Psaki Paid Tik Tokers to Promote Administration Propaganda


Multiple sources speaking to Real Raw News under promise of anonymity said the criminal Biden regime paid Tik Tok influencers to slander Russian President Putin and to misrepresent the cause of soaring inflation in the United States.

On Thursday, 10 March, 30 Generation-Z Tik Tokers, all liberal Biden supporters, gathered on a ZOOM call hosted by National Security Council staffers and the administration’s most malevolent mouthpiece, Jen Psaki. After an administration insider told RRN that Psaki and the lawless administration’s communications director, Kate Bedingfield, offered the Tik Tokers cash in exchange for cooperation, we tried to verify the claim by reaching out to all 30.

Of the 12 who replied to our inquiry, 6 told us to “fuck off,” 3 accused us of being dirty Trump supporters, and 2 said we were agents of Vladimir Putin.

But one spoke discreetly, provided we shielded his/her identity; he/she does not want to lose the Tik Tok account or the many disciples. We are concealing the Tik Toker’s name and gender to mitigate risk of the administration identifying the person.

The Tik Tokers on the call, the source said, first signed non-disclosure agreements prohibiting them from speaking negatively about the administration. The NDA also stipulated they not disclose renumeration received for participating on the call. Moreover, it “encouraged” them to vilify Vladimir Putin and promote administration propaganda.

The nature of that ZOOM call is no secret. Many Tik Tokers eagerly shared the gist of it with their followers: Vladimir Putin is evil and responsible for the soaring cost of groceries and fuel prices. Putin is bad; Biden is good, they were told.

They kept hidden, however, their financial discussions with Psaki, which took place days ahead of the ZOOM call.

“Jen [Psaki] negotiated different deals to all of us. I don’t want to say what I was offered because it would give me away. Some got a lot, and some less. I know because I’m in touch with other influencers. I know one girl got offered $50,000. The more followers you have, the more money you got. She told us to pretty much blame Putin for everything wrong going on in the world, and to throw Trump’s name out there too, but to only make positive statements about President Biden,” the Tik Toker said.

Asked why he/she was willing to come clean and violate the NDA, the Tik Toker added, “Well, I know it was wrong, unethical. I can’t take back what I’ve said on my platform, but I do have regrets. There’s more I’d like to share, but, again, it will give me away if Jen ever hears about the conversation we’re having right now. I can tell you that Jen cherrypicked popular influencers based on their liberalness.”

The Tik Toker’s statements support the contentions of the administration whistleblower, who said Psaki and Bedingfield paid influencers between $5,000-$50,000, depending on both popularity and willingness to publicly traduce Putin.

“It’s the epitome of corruption. The admin’s propaganda machine is working overtime. They’re doing everything they can so people won’t wake up,” the administration whistleblower said.

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I was wondering what was happening. Thanks for the update.

Johnny Lunchbucket

The anonymous Tik Toker didn’t commit suicide.

Maria Regina

I hope he/she is not going to be suicided by the Biden/Hillary regime.


Wouldn’t be surprised if all 30 got scrubbed to ‘plug the leak’ at this stage of the game. It’s how business is done at stakes such as this. Hope the Tik Tok whistleblower stays safe for ‘coming clean’.


Sorry to say but when you serve the devil be warned you lose your life then soul.


well he/she admitted to putting the crap out there already so people could see it, said he/she couldn’t take back what he or she already broadcasted, looks like treason to me.

Lucil le

We should be grateful to them (whistleblowers) and start adding our daily prayers.


Grateful to a whistle blower who knowingly brakes the law for money “the root of all evil”. I would be more grateful if they didn’t do it in the first place, or blow their whistle before they lie to millions of Americans and people around the world.

The media lying is no big deal as long as they come forward in the end to admit they have been lying for tons of money.

Most of the @rap going on in the world today is because people are lying for money as well as cheating and stealing.
lying on the stand to convict innocent people will happen next, Don’t worry we can pray for them. What about all the people they are hurting with their llies, I think I’ll pray for the victims not the villains, I’ll let God handle the villains.

Outright lying for money has to be one of the worse things you can do. All the people listening to them now are fu@ked up in the head and don’t understand why things are happening the way they are.


This is basically the catalyst for all the problems in the world:

From the KJV Bible

1Ti 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

Get rid of money, greed, and envy and A LOT of problems go away.

Except for the mention of gold in Genesis, there was NO mention of money in the first 3 chapters of that particular book of the Bible.

Money wasn’t needed back then.

The Almighty provided for all the needs of His Creation.

It was only after the fall of Mankind and before now (03-22-2022) that ‘money’ was created and all of the problems it caused in the world since then. 🙁

All the naysayers can do is write the Bible off as an ‘ancient book of fairy tales’ and the like but the truths it contains are just as valid during the days it was first written thousands of years ago as it is now.


The Nephelum taught the humans many things that they would never have known.


Yep, got to pay the pied piper for your crime first. Surely they know that is coming anyway! Turn yourself in, do your time. DO THE RIGHT THING! Is it that hard to understand! Remember, guilty always scream FIRST!


If they didn’t take the money, then there would be nothing to confess. I see it as they had a change of mind. Ever did that before??


Is it absolutely necessary to use the “F” bomb? Can you not use BUZZ off? I’m 73 and are not around people who talk like that. I try to keep my mind and heart clean from trash talk. It’s hard enough wading through everyone’s comments on this sight. I really like what you bring and look forward to when you post, just don’t have to do the shock value please. Thank you………Mr. B


Do not try to crush our freedom of speech.

Linda Jackson

Buzz off Carrie’s the SAME connotation as F off, but just isn’t offensive to others so no one is stepping on your free speech rights. It just keeps people from thinking you had poor parenting!

Rob William


Robert Dziok

Care to have “Crumpets and Tea” with the Enemy?

Just Me

It is stepping on our free speech rights, telling someone not to used certain words is wrong and dictating!


He has just as much right to express himself or herself. Also


Poor parenting? That’s absolutely ridiculous statement. I never heard my mom say a ”dirty” word and can not think of my father saying it but probably did, so how is it my parents fault I let go of ugly words once and a while. Parenting…. 😂
President Trump just dropped the F Bomb in one of his recent event speeches so your really going to be upset when you hear him say that!

Last edited 2 years ago by Lisa19

I heard him🤭


How about freedom to bribe in order to interfere with an election?
Sounds very unlawful to me.

Rob William



Classic one-liner from Q+ and we can take that to the bank my friend. God bless,


That was the valid use of a foreign word. The evil ‘tech left’ turned around and tweaked things online to hide this and make him look ‘daft’ or ‘incompetent’ so they could (eventually) ‘flush’ him via the 25th Amendment. Thankfully, that didn’t happen. 🙂


It was all Greek per se to the MSM the moment they heard it, myself included. It turned out to be a valid word the origin of which is Middle Eastern/Muslim as he uttered it after his visit to Saudi Arabia, and means (I’m paraphrasing here) in the end we will win. Notice the pronoun used, we, as we the people of all race. May God bless us all.


Yes, Q+ = President Trump who said “Despite the negative press, covfefe”…and everyone thought he mis-said coffee and were making fun of him, because he tweeted it out in very early morning of May 31, 2017…but he was right again, because it had to do with the Iron in blood, like in adrenochrome. He was actually referencing adrenochrome to the blood drinker, in his own sly way.


but now that I’ve been thinking about it, I went back to research FeFe…maybe it wasn’t Adrenochrome he was talking about, but the covid junk jab, that was to come…FEFE has to do with iron and cell function but he added Cov to FEFE, and Since we know that the jab messes with our cells through the blood. And the White Hats know the moves of the DS, before they do something, maybe they knew the junk Jab was gonna be released by the DS. We know that the DS had this plandemic planned for a long time. I don’t know exactly, but the White Hats also got a vaccine out sooner than usual, but the DS contaminated it shortly after it came out and told people not to take the vaccine that came out by the Trump admin…instead the DS told everyone to get the physer vaxx. I don’t know this for sure, just trying to figure out how the dots connect.

“Despite the negative press, covfefe” was a riddle that President Trump said for us to figure out.
Trump said, “Who can figure out the true meaning of ‘covfefe’ ??? Enjoy!”


Thanks for the valued response. I still maintain that the meaning is “in the end we will win” which is what I found from either Wikipedia or some dictionary but was soon deleted after Q+ tweeted it. We shall find out the real meaning hopefully sooner than later. You may have a point though about the word referring to the jab since it starts withe syllable cov. May God bless us all.



