At GITMO, Newsom Blames Pelosi–for Everything!


Gavin Newsom has recovered from a vaccine-induced coma that left him bedridden and intubated for two weeks, and is currently telling investigators from the Judge Advocate General’s Corps that he ought to be exempt from prosecution because he had only ever followed Nancy Pelosi’s instructions, said a JAG source under promise of anonymity.

On Monday investigators took a deposition from Newsom, who seemed more concerned over his recent illness than showing remorse for crimes he stands accused of committing against the State of California and the nation. He claimed he should not have gotten ill. He should not have gotten ill, he said, because he never intended to take a legitimate Covid-19 vaccination, but a placebo. He told investigators someone had pulled “the old switcharoo” and that he suspected Nancy Pelosi.

According to our source, JAG investigators were struck dumb over why Newsom blamed his lifelong friend and comrade in crime instead of trying to implicate conservative enemies.

When told he will soon face a military tribunal, a gushing Newsom told investigators that the person they really wanted was Nancy Pelosi, not him. He implored upon his interrogators that he had personally opposed lockdowns, bankrupting businesses, and mask and vaccination mandates. To crystalize his stance on mandates, Newsom recounted an incident where he and his family had dined maskless at a posh restaurant, the French Laundry, telling investigators he would never have entered the restaurant without a mask if he truly endorsed mandates. At the same time, Newsom tried to impose fines and jailtime on citizens who followed his behavior.

“Rules for thee but not for me,” a JAG investigator said to Newsom. “That’s what your constituents say. You will stand before a military court—that’s a God-given certainty now. You’re being given an opportunity to come clean and possibly avoid a death sentence.”

But Newsom maintained his innocence. He decried the interrogation, and he contended that Pelosi had threatened to withhold state funding and damage his reelection campaign unless he abided her demands—locking down the state and criminalizing non-mask compliance.

“I was deathly afraid of that bitch. She threatened to sink me unless I went along with her plans. We all had to obey; it wasn’t just me. I towed the line to protect my family and my state. You should leave me alone and go get her,” Newsom reportedly told investigators.

But JAG, our source said, wasn’t swayed by Newsom’s insincerity. Visibly shaken and frightened, Newsom tried without success to coax from investigators what evidence the military had against him.

“We have no obligation to disclose anything to you. But we know you’re not being truthful with us. I suppose Pelosi also put a child pornography dungeon in your basement and made you rape young girls,” an investigator said.

Newsom, our source added, appeared to feign shock at the accusation. He argued that any evidence to that effect was manufactured by Pelosi, the military, or Donald Trump. When told JAG had possession of a video clip showing what looked to be a pre-teen girl performing oral sex on him, Newsom suddenly changed his tune, saying that any extra-marital affairs he “may or may not have had” were with adult women who only looked young, as that was his preference.

JAG investigators said they had identified the girl and ascertained she was 14 years old when the video was made.

“We gave you a chance to be honest. You didn’t take it. In a little over a week, you’ll be seated opposite a military commission and Rear Adm. Crandall. Good luck,” investigators said.

“Pelosi set me up!” Newsom screamed as GITMO security escorted him to his Camp Delta cell.

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J Bill

Me too Michael. Whatever the Tribunal does, guaranteed it won’t be “a warm and fuzzy side” they find. It’ll be more dirt. More crime. More time… or not!

Thanks Michael!!


This Image of Gruesome really does show him as Gruesome

Buck fiden

He looks like an Ooompa-Loompa, or is he trying to look like Trump?

Robert Dziok

More like Traitor Trolls like yourself “Buck the Buffoon”. Poster Boy for SCUM. How are your Slimy Satanic Masters doing these days in light of all the Arrests, Military Tribunals and Executions? Sucking up to POS Satan not working out too well now is it.

Buck fiden

What arrests? Oh, you mean Race Bannon, Johnny Quest’s former pilot, who wouldn’t get vaccinated?


If you are not careful and keep a low. Profile, Matthew… You can be arrested… Anyone even remotely associated with the CIA, are being eyed. As suspect….

Jan D Hunsinger

Worthless comment….Anyone can make anyone look orange with a setting.


You can tell a lot about a person if you look into their eyes.


You have to be looking into EACH others eyes ~ directly, at the same time. Duh.


J Bill, Although I have a hard time believing in Reptilian Aliens (I don’t), Newsom is a reptile in spirit. Once again MB nails the guys character in this article.

J Bill

Yes. Newsom’s a “snake in the grass” for sure. Appearing more like a slithering reptile in spirit than a human. Michael nails it.


I am waiting for Newscum Tribunal.
The sooner the better.
The best result is a Hanging…..

Pelosi. ?


Check the arrested and executed list, Pelosi got life.


At her age, without “ambrosia”…..

live oak

and ice cream


and booooooze….

Jan D Hunsinger

All lists are people’s opinions….unless you witnessed the arrests, etc. they are speculation….

Proud Patriot

Where do you find that list?

Joanna has one. has one too and

Last edited 3 years ago by Joanna
J Bill

Pelosi would be the ice cream on the cake.

Lucky star

And chuckie cheese

Johnny Lunchbucket

These people are all wimps when caught. They all think that they are invincible which obviously they are not.

Great work Michael.




He’s long gone — you’re seeing an AI double– that’ll get exposed also as well as all the other doubles etc etc etc i


How do you know, Zee?


There is documented evidence available online, an add searching for a look alike.



Obama gave up Michelle, then breached his warrant, so he got one in the back of the head. Michelle chose lethal injection.

On December 6th and January 6th , President Trump’s Words Shook the World. . .
Video Below:
Others were just executed. The doubles and AI clones were activated and the deep state now work for Trump. We have won with DECLAS, the show is just for the sleepers and to reveal the hidden players!”


Video? what video?






I really do like that site. It will tell you there are doubles and then shows the differences in the faces. Some things you can figure out for yourself. Example Gwen Stefani, she is on the executed list, a few months ago yahoo entertainment show a pic of her with Blake Shelton. The article said it was showing her after the plastic surgery. It was NOT the same person.

When you look at the amg site it shows a pic Stefani and the crimes she was charged with.


She’s an interesting one…when I saw the pic of her staring up at the camera from her seat at MOCAs spirit cooking event, I just thought, hmm. Well she’s so pretty! But, I didn’t know why megameme highlighted her….fast forward a couple years, and I saw her name on the executed list.
That was a shocker…her and gal gadot. And megamemes put gal Godot name on the side of a ” faux” magazine cover….again, I thought, (at the time,,) hmm. Thats interesting.

And again fast forward, gal Godot is on executed list.

Plus ” its time to fly little Ruth fly”

Megamemes were serious truth. I guess I didn’t get that at the time. But I do now.


Thank you!

Tahoe Belle

Thanks Zee. Great info on this site.

Jan D Hunsinger

Just went there… has been taken down….text is there…Date was January, 2021


Is that the video where Obama was talking about how the competition was using AI and CGI to fool the people? Projection?




I went to that site and it tried to install a virus.


You should be taken out and shot, for being a Troll.



It does not do it to me so you’re being evil again

maryelaine santora



I’ve seen reports of Big Mike was CIA and O handler. Mikey had power over Barry more than just bedroom.
Wonder what those girls know and where are the girls, did they go back to real parents or most likely they were brought up to carry on cabal ways.


Yes where are those girls now ???

And I knew Mike was his handler from the start of us knowing about him..

Jan D Hunsinger

Jilll handles Biden; Nancy handled Ronnie; HRC handled Bill…that is quite common.

GreaterIdaho for Trump

Real raw news has the best reflection in the msm world as any of the alternate news sites. Ie rrn says that newsom is arrested and msm says he disappears for 11+ days not at work as gov then new newsom who can’t move face muscles shows up. Match. Set. Game.

Jan D Hunsinger

l agree…MB seems most credible of all the revelators with detail and more.


Yeah, I’ll go ahead a call bullshit on that. Link the video or troll off.

Jan D Hunsinger

Yes…l heard that story too….could be true….could not be. We weren’t there.

Gunny HiWay

“Documented”….That’s really funny.
it must be nice to live in your dream world.
You will wake up when they drag you out of your house or the CHINK NUKES rain down.


