Military Cautions Trump Over Pro-Vaccine Comments


High-ranking officers in the U.S. Marine Corps have split hairs with Donald J. Trump over his recent vaccine endorsements, first in Dallas at the History Tour with Bill O’Reilly, then on Wednesday during a sit down with conservative commentator Candace Owens.

On each occasion, Trump, who said he had gotten his booster shot because it saves lives, met resistance from otherwise loyal MAGA supporters. At the History Tour, part of the audience—I was at this event, and it was about 125 people (out of 9,000)–booed and jeered him for encouraging them to get vaxxed, though he said vaccination must be a matter of choice and not determined by mandates. A few days later he butted heads with Owens when she questioned vaccine safety and efficacy, rightfully buttressing her assertion with fact—more people have died since vaccines hit the market than before they were publicly available, particularly in heavily vaccinated states.

Trump replied, “All are very, very good. The ones who get very sick and go to the hospital are the ones that don’t take the vaccine. People aren’t dying when they take the vaccine.”

His military allies took notice of his comments. Following his and Owens’ talk, Trump got a telephone call from one of his most prominent military supporters, commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps David H. Berger, who politely informed him that the criminal Biden administration had lied to the populace about the number of servicemen killed by Covid-19 vaccines. Two hundred and twenty-five perfectly healthy troops, Gen. Berger said, perished within weeks of receiving the clot shot. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin ignored some deaths while attributing others to Covid-19 or “training accidents.”

Lawful facets of the military, Berger added, have so little confidence in the current vaccines that they’re eschewing Austin’s mandates in favor of waiting on the U.S. Army to complete trials on its novel vaccine, which until recently was kept secret. It does not scramble the DNA of recipients or cause myocarditis, according to the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. But only immunocompromised troops would get that shot, he said, because healthy people don’t die of Covid.

“Sir, with all due respect, we’re working hard to put you back in office sooner than later, but your praising boosters isn’t making our job easier. Marines and soldiers across all branches overwhelmingly oppose them, and so does your base. Maybe you’re just saying what you’re saying to get more votes if this stretches out longer than we’d like. You should consider that Democrats and liberals will not switch sides, no matter what you say, good or bad, about boosters, again, with all due respect,” Gen. Berger told Trump, said a U.S. Marine Corps Forces Command source privy to the general’s side of the conversation.

The 10-minute call ended with Gen. Berger thanking Trump for “staying in the fight.”

RRN does not know how Trump responded to the general’s concerns, as our source overheard only Gen. Berger speaking.

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I believe this is part of the script. He’s allowing the military to do all the right things while he appears to be stupid. But the black hats think that he is on their side now so they allow him to continue on. He handed the baton over to military a long time ago. He cannot appear to be complicit so that when all of this is done and he has to step in as president it doesn’t look like he orchestrated it.

Grace is pulling mahairout

Michael, are you going to reatract this story? Or add to it ? You know , Refresh it?


Brilliant!!! DJT KNOWS that the establishment will go against anything he approves of. Could this be the end of C-19 and forced jabs???

lewton cole

military needs to find someone else. businessman DJT did a good job showing americans that our country can prosper when freed from the tyranny of NWO policies designed to destroy it, and replaced with sound free market policies.

but as a person, DJT is an obnoxious pig. and worse, he’s a sucker for the jews, and let’s get real, the zionist jews ARE the root of all the evil in the world. while DJT kissed up to them, they continued with their agenda of white genocide, and destroying the USA from within.

when the swamp is drained, the mil can put whomever they want in power, and they will need a true statesman. that disqualifies DJT. he would make a great VP or a great economic advisor, but not POTUS.


So the military does this now ? Constitution has been re written ? Pence for president and JFK Jr for VP of course .

Jeremy R Feit

The only ones in support of Vaxs are Demonrats and the Dumb (oh, that’s a redundant statement), who put their faith in Godless Men instead of God. So what about Trump?…

Trump has the overwhelming support of Americans (unlike what fake news and rigged election results claim), but Trump’s pro vax rhethoric has cut his support into two camps. Those who say he’s sold out and been a sell-out, and those who say he has to say this B.S., otherwise lockdowns won’t end, that saying Vaxs kill will cause mass panic, and they’ll attack it the way they attacked his comments about taking HCQ… that we are at war and unfortunately war means innocent deaths. But Trump gives all Americans freedom of choice to choose, being against illegal mandates. Freedom of choice is the key. Trust no man. Always do the research. But at least respect those who still give us freedom of choice

Last edited 3 years ago by Jeremy R Feit

What a blow to his base. To me, Trump destroyed himself promoting injections that I wouldn’t take if you paid me a million bucks. The graphene oxide in them is stated to turn me into a 5G cyborg or deteriorate my immune system. Not interested in either of those probabilities. I don’t know how he’s gonna survive this. What could he possibly say to defend himself? Many, I read, have turned against him for promoting the death shot. Even Rand Paul is speaking out against the deaths the shot is causing. Whose side is Trump on? Big Pharma or We the People?