H.R.2884 – COVFEFE Act of 2017 115th Congress (2017-2018)

Introduced in House (06/12/2017)Communications Over Various Feeds Electronically For Engagement Act of 2017 or the COVFEFE Act of 2017

This bill amends provisions governing presidential records to: (1) revise the definition of “documentary material” to include social media; (2) revise the definition of “presidential records” to include any personal and official social media account; and (3) define “social media” as any form of electronic communication (such as a website for social networking and microblogging) through which users create an online community to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (such as videos).


Hillary has tested positive for Covid . I’ll be damned , she’s not quite dead is she ?

Rob William

That’s actually correct and not bad! That’s why I wanted you to write more.


Yes but they named it that after President Trump said it…They took the word and named H.R.2884 Covfefe, because it was an act agenst Trump. They said Social media by the President to speak to The People needed to be recorded. Congress named H.R. 2884 Covfefe after the fact.


What I wrote still makes sense and social media was saying it had to do with iron in the blood at the time it was said by President Trump. Around that time, we were just finding out of Adrenachrome as the drug for the elite and their love for blood. Covid wasn’t in the picture yet… and then again maybe Covfefe meant nothing but HR 2884


Those might have been their exact words and MB is just accurately reporting them. I want and like my news uncensored. I just mentally skip over/pass through the expletives that are printed — that is the consequence of ‘uncensored reporting’. I chose not to use such words when I talk to others because it is taboo–yet great standup comedians like the late Richard Pryor, George Carlin, Robin Williams, and Lenny Bruce used ‘bad words’ in their comedy material to shine a light on the human condition and mine it for comedy gold.

Last edited 2 years ago by IsThisFairUse2

I also want and expect my news uncensored.



Rob William


Rob William

But lately you have not published anything long and new! What’s happening?


It’s been ages since we’ve even seen an updated Troll & Shill List!


Thank you Michael,thank you🙌🏻🙏🏻🙌🏻🙏🏻


Only trolls and shills would be happy that troll shill Jonas was told by MB — No lists please. The comment section gets polluted as is.


You are the one polluting the news feed calling out the trolls every other comment…it wasn’t for Jonas,it was for EVERYONE….
control yourself


Nasty Shill stacylee GTFOOH


I know the truth hurts shill


We respectfully demand one.


Just like they do in Russia .


He was quoting someone. Grow up. I’m as averse as anyone to profanity but I’m not so stupid as to be offended someone quoting someone who said that. Accuracy is more important than your feelings. Get over it.


Yup, totally agree


On offense but if that’s what you are worried about you are focusing your attention in the wrong area….


Grow the fuck up! You’re 73 not 7 or 3. Liberal’s are the minority and people have the right to say what they want, just like you have the right to ask not to use the “Fuck” word. People have the right to say, “Fuck Off!” Print it on a billboard. Big White Letters with a black backing.

Mont Schroeder

Don’t knock the “F” word. It’s that one magical word that can mean love, hate, pain or pleasure. Fuck like all words in the English language, is derived from the German word; Flieschen- to strike. It’s an attention getter word that has the same effect as smashing a saucer on a board room table meeting to get the director’s attention! F enhansing words such as: “Absofuckinglutely” and “Infuckincredeble” can also have attention getting qualities and the list goes on and on…….


Please we get it already

Rob William

Mind your language!

Just Me

Mind your own business!


Rob William (Pharma Shill) #8

Dr John

I also am 73 and was trained in the military including proper use of colorful language. It may not seem lady like or gentlemanly to speak in such verse and in some cases identifies one of limited language skills.

However the dictates on what words are shameful language is man made. It is a social construct that instill social dignity, like holding ones little finger out whilst sipping tea (not slurping).

There are settings for wearing a tux or evening gown and for other settings for casual attire. A lady would not be caught wearing certain colors in the wrong season or attire from last season. I believe this is true of many things; we have conformity guidelines to keep us girdled in; all proper and that sort of thing, wouldn’t you say?

What I also see is the value of the expletive when affirming domination or when smashing your thumb under a 5 pound sledge hammer. Surprisingly, use of such language when under stress is consider a way of lower ones stress through an out burst expression. “O golly that really hurt, just does not carry the weight and telling someone you better “sun flower” back off does not instill authority.

We all have different standards and value we appreciate. In Michael’s reporting the conversation accurately he clearly shared there aggressive attitude. This seems appropriate and does not detract from him being the gentleman he is and continues to be.

Some times as an audience eager for news/insigt we need to accept profanity when applied with decorum.

I myself try to present myself as a gentlemen and when speaking publicly or writing for an audience avoid such language. But to be honest I have plenty of refined military words to use against those trying to steal our freedom country and planet. We have no room for such disgusting vermin among us and they need to be removed and eliminated. This is a war of a very invidious nature and it is a danger to us all. They have not just stolen from us and enslaved us; their depravity knows no bounds.

Maybe a little venting is not so bad considering the challenges we face, the stress and overreaching authoritain attitude of our enemies that pretend to be our friends.

Corrupt police officers acting like WWII Brown Shirts tased me 12 times, beat me and had me locked away after framing me. My crime, I spoke out against the criminal politicians who were robbing our small community blind. It took 2 years to reverse the charges. I did not resist, I had no criminal record and am an upstanding person in our community, well respected by all. I am not the only one abused like that. With such troubles and a fake PLANdemic including CLOT shots that have deadly results… we have more to worry about than the words that occasionally traverse our ears. Men and women fighting behind the scenes for us are wounded and dead trying to save us and kidnapped children.

Hold on to your values for they are yours, but with care extol your values upon others. We are not heathens, and are not interested in profanity as a steady diet, but will accept it in the proper place and audience.

I could tell you I am delicate, but that was long ago. I can tell you I know little of such language, but may be more versed that one should. I have no doubt my 5 year old grand child after attending her first year of school is now well acquainted with proper form and use of such language.

It is part of life, and honestly if not abused is not something I worry about. I spend much of my time studying micro-biology and the historical corruption infused in our medical and pharmaceutical field. “Healthy patients are not profitable,” is a mantra that underlies much of the medical profession. It is now clear to see their behavior after the willing support of the Clot shots readily handed out and recommended.

This is not the first time, our history is replete with medical corruption to keep us ignorant and others rich. NOW that is a thing to worry about. I have in the past 30 years uncovered many harmful prescription drugs and medical procedures that can be readily replaced with non-toxic and non-invasive treatments.

Did you know the 1918 Spanish flu was instigated by adding a bacteria to a meningitis shot? It was what sold Congress on the need to use petro based medicines and ridding us of “outdated” available practices. Palms were greased and regulations were changed. That millions died in the process infected with a bacteria is a minor issue for those behind this terrible act.

We have a lot of terrible things that need to be exposed! Our history is wrong in so many ways, because we were being controlled. When you see and understand what has truly been done to us and our ancestors, I would hope blasphimy would not be withheld as you describe the actions of these evil, greedy vermin. We are nothing but chattel to them. Of little value at that.

It has taken thousands of dollars buying books and medical equipment and untold hours of medical research in my lab. At 73 I am still alive and very active. I am not waiting for the next generation to care for me. I am trying to unwind the mess created and build a better foundation in the medical field as we move forward.

At 73, you are a leader and have the potential to make great things happen. We all do. Don’t sweat the small stuff, it distracts you from your full potential. There is so much broken in our society right now, there is an unending number of battles we could be fighting that are not physical in nature.

A lot of people need to be “gently” red pilled. They evidently can’t face the harsh reality of what is really going on. You may be the quiet senior voice that can speak softly to others you meet through the day one at a time. Each one you awaken may awaken 10 others who awaken 10 more.

Your seeds will flourish and others will accept what is coming with less pain. That alone is a pretty amazing goal. I have and still do just that and it is a wonder to see the relief on others faces. They suspected but did not understand. The seem free and happier. Never push, never argue. If they are not ready, leave them in peace.

Viet Vet Spc Ops, still fighting for our freedom

Dr John


There is much wisdom in Dr. John’s comment and it deserves the space used; unlike you and your ilk repeatedly spouting unwanted, lewd word salad.

J Bill

No one would go to your “love-a dolphin” seminars.


Being a Khazarian shill you would also think you are better even than Jesus Christ

Rob William

A few days back you shared a book which said Christianity is fake! Now you have changed your tune.

Angel Askew

Each day we are at war and presented new theories and proof to ponder. Judge less.