#51 Troll


That’s really funny.” We have all been mislead for decades and somehow you were not, you are exempt. That’s called NO Intel, fits you well. Keep sniveling, it’s working for you HIGH-way.


You have been correctly identified as the #51 Troll.
How. Does it feel to be on the Evil / losing side ?
Your fate is sealed.

J Bill



Go back to bed, ADULTS are talking.


I saw that on backstage casting which I have took jobs for, they closed the add for a Newsome look a like, the day his, primary look a like came on TV. They already had one for him, but they need at least a couple.


So people join a contest with no knowledge of winning is actually losing.

Angel Askew

No. It’s an ad for actors to interview for a role. Ie: Newsome double.


Why bother when the DS can just make a clone?


Because it is for the illusion,
We are ascending and you work for the DS as a Troll
THE DS has lost and is collapsing.
Run and hide little Troll…..

Jan D Hunsinger

lnteresting….l haven’t seen that. l’ve seen ads for “crisis actors.”


RRN & people have commented on his jerky movements….Obama’s Adrenochrome Birthday Bash


Maybe he has Tourettes? JK.


AI will never be able to move just like every individual moves

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee
Rob William

AI is a lot more advanced than you think. Depending on the size of model and GPUs you can throw-in, it can generate pixel perfect models, have very human like conversations. What it may not be able to do currently is to create texts, which are original as well analytically deep.

Buck fiden

How dare you! You’re a horrible person! Making fun of people with disabilities!! Shame!


Good ques, OWD. I think he’s given sound bites here and there. I hope he and Mikey are gone anyway.

phillip donahoue

So is his “wife” Michael Robinson, aka Michelle

Last edited 3 years ago by phillip donahoue

He’s also gone = injection

Gunny HiWay

Just like the “NESARA” I have read about since 1983.


Bush jr actually wanted it to happen but cabal got to him. Daddy Bush was all in cabal but Jr wasn’t always bad.


Watching W’s reaction at the funeral of HW, I do believe you are right. W has been gone for a few years now.


Perhaps, his facial expression at the funeral says; “to each each own, I have flipped and will be fine.” I say this because shortly after the funeral, suggestions came out that W flipped. Speaking of flipping, Rod Rosenstein was also suggested as having flipped. Recall he was a special guest of DJT on AF1 towards the end of the Mueller probe.


Nasty TROLL #52


Lol, didn’t you hear though that NESARA is being activated “soon” though? Every week I see someone post here that it’s starting!

maryelaine santora


Jan D Hunsinger

Being a disgusting bigot doesn’t help our cause (and don’t you know it!)…His ethnicity isn’t the problem! His heart and soul is the problem.


Well said . Having bigots here is abysmal.

Buck fiden

Not well said! Cuntslinger is merely signalling her virtue by screaming into her megaphone so people will never think she’s a racist. I bet she’d never suck a nigger’s dick because she hates them, too. Either that, or she’s a leftist.


Just when I was reading an intelligent conversation, this “Buck F” reappears like a bad nightmare. He’s being tolerated as an exercise in First Amendment. Will this blighter ever go away?

Buck fiden

I will never go away, CunterC. However, my comments will become completely ignored and glossed over when MB begins to publish more articles per day at a frenetic pace. Only MB can do this because he has deep white hat connections.

Robert Dziok

Never go away? Oh, that’s right, your POS Satan has deceived you into thinking you will walk the Earth forever as long as you remain a Lackey for your Slimy Satanic Masters.

Buck fiden

I don’t see how you make the connection that I work for POS Satan. You just don’t like my comments because you have to signal your virtue by objecting to every post I write because you don’t like the Nward. You are Defender of the Nigger !!! I think all niggers should be individual like super heroes. DIE-NO-MIGHT!! HEY-HEY-HEY!! AIN’T NO ONE GOT TIME FO DAT!! Collect the entire set!! They’re born entertainers! Hell, even Scott Joplin wrote a song with that title! Piss out.


Well Bucko, the 1st amendment IS certainly not your friend, it allows you to continually show you have NO Intel, Keep up the good work

Buck fiden

I never claimed to be the keeper of secrets. Others bestowed that appellation upon my sorry ass. And had I them, I definitely wouldn’t be casting these pearls before Arnold the Pig or Mr. Haney.

The First Amendment is EVERYONE’S FRIEND – including those who urge my ouster. FUCK THEM ALL.


Nuckles fido is a raving lunatic. Leave him alone.



“blighter” You must be Engish?

Buck fiden

He’s not Engish. He’s Geman.


Do you mean “German” or G-Man?

Buck fiden

I’m ridiculing Zee’s spelling (see above)


And, just as our 52 shills and trolls are BLIGHTERS..

Blighters tends to ruin things in which they’re involved. The word appears to be milder in force than “bastard”.

The word BLIGHTER is used by the British mostly…..

Being British slang, especially for an annoying person. 

As in BLIGHT related to a plant disease that ruins potatoes.

Terminally deplorable

Sounds like an exact Biden copy who turns everything he touches to shit.

Buck fiden

blight·er ( blº“t…r) n. Chiefly British 1. A fellow, especially one held in low esteem. 


English or Australian

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

What site were you reading with the intelligent conversation? You accidentally posted to the RRN fan fiction site.

Buck fiden

Gunter rhymes with Cunter, which rhymes with TDShunter

Terminally deplorable

One big perverted family

Buck fiden

Wirklich wahr.


Just scroll on by, some of these people contribute so very little.

Buck fiden

How effete of you, LC. Go back to your cunt re: club and let Deborah S stick his balls into your nine-hole




He is very polite on web do not know why mathew sipowicz abromohowicz on this site is like from he….

Last edited 3 years ago by sejmon
Gunny HiWay

Blacks have added zero value to this nation for 170 years.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gunny HiWay

Some are doctors and lawyers and inventors.

Buck fiden

I new a fantastic Black surgeon. He’s long gone. He fought in WW2 as well. That said, people like him represent only 0.1% of black people. He was a patriot.

The rest are niggers.

Buck fiden

Sheeee-it! He be a Basketball Jones!!


You are not helping.

Terminally deplorable

Actually, I know one who i respect.

Buck fiden


Buck fiden

Sorry. Don’t like nigger music. Don’t like rock either. It’s devil spawn. Strictly a classical music buff. Some country is OK. I despise African Roundball. I despise football now that the kneegrows won’t stand for the National Anthem. I hate “soul” food, which is not only bad fo yo so, it be bad fo yo heart, 2.

Buck fiden

I like Cabernet.
I like Mozart.
I like Puccini.
I like Boccherini string quartets.
I like orchestral music.
I like white culture.
I like technology that works and helps mankind.
I like huge tits that have shape and don’t merge into stomachs.
I like tall blondes with white angelic faces and soft voices.
I like green tea.
I like clean government.
I like people who make the country great.
I like people who excel at what they do.
I like the founding principles of the USA.
I like the Rule of Law and the US Constitution.
I like sniper rifles and reloaders.
I like handguns – especially unusual calibres.
I like German shepherds and pit bulls
I like short-haired cats.
I like desert living.
I like warm weather.
I like huge swimming pools.
I like the smell before the summer monsoons.
I like websites that don’t censor posters because they used a forbidden word or two or three or …

Ça suffit.


Quel merde

Buck fiden

C’est votre petit déjeuner.


No one cares.

Buck fiden

I wouldn’t throw a hot brunette or lovely chink out of bed, either. Seems that you are attracted to power bitches. They can rip you a new one, too. I prefer the tall, hot blonde with the nice tatas who may not be a rocket scientist, but she isn’t so high strung she can’t give me a good time.

Buck fiden

They’re lovely animals. And very protective. “Beauregard” hated niggers instinctively. Almost bit the substitute postman once.


I like all the stuff you listed. We could be friends

Buck fiden

>> People like you or what’s wrong with this country. 

I’ll take “What’s Wrong With This Country” for $200, Alex.

Buck fiden

>> Been sleeping for hours after working and then a 3.5 mile walk. It destroyed me.

Buy better shoes.

Unfortunately, due to Zhou Biden’s war on supply chains, there will be no real sales this Nigger Friday. You know better than I, for you see the ships stacked up to dump their wares on the Long Bitch Harbour.

Glad your customer ponied up.

