Military Hangs Susan Rice


The U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps on Wednesday hanged former National Security Advisor Susan Rice, just a month after a military tribunal at Guantanamo Bay found her guilty of high treason and recommended that she be put to death for crimes committed against the nation and its citizenry.

Asked if she had any last words, a tearful Rice said she had done nothing wrong, that she had only ever followed lawful orders.

Her execution took place without much fanfare, and she died on the same apparatus that was used to execute Hillary Clinton last April. Vice Adm. John G. Hannink ordered the execution detail to conduct the sentence at 9:00 a.m. Rice’s neck snapped, and an attending military physician declared her dead.

Vice Adm. John G. Hannink remarked that he took no pleasure in overseeing executions but acknowledged that duty mandated he conduct “unpleasant business.”

“These are grim times, and we’re called upon to enforce sometimes unpleasant business. We must remember that these people are among the worst society had to offer, and their departure from this world does make the earth a better place and give us a glint of hope for the future,” Vice Adm. Hannink told the small assembly who had gathered to watch Rice hang by the neck until dead.

A source involved in the military’s Deep State purge told Real Raw News that rice spent her last few days in captivity in tears, a sharp departure from the stoic silence she displayed at her time of arrest and during her military tribunal.

“She was in some state those last four or five days. She cowered in a corner of her cell with her knees drawn up to chest, crying that she was innocent. She begged the guards who brought her meals to let her go—like they could have done anything. I think she was hoping her Deep State allies would spring her, but in the end, she got what she deserved,” our source said.

Rice had had numerous opportunities to avoid the hangman’s noose. The military had hoped Rice would supply incriminating information on her former boss, Barack Hussein Obama, who the military believes is still masterminding the Deep State’s efforts to enslave law-abiding American patriots.

“Obama’s hold on these people is remarkable,” our source said. “Rice wouldn’t give him up. Podesta wouldn’t give him up. The Clintons wouldn’t give him up. But that’s not stopping JAG from pursuing its case against him, and it’s only a matter of time before Obama shares a similar fate,” our source said.

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That’s what you get for your stupid loyalty to kenyan citizen obama. What did you get out of it?

Nothing but being a traitor to your country. Treason, sedition, you betrayed your country.


They are all paying with their lives for being lunatics loyal to and following the orders of a kenyan citizen. Stupid idiots! Now, they’ll all rot in LLEH.

When are the executions of obama, biden, harris, pelosi, schiff, schumer, milley?

Make AMERICA Great Again, Again!

Last edited 3 years ago by RG1

America, don’t be fooled by the Deep State and it’s allies, the left wing liberal “FAKE” news “LYING” mainstream media (MSM) who are trying so very hard to debunk the Truth about the ongoing Military Tribunals and executions. They continuously lie and spread fake news to America and the world.

They claim there is no evidence of these MT and executions. Well, that’s because they don’t get the “Intel”, the truth, like the right and Real Raw News and others who want to spread the truth and good news they get from their inside sources.

GOD Bless RRN and those who tell the truth, that which the left and MSM twist and lie.

Last edited 3 years ago by RG1

Mr. Baxter, are you able to confirm that Susan Rice is a woman?


Strap Fauci down and let HIM be eaten alive!


I wonder how much longer the government can continue to function. I just watch more pieces fall off all the time. Praying for those who stand for righteousness, truth, and justice – that they will remain strong to the end…which seems inevitable. We’ve begun to do all the things that Rome did, just before they feel into the hands of their enemies. Maybe there will be some of courage who will fight for us.


She had until the last second to say that she’ll cooperate and give us the information we need on other traitors. She decided to hang with the traitors. Her choice.


Nearly 5 o clock here and everything still intact . Praise the Lord!


According to some sources, yes. On the bright side you can get pillows and bath mats at up to 60% off!


SHOCKING ! Justin Trudeau Castro link to Epstein and the Pickton Pig Farm



Michael, thanks so much for keeping us up to date with this. Amazing how silent MSM is regarding these things. On another note, do you have any information on an upcoming financial shift? Would like a different slant on that issue if your informers have anything to offer.

Thanks again. Always appreciate you!


Everyone spread the word – the voice of truth. Thank you Mike Lindell and all the patriots. CHINA GOING DOWN> America is its patriots not the liberals.


He’s calling out the fake news right now. Good times. MAGA!

P.S. Cuomo went to Gitmo. Yay!




Susan Rice’s husband – Ian O. Cameron 
Biography: what is known about Susan Rice’s husband? Ian O. Cameron is an accomplished executive producer for ABC News. The remarkable producer is famous for being Susan Rice’s husband. They married in 1992–met as students at Stanford. The couple have two children..
   More: legitDOTng/1405111-ian-o-cameron-biography-susan-rices-husband.html


Seems like a nice guy!


Mike Lind all is on now on Aon news on tv.


He got attack this morning that is why he was not on this morning. He is presenting other thing and we are going to hear from Brazil who is terrified by a take over.


Mike L is oon now


The live feed is also being carried by RSBN on their Rumble channel…“RSBN LIVE – MIKE LINDELL’S CYBER SYMPOSIUM”


They’re messing with Lindell. I guess the deep state is very afraid. Bannon is going live soon too. This will be seen. We are the media.


Pete Santilli has it too. We are the media. MAGA!


Newsmax is live. We are the media. MAGA!


Patriots dot win hosting a Watch Party


Dominion is flipping out. Filing lawsuits against anyone that broadcasts this. Mike’s response, “turn yourself in Dominion.” lol

We are the media! MAGA!


