Military Arrests Bill Gates


The U.S. military on Tuesday arrested Microsoft founder Bill Gates, charging the socially awkward misfit with child trafficking and other unspeakable crimes against America and its people.

Sources within the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps told Real Raw News that the military had spent months trying to find Gates, but the elusive billionaire had used his wealth and Deep State contacts to elude capture, somehow keeping a step ahead of the military’s manhunt.

But on Tuesday, July 27, Gates slipped up, and U.S. Marines were able to apprehend him at a property he secretly owned in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

The charges against Gates cover a broad spectrum. He purportedly coerced the FDA into issuing emergency authorization on Covid-19 vaccines, knowing that the potentially dangerous pharmaceutical cocktail would not only endanger recipients but also scramble human DNA. JAG is also investigating whether vaccines contain synthetic nanoparticles manufactured by Microsoft and Swedish biotech company Biohax International. The military alleges that Gates stood to profit massively from vaccine sales. Gates, who has previously denied having a financial stake in the vaccines, earned at least $10 billion from the joint sales of the Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson vaccinations, according to JAG documents. JAG is holding Gates partly responsible for the deaths of 7,000 American citizens who died within 72 hours of receiving the drug.

Moreover, the military has charged Gates with masterminding a child trafficking ring, which he ran with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. As reported by RRN on 20 May, U.S. Navy Seals operating under JAG authority stormed Gates’ 492-acre ranch in northwest Wyoming and discovered a subterranean bunker where children had been temporarily housed prior to being sold into slavery. An SD card recovered at the scene showed a young girl in pajamas handcuffed to a bed and crying out for her mother. Off camera, a maniacal Gates could be heard encouraging the child to dress in high heels and lingerie so she could better please her “new mommy and daddy.”

That evidence, taken in tandem with Gates’ vaccine fraud, prompted the military to launch a global manhunt for the socially awkward but ruthlessly dangerous nerd.

Sources told RRN that Gates’ wife Melinda played a crucial role in his arrest.

“Initially she was reluctant to fully cooperate, because she felt that knowledge of her involvement might jeopardize the fortune she aims to get from the divorce settlement, most of which has not been paid. But JAG has evidence proving that she had knowledge of the child trafficking and told her she’d be charged alongside Bill if she didn’t cooperate. It turned out that Bill had been spamming her with enciphered emails only she could decode. He wanted to reconcile. The military used that to its advantage,” our source said.

Melinda finally answered him, our source added, and agreed to a meeting. She told Bill to name the time and place. In response, Bill Gates suggested a house he had owned in Myrtle Beach. Although the military had been conducting surveillance on all known Gates-owned properties, the Myrtle Beach house had escaped military notice, because Gates had purchased it under an alias.

When Gates showed up, the Marines were waiting, our source said.

He was taken into custody and is currently being detained at an unknown location pending transportation to Guantanamo Bay, our source added.

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Strap Fauci down and let HIM be eaten alive!

Peter Lewis

Since there have been few updates recently, has the trial order been changed? I noticed that the Deep State is highlighting a lot of videos that show Gates, Clinton, and others as being still out in society and actively participating in politics. I have to assume this is a Deep State trick to make us all think nothing has happened to them. Is that an accurate assumption?

Robert James

India would love to hang Gates. Likewise the Phillippines and elsewhere.


Oh Michael, Reuters and Newsweek and others are saying it is BS that Kill bates, has NOT been arrested and even Snopes said the same, (Snopes LOL) You got these publications all denying what we so HOPE to be true.

Unlabeled quality

Just found out Dr. Mercola’s website is scheduled for deletion this weekend. Permanently. Because the ‘resident’ of USA lied and said that ‘12 people are responsible for misinformation about the Covid vaccine ‘.
Apparently, Mercola was one of those people.
As someone who’s endured a 25 year long vax injury, it disgusts me.
I know that this is ‘just part of the plan’, but it’s this kind of filthy, vulgar garbage that’s led us to where we are now. Lying criminals who aren’t being held accountable, or being held in check.
People are being led to being killed because of a lie…


Declassified government documents reveal that Dr. Fauci’s NIH has been harvesting aborted baby organs. Aborted babies up to 42 weeks.

One doc reveals a communication from a bitch price haggling. She wanted to know how much Planned Parenthood was getting so she could accurately price her baby organs. She wasn’t doing this for nothing and she needs a new Lamborghini.

Docs also provide a discussion about needing minority baby organs.

Trump said he caught them all a long time ago and he was declassifying everything. It’s the world’s turn to understand what the cabal is capable of and why they must be put down. These people are sick!

I don’t believe Trump would have dropped these docs if Fauci wasn’t in custody.


The SUN also posted an article about Gates BFF Peter Nygaard who among other things,used aborted fetuses and stem cells to remain youthful.

Bob James

Once the Microsoft cartel is deposed, I sure hope the internet can be vastly improved.



MOAB ! Dr Jane Ruby Reveals Massive CDC Cover-Ups: Does Delta Variant Come From Being Vaxxed?!   ‘Door-To-Door Jab Squads’?!   Huge Number of Kids Dying From Killer Jab! Unbelievable Video!

