Gavin Newsom Awakens from Vaccine Coma – At GITMO


Failed California Governor Gavin Newsom got a rude awakening, literally, when he first opened his eyes Monday morning following a 11-day-long vaccine-induced coma that he fell into shortly after receiving a Covid-19 booster shot. The first thing Newsom saw through eyes opened to narrow slits were a Navy physician removing an intubation tube from his mouth and Rear Adm. Crandall looming over the hospital bed on which he lay.

Newsom tried to cough, but he hadn’t the strength. Frail and gaunt, the ever-thin Newsom had lost so much weight, he looked more inhuman than human. He winced as if in pain as the physician waved a penlight before his eyes.

“We’re delighted you’re still with us,” Rear Adm. Crandall told him, according to a GITMO source familiar with the incident.

“What the?” Newsom gurgled. “I’m in hell. My wife, my kids.

“They’re fine, which is more than can be said about you. Looks like that vaccine you push so hard didn’t work too well for you,” Rear Adm. Crandall reportedly said.

Newsom’s breath came slow and shallow. He choked on his words, struggling to speak. “Placebo. I was supposed to get a placebo.”

“You Deep Staters are always double-crossing one another,” Rear Adm. Crandall said. “When medically fit, you will be put on trial, held accountable for thousands of fatalities. Enjoy this reprieve while you can.”

JAG and the Office of Military Commissions will seek the death penalty, our source said. Although he was unable to provide to RRN a complete list of charges, he said that JAG will hold Newsom to account for the deaths of “thousands” of senior citizens and 600 California children who had developed lethal staph infections from prolonged mask usage, as well as 4,000 vaccine-related fatalities that he had obfuscated by ordering the California Department of Public Health to blame the deaths on other causes, like heart attacks, diabetic shock, aneurisms, etc.

JAG, our source added, has already subpoenaed witnesses to testify against Newsom, including members of his staff, employees of CDPH, and friends and family privy to his wanton corruption. Several potential witnesses expressed joy at the idea of seeing Newsom hang, while others had to be finagled—comply or be charged as an accomplice.

Lesser charges, which JAG might not pursue at trial, include Newsom’s “pay-for-pandemic” scheme, in which he accepted $30m in “campaign contributions” from the CEOs of Netflix, Hulu, and other streaming services in exchange for keeping movie theaters and entertainment centers shut down during the plandemic. The endgame was to boost sales for struggling streaming services and, in turn, bankrupt the theater industry.

“There’s enough evidence on Newsom as there was on Cuomo, if not more. His fate is pretty much sealed. I imagine right now he’s wishing that vaccine actually killed him,” our source said.

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Buck fiden

Greetings. Grammar Nazi here.

>>  Alas, JAG and the OMC acknowledges that this constant supply of body doubles poses a problem to it’s mission

“Acknowledges” should be plural.

No apostrophe in “its.”

Thanks for all you do here. You’re keeping from going postal.


You are awesome, Michael. Give crap back to this unwelcome troll. Justice is being served in spite of the trolls!


Just never respond to the trolls. An easy fix.


This troll corrects you but he is wrong – acknowlege is correct because there are TWO subjects (JAG and OMC) and it’s is correct because it means “it is”. and its is correct also. Your grammar, Michael, is right on. Maybe the troll needs to take English over.

Buck fiden

JU-dy has two letters capitalised. Typing too fast, “Jew” Dee?

J Bill

“Buck fiden” is fuck Biden cleverly misspelled so as to escape detection of the discerning RRN members, gain their trust, then flip sexual innuendo into every post possible.

Ultimately, to thwart the Conservative agenda and help the POS Liberals vicariously. To erase all claims of stolen election against them. While helping Zionists at every chance.

Tell me my diction is improper….


Like grooming a child.

Deb S

thank you sherlock

Robert Dziok

“Dumb Deb” POS Sewer Rat Traitor Troll spewing propaganda, lies and deception for “her” Slimy Satanic Masters. Best you slither back into the sewer you came out of and report to your Slimy Satanic Masters they FAILED.




