton is well and alive, that John Podesta is well and alive, that Adam Schiff is still a rising star on Capitol Hill, so be it, or even so much the better. Sooner or later, the truth will come out to set the MSM free.

J Bill

Exactly. Set them free from “the ties that bind.” That being cash flow.


In my view, the news media industry is not an ordinary business that is only profit-oriented, It is in fact a sharp and lethal political weapon that can be employed by a political outfit to carry out political character assassination, to disseminate political disinformation and misinformation, to propagandize and brainwash the hoi polloi to fool and mislead them, to enforce Socialist Political Correctness, and eventually to impose Marxist ideologies on society until the freedoms and rights of the individual are taken away stealthily. Maybe, that is what has already happened among the so-called mainstream media organizations, such as CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, Washington Post. As to the others, they could be infiltrated too. America has a big problem with the media. I agree that the cash flow should be cut off. There is no justification for such high remunerations paid to such boring, second-rate TV anchors.


Don’t forget ugly. I could never understand why they get the ugliest people to be their spokesmen and women.


I agree “ugly” is the most appropriate attributive for these people. I guess if one does this ugly job of theirs, generating false narrative day in and day out, one risks becoming uglier and uglier over time. Ugly, too, is as ugly does.


Because that is their cover job,they are clowns.


this is truth…main stream media has got to fall.


Hi Robert, I think they are trying to get as much info on Obama as is possible and he will be the last to be tried. All the players have dirt on him and I think that’s what they are waiting for.


According to some of the RRN reports, the U.S. military has evidence on Obama. The investigators may look for more. In the meantime, my guess is that he may be already in custody. There is no report on the arrest of William J. Clinton. Yet, his name is on the trial schedule. In RRN’s report of May 15, 2021, there was a mention that he will face a military tribunal on June 14, 2021. So, as you can see, the U.S. military neither announces nor comments on what it does on the grounds of national security. We readers of RRN confidential reports already know too much, thanks to the sources RRN has access to.

Sue Grantham

I think we know as much as the military wants us to know right now; I believe that this is an effort to encourage the patriots and soften the blow for those still snoozing

J Bill

Agree. Possibly, allowing accused to come in on their own volition. To not do so may appear as resisting, given the accusations.


It’s going to be a real showdown when they go to nab him. They are expecting company.

I’m sure our boys are still leagues ahead of them in planning the operation. They’re the best in the business.


My guess is that the showdown already occurred some time ago, and the U.S. military is in control now. Maybe, that is why Sidney Powell says the date for Trump’s re-inauguration is set. Only days ago, there was a gathering for conservatives in Dallas, and she was there. You may find videos of her speaking there on YouTube.

Terminally deplorable

GWP reported today Obama saying, that Biden will finish his work with the staff, that he left back. Voice from the off?

Last edited 3 years ago by Terminally deplorable

Do you have absolute proof that Gateway Pundit (GWP) is more reliable than RRN? If you believe RRN is basically reliable, you need to take the tone of its reports seriously. Judging from the tone of some of its reports, it is obvious that Mr. Baxter’s source or sources believe the U.S. military not only supports Trump, but is in control of the situation. For instance, in the report on the Tierra Del Fuego facility, there is even a mention of the irony of Obama possibly being tried and executed at Tierra Del Fuego. However, on the other hand, if you are sure GWP is absolutely reliable, then, the question would be: Is the RRN source authoritative? Or did he or she come to his or her conclusion prematurely? At least to me, the RRN source sounds as if Obama is already in custody. Of course, this is because I have high confidence in RRN’s reports on Hillary Clinton’s trial, conviction and execution, on the arrests of John Brennan, James Comey, Huma Abedin, and on John Podesta’s arrest, trial, conviction and execution, due to the lack of categorical denials and libel lawsuits from the representative of any of these high-profile public figures.


I have a couple that are close friends that used to listen to various other sources, but now all they will listen to is GWP. My thought is that GWP is nothing but fear porn. I rarely see anything that is positive coming from GWP, so I don’t bother to look at it. Even monkeywerx on his site rep for 6/2/21 obviously thinks that RRN is “fake” news and tries to discredit it.