Lorenz Manner

All I want to say is that what President Trump said cannot be taken at face value. President Trump is very intelligent and sophisticated. You have to analyse every word and everything behind his words. There are all kind of boosters. Which one did he take? … and all people understood it’s the booster the lying media is talking about. Can you see the difference?

Trenton Rizza

Steve Quayle has friends in the government and military and has said on multiple occasions that most one star and above officers are corrupt and on the Chinese pay roll.

Trenton Rizza

As a veteran, I salute the military members who refused the vaccine and were discharged – it should be honorable. The military sold us out.


Regardless Trump was re-elected, HE MUST BE VERY AWARE that because of this HE WAS UNLAWFULLY REMOVED FROM THE OFFICE.
How about endorsing boosters, WTH???
Excellent words from Gen, Berger. I would tell Trump the same but a little bit harsh to remember him the duties US Military is doing to bring back the constitutional and LEGALLY RE-ELECTED President and not any citizen as the so called fraud that is crapping all over the country.
No worries, things will be better soon, we will witness and live the next chapter.
Happy Holidays.

Stinky Perfume

There’s something up with Trump and his bragging on the stab. Something many people want to know. He must know that Newsom was supposed to get a placebo and know about how he went into a coma and still bragging “Its a great vaccine?” . C’mon! After what happened to Newsom? Maybe Trump will say that particular stab was something else just aimed at Newsom and no other? LIke a political assassination?

You can lie to all the people, some of the time and some of the people all the time but can’t lie to all the people all the time unless you want to face a point where you can’t lie to none of the people any of the time.

I know people that had nasty side effects, one bled out 7 cups of blood after Moderna, my next door neighbor is now on morphine with pain crawling up the back of her neck, Other neighbors can’t walk well anymore or having lot’s of sick days. Another friend of mine had blood coming out of the top of her head after the stab in the arm it raged on for months.

If I read facebook on a side effects site with thousands of comments there’s plenty of lost loved one’s right after the jab. We all recognize the jerking now, the twitches and convulsions when they suddenly drop down.

Trump is RANTING “nobody dies of the great vaccine, I got one, everybody should get one” Is he sacrificing himself or revealing some kind of ignorance, or war time triage?

Pro choice doesn’t say some of the vaccines are placebos or even begin to reveal side effects. Doctor’s are studying blood clots before and after with the same patient and making pictures in videos. The situation with blank ingredients lists stuffed in the vax-boxes are so obvious.

Why doesn’t the military go ahead and report their deaths and side effects? Is there some demon creature that has them in check for going mainstream on that? There’s surely military photos and upset people involved unless the stabbers have no conscious, like MK Ultra multiple personalities? How at this late stage of the game does the military have any stab deaths at all anyway? Doesn’t the military look at BitChute? What about all the people that didn’t get the 2nd dose over bad side effects?

I’m going to take a wild guess that Trump was picked up by MILABS or something. MIB maybe, but they have programmed him and make him rant on about a great vaccine with keywords. In other words he’s not his old self and can’t shut up if he wanted to. The minute someone brings the subject up he’s got this rant and can’t control it, and something was capable of doing that to him at a space force level.


Maybe Trump has been replaced by one of those confounded Anunnaki shapeshifters! 🦎

American Living in Canada

Military is the only way.


The military is vaccinating all of its troops and kicking out the ones who refuse 🙃

carolyn smith

Trump needs to suck it up and admit that his WARP speed just like Amy Comey Barrett BIDEN and Cavanaugh tricked him. He screwed up and needs to admit big pharma played him and they are getting rich as over 500,000 people have died from the vaccine AND THEY STILL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR IT!!!

1% of adverse reactions get reported to VAERS and if there are 5,000 deaths reported the math means 1/2 million have dies.

Look at the obituaries, there are more. Why are all these 45 to 65 year old mean just dying unexpectedly with blown up hearts when they NEVER had any heart issues before. It is the JAB. 225 service men???? THE JAB.

