Marc Mezvinsky, Chelsea’s Husband, to Face Military Tribunal


It was thought that Marc Mezvinsky, husband to the late Chelsea Clinton, had struck an immunity from prosecution deal with the Office of Military Commissions and the Judge Advocate General’s Corps, but Rear Adm. Darse E. Crandall announced on Tuesday that Mezvinsky, whose testimony helped convict Clinton, will indeed be prosecuted as a co-conspirator to Chelsea’s crimes.

A JAG source speaking under promise of anonymity told RRN that Rear Adm. Crandall revoked Mezvinsky’s immunity plea after learning that he had marginalized his role in Hillary and Chelsea’s child trafficking ring. At Clinton’s tribunal Mezvinsky had painted himself a victim, claiming the Clintons had made him an indentured servant in exchange for allowing Chelsea to be his bride. Mezvinsky testified under oath that the scope of his crime was destroying records linking the Clintons to the sale of underage boys and girls. He had told the Office of Military Commissions that his undying, amorous affection for Chelsea led him down a deep, dark path of self-regrets.

Although JAG and the OMC had not previously disclosed Mezvinsky’s fate, RRN heard through sources that Mezvinsky would be released from custody for having testified against Chelsea, presumably to care for his own children—odd since he helped destroy the lives of so many others.

On Tuesday, November 16, Rear Adm. Crandall said new evidence will clearly illustrate that Mezvinsky did far more than burn and shred and digitally cleanse evidence of the Clintons’ crimes. RRN has not been made aware of what that evidence might be, but it must be damning because Rear Adm. Crandall will ask the tribunal to consider capital punishment.

“The investigation into Clinton crimes didn’t end with Hillary’s death, not with Chelsea’s either. It’s been ongoing. There’s been an ongoing effort to identify kids whom the Clintons victimized—establishing their identities and getting testimony from ones that escaped fates worse than death. All I can say right now is Mezvinsky minimalized his involvement; the rest will come out at trial,” our source said.

Mezvinsky, he added, has been “detained” at Guantanamo Bay ever since his apprehension. Unlike other GITMO “guests,” Mezvinsky has avoided Camp Delta and instead been housed in barracks modernized to appear like a contemporary apartment.

“That will now change, now that he’s indicted and not a witness. On Monday he’ll be moved to Delta to await his tribunal, which will begin after Thanksgiving weekend. He’s been a wreck since Chelsea got hanged,” our source said.

Mezvinsky has reportedly lamented his wife’s death, sobbing indefatigably over his lost love.

“Seems like he really loved her, still does. It’s tragic misplaced love pushed him to a criminal life, and how he must pay the price,” our source said.

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Fellow Patriots,Truthers,Researchers


pfeizer official documents released


very important information explaining why they are collecting our genetic material


And finally




OWD, The Holy Bible refers to the Jews in general as, God’s chosen people which confirms your statement that they will continue to flourish under the power of God and will continue till the end of time. Ditto to all the God fearing and God believing Gentiles. I know a lot of highly opinionated people on this site don’t want no part of your statement but that’s fine with me. They are IMO, looking from the outside in. May God bless them and shine the light of truth on them. Blessings,

Angel Askew

Chat me up on Telegram.
I wish you all the best.


Bye Angel, have fun with your fellow nazis 👋


You are a good person OWD. I mean it in the most sincere way.

Rose Mary Abbott

Has anybody heard from Michael Baxter recently? With all that’s going on in this time I’m getting a little concerned about his wellbeing. You would think Newsome would have a trial date by now. Bush being there too. Yep. I’m worried.


slow drip…patience is needed


Holidays. Nothing will happen as usual.


Maybe Gitmo is too busy to give info riight now


Or maybe MB is just too busy living it up on all that donation cash 🥳

Rose Mary Abbott

Now that’s FUNNY!

Lucky Star

The next you and exile will be picked-up by SF just like debbing shit and buck biden


Lol buck has never been banned and I’m sure Deb is just waiting for a new account to get approved.

Rose Mary Abbott

I just don’t want anything bad happening to him.


Mike was tired after his booster shot.


…you mean ….religious jews or khazarians ??????

Rose Mary Abbott

The only thing I learned about Jewish people from Jewish people is that they all have very different opinions from everybody else. Just like everyone else on the face of this earth. They get the bad wrap because they delivered the Messiah to the world and satan did not want that to happen. That’s the seed of all the Jew hatred going on. I consider prejudism and hatred of mankind to be the unwanted gift of satan. It’s easy to see. I thank God for the Jewish people because satan hates them.


…and you have a 70%(?) J I N O’s in the USA sadly some of them are flamming bolsheviks- see those – beauties in the CON- gress ..Schi*t,Nadler,Schummer,Cohn+ 30 more saaaaaaad….BUT…we also have on patriotic side…Stephen Miller…genuine fearless patriot..

J Bill

There is only 2.5% genetic Hebrews in Israel. The Hebrews were driven into Palestine. Khazarians occupy Israel.



The Piso Family and the Story of The Bible

The Piso Family and the Story of The Bible. “The New Testament, the Church, and Christianity, were all the creation of the Calpurnius Piso family, who were Roman aristocrats. The New Testament and all the characters in it – Jesus, all the Josephs, all the Marys, all the disciples, apostles, Paul, and John the Baptist – are all fictional.”

More: bibliotecapleyadesDOTnet/esp_sociopol_pisoDOThtm

Also: The Christ Conspiracy – The Greatest Story Ever Sold – by Acharya S

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

The Romans didn’t do well in the Bible.


I never bought into it!

Rose Mary Abbott

I think the Dead Sea Scrolls blew that argument all to hell and back.


Yup. Strange how they never revealed to the public ALL of the findings in the Scrolls.


So many jesuits downvoting posts with historical facts….The Borgias should be mandatory reading material….


In your heart of hearts –your soul, GOOD people have known the truth.
Missing History will be revealed and as we are to be in truth going towards our new day of Loving Peace & Joy, everything is to be tranparent and known.

Not questing history is to be IGNORANT —-ignoring the truth in front of you via the Satanists ending up in GITMO is the beginning of the end of ROMAN RULE of DEATH–GOING BACK MORE THAN 6000 YEARS .


–Who also healed the sick, did miraculous things
–Travelled much of the world
–Was NOT a Jew,
–Was worshipped by a great many followers around the world, even after his death and by many Roman Senators?
–Emperor Hadrian kept a Statue of him at his Villa, collected his works.
–His likeness was placed on the coins of that era proving an Avatar for that age did exist.
–Who died a natural death in his 90s NOT on a cross
–The word Jesus in Phoenician only means LORD.
–Try to find as you might– There is absolutely no proof that the one called Jesus ever existed.

In the Bible written by Roman Elites, Jesus has been made to state their evil plan:

  1. Matthew 10:34-36: “Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man’s foes will be those of his own household.”.
  2. Luke 12:51: Do you suppose that I came to give peace on earth? I tell you, not at all, but rather division & Luke 12:52 For from now on five in one house will be divided: three against two, and two against three.

Up to the present day, the Roman Elites have hidden & twisted all knowledge of “HIM” from view as their GREAT SECRET and all knowledge of “HIM” to be destroyed.???? (Destruction of the Alexandrian Library)





THANKS TO TRUMP & THE MILITARY -they have aborted their EVIL AGENDA PLANS from 1700 year ago T’was Ancient Rome’s BIG PLAN TO CONTROL THE WORLD and keep everyone on the slavery train

Realize now the MILLONS of CHILDREN RITALLY TORTURED & KILLED FOR THE ROMAN ELITE’S EVIL LUCIFERIAN USES — now in it’s death throws and coming to it’s end.

The Piso & Constantine Families with their fictional codes stories in the Bible have been playing out their EVIL PLANS before your eyes. Look at Gitmo and the truth of these faux evil Roman writings will be revealed via EBS very soon.


NEW TODAY Saturday, November 20, 2021

D.U.M.B’s Gene Decode – New Bibles 777 Books Retrieved From Vatican –

Profits for Killing 5 Year Olds! –

Desantis vs. Biden – Vax Hoax –

Child Trafficking – Real News!


Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

45books DOT com


Lmao $75 for a book, and $230 for a signed copy. The grift never ends! Do you think Trump is funding the military with the proceeds or what? 🙃


Unlike you bitching Shill….

Seeing that DJT never took a damn salary for 4 years and those russia russia bastards and filthy other lawyers cost him millions in legal fees — DJT can charge $99.99 or for a signed copy $299.99 and I would not complain one quota.


But would you buy one ?




Very well. Autographed copy ? Clone autographed ?


I, for one, am very troubled by the reports that Trump employs a clone of himself to do all the autographs on his merchandise. I mean sure, it’s a less evil use of clones than the DS using them to replace executed people, but where exactly is the line, ya know?


Zee is on a fixed income and can’t afford it.

Lucky star

Same with you. That’s why you have always tailgating Mr. Baxter. Wanted to be an important person. Only a loser does that. Sad pathetic teddy bear


why you worry……


your a idiot!
go to a porn site..your hard up


did they ban him there ??????

Angel Askew

Raked in $1,000,000 first day.
Cry more. Lol


Who’s crying? He can grift off his cult all he wants, go right ahead and send him all your money if you like. It’s what he’s best at after all.

All I’m saying it’s funny how you guys are still counting on him to dismantle the government with his secret military or whatever, when it’s so obvious he doesn’t give a shit about that or anything else that’s not about lining his pockets.


crocodile tears …..more please…


You’re way off on this one, sej. “Crocodile tears” is a term for someone faking sympathy. Like the idea is a crocodile, being a cold-blooded predator, has zero remorse for its prey, so any sympathy it shows towards others would be insincere.

What you’re suggesting is that when I say I’m not crying, I actually am crying, I guess? I dunno if there’s an appropriate idiom for that but “crocodile tears” is the total opposite.

J Bill

“Crocodile tears” is a euphemism for insincere emotional display for lack of ability. e.g. Sociopaths are considered devoid of emotion other than wrath.

To project sympathy for another without proper attendance (i.e. empathy –> helping someone) is a classic politician’s gambit…

… or a sociopath’s effort to gain OTHER’S sympathy to curry favor and “win points,” as a hedge in a losing battle.