I usually read on a website until something turns me off. I tried GWP several times. Each time I delete the bookmark and never go back until some other site links to it. Then the test starts all over again. It’s telling that I have no GWP bookmark after about 10 times.

Terminally deplorable

I agree with that assessment. I do think GWP are mostly accurate but I like them as much as a limp dick. There is too much negativity and not enough aggression going on. They sometimes behave like controlled opposition with their annoying posting rules.
Monkeywerx has today a lot of filler and distraction. Only two issues are interesting, the flights to/from the black sites and the spa and AF 1 or 2 in the air without being called AirForce 1 or 2.

Sue Grantham

I was an air traffic controller in the USAF, fighter training base in DelRio TX.
Regardless of the plane the P is on (puddle jumper, etc) it’s call sign is ALWAYS AF1; VP is ALWAYS AF2. The P & VP NEVER travel together.

The fact that the call signs are not projecting the AF1/AF2; indicates to me that neither one of these people are considered legitimate by the military.


Monkey might want to consider sending a cut of his online revenues to Michael since RNN has become the hottest topic and his biggest draw of folks desperately wanting this info to be found fraudulent…Kinda sad, actually.

Angel Askew

I decided to trust RRN coverage after he boldly reported Hillary’s last meal was scrambled eggs with jalapenos and a strawberry milkshake. It doesn’t get more” inside scoop” than that!

Terminally deplorable

Strawberry milkshake with scrambled eggs and jalapenos sounds like an additional punishment to me before the hanging.

Angel Askew

She may have requested it purposefully to be a bother after she is gone. For sure.

J Bill

Yes. Even more so if including a side order of cabbage.

Terminally deplorable

Her former favorite. Sulfur breaded cabbage.


Would have been just as bad if it had been kimchi??.

Sue Grantham

Now that is funnnny!

Sue Grantham


Angel Askew

She was always a conniving donkey. Oh well! Thank you for your service, Sue! 🙂

Sue Grantham

My service to the country and her citizens was sincerely my pleasure.

Sue Grantham

Excellent post Robert!?


Several times recently, I saw photoes of Gen. Mark Milley at the website of Washington Times, arguably a conservative media outlet, along with articles on Pentagon, as if he is still in charge of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Now, however, I view such photoes (or videos) as irrelevant. What is relevant, in my opinion, is what the U.S. military is really doing, and I believe the U.S. military did pick up those high-profile public figures named by RRN. Judging from the recent open letter to Biden from 124 retired generals and admirals, questioning the integrity of the 2020 election and Joe Biden’s ability to lead, American generals and admirals, retired or not, are very unhappy or even very angry at the big mess corrupt politicians and officials have created. They are very unhappy with the Marxist ideologies the Democratic Party leadership has adopted and imposed on the American society. In my view, that is what matters.

Terminally deplorable

Obama once fired 40 lametta bearers in one day. That is probably not forgotten among the ranks. Milley may have been a beneficiary of that development, effectively taking Biden’s side. There are probably many more Milleys.

It is highly unlikely, that we ever get a glimps in any power struggle within the military. It would immediately undermine Biden’s authority and pose a national security threat due to reduced defenses. An open revolt is also unlikely. That could end in a cleansing and deaths.
If some military are running the GITMO operations, that is a high risk without being assured that they would prevail in a conflict. I am loss how this is organized and how the military can come to a mostly peaceful consensus.

Angel Askew

IMHO, “Dark Winter” is to be upon us as of “Black Friday” 2021. With the new flu season, folks who take both “jabs” will be dying at a rapid rate worldwide. Others will be starving from lack of preparation in the major cities. Shelves will be bare and water turned off, no internet etc… WEF plans to weed us out till 2025. Those left will live in an ideal Utopia. Most will hide in rural areas or distant lands till then. It seems they will succeed with the depopulation goal after all.
Trump’s return may soften the blow.
ALL rabbit holes I’ve followed lead to same result ie: prepare.
Create a short list of hands on family/friends.