You will NOT believe your ears or your eyes as you watch this BREAKING & DAMNING interview with Dr. Jane Ruby. She reveals a MASSIVE CDC COVER-UP, using date FROM THE CDC’s VERY OWN WEBSITE, no less! BOOM! And the Evil Elite Globalists, with the aid of the Complicit Cohorts, the Demonic Democrats, the Removed-From-God RINOs and the Fake News Mockingbird Media are hiding the TRUTHS from you, starting with the very REAL possibility that the Delta Variant is not really the ‘stronger version’ of the COVID-19 virus.  Rather, the ‘Delta Variant’ is actually just ‘what happens when you get vaccinated’..!  SAY WHAAAAAT?!?!  

That’s right, it’s not the ‘variant virus’ that it’s being spun to be, but a SIDE EFFECT of getting the KILLER JAB!  And if THAT wasn’t enough of a BOMBSHELL for you, just wait til you hear how many of OUR CHILDREN ARE DYING and NEARLY DYING all because of the EVIL KILLER CONCOCTION being SHOVED DOWN OUR THROATS!  Patriots, the facts are clear: DO NOT GET THE KILLER JAB and make DARN sure you keep your kids out of their harm’s way! You have been warned!  PLEASE SHARE this video as far and as wide as you can!  You will NOT want to miss this EPIC EPISODE!

See video beforeitsnewsCOM/politics/2021/08/moab-dr-rubys-bombshell-reveals-massive-cdc-cover-ups-delta-variant-comes-from-being-vaccinated-3240982.html

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

Hey Zee, When a CNN fake news reporter started panicking about the Cyber Symposium Mike Lindell offered him a hug.

You should make the same offer to Jim BuffedBidensBalls. It might help settle him down before his arrest.


CNN reporter was grilling Lindell not in a panic. Lindell was unable to respond with facts. Wait and see the symposium will be a bust and embarrassment .


Just confirmed, Vaxxed neighbors quarantined and receiving oxygen in their home.

3 jobs without pay for 10 days. No info on which jab they took or if their jobs blackmailed them into taking it.


sad to hear.. whereabout?


rightsfreedoms DOT wordpress DOT com /2021/04/18/second-nuremberg-tribunal-has-been-prepared/


President Trump has a special video message for YOU!


In a time when the lying fake news media and Big Tech corporations are working OVERTIME to SILENCE him, he knew he needed to speak DIRECTLY to YOU.

Andy R

Oh boy…. For how long will this site survive with all these fantasy stories?


Moderns called and said it’s time for your 3rd shot. Do it.

Andy R

Go ahead and take these “vaccines” yourself. Not me.


For as long as there are extremely stupid people on the internet, aka forever.


When Chickens Come Home to Roost
By Larry Elder 8/5/21

Last Para: Quote:
So, will the Democrats and liberal media concede that they have created too high a standard? I’m doubtful. The media has locked themselves into place over the years. Ever since Trump was elected president, they have taken a stance so far to the left that one could argue they would be unable to change their position without completely eroding what is left of their tarnished credibility. Of course, any sudden change would alienate a large part of the media and the Democratic Party’s base because of this. For them, it seems, it is better to let their party continue to eat their own as opposed to doing what is right for America.

Full:  americandigestDOTcom/307660-when-chickens-come-home-to-roost-2/


To view Instagram pics of Pedo Tony Navarette with Kamala and AOC visit Patriots dot win

Recap of last two days. (But nothing is happening)

Pedo Youth wrestling coach in Newark, NJ arrested
Soros right hand man money guy accused of raping 7 women
Dead union boss
Pedo Tony Navarette arrested

Having Maxwell’s, Bucks, Gates, Podesta’s, Hillary’s and others devices in hand makes identifying the pedos so easy. Good times.

This week isn’t over yet.


Expect takeoff this month–be watchful – prepare. You are not yet being shown everything. Many names being shown as just arrested in careful patriot bloga and maybe some MSMish media but, THEY HAVE BEEN TAKEN IN AlREADY.. The reason why for all the smoke and mirrors (doubles, clones Theater Hwd Tech) should be very obvious to those who are wide awake..


Mop up time for sure. Trump said at his Phoenix speech State and local criminals must be held accountable too.

I forgot about the tranny social media influencer being arrested this week for raping his mother. Getting them all!


Three quarters of new COVID cases are in vaccinated people—CDC studyby Jon Rappoport

Once more, dear reader, I put on my hazmat suit and enter the fake world where SARS-Cov2 exists, the Delta Variant exists, the test is meaningful, the case numbers are real, and the vaccine makes sense. These are all lies, as I’ve been proving for the past year, but even within the fake world of those lies, the experts can’t keep their stories straight; they contradict themselves, they expose their own fabrications, and they try to cover up those exposures with new pathetic fabrications. Here we go:

RT, July 30: “The CDC has released a study backing up its decision to recommend indoor masking for both vaccinated and unvaccinated Americans. The study examined one outbreak and found three-quarters of people testing positive were vaccinated.”

“The CDC released that evidence on Friday. In a study of 469 cases of Covid-19 that broke out in the resort town of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, earlier this month, 74% occurred in ‘fully vaccinated persons.’ Four out of five patients hospitalized were fully vaccinated, and on average the inoculated had completed their two rounds of doses only 86 days before infection.”


“Lab testing revealed that 90% of all the Cape Cod infections involved the Delta variant of the coronavirus.”

Oops again. So fully vaccinated people are infected with the Delta Variant.

