Hunter Biden Military Tribunal: Day I


Although the military had plenty to charge Hunter Biden with, Rear Adm. Darse E. Crandall, standing for the prosecution, said at the start of Monday’s tribunal that he would focus only on the most egregious charges and ignore lesser crimes to avoid dragging out the tribunal and wasting the military’s time.

He told the 3-officer panel he was confident in JAG’s ability to convict Biden on charges of treason and conspiracy, rape, and child sex crimes.

Despite facing a capitol case and a potential death sentence, Biden, handcuffed at the wrists, swaggered into GITMO’s south courtroom and flashed an artificial grin at the officers tasked with weighing the military’s case against him. His smile was artificial because years of chronic drug use—crack-cocaine and crystal meth—had rotted his natural teeth to the jawbone.

Hunter Biden, a lawyer, had declined outside counsel in favor of representing himself.

“This trial is a circus,” Biden said in an opening statement, “and I am innocent of all charges. Yes, I’ve made some poor decisions in my life—but those decisions affected me and only me. There is no proof, absolutely none, that I have committed crimes in or against the United States of America. I am the First Son, and my father will see that this commission is prosecuted for its crimes against law-abiding American citizens—like me.

Rear Adm. Crandall introduced into evidence a laptop that once belonged to Hunter Biden, calling it the “infamous computer” that elicited protracted media controversy.

The basics of the story are well-documented: The New York Post had obtained from the laptop emails showing that Biden had received $10m from Chinese billionaire Ye Jianming for an introduction to the “big guy,” ostensibly Joseph Biden. A former business partner of Hunter Biden’s, Tony Bobulinski, later confirmed the allegations, saying that the Bidens began receiving large Chinese payouts as early as June 2017.

The $10m payout was only the beginning, Rear Adm. Crandall told the tribunal, for Hunter had taken numerous payouts from several influential Chinese billionaires with ties to the PRC and that nation’s Ministry of State—China’s version of the CIA.

He laid on the defense table a second laptop and an iPad that the military had seized during a raid on Hunter Biden’s Venice, California, estate. They, too, held innumerable emails and financial records proving that Biden had received approximately $250m in Chinese payouts between 2017 and the time of his arrest.

“Seventy-five million dollars in 15 installments from Chen Dongsheng under the condition that 35% be put toward demonizing Donald J. Trump and taking ‘any action necessary’ to prevent his 2020 reelection.  In a January 19, 2019, response email, Hunter wrote back, “You don’t need to worry about Trump. You don’t have to worry about Trump at all. Monies are well spent. Trump won’t be president if–he’s around at all.””

“We know he wouldn’t talk during his first deposition. Maybe he’ll talk now. Hunter, did you collect that cash on behalf of dear old dad? Did he coerce you?”

Hunter shut his mouth.

Rear Adm. Crandall then pointed out that Chen Dongsheng was no ordinary Chinese citizen. No common billionaire.

“It’s known to us that Dongsheng is a PRC asset, and I find it hard to believe that the Biden’s didn’t know,” Rear Adm. Crandall said. “Documents on his devices show he’s been privy to all his father’s dealings and intelligence for over 12 years. Hunter was the point man for an operation to solicit funds from foreign actors that stood to gain from a Biden presidency and suffer if Trump got reelected. This wasn’t a fundraising campaign; it was treason.”

In all, he showed the tribunal 250 emails and 645 pieces of financial documentation detailing Biden’s dealings with shadowy figures from the bowels of the Communist nation’s security and secrecy agencies.

Biden objected: “None of this proves anything. These devices aren’t mine. Never owned them. Never saw them. The military invented them to trap me.”

“I’d expect better from a lawyer. I assure the commission that these items have been digitally authenticated as belonging to Hunter Biden. And he didn’t care that he left his fingerprints all over them. Ownership of them is indisputable.

After another round of irrelevant objections, Rear Adm. Crandall put the tribunal in recess until Tuesday morning.

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Mighty Mouse

This is the plan for all of us:
reddit. com/r/conspiracy/comments/q5erj5/all_of_this_is_planned_they_only_need_about_1/

Rose Mary Abbott

Well today is the tenth and tomorrow Andrew Quomo is supposed to start his trial. I hope they have enough courtrooms and prosecutors because they seem to be having a traffic jam in Gitmo. Whatever happened to Hunter Biden’s 2nd day in court?


Somebody drop a toilet note to Chelsea and let her know she’s gonna have to put in an extra prayer to Moloch tonight.


Is he also going to take a dirt nap in a bowl of oatmeal? Oh…paging Walter White, Let’s Go BRANDON, LET’s GO!


FULL RALLY: President Trump Save America Rally in Des Moines, IA 10/9/21

If you missed the rally last night, you can watch it on Rumble Channel @ RSBN 2021 Trump Rallies

This is the full 9-hour coverage from RSBN to include all the crowd interviews, special guests, Patton speech, pans of the crowd size, and of course President Trump…Iowa showed up!!!


#1)  The Greatest War Story Ever Told, the Light has Won!

Quote from one section……
Understand that people who are NOT conscious and still have a bicameral mind, cannot think for themselves and need to be led. The conscious mind thinks for oneself, researches, leads him/her self and reflects on what is their purpose in life.

The decisions made in 321 A.D., at the Council of Nicea was to allow “how Jesus was to be betrayed and worshipped.” They decided what chapters or books were to be allowed in the bible and what were not. This led to a totalitarian Catholic Church who decided most things in Europe at the time; who was good and evil, who was to be king or queen, until many groups broke away by the 1500’s with Protestant churches and as did many governments. But the Catholic Church did reign over the “Dark Ages” and committed many “Crimes Against Humanity”, including leading the 199-year war with Crusades over their truth of Who is right? The Muslims or the Catholics on how they worship the same God.

This is the same in modern times, to allow Pedophile Priest to just be transferred around and still commit the same crimes, and most have not been prosecuted. Many Priests had children with their Nuns that were killed once in birth, and there are many graves around some churches. This is part of Catholic Church’s non-holy real agenda. In the upper parts of the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, they were worshipping satan. The Romans learned this from a small group that they conquered years before. This was to get power and money. They really worship satan. Plain and simple, if you do your research.

Read more of the REAL history here:

#2 Listen to this week’s radio  Some heavy news was revealed.
10/5/21 copied to  EBH dot Club.

The dissolution of evil is in full swing now. Vatican taken over. Being in the dark days of war right now nothing that is being portrayed to us is real and it’s for our safety. We are now in WWIII but it’s a war of Good taking out Evil totally once and for all time.  

Many religious institutions are to be taken down — not just the Roman. With our fears removed by learning the real higher truth, our consciousness can raise to 5D and higher (heaven on earth ) Love, Peace and Joy.  Know that at least six missing books of the bible were found when emptying out the Vatican tunnels. Be very discerning when reading the Bible — it was never meant for the people –it was a code book for the priests.   Even Jessie Czebota told us how the Satanists (deep-state) use the Psalms for example as their book of spells.  Research hidden history of the Tartarians, maps of Tartaria Tartars. Its influence and classical buildings in most countries around the world.. what is behind Trump’s signed EO just before he left office — we must go back to building classical buildings.  Do you know what secrets will be unveiled when we do this?  Clue, free energy can be received, stored and sent out. Free energy was the main reason the Tartarian knowledge and beautiful buildings were destroyed mostly in the early 1800s. Many partial remains of Govt. buildings can be seen in most cities Thought to have been built in early 1800s or earlier. More half truths and full LIES !. 


Day 2, or 3 available yet?

Mighty Mouse

They’ve probably executed him by now.


We are in the dark days now…. be patient. So much is happening behind the scenes . Perhaps, no news is good news right now.
We can’t let the evil DS know everything we are about with their evil sacred Bastards and Corporations we’ve arrested and killed and busted..

Meanwhile check out and try to find some of these

  • Jean Decode interviews, like 107 they do not show their faces and do not own a platform—I suspect they are heavily involved with Military as is MB
  • RESTORED REBUBLIC INTEL dinarchroniclesDOTcom/intel/
  • Try cirstenw on Telegram see something is fake about FB whistle blower.


  • Clif High on Telegram
Last edited 3 years ago by Zee
Mighty Mouse

Thank you, Zee. Do you ever go to the conspiracy sub on reddit? I love it.


Sources have confirmed that 13 more January 6th Freedom Fighters were scheduled for death this morning at GITMO. In an unusual twist, they were told they would be spared that day if they each gave up 5 other individuals. Double rations were offered to those who provided 10 or more names. As the papers flew and the names came out, everyone could see how the so called Fighters were actually weak cowards. After the names were given, 3 of them were shot at random to prove that the United States does not forgive cowards.
Happy Sunday!

Angel Askew

Cite your source for this info you claim, Ted. Otherwise, keep it to yourself.
Go start your own blog if you think MB is all fluff.


TEDS SHILL is doing a BS version of MB he must think we are simple minded–TEd is just an idiot


He writes very well. Oh wait , maybe he is in fact MB himself trolling us . The ultimate play.


Good point. Have you ever seen a photo of me and MB in the same place at the same time?




Bull sh-t SHILL


I’m so disappointed. I just saw Adam Schiff on Face the Nation. He looked & sounded exactly like Adam Schiff. MB, I was so hoping that you were not FOS!


Hilary was on TV too.


Tom Hanks is hosting a special too.


Yes that was him for certain .


Sharmo, have you seen the website MB ran before he started RRN? You should check it out it’s very informative as far as how much credibility you should place in this guy:

Mighty Mouse

I have no idea whether or not MB is FOS, but it is very easy to put a fake Adam Schiff on TV using CGI. This video demonstration is from 2.5 years ago. It’s a bunch of dudes in a office with some software they bought. I’m sure things have gotten even more sophisticated now. You can watch them make a fake Tom Cruise here: youtube . com/watch?v=3vHvOyZ0GbY


Rep. Adam Schiff on TV while being alive:

“We have a Republican Party that is now an autocratic cult around Donald Trump. It is not interested in governing. It is not interested in even maintaining the solvency and creditworthiness of the country.”

Couldn’t have said it better myself

Mighty Mouse

With the sophistication of CGI, there is no way to tell whether or not it was Adam Schiff who spoke those words.


