Special Forces Seize Strategic Petroleum Reserves after Biden Gives Away 35,000,000+ Barrels


U.S. Special Forces last Saturday seized control of the nation’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) after learning that the criminal Biden regime had donated to France approximately 35,000,000 barrels of crude, 5% of our nation’s protected fuel supply, a high-ranking military source told Real Raw News.

Last November, the criminal Biden regime siphoned the SPR for 50,000,000 barrels, a move usually set aside for war, saying his actions would arrest rising gas prices and “put money back in consumers’ pockets.” Motorists, he touted at the time, would see a gradual decrease in pump prices over the next few months.

Instead, the opposite transpired; the median cost of a gallon of gas has increased 47 cents, an aberration not seen since the Carter years. At the time of this writing, the average gallon of gas cost $3.61, with some pumps on the west coast charging nearly double that figure.

In early January, as Omicron coverage still dominated broadcast news, clouding other issues of national importance, the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps received tip-offs from an alleged administration insider who claimed he had intimate knowledge of a conversation between Biden and Emmanuel Macron.

The socialist Macron purportedly told Biden that ‘playing along with the pandemic’ had financially crippled France’s economy. Lockdowns and the intentional bankrupting of many French companies, Macron said, had caused an unanticipated energy pinch, citing the temporary closure of Total, France’s main oil company and one of the largest publicly owned oil and gas companies in the world. Macron said his country didn’t have enough oil and gas to both heat homes and keep cars on the road, despite having “borrowed” tens of millions of barrels from countries such as Spain, Canada, and Germany. So, Biden, after consulting Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm, “loaned” Macron 35,000,000 barrels, the tipster claimed.

Our source said JAG at first rejected the tipster’s claims, believing him to be an agent provocateur, as his assertions made little sense, and JAG’s cursory investigation showed no evidence that Total had shuttered operations during the plandemic.

“Everything he said was shaky at best. Total’s stock was steady, something you wouldn’t expect to see if a major energy provider went dark almost two years. Investors would have screamed bloody murder if Total went dark. And as far as the U.S., we blamed the fuel spikes on the administration’s war on domestic energy production,” our source said.

Nonetheless, JAG pursued the investigation “just in case,” he added.

A deep dive into France’s energy sector eventually revealed Total had indeed closed four of its five refineries from January 2020, the start of the plandemic, to December 2021, when much of the world began to reopen. Moreover, Total’s push toward “green energy” had cost the company billions of unrecoverable Euros. Macron, it turned out, had concealed these facts by depleting his country’s petroleum reserves—79 million barrels—throughout the plandemic.

“I can’t say how right now, but we sure learned that Biden did ship to France at least 35m barrels of crude, and possibly much more, an act of treason. We keep those reserves, so we have fuel in time of war. The administration never released it into the U.S. economy, he gave it to France. And knowing he might make such a decision again, we acted to protect our nation’s national interest,” our source said.

JAG and U.S. Army Special Operations Command, he said, developed a plan to secure the four locations holding our country’s SPR—two underground salt caverns in Bryan Mound and Big Hill, Texas, and two in West Hackberry and Bayou Choctaw, Louisiana.

On Saturday, February 19, U.S. Special Forces encircled all four locations and, to their surprise, found each site guarded by armed agents of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

In West Hackberry, three FEMA agents opened fire after being told the U.S. military was taking control of the oil reserves. Special Forces returned fire, killing the agents. No Special Forces in West Hackberry were injured or killed, our source said.

In Bayou Choctaw, FEMA surrendered without firing a shot.

And in Bryan Mound, Special Forces had to hose down 5 FEMA agents that, after being given every opportunity, refused to surrender control of that location’s SPR. One Special Forces operative was wounded, but his injuries are not life-threatening, our source said.

Special Forces also seized the Big Hill SPR, though RRN has not heard whether anyone was wounded in the siege.

“The strategic petroleum reserve is now secure,” our source said.

However, a huge discrepancy exists between the quantity of crude at the SPRs and what should be there, based on the tipster’s report. On paper, the U.S. SPR holds 714,000,000 barrels, but the U.S. military counted only 565,000,000 barrels, an enormous difference suggesting Biden might have given away far more than the tipster claimed.

“There will be an accounting for this treason,” our source said. “We will find out who gave away that oil and who took it.”