This is meant as a reply to Deb S, not Robert… Sorry

Deb S

cry more

Robert Dziok

“Buck the Buffoon” POS Sewer Rat Traitor Troll spewing propaganda, lies and deception for his Slimy Satanic Masters that long ago FAILED.

Smell the Coffee

Alas, this clown is revealed!!

Robert Dziok

“Buck the Buffoon” is probably squatting in a corner now sucking his thumb while shitting and pissing his pants at the same time over this revelation.


Yes!!! Name the traitors!!! Will be stalking
Matthew Sipowicz Abromomowich. Thank you Michael!!!


Where will you look ?



J Bill

Bin’ nit.

Deb S



We will find you in the sewer with the other sewer RATS WHERE YOU BELONG!


Final last word will be. Ooooooooo…Snap.

American Living in Canada

Whoa.. BAM!

Lucky star

Let’s see, since you had exposed his real name, it will easily to find his photo/picture, anything about him online or from anywhere, where he lives ect… amazing Sir. Thanks so much for exposing his real name.


I tried so I could send him a funny cake or something, but nothing came up. Another dead end.


The two last names. Two mommies.

Lucky star

Call CIA hotline and tell them you need to speak with Matt Sipowicz (you are his informant) or connect you to clandestine dept.. 🙂


Why are you being a troll lately? You turned into a real jack ass lately. It’s like Jekyll and Hyde. You had interesting comments at first now your just an ass to everyone.


I doubt they list CIA employees on google.

Lucky star

Call OPM (Office of Personnel Management) US gov. They have complete list of government employees and contractor to US gov. 😆


You first.

live oak


Lucky star



So many Jews in “show biz”…. Spoiler alert: JESUS CHRIST RETURNS SOON AND HE KICKS ASS.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jerry

Maybe he should kick yours so you won’t make dumb comments.

Last edited 2 years ago by Tzipporah
Kelly Knauth Brown

Tzipporah, It upsets me when you acknowledge these losers and their ridiculous comments. No one thinks like this.

J Bill





Well, he can’t send his goons for a 6am raid. Ted says this website is only satire and Ted is never wrong. Just ask his slaves.


the name sounds like a damned zionist pig.


No, but you’re a boar.


Great!! Thanks, Michael! He really is an idiot, isn’t he? Ah ha ha ha ha! Jokes on him!


nice try, Michael. You would have had a better chance with Adm. Rachel Levine.

live oak

I tried to find a photo on the internet with no luck…


I found several. No ladies in any of them.

Robert Dziok

Also known as “Buck the Buffoon”.


Now if you would only throw caution to the winds and reveal “Ted’ and “DebS” you would make our day. thank you Michael.

Deb S

reveal these nuts lmaooooooooooooo

Kelly Brown

Do you know my full name? :o)


A nice jewish boy, so why is he such a potty mouth to all the women here? I am new and on the quiet side, so I have been spared so far, but my fellow female commenters have not been spared. A block or delete feature would be nice.

Last edited 2 years ago by Joanna

Everyone makes typos. Pointing them out is considered bad manners and petty.


He can be funny,hes very entertaining


Agreed, but also annoying at times.


I have seen a soft side to buck,I wish we could see the faces behind the profiles

Buck fiden

This isn’t about ME!
It’s about Gov. Nukem!!!


Ah ha ha ha ha! No, it really IS about YOU & ALL of you traitors to “We the People”! You really are an idiot, aren’t you And a piece of $hit. You won’t be able to walk down the streets!! Ah ha ha ha ha! Jokes on you! OK, Michael….keep exposing all these naztis


I’m sick of Newsom,let’s talk about Biden and the shit he does🤭in his pants…or the long fart Camilla Bowles can’t stop talking about,it reminds me of the movie The Long Long Trailer but The Long Long Fart Starring Joe Biden and Camilla Bowles…great movie


Mile Adams, no friend of RRN, published an hilarious speech given by Nancy P on Sunday in which a part of her speech was ” We want to be sure that what we send is not birdable or birdbath or privileged scrub. The entire speech is unbelievable”.That’s a direct quote. Natural News posted it




I will check it out,thanks


Nancy drunk again.

