Enmity Grows Between Trump, Military Over Vaccine Advocacy


An impassible chasm now separates Donald J. Trump from the high-ranking “White Hat” military commanders who not long ago pledged to support his war on the Deep State in hopes of restoring American prosperity to patriotic citizens. Although still pursuing, capturing, and incarcerating Deep State players, the military has reached a breaking point with Trump over his glowing endorsement for vaccinations and booster shots.

As reported previously, Trump last month irritated a MAGA crowd in Dallas when he urged supporters to get vaccines and boosters, saying he had been boosted and that Covid-19 vaccines had saved tens of millions of lives. He then butt-heads with conservative commentator Candace Owens, who challenged his position on vaccine safety and efficacy. Trump claimed without evidence that hospitals are overwhelmed with unvaccinated patients, and he alleged that persons who had received vaccines and boosters “do not get sick.” His amorous adulation for Operation Warp Speed and the vaccines earned him a telephone call from the man who was his key military ally, Marine Corps General David H. Berger. He asked the 45th president to dampen the vaccine rhetoric.

More recently, Trump’s ambivalence on who should get vaccinated and when has put MAGAs in a quandary, as they are uncertain where he stands.  In a Wednesday NPR interview, Trump hyped vaccinations: “The vaccines, I recommend taking them. Many people recommend them. And I think that’s very important. Personally, I feel very comfortable having taken them. I’ve had absolutely no reverberation.” The next day he said he didn’t understand why anyone who has had and recovered from Covid-19, and presumably has antibodies, would get vaccinated.

His seesawing has now expanded the divide between him and the U.S. military.

“He’s sending mixed messages that damage his credibility. No one wants to impugn his character, but Trump must deliver a clear and consistent message. He’s either for vaccines and boosters, or against them. We have a right to know, and so does his base,” said Marine Corps Captain Thomas Wheeler, who serves under Gen. Berger.

A second influential military source, this one wishing to remain anonymous, ascribed Trump’s vaccine advocacy to his ego.

“Donald Trump has a lot of pride and doesn’t like to admit failure. He got tricked into launching Operation Warp Speed and rushing dangerous vaccines to market. Look, Trump has done a lot for this country, that’s not in question, but he ought to come out and say he was deceived and tell the truth about the thousands and thousands of people getting sick or dead from the vaccination. Omicron isn’t killing anyone, it’s the vaccines. And his reluctance to be forthcoming is damaging our mission and him too,” that source said.

Furthermore, RRN reached out to contacts at the U.S. Navy Judge Admiral General’s Corps.

“Many of the people we prosecuted were convicted, at least in part, because of their Covid crimes—Bill Gates, Andrew Cuomo, and Gavin Newsom come to mind. How can we in good conscience target them if Trump is promoting, even if he’s not in favor of mandates, the vaccines in the media. Saying he opposes mandates isn’t a strong enough statement. He’s either chosen this direction himself, or he’s getting bad advice, and it isn’t coming from us,” said Captain Nathan Brown of JAG’s Criminal Law Division.

Asked what stance JAG will take if Trump continues on course, Captain Brown said, “That’s ultimately not my decision. People higher than me in the chain of command are not pleased and want him to do an about-face. I can say this: Trump activated the Insurrection act, but he’s not Immune to it.”


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Mike Baxter

Forgot to include a quote in the article:
Me to Cpt. Brown: “Does JAG still stand with Trump?”
Captain Brown to me: “It’s not if we stand behind Trump, it’s does Trump stand with America. We represent a nation, an idea, not one single man.”

Last edited 2 years ago by Mike Baxter

Is it possible that the rumors of the vaccine being changed since the new administration took over could be true?

Last edited 2 years ago by stacylee
Mike Baxter

IDK. If you’re suggesting the vaccines were ever safe, I’m hard pressed to believe that. It’s my feeling they’ve always been dangerous.

Mike Baxter

And let’s not forget that Tiffany Dover, a nurse and one of the first Americans to receive the vaccine, vanished and was replaced by a body double after getting the vaccine on national television.


Just a few days later her name appeared in death registry. I as many others started searching and kept digging till it did appear. Poor girl but she is gone no matter what double or how much money they paid the family off with. Shame shame.

Sandy Koufax

Pfizer’s “Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event Report” revealed that their COVID shot caused 1220 deaths and 11361 adverse events from December 2020 through April 2021 that they refused to disclose to the public until recently. Collins knew the COVID shot was a bioweapon and that’s why he took saline instead.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sandy Koufax

Speaking of Pfizer, I found this elsewhere online….

from twitter.com/groyperje




Direct link to save it in case it ‘conveniently’ disappears online


In ‘modern browsers’ right click it and chose ‘save’ from the pop up menu or click the 3 dots in the lower right corner of the player window and select ‘download’.

While I’m here, the BGM is this:


Used (in)famously in



Rockefeller created big pharma over a century ago, pushed medical schools to teach only big pharma, hid natural cures, what was the real cause of the Spanish Flu(1918), the UN is on Rockefeller land(agenda 21/2030, etc… UN.ORG)… research what’s been in the vaccines for decades and what it has done to Our Children, etc… besides made big pharma lots of $$$… Trump is trying to turn around in a few years what the deepstate has been working on for decades/centuries… Trump said that he wanted to do this once and that we’d have to make sure it didn’t happen again… we’ve got a lot of work to do!!! I trust and support TRUMP!!! … a few things to research: human trafficking, federal reserve, voter fraud/political corruption, weather modification, GMO, all the wars, the vatican, royalty, NGOs, for just a few topics… and lastly, this is all worldwide! if you can connect the dots on just a few of these, you’re doing better than most…


Mike, I should have made that a general comment, not a reply!


Thanks anyway


Don’t forget about ‘UFOs’. People are deceived about ‘UFOs’ as well.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kim

It has been well documented by Michael Baxter that the Anunnaki are invading the Earth! I wish he would still post updates about them.


Worst = #1 Shill JAY

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

Oh come on Zee. Tell me with a straight face that you don’t want to know what the Anunnaki are up to these days!

Last edited 2 years ago by Jay

I have been writing about this for a week. They are taunting Steven Seagal.


And we thank you for it Ted, it’s the thrilling and uplifting content we need right now, as MB’s articles have become so doom n’ gloom 🙏


The CIA false flag unit massacres cows. That is depraved.


TROLL- SHILL— Your info as usual is wrong.
Spend more time doing deeper research.
Pharma is now pushing THEIR TAINTED CBD

Buck fiden


huh-huh, huh-huh, huh-huh, huh-huh, ….


Pharma Shill?


Get the penis out of your butt.


Leave Mr Douglas alone and quit being nasty to those who don’t share your same beliefs,I am a Trump supporter and embarrassed because Trump supporters don’t act this way


Stop wasting time playing with trolls & Shills and do more research. The Clean CBD is suffering yes but dirty Pharma is pushing them out of business with nasty threats and City councils. I am watching it at this moment– It’s made easy for the dirty CBD companies to get into business while putting huge $ road blocks up for the Clean CBD.compamies.
. .

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

I have a mind of my own shill,your little threats telling me to pick a side doesn’t scare me,one of your other accounts I mean Angel gave false information yesterday saying Gore would be president this morning…and here we are🙃and when asked who the sources were she said she couldn’t tell us and said to do the research,no one could find anything,not even on PNN,everyone has been waiting for you I mean her to find out how President Gore is doing today….did you delete her account because you screwed up,I mean she screwed up🤪




You have friends here that would hate to see you go,don’t let the new trolls get to you,the only one who is showing hatred is Zee and her accounts of many…hopefully MB will see her mean posts as she strives to get his attention and get rid of her as she is a bully and an instigator,her posts telling me to pick a side or leave the group shows that she is bullying others who don’t agree with her,but I don’t GAF about her,I bet she gets her ass kicked a lot by others😊please sleep on it and don’t leave,have a goodnight Mr Douglas


HMU on twitter @b0faatrrn ( change 0 to o. old guy image as the avi)


FOS, much?


HMU on twitter @b0faatrrn ( change 0 to o. old guy image as the avi)


It seems like what the government did with alcohol. They let the mob run the alcohol industry. The mob runs the pharma industry and oil and so many other industries.


‘Revenuers.’ Always been Corrupt.
US Government poisoned illicit alcohol for public consumption.


Zee, we are trying to be patient with you because of the accommodations you have requested but your continued rudeness will not be tolerated. You have been warned before.


SHILL TED… we’re over his target


Ban her Ted!


What exactly did Oliver say that was trollish? I don’t see it on this post.


He needs to do more Research on Pharma and CBD

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

Maybe you don’t know how to look more deeply

mark david

Marijuana causes psychosis and physical damage to the brain. Some of you are symptomatic I see. .


OWD is a troll period

Rob William

What is the source of your information?


Zee will not answer when asked about EBS which she said would go off a while ago and then everything else would start. Quantum internet, filtered Nesara, days of darkness, all the good and important things.




Yes Trolls change the subject that’s why they are so annoying and destructive.


Like me?


they have also taken down holistic doctors…


Now we have to be our own health providers….
I trust Veterinarian Doctors, more than Human Doctors

Rob William



Veterinarians are trained in the same evil pharma methods. The animals suffer the same damages & deaths as humans. Homeopathic vets don’t use any pharma poisons, including vaccines. We will all be better off when pharma is destroyed.


please look at the veterinarians as well! the vaccines they’re giving our pets just for the $$$… some of our pets have been taken down by vaccines… think about the ties to big pharma… research the percentages of antibiotics, etc given to farm animals that end up in our food chain!!! are all these really necessary?


Taken down?