RRN is an independent publisher that relies on reader support. We fight for truth and freedom of the press in an oppressed society. We use GiveSendGo, a Christian-based fundraising company, through which to collect donations. Please do not give your hard-earned money to sites or channels that copy/paste our intellectual property. We spend countless hours vetting, researching, and writing. Thank you. Every dollar helps.
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I hope these FEMA scum all hang!!


May the whole corrupt Biden family/Deep State/RINO’S be IMPALED!!! No doubt Sleepy Joe is getting his 10%


This pisses me off! If the military knew this, then why didn’t they arrest Biden for stealing our barrels? Why didn’t they get it back. It is not Biden’s to loan out! We used to be independent with our own energy source and he had the nerve to close our energy source. It becomes very difficult for the people to understand that something is being done about all these criminals in our government and we are starting to look at our military as well now. It just doesn’t add up. So much time has passed and NO JUSTICE! The people need to see!


It’s so refreshing to get articles like this that really drill down into important subjects that aren’t covered elsewhere. Thank you!

Jean Guillaumat

Macron is a psychopathic deepstater: 2birds with one stone.


Good get our reserves!


NOT ONLY OBUMMER & $IDEN’S TIES . . . Hillary Clinton’s longstanding ties to wealthy Ukrainian donors raise questions
For years, failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has made outlandish claims about supposed collusion between former President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, and considering her apparently close historical ties to deep-pocketed Ukrainian donors, the reasons for her posturing become much clearer.


So Hillary is alive ?


In the middle of the Ukranian War that easily could have nuclear consequences and after his doctor branded him unable to cognitively function, $iden scheduled himself to leave Washington for his home in Delaware today (26) at 5:30 pm.

In Reality the Ukraine War was about Putin & the Alliance liberating Ukraine from the Deep State.


They have taken away Our access to Internet here in CANADA. Soon they will take away access from everyone, and they call this FREEDOM??? There is No F R E E D O M from this government from hell. ][ S T A N D against them. Where is OUR F R E E D O M???


Run away, run away . Now.




What can I do for you ? Thanks for noticing .

Lucky Star

Keep digging the hole to bury your empty head

Lucky Star

Where is James comeycal????


Zee is mad at you .


Have you gotten it back yet ?

Ruth Ann Maloney

How did Biden – or his handlers – get the authority to remove our oil reserves? Who ordered it, who did it, and where did it go? Who is obeying Biden in these matters? I saw that one unit refused to be deployed. Good for them.


I’ve heard rumor Biden is the president . He authorized oil reserves a few months ago also . It happened .




I thought I was answering her question about Biden and oil reserves . Look . I did .


THE DS is run by 6000 year old WORLD WIDE KHAZARIAN MAFIA, today as SES SECURITY EXECUTIVE SERVICES for the CROWN (City of London & the Vatican City). Both now removed. SES was the Military Complex for USA INC now ended. But they’re losing the last chess play as so much about thm is now being exposed.


Look at it as a game of theft by the KHAZARIANS SES who will fight until the end to take what they want for favors / money etc

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

I just heard they are both back up and running at full strength . Facebook and Twitter have something to do with it .



Putin doesn’t want NWO. Zelensky and Putin are working together to destroy Ukraine money laundering syndicate. Nothing is what it seems. DuckDuckGo Donetsk and Lungansk declare independence from Ukraine with Putin and their leadership and are celebrating today . Crimea already claimed it’s independence. This is a white hat operation but news and DS making it look opposite of what it is. Anyone can post a fake explosion. Enjoy the take down of Ukraine criminal syndicate by the good guys working together.
Putin is cleaning up our mess. The Ukraine is the current NWO headquarters for the Khazarian Mafia’s money laundering world operations. The Biden’s and Clinton’s and Obama’s have massive financial interests there. All the child trafficking and Heroin money is washed there. And yes they have bio weapons facilities because we destroyed all the Wuhan facilities already. Most people don’t know that the only western intn’l flights alloys out of Tehran were to Kiev. So all Obama’s billions of cash were sent to Iran then flown to Kiev. It’s a cesspool and as usual Putin cleans up our mess. Ukraine is the bread basket to Russia and Europe, has the only natural gas pipeline to Germany from Russia and the only Black Sea to Mediterranean port in Crimea. Was always Russian and there is no way Russia is going to let that be jeopardized. Plus the western half is Nazi, traditional Germans and were the most maniacally loyal SS units in WWII. The eastern half is loyal to Russia and ethnically Russian. Country is split in half by the Dniep river. It’s really 2 countries.