98% of the world lives in abject shit povery in garbage dumps that go on for as far as the eye could see. Look at the slums of São Paolo, Cd. de México, Bombay, New Delhi, Shang Hai, Soweto and the entire country of Bang the Desk. Untold human misery. And Zhou Biden has that as the model for the way we will soon live once our supply chains are irretrievably broken, our money turns into shit, the niggers are all released from prison because prison is “rasis” and the illegal spics learn they can get free shit from Uncle Sucker, and rape, pillage and plunder with impunity. FUCK THAT NOISE.

Buck fiden

Please, whatever you do, DO NOT STOP WALKING! Yes, 12 miles per day is OK. I went to Big5 Spurts today and bought some new shoes.

I fear we are waay off topic. We should be discussing how Gov. Newsom should meet Jesus.

Buck fiden

I have been. Thank you. X22 Dave says cash will be worthless soon and that we must buy bitcoin, gold, and silver immediately.

Keeping on topic, do you think Pelosi will ever be arrested for treason?

Buck fiden

I value your opinions. Thanks.


YeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeS !!!!


oliver, they are deep state satan worshipers, WAKE UP CNN WATCHER.


#52 Nasty Shill / Troll


Well said


Oh shit, it’s contagious !

Buck fiden


Robert Dziok

“Buck the Buffoon” POS Sewer Rat Traitor Troll once again demonstrates why “he” is the Poster Boy for SCUM.

J Bill

Agree. Khazarians are scum.

Buck fiden

Kike Psychs are the worst. They prescribe the worst drugs that give you the worst side effects then they dump you into an institution and forget about you. When you find them in the shopping mall after they release you and you just want to have a discussion with them about how they forgot about you and they call the mall donut cops to escort you off the property, you just want to burn down their sinagogues.

J Bill

I didn’t ask for your life story Buck….

Buck fiden

I haven’t even scratched the surface, but I have scratched my ass. Glad I got the full-blown Chink Virus so I can’t smell it.


Matthew, were you just discribing what happened to you. ?

Robert Dziok

Having Traitor Trolls here is even more abysmal.

Buck fiden

Traitors, trolls – or fake patriots like yourself – are all abysmal and should not be tolerated. Neck yourself.

Last edited 3 years ago by Buck fiden
Buck fiden

If you don’t like your choice of dance partners, drop the class.


So then your opinion is more valuable than his. If the evil N Word offends thee then don’t read it.


Yep, evil creeps come in all colors, look at fake doc fauci.

Buck fiden

He looks like he could have been right at home working for Erich Honecker torturing dissidents.

Angel Askew

And every nationality, culture and race has names for them. Take it as it applies. We all know some.
Except maybe Tibetans? Lol

Buck fiden

Mountain slopes!

Angel Askew


Buck fiden

YES IT IS! Niggers vote 94% Democrat in every elections. The Kikes and Spics are improving by voting Democrat less and less with every election, but they are still over 50% Democrats.

Sandy Koufax

Terry McAuliffe only received 86% of the black vote in the election for governor in Virginia earlier this month. Biden only received 89% of the black vote last year in Virgnia.

Buck fiden

That’s Virginia. Last I was able to figger (rhymes with …..), 86 was closer to 94 than it was to 50.

Lucky star

They were and promised with free stuff all the time. What to expect with slave mentality 🤔 😐 😕

Buck fiden

Just heard from x22 Dave that Zhou Biden’s govt has been allowing up to 200,000 illegals into our country every month since he’s been Resident. The bill that he signed into law allows illegal Mexicans a child tax credit since it did away with the SSN requirement.

This country is getting ripped a new one every day. I also heard there may be a new ADDITIONAL tax on real estate.

Terminally deplorable

I consider myself grandfathered.

Buck fiden

Lucky you! Biden’s decimating the work farce. Too bad he can’t choose a black pebble from the sack.

Angel Askew

People are ANGRY, Jan!! And from his behavior they are correct!!

Rather than trying to dilute the reality here why don’t you switch to Readers Digest or CNN instead?

Buck fiden

Perhaps he can listen to the “Special English” version of the VOA broadcasts.

Robert Dziok

He has a heart and soul? Doesn’t seem it from his actions (e.g. Said “Didn’t know killing would be so easy”. Drone strikes killing many thousands of civilians, Iraq, Ukraine, Syrian, Yemen, Afghanistan, Libyan wars.). Well deserved Nobel “Peace” Prize don’t you think?


Obummah no soul period

Buck fiden

There was a mini-series called “The Bible.” The evil man in the hoodie was a dead ringer for Obama.


The man is right and you allow your panty hose to get in a knot over the guy calling obola the evil N Word? Give me a break. I can read that whine on any lib website.

Last edited 3 years ago by Dave
Buck fiden




Buck fiden

WHITE is the New Black.

Not “Orange is the New Black,” as written by that kike dyke.

Buck fiden

Now you really hurt my feelings, Ollie. My life’s dream was to be a Successful RRN Troll. Time to chomp the cyanide I was saving for someone else.

Buck fiden

Der Grammatik-Nazi sagt:

“There, there…”


What are your thoughts about Nebuchadnezzar´s seal, with that image of an explosion and mushroom clouds?
Isn´t it curious the fact that desert sand “misteriously” turned to glass?

J Bill

The glass you describe kikas, originated from sand exposed to high temperatures not found on earth. Except within nuclear explosions, evidence of which was found recently too at Gobekli Tepi. The earliest known man made astro observatory now, predating Stonehenge by 8,000 years.

Buck fiden

Kikes really hate that guy.

Buck fiden

Third party.
I like parties, except for the Communist, Socialist, Democrat, Nazi, Progressive, and Labour Parties!

Buck fiden

So will they give us the manual for our revised Human Operating System, version 2.0?

Buck fiden

Bad choices lead to a premature death. Bad women lead to a premature …

Robert Dziok

Globalist Controlled Hypocritical Trojan Horse Obama is only a Kenyan born Lackey for the Deep State and Satanic Globalists. He even admitted Kenyan birth in a speech in Kenya. He said he was the first Kenyan born sitting President of the United States. Sucking up all those drugs over the decades has an effect and he slips up (Freudian slips). He even slipped up calling Michelle Michael a couple of times in speeches. There’s enough info out there now on why that would be. Probably made well known that any of his minions ratting on him will result in their families being harmed including death. He’s no POS Satan but he is EVIL.


That’s not the only time he stated on camera that he wasn’t born in the U.S. Back in 2004, during a debate with republican candidate Dr. Allen Keyes, during the campaign for US Senator for Illinois, ‘ol Barry admitted that he wasn’t born in the United States. The video is buried deep in You Tube (if it hasn’t been deleted outright), though I downloaded a copy shortly after the debate.

Buck fiden

Wow, you nailed that nigger, BobJoke! Obama definitely sucks Satan’s high steely after he goes down on Big Mike’s!


Been wondering about that also. He is not ‘gone’




Hussain Obama is the one pulling the stings in the background…may Satan himself burn 🔥 the CIA covert agent to oblivion!!!

Buck fiden

The pecking order might be:

Imperator Mundi -> Deep State -> Rothschild kikes -> Kissinger kikes -> Soros kikes -> Obama nigger -> Zhou Biden in assisted living.

Jan D Hunsinger

BIGOT! Who cares about color….lt’s character and soul that matter..Your bigotry plays right into SATAN’S HANDS!


The Bible tells us that unrepentant sinners think they’ll never have to give account for their sins and so since judgment hasn’t yet hit, they plow forward in their iniquities until it’s too late: “Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.” (Ecclesiastes 8:11)

Buck fiden

Biden’s WH is the Devil’s playground.

Angel Askew

I detect no lie.


So the devil did in fact go down to Georgia?

Buck fiden

Apparently the devil was no virtuoso.

Buck fiden

So, it’s like gambling or investing. You wait too long to sell, your stock turns into shit. It’s a Jewish thing.


Is that a photo of him in his Delta cell?

Hal Brown

With a crucifix on the wall?


Maybe they put them in their cells to keep their demons out,its really creepy,and that other photo of him where he is bright orange is also creepy


Odd that they allowed him to wear his own clothing while in his cell. I thought that prisoners were usually forced to wear uniform jumpsuits or something like that.