Robert Dziok

It’s always also about Traitor Trolls like yourself who spew/post propaganda, lies and deception of their Satanic Masters. As the saying goes “If you can’t take the heat then get out of the kitchen”.

Dave Strickland

Not quick off the mark: not spotted MB’s typo above: “is is”…


is this his “soft side”…..hmmmmmmmm



Buck fiden

Bear down, Wilbur!

live oak

I think he is disgusting and disrespectful to all of us. He hates the jewish people, calls them kikes and black people the n word; he has a whole array of names for each group of people and I believe he means every word.
He’s almost as vulgar and depraved as jim buffer.

Lucky star

CIA only accept people to be their agent even if they failed Polygraph if they show they have an attitude to become traitor. Honest people will never passed Polygraph ( purposely marked failed by CIA) . Even with FBI, they rejected 90% honest applicants through Polygraph.

live oak

I had no idea. If I was in a position to hire anybody for anything, they would be the best and I would do background checks because people lie about themselves too often.
I’m not very adept with computers but I tried to find a photo of said Matthew Sipowicz
Abromomowich and came up with nothing.

Lucky star

In FB they are some same names without pictures (of course with private jobs info, will not post it as CIA agent)

J Bill

Jimmy B wrote the book on “depraved.”

Robert Dziok

Maybe they went to the same school of Traitor Troll indoctrination?

Smell the Coffee

Time for the hunters to become the hunted!


Interesting! 🙂

Kingdom Warrior

Proof the CIA a bunchcha slapnuts

thomas j cahill

I like Buck. He provides a contrapuntal aspect to the posts.


He can be amusing, but I thought he lived in a mental hospital.

live oak

Good one T.


That’s what he said. He sounded so nutty at times, I half believed him despite the inconsistencies I won’t mention.

live oak

I’m sorry you lost your friend owd. He is in heaven. Take comfort knowing he is no longer suffering. God bless you.

Deb S


Robert Dziok

“Dumb Deb” POS Sewer Rat Traitor Troll again demonstrates “her” Ignorance.


His last last name (since he has two last names), sounds like that witch Marina Abramavic – With a play on the spelling.


I am sorry for your loss as well. Losing a friend is tough. I know.


His humor is impish IMO.

Kelly Knauth Brown

I knew it.


Put his picture out. Light a votive candle in front of it, then start talking to him. It will make you feel a lot better. His spirit is still very much alive and misses you too.

Buck fiden

Thanks for the info, Jew-Low.

Smell the Coffee


Buck fiden

Go smell your own asshole.

live oak

See?…just another example of what I was trying to convey.


You are a vile excuse for a human being!!

Deb S

you’re a vile excuse for the name Deb

Robert Dziok

You’re just a vile excuse.


We don’t need you to correct the author,
I would rather you spend your time correcting the Trolls

live oak

I’d like to see them banned…fiden and buffer in particular.
Yes free speech is essential but they savage and malign us. It should not be tolerated.

Deb S

free speech isn’t free, did i get that right?

Deb S

correct theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese nuts


Robert Dziok

Traitor Trolls don’t correct each other.

Smell the Coffee

Now that Michael has revealed who you really are, YOU LOSE!!! Bahahahahaha!!!!

Deb S

oh no,whatever shall we do with the doxxed “MT”

Robert Dziok

What should one do? Thank him every day for the TRUTH he presents via articles that sends Traitor Trolls like yourself to this site doing the bidding of your Satanic Masters who crawl the walls over the TRUTH the Military reveals via RRN.



Buck fiden

Уже закончивал.


No Mr Baxter was correct in both instances. Revise your grammar.

Deb S

revise these nuts in your mouth

Robert Dziok

“Acknowledge” is correct as it is done once and not multiple times. Hence singular form is correct and not plural.

Joshua V

Mate just STFU. no one cares about grammar


What the hell are you doing, Buck fiden dimwit? Seems you’re one of those anal retentives who insist on shooting the messenger to make yourself look oh-so-important in preference to hearing the message. Tosser.

Sojourner Truth

Your sentence, “You’re keeping ____ from going postal,” is missing an object.