And no Ukrainian troops were willing to fight the Russians so Biden and the NWO imported 40k Muslim terrorist mercenaries (many remnants of isis) and armed them and inserted them into the country. That’s who Putin is going to eliminate. 90 % of the Ukrainian military is standing down.

You can learn all that online in one hour but no American media can seem to figure this out.

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

Biden has no soul therefore, he has no capacity for love, hate, or anything else. The whole family are sick, degenerate PAEDOPHILES! THEY ARE SIMPLY CRIMINALS!!




Just wondered, do you still do many up to date articles in your other site ” twistedtruth.net ” ?

Or are you more focused on RRN now?



This is a wild guess but I think he’s done with twisted truth . Ted may wish to carry the torch , we shall see .



Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

You believe what is on twisted truth ? Oh come bow . Aliens and all.

Lucky Star

I really want to know when the so call white hat military or 80% good military and DJT will put an end to the cabals, circus president, and their minions before they destroy this country beyond repair??? What are the differences between them and these bastards? One want to destroy this country completely and one want to save it after the destruction of this country? Same coin with different side only. What could be worse???? Long term plan until most people wake up? 55% will never wake up. So what is the hold up? After Ukraine circus, then CCP and Taiwan, then follow by Nortk Korea invades South Korea? What else? Allien talk, clone, CGI etc… talk is cheap, planning is cheap, but action….????
CCP is taking over the land/farm industries in this country, and fucking all gov to include red state gov are selling out because of the money from CCP… whose to blame? If you want to concur all countries, control their economics that CCP is doing all over the world, this USA and Europe countries want to control world through military that will never work. Learn from history. At the end, you fucking people only blame Chinese. You need to know about Chinese, as long as the Sun is still rising from the east, you will see Chinese are spreading all over the world, controlling world economic while these western countries are working on fucking social program that never work, borrow money for free stuff and lazy people are waiting for it. This century and the next will belongs to chinesse. Get ready.


Where is James Comey ?

Lucky Star

Yeah, you need to let me where is James comeycal and cuomo????


Wow Zee is mad at you .

Lucky Star

Do I care about crazy lister s/he man? I don’t


How dare you call us F–cking People

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee
Lucky Star

He…whatever you posted down here was never becomes fruitful….basically all you did just copy and paste from different sources. You are so boring with you post for the last few months.. your list is nothing more to full fill you ego maniac problem. Do I care your list???lost???? U bet I don’t


Reposted (and expanded) after running out of time to edit the original post:

From Jim Stone (jimstone.is /

American in Kiev hotel explains the B.S. in America’s MSM from the perspective of being in Ukraine. 20 minutes, well worth it.



It was worth watching. Explains why Russia is focusing on military/WMD targets instead of indiscriminate attacking Ukraine and leveling all of its infrastructure to the ground–‘killing everyone’ like what happened to Bagdad during the Gulf War long ago with all the ‘carpet bombing’ the U. S. Military did first before they rolled in with the tanks and Humvees. It also explains why most/all the eyewitness clips posted online from there look suspiciously ‘staged’. Unfortunately it doesn’t help that the guy in the clip above is wearing an orange ball cap as truther MAG BITTER TRUTH would have a field day breaking down/commenting on this clip for that. Also, the above clip is in accord with the info in this post from MB:




watch this MBT clip first


then watch this one


and read


and experience a worthwhile ‘Aha!’ moment. 🙂

In the end, I hope the ‘war’ in Ukraine is REALLY a whitehat op to take down a DS stronghold to help liberate the people of Ukraine and eventually the people of the world from the Plandemic tyranny.

Please use youtube-dl



h t t p COLON SLASH SLASH w w w DOT any-video-converter DOT com SLASH avc-free DOT exe

installed on an online, ‘throwaway’ PC (as I have in the past. virustotal.com will flag the file as ‘suspect’ when scanned but I have used it quite awhile on the ‘throwaway’ PC with no known problems.)

to download


to archive/redistribute this IMPORTANT clip. I’m expecting YouTube to start censoring these kinds of clips so that the (dangerously) deceptive MSM narrative about the current conflict in Ukraine can be allowed to flourish. 🙁

Please DO NOT use any of the online YouTube clip downloading services to download clips from YouTube AT ALL ANY MORE! They either don’t work anymore, won’t download age-restricted clips like AVC does, or are filled with unwanted forced/popup ads, webbrowser hijacks to simulate PC ‘0wnage’ then try to get you to pay a scammer to ‘undo the damage’, or outright ‘drive-by malware’ installed on your PC without your knowledge or consent to benefit the online criminals doing that to you to benefit themselves by hijacking your PC for their criminal purposes.