Rose Mary Abbott

President Donald J Trump is working a plan and we need to be both patient and quiet so he can accomplish MAGA. We have followed him through all of the last 5 and 1/2 years and just because he is saying something confusing to us right now is no reason to turn against him. We are not alone in confusion. The DS is freaking out about it and I can see that he is causing a big diversion and while they are looking at his diversion he will have the freedom he needs to bring them down. Remember that Berger told him he was glad he is still in the fight at the end of their communication. He has played the Deep State for the chumps they are and is still playing them right into his trap. Keep the faith! We are blessed beyond measure. All we have to do in this world wide war is pray and wait. Is that really too much to ask for?


I am shocked. !
After the last (election),
Things are going to change. They MUST…
45 Days from now, who knows what will change !
The days of ” vote early and vote often”, might be obsolete.
Corruption is everywhere.
and don’t like THIS
IT IS ABOUT THE WORLD, and ALL the HUMANS on this planet.
It about the choice between good and evil.
Let’s just sit back , and let the story unfold


No more giving excuses for Trump, he should stop promoting the killer jab, he is too smart not to understand that people are dying from the jab.

Rose Mary Abbott

He knows that his followers are already informed about the vaccines. He knows that we are not stupid impatient cry babies that don’t know how to shut up and stay out of the way. Why do you want to give up on him when you haven’t had to do a thing to win this war but watch? Are you bored with his plan?


ARREST ALL involved, gather the evidence and Witnesses
Hold the MILITARY TRIBUNAL, sentence the guilty, and execute .all
The 🐓🍭


But the deep state is ahead and nothing is happening as usual . EBS ? JFK Jr ? Cicadas ?

Rose Mary Abbott





He loves the jab and that he is responsible for the development . He got all three shots , they are not poisonous:

Rose Mary Abbott


Rose Mary Abbott

He did not say “jab” he said vaccines. There are no vaccines. He’s throwing a monkey wrench into the Deep State hive mind.

Mary J Gregg


Rose Mary Abbott


Peter Lewis

It’s time for our military to find a replacement for Trump. We need a leader who knows what a genocidal bioweapon this “vaccine” really is. We need a leader who is a lot more tech savvy and willing to expose the COVID lies, like Trump promised he would. This Trump figure has sold us out. He is not worth my support any longer.


Why would the military be responsible for picking a replacement ?


Because BOTH SIDES rig Elections!!!


So we rewrite the constitution and determine just who in the military is qualified to be a king maker. What could possibly go wrong?


The warrant for your arrest is being written.
Witnesses are being interviewed.
Evidence is collected,
Too late to RUN !
You time is up.
Martial Law Has been declared.


Once again I am flattered. Should I have a meal or snacks ready for the people coming to get me? I already have a lawyer, Sidney Powell. Is she any good?

Rose Mary Abbott



I’m waiting .


You were warned multiple times.
But you never listened


oh no…

Rose Mary Abbott



Ain’t that the TRUTH, so now the MILITARY needs to correct the problem so it doesn’t happen again.
There will be some pain
…that’s how some people learn
Some more ” necktie parties “…….oh well


The military has no power in any of this, why do you think so? Zero, nothing in the constitution about it. With all your paranoia why don’t you think they are corrupt too?

Rose Mary Abbott

Definitely true! So let’s get rid of all of it. This country needs a complete reset back to it’s original parameters. The Party system has proven to be completely corrupt. How can we run this nation in accordance with the Constitution outside of a Party system? It was objected to in the beginning and now we can see why. Without the corruption of the central banking system would the parties be honest? Could the model of Democracy be compatible with a gold backed government? What could we put in its place if it’s no longer useful to us because of its weakness to corruption?


It is IN the constitution.
That is the LAW.
You Sold you souls to the DEEP STATE= LUCIFER
THE crypto currency exchange will collapse.
EVERYTHING is happening


Nope not at all. You know it and are desperate or a troll yourself . Military will not take control and remember Milley is in control

Rose Mary Abbott



He never sold anyone out dipshit, Big Pharma changed formulas to include nano bots & graphene in them. The chemical changes include operating & receiving transmitters to stiffen the graphene into razor like sabers inside your body and attack either your heart or your blood viens making you die right away or die by bleeding to death internally.
Go to Bitchute and search for this channel “Alien. Wars” there you will find the answer you seek.
You have 9 days to make peace, after that nothing is off the table when it comes down to a fight.
This is what weve been warned about, yet the stupid Shills here fuck with peoples heads.


Let’s go Brandon….

Rose Mary Abbott

Okay you do it. We will all come jump on YOUR bandwagon and march off with you in the lead to total destruction of the world wide pedophilic cabal.

Sandy Koufax

President Trump Lies to Candace Owens: Unvaccinated People are Dying and Filling the Hospitals.