Sejmon is correct.

Last edited 3 years ago by J Bill

There are no points to be won here, lol


You obviously voted for brain dead biden.
Its time that your fifth replacement clone shows
up at your door.
Why do you bother hanging around ?
Nobody other than a fellow Troll agrees with your sorry
NEWS Flash…Trump never Stopped being our PRESIDENT
He NEVER conceded, the ELECTION was a landslide in his favor.
constitutionally TRUMP controls MOST of the MILITARY.
Soon you will be shamed publically worse than you already are.


Lol his website for the book literally refers to his presidency in the past tense, but cope harder bud.

Concession is not part of the law in any way, it’s a formality and it doesn’t mean shit that he never conceded. Per the Constitution, his term ended at noon on Jan 20th either way.


The Constitution says that , oh my ! Everyone here knows the constitution by heart and abides by the rules , hence Trump has been gone .


include california….will gruesome spill beans…..


Bla bla bla, like when the Clintons and Obamas wrote books. You are using projection (blame-shifting) again.


What blame am I shifting? I said nothing about the Clintons, and for the record I don’t even like the Clintons. They are basically grifters too. Acknowledging that they are alive is not the same as defending them as good people.

What you’re using here is whataboutism – rather than hold Trump to a standard, you’re saying it’s fine that he’s grifting because other people you don’t like are also grifting and that makes it ok somehow.

J Bill

The original Constitution has been suspended since 1871 when the fraudulent Act was imposed on We The People.

Neither of them apply in any of your logic anyways.

The Biden Admin has no jurisdiction, and hasn’t since Nov. 3, 2020.

Fraud vitiates everything.


Fantasy land, Bill. If the Biden admin does not and has not ever had jurisdiction, then does that mean Trump is carrying out all of the Biden policies you hate, just to encourage you to hate Biden more or something? This is complete nonsense man.

J Bill

cry more crocodile tears, pedo/psycho.

Chris Russ

Ok, go buy your Fauci signed copy book for $7 including shipping.




Everyone, especially the military, already knows this stuff. Remember the Kraken? They are still hard at work in White Sands NM. The word is spreading. We are now in the revelation and patience, stages.


Michael, are you familiar with the “China-United States Biochemistry Examination and Application” (CUSBEA) program?
There is an article up on Gateway Pundit today about this and it probably shouldn’t be read by anyone with blood pressure issues…
It would seem that our government has given China the keys to our country…

EXCLUSIVE: How Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama Facilitated China’s Colonization of U.S. Research Programs

Angel Askew

CCP and Mossad will be who we fight on the ground here in the states.

We need to fill all the fema camps with Asians and Jews until this war is over.

Just like WWll

Vote for term limits on the next state and national ballot are critical too.

Only then is it worth our while to fix education, health, law enforcement, economy etc… Imho.


Wow usually you guys are more subtle about being nazis, but Angel here is really just going for it, huh.


Fighting bad deeds with good actions. Did not want to use the word evil. Very kind of you OWD.