Murder them is more like it…. 🙁

And the deaths are usually staged to NOT look like murder but a few/some (thankfully) did not have that cover and were honestly investigated by the authorities and ruled as murder.


agree, but this pup luckily survived after a $4000 vet bill… the person couldn’t afford it, but the pup was worth it!!! parvo…


The kids got this pup when it was 8 weeks old… a vet gave the pups it’s vaccines at 7 weeks… from what I understand the pup’s immune system isn’t fully developed until 12 weeks… the kids had the pup less than a week… try finding an all night vet when your pup is not eating, drinking, having problems breathing, etc… the emergency vet she was taken to put her on an IV for fluid/nutrition/etc, plus having to stay for extended care… even the vet said it was the vaccines… when you take your pet for it’s shots, think about it… are they all really needed, or is it big pharma/some vets out for the $$$… research parvo/Vietnam… think about all the meds your pets get, plus all the farm animals in our food chain!!! byw, Greta is doing find today…you couldn’t ask for a nicer pup! Animals are a big part of many families… they are family!!!


simple suggestion: read through just this article and all the comments! Then go back to last year and read/research all the articles that Mike has posted(on this site) about the tribunals… This will give you/people an idea how complex all this stuff is! One article that should make you cringe is comey! This website doesn’t include everything going at gitmo, or other sites(Diego Garcia for one) or in other counties around the world. See how long it takes you to understand what a GREAT job Trump and Our Military has been doing and the number of complex topics/issues involved… ThankQ PQTUS45…. WWG1WGA


China has a CGI ai newscaster that was on air for a week.Then they told the viewers. Holograms have been around since the 1950’s.


Rockefellers like the 6 point star.


To tell you the truth I don’t know what to believe anymore,and I remember Tiffany Dover well,she is the reason myself and many others have declined getting the vaccine,I didn’t know she was replaced with a body double,I do know I have had many friends and a couple of family members succumb to it and only one friend die from covid so I won’t be getting it,thank you

Buck fiden

Why would anyone who has already had the chink virus get a shot?


Stop using racist words. Don’t you know that many Asian Americans voted for Trump, & many Asians in the world fight against Communism & try to flee it? There are many high school & colleges forcing mandates on young people & many have had covid already. These students feel coerced to get the jab in order to attend school. These mandates are unconstitutional & the Supreme Court should’ve ruled against mandates for all people, not just the mandates for employers who have hired over 100 people.


You must be new here. Welcome!

Buck fiden

Hawai’i’i’i’i has been a Democrat stronghold all of its history.
Hawai’i’i’i’i is 75% Asian.

Fuck the chinks. They overthrew our government with the 2020 Erection.

Fuck the japs. They vote overwhelmingly Democrat.

Ok. The Gooks are OK. Koreans and Vietnamese both fled communism. Too bad their second generation American progeny are Silicon Valley leftist slanteyed bastards.

Talk about racism! These Asian countries produce the biggest racists on the entire planet!


And per Jim Stone (jimstone.is / Brandon is telling business owners to IGNORE the SCOTUS decision AGAINST death jab mandates and enforce them anyway!



🤷‍♀️I don’t know,maybe the same reason people are still taking it despite people dropping dead everywhere,and dont forget those that are still getting the vaccine knowing people are still getting covid even though being HEAVILY vaccinated


Why would you take it if you even DIDNT get chink virus? Its a straight out no! Especially when they offered “goodies”, if you took an untested “drug”! “Next guinea pig, step right up!”

Andi Kay

Amen to that!


Nasty RACIST Shill

Buck fiden

How big are your tits? Do your nipples match?



Sandy Koufax

To keep their job.


Please look at this prior post I made:


It is the ‘end game’ of the death jab.


Just to Clarify in my understanding:

My first thought when I read Michael Baxter statement re the body double was the *one* time the hospital staff had the pic of a stairwell of hospital staff 3 days after Tiffany Dovers vaccination day when she fainted. I followed the videos on that as they were happening as well as the commenters…that lady was believed at the early onset to be Amber Lynn Hosea … and she was a close friend of Tiffany. To my eyes Amber looked just like the “Tiffany” that was being paraded on the stairwell. And Amber worked at the hospital as well and there was not a “second” pic of her there on the stairwell either. Yes, she (Amber Lynn Hosea) IMO was being used to replace Tiffany that ONE day. I have not seen any other time this was tried. If I am wrong can someone please give any and all other instances.. Tiffany LaShae Pontes Dover has never been seen and heard from since the vaccination day Dec 17, 2020. I believe all her relatives and friends have been paid off to keep quiet. I have also read and seen the posted Death certificate. People have tried to contact Tiffany about a month or two at the hospital and she has never actually spoke to any callers … the online recorded conversation was uploaded as it occurred. I am very saddened by this whole Covidville nightmare even as the Sheeple people believe the MSM and all Health / Govt officials espouse lies daily to promote these ridiculous fear mongering chapters “As the World Turns”.

Johnny Lunchbucket

It seems trump still has some deepstate handlers that are giving him bogus information. When is he going to learn?


Considered him being perhaps seriously threatened with his familes lives? Or, threatened already with planted bombs we’ve heard mentioned in many places to go off and kill us id DS needs to use them. Perhaps to be used if T does not agree to make himself look foolish?. Similar seems to have happened to Florida’s good guy –he said the same as T..

Remember –DS have only attempted 40- 50 times to kill Trump and quite a few attempts on FLOTUS.
Consider the harder to ask qustions first.

Right now–I trust PDJT. But I trust no one else at the moment more than 50% — I am suspecting all too many are also watching out for their own skin and their families. This way I am not surprised when another may be found to have bad DS connections..

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

“Remember –DS have only attempted 40- 50 times to kill Trump and quite a few attempts on FLOTUS.”

lmaooo wut




Don’t forget my other names!


I really want to know about those assassination attempts . Must have been Star Troopers taking the shots . They are the worst shots in the universe


Lol yep 🤣🤣🤣


I agree! These attempts have gone mostly unnoticed. Our Military has got his six! For those that think Our Military hasn’t been doing much, try researching the funds Trump allocated to Underground Military Training years back. Think tunnels and DUMBs. The first I researched, was the so called earthquakes at China Lake! Think children!!! You can use earthquakes.usgs.gov (change settings to 30 days)… take a tour around the world and look at the hot spots… earthquakes, no! Our Military working with other countries taking tunnels/DUMBs… again, think children… try researching(use duckduckgo not google) Operation Mockingbird… Disinformation has been going on much longer than you/me/we have been alive! we’ve had a constant diet of fakenews! Add in obummer’s proproganda act of 2015… Research/understand Operation Paperclip… maybe you’ll even run across another so-called us president that was as illegal as was obummer… Trump is doing all this for the Children, with the help of Our Military! “we are giving up so little, to get so much in return!” WWG1WGA

anyone watching/in the path of “winter storm Izzy”? you can thank the deepstate for it!


“Try researching all of this unrelated information to conclude that assassination attempts were stopped!”

Lucy Skywalker

oh well said ConnYankee!

Some of the people I respect the most – or at least follow the most closely – have said things I very seriously disagree with. Often I get the feeling that they have said these things in order to VACCINATE “followers” against EVER putting “leaders” on pedestals in preference to doing their own hard work of getting to the truth and doing their share in getting the truth out.

Last edited 2 years ago by Lucy Skywalker

Remember -Zee was also Angela whom is no longer here with us for posting false info
RIP Angela,thank you for the info on President Gore


Rip 🙏


My thoughts exactly Zee. Him or someone in his family has been threatened and that’s the reason for the sudden about face. They WANT him to lose his base. They have a lot of tricks up their sleeves I’ll give them that! The thought of him not looking foolish in the eyes of the people speaks to his ego BUT DJT is a master at flipping things around and blaming Dr. Fakey and others for false intel.
I would think that he’s the most heavily guarded man in the world right not (and his family). But to sacrifice millions of followers lives to save a family member – that dog just don’t hunt for me. Those shots must be placebos that he’s pushing right now. #IMO

Rob William

Trump’s anti vaxx base is much smaller than overall base. He can broaden the base with sensible talking.

Rob William

Trump is 💯% correct in advocating vaccines, one of the greatest achievements in a short duration of time. If he is able to keep it on the message and not falter, he will win 2024.

question everything



Do your research!!! Who makes and is rewarded financially by all things covidville??? Masks, hand sanitizers, vaxxes, etc. Research Dr Rima Laibow and the many others who have tried to wake up people re Big Pharma since the 1990’s. You both are either brainwashed trolls or seriously misinformed. Former Governor Jesse Ventura interviewed and exposed lots of DS stuff back in the 1990’s….recently interviewed Dr Rima Laibow…she came back to US for a very short time just to reissue her warnings.


Yes, and they were patented years before…..meaning they had to “release” the synthetic lab sequenced “virus” (never isolated) in order to get the already designed jab/bio-weapon out everywhere and forced upon the innocent duped via all the planned fear mongering. Now coming for the children!

Kelly Knauth Brown

Any vaccine/pharmaceutical that rolled out in under a year is dangerous.

Rob William

Not necessarily. Look at the parallelization and planning gone into operation warp speed. It’s one of the most tested vaccine ever!


Yes it is – you’re correct! and the general public that’s getting jabbed are the test rats!! Observer is right too – the vaccines were patented well before the release of the virus.

Kathleen Ann

This jab rolled out in less than a year was PRE-PLANNED…just like the 1,000 page ‘Patriot Act’ days after 911, remember that?


But we know there were lots of Jabs that were Saline.
Blue states seem not so hard hit as Red the states have been.