Probably soon though, right?

Deb S

definitely #soon

Angel Askew

Your articles will be “deja vous” for the woke miscreants and their “I need verifiable proof” cousins soon enough.
God willing.

You are appreciated.


Well he never showed up to do the livestream at 11:45 here in California so they probably don’t have anything yet

Kelly Knauth Brown

This shouldn’t even have to be explained as it is actually so obvious at this point.

Kelly Knauth Brown

Can I just state that yes, it is posing a problem as even my own family member thinks these articles are preposterous. But at the same time, it gauges where some asleep people stand and what we have to do to wake them up.

Angela James

Just like Bill Clinton magically appeared for his hospital stay and Chelsea magically appeared at the marathon right after both of your articles. I believe you 100% Mr. Baxter because where are all the rest that you reported on being executed. Rice, Barr, Comey, Brennan, Schiff, Cuomo, etc are all MIA for months. Hillary is obviously a fake. Obama and Mike???? Unclear on them….

Kelly Brown



A marathon that already happened a month before….. total desperation.


I think they are saving Obama for the final deep stater arrest. Michelle I’m not so sure. What are they going to arrest her for, for pretending to be a woman? Somehow I don’t think that’s a crime worthy of a military tribunal, but then there may be crimes against humanity, that she has committed.


Compare the two hairlines. The double has more of a V-shaped hairline compared to pictures of Newsom who does not.

Ken Noel

Thanks for keeping us up on the things you can. You need more than one of you to dig out more sources and thus more data. I’ve learned to keep a thick skin for the critics who refuse to believe you are actually publishing truth. My wife is one of those who refuse to believe you. I just plod along and refuse to argue. I’m a bit smug, and quiet most of the time. I am comforted that behind the scenes there really are things happening. I yearn for the big reveal. I will rejoice when it comes out. Keep on keepin’ on!


Fingerprints and DNA would clear up the doppleganger impressionists. A hair, print, voice ID all easy to access would clear the left’s deceptions. Appreciate your writing.



Michael there are many whom cannot fathom the technology out there for ops and cover ups such as the ones you cover in your articles. An ad was placed this past week looking for Newsom look alikes. Thank you for the info you glean for all whom are interested in truth.

Mr. Anderson

It’s a great day when justice is brought to demons such as Cuomo and Newsome. PA Gov. Tom Wolf, and the hideous Rachel Levine are responsible for just as many, if not more deaths of PA residents. Please help shine the light on these vermin.

Victoria Flood

“I should of had the placebo!” Yeah, and I should of had the V8! One super destructive butt hole down, half a million to go. Let’s work on cleaning up California and then we can tackle Switzerland.


Anything new?



Sojourner Truth

I hope Gov. Inslee of Washington will be next. He has a very strict vaccine mandate. Taking people’s jobs is so wrong. The vaccine safety and efficacy is not proven.


I. Hope Inslee is high on the list to pick up and sent to tribunal soon


Mean while California continues to sink down the tubes with the fake newsom


On YouTube channel called Policy Exchange they interview someone looking like Bill Gates who admits the failures of the jab.

“The economic damage, the deaths. It’s been completely horrific and I would expect that will lead the R&D projects to focus on things we didn’t have today. We didn’t have vaccines that block transmission. We got vaccines that help you with your health, but they only slightly reduce the transmission. We need a new way of doing the vaccines.”

Last edited 2 years ago by Rob_D
Jeremy R Feit

Makes no sense that Newsome would take the clot shot. Surely the “elite” who never mask up at parties or subject to their own mandates, would be ignorant or stupid enough to take the death jab. Things like this is part of the reason I don’t take this site seriously, even if it’s fun to look at from time to time.


Well, I take this site seriously,
He thought he was getting the placebo. HaHa
Now he finds his sorry self in Gitmo.
, getting slapped in the face by REALTY


I would love to see the video of Gavin waking up and having the shock of his life at being in Cuba.

