If Biden is Really President, Why is Putin Calling Trump?


The criminal Biden administration and its complicit intelligence agencies have spent the last few months fomenting a narrative that a Russian invasion of the Ukraine is imminent, despite Putin’s reassurances, true or not, to the contrary. Either Biden or his doppelganger twice claimed to have warned Putin about the consequences of invading his southern neighbor, namely financial sanctions. But someone is lying.  Real Raw News has unearthed evidence suggesting Putin has rejected Biden’s phone calls because he does not recognize Biden as the legitimate leader of the United States.

Not only did Putin refuse Biden’s phone calls, but he also reached out to the administration’s principal adversary, Donald J. Trump, who has been actively monitoring the Russia-Ukraine crisis from his Florida command center, a Mar-a-Lago source told Real Raw News.

“They’ve talked 3 times in the last 30 days, with Putin initiating each call,” our source said.

Trump and Putin have kept an amicable but cautious relationship, he added.

“I will not speak with fake leaders, but I will speak with you,” Putin reportedly told Trump.

Putin wanted Trump’s opinion on what he called credible evidence that Biden’s “criminal regime” was conspiring with Russian separatists to stage a false flag in the Ukraine and blame Russia for damage done and lives lost. He said the FSB, the successor to the KGB, had acquired from third parties audio tapes on which Sec. of State Anthony Blinken and Def. Sec. Lloyd Austin discussed everything from waging cyberwarfare to detonating a bomb in downtown Kiev.

When Trump requested copies of said audio tapes, Putin balked, saying he could not presently share the tapes without knowing Trump’s intentions.

“If those tapes exist and are really real, then we’ve won bigtime. But I need them in huge way. I have to get them authenticated,” Trump told Putin.

“Trump would like to believe Putin, but knows he could easily be bluffing. Putin does what’s in Putin’s best interest, and he’s not above subterfuge. He’s former KGB. So, he shifted gears; he wanted to know the disposition of the U.S. military,” our source said.

“President Trump, I understand a significant part of the U.S. military is loyal to you, but many still support this man Joseph Biden. I’m unclear how, shall we say, this will play out if Biden orders combat troops to intervene,” Putin said.

“President Putin, I won’t discuss that with you. But I’ll tell you something: If, and only if, I have real proof of a false flag, you won’t have to worry about that. Our military will not go into an illegal war with your country. But right now, you have 150,000 troops and tanks, an enormous number, a number I don’t think you’ve done before, on your border, and that’s your right, but it makes people watching you want to know just what’s going on,” Trump said.

Putin insisted troop buildups were proactive, in case a false flag event forces his hand, and promised Trump that Russia was taking all possible steps to avoid a regional conflict. “If war happens, history will not see Russia as the aggressor,” Putin added.

Per our source, the second and third call went similarly, with Putin denying invasion plans and Trump requesting conclusive proof of a planned false flag attack.

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Well today either Putin attacked or the prophesied false flag has been initiated.

Kelly Knauth Brown

I would assume President Trump made a deal with Putin a few years ago about taking back parts of Ukraine while cleaning out the disgusting corruption that Ukraine is best known for.

I have no interest in protecting Hunter Biden’s Burisma and drug cartel interests or any of the human trafficking and terrorism he was involved in.

Above Reproach

The brain stem of Biden isn’t longer than a pubic hair on a 5 year old.


My guess is that Putin would not have done what he just did without some sort of a green light fromDT and white hats.


Keep talking, and achieve the best possible solution for everyone, keep talking.


I dont know how a fake leader (well technically Hussein666’s 3rd term) can run this country this long- hope this movie ends SOON!!


Putin is calling Trump to talk to someone intelligent. Would you talk to that clown show Biden selected. The real skill is for Vlad to not bust out laughing when he does have to talk to Biden.


2000mules.com by Denish DeSuza. Out in April. Proof positive the election was stolen!!! This IDIOT Joe “China” Biden did NOT get 81 million votes…😆😆😆🖕🖕🖕 Biden🖕🖕🖕

Sandy Koufax

Will be interesting to see if Trump complies with the subpoena for his financial records in New York due in 14 days and a deposition in 21 days.