MAGA!! Thx for the updates.
Lindell is awesome
Bbb cancelled him so my family and friends and I cancelled them! No more shopping there.
They import everything from China anyway…made in America baby! ALL THE WAY


Lindell tv and frankspeech is up. Ha,ha, low level basement dwelling hackers.

OAN is live. We are the media. MAGA!

Turn yourself in Dominion!


We upcycle and repurpose…
We need to make prison bars out of your cheating machines !!



Breaking News! Florida is in need of more ventilators! They have requested 300 more to deal with the increasing number of patients. This scam goes all the way to the top and they are even saying that children have it now. Shame on them for what they are doing trying to fool us. We should send them a big truck with a note that says “do your research! This is not real!”
In Christ’s name. Amen.


I appreciate your comments. They are respectful and well thought out. I also respect your opinions and thank you for the polite exchange. I hope you continue to do well in your quest for better health.


Update on Mike Lendall show it will be on Oan news starting in one hour it is 8:15 my time cst turn on Aonn and when it is on record it and pass it forward because you will be angry on how this happened and why Joe Is not hard on China or Iran it will all become clear. Or you can sign on Frankspeeks however the reason he has it on Aonnews is because so many have signed up on frank that he is paying to also put it on Aon news. I know this has nothing to do with the Susan rice but who is sad she is no longer on earth. Not me and I have been watching her under Obama the Kenyan proven. This is cause selective truth Americans did.


She was murdered in Christ’s name for the good of our Christian America. Amen!


Did not accept the birth certificate. Even his brother sent the same one.


I don’t know what Happened but I will post when it comes on Aon. I walk a dog between 11:30 – 1:00pm

Last edited 3 years ago by Katie

See if it is on


Today the symposium starts at ten. The Insipid Moron trolls here do not have the collective intelligence of a tree frog so they insult Lindell, regurgitate the media lies and they all KNOW Biden lost. No one is that incredibly stupid to believe that Biden won. That is the result they want but when the evidence on video and the hundreds of sworn testimonies of witnesses and the clear evidence of foreign interference is shown, they will have no cover. No excuse. Then, shortly after, the executions that haven’t happened will start.


Future Homeschooled children everywhere will be taught about this day as “The Day It All Changed”. Southern religions will see this as something as close to the 2nd coming of Christ. Colleges and Universities will teach classes about how this scam took place. Industries will be built upon this new knowledge and some existing empires may tumble once the truth is exposed. I have 30 days of food, water and ammo in stock look forward to the 3 days of evidence that will be presented here. Wake up! The storm is here!

Chris Russ

Tremendous insult to tree frogs.


Lol while reading this I thought that last sentence was going to say “Then, shortly after, Trump will be reinstated to the White House,” but boy was I wrong. Way to keep your eye on the prize David, executing everyone is priority #1!

For real though I would suggest you set those expectations significantly lower. Biden did not lose, Lindell’s junk data is not going to prove it, he is going to spend 3 days straight yelling about pcaps and I guarantee you it will not change a damn thing.


We can just ignore the trolls. Its not our job to convince them of the truth. Truth will out, it’s getting out and it’s their choice to be deceived, sadly. But that’s on them not us.

Unlabeled quality

They’re not stupid. They just don’t care. Ignore them.


Latest video from Michael Jaco… on Rumble channel @ michaelj5326
“America’s Reichstag moment was 1/6/21. Will the US become a Nazi stronghold?”


Just watched this, and wow, he sure doesn’t pull any punches when laying out all the similarities between Trump’s Jan 6th mob and the Nazis ?


Trump rally August 21st in Cullman, Alabama.

An all day festival with food, drink, music and America First.


Road trip!


Lol isn’t he supposed to be back in office by then?


The rally was called off due to lack of interest. It was replaced with a furry convention and a puppet show.


I’m seeing reports now that the organizers of the furry convention felt bad for Trump, and as a consolation they have offered to let him host a panel. Sources say Eric and Don Jr. Are hard at work crafting DJT’s ‘fursona’ as we speak.


Praise God. Praise God. Praise God. One less daughter of Babylon on the planet. This Luciferian will never harm another child. Someone will squill like a stuck pig soon enough. These minions are accustomed to throwing their own mothers under the bus. However, BHO is most likely one of THE BEASTs spoken of in the Bible. So I imagine he will be around till the end when the ANGEL ARMY of JESUS CHRIST CAST HIM AND HIS DEMONS INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE AND INTO OUTER DARKNESS. God isn’t done with Susan Rice or any of the other DEMONS who infiltrated our borders. Their HELL has only just begun.


Bho is just a human being, he will have to go thru great white throne judgment first. Before lake of fire. Sad. Sad for him, he was pimped out from birth but that is no excuse for being a treasonous traitor and participating in Alice in wonderland torture cannibalism death rituals.

Robert James

I am losing track of what is going on. I thought Obummer and his associate Mike had been executed some time ago. Surely there is overwhelming evidence against Obummer.


you’d think so but here he his hosting birthday parties like he’s alive or something


There is and he has, there is a 2 to 3 year delta on this info. Whitehats slow walking the tribunals and execution reveals. Obama is long gone. That fake b day party was a laffable farce.


Lmao hey guys check this out:

Remember Ron Watkins’ much-hyped “whistleblower” video from a few days ago? The one that didn’t actually expose anything remotely illegal and was quickly forgotten about by everyone? Turns out he actually DID have someone on the inside sending him videos of confidential election data. And Ron forgot to block out her unique password so the county officials identified her and are now investigating. Fantastic job Ron, keep up the good work!


I can’t wait to see the evidence that Duck Farrel of Florida pulls out tomorrow!


Rand Paul, Resist they can’t arrest all of us.