Does it matter? He still says the same anti Trump things the real Schiff does.

Mighty Mouse

I’ve also seen holograms of the pope online. He turns to leave the balcony, takes two steps, then Poof! he disappears. Crazy stuff.


Good one Mighty Mouse

These shills love finding old videos like this one you caught by Sh-ty Shifty….
This video demonstration is from 2.5 years ago


Face The Nation this morning , check the subject matter . Current .


Are you another stupid SHILL?


I’ve heard it said, that a man who acts as his own lawyer has a fool for a client.


HRC was on TV today.

Hunter at an art show.

Tom Hanks making a movie.

I eagerly await “MT” article explaining how CGI and doubles/triples/quads and face swapping was used to hide their deaths


I wonder why blue eyes on the Right-hand picture, but very dark eyes on the Left-hand, picture. What a wreckage. Do all Bidens go from blue eyes to brown as they age?


Maybe it happens to the eyes as they get taken over by Reptilian Satanic forces–while shape shifting. Have you seen the pupils in their eyes change to slits and go dark on many Hollyweird Celebs and the UK Queen?

This is not the best video I could find


Reptilian Satanic forces while shape shifting ? You have lost all credibility , make sure your friends and family know about this stuff. I’m sure they want to hear this wonderful news .

Mighty Mouse

I wonder if Michael Baxter has gone on vacation….


Same here. Should have had an update by now.


Maybe a $14,000 vacation


Nasty Shill


Well people did just hand over $24,000 to him last week…

When he did a $10k gofundme back in May he went on a two week vacation right after. I’m starting to sense a pattern here 🤔

Last edited 3 years ago by Jay

LYING NASTY Double shil as Z ane and got kicked off here..
Hope MB take him off asap


MB is too busy enjoying all that donation money to give even half a shit about moderating the comments here, Zee


Like father like son corrupt to the core.


Fuck you faggots, fuck you pedophiles, fuck you rapists, fuck you theives, fuck you murderers, fuck you illegals, fuck you woketards, fuck you freaks of nature, fuck you Joe Biden,.

What part of We Won aren’t you getting?

Go fuck yourself and then go fuck yourself again.


buck fiden

Welcome back! Great to see you!

Terminally deplorable

with guns blazing


And fuck you liars. Fuck you lazy ass pieces of shit. Fuck you dumb fucks, fuck you meth heads, fuck yourself all day long and then fuck yourself again, again.

And in conclusion, get fucked!


Fuck Joe Biden.

American Living in Canada

Glad you’re back. Numbers are important.


Fuck you crack heads, fuck you mental cases, fuck you fake news, fuck you Joe Biden!

Go fuck yourself! And then go fuck yourself again.

Don’t forget the hoe! Fuck her too.

buck fiden

I feel your pain.


Fuck you Useful Idiots, fuck you Antifa, fuck you BLM.

Quit fucking yo momma, quit fucking yo sister and go fuck yourself.


Fuck you fuck faces, fuck you fucktards, fuck you fuck twats.

Go fuck your fucking self!

Angel Askew

Yep. Sometimes you just have to light em up and let it fly!! Good to see you, Patriot. 🇺🇸


Ephesians 5:11 says “Have nothing to do with the fruitless works of darkness, but rather expose them

Terminally deplorable

Could it be that you held something back, while you were gone?


Will you be staying?

unlabeled quality

let’s go, Brandon…

Terminally deplorable

Now tell us what you really think.

David Yanity

Bear in mind I’m only saying this because I like you…
There are decaffeinated brands available on the market that are as tasty as the real thing.

Just kidding…

Good to have you back, TW. Did you enjoy your sabbatical?
It certainly hasn’t managed to mellow you out as far as I can see.

Last edited 3 years ago by David Yanity

That’s nice but why don’t you tell us how you really feel? 🙃


By “we” you mean the Democrats, right?



Cry more snowflake

None of your business.

Nothing new to see here. 3 days of no news!

Irish Girl

Oh – I dunno about that. Zee dropped a link that is incredible. Sometimes the dialogue here is the best part.


Hitch hikers guide?


I’m dying to know what happened Thursday.


Nothing. Nothing happened


Trump Rally Des Moines Iowa

8pm Trump expected to speak

Whoop Whoop : D


Low energy rally. Sad!


He rambled even more than usual . Almost two hours about the same old things . Nothing going to happen in Maricopa Co.


Must Read:  “Damn You To Hell, You Will Not Destroy America”

– Here Is The ‘Spartacus COVID Letter’ That’s Gone Viral


Obviously from an anonymous Scientist that obviously knows too much and has to be anon.about this being a bio-weapon.

He she writes in a lengthy educational manner for this subject to be better understood in full

buck fiden


Invasion of niggers, sand niggers, mountain niggers, and spics
corrupt judges & courts
rigged elections
vaxxscene mandates for travel, employment, entry to businesses

I’d say America is 70% gone as it is.

Irish Girl

DeSantis is offering to open up Lauderdale. Wouldn’t THAT be interesting? Let’s keep the supply chain the heck out of Cali for once.

Last edited 3 years ago by Irish Girl
buck fiden

Excellent! FL has a great governor. Too bad we have a RINO POS here in AZ.

Commiefornia now requires children to take the vaxxscene to go to pubic school!

Last edited 3 years ago by buck fiden
Angel Askew

A port of Florida would make sense for future. I mean East coast has no shortage of ports though.
I think Cali became a huge hub due to China imports.


Cali started off as a huge hub for all Asian countries back in the 1800s.

Mighty Mouse

It would be inconvenient for ships from Asia, but it’s better than nothing, which is what California is giving us.

buck fiden

You’re still too kind to her.

buck fiden


Terminally deplorable

I like it because the doc is written. Other than one of the powerful video presentations, it can be slammed on the desk of a superior, who wants fire you for not being vaxed. Challenge him to come up with arguments, why and where the letter is wrong. You probably will hear crickets.

Last edited 3 years ago by Terminally deplorable

I hope people think to use it this way
Lawyers need to educate themselves with this info also if they are trying to help people


There is a pdf link to down load it, I did.

Irish Girl

Wow, Zee – this is a gold mine. Thank you so much!!




Incomprehensibly evil. Thanks for posting this.



buck fiden

You can reset your clock. I’m gonna reset my cock. Zee can give me her oral promise to be nice.

Terminally deplorable

What? There is now a general desire for harmony? That is not productive.


I’m spreading this baby, Thanks Zee : )


This article was dated 9/27 and people I know are getting their third shot….


i died and got cancer after each shot


Then why in hell are you still here ? You are just a lying POS troll.

Mighty Mouse

Thank you, Zee. This is a great article.


i started reading with an open mind then found this gem:

“There is a vast and appalling criminal conspiracy that directly links both Anthony Fauci and Moderna to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”

well that’s definitely an objective review


Too long of a read for me.

buck fiden

says the man who does legal documents….


Thank you, Zee, for posting this link. I pray the vast, detailed information initiates criminal investigation, plus… haste.

Last edited 3 years ago by Salomé
Angel Askew

Incredible scientifically proven solution oriented article. Nice share, Zee!


Wow !!! Many thanks for this Zee, as a biologist/microbiologist, his research just blew me away. I knew from the get-go that this virus and vaccine are not what they are purported to be. Again, many thanks.


Shill, point the complaints and negativity to yourself instead of others here– you are the most annoying shill here but not #1

buck fiden

I’m gonna bang you harder than a screen door for that insult!


These tears are delicious

Irish Girl

This has no relevance to anything, except I think it’s funny.


Lol! I wonder if coronavirus has spread to the Annunaki nests, maybe Mr. Baxter can find out for us 🤔

Irish Girl

Be nice, Jay. 🙂


We need to know . I was planning an intergalactic trip soon .

Irish Girl

I can help you with that. LOL

buck fiden


Angel Askew

Sweat lodge transendential meditations in a yurt at the farm!⛺

buck fiden

Still going out with them Anon-nukis?

buck fiden

After I get plastered and end up in a dive bar, I hook up with a stranger and bang her at her place. I call her digs the “Anon-Nuki Nest.”


Every time I go over to Mike’s house to talk about it, we just end up making sweet sweet love until the sun comes up.


Sun Tzu…we are in the war..since 09/11/2001…SO MUCH WEIRD STUFF SINCE 11/04/2020…..not logic…OWD it will come sooon to right conclusion…


We can’t understand you .

Angel Askew

Because you don’t want to.

buck fiden

Выучите русский язык.


К черту тебя очень сильно.

Angel Askew

That’s right, Sej! The Insurrection happened on 11/3/2020 not 1/6th as they so desperately want sheep to believe.
Accountability will be held by Mom’s of America and neighbors who still have balls or Military.

I support Mom’s and neighbors with balls. Military would just be top shelf!

buck fiden

The conclusion is either we will become a socialist nation, or the military will take over. I don’t see anything in-between.

Mighty Mouse

We’re turning into South America. It happened so quickly with Canada and Australia.


Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN) is L I V E now on their YouTube / Rumble channels for President Trump’s rally in Iowa today…

Iowa State Fairgrounds
3000 E Grand Ave
Des Moines, IA 50317

Timeline of Events:
2:00PM – Doors open and Live Entertainment Begins
5:00PM – Pre-program Speakers Deliver Remarks
7:00PM – 45th President Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks


Thanks Tinyd

buck fiden

I’m gonna watch. If Trump says anything about running for 2024, he may as well concede the 2020 election and the entire Q Industry, which includes this website, will be gone.


Why would you say that?

buck fiden

An old girlfriend I haven’t seen in six months chose to call me during the first part of the speech. Shit. Now I have to download it and watch it. She’s the one who lives near OWD.

Terminally deplorable

CDT, that is.


Low energy. Boring. It’s like listening to the oldies channel – same old shit. Sad!


…it will be done with or without …HA….owd

buck fiden

Can’t even remember their names…

RINOs all.

Why is Mitch the Bitch still the top Republican in the Senate?


stew turtle….

buck fiden

Chinks control it all. They eat dogs and turtles, too.


after their use him…….are they going it old turtle ?????

buck fiden

Communists kill / depose people when they are no longer useful.