Frances Rose

I believe T and Putin have a very good relation ship, but it would be prudent not to completely take your eyes and ears off Putin, He is in it for himself and Russia. I think both men agree that the worm in the WH is no good for anyone. If putin has the FF smoking Gun this could be big.

Lorie Mena

To me there appears to be two fake Joe Bidens and neither look like the real JB even if there was plastic surgery involved.

One of these actors has blue eyes and the other has brown— and I know colored contacts can be worn, but why the obvious difference? One actor writes with his left hand and the other with his right—not so easy to change handwriting and compare the known original JB signatures with the current one? One actor has dark gums, like he is a person of color— white folks do not sport a set of brown gums.

Which individual has the most to gain or lose and would need to ensure a big degree of control and play Joe Biden? It would not surprise me if one of these actors was not from Hollywood, but a Deep State player.

Rose Mary Abbott



Lord knows I don’t need prayer.

J Bill

check your guys’ local democrat bootlicker’s office. why even ask here?


Lol check it out guys Gavin Newsom is doing yet another live press conference later today. Man he sure is active for a guy who was “executed” a month ago, huh 🤷‍♂️



You’ve obviously not heard of clones or body doubles then.

Govin Poosim

How did the clone get to be the same age as Gavin? Did they clone him at birth knowing he would be elected Governor in 40 years? How do these clones work, I hear a lot about them on this website.


Are you serious dude??? Who cares what you think or don’t think??? Let people believe what they want. Find a site that actually interests you maybe??? Who wastes their time gleefully making fun of people but a mindless troll

Rose Mary Abbott

BOTH COLE AND JIM BUFFER ARE 👹 TROLLS. Father I thank you for sending your ministers to Cole and Jim Buffer and bringing them to salvation in and by the name of Jesus Christ amen.

J Bill

They are devout devil worshippers you’re dealing with Rose MA. And paid shills to boot. No one else wakes up with a smile knowing their biggest achievement of the day will be to spread as much chaos as possible. To turn others’ smiles, upside down.

They need Gitmo. Sad but true.

Hence, Military’s involvement with Trump’s disenchanted approval.


And the devil and the devil worshippers shudder to hear the name of Jesus Christ. 🙏🙏🙏


Yes, I’m planning my life around it . If it did happen it certainly could prove a lot . Sounds like an easy solution .

Last edited 2 years ago by Exile

Comment about John Hopkins and flawed data coming out of CDC is on Wnd website this morning.


There is an arrival today now on Wnd which states the science coming out of cdc is flawed so says a professor with John Hopkins. Read the article.

Last edited 2 years ago by Katie

This has to be the flu sample the CDC tested and declare it as Covid. Nobody in the planet has ever isolated the covid virus from thousands of samples but instead found flu A & B. Hence the term PCR Pandemic was coined. Someone on this site shared a blockbuster discovery that according to medical journals/books the term Covid means the common cold which the big Pharma has not come up with an effective cure. The reason, they’d rather contain the illness than cure it and keep their coffers full to the brim. Meanwhile, join us in praying without ceasing and lean on God’s broad shoulders and, take courage and comfort for God has overcome the world. Blessings,


Definitely #soon

Freddy Benson

4/20/2022 is my best guess

ordinary gary

Whatever you may think of Putin, he’s no fool. And neither is Trump. They understand the situation, and each other.

Freddy Benson

we appreciate the insight, ordinary gary

Sandy Koufax

Thanks for confirming that mask wearing causes carbon dioxide poisoning, which limits critical thinking and logical reasoning with your response.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sandy Koufax

A lot of people on this site suggest that Q+, Vlad and Xi Jen Ping consist the triumvirate working to eliminate the DS/Cabal/Khazarian mafia that is behind all the chaos worldwide. Blessings,

Dave Strickland

Putin knows Biden is a usurper. That’s one simple answer.


2000mules.com ELECTION STOLEN!!!


Impale the 2000 mules!!!

Angel Askew

Durham is going to GUT OUT the CIA, FBI and DOJ. In that order.