TY Angel Askew


Shill #8 Rob William (Pharma Shill)

Crazy cat lady

You’ll be crying out for Jesus to save you after Satan snatches you and takes you to hell.

Buzzy Zipwak

But then it’s too late.

Angel Askew

Maybe to your mother, Jim. Haha

Rob William

What about your soul is …. Comments?

Rob William

Evidently! Crisp & clear messaging is important for military!


That is probably in your eyes only.

mike sissler

Dr. John, A big God Bless You and your work…I imagine that many have benefited by your Leadership,Sage and sane counsel.mike

Dr John

I am sorry you do not know how to read, next time I will do it in more simple terms.

In brief, just for you.

There is more important things in life than cussing to worry about. The medical field for example is totally corrupt minus a few good doctors.

To her: Why not pick something in life important to our nation and man kind to worry about rather someone saying a few obscene words.

In this case you are a perfect example of not being able to appropriately document an opinion.

You might have said,”This man is verbose without elucidation,” but you chose brevity instead. Good luck on your writing career as article critic.

You have the right to say what you want, but you sure sound stupid saying it. Lack of insight it what you read and did not understand is only compounding your mental acuity (simplified: You seem really stupid).


Gris Gris

Rob William



Is this story to deflect attention from the war in Ukraine ? It gets worse every minute .

Carol Sims

Videos, pictures, buildings, killings took place many years ago. Many of the people are Crisis Actors and getting PAID. Ever hear of FALSE FLAG?


Not all of it . Many interviews and videos are obviously current . It could never be faked that extensively . As it goes on it will become more apparent .




Khzarian loving shill. Exile is looking for a promotion. evil exile can get more Money.

I would move that liberal twisted liar DOWN the list, and stop replies.. Then that dries up the money stream…


I don’t think she can stop replying.


Hey, I was 3.


And what’s worse Ukrainian Khazarian leader who falsely calls himself Jewish is killing his own people and blaming Russia for their deaths. Putin asked for safe passage out of Ukraine for those that wanted to leave and Ukrainians killed them also while they tried to leave. UKRAINE IS THE HOME FOR THE LYING SATANIC KHAZARIAN MAFIA


That is the TRUTH..!.
Also the killing as been going on (unreported)
For about 8 years…2014. When the coup threw
Out the elected president and installed zelinski
As the puppet for the deep state.


No EBS now, huh?


Lying shill


Dr John don’t waste your time on communicating with Shills/ Trolls. They are paid to mess with this platform. But I did like your answer though..

Rob William

Where is your long comment?




Zee…you are a British shill,how much are you getting paid in the UK?

Bill Thompson

69 pence




I am beginning to think you are a total ignoramous and the nastiest lying Shill here. Are you also a crazy racist against the British?. I am now American. Lived longer here in USA than on the other side of the pond. The good part of starting life as a Brit. back then, one received a classical education and good european views which you can’t get if you don’t travel out side of USA.

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

I just counted 25 comments from you calling out the trolls in just the past hour and its annoying AF,and I don’t give a shit what you think about me because I think for myself and you are beyond looney so your opinion does not matter to me,and I’m not a racist just like I’m not a troll so stop with your lies,I was born and raised in America and a Trump Supporter as you continue to put me on your manic troll lists,your unhinged behavior is out of control,in America everyone has the right to their own opinion so try focusing on the articles instead of spending all of your time being troll monitor so other members don’t have to sift through all of your manic troll posts


Right on! If I recall correctly, one of the key “rules for rads” is to steadfastly blame & project onto others, as a distraction, while concomitantly taking adverse advantage of them. I had a spouse like that — keyword being “had.” Though “Zee” supposedly has dual citizenship, she doesn’t seem to be assimilating well or happy here. Nevertheless, we won that Revolution and don’t have to put up with her flak. Dare I say, Brit, go home!


I see she has added you as a troll,troll #80
She gets very unhinged if you don’t agree with her and become a bully.
I don’t believe her when she says she resides in the U.S. she also sounds very young with her “yup” and “cos” I’m thinking she’s about 16 and just here to cause problems


Trudi Troll


Right on! If I recall correctly, one of the key “rules for rads” is to steadfastly blame & project onto others, as a distraction, while concomitantly taking adverse advantage of them. I had a spouse like that — keyword being “had.” Though “Zee” supposedly has dual citizenship, she doesn’t seem to be assimilating well or happy here. Nevertheless, we won that Revolution and don’t have to put up with her flak. Dare I say, Brit, go home!


I counted all of Zee’s shill/troll comments and the number is now 61.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jullou

Probably more than 61 if you count all the times she responds to others about trolls . . . even if you respond one time to a troll.


Stacylee doesn’t troll and agitate; therefore, I disagree with you that she is a troll/shill. Calling her a troll/shill because ‘you’ disagree with her is not fair.

And we don’t have to be reminded over and over and over and over and over 61 times who the trolls/shills are. We have the ability to discern who they are from just one of their comments.

Our education problems started when Jimmy Carter initiated the Department of Education. Prior to that, the states were under control of their own education and our country was one of the best. This was, of course, part of the globalists’ plan to dumb down our education system. BTW, they infiltrated the UK education system too and dumbed it down.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jullou

Lol,thanks for the update on the number of times she posted,I stopped counting…


You are welcome. I am aware that at some point, you and Zee “locked horns,” and that when she named you as a troll, you were understandably disturbed by that. I think she based that on your occasional friendly interactions with some of the trolls.

The point is: did your interaction cause more troll traffic or less troll traffic? I doubt that your comments to them caused any disruption or increase in troll traffic. In fact, it may have helped to settle them down a bit. But the way she goes after them in a big way does not settle them down, does not reduce the troll traffic; in fact, it is unsettling to good contributors that may not want to return.


I’m not sure but some of her groupies stopped making everything about trolls,I have noticed that everyone gets along well when she isn’t around


How about me ?


Go, ahead, and weigh in on Brit shill-troll “Zee,” if you like …

Rob William

If someone knows to read, it doesn’t mean that you make him read 1000 pages comment. You are really being a bully here.


Shills & Trolls like you are ALL BULLIES PERIOD !


Old sayings get to be old because they’re true often enough. One of those is “When people are cussing, it means they’re telling the truth.” Naturally, we have to consider what Mark Twain said: “All generalizations are false, including this one.” I also am 73 and I believe that a rich, full vocabulary is essential if one is to be fully conscious. [Level 3 Language Driven Consciousness] I said on here 2 days ago, that I was in favor of recognizing cuss words as parts of speech. I call that new part of speech an “intensifier.” The state of our current difficulties should be sufficient to bring on rough talk. Forever remember the example of Mitt Romney. His every expression has been a bland, metaphysical generality. You can learn more from a weather vane. THOSE are the sorts of people that distract you from the real work of real civics by means of speech that has more in common with oatmeal than with the real problems of America. Finally, remembering that Mitt Romney was once one of only two names on the ballot for President of the United States should be enough to bring on a spasm of bloody shits. And remembering that the one who was elected was The Kenyan, should bring on a loss of control at the other end. just sayin’

Last edited 2 years ago by WrongWayCorrigan
David T

Sure wasn’t a lot to choose from that year, was there? Same for BO’s first round when he went against McStain the traitor commie.


McShame was Traitor to our country.
The POS got his reward…in the END

unlabeled quality

that year, I voted ‘none of the above’.
no joy to be had that year.
but living in a blue county with mail-in voting wouldn’t have mattered anyway.


you must live in King County…

unlabeled quality

not for much longer.

I’m making a permanent exodus from this filthy poophole of a cesspool shortly.
the dems and the rinos can keep theor corrupt county…and by extension, state.


Thanks for the laugh.


Trudi, so you find this evil Shill / Troll J-im B-uffer funny? He’s so bad he’s just been kicked off RRN. You seem like troll– Lets call you #80


“You seem like troll- Lets call you #80.”

I used to wonder if you were an administrator for this blog,and asked you; you said you were not. I should have guessed that, because of the professional way MB conducts business on this site, and your unprofessional conduct.

Your analysis of who is and who isn’t a troll is sometimes skewed when you rub some people the wrong way and they respond negatively. A negative comment to ‘you’ does not constitute troll/shill behavior. If you are so worried about the first-timers’ inability to discern who is who, I wonder what they think of your over-exuberance in troll/shill naming and if they will return??!!