Grace is pulling mahairout

Michael Baxter and or all The Wonderful Family at RRN 🤗🌺 .. Please help. Last Sunday? Husband n I were watching the You Tube AVITAR NEWS,… The Audience was asking the ‘Dude in the corner question’s. He asked, Is Real Raw News a reliable source? Guy says ‘ ABSOLUTELY’ COOL. Then last night on Table of Titans, Spaceshot? Not sure. ‘Off the Wall, Says HEY! ANYONE POSTING RRN, GET OFF NOW¡!¡ Jaws dropped. Can you Hug Me n make me feel better🤗🌷


You may want to review some of the other postings on the site regarding people who have been executed. Michael has provided so much detailed information, giving names of attorneys, witnesses people involved etc, that only someone who has nothing to fear would provide those names etc. The naysayers in my estimation are very jealous because Michael has access to the information they wished they had. You may also notice that Michael does not respond to requests that he prove his information. You either believe or you don’t and it doesn’t much matter to him.


Psaki has got to be arrested. She is 100% implicated in this Joe Biden/Arthur Roberts body double international charade.


So what now? We out here in California no longer have a governor? Is that the bottom line? NY does not have one either, any longer. God works in the most mysterious ways, he removed both communist coastal governors, who were hellbent on destroying both states.

Last edited 2 years ago by joanna

Ok maybe now we Californians can get Larry Elder in the governor’s mansion. He lost the governor’s recall effort in California, due to pathetic fraud coming from the Demonrats here.


That would be nice


They would have to acknowledge that he’s been carted off to the pokey in Gitmo, and somehow I cant see the dems telling the world that one of their favorites has been arrested. I look forward to hearing their explanation.


Very entertaining


Let’s pray his nasty auntie Nancy is next on JAG’s list.


Nancy deserves the electric chair…..


This is Divine Intervention. Who but the Supreme creator God could arrange for Newsom and Cuomo, to be taken down, arrested and charged. Now maybe, just maybe, our coasts will return to the American People and not the international communists.


Without a sliver of a doubt. God is the shining light that has been leading the good guys in finding where the deepest and darkest secrets of the corrupt are. Example, Newsom’s arrest, the raid on the cargo ship, the list goes on. God wins all the time. Blessings,


👏. I Happy about that


Just like God did with Nebuchadnezzar. Cuomo thought he was God and God Himself cut him down to size!!


Prophet Robin Bullock prophesied this several months ago.

Rose Mary Abbott

All the doctors that are cooperating with the CDC by murdering their patients with the vaccines need to be arrested and tried for those murders to the fullest extent of the law. They broke their Hypicratic oath first and then violated the law of Informed Consent. The unconstitutional order to cast away any responsibility by signing their illegal waivers should also be prosecuted.


This is a very IMPORTANT point


Baby Given Covid Vax Now Paralyzed from Neck Down (Video)
This cute little baby was born healthy and smiling; the 13th day he is paralyzed. The expression of misery on his face is heartwrenching.


Very sad


No Gitmo source is going to give this much detail! Like I’ve been saying, you are a good storyteller. You should be at Gitmo cause you’re just as guilty as MSM!


This could not have. Happened to a more deserving JERK
I am confident that Justice will be served


There was a story this weekend on Majorie Taylor Greene spotting Pelosi flying to Florida to “house shop”. It makes me believe this story about Newsom is real for the following reasons:
1. Why would she leave California where she basically rules by proxy and move into a state ran by Desantis and influenced heavily by Trump?
2. Why is she flying commercial? She has a USAF passenger jet assigned to fly her anywhere in the world.
3. If such a prominent democrat arrived in Florida she would have been greeted publically by the local dem party. Not one news article about her trip.

IMO she was going to personally meet a deep state military member to see if they could spring her nephew. She knows her telecommunications are monitored.


Good catch. Makes sense.


Maybe she was being flown to FL! Next stop GITMO?

joe blow

First of all, these deep state players are NOT getting the jab. He was probably drugged and then shipped off to Gitmo.