WRONG!! We need to arrest & fill all the FEMA camps with ANY traitor! No matter what: race, religion, culture, size or color of their skin, sexual orientation; human, humanoid, alien , reptile……. ~ whatever ~

~~~~~ WWG1WGA ~~~~~ NCSWIC ~~~~~ NOTHING.


I heard that they are freally filling up with traitors etc


Who determines if they are traitors ?

J Bill

JAG, US Military Intel. (and RRN…)

Last edited 3 years ago by J Bill

Exactly, Well Said !


JB, God loves you.


Now I know you’re a Shill — but you seem a bit ignorant of politics so maybe you’re Troll #55

Angel Askew

Awwww…. What is this “Jews can do no wrong bullshit?” Fucking asshats. LOL!


There is an absolutely massive amount of middle ground between “the Jews can do no wrong” and “we need to put all the Jews in camps just like WWII”

Angel Askew

American holding camps similar to Japs, Germans and Italians. Not gas chamber camps.Big difference. Look it up.


Yes I know America had internment camps during WWII. America did not put the Jews in camps, that was the Nazis.

America’s internment camps are a horrible stain on our history and one of the most blatant examples of America trampling our Constitution and citizens’ rights. Saying “we need to put the Asians and Jews in camps” is fascism plain and simple. You get that, right? How could you say something like this and not realize you are a fascist?

Rob William

Why are we even arguing about it? Is FEMA even running concentration camps?


Am I still on the list?

Chris Russ

GITMO airport very active for a Sunday, again.



Lucky star

CIA troll buck biden


mia..mathew sipowicz ….

Chris Russ



evil people that have it coming to them




I hope the dirty politicians


Thanksgiving vacation week break for personnel.


Permanent Vacation for the politicians
a one way ticket to Gitmo..
Really something to be thankful for
Faster way to drain the SWAMP…


I was referring to military personnel. They must get tired guarding 40 aging foreign terrorists .


Again you are confused… All mixed up.
THEY are EVIL treasonous, reptiles and shape shifters,
Similar to you, but you work for these aliens and SATAN worshipers


exile knows…


Exactly. Flush the swamp right down to hell. Riddex, plunge, snake, flush…repeat ~ repeat ~ until clog is resolved.

J Bill

7.62mm for the “stubborn clogs’…

J Bill

To bring in the new menu with fresh staff. Heard it’s “to die for…”

Chris Russ

GITMO842 just departed S FL en route. Setting up for another buys day at the airport!


Now that the kid fuckin Clinton’s have been dealt with can We still use the terms, Arkancide, Arkancided?


Yes, there were others involved – we want them too!
Witness’s were murdered.
It was organized crime, and their spree brought them millions upon millions.
Think about International Trafficking – Drugs & Human Beings.
It wasn’t just a Conspiracy, it wasn’t just theory – it was reality.


The Uni-Party is a cult of pedophiles.

Space Force is watching every one of them.

Nobody escapes.





All of them.


Caught another pedo. Scottsdale, AZ teachers aid.


Terminally deplorable

Where would they want to escape?


This is going to be a very busy Week!
I BELIEVE THAT you will be very


I’m always happy. That’s what separates me from the anger addicted pedophiles. I laugh, they cry. Good times.



It’s a holiday week. Congress is off. They can’t be all cornered and arrested at once like they were supposed to be at the inauguration. Nothing will happen. Surprise!


….’like they were suppose to be….’ was NEVER said…just in peoples’ own minds…what was thought to be a great time for arrests…. I ‘thought’ so too! I also ‘thought’ other ‘times’ ‘events’ $hit would occur! Everything is speculation on our part. We can read the signs of the times…..but, remember, we ARE in WW III General McInenerny & others have told us. Only a certain few people know it all. We don’t.

Angel Askew

I certainly hope so.


…you with be very Happy how this movie ends




But when is it gonna end, when all the good people are dead? White hats are waiting too long. Victor Hugo/Les Miserables, famous last words from one of the characters: ” too late.”

Sad indeed that those of us who helped the white hats ” make” the movie, believed in them and Trump, and have been faithful patriots to the end here, won’t get to experience the good stuff. The white hats misjudged something. They have waited too long, got outplayed by deep state, and I think it’s too late for them to present a winning scenario. What was all this ” the best is yet to come”?? We are living through absolute HELL in this country now. NOT THE BEST. Wutta lie.

Rob William

Highly unlikely in near future (next 6-8 months). You can record the date now and verify it after 8 months. May be after midterm Trump will become speaker of the house.




And beer.


Sure,…and Beer

J Bill

Couple bottles barossa valley Shiraz?

Last edited 3 years ago by J Bill

Soon, New years is coming, 5 weeks away.
If everything works like clockwork, early February 2022, we will be adjusting to Nesara, and the World to Gesara.
Do your research, others have. Hundreds to thousands of hours of research.
The (tipping point) and other alternate news sites with Dr. Charlie Ward, are full of information.
Use discernment



Lucky star

He did not get a happy ending last night from his wife…🤣🤣🤣🤣


The naysayers that think everything is status quo are not getting true news. There has been much revealed and many arrests made; unfortunately, if the alphabet news doesn’t report them, then they don’t think it’s happening.


Unfortunately for them, …They will be more than Dismayed
as the Trust is revealed…..


Correction, as the TRUTH is revealed

J Bill

a new Trust for the Restored Republic.





Trump is not returning, because he never left
He did not concede. He is the Constitutional President
Biden is the president of the “corporation”
There will be more deaths
There will be more arrests
There will be more cheating.
There will be more guessing because of laziness not to do the Research
Human trafficking effects 40 million people every year around the world.
Pedophiles,murderers, organ harvesting, sex slavery ,orgies,Satan worship, human sacrifice… Has been going on for decades.
Many films touch on the secret societies that exist.
Like “eyes wide shut”…..
The elites have decided to continue with mass genocide because there are ” useless eater’s “,…..that is You and me!
That is the Truth , …but that is about to change.
Your perception is about to change
People are about to learn the art of communication.
And Judgment day is upon the world.
Worry about sorting our lives out.
Turn away From Evil and darkness, and have Faith and turn towards doing good


One does not have to concede to turn the presidency over, you know that. If it was true no losing president would ever concede.


Maybe nothing will happen and you will be able to say …”I told you so”,
Then again…you will find yourself alone with the other trolls attempting to explain what the HELL just happened.
WHAT’S TRUE is sometimes it is NOT enough to TELL someone THE TRUTH, YOU MUST SHOW them.


I can wait, it won’t be long.

Rob William

Trump will probably become speaker of house.




BS…you know better who won.2020… VSG/ESG PDJT………


U know what, the elites are the useless eaters. THEY are the real welfare fraudsters, grifters, evil do-nothings…. except they harvest adrenochrome for themselves, kill torture murder babies and drink their blood and eat their organs. They steal all the wirlds wealth and lift not a finger to help others..despite their fake charities which are really just covers for child trafficking operations and the slave trade..

We need to throw them all in prison and lose the key.

Last edited 3 years ago by Statethis
Rob William

Aren’t you sounding like a communist? You are just repackaging “businessman” as “elites”.


Thank you for your reply.
I agree that instead of decades , you are correct, it has been centuries..
Humans are too sensitive, they seek approval and some of us don’t give a shit.
Politicians learn how to “WIN friends and INFLUENCE people”.
I would accept most people if they just BE themselves, no one can take that away from them.
Be genuine


Your awareness of your awareness is your soul!

August came, and then it went
And Trump’s return wasn’t “imminent”
It appears to me that you’ll sing the blues
Until you use your brain and get the Jews


Your ignorance of your ignorance is your troll.
” get the jews”, what stupid antisemitism that is. You are not the brightest bulb in the pack.


Don’t worry everyone. Mike and I are working on new stories today. Mike has been a little sluggish after his booster shot but we should have something for everyone tomorrow!

Angel Askew


Nail in the coffin for COVID 19 science and politicians. Worthy 1 hour folks.

Stew and David Martin or on Rumble.

Hearts of gratitude for light of truth. Happy Sunday.


I watched that.

Angel Askew

He has documents to back it up!
The Rand Paul, MTG, Gaetz insight is disappointing but necessary to know.

Terminally deplorable

Dr. Martin needs to be taken very seriously. However, what ever his message is, it needs to stay below 20 minutes.

Last edited 3 years ago by Terminally deplorable
J Bill

A funny clip for the late nighters at RRN; a you tube brief from an air traffic control channel on November 19, 2021. T= 35:31

Start @11:15 for the message: watch?v=6PeG_m_Hng0

Angel Askew

MW is the best!


Has the POPE been arrested ?
I have read that he has been a VERY BAD BOY.




Thank you, Zee


looks like…he will not visit a CANADA after all…..

Lucky star

He would do Zoom as first choice

J Bill

Heard he’s looking for a new “gold deposit” in Canada.

Gunny HiWay

LOL…. Sure.
The site should be named “Real Raw Hopium Lies”


Why, it is your favorite site,
You’re addicted to it….
You can not leave..
You need your “fix” …everyday


Shill = paid to get us off target


Why do you think you are so important that people are paid to tell you that you are wrong? Have you ever just thought that your conspiracy theories are crazy?


THE TRUTH and sharing the Facts on the site is important to us.
You are on the list of Crazy Trolls,paid Deep State sewer RATS, that are here to lie and stink.
Only a paid shill would be here writing the stupid stuff you do.


Bite your tongue, I am an underpaid shill and/or sewer rat. However I still think you do have a few too many conspiracy theories. Nothing ever comes of them, they get forgotten or the moving of the golden goalposts. The Pope has not been arrested, praise the lord.


YOU & your idiot shills are the ones setting & moving goalposts. Just go away….not falling for any more of your propaganda BS. Why don’t you make yourself useful ~ go to the street, & help the next person in need. I dare you.


Not only was he arrested, he was executed, Praise the Lord!!


Yes. Until they started to come to pass; AND will continue to unfold. That’s why we are being ‘distracted’….but, sorry….that propaganda BS doesn’t work anymore!


You are coo-coo!


Oh, widdle owd wooked up wyrics to I am the walrus on wyrics fweak. Wow! Good for you, widdle owd!. Now go ask your mommie if your diaper needs changing cuz u sure stink from here….

Rob William

Zee thinks you are crazy 🙂 I don’t think it’s possible to change her views – new ideas/theories will replace the old ones if they don’t come true. You and Zee have difference in core belief system, which cannot be changed with any new evidence unless it’s super drastic!
You are not the target market for the real raw news because of your core belief system.

Last edited 3 years ago by Rob William

Answer that question yourself SHILL TED



J Bill

Speaking of hopium, why not change your name to “Way High Gunny”?
You’d probably make way more sense.




SHILL Gunny HiWay


Jesse Jackson Leads Chicago March Against Rittenhouse Verdict – Protesters Chant for Communist Revolution (VIDEO) ~The Gateway Pundit
Published November 20, 2021 at 5:30pm


They pushing it in our faces now.

Last edited 3 years ago by Jullou

Jackson is a total RACIST.
He hates White people
He hates America
He is Communist
He should be deported or hanged
Screw the M-f-ckR


Jesse parades his slaves to keep them in line.



Terminally deplorable

Did they give Rittenhouse his rifle back?

J Bill

The Bolsheviks are off by a month. FTB

Rob William

Why challenge the verdict when it’s clearly following the law? What they should challenge is the law of self defense. Given the intense media scrutiny of the case, I don’t think Jury would have given not guilty verdict unless they were really sure about it, as per the law.


Disgraced Democrat Andrew Cuomo has book deal withdrawn by ethics watchdog

By Christine Favocci on November 20, 2021

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo was set to rake in big bucks for his self-congratulatory book on his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, his use of government resources during its writing has an ethics watchdog group crying foul.