I will say that you are correct about the majority that you deem trolls/shills,however. But you go after them in a big way while telling the rest of us not to respond to them; this pollutes the whole thread like today with over 61 troll/shill comments from you.


Thanks so much Dr John —


WRONG ! you’re a nasty shill — how much are you paid?


It’s too bad you can’t focus on the articles as much as you focus on the trolls…how much are you getting paid?


She can’t help herself , the others have to reel her in . If she was quiet this site would be more respectable .


I can’t believe she’s real…its crazy,she reminds me of a dog that’s been locked up in the house all day and when you let it out to pee they run around peeing everywhere…I Cant imagine living in the same house with anyone like that…


Potty Mouth lying nasty shill


Did you wake up unhinged this morning shill?


Shill Exile…so you Trolls & Shills make this site respectable WOW. Pull the other one liar– it has bells on it


No you lower the reputation and credentials to s low point because you are supposedly the voice of reason.

J Bill

As opposed to your “voice of reason?” You’re the most deliberate of the fake news/rumor mongerers who can’t walk or talk a straight line. Which is always conveniently opposite whatever is in Michael’s articles.

Watching you trying to outrun the law-of-averages by seeding falsehood to replace truth is hilarious.


Me ? A voice of reason ? How dare you .

J Bill

lol good one!



J Bill

If “she was quiet” this place would be completely overrun with you trolls’ dead-end banter and meaningless drivel. Zee polarizes all you trolls making you “lump together” like turds.

At least then first-timers are aware of who not to get mixed up with. It’s become obvious that new people are misreading Michael’s past articles, after cross referencing them with misleading troll comments.

eg. 1. Biden in charge of Military 2. Fauci


Don’t worry about the first-timers,not discerning who the trolls are. Most bloggers can detect trolls from one or two comments. If they respond to a troll, it is no big deal that requires Zee to tell them not to respond.

I have never seen a blog where a Zee-like person makes over 61 comments about trolls/shills on one thread; that alone disrupts the flow of conversation about the actual article. You may want to be more concerned about the old-timers that have contributed positive comments that will not return.


I really don’t think she is a positive force here . She makes many wild claims , believes in aliens , JFK jr coming back , med beds you name it .


Confirmed! You, JB and “Zee,” act as each other’s alter ego, ganging up on good folks in an attempt to knock ’em out of the discussion. Good luck with that. “We” see through you …


SHill stacylee I’d love to know how much you are worth to the Khazarian Mafia with that potty mouth writing you wage against others and mostly to me –your TROLL/ SHILL accountant.


Ask my secretary

Crazy cat lady

TIC TOK 5,000 to 50,000

Howie Phuksyosnitch

I thought this ass hat was banned?

Rob William

Too long oath keeper!


LYING SHILL…of course you read it– you can’t stand the truth


I ain’t reading all that, but I’m happy for you. Or sorry that happened.


Troll /shill taught tricks.

There’s a definate sickness I’ve noticed about shills & trolls they seem to run from ethically written posts -&- if longer then usally –they all say they won’t read them.

J Bill


Andi Kay

Don’t be rude. Others have made their points without rudeness.


It. Is. A. Troll.

Asking it not to be rude is like asking water not to be wet…


Now we have an idea how much money our shills & Trolls could be receiving for their filty lying to bring doen RRN & MB

Bill Thompson

thanks to mb, we know how much he makes b/c he posts the donations link! great work marks, errrr boomers !


Bill Thompson #76 Nasty Shill /Troll
Trolling I am sure you make more than MB


What if we think you are lying and trying to bring down MSM? Works the same way .


Major Nasty Shill Exile #6
Shilling– I am sure you make MUCH more than MB


He is a troll,you are a shill…


Nasty Lting SHILL stacylee–you know words are cheap–esp yours


You sound a bit triggered




That is when exactly? At the beginning or end of the days of darkness?


I’m waiting for this to happen SOON. God bless forces of light and patriots around the world.



I don’t think it’s going to happen . How could it ?


Wildcat reported that EBS will be delayed because of Zharian and Illuminati interference .


Some time ago, another truther posted an actual ‘pay scale’ for paid online trolls on their site. Recently, their main site was scrubbed for (re)posting a news item (from two years ago) that was ‘too hot to handle’. Fortunately, they had a back up site online before this happened so they are now still online with only a temporary drop in traffic to their site. 🙂


From TikTok we learn how much the obvious shills can make— much more than I first thought when I researched last it was min $2,000 per month

Rose Mary Abbott

I will try to keep that in mind. I can only be responsible for myself though. A great deal of the time things have to be overlooked. We were raised not to talk in this manner. Now, we are trying to remember to raise our own children instead of letting them learn about life at a daycare. So now a large portion of our population are used to talking like they do in the movies. Thanks for bringing it up.


Stop being a snowflake. If words offend you and cause you distress, don’t read them.




Can’t believe Vikki is 73 she more like one of those university students demanding a safe room




Another snowflake Terrie?



Last edited 2 years ago by lp2565

Sorry you felt you had to write this to MB.


Control your manic self shill

Rob William

We are still waiting for Zee’s full form and shape to come back!


I can’t imagine waiting for her to do anything except leave…


Shill stacylee go on wishing


Me manic???
Shill stacyee GTH


Yes,go count your troll warnings just from this morning,unless you are getting paid to do this its unusual behavior…and now just scrolling through there are more,too many to count,try focusing on what RRN is about…the articles 👈🏻

J Bill

Even hell can be too close….


Filthy shill


Stop attacking our freedom of speech we will say what we will and we don’t need you bossing us around, okay? Get a clue. There are people older that you who use the F-word and worse, so stop being like prude.

Rob William

Freedom of speech also allows you to attack other people’s freedom speech – so stop attacking Vikki’s freedom of speech.


That’s what you’re doing, too, so mind your own damned business. You point a finger at someone, you have three pointing back at yourself.


Good one Xena ha ha ha


Yeah, that’s funny, Zee. Get it?

Rob William



Still, in 1971, the U.S. Supreme Court decided that the public display of fuck is protected under the First and Fourteenth amendments and cannot be made a criminal offense. In 1968, Paul Robert Cohen had been convicted of disturbing the peace for wearing a jacket with the slogan “Fuck the Draft” (in a reference to conscription in the Vietnam War). The conviction was upheld by the court of appeals and overturned by the Supreme Court in Cohen v. California

During his October 9, 2020 appearance on The Rush Limbaugh Show, U.S. President Donald Trump stated in a threat to Iran, “If you fuck around with us, if you do something bad to us, we are going to do things to you that have never been done before.”

In 2021, “Let’s Go Brandon” became a political slogan and internet meme used as a euphemism for “Fuck Joe Biden”, the president of the United States.

Bill Thompson

then say “Fuck Joe Biden” out loud. ya’ll seem scared to say that shit in public. say it.

don’t talk about it. be about it.



Angel Askew

Other than expressing levels of anger it shows a disregard for decorum, courtesy or command of the English language.


Annoying if used instead of words ‘cos of a lack of education.

unlabeled quality

…like certain people from certain backgrounds using the ‘f’, the ‘n’, and the ‘b’ word as every other word in a sentence.

I find it absolutely obnoxious and wonder how such people make it in life…

‘ your words are you cursed…by your words are you blessed.’

David T

And after that statement by DJT, Iran tucked it’s tail between its legs and disappeared. Same for NoKo.


yup very powerful when used correctly by correct people


I am all for the word FU-K when used against anything the Khazarain Mafia is perpetrating on us and children. And that word is not even strong enough against their Satanism. Maybe FOS is more to the point. What else can you call the longest living world’s worst satanists?

unlabeled quality

…the answer to your question (if it isn’t rhetorical),
would be completely, and proper f•cked…

Crazy cat lady

Perverts like you should be banned from RRN. You serve no purpose and are a waste of air and space.

David T

Thank you for taking out the trash!


Michael, trouble is Ji-m B-uffer major shill / troll will come back as yet another


You don’t think he knows this as you continue to pollute the feed with your manic troll posts🤦‍♀️


stacylee nasiest SHILL on RRN stop polluting the feed with your manic TROLLING lies. It’s obvious you’re trying to stop me warning people who all the Trolls and Shiils are of which you are one the 8 – 10 worst

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

Americans are pretty smart and can figure out who the trolls for themselves,and once again shill,I’m not a troll😉


As you waste time responding to the trolls as you continually say not to do. Just see if you can stop.