“The study appears to negate the argument by top health officials that unvaccinated Americans are responsible for the fourfold rise in Covid-19 cases in the US since June. ‘This is an issue predominantly among the unvaccinated, which is the reason why we’re out there, practically pleading with the unvaccinated people to go out and get vaccinated,’ White House coronavirus adviser [and psychopathic liar] Dr. Anthony Fauci told CNN on Sunday, adding that the US is currently moving ‘in the wrong direction’ with regard to stamping out Covid-19.”

Yet another oops.

“The [CDC] report lends weight to the argument that the current crop of vaccines aren’t as effective against the Delta variant, although the CDC and World Health Organization (WHO) both insist that vaccination is effective against ‘severe disease and death’ from the virus, to quote WHO technical lead Maria Van Kerkhove in a briefing earlier on Friday.”

More nonsense. As I’ve been reporting for months, the 3 clinical trials of the major COVID vaccines were DESIGNED to only prove the vaccine could protect against mild disease; e.g., a cough, or chills and fever. Not severe disease.

The CDC new Cape Cod study of vaccinated people has caused a firestorm among “the experts.” A member of the White House coronavirus coffee klatch, Ben Wakana, is claiming only a very small percentage of vaccinated people (who are infected with the virus) can transmit it to others.

RT: “[However] the CDC study noted that similarly high viral loads were found in vaccinated and unvaccinated people. Walensky [head of the CDC] stated on Friday that ‘high viral loads suggest an increased risk of transmission’ and raised concern that ‘vaccinated people infected with Delta can transmit the virus’.”

RT: [But] “The study itself is less alarmist, stating that ‘microbiological studies are required to confirm these findings’ [that vaccinated people who are infected can spread the virus.]”

Well, if the vaccinated and unvaccinated both have high loads of the virus, why wouldn’t vaccinated people spread the virus easily to others? Is there some magic set of walls in the vaccine that keeps the virus locked up inside the body?

And there you have it, the latest revelations about the vaccine, the virus, the Delta Variant, viral transmission, and the attempt to cover up the whole business up after it’s gone public.

The next time someone tells you it’s the duty of all Americans to take the shot in the arm, say, “Of course you’ve heard about the new Cape Cod study, right?”

“What? What’s that? Codfish are filled with toxic mercury? They’re dying because of global warming?”

“No. Lots of vaccinated people still have the killer virus in their bodies. And it’s alive. And it spreads from person to person.”

“That can’t be true. Dr. Fauci didn’t say that.”

“Well, he was on vacation when the study came out. Inside sources say he’s dumbfounded. Fully vaccinated people have loads and loads of the virus still in their bodies. They’re walking time bombs. That’s why we have to wear masks, even after we get the shot.”

“Do we have to wear masks while we’re in the bathroom? While we’re having sex?”

“Absolutely. Two masks while you’re having sex. And no kissing, even through the masks. No talking, either. Talking can spread the virus.”

“I didn’t know that.”

“Hey, I’m risking my life right now talking to you. But I’m willing to take the risk, for all of humanity.”

“I appreciate that. But what do we do? Do we get vaccinated again?”

“That won’t help. Just wear the mask. Shut up. Stay indoors. In another few years, the doctors might have an answer.”

And that concludes today’s episode of The Wild and Wacky World of COVID, where the fake virus is real, there is a Delta Variant, and the vaccine makes sense. These lies are brought to you by Force the Vaccine into Every Arm Everywhere, a non-profit organization funded by Lunatics on the March, a subsidiary of Corporate Cowards Folding Up under Pressure from the White House.

~~ blogDOTnomorefakenewsDOTcom/2021/08/04/three-quarters-of-new-covid-cases-are-in-vaccinated-people-cdc-study/


Commonsense thinking and info for Patriots –
Stop listening to DS CRAP !

We Have Balance Even Though the News Tries to Scare Us! – On the Fringe Must Video

Thursday, August 5, 2021 19:51

We keep hearing all sorts of crazy news stories about how dire it looks for our side but most of that is far from true. We have all sorts of evidence to help us establish they are not being honest. We may not completely know what the ‘truth’ is, nut we are very sure of what the lies are. We are about to start turning a very interesting corner.

Listen: beforeitsnewsDOTcom/opinion-conservative/2021/08/we-have-balance-even-though-the-news-tries-to-scare-us-on-the-fringe-must-video-3592362.html


The coming Delta lockdown is DESIGNED to invoke nationwide protests so they can be exploited as a backdrop for false flag event to blame “anti-vaxxers”

From Mike Adams

Within the next 12 days, multiple sources have told us, the pretender-in-chief Joe Biden will announce a nationwide lockdown, fraudulently blaming the “delta” variant and “anti-vaxxers” for the overzealous action.
The new lockdown will be perceived as so overreaching and totalitarian that nationwide protests will soon commence.
This is actually all part of the plan. The lockdown push is being engineered to invoke a backlash, even among Leftists who will join conservatives in taking to the streets to protest the medical tyranny.
During this backlash, the corrupt Biden regime will roll out false flag events that are designed to permanently destroy the Bill of Rights, take away citizens’ firearms and force mandatory vaccines at gunpoint, nationwide.

More here:


Zee, do you ever get tired of reading fake bullshit all day? Do you even notice that none of these catastrophic events you keep posting about ever actually happen?
If I asked you 12 days from now “hey where’s that national lockdown and those nationwide protests and the destruction of the Bill of Rights” would you even remember that you posted this junk?

Last edited 3 years ago by Zane

Spoiler alert: Zee will not remember.