Rob William

He is telling the truth. He is doing a great service to his people by telling the truth and trying to save lives despite the risk of losing his political base. In 3 years of time, everything will be clear about the vaccines and Trump will have a much better chance of winning. Vaccines are highly effective and proven science!


LOL,….No unvaccinated person is dying of Covid. How can they when they never even found the Virus??? It does NOT exist, the only thing that does, is their Jab which IS their Virus.


Correct – the entire world shut down for something which doesn’t exist and everyone is in on the joke except sandy


The entire world MUST be SHUT DOWN…..
So Martial law can be implemented.
Its for your OWN GOOD
government will protect YOU
MORE EXECUTIVE ORDERS are being signed


Please let me know when the world will be shut down. No one else will know.


Correct, THE JABBED PEOPLE are the sick and dying.
It is in the VAX…. It is the poison.
The US navy ship with 100% vaxed crew is presently quarantined.
A very bad outbreak. Happening NOW
Look it up on the news.


So the jabs have a microchip in them that will make the graphene stretch out into razors giving you a major heart attack to kill you, or will slice you wide open until you start bleeding internally until you die. Theres a video on bitch ute about it. People, I don’t care what you think or what side you think you’re on etc blah blah blah, but this is the tipping point! Vaccine nano bots kill people via cell phone.
Posted by Alien. Wars on bitchute.

People, you may want to – becareful now because they can shut you off when they want and at any time they want – even our duly elected potus trump!!! All by the touch of a cellphone button w/5g. Watch the towers!

Julio c vidal

very good we are very concern about trump endorsing some jab that is not even a real vaccine a mockery to common sense unless he is compromise or his clone is failing, or he meant the good vaccine hydroxychloroquine we the awake people are washing close he should know about now

Rob William

Get the vaccine, they are highly effective and proven science. Don’t fall for the completely bogus claims about microchips etc. Sorry to say this, but in the current situation, anti vaxxers are working against saving human lives (instead of being pro-life) and leading to a prolonged pandemic.


GOVERNMENT Will Do that for YOU.





Kevin Kai Drake

I made a comment that was not allowed to be posted. I am a Patriot for America and a son of a world war 2 Vet who as a Christian, I posted my opinion on my concern about Trump pushing VAX. This site allows guys to troll and make rude comments and hassle and insult others, yet when I made comments from Bible and pro constitution and comments about not being able to serve the light and darkness at same time and my concerns over Trump promoting VAX and lying that it is safe and effective, my comments were not allowed to be posted when I went back to check, my comments were not allowed. I insulted no one but said it appeared Trump was more pro Zion than pro America or pro Big Pharma more than Save and Build America if he takes certain stances but I said I have hope for him and am praying for him, yet my comments were not allowed. Wow Trolls can say curse words or nasty things against others here but I cannot give my opinion when I am respectful to the President just voicing concerns. Whats up with that, if this is a pro America, Pro Constitutional Freedom site? Where is my Freedom of Speech here


I have been voting 3rd party since 92, and firmly believe T was always a Bullshizzler as he delivered Christian patriots to 🇨🇳! Truth be told, he sold out the American farmers to 🇨🇳, and never finished THE wall!


my suburb was just rocked with RPG fire




I’m glad Trump is getting some info about the vaccines. He sounds like such a clueless dumbass when he goes out there pushing poison.

Rob William

The real crime by DJT is that he said the sensible and scientific thing. Most people here hate the truth that effective Covid vaccines in such a short duration of time has saved millions of lives. The action of mRNA vaccines has been studied with extreme accuracy using scanning tunneling microscope in lab conditions as well as undergone massive clinical trials. It is as perfect and precise science as possible.


You are mistaken


I disagree..
Covid vaccines should be out lawed.
Ivermectin and hydrochloroquine are the answer to save lives
From the Bio Weapon being used as the depopulating tool around the world


it seems trump and the military aren’t completely on the same page. makes me worry.


Does it really matter? Trump has nothing to do with the military anymore. He got out of the draft by claiming bone spurs so he was never really interested anyway.




Sorry but what he said is punlic knowledge. And I’ll say it again. If Trump were still on charge then I challenge you to explain Afganistan. That disgrace would never have happened under Trump’s watch.


I’m over it with all the pro-vax people. Point blank. Reason being: Now they are giving it to children, and children are dying of heart complications from it. They are willingly and needlessly pushing something that is killing children.
Most of the pro-vax people are pro-abortion too.

Thumbs up to killing babies and children. No thank you. I’m over it with the whole of them.

Angel Askew

Many vaxxed women are delivering still births now too….