J Bill

“Throughout history, the way of truth and love has always won…tyrants and murderers seem invincible. In the end they always fall. I think of think of this, always.” Gandhi

Angel Askew

Plan for the worst and pray for the best. This is all too surreal. Although, I share(d) a birthday with Gandhi. Thanks, JB.


My concern is that just a few days ago, General Milley spoke at a hearing on Capitol Hill about very recent topics. I thought he’s been in Gitmo since May 5th?


According to this RRN report of June 1, 2021, Gen. David Berger is currently in charge of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. There is apparently confusion on this issue of Gen. Mark Milley’s whereabouts. I have heard of his ouster not only here at RRN, but also on other platforms. But as mentioned above, I have also come across articles that sound as if Milley is in charge. Due to the high degree of public distrust towards the media, I choose to watch what the U.S. military is really doing. Did those military arrests mentioned by RRN really occur? On the whole, I believe they did. Who would keep making groundless claims that this public figure was arrested and executed and then that public figure was also arrested and executed? I wouldn’t. I guess you wouldn’t either, because to do so would put one at high risk, legally speaking, and the truth will come out anyway.


There is practically no risk to making groundless claims on the internet if you maintain your anonymity. The internet is overflowing with rumors and fake info and it’s impossible to dispute all of it. It’s extra impossible if the poster is anonymous (like ‘Michael Baxter’) because who would they even serve the lawsuit to? You can’t sue an anonymous internet account, just look at Devin Nunes who has tried repeatedly to sue “Devin Nunes’ Cow” and has gotten nowhere, the case gets tossed every time. Not to mention the “this site is entertainment/satire” disclaimer slapped on here, just in case of such an event.

Terminally deplorable

What makes you believe that you are anonymous?


Again, google “Devin Nunes cow.” If they had the power to ID and sue anonymous internet “satire” accounts, wouldn’t congressman Devin Nunes have the benefit of it? Instead he brings the same case over and over and it gets dismissed every time.


I would agree that RRN reports are not yet fully confirmed information. But readers of RRN reports are not fools. They look for signs that might help corroborate the various allegations made in the reports to decide whether they should take RRN information seriously. To me personally, it is very convincing, unless proper authorities come out with categorical denials. In the end, the truth will come out anyway. For the time being, let’s watch the number of people visiting this website. If the number keeps growing, it would be a powerful indication that RRN information is not only convincing, but very reliable as well. There is a very popular old saying, which goes: “You can fool some people some of the time, but you can’t fool all the people, all of the time.”


He can be ordered to cooperate….Didn´t we see Pelosi with Us Marshalls telling her not to say anything?

Last edited 3 years ago by kikas
Sue Grantham

Yes we did!?


at this point…I don’t trust any reading …accept here!


I guess you mean “except RRN”. Yes, I agree RRN information rings true. For instance, RRN’s allegations that Hillary Clinton ordered the murder of Vince Foster are 100% convincing and 100% believable. Vince Foster, in the prime of his life and at the height of his career, had no reason to kill himself. So, why did the FBI cover up the homicide as “a suicide”? And for whom if not for Hillary Clinton? Now, if you believe this piece of RRN information is absolutely true and reliable, you tend to believe that most of the other RRN reports are true and reliable, unless proper authorities come out with categorical denials. In fact, no one from the MSM dares to raise questions about Hillary Clinton’s alleged crimes with any proper authority. To me at least, this alone is very strong circumstantial evidence of the reliability of RRN reports.

Terminally deplorable

What color do you want to dye them?


I was thinking the same thing…….


Thanks for the update,Michael!


Thank you Michael. I look forward to your postings with earnest as I refresh every few hours hoping to see a new article. I share realrawnews with fellow conservatives that i meet, and they are all thankful.


I thought the delay was being caused by Corney’s addled mind.

Sandy Koufax

One more hour.

Sandy Koufax

30 minutes.


This is Thursday, and I, (as I am sure the others, too,) am looking forward to reading the afternoon report on today’s trial.
Thanks, Michael.