Going viral.

I saw it on We love Trump dot com


oooooh they can’t arrest us all when we’re lying in an ICU bed!

boris said

Baxster , your as bad as the cheating Democrats ! you took my post down because I called you out for selling false hope with all your lies about these bad people getting executed and they show up alive, you never answer my messages , your just as bad as the lying left . stop selling false hope and tell us something real !!!


Your post is still there dude. Baxter doesn’t delete or moderate these comments at all. He pretty clearly doesn’t care about them, doesn’t seem like he even reads them anymore. However you are totally right about him selling false hope, no matter how many of these “executed” people keep showing up alive and perfectly fine he’ll always just say like “oh that was a body double or CGI or something, ok moving on”


Well Boris, what is real and can you prove it?


qst.for zane too…why they stay here….


I just wrote a post this morning explaining this in detail, it’s a few threads up if you really wanna know. The short version is: RRN is absurd and it’s very funny to me, and I also find it entertaining to read and debunk wacky conspiracy theories.


you are spoiled brat…..

Incorrigible Skeptic

Holy hell!!! You entitled princess. You haven’t figured it out yet? Non of “knows what the fuck is going on” l’d bet that MB doesn’t know for sure either. We all gather the info we can and apply it to what’s going on in the world around us and do our best to make the most informed inferences we can. That’s all there is bud everything is playing out in the shadows. Hopefully soon? All this shit comes out in the open. Until then it’s conjecture city, with a serious twist of hopeful. In the mean time; tighten up!




Historic Cyber Symposium update from Bannons War Room in Souix Falls, SD with guest Mike Lindell

Begins at 9am CST on frankspeech dot com and Lindelltv dot com

The historic event will re-stream for 7 days for international time zones.

70 cyber experts. 200 guests, media, representatives from 47 States.

Beginning on the East coast Tuesday, data packets explained. Mail in ballot data explained.. About 15 minutes per State. 25 States examined.

A cyber center will be available for everyone present. Everyone present will vote to dismiss or accept. Expect an election night style presentation.

Cyber Experts will examine the data packets exclusively.

A five member panel will be hosting questions and answers from participants.

Wednesday 25 States will be examined. All 50 States were hacked. You can estimate the date and time your State will be examined as the presentation will proceed from East coast to West coast.

Thursday recap. Mike Lindells recommended unhackable voting system will be unveiled. Mike says, “use the old machines to make prison bars.”


Everyone present will vote to dismiss or accept. Expect an election night style presentation.”

Lol what does this even mean? Are the guests there voting to accept/reject the election results for each state? You realize that doesn’t actually mean anything, right? People will clap and cheer as Lindell flips every single blue state to red, and then the show will end, and then nothing will change because it’s just yet another larp.

Incorrigible Skeptic

Holy hell brother! Do you ever give it a rest, Jesus get some sleep already! The closer we get to kickoff time the worse you get!


Lol maybe we should swap screennames


What could possibly go wrong?


I am very interested in what Dick Farrel will have to say.


I can’t wait to see these “pcaps” of which the my pillow guy doesn’t understand a damn thing.


Who’s excited to spend the next 3 days staring at endless strings of random numbers!? Yeah!!


How is everyone planning on watching the new evidence as it is released over the next 3 days? I guess this is what everyone has been waiting for and will end all debate once and for all.


Expect internet disruptions.


because he reveals a “pcap” lmao

ya’ll need help. and I by help i mean education in how the internet works

Georgia Peaches

Hoping for an update soon!


i need muh dopamine fix

Sandy Koufax

The Spectator’s Washington Editor Amber Athey states that Joe Biden did not return from Delaware today and we have had consecutive days with no public events and early press lids. We have no further guidance on POTUS’s movements for the rest of the week. Biden knows the jig us up.


I checked the White House YouTube channel. Nothing, zip, zero notta today. That has never happened. The only day there is no upload or Livestream is on Sundays.






Angel Askew

If all of you do not have a 30 day food/water/emergency/cash supply by TONIGHT in order to the reveal and mayhem about to unleash, you are a fool.

The Vatican, Buckingham Palace and The White House may be slated to be wiped out during this time.

My Forex trading platform just informed me they will be removing their platforms as of TOMORROW and for me to close and request my funds NOW. It’s a 30 year old platform….

Prepare for impact. Body, mind and spirit.

Angel Askew

Wow. He let me post again. I think we have reached the precipice folks. I hope to see you all unvaccinated and happy on the other side of this. Like a post Superbowl party. My prayers are with you all. Especially those overseas being forced to vaccinate. God knows your heart.



Angel Askew

Funny, I attended Catholic mass yesterday at a new parish. The priest told us all to get vaccinated from the pulpit. The nice lady handing out the bulletin insists she is a nurse so she knows it is best to be vaccinated…. these poor sheep.

If you see street lights being changed from “green” to “black” lights that is how they will detect who is vaxxed and who isn’t. Use side roads?
My heart is clean. I am aligned with my convictions. I will leave this world with my body, mind and spirit unaltered or tethered by these heathens. Maybe tomorrow, maybe in 25 years.
Semper Fidelis, Zee.


Semper Fidelis,

buck fiden

Your Cathlick Church is shit. Vaccines have become a highly-charged political topic and a church isn’t the forum for discussing this issue — pro or con.

Angel Askew

I was visiting the parish for the 3rd time. I actually agree with you, Buck. I was astonished when he mentioned it from the pulpit and then the church lady was above and beyond the regular curious/nosiness of the new people. She was sweet enough and then mentioned she was a nurse at UCLA as if I should confide in her whether I was vaccinated or not.