Perhaps Deep State prisoners held at GITMO are handled differently.


Perhaps the photo is of his “play room’ where he was arrested.


Why would he be wearing a mask in there?


Maybe he wore it to hide his face from the victims?

Terminally deplorable

He could infect himself.


Nope, the “playroom” was strewn with kidswear and cameras all over the place. This looks like a monk’s bedroom in a parish.

J Bill

You mean in a church?


I doubt that they’d use a photo from Gitmo.


The only reason why they would not use a photo of him in GITMO is because none of this is true.

Buck fiden

We’re all wild drinks having a good time at the RRN Tavern, and someone just had to turn on all the bright lights and yell “LAST CALL WAS FIFTEEN MINUTES AGO. EVERYONE GO HOME. NOW!!

Buck fiden

Are you attempting to titillate Zippy by emulating a Negro?

Buck fiden

… and there’s a difference?

Terminally deplorable

Other than GITMO, the room could be the purgatory cell in his luxury home.


Maybe that’s where they check them into on their first night stay at the Gitmo Hotel

Gunny HiWay

Perhaps he IS NOT at “Gitmo” and is not in “Custody”.
Perhaps this entire website is a CIA Psy-Op?


Another Troll ?

Robert Dziok

Traitor Troll.

Buck fiden

How do you know? She could be a Patriotic troll!

Robert Dziok

If so the Military Tribunal Prosecutors/Officers and Defense Attorneys would have spoken out against reference to themselves in RRN articles long ago. These are career high level Military no nonsense individuals who would not allow such to go on if false. Especially since it involves matters of National Security.

Buck fiden

What part of “PARODY WEBSITE” do you not understand, BobJoke?


You are assuming they saw this . Probably not , literally millions of websites out there .

Buck fiden

Traffic is < 30k people. Why would the CIA waste its limited resources on this? It’s more of a parody site (see disclaimer) where very, very, very angry and betrayed patriots, mental patients, and naysayers go to vent.


catholic idol artifacts bring demons, they don’t cast them out. Jesus rose from the dead – He’s not on the cross as depicted in denigrating antichrist catholic idolatrous symbols.


I don’t think cross’s repeal evil at all either. saying prayers don’t work on all evil either so more lies from the church or religions.
I say this from an experience with evil energy’s trying to fool me into thinking they were good spirits. Just like humans evil is very readable, they stay with same script and you can feel the negative energy over love.

Buck fiden

On the other hand, perhaps social distancing and lockdowns are a good idea. I don’t have to associate with niggers and spics and other evil shitfucks.

Robert Dziok

Sure they don’t want to associate with “Buck the Buffoon” Poster Boy for SCUM either.

Buck fiden

Then we have reached an agreement!

But Zhou Biden wants to resurrect Obama’s “NIGGERS IN YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD ACT” aka the “affirmative FURTHER fair housing act,” in which niggers slums are built in nice cities in red states (Scottsdale, AZ, for example) and the local zoning boards are powerless to stop them.



Buck fiden

It this tomfoolery does occur, I will LOCK & LOAD, “bitch”!

Buck fiden

Should be upside down in his case.

Angel Askew

Isn’t that a carnation on his lapel??

Buck fiden

A white … Sports COAT, and a pink … Car NATION!

Grandpa’s favourite song.


A crucifix has been used as a weapon before –no way is this a prisoner’s cell…. It’s room in a Catholic hospital more likely.

But ,maybe Gitmo’s hospital room— no prison cell would have a hospital bed made like this…. to many things here for possible suicide. He is wearing his CA Gov. field jacket. Photo taken long before?


His mask is displaying the Seal of the governor of the state of California. It wasn’t taking at gitmo.


Looks like a miserable room at Mother Theresa’s place for kids



Last edited 3 years ago by Jay

Pretty creepy




Thanks Michael

Buck fiden

Gitmo has been vastly expanded since 2016. New facilities. Modern in every way. They won’t look like an old cold war movie from the 1950s.


Maybe that’s a Delta Sick Room only — he is not yet wearing GITMO PJs . Cells for prisoners don’t have hospital made beds like that picture shows—- ‘cos prisoners could do things with the bed sheets or the light socket.


It could be,I was hoping Michael would clarify where both pictures were taken as there has been no mention as to what the Gitcells look like for the elite…he looks horrible and bright orange in the other photo,its not like him to look like a bag of rotted oranges in public as his arrogance wouldn’t allow it


That’s the kofid poison fighting his CA over-done sun tan



Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

It was not taken at gitmo. His mask is displaying the Seal of the governor of the state of California.

Buck fiden

I often see chinks wearing all manner of things with the word “California” on them. Do they think they’re special and that everyone around Arizona State University cares?

Buck fiden

He wouldn’t be able to speak about any of that publicly.


The cells are the same for everyone no matter who you are or where you’re from…so I’ve read. Gitmo is a serious prison…nothing special for anyone!!!


His mask is displaying the Seal of the governor of the state of California. I doubt it was taken at gitmo.


Nope! It’s a photo Newsom himself tweeted out in March. It’s not a prison cell or anything prison-related. MB just made it grayscale and darkened to make it look spooky. Here’s the original:

Last edited 3 years ago by Jay

No it’s not his jail cell or interrogation room. Observe the room,

1. On the left side you see a normal door with door knobs and a cylinder lock, probably a bedroom door. Jail cells do not have door knobs just to prevent the guilty from self executing and detainees do not have access to their door locking devices.

2. The room light is an overhead light fixture with a pull string switch. No way would a jail cell have a glass light fixture that could be broken and used as a weapon. Also all containment cell lights are sealed and controlled by the guards.

3. The bed is a standard twin size bed with a regular mattress and bed covers. Cell beds are either concrete or heavy duty metal bolted to the walls and floor. Bed linens for high value detainees are usually paper to prevent once again self removal.

4. No crucifix would be in a cell. By its design it could be quickly used as a club or penetrating weapon against the jail staff. Not to mention the supporting nail could be weaponized by the right trained person.

So it’s not his GITMO or other cell. IMO it’s his small love shack being shown to us, probably where he was pleasured by the young girls, or boys. These people are sick and to hang a crucifix on the wall in a room that he sexually abused children just adds to his perversion. My guess is that many of his partners were illegal children who are mostly catholic. Add in that it’s only a twin bed and apparently dimly lit so I believe we are being shown a screenshot from one of his home videos that were confiscated.

Last edited 3 years ago by Rodnryl

Good analysis! Thank you.


And his mask is displaying the Seal of the governor of the state of California. Certainly not taken at gitmo.


Yep…you must be at least the 50th person to state that. Thank you. I think we’ve gotten that now!!


Actually I am the only person to state that it’s just that I stated it seven or eight times because everybody was asking about where the picture could have been taken and I responded to each one of them.


Lol, nice detective work Rod but you’re completely wrong, it took me like 30 seconds of googling to find the original photo:

It’s a historical site he visited back in March, a room labor/civil rights leader Cesar Chavez once stayed in and fasted in.


His mask is displaying the Seal of the governor of the state of California. I don’t think that was taken at gitmo

Big E

There’s NO honor among thieves is there? There never was, nor will there ever be. Evil is evil and it will turn on itself as readily anybody else.


Don’t we know it.


California mob-families:
They have ruled the waves for decades. Hope we will witness an infight, so California will be liberated and the people set free.

Chris Russ



her too!!

live oak


Buck fiden

That nigger needs to be arrested for incitement.


stripped of it’s wig, and hung by the neck.

Buck fiden

She’s one nasty piece of work… She can’t give BJs anymore … only gum-jobs.



Buck fiden

Dentures extra.





Buck fiden

Very true. And with the legendary Moral Hazard Zhou Biden has created, it’s only going to get more dysfunctional and more defective.

Angel Askew

Please take her!!
I was disappointed that young veteran man of color from her district born and raised did not beat her out in last election. He was authentic!!


Rigged voting machines. He probably won but the deep state wanted to keep her in place so they just set up the machines so she would win regardless of the voting. It’s not complicated.

Buck fiden


Buck fiden

But… there are so many nigger gimmecrats in South Central, she might have won in a fair election….


Just think of all the money confiscated from all these asswipes.

Jan D Hunsinger

l left over 10 years ago.