All Senses Firing

STILL SATIRE….civilan onlookers? Really!
and who would those be?
Oh, and let me guess!
They all had to sign NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENTS to be the chosen ones to witness his firing squad.
Yet, millions of AMERICANS who have the right to know FACTUALLY of his and the other executions get ZIP, NOTHING!
I could write this exact story out of my head as well, with provided names to make it more believable
Still NOT buying it……

Sharon Keith

What I don’t like is that I’m reading comments on other videos saying these reports are false, when I want so badly for them to be true! For the evil that occurred on their watches, how could they NOT be executed?! Righteous justice, I think!


Sorry, but all of these reports are false. Not one of them is true, no matter how badly you and/or others want them to be. And the “evil” that occurred on their watches? Most of that’s false, too. No pedophilia; no child murdering. All fantasy.

Dean Vermite

John Podesta is alive and well. Stop lying.

dennis ward

Good riddance to some human rubbish! I’ve heard in your life review you get to experience all the trauma you inflicted on others? I pray it lasts a long time.

Dean Vermite

Podesta is alive and well.



I am always sad to think that humans can be so cruel to each other. How brave of the young man to testify the horror he was made to witness. God give him peace of heart.


why am i being censored by big tech? where’s my comments mIcHaeL BaXt3r?

Kevin Miller

Not to change the subject away from this scumbag but did anyone catch the “Q” story that CNN put out yesterday??


LOL this is some great comedy. It doesn’t seem like Fauci is preparing to flee the country.

Sue Grantham

Wanna let people know that if one takes any of these unapproved shots; it’s likely that if you have life insurance ; it will not pay out upon your death if a Covid shot was administered. It’s considered an experimental treatment that has not been approved.
Read that again

MY next question; do you think the life insurance companies knew this?
Yes, I believe they did. ?


Once again, nonsense without any support at all.

Sue Grantham

Obviously your life isn’t worthy of insurance.
Most policies exclude experimental treatment you ginormous clown


And yet more insults, which seems to be your go-to tactic, rather than actually providing any evidence or support for your claims.

Cite a single insurance carrier who has ruled that the Covid shots are classified as ‘experimental treatment’. I’ll wait.

Sue Grantham

I did some research on adrenachrome. We all are aware that this evil is done to children when they are in dire fear. What I just learned is that children with brown or darker skin have more melatonin (already knew this) however, due to this their adrenachrome has more potency and is more expensive.
Now ask yourselves the next logical question:
Is this the reason why all the children are allowed to be pouring into America?
You bet your sweet ass it is Buydin, the Chief Pedo is replenishing the “stock” that the military/Trump rescued with a more potent stock.
Evil doesn’t sleep ?

Sandy Koufax

Excellent analysis.


Nonsense as always.

Sue Grantham

You are the essence of nonsense. Nothing you post has any intelligence value. Like all liberals ?


Again you post your typical insults and attacks. Are you even capable of responding to what people say, or do you always insult everybody who disagrees with you, regardless of the lack of evidence for your position?


har…your name says it ALL
get lost


Precisely what do you imagine my name says?


how do they know they aren’t executing the clones?

Sandy Koufax

Fingerprints, medical records, dental records.


Now that fauci’s emails have exposed him, it won’t be long before he tries to slip out of the country or fake his own death. United States version of josef mengele.

Just Gary

I just watched todays 6-2-21 presentation from your friendly Monkey. Having trouble digesting his take on things. He basically referred to Michael as a false prophet. My hope is all is true here as most you agree. I walk by faith, but I also stand by the fact that no one of significance has stepped forward to dispel any of this.


The ironic point I see from him is that he’s still militarily (connected),but he thinks like the rest of the world…..he must not be in the loop.

Lydel Bertasz

HRC has a new book coming out soon (with a coauthor). Let’s see if she does a book tour !