Nothing these communists do surprise me. But we are awake now and watching their crap.

Unlabeled quality

Thank you, Zee.??

American Living in Canada

Lots of panic on the visually existing perpetrators side is being brought to light. Hang in there all, do what you can to help yourselves first, so you can continue to help others.



Content from Real Raw News has been debunked by Reuters multiple times before.
The website states in its ‘About Us’ section that: “Information on this website is for informational and educational and entertainment purposes. This website contains humor, parody, and satire. We have included this disclaimer for our protection, on the advice of legal counsel.”

Terminally deplorable

As if Reuters had any credibility. The MSM are all one big lying criminal, corrupt organisation, that cannot be salvaged.

Last edited 3 years ago by Terminally deplorable
Terminally deplorable

As if Reuters had any credibility. The MSM are for the dumbing down of the cattle and all one big lying criminal, corrupt organisation, that cannot be salvaged. BTW, they are deadset to kill you since you are a voluntary member of the cattle group. Take that shot and you end up like this unlucky German octogenarian, who died on kidney failure two months after taking the shot and all organs overgrown with the deadly spike pathogen. It was the first autopsy of a kill shot victim, ever.


You got to smarten up, or you will not survive.


Isn’t Chappaqua still missing it’s idiot?!?!?!


Maybe Chelsea does not want to arouse B & H Clinton’s disappearance so, she won’t put the house up for Sale. But she herself as head of the C foundation may be arrested for her $s involvement (RICO case) And, all assets will be ceased. Chelsea had to know what her mother was–A black illuminati witch. And, what her mother did to Children. Seems Chelsea was groomed to be the same– able to be the Head of Clinton Foundation.for quite some time.

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee



your trash..I just took u out to the dump!


Don’t bother


Now that Darlene has passed, it is time that I shared some things she asked that I reveal upon her death. Darlene did not hate foreigners, she loved them. She loved them a little too much. In the late 30’s and early 40’s, Darlene bore 7 children. Most were German but some were of unknown mixed races. As a married woman with a promising career with a popular German political party, she had to put the children up for adoption but not a day went by when she did not think about her beautiful “mixies” babies. Lastly, and this was her secret shame, since coming here in 1952, Darlene was a registered Democrat.
May your last trip into the arms of Allah be an easy one.


I so wish this was true.


It saddens me to report that Darlene is no longer with us, she saw a bilingual advertisement on the side of a bus and it filled her with so much uncontrollable frothing rage that she instantly suffered multiple simultaneous brain aneurysms. May she rest in peace.⚘


Breaking news!

Arizona Democrat State Senator Tony Navarette was arrested Thursday on multiple charges of sexual conduct with a minor. The crimes were committed in 2019 and no further details are available at this time.

On July 30th Vaccinated Navarette reported that he tested positive for the China flu. He was experiencing mild symptoms and suggested that everyone should get the jab.

We caught them all!


Goodridance to these pedo bastards


Jesse Ventura Exposed The Great Culling Using Deadly Vaccines in 2009
Thursday, August 5, 2021 19:06Jesse Ventura
Exposed The Great Culling Using Deadly Vaccines in 2009
Thursday, August 5, 2021 19:06




GITMO TIMELINEThursday, August 5, 2021 22:10



Lame, they’re stealing Michael Baxter’s bit.


I’m pretty sure I saw a comment from Michael awhile ago saying he posts on that website sometimes.


possibly another avenue for educating the sheep


I have noticed credit given to RRN for the information.

Good stuff on 107dailydotcom

How to file a criminal complaint/mandatory vaccinations



Gates was interviewed by CNN and it was posted on YouTube on the 6th Aug. Does not say what date the interview took place but probably the 5th.


Yeah it was really chill of the military to let him out their custody for a few hours so he could do some mundane CNN interviews.

Terminally deplorable

Gates pissed the whole world off. I would not be surprised if some hitjob would be coming for him. One way or the other.

GreaterIdaho for Trump

Its been 5 days since last story. Can’t you please give us more stories more often? God bless and protect you and yours MB. Just a hoping addict begging for more.


What a load of……


X-22 Report (b) was really good tonight. Starts with the China virus flu facts, bogus PCR test, jab making people sick, etc.

But when Dave gets to devolution part 7 the heat is on. Dave explains how Executive orders placed the military in charge over all other agencies if foreigners interfered in the elections. Which they did.

Check it out, you will understand 100%. I do believe the proof Mike Lindell has came from military intelligence aka Space Force. The big reveal is next week. Good times.

X22report dot com

Incorrigible Skeptic

OMG!!!! Choke on it you rotten fuck!!!!! You wanna play holier than though. You scandalous low life POS. YOU wanna instigate lay it on thick then scream somebody come save me. Hmmmmm not certain what to make of you. A few things I do know; you would never address me in the manner in which you have in real life. If you did you’d learn a lesson that you obviously never have. MB KNOWS he cleaned up last nights comments. Of which I’m kinda thankful for.


What? We were censored?


the horror!


wow tough keyboard warrior over here

Incorrigible Skeptic

Bofa there is one of 2 things that I know for certain.
1 if by some fluke of the universe that we happen to lay eyes on each other. You are gonna immediately stare at the ground, slouch you shoulders worse than you normally do, and pray to whatever you pray to, that I didn’t notice.
2 You are a trained CIA FBLIES Agent then we’ll have some real fuckin fun.
Look forward to meeting ya puke


Lol how would you ever know if you laid eyes bofa, do you think he looks like his MS Paint monster avatar or something?




oh we’ll have some fun. i’ll visit you in the hospital

Incorrigible Skeptic

I guess that even as slim as that possibility is, anything is possible. But know this BITCH, your front teeth are going to be in my back pocket!