Cuomo may have to give up an estimated $5.1 million payday after the Joint Commission on Public Ethics voted 12-1 to Tuesday to withdraw its agreement of his profitable book deal, the Washington Examiner reported. This reverses a 2020 decision to allow it.

More: americandigestDOTcom/disgraced-democrat-andrew-cuomo-has-book-deal-withdrawn-by-ethics-watchdog/


I guess he’s still alive , imagine that .


Maybe, they should have hanged you instead..BIG mouth !
Some Trolls never know when to SHUT UP…


Exile is in GITMO. I read it on here.


NO, Exile will be sent to a fema. camp. GITMO IS FOR MASS MURDER AND Treason.
You can be reprogramed just like exile.
You are on the list, don’t worry, you are special sort of stupid


No, I’m not. I’m at Tierra Del Fuego as a remote reporter for all the tribunals going on there. Then its off to Greenland and that secret tennis and golf club that houses hundreds of penguins and other villains’. Film at 11.

J Bill

Penguins in Greenland??? Jimmy B thinks you should kill yourself…


Just who squealed on me?


I will never never stop posting, as is my God given right 🇺🇸

J Bill

Same book deal as Powell got. Same Gitmo wax job Powell got. Even msm had trouble explaining them both in proper English.


A couple of new films coming out that may be of interest.

Capitol Punishment the Movie. Coming Thanksgiving. Just add a dot com to the title to pre-order.

My Son Hunter, coming soon. Not sure of the website but a quick search for details.


Watch for a Tucker Carlson Original. He was with Kyle before and after the NOT GUILTY verdict.


Is Hollyweird trying to make nice?


Not Hollywood films.

J Bill

I think Hollywood has “left the building.”


President Joe Biden has been pushing for widespread COVID-19 vaccinations, including among kids between the ages of 5 and 11.

Now, he is bringing in First Lady Jill Biden to assist in that effort — and she is on hand to reportedly distribute hugs and stickers to children who receive their shot.

“A new way” SO SICK !


The parents that jab their kids are selling their kids. The jab is just a front.


Where is this stated?


Why else would someone jab a kid?


Maybe a saline solution photo op for their own ilk.

Last edited 3 years ago by Jullou
question everything

To suggest that ‘love’ has any existence in these bloodlines might be a little ‘blind’.


The best President ever is Donald J Trump.
IT is a matter of mop up now
The Evil is not in charge. They have Fiat currency. Which is worthless.
QFS quantum Financial System will replace the corruption in our monetary chaos


President Trump says he’s having a rally in a field in Nevada. Hasn’t made the date public yet. Does Nevada have fields?

Angel Askew

Maybe an “air field” ie: airport?


I did not catch that. Thanks.

Tahoe Belle

Yes Nevada has plenty of open space. Trump was in Minden, Nevada a few years ago and held a massive rally at the airport there.


Could at a military base in Nevada called Nellis. I confirmed that with the senator from Nevada with the initials HR whose moniker is Dirty Harry coined by El Rushbo.


No evidence of that here. Another week and nothing has happened. Congress is on vacation for a week so even less will happen. Where is deep state headquarters?

Rob William

What is quantum financial system?


Bockchain Quantum FS that one can’t cheat with….. Just about to come on line and into action for taking over the internet — the whole world one country at a time for money changing. IRAQ just completed. Rothschild’s Central Banks Gone.

We are all going over to gold back money. A way to get rid of dirty money when it comes change over time….one has to be able to explain how and were their money was rightfully and if cleanly gained.

Good bye to drug money etc

Learn more at:

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee
Rob William

I just found this on office of comptroller of currency website (occ). https: // www .occ. gov/news-issuances/alerts/2020/alert-2020-3a.PDF

What does it mean? How can it be on the official govt website? Is it hack or mistake? Looks very complicated.


Go each day go to the web site I gave & follow that day’s date…. for news. TRUMP is in charge… Read what I wrote and plough through it.’
Everyone will have to get gen’d up on this as everthing re $s is changing. The 10 days of intructions should help you.

Rob William

Thanks for sharing. I am still a little perplexed that an official govt site has a document which agrees with your theory. What is global currency reset? Wouldn’t that be very bad if it happens?


No Theory Rob Williams–Pharma Shill

J Bill

the troll’s playing with you Zee. add it to your list.


He’s on the List #54


Go to


So won’t someone in the government make an official announcement and explain to us ? Where’s Trump ?


Troll, ask you buddy Joe Biden to explain it to you.
Remember to take notes, although it is very simple, idiots like you are easily confused.


I shall do that, thanks for the idea.



J Bill

Your remaining Khazarian mafia buddies hiding out in the tunnels are dead meat. That’s pretty official.

Rob William

Hi, can you see this official document (OCC) about QFS: https: // www .occ. gov/news-issuances/alerts/2020/alert-2020-3a.PDF ?

It says global currency reset and arrival of QFS. What does it mean? How can it be published on the official govt website? Do you have any idea about it?


Time waster? Can’t do research ?


Good video from Mark Dice
-Media has total meltdown over Kyle Rittenhouse verdict… about 8 minutes long.

htt p s colon //choiceclips dot whatfinger dot com/2021/11/20/media-has-total-meltdown-over-kyle-rittenhouse-verdict/

FU Evil DS MSM Satanic Worshippers!!!

Kyle Is, and was Always Innocent! You’re Never going to take away our guns, and there will Never be a NWO.



The ds statements on the outcome, they’re taking about themselves. Cori Bush used the word execution. That’s interesting.


Main Stream Fake News is nervous, they be getting sued “bigtime” soon enough, and all those freaks that condemned the poor innocent kid via Twatter, yeah – them too.
It’ll be Biblical!!!


GoFundMe too. They blocked fundraising for an innocent man.

Did you know that a black man who shot and killed his girlfriend was aquitted on Friday too? Self defense. The fake news won’t report it. Their too busy funding riots.


F MSM…..


No law officials were even there ~ so, shut up! If the police were ALLOWED to do their jobs….there never would have been rioting!


This is a clip of Marjorie Taylor Greene going over some of the more disgraceful giveaways in the latest pork belly bill our irresponsible and mostly incompetent Congress passed…

This Is Where Things Get Dangerous’: Marjorie Taylor Greene Slams Build Back Better Bill

You can watch it on the “Forbes Breaking News” channel on YouTube if you want!

Lucky star

Republican and Patriots are so easily duped just because She posed with the gun and everyone falled for it and voted this Rhino only to be regretted later on…

You wished people will use their brains to think.


I am convinced that you are a TROLL.
Nothing wrong with MTG.
SHE is a PATRIOT and the Demon rats worst nitemare.
Cori BUSH is the person who needs to be censored and removed from congress..

Angel Askew

IDK, Wildcat.
Cori Bush is definitely a racist commie but MTG also has many people questioning her motives. The term Rino comes up more and more. Matt Gaetz as well ..

Lucky star

Seriously she is a Patriot? Why she said nothing and never request an audit for 2020 election….????. Just like I said, Rep and Patriot always think a women and a gun is a Patriot. To me is not guaranted a real Patriot


Will only allow it to get dangerous to a point.


Most of them are Republican Frauds, they’re NOT Conservatives, they’re Communists!


Marjorie Taylor Greene is just another traitor…..a nazti.

Lucky star

100% agreed


Look up the Austin, Texas case where a rioter pointed a gun at a driver and found out. This will be a second historic self defense case that let’s the useful idiots know for sure they best back off.

Do not take your eyes off the Ghislaine Maxwell trial. She is accused of providing children to the elite. Major pedophile exposure. Don’t expect the fake news to report. They will not expose themselves.

Oh, and by the way, devolution is not just about the continuity of government. It’s much more than that.



Yup when you look this up on DuckDuckgo — there are a few versions of what Devolution means. Make sure you know what TRUMP’S DEVOLUTION IS


Did you find the exact one? I found few results.

I have read the Executive order. The word sussession is used. I remember when he posted it I was confused.






Leaking: Maxwell piloted helicopters and submarines to move children around from island to island. Under the guise of protecting the ocean. Her charity, Terra Mar.

James Biden owns an island near pedo Little St. James island.

Maxwells father Robert gave Mitt Romney 2 mil $ to start his business.

Demand the Maxwell trial of the century be televised. Everyone needs to see these monsters. Let’s start with Court TV since they streamed the Rittenhouse trial. If they don’t We know why.


I hope this kid gets rich quick! He should begin by slapping a lawsuit on Jerry Nadler and ALL those Radicalized Forums for defamation ASAP and never let down a split second.


Nick Sandman is reaching out to Kyle. He already took millions from CNN. He said trial for the others will be in two years.


Yes, and they should televise all the Gitmo trials too. Why not?

J Bill

Then use your influence at CNN, Khazarian. Make it happen.

Hal Brown

Hey Marc. Buck up. Look at the sunny side. The “bitch” is gone, and you still have time to make peace with God.

Lucky star

This is just like asking Lucifer make a peace with his maker. Sometime you wished that Lucifer would overcome his upset feeling with God for asking him to bow to Human made from dust


When he finally arrrives on the other side of life–then he’ll understand freedom to learn evenually the right road that good people take. . Seems via his parents he had no freedom to choose the path of truth.

Hal Brown

On what do you base that?

I base my belief on what one said, who also said he would die and then three days later rise from the dead. He did that.


Jonezing for more news!!! 😆😆😆 Hey…Mr. Baxter….get up!!! Give us the news man!!!! Now picture Dave Chapelle doing his Crack bit…scratching his chin!!!! 👍😆😇

Your awareness of your awareness is your soul!

Hello. I hope you are doing well. Would you like to know something that’s rather interesting? Your awareness of your awareness is your soul, and it’s immortal! Bearing that in mind, I have a project for you that I think you will be interested in doing. Obviously, you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, but in case you are interested, I would love for you to do some mental exercises on yourself that are going to significantly raise your happiness, your energy, and your problem-solving abilities.

I am going to give you a list of general memories. They will consist of things like “can you recall a time when you were happy?” or “a time when you enjoyed the weather?” There are going to be twenty of them.

I am also going to pair a certain sense or perception with each memory. The perceptions are going to be sight, smell, touch, color, tone, external motion, emotion, loudness, body position, sound, weight, and personal motion. Your job will be to go back in your memory, re-experience the memory, and particularly focus on the sense or perception that I have paired with the memory. For example, when I think of a time when I was happy, coupled with “emotion,” I think of a time I was riding my bike down a steep hill near my house, but I particularly focus on the excitement that I felt as I did it.

It is important that with each general memory, you try to recall the earliest possible incident. Some people can remember as early as six, others can remember even further back. Don’t try to compare yourself to that standard, but simply try to remember as far back as you possibly can.

Here are the twenty:

Can you recall a time when:

1. You were happy (sight).
2. You had just finished constructing something (smell).
3. Life was cheerful (touch).
4. Somebody had given you something (color).
5. You ate something good (tone).
6. You had a friend (external motion).
7. You felt energetic (emotion).
8. Somebody was waiting for you (loudness).
9. You drove fast (body position).
10. You saw something you liked (sound).
11. You acquired something good (weight).
12. You threw away something bad (personal motion).
13. You kissed somebody you liked (sight).
14. You laughed at a joke (smell).
15. You received money (touch).
16. You felt young (color).
17. You liked life (tone).
18. You played a game (external motion).
19. You bested something dangerous (emotion).
20. You acquired an animal (loudness).

