U.S. Marine Corps Mulls “Defecting” from “Traitorous” Armed Forces


Gen. David H. Berger, commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps, said his beloved Corps may have to divorce itself from the U.S. Armed Forces unless his peers (of other branches) rally against the illegitimate administration’s unconstitutional Covid-19 vaccine mandates.

Berger’s comment came shortly after an article titled The Corps’ COVID-19 vaccination deadline is coming. Marines who refuse will be booted appeared on the Military Times Website. The article, written by Phillip Athey, an artificial intelligence algorithm and not a real person, said that Marines not vaccinated by November 28 would be ejected from the Corps. It further threatened Marines with disciplinary action under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, emphatically saying General court-martial convening authorities will “retain authority to take any additional adverse administrative or disciplinary action” deemed appropriate.

A liaison in Gen. Berger’s office told Real Raw News that the general neither made nor approved the inflammatory message. To the contrary, Gen. Berger has condemned Sec. of Defense Lloyd Austin’s mandate, instead encouraging Marines to choose whether they and their families get vaccinated.

“The general is pissed because Austin is overwriting his messages to the Corps. Gen. Berger has always stood for freedom, and he made that messaging clear to his men. Austin and the administration are subverting his authority. From the get go, the general told Marines he’d have their back if or if not they wanted to get the shots,” our source said.

Gen. Berger has grown irate at the heightened number of senior officers across branches of the Armed Forces who have endorsed the clot-shot, our source added. Although the Corps and the Special Operations community remain loyal to the “true Commander in Chief,” senior officers in the Air Force and National Guard have pedestalized people like Kamala Harris, Anthony Fauci, and CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, with National Guard Lieutenant General Jon A. Jensen saying, “Bi-annual vaccines are a good idea, if Dr. Fauci says so.”

Our source said Gen. Berger has considered seriously the notion of seceding from “administration-controlled forces” so that his Marines (and the SOCOM community) could operate autonomously to better protect law-abiding American citizens against encroaching totalitarianism.

“I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say there’s a 50/50 split among the nation’s top brass right now, and it makes for a dangerous situation. The general had made a lot of calls as he tries to figure out where loyalties lie. He’s a patriotic American, unlike some of the others. And he’s not opposed to segregating his men to fight for what’s right,” our source said.

Playing devil’s advocate, RRN asked why Gen. Berger wants freedom of choice in matters of the Covid-19 vaccine while the military still inoculates new recruits against measles, meningococcal, mumps, polio, rubella, and tetanus-diphtheria.

“Gen. Berger, generally speaking, opposes mandates, but these vaccines have been established over many, many decades, while the Covid-19 vax was pushed after little testing and tens of thousands of vaccine deaths were broadly reported to the military,” our source said.

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I’ve been saying, the military leaders are puppets of the Deep State! They don’t give a crap about the Constitution! They are not in charge of the government and Trump is not coming back.His job is to keep us calm with false hope so they can take America down and establish the One World Government and Financial System! Wake Up !!!




I think Berger should go after the traitorous military Generals and other high echelon military. AND…get Austin out of there. Can’t wait for Trump to make his presence known.

PAT is

The Military needs to wake up and listen to experts who worked on Covid and the Vaccine and all agree that it is very bad and will cause death in large numbers. One source I listen to is Sheri Tenpenny and The Physician of presidents on Bit Chute as well as others who have first hand knowledge on the Vaccine and IT was Designed as a Bioweapon to kill millions and they The LEFT and NWO CDC UN are using it for their D Population agenda to kill 75% by 2030 for their Luciferian NWO. Once you get the Jab you become the spreader and it can not be turned off. Israel has 92% vaxed and the highest rate in Delta variant spike off the charts. Because the Vax makes you the spreader. It sends a new code to your DNA and when triggered by exposer you will die. They are very smart and spent a lot of time and money to design this Death Vax At least 40-45.000 post Vax have died in the US already. A whistle blower from the CDC reported. and Millions world wide The MSM and Social media are tight lipped about it under threat and many being paid.. Do a little research on the Death Vax and Agenda 2030 and you will be shocked at what This Administration Jihadi Joe Biden along with Obumer and the CCP and the 1% Elite who control everything are doing. They want you me and billions more gone period. The Mark of the Beast is Next I suspect they will mandate everyone get chipped? We are seeing Satan’s last throws to take Humanity down. God help us all. We need Trump and the Patriots like never before. God bless

Last edited 2 years ago by PAT is

So much good news on this fine day.