Maybe she should watch the synchronized swimming on the Olympics.

Incorrigible Skeptic



What do you expect from the son of a Free Mason
-Seems as though he got messed up perhaps IYKWIM LOL
Witch craft at the upper end….33s

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

Boy are you getting weirder by the hour –you have no common sense or morality.

Incorrigible Skeptic

Have another snort!!! Hmmmmmm

Incorrigible Skeptic

How do you know!!! Others are asking your question? Just because your shallow subjective mind guestions something you automactily assume that you and your exhalted self imposed righteousness ropes the rest of us into your twisted sense of reality????? Bite me ya FUCKING bitch

Incorrigible Skeptic

Ohhh aren’t you some intellectually superior superhero. Why don’t you take your self entitled line of bullshit and cram it down your “FUCKING” throat!! Unfortunately for the rest of us I truly believe that not only would you survive it; but you would truly enjoy it. Just like dear old dad and Uncle Bob taught ya.

Incorrigible Skeptic

Was your dear pops mentor Uncle Bob? I knew I called it correctly last night. Kinda uncanny isn’t it. A perfectly anonymous stranger called your game to a T. Cum here and love me son.


Did Bill Barr go bye-bye on Aug 2 nd?

Last edited 3 years ago by disscern



U R wasting our time being here GTFOOH


No he is now a consultant for the law firm that Sidney Powell used to work for .


I think he did

David Yanity

I just had a 16oz. B.L.T. sandwich with a big side of ham for dinner.
Don’t bother waiting up for Arnold Ziffel. He won’t be coming home.


sounds large but delicious


lmao OWD ftw

Incorrigible Skeptic

Is this one of those post where you plead to MB? I Can’t for the life of me figure out why they talk so meanly to me. Go fuck yourself you useless fucking cunt!!!!!!!!


“why are they mean to me?”

“you’re a cunt!”


Incorrigible Skeptic

Luv it!!!!!!!


LOL A PIG TROLL met his Bacon


Mentally sick answer
Yes — Its about time your troliing pig met his maker BI BI

David Yanity

Temper temper, Mr. Douglas.
I assure you that your little friend didn’t suffer…much.


Stupid Ramblings of BS Again?

Incorrigible Skeptic

Say what!!!! You really do have your underoos on too tight
Ya POS!!!

Terminally deplorable

How to destroy the Big Apple, without actially being there and paying a 160 Bill $ for the destruction of Manhattan? Showing squatter in chief Joe B on the front lawn of the WH or the mass murderer du jour B Gates at CNN is a comparative small exercise before breakfast.



Lol what, this is more confusing than an OWD post

Ed Bob

YOU are confusing, InZane. You mock in disbelief, yet you LIVE, 24/7, at RRN. Either you most definitely DO work controlled ops for CIA, or you are an absolute mess of a persona, without a life.


It’s pretty simple, I have a desk job and can easily tab over here throughout the day while I’m working. It’s entertaining and helps the day go by. It takes less than 30 seconds to type out most posts. You’re vastly overestimating the 24/7 thing.


be careful, zane. Ed Boob is our local constitutional scholar. he is definitely smarter than you or i , since you “mock in disbelief”.

Incorrigible Skeptic

Project Christmas


merry christmas!


shit not to idiotic skeptic. merry christmas to zane!

Last edited 3 years ago by Bofa
Incorrigible Skeptic

Ed Bob look up ” Project Christmas ‘ this makes the most sense to me.

Kevin Miller

Oh ohhh, in the news, Tom Hanks and wife are vacationing once again in Greece, say it isn’t so MB


It ain’t so


’tis so


Two of the fugitive TX democrats are said to be vacationing in Portugal. They’re calling arrested vacationing now. As long as they disappear for good, it’s all good.


Looked forward to hearing about their great holiday. Checked on Twitter. Unfortunately Tom last posted in May last year and with Rita Wilson there has been not picture of them together since last year.


I think Kevin is a troll?

Kevin Miller

No troll, just on the fence, since the beginning


Kevin U must be a troll also?
You should know better

Kevin Miller

No troll, just on the fence, since the beginning

stacy Stilwell

Gates is in the MSM news today?something about he regrets hanging out with Epstein?


How is he in the news when he’s being detained/transported to Gitmo?


I fear that not everything on this site is true.


Alas and alack , what can we believe in now?

Ed Bob



What a Stupid question U TROLL


Liar,he enjoyed every moment of it.. Epstein helped him build his own huge Tunnel for ditto dirty duties with Children


I like how Zee just throws the insane BS out there to see if it sticks.


dirty deeds and they’re done dirt cheap!




he was junk

Peter Penname

That’s one less commie. Think he was taken out?


yes! by the deep state! and killary!!!!!!#!#!#omgwtfbbq

  • Early recall comes back to haunt Newsom as virus, mandates surge -The Republicans have lambasted Mr. Newsom on a host of issues, including crime and homelessness, but the focus has been on the shutdown orders and the perception that he operated under a double-standard.  washingtontimesDOTcom/news/2021/aug/4/gavin-newsom-early-recall-threatens-backfire-virus/
  • Trump-endorsed GOP Mike Carey candidate wins important Ohio Republican primary:  conservativeinstituteDOTorg/conservative-news/trump-endorsed-candidate-wins.htm

IGNORANT IDIOTS ON THIS PAGE:–TROLLS you’re being named for MB to kick your asses outta here!