Sue Grantham

??book tour


General Milley was just speaking on behalf of the military in front of the Pentagon on the Memorial Day Special on PBS. All the Generals were there. Gen Milley still in command, after Michael’s article said he was at Guantanamo on May 5th. There’s also a couple sites out there with a whole list of people that it either been arrested or already executed. Michael reported the week before Memorial Day Hillary Clinton had been hanged. Yet there are sights out there that claim she was executed six or so months ago, and still other people claiming she died of kuru nearly 6 years ago. So which is it…perhaps, none of them? As much as I’d like to see this all be true, I have serious doubts!:/


Also saw the Memorial Day Special on PBS of Gen Milley that had me doubting also.


‘No one of significance has stepped forward to dispel any of this’ because they recognise it’s all nutso conspiracy nonsense and don’t want to dignify it. The royal family hasn’t ‘dispelled’ the claims that they are alien lizard people, either – that doesn’t mean that they actually are. It means that the recognise that the claims are idiotic nonsense and don’t want to waste their time.


Valid point. Kind of like the National Enquirer, Star, and other similar rag papers that make outlandish claims from reality. Most people are just like, yeah whatever.


That people believe these fictions to be actually true never ceases to amaze me. Only those with no contact with reality at all could believe that what Baxter writes is fact.


And yet you are here.


lol, fascinating ain’t it.


Ha ha, good one!

You know you’ve arrived when the Deep State trolls show up in the comment section.


Yeah, it’s amusing and terrifying at the same time.

Sue Grantham

Squinty is a troll. Sad sack.
Chief Dark Cloud. Has zero faith in truth but won’t do research, won’t go on Wikileaks or any other website that challenges his preconceived notions of truth.


More blatant lies from you. What a surprise.

Sue Grantham

You are my proof, evidenced by your ignorant posts.


Nothing I post is any evidence (much less proof) for any of your claims. You have zero evidence for any of them – your sole recourse is to attack and insult me for pointing that out.

Sandy Koufax

Squinty, stop using methamphetamines before your teeth fall out.

Terminally deplorable

Did you have a chance to look into Hunter’s mouth? Its beyond reasonable recovery.

Last edited 3 years ago by Terminally deplorable
Sue Grantham


Sue Grantham



What sort of an idiotic thing is that to say?

Sue Grantham

Coming from someone who still swallows whatever MSM says?

The FACT is the media is complicit with treason against Americans for the last 50 years, confirmed by declassified documents on Wikileaks.


Nope. That’s not a fact. It’s a nonsense conspiracy theory. As usual.

As for trusting nothing from the MSM – that might be a reasonable position if you expressed the same skepticism toward Mr Baxter’s claims. Yet you don’t – if it supports what you want, you believe it without question, despite not only the complete absence of supporting evidence, but the presence of overwhelming amounts of contradictory evidence.

Sue Grantham

Again idiot- Looks like you maintain ignorance due to your laziness like most liberals


And again you are forced to resort to insults and attacks rather than actually posting anything of substance. Do you EVER actually address what those who disagree with you say, or do you just throw out the mindless insults?

Just Gary

Thanks for the update about Comey Michael. Most of us are anxious as I’m sure you are aware. As for the weasel that just got his reward, as soon as he drew his last breath, his fate was sealed. God keeps perfect records His sentence will be just. It’s history. Now lets focus on the two thousand other traitors that will be tried for their crimes.
I’m still waiting for the executed, tried and charged to come forward and deny any of this. They have always been quick to open their mouths about everything else including bashing my President. I find it humorous that the weasel blamed President Trump for his predicament even after he confessed in his testimony when he turned on HRC in her tribunal. lol.


One more day vs eternity in hell sound doable. He is one of the dirtiest cops in history. The head of the FBI the highest of all law enforcement to be so corrupt and a traitor to this country and American people. Hard to believe. Just like the Bible says a minister of the word( preacher) will be held to a much higher level of judgment. Because they have been trusted to feed the Sheep the words of life without error the true words of God. When they knowingly alter or preach another gospel other than what has been given by Gods word. They will be under Gods wrath much more so. God says let them be a cursed/ better they were never born. Cause they lead the sheep astray with doctrines of Devils. Their blood will be on the false teacher’s hands. So important to minister only Gods word and not try to explain passages that you are not sure of or not lead by the holy spirit. As for Comey he betrayed America/ Trump /His oath of Office the people and a black eye for America for the world to see. What a travesty of justice in America. Corrupt to the core. Who knows what other terrible crimes and how many wrongly convicted and killed at his blood stained hands. May JUSTICE prevail in the name of JESUS

Sue Grantham

Amen sweet soul Amen ?