Team Bidens’ “boss man” tactics are being exposed.

The only “base” left soon will be these shill-trolls and Hunter’s products to fill those free crack pipes with.

Freddy Benson

lmao dude’s investigation is twice as long as mueller’s and all he has is two process crimes.

go watch more nazi propaganda

Sandy Koufax

Thanks for confirming that mask wearing causes carbon dioxide poisoning, which limits critical thinking and logical reasoning with your response.

Rose Mary Abbott



Durham is going to charge Sussman and maybe a few other guys you’ve never heard of with weak misdemeanors. You guy are getting played by Fox News into thinking this shit will do anything at all to the FBI CIA or DOJ.

Angel Askew

I’m glad your CNN lifestyle brings you comfort.
Tick tock.




Fun fact, you can turn off the caps lock when typing. Until next time!

Rose Mary Abbott


Freddy Benson

move to russia

Sandy Koufax

Thanks for confirming that mask wearing causes carbon dioxide poisoning, which limits critical thinking and logical reasoning with your response.

Freddy Benson

you can move to russia too

Rose Mary Abbott


Rose Mary Abbott



communism ended in the Russia on 12/31/91…why you call VVP communist leader ??? as I remember last one been Gorbatchev….

Rose Mary Abbott

I think it is because he was a leader of the KGB. He was their top cop. Communist cops are not fun and can mess you up quick.


And shortly thereafter the Berlin Wall came crumbling down if my memory serves me right with assist from POTUS Ronaldos Magnus. Blessings,

Sharon Manning

I hope you are refering the Kazarian Jews, not true Jews. There IS a difference.

Sharon Manning

edit to referring….

J Bill


Crazy cat lady

All the other foreign leaders know that Biden is cheat and a thief. Nobody has any respect for the Splenda in the false White House (Splenda fake sugar)


I see what you did there. Do you think Biden is in the DC or Georgia White House?

Sandy Koufax

Thanks for confirming that mask wearing causes carbon dioxide poisoning, which limits critical thinking and logical reasoning with your response.


Which Biden are you asking about?


Castlerock studios according to JD of Twitter.

Rose Mary Abbott

I’m laughing 😂


Oh my…..someone is playing with RRN server now. Either playing with you or someone is being squirrely with mine. Michael, praying for you and your Associates safety.


Basic info over the internet ! Any child with a phone can find . Kinda like whats published here . Research an anyone can find it. All basic internet information all out there for anyone to find. Your choice to believe or not. Apparently , from your reaction you haven’t researched basic info on the Internet about this or surprised someone put it out there on the internet for everyone to find out about from any age. If this site doesn’t want to have basic internet information out there maybe they should filter contents before publishing it.


Strange how tv shows ,movies, comic books, toys, games can talk about things out there . Just like any child can find on the internet related to the same topic . But, only they can talk about it an apparently no else can . Especially , if they have question concerning it . If no one wants to talk about then filter content an delete post. Otherwise remove content from internet for any child that can see after researching movie, Tv shows, toys, to see if anything is real or not.


Technology is technology , real or not , question are what’s actually real or not your choice to believe cartoons .Or research an see if there real just like any child can find out on the internet. ( Either filter content on the internet for children to see an stop making cartoon, toys, movies, Tv shows related to it. ). Strange how everything is, I heard about how coca cola produce a subliminal advertising for the Super Bowl years ago. An there sales rocketed after using subliminal hypnosis suggestion for people to buy there product. Yet you can no longer find that on the internet. Then the law enforcement for another Super bowl used facial recognition connecting to law enforcement computers to catch criminal from all types of backgrounds. Yet can’t find that out there after someone saw that on the tv then internet. Simply just like Noah ark still in section on a mountain everyone in the region calls a holy place. That anyone allowed to fly over certain times of the year can see. Either restrict from seeing or don’t put it out for kids to research on the internet after seeing it in cartoons ,movies, tv shows, toys to see if it’s real or not. Only thing really real for me is Jesus Christ my lord an Savior , heaven or hell free choice to believe the same as me or not. Research for yourself . ( John 3:16 )


Are you ok? You had 3 posts in a row that made no sense. Stroke?