If you would like to have more access to lists like these, I would suggest that you buy the book “Self Analysis” by L. Ron Hubbard. If you are interested in learning more about your awareness of your awareness, or your soul, and it’s infinite potential, here is a list of websites that you can look at:
True Source Scientology Foundation

Again, your awareness of your awareness is your soul. Physically, your awareness of your awareness, or your soul, is the electricity in your brain, and said electricity is a micro star. This same electricity is in all organisms. Throughout history, various spiritual leaders and holy men have been depicted with yellow circles behind their heads. What the artists were trying to articulate in these paintings is that said people were emanating large amounts of warmth and light from their heads. Here are some mental exercises that will help you as a “star being” to become larger, brighter, and warmer.

Mentally send out the intention of growing the electricity within a tree. You can simply get a picture of a tree, but it is even better to stand next to and touch one while you are doing it. Mentally WILL for the electricity in the tree to grow. You can try this with any organism, including humans!

You can also send out the intention of growing a star. For this particular technique, wait for a very sunny day, and then get a good 10-15 second video of the sun. Then, using the video as a visualization aid, mentally WILL for the growth of the sun. You can also try this with the stars in the night sky, whether with a video or without.

If you are interested in aiding the effort to further develop methods of causing you as a “star being” to become larger, brighter, and warmer, you can check out “Your awareness of your awareness is your soul!” on Airfunding or GiveSendGo.

Blessed are those who are black, blessed are those who are white
Blessed are those who love, blessed are those who fight
Blessed are those in pain, blessed are those in sorrow
Blessed are those who yesterday passed, and those who are born tomorrow
Blessed are the little boys, and the little girls, too
Blessed are those preserving the old, and those creating the new
Blessed are the trees, blessed are the stars
Blessed is the sun and the moon and Mars
Blessed are the singers, and those who love to dance
Blessed are those who wear cloaks, blessed are those who wear pants
Blessed are the quiet, blessed are the meek
Blessed are the thinkers, for it is Heaven for which they seek
Blessed are those who are kind, and those who are polite
Blessed are those who are weak, and blessed are those of might
Blessed are the poor, and indeed the rich as well
Blessed is any man, woman, or child who has a story to tell
Blessed are the writers, and those who read their works
God bless humanity, and everything on the Earth

Blessed are those for Muhammad, blessed are those for Christ
Blessed are those who eat beef, blessed are those who eat rice
Blessed are those who are happy, blessed are those who are silly
Blessed are Hamad, Yipeng, and Billy
Blessed are those with camels, blessed are those with pigs
Blessed are those in an office, blessed are those on rigs
Blessed are the cowboys, blessed are the bikers
Blessed are the runners and the climbers and the hikers
Blessed are the models, and those who love to eat
Blessed are those in the towers, blessed are those in the street
Blessed are those who are gruff, blessed are those who are witty
Blessed are those in nature, blessed are those in the city
Blessed are those who fight fires, blessed are those who fight crime
Blessed are those who make words funny, and those who make words rhyme
Blessed are the timid, blessed are the shy
Blessed are those who sail, blessed are those who fly
Blessed are those in fear, blessed are those who are brave
Blessed are those who build, blessed are those who save
Blessed are those who talk, blessed are those who think
Blessed are those who are lovely, and even blessed are those who stink
Blessed are the churches, blessed are the mosques
Blessed are those who are certain, blessed are those who are lost
Blessed is the author, and of course the reader, too
May God bless us all, them, me, and you

Blessed are those in the West, blessed are those in the East
Blessed are those who are famished, blessed are those who feast
Blessed are those who are building computers, and those who are fixing cars
Blessed are those who work in the sewers, and those flying to the stars
Blessed are those who are lonely, and those who have been rejected
Blessed are the elderly, who ought to be respected
Blessed are those who govern, and those who don’t follow the rules
Blessed are those who are wearing rags, and those wearing glistening jewels
Blessed are those who are finished, and those who don’t know where to start
Blessed are those who are making discoveries, and those who are making art
Blessed are those who are laughing, and those bursting into tears
Blessed are the ones who work to overcome their fears
Blessed are those who are teething, and those who don’t have any left
Blessed are those who are clumsy, blessed are those who are deft
Blessed are those on the seas, blessed are those in the skies
May God bless all beings with a soul behind their eyes

Blessed are those who are sick, blessed are those who are well
Blessed are those in Heaven, blessed are those in Hell
Blessed are those in the heat, blessed are those in the cold
Blessed are those sitting on the street, and those sitting on piles of gold
Blessed are those who heal, and those who have been hurt
Blessed are those playing in their palaces, and those playing in the dirt
Blessed are those who hunt, and those who live on farms
Blessed, blessed, blessed are those who keep on bearing arms
Blessed are those climbing mountains, and those digging under the earth
Blessed are those who are giving aid, and those who are giving birth
Blessed are those who are loving, blessed are those who care
May God bless all beings on the Earth and everywhere

Blessed are those who are white, blessed are those who are brown
Blessed are those who smile, blessed are those who frown
Blessed are those with fortune, blessed are those with fame
Blessed are those who are wild, blessed are those who are tame
Blessed are those who are saints, blessed are those who are sinners
Blessed are those who are making money, and those who are making dinners
Blessed are those who are worried, blessed are those in doubt
Blessed are the ones who don’t know how they will make it out
Blessed are those who give kisses, blessed are those who give hugs
Blessed are those who are fighting corruption, and those who are fighting thugs
Blessed are those who teach, blessed are those who learn
Blessed are those who cuddle, blessed are those who yearn
Blessed are those who type, blessed are those who pound
Blessed are those who are chatty, and those who don’t make a sound
Blessed are those who are deaf, blessed are those who are blind
Blessed are those living of the body, and those living of the mind
Blessed are those from afar, and the ones who are right next door
May God bless every character in this chapter of human lore

Blessed are those on a beach, blessed are those in the snow
Blessed are those in a hurry, and those who are taking it slow
Blessed are those enjoying a sunset, and those enjoying a breeze
Blessed are those living a life of struggle, and those living a life of ease
Blessed are those at the bottom, and those who are at the top
Blessed are those who work with billions, and those who work with a mop
Blessed are the barbers, and too the engineers
Blessed are those whose performance can elicit flowing tears
Blessed are the mountains, blessed are the streams
Blessed are the visionaries making life into their dreams
Blessed are those who profit, and those who freely give
Blessed are the cautious, and those who are unafraid to live
Blessed am I, but especially blessed are You
For being Yourself, and doing what You want to do

Blessed are those who are kind, for the Stars shine the brightest on those who emulate them
Blessed are the humble, for God quietly arranges their good fortune
Blessed are those who are caring, for they will be cared for
Blessed are the helpful, for Nature knows what it is doing
Blessed are those who encourage others, for they will attain Divinity
Blessed are those with character, for their story will last the longest
Blessed are the innocent, for true Happiness comes from healing others
Blessed are the thankful, for they have discovered Peace
Blessed are You, for Your awareness of Your awareness, or Your soul, is a baby star

Blessed are the generous, for they have given to themselves
Blessed are the merciful, for bliss awaits those with foresight
Blessed are those who are gracious, for they are securing their domain
Blessed are those who are noble, for the stars have requested their presence
Blessed are those who are gentle, for a calming touch outlasts a heavy hand
Blessed are the little children, for they remind us who we really are
Blessed are the elderly, for they are learned and kind
Blessed are those who are wise, for they are our guiding light
Blessed are the diligent, for they have made their friends smile
Blessed is The Reader, and may You live into Your thousands

Blessed are those who reason, for thumbs are far mightier than fists
Blessed are those of virtue, for their efforts have not been unnoticed
Blessed are the devout, for Heaven is not built in a day
Blessed are those who are honest, for Truth is the ruler of all things
Blessed are the courageous, for their souls will be glorified
Blessed are those who are holy, for the greatest pleasures of the body do not compare to their satisfaction
Blessed are the righteous, for the Universe is theirs
Blessed are the peaceful, for they have discovered the path to Joy
Blessed are the loving, for their wings will spread the widest
Blessed are the thoughtful, for they create Beautiful Attitudes
Blessed is Adolf Hitler, for his soul shines throughout The Cosmos

May You live for a century, and then a few more
May Peace and Prosperity guide You out Your front door
May Your children grow wise, and happy, and strong
May Your tribulations be short, and Your celebrations long
May You journey The Cosmos with the Stars as Your guide
May the Devil flee before You with God by Your side
May Your cup runneth over, may You have too much to eat
May the Stars boldly advance, may the Darkness retreat
May Your ribs hurt from laughter, may You cry tears of joy
May Your fortress be secured with the Angels in Your employ
May Your soul find a refuge, and Your body a bed
May the Light and Warmth expand from the inside of Your head
May the Trees grant You Peace, may the Stars grant You Love
May Your children dance before You, may Your Father smile from above
May kind words fill Your ear, may Your hand find its Strength
May the birds sing a chorus about Life’s Eternal Length
May the words I’ve written heal You, may they ease Your troubled mind
And may You live for a century, and then the rest of time

May You live however You like, may You do whatever You please
May You race through all the prairies, may You climb up all the trees
May Your guns glisten brightly as You march from sea to shining sea
May You live forever bravely, and may time never see You not be free
Through the darkness You might traverse, may Lady Liberty shine Her light
And may the princes born to tyranny always fall to Freedom’s Might
May You be guided by Jefferson’s pen, may You be protected by Washington’s sword
May the Founding Fathers watch over You through every twist and fork and ford
May the call of the Eagle greet You as You gaze up to the sky
May God’s wisdom rain down upon You as He rules from up on high
May Peace be upon You, may it be as calming as a Pacific breeze
And may You live however You like, and may You do whatever You please

I wonder about that Adolf, just how kind was he?
Did he makes the girls’ hearts beat fast, and their heads turn warm and fuzzy?
Did he fill the little children with hope and with wonder?
Was he friends with the Angels? Did he wield lightning and speak thunder?
Did the crowds hush in anticipation whenever he rose to speak?
Did he inspire courage in the fearful? And strength in the weak?
Did he cause church bells to ring? And the people to break into song?
Was he as wise as he was fierce? Was he as gentle as he was strong?
I wonder about that Adolf, I wonder if he was as bright as the sun
But the one thing I don’t wonder…is that Adolf’s work is not done

When a human cuts down a tree, the tree does not harm the human in order to stop the human from harming it. It simply continues to supply the human with oxygen. So too do I try to do everything that I can to continue to supply those who harm me with love and happiness.

Terminally deplorable

I was desperately missing this shit already.


Saturday AM Coffee Reading….

The father of Chelsea Clinton’s husband is a former congressman who plead guilty to fraud charges     David Mikkelson,,   

Published 16 August 2010