I turned to her husband and mentioned that I’d left a larger sister parish on the other side of town because they were too “political.”

I may not return there either, unfortunately.


Angel, can you please elaborate on this part:

The Vatican, Buckingham Palace and The White House may be slated to be wiped out”

Wiped out as in like, completely demolished? Is Trump planning to carpet bomb the Vatican?

Angel Askew

Zane, I cannot recall which article it was but suffice to say, The Khazarian Jews and China have no intention of backing down or being held accountable. Our military is in not working alone.


The Khazarians are not real Jews. They’re only saying they are.

Angel Askew

I am confused about the Khazarians roots. Are they the ancient original hard nose mafioso militant Jews OR are these their posers is; Rothschilds??


The fall of the cabal explains. Can find it on bitchute.


To be jewish one must have true jewish blood from the mother to be 100 %. . If father only is Jewish, that’s considered by some.less than half or not Jewish.

Kazarians were not Jews– arriving to kararia and for selfish beneficial reasons called themselves Jews. They have no Jewish blood.

But a Jewish mother with Kaz. husband can produce a 100% Jewish offspring…

It has been put forward the Kaz. are from the Cain lineage unlike the Jews.

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee



Khazaria was at one time where Crimean Peninsula is today. Not Jews but pretended to be and moved in amongst Jews when on the move north wards into Russia, Ukraine etc

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

I have little knowledge of Forex. Could you explain the significance please.

buck fiden

Forex comes in L, XXL, lubricated with nonoxynol-9 and non-lubricated, ribbed and straight.

Incorrigible Skeptic

Ahhh ya silly goose. Don’t you mean durex? Just like the one that dangles out of your ass 3 times a week .


Woah, Skeptic, buddy, let’s try to keep this place family friendly, eh? What you and buck do on your own time is none of our business ?

Angel Askew

Sure, TW. Forex is an international commodities exchange. People create an account and fund it and then “gamble” in “trades” different countries currencies against each other. Some for a minute some for days. It is a fast and loose stock market type of thing that can be very lucrative. It’s been around a very long time. Forex=Foreign Exchange Commission.


Thank you Angel. And Incorrigible Skeptic, lmfao!


Huge! Governor Andrew Cuomo’s assistant, lover? +++ Melissa DeRosa resigned today. The most powerful unelected person in New York.

Her family is connected to nursing homes. Her family is the US Attorney for the southern district of NY.

She is Cuomo’s biggest defender.



That is about as close to accurate as we will ever see on this site. No evidence that her and Cuomo were ever romantically involved and no proof that her family is connected to nursing homes but it is a good start. Baby steps my friend, baby steps.


you would not believe…if you did find them in the bed…tedd y

Last edited 3 years ago by sejmon

Going off the top of your head?

Incorrigible Skeptic

Might want to check the pic on Gateway Pundit where he is clearly finger banging that hag while in a restaurant. Inconvenient truths will be multiplying get used to it!!! The end game is upon us.


ah yes, tgwp, as reputable a source as RRN. weird – why doesn’t anyone cite RRN as a source?


Days after she got married. She is a garbage individual. Or for short, a hoe.

Sandy Koufax

If Cuomo is removed, then he is replaced with Democrat Lt. Governor Kathy Hochu who will continue on with the policies of the Deep Statel. This is all just political theatre to chew up news cycles. If any of Cuomo’s so called victims had taken personal responsiblity for their own self defense, maybe Cuomo would have gotten the hint. Everyone of these sluts got what they deserved and they probably enjoyed it. The only reason they are coming forward now is because they are being controlled with compromising boudoir photos with underage participants. Otherwise; they would have come forwarad earlier and resigned when no action was taken, or taken matters into their own hands. At the very least a male relative would have shown up to kick Cuomo’s ass.

Last edited 3 years ago by Sandy Koufax

This whole Cuomo satire is to remove his name from consideration as a VP when Harris pulls the plug on Biden’s life support. They might be trying to slip Big Mike in to fill Harris’s position as VP when she pulls the 25th out to move up.



Sandy Koufax

Gavin Newsom would become Harris’ pool boy and they have to get it done before he’s recalled.

Last edited 3 years ago by Sandy Koufax

Mobster king should be very happy to be removed by sexual scandal when in f act he and the other 6 are mass murderers waiting for JUSTICE to happen, just like dual citizen Schumer who threatned Supreme court justices life on tv for the entire world to see.


Beware, There are about 10 Trolls Here–DO NOT FEED THEM

Trolls Really Are Horrible People;



Direct Sadism


Vicarious Sadistic

More: slateDOTcom/technology/2014/02/internet-troll-personality-study-machiavellianism-narcissism-psychopathy-sadism.html


In the past few years, the science of Internet trollology has made some strides. Last year, for instance, we learned that by hurling insults and inciting discord in online comment sections, so-called Internet trolls (who are frequently anonymous) have a polarizing effect on audiences, leading to politicization, rather than deeper understanding of scientific topics.

That’s bad, but it’s nothing compared with what a new psychology paper has to say about the personalities of trolls themselves. The research, conducted by Erin Buckels of the University of Manitoba and two colleagues, sought to directly investigate whether people who engage in trolling are characterized by personality traits that fall in the so-called Dark Tetrad: Machiavellianism (willingness to manipulate and deceive others), narcissism (egotism and self-obsession), psychopathy (the lack of remorse and empathy), and sadism (pleasure in the suffering of others).

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

Oh wow, linking to now, huh Zee? Aren’t they fake news? All kinds of articles stating Biden is President, the election was legit, covid exists, the vaccine is good, etc etc.