Sandy Koufax

Thanks for confirming that mask wearing causes carbon dioxide poisoning, which limits critical thinking and logical reasoning with your response.


Sever BF imho.


I hope some day to hear something that makes sense on why are military hasn’t used it’s best equipment ,during this war for freedom. Things such as crowd control microwave technology, advance sound wave technology, Lazer, electrical impulse , Mind control technology, sound wave frequency technology for more serious uses , apparently can be used as a fast knock out sleep an also for healing, all basic technology are government apperently, has access too along with many, many, others. Looks like the CIA has been using them for years, Question is why are military not playing by the same rules to win at any cost by using everything in there arsonal to win. There seems to be a lot of unanswered questions regarding this at least for me. Obviously, we know about poison being used from air planes to cause health an environmental conditions, an the side effects from 5g ,an from Vaccines , an mask causing more health issues with covid then helping. All of this needs answers an no one going to answer it until there main goals are fulfilled for control. ( Georgia Guide Stones ten commandments for the New World Order , Chrislam, crypto currency technology for one world digital currency ( Patton # WO 2020 060606 ) , Vaccines that can possible have chip technology for currency, an maybe mind control who knows, (CIA , Drug Cartels, world military ,Connection to One World Government ???) Revelation in the Bible doesn’t seem like just ink on paper anymore . There’s power in the words from the bible if you seek you will find all the answers! Lord’s prayer, John 3:16, Jesus Christ our lord an Savior is the answer to everything an nothing less.


Perhaps you should get to the White Hat Alliance and have them answer to you! Although I think you’re on my side, I find it rather comical that you are asking for answers to a plan that has been worked on for the last 60 years. You and I don’t even know what we don’t know. The only information we are receiving is what is intended for us to see. I feel very certain more than we can comprehend is going on behind the scenes. Mostly, I have read that the Alliance is doing everything “by the book” so that when today’s history is read years from now, there will be no way Trump/White Hats can be blamed for illegal actions. And if someone is really paying attention, the DS are killing their own selves – which is more satisfying all around.


I’m totally perplexed as to why this shit show is allowed to go on this long for. All the evidence of stolen election and most of the perpetrators exposed. Chaos all across the board and we’re still waiting for what exactly.

lewton cole

good question. inquiring minds want to know. best speculations i’ve heard are

1) the samson option – israel has nukes in all of its embassies worldwide and threatens to detonate them all at once if it ever looks like israel is going to go down. since the zionists are a big part of the cabal, draining the swamp will expose them and israel’s complicity. therefore, steps must be taken to assure the samson option has been neutralized before the open arrests can commence.

2) opportunistic attacks – by the other major global players who would like nothing more than to see the US devolve into chaos and open civil war. to avoid that, the white hats need to get EVERYONE on trump’s side, so that a military purge of the swamp will go quickly and smoothly and without inviting foreign provocateurs and opportunists to take advantage. ergo the DC shitshow that’s rapidly becoming theater of the absurd.

3) undiscovered sleepers – there are still lots of DS operatives who have to be ferreted out, so that once the swamp is drained, there are no minions remaining undetected, who will work to reestablish the deepstate once the military returns the gov’t to civilian authority, and after trump is no longer around to keep an eye on things. voters are stupid. that’s how we got here in the first place.

i’ve listed these in the order that seems most probable to ME. could be a combination of all three, plus others not mentioned / imagined. this is pure speculation, and that is all that it is.

Last edited 2 years ago by lewton cole

You’re forgetting:

4) the ‘white hat military’ never takes down the Biden admin because there is no ‘white hat military’, it’s just another larp you’ve been suckered into by liars on the internet. Just like Q all over again.

J Bill

You improper use of English phrases or terms is more confusing than your lack of knowledge, or proper logic corn-hole cole.

Your acid-head type colloquial phrases are meaningless. You’re the liar.

J Bill

Not bad lewton cole.