On 31 July 2010, 30-year-old Chelsea Clinton (the daughter of former U.S. president Bill Clinton and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton), who had recently received a master’s degree from Columbia University’s Joseph L. Mailman School of Public Health, married 32-year-old Marc Mezvinsky, an investment banker.

These nuptials were no ordinary occasion, however: the event was widely covered by U.S. and international news media because the bride’s parents were two of the most prominent U.S. politicians of recent decades: former president Bill Clinton and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Less known to the general public was the fact that both of the groom’s parents were also politicians at the federal level: former congressman Edward Mezvinsky of Iowa and former congresswoman Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinksy of Pennsylvania.

As the Houston Chronicle noted, the lives of the Clinton and Mezvinsky parents were intertwined, both personally and politically, long before the Chelsea Clinton and Marc Mezvinsky announced their engagement in November 2009 — and some of those links were decidedly controversial:

The Clintons and Mezvinskys have long been political allies and friends.
In 1993, Margolies-Mezvinsky, then a freshman Democrat, cast the vote that got President Bill Clinton’s controversial tax package through the House of Representatives.

“She earned an honored place in history, with a vote she shouldn’t have had to cast,” Bill Clinton wrote in “My Life,” his 2004 memoir.

On a darker note, federal prosecutors said Ed Mezvinsky habitually dropped the Clintons’ names and boasted of their friendship during the 1990s as he defrauded friends, family members and institutions out of more than $10 million.

Ed Mezvinsky was sentenced in 2003 to serve 80 months in federal prison after pleading guilty to a massive fraud that prosecutors said amounted to a Ponzi scheme. He was released from custody in April 2008, but remains under federal probation supervision.

Both he and his wife were forced into bankruptcy, and they quietly divorced in 2007, court records show.

Margolies-Mezvinsky was not implicated in any wrongdoing, but the scandal effectively ended her political ambitions. She founded and remains at the helm of Women’s Campaign International, a nonprofit dedicated to the political empowerment of women.

Some coverage of the Clinton-Mezvinsky nuptials reported that Marc Mezvinsky was walked down the aisle by his mother rather than his father, because the latter is persona non grata with much of the rest of the family:

Chelsea Clinton has in-laws now. You wouldn’t know it from the coverage. There were no pictures of them and nary a mention of them.
Yet, this much is true: only Marc Mezvinsky’s mother, former Pennsylvania congresswoman Marjorie Margolies Mezvinsky, walked him down the aisle.

The family is still so angry at former Congressman Edward Mezvinsky that he’s on the outs with most of them. In 2002, Mezvinsky pleaded guilty to 31 counts of fraud. He ripped off friends and family, including his mother in law, for $10 million. His wife divorced him. “Basically,” says a friend, “he stole all her money.”

According to ABC News, Mezvinsky’s downfall stemmed from an Nigerian scam activity that has long been the subject of one of this site’s [Snopes] most frequently-accessed articles, the ubiquitous  (also known as 419 fraud):

Despite being released in April 2008 after serving five years in prison, Mezvinsky remains on federal probation and still owes almost $9.4 million in restitution to his victims.

An ABC News investigation revealed that Mezvinsky, a former Democratic Congressman from Iowa, had been caught up in a series of Nigerian e-mail scams and began to steal from people to further his schemes.

“He was always looking for the home run. He was always trying to find the business deal that would make him as wealthy as all the people in his social circle,” said federal prosecutor Bob Zauzmer. According to Zauzmer, Mezvinsky, who is now 72, will be on supervised release, the federal version of probation, until 2011.

Edward Mezvinsky was elected to Congress as an Iowa representative in 1972, and he won a  campaign in 1974 before losing a bid for a third term in 1976. It is true that during his first term in Congress, Mezvinsky was a member of the House Judiciary Committee and voted for the impeachment of President Richard Nixon.

However, the statement that “when he ditched his wife for a  reporter, the Iowa voters ditched him” is a bit problematic to verify as a cause-and-effect event: Mezvinsky separated from Myra Schulman, his wife of ten years, six months into his first term in Congress, yet a year and a half later he was successful in securing  to his House seat. (The couple divorced immediately after that 1974 election.) Mezvinsky married Marjorie Sue Margolies, then a reporter with NBC News in  in October 1975.
re-election New Yorkre-election New York,

Some versions of this item claim that Chelsea Clinton and Marc Mezvinsky’s wedding was hosted at “George Soros’ mansion.” This is false: the couple was married at the Astor Courts in Rhinebeck, New York, an historic property owned by Kathleen Hammer and Arthur Seelbinder.,,   David Mikkelson,,
Published 16 August 2010 


AND, Pope Francis has postponed his visit to Canada because of an arrest warrant against him from the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels. 

Sworn affidavits implicated Pope Francis Jorge Bergoglio in the ritual harming of children and in the death of witnesses to his involvement in the trafficking of children for the Argentine military junta during their “dirty wars” of the 1980’s.


His security team heavily attacked the agents who were arresting him back in 2017 or 18,since then the luciferian POS hid in switzerland and vatican until the lockdown when hundreds of priests “died of covid” and hundreds of mobsters were caught in what Italy called the biggest Mafia trial ever attempted.

Afterwards, everyone saw the holographic “mistery of the vanishing pope”….


Yup All your top (DS) leadership know this information–why don’t the Christians and Moslems know this?

Know about Gaius Calpurnius Piso- The true authorship of the New Testament 2000 years of Mind Manipulation, Misery and Mass Murder to keep the population count down with religion….

Great scholarly info here by Author and Publisher lectures

New Testament Bible Authored by the Calpurnius Piso’s Douglas Vogt (Publisher) & Abelard Reuchlin (Aurthor) 

VIDEOS In 5 Short Parts:1,2,3 of /5 here then click for parts to 4,5 /5youtubeDOTcom/watch?v=RqjKnnDxRUc&list=PL0FB9B1F4CC93E7E3&index=2

#1 Sm Book The true authorship of the New Testament  1 1.86

#2 Sm Book Islam–Its Koran and Hadith and its Leadership,1.1.08

Both by Abelard Reuchlin

So,good bye to the Vatican and it’s Conspiracy via Pizo to run the world with New Testament –lIes. now that we’ve found 6 plus missing booksin the Vatican & Tunnels .

NT copied and twisted from OT systems of codes of the original writers

Pisso also means Mafia

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

Written Explanation On Beginnings of SATAN by Piso vectorpubDOTcom/satan.html


And Revaled




The Devil Worshiping Roman Church has been nothing but lies for 2000 years


It’s all being dismantled now.ready for finding our true history and be ready for higher DIMENSIONS of Spiritual Wisdom

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

Keep’m coming Zee!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The People NEED TO KNOW!
The Blind need this walking stick!


I am sure when people do not question anything they have no idea how easy it is to become a cult of just one. Staying IGNOR-ant..

Being Spiritual has nothing to do with the Bible, Church or Religion. Many wars lords and selfish people quote their BIbles all day long. . Being spiritual is how you do for others–is it giving more for others than self?. Selfishnes is towards Satan and maddness — and many Church leaders are like this and worse when they exploit sexually children and use false words. And the Church goers choose to ignor what is right in front of them with some verse from the bible– Instead of going inside to realize their true inner view in their heart. They only use their heads on Roman fantasy stories. Not their higher minds. .

Even peope taking the VAX are no different — non thinkers ‘cos they only consider their limited closed ignorant fearful view. The Roman church has taught them to fear GOD instead of LOVING & TRUSTING IN HIM.

More wars and killings have been used to keep the slave peon’s numbers as low as possible.. All murdering in the name of GOD and Jesus via the UN– the Right arm of the Roman Church.

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

It’s time for the JAG to take out the rat democrats that infest congress, Pelosi, Nadler and others




Thats against the Democrats rules.


Rules can be broken, changed, and throne out
Damned the DemonRats

Angel Askew

An hour after Rittenhouse acquittal today, Nadler requested DoJ look into filing federal charges against him!!





Tahoe Belle

Nadler needs to go down. What a complete jackass.


Congress is a rat 🐀 nest. DEMOCRATS AND RINOS ARE SCUM.
They’re running the show.
Disgusting to the core.
They need to be arrested and charged with treason

Angel Askew

Run for office! By JAG or by vote these sellouts will need to be replaced!


They’re not going to do jack sh*t, to be quite honest – who writes their checks???. Our Country needs to succeed from their corrupted Union and start a new Country that don’t include any of these rouge States. Theres too many States Governors that keep their mouth’s shut and don’t say a peep for their people, nor will they make any preventive measures to protect them from these phony vaccines that are killing people, if they did, it would prove their actually on the job. Secondly, I like to add into this the fact that Schools & Teachers are actually getting paid to muzzle kids and even forcing those Vaccines on them,….soon they’ll give them Small Pox, and if thats what you want, well then thats what you’ll get. Just remember what the FED did to the Native American Indian with Small Pox. Who knows but, maybe they’ll give away free blankets to the Homeless & Illegal Aliens and infect them too.


If only all this shit on here were true🙏




Ignorant Troll,.. Do your own research


Docjeun = #55
TROLLS must do deeper research

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee
Angel Askew

All things are possible!!


Plz, do NOT be problematic!!!


TPOXX is a an antiviral drug that is taken orally to fight human smallpox.
The financial report was released just days after Bill Gates announced that a potential bioterror attack by smallpox could be coming soon.
November 4, 2021
The Microsoft founder suggested that the ‘germ games’ could prepare nations for bio-terrorism such as smallpox attacks on airports. Mr Gates warned that bioterrorism caused epidemics could be worse than naturally occurring ones.
November 9, 2021
November 16, 2021

Last edited 3 years ago by Jullou
Terminally deplorable

That was Columbo-esque pre-crime research.

Last edited 3 years ago by Terminally deplorable

Thank you, but I was able to easily find all of the sources here:


I’m happy you found this for us!!! I studied “everything” about it I could find and didn’t let to much get away except who the culprit was that asked for it. That’s the person we want to get right there! Whoever it is, whoever it was will be getting a real nice party I can pretty much guarantee that. lol
The last known natural case of smallpox was in Somalia in 1977. The following year, an accident in a research laboratory led to the death of one person from the disease, and in 1979 smallpox was officially declared eradicated.


Thank you, goober!


It’s been kept as a Bio-warfare agent in these nasty labs


Another Bio-warfare faux flag ‘cos we’re not buying the 1st bio-weapon hoax

Angel Askew

Excellent investigating!


BILL GATES WAS HANGED awhile ago and is no threat


Know they have ’em all
Trump has it all
Seems the EBD should be any day this month then…

It may be a bit bumpy for a while only until March?
Just take a deep breath–
Give thiught energy only to PEACE -and the Swamp totally cleared


Right on schedule isn’t it? Thank You Jullou, this was a great find!!!

There’s’ always more to the picture than meets the eye, and if you don’t look you won’t see.

Some may wonder when we can go kill these fuckers, so I’ll just say that the 1st Drug pushing Doctor that gives some innocent victim a jab of this poison so that it spreads like any modified Live Virus does, He or She, or They should be drawn & quartered in any public square for all the world to see,.. and, to include his entire hospital & staff as a reward for being vigilant against Patriotism and Freedom of the People.