“we know”

lemme stop you right there lmao


Nasty Shill HELEN was De-b, Ja-son and maybe more —have been kicked off.RRN


I’ve heard (who knows if it’s true) that many of the initial shots were saline solutions. They didn’t want everyone dropping dead at the same time. But, perhaps they did contain that micro technology that Spanish researchers (La Quinta Columna) have found in them.

Angela James

All 7 teachers at my school who have tested positive for Covid were vaccinated with all 3 shots. The few of us teachers who are not vaccinated are still healthy. That says it all.

Angela James

I forgot to add that since only vaccinated teachers in my school are testing positive, there are only 2 explanations. 1)Their jab was harmless saline (white hats), or 2) Their jab is Covid (black hats).


I’m baffled! I previously posted re my concerns about Pres Trump doubling down on the jabs. (First article re the tension between Trump & the military). As a physician, I believe my post has merit. I made many of the same points this current article states. Why was my post buried??

Mike Baxter

I didn’t intentionally bury your post. It might have got mistakenly caught up in a culling. I don’t sit behind the keyboard 24/7 watching posts, and sometimes I wake up to 200 or 300 or 500 and simply don’t have time to moderate all. Unfortunately, thanks to trolls and Deep State insurgents, I have to moderate the comments. Feel free to repost.

Terminally deplorable

The VAXX adulterators experimented with the vaxx composition after the EUA to find the lethal limits for an immediate kill. Criminally illegal. It was discovered after a pattern recognition, that linked 100 % of the vaxx deaths to just 5% of the manufacturing lots.Very unplausible that such a monstrous quality control slippage would happen to Big Pharma. See Yeadon presentation timstamp ~ 60 minutes

beforeitsnews . com/eu/2022/01/dr-mike-yeadon-former-vp-of-pfizer-from-this-mornings-corona-webcast-with-reiner-fuellmich-2681614.html


Thanks,I will


Repost to avoid moderation delay
Direct link, save a click and avoid the dodgy ads ‘smeared’ around the imbed link. =P



If the the sky was green and the grass was blue. Stop it! Stop it right now!!! You have any evidence as to the reason why Trump is still supporting a bioweapon?? Really? Please stop talking!!!


Eat shit,really




Eat shit shill

question everything

On that topic, ya’ll should check out this video: Biosludged{DOT}com


Ok,Thank You

Hunter Hunter

I just read about that, alkaline hydrolysis, the liquefaction of corpses, just flush them into the sewage treatment plant and then ship the sludge to farmers to spread on their fields. Probably sounds crazy to most but alkaline hydrolysis is a fact and it is also a fact that sewage treatment plants ship their treated sludge to farmers to spread on their fields.

J Bill

” Leave Mr Douglas alone and quit being nasty to those who don’t share your same beliefs,I am a Trump supporter and embarrassed because Trump supporters don’t act this way “

Your words, and comments mere minutes ago.
You’re another lunatic nut-job.


And is it STILL going out as a Bio-Weapon ????? , Or Saline or, even TRUMP’S OWN REAL TRUE HEALING VACCINE TO SAVE LIVES WHO TOOK THE JAB?.

The Jab centers had three boxes —
Numbers on box ending in 1 were Saline.
Numbers on box ending in 2 were Old Flu shots
Numbers on box ending in 3 were Bio Weapon.

Q. Have #3s been removed / destroyed????

Remember early last year two ships arrived one to each coast having 80% Saline jabs.?????

What was the real purpose of Saline? To make people think it was safe and to have them tell everyone else to take the Jab? While the other 20% of Jabs killed or maimed. Followed by higher % of nasty jabs.

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee
Rob William

How can you say something so random and bizarre? Is it a result of 5D logic?


The Trolls are down voting you –you’re over the target


See , When is the EBS going off ? You said soon and that nothing could start until then . Where ?

Rob William

Bioweapon! really? How can you say that without any knowledge about the vaccine and the reports (other than some random blogs)?

Johnny Lunchbucket

I thought that Trump was originally referring to Regeneron as the original vaccine. That was my hope, but now not so sure.

I think that maybe now he advocates for it so as to not give the MSM an out and blame him for when it is discovered what they truly are, a deepstate concocted depopulation immune system killing injection and certainly not a virus killing serum.

Last edited 2 years ago by Johnny Lunchbucket

Rumors are just rumors. The one on the mill is he has invested in something and now somehow has an invested interest in this bio misjustice. Rumors, yet with a tiny tear drop of truth .


So many rumors and lies going around now that its hard to decipher what’s really happening anymore…at this point anything is possible


Yes , no one has been executed .


If we assume Trump to be intelligent (most of us do) then Johnny is correct. He cannot intentionally promote these experimental drug injections in good conscience unless that somehow protects the bulk of the population from something far worse. I do not believe that he would not see through the bad advice of those around him so there must be some reason. If not, then many of us have made errors in judgement.


Think on what you wrote:
” somehow protects the bulk of the population from something far worse.”


I alway choose my words well and further understand epidemiology and immunology. I knew exactly what I said there are far worse microbes hidden in the depths of these labs.


I did not mean you HF…I meant all others—Your words were perfect…Sorry I made my comment confusing…
But it was good to know a little bit more. Thanks again for your careful content.

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee
Hunter Hunter

He rolled out ‘Warp Speed” and is promoting the shots… Seems like it would be pretty easy to blame him. That said, he didn’t formulate the shots so, he does have plausible deniability. I just find it hard to believe he is not aware of all the deaths and injuries the shots are causing, at face value his promotion of the shots looks really bad.

Kathleen Ann

What I don’t understand is why would Trump tout this death jab and risk being held accountable?


The addition of graphene oxide and nano-circuitry is certainly an alteration of the vaccines, that 45 would not have intended nor endorsed.
Could the vaccine issue be a trigger for civil war, that he is trying to avoid?


It could be,who knows anymore


My vaccine did not have any graphene in it, I checked and so did the nurse .

Eve Bright

The plan was to make people so desperate for a return to normal that they would go and get injected with something they know absolutely nothing about. Their agenda…6uild 6ack 6etter (666)!


I have heard that too but why hasn’t it been stopped?it makes you wonder what’s really going on…


Is it possible MB is writing what he is told and military and Trump are doing fine at working the narrative to confuse the deep state.


It could be,right now anything is possible



Lucy Skywalker

YES Lisa. My thoughts exactly.

And there’s more, maybe give Trump 1000 thumbs up.

He’s targeting the antivaxxers to make sure they (continue to) think for themselves rather than just relinquish control to blindly trusting DJT. Blind Trust in such cases is what the Trojan Horse dark ET/DS program uses, to lead followers of apparently good folk into death traps. Such VACCINATION is absolutely necessary, for what we face.

He’s wooing liberal vaxxers to let go their TDS. And in the process, to think for themselves a bit better.

He’s keeping his home base as safe as poss in the circs so that he can continue to Drain The Swamp.

He’s putting out a confusing message to MB so that commenters here have to have an energetic discussion. Good. More facets of waking up.

Oh, and there is all the business of waking up normies enough to the realities of the dark ET damage that we have got to clear up, now that the dark ET itself has been kicked out thanks to ET White Hats in alliance with our own White Hats who understand this dimension with its added layers of confusion and disinformation.

And hey, I could be off the deep end myself. FINE! Glad you’re thinking that! So you too can think for yourself!

Sun Tzu at its finest.

Last edited 2 years ago by Lucy Skywalker

I think Trump was a part of the military plan that has been in play as long as the deep state has had a plan to take over and institute the NWO. I am just not sure why the military finds it necessary to take so long in following through on plans to overcome many of the things we are witnessing today that could have been avoided. They may be, in their planning, trying to overt massive deaths along the way, but as I see it now, there are too many deaths occurring because of delays in military plans to take out high ranking deep state figures and get this ship heading on a better course. Trump is not the only one complacent on the vaccines if more is not done to either get into court and get these decisions deemed unconstitutional or at least arrest and remove those making those decisions on mandates, etc. It may be called collateral damage and I am not looking forward to any more of it occurring but at some point you have to weigh how many may die while the plan is being carried out vs how many more will die if the plan remains stagnant holding off the opposition? It feels like all we are doing is playing defense when a little offense might finally make a push for the win.

Don Reed

We are at war, and people die in war, as in the landing at Normandy. The Commander in Chief gives orders to the military.

Steve Johnson

Exactly! 🇺🇸


TRUTH SOCIAL MEDIA in February 21, 2022 should be coming on-line then!!
Devin Nunez (spelling) is the CEO of Trump’s social media network!

Information that the DS, Twitter, Flaceless Bookings, WOPO, NYT, MSN, ABC, CBS, NBC, CABLE FOXLESS NEWS, NPR, FDA, CDC, WHO, MSNBC and Pharma who has blocked the Front-Line Doctors from reporting on “KNOWN CURES FOR THIS VIRUS SUCH AS: HCQ, IVERMECTIN AS SAVING LIVES IN AMERICA!!!

Well… All of this is going to be “EXSPOSSED TO THE WORLD and Explained To All The American People!

To Those Whom will Listen to “THE TRUTH of COURSE!”

I’M hoping ALL PEOPLE’S WILL!!!”

INFORMATION gives, makes for “Better Choices!!”


You need this on MSM, not some internet chatroom when millions dont even know about it. They want to see a president yank msm down, take control !Not play alongside on their own website. The military should have stepped in long ago, IMO


Sounds simple


I cannot wait to troll this 😂


Military know how many people died after taking shot…military know about landslide of PDJT winning(80%)… they also know 5-6 states proved(his winning) are they MILITARY …. start act when ppl start defeend themself(civil war??) or when Russians shut and sever all ties to USA.. they just finished 3-4 DAYS of talks with no result….Russians are not going talk anymore to -Brandon …they only saying they will get result by other means – m i l i t a r y ?????……..btw..relation between Russia and USA is worse as it was in Nov.. 1962 not peep on MSM and very little on alt. media….