Buck fiden

Your loss, panochuda.


Getting rid of the fraud voting machines that can rig the outcome of the election to whoever you want to win would certainly help. That’s how all those creeps have been in power for so long…. totally rigged voting!


Feinstein too.


Thanks Michael


Soo ..Pe lousy is new -STALIN- OF AMERICAN( DEMS) POLITICS..SOMEONE SHOULD HER LOCK UP IN $ 25,000 FRIG and live her there …

J Bill

.. and stack the rest of them in there like sardines… tell them to “chill.”

Buck fiden

mmmm… Sardine flavoured ice cream!


Meanwhile, in other news Ilhan Omar was the lead speaker in the news recently where Bill McCarthy was speaking in chambers. SHOCKING.

Buck fiden

I prefer Joe.


Newsom is her nephew by marriage.

Jan D Hunsinger

According to Duck Duck Go….Newsom’s aunt was married to Pelosi’s brother in law…the couple divorced.

Jan D Hunsinger

l just looked it up: Newsom’s aunt was once married to Pelosi’s brother-in-law and those two are divorced. So the tie is tenuous.


Newsom is a pathetic coward. He has put the State of California through hell. He must be brought to justice.


Yep, so many people homeless and businesses shutdown, I hear. Really sad !!

Much more muslims with head-coverings. And, Blacks speaking a foreign language. Haitian ?

Buck fiden

Sand niggers are invading everywhere.

Buck fiden

Fuck Commiefornia and fuck the 70% of the people who live there who keep voting Democrat after Democrat after Democrat after Democrat time after time after time….

Lucky star

Do not curse your cabal Master


When Gov Brown left office he had left CA’s Newsom Gruesome a huge amount of CALIFORNIAN’S Rainy Day Money.

So, after the published $500.000.000.00 Gruesome laundered with the Chinese Communist Party last year……. .


Last edited 3 years ago by Zee
Buck fiden

Biden’s doing the same thing to the SPR (Strategic Petroleum Reserve). He halted the Keystone Pipeline. He banned fracking. Now he wants to empty out the SPR so there’s no oil left! Then gasoline will be $100/gallon before it is impossible to find. Communism right around the corner. Merry Xmas.

Angel Askew

Unprecedented times.
You would never know we are the majority.

Buck fiden

Los Angeles was 91% white waaay back in 1960. Today it is 20-something percent white and falling like a rock.

Buck fiden

Hey Coach.

God doesn’t grade on a curve. The same standards in White America should be expected of the lesser races. Yes, they eat at Burger King instead of Chez Panisse, they prefer nigger music to Mozart, they drink King Cobra 40s instead of a good Chardonnay, but they should not have first crack at colleges, jobs, and their fast-food shit culture shouldn’t be showcased as an example for all to emulate. FUCK THEM.

As for dying, I’ll most likely be found dead after having had a heart attack in a whorehouse in my 90s under a puta in Puerto Vallarta or Mazatlán.


That’s what happens when you let in tons of illegal aliens. Ted Kennedy’s1965 Immigration Act actually BANS those of European descent from coming in and gives preference to the brown/black people. The Democrats did this deliberately.

Buck fiden

Too bad Teddy didn’t drown in Chappaquiddick.

Kelly Knauth Brown

What makes my jaw drop about all of these stories is how once they’re caught, they keep lying. I would assume that if the military used their resources to come and get me, that would automatically click in my head that they know everything and my court martial would sentence me to death. No second chances once special forces have to waste their time and ours rounding them up!

American Living in Canada

They’re trying to make it look like they’re being framed. hence the more reason the EBS being broadcast by the Military.

Buck fiden

Fucking bring it already! I don’t want another nigger prezadint!

American Living in Canada

Check 123.


What get’s me is how they blame their families
Gruesom blames Auntie Pelosi
Chelsea Clinton blamed her husband
Bill Clinton blames Killery

Buck fiden

Most rats squeal when faced with death.


nanzi will blame…….O……


DEMs LIE non-stop. Lying is nothing to them (like drinking water).

I heard that FAUXi started working on bio-weapon vaccine in 1999 (right after Clinton impeachment) ?!?!? Hmmm…


Newsom reminds me of Hunter, who also blames someone else, Obummer.


At least the good guys got a lead on Bammy’s M.O. iout of Hunter. This is when keeping someone alive yields info they need to get the next bad hombre. Good for them!


Yes, the good guys already have some goods on Obummer. Look where letting the Clintons slide got us though. They’ve been at it since their Arkancide days. With some characters, it only gets worse if they are not STOPPED.


Just like commies, they’ll bleed us dry if not STOPPED. They’re all connected, playing the good cop, bad cop game.

Buck fiden

And many are Repubicans: Cheney, Romney, Flake…. Totally undermine the two-party system.


The Cult is everywhere, but all of them can be easily recognized by their funny handshakes…


True, we took freedom for granted. Patriotism was set aside for greed but no more. WE THE PEOPLE have awaken !!


And they always cheat during elections, that’s the only way they can win is to cheat, and they know it. That’s why they have all these elaborate cheating mechanisms set up in the system. They suck big time.


Right ? They installed the voting machines in mid-2000s. To STEAL elections ?!?!? And, for $$$$ too because those obsolete computers aren’t worth ALL the MILLIONS / BILLIONS spent on them over the decades. And, they pay outsiders to come in to help steal elections. What a total joke !! That’s how Hugo Chavez ruined Venezuela, a once wealthy nation. Then, Maduro took over. It only took one generation to ruin Venezuela.

If you have the best state in the country, the CROOKS will come. Same for a nation. Can’t just sit back and let it happen to our home country.

Buck fiden

You have just written our epitaph.


NO. It is NOT going to happen.

Buck fiden

I pray you’re right. My supply of Hopium® just ran out and my dealer was picked up on a RICO crime last night.


I think Q. said they ain’t too swift.

Buck fiden

Who? Niggers?


Paedophiles are gifted liars, they will lie about anything to get away from the good guys tamping them down. One time a prisoner was so good at lying he convinced a married couple to let him stay with them. After doings so, he molested their child during his stay. When they interrogated him about it, he saw nothing wrong with what he did, which was the opposite of what he originally convinced them of in the first place. That’s how good a liar he was, taking advantage of their good hearts.


Psychopaths have Charisma and are very believable for the common person. Barack Obama is the prime example.


100% Correct

Buck fiden

I agree. A paedophile must be a “virtuoso” liar (hat tip – you know who) in order to convince a child, who may not yet have a developed mind or have the ability to distinguish between right and wrong to put his lips around a mature man’s penis or use her hand to masturbate him and then remove her clothes and allow the grown man to penetrate her or him up the ass with or without lubricunt, or to offer him a stuffed animal toy or to convince the child that his parents told him to tell the child that all of these acts are just fine and that if he doesn’t perform said acts his parents will be very angry and will kill the family dog or throw the family cat out of the Subaru window….


Or they’ve been coerced and are scared or tell someone who doesn’t believe them like the priests, which is the perfect setup. How sad. Glad this is coming to light.


You just described every interaction Zee has ever had with another person.


Mike and I write them that way because that’s what the readers enjoy.


Thanks again, Michael! Let me borrow a very timely and appropriate phrase from the late Casey Kasem… “And the hits just keep coming!”

Kelly Knauth Brown

They act like white trash. (Gavin Newscum and Pelosi)

Last edited 3 years ago by Kelly Knauth Brown

White trash organized crime.


Roadmaster 55. Oh my, we had that huge car .Dad just loved it. So did all of us. kids’ had more room to argue. Great monster it was and seats so comfortable.


Wow that’s cool! So did we! Yes my dad was a Buick guy he loved ours too! You are absolutely right it was a monster and the seats were very comfortable. It was very safe too it was built like a tank! Thanks for writing Stella you’re the only fellow Roadmaster experiencer I have ever spoken with! Take care.

Buck fiden

Multimillionaire white trash.

Buck fiden

Some worse than others. Being an asshole is in our DNA.


I’ve been using the term Pigpen Pelosi because everywhere she shows up turns to filth and poverty. There is something terribly wrong when one of our employees can rise to a top position only because she is an illegal drug distributor.


How about Pigpen Ron Mckernan, the original keyboardist of the Grateful Dead ?