Block these Trolls:

Jim Buffer, TED, Bofa, EXILE, Zane, HAL,
Oliver W. Douglas, Exile,


Incorrect, this is how you kill a troll:




Zee it’s cute that you’re spamming your ban wishlist 100 times, but it should be really obvious by now that MB does not care. He hangs out in the comments for like 1 hour after posting a new article and that’s it. He doesn’t care enough to moderate the site in any way.




yeah MB! prove us wrong with the IP ban plugin for WP! see how long it takes us to get back on here!



Why are these Patriots trying to take away my freedoms? How would they like it if they were told that they could not do whatever they wanted to do anywhere they wanted to do it?






Kind of like saying the jab is full of poison without any evidence? That falls under “doing what ever you want “.

Incorrigible Skeptic

Ohh you holier than though roller you.qhy don’t you go ahead and edjumacate us. Let’er rip tater chip. How’s that sandy anal ease treating ya? I finally gave that pig of yours the $5 bucks he wanted to hear you squeal like he does


Sick piggy


Yes! I’m only a rookie and I made the cut !


always nice to get through moving day

Ed Bob

OWD is a troll?! Hahaha! I thought he was just a socially challenged idiot.


See he’s TROLL of the very boring kind–he can’t really keep up -poor piggy


block boooooooooofa deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuts


I made a big mistake Piggy–You’re NOT a nice person at all with those stupid remarks

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

Free Masons are the enemy–
Now i can see why you are bright but mentally twisted having to be incog. behind the that 4 legged Pig in Green Acres.

What a sick statement re your Masonic father::
My Father is living vicariously though me’..
. Get outta here —


IDIOTS ON THIS PAGE:–TROLLS you’re being named for MB to kick your asses outta here!



Block these Trolls:

  • :

Jim Buffer, TED, Bofa, EXILE, Zane, HAL,
Oliver W. Douglas,


If you spoke at five 1-1/2 hour rallies in one day at five different locations you may well be huffing and puffing too.

Depak Chopra is one of those feel-good salesmen.

But Arnold Ziffle is for real! oink

Last edited 3 years ago by Guest4579


MB needs to Block these Trolls:
Jim Buffer, TED, Bofa


block bofa deeeeeeeeeez nuts




Thank you Zee, I truly appreciate it that you have recognized my valuable contributions to these discussions and removed my name from you desired ban list ?



MB needs to Block these Trolls:
Jim Buffer, TED, Bofa, Zane et al


Weird – there’s Schiff again! I wonder if MB will lock that thread again just to be safe


Get Your Lies TFOOH

Veronica Cougar

OMG, I live in Los Angeles County, and today, the County mandated vaccines for all of its employees. City employees are next. No jab, no job.

I’m a municipal employee, and I feel like a cornered animal. It’s completely obvious to me that the satanic left is ramping up its efforts to force the death jab on as many people as possible, determined to take down as many people as they can, now that their agenda is TOAST.

I WON’T TAKE THAT DRATH SHOT, but I am not happy about looking for a job at age 60. The hypocritical woke liberal left runs everything here in California, and they would much rather “manage” my death than hire me to a position they think should go to a much younger person for a lot less money. Ageism is rampant in their ranks; experience doesn’t mean jack shit to them.

The world that I have worked all these years to build, is starting to crumble. I can hardly believe that this is happening, and it’s all MANUFACTURED, none of it is real. I have officially entered the Twilight Zone, and it is godawful!!!

Not at all where I planned to be at this age!!!



i don’t believe veronica cougar is a real name.

Terminally deplorable

I bet, no one has baptized you as bofa either. What does that acronym mean anyway?
Bovine Farth is all I can think of.


try harder. you might figure out where bofa fits


Do bofa them fit in his mouth?

Ed Bob

Where do you live, Fed?


I have a few houses. My main residence is in center city philadelphia. I own two vacation homes in Cape May New Jersey. Depending on my work schedule I sometimes live in DC. I have a ranch in Casper Wyoming and some off grid property in Oregon. I own over 80 rental properties with almost 300 units with 92% occupancy and of that, below 2% are over 45 days behind in rent.
Where do you live and what parent do you live with?


maaaybe. depends on if he still has his wisdom teeth


eh maybe


Bofa was picking up his gold bars from all the down votes. I answered for him.

Incorrigible Skeptic

B oring
O verbearing
F ucking
A. sshole


B uttface
O utcast
F laming
A sswipe


T otaly
E masculated
D iva


I like that one!

Ed Bob

God I’d like to meet you Fed.

Incorrigible Skeptic

Actually got a full blown laugh outta me. Congrats!!!! Kinda hard to do these days.


bofa deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezz nuts in yo mouth lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


F—ing awful nasty greedy BANK OF AMERICA

or, taken from Lord of the Rings or Battle of Armies


more like bofa deeeeeez nuts in your grill


She is probably 83 and dated someone 78 once. Thinks that makes her a cougar.

Incorrigible Skeptic

Don’t make me train that pig of yours to put sand in your jar of anal ease.

Incorrigible Skeptic

Your uncle Bob was our neighbor. Words out.




holy shit OWD is on a roll tonight!