The article stated that he said he was supposed to get a placebo not the mrna shot.

live oak

Good to see he woke up.. I got a kick out of Crandall:
“We’re delighted you’re still with us”. Newsom is going to be a handful…


Begin at 10:00 point in video of Simon Parkes’ “9th November 2021 Update Current News”…..seems these reports are confirmed by him (amid other things that are hinted at by things that are happening in tech control:


Last edited 2 years ago by Observer

President Trump keeps reminding everyone that the insurrection happened on November 3. If the IA was signed as reported here, game over for deep state.


It was not signed . He wanted to and it was mentioned but he was talked out of it . He has never said it was signed and even Flynn agreed .


Never assume that what the government says publically is what happens behind the scenes under a security restriction. I’ve once helped plan an operation that I couldn’t even alert my own team about much less others in my unit that was going down. Once he signs the act it becomes military classified documentation, not public records.

J Bill

Good info Rodnryl.


You lie like the rug on the floor

J Bill

All this time d/s put all their money on January 6 to nullify it. And spent $ millions running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Beautiful…


Thank you, thank you, thank you Michael!!! I appreciate you so much.


It makes sense…to me. A rich guy, rich friends who know he is being hunted by the good guys… Why not “off him” so he doesn’t talk…? I hope he does stand trial and has time to cry before his neck is snapped and all his wealth seized. F HIM!


Id happily be the person pulling the lever… Save some young soldier any guilt…

I pray daily that this is happening… My family might lose everything to these mandates. My kids are depressed to the core because they can’t go to school, meet people, make friends- live life.

I’m here. Call me.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jerry

For those looking for a bit of confirmation to RRN articles, check out Simon’s latest video. He mentioned the execution of Cuomo and that he was vile to the end. He also states that white-hat operations will become more visible to the public. Perhaps the arrest of a sitting governor (Newsom) fits that description.

a nobody

I live in California and am glad the nightmare of a Governor is gone. I can remember really great Governor’s in this State like Ronald Reagan and Earl Warren. The State ran great… No tents, no shit, no needles. Deep sigh.


Wasn’t Earl Warren a USSC justice during the 60s.

Sandy Koufax

Newsom knows he is a dead man walking anyway like everyone else who took the COVID shot. Would have been better to execute Newsom when he thought he had something to live for.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sandy Koufax

The Governor of New York, the Governor of California and that leaves a plethora of possibilities for the next equally deserving public figure. Perhaps the Mayor of NYC?


Perfect idea, especially since he offered the kids $100.00 to take the shot. Another vile thing that men do.


He wants to mandate them for kids to enter a business.


Horrible man can’t even leave the kids alone, and he is a father himself. Shame on him.

Sandy Koufax

This quantity of raw sewage, Gavin Newsom, deserves to suffer significant paralysis, such that he is mistaken for Joe Cocker giving an impromptu performance.


It would be fitting and poetic justice if Gruesome newsome has a cell with a view, of the Gallows.


i wonder who gave him the real vax.




Thank you. Another alternative media source standing firm about his bad reaction, while the leftist media seems to be using CGI technology in a dark room and in front of dark curtains.


Thank you Michael Baxter,
I am pleased to read about Gavin Newsoms new address.
I also anticipate the Justice that will befall his sorry self.


Michael Baxter, this thread needs to be removed. These men posting explicit sexual comments are disgusting and uncalled for. They are just as bad as those being put to death. The things I am reading, in the comments do not belong on your website. They are turning this site into trash. Talking about Kayleigh as if she were a slut or a whore. She is a daughter, a wife and a mother, and a highly successful, smart, intelligent, respected woman. Please put an end to this trashy nonsense. I feel like I’m in a room with a bunch of horny, little 16 year olds. Zero Class!! THANK YOU

Buck fiden

Can I lick your snack cake, Little “Debi”?

J Bill

< You can’t just get on a Bus and absorb this intel. >

Instead, here you can get thrown under the Bus.


I’m sure he will do that right away. Oh that was 7 hours ago.

Terminally deplorable

When do you want to finish the job?


Time for a reality check for Grusom Hell at the end of a rope.. They have a RSVP for him.


So right now Newsom is speaking at The 2021 California Summit on YouTube. Perhaps this is a double ?




Silence ,you worthless Troll

J Bill

silencio !!