In your #3, remember the voters have been duped into believing there was a massive majority of Democrat voters since hussein’s office. While claiming Trump’s was a flimsy minority. It’s the other way around.

Majority of voters were Trump supporters in 2020, by far.
Over 100M+ easily by the numbers.


CUE: we see all, we hear all and we know all. That is not speculation my friend.

Rose Mary Abbott

We spent 20 long years fighting in Afghanistan for what turned out to be absolutely nothing that they were really responsible for and you want to complain because someone is willing to take on the oldest most evil entity on Earth but since it has taken more than a year is too long to wait for someone to do the entire thing for us. You are lazy and impatient. Try praying for them instead of complaining.


The market has to crash under fake-Biden’s reign. When the market crashes, the NESARA/GESARA – gold backed currency can come in. Biden won’t get the credit for any of that.


One second we hear biden in the hospital . Next story there’s actors an clones playing biden. Then everything being produce in a fake white house on a theater complex . Other say biden in the white house an apperently oboma in the basement or some other location running everything. Trump in control an no one is in the white house . This is while he’s running the military from another location like in Florida. Then vaccines are bad next there good. Possible wars an Rumors of wars. For me several things don’t add up like how long this has been going on. Something about all of this smells wrong an the confusion not clarity isn’t helping . I’ve always heard people say a quote that seems related to all of this. ( “If something sounds to good to be true it usually is!”) Hopefully, this isn’t the case but, it seems like to me that we are being played by the CIA an others for another purpose . Maybe, for the New World Order who knows .I guess only time will tell. Meanwhile ,I don’t think questioning things that don’t seem right is a bad thing. Never assume anything always research everything . Only bad question is one not asked ! I pray this is a bad thought that only needs to be cast out in the name of Jesus Christ. We need some kinda ending to all of it . For me ,I look to Jesus Christ my lord an Savior for everything .An that helps in finding peace an a good ending to unanswered questions. Especially during these times ! Thank you, Jesus !


Yeah, it’s called ‘grifting’ Mikee. Michael Baxter is a grifter who’s using a fake name to write fake stories about a fake alternate reality that all the boomer qanon dead-enders wish they were living in. Then he asks them to send him money. He will promise you Trump is coming back ‘soon’ a million times, and it’ll never happen, because that’s just how he makes his living.

lewton cole

shill alert. NEITHER of us “KNOW” whether or not this site is legit. at least i KNOW that i DON’T know. you, on the other hand, are a retard, or a shill.

Last edited 2 years ago by lewton cole
Freddy Benson

did trump come back on july 4th 2021?

no? then this site has lied at least once


Nah dude, I do know this site is horseshit. Every prediction MB has made has flopped, Gavin Newsom is still running my state, MB has been getting his main character “Rear Admiral” Crandall’s rank wrong for 7 months, among other things.

Plus I bet you didn’t know that the earliest RRN articles were full of goofy sci-fi nonsense like an imaginary war against shape-shifting lizard people. I mean just look at this bullshit:


J Bill

“you, on the other hand, are a retard, ..”

lewton cole, you’re alright.

Rose Mary Abbott


Buck fiden

Putin is not our enemy. Biden’s puppetmasters are.



J Bill



Have you ever seen The Obama Deception?

Freddy Benson

i love watching people turn from normal conservatives into authoritarians

Rose Mary Abbott



Putin is just trying to control the supply of the secret ingredient in Tab Cola and needs access to Ukrainian or Georgia (USA) land to do it. This is common knowledge and I have posted about it many times.

Rose Mary Abbott


Rose Mary Abbott


Bev Kungl

I have been saying for a while now…what if the democrats are using this as a diversion…to distract us from what the globalists/deep state are up to behind our back. From the start I thought that Biden et al were making a mountain out of a molehill and that Putin was playing with them. I actually trust Putin more than I do Biden and the Democrats. Biden is just a puppet…it’s the people behind him who are pulling the strings. I read if the “scamdemic” didn’t work then Klaus Schwab et al would start a 3rd world war.


russians looks like documented all info regard incoming false flag so brandon call ….ww3

Last edited 2 years ago by sejmon
J Bill

Brilliant move for Russia.