I think that all of those apply to the trolls here!
I am not compassionate about them. I just feel sorry for them., They are a very unhappy lot, and unless they change their attitudes they will remain so., Pitiful!


Yes agreed – I wonder how they were brought up… Maybe unhappy and unloved, Psycopathy in the family., abuse?

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

you too


run that through a different translator next time


Does it say anything about people who read stories about executions or fake trials? I think it is called murder p*rn in most places. I guess the people who crave that are well balanced and level headed?


Lol yeah one of the traits on this list is literally “Vicarious Sadistic”. I dunno about you Ted but I have never wished pain or death upon anyone in any of my comments here. Can’t say the same for the 200 or so people in this thread talking about how they cannot wait to watch Obama die ?‍♂️


There are some very sick people on here. Thank goodness for the few of us providing level headed advice and guidance.


praise jesus for rational thinkers!

sejmon are very special..troll you can twist or try almost anyone…

buck fiden

You are not necessary or you are not a troll?


Both for the TV-Land / ME-TV expert.
I do think he doth protest too much (taken partially from William Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet.’)


These personalities are categorized in the DSM VI as Cluster B Personality Disorders. Narcissism, Malignant Narcissism, Dark Triad, Sociopaths, Psychopaths. In MRI studies of the brains of these people, there is proof of a portion of their brains that are actually missing, specifically in the region of the brain where empathy, love and reciprocity emanate. Bottom line? These individuals aren’t fully human. Essentially, the Living Dead. Walking Zombies.


Ohh. So they are Republicans. I got it now.


i love being Machiavellian.

Sandy Koufax

Obama had a huge birthday party where he and his guests were not wearing masks nor social ditancing at the pricise moment the Biden administration is preparing the entire nation for another COVID lockdown. Except for Trump, a former President would not undermine the current President’s policy. Obama is under Trump’s thumb.

Last edited 3 years ago by Sandy Koufax

Oh, yes!


omg – he had a birthday party? where people were required to provide a vaccination record or a negative test? The humanity!!!!

“Except for Trump, a former President would not undermine the current President’s policy. Obama is under Trump’s thumb.”


where’s that birth certificate?

boris said

THIS SITE IS ALL BULL SHIT !!! as much as I like reading it Michael Baxster is just selling false hope ! this past weekend Hillary and Tom Hanks were spotted in public , I guess there not dead ! shame on you for getting our hopes up , your as bad as they are


They can create electronic clones to fool their low-information people that all is well in leftist land.


Electronic clones?? You live in la la land….is Hanks alive or dead. I think he is alive as he apparently attended Obama’s party.


Your opinion is just off the top of your head.&
based on a lack of real investigation –takes time to GET IT.
1) The DS’s Game of lies, faux WH & mirrors = Blk Hats
2) The Trump Military are in charge THE PLAN -THEY HAVE IT ALL= White Hats

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee
buck fiden

Their, their, Ren… They’re They’re..


did you ask them…ID ????


How dare ge assume whar we all think — only a non thinker would write like this. Many people are not good at thinking . They think FEELING is thinking

buck fiden

Whether MB’s posts are truthful or fiction isn’t the point. His disclaimer covers both grounds. This is just a great site to learn about conspiracy theories circulating, see links to other strange sites, and it’s a fun place to flame/troll/read.

Last edited 3 years ago by buck fiden

how is OBAMA having a 60th birthday party when he is supposed to be executed? and big mike is there too?are any of these executions true?


billy…are you new on this site or you just returned from MARS vacation..?? Ll–let us know….


Trust the plan–we’re at WAR period.


Under a national emergency until 12-20-21 too. EO 13818


That’s right—that’s why Military will move in before that date and take over

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

Have you seen the disclaimer in RRN’s ‘About Us’ section?

Information on this website is for informational and educational and entertainment purposes. This website contains humor, parody, and satire. We have included this disclaimer for our protection, on the advice on legal counsel.”

People get mad about it but this should answer your question, it’s pretty straightforward.


Troll to new troll LOL


Ueduacted non thinker & trollling?

English Edu.
2 = two
also = too
Go TO / From here TO there


Zee, wtf are you talking about? He used ‘to’ and ‘too’ correctly in that post. Capitalization could use some work, and should have a space after the second question mark, but no grammatical/spelling errors in there at all.

You post, though.. I assume “Ueduacted” is probably intended to be “Uneducated” right? Maybe you should refrain from dishing out the English lessons.

buck fiden

Et Two, Brutay? SHee-it!


PLEASE, Get everyone you know to call their Senators and demand they vote no on this terrible infrastructure bill, before it gets passed later TONIGHT ‼️ Senate office in Washington DC. 202 224-3121. Ask to be connected to your state Senator. If more than one, make a separate call for each!
Give the required information about yourself, and say you want him/her to vote NO ON THIS BILL, must hurry!

buck fiden

Slightly off-topic….

One of these must be true:

1) Baxter never had a friend on the inside at Gitmo, and his creative writing is therefore pure fantasy and not factual. His disclaimer could be read to suggest that.

2) Baxter once had a friend on the inside at Gitmo who fed him information. As soon as the Gitmo brass began reading his first few reports, they suspected a rat and rotated military personnel out systematically so that Baxter’s insider was no longer in the loop. Baxter therefore had to “improvise” and only the first few stories are true.

3) The Gitmo brass WANT this information out and are using Baxter as a conduit. Perhaps they didn’t want to use CNN or MSM because they don’t want to cause a panic but wanted patriots to know. The normies would just say “after all, RRN is a just a conspiracy website.” The rest of us could prepare.