Now the Biden Criminal Organization has started pandering $$$123 Million another Plandemic for the WHO & Big Pharma with Small Pox Vaccines. Of course they will tell us that its a killed Vaccine and harmless, but of course,…. WE ALL KNOW BETTER !!!!!!!!
THINK ABOUT WHAT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT DID TO NATIVE AMERICAN INDIANS !!!!! And then tell me they mean no harm and are only looking out for the people by introducing a Small Pox Virus into the public.
This is out of the Federal Governments handbook!!!
When do you want to hold these tyrants, mutants and terrorists amongst us accountable, today, tomorrow, next week. next month, next year – never???
Think about that for a second.

So, for ALL you people out there, Jullou posted the Link for you Patriots who still are questioning whats going on here. I want you to go to their investment link and look at their numbers, study all their numbers as they equate into jewish gematria with 1’s, 2’s, 3’s, 6’s and 9’s. Oh yeah, to include the zero once in awhile. Everything turns into 666 in the end, or sorta like 6uild 6ack 6etter.


Well,maybe they missed “Biden” statement about things to be done weather it takes “6 days, 6 weeks or 6 monthes

Can it be more obvious?


I often write the names of various viruses on my trash so that no one tries to steal it to collect my DNA for clones.


Marc Mezvinsky looks like a very weak character, as if he only knows to follow orders. What in hell was his parents up to adopting 9 children and having 2 of their own? At least Mark and one other was born of the parents. But he looks weird / empty ? Seems Chelsea must have been an evil dominatrix witch just like her mother allso choosing very weak husbands that they can easily manipulate.

Also what were these parents of Mark doing by being best friends of Chelsea’s parents & all up in their buisness?????.

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee
Kandie Barriga

Shocked at what? What was the point of your post?


It was a nothing burger


Nothing to be shocked about Amy Belle — so she grew up Big Deal.
It’s nothing like what I was talking about Marc looking & being weird as well as looking weak…his peformance at Trinunal was sickening.

Victoria Flood

Looks like that “undying love” is going to die by noose. This willing participant in child trafficking did this because of lust for money. He isn’t capable or smart enough to earn that type of money legally or honestly Also, all those tears are for himself. Not for Chelsea or any of the destroyed children.




MSM has finally sided with RRN readers and admitted that the marines are correctly refusing to get the death jab!


Shill wasting your time–it’s 3 month’s old


Worthless TROLL.

Angel Askew

Kyle Rittenhouse: NOT GUILTY on ALL charges.
This is a big victory for EVERY American!!
Now, we wait for the temper tantrums.
That young man is about to be wealthy too!!! I hope he buys CNN. Haha

buck fiden

God Bless the USA!!

Angel Askew

Amen, Neighbor! 🇺🇸💪💃


I guess the 11 days of darkness is over.


Lee Greenwood’s patriotic song and one for the ages albeit a tear jerker for me.


National Guard going in I heard just incase of rioting

Angel Askew

There are patrol officers on foot today in L.A. just directing traffic and stuff. Not usual.

Lucky star

And fire all the employees.


He went through Sh–t I hope he gets compensated really well


Thank you, Wisconsin. Just had to thank the jurors.

buck fiden


I hope the police already carted away those pre-positioned pallets of bricks they had planned to use in tonight’s pre-planned riots.

I pray for the safety of all Wisconsin police. SHOW THE #NIGGERLIVESSUCK ZERO MERCY !!!! KILL THEM ALL.

And while you’re at it, Wisconsin, DECERTIFY the fraudulent 2020 Election!!

Last edited 3 years ago by buck fiden
Angel Askew

We need all of our Patriots, Buck!
This jury pushing past the fear of the threats is what impresses me most.
It says SO much.
The woke will be confused now.
I hope contractors scored all those bricks for new home patios!


The Jury are heros to put their fears aside


Since we never saw the jury, I can’t believe they exist.


Yup, they know Kyle remained “lock and loaded” during the trial and got heir backs covered just in case IMO.


Shill is it possible you can post SANS your filthy insertions ???

buck fiden

Like I told you, Zee. I’m in a very good mood today, which is very unusual, because it was a beautiful afternoon and I’m no longer willing to take my medications. Live is good. I hope this continues, but I believe things will get ugly tonight, and then so will I. But for now, have a nice weekend.


Stay on the clean side


will gruesome spill beans about commiefornia….. s-election ????

Last edited 3 years ago by sejmon
buck fiden

If #BLM gets ugly tonight, so should we.

Lucky star

You CIA troll just a NATO only barking Acting only under the instruction from your cabal master


I can’t wait for his Trib. Want to hear how much he put on (near) aunty Pee-Peelosi

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

but remember it was the cops that left bricks out for rioters at in Boston and George Floyd protests…so do we really trust cops to take them away.


How do you know it was the cops and NOT BLM & ANTIFA …. the whole thing seemed a Soros red flag event


Just as there are bad guys in the military, there bad cops also.

Sandy Koufax

The DOJ will put Rittenhouse, the judge and every juror under a microscope. Life as they knew it is over.


Plus, Rittenhouse aint out of the woods yet. Remember Rodney King police officers? They got acquitted in Simi Valley, but the feds went after them again for ‘civil rights violations’. Convicted of course. Prison time of course. Wait for the feds to go after Rittenhouse. IMO it’s double jeopardy. But that legal dog walked a long time ago, as SCOTUS has said fed second bite at acquittal apple aint dj. SAD! Lives ruined many times over for nothing except prosecutorial arrogance, misguided virtue signaling and extortion by the left.

WHITE HATS :LISTEN UP!If you don’t do something, you are saving the country for a generation and a constituency that doesn’t deserve it to be saved for them! All of the folks who supported you so much and Trump et al so much are DYING from this war of attrition the Deep State is waging against us. Vaxxes, Komrad Komptroller, Antifa, BLM destroying our cities; the border crisis, an infrastructure bill that isn’t but IS helping every bad actor under the sun, and much much much more…again: you will ride triumphant into the dawn’s early light, only to find the very folks who supported you are long gone (worn out, dying or dead from this “SILENT WAR”), and you are handing the country over to communist ingrates who spit on you, and worse. SAD.


NEVER “EVER” TALK TO ANY FED – WALK AWAY OR CALL AN ATTORNEY!!! ASAP not Later either. Remain Silent at all times.
Know the Constitution, its Amendments, the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence.


I know that already. ” don’t let anyone in without a warrant” is the theme song in my house.


The Swamp is everywhere and the DOJ IS BEING targeted by the Alliance one at a time
But they are not going to win
Good will triumph over EVIL


God wins all the time.


Not so fast, The good Judges like this one will have a good future as well as Kyle. Soon the non natural law system we have at the moment and BAR Attorneys acting like criminals wiil all be taken out of the legal profession. The decent Judges and Lawyers will all go through re-training. This case was very good to show how bad the BAR and our court Laws need to change to NATURAL LAW.


Cannot wait to see the fate of the ever arrogant, always condescending, disgraced, imprisoned, California ex-governor, Newsom, as well. We RRN devotees, are the only ones who realize he has been imprisoned. At least 3/4’s of California citizens are clueless to this sting op on him, and they truly believe that Newsom is just a perfect governor and he is still large and in charge of his office in Sacramento. Ditto with Melvinsky and Chelsea. 90% of the entire country will never accept that they are now and soon to be, deceased.

Last edited 3 years ago by Joanna

But they aren’t .




NO, 3/4 of California’s citizens are not that stupid.. We RECALLED him. They CHEATED HIM BACK IN. Newsom made himself hated up and down California. NO ONE thinks he’s the ‘perfect governor’ – far, far from it. Just the opposite. Everyone knows he’s an arrogant entitled scumbag pretender to the throne wrongful successor to Brown the Clown. Your observations, while well meaning, are totally off base, sorry. (but not sorry).


Agree he’s gruesome scum bag


Never say Never


America wins!


Gotta Love Desantis <3

“Gov. DeSantis signs bills preventing vaccine mandates from Brandon, Florida”
-Youtube, Fox 13 Tampa Bay

buck fiden

Such symbolism !



Are the words that keep repeating,in my mind.


Angel Askew

Breaking news!: Austria announces today compulsory mandatory full vaxx by 2/2022 for ALL?!?!??

We will learn if this is all a Psy-Op or VERY shortly….

White Hats/DJT will swoop in and make their move to save humanity OR

We are on our own and they’re all F.O.S.!!

Plan and pray.🇺🇸🙏🏻


Swoop in? Just how will that happen? Trump has no power or authority to do any swooping.


lol, You’ll be surprised what powers Trump has.


The clueless naysayers apparently think that President Trump and the MAGA Movement (of 80 to 90 million people domestically and millions globally) have no power.


Yes he does but Military are to be seen running the show right now. The Military War Laws are being followed by the book.

buck fiden

Usually, I would think of something politically incorrect right now to write, but I’m in a euphoric mood due to Kyle’s acquittal, so I’ll be nice.

I hope you’re right about the military. I’m getting really tired of waiting, but I’d rather wait a bit longer than have to not vote ever again as a protest against the (fill in my usual ethnic remark here).

Don’t worry. My good mood will expire as soon as the (place ethnic epithets here) riot tonight.


Thx for keeping it clean

buck fiden

It’s an exceptionally nice day.

Terminally deplorable

Tsippy will appreciate that.

buck fiden

I hope it lasts, but I fear that, unlike with women, I won’t be able to keep it up.

Terminally deplorable

After the first shot, all the plans are moot, and so are the playbooks.


Yes but Military in many Nations can

Rob William

Take the vaccine. I and so many people around me got a booster (3rd dose) and they are all good! Soon all of you will realize that Covid vaccine is extremely important to go back to normal. Better to realize it early than have panic reaction when someone around you becomes ill. So many people I know have died from Covid.


Will you get the 4th booster . . . and the 5th booster??!!


There’s a total of “9” Boosters they want everybody to have. lol So they’re not finished yet.

Angel Askew

Nah, the elite have already let it be known. Smallpox is next.
Only after they reach a ceiling with revenue from boosters.


I have a funny feeling that somebody will start killing them pretty soon, one right after the other. Its been written in the Bible that their days are finished. This is why we need to get this Small Pox info out ASAP – Everywhere!!!

buck fiden

Bioweapons for all!


Yes he will. Until he dies “fully vaxed”


Make sure your life is in order then, as you might have 3-5 years left, so much info out there yet you follow the sheep to slaughter,. Enjoy what you have left !


Why bother with this dolt, let his pets eat his carcass when he croaks.


THE VACCINE IS EXPERIMENTAL. Unless you are fully informed about the adverse effects and reactions you can not give consent.
You are a Labrat, Guinea pig.
Facts are you can survive Covid with your own natural ANTIBODIES.
Vaxed people can carry spread and get sick from Covid


Research indicates that people with Blood Type O have very mild cases of Covid, if at all.

buck fiden

I’m type 0+ and I’ve had the China virus. My worst symptom was olfactory hallucinations: I would get hot, then cold chills, then feel nauseous and have to run to the bathroom, all the time smelling grapefruits!! By the time I got to the head, I was OK. No vomiting ever. My sence of smell is almost gone, except at close-range. My order of India-produced HCQ and Z-packs are set to arrive next week. I’m fine, but I’m going to take those drugs because they’re supposed to do a bang-up job in knocking out the symptoms.

Too bad the USA doesn’t deregulate HCQ and Z-packs and make them all over-the-counter. Big pharma would die.


Your case sounds milder than most and probably backs up those studies on O Blood.

When a government forces a clot shot and blocks life-saving drugs, that government IS against we the people. Something must be done.

Terminally deplorable

I am AB-, what do I get?

buck fiden

I pray you never get infected!! Be well.


Not so much. Only O Types get a milder case.


I ditto what buck said: “Be well.”