Rose Mary Abbott

I have been looking at the lies the msm is pushing these days and I am happy to report that the people are not believing in their lies and they are giving them hell in the comment sections. I have watched the growth of the conservative responses. We are indeed growing stronger every day because of the ability to see what they have done and why they did it. Transparency is a gift from God. A very beautiful gift.

Scott V. Smith

Great Stuff Michael. It does sound like a conversation those two would have. Right now it’s a bit of a gray area as far as the Logan Act with Trump but hey, Kerry did it with no consequence…..so far. We’ll see.


I tend to think that Putin was putting out a reaction call to Trump. How did Putin get his hands on those tapes? Did Trump know of it? Putin must have been testing the waters.


i thought putin was part of the alliance. why would trump not trust him if they are on the same side?

David T

Reagan always said “Trust but verify.” Good advice, especially here.


Remember, Reagan built the Georgia White House during the Cola Wars. There is a lot going on.

Freddy Benson

my man quoted reagan’s trust but verify while commenting on a fake news site

Rose Mary Abbott


Rose Mary Abbott


J Bill

He is. Their interactions would be scripted for optics, as we read it. Both are highly intelligent people with respect for each other. President Trump is everyone’s go-to guy, when seeking inclusion in mutual business interests.

Even the Taliban “want Trump back,” showing him respect while none for others.


Optics is my guess. Trump – Putin – Xi Xingping are all part of the Alliance. They also know that the DS reads just as many articles as the WHs. Keep the DS guessing. The WHs NEVER advertise their moves. Think Game Theory and think The Art of War. I believe this site is what MB has been “allowed” to post but has MUCH more that is waiting for the WH Go Ahead!


True that my friend.


I hope Putin DOES actually have tapes and gives it to President Trump. Frankly this whole circus needs to end. Sick and tired of these CRIMINALS!. EBS AND SHOW ALLLLL TAPES, CONFESSIONS, VIDEOS, WHATEVER THEYVE GOT!!

Bev Kungl

Me too!!!


Everything Trump needs are in that soccer ball Vlad gave Trump during Trump’s visit to Helsinki where the two met. Accordingly, Vlad told DJT, the ball is in your court when he handed Trump the ball. Blessings,


yes this circus of 15 months or better say since nov. 2016 must end….


So what is the DS up to while using this as a diversion I wonder?

David T

Durham report is incriminating as could be. Can’t have that news making headlines anywhere.


The Durham report is going to result in, at most, a few guys you’ve never heard of before getting charged with misdemeanors

Rose Mary Abbott


Freddy Benson

what’s incriminating about it?

J Bill

Joffe’s in the news today. Tell him no one here “says hi.”

Freddy Benson

was he indicted? why did durham wait 5 years and 2 days to specifically bring up information that was performed under the obama admin?

J Bill

R Joffe, the cyber typer henchman for Hillary et al’s Russia hoax is in the news today.

If this comes full circle like it looks, I’d be expecting d/s to start offing themselves one by one. Then planting the evidence in Trump’s office accusing him of cancelling the d/s culture, with their one man left standing.

Nothing would surprise me at this point.

Freddy Benson

“I’d be expecting”

going on 6 years now.nothing happens lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooo

cry more

Angel Askew

Also managing Trudeau attempt to stay in power. Once he resigns WEF and the boys lose every nation.
USA defaulted on 1/31st debt repayment date to old old old money creditors. Also the two week extension.
The faster ALL citizens awaken the quicker we get rid of these godless freaks.


The corporation you mean, right?

lewton cole

IF there were plans for a falseflag attack, or perhaps i should say IF their plans for a falseflag attack were imminent, then hopefully seeing advance warning of their plans exposed here may have deterred the execution of those plans and saved innocent lives. however, NOTHING can deter the executions of the leaders of the cabal and their minions. time is almost up.

Deborah Richardson

US Govt “false flag attack” to start a war.


NY Post Quote today:

‘The US government claims Russia may stage a “false flag” attack on its own forces to provide a justification for war.’