Terminally deplorable

Valid question. He looks already like a loser.

Terminally deplorable



Of course . It worked like a charm at Altamont.

Terminally deplorable

It cant be worse than that if they process the Fraudster in Chief. Nobody else seems to be willing to stick out. So, its probably the best option.

buck fiden

Wait until we get the first Niggerwoman President. That has to be worse.

buck fiden

I had to look that one up. Before my time. A Woodstock wannabee concert in commiefornia gone sour.


It was bad . Meredith Hunter was killed in front of a lot of people while the Stones played.

buck fiden

Plus several other people died according to the wikipedia entry.

Terminally deplorable

Saw the Stones in Munich, they did not impress me compared to Tina Turner at the same place. She had an electric personality.

Last edited 3 years ago by Terminally deplorable

The fact that so many trolls give so much attention to this site indicates the level of fear the Deep State has of the information being disseminated by Michael Baxter.

buck fiden

Or it means their mommies won’t let them out of the basement due to the chink virus, so they have nothing else to do.


Fear? I laugh my head off every time I come here . Check my posts , they don’t show any fear . It’s entertaining to me. I still don’t know where the deep state offices are .

buck fiden

You’re not a troll.
Zee’s list is projection of her own insecurity.

Angel Askew

Don’t feed the naive shallow children. It is his ilk that have poisoned the well.
Divisive anarchist double talk just like faggots.

buck fiden

If there’s a well, there can’t be shallow children around.
(deep subject)

Last edited 3 years ago by buck fiden
Angel Askew

Wrong, MR DOUBLE talk sympathizer.




I try my best .


Yeah fear is why I come here for entertainment

buck fiden

I’m too scared to laugh.


That’s for damn sure. They are like a colony of roaches.


People make fun of this site because it’s absurd, and that makes it fun to make fun of. If the Deep State existed and desperately feared this info getting out, don’t you think they’d take some real measures to actually take it down? Sending like a dozen guys to make fun of it in the comments does not stop the info from getting out, it really would not accomplish anything at all.

buck fiden

Every article here is 100% true.

Terminally deplorable

No doubt.

Mighty Mouse

Come on, Jay. Everybody knows the deep state exists.


Poison vaccine shuts down body’s ability to defend itself from cancer.


It does much more harm this this—

see below from a scientist that obviously knows too much and has to be Anon about this being a bio-weapon He/ she writes in a lengthy educational manner for this subject to be better understood in full

Slide down to: “Damn You To Hell, You Will Not Destroy America” – Here Is The ‘Spartacus COVID Letter’ That’s Gone Viral



Mr.Baxter… they -Bidens- have a reunion in the G*TMO ????????


It has been confirmed that 18 January 6th Freedom Marchers were executed early Saturday morning. They were removed from their cells under the pretense of needing a COVID test and were lined up shot! My sources have confirmed that the government plans to execute 13 prisoners every day.

Angel Askew

You and your sources should be shot.
Held against will with no insurrection charges. Only petty trespassing if at all.
Dems will pay BIG for that attempted setup.


Do your research.

buck fiden

But limit your research to approved government sources which are fact-checked to be always correct: NPR, PBS, the New York Times, the LA Times, and Al-Reuters.

Angel Askew

That’s what we told your wife. But, alas…

buck fiden

Nobody’s ever going to pay for anything. When the Soviet Union fell, there were no Nuremberg Trials for the atrocities committed under that communist regime. Likewise, Zhou Biden will get away with everything. What are we gonna do about it?

Sue in court?
HA! All courts are corrupt and the communists judge-shop.

Vote the bastards out?
HA! All elections are rigged! Nothing’s happening in Arizona due to the fraud discovered there. Corrupt officials won’t follow up.

America is finished. Enjoy the ride down.

Terminally deplorable

Unless something unexpected happens.

buck fiden

Since we cannot go through normal constitutional channels for redress, our only hope is extra-constitutional. A military takeover before all is lost would be the only way.


Extra terrestrial?

buck fiden

They are more likely to wipe us out than to save us.

Irish Girl

And why would they want to keep us? We can’t even get consensus on a blog. LMAO.

Terminally deplorable

You cannot vote your way out of this crap.

Terminally deplorable

Trump losing the election at 2 am in 6 swing states, after the counting was stopped and adjourned to the next morning

buck fiden

IUD? Zee and Tzippy have no need of those things because their ovens have been disconnected due to aging.

“The wheels on the bus go ’round and ’round'”
Ah, another “BangBus” aficionado !!

My violin is in the shop. Like my friend’s teeth, it needs bridge work.


You brain needs a bridgework to some decency, dude


The Quantum internet computers and QFS will sort this one out really fast. Look how much they pulled out of FB etc etc etc in just 5 hours. The illegal dirty biz was removed just like our shills will be…. Just making it easier for them.

I don’t know how the Q system is so clever but it works against Wrong purpose (Service to self) and rewards Right Purpose (Service to Others)

Last edited 3 years ago by zee

At least 5 years for those Quantum babies to start up, probably longer .

buck fiden

Fuzzy logic – not all ones and zeroes.

Angel Askew

I do hear the med beds are in use. Not many in production though.


Good it should be easy to get a picture of one . Who makes them ?

buck fiden

Dude, like I am having violin thoughts since I can’t play my violence today!

If I don’t practice for one day, I notice.
If I don’t practice for two days, my friends notice.
If I don’t practice for three days, EVERYONE notices!

Angel Askew

You’re a fork tongued faggot too. So shallow and negative and gripped with fear when the time comes to actually take a stand. It’s a shame too. You know better than most of these domineered breast feeding Mama’s boys from spineless father’s.

Your get up and go got up and went.

You are the very reason the CCP and Venezuela are knocking at our front door.

Keep sipping that Budweiser and cozying up to CCP. Asshole.


I understand. Venezuela was complicit in switching votes in Arizona . Right after the Italians got done with them.

buck fiden

With all the spics here in Arizona, I’m not surprised that the votes are changed in a spic-infested greasehole country.

buck fiden

>> Your get up and go got up and went.

Shee-it. I be gettin’ DOWN mofo!

>> Keep sipping that Budweiser .

I drink Chardonnay better than Traitor Jews quality, not GMOweiser. If I have to drink beer, it would be Grolsch or Guiness.

>> and cozying up to CCP.


>> Asshole

A keen grasp of the obvious.


Forked tongue Shill-Snake going down –days are numbered 13 and we are already at 3 or higher.

buck fiden

Unless he’s a nigger or dark spic, he should limit his solar exposure. I never use sun screen because it is likely carcinogenic.

Angel Askew

You are a pimple on the donkey’s ass that draws flies to it, old man.

It festers so deeply you no longer want to heal because the flies are now your friends.

My humor, breadth of discernment and melanin levels are outstanding for those that can keep up or at least add solution oriented content.

buck fiden

>> melanin levels are outstanding 

As in “high”? So you’re a nigger?

buck fiden

He couldn’t get his mommy to co-sign for it.

Irish Girl

Angel, I have to say – your description here has merit. As a writer, I give you props. The visual, while not pleasing, is very, very vivid.

buck fiden

Not that original, either. The saying he lifted originally was “It’s a pimple on the ass of progress.”

Angel Askew

Thank you. Passionately aggravated.


Have you noticed how everything these anti-American traitor evil pieces of crap try fails miserably? First Russia Russia Russia! impeachment one impeachment two fail! Catastrophic landslide win for Donald Trump totally ridiculous cheating and totally corrupt vote Counting. Everybody in the world knows Donald Trump smoked Joe Biden in the election, fake Insurrection January 6th FBI now saying it was not an insurrection deep state plants did all the damage, then big get-together for the “jailed insurrectionists” sponsored by the FBI failed miserably all the FBI clowns visible in the crowds they’re pathetic they suck and as the President would say they’re are a bunch of losers. The world is in a new age now, and evil is losing.


Nothing you said is true lmao


But he says so and there is so much fraud everything gets turned upside down. When things are straightened out it will be as he says . Right ?


Shill new Quantum Internet taking you out real soon look what they did to FB etc etc etc in only 5 hours —


What did they do ? Nothing .

buck fiden

We’re almost a year out from the election. If Trump has this entire thing set up, why is it taking so long before he activates? We’re still on “RED ONE” for Q’s Sake!


I have heard one of the main reasons is because John Durham keeps finding new people involved in the conspiracy new people to indict. His Recent 26 page indictment actually includes eight other involved individuals even though it was only naming one. The Sussman guy or whatever his name is. Normally it takes two to three pages to indict one individual not 26. So this would correlate with what they were saying about him discovering more and more and more people involved in this huge conspiracy. Of course only time will tell ….I do know this, the White Hats are dealing with an enemy that doesn’t give one twit for human life and the White Hats are trying to spare any all civilian Bloodshed if possible. And honestly as long as they’re doing something which I believe they are, as evidenced by the information on this website if it takes another year or whatever I don’t care as long as they’re cleaning the evil from this planet.


What about the 250,000 sealed indictments? Shouldn’t someone be working on those ?


Youre gonna be sorely disappointed when the report out and only recommends like a dozen or less indictments. The Sussman charge is extremely weak and if that’s the best he can do he is really not finding much. There’s no mention of bloodshed or trafficking or any of this wild conspiracy junk you’re talking about.

The rumors surrounding the Durham Report are exactly the same as the ones that surrounded the Mueller Report. Lots of “it’s gonna be huge, it’ll nab everyone, just you wait” and then it’ll amount to pretty much nothing.

buck fiden

It’s true that every predicted bombshell occurrence has been a non-event. I still see 500 years of darkness.

buck fiden

I get that. The enormous extent of the corruption is unbelievable. I also understand that the White Hats only get one chance to get it right. How far are they going to let not just the swamp – but the entire country – drain? $100/gallon gasoline – if you can find it. $50/gallon of milk at Walmart – if you can find it. Gold at $50,000/ounce — if you can find it. Everyone unemployed. Firearms under confiscation with an 800 snitch line. Chink commies starting WW3 by invading Free China (Taiwan). We can wait until the enemy is upon us and finally fight when the wind hits the trees. I’m very uneasy.