Yours is not real either–yours is a joke

Ed Bob

I believe I beat your ass in grade school. You were picking on a girl, and I shoved you backward – slammed you up against the lockers – pinned you. You grimaced – I held – watched your eyes as you choked for air.

Last edited 3 years ago by Ed Bob

did you? where’d we go to school? b/c i haven’t lost a fight lmao

last fight i was in didn’t end well for the other dude

Incorrigible Skeptic

Quit messing with the elementary school kids. Put bofa those nuts on the plate and come say hi to me.


Woah, easy there Ed Bob, let’s keep your locker room BDSM fantasies to yourself here, this is a family website.

Incorrigible Skeptic

It’s funny how easy life’s lessons can be learned.

Incorrigible Skeptic

What are you poking your nose in for? You old decrepit queen!

Veronica Cougar

Prove it.


You really think that all 165 million Americans that have been vaccinated are going to die? Trump started it , got vaccinated and recommends it.


Sooner or later. In these such cases it’s more likely to be sooner.


Why did Trump encourage every American to go get something that’s going to kill them soon? If he was “tricked into it” by the evil CDC or whatever, why did he not renounce the vaccine and tell people to stop getting it as soon as he found out it’s toxic? MB said weeks ago that Trump intends to denounce the vaccine and apologize for promoting it, so.. why is he just sitting by and letting more and more people continue to poison themselves with his standing endorsement?


Maybe he wants to get rid of shit bags like you trolls ‘cos morality wise you have absolutely no future AI will weed you out soon or later.


Lol ok, so Trump encouraged millions of people poison themselves in hopes that a few people he doesn’t like will be among them. What a swell guy, truly an American hero.


Trump wants credit for getting the vaccine out (thanks pfizer/moderna), trump supporters want trump credited for the vaccine, but none of his supporters want to get the vaccine. amazing logic


Troll bots are heavy because their bosses are scared shitless as they know a massive tsunami wave of extinction is coming their way very very soon. They wouldn’t be trying so to discredit what is real if it wasn’t. Notice the uptick in their desperation.
They are now following sites such as this 24/7 checking in while they go terrorize people and neighborhoods as they join together with their blm and antifa demons. Notice how all have black dark eyes with NO life, this is because they have no soul left God gave them, they choose to go to dark side so now they are all inhuman. God will take care of them. Watch how they spin out of control as a vampire does to a cross or light of God’s golden ☀ then you know the real them.



Nothing ever happens. That has to be extremely boring


Lol how do you know what their eyes look like, Lisa?

Ed Bob

It’s all fun and games until somezane gets hurt.


come at me, bro


it’ll happen “soon”, I’m sure


Lisa just laugh at these bastard TROLLS they are such a Joke


come at me, bro

Daughter of the American Revolution

Amen, Sister. I’ve seen Bible study teachers I’ve followed for 12+ years who never did anything wrong, instantly terminated from Youtube, because they’re speaking out about what this vax is really all about. They are DESPERATE and the demons are squirming, it’s pretty pathetic actually. Yeshua must be close…can’t wait, come quickly Lord!

Good Day!

If you are relying on this site, or people in general, to help make your decisions, you are in for a sad awakening. Most people want others to fail, so they can offer fake help, and feel good about themselves.


Don’t give him space–he’s a crazy troll’

Incorrigible Skeptic

Bite me!!!!

Terminally deplorable

How about early retirement as a basis? You may still find an acceptable job at the side.

American Living in Canada

Speak to a Labor Lawyer, there is Forms and Laws out there to help you out.


Or you could stop reading unverified and misleading websites, get the shot and contribute to society instead of being a tinfoil hat wearing parasite.

Good Day!

Well, that’s like a total waste of time and energy, the lawyers are paid to lie. When your money is gone, they are gone.


Not if you are bring a Law case and sue–$s taken out of winnings

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

I gave the info here and forms —scroll way down


Its back at near the top

American Living in Canada

Should be someone you can find locally like Rocco Galati.

Constitutional Lawyer Rocco Galati is President and Director of The Constitutional Rights Centre in Ontaria, Canada. He is representing Vaccine Choice Canada in a lawsuit filed on 6 July 2020 against Prime Minister Justin TRUDEAU, Dr. Theresa TAM, Chief Medical Officer for Canada, Marc GARNEAU, Canadian Transport Minister, Doug FORD, Premier of Ontario, and others including the CBC.


I’m very sorry your in this position. Don’t let them force you and don’t quit if they are serious make them fire you at least you will have a case against them. Law suites will be coming for these bastards and they wont win. I know I saw page to go to for these case with information I will look and get it to you when I find it. Hang in there I have strong feeling by end of August many new good changes are coming.




At the end of August the only changes will the it will soon be September.
I heard that was when Trump was going to turn over his taxes.


it is on EUDRA,they provide the link to Cdc website,the link to present Legal complaint for VAX INJURY COURT, the links to American Frontline doctors, and also they ask in Nuremberg Tribunal, to describe and provide documentation for that illegal,unethical,criminal request.

Good Day!

Will be soon…..doesn’t pay the Bill’s.


Contact Or Sidney Powell’s team.. they are helping people.. lots of “forms” you can fill out to refuse vax,test,masks.. DO NOT COMPLY.. Use our LAWS to fight these satanists..and their Frankenstein cocktails and never ending BOOSTERS for BIG PHARMA Big bucks.. sickening circular flow of money off of back of people and their bodies they want to corrupt and kill for profit.