He is in a dark room in front of dark curtains . . . could be smoke and mirrors. I noticed the local CA stations are running this. Conservative alternative media sources are reporting he has been missing for 11 days.

Then you have the picture of him taking and promoting the booster clot shot. What is the left to do about this: it’s time for another leftist psyop via various means. It is an easy psyop to do. . . Hollywood is there to help too.


When people have been wondering where he is, fake news immediately said it had nothing to do with his jab


Yes, notice how there is always a leftist media blitz to cover up what is blatant to us!!


Gavin Newsom is right where he needs to be.
I don’t care how many doppelgangers the DS want to parade…


That’s my thought too! 🙂


If Hollywood can get an animated gecko to sell you insurance, don’t think they can’t get you to believe a cgi is real. Their fake game goes way back. It even showed up in one of their movies. In the 1960s James Bond movie Diamonds are Forever they had a scene where Bond was getting away from the bad guys and ran through a movie set where they were making a video of the astronauts on the moon and I believe this was before our first moon landing.


A point that few are making is what a public relations disaster this is for the Deep State and Big Pharma that their “Vaccine is Safe” narriative has just been blown to smithereens.

This should be shouted from the rooftops for the world to see and to warn all just how dangerous the vaccine is. And Newsom was espousing the unscientific “mix and match” approach to the vaccines that there is no scientific support for.

Personally, I think somebody got to his saline vial and swapped it and did the world a huge favor.

I’d love to see Michael get some dirt on what the outfall of this is from that perspective and help torpedo the “man dates” that Biden is pushing so hard.

Last edited 2 years ago by jon

I find it hard to believe the Deep State are behind Newsom’s poisoning with the non-placebo clot shot. Rather, this appears to have caught them on the hop, and that’s presumably why they’ve taken 12 days to get someone to impersonate him.

More likely that someone in Newsom’s immediate circle, someone he offended with his disgustingly arrogant behaviour, planned this by way of personal revenge.


Absolutely agree that it was a White Hat that got to the bastard.I remember a story mentioning how he was laughing with another Governor about how they were sticking it to the Serfs and how funny it will be when people are starving and freezing to death.

How the worm turns when HE’S the victim and is staring death in the face. And if he does have Bell’s Palsy like some stories mention, he made a career off the slick hair and reptile toothy grin and now he can’t show his face without people quoting “The Princess Bride”:

“WRONG. Your ears you keep and I’ll tell you why. So that every shriek of every child at seeing your hideousness will be yours to cherish. Every babe that weeps at your approach, every woman who cries out, “Dear God! What is that thing,” will echo in your perfect ears. That is what “to the pain means.” It means I leave you in anguish, wallowing in freakish misery forever.”


That was the governor of Michigan Gretchen Whitmer or whitemore whatever the hell her name is. Yeah pretty despicable to say the very least disgusting and repulsive people. Like they say karma is a bitch, and in their case I think karma is going to be a motherfuker. They are both at a particular level of evil that is not common for normal people so they get some special special treatment from the karma folks.


Oh my gosh. This is hilarious!! Please tell me its all true lmao


make his sing loud and clear like the pussy he is


Hope to see a story soon on here about Gov Dewine in Ohio.

Buck fiden

YES! By all means! Let’s have “THE EXECUTION CHANNEL!”

Kingdom Warrior

Hey Michael, any word on Psaki.. ?

J Bill

“It was a dark and stormy night when Jen had an epiphany. It hit her like a ton-of-bricks. Tried to, but couldn’t circle back in time…


Funny…Circle back Psaki👏

Hellava' Lot

Moderator: Why are my comments tagged, “Awaiting for approval”?

Michael R P

Great news! Placebo! Hahaha! They are all going to the gallows! Can’t wait to see it all!


Yep, peppermint Patti, now gruesome, looks like a for sure circling back agenda!!

Well Excuse Me

Glad he survived, so he can now face the music.


Just imagine, what he must be thinking. He says to himself, I did what the Deep State instructions said, and now my usefulness is gone.! I am expendable……

JUSTICE is coming

Jan D Hunsinger

Hey Michael, Can you ask JAG to fo for Whitmer lol?