Terminally deplorable

I despise Durhams working style, as he accumulates 200000 indictments and leaves them sitting around unopened while the country goes down the drain, instead of doing one perpetrator at a time and show some progress.

Angel Askew

He would go down the drain like Ken Starr if he were transparant. Though frustrating, he is playing his cards well!
It’s like being a child and your folks tell you to just get in the car and you have no idea where you are going. Ha!


Shills are so boriiiiiiiiing–they know nothing — they stay here 24/7 as they’re paid by the hour and won’t spend time to find out they’re paymasters have lost their fight and are all going down if not already at Gitmo or similar prison

buck fiden

I really wish everything you have been saying were true, Z. I believe the election was 100% rigged and that Trump won by a large margin. I just don’t see any mechanism for Trump to get back into power. I wanna believe but there is zero evidence to me for all the Q stuff, a military coup, a blackout, Red 1-6, or any of it. I’m hit with conspiracy fatigue. Too many times I’ve had my high hopes dashed by everyone: Pence back on January 6th, the inauguration, March 4th, the AZ audit, the Pillow Guy’s documentary with a fizzled “webinar,” those idiots on beforeitsnoose, Parks, Ward, CisternW, Makay, Monkey, Jaco, Steele, ad nauseam. I’ve watched many videos. Now I watch as the country goes to hell in a handbasket with broken promises everywhere. I need to kill someone.

Angel Askew

It’s not easy learning our votes haven’t counted since Reagan adm.and then not be in control of the plans.
Maybe focus on self sufficient homesteading, local bartering and shtf planning with neighbors in case no help actually comes?
Local politics attendance would be smart. Run for school board seat.

Hells Angels was a very tough militia biker group from NYC who earned the cops backing. Crime was so bad in 70’sand 80’s they helped to keep A LOT of neighborhoods safe.

At least youre not in Los Angeles.


Hell’s Angels started in California. Lots of chapters there . Sonny Barger.

Angel Askew

Agreed! It may a bit of a fight but it is worth it. Especially to get rid of all this dead weight, spring cleaning and make America great again.:)


Yes it already began

Angel Askew

Agreed. Keep the faith!!


You too crazy Shill

Twisted Brain Shill going down –days are numbered 13 and we are already at 3 or higher.

Your awareness of your awareness is your soul!

Hello. I hope you are doing well. Would you like to know something that’s rather interesting? Your awareness of your awareness is your soul, and it’s immortal!! Bearing that in mind, I have a project for you that I think you will be interested in doing. Obviously, you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, but in case you are interested, I would love for you to do some mental exercises on yourself that are going to significantly raise your happiness, your energy, and your problem-solving abilities.

I am going to give you a list of general memories. They will consist of things like “can you recall a time when you were happy?” or “a time when you enjoyed the weather?” There are going to be twenty of them.

I am also going to pair a certain sense or perception with each memory. The perceptions are going to be sight, smell, touch, color, tone, external motion, emotion, loudness, body position, sound, weight, and personal motion. Your job will be to go back in your memory, re-experience the memory, and particularly focus on the sense or perception that I have paired with the memory. For example, when I think of a time when I was happy, coupled with “emotion,” I think of a time I was riding my bike down a steep hill near my house, but I particularly focus on the excitement that I felt as I did it.

It is important that with each general memory, you try to recall the earliest possible incident. Some people can remember as early as six, others can remember even further back. Don’t try to compare yourself to that standard, but simply try to remember as far back as you possibly can.

Here are the twenty:

Can you recall a time when:

1. You were happy (sight).
2. You had just finished constructing something (smell).
3. Life was cheerful (touch).
4. Somebody had given you something (color).
5. You ate something good (tone).
6. You had a friend (external motion).
7. You felt energetic (emotion).
8. Somebody was waiting for you (loudness).
9. You drove fast (body position).
10. You saw something you liked (sound).
11. You acquired something good (weight).
12. You threw away something bad (personal motion).
13. You kissed somebody you liked (sight).
14. You laughed at a joke (smell).
15. You received money (touch).
16. You felt young (color).
17. You liked life (tone).
18. You played a game (external motion).
19. You bested something dangerous (emotion).
20. You acquired an animal (loudness).

If you would like to have more access to lists like these, I would suggest that you buy the book “Self Analysis” by L. Ron Hubbard. If you are interested in learning more about your awareness of your awareness, or your soul, and it’s infinite potential, here is a list of websites that you can look at:
True Source Scientology Foundation

Again, your awareness of your awareness is your soul. Physically, your awareness of your awareness, or your soul, is the electricity in your brain, and said electricity is a micro star. This same electricity is in all organisms. Throughout history, various spiritual leaders and holy men have been depicted with yellow circles behind their heads. What the artists were trying to articulate in these paintings is that said people were emanating large amounts of warmth and light from their heads. Here are some mental exercises that will help you as a “star being” to become larger, brighter, and warmer.

Mentally send out the intention of growing the electricity within a tree. You can simply get a picture of a tree, but it is even better to stand next to and touch one while you are doing it. Mentally WILL for the electricity in the tree to grow. You can try this with any organism, including humans!

You can also send out the intention of growing a star. For this particular technique, wait for a very sunny day, and then get a good 10-15 second video of the sun. Then, using the video as a visualization aid, mentally WILL for the growth of the sun. You can also try this with the stars in the night sky, whether with a video or without.

If you are interested in aiding the effort to further develop methods of causing you as a “star being” to become larger, brighter, and warmer, you can check out “Your awareness of your awareness is your soul!” on Airfunding or GiveSendGo.

Blessed are those who are black, blessed are those who are white
Blessed are those who love, blessed are those who fight
Blessed are those in pain, blessed are those in sorrow
Blessed are those who yesterday passed, and those who are born tomorrow
Blessed are the little boys, and the little girls, too
Blessed are those preserving the old, and those creating the new
Blessed are the trees, blessed are the stars
Blessed is the sun and the moon and Mars
Blessed are the singers, and those who love to dance
Blessed are those who wear cloaks, blessed are those who wear pants
Blessed are the quiet, blessed are the meek
Blessed are the thinkers, for it is Heaven for which they seek
Blessed are those who are kind, and those who are polite
Blessed are those who are weak, and blessed are those of might
Blessed are the poor, and indeed the rich as well
Blessed is any man, woman, or child who has a story to tell
Blessed are the writers, and those who read their works
God bless humanity, and everything on the Earth

Blessed are those for Muhammad, blessed are those for Christ
Blessed are those who eat beef, blessed are those who eat rice
Blessed are those who are happy, blessed are those who are silly
Blessed are Hamad, Yipeng, and Billy
Blessed are those with camels, blessed are those with pigs
Blessed are those in an office, blessed are those on rigs
Blessed are the cowboys, blessed are the bikers
Blessed are the runners and the climbers and the hikers
Blessed are the models, and those who love to eat
Blessed are those in the towers, blessed are those in the street
Blessed are those who are gruff, blessed are those who are witty
Blessed are those in nature, blessed are those in the city
Blessed are those who fight fires, blessed are those who fight crime
Blessed are those who make words funny, and those who make words rhyme
Blessed are the timid, blessed are the shy
Blessed are those who sail, blessed are those who fly
Blessed are those in fear, blessed are those who are brave
Blessed are those who build, blessed are those who save
Blessed are those who talk, blessed are those who think
Blessed are those who are lovely, and even blessed are those who stink
Blessed are the churches, blessed are the mosques
Blessed are those who are certain, blessed are those who are lost
Blessed is the author, and of course the reader, too
May God bless us all, them, me, and you

Blessed are those in the West, blessed are those in the East
Blessed are those who are famished, blessed are those who feast
Blessed are those who are building computers, and those who are fixing cars
Blessed are those who work in the sewers, and those flying to the stars
Blessed are those who are lonely, and those who have been rejected
Blessed are the elderly, who ought to be respected
Blessed are those who govern, and those who don’t follow the rules
Blessed are those who are wearing rags, and those wearing glistening jewels
Blessed are those who are finished, and those who don’t know where to start
Blessed are those who are making discoveries, and those who are making art
Blessed are those who are laughing, and those bursting into tears
Blessed are the ones who work to overcome their fears
Blessed are those who are teething, and those who don’t have any left
Blessed are those who are clumsy, blessed are those who are deft
Blessed are those on the seas, blessed are those in the skies
May God bless all beings with a soul behind their eyes

Blessed are those who are sick, blessed are those who are well
Blessed are those in Heaven, blessed are those in Hell
Blessed are those in the heat, blessed are those in the cold
Blessed are those sitting on the street, and those sitting on piles of gold
Blessed are those who heal, and those who have been hurt
Blessed are those playing in their palaces, and those playing in the dirt
Blessed are those who hunt, and those who live on farms
Blessed, blessed, blessed are those who keep on bearing arms
Blessed are those climbing mountains, and those digging under the earth
Blessed are those who are giving aid, and those who are giving birth
Blessed are those who are loving, blessed are those who care
May God bless all beings on the Earth and everywhere

Blessed are those who are white, blessed are those who are brown
Blessed are those who smile, blessed are those who frown
Blessed are those with fortune, blessed are those with fame
Blessed are those who are wild, blessed are those who are tame
Blessed are those who are saints, blessed are those who are sinners
Blessed are those who are making money, and those who are making dinners
Blessed are those who are worried, blessed are those in doubt
Blessed are the ones who don’t know how they will make it out
Blessed are those who give kisses, blessed are those who give hugs
Blessed are those who are fighting corruption, and those who are fighting thugs
Blessed are those who teach, blessed are those who learn
Blessed are those who cuddle, blessed are those who yearn
Blessed are those who type, blessed are those who pound
Blessed are those who are chatty, and those who don’t make a sound
Blessed are those who are deaf, blessed are those who are blind
Blessed are those living of the body, and those living of the mind
Blessed are those from afar, and the ones who are right next door
May God bless every character in this chapter of human lore