Hi Michael..have you seen the video on Rumor Mill News trying to “tear down” your site. I just read the headline and the first minute of the tape and then cut it off. What a slob.

Kelly Knauth Brown

Even after I got shadowbanned and booted off of all my platforms, people are going out of their way to reach out to me to tell me how wrong I am. I think people are losing their minds during this time. They know what we are saying is true, but they just can’t handle it…lol. It’s funny.

Buck fiden

You, too, huh?


I’m sorry they all booted you off. I looked on all me social media and I can’t find you. Big Tech is really hating on people who are truth seekers and truth tellers. And President Trump is their worst enemy.

Kelly Knauth Brown

I have multiple Facebooks, but my Youtube channels all got demonetized and then taken down. Ever since last year election when I wasn’t buying the math. I crunch numbers for a living, so no one will ever convince me that 26 million MORE people voted 4 years later. Not after 4 years of every Uber driver, corner store cashier, pastor, black, white, latino or Asian telling me how much they love President Trump. President Trump is LOVED by EVERYONE. The only people that don’t like him are Karens of the world and white guys that don’t want to admit they’ve been played by MSM.

Black people, Asians and Muslims LOVE Trump. LOVE. This is a FACT. Very few disapprove of him!

Last edited 3 years ago by Kelly Knauth Brown

Hence the landslide victory that has been withheld from the public but we the people know it. Heck, even California went red. May God Bless you Kelly and my very best in your new endeavor whatever that may be.


Beautifully put and well said!

Kelly Knauth Brown

Thanks. Definitely didn’t quit my dayjob!


President Trump is the spearhead for the army of light that God has on this planet and he was chosen by God to lead this planet into the light and to destroy and eliminate the darkness that has ruled this world for thousands of years. That’s why the evil hates him that’s why all the ridiculously stupid and hateful forces were lined up against him because he represents a God and the light and this world is run by evil right now. All the people know that he is sent by God but the evil hates him and wants him eliminated and it’s so obvious and everything they have done since he started running for president and while he was officially president. Yes of course the people love him because they know who he really is and who he really represent God Almighty on this Earth.


“…represents A god?!”


We know what you mean….. he represents as a servant — OF HIS LOVING LIGHT of THRUTH ON EARTH …..
Many are called but few answer that call TRUMP did and at a great cost to himself as well as his family.

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee
Jan D Hunsinger

Jimmy of course he knows that!




Gov. Gavin Newsom’s aunt, Barbara Newsom, was once married to Ron Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi’s brother-in-law. Barbara Newsom and Ron Pelosi divorced in 1977.

That means for a while, Gavin Newsom was related to Nancy Pelosi’s brother-in-law by marriage, but the familial relation between the two now-powerful Democrats was even more distant. Not to mention, the marriage tying the two families together ended when Gavin was 10 years old.— 

Jan D Hunsinger

Yes l keep posting the more complex truth….Nancy is not one of Gavin’s parent’s sister.

Angel Askew

Unless they had kids. Then the families may have seen each other and propped each other up….


Not indirectly at all he is her nephew, I believe her brother’s son.



Andrew Stevano

…..and don’t slough off getting the last words as the lever is flipped. Thanks,

Sharon Manning

I think she’s an aunt.

Sandy Koufax

Pelosi and her daughter are Transsexual.


I don’t think the old mafia broad is male….but her daughter is male. The people in DC are a masonic leaning crowd.

Sue Grantham

Pelosi is his Aunt ; Pelosi is also the stepsister of the new Governor in NY

Angel Askew

Well, THERE is some BS worth knowing!!! Lolol…


I wish they weren’t put to death..Would love them stripped of everything they possess and let them live like they’ve done to us for so long..THEY ALL, should be our servants…Death is too quick and good for them!!


Agree wholeheartedly.


Hell NO. Hang ’em bc I do NOT want my taxes to pay for supporting ANY of them in jail 😡 They have committed TREASON & the penalty for treason is DEATH.


Actually, it costs MORE to have someone executed than someone stay in jail for life.
In Maryland, death penalty cases cost $3,000,000.00 each; in Louisiana they cost $15,000,000.000.00 Approximately every state that has a capital punishment case costs about $3,000,000,000.00 each.
In 2019, 60% of people prefer life sentences over executions, while in 1986 only 34% preferred life over capital punishment. Capital punishment is a business, too.
Even with crime, people prefer to save some money.


Gitmo does NOT work like that– think commensense here


Fifteen billion dollars? Please site stats. Fifteen billion ? ?


Satanists are souless and too dangerous to leave hanging around on earth. Everything they touch suffers death in one way or another


So do we! Thank you Michael! Great work! We want to see this wormsnitch squirm!!

Julio Antonio Laguna

Funny how these big “machos” all of a sudden have their testicular fortitude disappear when facing the tribunals! This is getting better by the minute!!!

Susan Sloate

I’ve read numerous times in various publications that she’s his aunt.


Michael Baxter
Is the photo supposed to be Newsome at Gitmo?
A cross in Jail cell seems strange for many reasons.
first jails don’t let sharp objects in cells.
Why the mask they afraid he might get sick before he dies. Lol.


His mask is displaying the Seal of the governor of California. It was probably not taken at gitmo.


Hi Michael, will we see a family feud between NP and GN any time soon? If there is one, my bet is NP will win IMO. God Bless brother.


Years ago it was reported that Pelosi is Newsom’s Auntie.


From what I’ve gleaned about that relationship, gavin has been said to have come from an extra marital relationship to that clan and was taken under the wing of the Getty’s which makes me think of those kids like obama who were cia babies, as are some of the orphans of disaster zones created by the cabal agencies, trafficked, etc, that are groomed for the use or to fill positions in the cabal operations such as we see in various other offices, like perhaps lightfoot and omar who appear and get placed.

maryelaine santora



I thought he was a nephew, son of her sister.


I’ve always heard Pelosi is Newsom’s aunt.

Dr John


It seems you are annoying some people. A Looong video (not very good) tells all about your “fictional” stories. It had libraTerd written all over it. It seems your sources were right to share this information with you. It keeps us informed and pisses the Deep State off. WELL DONE Sir! You are exposing their down fall and that they are indeed not above the law!


Gavin Newsom is Nancy Pelosi’s nephew. I think a sister’s son. Never heard or saw anything of her.


Not so… no blood connection at all— so distant it’s hardly worth thinking about ‘cos a divorse and a re marriage buried the loose connection– Look it up.



T’was such perfect karma for such an evil money hungry evil child abusing bastard.




Yes right away . Who do you want to do it ? Seems that standard law enforcement is not involved with any of these cases . Why ?


You cannot write these articles fast enough. No sooner do I read one, I’m ready for the next. I don’t know how you got started, but your readers are glad you did. Keep up the good work.

Angelina Barrientos

Newsom is only related to Pelosi by marriage. They are not blood relatives. I’m from California and Newsom is as dumb as a bag of rocks. He was controlled and everyone knew he was Pelosi’s puppet. He gets what he deserves for accepting the role. Newsom is far from innocent. Pelosi runs California . No doubt she ran the show and the moron Newsom.

dennis ward

It seems when aunt Nancy got perp walked out of the Capital by the 2 US marshals back in December 2020 she played lets make a deal to save her sorry ass and threw everyone else under the bus, including narcissistic psychopath Gavin? No honor among thieves and liars! The jig is up, the only question is who’s on deck?


Hey guys- Hate to go off-subject, but does anyone know if Kenosha is burning tonight? I’ve been scanning all the MSM and see scant coverage.



It’s good to see his Newsom’s real worried scowl for once. He usually covers it up with his phony governor smile when he is playing the role of the well loved governor of California. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Patriots out here can see right through that phony nervous smile of his. He is yet another sexual pervert who preys on little girls, is all he really is.


Arrest and permanently deport Saule Omarova!!

kevin Mujica

These fucks are unbelievable , These fucks have ruined California and the children and families who have resided here . How much money did they spend to recall this asshole and to be tied to the Gettys . With all the information on the Gettys underground child trafficking you cat tell me Newsome didn’t participate and there isn’t abundance of him engaging in the child rapes . These people are pigs .

Angelina Barrientos

Where was that picture of Newsom by the bed taken??