Last edited 2 years ago by sejmon

Putin and Trump are part of the alliance. This is all planned, to scare people by saying we will be in a war with Russia because of Pedo Joe.


I think T is putting out pro vaxx until he returns, if at all!


We just have one General and I would rather it be DJT than anybody else.

Last edited 2 years ago by sbgausa

Not me. Not now!!


Just go away Fed Poster.


And I’ll add to those who think HE invested in the vaxx… Trump has NEVER, as long as I’ve known who he was, EVER invested in ANYTHING that damaged other people. Whether it’s buildings or businesses or his own show THE APPRENTICE, his investments were ALL of a positive nature. I don’t think he’d touch an investment like this with a ten-foot pole.

Andi Kay

100% Agree!

Sandy Koufax

I hope he didn’t. It would be Treason, if Trump invested in the pharmaceutical industry.


Apparently Trump has lost his will, being that he is now under the Mark of the Beast & control
He’s calling out to all Angels – The Unvaxxed to rise up and build armies

We’re now at the crossroads – Who Dares Open The Seventh Seal?


Where do you get this stuff? If Trump believes the vaxx is safe I don’t want to be anywhere near his angels as they are from hell.

Requiem aeternam

Finally, someone not hypnotised by Trump!


It’s NOT a matter of being hypnotised but discernment versed in the game of 5D chess and not assumptions


I’m thrilled you have some knowledge of the Bible and the Book or Revelation. If you read it again, you will see the vax is not the mark of the beast as we will most definitely know that it is the mark of the beast, in your right hand or forehead. We will have to accept the Anti Christ as Christ and that mark binds that as a contract.

However, this sure seems like a season of foretelling as some people are not allowed to buy, sell, or trade without the vax card. I say that as there are many with fake cards. That in turn may lead to a chip with all the info in your hand to be scanned including the vax card. We are most definitely in times or tribulation right now. But, I ask you and everyone, is it the most excoriating times you can imagine as per Rev? I don’t think were are there yet. Also, the Rapture takes place before the anti Christ arrives on the scene. Everyone needs to read the Bible for the only pure truth we have.

Matt 24: 6-8

“6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.

7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.

8 All these are the beginning of birth pains.”

Line 6 is SO TRUE!!! We have absolutely no solid proof we are at war with the Deep State, the cabal, other nations, nor the sons of Cain/Serpent. All rumors although we sure hope its true, and find comfort in all these sites, but you have just got to know there are many rumors.

I would also like to mention I noticed something very important for those who actually look up for the times and seasons. IN 2017 we had a total solar eclipse cross over the the Nation Under God from the west to the east. 2017 Trump was sworn in. 3.5 years later all hell broke loose when Trump began to run again and Covid was unleashed on us. Even is Covid is fake, the fear and tyranny is not. In 2024 seven years later, another total solar eclipse will cross over the Nation Under God again, this time from the east to the west. The paths it makes (2017 and 2024) is an X on our nation! However, with old Hebrew letters, it also makes the letter meaning “Christ.” It’s very interesting to say the least. We are in times of Tribulation for sure. I believe we are at the beginning of the birthing pains Jesus spoke of to his disciples who asked him, “what will be a sign of the end times.” Mark is a great read with Revelation from Jesus. So is Daniel by the way. Furthermore, the sign from above draws attention to the 7 year period we are currently in. I really don’t think things will get better until the end of 2024. Just my opinion there.

People have got to return to truth, and honestly it’s not here, nor anywhere except total truth with God/scripture. I wish you well and may God let you all be blessed and find truth in Him alone. He is most deserving always.

And to the poster who said, we are hypnotized by Trump… People are hypnotized by Satan, and Christians are always on the look out for Satan. He misleads billions everyday. We are human. But I will say, a true Christian has faith in Jesus, ALONE. Not Trump, although we and I do hope for the best with him. Right now, we question him more than ever. We are lied to all the time every where you turn. The media is the beast that deceives many. The anti Christ has not yet arrived, but I will say, HE WILL ARRIVE and the time he does draws very near with each passing day and year. I am ready. Are you?

Daughter of the American Revolution

I don’t care whether it’s THE “Mark” or not, to me it’s just as bad. Christians excusing themselves and ignoring that these jabs have “Luciferase,” aborted fetal cells, nano-tech, stuff to change your DNA, it’s the first time this is being FORCED on the whole world and jobs taken away (can’t buy or sell!), people being arrested for not having vax passport…is even numbered with 666… seriously, over a wording? It’s not the “exact wording” so it must be okay despite all of the above??? How much more precise does it need to be? And how evil it is, its still okay because it’s “not the mark”?

I know Christians who took it so they could travel.. for convenience.. some who have been shown proof of the above info, ignore it and say “well it’s not the Mark.”
What ever happened to “Study to show thyself approved” i.e. DO YOUR RESEARCH. ?
Seriously, I wonder what Jesus will say. SMH.

As for your other points, I am ready, and agree that we need to trust in Christ only. That said, I see too many Christians still trusting man (the tv) and not in their own Conscience, not doing their due diligence. No oil in the lamps.

Edit: One more thing. The scary thing is, I am physically seeing the consequences of the jabs taking effect on people around me. From Heart issues to personality changes, some very negative frightening things. I do indeed hope Yeshua comes soon.

Last edited 2 years ago by Daughter of the American Revolution

Christian or not, if they take the jab they will meet Christ in the air. There’s their rapture. Take it or leave it.


Your opinion / assumption only


Christian or not, if they take the jab they will meet Christ in the air. There’s their rapture. Take it or leave it.
Christ is already here in the Truth‘s that are coming out…Where the TRUTH is, there is Christ.
“I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life” and “But when HE, the spirit of Truth, comes HE will guide you into all Truthand “Then you will know the Truth and the Truth will set you free”

Daughter of the American Revolution

If you are right, I will be unbelievably happy. But my conscience tells me I should pay attention to how evil this thing is, and how spineless, and faithless I would be to ignore it.
Why? Because the more of us (including Christians) that take the easy route, the more we ENABLE this evil. It’s like a Narcissistic family system. The narcissistic abuser does not thrive without enablers. We have a society of spineless enablers.

Aimee Beth Curry

God says in Jeremiah 8 that the tribe of Judah is Evil.

Andi Kay

A most excellent post. Thank you very much..

Last edited 2 years ago by Andi Kay
question everything

“…as we will most definitely know that it is the mark”
Did you read the part about the great deception?


Kip, good to see you know your church doctrine but to understand prophecy you need to know history fairly well. You’ve already written War and Peace here so I will only discuss 1 point.
The beast as shown in Daniel and Revelation has existed since the Tower of Babel. To summarise, Rev 13 describes a beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, each head representing the beast at any particular time. As the angel explains to John, 5 have fallen (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece), one is now, and 1 is future who will be resurrected as the 8th. Rome (6) ended in 476BC where we see the 10 horns arise:
1. England (Anglo-Saxons) 2. France (Franks) 3. Portugal (Seuvi) 4. Spain (Visigoths) 5 Venice (Burgundians) 6. Alamanni (Germans) 7. Italians (Lombards)  8. Switzerland (Ostrogoths) 9. North Africa (Vandals) 10. Italy (Heruli).
A little horn arose, different from the rest, that subdued the last 3 who were Arian (Daniel 7). The 7th head was now in charge, the Holy Roman Empire which ruled till the deadly wound was dealt 1517 with The Reformation.Now the healing had to begin. The Gnostic Humanist library had 3 moves: Babylon to Pergamum (seat of Satan) 600BC, to Alexandria in 43BC by Mark Anthony and to the Medici library in Florence 1450, studied by the young Clement VII, future Pope, advised by Niccolo Machiavelli, inventor of modern political science and originator of the concept of Left and Right, and in fact The Enlightenment. Another was Cardinal Thomas Wolsey, Chancellor of England who called it the pitting of Learning against Learning, humanist Gnostic learning v Bible learning. Printing and Protestantism could be turned to Rome’s advantage with literature that would confuse and diminish the Bible.
Thus by 1900 the deadly wound had been healed and the 8th beast revealed. The beast, the anti-Christ has been there the whole time as verified by Daniel and Revelation.
If you read Foxe’s Book of Martyrs and can tell me that the future will bring more tribulation than experienced from 500AD to 1700AD, what can I say? In Rev 1, John says “I your brother John in the tribulation…” meaning the tribulation had already started. The letters of John talk about Anti-Christ already being present. Most prophecy writers have not studied history. They go by doctrines conceived before we can see what’s happening today..

Hunter Hunter

The hand and forehead could also be symbolic for thought and deed, for instance… Trusting big pharmakeia (thought) and taking the shot (deed).
People say they trust Christ and believe his word and then turn around and trust this wicked system that he warned them about so often in the scriptures.

Matthew 15:8 This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.

Aimee Beth Curry



He has been saying that from the beginning…Remember…WE are at war worse than Pearl Harbor. Then at the rally he put up (TV) Patton’s speech…it meant something. I think people should listen to that speech again. And take it as a call/warning/ to heart.


This I agree with

Aimee Beth Curry

Trump looks just like Patton.


Goober are you losing it? Stand firm


Mr.Baxter…you are in contact with military….you can tell them it is highest time to step in..this circus since 11/04/2020 must be stop…most ppl not just here but generally lost patient…


No he can’t. Military can’t do a thing.