Blessed are those on a beach, blessed are those in the snow
Blessed are those in a hurry, and those who are taking it slow
Blessed are those enjoying a sunset, and those enjoying a breeze
Blessed are those living a life of struggle, and those living a life of ease
Blessed are those at the bottom, and those who are at the top
Blessed are those who work with billions, and those who work with a mop
Blessed are the barbers, and too the engineers
Blessed are those whose performance can elicit flowing tears
Blessed are the mountains, blessed are the streams
Blessed are the visionaries making life into their dreams
Blessed are those who profit, and those who freely give
Blessed are the cautious, and those who are unafraid to live
Blessed am I, but especially blessed are You
For being Yourself, and doing what You want to do

Blessed are those who are kind, for the Stars shine the brightest on those who emulate them
Blessed are the humble, for God quietly arranges their good fortune
Blessed are those who are caring, for they will be cared for
Blessed are the helpful, for Nature knows what it is doing
Blessed are those who encourage others, for they will attain Divinity
Blessed are those with character, for their story will last the longest
Blessed are the innocent, for true Happiness comes from healing others
Blessed are the thankful, for they have discovered Peace
Blessed are You, for Your awareness of Your awareness, or Your soul, is a baby star

Blessed are the generous, for they have given to themselves
Blessed are the merciful, for bliss awaits those with foresight
Blessed are those who are gracious, for they are securing their domain
Blessed are those who are noble, for the stars have requested their presence
Blessed are those who are gentle, for a calming touch outlasts a heavy hand
Blessed are the little children, for they remind us who we really are
Blessed are the elderly, for they are learned and kind
Blessed are those who are wise, for they are our guiding light
Blessed are the diligent, for they have made their friends smile
Blessed is The Reader, and may You live into Your thousands

Blessed are those who reason, for thumbs are far mightier than fists
Blessed are those of virtue, for their efforts have not been unnoticed
Blessed are the devout, for Heaven is not built in a day
Blessed are those who are honest, for Truth is the ruler of all things
Blessed are the courageous, for their souls will be glorified
Blessed are those who are holy, for the greatest pleasures of the body do not compare to their satisfaction
Blessed are the righteous, for the Universe is theirs
Blessed are the peaceful, for they have discovered the path to Joy
Blessed are the loving, for their wings will spread the widest
Blessed are the thoughtful, for they create Beautiful Attitudes
Blessed is Adolf Hitler, for his soul shines throughout The Cosmos

May You live for a century, and then a few more
May Peace and Prosperity guide You out Your front door
May Your children grow wise, and happy, and strong
May Your tribulations be short, and Your celebrations long
May You journey The Cosmos with the Stars as Your guide
May the Devil flee before You with God by Your side
May Your cup runneth over, may You have too much to eat
May the Stars boldly advance, may the Darkness retreat
May Your ribs hurt from laughter, may You cry tears of joy
May Your fortress be secured with the Angels in Your employ
May Your soul find a refuge, and Your body a bed
May the Light and Warmth expand from the inside of Your head
May the Trees grant You Peace, may the Stars grant You Love
May Your children dance before You, may Your Father smile from above
May kind words fill Your ear, may Your hand find its Strength
May the birds sing a chorus about Life’s Eternal Length
May the words I’ve written heal You, may they ease Your troubled mind
And may You live for a century, and then the rest of time

May You live however You like, may You do whatever You please
May You race through all the prairies, may You climb up all the trees
May Your guns glisten brightly as You march from sea to shining sea
May You live forever bravely, and may time never see You not be free
Through the darkness You might traverse, may Lady Liberty shine Her light
And may the princes born to tyranny always fall to Freedom’s Might
May You be guided by Jefferson’s pen, may You be protected by Washington’s sword
May the Founding Fathers watch over You through every twist and fork and ford
May the call of the Eagle greet You as You gaze up to the sky
May God’s wisdom rain down upon You as He rules from up on high
May Peace be upon You, may it be as calming as a Pacific breeze
And may You live however You like, and may You do whatever You please

I wonder about that Adolf, just how kind was he?
Did he makes the girls’ hearts beat fast, and their heads turn warm and fuzzy?
Did he fill the little children with hope and with wonder?
Was he friends with the Angels? Did he wield lightning and speak thunder?
Did the crowds hush in anticipation whenever he rose to speak?
Did he inspire courage in the fearful? And strength in the weak?
Did he cause church bells to ring? And the people to break into song?
Was he as wise as he was fierce? Was he as gentle as he was strong?
I wonder about that Adolf, I wonder if he was as bright as the sun
But the one thing I don’t wonder…is that Adolf’s work is not done

When a human cuts down a tree, the tree does not harm the human in order to stop the human from harming it. It simply continues to supply the human with oxygen. So too do I try to do everything that I can to continue to supply those who harm me with love and happiness.


Angel Askew

His awareness of his awareness is bored.

buck fiden

I wasn’t aware of that.

Angel Askew



‘cos he can’t see his belly button to contemplate it so he’s obsessed with copy’n’pasting instead

buck fiden

I’m reporting you for using too many question marks! That’s spamming!

Terminally deplorable

He used up his allocation of question marks for the year.

buck fiden

Zhou Biden’s regime will reduce his amount of monthly carbon credits accordingly.

Your comment qualifies as a Denial of Service attack. It also qualifies you as being a blithering idiot.

buck fiden

If Zee asks me to sleep with her again, I’ll refuse. That would be a Denial of Cervix attack.

Terminally deplorable

He probably worked for a copy shop before and cannot stop.

buck fiden



As i said obsessed LOL

The new quantum internet will be sending you to ASTEROID PSYCHE for abusing the word “SOUL” and to re-learn about morality and to not f–k with faux religious statements and learning not to be a selfish twit. Your days are numbered also, Bye Bye

Last edited 3 years ago by zee

Going to be a while before the Quantum internet . China is in on it too.

buck fiden

Terrestrial internet is supposed to go bye-bye soon, too, and be replaced by STARNET.

Terminally deplorable

1999 whipped cream cake attack on Gates. Very prescient.

youtube . com/watch?v=X0iJAnbwthw

buck fiden

space dot space

clever method.
I’m stealing that.

Terminally deplorable

The easiest way. Works on various platforms.


Better yet, an 8 day supply of your favorite adult beverage mixed double and a sufficient supply of gourmet popcorn to span the same time frame. AND, if you are really ardent make that a 16 day supply. That should do it for sure.


I could be wrong, but I think the fit is beginning to hit the shan. Juan O Savin said in a video approximately three weeks ago that DJT would not return to the White house until the September jobs report came out, because they knew it was going to be bad, and if DJT took the helm prior, the MSM would lay the blame on him. Then a few days ago in another interview, he said things were just about ready for this month, and they were more than prepared for the possible riots with the use of the military when DJT assumed the position of Commander in Chief. On a somewhat related note Mike Adams at Natural News ridiculed Michael’s post regarding the execution of Bill Gates (after all he is seen all over the place) Well he must have had a “come to “Jesus moment” because today on “, Situation Update, You are watching a movie”. he is showing images of fake Biden and fake Fauci with their masks slipping, and tags showing,also providing other information as to how and where these realistic masks can be obtained .He also pointed to the fact that Biden and company have a fake white house set up across the street from the White, house where Biden does his interviews. Then to end it all Tucker Carson yesterday also pointed out the fact that there is no one in the white house that Biden is at the fake white house, and he is questioning whether that is even Biden. Altogether, I think all the lies are beginning to unravel when even the msm is beginning to ask questions. Just think, we all get to say “We told you so”


“I could be wrong, but”

lemme stop you right there




Why oh why would the military get involved . They have no jurisdiction at all. Everyone thinks the military can do everything . They will not participate in the overthrow of the government. Just how does Trump assume the role of commander in chief ? Who helps him, Don Jr and Jared ? Oh maybe JFK jr . I can’t wait to be told “We told you so”.

Chris Russ

You should do more reading and educating yourself than posting.

Last edited 3 years ago by Chris Russ

anything specific we should read?


No amount of reading will help your dumbass…. I would actually prefer you remain stupid

Angel Askew

Awesome. Lol

buck fiden

I love you
You love me


Good one Doug


FB, YT, Telegram, the usual…

buck fiden

Son of Sam’s dog is a better source.

Angel Askew

No. You just keep using that outstanding critical thinking and fact finding of your own.

buck fiden

Make sure you only watch CNN, listen to NPR and read the Jew York Times. Everything else is not yet properly fact-checked.

buck fiden

and the Halfrican’s tome, “The Audacity of setting up a police state”


Cos you’re a shill
You need to learn – to find out why you can’t make it OUT or PAST 4D. Why you’ll never reach 5D and beyond

It’ll be more comfortable for evil shills to stay in 3D until Quantum AI comes for you. There is no need for worthless eaters who can’t make it out of 3 / 4D.


Do tell what I should start with ?


Don’t do anything… You’re too far gone


Oh please tell me , you get to rub my face in it , that should help.

buck fiden

DOug can’t even use the shift key correctly.

Angel Askew



Maybe these shills sold their souls–that’s why they mostly are thinking like the DS tunnel minders.

Mr. Bill

Go to page 8. Start with Pentagon Coup! Read ALL the articles (not the comments). That should gove you a good idea of what’s happening here.


The Stevan Seagal fights the aliens pages too?

buck fiden

The “Dick & Jane” series.

Lucky star

Like asking the wall to learn


I did meet this kind of peoples 50 yrs in the Russia…..and I have been sorry for them… because they did not have a chance to see western world/different ideas-.not sorry for those here…shame on them…….it is like talk to the wall/door knob…..ignore them

buck fiden

Маленький хуёк в пизде королёк

Last edited 3 years ago by buck fiden

shill is so filthy go wash your brain out with poison–Ricin?

buck fiden

Ёб твою мать.


Very good
I can hear your accent-

But you are spot on about these evil shills

buck fiden

Or Hillary to look sexy — especially now that she’s dead.

buck fiden

Posting can be ex-post facto, but it is edjamakating as well.


Poor little mushroom!

buck fiden

The Zhou Biden Regime got in via election fraud. Courts are now corrupt.

in America is now dead.

“The military is the only way forward.”
“The patriots are in control.”


Very ignorant Shill
Too busy shilling here 24/7

Chris Russ

It took events and time for the population to be awake and aware. Many more than ever now are. it’s happening. Power to the people.