Russian collusion hoaxter arrested. Provided the lies for the phony Steele dossier.

Racine County Sheriff files felony and misdemeanor charges against 4 of the 5 Wisconsin Election Commissioners for taking advantage of nursing home residents.

It is revealed that the Mayor of Kenosha who allowed Kenosha to burn for days is related to the DA and Detective on the Rittenhouse case. No conflict of interest there, right?

The deep state backs down and extends jab not a law mandate into next year. The People just won’t comply. Fuck Joe Biden.

Winning! Winning! Winning!

American Living in Canada

Thanks for the update!


JFK Jr !!! When is he taking over ? Audits in most states dead in the water . What happened to Maricopa Co? Kids can now have the vaccine !


Praying for all who fight against the nonsense.


Thank you Hope. I’m doing my best but the nonsense just keeps coming.



Mostly Harmless

Every civil war is the good guys vs. the bad guys.

The problem is that BOTH sides think THEY are the GOOD guys. When it’s over, the WINNERS are remembered as the good guys, and the losers get to wear eternal shame as the bad guys.

Every. Single. Time.


Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 4 Nov. 2021
Compiled Thurs. 4 Nov. 2021 12:01 am EST
 by Judy Byington,

We are inside the Storm of the Century
News is Fake. War is Real.
Trust the Plan.

Things Do Not Happen. Things Are Made to Happen.” …JFK

Stand Strong. Stand Together. Humanity is Good. Unity is Humanity. Unity is Peace.”     …JFK Jr.

Today Thurs. 4 Nov. is a major Satanic Holiday “Satanic Revels” where Coven members give honor to Satan through oral, anal and vaginal sexual abuse of a female child ages 7 to 17. Please report suspected Satanic activities to the proper authorities and Help Us Save the Children.

Cont… operationdisclosureofficialDOTcom/2021/11/04/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-as-of-november-4-2021/

Buck fiden

There is a SINagogue down the street where there are a lot of Satanic Cohen members. Even the rabbi there sucks off infant dicks during circumcisions! No shit! They call it “Metzitzah b’peh!” Look this shit up if you don’t believe me!

Sandy Koufax

You’re right about that.


This is really some sick behavior..
Hard to believe, who thinks of this stuff.?

Katie Jones

They need to get out from under Austin who allowed Americans to be left behind along with afghans who left behind Americans. Can you trust a leader like that.

Last edited 2 years ago by Katie Jones
Buck fiden

Whachu sayin cracka! You don like da HNIC ????

Sandy Koufax

Even Larry Elder, Newsome’s opponent in the recall election, was deemed a white supremecist.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sandy Koufax



NO… You can NOT
Charge him with TREASON
Execute ASAP


Katie Jones

Boy I like him and will pray for him. I think he is doing the right thing for his troups.