Bad request IMHO


Damn right Mr. Baxter!!!

Proud Patriot

I don’t know what to think anymore. I want to believe that Trump is trying to do what is best for our country but then I question his rigid stance on the vaccine. Is it that his “pride” has superseded the safety and efficacy of the vaccine? Or is there more to this deep down and we have all been tricked?… and I do not like that thought. Is that why the National Guard has been activated? It makes me wonder and very unsettled.

Last edited 2 years ago by Proud Patriot

Well, it’s the only thing that makes sense. How else can we explain Trump promoting that damnable, ridiculous, forced death serum?


He has said there will be times when, for the sake of the Plan, he must speak things that effects the deep state narrative. Things he does not necessarily embrace for himself. I know the non
Pentagon military leaders are part of the plan because some were instrumental in the planning. The objective is too important to both them and Potus45. If they must speak things that are not true then so be it. Bottom line, DJT loves this country and its people. He will do whatever is needed to bring the plan to total fruition. Do not lose faith in him as he needs us behind him in support and to uphold him in prayer. Do not be a Doubting Thomas.

Last edited 2 years ago by WatchfulOne

Thank you–well said


There’s much more–go deeper into history of DS and realize the enormity of evil that’s trying to take out Trump and his family..

Proud Patriot

I hope you are right. I just worry about the millions of victims receiving this inoculation and if this is just a risky political chess move then unfortunately it’s at the victims expense. 😔


Just like the millions of soldiers that went to wars and died…War always brings death…AND WE ARE AT WAR.
This time it is on our land (and all over the world) and our civilians are dying…

Last edited 2 years ago by AmericanFaith

wE aRe aT wAr

Proud Patriot

I know we are at war and I believe China is the main culprit with others to follow. They have infiltrated so much within but we need to stand tall and strong. It’s not the time to blame this party and that party…. we need togetherness now.


Depends on if you believe MSM lies and numbers


I ONLY believe RRN 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Proud Patriot

I should have clarified on my comment but I am pissed beyond belief because most of my family got the jab. Both of my brothers and my in laws and sisters and in laws and nieces and nephews got vaccinated. My one daughter, despite my views on the jab, got pressured by work to get vaccinated. She had ONE shot and had horrific adverse reactions! Just two days after the jab her arms and legs went numb.. she thought she was having a stroke at the age of 23!! Then she started LACTATING MILK!!! She’s not even pregnant!! I am sooooo against the jab. I have been an RN for 28 years and been a nurse manager with a Bachelors degree and have never seen such evil health care in my entire life!! The Nuremberg Code will take them down!!!


GOD and The Nuremberg Code will take them down…First we have to ask GOD to intervene. WE all have to be praying that GOD intervenes and uses The Nuremberg Code to do it…


Thanks for the info
What state did this happen in RED or BLUE


There’s much more–go deeper into history of DS and realize the enormity of evil that’s trying to take out Trump and his family..

Buck fiden

MB should have written ‘FIRST!”


so uh, how was captain wheeler available for comment?



How very curious.


It doesn’t say he lost his ability to speak, does it? Nor does it say that he is the only Thomas Wheeler in the U.S. Military…


find me a current thomas wheeler. the one above is dead lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Find you a current Thomas Wheeler? What the fuck makes you think I have access to that info? And how do you know the Thomas Wheeler in that article is dead? It says he was wounded, not KIA.


According to the site, Wheeler received the Silver Star for actions performed in April 1967. If we assume that he enlisted in that year and were still in the Marines today, he would have 54 years of service.

The longest recorded service of a Marine is 43 years, held by the retired Col. Edmund Bowen.


also pointing out dead people being quoted is why i’m now helen lmao


No, it’s why you are, and always have been, a fucking moron…


LMAO nope bitch ass. I’ve been banned three times for pointing out obviously incorrect information you fucking moron


You’ve been banned 3x for being an obnoxious little faggot…



Too much assumption– Wrong questions? Nothing making sense

Instead, I feel White Hat Military needs to proceed and reach out and take the trouble of looking for more proof upon the real identity and of such a mad creation .-– ‘cos. something is very off as stated.

1) PDJT told us many times: WE HAVE IT ALL—So does that mean the Jab is now harmless?

  • Cos keeping the hoax going Is for keeping us safe from Civil Unrest?
  • Is this PDJT’s way to prepare us for the COMING RESET RIGHT NOW?
  • Like other so called CVD restrictions being mentioned by MSM: travel in and out of the country with the excuse 5G towers are gong up
  • Other various shut downs because we are going into a few RESETS of various systems.

2) FOR VERY GOOD RV IMPLEMENTATION REASONS– Has the Jab been changed to a real vaccine to heal or Saline, no longer the Bio-weapon?

3) To say it’s ego is an insult to my intelligence as well as the real intelligence of PDJT. I understand the Military’s need to make record

4) Or, Is this a test to find out how many real Patriots are ready for a future new America?

5) Are many not real patriots? How many more indictments are still needed?

6) The criteria for the real and true patriot of the future;
Do you SERVE SELF ONLY? or, are you SERVING FOR OTHERS? Going forward we must have real loving, true, open, peaceful community, able to know and LOVE the Creator God of ALL-THAT-IS.

7) When I look at the 70 misguided Trolls and Shills in the RRN community here attempting to take over, I think we are not ready yet for the changes and the RV. It’s a shame that so many are self serving and evil or, very close to it.

Wanting to just have ‘Fun here is the SELF (nasty elfs)..

While the Joy from helping others understand is service to others.

brOTHERS as in Brotherhood / Sisterhood of MAN.

8) Anyone who remains dark side now is a danger to our Constitution and needs to go or be re-educated if at all possible.

9) Is PDJT doing a 5D CHESS MOVE to flush out more enemies of WE THE PEOPLE.?

10) Does Trump see his followers are not assertive enough [I do not mean aggressive] like people in other countries? Will these CVD statements wake people up more fully to the real dangers they have not thought about? Even his best people?


11) Are we looking at a Clone, CIG, Double DS Agent? Abduction of Mind of Body? If so, then the higher white hats need to go and investigate deeper.instead of assuming ego and guessing.

12) If so, where is the real Trump, if, indeed we need to ask this question? Higher white hats need to investigate deeper.–i.e is he being seriously threatened by the desperados?

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee
J Bill

Many good points Zee. Now watch the trolls come out of the woodwork here. The one’s who are here “because it’s fun..” and to “get along with the trolls.” This dissention could be a troll purge….

Like the ones wanting to defend and suckle the C Clinton children while looking past the yet unatoned suffering of the monsters’ thousands of innocent victims. Queuing to the Clinton’s children need’s first was a master stroke to them. Even while basic utilitarian ethics says otherwise.

Try to explain that is like asking them to step over a crucial threshold that defines normal human behavior: empathy. Of which they have none. Like I said before : “stand up and be counted..’

I’ll quote again what I did earlier in this site. Of the Nuremberg 1.0 trials:


Dr. Gustave Gilbert, OSS, USAF, “Nuremberg Diary”; 1947

How quickly we forget…


J.Bill good words and thanks…

But the Nurenberg quote is not enough for EVIL.

The Most EVIL Satanist Magician Occiltist Aleister Crowley major quote was: : “Do What Thou Wilt:”

So this means no cares, no morals, no empathy

Aimee Beth Curry

God says in Jeremiah 8 that the tribe of Judah is Evil. That’s probably 5he reason they were cut off and cursed 2000 years ago in 2 Esdra 1:24. That’s 5he reason they had to resort to their star God Rephaim/Moloch/Baal.


The vaxxed are making other sick…could it be that the vax now is what they are using to cause “Herd Immunity”. I think I heard a few weeks ago, that they were talking about herd immunity or something like that, and now the vaxxed are spreading the cov. and people are coming out of being sick…Like my nephews family all got sick when he got the vax and now they are all ok and came out of it.

Last edited 2 years ago by AmericanFaith

Trump does stand with the people of America. This was why there were more than 80 million citizens voted for Trump on November 3, 2020. We don’t know why it took so long for JAG to prosecute those who committed treasons. Trump signed insurrection act on November 3, 2020, and it has been more than 15 months. The country has been going down on daily basis with inflations on everything from the food to gas. We paid our tax to support our military, and our military couldn’t even stand up for the 80 million people who voted for Trump on November 3, 2020. Just tell the military that we want Trump back as soon as possible, because the country and people need him.


I am beginning to think that the C!A manipulated DJT’s subconscience to advocate for the vaxx. Maybe RINOs’ minds were manipulated too.

Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy and Reagan used different terminology when they warned us about the deep state. Members of the deep state are facilitating the depopulation effort, and nothing is beneath them.


Yes , yes, yes !!!!


I am with you.