Robert Dziok

The “F” word is used as more direct, emphatic, emotional release. The enemy such as the Kazarian Mafia, Satanic Globalists, Deep State, Traitor Trolls , etc are not “nice” in case you haven’t noticed. “Buzz Off KM”! Now that’s a joke to say! Maybe we should just sit down with them and have “Crumpets and Tea” . Ever been in the Military? Maybe you should join for a Reality Check. I have (Vietnam War Era). Hope my comment didn’t “hurt anyone’s feelings”. BTW Satan and “It’s” Satanic Globalist lackeys are all POS.

Bill Thompson

seems like copypasta to me!

David T

So what?



Angel Askew

Understood. ” Let’s go Brandon” is such a smart alternative that sounds great in packed stadiums allowing those not accustomed to “letting it fly”, do so.
Saying it to ones face is a whole other level. Remember the Christmas Santa live call and the dad told Joe “let’s go Brandon” live on air?


Obviously, no one here is without there flaws . That’s do to what they listen to, read , or watch more than likely from someone with a agenda in mind ! Unfortunately, for the longest time the CIA , Communist, deep state satanists for a one world government has been controlling our minds! Just like they did with the fear of covid an brainwashing about mask that don’t work! I’ve always been told the only thing we should fear is the one that can send us to hell for eternity. I was also told one day we’ll be held accountable for every word spoken an every word not spoken. Plus, there’s no such thing as a little lie because a lie is a lie .The good news is we still got a chance to change our eternity by simply start talking an acting like our father in heaven would by caring an showing love for one another. Plus, asking for forgiveness an forgiving others through Jesus!

Last edited 2 years ago by Mikee



Miss Vickki, I know their are a lot of people who prefer not to hear or read what they consider profanity & I certainly respect you for speaking out for how you feel. I hope people respect your request.
One thing to consider is that not all words today that are thought to be profanity are actually acronyms & not words. The word that offends you is actually an acronym from the days when people’s head & hands were bounded in the town square for breaking some puritan law such as adultery or premarital sex, etc. A sign was placed above them that read, “For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge”. Supposedly this is how that awful word originated, but is it a word?
One more, manure used to be shipped, really it did. But it was dangerous because in large quantities in a ships hull the manure byproduct, methane gas is extremely explosive. Some ships learned this about shipping manure the hard way. So, signs were posted on these ships that carried the manure, “Store High In Transit”. I believe you can figure out the word that was generated from this acronym. So just because a word sounds offensive, it may not even be a word, so how can it be so bad?
I know, it’s the intent!

David T

I knew about the first acronym, and the rock band Van Halen named that one of their albums. Hadn’t heard that other one. Profane words like those are a cultural thing that offend some while not offending others. However, from Exodus 20:7, the third of the 10 Commandments says you shall not take the Lord’s name in vain (God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit, take your pick). When I hear that happening, I will speak up.


I agree 100%!!!

Just Me

Uncensored news and writing it as it happen makes it believable. Bad words does not stop anyone from not having a clean heart! If you do not approve then read it differently and don’t dictate to anyone!




Never heard Mr. Baxter use the F bomb, in any of his replies to the commenters here. He is always verbally respectful. Not a potty mouth.


He is very professional!


This is why the post is unacceptable.
And the. one who posted it should be removed from
The comments page.
Misbehavior, disrespect and rudeness is not

Howie Phuksyosnitch

So you finally said it out loud, see so you are a faggot with an affinity for dick. See wasn’t that hard to come out of the closet now was it? Now we can check that box. -buffy is a faggot check


Immediately after posting a comment, I can see my own comment. But, if I maneuver away to another web page and then come back, I will need to manually REFRESH in order to see my own “recently” posted comment(s).

It’s not only RRN that needs manual REFRESH after posting comments. I notice other websites have this issue as well. Possibly for performance reasons, REFRESH is not automatic. Imagine performing automatic REFRESH after each comment is posted. That can potentially cause performance issues if there are many comments.


Had to switch to sort by “Newest” in order to find the above post.

Wasn’t able to find it by clicking “Load More Comments”.

How about automatically showing more comments when users scroll to the bottom ? That would be a GREAT feature enhancement !!

Rob William

Try, try and try again before you succeed.


Try using ‘latest’ after refresh


Dear Mr. Baxter, in checking back over the messages, I notice that several of mine have been removed. If I found such innocuous and neighborly notes among the comments on my channel, I should be glad of it. And so, I am puzzled. Perhaps a list of infractions might be efficient for us to see. I realize that you are the proprietor. And, while I’ve got you, I have a theory about you I wonder if you might care to confirm or correct. I’ve noticed such obvious differences in YOUR messages to US from day-to-day, in diction, spelling, and tone that I’ve come to think that there are multiple Mr. Baxter’s. In the same way as Q, where we guess that there are perhaps 10 persons in one Q. In fact, since this aligns so neatly, I further extrapolate that you are in fact sitting in the room WITH Q. Therefore, Mr. John de Souza’s theories about you from last November must surely be true: that you are here not for them, but for us, the already awakened. More to this point, when I come here, I encounter the old feeling that I am visiting the Chapter house of my old college frat, where the people are, within a certain tolerance, more or less like me. Several others today, like Moira, have expressed the need to find other awakened ones, at least for a brief relief. You are doing good work, Mr. Baxter.


Very funny. I was thinking the same.


Don’t engage shills…you’re wasting your time MB kicked his vulgar ass off RRN today & good riddance


Yes,Zee is the only shill who can engage with the trolls if you are in her club,
She is what’s known as a hypocrite if you haven’t noticed the hundreds of her posts engaging with the trolls


Good. I’ll read ’em.


You’ll have to read’em under his new faux name then


Thanks for the laugh …


That was your last laugh at J-im B-uffer


GYM-Bufoon has been banished. Ha ha


Michael. I’ve noticed when there is more than one page of comments — clicking all the other ‘more comments’ still keeps one on the first page one started with– Newest or Oldest, which also has a similar problem sometimes when newest won’t return.

Rob William

A link to 20 minutes of monologue!


Shills talking to each other– what a waste


Good bye Shill and good riddance

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

There appears to be a strange glitch that blocks my comments without explaining why. I would appreciate it very much, if you provided an explanation.

John .S

Possibility glitch from Pinning Comments [own comments] altering sequence of cycle.


M.B., let say someone disagree with someone comments an give them one negative red vote . Then should that vote show up green with three positive votes? The last time we noticed votes being changed on a computer it was from the CIA program? I guess this comment will be posted then again it might not have enough foul language in it . ( Trump to Biden ! ) WWG1WGA ! Unfortunately, to much distraction from what we should be talking about here the real evil enemy Satan not each other ! 🤔

Last edited 2 years ago by Mikee

Are you new here?

you said: …… real evil enemy Satan not each other !

What are you including in ‘each other’ the trolls & shills?

Satanists have no caring for others, no ethics or no remorse but love money and filthy talk. You don’t see those here? You don’t see the Shills / Trolls MB kicks off here?


Whom would those last-mentioned folks be “kicked off by MB,” and how and why would you be privy to that info, exactly?


Exactly….a good question for Michael Baxter,do you see how she attaches herself to new members like she’s in charge and is only concerned about trolls?….its some looney shit


Those who have been here awhile notice who was kicked off and we comment. We know the names


Woo-hoo! You haven’t been spotted at RRN until this — MB’s latest offering — so you don’t know what you’re talking about. Who, exactly, besides you, would be the “We” (shill-trollers) of whom you speak? That’s a rhetorical question, BTW — so you might also know there’s no need for a reply.

Ruth Ann Maloney

Mike, you are doing just fine! If someone is complaining they should go elsewhere for news. I for one appreciate you and your work!


Best place to come to. You can tell it has more shills/trolls than anywhere else I go—but then many others don’t allow comments.


How can you “tell,” exactly?


Everything with her is only about attaching herself to new members and mentioning trolls,and her reply leads me to believe that she is doing it on other sites,seems she is a paid shill


They do finally appear about a half hour later it seems.


They are saying that Psaki has covid and won’t be traveling with Biden to Europe,do you think that they are lying about her having covid?


“hrc” “barak hussein” got covid… pe lousy is about ready to get????


Clarence Thomas has it too…I hope they all get it


Grateful is an understatement Mr. Baxter~ may your efforts continue to be blessed, protected, & multiplied~ in Jesus’ holy name I ask, Amen. #Ephesians5:11 #WWG1WGAWW🌎🦅


The Real Dark Judge posted on Gab that Jen Psaki is not quitting to go to MSNBC, she is going to GITMO instead. They previously mentioned Psaki was wearing a GPS tracker, and she was recently declared COVID positive for the second time.