The Pope: A Conversation in Hell
by Jon Rappoport

Within an hour of passing from this life, Pope Francis found himself in a small office. Worn carpet, a desk, two chairs. The wall paint was peeling. A young man wearing a white tropical suit walked in and sat down behind the desk. He motioned the Pope to the chair across from him.
Where am I?
In Hell, Francis.
That’s impossible.
I’m the Pope.
There’s another way to look at it. Why wouldn’t you be here?
No, really. There’s obviously been an error. A tragic mistake.
I’m afraid not. Our transport system is bulletproof. It runs on AI.
Then…then you’re Satan?
Good one, Francis. No. I’m Sid, the assistant director of Human Resources.
Where is Satan? I demand to speak with him.
Satan doesn’t do celebrity intake. He didn’t even speak with Stalin. Or Torquemada.
Look, I don’t care about your system. I’ve been sent to the wrong place. I’m destined to meet with the Savior and His Father.
Yeah, well, that’s not going to happen. You’re here, this is Hell, and that’s that.
Baloney. How do I get a message through to God?
After all this time, you don’t know how? Anyway, we’re blocked off. No service from here to there.
There must be an angel I can talk to.
Another good one. No, Francis, we’re all out of angels.
I have resources. Art, gold, manuscripts.
You HAD them.
Get the Vatican on the phone.
We used to have a direct line. But then they stopped paying their bill.
I’m afraid so. For the duration.
This is unconscionable. Somebody has their wires crossed. There are millions of people named Francis. I was switched out.
Or you deserve to be here. Let’s talk about that.
There must be something I can offer you.
In the abstract, bribery is an interesting conversation, but we’re way past that.
What’s the set-up here? Who needs favors and blessings?
We run a tight ship. We have a schedule. Monday is medical day. Right now, we’re performing a series of experiments on brain-computer interface. Volunteers are attached through skull probes to a program that loads them up with advanced mathematics. The integration phase has run into serious problems. Instead of data, people are experiencing raw electronics. The pain levels are exceedingly high. So we’re trying to counteract that with drugs.
You’re not serious.
This is Hell.
You said “volunteers.”
On Mondays, you could opt for a clinical trial of high-dose AZT. We’re measuring the timeline of cell death. AZT essentially stops cells from replicating. In layman’s terms, the body decays rapidly and falls apart.
This must be a dream.
On Tuesday, we strap you to a treadmill traveling 37 miles an hour for two hours, while gradually lowering you into the lake of fire.
What have I done? What have I done to deserve this?
Let’s talk about that. For instance, the deal with the Chinese.
The Chinese are a wonderful people.
Sure. We’re all wonderful, Francis. I’m talking about the Chinese regime and Xi Jinping.
You mean the Vatican support for abortion? Our endorsement of their social credit score system? The conferences on integrating Catholicism and Communism?
That would be a start.
So what? So what if we made those accommodations? China is a powerhouse. I wasn’t just going to sit there and watch them roll over us. Sid, they already control half of Italy. Why do you think the first COVID lockdowns in the West started in my backyard?
Your allegiance was to Jesus and God.
You’re joking, right? Even God makes deals. He applies pressure, gets what he wants, and then he backs off. Send a plague, obtain compliance, declare a truce. It’s all about the action. One player gets one piece, another player gets another. You spread out the baksheesh, you pocket the vig.
Now we’re getting somewhere. Similar situation with climate change, right?
Just another deal. Another hustle. These flim-flam artists really believe they can measure the Earth’s overall temperature? Are you kidding me? Much less the HISTORY of the temperature? But that’s the play now. The UN Panel. They’ll package the threat of a planetary collision between the Earth and Mars, if it’ll give them a leg up.
You saw an opportunity.
Of course. I’m the number one humanitarian in the world when it comes to hunger and inequality. Those are my talking points. I can do a bang-up job of faking a connection between them and climate change. So I’m needed. The grifters involved are all already making out like bandits on climate. So they sit down with me, I negotiate my ten percent. Plus they get to reduce energy production all over the world. You know, as the “solution.” This gives them more poverty and debilitation, which are good for their business—Control. I’m in the same business. We see eye to eye.
I like it, Francis.
Wait a minute. I’m losing the thread. I mean, you’re on my side, right? You get an insight into my strategy and you approve. Yes?
Absolutely. You’re talking our language.
So then why are you talking about Monday and Tuesday and subjecting me to all kinds of torture on your schedule, if I’m not here to pay for my sins?
Francis, I would have thought you’d figured that out a long time ago. We’re sadists. We enjoy our work. That’s all. We don’t truck with Heaven. We have no opinion or knowledge about them. We just accept the souls who show up here. I’m happy you’re with us. But we need raw material. You’re it.
What?! There’s nothing moral about punishment in this place?
Moral? Think it through, Francis. Again, this is Hell.
All right. I’m a fast adapter. There are things, then. Things I could teach you, Sid.
I don’t think so. We’ve been around the block a few million times. We know our business.
There’s no money involved?
We’re cashless. Let me show you to your room. It has a view of the lake…
I’m having a mental health problem. Can I see a doctor?
This place is filled with doctors. I can get you in this afternoon. You supported psychiatric treatment while you were at the Vatican, right? Here, though, the doctors tend to be a little bent. They go to extremes with their treatments. I’ll make a few calls and find you an unenthusiastic straight shooter. Of course, experiencing what a standard protocol of Haldol does to the nervous system…the tranquilizing effect is only stage one. After that, the neurons start firing randomly. Impulse control goes out the window…
I want out!
Ah, but you’re in, Francis.


Must be true because it has names.

Buck fiden

I enjoyed that read.