Last edited 2 years ago by Deborah Richardson


Freddy Benson


Rose Mary Abbott


Freddy Benson


Chris G

Could Putin send the incriminating FF evidence to Project Veritas??


It doesn’t exist, but also lol at the idea that Vladimir Putin would ever share intel to fucking Project Veritas of all people 😂

David T

Awww, somebody doesn’t like PV, all that truthful undercover work they do, really messes with the fake administrations narrative and it ticks off the pedophiles.


Not really, nobody pays attention to them except boomers like you

Rose Mary Abbott


J Bill

eveybody who isn’t a pedophile anyways, corn-hole.


fucking project…it triggered you ??

Freddy Benson

did you have a stroke typing this?

Rose Mary Abbott


Rose Mary Abbott


J Bill

President Trump has an idea on how it could be put to good use.

Chris G

Truth Social?? (I bet Devin Nunes is chomping at the bit to get in the game)

J Bill

For sure. Devin Nunes is raring to go. The tapes would be like a final “nail in the coffin” for the cabal. I’m sure Trump is seeking a legal relief with the tapes.

I see R. Joffe was named today at TGP for his ‘expertise’ in the Russia hoax.

Just wondering how much worse it can get for them??


Trump has to testify in NY about the finances of his company ? Seated presidents don’t have to testify . What’s up with that?

J Bill


Everything you and the other troll dipwads have said about Trump in the last year has yet to materialize. Haven’t noticed that yet?

All bogus claims against him, filed for vexatious purposes (without jurisdiction) are being slowly extinguished one by one. Legally.

But you keep at it. Obsessed, like an msm desk jockey.

It’s your fate and way of life.

Last edited 2 years ago by J Bill
Freddy Benson

specifically, what did we say? was it something like “mobo bus bar on the sata hd” ?

or that “raid requires 3 disks”?

or “child pedo”?

of you don’t know what the “L” you take daily in “LAN” means?

i could go on but you get the picture…or maybe you don’t idgaf

Last edited 2 years ago by Freddy Benson

This could be the time DJT uses his trump card. We shall see.


I’m not surprised to hear this. Why is Biden still LARPING as a president when we all know he’s a kiddie diddler/trafficker and traitor to this nation many times over? I don’t get what’s taking so long. He doesn’t look difficult to take down, his whole administration is under investigation even Strawberry Shortcake.


Biden never gets taken down because none of this shit is real, Heath. You’re waiting and waiting and waiting on a larp.

Rose Mary Abbott


Rose Mary Abbott

If only Biden were the only problem that would be great, but they are working on bringing down and doing away with a huge cabal that has been in place for many hundreds of years. They are dug in and some are very hard to get to. Evidence must be found to be used to destroy them with and it has to be done right or the whole world will condemn it. Please be patient.


Anybody see the movie Dave? Wouldn’t put anything past three bilge monkies.


These not three


Trump’s his buddy. Of course he’s afraid of a “fake” President, what could fake Biden really do? Nothing.


Pretty soon he is going to name a supreme court justice.

Rose Mary Abbott



Biden controls the US military, so there’s that 🤷‍♂️

question everything

Biden? In control? of anything? That’s funny!

Last edited 2 years ago by question everything

What is the weather like on your planet?

Rose Mary Abbott


J Bill

It’s grand. Is it -273*C there yet? I heard your winters are cold.


I heard that there never were all those Russian troops on the border, that it was a fabrication of the American media. Two days after Zelinsky let that be known then the MSM here started reporting a troop withdrawal.


Russian troops were recalled after annihilating the Khazarian mafia in Ukraine according to credible sources.


This is a chess game with an implied offer by Putin.Both Trump and Putin play chess and my guess is both are very skilled.Putin’s implied offer is a probe to discover who’s truly in control of the USA masterboard and its pieces and by the reactions he witnesses he’ll know the nature and likely reactions of either party he’s dealing with.Putin is a very tough competitor originally highly trained NKVD/KGB type but now no longer interested in Soviet Marxist conquest and rule as he is in winning(best interest of his people and nation).I believe Putin values the traditional ties between the Russian Orthodox Church,the Russian people and himself as leader and no longer has the same animosity that the Marxist state religion he once served had.On the other hand Putin knows Biden(really his regime) is a Chicom owned puppet and imbecile which will react as the incompetent but committed Marxists they are.He’s shaping the board with his calls which will dictate whether he’s gaming with a Bobby Fisher or a “Joey Coyle”.