4 in 5 more months. Many is the new “soon”.






I think you read the study wrong. In Canada there were 4 still births in 5 months. Prior to the vaccine in the same time period there were 11 still births. During each time period there were over 1300 live births. Please read the study again or have an adult or guardian read it to you.




Unfortunately, stillbirths will be the lighter symptom, to my best understanding of the situation, on the long run we will be more talking about Hysterectomy, or extremely painful Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB) leading to surgery.

This is happening at the moment we are talking and doctors will trigger thyroid testing because it’s in their protocol, but we all know what is happening.

When you have young and healthy girl on the phone, barely able to talk to you on the phone because it hurts so much, suffering so much and so lost they open to you about their fear of not being able to have children….

And people still promote the vaccine.

Like Clair George used to say “it’s not going to end well”.

When a young girl dies, it’s a whole family, a whole future that is destroyed.

Plus as a man involved in some projects, it was our task to save them, and we failed.

The end of the symptoms is death.

That is what they say in the special access programs.

To me it’s clear we failed to protect them, and when people will finally understand what happened, there will be payback.


i’m sure you’ll share the peer-reviewed scientific study results #soon

Rob William

That’s asking for too much. They hardly have any clue about scientific method, correlation, P-value etc. All the science Hope knows is studied through blog posts and messages.


If by peer review you mean “liked by a neighbor’s hairdresser on Facebook”, I think she has it covered.


CGI= computer generated IDIOT


It not like unvaccinated people are dying at all.

Dave Smith

JANUARY 6TH any word on that day ??? Thankyou For any information you can give me. Thankyou And God bless you and your family and friends amen.

Dave Smith


Dave Smith


Dave Smith

Has good videos on the vaccine and vaccinated people…


I don’t know about CIA being involved in the page, but I think Mikey covered it well in his response to news guard from his twisted truth email, the name alone should be a clue, in which he said it’s a satire site exposing the insanity of rabid Trumpists who lack the mental wherewithal to distinguish fact from fiction.

I had to retype it and left out the quotation marks since Mikey is blocking out a direct cut and paste. That’s right folks, Mr Free Speach as you call him makes it subject to his approval. Can you say censorship?

Mike could well be a full blown leftist and having fun knowing the extreme right is as gullible and the extreme left. I bet he reads the comments here and laughs his butt off like Kamala when being asked for explanations

Last edited 3 years ago by david68_00
Rob William

I think RRN gives MB enormous power over his followers and that’s what drives him. He creates all these stories to reinforce his own convictions and convictions of his supporters. So he is surely not a leftist.


No telling for sure which side he’s on. The comment about “rabid Trumpists” kind of implies left, but then I’m in the right and pretty much agree. I just use the term extremists which we see on both sides of the fence. They bash the left for blindly accepting whatever the drive by media throws out yet here they are accepting every claim on this site when there isn’t a shred of proof and viciously attack anyone who dares to question. J Bill keeps saying, and I quote “show your papers” and then calls them nazis. He can’t even see the irony in his own words. They are as insane as the far left and can’t see how far gone they are. That’s why in this forum I’ll call myself a moderate. On a page full of extremists, I don’t want to say I’m right and be lumped in with the close minded lunatics as they foam at the mouth with wrath at anyone with different views. Folks like Zee calling you shill for pharma and J Bill screaming pedo with zero grounds to base their accusations. They are insane and I suspect Mike is just having fun dangling the worm and watching them swallow and run wild. While I don’t know where he stands politically, I enjoy his sense of humor. He’s comparable to Trump in his style of set them up with enough rope to hang themselves and boy do they ever.


Yeah it’s hard to pin down where MB really stands politically. That quote from Newsguard may be the best evidence out there, but if you look at the RRN twitter account there’s also a number of times where he has replied to people like Texas politicians, with very angry replies that make him seem like a genuine angry MAGA person. Maybe that’s just him trying to establish the ‘character’ MB as a far right too-online person, just like his RRN audience, but who knows.

In any case the more important thing is that he is, first and foremost, a grifter. Whether he’s laughing at the qanon burnouts he writes this site for, or deep down agrees with them and shares in their disappointment that Q fizzled to nothing, he is preying on them with lies and false hope, and pushes them constantly to send him their money.

Last edited 3 years ago by Jay

I’m so grateful to General David H. Berger to allow such information to be conveyed to the public.

In the special access programs people have been warned about the jab for at least 2 years.

First warning was that it would influence your morals ( a very problematic aspect for Marines, known to have high morals and a unique “esprit de corps“)
Then second warning was that it would simply kill you in the short or long run. ( the life expectancy dropping dramatically being a consequence of the degenerating morals : a part of the brain is modified by the jab and triggers many side effects, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) being among the ones the most cited in intelligence circles.)