There is no point that the military should stand opposite with Trump. Trump didn’t mandate the military to take the vaccine, Biden’s administration did. Trump did encourage people to take vaccine even the vaccines for the COVID are not as effective as people would expect. I have not seen anyone around me who either had COVID in last two years or had a problem with the vaccine, and everyone just took it as self protection. It has been my belief that this entire issue has been politized by those politicians, especially the MSM and democrats. When Trump was in the WH, they falsified the harm of the virus to the people and put so many older people into death so they can blame Trump for not able to get tis virus under control. When Biden in the WH, he took the credit for the vaccine and put a mandate on the people who are not willing to take it. I don’t want our military side with these democrat’s bullshits, and just get those treasonous people clean up, and get Trump back into the WH, because the 80 million legitimate citizens voted for him on November 3, 2020, and take that illegitimate Biden out of the WH. We the people, cannot watch this vaccine saga keep going, and we want this to be end now since Trump had never supported the mandate. Stop politicalize this vaccine issue and let Trump back to the WH and put our country on the right track. We can’t tolerate the food and gas price go to roof every day, and we are running out the patience. We want the military just do their job and stop getting involved in this non-sense argument. Trump did not mandate the military to take the COVID vaccine, and that is the point for the military.


bro you need a better translator with this shit
“gas price go to roof every day, and we are running out the patience”


keep that same energy for women


please notify Ted at rrn.moderator001 at gmail dot com

we will not stand for hatred on this site (or least ted won’t)


Truly appreciate you adding this piece of the conversation~ Thank you. This is so far removed from being about “one single man”. It’s also an important reminder for those who are hanging their hats on one hook, so to speak. Idolizing- OR idealizing- any one man is unjust to all involved, as well as nearly certain to disappointment, imho.


Do more research into the DS


Mr Baxter, ‘enmity’ is described as ‘positive, active, and typically mutual hatred or ill will’. Was this your word or your source, because I don’t believe it truly indicates the standing between Pres Trump & the military.


This is precisely how the enemy “manipulates” (herd sheep) to “isolate” their target, Trump.

Think !!

Last edited 2 years ago by YLK

They’ve been fighting Trump ALL along. They’ll fight ANYONE against their plan. COVID was created to fight Trump. They knew there were 3 COVID treatments (in April-May 2020) but covered it up to create a COVID mRNA injection that turns the recipients body into a spike protein (a toxin) factory. BIG Pharma is killing people with drugs. They’ve been doing it for a loooong time. Way before Trump.


gooood david….and its view strong , independently thinking persons…..


The globalists control the health care industry and have since Obama turned health care over to them.

Robert James

I don’t know what to make of this. When his Satanic son-in-law is at Gitmo, and maybe his daughter, I’ll trust Trump. I think Biden is being impersonated by a White Hat already.


Here is the La Quinta Columna report info
Results of the optical microscopy analysis & photographic report.
1. Observed objects with graphene-like appearance
2. Self-assembly of objects observed during the conducted research.
3. identification of artificial patterns & micro-technology.
We draw a series of final conclusions & encourage the scientific & independent community to make similar observations following the guidelines set out in this study.

We demand an explanation from the health & medical community, European Medicines Agency & regulatory bodies.


Report Findings (p33) translated online from Spanish to English – unedited.

The graphene present in the vials is intended to amplify microwave signals in the current GHz range coming from cell phone antennas at the THz scale, which will enable the correct operation of all the microtechnology reported in the scientific literature and most likely observable in the samples analyzed in this report. “EEWNSN: Energy Efficient Wireless Nano Sensor Network MAC Protocol for Communications in the Terahertz Band “https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1007/s11277-017-4517-4. Negar Rikhtegar,Manijeh Keshtgari and Zahra Ronaghi (November 2.017)This explains the fact that most of the “vaccinated” with this technology in addition to the graphene introduced in the vials to feed it electronically, emit MAC addresses that are registered in the Bluetooth wireless technology, as anyone today can verify, without any authority having pronounced on the subject or mentioned it by any official “media”. Some of the many scientific publications regarding the use of MAC protocols for micro-networks using graphene can be consulted here: “MAC protocols for Wireless Nano-sensor Networks: Performance analysis and design guidelines”. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7470805?arnumber=7470805.Rawan Alsheikh, Nadine Akkari and Etimad Fadel. (2016) “Directional MAC approach for wireless body area networks”.https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22346602/.Md Asdaque Hussain, Md Nasre Alam and Kyung Sup Kwak. (2.011) “A very low power MAC (VLPM) protocol for Wireless Body Area Networks”.https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22163818/Niamat Ullah, and Kyung Sup Kwak . (2.011)It is very remarkable that according to Pfizer corporation itself we are talking about the composition of lipid nanoparticles and therefore, from the microscopic point of view we should not observe anything, however, the wide gallery of micro-photographs recorded in this report shows that there are many particles of microscopic size and clearly visible with this optics. The supposed composition of the analyzed vials that respond to the commercial name “ComirnatymRNA COVID19″ published by the European Medicines Agency, the pharmaceutical corporation itself and other regulatory “control” agencies does not coincide with what is stated in this report.


This vaccine thing with Trump is driving me crazy – what is wrong with him? No Michael, you are correct – they are not safe, they ARE bioweapons. Here are my notes from a videoconference with Dr Astrid Stuckelberger where she talks about bio-hacking.Also La Quinta Columna released their report on the analysis of the micro-tech from the Pfizer vials.I’ll post my notes and findings from that next.

The technology that’s being injected into the population would make it possible to intervene in human beings to send them virus imprints and make them sick, among other possibilities. Graphene oxide and 5G play a major role.
Bio-cycle neurology
Neuro-rights law (thoughts can be intervened)
We are bioelectric and graphene able to receive information and change the body.
Their end game is that they want to bio-hack the brain and bio-hack people.
Dr David Martin revealed to Reiner Fuelmich patents of coronavirus and vaccines are not biological they are synthetic modelisations of the virus.
Bill Gates – patents for synthetic modelisation of many diseases.
They have modelised the synthetic message to send through wi-fi, 5G.
People have to stop the receptor, the graphene oxide.
It is not a biological virus, it is synthetic nanoparticle biotech through wi-fi.
We live in a world where they (elites) have kept us ignorant in medicine and science.
They have gone very far into this, we are electric beings and we can get the imprint of a virus.
That’s why we have to protect ourselves from 5G and our phones.
Do not put the phone to your head, use speaker away from your head.
Do not put your phone in your pocket.
Do not sleep with your phone or with wi-fi.
Detox with zinc, glutathione and NAC (N-acetylcysteine).

james godsey

Please,please,please solve this issue, its the worst thing to hear right now,

Truth Liberty Freedom

He needs to immediately clarify (like Monday morning live) that he took Regeron not Pfizer, not J&J not Moderna etc BUT Regeneron which is not available/offered to the public, and what GD reason? why is that? His Statement again that he was given “an injectable dose which HE calls a vaccine that was Regeneron” Regeneron COVID-19 Monoclonal Antibody Treatmentstate it clearly his ra ra speech tonight in AZ was well it’s getting old…rhetoric.

There is no 2024 –

JAG should pull the plug already on Biden as it’s well obvious that they know and everyone else that the election was interfered with by foreign and domestic players… “One year from Jan 20, 2021 activates 11.3.2 of the Law of War Manual, “In the case of occupied territory, the application of the GC shall cease ONE YEAR after the general close of military operations. HOWEVER, the Occupying Power shall be bound for the duration of the occupation, to the extent that such State exercises the functions of government in such territory.” sidenote: “Biden was inaugurated on Jan 20, 2021. The National Guard occupied the Capitol Building Area for Biden’s fake Inauguration, which broke the 20th Amendment Section I. Presidents were to be inaugurated AFTER 12pm on Inauguration Day! ALSO, VP doesn’t get sworn in BEFORE the PRESIDENT! Remember the barbed wire was placed inside the Fencing… Why? I know why… so do millions paying attention.

Military Tribunal & Nuremberg to any and all that have sent death and injury sentences to innocent children and elderly and any and all American citizens and all else which by the self-stated: “GodFtaher of the vaccine” especially when he states to Candice that NO ONE has been killed by the vaccine which was a bald-faced lie …. all of this could have been avoided as we have been told that they knew years ago and have been planning this op for decades— arrest them all and Biden fake or not… and take them all to Gitmo guilty as charged…

Chris G

I’m thinking this ‘movie’ we’re all watching may have a happy, but bittersweet, ending.

Q has told us repeatedly that the military is our only way out of this. When the military publicly makes it’s move, it must totally autonomous, answering to no one, not even Donald Trump. Otherwise, it may lack credibility. Whether Trump knew the DS vaccines were death shots or not, I think we are being prepared for the possibility that Trump himself may need to be arrested and face a tribunal for his part in Operation Warp Speed.


Once a revolution has been unleashed, if necessary, it devours its fathers and sons. Trump beware!, you may be a political cassualty of the vaccines you are endorsing.


Trump’s moves are Genius. Remember all the times when he hired a black hat and we all said “WTF is he doing?”. Like fauci.. He brings those people “on the stage” for US to see what he already knows. (But..who would believe all this crap if someone just told you about it. People have to SEE for themselves).
I believe Trump created the original vaccine to prevent automatic lockdowns after the election would be stolen (he was thinking ahead to when the election would be stolen)
Now..he is telling people to get the jab BUT you should have the choice. True Trump supporters know the second part of the sentence was the part he was trying to get out there. “You have a choice”! So..real Trumpers will chose to either get it or not because it is a CHOICE. (Most are not getting it)
So now..the Trump Haters are saying “WTF is he doing!” We can’t do what the man we HATE wants us to do!!! Brilliant! (and the military have their own bio labs, ciaro, italy and about 25 other places across the world) Just my opinion…


Please have a look at this prior post I made:



I believe with regard to this information- nothing else as a misdirection, désinformation… In reality : the President Trump with his imminent Family( Melania and Baron), now in the Witness Protection Program , counting, that’s now – final and most dangerous stage of War between DS and Patriots. I BELIEVE in The President Trump w/o any doubts..!!!

Boss Lady

I trust and stand behind Trump 100%.

I am proudly unvaxed. Trump said everyone should choose for themselves, that’s precisely what I did.

question everything


question everything


Daughter of the American Revolution

Governor Hogan of Maryland sending NG to use REMDESEVIR on nursing homes, bold announcement to make considering its deadly. God I hope this is some kind of diversion because this isn’t good.