Nice little fictional story but this is very inaccurate, Zee. As Michael Baxter has revealed in past articles, the Pope is not human, he is from Planet Nibiru. Nibirians have a complex life cycle that is very different from ours, very little of it is understood but one thing do know is they are not subject to the heaven/hell afterlife structure that humans are confined to.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jay

Deb S Our 50th Vile Shill / Annoying Troll Needs To Be Removed

Buck fiden

Jack me off.


Isn’t something big supposed to happen today ? Bring it on .


While doing his 4 years in the WH = Not all the Military–

Deb S

did trump and jfk jr come back yet?

can’t keep timelines straight anymore.


No one seems to want to comment on this .



Buck fiden

Are we back to that now?


Mike has been in a funk since our wasted Dallas trip. He has been in his room playing Zelda and won’t even make up new stories. Even his Mum has said Mike seems off and is hardly eating his snacks.

Buck fiden

Has he said anything via Minecraft to you lately?



buck fiden

I thought late nite comedy was outlawed by Zhou Biden.

buck fiden

I hate lesbian prison porn.


uh dear……we did not know this about you…i think we learn every day…

buck fiden

Schmucky Jewmer’s “Six ways to Sunday” epitomised.


Last year’s Christmas Special is kick ass. It’s the most wonderful time of the year.

Leonid & Friends
Passion. Persistence. Perfection.
By Scott Schwebke

With multiple sold-out U.S. tours under its belt and hundreds of thousands of fans around the world, Leonid & Friends continues to astound its global audience with its unique ability in capturing the spirit, musicality, and fire of American supergroup Chicago.

And what is even more stunning is that Leonid & Friends, comprised of 11 of the finest musicians in Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, and Belarus, haven’t seen Chicago perform live, yet replicates the band’s complex arrangements amazingly note for note.


Lol what is this, did you get hacked bro?

buck fiden

I’m far more concerned with “Putin & Friends.”


Same, especially Putin’s good friend Steven Seagal, we never found out if he survived his mission to go beat up the Anunnaki. Give us an update, MB!


buck fiden

They should have sent Col. Braddock instead.




viva vladimir vladimirovich…

Buck fiden

Наш Ильич has been dead for almost a century now.

Deb S

hell yeah we can say merry christmas again!

and planes stopped falling from the sky too, so we’ve got that going for us which is nice

Irish Girl

DownDetector is reporting several FakeBook-related sites are having outages.

buck fiden

FakeBook only has outrages.

Deb S

oh no. whatever will we do without facegram?


I have Fox News on (Weds, 11/13/21).  They showed a shot of the podium before Biden came to it. However, they MISSED getting it all in the camera frame. It shows a black ceiling and lights overhead outside the background!  It IS a SET and NOT a room. And it is NOT in the White House.

Last edited 2 years ago by Guest4579

Several months ago, I slowed down a video of Ziden approaching a podium in the so-called “white house” and could see what looked like a bar on the right side, next to doors that looked like doors to a maintenance area.

Deb S

oh thank goodness


..11/03……..11/13? ??????


Correction: typo, it was 11/03/21, thanks.

buck fiden

Something Q is supposed to happen on 11/3.


3 hours till midnight…

Deb S

how’s that going?



Got it .

Deb S

why not push it to #soon?

Terminally deplorable

Trip to the future


I was afraid of this… it seems we’re beginning to experience time anomalies. This was a known possible side effect of the Space Force putting their new Nibiru-ite weapon technology into use. On the one hand, it’s encouraging to know they are taking action at this dire time, but at the same time it’s a bit unsettling since we don’t know the extent of these time dilations or other potential disruptive effects on our reality.

buck fiden

Make sure you vote for GW Bush and not Sore-Losermann this Tuesday the 7th. We can’t have a kike in the WH!


I suspect the same thing. I cut important stories out of the newspapers and mail them to myself every day. Then I compare them to what I read the day the clippings arrive and there have been differences.

Buck fiden

What’s a “newspaper”?


Correction: date is 11/03/21

Deb S

i bet it’s in the atlanta set!!!!!!



11/13/21? 8 days from now?


Lawmakers Marjorie Taylor Greene and Louie Gohmert Visit DC Gitmo to See US [January 6th] Political Prisoners — Are Denied Entry (VIDEO) ~ The Gateway Pundit
November 3, 2021 at 1:04pm

Angel Askew


Deb S

unannounced visitors to a jail is crazy? lmaooooooooooooooooooooo

Angel Askew

Yes. As long as it’s during hours, it’s illegal to deny visitation. It’s quite serious, I do believe.