So all this is an open secret in high political or intelligence circles, but is absolutely unknown to the general public.

Many intelligence officers have tried to warn people close to them, only to meet them in the ICU for Christmas : well they did not take the warning seriously, and now they will be handicapped for life, Myocarditis disease being Christmas top gift this year.

I’m a big supporter of President Donald Trump, but I can not understand this move.

Law bills currently pushed in some countries suggest governments worldwide are preparing to face an angry crowd, angry when they will realize the side effects.

If this projection ends up being reality, and that the majority of the people feel betrayed by the jab thing, they will reject doctors, nurses, anybody linked with health and the vaccine.

If President Donald Trump is still supporting the vaccine at the moment this scenario comes to reality, I am afraid he will be rejected like the other politicians and we would be left without any political civilian alternative.

We can make it under martial law, it would not make any difference for the day to day life, for food, shelter, it will not change anything, but if we have no leader we will be left in an unbearable feeling of dereliction, unable to believe in politicians again.

I personally would aim for a situation where President Donald J Trump would appear as an unjustly accused patriot, who is like all of us imperfect, but a great and honest leader.

To me the Jab thing is a very dangerous move, because if too much side effects arrive, people will put all the politicians in the same bag and drop them all to the trash bin.

And intelligence expects a lot of side effects, and when I say a lot, it’s a lot.

Last edited 3 years ago by forsaken

We need to look very closely at the people who are taking to Trump..he obviously is being VERY badly informed…..


We should start with his golf caddy. He golfs a lot!



Rob William

MB/RRN vs Trump will be interesting (on RRN it has an extreme sensational value). I don’t think military of earth-0 is in any way involved in it, may be military of MBs earth-126 is!

Last edited 3 years ago by Rob William

We need to avoid a confrontation between the aliens, Steven Segall and us.


Is an EXPERIMENTAL Big Pharma concoction a vaccine, in the legal sense?
The Big Pharma concoction has been granted Emergency Use Authorization precisely because it has not achieved “vaccine” status.
Are HCQ and Ivermectin recognized as “vaccines” by the Trump administration?


Perhaps DJT is feigning Ignorance so he can become enlightened. He can Then tell TRUTH! Has to pretend to be a retard first.


And maybe if you keep eating shit it will eventually taste like chocolate 🙃


Well said!


I hope you are right–I see where it could lead —to good conversaton that he could not other wise engage in


I remember early on in Trump’s Presidency, that he met with Pelosi and Schumer for some discussions about legislation. After that meeting, Schumer was almost beside himself with glee, reporting that they had a very favorable meeting with 45, and they anticipated working very well with his administration. Mark Levin, who is intelligent, well-connected and very well informed, went off the rails, accusing Trump of “lurching to the left.” I remember thinking that Trump was giving Pelosi and Schumer a huge head-fake to the left to get them off-balance, and that next he would do a bootleg to the right and walk into the end zone. Sure enough, within the next 2 weeks, Trump had a very calculated and effective response that blew Nutty Nancy and ChuckU out of the water. Schumer whined that negotiating with Trump was “like negotiating with a bowl of Jell-o.” Trump is a master strategist and negotiator, and every move he makes is well thought-out and calculated to exact a very specific reaction from his enemies.
Keep the faith patriots! Don’t let the trolls and other DS turds who are on here, distract us from our mission of defeating the DS and saving this great nation.

Last edited 3 years ago by David

Well said. Don’t lose site of his record. He’s a master tactician who loves to set folks up to expose themselves. Like the master chess player he is, he’s always thinking multiple steps ahead. Sometimes you need to sit back in faith and wait to see what he’s got working.


Master tactician he is for sure hence his book The Art of the deal and no he is in no way making a deal with no one especially the fear left liberals and am putting it mildly. He is also good at the old but proven Oriental war tactic Sun Tzu where he appears to be weak when he is strong and vice versa. Blessings,


When Trump was in office he had his advisors to blame. He’s not in office now, so he has no one but himself to blame for being so critically misinformed on this subject. Shame, SHAME on him for not doing the research before speaking publically. Glad to know a voice from military opposed Trump on his position.

TV is the real virus with all of its constant lies. Masks are needed, not for our nose and mouth, but for our ears to keep out those lies. Please, PLEASE DJT, get a clue. Man up to the truth or don’t speak at all.


Yes, everyone knows that the shots will magnetize you and with family dinners the silverware could be dangerous. I’ve had a problem with thumb tacks and paper clips.