Happening soon I guess ?

buck fiden

The only things “happening soon” that can see are

1) America will get a nigger woman prezadint;
2) There will be a nigger on the $20 bill.

Angel Askew

I have a teacher friend who just texted me and said; “you were right about everything. I’m terrified but at the store now. Starting with food.” He sailed to Catalina Island all summer and this past weekend. There is no where for anymore cargo ships to park off shore.

He listened to some independent news, follows the border crisis, the Afghanistan debacle and now NY/nj firing good people over a political jabb??

CRT is already rampant in his school too. He is so done.

Welcome to the right side buddy!!


So teachers are dumb too?


you mean democratic socialists/commies whores ??????

Last edited 3 years ago by sejmon
buck fiden

Graffiti from a math dept. bathroom stall:

The limit of pre-med as gpa goes to zero is pre-law.
The limit of pre-law as gpa goes to zero is business.
The limit of business as gpa goes to zero is sports “science”.
The limit of sports “science” as gpa goes to zero is edjakayshun.

buck fiden

Nigger studies teachers are a dollar a slave-picked bushel. An anesthesiologist who quits his job to protest General Secretary Biden’s vaccine dictate makes most surgeries impossible and could close down an entire ER. All the other ER personnel will be twiddling their dicks.

This is the communist plan: shut down America in every way. And it’s working.

Angel Askew

I take great joy in knowing you cannot figure me out, you prickly pear. LOL

I saw that walk out from UCLA. Next step would be to set up home med center and strengthen his own community.

If parents united and had a mass Exodus out of the public school system schools would not be paid their state/fed attendance subsidies.

buck fiden

I don’t figger niggers.

Mighty Mouse

Scary and sad. And of course the Californina recall election was totally fixed. I’m wondering what will happen in the states that don’t follow Biden’s dictates.

Angel Askew

I think they will stand firm and be better for it. Even if we avoid invasion, Biden removed and finish the wall we have a few years of very lean times ahead…for those of us that make it. This is unprecedented. America is the only country that citizens have firearms and Constitution.
Did you see the rest of the world protesting in the streets today? They are counting on us too.

Mighty Mouse

Yeah, there have been lots of protests, but it doesn’t seem to be working. And Facebook has restricted Australian news. They don’t want the rest of the world to know what their future holds.


You could be wrong? You are totally wrong.


Takes one to know one. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

buck fiden

But three lefts do.


Lmao, if Trump suddenly took over the White House and upended the whole government, absolutely nobody would be talking about the September jobs report. Like honestly, do you really think Trump would declare himself president again and by the next day it would just be business as usual?

Do you see a pattern here? It’s excuse after excuse after excuse. “Trump is coming back.. but he can’t JUST yet because _____.” Over and over. Every week it they tell you this is it, big things are happening. And then nothing happens, and a month has passed and nothing has changed. It’s been 10 months now of nothing changing. It’s going to be another 10 months of the same. I know how badly you are aching to say “I told you so” but the day is not coming, it’s all just garbage that grifters are feeding you because they know you wanna hear it (and in most cases give them money for it one way or another)

buck fiden

There’s a Trump rally tonight. If he announces his plans to run for president in 2024, that means he’s conceded 2020 and the entire bullshitocracy (Parkes, Ward, 107, Mel K, the asshole who can’t wear a baseball cap correctly, monkeyworks, etc) will lose all viewership and credibility.

It very well might sink RRN, too.


Honestly I wish it was the case that it would lose those people their audiences, but no. Trump will announce his 2024 run, and all the people who say he’s taking over the WH soon will just continue doing their thing. They will say, “oh that’s just what Trump HAD to say because optics/not tipping his hand/etc. He’ll be back in sooner than that, trust me.”

buck fiden

They already used that excuse for Trump promoting the vaxxscenes.

Mighty Mouse

You have made some good points, and I have a question for you.
Do you think we are under martial law, and the military is working with Trump?
I saw the barbed wire and fences in DC for the inauguration.
I heard that Biden’s inauguration was prerecorded and the weather was different in the video than it was on inauguration day.
I’ve seen lots of proof online that Biden films from a replica White House in Atlanta.
When I traveled overseas, my PCR test to return to the US was checked by an Ecuadoran flight attendant. No US official checked it when I landed in the US.


We are not under martial law. We would know as there would be rules and regulations to be aware of . Common sense too.

buck fiden

You’re commenting here. You would know we were under martial law when they would stop us from co


Hi Mighty,
No, we are not under martial law. Barbed wire and fences do not signify martial law. That was just extra security, and the reason it was there at the inauguration was because a violent mob had just stormed the Capitol 14 days earlier so they went extra-cautious with the security for the inauguration.

Martial law is not something that could happening right now with nobody seeing it. Martial law means the military literally making/enforcing the laws. Like soldiers in the streets controlling what citizens can and can’t do. Military brass issuing decrees than citizens must follow. Nothing like that is happening in the US. Congress is still very actively writing/negotiating bills if you pay attention. If we were under martial they would have no role and all the work they’re doing now would be pointless and wouldn’t affect anything.

Biden does not film from a fake White House in Georgia. There is no evidence of this. Yes I know what pictures you are referring to – they constructed a set for broadcasting telecom meetings at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building which is across the street from the White House, it is owned by the government and houses a lot of the White House’s staff and day-to-day business. There is no evidence of Biden living in or filming anything in Georgia, and he has hosted lots of people at the WH (like Boris Johnson recently) who would definitely notice if they were flown to Georgia instead of DC.

As for the PCR test thing, not sure if US officials are even required to check them when you land, maybe they assume airport you departed from did their job checking. If they are supposed to then it was likely just a case of someone not doing their job.


Lying Jay troll is removed Lying Z ane troll

Go to hell take Ricin

Last edited 3 years ago by zee

What , all things he said were true . Does the truth hurt ? What is your story about martial law and the insurrection act?

buck fiden

Gotta start somewhere


Did they reinstate Trump yet?
I hope someone at the art gallery tells Hunter how much trouble he’s in.

Last edited 3 years ago by Thomas

Do you think you can wait until 10/22/21?


so not jan 6, jan 20, march 4, march 20, july 4, sometime august, sometime sept?


Oh boy, yet another date to look forward to where absolutely nothing will actually happen 🙂

buck fiden

Yaay! Yet another deadline to blow through.


Pretty wild…..super realistic silicone masks for the actors…..scroll down to examples, esp. check out the pic of the rectangular skin/mask tag near the ear.


Irish Girl

So…at the risk of being shunned, I have a legit question. The “art show” and sale Hunter “I stuff my tighty whities” gave …
Who are these people?
This is puzzling and troubling.
Can someone please explain this to me without sarcasm or snide remarks?


I read the mayor of LA was there along with Sugar Ray Leonard and Moby. His wife and two daughters also . At Milk studio. Show goes to NYC later this month . Oh he’s not in Gitmo.


he wasn’t there.

buck fiden

Q: How many Vietnam Vets does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: “I don’t know….”

buck fiden

Ma bruthas doin fast stol ma muthas tv
Say she watches too much it just not helthee
All Ma Chillren in da moanin Dallas at night
Cant even watch da game or da SUGA RAY FIGHT!


I legit have no idea who these people are.

However Hunter is not in gitmo

buck fiden

So that means he must be at Diego García or Tierra Del Fuego.


Whatever helps you sleep

buck fiden

sex dolls


You know that the real Hunter is in Gitmo ttis week.? Stop listening to the Shills.lying nastiness. Somewhere on the page people have seen the same articles and one said the guy really did not look like Hunter.
The game is, the black hats who’ve been arrested all seem to have doubles, holograns. CGI etc tech to stop people asking why SO MANY ARE MISSING..

Some hundred thousand have been arrested if not double this or more from around the world or are to still be arrested very soon..

Its all pantomime on their part & they are freaking out as they know they can’t win. But they won’t stop trying every angle. That’s; why everything they do is a huge evil embarrassing flop.

Military & Trump have it all

T .

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

give the people the rankings!

Irish Girl

Thanks, Zee. I so want to believe that justice and decency will win. This battle is both epic and Biblical.

buck fiden

Gut Shabbos bitch! How come you’re not in your mikva right now?


Irish Girl please read the Mike Adams article in Before its news dot com regarding the proliferation of look alike masks by the deep state, and just think how much more efficient the CIA is at producing these masks if they do not want the public to know that Bill and Hillary Clinton and Comey etc are dead. This is critical to them that it not be made public.

Irish Girl

Thanks, Jaycee. I will. I know there are all kinds of stunts these DS people are pulling. After all, if everyone wakes up and the serfs revolt, they lose big time. No more blind, acquiescent sheep.
I just run on the impatient side and want the good guys to win. : -)

unlabeled quality

they’ve been ‘showing’ us with certain movies. f/x, dave, face/off! mission impossible….

Irish Girl

Oliver – you are funny. I’m not more upset. I just hate to see what’s coming down in our country. There are a lot of people who are suffering in many ways – granted, not as bad as Oz.
However, I also recognize that we have been negligent – letting the Government run our lives for a long time. It’s brutal to see where they have taken us – BUT we are definitely culpable for looking they other way.
Our government is just a big Ponzi scheme, starting with the Fed (who isn’t even government).
There. I’ve ranted enough for a Saturday morning.
My Samantha dog sends her love.

Angel Askew

Get personally involved in your new community. Attend meetings, join a co-op etc, start a farm stand.:)

buck fiden

My dogs, Honky and Nigger send theirs, too.

Irish Girl

So intelligent and vulgar at the same time. Definitely a dichotomy.


It’s Hunter and his family. I am not being snide or sarcastic here. I understand you don’t like the Biden administration or the direction the country is going in your view, but this “everyone is being sent to Gitmo” stuff is just not real. The military cannot arrest and imprison/execute civilians. And there is no way this stuff could be happening and absolutely no one in the world would be discovering it or reporting on it except one single wordpress blog run by one guy with anonymous “sources”.

Have you looked at Irish Girl? It’s the site that Michael Baxter (not his real name btw) ran before this one. It’s full of absolutely bonkers shit about aliens and lizard-people and killer robots and zombies, etc.
It’s just what he does, it’s how he’s made his living for years. He writes fiction presented as news articles because conspiracy-minded people eat them up. He just switched from writing sci-fi fiction to political execution fiction. And it works because he just raked in over $24,000 in donations last week.