Buck fiden

Will Zhou Biden say all visitors to fed prisons must show vax passports to get in?


Marjorie Taylor Greene and Louie Gohmert cannot be trusted, along with every other member of the House of Representatives. Every single one of them is working alongside “Adam Schiff” and perpetuating the hoax that he is alive, long after RRN confirmed his execution. They are probably Deep State agents themselves.

Buck fiden

MTG reminds me a little bit of Bronx Tina.


Rep Gohmert is pressing this on his Constituent and Conduct Oversight Committee regarding the D.C. Jail. Now they can go back and tell the committee that they were denied entry. Time for we the patriots to support Louie and Marjorie to demand their rights to visit the jail and to demand the prisoners’ rights.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jullou

Call the jail to demand oversight & transparency: 2026737316

Deb S

be sure to do this when non-jan 6 people are in there

Peter Lewis

I agree with General Berger. This corrupt administration put their puppets in charge of the military to push their vaccine genocide agenda forward. The Marines are our best hope in any future enemy engagement. All the other cowards working for the Deep State should be removed and tried for treason.


I too agree with General Berger’s stance on the vaccine:


Deb S

agreed. seems like an honorable dude

Just Me

I rather see this American Patriot General leave and form a new Military with Patriots who love our country and supports the US Constitution. This General he is not a yes man and will not bow down to traitors and this is what the country needs right now to save our republic.

Deb S


Chris Russ

I don’t like the tv show The View, I simply don’t watch it. I don’t get on their message board and stomp my feet like a toddler.


Leftist TV has many tools to fool some of the people, all of the time.


…and we have here more than few…..

Deb S

“leftist” lmaoooooooooooooooo

buck fiden

I watch it every time it’s on. Then I masturbate to the gorgeous females on that show like Orca and Joy. She’s a Joy to whack to. They really turn me on. Especially when the Hillary CGI shows up.

Terminally deplorable

They are getting better and better with this CGI crap.


So much better, in fact, that you might even say that Tom Hanks is alive.

Rob William

He talks like Tom Hanks, walks like Tom Hanks, speaks like Tom Hanks, acts like Tom Hanks — in every way possible but he is not Tom Hanks.

Deb S


Rob William

It’s better and really advanced, he also has the same emotions like Tom Hanks. With the new advanced technology of duplication, Tom Hanks has actually become unkillable.


Harrison Ford is using a mixed reality type of technology in his latest Indiana Jones movie, where he appears as his 30 year old self,they are able to film a 70 yo and put his young face in, just as they do when actors die in real life. Even Ovomit attempted to call out deep fakes to muddy the waters so people don´t believe when their videos surface….But it won´t work.

Last edited 2 years ago by kikas
Terry Larson

I think we should pull the plug on that A.I. scum dictating such treasonous orders! Who told it to say that? They should also have their plug pulled.


Please do! Only way to wake up the sheeple in this lost “country”!

buck fiden

There are no more sheeple in this country. They’ve either woke up or they’re now angry SheepHoles.

Deb S

wake up these nuts


Gen. David H. Berger
Thank you for your stance. This civilian appreciates all you do. I can not thank you enough!


Glad to hear you agree with General Berger’s stance on the covid vaccine, which he spelled out very clearly in this tweet:



With the current formula of the clot-shot, I honestly believe that all other forms of ‘vaccines (measles, meningococcal, mumps, polio, rubella, and tetanus-diphtheria) must be investigated. They will reformulate these as well to get their agenda pushed.


Mighty Mouse

Even if they post the ingredients, how do we know they’re not lying?

Angel Askew

I certainly won’t be believing a word from them or any physician anymore. Research!

Deb S

d0 yOur Res3arcH

Angel Askew

A parent has always had the right to know the ingredients and risks and opt out for their children.
Now it makes sense. 3-4 years ago it suddenly became a BIG deal and a few state governments went after parents to change the laws!!

Rob William

Not talking about Covid vaccine but other vaccines, which are given very early in life. They may be causing allergies and other immuno-regulatory issues. In 50 years from now, we may discover that a very large percentage of population has autoimmune diseases. We don’t know how to balance the real needs vs hysteria!