I once heard that the best way to round up people you want to suppress is to first let them believe that you want to hear what they have to say. Gain their trust and let them make friends and connections. They will encourage others to speak up and share important information. Once you have them all in one place, you take care of the problem.
Please share with all of your friends and encourage them to post often.

buck fiden

Then our just being on the internet is self-reporting since they keep even the ^X^X^X^X^X words we delete, too!




I wish they would give you your stapler back so you would calm down.

Sandy Koufax

If that’s true, then you signed your own death sentence with this warning.


Because I want Zee to get his stapler back? Go on, please post more about your thoughts and feelings. Bring some friends too.

Sandy Koufax

Why should you know?


The fake news will never report it. They are controlled and paid by the cabal. Plus, fake news outlets have very few veiwers. They wouldn’t reach many people even if they did report news.

Trump declassified everything and he’s only passing it on to legitimate news sources. Drip, drip, drip, wake up.

Would have been too overwhelming if the massive amount of crimes by the deep state were exposed all at once. Even the most aware didn’t know how deep the swamp is.

The normies will have a hard time when they wake up because they waited too long to pay attention. However, even normies know more than they did a month ago. The “delta variant” hoax did that.

The child sex trafficking, pedophilia and organ harvesting is the issue that is waking up more people than ever today. Only the cabal and pedos support crimes against children.

You would have to be living under a rock to be unaware at this point. Or not mentally stable enough to handle the truth.

Save the children. Drain the swamp. MAGA


Thanks for a great reply!


You are welcome.


Why do you always say the news would be overwhelming for most people? Is this your way of justifying the insanity by claiming you are in some way enlightened? Maybe it is more accurate to say the people who believe this nonsense are not right in the head. Just think about some of the things you saw on here that never came true.

buck fiden

Or perhaps he’s saying that most people are ignorant. More people watch Oprah-type trash and consume MSM garbage news than dig for alternative news like everyone here does.


It’s long been an excuse for why Trump never actually reveals or talks about any of this incredible stuff qanon claims he is doing behind the scenes. He can’t give a press conference and announce “I did it folks, I defeated the Cabal” because if normies heard him say out loud that any bit of this crap is real, their brains would literally melt, or something. I guess it kinda sorta made sense in the early Q days when it was just a fringe conspiracy on 4chan that hardly anyone had heard of, but it’s been 4 years now and everyone knows the gist of what qanon is. If there was any truth or actual evidence to it, there’s no reason to keep hiding it.

Last edited 3 years ago by Zane

#3 But improve your contruct a bit—
MEMO Military law means, prisoners have no rights when evidence proves they are traitors to this country. = MILITARY IS IN CHARGE


Amen! Ie, let it be so!

J Bill

A supplement to my last post: listen carefully for the NAME after @6:20 as it’s not written in the subtitles. It’s only audible.

I’ll print the real name and forward it into Michael’s next article, to ensure it’s easy access near the top of the comments. But anyone is welcome to print it here.

I had to listen over and over several times, to be sure of what was being said, and who they were referring to! lol

Last edited 3 years ago by J Bill

Thanks, J Bill. It’s an interesting hypothesis. Something to keep watching. I watched this report from the beginning. The first six minutes is only a lead-in to the subject and is totally skipable.

J Bill

hopefully you’ll skip RRN too.

J Bill

sorry, mistake


I haven’t watched yet but heard rumors a long time ago that AOC might be playing a fool.

J Bill

Well, you’re correct. The op is totally brilliant. But the subject is so absurd… I have to believe it!!! lol

A one woman wrecking crew. From the inside yet. They had me going…

Last edited 3 years ago by J Bill
Unlabeled quality

I have heard similar rumors on the Chan’s before…j. Bill, you’re likely on to something. I’ll check out the video. Thank you.

J Bill

It’s claimed to be missing now. If so, will try to snag it later.


I don’t know if I believe it. Your vid is a Scott McCay Patriot Street Fighter being mirrored. I haven’t listened to Scott in awhile because I’m too impatient for his long intro and talk about himself.

Scott has shared some things I didn’t know but I didnt hear the AOC thing from him. It was Mark Dice who examined AOC’s behavior and thought it could be possible that she is a comedian playing for the other side.

Nobody in AOC’s neighborhood have ever seen her bartending or anything else. She’s after Pelosi’s job.


actually..mike Jaco mentioned it to Scott…I looked at my wife..what !…


Anything is possible in Clown World.


Only way she gets attention

Terminally deplorable

Fauci obviously thinks, the jabs have not killed enough people, yet. Here comes the Fauci coerced booster shot.


Do not comply.

buck fiden

NEVER NEVER NEVER!! We are far from the Jonas Salk days where a vaccine was a real vaccine and not a potential bio-weapon.

J Bill

Brief news update for Michael Baxter (approval pending), Patriots, commenter crew, and all – a new YT audio release re: an obscure White Hat operation :



Military Intel giving update on an obscure operation, of which I wouldn’t have guessed in a million years. It’s so impossibly stupid, as to be completely believable. Guaranteed to leave you shaking your head in doubt and wonderment. Or in “shock and awe…”

Story’s about a one woman demolition crew working closely within the Democrat party to dismantle it from the inside. And doing a great job so far… .

Scroll to about @6:20 till the end for a quick review. But the whole file is excellent info, ~10 mins.

Copy and paste either one should work.

God Bless all.

Last edited 3 years ago by J Bill

Hi J Bill! I went to this link a number of times. Couldn’t find anything about a military operation.
could it be the link is wrong? Or story has dropped off site?
perhaps you can explain The military operation you are referring to?