J Bill

Good post. Putin’s no dummy. Neither is Trump. Strong allies in the world game.

Proudly Unaffiliated

Who ya gonna call? Pretendant Bidan, the Demented Clown Puppet, or President Trump, our MAGA POTUS? Easy decision.


not ease for cole,exile,jimmy buffet,ted dy (adm)freddy kruger ben

Last edited 2 years ago by sejmon
Rose Mary Abbott

If there were a flood taking place you could stay alive by walking on top of all these trolls. Life is getting sweeter.

Phyllis Bonviso

Not sure how presidents act amongst themselves but three times asking for evidence, and thrice denied. Would look for other avenues of obtaining this information and if they are from a “third” party, should be more readily available to obtain but then again, third party may not be that reliable…can we just get our own information without having to go through them or just ask them point blank. Life was so easy with a handshake…or maybe there wasn’t such a thing…


Trump posted his first post on Truth Social today,what he had to say is very encouraging 🇺🇲


Really looking forward to joining Knockoff Twitter

David T

Is that code name for your boyfriend there corn hole?

Freddy Benson

good one boomer! did you think of that while watching knight rider?


Good joke David, aside from the fact that it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever


I just want a site where I’m not in jail constantly for speaking my mind


We already have that right here at RRN though! MB doesn’t give a shit about moderating this place 🤷‍♂️


Yea,that’s why I like this site

Rose Mary Abbott


Rose Mary Abbott

I have had at least two of my comments taken down here. I’m not sure why, but he does govern this area with constant scrutiny.

J Bill

You mean shooting your mouth off and upvoting your troll co-conspirators?

There must be a thousands of sites competing for your talent.


Quit fagging off on my replies homo


Me too,I’m tired of being in Facebook jail lol

Freddy Benson

hmu on truth social lol

i joined the waiting list. it will be fun!


Been thinking maybe I’ll join TRUTH Social too, it might be a good place to post updates on the Mole People 🤔

Rose Mary Abbott


Rose Mary Abbott

The only time Facebook sees me is when I post REAL RAW NEWS articles. I’m constantly being censored there but I have too many friends there to just leave them in the dark. I might leave there when Truth Social begins. I’m already registered there.

Rose Mary Abbott



Me too!!


As per Simon Parkes yesterday, Putin removed his troops from the Ukraine border and said the exercise was over.these men are both part of the alliance or white hats.


That exercise was in reality the destruction of the Khazarian mafia according to credible sources.


That is what the biden admin was up to, suggesting that they had evidence of a Russian false flag, but when asked to where they could find that evidence, dude says “Well, I just gave you the evidence” which of-course was no evidence….
you can look for that report anywhere on the net =Reporter asks for the evidence of Russian false flag. they want to start a war and blame Russia

Freddy Benson

Let’s burn a source so American faith is pleased with the evidence. Great work boomer

Rose Mary Abbott


Lisa M Moyer

Putin calling Trump is because he wants to talk to the LEGITIMATE president NOT the installed demented resident clown show. I don’t blame him. What country has any faith in the O Byedumb regime? Majority of this country doesn’t. It is a dishonest clown show.

Freddy Benson

Maybe Biden should bring his family to the next meeting with world leaders


He can’t … He took out 2 of them.

Freddy Benson

Maybe hunter can talk to other world leaders like Ivanka when those leaders roll their eyes at their mere presence 😂😂


Be kind of hard for Hunter to do that since he is dead ass breath.

Freddy Benson

only according to rrn

Rose Mary Abbott


Rose Mary Abbott



Don’t forget the dog and neighbor girls.

Freddy Benson

they can also interrupt world leaders mid conversation.

Rose Mary Abbott


Rose Mary Abbott