Last edited 2 years ago by Rob William
Deb S


Proudly Unaffiliated

Gen. Berger has brought up an interesting question. I bet he is torn, I know I am. I would use the concept of mission to guide all involved. Sometimes an apparently useful tactical move looks attractive near-term but it may not be the right move strategically, depending on many factors. Tactics are in support of strategy which is in support of goal(s), which define the overall mission. Godspeed to Gen. Berger, the US Marines, all U.S. Special Forces, and all patriots as they makes these hard decisions and actions going forward. Timing is everything. MAGA!


Wilford Hall, the USAF Hospital on Lackland AFB (AF Basic Training) received awards for helping develop the measles vaccine. I got measles in Basis there. Then it became bronchitis. 10 days later I had to complete the final PT test. I literally believed I would die. Measles was ‘endemic’ in Basic Training for 10 years. Obviously, Airmen were used as Lab Rats!


The US Military is a perfect petri dish to study the CV19 Vax. Where is the Data?! It must be made public. All averse events. It mustn’t be Classified.


The Left has done a good job of indoctrination, so that divided, we fall. It’s chilling that 50% of our U.S. military are fighting against freedom. Good to know who our enemies are, and who has our backs... still praying for justice and believing that soon, these treacherous bastards will be hanged!

Sandy Jim

Thanks for confirming my worst fears , Michael !

Robert David Steele warned about this problem and they murdered him for it. Others among the Q team have raised the 50/50 PROBLEM as well. I HAVE MENTIONED IT TWICE ON THIS BOARD IN HOPES THAT THE WHITE HATS AMONG THE JOINT CHIEFS WOULD RESOLVE THE 50/50 PROBLEM.

I HOPE that finally General Burger and the U.S. Military white hats, at last, have a full head count of all of the command officers who remain loyal to the Satanic Cabal.

And finally at long last they will be very rapidly REMOVED !

When this is done in the USA then FINALLY the swamp can be drained and Donald Trump can be lawfully returned to the Presidency !



Spoken like a true democrat!


Well said!


How does one remove approx half the military ? Gen Milley won’t approve it .


Investigate ALL te Generals! If they played with the Bacha Boys they Need to Hang! — Bacha bazi, or ‘boy play’, is an Afghan custom that involves boys as young as nine being forced to dress as women and to dance seductively for an audience of older men. These young boys are typically owned by wealthy patrons, and are regularly the victims of sexual assault and abuse. Bacha bazi was common, particularly in rural parts of Afghanistan, for hundreds of years, before being outlawed by the Taliban government in the 1990s. The practice underwent a resurgence after the overthrow of the Taliban by US forces in 2001, and whilst efforts have been made over subsequent years to stamp out the practice, they have been largely unsuccessful due to government corruption and the reluctance of the US to involve themselves in domestic Afghan affairs. In January 2017, the Afghan government belatedly moved to criminalise bacha bazi, and is finally beginning to act to prevent abuse and protect victims, with mixed success thus far.


I suspect that many were brainwashed to comply during the Obama era. Deprogramming sessions need to be done.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jullou

Lol do you think the “white hats among the Joint Chiefs” sit around reading your comments here on RRN?

Deb S

sandy thomas might think that but sandy jim is too smart for that!


Rude shill


Our Country is done. The Military is not on one accord. There will be no DJT return other than in a 2024 election. The world is in the hands of The Wicked One. I now believe Revelations Chapter 19 about The Fall of Babylon is about The United States. Rino’s now believing they can come back and win without Trump because of Youngkin.

Deb S


Rob William

I think Youngkin played both sides and that’s why he won. We will see same thing in 2022, people will keep MAGA base but also present themselves moderate enough to get independents & some moderate democrats. With the current direction of democrat party, in 2022 and 2024 they will be obliterated (if DJT doesn’t run in 2024 but supports candidates from outside).


“…written by Phillip Athey, an artificial intelligence algorithm and not a real person…” O.o Can somebody stop the world, please? I’d like to get off now.


I haven’t taken the time to read all the coments here yet, but my first natural reaction to this is:
Why the hell didn’t Trump do the same exact thing???


Trump created the vaccine. Pick a truth and run with it.


He facilitated the creation of a good vaccine; leftists sabotaged it and turned it into a bad vaxx.

Deb S

oooooooooooh ok

Buck fiden

And that’s DJT’s Achilles’ Heel.


…PDJT did not create vax…Mr.Baxter..its time to permanently remove him from this site !!!!!!!!


Why would Mr. Baxter remove his own trusted top moderator?