J Bill

Renie, that’s all I found. The code can paste into a web browser too. That might work, if not in the YT search window.
These links can disappear fast. Will check for it later. If not there, will copy it to best of my recollection.
It’s a brilliant plan. And if you’ve watched the prior videos on this person, it all makes sense.

Joseph G.

it’s there! just copy and paste the video title in the YT search section.

found it in 2 seconds.


Last edited 3 years ago by Joseph G.

1 ‘SHE’ was on the list as arrested and awaiting trial
2. There are sites I trust more than Alec Jones– he pushed too much fear
The need to sell so much producr with the fear $h-t
3 Is She or isn’t she? Arrested = double?
Acting for Red Pills after being arrested?
A red pill infiltrator from the start?


I vas only following zee orders! Zee trains must not be late!

Terminally deplorable

Your slot at the Zyklone B meeting is at 11:30 sharp.


Uh oh, sounds like you’ve got some explaining to do, Zee.


It seems like the routers were all connected to Italian satellites during the sham election. If we had Space Force operational we could have shot down the Italian Satellites and saved the election for Trump. Instead we have all of this satanic blood money (stimulus checks) that people took when they agreed to accept Biden as their president. True Americans refused those checks after just a little research about what they really were asking us to accept. Those stimulus checks were contracts to agree to some very unamerican things…


How about the Jewish space lasers that started the fires in California? Did Hugo Chavez program them to do that years ago? Seems like a logical connection .


The California fires are a cover for some really big things going on that will be revealed soon. What better way to clear aircraft from the area.

buck fiden

I didn’t know space lasers had a religion.


I’m sorry to hear that! I donated every penny of mine to a great agency that helps pregnant women to NOT abort their babies. I wouldn’t want to transfer Satanic influences to an amazing and wonderful ministry. ? ?


That “adoption” scam actually uses the baby parts for vaccines. Your $5 donation is actually part of the problem.


Drain the swamp! MAGA!

American Living in Canada

ds PANIC.. Radio stations reporting “dire climate change” The World is done! According to the report coming out from the un later today.

NCSWIC.. Let it happen Captain!


I saw that too. I bet it means John Kerry was arrested.

Fredo Cuomo is on vacation this week after Albany NY Sheriff says a Gov Cuomo sexual assault victim filed a criminal complaint and arrest is possible.

Cuomo won an Emmy for his handling of the China flu, ironic isn’t it? The entire scamdemic narrative has collapsed, nobody believes Fauci or the CDC. (Do not comply)

A call to impeach DHS secretary who is setting up false flags to blame Trump supporters for violence. Nobody is taking the bait. We beat them with our brains every time.

New election fraud evidence in PA and GA. Maricopa county under AG investigation. Audit beginning in WI. We caught them all. Trump won by a lot.

The big reveal starts tomorrow, foreign election interference. Frankspeech dot com. The Italian guy already confessed to switching Trump votes to Biden.

So many things happening. Deep state panic and nothing can stop what’s happening. EO 13818 extended until 12-20-21 National emergency.

They hate that We know what they did. We are taking their money and power. We are locking them up.

Drain the swamp! MAGA!


Stunning! Great message!


I saw that on news this morning! Message originating from the United Nations! We can’t believe them we know that. So don’t let it worry you it’s a fake

American Living in Canada

Yep, ds.. what’s left of them… trying to keep the distraction going on and on.. they’re running on fumes now.


Let it be so!


Every time I read one of these articles it gives me one glimmer of hope in all the other corrupt and evil going on. It just seems like the powers that be just continue to push forward. Fauci lies and lies and still is being pushed as the one to listen to by the corrupt establishment. Barry Sotero just has a large lavish birthday party and they just throw it in our face all the while wanting to shut us down.


The cabal is desperate. More election fraud evidence in PA and GA revealed. The Big reveal begins tomorrow. Deep state panic!


>the big reveal begins tomorrow
Do you have any verifiable proof of that? Because I think you’re pulling that out of your ass


He’s probably referring to Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium, an event that will expose and invalidate the election just as much as his documentaries have. (in other words more bullshit that won’t actually accomplish anything)

Terminally deplorable

‘Sit down’ is the right word, its mafia lingo


We will check in tomorrow for the big news.


Yes‼️ Thank God, for He is working!


They should have just held the party in the graveyard. Then they wouldn’t have had to go that far. LOL.


Why, did they kill everyone at the party? That’s a shame, just think of how many repetitive trial & execution articles Michael Baxter could have written about them if the military had taken them to Gitmo instead ?


Or at the gallows. lol


Lol good one. Those folks are dead as doornails. Fake Obama dancing, lol. Tiegan and legend, those monsters,, long gone years ago. All faked. Winning Bigly!, deep state on the run but, nowhere to hide…” we can hear you breathing”

Peter Penname

Susan Rice deserved to hang. She singlehandedly spread the lie via appearance on the major TV Sunday News programs. We knew she was lying but hoped she was doing it for the safety of the Constitution instead of collecting political currency.

She was a true-believer for her insane cause.

Last edited 3 years ago by Peter Penname

Good God, man‼️ Wake up…
Never once thought for a minute she was lying to protect Constitution, but to protect the evil, uncaring activities of BO, Biden, Hillary Clinton and Podesta! They are personally responsible for the deaths of the Ambassador and 3 other brave men, with their stand down order! They had no heart nor caring! They were devastating to our nation! Good riddance to them all!


It would seem that one of the prerequisites for being in the Barack Obama administration was to be an dedicatedly evil psychopathic lunatic and if you’re a pathological liar more the better. It’s like psychos on Parade.