Rob William



Lmao 😂


I love what President Trump has done and I’ve supported him completely in everything he’s attempted ………… BUT, his stance on the vaccines is not commensurate with my continued support. It’s a deal breaker. President Trump CAN NOT be so naive to not know that the various poison Kill Shots are part of the One Worlder Elites push to depopulate and inaugurate their One World Dictatorship.
Then WHY his continued support of the vaccines? ………………. I don’t know …….. except if it was part of his strategy to draw more of undiscriminating democrats and middle-of-the-roaders to get consensus so as to allow the Military to legally remove the imposter-in-Chief.


He says pro-vaccine things because he is pro-vaccine. Lol how much clearer can this be?

“I came up with a vaccine- with THREE vaccines. All are very very good.” -DJT

“The ones who get very sick and go to the hospital are the ones who don’t get the vaccine. If you take the vaccine you’re protected.” -DJT

“People aren’t dying when they take the vaccine.” -DJT

Rob William

And what Trump is saying is mostly true. It’s not about being pro vaccine or anti vaxx, these vaccines has been studied in extreme details and have been proven to be effective and safe.


I have thought for some time now, that Mr. Trump is working for the enemy.


We’re all entitled to our own opinions, but Trump and his family have endured far too much vitriol, hatred and attacks for me to ever think that he is working for the DS or some part of it. Absolutely not. He had a quality of life that most of us can only try to imagine, and he willingly gave that up to try to save this country. I don’t fully understand any endorsements that he may have made but have to continue to have faith that he, having access to so much more information than we do, is doing the best things for the US and its patriot citizens.


I hope that you are correct. That your assertion is correct. I would prefer that my suspicion is unfounded, but I’m afraid it isn’t.

Rob William

And who is the enemy? Science and logic?


The enemy is Satan.

Ruth Maloney

Trump needs to f****! watch what he says about the vaccines! It’s the jab that kills, not the disease, and this has been proven over and over by honest reliable Doctors and scientists! Keep it up and you are going to lose your base, dude. There is no excuse. You COULD just keep your mouth shut about it and work on getting those jailed and tortured in D.C. out of Jan 6th jail! Your vax comments make me angry beyond belief.


Trump needs to fuck? Gross

Rob William

Yeah anything sensible makes us super angry!

Barbara Vadas

He has lost support from the majority of critical thinking people. He has lost the support of those of us who know the genocide that has occurred with the shots.
This is because he wants the support of liberal Democrats??
I supported him on stop the steal and Jan 6. He didn’t support those arrested because of Jan 6. He invited the people to come Jan 6.
I am bombarded with emails wanting money for Trump.
I’m done giving.

Rob William

Trump is going to win midterm and 2024 without your support, unless Biden is able to do something really magical.


Dominion is still in place. THAT is what we have to worry about. Rally turn outs told us all we need to know. No person in their right mind thinks Joe won honestly and his disasterous first year confirmed all Trump’s warnings. If we don’t stop the steal, we’re done as a republic.

mark david

By reverse pschology, President Trump now has many more people discussing the deadly vaccines, more information is now flowing to the public. A brilliant way to spread the vaccine information. Otherwise, the main stream media would have said nothing about it.


Let us just say, he is a master tactician and a master in SunTzu.


This entire charade has gone on long enough. It’s way past time for Arrests and Executions. Trump’s support is diminishing everytime he tallks about the vaccines. He is irritating the base.


Lol how’s it feel to have alienated yourself from friends and family by being cultishly pro-Trump, only to have Trump himself fuck you over too?


Thanks Michael for reporting on these highly-charged events.

Stinky Perfume

In the beginning of covid Trump was pro hydroxychloroquine as a cure. When most of us believed there might be something toxic spreading. Then he turned warp speed pro vax? No there was warp speed agenda long before the fake covid threat was made public.

I think Trump’s not the same person he used to be, something is different and off..

Trump only got into office to bump out HRC which was important. Now HRC is dead and the fact is there’s some body doubles floating about pretending she’s still alive.

Well, this isn’t what good people that rescued the world risking their lives and careers to explain the jab is toxic will be able to appreciate. The good are separating out from the evil these days. Lot’s of people can see that. Trump appears to be coming out mind controlled. Maybe he did get a jab but it’s done this to him, compromised him.

Now, the USA needs a total antivax president like what’s in Africa, someone that’s got common sense. Trump seems abnormal to me, not his old self. Almost like a dictator, or controlled and animated by one. The dictator can’t shut up about a vaccine or address the toxic jab issues. Such as the jabs variety ingredients. How about the placebos in the mix? It can’t be a great vaccine with all this variety vials, variety ingredients and deaths. Trump is ranting about one size fits all, and even if they had a uniform product, one size don’t fit all.