Deb S

he claims credit for it

Buck fiden

Spoken like a true Stalinist.


Lying Shill


He and his family were threatened–

Rob William

World is not for the weak hearted. Isn’t national duty above family?

dennis ward

Semper Fi!

Deb S

semper fi these nuts


This, I PRAY, is true!
As a former Marine, I am saddened to see the apathy toward law and order in our nation by our military brass.

SEMPER FI, Marines! /salute

Deb S

pray more


Purebloods rule!

Terminally deplorable

At least they should charge an arm and a leg for their blood donations, considering what they are going through.


You have to reach a certain doner level to use that term here.

Buck fiden

Not when Niggadier General Austin is in there.

Deb S


Sandy Koufax

90% of the military are vaccinated. They will be decimated in the coming months. Maybe they all received saline because that is the only hope.


Where did you get this percentage ? What is your source ?
I would seriously hope that this is MSM propaganda… And NOT the TRUTH

Deb S


someone on RRN asking for a source? holy shit


The old “if they don’t die they got saline” trick. You create so many stories to support your insanity.


What’s cool about the “90% of jabs were replaced with saline” conspiracy theory is that getting a saline injection has zero side effects. Ask literally any person you know who got the covid vaccine how they felt the next day and they will tell you the side effects they had. There were no saline jabs, folks.

Deb S

oof. mine sucked. one day though. 2 jabs, one death


50% are saline per pfizers corminaty trials in Germany, at least the first one. Read it on the fda site within the renewal of the EUA.


SHILL Liar..it was 80%

Sandy Koufax

Milley must have regained control.

Buck fiden

Sounds to me like Miley Cyrus is running things now.


We must remember that Obama got rid of most of the good generals and got generals that were more woke!


I find it impossible to believe that these people have no clue these are death shots.

Also, that they believe the walking bumbling moron won a clean election. Clearly our military is just as corrupt as our, congress, police, school board, media.

70 years in the planning of a 1 world government of elite and slaves and we have 1 year to figure out every detail while trying to survive and wake up comatose zombies.

Praying 🙏there are true global Patriots that are working in the background while we wake and push back.

Sandy Koufax

Many know, but go along to stay in the military.


Very well said!


I just heard a high-level, well-known white hat patriot (who was arrested on a bogus charge like many other patriots) say that the white hats are in control; we will continue to go through difficult times perpetrated by leftists, but we will ultimately prevail.


May the Almighty God b with Gen.Berger as he is trying to do the right thing for our Country.

Tim Riley

STAND we the people are standing with you and will stop this regime, you are the HEROS of this great country

Buck fiden

Millions have already invaded. Illegal Mexicans, sand niggers from Afghanistan and frog niggers from Haiti.


How did you get that avatar?

Buck fiden

stole it from someone at 4chan

Buck fiden

Are all of your beloved fans Illegal Mexicans, sand niggers from Afghanistan and frog niggers from Haiti? How am I gonna feed them all, let alone house them? We have a big facility here, but only special people get to live here. How bout we put them under a bridge near Marina Del Rey with the others? They’re never leaving, you know.

buck fiden

We in Arizona are armed to the teeth and we don’t tolerate this shit. Commiefornia has more money and less firearms per capita, so the sand niggers will go live near the PCH.

Enjoy the fruits of multicultural diversity. Aren’t they grand?

Deb S

I am here for all of the mental gymnastics it takes to say trump’s election was stolen but VA just elected a gqp candidate and no audit is required.



mental gymnastics in your case ?????

Deb S


Sandy Koufax

The totals will be reversed in the coming hours. Biden, Harris, Obama and Clinton aren’t going to endorse McAuliffe unless the fix is in.


Too bad that most asylums have been closed.
Maybe a frontal lobotomy would work for your Peace of mind.
And Obama care would cover the cost.

buck fiden

This one isn’t!


My money is on the jarheads and special ops…..

Deb S

how much you got?

Mighty Mouse

Mr. Baxter, thank you very much for the article. I was wondering, have your sources given you any information regarding the La Palma volcano?
Thanks again for all your hard work.


According to my sources, there is some sort of construction happening inside of it, believed to be a yet unidentified Deep State supervillain building a diabolical lair there. Possibly an Anunnaki, as cold-blooded creatures they do have a fondness and a high tolerance for that kind of heat.

Deb S

sounds scary!


Like the one in the James Bond movie ?