Rumsfeld did the same. Wouldn’t be nice if some of the CCP talking heads were rounded up too? Anderson Cooper, Don Lemon it’s, Brian Seltzer, Richard Maddow, Georgie Stepanapolis, etc. Enemies of the People.


We never know what’s coming. Could be changing any time now. Hours, days, months…. Anything could be on the horizon.


Fredo Cuomo went on “vacation.”

buck fiden

Or it could be in 2024, when AZ stops stalling.


Yes all of them! The sooner the better!

buck fiden

I despised everyone on that list but Rumsfeld. He was a globalist POS, but he had a great command of the English language and I enjoyed listening to his BS. The benefit of a Princeton education (I don’t think much of Hahvahd grads like a Bushie and Obamunist).


Yes, it’s high time for them to go. Treasonous traitorous msm…I’m hoping most folks simply laff at those lying talking heads. I did hear lemon and Cuomo were rounded up already….but it’s smarmy ever smirky Zucker who really needs to be arrested. He is a big part of the problem at CNN.

Ed Bob

Notice how the Rice release reveals nothing of what her specific crimes were. Likely due to the Obama aspect – he’s next, and his crimes were so close to hers. The more I research all this, and meditate on it, I’m convinced it is really happening. Praise be to God.


More likely due to MB getting bored of making up details for these articles. They’re the same shit over and over. With this one he didn’t even bother with the usual routine of the condemned begging for their life, and/or Hannink or whoever zinging them with a witty retort right before pulling the lever. MB’s really starting to phone it in imo, the gaps between articles is getting longer, and I think this is the first one I’ve seen where he’s written zero replies here in the comments, usually he sticks around for at least an hour and answers like 2 or 3 questions.

Alternately maybe he’s laying low because he promised Trumps return was “imminent” and it clearly isn’t happening, and he has no answers for why it isn’t happening. Just like he had no answers for why nothing happened on July 4th ?‍♂️


but then why are you (and Ted, and Bofa, and the others) still here, shilling against every article, DAY AFTER DAY???

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm… It really makes you think.

I look forward to the day MB writes an article covering the arrest, tribunal and execution of (((You))) and your VPN buddies from the clowns_in_america


Wow, I didn’t even know I was Jewish! Mazel Tov!

For real though I am here because, and I mean this sincerely, RRN is the funniest website I’ve ever seen. There are so many truther/conspiracy sites out there, but none of them go the extra mile quite like RRN does. Tons of sites will tell you “the mass arrests are coming, just keep waiting.. and waiting.. and waiting..” but not RRN. RRN tells you the arrests are here, baby. The trials are here, the executions are here. All of your wildest qanon fantasies are coming true RIGHT NOW behind the scenes. And not only that, they are written like screenplays, complete with sassy dialogue and stuff like the ‘bad guys’ pissing their pants when they get caught. I mean just look at the Hillary Clinton Hanged article – Donald Trump personally executed Hillary AND he even zinged her with a witty retort right before he did it! That is objectively hilarious. And all the while there isn’t the slightest hint of evidence to any of it, MB has never included any bit of photo evidence, or a document, or ever even mentioned a source with a name. He just uses the first thing that pops up in an image search, which also has hilarious result sometimes, like the “Upcoming Tribunals” article that features a picture from some movie with Kate Mulgrew (aka Capt. Janeway.)

The “this site is satire” disclaimer also makes it even funnier, it’s like a blinking neon sign that says ALL THIS SHIT IS FAKE and everyone here just totally disregards it and gets mad if you bring it up. The complete detachment from reality is utterly fascinating and entertaining to me. The way all these “executed” people keep popping up alive and well and people are like “that’s OBVIOUSLY a body double in a mask” even though the person looks and sounds exactly like they always have. The way people say like, “we haven’t heard from ___ in a while, they must be dead, it’s all real!!” and then that person shows up alive and they’re like, “…yeah well that’s a clone or whatever.” I’ve long found conspiracy theories pretty fascinating, I followed what was going on in Q world for all of Trump’s presidency (should note I never believed any of it but just found it funny and fascinating) and RRN is several degrees more ridiculous that Q ever was.

I think that about sums it up, you can go on believing I’m a paid shill or a CIA agent if you want to though, I truly do not care. However I do really like your idea about MB writing a series of arrest/tribunal/execution articles about me though, that would fucking rule. Military Arrests Notorious Poster “Zane”! Let’s make it happen MB, I’ll even stop posting for a while to give it an air of credibility. (sadly I don’t think he actually reads these comments anymore)

Last edited 3 years ago by Zane

Good thinking‼️


Yes, and all that happened via leftists/Democrats/globalists/the swamp/Satanists/the Deep State/and the elites in the 13 blood lines (they are all members of The Cabal); they have been doing this to us throughout the centuries.


1000 years of shadow


The Sturgis live streams are awesome. Thousands and thousands of Americans from all walks of life enjoying themselves. And spending a lot of money.

Wow, two unmasked cops playing on their phones. Must be so scary working among the American People.

Wish I was there but at least a tee shirt has been sent my way.

Come Wednesday Mike Lindell and the Experts will be on the other side of South Dakota for the big reveal. Trump won by a lot!

Great Governor’s make great States.

Good times.


The BIG reveal begins tomorrow. Following the proof that China and others interfered in the 2020 election a new voting system will be unveiled.

Not only is the foreign interference Executive Order in play. 13818 (human rights abuse, corruption) was extended until 12-20-21. National emergency since 12-20-17.

Trump emergency powers. Yes!


You mean Mike Lindell’s circus?

buck fiden

It may not be a circus. Give Mr. Pillow a chance. If he doesn’t work out, someone will Scalia him!


Oh yes! May it be so‼️