Although Psaki mentioned eventually quitting her (faux) White House gig, the specific MSNBC talk was sudden. She could be a future CGI, replaced by a double/actor, or simply disappear.


I hope she wakes up with the military looming over her snoring, with duct tape and zip ties, oh yeh, the arrest warrant

karen leonhardt

I Keep Seeing On The Media, Most Of The Ones That I Heard Over A Yr Ago Were Hung Or Still @ Gitmo, How Are We Going To Know, When ALL Is Said & Done, WHO Is REALLY Gone? I Have Heard That Killary Was Hung, But Just This Past Week, I Heard That She & Michelle/Michael Were Going To Run For The Presidency, I Also Have Seen Peter Struck (sp) Testifying In Congress Last Week, Are These ALL Reruns? & Is The “Queen” Is Really Gone? I Saw Where She Is Holding A Celebration Of Her Husband (Philip) Life! I Know The Media IS VERY Corrupt, But, Are THEY Going To Be Held Accountable To?? This Is ALL Taking TOO Long, I Want To See Them ALL Gone In MY Lifetime!!!


Psaki is very well skilled in double speak and schooled in the old art of cover thy ass.


Psaki is just Zuckerberg with a wig.


Dedicated to all those who feed the trolls.

The donkey told the tiger, “The grass is blue.”
The tiger replied, “No, the grass is green.”
The discussion became heated, and the two decided to submit the issue to arbitration, so they approached the lion.
As they approached the lion on his throne, the donkey started screaming: ′′Your Highness, isn’t it true that the grass is blue?”
The lion replied: “If you believe it is true, the grass is blue.”
The donkey rushed forward and continued: ′′The tiger disagrees with me, contradicts me and annoys me. Please punish him.”
The king then declared: ′′The tiger will be punished with 3 days of silence.”
The donkey jumped with joy and went on his way, content and repeating ′′The grass is blue, the grass is blue…”
The tiger asked the lion, “Your Majesty, why have you punished me, after all, the grass is green?”
The lion replied, ′′You’ve known and seen the grass is green.”
The tiger asked, ′′So why do you punish me?”
The lion replied, “That has nothing to do with the question of whether the grass is blue or green. The punishment is because it is degrading for a brave, intelligent creature like you to waste time arguing with an ass, and on top of that, you came and bothered me with that question just to validate something you already knew was true!”
The biggest waste of time is arguing with the fool and fanatic who doesn’t care about truth or reality, but only the victory of his beliefs and illusions.
Never waste time on discussions that make no sense. There are people who, for all the evidence presented to them, do not have the ability to understand.
Others who are blinded by ego, hatred and resentment, and the only thing that they want is to be right even if they aren’t.
When IGNORANCE SCREAMS, intelligence moves on.

American Living in Canada

Show & tell time?


Just waiting to hear some good news for a Flight and room confirmation at that Nice Beach with the Stage.
Keep well Michael, & tY*****

Last edited 2 years ago by R.G.
Michael R Davis

One of the doubles for Hillary Clinton claims she has tested positive for covid, which is a lie because we all know there is no test for covid, never has been, because a covid19 virus has never been isolated in a lab study. Just the flu or even the common cold, both of them coronaviruses.

However, what it really means is the time has come for the Medusa to be actively tried and executed at Gitmo. The Medusa was actually tried and executed years ago for Treason and Crimes Against Children, considered too dangerous to allow to remain among the living. She is no longer of any use to the Babylonian New World Order Oligarchs. Hopefully, it will be a live, public hanging and JAG trial this time. Tens of thousands of innocent children will be avenged.

The 2nd Clinton Evergreen container ship Ever Forward aground in the Chesapeake, a year later after the Ever Given in the Suez, is a clue that it is time. Clinton Foundation Child Trafficking and Organ Donating is over.


So we executed Hillary a long time ago but now her clone is somehow newsworthy? Why are We The People so ineffective when it comes to dealing with the DS? We can’t prove election fraud, We can’t execute someone and keep them dead. What is the point?

Bill Thompson

can’t run a convoy either. how hard is it it drive in a circle?


I know! They need someone to direct those sheep!




I hope this is all true and that all will face justice.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jerry

If you have enough money, I guess you can hire anybody to do anything?


Thanks Michael. Someone said today that Jenn Jenn had Covid & maybe that meant that she flipped & was disclosing info. Wouldn’t that be something?


Maybe it meant that she has captured and tamed a flying unicorn. Maybe it meant she has fled to the Deep Earth to live in exile amongst the Mole People. Maybe it meant that underneath her clothes she is actually two midgets stacked on top of each other. Cause I mean, if you’re just going to wildly speculate that one thing means an entirely different thing based on nothing, then it could mean literally anything 🤷‍♂️

J Bill

that’s f*kg funny. you should be promoted to the next level.


I once saw a faded painting of Willie Nelson and I knew it was really a blessed holy painting of Jesus.

Angel Askew

Psaki, HRC and obummer test positive within 24 hours of the announcement of Hunter being indicted?? Me thinks it’s more than unicorns and rainbows. More like cokehead Nazi pedophile paid actors and old money oligarchs plans to enslave and destroy humanity being dismantled. Hoorah!!


He was indicted? Sources please.

Bill Thompson

i thought hunter was dead tho


I thought so, also. Wasn’t it reported here, in fact.

Angel Askew

Hunter’s legal team is cooperating.

Bill Thompson

but hunter is dead. how do you indict a dead person?


Sounds like they are either all just trying to stir up another round of fake convid to take away more freedoms, or these folks are being removed and need an excuse.

Hal Brown

I take it a “toker” isn’t smoking weed, like Kameltoes?

Jeremy R Feit

Tik Tok can suck my c*ck!


Anyone see the headlines on 3/22/22 where Hillary Clinton’s “clone- mask wearing -CGI -body double” tested positive for COVID?

Last edited 2 years ago by Delta

Lol, no but I did see headlines informing that Hillary Clinton has contracted covid and is experiencing mild symptoms.


Ehh…same thing LOL


Has anyone diagnosed your condition yet?


If you should ever slip up too badly (like Zee) and get the boot, there may be a place for you in comedy after Colbert’s tribunal … (the emoji, where the heck …)


Of all the folks she claims you’ve “kicked off,” will Zee soon be next, 4TLOG?!


Just as in real life, Zee is on probation. All of her messages are reviewed and for every message you see, we have blocked at least 100 of them.


So good to know. But as superb as that is, maybe shoot for 100%.


This Admin doing this isn’t a surprise they abuse young adults down to infants, actually they kill them, mostly as another form of birth control.

Look at Kamala with those young people (actors) in “space video”.

School children they abuse with wearing of masks, that cause infections and worse while doing little if anything with the virus.

Joe promised school loan pay offs during campaign, all a lie for votes.


Why lie when it was rigged?

David T

to give an illegitimate election the look of legitimacy.


Duh! Cause that is what he always does.

Bill Thompson

joe also promised to show us the basement in comet pizza. people forget that


Nobody here watches Morning Joe.

Bill Thompson

not talking about morning joe


Just think about all the meetings, reports, conversations, time and money it takes for the leftists to initiate their evil plans and then to continue them.

unlabeled quality

not just money. leverage.
investment of time, money, and power to maintain leverage and control.

and it takes lots of dead people and children to maintain that power….

I could go on..but I’ve said enough.

Bill Thompson

What strain of weed do you smoke?

unlabeled quality

I don’t. apparently, you do.

Bill Thompson

False flag

Bill Thompson

Kid Rock says Donald Trump sought his advice on North Korea and Islamic State

“‘What do you think we should do about North Korea?’ I’m like, ‘What? I don’t think I’m qualified to answer this.’”

lmaooooooooooooooooooooo the cheeto messiah asked kid rock for advice about NK


Based on the decisions I have seen Trump make, KR may have been a better choice.

David T

Idiot2. It’s really cute how you two post to each other to try to impress upon the real patriots here, that you somehow have support when you actually have none.

J Bill

And biden’s only troubles are deciding which “winner’s circle” to be standing in when they find the stolen billions. Or another hidden hard drive on the laptop, with more loot…and photos.

You’re smokin’ hot tonight T-ed.