Quick-start AVC instructions:

Download, install, and run AVC

Gear Icon / Online Video / Select Format / Manually Select / OK

Add URL(s)

Click green plus sign

[Repeat following for each YouTube video]
Copy complete YouTube URL to Clipboard. Must be in this format to work for sure:

h t t p COLON SLASH SLASH w w w DOT youtube.com/watch?v=[11-character video ID]

Paste youTube URL in URL box

Click green plus sign

When done, make sure all YouTube URLs are unique with no duplicates. If needed select the duplicate URL(s) in the list then click the trash can icon to delete it from the list. When done with all that, click ‘Start Download!’

A popup box for each clip will appear so you can select the video format number. ONLY SELECT 18 or 22 then click OK for each clip. Format 18 is a medium sized file while format 22 is a larger file with better video quality. I think those are the only two formats available inside AVC that will give you clips with both video and sound in a single clip. Advanced users can download better quality video and sound files for a clip but must use ffmpeg to combine them into a MP4 file

gyan.dev/ffmpeg/builds/ffmpeg-release-full.7z (binaries and documentation)

ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-all.html (full online documentation)

You will need this

h t t p s DOT SLASH SLASH w w w DOT 7-zip.org/a/7z2107-x64 DOT exe

[at the top of 7-zip.org homepage]

to extract the ffmpeg package so you can use it.

Wait for the clip(s) to download. They are stored inside the PC user’s ‘Videos/Any Video Converter/Youtube’ folder.

use VideoLAN


To play the clips back at up to 3x normal speed to save time while preserving comprehension if you carefully pay attention. Truther clips are MORE COMPELLING when watched like this as you are ‘bombarded’ with (important) worthwhile information. As an added plus, truther MBT is both compelling and HILARIOUS at 3x! 😀

Last edited 2 years ago by IsThisFairUse2

I’m sorry but this is way too long and complicated . Could you try a shorter greatest hits version ? Thanks .

Kelly Brown

I refuse to believe that Biden is a real person. I’m waiting for the Scooby Doo ending where the masks come off and reveal Satan.


Like the words of a song from Steven Curtis Chapman…BYEden is a

” plastic man from outer space sitting in my chair, the signs of life are everywhere”

Although there ain’t much life in FAKE BYEden!🤣🤣

Last edited 2 years ago by Matthew

Once again we join our heroes in Russia’s Metzgoya Extraterrestrial Research Outpost in the Ural Mountains. Steven Seagal activates his R-105D Astra-3 (Р-105Д Астра-3) portable radio transceiver and calls for Russian President Vladimir Putin.
“Seagull One to Killer Green Bud, Seagull One to Killer Green Bud. Do you copy?”
“This is Killer Green Bud. Have you battled the Anunnaki yet? Over.”
“We are just talking now Killer Green Bud,” said Steven Seagal hungrily “But the Anunnaki have disclosed some unusual facts that I wanted to discuss.”
“Go on,” said Russian President Vladimir Putin. “I am listening.”
“Is it true that after the Cola Wars, you told Steve Jobs that he could continue his research for the secret ingredient in Diet Coke / Tab using the facilities in Chernobyl after you staged a disaster ensuring that the area would be off limits for decades if not centuries?”
Intermittent static mixed with silence came from the real R-105D Astra-3 (Р-105Д Астра-3) portable radio transceiver that both Steven Seagal and Russian President Vladimir Putin were really using because everything written here is true.
“Maybe…” said Russian President Vladimir Putin sheepishly. “I forget. It was a while ago.”
“You don’t remember staging the Chernobyl disaster April 26th, 1986?” Asked Steven Seagal.
“It was a long time ago my love. I am an old man. How do you expect me to remember?”
“And what about your relationship with Steve Jobs?” asked Steven Seagal.
Russian President Vladimir Putin responded angrily, “On April 11, 1983, John Sculley joined Apple as the CEO. Steve Jobs had hired Sculley from Pepsi because Pepsi was getting too close to the secret ingredient. We needed to stop others from finding out about what was going on and beat them to the discovery of the secret ingredient. Steve Jobs was able to get Sculley to come over to Apple by saying that the sugar water he was flinging was not important and yet he knew that it was actually the most important thing in the universe! When we arranged for Steve Jobs to be fired from Apple in May of 1985, I made my move to keep Steve Jobs under my control. 1986 was a pivotal time for us because America had just sent seven astronauts to the Anunnaki home world and covered it up as a Space Shuttle disaster of January 28, 1986. Four months later I set up Steve Jobs at Chernobyl knowing he could work undisturbed. Look it up. All of my dates are correct so using logic and common sense, everything I tell you must be true.”
“So the Anunnaki are telling me the truth?” asked Steven Seagal.
“Not everything,” said Russian President Vladimir Putin. “There is still more to reveal.”