At a historical site where labor leader Cesar Chavez once stayed, he tweeted out the picture himself months ago. Not Gitmo or prison-related at all. But manipulating the photo to make it dark and black & white sure is spooky huh!

Kelly Knauth Brown

Yeah, we all know about photo manipulation. Still doesn’t make your people any less DEAD.


I can hardly wait to hear about his tribunal and then Piglosi’s

Last edited 3 years ago by kaop144

Pray without ceasing and the good Lord might grant your wish. He answers our prayers thus; yes, no and I have something better for you. Blessings,


Lol did you guys know that you can make any regular photo of someone into a spooky crime photo, all you have to do it convert it to grayscale and then make the brightness/gamma settings way darker? Spooky!


I would say it’s not only possible, it is extremely likely.


Is there any court recorded film footage for the public to see ,in non digital footage i.e. video or celluloid form ?


Nope, there never has been, and there never will be.





J Bill

Apparently, Canadian PM owns stock in Pfizer….


Yah, because all the fact checkers for Facebook are from china in china.


Pfizer, BioNTech and Moderna making combined profits of $65,000 every minute. Big Pharma is cleaning up from Covid-19 vaccines – raking in a collective $65K per minute, the People’s Vaccine Alliance has calculated.

OSHA has suspended implementation and enforcement of Biden’s vaccine mandate after the 5th Circuit Court issued an injunction. Any employer who enforces the vaccine mandate is doing it outside of the law and risks being sued.


I heard a rumor that Pelosi is going to get life because of her age
I think that is age discrimination.
She is just as evil as Hillary.
Hanging is a fair punishment
And for her clones too

Russ C.

I’ll bet ol Gavin Newsom, is wetting his drawer’s, about now, knowing he’s going in front of a Military Tribunal, and knowing his time on earth is just about over, but that’s good, he should get to know what real terror is!

Kelly Brown

i love how this article can’t be fact checked lol


I mean, it can with the fact that Gavin Newsom is still governor of California despite this article lying that’s he’s been arrested and sent to Gitmo 🤷‍♂️

Kelly Knauth Brown

No he’s not. He’s at Guantanamo Bay. Everything Mikey writes is true. And yes, it’s causing major chaos. It’s funny to me how you can’t see it in the way the Left has been losing their minds and grasping at straws to race bait.

How can you look at Durham and what’s going on with PV and still think any of these people are alive? They’re dead, Jay. And yes, we’re in a war. On all fronts.


Absolutely nothing MB writes is true and he really is preying on the absolute most gullible and mentally imbalanced people on the internet, and as much as I like to make fun of it, it really is pretty depressing sometimes. Your revenge fantasy world will never real Kelly. You will just become more and more detached from reality the longer this goes on.

Kelly Knauth Brown

I’m timing how long it takes to fact check the article about GW going down. Nothing yet. It’s getting funny.


So Newsom basically admits to double standard crimes. He doesn’t care about his commitment to his wife. As a Governor of California he makes certain Nancy Pelosi runs the State. And then he has unmitigated gall to say his vaccine was suppose to be a placebo! Trying to protect his family and State from what ? The fact that he is a knowing criminal Puppet! Please give him another shot of truth serum and show him videos of his fellow cohorts in crime. Lover boy Newsom is greased up for some well deserved PAIN! California is a HOT MESS.

Jeremy R Feit

Great story but there’s no evidence this is real, unfortunately.

J Bill

The doubt goes both ways here, unfortunately.
One look at you and people think: “naww…. he’s a troll… no evidence he isn’t.”




This comment section is really bad with trolls where we can’t even have any real discussions. I give up, pretty sad that Mr. Baxter lets this go on…


MB e is not a censor like Mark Zuckerberg or Jack Dorsey or that twit from Parler who got fired, thank God for that!! Everybody has a right to free speech, whether we like them, agree with them or not. Just scroll past the trolls, you don’t have to let them bother you. I NEED this site for my morning news, MB is the only one telling the truth here. Some of the truth tellers are selling out due to pressure.

And did I mention Hillary publicly offered to have the Chinese steal the 2020 election? Yes, It’s on Twitter, and that’s why I was booted off of Twitter — they don’t want you or me sharing the evidence of evil from the wicked witch of the west, even from the horse’s mouth. Even when Hillary outs herself with proof nobody is allowed to share that information to criticize because she is Mark and Jack’s golden goddess who can do no wrong, despite the fact that she was part of the NWO 16-year plan to destroy America. Never heard of that one, either?
Freak the trolls.


There are plenty of sight that let the reader block the trolls on the readers end, just for that particular reader. He could do something like that…I would block all their worthless comments so I alone wouldn’t have to mess with them. There are ways to let them have freedom to comment, but if the reader doesn’t want to mess with them they can block them off their feed.

Last edited 3 years ago by AmericanFaith

His pinned comment doesn’t make the newest comments worth the trouble.


Thinking your untouchable your entire life then “Slap” reality calls. 🙏 bless and keep safe the men and women behind the scenes.

Robert James

All these deep state rats sound the same. Hang, shoot, or guillotine them.


RJ, as late as yesterday, someone posted on this site suggesting DJT is in control of the DS thus telling them to do these horrible things in a sincere attempt to awaken those who have been in deep sleep and, show the world who the DS really is and their intentions.


Trump may be letting them dig their own grave, but he isn’t telling the DS to do anything…THE MILITARY IS IN CONTROL NOW, he may be directing them, but not the DS…The DS are digging their own hole because their so dumb and now they are in a panic.


😆😆😆 Newsom looks like the WEASEL he is!!! May Mohammed rape his A$$ for an eternity down at GITMO…freaking SCUM OF THE EARTH!!! A swift death by hanging is too good for him. Thank you Mr. Baxter for keeping us informed 👍🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Peter Lewis

Pelosi is from the D’Alessandro Baltimore crime family. She learned her craft well from her father and brother, both crime bosses in the Baltimore arena. Ronald Reagan warned us all about her and told us she is evil. I half believe that Newsom was set up and has been targeted by Pelosi and her cronies. I don’t, however, believe that Newsom was innocent at all. He made his own bad choices and cost lives of American People in his lust for power.

Angel Askew

BitChute : Clif High (today’s video)

A must watch. Digital data analyst that has been spot on with predictions.
Buy guns.
War will be fought here. Not Civil but CCP/Mossad and Cartel already here. It will last 5-7 years.

But not before massive die off from vaxx, economy and government completely dies and we start from ground up again in our original government probably with. DJT.

Plan for the ice ages type of harshness, folks.
Alrighty then….


Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla was arrested at his home by the FBI. Albert Bourla faces fraud charges for his role in deceiving customers on the effectiveness of the COVID-19 “vaccine.” Pfizer is accused of falsifying data, and paying out large bribes.
The police have ordered a media blackout, which was immediately approved by a judge. (Isn’t that against the First Amendment?)
Conservative Beaver is based in Canada, and not subject to American law.

Last edited 3 years ago by Guest4579

That’s good. It’s about time that local police can order a media blackout.


This is from Canada, maybe the police in Canada can order a blackout in their country…their police policies are so corrupt.


Robert De Niro arrested in New York City for raping a toddler:

Last edited 3 years ago by Guest4579

No .



American Living in Canada

Radio stations up here saying what a “marvelous talented actor” De Niro was/is. you can set your watch to it.


Hidden on Page 1,647 of Biden’s Huge Spending Bill Is a Plan Allowing Illegals to Get Billions of


Not quite OWD

Turning on each other is what evil people or satanists do– Universal Law…. They’ll take each other out ‘cos they fear each other when the table turns upside down on them. It’s too late for them now. Their king pins are all taken down.. German Swiss Klaus Swarb taken down 2 days ago… he was much more powerful and richer than Gates coud ever be– Swarb the king pin behind cov19 eugenics

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee
Buck fiden

Jewish girls have such huge cunts they can spin dreidels up there all day long. Perpetual motion. Perhaps someone can harness that power for green energy. eeeew.


is it your experience with ms maxwell ?????


That guy was an unbelievable piece of evil incarnate, incomprehensibly diabolically insane with nonsense anti Human garbage Concepts and ideas. So glad to hear he is not walking around anymore. You are right Z he was the Kingpin of all this wipe out Humanity insanity.