Last edited 2 years ago by J Bill
Bill Thompson

“winner’s circle”

David T

Fred Son of Ben

We have something in common. Our o key is stuck

ph uck yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooou. Idiot1

Bill Thompson

Wow well done David


This is the internet, David, you can say fuck here.


Classic. Change subject.


No he didn’t.
Nice try tho

Bill Thompson

why are you calling kid rock a liar?

J Bill

This just in: “Jen Psaki tests positive for COVID” …again.

Michael’s article, a stunning coincidence, puts Psaki in need of a solid and final resting place anyways.

YouTube: watch?v=Brn-2vInXrc


Has anyone actually seen the test? How do we know for sure she tested positive?


We also have not seen a certified DNA test proving it is the real Jen, this is probably a body double who has (allegedly) contracted covid.

J Bill

I’m guessing it was the “Camp Delta” variant.

Bill Thompson

“Camp Delta”

unlabeled quality

maybe psaki-nocchio can circle back to a circle around her neck, like all the DS tyrant garbage….

J Bill

Hope so. Pretty sure she’ll be first to come “full circle” for torturing the country with her horrid lies. Then into the DS trash bin….

Bill Thompson

“full circle”


👩🏻‍🦰Well it looks like Psaki has covid and won’t be joining Joe on the trip to Europe 👩🏻‍🦰

Last edited 2 years ago by stacylee

Hunter’s laptop comes out on the 23rd with all that it entails. How can these evil doers escape the righteous outrage of the People? They cannot.


23rd of when? What year?

unlabeled quality

there was a cue posting cautioning how use of the 25th Amendment can backfire.

the laptop ‘resurfacing’ again could be going towards that. (call it a plot theory for the movie, if you will).

rumor has it the plane crash in China may have been DS-caused…


Lol how does someone’s laptop ‘come out’? Is the laptop going to give a press conference or something?


Stall until the unqualified judge gets in. Black women should be outraged that the selected first SCOTUS black woman, is a horrific choice and one to go down in infamy. It is almost as if democraps are purposely making blacks look bad. They pick the worst VP choice and now this.


Once its out – again – nothing will change. Not unless we actually get to see it all.

Last edited 2 years ago by goober

So the corrupt regime needs leftist leaning Tik Too account holders
To promote the lying propaganda, Upon initial contact, money in
Large Amounts, along with NDA, non disclosure agreements were to
Bribe cooperation and silence.
Only one broke the agreement… 29 honored their word/ signature.
MONEY or love of money is a CANCER.
Shame on them. !
JUSTICE will be coming

Bill Thompson



Why would anyone finance that when the target audience can’t vote yet? Do your research.



Please accept our sincerest condolences for the death of all 132 people aboard flight from Kunming to Guangzhou including their families and the crew…Very Sad day in the World…[1+3+2] = 6

Could this flight crash be DS???


A lot of math going on for a group who can’t count.


My condolences to China and all the 132 people and people’s families who parish on the commercial flight…[ 1+3+2] = 6

Possible DS…Sad

J Bill

Many condolences.


Her name should be Psakio Pinnochio. She has many strings that so many are manipulating and dancing her around on.


She’s the wife of the main guy calling the shots for the Faux $iden Presidency ????


And that would be …?


This site is under constant attack via electronic and propaganda means;even as I’m commenting here.
Since TikToc is an asset of Communist China do these actions by Psaki subject her to warrant,arrest and Military Tribunal as part of the illegally and unconstitutionally installed fraud Biden regime?



David T

Are you an attorney?


Why do you want to know? Are you in some trouble or looking for advice?

David T

No, you’re pretending to be one by making legal conclusions about things that you have less than no clue about. I’m looking at a box of firewood out on the deck right now that probably has a slightly higher IQ than you do.

Bill Thompson

Have you read conclusions made on RRN? Holy shit lmaooooo

J Bill

Are there a few wormholes in it too, David T? Couldn’t have used a better example.

Bill Thompson

have you been able to change hdmi sources? i’d expect you can make it to hdmi 2 successfully by now.

J Bill

i’ll have to check with my mentor. and her book of scrotum computer expertise’s section on “hdmi sources for idiots.” Written by an idiot.


Yup, can’t wait to see her turn come up on EBS

Bill Thompson

did the ebs happen yet?


No but it will happen soooooooooooooon

Last edited 2 years ago by Jonas

No paski I will not promote you lies.


All that are have not left the sinkng $iden team’s ship yet are unhinged Khazarian loons.


True dat.


we already took over MT. WEATHER, when are they gonna do the EBS Michael ?


When they are ready and not before


Code: You have no idea.

David T

With the White Hats having control of Mt Weather it prevents the DS from using it to broadcast anything from. Very strategic tactical operation whether the WH’s use it or not. Kind of like capturing the enemy’s ammunition. Doesn’t mean you have to use it. But it DOES mean that the enemy can not.

Bill Thompson

What did the deep state broadcast?


Code: You need to know so you can tell your masters.


Oh, good to know, “Zee.”


Lol don’t worry buddy I’ll be “soon”. Just like it was “soon” when RRN first mentioned the EBS 8 months ago 🙃


“Useful idiot” commie pukers are said to be first in line for the slaying when a nation is overthrown. I suppose the now ancient memo never reached Generation Z and probably not Y, and X generations, too. Oh well, die, and then, learn (upon arrival in the Lake of Sulfuric Fire). 😉

Bill Thompson

when will this happen? will it be #soon?


Don’t forget the unwed mothers and people with tattoos. They are doomed also. Putting ink in your body is the same as getting the jab.


Read today’s info via JFKjr on RESTORE REBUBLIC



Bill Thompson

did the e b s happen today ?

question everything

lol, the ebs happens every day. you just need to set your alarm earlier.

Bill Thompson

what time should i set my alarm?

question everything

you should set it now

J Bill

Brief news update available at Restored Republic re: new Gesara/Nesara, it’s implementation, what to expect. Lots of important info in today’s update, esp. Trump and Putin are Allies in this operation.

see section – Mon. 21 March Fleming: The Great Shift.


Bill Thompson

it was already implemented. they’re behind the times


Zee said it was implemented months ago, what gives, Bill?

J Bill

Time was up last week. Nesara/Gesara is in. That you can’t read is what gives, corn-hole.

Bill Thompson

it was already implemented. we got paid. you didn’t. womp womp

J Bill

can I borrow 5M of your old $USD? it’s for a loaf of bread…

David T

The sign behind her says “President Biden took historic action on his first day in office.” Sure would like to be able to read what the historic actions are that are listed below that.

I think it could be summed up in one sentence: “He began picking up where Obama left off in the process of murdering the United States.”

Bill Thompson

biden should play more golf


He shut off the oil.


It is amazing that the communists have truck loads of money to push their LIES and Nothing to give back to the taxpayers, in need, that the communist elite steal the money from to pay turds in the shadows.


Canada has it even worse. There are thousands of surviving Thalidomide i that have documentation of how the medication damaged them while in utero — and the government is setting the criteria for proof so strictly, they cannot get compensation. Even when they meet the criteria,. they still refuse the money. Canada’s W5 on CTV did a documentary on the affair and the government minister publicly said at a press conference there would be no compensation for the thalidomide victims.
Because there is no money to give them. Justin Trudeau has been giving away millions and millions of dollars from Canada’s budget to other countries to fund birth control and abortions through Marie Stopes (equivalent to America’s Planned Parenthood). Canada has economic, infrastructure, veteran’s affairs and housing issues that need this money more than the other countries who do not need abortion agendas and LGBTQ programs. But Justin Trudeau is a puppet of George Soros, Klaus Schwab, the WEF and the Rothschilds and he cannot oppose them in any way, unlike Trump, whom they fear. This is why They savaged Trump and his family for cleaning up America, stole the election and put the trash back into our spheres all over again, only worse with the legalization of paedophilia, starting with the black woman who is a nominee for the SCOTUS as we speak.


That explains why the RINOs will vote yes for the pedo loving judge, because of the sodomayer person scheduled for a hemp party on the 24th. It is in retaliation and they need a judge to get them out of their own sick corruption.


Welp…she’s officially got as much sewage running through her veins as the rest of them now. I mean, she always did or she wouldn’t be there. But it’s no turning back for her now. She done sold her rotten soul.

JustWantThe Truth

Yo, MB, it’s remuneration, not renumeration.


Mike and I went over this and he insists that it is the proper UK spelling.


Again, cut it out … (another would-be smiley face.)

David T

Yo, turd, someone mentioned that yesterday. Try to keep up.