Please donate to see the next part of “The Anunnaki Double Cross at Russia’s Metzgoya Extraterrestrial Research Outpost”!


Well done, such detail and realism. Like other articles here you couldn’t make this stuff up. Carry on.




Is it that obvious ?


But what do you really think?


From Jim Stone (jimstone.is /

American in Kiev hotel explains the B.S. in America’s MSM from the perspective of being in Ukraine. 20 minutes, well worth it.



It was worth watching. Explains why Russia is focusing on military/WMD targets instead of indiscriminate attacking Ukraine and leveling all of its infrastructure to the ground–‘killing everyone’ like what happened to Bagdad during the Gulf War long ago with all the ‘carpet bombing’ the U. S. Military did first before they rolled in with the tanks and Humvees. It also explains why most/all the eyewitness clips posted online from there look suspiciously ‘staged’. Unfortunately it doesn’t help that the guy in the clip above is wearing an orange ball cap as truther MAG BITTER TRUTH would have a field day breaking down/commenting on this clip for that. Also, the above clip is in accord with the info in this post from MB:




watch this MBT clip first


then watch this one


and read


and experience a worthwhile ‘Aha!’ moment. 🙂

In the end, I hope the ‘war’ in Ukraine is REALLY a whitehat op to take down a DS stronghold to help liberate the people of Ukraine and eventually the people of the world from the Plandemic tyranny.


Apparently no one really knows what’s going on .

Sandy Koufax

In Biden’s mind
And nailed into Biden’s heels
All the time killing what Biden feels
And everything Biden touches turns into stone
And everything Biden touches turns into stone

Biden is fused just in case he blows out
Biden is glued just because he cracks out

Everything Biden touches turns to stone
Everything Biden touches
turns to stone


DJT has a different take on your comment and goes like this; everything the woke touches turns to shit. Heard it real-time during his rally in Conroe, TX from which am from. Blessings,

Michael Corleone

BELIEVE IT OR NOT – Sedition, Treason & Crimes Against Humanity are extremely rampant & unbelievably surreal in the now-defunct & bankrupt corporation of the United States of America, Inc.

The Constitution specifically limits the offense of Treason to only two types of conduct: (1) “levying war” against the United States; or (2) “adhering to the enemies of the United States, giving them aid & comfort.”

Think again, the US Military is implementing Executive Order 13848—Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election & the Insurrection Act of 1807 signed by President Donald Trump before he left the White House.

Guess what, Trump’s brilliant strategy in “Draining the Swamp” is superbly working with Military Tribunals!

John .S

Spot-on well written post, myself clicked the plus icon. Sadly can only click it once.

Michael Corleone

Pedophile Joe Biden’s willful indifference is the epitome of evil. He stole an election, declared war on Americans, abandon our allies & conspired with the enemies of the United States. This Demoncrat deserves a firing squad in public.


DJT’s brilliance is guided by no other than God Almighty and if God is for us, who can be against us. God is good and always wins. Blessings,


No wonder our gas prices are astronomically high. So angry right now. Mr.Macron should talk to OPEC about his problem, not beg off America. What a douche!


We The People have to show the sheeples how corrupt the Dems are and not just telling them. It has to be this way. I know it hurts the average citizen but we can trust God for he promised to not leave nor forsake us. Blessings,


Sharon, [fear not sister in Christ]

These people have sold their souls a long time ago for fame and fortune…This puppet judge that this illegitimate president just nominated is a joke and the GOP isn’t much better…They all colluded to unseat a legally democratically elected President in “President Trump”

Until we get rid of these voting machines that they can login to during elections and change votes, we are going to continue to experience mass election fraud…All of these governors in all 51 states participated in the purchase of these corrupt machines with our tax dollars…

We must continue to pray because when our Lord and Savior comes, he won’t be nice to these demonic beings…They think their underground DUMBS will protect them, but it will be their final resting place…