Amen! So perfectly stated!


Just saw this message from Michael Baxter on Telegram:

“Comey tribunal was delayed until Thursday due to a witness being sick. Its scheduled to begin tomorrow am 10. I will report asap afterwards..”


Thank you, Michael! Difficult to read, but justice must be served!


Just wondering, eagerly awaiting update, as are ALL, I’m sure!
will we see Comey tribunal day 1, Comey tribunal day 2? Etcetera?


Last night he said there would be some sort of Comey update today.

Sue Grantham

Quick to catch up- No!

Mike Hunt

Good news if it’s true!

Terminally deplorable

How is Comey?


Good riddance, thank you.

Frances Rose

FYI The deep state are not done yet… they are going to try the alien invasion tactic now.. I believe the White Hats know about it and have counter measures. Just know that it is very, very likely a false flag event. On the other hand, I know we are not alone up there, but our friends and allies off-world will make themselves known at the right time.

Sue Grantham

Alien invasion ?????
Desperate is as desperate does

Sandy Koufax

David Icke says aliens are at the top of the pyramid controlling the Deep State.


I could believe demons as aliens doing that…….principalities and powers(Ephesians 6:11,12).

Ed Bob

There is a video on YouTube of General Milley at usaf academy 5 days ago but RRN says he was arrested and sent to Gitmo a couple of weeks ago . . Thoughts?


This is satire. It’s right on the ‘about us’ page for RRN. Although many, if not all of us, wish these stories were true. I do think DJT will be reinstated as a result of massive election-fraud, but Sidney Powell herself said not until later this year, possibly November. But DJT just recently mentioned August. We’ll find out eventually.
In the meantime, enjoy these stories here as an outlet of sorts. If they actually do turn-out to be true, GREAT!


Tore of Tore says ( a former Navy Intelligence officer) made the statement yesterday that “no one had been arrested or executed yet” She further went on to infer that anyone selling products or giving finanacial advice on their website was probably ‘controlled opposition’ Michael is clearly not selling anything so wondering what is true.

Sue Grantham

Tore the Tore? Who is that? Sounds like a sheep call?. And it probably is ?

Terminally deplorable

You either saw the GCI on the podium, or the GCI was handcuffed and sent away to GITMO.


You mean CGI and not GCI?

Terminally deplorable


Terminally deplorable

“Hi, John”
“Hi, Hillary”
“Sorry, I have trouble to speak. I have a sore throat”
“Understood, I have some chest pain”

Sue Grantham



Thank you Michael Baxter for your GITMO reports! We the People of the United States of America are daily prayerful and contrite of “our” and “ancestors” sins and crimes against Father God and Immanuel Jesus for centuries past. Now, WE, are uniting worldwide to suit-up for battle for the Glory of Father God, and our savior Immanuel Jesus, to permanently eradicate the evil of Satan and his inbreeds on planet Earth!

Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!


Good, another satanic pedophile pos is gone!! One less the world has to worry about harming the children!!

Sandy Koufax


J Bill

Hey. Got your back Sandy.

Veronica Cougar

He called out to God.

He knew all along, Who is in command, and he still did what he wanted, and defiled the Innocents.

The only consolation being, God’s Judgment is Perfect.


Not necessarily true……one can call out to God as if they’re meeting their Maker and don’t want to.

IMHO,that sounds like what he did.

Ex - New Yorker

Next please, and the next, next, next, next … !


Test now will be if he reappears as he is apparently dead.

Cliff Indiana

Minor apology- someone asked yesterday what time P would be executed, I replied “at dusk/sundown, after Taps; traditional military time”. I got that info from another post reply here, probably in regards to HRC. I’m not here to misinform.
Is there a SOP for different execution methods? As in, firing squad @ dawn, hanging @ dusk, and injection @ midnight???