You said.. Vaxed people can carry spread and get sick from Covid

No, Vaxed can get very sick from mulitple problems from the so called Cvd19 Injection – what they actually come down with is NOT Covid (Flu).

But non vaxxed can get sick with serious cold/flu (Covid) spread from Vaxxed people.

Vaxxed people get much worse than a cold/flu [Pharma name ‘Covid’ is Flu] if they took other than Saline (Placebo) injections..

Seems blue states were not given as heavy a dose as Red States.

Terminally deplorable

Toxic spike proteins circulate unfettered in all organs and accumulate particularly in bone marrow, lymph nodes and female reproductive organs infrerring an increased risk for varieties of cancers and damage to a fetus.

thebiglogic . com/alarming-covid-vaccine-safety-data-regarding-bone-marrow-ovaries-and-autoimmunity-dr-pierre-kory-bret-weinstein-and-steve-kirsch/


Yup TERM DEP as I was saying –it’s not COVID you get once you got the REAL Jab

Angel Askew

You sound ridiculous. 🐑
The only thing that scares me more than Commie Buydone is you horribly led astray complacent super spreaders.
You’ll be dead in 2 years or less.


I’ll let you know.


New cells replicate every 2.5 years– The jab makes sure you won’t be able to make new blood cells. That’s why the blood banks can’t do blood banking from those that took the killer Jabl

Angel Askew

I know.
There are TOO many reasons to list.
You don’t have to sell me, Sister!


Completely false.

“As long as donors are symptom-free, feeling well and can provide the vaccine manufacturer’s name, there’s no waiting period required after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine currently authorized in the U.S.”


But vaxxed blood donations are detrimental for unvaxxed people due to the spike proteins


They really aren’t, but regardless it’s just a fact that blood banks have been accepting blood donations from covid-vaccinated people all along. If you ever happen to need a blood transfusion and you refuse because you’re that terrified of ‘spike proteins’ then that’s on you, I guess.


Jay is a shill for PHARMA

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

Blood cells will not renew after 2.5 years So in 2.5 years I expect the #s of deaths to raise horribly..


Well said . I agree.


So Exile is a PHARMA SHILL Too


Why not, good to diversify.


Talk about “Brandon” being an idiot. By all means, you go right ahead buddy, take your jab’s nobody gives a sh*t.
But just for the sake of it, all those Chinese screaming from their apt windows a year ago when the ccp forced everyone indoors over there during their plandemic,…yeah they were saying it was fake and that it never existed and they were lying to the world – why you may ask, its because the people were rioting because of the ccp and their rule of law there, so the ccp needed to quell their disturbance and locked’m down and anyone caught rioting were shot or thrown in prisons.
So, yeah go ahead and take your jabs – as many as you can – plz, we have NO use for you in this society because, well you’re an idiot and idiots need to be bred out of existence.
In my honest opinion, only a left brained idiot would take these jabs!!! So, feel free to do as you wish!
Now take cold drink of coke, and have a nice day.


Sum him up in one word: IGNORant
Word = being one who ignors the truth….

So don’t waste your energy on the ignorant — they do and say stupid things.

He’s a Pharma Shill


We have a lying / IGNORant Pharma Shill here

Sandy Koufax

You’re a dead man walking. Purebloods will inherit the earth.


You’ve got up to 5 years to see what it does to your body…and you need booster for life…good luck to you.
Plus the biden mandate and OSHA requiring employers to jab, are all STOPPED…would you know why?…I’ll tell you why, because they are seeing many being harmed by the jab.

Last edited 3 years ago by AmericanFaith
Sandy Jim

I hope you will be comfortable.

You understand, the MRNA permanently alters your DNA over time . If you do not die your mind will over time be fully intergrated into the A.I. cloud mind that is already transforming your brain right now.

You will die or you will become a slave to the A.I. Cloud mind, it is that simple.

That was your choice and you will have to live with it.

Med beds cannot cure you of this !


What is your expectation here, Angel? Do you think Trump is going to suddenly reveal he’s the Secret President and order an all-out assault on Australia? Is the US military going to destroy Australia’s infrastructure and dismantle their government and occupy it for 10 years like Iraq or something. Do you really truly think anything like this will happen?

Angel Askew

Austria, Jay.
Not Australia.
No “swoop” anywhere but on American soil.
The rest of the world will adjust itself according to how Americans let this vaxx depopulation agenda play out.

Whether DJT returns or not.

Every justification and promotion for this jabberdoo crap have been criminally insane.
Scientifically and politically.
Every. Single. One.


Oh lol, I misread that.

Anyways don’t count on Trump to do anything, he’s not going to stop vaccine mandates in the US or anywhere else. He’s hasn’t even retracted his many endorsements of the vaccines. Make sure you sign up for his new social media platform though, and keep sending those donations!

Last edited 3 years ago by Jay
Angel Askew

I don’t even care right now about DJT.
I’m seeing where we are perfectly capable of turning this around ourselves.
DJT may keep vaxx available but he would never mandate it and the economy and pipelines would be open and border closed.


Trump did say he’ll have to help Australia
They are in a terrile mess down there

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee
buck fiden

“God willing and the creek don’t rise” as my grandpa used to say.


Be careful of this Shill… he is #1 out of 54 on the list

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

It’s a competitive field, but I strive to be the best.


You’re #1 the worst Shill


Wrong, if that was the case I would be #54 on the list.

buck fiden

You’re “Zan”y


You have to understand, Jay, that many of us don’t give up hope and faith; with God’s help, President Trump and the MAGA Movement will overpower the wicked. We don’t profess to having all the answers; no one does, so you’re constant attempts to undermine our hope is to no avail.


I do understand that, you can keep the faith and believe whatever you like. I’m not on some mission to change anyone’s mind. I just post here for fun.

It does fascinate me how you guys are so committed to the idea that Trump is the heart and soul of your righteous movement, and some kind of messiah figure in a cosmic battle of good vs. evil. He’s so clearly just a narcissist grifter. You’re putting all your hopes in him controlling the world behind the scenes when he so clearly isn’t doing jack shit. His only real plans are just more grifting, he’s putting out a social media platform and after that he’s putting out his own content streaming service to compete with Netflix. Just today he announced he’s putting out a coffee table book of photos from his presidency, and described his presidency in the past tense. You’re in for decades of disappointment if you just keep waiting and waiting for him to swoop in and save the world or whatever.


1: President Trump lost $billions before, during and after his time in office; he didn’t take a salary while in office; he instead, donated lots of his own money; 2. I am sure that he will do what he can to supplement his current income due to leftist law suits and other associated costs due to the leftist coup. The left won’t stop harassing him, and he needs to ensure he has the funds to counter their attacks. 4. I am thankful for President Trump because had Hellery won, the COVID and clot shot would have been implemented and millions would have died; 5. If you want to use narcisissism, look no farther than Hellary, Ziden, Obomba, et al. 5. After so many leftist false flags, we really don’t know what they’ll throw at us. Maybe President Trump will not return as the POTUS, but he started the MAGA Movement and that will continue with or without him.

Last edited 3 years ago by Jullou

Jay Pharma Shill
It amazes me why you like to funk up — well educated simple brains are useless in society that’s why you shill


Austria, the Country that Hitler was raised and birthed –

Austrians have been strongly anti semetic thanks to their evil wonder boy.

Think Karma is imvolved for working with the Satanist Nazi Dracos ?

Hitler today would be so proud if he could see this WORLD WIDE BIO-WEAPON MASS POPULATION REDUCTION —

Please wake up and fight against this dangerous BS

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee
buck fiden

Europeans have been bred into socialism for at least two generations now, and they don’t have our Second Amendment with which to counter tyranny.


That’s what MAG
It will MAGA

Angel Askew

I’m sorry, have we met??
Are you a BOT or something??


There are many theories to what Zee is, but no conclusive answers. Researchers believe she has fully ascended to the 5th dimension and no longer possesses a perceptible corporeal form, but instead exists solely as an endless stream of confusing internet posts.


Thanks Kind Sir


Ofcourse not — but that could be taken as acompliment in this time –seeing how well AI has progressed hahaha Thank You

buck fiden

Adolph Hitler was born in Austria. Figures.


And msm press openly says 4TH REICH IS OUT IN THE OPEN,NOW in Austria


There are news articles that Gretchen Whitmer is MIA and wondering where she’s at. I pray so hard that she’s at GITMO and MB just hasn’t reported it yet.


LMFAO,….Another one??? What a perfect candidate for GITMO too. I can envision both her and Newsome negotiating over a bar of soap in a shower together.
Then again, maybe she took a fake “jab” like Newsome did. I wouldn’t be to very surprised if their masters were trying to silence them,…. so if she’s bedridden like Newsome was, then thats just icing on the cake.
Lets hope that wicked looking guy thats the Governor of Shitcago gets it soon enough too. lol


A good many State Attorneys have been REMOVED. Remember when military called each to go to the Pentagon this year? Not all came out. Also, did some refuse to go? Thank goodness they got Gruesome. If they were not Jesuits they were following Jesuit / Vatican/ Satanistic DS edicts and DS plans to take down America. They’ve controlled their States Local City Goverments etc—nuf said

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

SORRY, Read State Governors ….not State attorneys

Sandy Jim

Thank you Zee that is more good news !


Terminally deplorable

I have an M1A, too.

Angel Askew

Good morning, Good People,
Please make an effort to listen/ watch the interview below. Sounds like Project Veritas(O’Keefe). the informant knows/tells all. I found this video before Bidens inauguration. That’s why Roberts performed it.

Just following up from a previous post I’d made.;)

The original video seems to be compiled from “Mustang Medic”.


Seems to be a dead link.

Angel Askew

No. I watched it this morning!
Go to: Before it’s news
Search: Justice Roberts Epstein


Take out the extra dot angel put there after com. needs to be com/


Wow Angel

I am also finding VERY good info by going back like you did to:
*Full* Leaked Whistleblower Videos! Epstein, Justice Roberts, Pence & Hillary Aligned; Assassination Plots, Kids 4 Sale & More! Must See Lin Wood Drop!
Monday, February 1, 2021 19:35

Angel Askew

You found it!! REALLY GREAT INFO!!!

Buck fiden

Blue skies …. Nothing but Blue skies !!

buck fiden

If I had just been diagnosed with cancer, I’d be on the internet 24/7 researching the subject and formulating a life-changing plan. That, or I’d self-destruct as fast as I could: wine, women and cars, à la “Fast & Furious” movies franchise.

Outlandish Outlander

For the sake of correcting all of the damage done already to the three Mezvinsky offspring. And, for the sake of actually correcting those pitiful mistakes and actually giving the Mezvinsky offsprings an actual chance to learn to live life absent hate, evil manipulations and whatever evil intent that was aimed at destroying their souls. Yes, the absolute best decision to make for the benefit of those offspring is to remove the source of the wicked parent manipulators from their lives. Now, they need to given new identities, and hopefully, they will not remember the hate that both parents attempted to raise them up with.

Last edited 3 years ago by Outlandish Outlander

Absolutely 100% right.

Sandy Koufax

Mezvinsky’s kids have already been turned out for sexual abuse. They are ruined. They will never be heard from again.

Sandy Koufax


Doc John

Sounds to me like they need to open another check out line at GITMO to try and keep up with all the evil being brought to them.

Buck fiden

I hope more of them use the “SELF CHECK OUT”