President Putin is destroying as many black bio-labs that he can in Ukraine thus preventing these demonic beings from inflicting humanity with anymore bio weapons…

FEMA is just another corrupt military arm for the corrupt illegitimate biden administration who cannot occupy the real Whitehouse because the military won’t allow it…This clown president is operating out of a sound stage along with the corrupt media who are all treasonous…Rest assured their day of judgement is fast approaching…

Oh, they will fight to the end, but their end is fast approaching…The moment our Lord and Savior died on the cross, he undid everything that Lucifer had accomplished, but they don’t want us to know it…But it too late…it too late…


Biden is hangable many times over. But somehow allowed to continue to destroy this country. What an interesting ‘plan’. The RussoUkraine “invasion” (bioweapons destruction op) is the most action we’ve seen since our stolen election. Don’t tell me Putin will be able to take credit for taking down the Dems before Trump does?


I just read something interesting on

It is a Ukrainian press release about
Joe Biden
Please check it out , very good.
It will be ignored by the media


that dirty Granholm pig ! she fucked Michigan up and stole all our tax dollars for her and her asshole husband !

Lucky Star

And everyone in the gov and justice dept will close their eyes since they are doing the same shit things


We should put the deep state in barrels and send them to Macron


So? Is anything gonna happen? I’m at the point where I say “so”, “show me the change”. Is anybody at any point going to be publicly humiliated for what they have done to this country? Or what? They get to go quietly and with dignity? Where is the EBS? Where is the military? Why can Biden, illegitimate president, cause so much death and destruction….with impunity??????????


You are correct on all accounts but very soon you will be chastised, told to be patient and that it’s not for your satisfaction on your time line. Wait and see, you will not be tolerated despite the common sense you exhibit.

Rose Mary Abbott



Why would you say that ? Question everything.

Sandy Koufax

Because you took Trump’s COVID shot and wear a mask. No price is too high to own your own body. You crave a masochistic relationship with government and then delude yourself into thinking your masochism is patriotism. Taking Trump’s COVID shot is like letting him use you as an ashtray to extinguish a cigarette butt. Wearing a mask is like the character The Gimp in the movie Pulp Fiction waiting in the closet for Zed and Maynard to let him out.


Thanks for your concern but I am fine. Why shouldn’t I be?


OMG Zee, please shut up. You bring nothing to the discussion with your simple minded repetitive comments. Keep it up and we will ban all 12 of your user names.

Ted – Site Admin

John .S

Suspect its after the State of the Union address [that card needs to be played]. SCOTUS confirmation significant game changer.

Matters are subject to change.

Overall, its high stakes, whereas we are spectators, i.e., Collateral Fodder of a high risk card game.

Previously posted Maxim of Law: “out of fraud no actions arise”, whereas: “things invalid from the beginning cannot be made valid by subsequent act”, and: “fraud not cured by lapse of time”.

Adage: what’s done in darkness comes to light.

Prepare, have multiple plans, hunker down time cometh.


My emergency plan, is to put on the armor of God Almighty and pray without ceasing as we all should do. I truly believe he and his mighty guardian angels has us protected. Blessings,


So much God . Can’t we have separation of church and state ?


Suck It FEMA!


Freddy Benson


Stinky Perfume

Sneaking oil off? Maybe for pay? I guess they can’t figure that out. It’s already some kind of weird they don’t bump him out of the office for being a CGI fake president or giving away USA assets here. Or one that didn’t really get the votes. I think the only reason could be they are not sure how long earth is going to remain a place to stay.

Freddy Benson

maybe for pay…must be a false flag

Rose Mary Abbott


Angel Askew


Freddy Benson

or like nazis denying a holocaust!

Rose Mary Abbott



LOL my friend, perked me up faster than a cup of my favorite mojo. Blessings,

Eve Bright

Biden doesn’t care for American people. He cares huge$ goes to his pocket and so with his son Hunter.

Freddy Benson

seems like a false flag to me


First Afghanistan treason and now oil treason why is Biden still in office?