Yeah they are helping lots of people liberate themselves out of employment ?

Stacey Gostnell

EUA vaccines cannot be mandatory under federal law.


Not in Usa or anywhere! Besides,they cannot make such medical choice for you, and IT´S ILLEGAL to force experimental treatments when THERE ARE CURES AVAILABLE.


Based on my research, 60 is young on this site.


So all you trolls are old farts then


do your research!

Angela James

Pack up and come to Texas! There are no lockdowns, hardly anybody has on a mask, and businesses and schools are not requiring vaccinations.


Last week, 1 in 3 COVID cases were in Texas or Florida. Stay classy Texas.


thanks to rapid flow of petri dish disease carrying 3rd world impoverished INVADERS coming here for a FREE RIDE on taxpayer dime.. SEND THEM BACK.. they are gonna eventually kill all the WHITE PEOPLE.. when they realize they are stuck here and don’t get all the “goodies” they hoped for.. they will rob, steal and murder to get what they don’t have coming to them!! wake up.. we are being flooded with our “replacements”..


ah the replacement theory. good to know darlene is a nazi


look what is happening in S. Africa.. blacks are killing whites.. so i would say the same thing will happen here if they keep increasing the number of non-whites from Africa and Middle East.. as soon as there are more of them than us.. South AFrica civil war could easily happen.. we’re almost there already.. look at surging crime rates.. all over America..

Incorrigible Skeptic

Veronica my plan has always been to claim its against my religion. Tho shall not hide thy face from the eyes of the lord. Not sure if it’ll work or not but freedom of religion is a powerful negotiating tool. Say it with a straight face, never waver, and see what happens. Take the fight to them!!!
Best of luck

Last edited 3 years ago by Incorrigible Skeptic

lmao god don’t give a fuck if you wear a mask for 8 hours

Incorrigible Skeptic

Heard granola is on sale at the dollar store bitch. Ready?

Kandie Barriga

Sorry Veronica but hang in there. Don’t get the poison. Let them fire you because you WILL be compensated big time. Do not quit.


there is a list of questions to ask your employer…..that basically they cannot answer because it is experimental vax. search on duck duck go
watch the films on beforeitsnews and therumormill and you will learn a lot


basically, the premise is that while you look as if you are cooperating, the employer/college cannot satisfactorily answer the questions, and they have to drop the issue.

walmart and disney are trying to force vax employees. Folks have to get complaining to unions, colleges/universities, boards of education ETC


Good memory


religious exemption.. tell them you don’t want to have aborted fetal tissue injected in your body ’cause it is AGAINST NATURE AND GOD..




None of that in the vaccine. What I am looking forward to is employers looking at what employees post on social media. Darlene may have some e’splainin to do!


oh, jumping on the bandwagon of using “employers” as ENFORCERS of NATZI “SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS” ILLEGAL mandates.. NOT gonna be coerced, threatened or intimidated by CORPORATE FASCIST MANDATES.. FUCK THEM..

Unlabeled quality

Actually, you could mention the 10 commandments…you know, the one that says ‘thou shall not bear false witness….’
Especially since the ‘vaccine’ isn’t really a vaccine at all. Just a little more ammo to fight with.




You really need to catch up.


Get Your Selfish Stupidity TFOOH


Hold the line, and pray!

Ed Bob

Veronica Cougar, God you sound hot. Sorry, that just popped off. I’m happily married! I’m happily married! Anyway, haha, yes, the world has indeed, gone stark, raving insane. In response to your professed dilemma, , I strongly recommend, if not ‘saved’ then get saved. Starting now, literally call out to God our creator, asking Him for assistance, guidance and wisdom. Once that is done, do not fear. Do NOT worry about the jab. Yes, it is as simple as that. He will guide. He will make a way. I was saved in 1984, and can attest, He is real, He lives and, He hears. *He* is your retirement. *He* has all the wealth in the world at His disposal, and if you are a confessed child of His, you will have everything you need and more. Do not pay any thought to these demonic shill trolls on RRN. THEY are the ones who will be destroyed in an instant, and have no peace, ever. They are in constant torment, and only desire to make others miserable like themselves. Now go and do what I said. Do not put it off. This applies to anyone else who is in fear or doubt or dread. Biden is not to be feared. Only God is to be feared.

Last edited 3 years ago by Ed Bob



Ed Bob, buddy, let’s keep it in your pants, there are kids on this website.

Daughter of the American Revolution

If you haven’t already, see if you can find some of the forms – like Nuremberg objections and religious exemption forms and so forth. I don’t know if it will help – these people are utterly mad trying to shove this down our throats! But we can stand against it and pray. I believe this vax isn’t just a death jab – they are this desperate to vax the entire world because they want to connect us to the Beast system. This will give them total control; pure evil – satan’s time is short..the disgusting loser. God bless, will pray for you and all this to turn around.


Globalist Biden pal Richard Trumkin AFL-CIO Union boss dropped dead today.

Ding Dong!


must have been the deep state!




Ok I’m confused, why did they announce he died instead of just replacing him with a clone/body double? The Deep State globalists have an endless supply of those things, do they not?

Terminally deplorable

I have seen him once in a airplane, and now he is already dead. Draw your own conlusions.


you killed him. got it


Just as I suspected… every person who flies on an airplane at some point in their life will eventually die.