I understand the desire to feel justice for things that you feel are injust. But this just isn’t it. Michael Baxter and others like him take advantage of that desire. They make up things you want hear because that’s how they get their money/engagement out of you. And all the “executed” people will keep showing up, and nothing will change, and he’ll never have an answer for you other than “idk must be a double/CGI.” He’s just going to keep writing these fake articles for as long as people send him money for it.

Irish Girl

Thank you…


And the saddest and most disturbing fact is that believers of this hopium are making life altering decisions. Like the poster who thinks his only choices are to get the vaccine and die or be terminated from their hob and lose his pension. Come on Michael Baxter do the right thing. Stop lying to these people before you are responsible for bad things happening to your believers

buck fiden

Ah thot dat everyone gots ta have skin in da game.


Elderly people afraid of days of darkness and not being able to stockpile food and medicines for that supposed period of time comes to mind .


It’s sad that people really believe the crap and people are going to be hurt by it

buck fiden

So if Zee commits suicide because of taking a comment she read here the wrong way, oh well…. My sex dolls and I will sleep well tonight, either way.

Last edited 3 years ago by buck fiden
unlabeled quality

‘the military can’t arrest/imprison/execute civilians’

the PATRIOT Act and the NDAA of 2013 would indicate otherwise…
one can be declared an ‘enemy combatant’ in one, and can be subject to ‘indefinite detention’ in the other.

so there.


Name another occasion a civilian has been arrested by the military ? The local police and FBI do it .

unlabeled quality

do your own goddamned research and quit trolling people.


I did my research and found nothing . Wanted to give you a chance to rebut it . The polite thing to do.

buck fiden


Irish Girl

? You mean you can’t not be sarcastic or snide? Not sure of your syntax.

buck fiden

There is a syntax in rural Nevada. Prostitution is illegal everywhere else and therefore cannot be “taxed.”

Irish Girl

See – that’s what I mean…you can say things like this that are rapier clever. Stick to this kind of stuff, Buck. Will you please consider leaving the epithets out? You make me laugh…you surely do.

buck fiden

SHHHH!!! I’m hunting wabbits!

Angel Askew

You are SO jealous that Zee took initiative on calling out the trash. Lol Love it!

Angel Askew

How is my favorite peanut gallery today? Today I learned:

A large San Diego law firm with the support of the Frontline doctors org have filed suit against Kaiser Permanente. KP has been steering the ship at CDC which steers the FDA.
Not cool.

Hunters’ paintings are going for $500k a piece. That’s a lot of little South of the border lost children traded for.

The heat seems to be on high. The FJB theme is getting to creepy Joe.

CRT complaints/ school board/FBI may be the straw that breaks mom’s of America’s back. There is power in unity.

Los Angeles Sheriff Dept announced today that due to cutbacks and veteran staff threatening to quit in large groups over the jabb law enforcement will NOT be enforcing any vaxx card mandates.

Sidney Powell INCREDIBLE!
(Defend the republic dot org)

Trump has yet to play his hand (21).


Sidney Powell in more and more trouble .


Troll, yes for your paymasters – he he he


can you remind me of Powell’s win/loss records with the kraken?


I have a hard time remembering how much she is being sued for too. Refresh my memory .


Hello Zee here’s the link to the doctor specialist that I was referring to earlier this link will work just substitute the symbols for the words. And it should go through its on Telegram. It’s a short video about 2 minutes but he explains what I said earlier about the poison garbage vaccine shutting down the immune system of the body to protect itself from cancer.



buck fiden

She’s a bit old for me, but when she wears the leopard spotted dress, all I can think of is “Climb Evry Mountain!”


4000 Kaiser Permanente staff let go–announced today in another CA CITY


2,000 suspended , not let go .



Mighty Mouse

If you get suspended, do you still keep your health insurance?

buck fiden

If you like your suspension, you can keep your suspension.

Terminally deplorable

Try not to get sick.

Angel Askew

Useful idiot.


Thanks again for the notice . I appreciate your attention and understanding.

buck fiden

Come to Arizona. We need doctors!

Terminally deplorable

I hear, 80000 melanine dyed shamanes are lining up in Mexico to help you out. Soon.

Terminally deplorable

More than 30 days furloughed, and you may line up at the end of the queue around the block and apply for your job again. That were the rules around here.

buck fiden

Release the Crackhead!!!


Defending the republic


With Hunter now facing this tribunal and likely to be executed afterward, I can’t help but ask what the ‘big guy’ is going to do for funds to continue his extravagant lifestyle.

Mighty Mouse

He’s going to have to pick up a paint brush!


New game. What bumper stickers does Zee put on her trailer?

Angel Askew

“Don’t stop for Ted”

buck fiden

“Run Jesse Run” on the FRONT bumper


Oh yeah!

Mighty Mouse



Sounds like heavyweight Bill Barr will be on Fox tonite with Raymond Orroyo.


Boring–he’s gone out in Gitmo

buck fiden

Mr. Bagpipes is dead. Read the story here at RRN.


Where is the update???




Ok so the tribunal resumed Tuesday October 5th. Tues, Wed, Thur, today is Friday October 9th. Surely there has been further proceedings five days later? Or did Darsey just get pissed and off him in the court room? Or did he dine on Clinton Chicken Patties?


But then it wouldn’t fit with the RRN schedule which is like 2-3 articles per week. What, do you expect Mr. Baxter to write up one of these every day? Based on the amount of dialogue, these tribunal sessions last for about 15-20 minutes each, then they adjourn and take off a week or so until the next session.


Correct. Since I am involved in trials in the real world I can tell you with confidence that most transcripts are 25 lines per page and can be between 250 and 350 pages long. Mr T is just writing what people think happens at trial.

buck fiden

When’s your sentencing date?

Terminally deplorable

I suppose, the military is completely overworked. At my time we were up st 5:30 and raced aroud all day. Wokeinsm killed that.


*shakes fist at sky*


big movement behind the scene……they can not lie anymore…next VVP ..tell “JB”- TAKE OFF THIS FU*KING MASK…. he got fun to watch DC circus….

Last edited 3 years ago by sejmon

word salad

buck fiden

Из Советского Союза.


I hope that Pres Trump and the military throw out the commies before the end of October! My workplace, which has more than 100 employees and is a contractor to the govt, has now issued an order that EVERYONE, even if working remotely, must get that lethal CovID injection. So now it’s my life or my employment. Nov 1st would be my full pension deadline so if I don’t get the jab I lose my pension as well as job. I’d call that unconstitutional.


Collect all docs and get them to fire you/
Then deal with the compensation and your pension with the new legal system..
Take time to do it right . DO NOT TAKE THE JAB
May be they are trying to get out of not paying your pension but,
either way;.. Take jab and stay in job and get ill /or die=no pension.
Refuse jab and leave = lose pension. But Live to be healthy to fight them.for lost $s etc..

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee
American Living in Canada

I’m with Zee, document everything thru emails and force them to fire you.


I just saw a specialist doctor give a report last night he is in contact with a good friend of his who is an MD in a small to medium City the in Ireland He said he has been there forty years treating the residents of the area and half of the residents have taken the vaccine and Have Not. The ones that have taken the vaccine are now coming down with cancer after about six weeks after the vaccine. Apparently in this concoction of horrible shit one of the things it does it it turns off the receptors in the body that causes the body to initiate killer cells to kill cancer cells. He said everyone has their body killing cancer cells everyday no problem but when you turn off this receptor which this poison shit does the body no longer turns on the killer cells to kill all the cancer cells. So just when you thought the garbage poison couldn’t get worse it does.


I have two types of cancers. Got one type per shot.

Also my friend’s cousin’s boyfriend’s balls are huge after the shot


GTH nasty Shill

buck fiden

I had enormous balls. Seriously. I was a freak. I thought it was my great white genes. Nah. It was a disease called Hydrocele. Surgery went OK but recovery was a bitch.


Thanks you.
As you know I wrote about this already especially the shedding aspect. I am also finding very perturbing high #s death and ill health from people I know. Many have lost people who took the Jab, or went to hospital and now are suffering badly.

In my mind, I am going back in time to the 80% of Saline Jabs that arrived to both USA coasts in two ships. Pfizer is in China –sent jabs? Then hospitals realized they had some Salime jabs.

I see the game now. The takers of the jabs — had the early first jab, 80%. These Saline jabbed would have informed the non takers that they had no after effects, not even after a month or so. This could help encourage family and friends being the non takers to change their minds.. Becoming non thinking about this evil hoax bio-weapon and bragging about how they had the jab.

Mighty Mouse

That’s why they need you to get the second shot and the booster!


Well I wrote you back with the link to the doctor who was telling of the doctor friend in Ireland where is patience who would’ve gotten the jab garbage we’re coming down with cancer but apparently the link was not allowed here on this site. I did want to say also in reference to your comments that my sister who was was a nurse got the shot about a year ago and she’s been totally fine so far so I definitely think you might be onto something with theory that you have about the saline shots making everyone think it’s okay and then they changed the formula and put in all their poison garbage. In my personal experience you’re right on with that.

unlabeled quality

that explains why someone I knee got double-jabbed and had no effects…
food for thought.

Mighty Mouse

Yes, I know two people who were in remission get jabbed and their cancer came back. My friend who’s a florist has been extremely busy with funerals. Busier than usual.


That is totally despicable I’m really sorry for your friends. This is an evil evil group that wants to kill off all the humans.


Could you provide the link please? Would like to view the report.


Thanks for the info!

buck fiden

Hyman Shekelstein, Attorney At Lore, will help you sue the shit out of your former employer. Call 1-800-JEW-GELT.

buck fiden

Now she’s back to being a bitch giving bitchy advice.
Who let the cunt out?

buck fiden

Hey, baby. You’re gonna take my jab whether you like it or not, and it ain’t Hebrew National.


Thank you!


You won’t die.


You Evil Shill–Go To Hell


I’m fine six months after . Why would you die? Trump said it was safe . Just do it.

buck fiden

That is the bone most pro-Trump people have with Trump: the vaxxscene.