From what I understand, the original formula in the shot that DJT promoted, contained 5 or 6 simple ingredients that were known to be effective, and each served a purpose. The current toxic concoction was manipulated, and morphed into what it is now, as we wonder what on Earth most of the ingredients are good for.
I too was stunned at some of his comments, and still don’t know what to make of his promotion of the jab, particularly since we currently know so much more
about them, their side effects,
and sometimes deadly consequences.

Sandy Koufax

If the vaccine Trump is receiving is a different formula from what the public is receiving, then he’s he has a moral and an ethical dilemma.


Yeah if this was true it would mean he spent the past year encouraging people to go out and get ‘new’ formula knowing it is toxic and will kill them. Which would make him a real evil piece of shit, imo!

Sandy Koufax

That doesn’t change the fact that you took Trump’s COVID shot. Rest in peace.

Sheila Tan

One thing for sure is that President Trump will never betray the American People nor will he work contrary to the Military White Hats. I don’t take the bait.

Sandy Koufax

No doubt Trump influenced may people who were on the fence to take the COVID shot and many of those people will be maimed or killed as a result of taking the COVID shot.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sandy Koufax

“The next day he said he didn’t understand why anyone who has had and recovered from Covid-19, and presumably has antibodies, would get vaccinated”

Maybe he’s referring to natural immunity ?


“Since when do we take our medical advice from a politician?” I asked this over a year ago, and I ask it again today. We can read for information; we can assess that information and, last I looked, we still have a CHOICE about bodily integrity. For me, all this says DO NOT ACCEPT this highly dubious injection. You are free do as you please. (Or, absent your personal choice, do as OTHERS may direct.) Cheers!

Sandy Koufax

If Trump is complying to coercion by endorsing the COVID shot then this is devastating to his credibility. This is a hill that Trump and every member of his family must be willing to die on, because most of his followers and their families are following him on that premise.

Certainly, Trump is aware of Pfizer’s “Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event Report” which revealed that their COVID shot caused 1220 deaths and 11361 adverse events from December 2020 through April 2021, and that they refused to disclose it to the public until recently. 

There is no denying that many people got the COVID shot based on Trump’s recommendation and many of those people will be maimed or killed as a result of taking the COVID shot.

Now we have the very top Generals, who are acting on the insurrection act that Trump signed, admonishing Trump.

This is a seriously revolting development in my opinion.


Judging by this and a previous RRN article, Trump is not playing the opposition by supporting the jabs. I think Trump will eventually come around. Like you said, he has a big ego and doesn’t like to be proven wrong. But he’s still for freedom of choice, and he’s a believer in natural immunity.

We do make mistakes sometimes–it’s called being human. Trump remains our single best hope for good presidential leadership, IMO. I think the white hats should put this on the back burner, give Trump all the evidence he needs about the truth of the jabs, and then pick it up again if necessary after the major work is done.

Sandy Koufax

The issue is that Trump influenced may people who were on the fence to take the COVID shot and many of those people will be maimed or killed as a result of taking the COVID shot.


I’m all for DeSantis and Candace for 2024. I am sick of Trump’s idiocy. These vaxxes are bioweapons, period.


Stephen Bannon thought he was the King Maker for the 2016 election, because he had helped Trump to win that election, therefore, Trump should listen to him on every issue raised by him. Bannon was and is a political advisor who had no experience on how to run the country on the daily basis. Trump cannot run this country like G.W. Bush and his father, and both of them had no idea on how to run the country but only listen to their political advisors like Karl Rove and James Baker. Trump has the experience on how to run the business and how to run the country as a business, and none of those political advisors had tis type of experience. This was the reason that Bannon had to out, because he had no experience on how to run the country.


jesus. seriously? even bots can’t learn. i guarantee this shit is pasted all over sites like this


I don’t think that the military tribunal and general Berger should think that they are the King makers.


bot ops – do better. jfc


I don’t thinthe tk that the military, the general Berger should think are the King Maker. Trump had over 80 million legitimate votes and won over 400 electoral votes in 2020 election. He enacted the Insurrection Act on November 3, 2020 per General Berger’s recommendation because the military was unable to block the switching votes from Trump to Biden by the foreign governments. The focus of this disagreement on the COVID vaccine between the military and Trump was the issue of mandating for those who served in our military didn’t ant to take the vaccine, and Trump has been agreeing with this issue since the beginning. As the leader of a nation, Trump needs to give people the hope that they can defeat this virus without a fear, so people can go back to their business as usual. Trump will have the business to run for this entire nation, not just the vaccine. He needs to run this country for we the people from the birth to the death that has every step tied to our economy. The economy, economy and economy will be his priority concern as the CEO of this nation. We can not tolerate Biden’s administration with no food on the shelves in Super market and no gas to fill up the tank when we need to drive to our work. I want those military officials to think we the people, how we going to survive without the food and gas, and we need Trump to come back tomorrow, please general Berger. Trump opposite the vaccine mandate since day one when the vaccine became available in March 2021, and there was no issue on this topic, period. Please put Trump back to the WH as soon as you can, and people need him!


let me stop you real quick with this wall of text:

“He enacted the Insurrection Act”


also: bot operators – do better

Last edited 2 years ago by Helen
joe blow

There’s always a reason behind his moves. Sting operation? Who knows


Michael Baxter, sir – I swear to God I will donate $200 to the RRN GiveSendGo page if you make the next article MILITARY ARRESTS DONALD TRUMP. Come onnn you know you want to, pretty please 🙏



Last edited 2 years ago by sejmon

I will not ever take the vaccine and am loosing confidence in Trumps support of this experimental vaccine that many doctors call out the graphene among other ingredients. You will loose your loyal base Mr. President if you continue down this road. We are awake and aware. Which side are you choosing? Cabal depopulation or white hat?

Barbara Vadas

I don’t understand. He knows how dangerous the booby trap batches are. People are dying and he promotes it. I don’t care if it’s 5D chess or whatever. It’s wrong.


Trump is not going to take the fall for this demonic plan. Whan all truths come out I think that will be the least of peoples problems.


Michael Baxter
Did you put your own feelings into this particular blog ?
I liked all your other blogs. I stand up for you and your blogs against all the Shills, Trolls and Bots, but, I sense a bit of bias here in your writing and a lack of showing the many possible other sides to this conumdrum.that you could have stated personally for balance.

I understand the Military point and that they are limited. But as it’s really about the BIDEN mandates for the Military -why doesn’t the MILITARY JUST DISOBEY BIDEN AND FOLLOW THE SCOTUS RULINGS – NO MANDATES.- AGAINT BIDEN INSTEAD?



Because of your seeming bias or over caution, please consider PDJT & de Santis being perhaps seriously threatened with their familes lives? Or, threatened already with planted bombs we’ve heard mentioned in many places to go off and kill us if DS needs to use them. Perhaps to be used if they don’t agree to make himselves look foolish? Remember Florida’s good guy super ex Military DeSantis – went through this also.


You say you have connections wth the Trump People — We would like to know when this CVD BS ends What was happening to TRUMP & De Santis at the times they were made to speak these nonsensical statemets. .

Remember –DS has only attempted 40- 50 times to kill Trump and quite a few attempts on FLOTUS.
Consider the harder to ask qustions first.

Right now–I trust PDJT.

But I trust no one else at the moment more than 50% —
I am suspecting all too many are also watching out for their own skin and their families. This way I am not surprised when another may be found to have bad DS connections..

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

Oh uh, I think you’ve really done it this time MB. You’re losing Zee 😥



Erin M Kearney

I believe Trump is trying to force Military action, Martial Law, but cannot have his name behind it like he ordered it. It’s the only way.


Why would it make any difference at all if his name is behind it? He’s already been Secret Commander of the military for over a year according to you guys.


I have a friend that did that too…I left him on my friends list as he is my friend,but mutual friends ate him up bad,he is still my friend 😊

Sandy Koufax

Pfizer’s “Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event Report” revealed that their COVID shot caused 1220 deaths and 11361 adverse events from December 2020 through April 2021. Pfizer refused to disclose this report to the public until recently. Collins knew the COVID shot was a bioweapon and that’s why he took saline instead.

Jorge Trevino

always remember! there are a lot of things WE DONT KNOW, promoting something contrary to our own general believes, its necessary A FALSE FLAG EVENT aimed to confuse, distract or both. Missinformation!!


Are you kidding me? Trump said just this week that ypunger people SHOULD NOT take the jab. Inn spite of this, our nation is going to hell – economy, elections, etc. Trump and his people are still the ones to look for to bring it back. Enough of the war on words. We have bigger fish to fry. He Said She Said – Stop already.


the military isn’t calling the shots


There is no limit to the amount of good you can do if you don’t care who gets the credit.

The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one who gets the people to do the greatest things.

President Ronald Reagan

It’s a different era but I wish President Trump was a little more like President Reagan but his ego gets in the way. That’s why he can’t let the clot shot go; he can’t admit he made a mistake or at least was mislead.

Even if twitter and 24/7 news was around when President Reagan was in office, I don’t believe he would have obsessed over it like President Trump did/does.

Sandy Koufax

Reagan and the conservative Republicans gave us The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 that gives the pharmaceutical industry immunity from civil liability for the harm their vaccines cause.