Freddy Benson

but trump is in charge. it’s his fault


My take, he’s part of the pantomime produced and directed by We The People. Please be patient, keep the faith and trust in God. Lastly, keep praying without ceasing. Blessings,

Julio Antonio Laguna

Just WOW! Thanks Mr. Baxter!

fire boy

WOW…..just wow. This piece of illegitimate garbage and his filthy family are beyond scum. I see reports that Ukraine is being cleansed of evil filth and think it needs to be done here as well. Canada started something cool and Putin was the right choice to strike the cabal with firepower as he doesnt care what “whack job libtards” think. Had this started in America we would have dead bodies everywhere. Now the “lefties” will have to see the light of their ways and deal with the aftermath but with no leg to stand upon.
Thank you God for your steadfast blessings upon our people as Satin really tried hard on this one but as always is……You our father in heaven are the way and you always win over evil.
Was it Sarah Palin that said “burn baby burn” (oh, sorry Drill baby Drill).

Freddy Benson


Proudly Unaffiliated

Another military operation that was well done by fine patriots! I could not be more honored to be an American and a fellow countryman of these fine warriors. Thank you and MAGA!

Dave P.

Much of it went also to China. Ah, yea many forgot China indeed. So 150 million Barrels is missing. Ah, now think Cabal stashing it someplace else? So Macron gets 35 million, who got the rest 114 million of our oil???


This story is still developing/in a state of flux and we have not heard the end of it. Stay tuned for further development. Blessings,


Trump is speaking at CPAC right now and seems to be very positive 🇺🇲 MAGA


Let me guess , he said the election was stolen from him .


But, we haven’t heard that yet!


Yes,he said a few things that he had never mentioned before,one being that the election fraud would be fully revealed in 3-4 weeks,he said lots of proof


Again? More Kraken or pillow guy? It’s too late.


He is a man of his word and very rarely proven wrong. Blessings,

Rose Mary Abbott



And you just gave him more. Dummy.


I get nothing . Why do you think I do?

Diana Paris

The treason is breathtaking


Most of these creeps have been executed.Death by hanging.It’s hard to swallow. Most of Hollywood. Adrenocrome, human trafficking, satinism, cannibalism.This is reality. I seek the truth.

Freddy Benson

i <3 adrenochrome

Rose Mary Abbott

Their doubles are starting to fall apart, especially Biden’s.

Proud Patriot

He should win the biggest asshole of the year award!!!! We need to get this nimrod out of office!!! Truckers Run the Fucker over!!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Proud Patriot
dennis richardson

Shove a red hot poker up Joe Biden’s anus that will kill him soon enough, plus that will cause him much pain before he leaves for that burning furnace down below


But wait isn’t he dead and Trump is the secret president? Or JFK Jr ? Please advise .


It’s called Devolution. We are under limited martial law whereby the military controls the day to day operations of our country until We The People are ready to retake civilian control. Trump is Commander in Chief, Buyden is the resident of a bankrupt US Corporation on foreign soil in the District of Colombia. One hundred million Patriots with 650,000,000 legal firearms are the backstop to our God given Constitution.


So we are under secret martial law ? We were never told ? Ready to take over , move the goalposts again . Biden is still in charge and Trump is in Florida .


yup. Buyden in control of a bankrupt government in DC. Trump set up triggers for military action in his disguised absence, Buyden in the fake movie set of the WH is not in charge. God wins!! Traitors LOSE!!


Disguised absence ? Biden just nominated a SC justice . How has partial martial law affected us ? I can’t tell a thing .

Rose Mary Abbott



Operating remotely because of the PCR Pandemic and not Covid Pandemic. Their you go my friend. God bless,

Angel Askew

It was SO nice while you were gone.


I was not gone . I must have blended in . How is your life under partial secret martial law ? Any different ?

Rose Mary Abbott


Rose Mary Abbott



In Jesus name amen.

Rose Mary Abbott

They will just throw another double in there and keep on keeping on. Hollywood has become an arm of the bogus government. Actors galore! Just wait until they start rounding them up! Yahoo! Maybe they are too dumb to realize that they are committing treason too and are every bit as culpable as the originals they mimic. They surely know why they are doing this. They have to realize their characters are dead or close to it.

joe blow

I see many sources for land fills. Just add lime.

linda white

Thank you, Mr. Baxter. I’m considering using these articles about the war into my letter to the City of Anaheim. and wanted to give you proper notice that you deserve. It may not all be at once. It’s a decision I will make prior to submitting. Also there is so much evidence, my timeline may get moved out as this will have to be a perfectly written document. Our nation needs this. Pray for me the next couple of weeks everyone that reads this. diamond in the rough.


Please don’t confuse evidence with sources.


Please send your messages to your employer, the fake news, which makes up stories whole cloth. Think the fake Russian and Covid hoaxes pushed by your idols with 0 sources. History will look harshly upon the useful idiots of the brainwashed left.