Someone mentioned the UK spelling? Whilst helpful, it is not surprising.


As my niece would say, “You’re killin’ me!”


Duly Noted.


Was RRN trying to surprise me? Didn’t work.


Biden is stoking inflation on on purpose so that when they introduce the electric dollar they will inslave the American people. The time is around2030 have to line up to make the American people accept it. Inflation is a way to steal our money by devaluation it to nothing. He is stealing our money and that is why he won’t pump our own gas and oil.

Last edited 2 years ago by Katie

I got. A lot of information from cutis bowers first dvd as called agenda. Great dvd but I read his website tonight and he gives the binden agenda involving the electronic dollar. See if you can find his website. Brannon Howse who was involved in the making of the information that mike invested in for Supreme Court. If you can’t find him mike Lindell knows him as well. He is in Tennessee some where. He was involved with Curtis Bower as well who told me about the electronic dollar and Biden.

Last edited 2 years ago by Katie

Psaki must go. More grist for Admiral Crandall’s Mill what needs gristing.

Bill Thompson

did the ebs happen today?



David T

Isn’t that cute, the two trolls who are probably the same person, post to each other in a feeble attempt to validate each other.


Not sure what you are getting at but you do you.

J Bill

It’s funny. But tragic.


It is classic troll for changing the subject. They are instructed to do this whenever someone writes something real, like what Jullou posted.


You and “Zee,” you mean.


Biden Says the Quiet Part Out Loud: “There’s Going to be a New World Order Out There and We’ve Gotta Lead It” (VIDEO) ~The Gateway Pundit, March 21, 2022 at 7:36pm


And I must say, he must be wearing a new hyper-realistic mask because today he didn’t have the massive number of forehead wrinckles that don’t change.


Lol it’s just his skin bro

Bill Thompson

false flag


The Tik Tokers chosen were the type that would be easily influenced and likely to vote Democrat or be popular with people that aren’t critical thinkers.


That is why we need to teach critical race theory so we have critical thinkers!


Well Good morn’n Ted, glad to see you’re johnny on the spot this Morning trolling & shilling for your Commie butt buddies again as usual everyday every hour until,…. well you never do sleep do you.
You seem “worried”.


I have to be on here to continue my Admin work. Also, I am paid by the Anunnaki and they are not commies.

David T

That confirms it that you’re being paid to post. No one can be this clueless by accident.

Bill Thompson

getting paid helps. still doesn’t stop rrn readers from being the funniest stuff i read all day

J Bill

you can read jill? you can barely write.




THAT is not the Psaki you see in the briefings! It is a double! Look at the face!

John Son

I just saw that she is reporting to test positive for covid! so is she on her way to cuba?


I’m not on tic toc but get many snap shots of BS from their people and it’s obvious who they are and their agenda. Same thing with Twitter. You will get follower who says they are a ”patriot” or ”maga” and when you look at their followers and following you see they are a Biden or BLM supporter. Its obvious to those who know and look but many don’t. Seems to me if the conversation was done online Military will get it. Their so stupid but let them figure it out in mail when all they will have time for is thinking. Lol.

Bill Thompson

“I’m not on tic toc but get many snap shots of BS from their people and it’s obvious who they are and their agenda.”

yeah the ccp.

“Same thing with Twitter. You will get follower who says they are a ”patriot” or ”maga” and when you look at their followers and following you see they are a Biden or BLM supporter.”

lmao no. these are the people claiming to be christians and celebrating executions. where have i seen that before?

“Seems to me if the conversation was done online Military will get it.”

lmao no

“Their so stupid”


never change rrn.

David T

Idiot 1

Bill Thompson

where’s the lie in my statements? there are none lol

unlabeled quality

you can’t even troll coherently.
that’s not like you.


Is that you talking, “Zee”?

unlabeled quality

that would be a huge noope.


BT: “Lisa19” declaring, “Their so stupid,” might compromise the dissertation.


Sounds like someone has their grandkids print out all of the good “Tictok” for them to read.

David T


Sandy Koufax

Violation of government non disclosure agreements can result in criminal prosecution. Psaki has the full force of the Federal Government behind her to enforce the agreements. The NSA can reveal the identity of the informant. There can also be legal consequences for the person on the other end of the communications. This sounds like a set up to take down RRN.


Wrong. Psaki is part of a fake administration so any agreement with anyone is a private agreement and not enforceable through the government. They would need to file civil charges just like everyone else.

J Bill

Wrong, fraud upon the government is criminal.

Outlandish Outlander

Pardon me for being rude in this comment for just a moment. I say honestly and very frankly unto all of you, for and on the record of this post in these comments, that this blankety-blank-blank just plain makes me sick to my stomach. What a piece of trash… that is not even fit for the garbage bin.

John Son

Michael- I must once agin say you do an awesome job with this site. I, for one, am not looking for televised episodes of people at gitmo receving their justice. Your awesome coverage is plenty for me and I appreciate all the news you offer cuz God knows- I cannot believe anything the mainstream media says! Thank you once again so much!

John Son

it is evident that in this war that the net is included with attempts to spread disinfo and shu down certain websites. It was probably disinfo that was spread about a talk last week to be shown on truth social with trump and putin. That never happened and was probalbly a set up by the ds


I noticed you changed your profile picture,do you or someone you know draw them?


Very true.

Outlandish Outlander

Actually Mr. Baxter, my indirect implication was intended to indict Psaki herself for playing the part of a blatant liar. One has to truly callus their heart in order to perform the part that she does, as she does when she is behind the podium microphone giving an indoctrination briefing to the press. For it is of no doubt in my mind that she is aware of what the truth actually is but she elects to willfully lie about it anyway in a vain imagination attempt to coverup everything going wrong, as well as and especially being done wrong.

Moreover and as you pointed out, Mr. Baxter. There are many comments that it can be said they, “…are just nuts.” However, I am much more interested in seeking out only the comments of those that show a competent cognitive awareness of what is truly going on in relation to all of these shenanigan’s.


No one cares about the comments. All we care about are the donations.


You nailed it, Outlandish. That’s what I was thinking as well. This is why I never trusted Circleback Girl.
I know a press secretary is only doing his or her job giving information as to what the POTUS is doing, and seeking to do next in a crisis situation. But this press secretary is not Salinger, or Speakes, or Nofziger, or Brady, or Huckabee-Sanders or McEnany — and I LOVE McEnany.
This lying conceited female is stupid, arrogant, dishonest, corrupt, deceitful and being a mouthpiece for a very corrupt usurper. I’m not saying we should not pay attention to what the paedodent is going to do next because we should.
Right now, the incest aggressor-in-chief is appointing a black woman that give the velvet gloves treatment to paedophiles, which is the first step in decriminalizing paedophiia. I dread that for every child on this planet!!
I know Circleback Girl has a job to do, but she is as guilty as hell. Even if she represents her boss, I just don’t like her lying, None of us do. .


Don’t get frustrated, Michael, you do an awesome job at what you do you work so hard publishing this stuff when everybody else lies. Can’t thank you enough for that, for which I encourage you often.
As for the filthy language, it’s free speech according to the United States Supreme Court case in 1971 and protected under the Constitution. People do have a right to speak what they like. If they use curse words, that’s just them speaking their minds — even if some of those minds are the size of an aphid. I just scroll past their lack of education, and crassness. I tell people to scroll past the nonsense, why let it ruffle feathers? I don’t get bothered by their stupidity, Michael and you shouldn’t either. You have enough to do getting the latest updates out.
And we all greatly anticipate that above all else on this site. So keep up the good work.


Ya know, Lberals these days are like undisciplined children spoiled to the point they need spankings and sent to their rooms or told to stand in a corner keep their mouths just and nose to the wall.
But now they think its some sort of sex move or rap song.


Tell me about your awful childhood.

David T

You start by admitting if you know who your bio dad is, and if so, where is he now.

Bill Thompson

goober sounds like the boomers in the 80’s and 90’s saying heavy metal will lead to an increase in suicides/drug use or video games melt your brain. in reality, fox/oan/newsmax/etc melted every boomer’s brain


Goober is the Jack Thompson of the 21st century.

J Bill

did you listen to heavy metal Jill? already know about the vid games.


Goodie for you, JB … OO’s side-swipe, below, may have had you and your alter-ego in mind.


Cut it out … (I’d use a smiley face, here, if it were possible.)


I see that as well Plus she never liked Trump, ether. She lost two $$$$$$ jobs after that – devastating for anybody.