I will be forever grateful to President Trump. Cause he popped the huge festering zit of corruption and I’m glad to still be alive to watch it. Best President EVER in my whole life. Hope springs Eternal. There is a steering wheel now.


i really liked his health care plan


Disinformation is necessary is what I have come to understand. President Trump saying to take the vaccine was too odd. Kamala Harris said if Trump indorses the vaccinations she will not take one. Most people I know knew the ” deadly” disease from China was a trap. But then folks I’m around are anti-vaxxers from way back. Then forcing their hand to produce a “vaccine” which it is NOT echoed the theme of Red October. FEAR is what the left unleased and Pelosi salivates daily to snuff President Trump out. Emergency Use Only, but do people take the time to think or even understand the human body? The patents alone you know this was planned to be even worse. So technically the JAB, needle juice, is gene therapy and the vaccine would be Ivermectin or any number of other taken by mouth prevention medication. This is the left, the Deep States Problem because it is smothered with their finger print all over the place. Rumors had said some injections are saline how crazy is that. People lining up in their cars to get tested and get the shot for hours was totally embarrassing. To me I thought they were insane no different than drug dealers meeting in some parking lot outside. Over the top my friends outlandish behavior and I was appalled at what seemed to be an enormous amount of IGNORANT PEOPLE. And the lost their minds crowd still have another giant hurdle to clear. Permanent health disabilities. Such is life when megalomaniacs compete to rule in areas where luxurious living is all they desire.

thomas j cahill

Remember when Trump said he would have to disappear for a while at the whirlpool factory, well he was talking about big pharma. They do real hits on people. Trump and/or his family were threatened in a bad way.


might be to throw the ds off to make them think there’s friction between military and trump. it’s war. so no telling.


The military wanted Trump in power originally, I believe.
Something isn’t right here , I think it could be a last breath to draw out in the deep state. Just like the Deep state is drawing out It’s last breath to ruin trumps image before he returns.
I am not sure. But I am sure we will find out soon enough.


Or maybe the whole thing is bullshit and Trump has not been controlling the military or anything like that since he lost the election and left office 🤷‍♂️


Trump got the vaccines. And now, the DS is controlling his brain …


More recently, Trump’s ambivalence on who should get vaccinated and when has put MAGAs in a quandary, as they are uncertain where he stands.

This looks like one of those no-win situations. If you tell the vaccinated that they were wrong to get vaccinated, then they will get mad. If you tell the unvaccinated to get vaccinated, then they will get mad. Either way, a large group of people get mad.

Big E

Does anybody here really believe Trump is that naive? He knows exactly what he is doing. He’s playing double agent with this hot bed topic in an effort to confound, confuse and thwart the enemy. If you listen carefully to his interview with Bill O’Rielly (a time or two if that’s what it takes), it becomes obvious. Remember what he said before that…I took the ‘Fiza’ vaccine. Booster? Probably HCQ and Vitamin D.
Anybody that has decided NOT to take the poison at this point is likely NOT going to change their mind(s) based on what Trump says and he knows it. However, I don’t believe the military wallows in 50 shades of gray and 5-D chess. Therefor, they’re taking a more subjective and direct approach. It will certainly be interesting to see what Orange Man Rad has to say at tomorrow’s rally. Will he fess up or button up? Let’s see.


Lol imagine inventing a whole system of imaginary code words to convince yourself Trump isn’t pro-vaccine. He is obviously just pro-vaccine. And pro-booster too. I’d bet you 20 bucks he says even more pro-vaccine things at his rally tomorrow.

Big E

If he does condone it…what is his objective? Do tell. Like I said…anybody that has already decided against the kill shot, ain’t gonna take it because Mr. T says so. Last time he did that, he got booo-eeedd pretty good. He knows.


Simple – the vaccines were a a success. Project Warp Speed was arguably the biggest accomplishment of his administration. It really did produce an effective vaccine in record time just like Trump boasts. Trump’s objective is to be given credit for doing a successful thing. His ego wants that credit. He knows that some portion of his base hates the vaccines and will boo him for endorsing them, but he sees the praise he gets for the vaccines as greater than the push against them.

He knows you guys won’t change you minds and get it because he says to. He doesn’t actually give a shit if you get it or not. He just wants to bask in praise from the people who did get it.

Big E

Appreciate the reply Jay, but do you really believe Trumps motivation behind the vaxx push is purely egotistical? You may recall when he was addressing the crowd he suggested that “you’re great…it’s amazing what you’ve done” (or, something to that effect). This is one of those subtleties he often spins that makes me wonder what he really meant. Just saying…


Before all of Covid and all – I heard that Trump was very careful when they vaccinated his children. Personally I think he has never received the jab or booster, because he had Covid and it’s stated that he doesn’t understand why people who have had Covid get vaccines. But that’s just my opinion— I also think they are putting on a show with the military coming out against him. They just picked up on the ideas of what the dems have done to us, the American people, for years now. This is all fake. Remember they don’t want DS to know what they are doing. Trump is a really showman and always has been.


I notice how quick some are to jump ship rather than stay the course. Trump ‘says’ oh, yes, vaccine = greatness, but theyre not mandatory. Many get offended bc the jabs are lethal and vow to not stand behind the man. I am not pro/anti vax-but pro make your own choice based on your own compass, not the directions someone else gave you. That being said, I see no reason to inject myself with a mass medical experiment/bioweapon. But consider this in regard to Trump vs deep state: we are at war. Is he trying to flush out all of the trojan horses of the deep state? It is called ‘deep’ state for a reason. The enemy is very adept at hiding until it needs to strike. Would you see it/them? How many of the military/we the people truly back Trump? And how would you flush out a deep state plant? Would you irritate the narrative until they tip their hand/jump ship – even to the smallest degree? If you are at/or are about to actively/openly engage in war do you want even one person on your side that you have to question the integrity of? Whether it be military or the people’s militia? How devout is a swing voter going to be in war if that voter will readily switch sides bc they do not agree with one thing their captain says? Is Trump assembling we the people/military whom he doesnt need to question antics/motives? Is he purging the generals of tino’s (trump in name only) that perhaps support a ‘deep’er cause than we see on the surface? If you are only as strong as your weakest link-how weak do you want that link to be? And at its weakest, do you want it to switch sides under pressure? There is a pending release of a ‘military vaccine’- does that have anything to do with the generals’ intolerance of Trump’s vaccine commentary? Also, watch Trump’s body language when he talks of things he has 100% beleif in ie: this country and draining the swamp(watch early videos) vs how he talks about the vaccine. You can see when he passionately engages in things he backs at 100%. He is forward and present. That is absent when he talks about the vaccines/operation warp speed, slightly aloof and ?casual?, almost as if he is baiting in a debate to try to stir the opponent……or flush a trojan horse and build a well armed militia


We know that brainwashing has been used for decades. Remember the movie “Manchurian Candidate” where code words were implanted in the subconscience (via brainwashing), to murder someone when the code was spoken by someone?

Many of the movies and TV series were controlled by the C!A. And we now know the C!A and FB! are deep state. It is quite possible that they brainwashed President Trump to advocate for the vaxx. If the deep state members are willing to facilitate mass depopulation, they would also be willing to use many tactics to mitigate the killings. There were many opportunities to implant a thought or code word into President Trump’s subconscious.

We must consider all possibilities. The left has been brainwashing us, to some degree, with movies, TV programming, music, advertisements, books, and in the classroom.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jullou

I have been following this virus saga since it broke out in Wuhan in December 2019.The Chinese government purposely leaked the virus out in early October 2019 when they hosted the Military World Game in Wuhan. They intended to get US military people infected and brought the virus into US. The result was that the US military people did not get infected, but the Canadian military got infected and brought the virus into Canada. My daughter and son-in-law had a terrible high fever and coughing for 3-4 days during the 2019 Christmas in Toronto and many people had the same problem during that period. By hindsight, it was the virus brought by their military personnel from China. The reason that US military personnel didn’t get infected, because the US military personnel take routine vaccine to prevent malaria when they go to Asian area, and the Chinese government didn’t know that. I believe that the vaccine works, but this COVID vaccine was not developed under normal situation, and didn’t get enough time to test on human. Because this virus has been use by both the Chinese government and democrat party here in US as a weapon to defeat Trump in 2020 election, such as using this virus as an excuse to manufacture massive mail in fake ballots to defeat Trump, including those fake ballots imported from China and around November 3, 2020. The virus was used by both the Chinese government and Democrat party as a weapon of coup to over throw our democratic election system, and the only way to defeat it is to have a vaccine to overcome the virus. Due to limited time for the vaccine development, the efficacy of the vaccine is not as good as we expected. As I read the label of PFE’s vaccine, it says that it only protect people for 180 days, and it is similar to the flu vaccine. I think that Trump has been encourage people to take a vaccine is not a bad idea, and he wants people to have something to protect themselves. He also didn’t encourage the mandate, because this virus is not like the polio or small pox that could cause so many death and killed a large size of the population in a short period. The development of this virus was founded by US government under Obama, both Collins and Faucci knew it. I support Trump’s position and no one should use this virus as a weapon to defeat their political opponents, and this has been the issue with Democrats. They conspired with China to use this virus to kill our economy and destroy our lives, and this has been the base that Trump wanted to have some thing to defeat this virus. Since the efficacy of the vaccine is similar to the flu vaccine, it should not be mandated. The government had never mandated the people to take a flu vaccine shot during the flu season, and it always a recommendation, not a mandatary order. I hope that General Berger could better understand Trump. Trump wants American people to have some thing to defeat this virus, and the vaccine at least give people some thing. The issue is that democrat and deep states created this virus and use it to scare people, to destroy our economy and our country as whole, and that should be the military focus. Collins and Faucci all involved in the development of this virus and they all should be hanged, and that should be the point.

Buck fiden


Dr. Dick

Not one American will support Donald Trump if he continues to promote the lethal vaccines which are 99% poison.