I can understand he’s playing up to the vaccinated not to lose votes or scare them they might die. Those are only placebo votes, or low dose toxin votes, so how many is that?

He’s there to oppose Biden but the controller of Biden won with vote lies? Part of it, but most of Biden’s win was due to actors and perhaps body animations, Biden’s not himself either. Some kind of animated creature anymore and some videos look like an actor with a mask on, other’s a robot and he’s too tired.

So whatever is going on, these are not normal people like we see speaking on the news in Africa with this human feeling.

So that had to happen, they see a need to fake people out, and animate USA presidents, but now Trump starts up with whatever bullshit, sounds like an idiot. “It’s a great vaccine, I got it out fast…”.dictator rants.

I am not amused. Telling people they need a vaccine at all much less a toxic jab that’s not a vaccine or a trickster saline jab for those who know not to take the toxic jab. I don’t know what’s wrong because I can’t make clones or see past an actor’s mask or something but obviously that man looking thing called Trump is not what he was a couple of years ago.


He’s just pro-vaccine. But holy shit guys the way this has completely short-circuited your brains is the funniest shit I have ever seen in over 6 months of posting here on RRN. Truly incredible stuff. Thank you all for a great Christmas 🎅




What the fu-ck, why is he saying to get the death shot? if this is the case, i don’t believe he’s helping us at all !


Because he thinks the vaccine is safe and good and everyone should get it. Pretty straightforward stuff!


Down vote Jay all you want but how else do you explain it? Trump didn’t start operation warp speed just to publicly trash the efforts. Folks, you need to reopen your minds and think about stuff. Trashing something just because it doesn’t fit your narrative is being just plain liberal lunatic. When you act like the enemy, you are perceived no different. Come on folks, settle down and do some honest thinking and discussing. That’s how us folks on the right are supposed to act.


Lmao it would fucking rule if RRN goes this route

Smell the Coffee

Trump got COVID. He has a lifetime immunity from ever getting this again. Once he gets the vax he loses that immunity.

I don’t know why Trump is touting this vax. It’s troubling.


Because he’s pro-vaccine. How is this hard to get?


Not very. I’m curious of his exact views and insider knowledge, but he didn’t start operation warp speed just to bash the efforts.


Noone has yet said getting and recovering is a lifetime immunity. All reports I’ve heard on conservative radio and such say it’s better than the jab but only last for a period time. Either way, I’ll trust my natural defenses over this genetic tampering any day of the week. The current jabs came way too fast. None of the successful and proven vaccinations we had in our youth were developed this quickly. I think with time they will get something good (provided they are continuing their research efforts) but all I see right now is a massive human trial. Yeah, I’ll wait.


Just what Fauci said, he’ll wait when asked by his co-worker if he had been vaccinated. RRN reported that. Btw, without project warp speed, we would still be in lockdown while big Pharma worked on getting the deadly shot perfected with estimated roll out by 2023. The jab that is being pushed is not as deadly as it could be which I can consider the lesser of two evils. Also recall DJT said before the jabs came out thus; “the cure can’t be worse than the disease”. Meanwhile, keep,the faith and trust in God, I do.


Well said. You are absolutely right, sir!

Rob William

It’s ok to wait and it’s your personal choice but development of vaccine is such a short time was done by optimizing the trials (many trials and stages of trials were done in parallel, very high funding was given to recruit people fast) and not by compromising the science. It’s all credit to Trump’s operation warp speed. It created a new blueprint of creating and testing medicines. It is not bad, it’s great and groundbreaking!


My cousin just came down with a second bout of COVID; the first was last February. She has had all the jabs and booster and still got it. Says she’s she has a bad cough and sniffles. Could it be just a frick’n cold? My sister who’s an RN said a cold and COVID will both test positive. I have not gotten the jab nor will I ever. Call my whatever but I have faith in God and if he decides my time is up, who am I to question Him.




I pray it is sooner than later, Please hurry up!!!!


Trump is NOT going to come out against the vax, he ushered it in to remove a weapon from the dep state… if he goes against his previous position the deep state media will further clog the airwaves with nonsense… Trump and the patriots know exactly what they are doing… don’t get weak and jump ship now


Agree with your thought processes here.


Thank you for being a voice of reason. Just keep your head down, I have little doubt Zee will be screaming schill for pharma any moment. The right side lunes are as bad as the left’s. Closed minded and foamimg at the mouth if you don’t bow to their individial beliefs.