Where are his CCP friends when he needs them?


 WhipLash347 on Nov 5, 2021: 

You must understand that there is a Military Operation liberating humanity and removing a hidden crime syndicate that has been enslaving humanity for hundreds of years.

Understand that Covid is the theater that sets the stage to remove, reset and awaken humanity from the illusion of freedom.

Understand that all political, financial, pharmaceutical scenarios are part of the same Military operation behind the Covid stage.

Understand that this operation is all about cleaning up an evil matrix of corruption, human trafficking and toxic mind body pollution that has hijacked our planet.
The scenarios that play out and come together will collapse that matrix that has been imploding for years.

It will all come crushing down:
The financial market system
The political law enforcement system
The main social media system
The pharmaceutical drug system
The world as you know it will come to an end. It is only like this that we can start the new when we flip the switch:
From Swift > QFS
From Maritime > Military > Natural law
From MSM / Mossad > Project Odin
From Toxic Drugs > Medbeds
From federal energy > Tesla
From € backed by nul > XRP fam backed by ISO metals
Understand the connection of all scenarios playing out in front of your eyes:
– Election Fraud audits
– Crypto Sec Fraud & regulation
– Suez Canal obstruction of Silk Road
– Europe Defender 2021 Russia Ukraine
– Myranmar Military take over
– Iran deal & Biden
Etc…It’s all connected.

Buck fiden

So Rabbi Shekelstein is about to lose all of the shekels he spent his long miserly life acquiring?


Looks like the cash in your mattress is just about worthless also.
Now what will you do. ?

American Living in Canada

Thanks for the update.


This one has bitten the dust big time.
Given an opportunity to come clean and he didn’t took it.
Now he will sing as the canary he is and face death.


Whaaaaaaaaaaa Piglosi set me up!!!!!!!!
What about Dianne Fienstien????
Adam Shiff???
Chuck Schumer?
Jerry Nadler????
Yea,…a whole plethora of these Clowns did it, but I’ll agree, its been Nancy Piglosi up front & center, but these other Clowns were backing her up,…”but”,….”backing them up” has been another group of little monkeys & rats.


So the murderer was only following orders? Now where has that excuse been tried before and did not work?


Such a handsome man proves that beauty is skin deep. He exudes evil.


Hey Newsom, are you a man or a mouse?


He’s a pussy, and that we’ll be using as leverage towards unanswered questions.

David Yanity

He’s a rat with a bad government cheese habit.


Thank you Mr. Baxter and all the military patriots, You all deserve better pay and a victory parade at the end of all this. HOORAY!!!


15 visits and zero comments, somewhat indicates an issue with this article. What say you?
The GW Bush article would not have been able to keep hidden, and MOST CERTAINLY been HUGE news on at least some of the Alt media, don’t you think?

Pat Patriot

Research Operation Trust from the 1920’s

Chris Russ

I can understand that, and it does seem odd only this site produces these articles. Mr. Baxter could be the only person getting these leaks. I have seen other sites post his articles but always give the credit to RRN. Multiple times a day I go on flight tracker and look at the route from GITMO to S FL, about 80% or more I see aircraft going to and from. All types of aircraft, some are VIP transports, most are the Beechcraft, they run multiple trips daily. The increase in air traffic has been said to be up 3,000% from a year or so ago. Something is definitely going on there without a doubt.


Mr. Baxter iS the only person getting these TYPES of leaks. Patriot internet bloggers etc each have their parts to give us. Each is a little different it seems. i.e Charlie Ward = the new currency. We are not to know all until the EBS starts.


Alt News? Don’t you mean Fake News?
To be honest, they know nothing because they are directly involved – their time will also come before a Tribunal.


Jacob Chansley, who was widely photographed in the Senate chamber with a flagpole topped with a spear, was sentenced to death today for his role in the January riot and attack on the capitol building. His lawyers argued that because their client is plagued with mental health issues, he should instead receive a life sentence but Vice Adm. Crandall was not taking the bait.
“If we excused everyone who attacked the capitol because of their existing mental health struggles, we would have to let them all go. They are damaged people who were there that day. While I agree that they are insane to believe these things, I know that we are better off without them,” Vice Adm. Crandall was quoted as saying.




Do your research.


Keep troll’s @ (O), which is what they ALL are!!!


Lying Shill…. Nothing to do with Gitmo

Yahoo News today

Ahead of today’s sentencing, prosecutors have urged District Judge Royce Lamberth to send Chansley to prison for 51 months.

“Defendant Chansley’s now-famous criminal acts have made him the public face of the Capitol riot,” prosecutors argued.

If that sentence is handed down, it would be the toughest penalty issued for a crime committed in relation to the riot.

Chansley’s defense team have requested a sentence of time served for the time that he has spent in custody since being detained in January.

Prison staff have diagnosed Chansley with transient schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression and anxiety during his time behind bars.


According to the articles I’ve read its 41 months not 51 for Jacob Chansley, I read about him, before all this happened at DC. He is a true patriot, and messed up this time, but I don’t believe he did any damage to anything…I believe they are lying about his mental state…but then again, they could have messed him up to where he may have problems, now, IDK…I’ve heard they treat them really bad at DC gitmo. He’s an outspoken patriot out west, I believe Arizona. He has shown up to protests to speak against the pedo’s, in that garb, it was/is his thing.
Go to duckduckgo and type in his name scroll through all the images and you will see him with signs like “HOLD THE LINE PATRIOTS,GOD WINS”.

Last edited 3 years ago by AmericanFaith

This is kind of misinformation that needs to be corrected by we the truth seekers.


Kind of like the other information on here . Prove it , the news it’s in is MSM, always a lie .


He got 41 months in prison…


Thank you for the update, Ted.


I am glad that this dude Newscum, who put in a bill as an attempt to legalize pedophilia in CA, awoke with a cross of Jesus above his head.


Yep, think he noticed? If he did, I bet that picture frightened the shit out of him.


You’re mixing it up– That must be a stock photo from before

Hanging with matty

I thought the white hats already had Pelosi…?

American Living in Canada

Check 123

BJ Edwards

Good Read

Charz Ann

Who’s really surprise here? The only truth he mentioned was, “Pelosi set him up.” He has sealed his fate, and now they can nab Pelosi next and have her face a military tribunal.

Last edited 3 years ago by Charz Ann
Dr John

Being ordered to do something does not relieve you of the crime. He did not damage one person, not 100 people, but millions as he stole their rights, their freedom and hard earned savings. He did everything possible to destroy California. His behavior had an impact on the entire nation. A traitor to his office state, country and mankind.

The only good thing you can say about him is he is no longer in office.


Who disappeared ALL the comments ?!?!?


Mike and I needed to increase the click through rate so we delete comments so people comment again.

dennis richardson

I wish that I could believe this story regarding Gavin Newsom arrest and trial at GITMO. Why NOT arrest Nancy Pelosi next as this Wiesel has said

Robert Dziok

Problem for the likes of Newsom and their fellow swamp creatures is that they are not aware of or comprehend the no nonsense and upright nature of the Military they have to now deal with. They lived in the Swamp all their lives with their fellow Slimy Satanic Swamp Creatures so that’s all they know. No decent values and sell each other out in a flash.


So many American generations of swamp people breeding swamp people ever since Illuminati birthed itself in America May of 1776 …


Every one of us pays our dues. I thought she was an aunt????LOL.


Facetious only do we call her his Auntie ‘cos he is just as cruel and hard as she is

Heather Duncan

how about an iron maiden as a form of execution

Heather Duncan

I knew he was a pussy, and scared of his aunt nancy, and now we know that the newsome family got money from the gettys, the family getty, who own the getty muesum that has the huge eloborate tunnel system under it, Maybe gavin had a tunnel under his house too leading to the gettys

Proudly Unaffiliated

Newsom behaving like a sniveling coward and little bitch here seems to fit his entire being. And knowing the ruthlessness of the Luciferian deep state when crossed like this, it looks like his wife and kids will soon be disappeared or have a fatal accident. Hope he keeps accusing Nancy Pelosi and the rest of this satanic garbage.


YES!!!! Now that he’s been gotten…HANG him…then get that evil wicked bitch pelosi. Thank you MB.