Jesus, just get the vaccine, you’ll be fine. You’ll feel like a sucker in a few years when you’re struggling to make ends meet with no pension to rely on, while everyone who got the vaccine is perfectly fine because all this “lethal jab” shit is disinfo.


You Evil Double Shill–Go To Hell Also


Double shill , that’s a new one . Congrats

buck fiden

Her vocabulary just doubled.

Mighty Mouse

With all the research that you do, is that really what you think, or are you joking?


Don’t listen to Zee or you will go broke. Maybe present your evidence to your boss and I am sure they will see things your way.


Could also get him fired quicker
But a policy is a policy is a policy


Nuisance TROLL SHILL …. booooooring

Irish Girl

“Didja know pigs is as smart as dogs…”
Name that movie.

Last edited 3 years ago by Irish Girl
buck fiden

The communist coup started on 20 January. America is no longer a free country. The commie chinks are just watching the poison do its work on us.

Angel Askew

Call out sick and use all of you time. Vacation? Family emergency out of town??Say you have covid. Drag it out to 11/1.

Tahoe Belle

Praying that you’re able to ward off the jab and get all your benefits.

Mighty Mouse

I’ve been reading that they’re taking away the rights of people who get fired because they decline the vax. You might want to try getting a fake vaccine card.


Perhaps use religious objections – I heard today the fact they are using fetuses. Shouldn’t be harvesting organs from babies.

Mighty Mouse

Just saw this! The CDC director just said on Aug 6 CNN that vaccinated people can still get and spread the virus even if they are asymptomatic. So you need to ask your boss why they want you to get the vaccination.
realclearpolitics . com/video/2021/08/06/cdc_director_vaccines_no_longer_prevent_you_from_spreading_covid.html


Good info, thanks!

Drinking Trump Fan Tears

You guys are so incredibly horny for fascism, it’s embarrassing


It’s wild, isn’t it? Just absolutely thrilled at the idea of the US military arresting and executing US civilians in secret. Clamoring for the utter destruction of Constitutional rights just to see suffering inflicted on the people they don’t like.


Maybe we they are from North Korea and are homesick?


and i’m definitely not pro-facism so i must be something else…


another Troll / Shill ?


Time to update the list!


LIST of SHILLS & TIME WASTER TROLLS,  on this page —–

  1. Z ane   Taken off  Now Jay
  2. B of a   Taken off
  3. buck fiden
  4. Exile
  5. Ted
  6. Jim Buffer
  7. Your awareness of your awareness Is your soul!
  8. Oliver Wendell Douglas
  9.  Vince Sly 
  10.  Mark Heuer
  11. Ethan Rye8
  12. AmericaVanguard
  13. Rick
  14. Project 144K
  15. Xnibblet
  16. dannyd
  17. Edd
  18. cJake BH ?
  19. Kandie Barriga
  20. DAVID
  21. Mike Hunt
  22. Neo
  23. JustWantThe Truth
  24. boris said
  25. Kevin
  26. Sean
  27. Grams
  28.  Mastertater
  29.  Biden2024
  30.  Tony G
  31.  wade
  32.  al pohl
  33. Russel =also : buck fiden
  34. Thomas
  35.  Kip
  36.  Drinking Trump Fan Tears ?

I will work harder and crack the top 3!


Whoever said they will punch Zee so hard she will cum blood deserves the top spot. We laughed about it in the writers meeting this morning.

buck fiden

The follow up line is that I’m gonna use a knife for lubricant!


Looks like I’m number 2 !!

buck fiden


David Yanity

You’ll always be a #2 to everyone here at RRN.
Sometimes with bits of corn. Sometimes with bits of peanut.

buck fiden

GREAT! No longer #1.
But, panochuda…. I’m not #33. Really.

buck fiden

If that fucking cunt keeps this up, I’ll be a troll-emeritus, like the first two names, too.




how the hell is b ofa still second?


he was #1 after all….he should keep his ranking

buck fiden

Damned right you should!!

David Yanity

He’s RRN’s favorite piece of shit…that’s how.
You…well…are just a cheap imitation.

buck fiden

He reincarnated himself as “Russell” and fell to toity-toid place.

Lucky star

Money is good for these shills.. more and more come to this web and playing around like a Dumbo kid…only asking and asking…no ability and can’t proof if all of executed cabals are still alive…what to expect right??? 🙃😂😂

buck fiden

All the articles here are 100% true.


#1, baby! 🥳

I gotta say though, my favorite part of this list has got to be “36. Drinking Trump Fan Tears ?” Like that’s the only one you’re unsure is a troll even though the name makes it completely obvious lol

buck fiden

They put me on Haldol once, too. BY MISTAKE! I got a Heeb lawyer who sued the hospital! I’m still gonna burn that shithole down one day!


I just heard Gen Flynn was a deep state traitor . Truth ?


I write these stories knowing they will be jerk off fodder!

buck fiden

I don’t bother logging on unless I’m hard.


But yet Hunter was reported in attendance at a showing of his “art work” just yesterday.


Yeah it’s almost like this website is fake, huh. If you can’t trust a guy who used to write articles about hostile alien planets and interdimensional lizard-people, who can you trust?


Seriously, please read this article and then tell me with a straight face that you genuinely think this person is a good and legitimate source to get your “news” from.


Yes It’s good.
But you are from the wrong side and have no idea what it’s all about.
Youve spend too much time in Hunter type places


People, this is a cautionary tale. Don’t end up like Zee here. Going down these conspiracy rabbit holes completely rots your brain. You too could arrive at a point where you look at something like this article that claims Putin sent an actor to go fistfight alien lizard-people and your reaction is “Yes it’s good.”

buck fiden

He did! You sent me the article. It is true!

Mighty Mouse

It is my sincere hope that MB decided to stop doing fiction, and concentrate on factual news with RRN. But I am aware that all the RRN stories might be fabricated. Having said that, if you have a body double and some good CGI software, you can fool anybody. And I still think Tom Hanks was executed.


If you look at the twisted truth articles, they are clearly written the same, the only thing that changed is the subject matter. He just swapped from “an anonymous Trump admin insider gave me this info about alien invaders” to “an anonymous Trump admin insider gave me this info about super-secret tribunals”. If you think he actually gained some secret insider sources between those two things, then, well.. you should know better, tbh.


That he was with his wife , daughters and limited entourage .

buck fiden

All CGI doubles.


That event actually happened last Friday but a bunch of reports lied and said it happened a couple days ago. I wonder why they would lie about when the event actually occurred? And I saw some of the pictures from this event and one of the pictures didn’t look like Hunter Biden at all, the guy’s face was fat. After Mr Baxter put this report on the first day of the tribunal out someone in the comment section said yeah wait and see the mainstream media will have a video of Hunter Biden somewhere within a day or so. And sure enough they did. And they also lied about when it actually happened. What do you make of that?


uh, the stories here aren’t real.

bill gates was heckled in london today

Last edited 3 years ago by Russell

Yeah just keep telling yourself that ……it will be okay. Seriously Do you actually believe with an unlimited budget that you could not come up with a look like for Bill Gates? They had one for Hillary her name is Teresa Barnwell I saw her live on television walking down the sidewalk after the real Clinton collapsed and had to be shoved in a van. Seriously the Deep state has unlimited funds and they can find people that look like other people it’s not that hard. There used to be a show on YouTube it may still be there call lookalikes or something like that where they actually found people from all over the world that looked identical to other people and they weren’t related at all. Some of them look like identical twins and they were from different countries. So with unlimited funds you can certainly find a look alike for Bill Gates probably two or three.


what whoppers this Shill tells

buck fiden

Go choke on your oversized nigger dildo.

buck fiden

All stories at RRN are 100% true.


The “Hunter” at the art show never showed his trademark toothy grin. Every photo of the real Hunter previously he didn’t hesitate to show off his excellent dental work. Surely if he were selling “his” art for 300 to 500 thousand dollars he’d manage a full grin at every photo op.


oh ok well then i’m convinced RRN is 100% factual. thanks rod


Does it for me too. Case closed .


Yes, as we all know it’s very easy to make an exact replica body double of someone EXCEPT for their teeth, there is no way the Deep State could have created a body double who also has good teeth, that’s just not within the realm of possibility therefore Hunter is definitely at Gitmo right now.

buck fiden

No problem! Knock out the double’s teeth and send him to the dentist.


Patronizing sh-t of a nasty troll

buck fiden

Z-Kike can’t even spell “Shit” correctly! Do you spell God with a hyphen like real Jooze?

buck fiden

Great! Glad you also have seen the light.


Right on! Plus the guy I saw had a fat face in the picture I saw he didn’t really even look like Hunter only vaguely.

Terminally deplorable

1st garbage family.

buck fiden

I always thought Billy Carter was trailer trash.


Rod for that kind of money– he was too lazy to get a full mouth recon job-No way does it look like celebs teeth look. Hunter had the minimum. Only the front are passable

buck fiden

How much did your enhancement surgery set you back, BOOB-aluh?


It´s called A PATTERN , as they have EVERYTHING to lose and lose they will.

buck fiden

My grouping’s pretty fucking tight. Especially when I think of Zee or Tzippy the Pinhead.


So you noticed that also?


Did you see the pics of “Hunter”? Totally bogus. That bastard never looked that good a day in his sorry criminal life.


So who is it ?


Ha Ha Ha — The Ukrainian ponzi scheme

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee
buck fiden

“Ponzi” is Italian, you dumb cunt!



buck fiden

Shut up bitch. Or I’ll ricin your sinagogue.


Mr.Baxter..will be it -day 2nd of HB today…????




Shill…so boring

buck fiden

I’m not Russell.


For those “nobody got charged with anything for Jan 6” truthers, Robert Reeder got 3 months today. lulz

J Bill

Here’s another one for you dipsh-t. Your fellow AZ conspirators getting nailed under oath in yesterday’s Senate hearings on your botched conspiracy.




Rent free lmaoooooooooo

Let me know when someone goes to jail
Until then go read some more cisco documentation. You might get a better job


J Bill

you and your scum AZ conspirators are going down. “blow-fa.”


Time wasting again lying shill

buck fiden

Suck me harder.

buck fiden

Sickening. Communism in action.