Terminally deplorable

I never heard of an execution etiquette regarding the form and time of day.


Another useless feeder down and many more to go. Please televise these killings. We Americans need to see the end of those who wanted to kill us.

Ex - New Yorker

America is the last stronghold of the free world! That is why “they” need to destroy America to make complete “their” New World Order !

The US Military is our last bastion of freedom and hope !


They built the best military because their intention was to use Americans against the whole world they carefully disarmed, rebranding the 4th reich NEW WORLD ORDER

Cliff Indiana

With the best CIC eva!


How I wish I could totally believe all of this. No one believes me and this website even states these stories aren’t true. I sure want them to be true….

MAGA CountryBabe

Can you tell us where it says that?

Mona Lisa

I’m beginning to think even if you show them and tell them-some will NEVER believe it…they just won’t…too brainwashed.



Terminally deplorable

Until its their turn

GreaterIdaho for Trump

Our Patriot hearts just see one more empty cell waiting for nancy, chuck, doc f or the like. The sick psychos are just hardening their hearts like pharaohs. What a historic phenomenon of war psychology. Keep filling our blood lust for the death of these pedos. Just warming things up.


I SO SO SO badly want to believe this ALL is true?


Reminds me of the line In Scarface when Tony Montana the dirty cop Mel Have a nice trip


This was such an emotional write up of Podesta’s last minutes that I feel a tear welling up in my eye…..
…..waiit… sorry it’s just an eyelash.
I found the part where he cried out to GOD ironic. Now let’s see his brother Tony on trial.

Ex - New Yorker

I´m with you 100% … but I´d rather see the whole f Soros clan go down first, every single one of these evil scumbags!

that would:
Make my day !
(sorry Clint)

Sue Grantham

???eyelash ????


Good it’s about time! Who’s next?!


Tell the Marines Batter UP.


Rest in Pisss Motherfucker!!!! Rot in fucking hell
Up next Fraudci? Bill Gates? Macron? Obama? Fuckerbucks? Douchey? Can’t fucking wait!!



MAGA CountryBabe

HAVE SOME RESPECT for your fellow commenters! Enough with profanity.


I´m not offended


haha true

Sue Grantham

Free speech my lady. Free speech


My god! No remorse! No confession! That sick SOB deserved MUCH worse! “What’s my name!?! No my other name!?! You think you’re hot shit don’t cha!?!”

I hope God DOESN’T have mercy on his soul! Burn in hell you rapist, pedophile, reptilian freak!”

Robin Nation

Where are they putting the bodies?

MAGA CountryBabe

On a compost pile…

Terminally deplorable

for Soylent Greens.

Sharae Watson

Any update on the Comey trial?


Yes! Can hardly wait!
have a good night!

Sue K

Hope Comey heard the gunshots, Michael.

Thank you for all you do!


I, for one, TOTALLY believe EVERY word you say Michael. I have NO doubt you are sharing the TRUTH.. You have ZERO to gain from spewing lies.. UNLIKE all the MSM propaganda whores making MILLIONS to LIE to us 24/7.. That is ALL i need to know to believe you 100 %. Thank You!!

Proudly Unaffiliated

If this did not happen, it sure was a morale booster anyway. “You needn’t worry about dying alone. Hillary’s waiting for you, wherever you’re headed, and we’ll be sending plenty more company your way.” Marvelous stuff! 🙂

Christopher Bentley

Let’s hope justice has been served.


No one should feel any guilt for the roll they play in this. These people are evil and a threat to society and need to be removed. They knew the penalty if they were to get caught and they thought they were above the law and done it any ways. No mercy for them they had no mercy on their victums. No shame and no guilt for our men ridding this trash from society.. the lord knows whats in ur hearts ot has to be done. My thanks to you all for what you do for this country. I know even the right thing feels bad some times but concider the alternative. What if these demons were never caught and dealt with? Theyd still be doing the same thing to innocent people and kids. You have all performed a great service to God and country.. Thank you