Oh no. My feelings are so hurt now. Your cutting wit is everything I fear. I must speak with my employers now.

Rose Mary Abbott



Be afraid , be very afraid .


Holy spiritual, grant your daughter wisdom and courage in her mission, we pray this in Jesus’s mighty name, amen.

Mr. B

I appreciate the specifics of Real Raw News brings, but we are at war. Is it just me or should the location of our SPR’s have been kept confidential?


Michael, can crude oil be delivered to Canada or offshore to ships through pipelines ? Most pumps should have computers I would assume to keep track of delivery location .


As a Texan, I know where the two locations are one of which is approx. an hour and a half drive south of Houston. Blessings,

Son of Ethan Allen

What s the military waiting for arrest the sob already.


They were busy. Protecting the four Strategic petroleum reserves
Now that inventory has Been made, they have the EVIDENCE
Of the thief, TREASON …for the military tribunal , so they can HANG the SOB

Johnny Lunchbucket

What a turncoat traitorous treasonous son of a bitch. Hang the fucker now, I don’t care who it is, hang all of the doubles.

Buck fiden

And don’t put RINO Paul Ryan’s nigger-in-law on the Extreme Court !

Rose Mary Abbott



What If the doubles are clones and controlled by others ? How can you tell if it’s a clone ?


AND HANG ALL The doubles and clones just to be on the
SAFE side.
AND if any TROLLS are near by, hang them TOO !


Right , doesn’t matter if they are guilty or not. This is America , we can do it .


The clones are subhumans.


We have to Take out the TRASH and Burn it.!


I guess the courts will first have to determine if its trash or not. You know how the courts get involved in everything.

Rose Mary Abbott



And recover the heat to power our electric grid. Not exactly like Nicola Tesla’s infinite energy invention that was squashed by the globalists to protect their oil business. Blessings,

Rose Mary Abbott



What about single clones, controlled by mothers? You can tell it is a clone if you give it a bone, follow it with a drone and watch it on your phone.


The rain in Spain…..


LOL!!! Please tell us how you really feel!!!


Why are the Ukranians defending the capital? In America we attack it when we are angry.

Buck fiden

The Russkies aren’t plowing through Main Street in downtown Ukraine killing all in their way. This is a surgical strike against certain targets. Putin doesn’t want to stay there. Just neutralise his threats.


I think we all know that Putin wants to control the only European source of the secret ingredient in Diet Coke. It was disclosed earlier that it only grows in a secret Ukrainian location and Georgia in the USA. Since the Georgia location is protected by the 2nd White House, Putin had only one target. We also know that the Chernobyl “disaster” was staged and that the nuclear plant was a secret research lab run by Steve Jobs.


Now that’s research!


What YOU meant to say was,…
Now That is A complete


Au contraire, I think its brilliant.

Rose Mary Abbott


J Bill

No, it’s stark raving madness. Brought on by lingering self doubt.


The above information was disclosed to Steven Seagal by an Anunnaki Warlord and Putin confirmed all of it. It is common knowledge among patriots.

question everything

I think you’re confused…Chernobyl was the source of the secret ingredient in diet coke…and Vlad wants control of the cracker factory’s secret ingredient…he even wrote about it in his autobiography “Putin on the Ritz”.


WE ALL KNOW that what ted-dy writes is a
Drivel of nonsense…

Last edited 2 years ago by Wildcat

Call it coincidence but that phrase was my daughters’ high school graduation ceremony theme song except it was puttin in the ritz. Blessings,

Rose Mary Abbott


Angel Askew

Ukrainians couldve just sat quietly in their homes and waited it out like Covid.
The train platforms are packed waiting for the next train to Poland.


It’s a real invasion now, can’t deny it anymore.


This is a surgical operation, to LIBERATE the Ukrainian people
And destroy all the BIOWEAPONS factorys at the same TIME.
BECAUSE PUTIN is a multi Tasker.
👍. 😉


Ukranians must be as brainwashed as the normies in America still watching CNN and the rest of the fake news cabal in America and world wide. Ukrane is a deep state money laundering cesspool that needs to be sacked by it’s Patriots. Putin is working for the White Hats for those paying attention.

Air man

That’s a new one!!


Imagine Biden being a traitor. I’m shocked, Not.


It’s gotta be more than just Fjb, this potato needs impeachment Eviction from the seat of government, may GOD preserve the U
S. And her Special Forces